• Published 25th Feb 2012
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The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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First Day of School

Main Characters: Rei, Stormy, Image, Lucas, Trixie, Octavia, Lyra
Cameos: TWP, Inkie, Twilight, Earth Grainsborough, Raspberry Soufflé, Vinyl, Rarity
Original Write Date: June 15, 2012

A new semester and new teachers brings plenty of changes to Ponyville High School. Students get new teachers (except for Honors Music which is always with Lyra). Teachers get new students. The ‘Has/Had Rei as Student’ support group gains several new members. One of the few teachers (yet) unaffected by the hyperactive pegasus in the student’s new composition teacher.

The kindly unicorn returns the students’ introductory assignment while writing on the board. ‘I was very pleased with your writing, though some of the subject matter was a little unusual.’

Stormy smirks as he gets his paper back.

‘For your next assignment, I want you working in nonfiction with yourself as the subject matter.’

Rei waves a hoof in the air. ‘I fought a kraken! Can I write about that?’

The class groans, having grown sick of hearing that story.

‘Actually, you will be writing about your first day of school,’ the teacher replies. The class is confused. ‘It will be the very first day of school you can remember. It can be as early as magic kindergarten or as recently as last week if you don’t have that good of a memory.’


‘No krakens!’

‘Actually...’ Rei looks down. ‘I was wondering if it is okay if the story sounds like fiction but is really true.’

The teacher sighs. ‘A lot of unbelievable things happen in this world. Everpony’s story is unique. I want to hear all of your stories, good or bad, exciting or boring.’

The class starts murmuring about the assignment.

‘First day of school? That is stupid,’ Lyra declares. ‘You should have a cool assignment like writing about humans or something.’

The class groans.

Lyra starts plucking the strings on her instrument. ‘You know... That might not be that bad of a topic. You just have to pick the right first day...’ She closes her eyes and thinks. ‘Preschool, boring. Magic kindergarten, boring. First grade... That was an interesting day.’


Lyra walks to school, ready to see what the new year brings. She has a new dress, new shoes and a new backpack with her favorite cartoon character, a mint-green unicorn, on it. She is so excited for the new school year that she heads straight for class, ignoring the playing girls and boys in the schoolyard.

Unfortunately, there is someone blocking her way. A younger girl, at least three years younger than Lyra, is stuck at the school entrance. The girl has long purple hair with a pink streak running through it. She is pushing like mad to try and open the doors that are clearly marked ‘Pull’. She is pushing so hard, her shoes are getting worn on the pavement. Lyra calmly walks to the doors and pulls one open. The girl collapses to the ground, panting.

‘Thanks. I didn’t know they were testing us on the first day.’

‘Uh... No problem?’

The first bell rings. The younger girl springs up.

‘Oh no! I’m TARDY!’

The girl runs into the school as fast as she can. Lyra sighs and continues to class. She finds a nice spot at the back of the class, the perfect spot for napping. The rest of the class files in and fills the room. The tardy bell rings as the teacher returns with the girl Lyra encountered earlier.

‘Sorry we’re late class,’ the teacher says. ‘We had a bit of confusion with one of our students.’

The girl blushes and waves. ‘Hi. My name is Twilight Sparkle. Nice to meet all of you.’

‘Thank you, Miss Sparkle. Looks like your classmates saved you plenty of room up front.’ He shows Twilight to a seat. ‘Now, since Miss Sparkle led us off, let’s begin class introductions.’

The students groan.

At lunch, Lyra is running around the yard. The other students ignore or laugh at the excitable girl. She runs past a bench but comes back when she notices someone sitting there among a pile of books. Twilight reads by herself, oblivious to the world around her.

‘What are you doing?’ Lyra asks.

Twilight does not respond.

‘Um... Is everything okay?’

Twilight keeps reading.


Lyra waves her hand in front of the other girl. Twilight jumps in surprise.

‘Oh. Hi. You’re in my class, right?’

‘Yep! I’m Lyra, Lyra Heartstrings!’

‘My name is...’

‘Twilight Sparkle. I know. You introduced yourself first in class.’

‘Oh, right.’

‘So, what are ya up to?’

‘I am just getting ahead on our assigned reading.’

Lyra peeks at the cover of the book. ‘That doesn’t look like our book...’

‘It is our reading from three months from now.’

The older girl perks up. ‘Are you psychic? Do you know if I am going to get a really cool birthday present?’

Twilight closes her book. ‘One, there is no such thing as being psychic. No one can predict the future. And two, the reading was on the syllabus. I just got a copy early from the teacher.’

Lyra picks up one of Twilight’s other books. She flips through a few pages, scanning all the text. ‘This doesn’t have any pictures.’

‘It is the textbook my mother assigned to her class at university. I am almost done with it. It is pretty good.’

‘But, no pictures...’

Twilight groans and takes the book back. Another group of girls walk past.

‘Ha. Looks like the weirdo is trying to make friends with the nerd.’

‘I don’t know which to feel sorrier for.’

‘I know! Total loser patrol.’

The girls laugh and keep walking. Twilight looks down at her book. Lyra can see the tears forming. She reaches out and pats Twilight on the back.

‘Its okay. They’re just jealous that they aren’t as cool as us.’

‘Why do they call us weird?’ Twilight whispers.

‘Because you’re way smarter than them and because I am a visionary.’

‘Visionary? You?’

‘I dare to believe in a world where humans and ponies can run free together and be one!’ Lyra swings her backpack around and taps the unicorn character. After a brief pause, she adds, 'Also, I'm a waterbender.'

Twilight giggles. ‘You’re funny, but there is nothing in anything I have read that says what you believe in cannot exist somewhere in the universe or in another dimension.’

‘That is what I keep trying to tell everyone!’

Twilight laughs. ‘I like you, Lyra. Hey! Do you want the other half of my sandwich? My mom made it too big for me.’

Twilight holds up a plastic container with half a sandwich in it. Lyra notes that it is cut diagonally before she takes it. She smiles and sits with her new friend.


‘...And that day, I learned the true meaning of friendship,’ Lyra finishes with a sob.

She dries a tear and turns to her class. They are all staring at her like she is an idiot. Rei is the only one scribbling notes. The unicorn frowns and growls at her students.

‘That’s it. That is going to be on the test. Expect a lot of highly detailed questions.’

The class groans and headdesks in unison.

Rei, Stormy and Image trot back towards The Power Block after school. All the students are talking about their assignment. Word has spread through town and a number of other ponies are gossiping about their experiences as well. The three teens are joined by Inkie as they get close to home.

‘How was class?’ Inkie asks.

‘Boring,’ Stormy replies.

‘Disturbing,’ Image adds.

‘Humantastic!’ Rei cheers.

The other three look at the pegasus.

‘What? Lyra-sensei uses that word all the time.’

‘Yeah, but she’s an idiot,’ Stormy groans.

‘I heard about the assignment,’ Inkie says. ‘Who has a good story?’

Everypony looks at Rei. The filly shrinks away.

‘Actually... I rather not.’

‘I have a simple story...’ Image starts.


A young Image Crystal is drawing a picture with crayons. He is quite pleased with the work he is doing. A throat is cleared in another part of the room. Image looks over at the teacher and a circle of foals.

‘Image, coloring time is over. We have to get back to our lessons,’ the teacher says.

‘I will when I am done.’

The teacher stomps over and levitates the picture with his magic. ‘You are done now!’ He looks at the picture and pauses. ‘You will join us when you are done.’

The teacher returns the picture and goes back to the rest of the class.


The friends laugh at the story as they cross The Power Block and head up to the residence. Rei waves to her father and Lucas as they pass. The two stallions wave at the group.

James turns to Lucas. ‘So?’


‘What was your first day of school like?’

‘What was yours?’

‘Time Lords kidnap future Time Lords in the middle of the night. My dad told me that was the first night since I was born that he got sleep. That was the last time I talked to him before my planet was destroyed in the war.’ Lucas stares in shock. ‘Your turn.’

Lucas sighs and shakes his head. ‘Nothing as bad as that, but still just as traumatising.


Earth Grainsborough escorts her younger brother to his first day of school. The two unicorns trot toward a busy school building. The younger unicorn shakes a little. His sister puts a hoof on her brother’s back.

‘Don’t worry. It is always scary the first time.’

‘Will it hurt?’

Earth giggles. ‘It will all be over quickly.’

‘What should I do?’

‘Well...’ the filly taps her chin. ‘You should answer every question and if the teacher is wrong, you have to correct her immediately, even if that means interrupting. And if there is a pony you like, you have to pinch and tease them to let them know.’

Lucas nods eagerly. Earth laughs and leads her brother into the school.


‘I came home after detention with three black eyes.’

James rolls on the ground laughing. Lucas sighs and gets back to work.

After spending the afternoon with her friends, Inkie trots back to her apartment for dinner. She waves at her neighbors. Trixie and Octavia are passing through town on their way to separate performances. The mares wave and return to Trixie’s apartment for dinner. Trixie sets their take-out on the table while Octavia pours them drinks.

‘The town is really abuzz about that school assignment,’ Octavia notes. ‘It is quite inspiring to hear everypony’s story.’

‘Yes, it seems everypony has a fun tale of their own.’ Trixie grins. ‘Fun, uncopyrighted tales.’

‘What about you? The Great and Powerful Trixie must have had an interesting first day.’


Filly Trixie stands beside a bed. She pushes a large lump.

‘Mommy! Wake up! It is time for magic kindergarten!’

‘Go away,’ Amelia moans. ‘Mommy had a late night.’

An empty liqueur bottle drops from the bed. Trixie backs away and frowns. She trots out of the room. A servant escorts the young filly away. Trixie tries not to cry.


‘My first day was like any other. Nothing special.’

Octavia shrugs. ‘I can always ask Lyra for the truth next time I see her.’

The unicorn snorts. ‘What about you? Music school must breed interesting stories.’

The cellist looks down at her drink and smiles.


A smaller Octavia is shoved into a large puddle. She lands mane first. A pair of fillies stand over her and laugh.

‘Rich bitch,’ one of the fillies scoffs. ‘You should just get lost. Should be easy for you since you’re so short.’

‘Yeah, think you’re better than us?’ the other filly snorts. ‘All of your money and your stupid music doesn’t make you worthy of being in the same school as us.’

Octavia stares up at the bullies with tears in her eyes. One of the bullies throws a ball of mud at the down filly, but it stops centimeters from the victim’s face. The mud is slung back at the bullies. A white unicorn with an electric blue mane and a barred eighth note cutie mark steps between Octavia and the bullies.

‘Why don’t ya pick on somepony your own size?’

A bully snorts. ‘Whatever, freak.’

The bullies trot away, leaving the two ponies. The white pony turns and smiles a wide grin at Octavia. She offers a hoof to the fallen pony. Octavia stands and wipes the mud from her mane and coat.

‘Thanks for the help...’ the musician mumbles.

‘Name’s Vinyl. What’s yours?’

‘I’m Octavia Philharmonica,’ she says with a bow.

‘Great to meet ya, Tavi!’

The earth pony growls. ‘That is Octavia.’

‘Lighten up, Tavi. Hey! I got a great idea! You like jazz?’

‘It is okay. I guess.’

‘Great! Come on!’

Vinyl leads Octavia away. They pass a small shop along the way. Octavia breaks away for a moment. She returns with a small bag.

‘Here. For helping me earlier.’

Vinyl opens the bag and levitates a pair of purple sunglasses. Her grin triples in size as they land on her face. ‘Sweet. Thanks, Tavi! I love ‘em!’

Octavia blushes. ‘Yeah. You look great.’

‘Come on! Let’s party!’

Octavia laughs. The two fillies gallop away together.


Octavia leans back and smiles. ‘It was a great day.’

‘I think I can use...’

‘Ten bits per show and fifty bit licensing fee. Double if you want to use my image.’


Octavia grins. ‘How about by lawyers will contact your lawyers?’

Stormy sets down his quill and leans back from his desk. He screams and falls out of his seat when he spots Rarity at the door. His headphones come unplugged as his music player stays on the desk.

‘Sorry to startle you, dear.’

‘No prob, Rarity. What’s up?’

‘Well, I heard of your assignment, and I was wondering... I mean, I hate snooping...’

Stormy smiles and levitates the paper to his friend.


Stormy trots up to the Ponyville Schoolhouse. His legs are shaking. A hoof to the shoulder calms him. He looks up at his smiling mother. She is breathing heavier than she should for a young mare.

‘It is okay, Strawberry. No need to be scared.’

‘But, mommy...’

Raspberry leans down and hugs her son. ‘You are my lovely Strawberry. You are big and brave and strong. You are going to be fine. Everypony is going to love you, too.’

‘Are you sure, mommy?’

‘I am certain. You have to be strong, for me. Mommy needs her son to be strong.’

‘I will, mommy! I will be strong for you! You’ll see! I’ll make you proud!’

Stormy gallops off to go to school. Raspberry smiles and trots away. She does not get far into town before she collapses.


Stormy holds the sobbing Rarity. He pats her on the back.

‘It is okay,’ Stormy assures. ‘I have been brave and strong since then.’

Rarity wipes her tears. ‘Yes, you are the strongest.’

‘Rei! Homework time!’

‘Got ya! Video game time!’

‘Rei! Wash up and do your homework!’

Rei growls. She unlocks her bedroom door and trots to the washroom. When she emerges, she is confronted by her father.

‘You should at least wait until bedtime to do that.’

‘Why? You sneak off with your fillyfriends all the time.’

‘We at least wait for a private moment. Now make with your first day.’

Rei snorts and trots to her room. She closes the game she was playing and opens a document.


Rei is dressed in her new uniform. She straightens her tartan skirt and fiddles with her tie. She will have to ditch it on somepony as soon as she gets to school. She stretches her wings as they stick through her shirt. Very uncomfortable since only foal sizes fit her. She is not a foal!

An attendant looks the young filly over. She smiles at what she sees and offers a saddlebag to the filly.

‘You look quite lovely, Rei-chan.’


‘Don’t be nervous. You will do great. You skipped so many levels and got to the best school in the nation. I am sure all of the other fillies and colts will love you.’

‘That will be a first.’

‘Just be your beautiful, perfect self. You will do great.’

Rei nods and trots out the door.

Rei gallops back into her home. She is sobbing uncontrollably. She charges right past her attendant and slams the door to her room behind her. The attendant trots over and knocks on the door.

‘Rei-chan? Is everything okay?’

‘GO AWAY!’ Rei subconsciously taps her Royal Canterlot voice. ‘JUST LEAVE ME ALONE TO DIE!’

‘Rei-chan!’ the attendant gasps. ‘Surely you do not mean that!’


‘But you have a visitor.’


‘LANGUAGE YOUNG LADY!’ is shouted back at a higher volume than Rei’s shouting.

Rei peeks from her room. ‘Luna-sama?’

The Queen of the Night and ruler of the New Lunar Republic stares back at the sobbing filly. ‘May we enter?’

Rei nods and lets Luna into the room. The alicorn sits beside the upset filly and is instantly grabbed in a hug.

‘I came to see how your day went, but I can assume the results.’

‘They were so mean to me!’ Rei sobs into Luna’s coat. ‘They wouldn’t stop teasing me! Not for one moment! The teachers did nothing to stop them! I never want to go back to school again!’

‘There must have been one bright spot today. According to my sources, I thought you got a good homeroom teacher.’

‘Umako-sensei was pretty nice...’

‘See. Even in the darkness, there is a bright spot. I am sure Umako-sensei will help you.’

‘I guess...’

Luna nuzzles the upset filly. ‘Come now, what is your motto again? The one Helios taught you.’

Rei closes her eyes and buries her muzzle in Luna’s coat again. ‘Be happy. Be happy. Always be happy and hang in there. I have to hang in there.’

Luna rests her head on Rei’s. ‘That is my lovely Full Moon. We love you. We want you to be happy. Hang in there, Full Moon. Hang in there.’

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