• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,908 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

  • ...

Goodbye, Mr Wanderer

Main Characters: TWP, Twilight
Cameos: Everyone else
Original Start Date: June 18, 2013

Town hall is chaotic. Friends and family of The Wandering Physicist and Princess Twilight Sparkle gather for the couple’s wedding. Planners run around making sure everything is perfect. Unfortunately for one of the florists, he is in the clutches of the groom. Literally.

James holds the planner by the collar. ‘What do you mean you can’t fix it?’

‘I-I-I’m sorry,’ the scared man stammers. ‘You’re asking me to make cuts and arrangements I have never heard of before.’

The groom growls and lifts the other man up. A hand is placed on his shoulder.

‘Boss, calm down,’ Lucas sighs. ‘The flowers are beautiful. Twilight will love them.’

James growls again. He gets out his mobile and presses a button. He and the florist disappear. He returns a second later with a Daisy from the Flower Trio.

‘Can you fix this?’

Daisy looks at the arrangement and sighs. ‘Give me a moment.’

The woman starts working with the flowers. Lucas groans and grabs his friend’s arm.

‘Come on. Let’s go get dressed,’ the young man suggests.

James takes a breath and leaves to get ready.

Del runs through the halls. She is so excited to see all the people coming to the wedding. She is looking at everything and meeting everyone. She passes an open door and immediately turns back. The young girl stares into the room, drooling. The room is filled with food for the reception including cakes from the Cakes, pies from Applejack and loads of pastries from Stormy. A man in a dark blue Lunar Guard dress uniform steps in front of the doorway.

‘I cannot let you enter,’ Sunshine states, frowning down at the girl. ‘Please go to the main hall and wait until after the wedding.’

Del stares past the man at the food.

Sunshine clears his throat. ‘Miss Del, please. I believe your sister is looking for you.’

Del looks up, down the hall and back at Sunshine. She quickly ducks around the man, steals a melon bread and runs away with the treat in her mouth. Sunshine continues to guard the room and sighs.

Rarity helps her friends with their specially-designed dresses. Pinkie and Fluttershy are already fitted, and the designer is helping Applejack. Both grunt as Rarity pulls it tight around Applejack’s stomach.

‘My word, Darling. Have you put on weight?’ Rarity asks.

‘Rarity!’ Applejack gasps. ‘Why the heck would ya ask that?’

‘Sorry, dear, but your dress is fitting a little tighter than when we I measured it for you.’

The stronger woman glares down.

‘Or it could just be my imagination,’ Rarity dodges.

Fluttershy giggles.

‘Well, you have been eating more, Applejack,’ Pinkie points out. ‘I’ve definitely seen you snacking more when you are working at the stall.’

‘Y’all sayin’ Ah snack more is like an ocean callin’ a lake wide,’ Applejack snorts. ‘Sides, it is summer, so o' course Ah need t’ keep mah energy up.’

‘Maybe it has to do with why she is seeing Sunshine so much more,’ Rainbow Dash teases as she enters. ‘Will we be attending your wedding next?’

‘What do y’all mean by that!’

‘Ah, just teasing ya,’ Dash laughs. ‘Is it my turn yet? I want to get it over with before...’


‘Never mind...’

Twilight rushes into the room. ‘We are scheduled to begin the ceremony in two hours! I need my dress now, and I have to keep avoiding James because of that silly superstition which will destroy our chances at a happy future, and I still need to talk to Celestia about our vows, and I am pretty sure I just saw Chrysalis hitting on my brother again, and...’

Pinkie shoves a cookie in Twilight’s mouth and rubs her friend’s stomach. ‘There, there. It will all be fine. We have plenty of time to get ready. How about I get Celestia for you while you get dressed?’

Twilight nods with the cookie in her mouth.

Applejack steps off a stand. ‘Ah’ll check on yer brother and make sure James ain’t ‘bout.’

‘Ya don’t have to worry about him,’ Dash replies. ‘Lucas and Stormy dragged him to the guy’s dressing room after he started yelling at a caterer for having the wrong shape ice cubes.’

‘My word!’ Fluttershy gasps.

Twilight stares at her friend. ‘Were they the wrong shape?’

Rarity helps her friend to the stand. ‘You two are made for each other, Darling. Perfectly made for each other.’

The designer starts undressing her friend before Twilight can run off to check on the preparations.

Stormy leans against the door in another dressing room while he plays with his mobile. Lucas helps James finish dressing. Rei giggles at her father’s cleaned-up appearance.

‘Looking sharp, me,’ Discord compliments.

‘Thanks, me,’ James replies.

‘Can you stop doing that?’ Lucas asks. ‘It wasn’t clever the first time.’

‘You’re fired,’ Discord says.

‘You heard your boss,’ James adds.

Lucas groans.

James adjusts his tie. ‘Actually, there is something I have been meaning to tell you about the shop... Rei, this concerns you, too.’

‘What is it, daddy?’ the young woman asks.

James takes a deep breath and turns to his daughter and friend. ‘Twilight and I are planning on being away for a while on our honeymoon, even by time traveler standards. I want you two to run the shop while I’m gone. I’ve left the paperwork in my office.’



‘Don’t think it is even. Rei gets the residence and sixty percent of the shop. Lucas gets the rest and all the managerial duties. I just want to make sure my daughters have a place to call their own.’

Rei hugs her father. ‘We’ll take good care of it for you.’

‘Thanks, Boss.’

James shakes the other man’s hand then gets a letter out of his jacket. ‘And Stormy, this is for you.’

The young man takes the letter and opens it. His jaw drops, and he stares in shock. ‘Dude...’

‘Yeah... About ten minutes after seeing her darling son Strawberry, she got a visit from her beloved Mr Strawberry. I told her all about you and Trixie and everything.’

‘What’s it say?’ Rei asks.

Stormy smiles. ‘She is giving me permission to drop out of school and marry Trixie.’

‘It is binding too. Rarity shouldn’t be able to argue with it,’ James adds.

Stormy comes over and hugs James. ‘Thank you so very much.’

‘Do I get anything?’ Discord asks.

‘I’m marrying Twilight. What more could you want?’


A loud whooshing sound fills the room. A blue box materializes.

‘Not to mention, the last time you were at a wedding...’ The Doctor begins. ‘Well, I’d rather not think about it.’

‘Bite me, Theta,’ Discord snorts.

‘Ditto,’ Rei adds.

‘Nice of you to make it,’ James says.

‘Yes, sorry I’m late,’ The Doctor apologizes, adjusting his bow tie. ‘I had some business to take care of. Think of it as a wedding present to the happy couple. Speaking of, where’s the wife?’

James smirks. ‘Actually, you are right on time.’

‘You gave me the wrong time to get me to show up on time.’ The Doctor waves a finger at his friend. ‘You darn physicists...’

James laughs. ‘You were always so easy, Theta.’

The Time Lords laugh and catch up while they wait.

Guests gather in the hall as the wedding is about to begin. Octavia and her ensemble play a soothing melody. Del sits in the front row with Chrysalis, who is in her Full Moon disguise. The idol licks her lips at all the love around her. She looks across the aisle at Twilight’s family. Twilight Velvet smiles proudly while her son is overcome by liquid pride. Princess Cadence comforts Shining. Princess Luna rolls her eyes at the blubbering prince, getting a laugh from Cloudchaser. Daring Do sits in the back and shares stories with the Cutie Mark Crusaders and their friends while they wait. Dinky and Pipsqueak stare at the woman in awe until Derpy calls them to their seats. The remaining guests get seated as Princess Celestia takes a position at the end of the hall. While everyone is settling, a young man with messy green hair and a boy with yellow and red hair slip into a couple empty seats in the back.

Octavia changes the music as the groom’s party enters the hall. James’ friends take pictures as they walk forward. Inkie giggles as Rei waves to everyone. Trixie and Sweetie Belle swoon as Stormy passes in his tuxedo. Mimi giggles at Lucas’ awkwardness. Discord smiles and winks at Celestia once the group is in position. Del stares in awe at her father.

The music shifts again as the bridesmaids enter the hall. The guests ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ at their individualized dresses. Applejack blushes and tries to adjust an absent hat when she passes Sunshine. Spike nearly faints at the sight of Rarity in her dress. The ladies take their position at the altar after Pinkie hugs James.

The wedding march plays, and everyone rises as Twilight Sparkle enters the hall with her father. The bride gracefully makes her way to the altar. She gives her father a kiss before he takes his seat. Twilight and James take each others’ hands and exchange smiles.

Princess Celestia steps forward to begin her sermon. ‘Ladies and gentlemens, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Princess Twilight Sparkle and James Wanderer. The strength of their commitment is clear. The power of their love, undeniable. …’

‘... May we have the rings please?’ -- Pinkie gives a ring to Twilight. Rei gives one to her father. The couple exchange the rings. -- ‘I now pronounce you man and wife.’

James and Twilight exchange their first kiss as husband and wife. The crowd cheers the happy couple. Rei turns and hugs Stormy to hide her tears of joy. Twilight’s friends comfort each other. The couple break the kiss and smile.

‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ Celestia declares, ‘for the first time, I give you James Wan-’

James stops the princess and shakes his head.

‘Right. Sorry. I mean, I give you Twilight and James Sparkle.’

The crowd applauds the couple again as they make their way down the aisle together.

At the reception, the happy couple celebrates with their friends and family. Everybody comes by James and Twilight talk to them. Luna wishes the couple well before going back to the party. Applejack brings the couple a slice of one of her pies.

‘Congratulations,’ Applejack says. ‘Ah’m so happy fer the two o’ ya.’

‘Thank you, Applejack,’ James replies.

‘I saw the way Sunshine was admiring your dress,’ Twilight notes. ‘You might have to ask Rarity to use that at the basis for your wedding dress.’

The other woman blushes. ‘Ah don’ know. Maybe.’

‘You okay, Applejack?’ James asks. ‘You seem a little emotional.’

‘Nah. It’s nothin’...’

‘The one that got away?’ Twilight huffs.

Applejack shakes her head. ‘Just happy fer two o’ mah best friends.’ She laughs. ‘By the way, Ah tried gettin’ some o’ them oranges ya got fer me, but Ah couldn’t find any.’


‘She means the satsumas I gave her for Hearths Warming,’ James explains. ‘I think she has a taste for them now.’

Applejack blushes again. ‘Ah might... Ah’ve been thinkin’ o’ plantin’ some on the farm.’

James laughs. ‘I knew you’d love them. I’ll give you a hand with planting. Maybe give some tips on cultivating.’

‘Thank ya, but Ah think Ah can handle raising them mahself.’

‘I am sure you can.’

‘Anyway! Ah shouldn’ hold ya up fer too long. Ah’m sure the others want t’ congratulate ya too.’

Applejack shakes her friends hands then walks off to get her head in order. The couple take a bite of their treat.

‘TWI~~~~~LI~~~~~GHT~~~!’ Pinkie cries as she catches her friend in a flying hug.

Inkie laughs at her sister while she dances with Rei.

‘I don’t care what anyone says. I’m still holding out for the Twinkie ending,’ Inkie states.

‘The Twinkie ending?’ Blinkie asks as she and Image Crystal dance nearby.

‘She wants daddy to end up with Hikari-chan and Pinkie-chan,’ Rei explains.

The younger woman gasps. ‘That’s so immoral!’

Inkie groans. ‘Not that crap again.’

‘Good luck finding a comic with that outcome to convince me otherwise,’ the younger sister snorts.

Rei pulls Blinkie from her date. She puts a book in her hands. ‘Ranma ½, Love Hina, He is My Master, Tenchi Muyu!, Saber Marionette, Akane-Iro, fate/Stay, Negima, Tsukihime, Seitokai No Ichizon.’ She puts the last book on the stack. ‘Want more? The harem end is still relatively popular.’

Blinkie’s eye twitches. ‘I’m good.’

‘Stop by the store. I’ll give you a discount when you need more.’

Rei goes back to dancing with her love. Blinkie sighs and looks for a place to put the books. Image is reading one of the comics.

‘I always liked Saber’s design,’ the young man comments.

Blinkie growls and drags her date away.

Shining has gotten enough control of his emotions to congratulate his sister. James and Cadence laugh as the prince gives Twilight a weeping hug.

‘I... am... just... so... proud...’ Shining sobs.

‘How about a kiss for the newlywed?’

Shining regains his composure and glares at James. ‘I would have thought this would get you to restrain your behavior.’

James sighs. ‘Fine. But you have to be my ius primae noctis.’

Twilight facepalms. ‘We haven’t been married for much more than a hour, and I already have grounds for divorce.’

‘He’s just joking around,’ Cadence assures. ‘If not,’ -- she glares at James -- ‘I would have used up all his regenerations by now.’

‘Eek!’ James shrieks. ‘Protect me, my love!’ He looks at Shining. ‘Well?’

The prince groans and trots away. Twilight sighs and shakes her head. Cadence giggles and follows her husband. Across the hall, Stormy and Trixie take a break from dancing. The young man shows the woman the letter from his mother. Trixie gasps, marches to the newlyweds’ table, grabs James and gives him a big kiss.

‘TRIXIE!’ Twilight screams.

‘Sorry,’ Trixie apologizes. ‘I felt I owed him that much.’

James nods. ‘To be fair, I think the family has felt that way since her grandmother.’

‘Hmpf!’ Trixie snorts. ‘It was a spur of the moment thing. Nothing more.’ She extends hand to Twilight. ‘Now, if you’ll kindly relinquish the bouquet as proof of Stormy’s and my destiny...’

Twilight groans, ‘You’ll have the same chance as everyone else.’

‘Fine. Be that way.’ Trixie turns away. ‘Come along, Stormy. Let’s go tell your sisters the good news.’

Trixie marches away. Stormy follows, laughing at the exchange. Twilight shakes her head then laughs.

‘We’ll probably have to come back since he’ll want me as his best man,’ James states.

‘Of course, dear.’

The couple kisses and goes back to enjoying the party.

Full Moon rests at a table. She is overwhelmed with all the love around her. A drink is set next to her. She downs it in one gulp.

‘Thanks,’ the idol moans. ‘This was the best wedding ever.’

‘Hmpf,’ Celestia snorts as she sits. ‘You really think you could have won like this? You would have glutted yourself and passed out. My forces would have disposed of you while we had the advantage.’

‘You forget. I had my army with me.’

‘And they would have overeaten as well.’

‘Overeaten at the expense of your people.’

Celestia opens her mouth to argue.

‘She has you there, sister,’ Luna giggles as she passes.

‘Don’t make me moon you again,’ the older sister snorts.

Full Moon laughs.

‘Do pick your words more carefully, sister,’ Luna sighs.

Celestia snorts. She reaches for a drink but finds the cup empty.

‘Was that an indirect kiss?’ Full Moon taunts.

The princess growls and looks away.

‘Want to try the real thing?’

‘You’re drunk, Chrysalis. Get out of my country.’

‘You wound me. I thought we were friends now.’

Celestia frowns. ‘Where are you staying while you’re here?’

‘I was staying with my sister, but I was planning on returning home later.’

‘Stay another day or two.’ The princess looks away. ‘We have plenty of room at the palace. I wouldn’t mind a visitor, and you wouldn’t need your disguise.’

Full Moon grins. ‘Is this what kids call “tsundere”?’

‘Listen, I am just inviting you because you need to work off your drunkenness. It is not like I like you or anything.’

‘Totally tsundere,’ Luna agrees.

Celestia squeals in rage and goes back to the party.

James and Twilight are getting ready to leave on their honeymoon. While Twilight says goodbye to her parents, Lyra has cornered the groom. He is opening a gift.

‘I had to give this to you before you left,’ the woman explains. ‘I figured I would have it published.’

James opens the package. ‘A book? Is this your pony fiction?’

Lyra shrugs. ‘I figured I would compile all the adventures you had over the past couple years. Besides, check the title. I know your wife loves the subject.’

The Wandering Physicist Adventures?’ He raises an eyebrow. ‘Do you really think anybody would want to read this?’

The woman laughs. ‘You’d be surprised.’

Twilight gives her parents a hug and joins her husband. ‘What’s that?’

James gives her the book. ‘Your favorite subject.’

The new wife blushes. ‘Not me as that purple pony, is it? Those stories are so silly.’

Lyra grins. ‘I knew you would love it.’

The women exchange hugs, and Lyra heads off to find her wife.

James looks around. ‘Just one more...’

‘Daddy!’ Del cries as she runs up. She latches on to her father with a big hug. ‘Rei said you were leaving and going to be away for a long time. She’s a mean liar, right?’

James pats her head. ‘Twilight and I are going on our honeymoon. We promise not to be too long.’

Del lets go and hugs Twilight. ‘Don’t go, mommy. Don’t leave me alone.’

‘You won’t be alone,’ Twilight assures. ‘You’ll have Rei and Inkie at home, and Spike will still be here too.’

‘Promise not to go away forever? I am just getting used to having a family.’

‘We promise.’

James hugs his daughter. ‘You are never alone. We will always be with you, my little angel.’

Del smiles. ‘Thank you, daddy. Have fun on your trip.’ Her smile growls. ‘Bring me back a brother!’

The newlyweds laugh and hug Del one last time before leaving.

Twilight loads the last of the newlyweds’ baggage into the TARDIS. James works in the kitchen. He closes a cupboard and joins his wife.

‘Ready to go?’ Twilight asks.

‘Yeah.’ James looks around. ‘I’m ready.’

‘Great. There is a universe out there, and I want to see it all!’

Twilight enters the ship and starts powering it up. James looks around one last time.

‘Goodbye, Mr Wanderer.’ He looks into the ship. ‘And hello, Mr Sparkle.’

The Time Lord closes the door, and the TARDIS disappears.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading.

Final TWP Survey

The story continues in The Master Game.

Comments ( 65 )

‘The Wandering Physicist Adventures?’ He raises an eyebrow. ‘Do you really think anybody would want to read this?’

meta line is new best line.
back to reading

EDIT: this was a fitting end to the story. i think i shall re read the master game. DFTBA

im just doing the survey and i am not holding out for the twinkie ending.

i need to get round to reading this in its full

:raritycry: so beautiful!


That was one of the first line I came up with when I settled on the format. I have literally been waiting over a year to finally share it.

How much TIME does that guy have on his hands?

:raritywink: emphasis on re-read.


You did realise there is a Twilicorn button in the characters section, right? If it's meant to be her before her asension though then that's ok.:pinkiehappy:


Twilight Sparkle is Twilight Sparkle no matter what her appearance or title. Just because some people think she is a different pony because she has wings does not change who she really is.

That being said... I might as well change that as long as Sparklerific has her wings, not that I see her any differently because of them. She is still the same pony after all...

Edit: Am I coming off as crabby? I don't mean it. The damn heat is melting my brian. Not to mention I'd rather be at Everfree NorthWest this weekend instead of having to get up early to see family... >_>

It's ok. I feel sorry for you and your hot climate. Though where I live it rains more than anything. And Twilight is still the same pony, just with a bit more on her plate. I was just wondering though if it included some later chapters with Pinkie, James and little Twilight, as in This One Time At Camp.


TWP (and everything that follows) is supposed to take place after the series ends, so she would be a princess if she is still a princess at that time. I have just kept the characters as they were out of stubbornness since I hate that people either hate her for her wings or treat her different because of them. The fact that sites like here or Derpibu.ru have separate Twilight Sparkle and Princess Twilight tags really bugs me. It would be like having separate season 1 Luna and season 2 Luna tags or separate tags for the characters in their Nightmare Night costumes.

Just one of my few peeves about the fandom... End rant.

In a related note to the Princess Twilight discussion below: With the reveal of Pinkie's family's 'canon'-ish names, James and Pinkie: Partners in Time has been updated to refer to them as such. Inkie and Blinkie (seen after the events in that one scene) are treated as nicknames, like Pinkie is for Pinkamena.

2816019 Enjoy :pinkiehappy:

One sec. Where is Starlight? :facehoof: There was no mention of a sky blue unicorn. x2 :facehoof:


Melting your Brian? That's terrible! I hope he recovered. Is he made of sugar?

:raritywink: Don't worry about it. It would be one of those lacking in detail chapters that could lead you to think about it in weird ways... :twilightblush:


Your Brian? Is it Brian or brain? Actually, now I thinks it's Brian...

:raritywink: Don't worry about it. It would be one of those lacking in detail chapters that could lead you to think about it in weird ways... :twilightblush:


Your Brian? Is it Brian or brain? Actually, now I thinks it's Brian...

They are not. According to the Equestria, they do not. But if the humans found out how to cross the dimensional border...I'd rather be thrown into Tartarus than for that to happen. The leakage of the reality television show, 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic', has made them get off track of the correct path. Good day to you, and make sure the humans do not cross the Rift.
EDIT: Forgot to hit the reply button


Don't worry. This series treats them as fictional. Hell, the movie wasn't near coming out until the end of the series and has only gotten passing mentions in each of my stories thus far.

:scootangel: Don't worry. Humans only appear as fiction in TWP :scootangel:

...I cannot give you any more information, or I will be required to send a removal squad after you. So I shall leave you within your tale of semi ignorance and let you humans thinks ponies are not real...keep thinking that way, and you shall be safe...:pinkiecrazy:


I have the whole, non Wii, Pokemon range, and One Pokemon Only medal, which I really like because you are permitted to cheat by supergrinding for when you cant actually handle the mechanics and complexities. :pinkiehappy:

RPGs, I prefer turn base, my reactions are too bad for twitch, my memory is too bad for learning sequences of moves.

As for the games you havent mentioned, probably because you havent seen them? Well, what would you say to that there is a really strange undercurrent of weird coincidences that all point to this lost mythos, this gaming machine thats been Celestiad.


Alien Breed :yay:

The Power Of Harmony



Hell. this machine was so powerful, it even made Microsoft Basic multitask, not just with other programs, but with itself.

Oh, Apparently Google added it as a plug in to Chrome.

So, Emulator on browser, Brilliant. Its created by Google. Dammit.:twilightangry2:


Sorry for teh too early, still grinding through the story, very enjoyably. 8}

Nah, the reason Id thought you wouldnt have liked me much, is cos Im more like how you have Snails than anything.

My favourite news to date? 10D GR black holes compute exactly the same as 1D QM. But, the 10D includes 8D octonions. But, 8D Octonions have been shown to be a major point of QM for years, E8 theories.

E8 generator is also the encoding function of a military communication system, with Radius 2.

Oh, and Chaos generators are deterministic and follow the Fibbonacci sequence.

And, if you apply the piano tuners correction to the Lorentz function, assuming a relativistically variable speed of light, you end up showing how GR gives a limit that is the Planck Mass, which is a black hole. :pinkiecrazy:

Um, just something that puzzles me. Why is the God Equation so hard to break? You use the universe is a hologram thing, which is fractal, and that closed time loops are interfering structures, both subtractive and additive.

Would you like to see my explanation of how Stonehenge is a quantum processor? :twilightoops:

Ah. My seat in the corner is calling.

Annd, to the tune of ZZ Top, Double Back In Time. I finally catch up with the end of the story.

Im really sorry if I upset anyone, but after playing Elite in the mid 1980s, Ive been working on and off to show who the entirity of the multiverse, for gaming purposes, can be represented as a procedurally generated structure. Not just the data, but the programming code also, in a time manipulative manner.

I dont know if a gamer physisist (WTyay?) would even accept it if it could be shown. The Ultimate gaming engine.

By the way, the largest story Ive read, several times, isnt even on this site, although Diary Of a Madman is getting pretty close. Another half meg or so. Try reading it on a 1.5 inch mp3 player.

Now, which story is next.

Need Input. :pinkiecrazy:


If you mean which story is next in the series, it goes:
TWP -> Master Game -> SCS

TWP is the start with RoH taking place in an alternate universe. Master Game is the sequel to TWP with SCS taking place weeks after Master Game. All one, big, happy interconnected story.


Thank you very much for the timeline. I understand just how complex things can get if you have it all marked out, because I tend to write stories linearly. that is, write the framework of an end, then a start, then a couple of middles, then come up with a name, then start at the beginning, and before I know it, I have a 10k prolog or introduction. :twilightblush:

But for the moment? Bed is required so that wakefulness is accessible for reading further adventures.

Um. You happen to know where I can store a half dozen DEM units at all?


You literally have me counting the chapters until your crazy speculative theories start transferring over to SCS full time. The number is 3 with the first one in the works to be posted next week.

dude, im at work, and i just fell out of my chair again.

My colleagues appreciate that drawing. thanks.

in other news, i really need to get a chair with back support. it would be really helpful to me finishing this series.


My main motivation for writing is to make others happy :pinkiehappy:

I always enjoy reading everyone's comments when they experience the story for the first, second, third or even hundredth time :twilightsmile:

Just don't hurt yourself too much while reading this :fluttershysad:


wow, that makes so much more sense now! thanks!

4076195 Like, I'm sitting here, reading, and waiting for the world to take a turn towards the chaotic. I'm still expecting the world to fall apart, and TWP to have to make some noble sacrifice of himself. But, now that im reading 10 chapters from the end, im starting to have my doubts. Are we going to have the end of a long, long story, that ends on a high note?:trixieshiftright:

In other words, im watching for an epic climax. lets see how it turns out. :ajsmug:


It is a comedy-slice of life with two direct sequels and a parellel universe spinoff. Who said it ended in the last chapter?

Okay. So, i just finished the last chapter.

I have a lot of things to say about this story as a whole, and I have a feeling this is going to be the subject of my second youtube fanfiction review series video. in the meantime, however, Imma make up a review to put onto here. gimme a few hours.


Ooo. Wow. A big review. Don't forget to point out the cliches (90% were intentionally used), fairly-static everything and reliance on deus ex machina, cartoon rules for morals and the creed 'At the end of the episode, everything always returns to normal.' :pinkiehappy:

Edit: And all the shipping! Gripe about that since I hated it too! That always bugs me whenever I go back to this story. Not as simple and 1-1 as it is in everything else. It really mucked everything up.

Okay, review time:

Okay, so, I just finished reading the Wandering Physicists Adventures, and I must say, it was one of the most epic storyline arcs that I have seen. The storyline, within its classic slice of life style, kept me enthralled throughout a large portion of the story. However, there were a number of times that I almost put the whole thing down and abandoned ship (with a definite emphasis on ship). I am going to detail a lot of those here.
So, right off as a note, I am going to have a quick non-spoilery review of the story, to give you a general idea of how I thought about it. If you haven’t fully read the story as of yet, you should get the review, stop reading my post, read the book, which I totally recommend, and then continue. The analysis section afterwards is going to contain some spoilery content, so you really don’t want to go into that until after.
So, without further ado,

The Wandering Physicists Adventures is an epic Fan fiction that hails as one of the top ten longest fan fictions on the entire site. It is written in a slice of life style after the famed dr. Who series (shut it, Owliscious). This story contains almost the entire mane series cast, and develops their characters to a point unimaginable within the show. It contains a lot of technology not seen in canon equestrian, and is assumed that the world itself has developed within an alternate universe (thank you, neightendo!) The plotline, within its slice of life style, is built so that each chapter would represent a self-contained episode, with few exceptions. Some of the episodes seem very cliché; however, as with the series it parodies, cliché episodes kind of make the whole stories bread and butter. The story that the entire tale shows, is overwhelmingly vast, and makes almost no literal attempt to advance itself, instead progressing through the development of emotions between the characters. This adds a level of transparency that is not seen in many fan fictions. The development of the characters may turn may people off, however, due to an extraordinary amount of shipping, with the notable lack of much culmination of such romantical whimsies. Overall, if you have a love of the slice of life style format, this saga is definitively one of the best fan fictions on this site as of present time. For that, I will give this story four :rainbowkiss: :rainbowkiss: :rainbowkiss: :rainbowkiss: out of five. You should go read this, really.

Now for…


So, to start, I must say, I went through the entire story, and the only chapter that I could not finish reading was chapter 99, for reasons that I will detail later. This story has had me enthralled for almost a month now, and now that I have reached the end, it seems necessary to say exactly what I thought about the entire thing. Let’s start with the good of this.
1. The Slice of life theme. This idea, that everything comes back to normal around the end of each episode, was brilliant. It added the thought that the story might never end, and indeed, it seemed never to. Even the ending, was not really en ending in and of itself, although with an exit from equestria for the wandering physicist, which probably will end my involvement with him. The idea of developing characters from their show personalities into the fan canon slowly through events was really nice also.
2. The cliché’s used in the storyline. I am normally not a fan of cliché storyline elements. When you see them, they seem vastly overused, and the pure triteness of them tends to leave me with a bad taste of non-originality in my mouth. However, oh yes, this story pulled off cliché better than probably any other story I have ever read. The idea of the characters we know and love, going into situations that we see as cliché and overused, and seeing how exactly they react to them, all the way to Mr. Wanderer himself calling out the cliché’s occasionally for what they were, was delicious to me. It screamed, “I know I’m not being original, and I’m loud and obnoxious about it”, and that really struck home for me. In particular, the Idea of dues ex machinae’s always solving problems was really well done in this story. I found myself often wondering just what otherworldly solution would be used to solve the problem at hand.
3. The shipping. This is going to be on my bad list too, and I’m going to explain why. I love shipping in stories. It creates an additional degree of empathy that cannot be expressed without the allure of romance. You can really sympathize with all of the female characters, when in the back of your mind; you kind of want to date all of them too. This story develops so many ships; it essentially makes each character able to be empathized with. That is a really nice touch, even when I don’t care for the character themselves. I found myself rooting for stormy and image to do well in their relationships, even though I didn’t really care for them as characters.
4. Del. Just, this character made the entire last half of the story for me. My OC is a changeling, and seeing a “nice” changeling for once just made me so happy, I wanted to take her out of the story and make her my own. I can definitely appreciate all of her little quirks, and her not needing to rely on out of story impulses to get her own empathy across.
5. Del. I feel she needs two points here, because she was by far my favorite in the story.
6. The setting. The idea of having an equestrian that more closely matches our own world was a really nice touch here. It made things seem more real, which was a nice change from the pure fantasy aspect of the canon product. The Power Block, in particular, was an amazing setting to put plot into. I wish I could have seen more of it, as the beginning put a lot into building up a history with the building, while towards the end the story kind of got away from it, and barely referenced it for most of the last quarter.
7. A tiny, tiny bit of the neighpon references. There were a few references, mainly to the pornography side of anime, which I found very funny. That’s all I’m going say on the good side of that.

Now, this story was not without its share of faults, more so due to its size. It was long, and arduous, and I had to take a week off of reading it in the middle, because I just could not stomach it anymore at the time. Let’s get onto the bad of this.
1. The Wanderer. Dr. who based characters are, in my opinion, one of the tritest, cliché, unstomachable characters in modern fiction. They have huge issues in character design, have deus ex machinae type devices, and altogether break almost every single story they are in, by removing the act of determining the solution to an issue by using the “give it to the doctor, he fixes it, move on” approach. I have had many a great story be completely destroyed by this exact issue (see the Dresden files crossover). The Wandering Physicist, while being the main character in this story, has the issue of being so far overpowered, he almost becomes flat in this representation in the story. He is kind of a “Mary sue” like character, that doesn’t really change throughout the story, while everyone else around him changes. This bothered me a lot more than anything else, and had me looking forward to the chapters that he was not starring in.
2. The sheer volume of OC’s. This story could have made due with about a tenth of the OC’s that it had, and would have been so much better. We get such a large quantity of new faces, that we do not have quite the time to see exactly where our sympathies should lie with each one. I still to this point have no idea what Mimi’s or Silver Fox’s character is, other than the basics, and I had no empathy for her at all, mainly because she plays such a minor role that an OC cannot properly be generated. If half of the OC’s were replaced by canon background ponies, such as Mimi being, I don’t know, Roseluck, the readers could deal with not having her in a major role, because the fandom itself has already lent her a supporting personality.
3. The shipping. OC to OC shipping has zero places in my mind here. There is just nothing that was affected within my head canons, which made any of them worth anything to me. I was pleased by all of the ships that included a show cast character, because I can already empathize with them, but if at least one character isn’t someone that I already empathize with, it’s just not going to affect me.
4. The sub plots. This should probably be in a bigger font. The sub plots that strayed from the mane six and the wanderer, and focused on three or four OC’s, just killed me. Like, I was going on in the storyline, then the whole thing breaks away to a sub plot that has nothing to do with anything, and I just stopped caring by the end of it. Slice of life stories should at least have a cohesive plot to them, and not have sudden departures from the entire line for an occasional break in who cares land. I actually legitimately stopped reading about halfway through, after an RSI chapter, and just stopped for a week, because I could not stomach hearing about Rei anymore. Out of Mr. Wanderer’s family, she is by far my least liked member. This may be because I am not a huge fan of Japanese English translation, but trying to understand her made my brain hurt. Keeping to the plot in Ponyville with the mane six and consorts was awesome, when it did so.
5. The lack of climatic development. In order to make the story complete, you really have to build up throughout the story. I found very little of this here. I saw myself seeing most of the ships remaining pretty much the same from chapter ten to chapter ninety, without really changing much, then suddenly having things change at the end. This threw me off, since I had really not caught on to the buildup to here. Maybe it was just me being too focused on seeing Del making cute adorableness to see the underplot, but it could have been much more developed.
6. Neighponese references. If you are a deep seated fan of Japanese related food, anime, and general japan society, this one will not apply to you. I did not come for it, so I’m going to put it here. This part really bothered me, and destroyed my immersion more than once. The idea of having characters start pulling Japanese items out of nowhere, and the frequency of it, was a problem for me. I have never been to japan, and have no real interest in Japanese society, so throughout the entire story, it felt sort of like “neighpon” was being shoved down my throat with a sharp stick. If I never hear someone suffixing a name with “–Chan” again, it will be too soon. When the story first started, I was taking the time to google search each item to see what they were talking about, but they got so numerous that I just gave up and mentally added the words “japan s**t” in front of every single one of them. That said, the entire third arc, when they go to neighpon, was a rather interesting place, with me seeing “the characters went to some japan place, played with some japan item, ate some japan food, and then took some japan transport to the next japan place.” It was legitimately the only way for me to stomach it.
Overall, my feelings on this varied throughout the story. Some of the parts I loved, and couldn’t get enough of, and some of it I just struggled through to get back to the parts that I liked. It was a pleasant read overall; however, as the positives of the first half were replaced by the pride and joy of this whole story in the second half.
If there were anything that I would want to see more of from this story, it is a companion story that features the adventures of Del the changeling. I would personally love that.
Thank you, WanderingPhysicist, and I hope to see more from you in the future. I will be reading my way through the two companion stories, to see what happens, and hopefully they are as good as this one has already been.

10/10, needed more Twilight x TWP :heart:

Speed Run attempt 1, 24 hour challenge.


... If this gets on Speed Demos Archive or some other speed running site, I will... I have no idea what I'd do :twilightoops:

4254791 i give up. its been about 7 hours, i have covered nearly the same amount of words as The fellowship of the ring(biggest of the lord of the rings trilogy). There is simply no way i can read fast enough, even with my psuedo-skimming technique.

given 2-3 days of solid reading i might be able to make my way into SCS.

that being said, it has been fun to just spend a day reading, especially soaking up the details i had likely missed the first time as well as forgotten over time. this has also been handy for gauging how fast i can read, even if i read slower on my tablet. the clocked time puts me at 411 words per minute. or six words a second.

all in all this has been a fun attempt, and it shows I'm still reading (almost?) as fast as a couple years ago (covered A Dance of Dragons in a two day car trip).

Thank you for one of the best stories I've ever read. This site and its stories is actually getting me to consider watching Doctor Who.


Glad you enjoyed the story :twilightsmile:

I know it is pretty obtuse, super fanficy and really long, so thank you for reading :yay:

4341005 rainbow dash was mostly carried by cameos, with one in a lot of chapters. it kinda added up. ill post some scores to prove my point

i grouped the chapters into groups of 5, just to make my spreadsheet easier to work with.
Rainbow was an average of 1.444...
Rarity for those same chapters was 1.6

so its about 3 cameos or a cameo and an appearance per 5 chapters.
that is not too extreme. by contrast, only rei, twilight and TWP had higher than 2, with twilight and TWP both being a "guaranteed" appearence by their high scores(it would take at least 6 cameos to make twilight per five chapters, which was only possible once).

a extra point to make, is that i included ROH versions with the same name in the count, so twilight and twilight ROH counted as the same, while TWP and king james sparkle did not.

lastly, there were an average of 40.55 character appearances per 5 chapters, which i assume to be the same as ~8 per chapter.

EDIT BEFORE POSTING, i forgot to mention in my previous comment there were 90 characters in the first 50 chapters. 19 of them were just oneshot cameos. 46 of the rest also had below average viewings, and i only expect more characters if i do the next 50 chapters + 3 stories.


I don't doubt your maths. I am just more surprised that I used those characters so much. It was something I had known when Rarity was my least favorite (before Sisterhooves) since she had a number of starring roles before then.

Also, you are more generous than I am counting the AU versions as the same pony. I don't even consider Luna and Nightmare Moon the same.

4341005 i am going to premptively say that my math is broken for del. she is a major character, but because she does not have time to rack up enough points.

EDIT: which IS the point, its just i had forgotten she appeared so late in the series.


Might I suggest a different calculation method?
(# of appearances) / (total possible appearances since introduction)

That way, only James and Fluttershy would be total/100, whereas the others would be more reasonable to their possible screen time. (Unfortunately, that will discount all of the unlisted cameos... which I assumed was what was happening anyway.)

It is 5am here, and I'm headed to bed, so that seems like an idea to me.

An now the whole story character appearance review.

first, an update to my math. i have recorded the first appearances for each character and have divided their total score by the amount of chapters that came after. the result of this math is to record how much of the story were they in, for the amount of time tsince they were introduced.

the top 20 characters( of 127) are:

Yamazakura(a oneshot character from chapter 97, an anomaly)
Rainbow dash
Princess Luna
Pinkie Pie
Gilda(another oneshot late in the story)
Sweetie Belle
Princess Celestia

the average character was appeared for 11% of the story since first appearing.
if we exclude oneshots, the next spots on the top 20 are:
The Great and Powerful Trixie
Queen Chrysalis

the range for these characters appearances is from TWP- 67% of the story to Queen Chrysalis at ~12.8%

4339930 BTW, i resent the new math, and the data for demoting Lucas from top 5. damn you stormy and your later addition to the story.


One flaw I noticed off the bat: Yamazakura was in two stories. He was the guard Chrysalis exposed at the start of Full Moon LIVE! I warned you that background appearances would be a killer. (Starlight would be at a ~28% if you count his background appearances... and He-who-should-not-have-been-forced-into-the-plot would be at a ~33% for his one appearance :facehoof:)

I'm a little surprised how high Fluttershy, Rarity, AJ and the CMC are. I didn't think I used them that much.

4346958 Fagballs was not named so i tactfully ignored him. when i started to realize how the math worked, i left it like that.


Yay! My naming system has caught on to someone else! I keep Tweeting Meghan McCarthy to use it too, but for some reason she doesn't....

4346958 as for Yamazakura, he was not listed. i guess my thing is more of a analysis of the documentation than anything.

4346969 to be fair, i only use it in the context of anything you do. I just ignore EQG for the rest of the time.

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