• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,908 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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Apple of His Eye

Main Characters: TWP, Rei, Stormy, Apple Bloom, Applejack
Cameos: The Doctor (11), Big Macintosh
Original Write Date: 01/20/2012

It is Parents Celebration Weekend in Equestria. Ponies across the country are arranging special treats or gifts. Many are even traveling to their hometowns. Being Ponyville born and bred, the Apple Family is sticking around Sweet Apple Acres for their celebration. The older members of the family are happily going about their usual business, but Apple Bloom is feeling really down. She is currently pouting at the kitchen table when Applejack comes in from doing her chores.

‘What’s eatin’ ya, sugar cube?’ Applejack asks.

‘What?’ Apple Bloom looks up. ‘Oh. It’s nothin’, big sis.’

‘Now, Ah know somethin’ is eatin’ ya. Ya know ya can tell me anythin’ that’s on yer mind.’

‘All right...’ Apple Bloom takes a deep breath. ‘Everypony is out with their parents fer the holiday, but we don’ have parents so Ah can’t celebrate like everypony. Why can’t we celebrate like everypony?’

Applejack is at a loss for words. She quickly tries to come up with an answer that will satisfy the young filly without upsetting her further.

‘Uh, well, uh... It ain't a big deal, sugar cube. The holiday isn’ jus’ ‘bout parents. It is ‘bout all sorts o’ families. We always celebrated with each other an’ Granny Smith. Ya don’ have t’ be jealous of anypony else. We love each other as much if not more than any other family. This is jus’ another thin’ that makes us special.’ Applejack pats her sister on the head. ‘Come on. Once we start celebratin’, y’ll feel better.’

Apple Bloom gets up. ‘Thanks. Ah guess.’

Apple Bloom heads out of the house. Applejack frowns because she could not cheer up her sister. Apple Bloom starts walking towards the town to try to find something to cheer herself up.

‘Ah’d rather have parents than be special.’

At The Power Block, a pair of parentless ponies are doing what they can to make it through the day. Stormy is visiting Rei since Rarity is out with her family, and he does not wish to be alone. Rei is moping upstairs while she and Stormy watch television. Thanks to The Wandering Physicist’s accidental revelation a few weeks ago, this holiday has put Rei in a real bind about what she thought her family life was really like. The unpleasant truths of her past are overpowering the current reality of a happy family life, leaving her really depressed and angry. Stormy groans and leans back on the couch, almost sitting like Lyra.

‘Why can’t they show anything but specials this time of the year?’ He sets down the remote. ‘Can’t we use that magic box thing to get shows from other planets?’

‘He won’t let us. I asked.’

‘Tch. We should steal it and find a way to save my mom. Then we’d have a cool parent to hang out with today.’


Rei rolls off the couch and crashes to the ground. She makes no effort to pick herself up.

‘Man. You are acting worse than I normally do. This holiday really has you down.’

Rei rolls over and sticks her muzzle under the couch.

‘Seriously, I would have thought you would have been doing something crazy for your... What the hell is he in relation to you anyway?’

Rei lets out a long, low moan. ‘I don’t want to talk about it. ... Ack! When was the last time we vacuumed?’

‘At least you have a somewhat decent father figure,’ Stormy sighs. ‘The closest thing I have is in prison for trying to kill me then threatening the judge at his trial. ... Fathers are pure mules.’


Stormy thinks. ‘You know. I survived that painful ointment treatment. I think I can take gelding without flinching.’

Rei tries sitting up, but she slams her head into the couch.

‘Ow! No, I mean, don’t do that. You would make a great father. You are a far better pony than either of our fathers. You don’t lie to us our whole lives or abandon us on alien planets. You... you...’

Rei starts crying and buries her head under the couch more. Stormy frowns and turns around to comfort his friend easier.

‘Hey. Come on. Cheer up,’ Stormy coos. ‘You know what will make you feel better? The Cakes are having a special today for the holiday. We can probably guilt them into giving us something for free.’

Rei stops crying and pulls her head free. ‘Can we also guilt some candy from Bon Bon too?’

‘Sure. We can pretend we were abandoned by our human parents to work Lyra up and Bon Bon will do anything to get rid of us.’

Rei giggles half-heartedly. ‘Sounds fun.’

The pegasus picks herself up and shakes the dust from her muzzle. She and Stormy head out the back of the store to avoid The Wandering Physicist in the main shop. They loop around the building to the main street as they make their way across town. Rei looks back and scowls back at the shop. Stormy pats his friend on the back, and they walk off together.

Not too far from the shop, the pair come across Apple Bloom coming up the road on her own. She is alone since Sweetie Belle is away and Scootaloo is with her family. She is looking as down as Rei is about the holiday.

‘Hey, squirt,’ Stormy greets. ‘How’s it?’

Apple Bloom looks up at the colt. She looks like she is about to cry.

‘So same as us, huh?’ Apple Bloom nods. ‘Well, stick with us. We’re going to get free food and bitch about our parents. It will be fun.’

Apple Bloom thinks for the moment. She looks down the block towards her original destination then back at Stormy and the despondent Rei. She turns and gives Rei a hug around one of her forelegs and gets a tearful hug in return. The trio trot away as Stormy leads the griping about the holiday.

Rei is back at home for dinner. It is unusually silent since Rei is still depressed about the holiday. Her day out with Stormy and Apple Bloom only put the three into worse moods. Rei is barely poking at her food and is only on her second helping. The Concerned Physicist has noticed this and is worried for his daughter.

‘Rei? Are you okay?’

Rei looks up then goes back to picking at her dinner.

‘Rei, you know you can talk to me about anything.’

Rei glares at her plate. ‘I hate you so much.’

‘What? I am sorry for whatever I did.’

‘You are sorry for all of the lies? All of the lies you have saying since the moment I got here?’

The Wandering Physicist is surprised. ‘What are you talking about?’

Rei grits her teeth and shakes. ‘I know.’

The Wandering Physicist is instantly worried. ‘Know what?’

‘I know you are my father. Or the other you. The one from my world. You and Luna. Lying my whole life.’

‘Rei, I’m...’

‘Shut up!’ A burst of electrical energy surrounds Rei.’ My whole life! Fourteen years! All of the years spent with Luna and the other you and their kids and now half a year with you! All of you knew I wanted parents and you lied to me! All of those years! Crying myself to sleep every night! You tortured me for no reason! I felt so miserable for so many years! There were times when I wished I had never been born!’ She stands from the table. ‘Now, I wish it was you who were dead.’

Rei gallops to her room and slams the door. The Wandering Physicist stares in shock as tears fall down his face.

The next morning, The Wandering Physicist is moping around The Power Block. He is watching the store from the counter as customers go about their business. He sees a pegasus filly look around nervously, pick up a game and ‘hide’ it under a wing. She starts milling about the store. The main entrance opens, and the new customer goes straight to the counter.

‘Hey, Applejack.’

Applejack stops in her tracks. The filly makes a ‘causal’ path for the door while she thinks the owner is distracted. The Wandering Physicist aims his sonic and sonics the game she had ‘hidden.’

Applejack is surprised. ‘Y’all used mah real name.’

‘So what brings you by?’

‘Wha? Oh. Sorry. Ah am still a little thrown by ya usin’ mah name.’

‘Yeah... Well, I have been a little down after a fight with Rei last night. She was mad at me because of the holiday.’

‘So Apple Bloom ain’t the only one... She said she had seen Rei, and they had talked. Ah figured she was the reason Apple Bloom was so upset.’

‘I didn’t know she saw Apple Bloom. I thought Rei spent all day with Stormy.’ The answer clicks in his head. ‘Stormy.’

‘Rarity’s assistant? What does he have to do with why our loved ones are upset?’

The Wandering Physicist sighs. ‘If I were Lyra, I would say I could count how many parents he likes on one hand.’

Applejack scowls. ‘Right.’ She sighs. ‘It is jus’ so hard bein’ a good role model when yer jus' a sister an’ everypony else has their parents t’ look up t’.’

‘I don’t think I have it any easier given my situation.’

‘Shoot. Yer more o’ a parent than Ah am. If Ah didn’ know better, Ah woulda thought ya were her dad from the start.’

‘Right... From the start...’

Both of the adults sigh.

‘Ah wish there were some way Ah could tell Apple Bloom it is okay.’

‘I can’t get to Rei without Stormy being an issue. If only we could get them all together at once and let them air their grievances and have an open dialogue with them.’

‘Ah wouldn’ mind talkin’ t’ Rei if ya don’ mind talkin’ to Apple Bloom. Heck, Ah’ll even supply the rope if we have t’ hogtie Stormy t’ get his attention.’

The Wandering Physicist shrugs. ‘I guess that is a plan. Let’s meet up at Sweet Apple Acres in an hour. ... I’ll talk with Stormy first. We’ll keep tying him up as a back up plan.’

The Wandering Physicist and Applejack brohoof and set off to round up the kids.

The Wandering Physicist and Applejack have gathered Rei, Stormy and Apple Bloom at the farm. The younger ponies are giving the adults angry glares, except Rei who is just laying on the ground and sulking. Neither side knows what to say first.

‘Can I go home?’ Rei glares. ‘My REAL home.’

‘Rei, you know that this is your home now,’ The Concerned Parent explains. ‘If I could have sent you home, I would have respected your wishes and taken you there myself.’

‘Whatever,’ Rei kicks the dirt in front of her muzzle.

‘Tch.’ Stormy snorts. ‘You would have just gotten rid of her like her parents did. You’re as bad as they are.’

‘Hey! That is not true,’ The Wandering Physicist growls. ‘I am very concerned for her well-being, and I want to respect her wishes. If Rei wants to go home and I had a way to help her, I would gladly, if tearfully, give her all of the help I could.’

‘As tearful as the other you when he gave her up to begin with?’ Stormy shoots.

‘Ya gave her up! Why would ya do a thin’ like that!’ Apple Bloom cries.

‘That wasn’t... It is complicated.’

‘Don’ go beatin’ up Jimmy fer somethin’ he didn’ do. He has been a good role model fer little Rei,’ Applejack defends.

‘Right. That is why she gets in trouble at school at least once a week.’ Stormy shakes his head. ‘Just like a father to not care about their kids.’

‘Whoa!’ The Wandering Physicist is shocked. ‘Just because you and I had bad experiences, doesn’t mean all fathers don’t care. I hate to put Rei on the spot like this, but she gets notes from home all of the time.’

Rei buries her head in the dirt. She moans. ‘They’re in your mouth-writing.’

‘Well, yeah, because he’s your... Can we not talk about that now?’

‘Why? Is she embarrassing you?’ Stormy jeers.

‘Hey! Ah thought Ah said t’ quit beatin’ him up.’

‘Fine, big sis. If ya are mah big sis,’ Apple Bloom grumbles.

‘Hold yer horses there, little missy. Ya know Ah’m yer sister.’

‘Oh yeah? Let’s ask our parents t’ prove it. Oh right. We can’t!’ Apple Bloom shouts.

‘Apple Bloom, Ah...’

‘Ya what? Why can’t we talk ‘bout our parents this time? Can’t see no apples in the trees, so it can’t be that. Ya slopped the hogs earlier, so it ain’t that. Ya ain’t in town so it can’t be ‘cause ya have t’ work. Why now?’

Applejack looks away as she tries to think without facing her upset sister. ‘Apple Bloom, Ah, uh, Ah mean...’

‘Right. You can tell us to behave like adults, but you can’t treat us as equals.’

‘Stormy, give it a rest.’

‘Tch. You’re not my dad. He’s in jail. Hell, Rarity is the one helping me get emancipated. You’re not doing anything for me.’

The Wandering Physicist snarls. ‘I let you use my house as your clubhouse.’

‘Way to belittle your kid’s friends. Just because she has friends at her age doesn’t mean you can live through them.’

Applejack barely stops The Wandering Physicist before he can take a swing at Stormy.

‘Tch. Just another so-called father figure who wants to see me in pain. Was that why you took me back to the night my mom died? See little Strawberry suffer for you?’

‘I wanted you to know she cared for you to the end.’ The Wandering Physicist growls through clenched teeth. ‘I know it hurts sometimes, but we can make some good memories from the bad.’

‘What Jimmy says is right.’ Applejack agrees. ‘We can’t obsess on the past. We have t’ live in the now.’

‘Then why can’t Ah celebrate the holiday like everypony else now?’ Apple Bloom huffs.

‘Apple Bloom, we’ll talk ‘bout it when ya are a big pony.’

‘AH AM A BIG PONY!’ Apple Bloom shrieks. ‘Jus’ ‘cause Ah don’ have mah cutie mark don’ mean ya can’t treat me like a grownup!’ She looks away and forces back tears. ‘If Mr Wanderer really were on our side, he’d agree. He treats everypony the same... At least he did befer now...’

‘Apple Bloom.... I would help if I cou...’

Stormy steps in front of the young filly. ‘I think she has had enough of what you had to say.’ He glares at the adults. ‘You can’t keep treating her like a kid and expecting her to follow you.’

‘I never treated her or any of her classmates like kids, and they know it.’

‘Then how come ya ignore me when Ah tell ya Applejack likes ya?’ Apple Bloom sniffs.

Applejack’s eyes dart. ‘Ah never said that.’

‘Then how come ya talk about him all the time?’ Apple Bloom asks. ‘Ah even heard ya sayin’ his name one night after we went t’ bed.’

Applejack turns beet red. The Wandering Physicist is frozen in shock.

‘Pervert.’ Stormy shakes his head. ‘Good role model indeed.’

‘What is Stormy talkin’ about?’

Applejack looks at her sister. Apple Bloom’s persistent stare, Stormy’s disapproving glare, and The Wandering Physicist’s surprised look causes Applejack to reach the maximum levels embarrassment. Instead of an answer, she starts displaying all of the usual nervous habits Fluttershy shows on an average trip to the market.

‘...’ Applejack squeaks in a volume and pitch that would put Fluttershy to shame.

‘Tch. Thought so,’ Stormy snorts. ‘Should just get Rei to explain it like with Sweetie Belle. That is if Rei ever comes back.’


The Wandering Physicist looks around Rei has disappeared. She is not even seen flying away. After a moment of thought, a thought occurs to The Wandering Physicist.

‘Damn it.’ He turns to Applejack. ‘I need your help.’

Applejack just blushes and kicks at the ground. The Wandering Physicist growls and turns back to the kids.

‘I am honestly and truly sorry we could not work this out, but I really don’t want Rei getting in trouble or hurt if she is going to do what I think she is going to do.’

‘Whatever,’ Stormy rolls his eyes. ‘Just abandon us too.’

‘Stormy, I know you probably get this all the time, but it is not your fault. Okay? As bad as everything was, it is not your fault. You have a lot to be happy about right now.’ Stormy grumbles to himself. ‘And Apple Bloom, your sister loves you a lot. Give her a break if she is really uncomfortable talking to you about something. When she is ready to talk to you about something, she will.’

Apple Bloom looks down and kicks the dirt. The Wandering Physicists gives one last sigh then turns to run. Applejack is still fumbling with the ground. The Wandering Physicist pulls her tail and motions to follow. Applejack looks around then follows him as he gallops off. Stormy sighs then looks down at Apple Bloom.

‘I’m sorry for some of the stuff I said. I guess,’ Stormy mumbles.

‘It’s okay,’ Apple Bloom replies. ‘Ah jus’ wanna lay down for a bit.’

‘Be safe, kid.’

Stormy and Apple Bloom break up as he goes back to town and she goes back to her home.

The Wandering Physicist leads Applejack through her orchards. He seems to be galloping towards nothing in particular.

‘Jimmy, where are ya headin?’ Applejack asks.

‘Rei ran off. I think I know where she is going if we can beat her there...’ The Rushing Physicist explains.

In the distance, the sound of a TARDIS phasing away is heard. The Wandering Physicist growls and gallops harder. He and Applejack reach a clearing right when a tree disappears.

‘Damn it, Rei!’

The Wandering Physicist gets out his mobile and starts entering commands.

‘What in tarnation was yer shippy thing doin’ in mah farm?’

The Wandering Physicist sighs. ‘I was hoping everything was going to be worked out, and I was going to take us all out for ice cream. I know a great place in New York.’

Applejack thinks. ‘New what?’

‘It is this really cool human city. A bit like your Manehattan.’

Applejack glares. ‘Humans ain’t real, ya know.’

‘You fought robot ponies from space. What makes you think humans aren’t real?’

Applejack snorts. The Wandering Physicist raises his mobile above his head. A beam of light shoots out into the sky, piercing the heavens and causing ripples in space-time.

‘Whatcha y’all doing?’

‘Hitching us a lift. I just hope he is listening.’

‘Ya mean that perfessor fella? Shouldn’ we ask Derpy if she’s seen him?’

‘You never know where (or when) he could be...’ The sound of a TARDIS dematerializing is heard. ‘There we go!’

A blue police box materializes out of nowhere. The Doctor pops his head out, but his face and mane are different and he is noticeably younger. He is wearing a very sharp bow tie. He looks around, confused.

‘Did somepony ring me?’ He notices why he is here. ‘Oh. James. I should have guessed.’

‘I’m assuming I don’t tell you between now and now that I need a lift now?’

‘I would have remembered if you did and would have thumbed my nose at you and made funny noises.’

‘Charming. I see you have a bit of your fourth’s playful spirit.’

‘Wait a tic. Who is this pony?’ Applejack asks.

The Doctor adjusts his bow tie. ‘I am The Doctor.’

‘But ya look nothin’ like him.’

‘Uh... Wibbly-wobbly...’ ‘Timey-whimy...’ The two Time Lords explain.

Applejack shakes her head. ‘Y’all are the weirdest aliens Ah ever met.’

The Wandering Physicist turns to The Doctor. ‘Can we get a lift?’

‘Only if there is some major, universe-shaking, whole-planet-exploding, massive, Dalek-y, super nova-y...’

‘Rei has my TARDIS.’

‘So worse than all of that combined?’ The Doctor immediately turns into his TARDIS. ‘Come on in!’

The two ponies enter the TARDIS. Applejack is shocked by what she sees as The Wandering Physicist goes up to the console to go over the hunt for his kid.

‘Now Ah know y’all ain’t the other professor since his ship thingy was all different like.’

‘Yeah. Less organic and more steampunk.’ The Wandering Physicist turns to The Doctor. ‘I like what you’ve done with the place.’

‘Why thank you. New face. New body. Figured, what the hell, new TARDIS.’

‘Whoa. Stop there. We don’t want any spoilers so we can’t accidentally change history.’

‘When have you cared about spoilers? Mr Mobile-to-GameFAQs-of-the-Future.’

‘Y’all have a way o’ knowin’ what games are comin’ out in the future? When are we gettin’ another Harvest Moon or Rune Factory?’ Applejack asks excitedly before catching herself. ‘Ah, uh, am askin’ fer a...’ Two Time Lords glare back. ‘Ah’m askin’ fer me.’

‘You can just come by the store.’ Applejack kicks at the deck of the TARDIS. ‘... Unless that causes thoughts like what Apple Blo...’

‘That never happened!’

The Doctor looks between the two ponies and opens his mouth.

‘Spoilers!’ The Wandering Physicist shouts.

‘Right! Um... Where are we going?’

‘Oh right!’ The Wandering Physicist starts going over the controls. ‘I have a program that sends my TARDIS to an ice planet ten minutes in the future unless I am the pilot. We just have to arrive there nine minutes in the future.’

‘How do ya set somethin’ t' ten minutes in the future if ya don’ know if what y’all are... Arg!’ Applejack hold her head in pain.

‘She does have a point. You can’t have your TARDIS do that.’

A loud noise comes from The Doctor’s TARDIS.

‘You stay out of this!’

The Doctor joins The Wandering Physicist at the console. They manipulate the controls, causing the TARDIS to travel much more smoothly. Applejack just watches in awe at the display of raw technology before her. Eventually, the TARDIS stops making noise and the Time Lords back down.

‘Okay. Applejack, be ready to catch a really fast object...’ The Wandering Physicist warns.

The Doctor counts down from a display. ‘Right... about...’ He claps his hooves and the doors open. ‘Now!’

‘Say what?’

Applejack turns around just in time to get tackled by by a speeding Rei. The pair tumble down to the lower level of the TARDIS console room.

‘Great catch!’

‘That was more fun than the game with the sticks!’

‘Thanks fer lettin’ me in yer little plan,’ Applejack grumbles as she puts her hat back on.

‘Well, we did try to warn you.’

‘Ten minutes minus nine minutes. Not that fancy mathematics.’

Applejack grumbles. Rei picks herself up and shakes her head to clear her mind. She turns around just in time to get hugged by The Wandering Physicist.

‘I forgive you.’

Rei does not respond. She just grabs The Wandering Physicist back and starts sobbing.

‘There, there,’ The Wandering Physicist comforts. He looks up at The Doctor. ‘Thanks again, Theta. We’ll be heading home now.’

Back at The Power Block, Applejack is sitting at the table while The Wandering Physicist comes out of Rei’s room. He sits at the table and lets out a long sigh.

‘I was able to remove her windows so she won’t fly off,’ The Wandering Physicist explains. ‘She is still too emotional to talk with me though. So much anger and sadness...’

‘Apple Bloom is still mad at us. She has Big Macintosh guardin’ her door too.’

‘And then there is Stormy....’

Both adults look down and sigh.

‘Sometimes Ah hate bein’ the Element of Honesty.’

‘I think a little bit of honesty is what we both need right now.’

Applejack is the first to look up. ‘Ah never really wanted t’ ask, but is Rei really yer kid? Like from the future or somethin’?’

‘No... and yes.’ Applejack tilts her head in confusion. ‘She is really from a different Equestria, years in the future. And...’ He looks up. ‘You have to Pinkie Promise to tell nopony what I am about to tell you.’ Applejack quickly goes through the motions. ‘Okay. Yeah. She is the daughter of the me and the Luna of that universe. They knew she was going to be lost to them one day, but they still tried to give her a good life. They left a secret message asking not to reveal her past, but I am a bit of a dolt and I accidentally told her.’

‘Shouldn’ that make her happy t’ know her roots?’

‘If your parents raised you like you were a stranger’s child for fifteen years, would you be happy if they suddenly said “Surprise! We’re really your parents”?’

‘Hmm. Ya have a point.’

The Wandering Physicist moans. ‘I guess I have to tell her and take all of the hell that she will bring down.’

‘That’d be a good idea.’

There is a pause between the pair.

‘What about you?’ The Wandering Physicist asks.

‘What about me what?’

‘What are you not being honest about?’

Applejack purses her lips and her eyes dart. ‘Ah ain’t hidin’ nothin’.’

‘Is what Apple Bloom said true? Are you using me for your after hours entertainment?’ The Wandering Physicist giggles a little.

Applejack scowls. ‘Ah only did that once...’

The Wandering Physicist giggles again. ‘Really?’ He laughs to himself. ‘What is it about us? Everypony just seems to like us.’

Applejack blushes. ‘Don’ act so smug.’

‘Sorry. Sorry. Just with Twilight and Pinkie and Selene and Fluttershy and Octy. Now you...’

‘It ain’t like there many good stallions out there. If y’all were single, then maybe, maybe, Ah’d consider ya.’

‘Except for that one night when you were lonely.’

Applejack growls. ‘That. Never. Happened.’

‘You seriously never once thought of me that way? Not one romantic thought? Didn’t consider one little kiss?’

‘Ah never thought o’ ya that way.’

‘Come on. One kiss to see if you feel anything?’

‘The only thing that would be felt if ya tried kissin’ me would be mah hooves buckin’ ya across town.’

‘Okay. Okay. I’ll drop it.’ He sighs. ‘We still have our little problems.’

‘Right.’ Applejack thinks. ‘Ah can handle Apple Bloom. Ah think Ah have a way t’ get t’ her. And Ah think Ah have an idea on how to deal with Stormy.’

‘Okay. Looks like I get to spend some bonding time with my daughter. If you see me with a different face, know that Rei won.’

‘What does that mean?’

‘Oh, trust me. It will make sense.’


The adults stand up and start to leave.

‘Kiss for luck?’ The Wandering Physicist asks.

‘Watch it there.’

The Wandering Physicist laughs as he watches Applejack leaves. He goes to Rei’s door, takes a few deep breaths and knocks on the door.

‘Rei... We need to talk.’

Stormy is blasting heavy metal music in his room at the Carousel Boutique. It is his last chance to do so before Rarity returns. The music is so loud that he fails to notice the sounds of somepony entering the building. He does take notice when his door is bucked open. Before terrified unicorn colt can react, Applejack has him lassoed and hogtied in record time. With a flick of her ponytail (the one on her mane), Applejack even turns off the loud music. She stomps an angry hoof next to the scared colt.

‘Don’ even try usin’ magic or Ah’ll break it off.’ She leans in close. ‘And Ah don’ mean yer horn.’

Stormy’s eyes go wide, and he nods in agreement.

‘Good. Now listen t’ what Ah have t’ say and listen good.’ Applejack looks down and huffs. ‘Now, Ah know ya had a bum deal when it came t’ handin’ out fathers but from what Ah have heard y’all had a pretty decent mother. If y’all are gettin’ held up on the one parent ya have left, then yer doin’ it all wrong.’ She eases up a bit. ‘Shoot. The way he treated ya, Ah wouldn’ think of him as a parent anymore.’ She shakes her head. ‘But that ain’t the point. The point is that y’all should be celebratin’ the one real parent ya ever had. Y’all should bake her a cake or somethin’ and go eat it with her.’ Stormy whimpers at the thought. ‘Ah know that is mighty uncomfortable but if ya keep hidin’ from somethin’ uncomfortable, y’all will never get the closure and comfort ya need.’

Stormy looks away and mumbles, ‘I guess I understand...’

‘Good. ‘Cause if Ah hear ya talking like ya have been doin’ again, Ah will tie ya up and take ya out t’ see yer mother again mahself.’

Stormy winces.

Applejack unties her captive and tucks her rope away. ‘Now that we have an understandin’, Ah have t’ see mah sister.’

Applejack trots out of the room leaving a shell shocked Stormy. He watches Applejack leave and stares out of the door for a few moments before getting up, grabbing his music player and going to the kitchen.

Applejack heads up the farmhouse stairs towards her and Apple Bloom’s rooms. Outside of Apple Bloom’s room sits the red colossus of their older brother Big Macintosh. He has a look perfectly combining dutiful and bored in one very passive expression. Applejack braces herself and marches towards the door. Immediately, Big Macintosh blocks it with his bulk.


Applejack looks her brother square in the eyes. ‘Did she tell ya why she’s holed up in there?’

Big Macintosh backs away and shakes his head. Applejack leans in and whispers to her brother.

Apple Bloom is moping on her bed. She is just trying to shut out the world when there is a knock on her door. She looks up to see Big Macintosh poking his head in. He enters slowly and comes over to the bed. He sits next to his littlest sister, causing her to bounce when his mass comes down. The two siblings look at each other.

‘Ah heard why yer upset,’ Big Macintosh states. ‘Ya shoulda come t’ me first fer the whole story.’

Applejack peeks in on her siblings talking. She gets a big smile to see Apple Bloom finally cheering up, if just a little. She sighs and leans against the door frame as she listens to Big Macintosh talk about their parents.

The next day, The Wandering Physicist and Rei are working in The Power Block. Rei flies to the counter from the back rooms. She sets the company Chromebook on the counter. She gives her father a hug.

‘Inventory done, otoosan.’

The Wandering Physicist shakes his head. ‘I am never going to get used to that.’

The door to the shop opens, and Applejack heads straight to the counter.

‘How may I help you today, Mr Purple?’

Applejack flinches. ‘Sounds like y’all are back t’ normal.’

‘Took some time, but we worked out most of the issues.’

‘Time machines are not toys,’ Rei adds.

‘Good girl,’ The Wandering Physicist reaches up and pats Rei on the head.

‘Ya mind if Ah talk t’ Jimmy alone?’

Rei lets her father go and lands behind the counter. The Wandering Physicist and Applejack head to one of the back hallways. Applejack waits until she is sure nopony is listening before speaking.

‘Ah jus’ wanted t’ thank ya privately fer helping with Apple Bloom.’

‘I didn’t do anything and you know it.’

‘Well, that’s just, uh, but...’ Applejack thinks. ‘Well, thank ya anyway. Y’all were a good support t’ have.’

‘Always there for a friend. You’re not the only super loyal pony around here.’

Applejack nods. ‘Ah really appreciate it.’ She looks around nervously. ‘Uh, jus’ one more thing.’

Applejack leads The Confused Physicist the back entrance to the alley behind the shop. She looks around to make sure nopony is looking.

‘What is it you wanted to...’

Applejack quickly kisses The Shocked Physicist on the lips. She backs away and blushes.

‘That was a nice surprise.’

‘Don’ rub it in. It is embarrassin’ enough t’ do that.’

The Wandering Casanova smiles. ‘Feel anything?’

Applejack glares. ‘Aside from embarrassment, nothin’ at all. Told ya.’

The Wandering Physicist shrugs. ‘I guess that’s good. I’d hate for my relationships to get more complicated than they are already. I know you’ll find somepony who will be perfect for you.’

Applejack tries turning her nose up, but she breaks her facade when The Wandering Physicist offers her a brohoof. They brohoof and part ways with Applejack making her way around the shop. A good distance away she glances back. Instantly, her lips purse and her eyes dart.

‘Nothin’ at all...’

Bonus Scene

Author's Note:

Current TWP Love Triangle: Twilight vs Luna vs Pinkie vs Fluttershy (vs Applejack vs Octavia)

TWP Timeline: First kiss from Applejack. TWP officially adopts Rei.

Story Timeline: First appearance of the Eleventh Doctor. Rei finally has a family.

Fun fact: I lucked that that Applejack's parents were more or less confirmed for dead. It made her unease about talking about her parents work even more in this chapter. Like Stormy, she can be seen as having a hard time moving on after her parents' death or disappearance. I really wish the series would deal with this issue since it would give her a powerful backstory element. When it was heavily implied that her parents were gone, she moved way up on my favorite character list.

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