• Published 25th Feb 2012
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The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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Turning Neighponese

Main Characters: Many
Cameos: Sugar Cloud, Shining Armor
Original Write Date: July 8, 2012

The Sleeping Physicist moans as he tries to roll over in bed. A mass on top of him impedes his movement. He cracks his eyes a little. Feathers. Damn it, Rei. The mass is too heavy. He opens his eyes more. Yellow-brown feathers.

‘Damn it, Daring,’ James moans.

‘Hey, cuddly,’ Daring greets.

‘I thought I told you to sleep in your own bed.’

‘Who said anything about sleeping? But now that you’re up...’

The Amorous Archaeologist rolls on top of The Pinned Physicist and leans in for a kiss. James dodges but still ends up getting his cheek nuzzled.

‘Can’t you find another way to entertain yourself other than constantly hitting on me?’

‘Sure! Just let me pop out for a quick fly around town to visit my friends, or maybe I can take off for an adventure like I used to have. Oh, right! I can’t! Somepony won’t let me!’

Ever since James helped Daring Do with her depression and brought her to his time, the former archaeologist has been confined to the residence above The Power Block. She has her own room and free access to the rest of the house, but she cannot go out without risking somepony recognizing her. The past week has been hell while James and Daring try to figure out a safe way to let her free. The internet, video games and movies only go so far with somepony used to stretching her wings and flying all around the world.

‘You know that you will be recognized. Do you really want risk being found out?’


‘You can’t just throw on a pair of glasses and not have anypony see through you. It is a lot more comp...’ James pauses for a long time. ‘Shut up.’

‘I didn’t say anything.’

‘Not you.’ He points towards the door. ‘Her.’

Rei giggles at the doorway. ‘Daddy finally gets it. Also, get back to the kissy times. Those are fun to watch.’

It is late in the evening when Princess Celestia finally gets to bed. Despite being the Princess of the Day, she still has many duties that must be attended to at night. She climbs into bed and magically seals her chambers so she can get some well-earned rest.

Celestia collapses onto her bed in the least regal fashion, immediately pulling all of the pillows under herself. She does not even bother with a blanket to cover herself as her hind legs give out. Her whole body is in the most undignified of poses, one raised tail short of flagging the next pony to enter the room. Celestia giggles to herself as she imagines the reaction of various members of her staff to her position. She shifts her upper body around to get a little more comfortable when she notices an extra mass on the bed. She turns her head to look and instantly groans at what she sees.

‘Hey, princess,’ James greets as he stares at Celestia’s face.

‘I am so firing the royal locksmith.’

‘Royal locksmith? I hope my taxes don’t pay for that.’

‘What do you want, Mr Wanderer?’

‘Can I borrow your perception filter? I need to make one for a friend, and I want a reference point.’

‘If I do, you are going to owe me.’

‘Well, I heard Octy was going to be doing a concert soon. Still have the rubber bands?’

Celestia sits up, leans towards James and grins. ‘I have something else in mind.’

‘If you try, I am telling Twilight.’

The princess scowls. ‘I despise you.’ She leans back. ‘I assume this has to do with your little friend you picked up.’

‘Whatever do you mean?’

‘I know about Daring Do. You didn’t think you can hide a famous cover-up like that from me, did you?’

James snorts. ‘I’ll have to have some words with Kaeko when I get back.’

‘That is a splendid way for you to make it up to me. It has been so long since I had a holiday...’

‘About a month or so according to your sister.’ He grins. ‘How are your sunburns?’

Celestia growls, ‘My flesh is as pristine and supple as ever, not that you care to find that out.’

‘Is that a wrinkle?’

The princess gasps and turns around. She levitates a mirror over and examines her face carefully. James laughs and hops off the bed. He gets a necklace from atop a dresser.

‘I’ll have this back in the morning, in time for your donut run.’

Celestia magically plucks the necklace from the stallion. ‘Not so fast. You didn’t hear my demand.

‘Blah blah blah you have wrinkles. That is all I need to know.’

‘You mentioned your friend from Neighpon. I mentioned a holiday. I wish for you to take me to Neighpon for a holiday.’


‘I might have a way of helping with your Daring Do problem on a more permanent basis than risking her with a perception filter. Or do you wish Twilight Sparkle learning you are living with another mare that is still not her?’

James rubs his temple and sits. ‘Fine. I’m listening.’

A short, white pegasus serves Octavia a trenta cup of coffee. The earth pony breathes deep as she holds the cup in her hooves.

‘Thanks, Sugar Cloud. I just wish it came in a bigger size.’

‘Me, too,’ the pegasus sighs.

Octavia holds the drink in her front hooves and walks to a table. She closes her eyes as she takes a long sip. She stops drinking and whips her right foreleg out, drawing a cello bow at the same time.

‘Nice way to thank me for getting us a gig,’ a calm voice replies.

Octavia lowers her drink to see Lyra’s smiling face. The unicorn seems unfazed by the bow at her throat.

‘Who’s the target?’

‘Just our target audience.’

Octavia grumbles and goes back to her coffee.

‘Hear me out!’ Lyra pleads. ‘Our album went platinum as soon as it went gold. We have an obligation to our fans.’

‘That makes no sense. Those are two different numbers of albums sold. You can’t reach both at once.’

‘Sorry. Mr Wanderer has been hiding Daring Do at his place this past week. I have been overloaded with gamer speak.’

Octavia spits out a sip of coffee. ‘He has been what!’

Lyra puts a hoof to her lips. ‘Shh! Quiet! I thought it was your people that helped hide her in the first place. Anyway, we have to get ready for our trip. It is going to be sweet.’

‘Our group was just a cover. Not anything to be taken seriously. We only need it if we have a major threat to deal with.’

‘I booked us at the Budokan.’

Octavia freezes mid-sip. Her coffee starts spilling on her chest and legs. She slowly lowers her cup. ‘Did you just..?’


‘And Silver is onboard?’

‘Indeed, I am,’ a new voice says from beside Octavia.

The cellist looks towards the new voice. A neon green pegasus with a shining silver mane is sipping her coffee. She sets down her drink and smiles.

‘It has been too long since I was in Neighpon on anything other than a break-in. And if my fans demand to hear my singing voice again, I cannot deny them.’

‘Then it is settled,’ Octavia nods. ‘We will play the only venue my mother could never book!’

The earth pony poses on her hind legs with a foreleg raised in triumph! Her friends groan at her behaviour.

‘Hells yeah! Let’s rock them!’

Octavia back looks and instantly grimaces. Vinyl is standing right behind her, levitating a drink of her own.

‘We’ll turn that mother out, yo!’ the DJ cheers. The others glare at the loud unicorn. Sugar Cloud hides from the possible confrontation. Vinyl’s grin grows wider. ‘What? Ya weren’t thinkin’ about leaving without your sound engineer, were ya?’

The other ponies groan and go back to their coffee.

Twilight looks into a telescope as she gazes at the heavens. James sits next to her, staring in the same direction. Around them, the other members of the astronomy club watch objects of their own.

‘Isn’t it amazing? Visual proof of dark matter. Theorists win yet again,’ The Wandering Physicist muses.

Twilight looks at her coltfriend. ‘So what were you saying about a trip to Neighpon? Is this some sort of con thing like when we went to Seaddle last month?’

‘Actually, uh, it was just part of a deal to get ahold of a perception filter. I need to borrow Celestia’s.’

‘Can’t you make one of your own?’

‘I could whip up a simple one, but I need to make a more complex one and could use a base for the design.’ He looks over at Selene and Cloudchaser at another telescope. ‘Besides, would you have preferred I ask somepony else?’

Twilight snorts. ‘I much more prefer this way.’ She goes back to the telescope. ‘I’m surprised the princess didn't have another option you could consider.’

‘Uh... Right...’

The Furious Physicist stands on Celestia’s back. He has one foreleg around her neck and is aiming his sonic screwdriver at her horn. She is pinned to the ground near a black, insectoid/pony-like creature that is chained to the ground. They are surrounded by royal unicorn and pegasus guards. Shining Armor levitates a spear beside him as he steps forward.

‘Let her go, Wanderer!’

‘After you let it go! You cannot keep a living being as some science experiment!’

‘Mr Wanderer, the creature can teach us things about changeling magic,’ Celestia argues. ‘We can make great strides in our study of illusions and cloaking magic. We can be better prepared in case they come back.’

‘You are torturing the poor creature. Free! It! Now!’

‘Isn’t that what you are doing to me?’ Celestia groans.

‘Only if it is chained for one second longer.’

The princess shudders. ‘You are paying for the entire trip.’

‘I figured as much.’

‘Shining Armor.’

‘Yes, Princess Celestia?’

‘Free the changeling. Let it escape back to the swarm.’

‘Are you sure that is wise? You are not giving into a terrorist threat.’

‘Let’s just say this is far kinder than his argument for granting non-pony citizens the right to vote.’

‘Was that covering the city in poison joke flowers or organizing nationwide protests on your birthday?’

‘The poison joke one. I was the one that helped you fill the parliament building, remember?’

James laughs. ‘Good times.’

‘Uh... Princess?’

Celestia glares at Shining Armor. ‘Just release it already. And find me the general whose idea it was to cage it. I feel a public dressing down is in order.’

‘Y-yes, mum!’ Shining turns to the guards. ‘Guards, release the changeling! We are, uh...’

‘Escort,’ Celestia supplies.

‘We are to escort it from the city.’


‘Escort it from the country.’

‘Full honor guard, right, Celi?’

‘Indeed, Mr Wanderer.’

Shining Armor groans. ‘Guards... Do as they say.’

The changeling is unbound. It snarls at the guards as it figures out what is going on. James smiles and offers a friendly hoof. It sniffs then backs to a safe corner. Celestia stands, dropping her captor to the ground. She bows to the changeling.

‘You are free to leave now. I humbly apologize for your captivity.’ She turns to James. ‘Is that delicious eatery open late nights?’

‘It should still be open now.’

‘Wonderful! Captain Shining Armor, I am sure you can handle it from here.’

‘Yes, mum...’ Shining Armor groans.

Celestia and James trot out together. The stallion stops to place a hoof on the defeated captain of the guard’s shoulder.

‘No hard feelings, right, bro? Well, I mean except the one. That I have. For you.’

The unicorn grimaces back at his little sister’s coltfriend.

‘Marry me,’ James says bluntly.

‘Mr Wanderer! I’m waiting.’ Celestia calls

James gallops to catch up with the princess. He turns and gives the ‘call me’ motion to the unfortunate unicorn.

James stares at his mobile. Twilight stares at the stallion, her eye twitching.

‘You two were behind that?’


‘And you hit on my MARRIED brother?’

‘Does he not have my number? I keep sending it to him. Maybe I need to be more direct.’

‘How expensive is this telescope?’


‘I’ll owe you.’

Twilight levitates the telescope and swings it like a sword. She chases her coltfriend across the park, swinging her delicate weapon. Selene laughs at the couple then turns to Cloudchaser.

‘Anyway, I was saying my sister is planning a holiday. She wants to know if you would like to join us, her treat of course.’

The next afternoon. Twilight has gathered her friends at the library with some big news for all of them.

‘We’re going to Neighpon!’ Twilight squeals. Her friends stare in shock at the announcement. ‘James owes Celestia a favor, and she is making him take us all on the trip. Isn’t that great?’ The other mares do not know how to react. ‘You’re not excited?’

‘This is a little sudden,’ Rarity replies.

‘I know. What are we supposed to pack?’ Fluttershy wonders. The others look at her. ‘What? I have always wanted to visit Neighpon. I am not going to pass up this opportunity.’

‘This ain’t gonna end up like our trip out west, is it?’

‘I don’t think so,’ Twilight replies. ‘James is going to get us all rail passes so we can see the country at our leisure. I know of some places I want to visit that he doesn’t.’

‘Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!’ Pinkie gasps. ‘I have to study Neighponese parties! Twilight!’

The alicorn levitates a book she has prepared for her friend. Pinkie starts tearing through the book.

‘I guess I can find time...’ Rarity thinks. ‘Fluttershy... Stormy and I may need your sewing skills to finish a couple orders before we leave.’

‘I’m happy to help.’

‘What about you, Applejack?’ Twilight asks.

‘A free trip t’ another country? Ya think Ah’m dumb enough t’ say “no”?’

‘Excellent!’ Twilight smiles. ‘Rainbow?’

The pegasus stares ahead of her, frozen. ‘I get to fly over another country? SO! AWESOME!’

The whole group cheers.

‘So, I get to go too, right?’ Daring asks as she follows James into the kitchen.

‘I wouldn’t leave you behind, but I am hiring a handler for the trip.’

‘I handler? Why not just wrap me in a diaper hire a professional foalsitter while you are at it?’

‘I’m a great foalsitter!’ Rei chimes in.

‘Kaeko will do fine,’ James sighs. ‘You’ll hardly notice her.’

‘Kaeko-neesama is coming!’ Rei squeals.

The stallion shudders. ‘This is going to cost a fortune, but we are inviting everypony. Don’t forget to invite In...’

Rei flies out of the building before she hears the rest of the name. James laughs as he starts preparing dinner. Daring watches the filly’s flight before turning back to her host.

‘Aside from my handler, you have some other restriction, right?’

‘Just that, when in public, I ask you to wear the gift I left on your bed.’

Daring trots to her room. She returns holding a jeweled, flower-shaped hairpin.

‘Really? Something this gaudy? It looks like it belongs in a museum.’

‘It is perception filter,’ James explains. ‘As long as you are wearing it, everypony that hasn’t broken the filter will see a pink pegasus with a light blue mane.’

Daring grimaces. ‘That is horrible. You have no eye for color.’

‘All you need is a good cover. You can say your name is “Sally” and that you’re my half-sister if you think the pony will buy it.’

‘I guess it is better than being stuck here... Hey. How do I change the colors so I look, you know, not vomit-inducing?’

‘It took me all day to make that. Be grateful I figured out how to set it on something other than black mane and white coat.’

‘All day? You played games with your customers for a hour, took a break for a quick makeout session with the purple one, lunch with the pink one, locked yourself in your closet for a few hours then just came out now to make dinner.’

James spins around with a frown on his face. He pulls his sonic from nowhere and aims it at the hairpin. He turns back in a huff. ‘There. I randomized it. Now you can’t blame me if you look odd.’

‘Yes I can. You were the one who randomized it.’

‘INKIE SAID YES!’ Rei declares as she flies back into the house. She stops her excitement and looks into the kitchen. ‘Who is the yellow unicorn colt with purple mane you’re talking to, daddy?’

‘You made me a colt!’

James groans and keeps trying to make dinner.

A large group of ponies has gathered at Ponyville Train Station. A number are loading their luggage on the train while others are saying their sayonara to the travelers. Twilight Sparkle is giving the stink eye to a blue pegasus with a yellow-brown and grey striped mane.

‘Who is she?’ Twilight asks James.

The stallion ignores his fillyfriend. ‘All right everypony. We may have booked an entire car for ourselves and filled their baggage car, but the airship ain’t waiting for us. Finish the goodbyes and let’s start packing them in.’

Twilight snorts and follows the stallion as he makes his rounds.

‘Have fun, big sis,’ Apple Bloom encourages. ‘And, uh, can Ah get a better souvenir than a bag o’ seeds this time?’

Applejack laughs and ruffles her sister’s mane. ‘Of course Ah’ll get ya somethin’ nice. Ah’ll make sure t’ get lotsa pictures, too.’

Big Macintosh leans in and whispers to his sister. She blushes bright red.

‘Ah ain’t gettin’ ya a big doll from that creepy show ya like.’

Big Macintosh looks down and whimpers. A kind hoof is placed on his shoulder.

‘I’ll cover you,’ Lucas offers. ‘I plan on hitting Akihabara and Shibuya every day.’

‘What a coincidence. My boss will go with you to all of the trendiest fashion stores,’ Stormy teases. ‘I didn’t know you loved fashion.’

Lucas growls at the other unicorn and turns back to the large earth pony. ‘What show is it?’

Big Macintosh blushes and whispers.

‘Really?!’ Lucas looks around and leans in. ‘Harumi or Motoko?’


The two stallions share a subtle hoof bump. Applejack groans and shakes her head. James stops with the Apples to give Apple Bloom a hug.

‘James. That pegasus...’ Twilight nags.

Sweetie Belle gives her sister a big hug while the unicorn clears up some business before leaving.

‘So you are saying Lucas will go with me to the fashion district?’ Rarity asks Stormy.

‘Rarity!’ the younger unicorn shouts.

‘Oh! You’re still here.’

Sweetie Belle growls and bites her sister’s leg. The older unicorn screams. Stormy trots over to Rarity’s parents and shakes their hooves.

‘Take care of our girl, will ya?’ Rarity’s father says.

‘Don’t worry,’ Stormy assures. ‘As long as I’m around, she’ll be fine.’

‘Help! Get her off!’ Rarity screams, trying to shake Sweetie Belle free. ‘I think she has rabies!’

James laughs at the scene as he trots past.

‘James...’ Twilight growls.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo hoof bump. The younger pegasus steps back beside her mother as her mentor boards the train. Flitter gives her best friend a tearful hug.

‘Please take me with you!’ the crying pegasus begs.

Cloudchaser pats her friend on the back. ‘Sorry, but the trip is all booked. I don’t think Mr Wanderer put in any wiggle room.’

‘Nope. Sorry,’ James says as he passes.

‘Who is she!’ Twilight shouts as she follows.

‘Well, in that case...’ Flitter pouts. She sighs. ‘Just remember if Amy or anypony else gives you any trouble, Flitter will be there in a second to defend her CC.’

Cloudchaser laughs. ‘I’ll keep that in mind.’

James drags Twilight, who has latched to his tail, past Pinkie and Inkie getting loaded with snacks from the Cakes to where Rei, Fluttershy and Spike are chatting with the disguised Daring Do and Kaeko. The stallion looks around as everypony files onto the train. He nods and turns to enter. Twilight throws herself on him to stop the stallion once and for all.

‘Can you at least wait until we have a private moment before we do this?’ James asks.

‘Who is she?’ Twilight snaps.

James makes sure nopony is listening, adjusts his glasses, waits until the train whistle blows, leans up and whispers into Twilight’s ear, ‘Remember how you thought Daring Do killed herself...’

Twilight’s eyes go wide as he quickly explains everything to her. She lets the stallion up and backs away.

James dusts himself off. ‘And if you tell anypony...’

Twilight nods and follows her coltfriend onto the train. The train whistle blows again and the train starts pulling away from the station. All of the gathered friends and family wave and cheer their friends on their trip. The travellers crowd the windows to wave sayonara.

Stormy groans at their behavior as he settles for the ride to Canterlot. He looks around and pulls out his mobile once nopony is looking. He activates the video camera. ‘I’ll miss you everyday we are away, Trixie. Love you.’

The unicorn smiles as he sends the recording. The others eventually calm down and settle for the trip, Twilight warily watching the disguised Daring Do.

Bon Bon suns herself on the deck of an airship. No other passengers bother her as she calmly rests during the long trip to Neighpon. In fact, there are no other passengers around her at all until one trots over. Bon Bon recognizes the hoofsteps and sighs.

‘I know your family is rich, but is a private airship really necessary?’

Lyra grins. ‘Yeah... I tried to tell them. But after hearing the “horrors” ’ -- she waves her forelegs for effect -- ‘of flying first class, they insisted that was a worthy investment. Besides, I talked them out of gold-plating it.’

‘Yes, but a giant golden harp on everything?’

‘Well, not everything...’ Lyra spins around randomly. ‘Which is why we are searching your room before you step off the ship when we get to Neighpon.’

Silver freezes midstep. She is holding a drink in one hoof. ‘I didn’t take anything! Why do you always blame the professional thief if something is missing?’

‘Miss Silver,’ Bon Bon begins, ‘this may be the first time we are spending more than a dinner together, but I would think in regular company you would assume we didn’t know nor wanted to find out about your profession.’

‘Sorry. I just figured that with you being married to Lyra and all...’

‘I keep my nose out of her business...’

‘And I keep mine in hers!’ Lyra finishes.

Bon Bon groans.

‘What? I meant I like eating your candy. It was you being gross that time.’

Silver laughs at the couple. Octavia steps onto the deck. She is wearing a large hat tied tightly around her head to keep the wind from messing her mane. She looks at the disturbed Bon Bon, sheepish Lyra and giggling Silver and sighs.

‘I take it Lyra said something inappropriate about her wife again.’

‘Give her ten minutes...’ Bon Bon grumbles.

‘Did she say how nice your flank is? Was that it?’ Octavia blurts out.

Everypony stares at the normally conservative cellist.

‘She may have found your liquor cabinet,’ Silver nervously laughs.

Octavia trots over to the pegasus. ‘Speaking of sauced off her plot, why won’t your mom lighten up?’


‘As soon as she got the headmaster position, she has been nothing but work, work, work! She even started in the middle of the off season.’

‘Yeah. That sounds like her. She just wants to earn her paycheque.’

Octavia stares at the other mare. ‘Your family are the weirdest ponies I have ever met.’

Lyra laughs, ‘Hey, Octavia, while you’re drunk, who is the pony you love the most?’

Octavia glares at her friend. She opens her mouth to respond.

‘HEY TAVI! They are going to let me steer the ship!’ Vinyl shouts from across the ship.

‘VINYL!’ Octavia shouts back. She messes up her bow tie. ‘I wanted to be the first to do that.’

Octavia gallops to catch up with her friend. The other mares sigh.

‘I’ll take care of it,’ Lyra moans as she trots away.

Having met up with Selene and Amy in Canterlot, the massive group has crowded into the first-class cabin of the Celestia-class airship taking them to Neighpon. Most of the travelers are chatting and sharing plans for when they arrive. Fluttershy and Kaeko are among the few who are resting on the long trip. Twilight is still nervously watching Daring Do. None of the others seem to notice nor care about the odd pony randomly with the group. Rei, Rainbow Dash and Cloudchaser are flying around the ship. Selene sits with James as he fiddles with his mobile. The pegasus holds his sonic for him while he types.

‘Okay. Just about done. Sonic.’

‘Come and get it.’

James looks over. Selene smiles widely as she holds the sonic in her mouth. James swipes above the pegasus, hitting the horn hidden by the perception filter. She shouts and drops the sonic. The stallion wipes it off then zaps his mobile.

‘Can everyone get in here?’ James looks around. ‘Can somepony get the fliers? Flutters? Dar... uh?’

‘I got them,’ Daring replies as she trots out.

‘Who was..?’ Applejack starts.

‘Just a friend,’ James interrupts. He purses his lips and shifts his eyes.

Applejack tries to make eye contact with James, but he avoids her stare. She narrows her gaze, causing the stallion to sweat.

‘Twi, y’all know who she is?’

Twilight jumps in surprise. ‘Me? Why would I know anything about somepony I just met? Heh, heh. I don’t know anything, silly Applejack.’

The farmer snorts. Y’all are up t’ somethin’.’

Daring returns with the pegasi. James sighs in relief and gathers everypony around him.

‘Okay, everypony. It took some tricky work, but I convinced my ship to extend the translation matrix to all of you. If you have travelled with me before, you know what I am talking about and will be fine. To the rest of you, you might feel a slight tingle...’

James zaps his mobile again. Several in the group shout and grab their temples.

Vinyl, Silver and Bon Bon scream and grab their heads. Octavia and Lyra dart from their deck chairs to check on their loved ones.

The ponies just infused with the translation matrix groan from their positions on the ground. Selene tends to Cloudchaser. Rei cradles Inkie. Pinkie helps Rarity. Kaeko bats away all assistance while swearing in words everypony can now understand. Twilight cares for an unconscious Spike. Outside of first class, a random pony moans and holds his head. James grins and looks for Amy. She calmly smiles back at him.

‘I thought for sure...’

‘Uh...’ Amy trots over and whispers, ‘Some time in your future... Um... About four hundred years ago, I get to a very dark place. Really dark... You, uh, take me to see my parents and it really means a lot to me.’

‘Oh. Uh. Spoilers?’

Amy laughs and returns to her seat. Slowly, the others are helped to their seats as well. The attendants are called to bring water. The somewhat excited atmosphere for the trip has been dampened.

‘I know this is not what you want to hear right now,’ James begins, ‘but this is going to be a long trip. We still have at least a day at this rate. I suggest you settle in for now and relax.’

‘You relax with a jackhammer in your brain,’ Cloudchaser grumbles.

Others moan in agreement as the attendants return with their water. Applejack takes the opportunity to sit next to the disguised Daring.

‘So, uh, Miss...’

‘Yes?’ Daring smiles.

‘Right, uh, didn’ quite catch the name there?’

‘You didn’t? I’m sorry.’

‘Maybe y’all could remind me.’


The farmer growls. ‘Then how ‘bout ‘splaining why y’all didn’ react t’ Jimmy’s trick?’

‘I’d rather not.’

‘Ah’d rather not buck ya across the cabin, but Ah will if ya don’t give me a straight answer.’

Daring grins and leans close. ‘Why would I want to you a straight answer, cutie?’

Applejack balks, gets up and moves to a different seat. Daring laughs and settles in for the flight.

After over a day in travel time, the group finally lands in Neighpon. It takes the efforts of everypony to keep Rei from flying away before they get through customs. They pass without incident and are whisked off towards their hotel. James booked several suites at a high-end hotel in Haydo to serve as a base while they explore the country. Everypony slowly settles and starts getting into the rhythm of the new country.

After a couple days of acclimatizing and seeing sights around Haydo, the group is getting ready to split up and explore. They are all gathered in the hotel restaurant for breakfast as they make plans. Lucas is putting a fresh SD card in his camera, having filled one in just two days. Twilight has a large map spread over her table. It is covered in notes. Amy facehoofs and groans at the level of Twilight’s planning. Selene giggles at her sister.

‘And if you are interested in seeing some shrines...’

‘Or you just follow me,’ Rei brags. ‘I know where everything is.’

‘Rei-chan, my Neighpon is different from yours,’ Kaeko sighs.

‘The details are different, but all of the important stuff is like my world. I mean, Akihabara is still the same.’

‘Speaking of which,’ -- Lucas holds up his camera -- ‘who is with me?’

‘Again?’ James groans.

‘But it is Haruhi day at the cosplay cafe I found...’

Rei perks up. ‘Nagato-chan!’

She gets the nod from her father. The two ponies gallop off.

‘Inkie. Do you mind?’ James asks.

Inkie nods and chases after her friends. James looks over at Stormy.

‘Fine!’ the young stallion groans.

Rarity watches her ward leave. ‘So, um, Twilight, where are the good gem-finding locations? I want to get some shopping done today.’

Kaeko laughs. ‘Good luck with that.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘We were settled by mostly pegasi and earth ponies. The unicorns that tried, only found gems near the volcanoes. Have fun.’

‘Volc...’ the unicorn puts her head down and moans.

‘Selene and I were going to take a fly up the coast,’ Cloudchaser says. ‘Does anypony else want to come?’

‘No thanks,’ Fluttershy replies. ‘I read Twilight’s notes, all of the notes, on the shrines down south. I was thinking, if it is okay, to check them out. It sounds like there are a lot of nature preserves there too.’

‘If you are taking the train down, I’ll go with you,’ Twilight says. ‘There are a lot of museums that I would love to check out.’

‘I would love a...’

‘Me too!’ Pinkie interrupts. ‘I wanna go too!’

‘Then we better hurry if we don’t want to be stuck on the trains all day.’

The three friends get up and trot away together. Rainbow Dash and Daring join Cloudchaser and Selene. Kaeko groans and follows her charge. The rest of the ponies laugh and go back to finishing breakfast.

‘Tavi! I need some more money!’

The cellist growls and stops her practicing. ‘I just gave you thirty bits worth yesterday!’

‘Yeah, but there is more music I want to buy today.’

‘Why are you wasting all of your money before the show even starts?’

‘Well, I am writing you a song and...’

Octavia shoves a small sack of bits in Vinyl’s hooves. She is blushing. ‘Whatever. Just make sure you spend it wisely.’

Silver laughs as the unicorn prances away. Vinyl passes Lyra and Bon Bon as they trot into the group’s suite.

‘Hey! You’ll never guess who we saw at breakfast this morning,’ Lyra calls.

‘Was it her?’ Octavia points to a window.

Rei has her face on the glass. ‘Ohayo, Tavi-tan! Ohayo, Gin-chan! Ohayo, Lyra-sensei!’

‘I am not that small!’

‘Hi, Rei!’ Lyra waves as the filly flies away. ‘Actually, it was her dad, but that counts. He was there with the princesses.’

‘Ugh. Not another security mission.’ Octavia hits her head against her cello.

‘They are just here on vacation,’ Bon Bon snorts. ‘As are we. If I find out that any of you do any business other than your concert...’

‘I know, I know,’ Lyra groans. ‘You’ll put the horn where it ain’t supposed to go.’

‘Or the cello bow.’

Everypony pauses as they wait for Silver to repeat her threat. The seat the pegasus occupied is empty.

Bon Bon sighs, ‘At least she is one pony I don’t have to worry about doing something stupid.’

A flash of light fills a park. At the center of the flash, a cream-colored earth pony with a curly orange mane waves a laser gun around. She checks a scanner on her foreleg.

‘Right about on time.’ She taps a couple buttons. ‘Now to find the right place...’

She looks around and trots away.

An audience chanting is heard by ponies backstage at a concert. A white pegasus brushes her mane in her dressing room. There is a knock on her door.

‘We’re ready for you on stage.’

‘I’ll only be a moment longer.’ The pegasus sets down her brush and smiles, a long fang glinting in the light as her eyes flash green. ‘I know how much my audience loves me.’

Continued in:

Finding the Full Moon

The Boredom of Applejack and Rarity

Fluttershy the Combat Maid

F City, F Prefecture

RSI and the Mystery of FLCL

Live From Budokan

Author's Note:

Adventures in Neighpon - Part 1

Story Event: The next six chapters take place at about the same time. Feel free to read them in any order.

Fun fact: In the scene where TWP connects the brain of everypony that has yet to travel in the TARDIS to the translation matrix, there was supposed to be one more in pain: Stormy. He would have noted that it really was just a tingle, making fun of how much pain the horn cream causes him.

Fun fact: The hotel in Haydo they are staying at is based on a hotel I stayed at in Mastushima. It was a big, fancy, modern ryukan-style hotel with giant buffet worth the $100 per night price tag alone. It also had a bathhouse style bath for patrons that I found very relaxing.

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