• Published 25th Feb 2012
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The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

  • ...

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Chapter 99

Main Characters: Yes
Cameos: Also, yes
Original Start Date: September 24, 2011 and 99 more times afterwards.

Note: For new material, search ‘Deleted Scene’ and enjoy.
Characters featured (search): [TWP], [Twilight], [Pinkie], [Luna], [Fluttershy], [Applejack], [Rei & Inkie], [Del], [Celestia], [Stormy & Trixie], [The Trio ad Libitum & Daring Do], [CMC], [Etc?]


01 - A New Challenger Appears

The strange stallion places his hoofprint on the contract. The shopkeeper grins and rolls it up.

‘I’ll take care of this on my way out of town’ and to a well-earned, permanent vacation. ‘I hope you don’t mind starting work right away.’

The shop’s new owner has already hooked a Super Neightendo up to a television and places Equestriabound into the slot. ‘Oh. I am set.’

‘I can see that.. Anyway! I will be on my way.’ The shopkeeper puts on a hat and starts heading out of the door, then he stops. ‘Oh! I forgot to ask, but since I know the authorities will, what is your name.’

The mysterious stallion looks over his shoulder and smirks. ‘They call me, The Wandering Physicist.’


07 - Tea with The Doctor

‘Ever wonder about the name I chose?’ James asks.

‘Which? You have a different one depending who you ask,’ The Doctor replies.

‘What profession do you know that has the undying urge to try new things? To experiment and learn new things? To want to touch two bare wires to the tongue to see if they carry a live current?

The Doctor thinks. ‘That name really fits now that you say it.’ Pauses. ‘Also, the Schism would have scattered your atoms across time and space.’

‘Wouldn’t that be cool?’

‘No. No, it wouldn’t.’

‘Come on. Haven’t you ever just wanted to reach out and touch it? Know what it feels like, what is smells like, what it tastes like?’

‘I think I was right. You are completely bonkers.’

‘I never said I wasn’t.’


09 - Rage of a Time Lord

Twilight sits down and leans against the door. She gets out The Missing Physicist’s mobile and clutches it to her chest. She tries using her magic to get a clue to the barrier, but all of her spells fail. She sighs and waits. After what feels like forever but is really only a couple minutes, she hears a sonic screwdriver activate and the door unlocks. Twilight is instantly up and through the door. The door reseals itself after she is through.

The apartment is dark despite it being the middle of the afternoon. Twilight looks around desperately. Nothing looks as if it has even been thought about in the past week. Twilight eventually sees a small crack in the bedroom door.

‘Mr Wanderer?’

She spots him on his bed, facing away from the door. She cannot tell if he is alive since she see no movement, not even breathing. She steels herself and dares to climb up next to him.

‘I am sorry if I am intruding, but I will not leave your side.’

Getting no response, she lays away from him and sighs. Suddenly, a foreleg goes around her midsection. Twilight is shocked. She is even more shocked when another foreleg goes under her and the two lock her in a tight grip. The feeling of a muzzle strikes between her wings. Twilight sighs contently and pats the hooves that are around her.

Another shock hits Twilight. It is slightly noticeable at first, but then it becomes clear. She can hear The Crying Physicist bawling his eyes out. Twilight tries to resist, crying too, but she gives in and starts crying too.

The pair cry together for hours. Eventually, The Silent Physicist stops, but the silence between him and Twilight continues. The silent laying eventually turns into sleeping. Twilight quickly loses track of time. When she reawakens, she is certain it is the next day. She shifts a little, and The Wandering Physicist does not seem to react. Suddenly, she is squeezed again.

‘Confound you ponies.’


‘You know how to ruin a perfectly good bad mood.’


28 - Temporary Templar

The Wandering Physicist thinks. ‘Why not do some physics?’

‘Ya mean somethin’ like that relativity stuff ya taught us?’ Apple Bloom asks.

‘Not necessarily relativity since that is hard to test on the small scale, but there are all sorts of applied physics in everyday life,’ The Wandering Physicist explains.

‘Great. Here we go.’ Scootaloo rolls her eyes.

‘You can do astronomy and cosmology just by gazing through a telescope. The simple act of surfing is practical use of oceanography. Every rock we see is the product of geology and vulcanology, all of which are governed by everything from basic mechanics to thermodynamics even to quantum interactions. There is a whole world of physics around us!’

‘Cool!’ The young fillies cheer.

‘Boss, you’re drooling again,’ Lucas mumbles.


31 - A Trixie Situation

The Wandering Physicist awakes in a pitch black realm. Around him a number of other ponies are awakening as well. Most are his friends. A light appears above the gathered ponies, and Alphonse and Maxie appear.

‘Greetings, my little ponies,’ Alphonse jeers. ‘You have been... shall we say, “selected” to help us with a little negotiation of ours. See, your friend The Wandering Physicist is holding something very important to me, and I want it back. To do so, we have trapped you in this little illusion. You will awake in a matter of hours feeling refreshed... Well, some of you may. I’ll let my son explain.’

Maxie steps forward and smirks at The Wandering Physicist. ‘The rules of this little game are simple. You will be sent to a dream realm and tasked with surviving. Given your friend’s profession, I found it fitting to pick video game worlds as your test. If you get a game over in your game, you will not be joining us in the waking world. Likewise! If your character does not survive the game, it was nice knowing you.’

‘There you have it,’ Alphonse states. ‘Play your game and survive or die trying. … Although, there is another way out.’ He turns and glares at The Wandering Physicist. ‘You could turn Trixie over to me and the illusion will drop. Give her to me and all of your friends’ lives will no longer be in jeopardy.’

The Wandering Physicist looks around at all of his friends. Most are giving him encouraging looks. The rest are still trying to figure out what is going on. He looks up at their captors.

‘Go buck yourself.’

A number of ponies cheer at the response. Alphonse continues to glare down.

‘Fine. If you happen to change your mind, just tell us. We’ll be waiting.’

The unicorns disappear. One by one, all of the ponies start disappearing as well. Soon, everypony gathered is plunged back into darkness.


48 - A Well-Earned Break

Days later. James and The Doctor are having lunch at a cafe. They are on an alien planet. They watch as strange, hairless bipedal apes walk past them.


‘Yes, James?’

‘You know how you say your adventures are sometimes like great novels?’

‘Of course. Just the other day Derpy and I had an adventure with...’

‘That is all good but...’ James sips his drink and sighs. ‘Just sometimes I feel like my adventures are in bad fan fiction.’


72 - A Gift From a Friend

A television and a couch float in a dark void. The television displays the end of Twilight’s confessions. Two figures sit on the couch. James wipes the tears from his eyes after hearing what Twilight said to him. A lion paw offers a tissue.

‘Thank you,’ The Emotional Physicist mumbles. ‘Thank you, Discord. That was wonderful.’

‘Happy birthday, James.’

‘Happy birthday, Discord.’

The Wandering Physicist embraces Discord. The lord of chaos hugs the smaller pony back before snapping his fingers, breaking his spell.

James rolls over in his bed. He sighs and wipes some happy tears away while reaching for his mobile. He sighs when he looks at the time.

‘Happy birthday, me.’


77 - A TWP Hearths Warming

‘Anything else in that infinite bag of yours?’ Night Light asks.

Twilight smiles at her coltfriend. Her family exchange glances and lean forward. Rei hides her game again and looks at her father. James laughs and reaches into his bag. His hoof touches a small purple box and recoils. He looks down and tries reaching again, but his leg will not move.

James looks up and smiles at everypony. ‘I guess not at this time. Hey! Who is up for a game? We have Cards Against Ponies.’

The family sighs. Twilight looks around, not knowing why they reacted that way. She levitates a box of cards and starts setting up the game. James looks back at his bag.

Soon... The stallion thinks as he turns to the game.


03 - Gaming is Magic

‘Oh! You’re a little famous, but I guess you are used to it, being an Element of Harmony and princess and all.’

‘How do you know all of that?’

‘I have my ways.’ The Wandering Physicist smirks. He then glances to one side and nods towards a magazine rack.

Twilight gets the hint and takes out the magazine on display. She opens it up and immediately sees an ad for a new game: ‘The Elements of Harmony 2: Discord Edition.’

‘Oh, please,’ Twilight groans as she rolls her eyes and starts reading the magazine.

There are a few moments of awkward silence between the two ponies. Twilight looks up from the magazine and looks at The Wandering Physicist. The Wandering Physicist stares back. Their eyes meet, and both blush slightly.


13 - Free Press

The Wandering Physicist starts going for the door, but Twilight holds it closed.

‘If you were to choose one?’

‘I, uh, left my answer in the TARDIS. Let me get it. Alone.’


17 - Origins

The Wandering Physicist smiles and watches his friend leave.

‘Do you love her?’ a voice says from The Wandering Physicist’s shoulder.

‘What do you think?’ he replies. He turns and looks at Discord again.

‘You have to tell her.’ Discord sighs, ‘I missed my chance last time.’

‘Is any of what you showed me true?’

‘Does it have to be to have meaning?’

‘Are the Daleks really coming?’

‘In my time, they were here by now. It seems your Equestria is free from that fate so far.’

‘I have to go now.’ The Wandering Physicist turns and starts walking away.

‘You better tell her or I will find a way to tell her for you!’ Discord taunts.

The Wandering Physicist looks back. He grins smugly. ‘What makes you think she doesn’t already know?’


23 - A Date to Remember

The Wandering Physicist is standing there. He smiles from behind a bouquet of flowers. Behind him, Rei and Lucas watch from a relatively conspicuous location. All around, it seems their friends are watching from various vantage points without getting in the way of the couple. Twilight gets up from behind Pinkie and goes to the door. She levitates the flowers out of The Wandering Physicist’s grip.

‘Thank you. These are sweet.’

‘Both literally and figuratively.’

Twilight giggles.

‘No. I am serious.’ The Wandering Physicist replies.

Twilight giggles again as she sets the flowers aside. A silence falls over the couple. Their eyes meet, and they blush.

‘You look stunning,’ both say at once.

They both look away again. The Wandering Physicist is the first to look up.

‘Shall we go, Miss Sparkle?’ He offers a foreleg to hold.

Twilight takes the foreleg. ‘I would be delighted, James.’

The couple walk off together for their first real date.


33 - Final Boss

The Wandering Cloud is only meters away from Twilight. Twilight mouths ‘James’ as tears stream down her face. The Wandering Cloud leaps. He collides midair with a massive cloaked object. A blade, almost two meters long, falls to the ground and embeds itself in the stone. The Wandering Cloud and the object land in the pool beside Twilight. Twilight stares into the pool.


Seconds later, The Wandering Cloud bursts from the water. He swims over to the sanctuary and climbs out. Twilight immediately wraps her forelegs around him and sobs into his chest.

‘You saved me, James! I cannot believe it. You saved me.’

The Wandering Cloud smiles and returns the hug. Applejack and Inkie gallop up. Applejack stops and smiles at her friends. The Wandering Cloud looks up and smiles at Applejack. Inkie disappears. The Wandering Cloud looks down and takes Twilight’s muzzle in his hoof. Applejack disappears. Twilight leans up and kisses The Wandering Cloud. The sanctuary and pool disappear around the couple. They break the kiss and stare into each other’s eyes.

‘I love you, Twilight.’

Twilight disappears before she can reply. James sighs and closes his eyes. The world goes dark around him.


40 - Meet the Sparkles

Back at The Power Block, James and Twilight are having a gaming night in for their date. They finish their current round of play, and Twilight gets up to stretch.

‘That was fun,’ Twilight says, turning her neck side to side.

‘Your dad asked if we had sex,’ James states.

Twilight freezes mid-stretch, causing her neck to give a loud pop. Her face blushes bright red.

‘I told him it would violate your privacy to even say whether we were intimate yet or not.’

‘R-right. Good,’ Twilight replies. ‘M-m-my privacy w-would have been violated. I-I-I w-would have b-been... By you... Excuse me!’

Twilight gallops to the washroom and locks the door behind her. James laughs to himself and turns up the game volume to give her a little more privacy.


41 - Vote of Confidence

The next Tuesday. James has a number of his friends over to watch the election. He shares the couch with Twilight, Fluttershy and Pinkie. Tim and Kaeko sit on chairs around the room. Rainbow Dash watches the television from her hiding spot in James’ TARDIS. The mayor is currently winning a landslide against Pinkie.

‘I could have had it...’ Twilight grumbles.

‘And if you won, you would have snapped at your staff your first week instead of at your friends during the debate,’ James comments.

‘That’s not true.’

‘You would have tried organizing everything you could. Nothing would get done,’ Pinkie says.


‘Not to mention your scheduling would have kept everypony busy at all hours of the night, making them tired and useless,’ Fluttershy adds.


‘Worst, we wouldn’t have any more date nights,’ James finishes.

Pinkie and Fluttershy snap to attention then moan at their lost chance.

‘How am I doing?’ Rainbow Dash calls.

‘You’re losing to Skybound,’ Kaeko replies.

‘You didn’t remove your name from the ballot?’ Fluttershy gapes.

‘I thought I still had a chance.’

Everypony facehoofs.

‘Do you think I would have won?’ Twilight asks.

‘You would have slaughtered. That’s why we had to stop you,’ James says.


‘I didn’t want you to be stressed out from the job,’ Pinkie says, ‘so I ran too so you would have somepony to get frustrated with and eventually yell at. It was only luck that AJ and Dashie ran, too.’

‘Pinkie came to me with her plan, and I took it to our group,’ James continues.

‘We all agreed that it was best for Ponyville if you did not run,’ Tim adds. ‘Besides, the mayor was willing to adopt a lot of your proposals. Some good came in the end.’


60 - Tomodachi Sketch

Amy settles into her seat and falls asleep. James closes his laptop. He looks around the cabin at all of his friends sleeping and smiles. He curls up on the seat so his muzzle is near Twilight’s.

‘Hey, Twilight.’

‘What?’ the mare groans.

Neither of them notice Shining Armor trot into the cabin on his way to the washroom. The stallion stops when he notices the couple awake.

‘I know this doesn’t mean I am cured or anything, but I haven’t felt lonely since the train station in Ponyville.’

Twilight looks up. ‘That is wonderful. That has to be your longest time since you moved to Ponyville.’

James nods. ‘Yeah... It feels really good. Thank you for being there for me.’

‘You know I will always be here for you. No matter what. I love you.’

‘I love you, too.’

The couple kiss and settle back down to sleep. Shining smiles and tries trotting across the cabin as quietly as possible.

‘Sexy,’ James mumbles.

Shining freezes and really hopes that the other stallion was talking to his younger sister.


70 - Human Twilight Sparkle [non-past simple verb] X

‘Well? What do you think?’ Twilight asks, a wide grin covering her face.

Lyra stares at the copy of the story in her hooves. Beside her, James is going through Twilight’s attached notes, correcting the science.

‘Well, it’s a thing,’ Lyra says, flipping through the few pages of writing.

‘What does that mean?’

‘Um, well, you mess up human anatomy and terminology on occasion. You have a giant, rambling rant in the middle. And I really don’t think you want your friends to see this.’

‘Why is that?’ Twilight snorts.

‘Applejack would have knocked you unconscious for what you said about her,’ James replies while editing, ‘and Pinkie might never speak to you again. Also, Lucas is straight.’

‘Well, they are smart enough to know that it is parody,’ Twilight retorts, secretly doubting her retort.

‘You also describe yourself a little too, uh...’ Lyra fumbles.

‘Perfect,’ James finishes.

Twilight growls and uses her magic to snatch the stories from her friends. ‘Fine! You don’t like them! It was only a first attempt anyway!’

‘I could give you some pointers,’ Lyra offers. ‘You are a very well-read pony. You could, theoretically, write a good story.’

‘According to her story, Celestia only theoretically controls the sun,’ James adds. He smiles at Twilight. ‘Glad to see you saw the light. … Pun intended.’

Twilight imagines the horrors she is about to put her coltfriend through. She shoves the story into Spike’s hands. ‘Get rid of these.’

‘Can do! But I did really liked the parts about me.’ Spike breathes his fire on the papers.

Twilight stamps her hooves and turns away from the others.

‘Was that magic fire or burning fire?’ Lyra asks.

Twilight’s eyes go wide and she turns to Spike.

‘Uh...’ The dragon starts looking for an escape. Suddenly, he burps out a scroll. ‘Oh, uh, mail! It is from... Princess Luna?’

Twilight shudders. ‘What does is say?’

Spike unrolls the scroll and starts reading monotonously, ‘BwahahahahHAhaHahahahAHA! HAHAHahahahahahahaHAHAHAhahaHahahA!’ He turns the scroll over. ‘HahahahaHahahHAHAhahahHAahHAHahaha...’

Twilight rips the scroll from Spikes hands. Her anger is boiling over and her mane is starting to sprout flames.

‘Uh... I know a good planet a few galaxies down where we might be safe,’ James suggests. ‘Might.’

The two ponies and dragon take off running right as Twilight releases her anger.


82 - Illusion of Ponyville

James gets up and hugs his fillyfriend. ‘I want to go home now.’

‘I know you do.’

‘I don’t want to be sad any more. I want to see our friends again. I want to spend time with my kids’ -- the two ponies change to James in a blue tunic and Twilight in a white dress -- ‘I want to be with you.’

‘I want to be with you, too, James.’

‘Just kiss her already!’

‘You heard the boat! Do it!’ Celestia adds.

The two ponies turn and glare at their audience. A blade of ice slashes at them, getting Celestia to dive underwater and hitting King of Red Lions. They look back at each other. Their outfits change to white and blue armor on James and a white and gold cape on Twilight.

‘I’ll love you forever, Twilight.’

‘If what you told me about your species is true, I know you will.’

‘And I want to spend it all with you.’


Twilight leans in and kisses James. The illusion starts dissolving around them. Celestia sticks her tongue at The King of Red Lions as the boat disappears. The princess looks around as Trixie and Daring appear beside her while the island evaporates. Each of the ponies poof out one by one. Twilight breaks the kiss and gasps when she gets a mental image of a small purple box hidden in Del’s room. James grins sheepishly as he leaves. Trixie breaths a sigh of relief when she becomes the last pony in her mind before she casts her final counterspell.


88 - League of Harmony (part 2)

Twilight Sparkle sits calmly on the throne in Canterlot castle. Her mane is disheveled. Her eye is twitching. She even looks like she is molting slightly.

‘Okay! We can do this!’ Twilight declares. ‘Fluttershy! Pinkie!’

The two ponies dash in front of their friend.

‘You two gather all the animals in the grand ballroom, and we can send them back to their cages en masse.’

The friends salute and gallop away.

‘Rainbow Dash!’

The pegasus flies to her friend.

‘Take all the royal guards and comb every centimeter of the sewers. We’ll find your missing Element of Harmony!’

Rainbow Dash salutes. ‘On it, boss!’

The pegasus flies away to continue her search. Discord walks forward with Applejack and Rarity.

‘Okay. I think I got it this time,’ the draconequus states, snapping his fingers.

The two mares look at their bodies.

‘Phew!’ Applejack sighs, seeing orange hooves again. ‘Feels good t’ be back t’ normal.’

‘I completely agree darl-’ Rarity stares at her friend. ‘Deary, why are you the size of Apple Bloom.’

The ‘mares’ take more time to examine themselves. They scream when they see they have been changed back into fillies.

‘I can fix this!’ Discord shouts.

Twilight laughs nervously and fiddles with her mane. ‘Don’t worry. We have a few hours until the princesses and James return. We can have everything fixed by then.’

A guard gallops in with a scroll. ‘This just arrived, Princess Sparkle!’

‘What does it say?’

The guard clears his throat and reads, ‘Twilight Sparkle. We are taking James’ ship home. We will be back in a few minutes. Princess Celestia.’

Twilight’s eye twitches a few times. She places her crown on the guard’s head. ‘You’re the new princess. Bye!’

The princess flees the palace as fast as her wings can carry her.


90 - The Ultimate Question

Twilight’s heart skips several beats as James steps forward. All of her friends try to contain their excitement. Celestia and Luna smile at the younger princess. Night Light hugs his wife to calm his nerves. Shining Armor can barely contain his liquid pride.

‘I’ve been looking for the right moment to ask this. It is something I have been meaning to ask for a while now. I’ve just been too scared. I’m sorry for waiting so long.’ James bows down and holds up a small purple box with a shining, horn-sized ring inside. ‘Twilight Sparkle, will you marry me?’


14 - Our Party

The Wandering Physicist is cut off when Pinkie’s lips touch his. The rest of the world disappears around them. They do not notice that Oatmeal howls in pain and disappears in a blinding flash. They do not notice that time returns to normal around them. They do not notice all of the comments about them.

‘About time she found somepony she likes.’

‘Wait. I thought he was with Twilight Sparkle. Does that mean I still have a chance?’


‘Wait. I thought she was with Twilight Sparkle. Does that mean I still have a chance?’

‘I wish I had hands.’

‘Wait. I thought he was with Lucas. Does that mean I still have a chance?’

‘Ew! Gay!’

‘Ugh. They would probably have some crazy blonde pegasus as a foal.’

The pair finally break the kiss. They stare into each other’s eyes.

‘Would you believe that was my first real kiss?’ The Wandering Physicist asks.

‘Right now, I would believe anything you tell me,’ Pinkie replies.

‘Feeling better?’

‘Never felt better.’

The Wandering Physicist and Pinkie kiss one more time before they get up to return to the party.


57 - F City, F Prefecture

Pinkie’s rump shakes briefly and she falls off the bed. She climbs back on. ‘Can you give me my backpack?’

‘Clean clothes or otherwise?’

‘The one with my stuff from Kyoto in it.’

Twilight rolls over and grabs the backpack for her friend. Pinkie starts digging through it. She tosses her dirty clothes about the room.

‘I think I am going to take our clothes to the laundry...’

‘Here we go!’ Pinkie holds up a small bag. It has Kiyomizudera markings. ‘You never asked what I got.’

‘It is just a bunch of trinkets...’

‘Don’t be that way. They are magic charms for guaranteed love.’

‘Oh, geez.’

Pinkie holds one up. ‘See, this one is for me and James.’

Twilight grumbles and keeps checking her mobile.

‘This one is... uh...’ Pinkie blushes. ‘You should look yourself.’

Twilight sighs and looks over. She slowly reads the texts on the charm. ‘ピンキーパイ... Okay, that’s you and... トワイライトスパークル... Oh!’ She blushes and tries hiding behind her mobile.

Pinkie’s blush deepens. ‘I know... I wasn’t going to... but after earlier... Anyway! Here! This is the last one.’ She puts a third charm in Twilight’s hand.

Twilight starts reading the charm. ‘Okay. That is me, again, and this is...’ She gasps. ‘Pinkie, this is...’

‘I know... I just want you two to be happy. Besides, I said I would share him with you. Every other weekend after we’re married.’

‘So you’re only going to see us every other weekend?’ Twilight laughs and hands the charm back.

Pinkie shakes her head and closes her friend’s hand around the charm. ‘No, that is yours and no, you can visit us and Rei every other weekend.’

‘Right. You are only going to visit us every other weekend.’

‘No. I said...’ Pinkie turns to glare at her friend. Twilight is giggling behind her mobile. ‘Oh. You are being tricky. You know what cures that, right?’

‘Why do I feel like my life is in danger?’


Twilight screams as her friend tackles her and starts tickling her all over.


83 - James and Pinkie: Partners in Time

The closet door opens in The Power Block’s living room. Pinkie trots out, deep in thought. James follows and locks up. He pats Pinkie on the back.

‘Come on. Let’s do dinner. We’ve had a busy dayish period of time.’

‘Wait,’ Pinkie says. ‘We still have to settle the bet.’

James sighs. ‘I think it is settled. While we were able to help Rainbow Dash and her mother and it was fun caring for the foals, we didn’t really change anything with the foals and Raspberry... She refused your help outright. I hate to admit it, but I won.’

‘No, you didn’t.’ The mare shakes her head. ‘The bet was to make everypony happy. The foals had a great time with us. I was able to make my sisters and mother happy. And Raspberry...’ Pinkie smiles. ‘When I mentioned you, you should have seen how happy she was. Just the mention of your name filled her with joy. We really did make her happy, even if her cousin was a total flankhole.’

James smiles. ‘I guess you are right, Pinkie.’ He kisses her cheek. ‘So, what do we do now? Travel everywhere helping everypony?’

‘No. We don’t have to since you do that already.’ Pinkie gives James a big hug and kisses him. ‘You really are the greatest.’

‘I’m just a pony, you know?’

Pinkie laughs and kisses him again. ‘Oh, if we see Discord again, I’ll have to tell him my answer changed.’

‘Really? To what?’

Pinkie knocks James to the ground and pins him down. ‘Same thing Twilight Sparkle wants...’

‘Try to take over the world?’

Pinkie giggles and shakes her head. She leans down and gives the stallion a big kiss.


04 - The Royal Treatment

‘Excuse me, shopkeep,’ Luna starts.

The Wandering Physicist glances over towards Luna out of the corner of his eye, not even looking through his glasses. ‘Hey, Princess Luna.’

The Wandering Physicist and Luna immediately freeze. There is nopony else in the store to hear what was said. Luna is immediately terrified that her disguise has failed and that all of Ponyville knows of her presence. The prospect of Twilight Sparkle knowing, thus freaking out, as the kids these days say, and telling Celestia is not something Luna wants. The Wandering Physicist is simply shocked that such an important pony was in his shop.

Luna turns bright red in embarrassment. ‘Princess Luna? That is a nice compliment, but I am just a pegasus named Selene.’

‘You do know that once a perception filter is broken, the observer can see through your disguise.’

Luna’s eyes dart. ‘I knew that.’


08 - Interview with a Pony

‘What is your favorite type of game?’

‘Sandbox crime is fun. It feels good to play the villain sometimes.’

The Wandering Physicist just nods.

‘Final Fantasy games are good too since you always play as a persecuted youth fighting against an ancient, evil empire.’

‘Huh. I never noticed that.’ The Wandering Physicist once again says with a thick layer of sarcasm.


36 - The Princess' First Girlfriend

Luna and Cloudchaser laugh at the couple. Once they are gone, an awkward silence falls.

‘My first boyfriend was Discord,’ Luna says.

‘What?’ Cloudchaser is confused.

‘My first boyfriend was Discord. A long, long time ago. It was this whole... thing. Then I sealed him in stone.’

‘Why are you telling me this?’

‘Because, with him and James, I want you to know that all of my boyfriends have been pretty crazy.’

‘I heard that!’ is shouted from the hill.

Luna laughs. Cloudchaser continues to give Luna a confused look.

‘I make some odd choices when it comes to the guys I like. That is why I was so happy that the first girl I liked was someone so perfect.’

Cloudchaser blushes and looks away. ‘If this is some sort of stupid apology...’

Luna shakes her head. ‘No. I could never apologize for how I hurt you. Even another thousand years on the moon wouldn’t be punishment enough. But...’

Cloudchaser looks up. ‘But what?’

Luna leans in and kisses Cloudchaser. She takes Cloudchaser’s hand and hold it over her heart. Cloudchaser stares in shock.

‘But I think I am starting to understand what you are talking about.’


86 - The Real Nightmare

Luna, in her costume, is explaining her idea to a bemused Celestia. The older sister watches impassively as her enthusiastic sister speaks.

‘...And there will be costumes and decorations,’ Luna explains. ‘Everypony can give away candy and treats to each other. There will be games and dancing. Most importantly, there will be fun! There will be so much fun it will be double! The night will seem to last forever! Wouldn’t that be great, sister? Everypony will have fun and get to know me and we will all be happy.’

Celestia takes a deep breath and shakes her head. ‘Sister, you try much harder than you should. Do you really think ponies would want to come to a party you throw?’

‘It is a party! What does it matter who throws it?’

‘Oh, Luna, you will never learn. If you keep going down the path you are on, our subjects will never accept you.’

Luna growls and stomps the ground. ‘If I cannot interact with them, they won’t accept me either!’

‘Watch your temper, Luna. And take off that silly costume. You look like a foal.’

‘What’s the difference? You keep treating me like one.’

‘I am trying to teach you how to behave like an adult. You are the one who constantly flouts my teachings.’

‘I don’t want you be my teacher. I want you to be my sister. Is that so much to ask? Have you forgotten how?’

Celestia stands and glares at her sister. ‘How dare you say I haven’t been a good sister. I have done nothing but support and guide you since our parents left. I even allowed you to date that pest! This is how you repay my good nature? Have you learned nothing?’

‘I have learned something,’ Luna snorts. ‘I learned that I will have to take action into my own hooves if I want results.’ She turns around. ‘I am throwing my party, whether you like it or not.’

Luna starts storming away. A magical field surrounds her.

‘Get back here,’ Celestia snaps. ‘I am not through with you yet.’

‘Let me go! I have work to attend to.’

‘There will be no party since you are banished to your room until you learn some responsibility.’

‘Yes, take away my no responsibility to teach me about responsibility.’ Luna claps her hooves. ‘Mares and gentlecolts: my sister, the great teacher.’

‘Shut up! You’re stupid.’

‘Name calling? I thought you said I was the foal.’

Celestia marches from the throne. ‘You’re stupid and dumb, and I’m in charge so go to your room, stupid head!’

‘Wow. I thought she was exaggerating,’ James mumbles.

‘Oh, great,’ Celestia moans. ‘You’re embarrassing me in front of your staff. Very mature, sister.’

‘I did not know they were here,’ Luna retorts. ‘But at least somepony else will know how impossible you are being.’

‘Me?! Impossible?! HMPF!’

Celestia turns, accidentally slapping Luna with her tail. Luna growls and gives her sister a small push.

Celestia gasps. ‘She attacked me first! You all saw it!’

‘You slapped me with your tail!’

‘You hit me!’

‘I barely nudged you.’ Luna lets out a loud groan. ‘Can I just go to my room?’

‘Oh, you can start a fight, but you can’t finish it.’

‘I don’t want to fight anymore,’ Luna sighs. ‘I’ll forget about my party if you just start treating me fairly.’

‘Very grown up. You don’t stand up for something you want and just go to your room to cry about it. Well, go ahead and cry, you big baby. Big crybaby Luna.’

Luna pushes her sister again. ‘There! That is a real shove!’ She turns away. ‘I’m really leaving!’

Celestia growls and knocks Luna to the ground, knocking off her crown. ‘You want to shove me! Prepare for consequences!’ She pushes Luna as she tries standing. ‘You big dummy.’

Luna tries getting up, but Celestia pushes her again. The downed princess growls. Her eyes flash and her coat briefly appears black. She swings a hoof and punches Celestia’s muzzle. The older princess tumbles back and hits her head on her throne. Dusk gasps, but James holds her back from helping.

‘I hate you!’ Luna shouts, standing. ‘I don’t want to live on this planet anymore!

Celestia picks herself up. She touches her face and notices blood coming from her nose. She growls. ‘That can be arranged!’

Celestia charges a spell on her horn. Subconsciously, she taps into the powers of the Elements of Harmony in her and Luna’s crowns. Celestia shoots a beam of light that hits Luna in the back. The younger princess screams then disappears. Celestia stands, panting, blood dripping from her nose. The magic fades from her horn and the Elements of Harmony.

‘Princess,’ Dusk gasps. ‘What did you do?’

Celestia blinks. The realization of what she just did hits her. ‘Luna? Luna! Luna, I’m sorry!’ She gallops over and picks up Luna’s crown. ‘Come back, Luna. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Luna...’


12 - A Day of Wandering

The Wandering Physicist found the safest, quietest place in town to rest and go online to do business. He was able to use the tethering feature from his mobile to get a signal for his laptop and has been working for the past few hours. He finally lets out a sigh and closes the laptop. On the other side of the table, Fluttershy is staring at him. He screams and falls off the table.

‘Ow! That hurt,’ he moans from the ground.

‘I’m sorry.’ Fluttershy apologizes from under the table where she hid from scream. ‘I shouldn’t have scared you.’

‘Nah. It is cool. It was just surprising seeing you suddenly there.’

Fluttershy comes out from under the table. ‘Actually... I was there for the past couple hours...’

‘Seriously? You should have said something.’

‘Oh no! You looked so busy. I didn’t want to interrupt.’

‘We IM-ed for thirty minutes!’

Fluttershy squeaks and hides under the table again.

‘Sorry. Sorry. Just been a long day.’

‘I’m sorry. How did you get hurt?’

‘Never make fun of Celestia in front of Twilight.’

‘Oh dear,’ Fluttershy laughs. ‘I am surprised you got off that easy.’ She offers a hoof to help.

‘Thanks, but I can barely move. I think my back went out when I fell.’

‘Oh. Let me help you.’ Fluttershy rolls The Paralyzed Physicist over and presses down hard on his back. She ignores his scream. ‘Calm down. I am a professional.’

‘Professional animal care!’

‘Ponies are animals too.’ A loud pop is heard. ‘Oopsie. I can fix that.’

‘No! I am fine!’

The Wandering Physicist tries breaking free, but he cannot get up from under Fluttershy. She tumbles over him, and they fall down a small hill and roll to the bottom. The Wandering Physicist lands on top of Fluttershy. They are staring right into the other’s face.

‘Oh dear.’ Fluttershy blushes and tries curling into a ball.

‘Sorry!’ The Wandering Physicist leaps back but stops and gets a pained look on his face from his back.

The Wandering Physicist helps Fluttershy up and they head back to the table in silence. At the table, The Wandering Physicist starts packing up his things.

‘So...’ The Wandering Physicist says.

‘I wish you kissed me...’ Fluttershy utters barely audibly, her cheeks turning bright red.

‘What was that?’ The Wandering Physicist asks.

‘.....’ Fluttershy squeaks in what scientists can barely define as speech.


44 - The Physicist’s Wife

James and Fluttershy sit at the kitchen table with their tea. Both are blushing bright red after the attempted seduction. James has scrubbed his hooves raw to put Fluttershy’s mind at ease. The mare’s socks sit on the table in front of her.

‘Um...’ both ponies say as they look at each other. Their eyes lock, and they somehow blush redder. They quickly look away.

Fluttershy whines and mumbles, ‘I’m sorry.’

‘It is okay,’ James assures.

‘No. It is not.’ Fluttershy shakes her head. ‘I have been lying to you and my friends. I have been hurting you all...’

‘Do you want to tell me about it?’

‘... Okay...’ Fluttershy takes a long sip of her tea. ‘I was out feeding some animals when I saw Rainbow and Rei playing. I watched as they did their stunt, but then it exploded and knocked me into a tree. While the doctor was examining me, I got the idea to pretend I had a condition where I thought we were married.’ She sips her tea again. ‘It was scary at first but when I saw you and kissed you...’ She smiles and looks at her tea.

‘I am surprised that you were so confident with your act.’

‘I... I was sort of tapping into New Fluttershy a bit, but the time spent with you and Rei has made me stronger.’

‘Hmm.... What are we going to do now? The others have to know of your trick.’

Fluttershy whines again, then whimpers ‘Can we wait a bit? I really like being with you.’

‘Your friends have to know sometime. They won’t be as upset if we tell them sooner.’

‘I’ll tell them. It has to be me, but I want to do it on my own time. The others got to have a lot of time with you when I was too scared to do anything. I want some time with you too.’

James takes a deep breath. ‘Fine. It has been fun living with you these past few days. Not to mention how happy you have made Rei.’

Fluttershy smiles. ‘She is a really sweet kid, even if she and Angel get along too well for my tastes...’

James chuckles.‘Troublemakers do attract each other.’

‘Um... James?’


‘You said you knew I was faking my condition. How?’

‘Rarity told me.’

Fluttershy gasps. ‘What?!’

‘Yeah. She figured it out during your spa date.’

‘Oh... But you two played along, knowing that I was intentionally deceiving you.’

‘You were happy. Why would we want you to be unhappy?’

Fluttershy smiles. ‘Thank you. ... Um... How did you know about my shower fantasy?’


A red-faced James stares at Rarity with his jaw dropped. The white unicorn plays with her mane while taking a sip of coffee.

‘I’d be worried about touching any of her socks, too. Let’s just say she likes the feel of silk.’ She grins. ‘Then again, who doesn’t?’

James gives a small whine.

Rarity sighs as she looks at the stunned stallion. ‘Pick that jaw up, will you. It is quite unbecoming.’

‘How do you know all of that?’

‘Well, there are several stages to drunk Fluttershy. One drink, she is super shy. Even her reflection in her wine glass is too much pony for her. On her second drink, she is uncontrollably giggly. It is quite cute once you are used to it. Her third drink makes her excessively talkative. She will tell you everything you want to know... even if you don’t wish to know. Fourth drink... Well, New Fluttershy makes her appearance. And Celestia help you if she has a second glass of wine!’

‘Oh...’ Fluttershy giggles to herself. ‘Good thing that was the only time I had a drink.’

James laughs. ‘That is good to hear.’ He thinks for a moment. ‘So, what do you want to do tonight, Mrs Wanderer? We have the house to ourselves.’

Fluttershy giggles again. ‘How about just a nice night in watching a movie or two?’

‘Sounds like a good idea.’

The two ponies get up from the table. They head to the living room where they hug and kiss again.

‘I am glad I didn’t do anything stupid to maintain the lie,’ Fluttershy says.

‘Me too,’ James agrees. ‘I am really glad I didn’t have sex with you.’ He pauses then snaps to attention. ‘That is something I hope I never say again.’

Fluttershy giggles at her husband and hops on the couch.


49 - Confessions

Fluttershy exits the back door of The Power Block with a box on her back. James follows her out.

‘These should be the last of my things,’ Fluttershy says. ‘If you find anything I forgot...’

‘I’ll send Rei as quick as possible.’

‘Or you can come yourself...’

‘Flutters, I think if we’re going to undo as much damage as we can, we should try avoiding private settings together for a while.’

The pegasus sighs. ‘You’re right. I guess we’ll be seeing each other.’

Fluttershy leans forward to try and get one last kiss, but she yelps in surprise as she is pushed away from her friend. Her box of belongings spills all over the alley.

‘Hi, Mr James Wanderer Hayate!’ Pinkie greets. ‘Are you free tonight?’

Fluttershy groans and starts picking up her stuff.

‘Pinkie,’ James sighs. ‘We just ended this today. Give me some time to get used to being without Fluttershy.’

‘Who? I’ve never known anypony by that name.’

‘Pinkie, just because you are mad at her doesn’t mean you can ignore her.’

James moves to help Fluttershy, but Pinkie grabs his foreleg.

‘Don’t help her after she has hurt you so much,’ Pinkie begs.

‘She’s right,’ Fluttershy nods. ‘It is fine. I don’t want to be a burden.’

‘You’re not a burden,’ James replies. ‘And if Pinkie really wanted you gone, she wouldn’t have made a mess to keep you around.’

‘It is fine.’

‘See,’ Pinkie gloats. ‘The meany Miss Hurts-A-Lot doesn’t need any help.’


‘What? She hurt us all and manipulated your emotions.’


‘And what about Rei? Both of you toyed with the filly’s desire to have a real mother. Even if you can justify her actions towards yourself, what about your daughter?’

James stares back at the pink pony. He looks over at the pegasus trying to repack her belongings. She looks up and gives a weak smile. He takes a deep breath and turns around. Pinkie steps beside him. He pushes her back.

‘Pinkie, even though I am upset that you used Rei like that, I am angry at myself for not seeing what you said earlier. I... am just going to need to be alone with my daughter for a while.’

‘I’m real sorry, James,’ Fluttershy squeaks.

‘Fluttershy... I am still on your side in the long run, but not right now.’

The stallion closes the door behind him. Pinke looks at Fluttershy. The pegasus finishes packing and trots away, muttering apologies to nopony in particular. Pinkie gives a small whimper then holds her head up, confident in what she had done.


56 - Fluttershy the Combat Maid

‘I don’t get what you were so worried about,’ Fluttershy giggles while drinking. ‘They are a lot sweeter than you said. Aren’t you?’

All of the Cyberponies make the ‘squee’ sound again.

Akuma groans. ‘It seems she has a stronger mind than they are used to, and her personality overwrote their programming.’

River holsters her weapon. ‘Huh. I knew there was a reason James really liked her.’

‘Duh, he loves her. They’re married,’ Dash groans.

Fluttershy facehooves, causing the Cyberponies to facehoof. ‘That was a trick. We weren’t really married.’

‘Wait. When did that happen? Nopony tells me anything!’ Dash snorts, sitting back and crossing her forelegs.

‘I told you first, genius!’

The Cyberponies aim their weapons at Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy closes her eyes and gets her emotions under control.

‘No. I will not let New Fluttershy take over.’

‘If she will honor our agreement, I don’t mind,’ Akuma snorts.

‘We had no such deal!’ Fluttershy shouts. ‘You missed your opportunity to gain the knowledge you sought when you had me take your place as their leader. You would barely qualify as a drone now.’

‘I was offered unlimited knowledge in exchange for helping these creatures. I kept my end of all of our deals. I deserve to...’

Fluttershy holds up a hoof. ‘Take him for processing.’

‘Fluttershy!’ River gasps. ‘You are sending him to his death. That is not you!’

The pegasus winces. ‘Stop it! Stop it! Fluttershy is in charge now.’

‘Fluttershy is threatening other ponies with death,’ River counters.

‘Including her friends,’ Dash nervously adds, eying all the weapons still aimed at her.

‘Quiet! All of you!’ Fluttershy shouts. ‘I am tired of being told what to do and how to feel! This is why you drive me to New Fluttershy all the time!’

‘There is no way, even when you were Discorded, you would want to kill somepony,’ Dash worries.

‘Silence! I’m just... Stop it! You are trying to confuse me. I-I-I... Shut up!’

‘It is okay, Fluttershy,’ River calms. ‘That is just the Cyberpony programming trying to change you into something you are not. You have to fight it.’

‘I can’t!’ Fluttershy screams. ‘It is hurting so much. I can’t fight it.’

‘Please, Fluttershy. Can we have the real you back?’ Dash begs. ‘I really would like to keep my head where it is.’

‘I’m trying.’ She reaches up to the headpiece and screams in pain.

‘Find something you love and focus on that!’ River shouts.

‘Think of your family,’ Dash suggests. ‘Think of your friends. Think of James! Think of...’

Suddenly, a happy ringtone starts playing from one of the consoles. One of the Cyberponies brings Fluttershy’s mobile to her and activates it.

`M-mommy?` Rei asks over the line.


`Mommy, daddy is being mean to me.`

‘What is he doing, dear?’

`He... he is being yelly and keeping me in my room. I miss you, mommy.`

Fluttershy chokes back a tear. ‘I miss you, too, Rei.’

`Can you get daddy to be nice again?`

‘You know he still loves you, Rei. If he is punishing you, you know he has a reason and he feels awful about it, too. Don’t worry, Rei. Hang in there.’

`I will,` Rei sobs. `You hang in there, too, mommy. I love you.`

‘I love you, too.’

Rei hangs up. The Cyberpony hangs up the mobile and returns it to Fluttershy. The pegasus looks down and sobs. She slowly reaches up to the headpiece and throws it to the floor. The Cyberponies short out and slump over. Fluttershy holds her head in her hooves and sobs. Rainbow Dash goes to her friend and hugs her.

‘I did a bad thing,’ Fluttershy cries.

‘You didn’t hurt anypony. Just scared us a bit,’ Dash assures. ‘It is okay. Let’s blow this place and get outa here.’

‘Not so fast.’

The mares look to see Akuma levitate the headpiece to him.

‘Don’t do it!’ River warns. ‘Your mind will be wiped and their programming will take over.’

‘Limitless knowledge. You cannot pass that up.’

Akuma lowers the headpiece. The device activates, causing him to scream in pain. As soon as he stops, he looks up with completely black eyes.

‘Assimilate them,’ Cyber Akuma commands.

Before River can draw her weapon, the Cyberponies spring to life and subdue the mares. They are shocked by the Cyberpony’s electrically-charged hooves.

‘No,’ Fluttershy snorts.

‘What?’ Cyber Akuma asks.


The cyberized unicorn takes a step back as Fluttershy breaks free. She advances on the former professor as she locks The Stare on his lifeless eyes.

‘You are not going to hurt anypony else! There has been enough hurting today! I hurt too many ponies, and now I will stop you from hurting more! You will stop your hurting or, uh, I’ll make your head explode with my mind!’

Cyber Akuma shakes with fear. The Cyberponies surrounding the other mares start shaking, too. The head of one of the Cyberponies explodes.

River looks around. ‘Time to run.’


69 - A Surprise Visit - Deleted Scene

The sleepy pegasus yawns and nods. ‘Do you have a room for me too or am I sleeping with my mother or Rei?’

‘You can stay in any room you like.’

‘Any room, you say?’ Fluttershy grins craftily and heads toward the first bedroom, pausing only to run her tail across its owner’s snout. ‘I think I am ready to take you up on your earlier offer now.’

James whimpers, briefly considers how his frie... Fluttershy waves her tail again, and James immediately follows her to the bedroom. As soon as he gets inside, he stops and laughs. Fluttershy is half on the bed, sleeping. James helps the snoozing pegasus completely into bed before climbing in himself.


02 - Pest Control - Deleted Scene

‘...Now think about what ya did wrong,’ Applejack snorts, closing the door to Apple Bloom’s room.

The mare heads back downstairs and sits at the kitchen table with Big Macintosh.

‘Well, Ah talked with her ‘bout almost smashin’ the store,’ Applejack snorts. ‘Ah can’ believe she left that part out.’

‘She was embarrassed,’ Big Mac replies. ‘Not t’ mention she was upset ‘bout gettin’ yelled at.’

‘Yeah. Ah guess...’

Big Mac laughs. ‘So, how’d ya like meetin’ Mr Wanderer?’

Applejack groans. ‘He was interestin’ t’ say the least.’

‘Yer cheeks were glowin’ a bit when ya got back.’

‘Ah was angry!’

‘Right. Sure ya were,’ Big Mac laughs.

Applejack growls and gets up to do her evening chores.


51 - iDate

The couple sits at a coffee shop after the play. Both have a sugary treat in front of them. Applejack sighs and looks across the table. James looks up from his treat and licks some frosting from his muzzle.

‘Uh... Did I get it all?’ the stallion asks.

‘Would ya ever wanna move t’ the apple farm and help me run it?’

James is stunned. ‘Uh...... Since I know you want the honest answer, no. I couldn’t see myself being a farmer. I can’t even imagine the daily commute to town to run the store if you let me keep it.’

Applejack looks down at her dessert and moans, ‘Ah thought as much.’

‘Would you not want to run the store with me?’

‘Heck, nah!’ She gasps. ‘Ah mean...’

‘I didn’t think so,’ James laughs. ‘It is okay. I can’t really see you settling to the sedentary life I prefer.’

‘And Ah thought we had a good thin’ too.’

‘What? We can’t be good friends?’

‘Yeah, but Ah thought fer sure Ah finally found a good stallion.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘As much as Ah like spendin’ time with ya and Ah had a great time t’night, Ah can’t help but notice how diff’rent we are.’

James sighs. ‘I know what you mean. Just because we like each other doesn’t mean we’re each other’s special somepony.’

‘Right... Ah was hopin’ t’ set a good example fer Apple Bloom by findin’ the right stallion, but Ah just come across as fickle.’

‘At least you’re not like Big Macintosh and his, uh, rendezvous across town.’

Applejack snorts. ‘Best worst-kept secret on the farm.’


The stallion is kicked out of his seat from under the table. He laughs to himself as he gets back in his seat.

‘Ah really hoped we’d work out,’ Applejack sighs. ‘Yer smart, funny, a good listener... very handsome.’

James freezes and looks down. ‘Nopony has really called me handsome, not even Twilight...’

The mare giggles. ‘So Ah get one o’ yer firsts...’

James squeaks, getting another giggle from the mare. The Blushing Physicist looks up and meets Applejack’s eyes. They smile at each other.

‘I still don’t see why we can’t be good friends,’ the stallion says. ‘If you want a good example for Apple Bloom, we can at least give her that much.’

‘Ah guess...’

James reaches across the table and pats Applejack’s hoof. ‘Sorry that we didn’t work out.’ All the best since I still have the others chasing me. ‘I know you are going to make somepony really happy. Some very lucky pony.’

‘Not as good a p...’ the disappointed mare shakes her head. ‘Ah got mah date with ya. That was the least Ah wanted.’

‘Hey, you got to work out your pent-up feelings, too.’

‘Not all o’ them,’ the farmer mumbles.


Applejack blushes. ‘After our trip out west, Ah’m the last in our group t’...’

‘OH! I am sure eventually...’

‘Ferget Ah said anythin’ if ya like having yer own teeth.’

James squeaks in fear. ‘So, um, you were telling me about how much you were enjoying your dessert?’

Applejack laughs and sighs. Why can’t I meet a good farmer like him?


55 - The Boredom of Applejack and Rarity - Deleted Scene

Applejack and Rarity lay on the floor of their room. Both are still sore from their match earlier. The mares sip the tea Bon Bon left for them.

‘Ah keep fergettin’ that ya can be pretty athletic when ya wanna be.’

‘Why thank you.’ Rarity drinks her tea. ‘I liked your flower arrangement the other day. You can be very feminine too.’

‘Thanks, Ah guess.’

The mares moan as they stretch out.

‘Hey, uh, Rarity, Ah, uh, wanna ask ya somethin’?’

‘Go ahead, darling. I won’t bite.’ She laughs. ‘Unless you want me to.’

‘That’s, uh, sorta it.’ Applejack looks around nervously. ‘Ya’ve been around the block a few times, right?’

Rarity groans. ‘You’re not going to give me a hard time about it, are you?’

‘No! Ah mean, Ah... Ya’ve been with more than one stallion. Ah’m jus’ wonderin’ what it’s like.’

The unicorn shrugs. ‘It is all about the same, really.’ She rolls her eyes. ‘Truth be told, I have dated more ponies than the few who have been lucky enough to spend the night with me. Trying to find the right somepony that shares my interests or would be a suitable husband.’

‘What ‘bout Tom or Blueblood?’

‘Never speak of them again!’ Rarity snaps.

Applejack laughs. ‘Sorry. But is it okay t’ see so many ponies? Doesn’ that make ya look bad?’

Rarity takes a deep breath. ‘Yes. Yes, it does. Why else have I stopped seeing anypony these past couple months? I want to really figure out what I am looking for in a stallion.’

‘Or a dragon,’ Applejack teases.

Rarity blushes. ‘I haven’t thought about that.’ She looks at her friend. ‘What about you? Why are you still chasing what you cannot have when you have somepony great waiting for you?’

It is Applejack’s turn to be embarrassed. ‘Ah’m the worst. Ah keep tryin’ t’ avoid Jimmy, but Ah can’t help mahself. Ah have been seein’ Sunshine more t’ keep mah mind off thin’s. He really is wonderful. Just wish he could take me flyin’ some time.’

Rarity smirks. ‘I take it bat ponies don’t suffer from the same coital quirks as pegasi.’

‘We ain’t like that!’ Applejack blushes and looks away. ‘At least not yet...’

Rarity reaches out and pats her friend. ‘You have to pick one or the other but if you make the wrong choice, you’re just going to end up heartbroken when Twilight takes him away from from you.’

‘Yeah... Ah know...’ She lets out a big sigh. ‘Ah just don’ wanna hurt either o’ them.’

‘I really doubt James will be heartbroken. He’d probably be very happy that you found somepony else that you care for.’

‘Yer right. Ah need somepony Ah care fer more than him. Ah will find that pony someday.’

‘Good for you! Here’s to future love, for both of us!’


Rarity and Applejack raise their cups of tea. They instantly contort their faces in pain as they overextend themselves too soon. The two mares hold their forelegs and moan in pain. The door to the room opens.

‘Quit faking it,’ Bon Bon groans.

‘Even Rumble does a better job faking being hurt when I foalsit him,’ Cloudchaser adds.

Applejack and Rarity grumble and go back to resting.


98 - This One Time at Camp... - Deleted Scene

Applejack sits on her bed. Nurse Redheart sits before her, tapping her scanner. The farmer fidgets nervously.

‘Whats up, doc?’ Applejack asks. ‘Is it something contagious? Do Ah have t’ quarantine mahself?’

Redheart sighs. ‘Can you go through your symptoms again?’

‘Well, uh, Ah’ve been feelin’ sick, like pukin’, a lot, and Ah’ve been really tired a lot too.’ She blushes. ‘And, uh, Ah’ve had t’ use the facilities at night more.’

‘Uh huh.’ The nurse nods. ‘And when was the last time you were...’ -- she blushes and coughs -- ‘intimate?’

Applejack turns red. ‘Now what does that have t’ do with anything!’

Redheart holds up her scanner. ‘Congratulations, Applejack. You’re going to be a mother.’

The farmer stares at the nurse in shock. ‘Please tell me its a bat pony.’

Redheart checks her scan. She grimaces. ‘Well, I can tell you who the father is...’

Applejack stares in silence for several moments. ‘Oh.’

[Rei & Inkie]

10 - Crossroads

The pegasus moans and puts a hoof to her head. When she opens her eyes, she blushes at the face very close to hers.

‘Otoosan?’ the pegasus whispers. She looks around at all of the strange faces looking at her.

‘Hi! HIC!’ Pinkie greets.

The pegasus cocks her head to the side. ‘Nani? Doko?’

‘What did she say?’ Sweetie Belle asks.

‘Shh!’ The Wandering Physicist hisses. He looks at the pegasus. ‘Ponyville desu. Genki desu ka?’

‘I-iye.’ She rubs her head. ‘Atama itai. Ponyville ka?’


15 - Filling Time - Deleted Scene

Rei watches in awe as Derpy stuffs another muffin in her mouth. Dinky giggles at the shocked pegasus.

‘So, Rei, how do you like Ponyville so far?’ Derpy asks, reaching for another muffin.

‘It is okay, I guess,’ the young pegasus hems. ‘It is nothing like the Ponyville where I am from.’

‘You have a different Ponyville?’ Dinky asks.

‘Um, well, uh, I’m not sure if I am allowed to talk about where I am from.’

‘It’s okay, Rei,’ Derpy replies. ‘I know about Chief and The Doctor. I can keep your secret.’

Rei moans. ‘Well, uh...’ She looks at the ponies in front of her. They smile kindly in return. A thought occurs. ‘Dinky, right?’

‘Yep!’ the filly replies.

‘I think I remember you from back home.’ Rei focuses. ‘Yeah. You and your daddy came with my king when he was visiting me once.’

‘You met my daddy!’ Dinky gasps. ‘What was he like? Was he a unicorn too? Does he know lots of magic?’

‘Settle down, Dinky,’ Derpy calms.

‘I don’t think he was your real daddy. Sorry,’ Rei apologizes.

‘It’s okay, Rei,’ Dinky sighs. ‘But it is nice knowing somepony is out there like that.’

‘I didn’t mean to get your hopes up.’

‘Don’t worry about it.’ Dinky smiles up at Rei. She gasps again. ‘You haven’t met Sparkler yet! Mommy! We have to show Rei to Sparkler!’

‘Who?’ Rei is confused.

‘She is Dinky’s big sister,’ Derpy explains. ‘Her real name is Amethyst Star, but Dinky called her Sparkler when she was a baby and the name sorta stuck.’

‘I bet Rei and Sparkler would be great friends!’ Dinky cheers.

Derpy laughs. ‘I am sure they would be.’

Rei smiles slightly. ‘A friend... That would be nice...’

‘Muffin?’ Dinky offers.


‘Anything for a friend.’

Rei blushes and sighs. She nibbles her muffin while the family goes back to chatting with their new friend.


22 - Warriors of the Derp - Deleted Scene

Rei stares at Inkie in awe and nods while the other filly talks. The adults have all fallen asleep on the train ride back to Ponyville.

‘So, then by careful treatment of the topsoil, you can revitalize your fields in half the normal time,’ Inkie explains.

‘I have no idea what you are talking about,’ Rei responds.

Inkie sighs.

‘But you are very cute, so it doesn’t matter.’

Inkie blushes. ‘You think I’m cute?’

Rei nods. ‘Yeah! You’re as cute and smart as my buddy Stormy!’

‘Is she..?’

‘He’s really cool. Oh! You should meet him sometime!’ Rei looks away and grins evilly. ‘Yes, we should all get together.’

Inkie backs away. ‘Why do I suddenly fear for my life?’

Rei lets out a loud yawn. ‘Rei-chan is tired. Inkie-chan, wanna cuddle?’

Inkie waves her hooves and blushes. ‘W-we just met. That might t-too perso-’

Rei yawns again and falls on top of Inkie. The smaller filly cuddles close. Inkie panics for a moment before sighing, putting a foreleg around Rei and going to sleep.


24 - RSI and the Mystery of Friendship

There is a clamor on the stairs as Stormy enters the living areas. He has a pack on his back.

‘Sorry I took so long. Rarity felt the need to scold me for no good reason.’

The Wandering Physicist puts a hoof on Stormy’s shoulder. ‘I am sorry for your loss.’

‘What? Huh? Oh! Blame Rei. She did it.’

‘Rei! You’re grounded!’

Rei sticks her tongue out at her guardian. Stormy rolls his eyes at the whole beard argument as he goes over to the table. He levitates his laptop out of his pack.

‘I whipped this up while Rarity was going on how my clean face was “The. Worst. Possible. Thing”.’ Stormy moans as he brings up a file. ‘Obviously she forgot we were out of orange juice this morning.’

‘Whoa.’ Inkie marvels at what she sees. ‘This is neat.’

Rei drools a little. ‘Ooooo! Shiny.’ She turns to Stormy. ‘I think Team Venture is better though.’

Stormy moans. On the screen, he as drawn up a simple flier that reads ‘RSI Adventure Team’ and has a picture of Rei, Inkie and Stormy posing at the ruins.


25 - Letters from Home

Helios laughs. ‘Hey. When is Auntie Pinkie getting here?’

‘You just can’t wait to cause trouble with Apple again.’

Helios rolls his eyes. ‘Pfft. I wish. He is always so hard-working and honest. It is hard to get him to mess around and do something crazy.’

‘Rainbow is always game for a crazy prank, and she loves doing fun things. You can always mess around with her.’

‘Yeah, if she is not off on some cloud sleeping or reading with Alba in the library.’ Helios sighs. ‘Full Moon knows how to have fun. She is a much better big sister than Rainbow. … When is she coming home?’

James closes his eyes and forces back sad thoughts. ‘She is probably never coming home. Theta was very clear about that.’

Helios sighs again. ‘I miss her. She was really fun. I just wish she could have known.’

‘With any luck, she is with the me of where she ended up and he is as thick as I am and accidentally told her already.’


27 - Apple of His Eye - Deleted Scene

Rei lays on her bed, crying. She feels horrible after stealing the TARDIS. She knows that The Angry Physicist and Applejack are outside planning her punishment. The door to her room opens.

‘Rei... We need to talk.’

The filly braces herself when James trots in. The stallion sits beside the upset filly and pats her back.

‘I am very upset that you stole my TARDIS,’ James says, ‘but I understand how you feel. You don’t feel like you belong and wanted to find somewhere to fit in.’

Rei whimpers in reply.

‘It’s okay. I understand how you feel.’

‘I’m really sorry,’ Rei apologizes. ‘Time machines aren’t toys.’

‘You’re damn right they’re not.’ James takes a deep breath. ‘We have something more important to talk about.’ He gets out a folder and sets it on the bed. ‘Here. Look at this.’

Rei opens the folder and starts looking at the papers. Her eyes go wide when she realizes what she sees. ‘You are going to...’

‘I wanted it to be a surprise, but I think this is as good a time as any.’

Rei starts crying again. ‘You really want me to be your...’

‘I would love to have you as my daughter, Rei. I can’t think of anypony else who can fill that role.’

Rei tackles her father in a big hug, peppering his cheeks with kisses. ‘Thank you! Thank you! I love you so much! You are the greatest father ever! I love you so much, otoosan!’


29 - Young Adult Education

The Wandering Physicist takes a seat next to Rei and puts a foreleg around her. She guards her ice cream. He lets out a long sigh before letting her go.

‘Rei, are you lonely?’

Rei nearly drops the ice cream, but she never lets food touch the ground. ‘Wh-what are you talking about? I have lots of friends! Stormy and Inkie and Image and Dashie... I’m not lonely!’

‘Rei, please don’t lie to me.’

Rei looks down and frowns. ‘My ice cream is getting melty...’

The Wandering Physicist gives Rei a big hug. ‘It is okay. It doesn’t matter how many friends you have. As long as you have great friends you can depend on.’

‘But... They are not always around. How can they be friends if they are not around?’

‘That is just part of being friends. I feel lonely in the brief moments of the day when I am away from you or Lucas or Twilight or Pinkie or Dream or Coal or anypony, but then I remember that you are my friends and family and we will always be friends and family and then I am not lonely any more.’

‘I’ve been alone for so long. It...’

‘It feels horrible to be alone for that long. Then it feels disorienting to have ponies around you that actually want to be around you. You never want to lose that feeling.’

Rei nods and cuddles up against her dad.

‘I know exactly what you are going through since I am at the same place. We both got what we needed at the same time. We can go through everything together.’

Rei sighs and smiles. ‘I love you, otoo-san.’

The Wandering Physicist hugs his daughter. ‘I love you too, Rei-chan.’


50 - RSI and the Mystery of Foalsitting - Deleted Scene

Rei yawns at breakfast with Derpy and Dinky. The young mare shakes her head and looks at the muffin on her plate. She sighs and digs in. Dinky giggles at her foalsitter.

‘Did Dinky behave herself last night?’ Derpy asks.

Rei nods. ‘She was very good. Dinky-chan is a great kid. She reminds me of my little sister.’

‘You have a sister?’

‘Um... back where I am from. It would be good to have a sister again.’

‘You’d be a great sister,’ Dinky says.

Derpy laughs. ‘That is definitely true.’

The older pegasus gets up to get more muffins for the table. Rei takes the moment to slip Dinky a comic. The young unicorn gasps and her horn flashes a moment.

‘Keep it,’ Rei whispers. ‘I know how much you liked it. I can get another from Kaeko’s shop.’

Dinky nods hurriedly and hides the comic. Derpy turns back. The younger ponies smile innocently.

‘What are you two up to?’ Derpy asks.

‘Nothing!’ the young ponies reply.

‘Can I get more juice?’ Rei asks.

‘Right away,’ Derpy replies.

The older pegasus turns away again and goes to the refrigerator.

Rei leans down to Dinky again. ‘And if you need any help with your coltfriend and Sparkler isn’t available, I can help you there too.’

Dinky giggles and nods. ‘Thank you.’

Derpy turns back with the juice. She stares at the giggling ponies. ‘Are you two keeping secrets from me?’

‘No, Miss Hooves.’ Rei grins.

‘No, mommy,’ Dinky giggles.

Derpy sighs and laughs. She pours the juice and rejoins breakfast.


54 - Finding the Full Moon

‘We didn’t settle anything!’ Rei shouts. ‘She is still guilty of stealing my identity. Nothing that can be said can fix that!’

‘I am sorry, but I do not know how I upset you, little one,’ Chrysalis replies. ‘Is it because of the guise I used as an idol?’

‘You don’t get it, do you!’

‘Apparently not...’

‘I am Full Moon! My mom gave me Neighpon as a home! I am the only Full Moon of Neighpon! Nopony could take that from me! Those bullies never could! But you took it from me! You took me! I hate you!’

‘I am really sorry for upsetting you. Maybe we can...’


Electricity arcs from Rei. Shining quickly casts shields around the princesses. Chrysalis nervously steps back. Rei roars and leaps. She is blocked and held back by a strong force. James is going hoof-to-hoof with his daughter to keep her from Chrysalis. He flinches as Rei’s electricity flows through him.

‘Rei! Stop this! Please. I know you don’t want to harm her.’

‘Move! She has to pay for hurting me!’

‘She didn’t know she was hurting you. Please. Stop now before you lose yourself.’

‘No! She’s a bully! You’re the last pony I would have thought would stand up for a bully.’

‘Right now, she is not...’

Rei growls. Her electricity surges. Shining barely pulls James away with his magic. The stallion winces from the current flowing through his body. The enraged filly advances on her target. Chrysalis backs away and tries changing forms for protection. First she changes into a pink alicorn. Rei growls and steps forward. Chrysalis tries disguising herself as an orange unicorn with a green mane. Rei moves closer. Chrysalis tries one last change, trips over a cushion and appears as Full Moon. Rei stands over the cowering changeling and raises an electrically-charged hoof.

‘Full Moon. Stop,’ James gasps as he fights the pain of the shock he received.

‘I have stopped!’ Chrysalis shouts.

‘Not you. My Full Moon.’

Chrysalis looks up at Rei. The filly is frozen above her target, tears streaming down her face. The electricity dissipates from her hoof.

‘Full Moon... I’m the one bullying Full Moon for no reason this time... I’m the one hurting...’

‘Rei... Full Moon...’

‘Daddy!’ Rei dives across the room and grabs her father in a hug. ‘I am so sorry. I screwed up. I hurt ponies. I hurt you. I was bad.’

James strokes Rei’s mane. ‘You were confused. I knew you would come to your senses. Now, can somepony get me to a hospital?’


63 - A Certain Magical Railgun - Deleted Scene

Rei practices her newly developed Thunder Shot in the palace garden before dinner. She does her martial arts routine while shooting electricity. While she works out, a bat pony wearing an eyepatch trots up. He watches Rei practice before sneaking up on the young mare. Rei lands in an attack posture. The bat pony taps Rei’s hind leg, tripping her.

‘How long have you been claiming to know karate?’ Sunshine asks.

Rei gets up and scowls. She looks away. ‘I learned everything from anime.’

‘Mimicking media is a good start, but it is no substitute to formal training.’ He leans down and whispers, ‘Though I have taught myself a version of the Amaguriken.’

Rei giggles. She takes in the stallion. ‘You’re Ringo-neesama’s coltfriend, right?’

‘If you mean Miss Applejack...’

‘Yep!’ She giggles. ‘You know she likes my daddy, right?’

Sunshine takes a deep breath and sighs. ‘Yes, we have talked about her past coltfriends, including your father.’

‘You mean he is “past” now? I didn’t know they stopped seeing each other.’

The bat pony twitches, revealing a fang. ‘What was that?’

‘Or maybe they have. It has been a few days.’

Sunshine growls and turns away. ‘Excuse me. I have to call my fillyfriend.’

The bat pony storms away. Luna passes him.

‘Sunshine, don’t forget about later,’ the princess reminds.

‘I’ll be there.’

Luna smiles and continues to Rei. ‘Rei, would your care to eat out with me?’

‘Can we get garden burgers from the place daddy likes!’

‘As if I would eat out anywhere else.’

Rei cheers and flies ahead of Luna. The princess laughs and chases after her.


66 - Hang in There

The fillies laugh as they trot away. Helios’ hooves dig in the ground as he resists blasting the fillies with his magic. He looks at Rei. She has her head down and a puddle has formed from her tears.

‘Full Moon?’

‘They are right. Why would anypony want to be around me? I am just a short, weird otaku.’

‘Full Moon...’

‘Stop it!’ A small snap of electricity scorches the ground under Rei’s hooves. ‘Stop calling me that!’

‘No! You are Full Moon! Rei might be your common name, but you are really Full Moon at heart, and you know it!’

‘I am not Full Moon... Full Moon is just a silly dream.’

‘Full Moon is the name of princess. I could never love anypony more than I love Princess Full Moon!’


‘Please, Full Moon. Stop being sad. I cannot stand to see you ruin your perfect face with tears.’

‘I don’t know if I can stop...’

Helios takes Rei’s hooves. ‘Rei, Full Moon, please. For me. Please be happy. I know it is tough, but you have to hang in there. You have to hang in there and be happy. Please, Full Moon. Be happy. Hang in there.’

Rei wipes her tears. ‘I will. For my Prince Helios. I’ll hang in there for him.’

Helios holds Rei close. ‘Hang in there, Full Moon. Hang in there...’


73 - The Perfect Evening

Inkie carefully rolls around so that Rei is laying on her belly. ‘Rei, have you ever wanted to take our relationship further?’

Rei buries her muzzle in Inkies chest and mumbles, ‘Twice a week when Del and my dad aren’t listening...’

Inkie blushes. ‘Not like that. There has to be some step between here and there we can go to.’

Rei fidgets more and tries burying her muzzle deeper in Inkie’s chest. ‘Actually... There is one thing... … No! I am too scared to say it!’

‘What is it? You can tell me anything.’

Rei lets out a loud whine and gets up. She digs in the folds of her dress for a moment. Her breathing sounds like she is about to hyperventilate. Eventually, the panicking pegasus turns around and sets a small box in front of Inkie. The earth pony’s eyes go wide.

Rei slowly calms her breathing. ‘I know we are both too young, and I am definitely far from ready, so this would be like a very, very, very pre-engagement.’ She opens the box to reveal a jeweled bracelet.

‘It is gorgeous,’ Inkie gasps. ‘When did you get it?’

‘I had Daring pick it up for me a month ago. My dad doesn’t know I got it... I’ve... been too scared to say anything until now.’

Inkie gets the rare occasion to tackle Rei in a hug. ‘I love you so much! Of course I’ll marry you one day! I love you, Full Moon!’ She starts peppering Rei with kisses.

Rei giggles under the kisses. ‘This isn’t really an engagement band. It is...’

‘Shut up. I don’t care. The only thing I care about is my beloved Full Moon.’ Inkie lays on Rei’s chest and sighs, ‘The future Mrs Full Moon. I can’t wait for that day.’

Rei giggles, ‘Mrs Full Moon Pie.’

The bad pun sits over the two mares in love for several moment before both start roaring with laughter.


75 - Slice of Home

Rei smiles and ‘squees’. The moment is ruined by a loud scream. James nods, and Rei takes off through the orchard. The pegasus’ flight is cut short by an orange earth pony to the gut. Applejack and Rei get tangled together as the earth pony tries to flee. In the direction from where Applejack was running, Twilight lays on the ground. Rei is able to stand.

‘What is it? What happened?’

Applejack looks around, terrified. ‘Th-the g-ghost. We saw it.’


Applejack does not answer. She just turns white and stares past Rei. The pegasus’ wings stick up. She slowly turns to see the translucent pony approach her.


Rei screams and flies straight into a tree. All the apples fall neatly into the baskets laid out earlier. James gallops onto the scene. He sees his daughter unconscious, his friend in a state of shock, a very confused ghost and Twilight laying on the ground.

‘Twilight!’ James shouts as he gallops forward. ‘Pardon me,’ he tells the ghost as he passes through. He slides to a stop and lifts Twilight up. ‘Are you okay?’

Twilight holds up a hoof as if to make a point. ‘And that, ladies and gentleponies, is why they call me Great and Powerful.’

‘I think you hit your head a little too hard, The Great and Powerful Sparklerific,’ James laughs.

‘Who said I hit it?’ Twilight moans, rubbing her head. ‘Somepony kicked me as soon as she thought she saw a...’ She gasps.

The ghost slowly approaches the two ponies. ‘Dad?’

James quickly pulls out his sonic and scans. ‘Huh. It is just a telepathic projection.’ He looks at the two panicking mares behind the projection. ‘Don’t worry! It is only a projection!’

James and Twilight stand and start examining the projection. It shifts nervously under the increased attention.

Twilight notes, ‘He looks just like...’

‘Apple?’ Rei says as she comes closer.

‘Yes?’ the projection and Applejack say in unison.

Rei gasps. ‘Apple! It is you!’

The pegasus dives to hug her older brother, but ends up tackling her father.

‘If y’all know him, can ya tell me what is goin’ on?’

Rei gets up and goes to the projection. ‘This is by big brother. Apple Pie.’

Everypony gasps as Rei smiles at her brother. Apple smiles back then looks around him. James and Twilight watch him with a lot of curiosity. Applejack stares, not knowing what to make of everything that is happening. The displaced visitor just smiles and waves. He turns back to face James.

‘So, uh, dad, what is going on here?’ Apple asks.

‘We have no idea,’ James replies.

‘Why do you keep calling him that?’ Twilight asks.

Apple jumps in shock. ‘You must be Twilight Sparkle! Wow! We’ve heard a lot about you. Alba is going to be so jealous.’ He laughs. ‘Technically, I should be calling you “dad” too. Right, Rei?’

Rei giggles. Twilight looks around confused. Applejack covers a laugh.

‘I’ll handle Twilight,’ James says. ‘You two... three, just hang out for a bit.’

James takes Twilight aside to explain Rei’s origins. Apple looks around at the orchard around him. The two mares watch the visitor.

‘Looks about fall harvest season,’ Apple notes. ‘I’m... We’re just finishing up spring. Not nearly this many trees though...’

‘I knew home was further along than here, but I always thought I was crossed on about the same day.’

‘You probably did,’ Apple replies. ‘We just had memorial day.’

Rei frowns. ‘That was months ago here... And it is really different.’

‘Also, you have only been gone for less than a year. We really miss you.’

Rei smiles. ‘I bet dad and Helios tried to convince mom and Alba to allow them to rip a hole in the universe to save me.’

‘They did,’ Apple laughs. ‘But we have bigger worries. Luna just called me to Canterlot. I’m... I’m an Element of Harmony now.’

Rei gasps and tries to hug her brother, falling on her face. ‘That is amazing! Are you Honesty too?’

Apple looks up at Applejack for a moment then back down at Rei. ‘Actually, I think I am Loyalty. Got it just a couple days ago when I saved Apple Bloom from some timberwolves.’ He looks back at Applejack and adjusts his hat. ‘She, uh, gave me this artefact too.’

Applejack smiles. ‘Ah know what happened t’ me on yer world. Glad t’ hear somepony is taken care o’ mah sister fer me.’

‘I was a little nervous about accepting the hat... Everypony says I look just like you... I was sort of scared of living up to the legend.’

Applejack laughs. ‘Shoot. Ah ain’t no legend. Sure, Ah might have a few windows in the palace, but Ah’m as normal as ya are.’ She laughs again. ‘Well, probably not ya, since yer Jimmy’s, Twi’s and Luna’s kid.’

‘Actually, Pinkie is my mom, but still... Genetic jackpot, right?’

Applejack laughs and shakes her head. ‘Only way that can be better if Ah were in the mix somewhere.’

‘Oh geez. Not only would I have to live up to you as a legendary hero, but as my mother too. That is hard enough with just my parents as they are.’

The three ponies laugh. James and Twilight return to the group. Twilight looks a little confused.

‘Okay...’ Twilight begins. ‘There is some weird alien invasion. I am killed. James is killed. He becomes Discord. Then he becomes me. Discord is sent to our mutual past. Then you are our first son with Pinkie Pie, and Rei is our daugher with Luna?’

Apple and Rei nod.

‘That is about the size of it,’ Apple replies.

Twilight groans and trots away. ‘And you call me crazy for believing that Celestia and Luna are divine!’

James laughs and follows Twilight. ‘Hey, hold up a sec. I’ll go with you.’ He stops and turns to Apple. ‘Hey, uh, when I scanned you earlier, I detected that you were here under some sort of psychic link. Probably due to the increased magic from getting your Element, your latent powers from your parents and some sort of trauma. The bridge is closing, and you’ll be back home soon.’ He smiles at Rei. ‘Make the most of it.’

James catches up with Twilight. Applejack joins them, and the adults start leaving.

‘Applejack, wait!’ Apple calls. The mare turns back. ‘I know you were being modest, but it is good to know the legends are true.’

Applejack smiles. ‘Thanks. That means a lot t’ me. Ah’m glad yer there t’ keep mah legacy goin’.’

Applejack and Apple bow to each other before the adults leave the two siblings alone. Rei looks up and smiles at her brother.

Apple looks down and tries running a hoof through Rei’s mane. ‘Let’s catch up while we still have a chance. Hey! Right before I got my summons, Helios blew up a school! What a dope!’


65 - This Day in Ponyville - Deleted Scene

James wakes in the middle of the night to a scratching at his door. He gets up and finds Del looking around nervously. The little changeling looks up at the stallion.

James laughs. ‘Come on. You can stay with me tonight. Hop on in.’

Del climbs into bed, and James lays with her. The stallion gives her a big hug.

‘Don’t worry, Del. Everything is going to be okay,’ James assures. ‘You’re going to be fine. You’re safe at home now.’

‘Del is home?’

‘Mhm. This is your home now. You, me, Rei and anypony else that comes along. We’re all a family now.’

‘Del... has a family?’ She smiles and cuddles close. ‘That makes me happy. I finally feel safe.’

‘Of course you’re safe. Nothing will happen to you. I’ll watch over you forever. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, I’ll be there for you.’

Del’s smile grows. ‘Thank you... daddy.’

James laughs and hugs the sleeping changeling.


76 - Full Moon LIVE!

Chrysalis laughs at the ponies.

‘If you are ready, I would like to begin,’ the changeling says.

‘Go ahead.’ Twilight nods.

‘She’ll be okay, right?’ James asks.

‘Del will be perfectly fine,’ Chrysalis assures. ‘I only ask that you do not interfere. The ritual is a little dangerous. I would hate for you to get hurt. Del, are you ready?’

The filly jumps when she hears her name. She comes over from following the guard and stands before Chrysalis. The larger changeling nods. Del drops her disguise. She looks up at her queen.

‘This may hurt a bit, but I have your best interests at heart,’ Chrysalis promises. ‘Do not be afraid.’

Del nervously looks around. She sees Twilight writing everything down while James worries beside her. She smiles at her caretaker.

‘Del’s b... My body. My body is ready.’

Chrysalis licks her lips. ‘That is good to hear.’

In one swift motion, the changeling queen lunges down and bites Del in the neck.

‘Del!’ James shouts and tries to jump forward.

Twilight catches the stallion with her magic. ‘No. We cannot interfere!’

‘She is hurting her!’

‘Please stay back, Miste...’ Del rasps before going limp.

Chrysalis releases. She tilts her head back and drinks the remaining blood on her fangs. Del collapses to the ground. The queen lays down beside the fallen changeling and lifts her up. She directs Del to a spot on her neck. Del leans in as best as she can and bites. Chrysalis winces as her skin is pierced. Del drinks as much as she can before she gasps for air. Chrysalis coats a hoof with blood and holds it out. Del licks up as much as she can before collapsing again. Chrysalis smiles and holds the small changeling in her forelegs.

‘Very good. We are family now,’ the queen says as she nuzzles Del. She looks up. ‘I think it would be wise to get your nurse,’ she tells James. ‘We both could use a little tending to.’

‘You don’t have to tell me twice.’

James gallops out of the basement as fast as he can. Twilight continues scribbling notes.

‘This is amazing!’ the pony princess exclaims. ‘Was that some sort of coming-of-age ritual or a rite of passage of some sort?’

Chrysalis laughs. ‘Far from it. The closest description would be... a royal adoption.’

‘So, are you saying Del is like your daughter now?’

The queen looks down and licks Del’s wound a little. ‘Not exactly. Though she is without a formal family unit, what I have done is more like accepting her into my home. She would be considered a sister and potential queen. Princess Del.’

‘Fascinating. Is this how all changeling queens are made?’

‘I was born to my mother, the former queen, thank you very much,’ Chrysalis snorts. ‘I am holding off on creating a brood of my own. I am waiting for a world where my kind can be free to do as we please. I originally thought it would be when your kind was subjugated as our food source. Now... My reason for holding back is the same, but my methods have changed.’

Del lets out a loud whine. Chrysalis casts a spell on the small changeling’s neck. Twilight writes even faster as she analyzes the spell.

‘What did you just do?’ the unicorn gapes.

‘Just a simple anesthetic spell. The same one I used on your brother.’


‘Are you really so surprised? I really did treat his migraines while he was under my spell. Though my wording will come off as cruel, any good farmer can tell you that you have to maintain the fields for good crops. We do not like our sources of love to run dry or our illusions to wear off, so we do care for our victims. If you hadn’t shown up, your brother probably could have released his spell on his own instead of having it shattered. The pain of magical feedback is unpleasant.’

‘I know that too well,’ Twilight sighs. ‘Thank you for telling me so much about yourself and your kind. I am sorry we haven’t had a chance to learn from each other in our past encounters.’

‘As am I, but a girl has to feed, you know.’

‘Please don’t say it like that.’

Chrysalis laughs.


81 - The Lonely Changeling and The Beautiful Unicorn

After finishing the story, James looks down at Del curled up in his forelegs. The small changeling has a large smile on her face as she falls asleep. James sighs and gives Del a gentle nuzzle.

‘Mr Wanderer...’ Del asks in her daze.

‘Yes, Del?’

‘Can you do that thing you did with Rei for me too?’

‘Are you asking me to adopt you?’

Del nods. ‘Yes, please. If you want me.’

James laughs. ‘Of course I would want you. I’ll talk it over with your sister and see what I can do.’

‘Thank you. You’re the greatest.’

‘So are you. Now, get some sleep, pretty changeling.’ James nuzzles Del again. ‘Love ya, Del.’

‘Love you too, dad.’

James laughs and settles in. Del sighs contently and falls asleep.


93 - For the Ages - Deleted Scene

James and Twilight sit at the kitchen table filling out paperwork. Del sits beside them, watching with great excitement. Twilight signs a document. James slides it and several others into an envelope and seals it. Del squeals and hugs Twilight. The princess laughs and hugs the changeling in return.

‘It isn’t official yet,’ Twilight states. ‘But I am sure everything will work out.’

Del coos. ‘I don’t care how long it takes. Thank you, mommy.’

James laughs. ‘Get used to hearing that.’

‘I think I will,’ Twilight replies. ‘It will be good practice for when we have foals of our own.’

The stallion freezes. ‘Our own?’ He smiles. ‘I look forward to that too.’

Del laughs and rubs her head in Twilight’s chest fluff. ‘I want a brother. A real handsome and smart brother who will love me and Rei and be the best brother ever.’

Twilight laughs. ‘Well, genetics don’t work exactly that way, but we do have a history of good brothers in my family.’

‘Mine got married, and I never saw him again,’ James says.

Del pokes Twilight’s muzzle with her horn. ‘He makes good brothers too. Rei talks about Apple and Helo all the time. But I know you two together will make Del the best brother ever!’ The adults laugh and hug the changeling. ‘But I want daddy and Pinkie to make me a sister. She’d be the best at that.’

The adults freeze, blush and look at the calm changeling as she nuzzles her future stepmother.


95 - Changing Perceptions - Deleted Scene

Del grumbles to herself. She carries three juice boxes on her back as she goes to her bedroom. Inside, Diamond Tiara sits on her bed. Chrysalis sits beside the filly. They are laughing jovially. Del sighs as she brings them the drinks.

‘Thank you so much for letting me meet your sister, Del,’ Diamond thanks.

Chrysalis drinks deep. ‘Indeed. She is far more enjoyable than your other friends.’

Del shudders and drinks her juice box.


97 - Big Trouble in Little Crystal Empire - Deleted Scene

The middle of the night. Shining patrols the halls of the Crystal Palace. He checks every room he comes across. The stallion stops in a lounge and looks around. He sighs and charges his horn. He pulls back a curtain to reveal Twilight. He lifts a couch to uncover Del. He opens a closet door to free his wife.

‘There. Found you,’ the stallion states. ‘Now, can we please go to bed!’

‘You haven’t found all of us,’ the princesses taunt.

Shining closes his eyes to cover up a twitch. ‘Yama, that is you disguised as the chef back there.’

A passing pony stops. A green flash covers Yama as he drops his disguise. ‘Best two out of three?’


43 - It’s Great to be the Princess

‘I am not lovesick. I just do not have any close friendships outside of Luna and Twilight Sparkle. Now the two of them are growing apart from me. All of my previous prized pupils are dead and gone. The hope of regaining my sister was what kept me from feeling lonely those thousand years. It feels too soon to lose her again and at the same time as my current prized pupil leaves me as well.’ Celestia kicks at the ground, cracking the boards beneath her a little. ‘It is so lonely being at the top. Despite the rumors, it is not great to be the princess.’

‘Twilight can live out several full lives before I live out my first regeneration. Do you know what keeps me going?’


James looks around nervously. ‘It is a secret. Come closer.’

‘You’re not going to try kissing me again, are you?’


Celestia sighs and leans down. James reaches up and boops the princess on the nose. She stares at the earth pony who is currently violating several levels of royal protocol and would likely be in irons if the princesses felt the need to bring guards with them. Celestia takes a deep breath and turns her attention back to the train platform. She dons her necklace to retake her disguise as Amy.

‘Of all of the things I might have expected from you, that is possibly the last.’

‘Was it good for you, too?’

‘Just be quiet until Luna arrives.’

James laughs and sits with the princess. After a few seconds, she lifts a foreleg and punches the stallion in the shoulder, knocking him to the platform. She laughs to herself as he picks himself up.


53 - Turning Neighponese

The Furious Physicist stands on Celestia’s back. He has one foreleg around her neck and is aiming his sonic screwdriver at her horn. She is pinned to the ground near a black, insectoid/pony-like creature that is chained to the ground. They are surrounded by royal unicorn and pegasus guards. Shining Armor levitates a spear beside him as he steps forward.

‘Let her go, Wanderer!’

‘After you let it go! You cannot keep a living being as some science experiment!’

‘Mr Wanderer, the creature can teach us things about changeling magic,’ Celestia argues. ‘We can make great strides in our study of illusions and cloaking magic. We can be better prepared in case they come back.’

‘You are torturing the poor creature. Free! It! Now!’

‘Isn’t that what you are doing to me?’ Celestia groans.

‘Only if it is chained for one second longer.’

The princess shudders. ‘You are paying for the entire trip.’

‘I figured as much.’

‘Shining Armor.’

‘Yes, Princess Celestia?’

‘Free the changeling. Let it escape back to the swarm.’

‘Are you sure that is wise? You are not giving into a terrorist threat.’

‘Let’s just say this is far kinder than his argument for granting non-pony citizens the right to vote.’

‘Was that covering the city in poison joke flowers or organizing nationwide protests on your birthday?’

‘The poison joke one. I was the one that helped you fill the parliament building, remember?’

James laughs. ‘Good times.’

‘Uh... Princess?’

Celestia glares at Shining Armor. ‘Just release it already. And find me the general whose idea it was to cage it. I feel a public dressing down is in order.’

‘Y-yes, mum!’ Shining turns to the guards. ‘Guards, release the changeling! We are, uh...’

‘Escort,’ Celestia supplies.

‘We are to escort it from the city.’


‘Escort it from the country.’

‘Full honor guard, right, Celi?’

‘Indeed, Mr Wanderer.’

Shining Armor groans. ‘Guards... Do as they say.’

The changeling is unbound. It snarls at the guards as it figures out what is going on. James smiles and offers a friendly hoof. It sniffs then backs to a safe corner. Celestia stands, dropping her captor to the ground. She bows to the changeling.

‘You are free to leave now. I humbly apologize for your captivity.’ She turns to James. ‘Is that delicious eatery open late nights?’

‘It should still be open now.’

‘Wonderful! Captain Shining Armor, I am sure you can handle it from here.’

‘Yes, mum...’ Shining Armor groans.

Celestia and James trot out together. The stallion stops to place a hoof on the defeated captain of the guard’s shoulder.

‘No hard feelings, right, bro? Well, I mean except the one. That I have. For you.’

The unicorn grimaces back at his little sister’s coltfriend.

‘Marry me,’ James says bluntly.

‘Mr Wanderer! I’m waiting.’ Celestia calls

James gallops to catch up with the princess. He turns and gives the ‘call me’ motion to the unfortunate unicorn.


87 - League of Harmony (part 1) - Deleted Scene

Celestia returns to her room after her meeting with Luna, Cadence and Osiris. She groans when she sees her escort still awake. Worst of all, he is sitting nowhere near the bed while he plays a game.

‘Don’t you ever sleep?’ Celestia snorts.

James moans, ‘You sound just like Twilight.’ He glances over his game. ‘How was your “secret” meeting?’

The princess groans and lays on the bed. ‘They still want to let her in.’

‘You mean “we”.’

Celestia growls. ‘I might have some regret about the way I treated her grandmother. It was wrong to treat a young filly that way.’ She pulls the pillows under her. ‘And it was wrong for her mother to be murdered while tending to her brood...’

‘Just because they are changelings...’

Celestia rolls over and kicks her legs. ‘That doesn’t..! I mean, she isn’t..! I don’t wanna let her in! It would be admitting that I don’t mind having her around! And think she’s cute! And want to have another friend as old as me!’

‘She is pretty cute.’


‘But she has eyes for your niece and her husband.’

Celestia cuddles a pillow on her chest. ‘Why doesn’t anypony that I think is cute like me too?’

‘You’re plenty cute. We just think somepony else is cuter.’

Celestia moans again. ‘She really is a pest, though. We have mastered dealing with changelings, but her past attacks have been quite annoying.’

‘If Twilight, Cadence, Shining and Luna are willing to forgive her...’

‘So am I!’ She blushes and covers her face. ‘I just don’t want her to know it...’

‘Anypony ever tell you that you’re really weird?’

A pillow flies across the room and hits James in the face.

Celestia immediately levitates the pillow back under her. ‘Are you coming to bed or not?’

James sighs and closes his game. ‘Do I have to?’

The princess pulls him over and wraps him in a hug. ‘Yes. I need cuddles.’

‘Just keep the hooves above the...’

Celestia snores into the stallion’s ears. James sighs, gets out is sonic and turns off the lights.

[Stormy & Trixie]

16 - Like a Lady

Rarity returns home after doing some shopping. She is all ready to make a fantastic dinner for herself. As she nears her home, she hears shouting and the distinct sounds of Ponyville’s finest making an arrest. She sets her shopping at her porch and decides to get on the gossip train early. She makes her way over to the location of the shouting. As she nears, she picks up her pace. Outside a house, a dark blue unicorn is being escorted away by the Ponyville police. He is shouting all sorts of obscenities and racial epithets at the officers and the pony he was in conflict with. At the residence, an EMT is tending to Stormy. The colt nods at Rarity as she rushes over.

‘It’s cool. She’s a friend,’ Stormy tells the EMT to let her near.

‘What happened here?’ Rarity demands.

‘Well, I got into telling my dad off as I told you earlier.’ Stormy answers. ‘Things got a little heated and well, this happened.’

‘Are you okay?’


‘His right foreleg is broken and he has a pretty nasty crack on his horn,’ The EMT explains. ‘I am surprised he hasn’t passed out from the pain.’

‘But he has an important job interview out of town that is coming up. Will be able to make it?’

‘Since his dad will be in jail and he has no other relatives in the town, he’ll be lucky if we let him out of the hospital any time soon.’

‘It is fine, Miss Rarity,’ Stormy gives a weak grin. ‘I can take care of myself. I can be strong for you, too.’

The EMT pushes Rarity back. ‘Sorry. We have to get him to the hospital now. You can see him in the morning during regular visiting hours.’

The EMT helps Stormy onto a stretcher and a pair of pegasi fly him away. Rarity sadly watches her new friend leave again. Then she gets an idea and takes off galloping.


18 - Obnoxious and Annoying - Deleted Scene

Applejack yawns as she takes a turn pulling Trixie’s wagon back to town. Rarity has fallen asleep on the back of the wagon. Twilight and Trixie trot beside Applejack.

‘Thank you so much for the help,’ Trixie thanks. ‘I could have done this myself.’

‘Ain’t no problem,’ Applejack replies. ‘Ah’m happy t’ help after ya took a bit of a swim. What are friends fer?’

‘Right. Thank you. I’ve... never really had a friend before Twilight.’

‘When did that happen?’ Rarity moans, waking up.

‘It was after our duel,’ Twilight explains.

‘I thought you were rivals or some such thing.’

‘You can be friends and rivals,’ Trixie snorts. ‘There is no law against it.’

Twilight levitates a parchment in front of her. ‘By royal decree of Princess Sparkle, you cannot be friends with a rival.’ She signs the parchment. ‘Done!’

Trixie growls while the others laugh. Rarity looks up.

‘Oh! This is my stop. See you in the morning.’

The unicorn happily trots away into Carousel Boutique.

‘We’re near The Power Block, too,’ Twilight notes. ‘I’ll get those two back. See you at the library?’

‘Indeed,’ Trixie replies, bowing.

Twilight helps James and Rei from the wagon and escorts them away. Trixie and Applejack continue towards the library in silence They notice a shop open.

‘Ooo! I’m going to make a quick stop,’ Trixie says. ‘Do you want anything? My treat.’

‘Nah. Go ahead.’

Trixie bows and goes inside. The convenience store clerk looks up then back down at his magazine. Trixie browses the aisles until she spots a drink she wants. She grips it with her magic right when a magenta aura surrounds it.

‘Oh, sorry. You take it,’ a magenta colt says.

‘No, go ahead,’ Trixie replies.

Stormy shakes his head. ‘It is yours. My mother wouldn’t want me taking something from a pretty lady like yourself.’

Trixie blushes and takes the drink. Stormy gets one for himself. They pay and leave.

‘See you around!’ Trixie calls as Stormy trots away.

The young gentlecolt turns and bows. ‘I look forward to seeing you again.’

Trixie giggles and tries to contain a squeal as she regroups with Applejack.


20 - Holiday Cheer

At Ponyville Medical, a dark purple unicorn is resting in her bed. There is a brief flash of light in the room, and Stormy steps into the room. The resting mare stirs in her bed.

‘Who is there?’ the unicorn, Raspberry Soufflé, asks as she sits up.

‘Uh.... hey?’ Stormy replies.

There are a pair of thuds from behind Stormy coming from obvious facehooves.

‘Strawberry?’ Raspberry spots Stormy. ‘Oh! It is you Strawberry!’ She waves Stormy over. ‘Come here! I am so glad to see you!’

‘It is good to see you, too, mom.’

‘Look at you. All grown up.’ Raspberry takes in her son. ‘My boy grows up to be such a handsome young stallion.’ She eyes him. ‘That beard is a bit ridiculous though. Don’t tell me you are growing it to impress some mare.’

‘She is my boss...’

‘Oh no. No, no, no. When you get back to your time or whatever, you tell her that your mom won’t let you grow another beard for a few more years. Not until you are old enough.’

Stormy is confused. ‘Okay. How did you know I am from another time?’ A swear is heard in the darkness behind him. ‘Aren’t you the least bit curious how I got here?’

‘Strawberry, if you are here, now, like this, I know with even more certainty what I have known for a while now. Something I have known since long before I met your father. I am just glad to see my beautiful boy one last time before I leave you.’

Stormy cannot force back tears.

Raspberry sighs, ‘Strawberry. Sit with me for a moment.’

Stormy goes over and does what he is told.

‘Strawberry. I don’t know what he told you after I saw you last. I don’t know what he will tell you after I go. I don’t want to know so don’t bother opening your mouth. I have known what has been happening to me for a long time now. I really wanted to tell you not to worry and just be honest with you, but I was afraid you wouldn’t understand. Whatever miracle or spell or scientific advance that allows you to be here gives me that chance. I can see you become a fine young stallion. You are probably real upset that I had to leave you, especially with how he is, but know that all of our time together have been the best years of my life. And, when I pass, I will be happy because of seeing my most favorite pony in the whole world one last time.’

Stormy cannot fight it any longer. He breaks down crying where he sits. Raspberry motions him to her, and she holds him while they cry together.

‘Strawberry, I love you so much.’

‘I love you too, mommy.’

They continue hugging for several more moments.

‘You are the greatest son ever.’

‘I guess...’

‘It is true. Don’t let anypony tell you different.‘ Raspberry lets him go a second. ‘He did that to you.’ She eyes the cast on his horn and growls. ‘Don’t feel bad. A crack or two just makes magic more fun. Makes baking exciting.’ She points out some small, healed-over cracks on her horn.


‘What? You came all this way to worry about me. Why can’t I take ten seconds to worry about you?’


‘Uh... Stormy? We should get going.’

Stormy and Raspberry look to see Trixie standing in the room.

‘Is this the mare?’ Raspberry asks. ‘She is cu~ute.’ Trixie blushes. ‘Ditch the beard.’


‘She’s right.’


Stormy growls. Trixie and Raspberry laugh at the young stallion.

‘Strawberry.’ Raspberry motions him in again. They hug again. ‘I love my little colt so much. You made me so happy.’

‘I love you too, mom. Forever. ... Happy holidays.’

‘Happy holidays, Strawberry.’ Raspberry looks up, past Trixie and right to the TARDIS. ‘Thank you for this special moment.’


30 - RSI and the Confusing Mystery of the Enigmatic Conundrum

Not too long down the road, they hear a wagon approaching from behind. The wagon is being pulled by a pair oxen and is being driven by a dark blue earth pony.

‘Well, howdy!’ The pony greets. 'What is a nice troop of fillies doing out here like this?’

‘Actually, sir...’ Stormy starts before Rei pushes him out of the way.

Rei strikes the sexiest pose she can muster. 'Me and my friends are on our way to our sorority’s annual bikinis and alcohol party in Hoofington. Not that a big strong stallion like you would be interested in that.’

‘Hoofington? Well, shoot! I'm headed there myself. Would you like a lift?’

‘Oh, we'd hate to be a burden. How could we ever repay you?’

‘Just have one of y'all ride up front with me for some company will be good enough.’

‘Thank you!’ Rei cheers with the biggest smile.

‘You're the one riding up front.’ Stormy grumbles at Rei.

Rei starts heading to the front of the wagon, but the earth pony stops her.

'No, no. The unicorn.’

Stormy grimaces He looks back at his friends, but Rei has already rushed around the cart so she can listen in to any conversation that takes place. Inkie looks nervous for her friend but resigns him to his fate. Stormy sighs and climbs up next to the driver. Once the travelers are on the wagon, the driver starts the journey again.

‘Pretty long trip to Hoofington,' the driver says.

Stormy just nods.

‘Sounds like you have a wild party ahead of you.’

Stormy gives out an annoyed grumble.

The driver puts a foreleg across Stormy's shoulder. ‘Say, why don't we put that horn of yours to good use?’

Stormy pales and pushes away from the driver. A laugh is heard from the back of the wagon.

‘Whoa! Okay. I was going to be civil for my friend's sake, but that is too far. I am not a filly!’

The driver smiles at Stormy. ‘I know.’

Stormy's face drops. The driver leans in close. Suddenly, the entire front of the wagon explodes, and the driver is sent flying into the air. A trail of magical smoke is coming from Stormy's horn. The oxen look back then take off running. From the exposed back of the wagon, Rei is rolling around laughing as hard as she possibly can. The oxen look back again.

‘Thank you for taking care of him,’ one of the oxen says.

‘You would not believe the things he has done to us,’ the other adds.

‘Did you hear what he wanted me to do!?’ Stormy shouts. ‘I would believe you!’

The oxen nod and keep running down the road to Hoofington.


32 - Super Mario Legend of Fantasy Gears of Creed Metal Gear the Hedgehog Gaiden Country Crossing Kart Chrono Theft Auto Hearts Tales of Fate/stay Leaf Green Versus Capcom III: Revenge of Quest de Amigo

Trixie closes her eyes and focuses on a spell. She opens her eyes, and they are glowing with magical energies. A massive lightning bolt comes from Trixie’s horn and strikes the Steel Mechorilla’s fist. It roars and freezes in place. Trixie falls back and sits. Her head is spinning as the magical energy dissipates.

Trixie laughs nervously. ‘And that, ladies and gentleponies, is why they call me Great and Powerful.’

‘You idiot!’ Lucas shouts.

‘What’s the big deal?’ Stormy asks. ‘It is weak to lightning.’

‘Yes, and it can send it into a rage too.’

Trixie shakes off the remaining haze. ‘Do what?’

The Steel Mechorilla roars and come to life again. Its robotic parts start steaming and it swings wildly. Lucas and Trixie are able to raise magical shields in time and are only pushed back with minimal damage, but Stormy takes a hit and goes flying into the mountains surrounding the battlefield.

‘Stormy!’ Trixie cries.

‘Idiots!’ Lucas shouts.

Lucas charges a spell and shoots a series of small fireballs at the Steel Mechorilla. They explode on contact. The Steel Mechorilla’s mechanical parts shatter, and the beast collapses and dies. Trixie rushes over to Stormy’s side.

‘Stormy!’ Trixie cries. ‘Are you you okay? Stormy!’

‘Don’t forget to apologize for causing him to get hurt,’ Lucas sneers.

‘Shut up!’ Trixie shouts back with tears streaming down her face. ‘Just use your healing magic to help him!’

Lucas sighs and readies a spell, but Stormy coughs and groans. He looks up and sees Trixie crying over him.

Stormy smiles. ‘I should get my ass whooped more often. I keep getting pretty ladies caring for me when I wake up.’

Trixie smiles and hugs Stormy. ‘Idiot.’


45 - Blast from the Past

Time traveling and spying on your parents when they are a little older than you is thirsty work. Twilight washes up after using the little filly’s room when a second pony joins her at the sink. The other patron looks at the young mare.

‘You look a little familiar,’ Amelia says. ‘Have we met?’

Twilight grimaces. ‘Not that I know of.’

‘Hmm. You must have one of those faces.’ Amelia giggles. ‘A cute face at that.’

‘Heh, heh. Thanks.’

Twilight makes her way to the door, trying to avoid the other mare.

Amelia stares in the mirror and sighs. ‘Miss, may I ask you a question?’

‘Was that it?’ Twilight laughs.

‘Oh, I like you. Actually, it is more something I should ask my husband or friends, but, well, I have good feeling about you.’

‘Um.... Thank you?’

‘As you might be able to tell, I am with foal, but I am without a name for the darling. Do you have any suggestions?’

‘Uh... Beatrice would be a nice name,’ Twilight suggests.

‘Hmm... Beatrice... Bea... No, Trix. Trixie. Ah! I love it! The Mysterious and Alluring Amelia thanks you, kind unicorn.’

Twilight is shocked. ‘No... problem...’

Twilight finally leaves the washroom and rushes back to her table. Her friends look at her.

‘Y’all okay?’

The shocked alicorn laughs nervously. ‘Oh, fine. Perfectly fine.’

‘Did something happen?’ Fluttershy asks.

‘Oh, nothing. Nothing. I just named Trixie. Nothing major.’

Twilight’s friends stare at the princess in shock.

‘Isn’ that exactly the timeline changin’ thin’s James told us t’ avoid?’

‘To-to-to be fair, we never knew where her name came from.’

Applejack sighs and shakes her head. Fluttershy starts giggling at her friend.


62 - First day of School

Stormy trots up to the Ponyville Schoolhouse. His legs are shaking. A hoof to the shoulder calms him. He looks up at his smiling mother. She is breathing heavier than she should for a young mare.

‘It is okay, Strawberry. No need to be scared.’

‘But, mommy...’

Raspberry leans down and hugs her son. ‘You are my lovely Strawberry. You are big and brave and strong. You are going to be fine. Everypony is going to love you, too.’

‘Are you sure, mommy?’

‘I am certain. You have to be strong, for me. Mommy needs her son to be strong.’

‘I will, mommy! I will be strong for you! You’ll see! I’ll make you proud!’

Stormy gallops off to go to school. Raspberry smiles and trots away. She does not get far into town before she collapses.


64 - Family in Motion

The visiting unicorn clears his throat. ‘Actually, I am from Strawberry’s father’s side.’ The two other unicorns grimace. ‘My name is Blackberry Sorbet. Truth be told, I think I am his real father.’

The other unicorns stare at Blackberry in shock. Both hosts pull the fainting couch over in time for Rarity to collapse.

‘Well, damn,’ is the best comment Stormy can come up with. After a few moments to let the shock sink in, he asks, ‘Do you have any proof?’

‘You are named after the first pony your mother ever loved,’ Blackberry replies.

Stormy shrugs. ‘Good enough for me.’ He gets up from his post. ‘Let’s go to the back. I can make some coffee. We have some pretty good blends.’ He stops by Rarity’s couch. ‘I’m on break. You can join us when you are through here.’

‘Will do,’ Rarity replies before going back to swooning.

Stormy motions for Blackberry to follow, and they head to the back. Another visitor enters the shop.

‘Can’t talk. Busy swooning,’ Rarity tells the guest.

The patron groans and leaves the shop.


68 - Sweet Sorbet - Deleted Scene

It is the last day of Lemon’s visit. Though sad to see her go, Stormy is happy that he’ll be getting his bed back. After the Everfree incident, Lemon insisted on sleeping with Stormy every night since. Jealous, Sweetie whined until Stormy let her stay with them too.

The younger unicorns sigh happily as they nuzzle their big brother.

‘I love you,’ Sweetie coos in her sleep.

‘I love you too,’ Lemon replies.

The fillies wake, look at each other, blush and squeak. Forelegs wrap around the two fillies.

‘And I love both of you,’ Stormy adds. ‘Now, will you let me up? I need to use the washroom.’


78 - Sweetie Belle’s First Date

Stormy yawns as his head hits pillow. He briefly turns on his mobile and smiles at a photo of Trixie before he closes his eyes. After a happy sigh, there is a knock on the door.

‘Shouldn’t you be in bed?’ Stormy grumbles.

Sweetie Belle peeks in. ‘Can I come in?’

‘What is it?’

‘C-can I stay with you tonight?’

‘Go to bed, Sweetie Belle.’

‘Stormy! Please! I know that couples stay together after a date. I’ve seen guys stay with Rarity, and I know you stay with Trixie when she is in town. … You let Lemon sleep with you! She’s your sister!’

Stormy groans. He pulls back the sheets a bit. ‘At least you don’t know what comes after kissing...’ he grumbles to himself.

Sweetie smiles and climbs into bed. She cuddles up extra close to Stormy. The young man sighs and tries falling asleep.

‘Stormy... I’m sorry if I am annoying sometimes.’

‘It is okay, Sweetie. I know you mean well.’ He rolls over and kisses the back of Sweetie’s head. ‘Hey, a few times today, you seemed like you wanted to tell me something. We’re pretty alone now. What was on your mind?’

‘Actually...’ Sweetie squirms a little. ‘I said it earlier. I think you didn’t think much of it, but I do love you, Stormy.’

‘I love you too. You’re like a little sister to me.’

‘No... I really mean it.’

Stormy sighs. ‘I think you are getting familial love confused with something more because we are not really related. We’re a family, Sweetie Belle. We can’t be anything more than that.’

‘I was hoping... I mean, I am not as dumb as I seem. I know what comes after kissing... What is it that Mr Wanderer says?’

Stormy hugs his sister and shakes his head. ‘No, it is not. Hopefully not for a long time. And especially not with me.’

Sweetie starts crying. ‘I’m sorry. I’m an idiot. You probably think I am a sick pervert. … You’re probably right...’

‘Sweetie, you are still growing up and figuring yourself out. You have your lovely sister and a great mother who will help you understand what you are feeling. Failing that, I can always ask Rei for you.’

‘Why do you always recommend her?’

‘Because until I got up close and personal with Trixie, Rei was more than willing to give me anatomy lessons. … She still is...’

‘She’s weird. That whole household is weird.’

‘Yeah, but they are also great.’

Sweetie sighs. ‘I love you, Stormy.’

‘I love you, Sweetie. Goodnight.’


The siblings cuddle together and fall asleep.

[The Trio ad Libitum & Daring Do]

11 - Insufferable - Deleted Scene

Octavia wakes in the middle of the night. She shivers as she looks around the conference room. The half-asleep pony spots Vinyl and The Wandering Pest laying together beside a wall. She growls and trots over to them.

‘She’s mine,’ Octavia snorts, kicking the stallion in the leg.

She glares at the sleeping ponies and shivers again. Octavia groans and lays down. Suddenly, The Sleeping Physicist whips his forelegs out and grabs Octavia. The mare squeaks, but it turns into a sigh as she cuddles close.

‘Although, this works great too,’ the cellist sighs as she falls back asleep.


19 - Human Nature

A few days later, Lyra and Bon Bon are out on a reconciliation picnic date in the park. Lyra still gets upset glares from the ponies she followed, but she is doing her best to ignore them. The couple are having a very peaceful time until a white streak with blue tint passes by.

‘Get back here!’ The Wandering Physicist yells as he chases the streak. ‘Wait until I get my hands on you!’

Lyra bolts upright. ‘Hands!’

‘Sit down, dear,’ Bon Bon sighs.

Lyra stands for a moment then sits back down. She and Bon Bon watch the chase unfolding in front of them.

Current subject: The Wandering Physicist. Status: Time Lord. NOT human. Description: Earth pony. Average height, average build. Brown coat. Black mane and tail. Black glasses. Cutie mark: A smaller, distorted version of himself. Still weird. Profession: Owner and operator of the local video game store. Associates: Lucas Grainborough (pony), Twilight Sparkle (pony - maybe), Rei Tsukiyo (pony?), Pinkie Pie (pony... maybe), and more. Current location: In the park chasing Rei. End log.


37 - Trio ad Libitum

There are two schools of thought when it comes to covert operations. One idea is to be as invisible as possible. Don’t stand out in any way. Nopony gives a second glance to the business pony, donut maker or adorable barista. All the better to hide in plain sight. The other school of thought is to make yourself as visible as possible. A famous actress or prominent musician can get more access than a baker. Not to mention the financial and political benefits that come from being famous. Also, when in doubt, press conference.
Octavia, Lyra, and Silver, in her disguise as Vulpe d’Argento, sit in front of microphones as they face the press. All of the photographers present snap away while the reporters jockey to get in position to ask questions.


42 - Putting on a Show - Deleted Scene

A few deep breaths later, Silver knocks on the door. A blue-white pegasus mare with a pale blue mane answers. The pegasus gasps in shock. Silver stares back, not knowing how to respond. The pegasus looks Silver over carefully.

‘You have gotten so beautiful since you grew up.’

‘Thanks, mommy,’ Silver mumbles.

‘Oh, come on. You don’t talk like that on your TV show. Get in here! We have a lot to catch up on.’

Silver smiles and nods. She follows her mother into the apartment she grew up in. The walls are covered in clippings from Silver’s acting career. There is even a large poster from the Trio’s concert in Canterlot. The young mare is shocked at what she sees.

‘M-mom,’ Silver stammers. ‘You knew?’

Arctic smiles and hugs her daughter. ‘You’re my baby girl. How could I not know?’

Silver chokes back tears. ‘I love you, mom.’

‘I love you, too.’ Arctic lets go. ‘Come on. It was my birthday recently. I think there is still some cake left.’

‘That would be great,’ Silver laughs.


46 - Reunion - Deleted Scene

Mel and Arctic try resting on the train ride back to Canterlot. Both have a lot on their mind after the visit with Stormy. The pegasus struggles to get comfortable on her bench while the earth pony taps her mobile.

Arctic groans and looks at her friend. ‘When is the earliest I can interview for the job?’

‘Tomorrow morning,’ Mel replies. ‘That afternoon if you want to raid my closet first.’

‘Afternoon it is.’ She takes a deep breath. ‘I always hoped Raspberry found Mr Strawberry again and ran off with him. I never expected her to...’

‘Me too... She deserved better than... What am I saying? We saw her son! She would be very proud of him.’

Arctic smiles. ‘Yeah. We all ended up with great kids.’ She laughs. ‘Great, famous kids.’

‘So she finally told you?’

‘Took her long enough. She was so scared I would be mad about her extracurricular activities.’

‘You were pretty strict about earning everything on your own and not taking from others.’

‘She breaks in to provide security improvements! With her advice, we’ll never have those awful changelings back in Canterlot.’ She sits up. ‘Besides, what about Octavia? You sent her for secret training too. Her crimes are probably worse.’

Mel turns her nose up. ‘History will judge our actions to have been the right ones.’

‘If I get the job, I am definitely getting our girls in for guest lectures.’

‘Octavia already goes voluntarily.’

‘Show off.’

Mel coughs. ‘If the Trio needs a base for any reason...’

Arctic poses. ‘You have my word as headmaster that no illegal activities are going on on my campus.’

Mel looks away slightly. ‘We’ll have Silver give you acting lessons right away.’

‘What was that!’

Mel laughs at her friend and goes back to work. Arctic gets out a bag of candy and starts eating. Mel looks over.

‘Hey! That is my candy!’

Arctic eats another piece. ‘Oh. I guess Silver doesn’t need to train me after all.’

Mel growls at her friend and goes back to work. Arctic laughs and tosses the bag back as she tries settling again.


52 - Daring Do and The Enigmatic Scientist

James searches his house. He has lost something very important. He goes to one of the bedrooms and finds a pegasus reading on her bed.

‘Daring, have you seen the letter from Celestia with your instructions for when we first met? I haven’t seen it since I went back and... Never mind. Clever, Discord.’

Daring Do looks back from her bed. ‘Oh, hey. Can you believe this crap?’ She hits her book. ‘My editor butchered my last book! Mother bucking refrigerator.’

James laughs. ‘Just don’t watch the movie. Speaking of, Rei and I are going to be up a bit longer. You can come out and join us if you want.’

‘Maybe in a bit. I am still getting settled as a fugitive from time.’

‘Take as long as you need. We are happy to help you.’

‘Thanks.’ Daring smiles. ‘Uh, Mr uh... Wandering...’

‘Just call me James. All of my closest friends do.’

‘Right. James. Um, thank you. Thank you for this, I mean. I was in a really bad place, and Vicki and her family couldn’t help me. Thank you for saving me.’

‘What are friends for if not being there when you need them?’

‘Right. I won’t let this go to waste.’

‘I know you won’t.’ James smiles and turns to leave. ‘Oh! And if I catch you in either my or Rei’s room, I will kill you.’

‘Fair enough, cutie.’

They laugh, and James goes out to join his daughter. Daring picks up her book and leans back on her bed.

‘A chance at a new life. New adventures. New friends. I’ve never felt more alive.’


59 - Live From Budokan - Deleted Scene

Lyra analyzes the data Silver retrieved. She and Vinyl light the room with their horns. Kaeko serves reheated coffee. Even without a light, Octavia is able to find and mix a drink for herself.

‘How can you think of drinking at a time like this?’ Kaeko asks.

‘What else are you supposed to do when the power is out?’ Octavia asks.

‘I remember when we had a place together...’ Vinyl begins.


‘We had a big power outage...’

‘If you finish that story...’

The DJ grins. ‘We did things all night long...’

‘Not one more word!’

‘Because Tavi was so scared of the darkness and didn’t want to be left alone. We played so many board games by magic light.’

‘I hate you! Why would you tell them that! It was private!’

Vinyl laughs. ‘You are so cute when you are upset.’

Octavia throws her drink in Vinyl’s face and storms away. Daring looks over Lyra’s shoulder.

‘Things have really changed since my day.’ The pegasus sips her coffee. ‘We’d be sitting around with flashlights in our mouths reading stacks of papers. Now, you just Google it.’ She sips again. ‘Shoulda kept James’ mobile when I showed him Celestia’s panties.’

Kaeko stares in shock.

‘Still have them?’ Lyra asks.

‘Maybe~’ Daring teases. She leans close. ‘So silky smooth.’

Lyra’s magic flares in excitement. Silver blushes and taps Daring on the shoulder.

‘Um, Miss Do...’

‘Call me “Daring”, cutie. Everypony does.’

‘Um, right. If you don’t mind me asking, can you tell us how you ended up here?’ Silver looks away. ‘I told you I was a big fan, but I remembered your biography. It said you...’

Daring laughs and rubs the back of her head. ‘Well, you see, archaeology is an imprecise science.’

Octavia stomps back into the room, straight to the bar. ‘My organization supplied the body and faked her death.’ She glares at Kaeko. ‘Though some of us were in the know longer than I was.’

‘I might have retired to run my shop, but you cannot help but notice when something is going on in that household. First, a time-traveling alien. Then, his interdimensional daughter. Now, a fugitive from her past. What’s next? The little sister of the changeling queen?’

‘I wonder how Chryssy is doing,’ Daring muses. ‘I hope she is still around.’ She sighs. ‘She was such a good singer.’

‘I’m in!’ Lyra declares.

The others gather around the screen to see what they can learn.


61 - Anyway You Slice It - Deleted Scene

Lyra stands, on her hind legs no less, in her kitchen as she makes lunch for herself. She slices her sandwich and sits at the table. Bon Bon trots in, rolls her eyes at the way her wife is sitting and goes to make lunch for herself. As she works, she looks over at what Lyra is eating and gasps.

‘What are you doing?’ Bon Bon asks.

‘Having lunch.’

‘But that... It is shaped all wrong.’

Lyra levitates half her sandwich. ‘What? This? Nah. That is how they always are. So good too.’

She runs her tongue over the sandwich before taking a bite.

‘Oh my Celestia! You actually put it in your mouth. That is just disgusting.’

‘This is what I enjoy. So long and pointy. You get more in too.’

‘That is sick,’ Bon Bon gags.

‘How do you do it then?’

Bon Bon lifts half her sandwich. ‘Like this.’ She takes a big bite.

‘But that is all wide. You can barely get any in. Not to mention, the mayo is dripping everywhere.’

Bon Bon licks her hooves clean. ‘That is half the fun.’

‘That is just wrong.’ Lyra levitates the other half of her sandwich. ‘Here. Try mine. It is so much better. You’ll love it.’

‘No thanks. Besides, it is all limp the way you’re holding it.’

‘It is much bigger when you get it inside you.’ She levitates it closer. ‘Take a bite.’


‘Take it.’


‘Put it in your mouth!’

‘NO!’ Bon Bon slaps the sandwich across the room. ‘That is sick and wrong and just plain horrible!’

‘If you try it, you’ll like it!’

Bon Bon closes her eyes and seethes. ‘I don’t mind your human obsession. I’ve made peace with your information gathering. But this... I just cannot forgive this.’

‘Well, I’m not a prude like you.’ Lyra takes Bon Bon’s sandwich and bites it. She immediately spits it out. ‘Ugh! That is the most disgusting thing I have ever put in my mouth! How can you stand it? Are you thick or something?’

Bon Bon’s anger snaps. ‘That is the stupidest, most pig-headed thing you have ever said!’ she shouts.

‘That is how it has always been! You are stupid and wrong!’ Lyra shouts back.

The couple butt heads and growl. Both are furious with the other.

‘That is not something I am having in my house,’ Bon Bon snarls.

‘Fine! Then I will take it where it is appreciated!’

Lyra storms to her study and starts packing a few belongings, including her laptop and lyre. Bon Bon glares as her wife goes to the front door.

‘I can’t believe you would ask me to do such a thing,’ the confectioner snorts.

‘Maybe if you were more open-minded you might just enjoy it,’ Lyra retorts.

The unicorn stomps out of the house and magically slams the door behind her.


84 - 137 Short Scenes About Hearts and Hooves Day

‘Okay, Lyra. You are on your own, in your wife’s shop and coated in chocolate. I have to use all of my skills to get out of this predicament. Human Instinct! Activate!’

Lyra lights up her horn, surrounding her in an aura. When the aura dies down, nothing happens. The unicorn stands firm as if waiting for something. After several moments, the unicorn looks down.

‘Well, sh-’


06 - Day Off to Work - Deleted Scene

James and Sweetie Belle sit at a Neighponese restaurant, waiting for their meal to arrive. The filly has trouble getting her chopsticks to work, despite holding them with her magic. James calmly picks up a bit of tsukemono.

‘Need a bit of help?’ the stallion asks.

‘I think I got it,’ Sweetie groans.

The filly focuses her magic. She slowly picks up a piece of tsukemono and moves it to her mouth. Then, SNAP! The tsukemono drops to Sweetie’s lap as her chopsticks shoot to the sides. One knocks over a waitress’ tray. The other earns a scream from an injured patron.

Sweetie frowns and looks down. ‘Please don’t tell Rarity about this.’


26 - Variable Substitution

Late at night, a small figure runs through Ponyville and stops in front of a well-appointed house. It extends small wings and flies up to a window. It taps the window, and Diamond Tiara answers.

‘Uh... hey?’ Scootaloo greets.

‘Hi... Are you okay?’

‘Yeah. I just told my dad I got hurt crusading again. Good excuse that covers almost everything.’

‘That is good.’

‘Hey... I, uh, found this back on the planet. I couldn’t give it to you earlier since Mr Wanderer booted us all out before your dad got there. I thought you would want it back.’

Scootaloo gets out a battered tiara and gives it to Diamond Tiara. She holds back tears for a moment before accepting the gift from her friend.

‘Thank you.’ Diamond Tiara does a small laugh. ‘I guess we have something interesting to report to Cheerilee in the morning.’

Scootaloo laughs. ‘Yeah. A big adventure.’ She rubs the back of her head and looks embarrassed. ‘Hey, uh, don’t tell anypony this but I really like you. I mean, really like you.’

Diamond Tiara blushes. She looks around nervously. ‘I really like you too.’

Scootaloo is shock and forgets to flap her wings for a moment before catching herself. Diamond Tiara laughs and gives Scootaloo a quick kiss before closing her window. Scootaloo flies away feeling pretty happy.


39 - Apple Bloom's First Date

‘Actually...’ Apple Bloom blushes. ‘There is one thing ya can do to make it perfect...’

James smiles. ‘Yes?’

Apple Bloom blushes brighter red. She closes her eyes and leans up for a kiss. James laughs and starts leaning down. In the house, Pinkie holds Twilight from running out while Big Macintosh holds his sister back. James kisses Apple Bloom on the forehead and backs off. The two women in the house ease up. Apple Bloom opens her eyes and stares up at her date.

‘But ya were supposed t’...’

Apple Bloom’s lip start trembling, and she starts tearing up. The two other women and Big Macintosh have to hold Applejack from running out of the house. James crouches down and hugs the upset girl.

‘I know what you were expecting,’ James says. ‘It is not my place to be your first kiss. Trust me. When the time is right and you are with the right person, your first kiss will be wonderful.’

Apple Bloom calms and returns the hug. ‘Thank ya. Yer always lookin’ after me.’ She smiles. ‘It is sorta like yer mah pa the way ya take care of me like ya do.’

‘You’re a special kid. I just don’t want to see you upset.’ James stands up. ‘Come on. Let’s get you inside. I think Applejack would love to hear all about your day.’

James escorts the kid to her house.

Apple Bloom thinks. ‘Ah wish ya could be mah pa or like mah brother... That’d be fun.’

James laughs. Applejack opens the door when the couple reaches it. Apple Bloom looks up and gets a great idea upon seeing her sister.

‘Ah know! Ya should marry Applejack!’ Apple Bloom cheers.


47 - Fillies and Colts - Deleted Scene

Scootaloo’s mother escorts her daughter home. The mare breathes a sigh of relief knowing that they will be safe. She looks around her home. It feels a lot freer.

‘Scoots,’ the mare calls. ‘I know it is a bit of a shock now that your father is gone, but we’ll have to make a lot of adjustments.’ There is no reply. ‘Scoots?’

The mare sighs and trots through her home. She finds Scootaloo in her room hooking up her computer. The filly laughs and turns it on. While she is waiting for it to boot, up she notices something out of the corner of her eye.

Scootaloo screams and covers herself. ‘Privacy!’

Her mother groans. ‘We just got home for the first time in days. This is the first thing you do?’

‘Rei told me Lyra updated her stories. I wanted to check it out.’

‘We’re going to have a very long talk...’ Scootaloo’s mother groans, lifting her daughter up. ‘A long talk indeed...’


71 - TWP and the Mystery of Slumber Parties

Scootaloo laughs as she watches her friends and classmates playing games. Apple Bloom trots over after finishing her game with Twilight, Rumble, Silver Spoon and Twist.

‘Great job winning that game,’ Scootaloo congratulates.

‘Shoot. Wasn’ nothin’,’ Apple Bloom replies. She takes a deep breath. ‘Actually, it was actually quite hard.’

‘Come on. Between you and Twilight, the only way it would have been solved faster is if Mr Wanderer was playing, too.’

They look over to see James holding Diamond Tiara at bay while Ruby takes her turn.

‘Well, it mighta gone faster if Rumble didn’ get those bad draws.’

The fillies laugh. Apple Bloom sighs and smiles at her friend.

‘Hey, uh, thanks fer agreein’ t’ invite colts.’

‘No prob,’ Scootaloo replies. ‘When I heard we could have the sleepover here, I even invited Cheerilee. I was upset when more classmates didn’t say “yes”!’

The other filly kicks at the ground a bit. ‘Actually, Ah had another reason fer wantin’ t’ invite colts.’

‘What is it, AB?’

‘Well, it might sound silly but after our date, Jimmy said that mah first kiss would be “wonderful”. Ah was wantin’ t’ figure out which colt it could be.’

‘Does it have to be a colt? I mean, it is not like it is wrong to like fillies or anything.’

‘Listen, that might be okay fer everypony else, but Ah ain’t int’ other fillies.’

‘How do you know?’

‘Cause Ah socked ya in the jaw last time ya tried.’ Apple Bloom groans.

‘Hey, you got rid of those baby teeth for me. Something good came out of it.’

‘Ah guess...’

The two friends look over the room. Snips and Snails are arguing with Del to get at the drinks with Truffle Shuffle trying to keep them in line. Silver Spoon and Rumble are watching the Catan game. Silver Spoon giggles as Diamond Tiara rages and knocks the game apart, providing Featherweight with plenty of great action shots for him to photograph. Pipsqueak and Dinky are nowhere to be found, but Sweetie Belle is looking into one of the bedrooms, having abandoned the game as soon as she saw Diamond Tiara’s tantrum coming on.

‘If you’re going after one of the guys, we sure have a lot of winners here,’ Scootaloo laughs.

Apple Bloom groans again. ‘Tell me ‘bout it. Only one good one in the bunch.’

‘And he’s not here.’

‘Not him. He was playin’ the game.’

‘Featherweight?’ Scootaloo blushes. ‘But, I think he has a crush on me.’

Apple Bloom blushes too and sighs, ‘Not him either...’

The filly sighs and stares across the room. James and Twilight scold a dejected Diamond Tiara for ruining the game.

The pegasus turns to her friend. ‘You’re not turning into your sister now, are you?’

Apple Bloom’s blush deepens. ‘What do ya mean by that? Ah don’ know what yer talkin’ about.’ She snorts and trots across the room. ‘Hey, Jimmy. Can ya help me put on a movie?’


79 - Starlight Crusader

Hours later, the two foals are out exploring the forest as the sun is going down. They are having fun chasing each other through the trees. Apple Bloom rounds a large tree and skids to a stop at the edge of the crater where she found Starlight. The colt calmly trots up beside her.

‘I guess it is about time,’ Starlight sighs.

‘Does it have t’ be? Ya can stay longer.’

‘The longer I stay, the more likely somepony will discover me. I have to go.’

‘Dang. Ah was actually enjoyin’ having ya around.’

Starlight smiles. ‘You could have said that days ago.’

Apple Bloom blushes and kicks the ground a bit. Starlight slides down the crater. His horn starts glowing. Particles of energy materialize out of the air and flow into the colt. His body starts glowing.

‘I can use the residual energy to help with my spell.’

Apple Bloom slides down the crater and gives him a hug. ‘I’ll miss ya.’

‘I’m sorry that I have to leave. I was having a great time.’

‘Jus’ be safe, okay? … And learn some manners!’

Starlight laughs. ‘I’ll try. … Hey, before I go, I want to give you something. Something wonderful’

The filly blushes. ‘What?’

‘Close your eyes and find out.’

Apple Bloom close her eyes. Starlight leans forward and kisses her. The colt glows with magical energy and disappears. The filly stands there for a moment before opening her eyes.

‘Yer right. That was the most wonderful thing Ah’ve felt in mah life.’ She takes a deep breath. ‘And t’ be honest, the answer to all three of yer questions were “yes”.’ She looks into the night sky. ‘Ah love ya, Starlight.’

Apple Bloom takes a deep breath and stares at the stars. Slowly, a piece of paper wafts out of the sky and lands in front of her. She picks it up.

I love you, too. -SCS. PS: Will you marry me?

Apple Bloom smiles and holds the note close. She wipes her tears, smiles and stares into the sky again.


91 - RSI and the Mystery of Musical Expressionism - Deleted Scene

Sweetie Belle sits at her family’s kitchen table with her family. The filly looks up at her father with a large frown on her face. The stallion tries not to look at her directly.

‘Please? It is a really good school,’ Sweetie begs. ‘I’ll be able to learn how to be a better singer and get a high-quality education at the same time.’

‘I don’t know...’ her mother replies. ‘It is all the way in Canterlot...’

‘Canterlot is a wonderful city,’ Rarity argues. ‘All the really important ponies are from or live in Canterlot. Not to mention, I know the ponies running the school. They would be the most wonderful instructors.’

‘You can really vouch for them, Rarity?’

‘Of course.’ The younger mare nods. ‘It would kill y-, er, them if they couldn’t get such a talented singer as Sweetie Belle on their roster.’

‘PLEEEEEAAAAASE!’ Sweetie turns up to eleven. ‘It would be my destiny!’

‘But where will she stay? Who will take care of her?’ her mother argues. ‘She hasn’t even started middle school yet.’

‘That is perfect,’ Rarity counters. ‘That just happens to be the first grades they offer.’

‘What about my other concern?’

‘Well, I really want to relocate to Canterlot at some point. I would just need a reason to do so.’

Sweetie redirects her frown to her sister, allowing her father a chance to breathe. ‘Being with your sister during the most important time of her life is not a good reason.’

Rarity averts her gaze. ‘Well, uh, I am sure you’d be able to take care of yourself until then.’

The filly moves her attention to somepony else. ‘What about you? Do you not want to be with me either?’

Stormy shrugs. ‘First, don’t word it like that. Second, I would love to go with you,’ -- he glares at Rarity -- ‘but somepony won’t let me leave town either.’

Sweetie frowns legitimately this time. ‘You’d probably want your own place so you could sleep with Trixie all the time.’

Sweetie’s parents snap their attention to the young stallion.

Stormy groans. ‘Oh, please. I told you about that a long time ago.’ He looks at Rarity again. ‘And yes, she would be the main reason I would want to live on my own.’

Rarity’s mother takes a deep breath. ‘Well, we have until fall to make a decision,’ -- she smiles at her daughters -- ‘but I am sure we will make the right one.’

‘YES!’ Sweetie cheers. ‘I get to go to the fancy school! I’m going to make a killing!’

The filly gallops to her room to celebrate.

‘Heh, heh,’ Rarity laughs. ‘She means that figuratively.’

‘What?’ her parents ask.

Stormy groans as he heads towards the door. ‘Couldn’t we just send her to Appleanta so she could bunk with Lemon? I know she’d love that.’

‘Which one?’ Rarity asks as she follows.


92 - Cutie Mark Changeling - Deleted Scene

Sweetie Belle sits in her bed at Carousel Boutique. Her friends are checking on her, but there are two Apple Blooms. Sweetie claps her hooves.

‘That’s great!’ the unicorn rasps. ‘Now, do Scootaloo!’

Del groans and changes from App-Del Bloom to Scoota-Del.

Sweetie laughs. ‘Now do me!’

Del changes into Sweetie Del. There is a knock on the door.

Rarity looks in. ‘What’s all the noise? You’re not overexerting yourself, are you?’

Sweetie gasps and points at her sister. ‘Now, do Rarity!’

Del sighs and changes into a smaller version of Rarity. The mare gasps in horror and levitates the filly from the bed.

‘Del! You know better that to reveal yourself so carelessly.’ She marches from the room carrying Del-ity. ‘As punishment (though you should consider it a reward), you will help me with some new dress designs I am working on. I hope you can transform into more shapes than just your friends.’

The disguised changeling moans as she floats away.


96 - Lost Love - Deleted Scene

Apple Bloom lays in her bed, sleeping. Her borrowed book rests under her. A bright blue flash fills her room. A few seconds later, a smaller flash drops a pair of glasses on the arriving pony’s muzzle. Teenaged Starlight blinks as his eyes adjust to the light. Once he can see, the young stallion smiles at Apple Bloom sleeping before him. He uses his magic to pull up her covers as he leans down beside her.

‘I’m sorry that I cannot be with you just yet,’ the unicorn apologizes, ‘but there is still so much left for me to learn. I love you, Apple Bloom.’

The teenaged unicorn kisses the filly. Apple Bloom smiles after the kiss but does not wake up. Starlight charges a spell on his horn, glows then disappears in a flash.


05 - Level Up

‘Ha! I win! The Awesome and Magnificent Maxie is the greatest pony in all of Equestria!’

Maxie start creating more fireworks and laughing in celebration. At her seat, Fluttershy calmly closes her game, gets up and gallops away crying. She passes by The Wandering Physicist who is doing his best impression of her Stare focused on Maxie. In the audience, the other shop owners murmur and look at The Wandering Physicist. The other Pokemon masters, Twilight, Selene, Spike and Derpy, watch their one friend leave then look over to see their other friend, silently seething. With a deliberate calmness, The Wandering Physicist gets up and walks over to the still-celebrating Maxie.

‘Very good on the win. You are the only one to make it that far and thus our new champion.’

‘The Awesome and Magnificent Maxie knew he would win. He will be a great and merciful champion to you all.’

‘Yes, yes... You did well, but I notice something amiss.’

‘Oh? And what is that? I followed all of the rules.’

‘I believe you are missing a badge.’ The Wandering Physicist shrugs. ‘I know it is not needed to get this far, but, you know, gotta catch ‘em all.’

‘What? Oh, you mean Gym Leader Hayate? I heard he was basically giving the badges away,’ Maxie scoffs. ‘I heard that nopony has even seen him. I don’t want to fight an opponent I cannot see.’

A small badge is tossed to the stage. Maxie looks from the badge up to The Wandering Physicist’s hoof, still extended from tossing the badge.

‘Really? I am the champion. You are the one everypony beat. You think you can take me?’

‘In my sleep, which, according to my friends, is apparently more aggressive than I normally play.’

‘Pfft. I don’t care. What is one more trinket to me?’

‘Then why don’t we make it interesting. One badge and bragging rights versus your title,’ Maxie scoffs again. ‘Unless you don’t think you can take the one trainer everypony else beat.’

‘Hmm.... Bring it on, as they say.’


21 - Crazy Cruise Crazy

‘I’m am going to get us some drinks! Want anything special?’ Pinkie offers.

The others shake their head and look for a table. They find an empty one and sit down. Soon, a figure approaches.

‘Excuse me, but that is my table,’ a demanding voice states.

‘Hate to burst your bubble, but we were here first.’ The Wandering Physicist turns while Fluttershy hides.

‘You!’ The Wandering Physicist and The Great and Powerful Trixie exclaim.

‘Great. If you are here, then Twilight is here too,’ Trixie moans. ‘Here to see my show?’ She adds hopefully.

‘We’re here for JoColt,’ The Wandering Physicist answers.

‘and Wheaton...’ Fluttershy squeaks.

‘Good. Then you will see me perform. Just make sure you keep your girlfriend from ruining my act this time.’

‘Why would I do that?’ Fluttershy squeaks to herself.

‘Why would I do that?’ Pinkie demands as she walks up with a plate of drinks on her head.

‘Oh ho!’ Trixie gloats. ‘The plot thickens.’


34 - Well, This Happened

Twilight stares at the stack of papers levitating before her. She has a massive eye twitch. Before her, The Wandering Author and Lyra are smiling their widest grins.

‘Did you like it?’ The Wandering Playwright asks.

Twilight levitates the story to Spike. ‘Spike. Take care of this.’

‘Will do!’ Spike salutes.

The baby dragon breathes a burst of flames and the story disappears in smoke.

‘So... Is that a yes?’ Lyra asks.

Twilight stares at Lyra in disbelief. She cannot believe they were both unicorns.

‘You wrote human fan fiction starring me and my friends,’ Twilight growls.

‘And I helped!’ The Wandering Screenwriter beams.

Twilight glares. ‘I hate you so much right now.’

Spike starts hiccuping then burps up a scroll.

‘A letter from Celestia? Now?’ Twilight is confused.

Spike unrolls the scroll. ‘Dear Twilight Sparkle. Thank you for the lovely story. I cannot wait to read it. I’ll be sure to share it with Luna too. Signed, Princess Celestia.’

‘You sent it to the princess!’

‘I thought that was what you wanted.’ Spike defends.

Twilight closes her eyes and tries to contain the anger growing inside her.

‘Do you think the princess will like it?’ Lyra asks.

Twilight bursts into flames and teleports away. The loudest yell of frustration is heard across all of Equestria. Twilight reappears. Her mane and tail is all singed. She seethes with anger. The two ponies and dragon stare at Twilight in shock.

‘One of you got room at your place?’ Spike asks.

‘Rei would love a roommate for a night or two,’ The Terrified Physicist replies.

The Galloping Physicist, Lyra and Spike all run from the library. Twilight takes a few more deep breaths before collapsing on the ground.


35 - Two and a Half Ponies

Pinkie paces in the alley behind The Power Block. There is a bright flash as Twilight teleports to the area. Twilight looks around and scowls.

‘I thought you would accomplish as much.’

‘Shut up!’ Pinkie snaps. ‘It looks like your magic was as effective as ever.’

‘If you were a little more responsible...’

‘If you were less of a prissy pants...’

‘If you stopped to think for once...’

‘If you could loosen up a bit...’

‘Hyperactive twit!’

‘Stuck-up bitch!’

Twilight gasps. She has never heard Pinkie use that sort of language before. The calm and rational Twilight is put off by that sort of behavior and would never respond in kind. Unfortunately, the fiery and irrational Twilight is steering this ship.

‘Guy-stealing whore!’

Pinkie is literally knocked backwards by the outburst. Pinkie knows that Twilight is very upset, and they need to calm the heated emotions. Maybe have some cupcakes and share a good laugh... Or they can fight it out!

Pinkie growls, puts her head down, and rams Twilight as hard as she can. Twilight picks herself up and fires a magical bolt that knocks Pinkie into a wall. The two mares butt their heads together.

‘Why do you have to be such an insufferable blockhead!’ Twilight shouts.

‘Me! You are the joyless fussy-britches here!’ Pinkie yells back.

‘In all of the time I have known you, you have been nothing but a pain in everypony’s side. You never listen to reason, and you always screw everything up with your careless attitude!’

‘Well, you have tried sucking the fun out of everything everypony has done! Everything has to be organized and scheduled and managed six-ways from Sunday in every direction except the right one with you. If I try to make you have fun, it is because you have a stick up your ass so big it makes the Yggdrasil look like a twig!’

‘Excuse me! I’m the stuck-up one!? I am only being responsible. Somepony has to clean up all of the messes you cause. While you are out running around and being a nutter, somepony has to make sure there is actually and Equestria left standing once you are done.’

‘And which one of us destroyed Ponyville with parasprites?’

‘That only happened one time!’

‘And who almost got us eaten by a hydra?’

‘It was because of your damn Pinkie Sense!’

‘And you were the one that activated it!’

‘At least I didn’t try selling out my friends to Discord for some chocolate milk rain!

‘I never switched everypony’s cutie marks and changed everypony’s destiny!’

With emotions at their peak, the calm and rational Twilight Sparkle and friendly and caring Pinkie Pie would choose their words really carefully or else they could lose a friend forever.

I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!’ both of the mares shout.

Twilight and Pinkie start storming away in opposite directions.


38 - Mare Do Well Rises

The knight takes a step forward. Twilight takes two steps back. Suddenly, there is a commotion from the ranks. James pushes his way through the guards and trots straight to the bomb.

‘Sorry I’m late. The princess had me all tied up and things,’ James says as he studies the bomb. He looks up at Twilight. ‘I’d tell you, but you might blush a little.’

James.... Twilight seethes under her mask.

James gets out his sonic screwdriver and starts scanning the bomb. The captain of the guard stares at the interloper in shock.

‘Excuse me! You are interfering with a royal investigation. You will be arrested.’

‘Oh, keep you armor on...’ James turns back. His eyes go wide then he smirks. ‘Handsome.’

Twilight and the knight are stunned. James steps up to the knight and smiles.

‘I don’t normally say this, but you are the most handsome creature I have ever laid eyes on.’

JAMES! Twilight snaps into the radio.

James looks back at Twilight. ‘If the ratios were reversed, I’d want him as one of your seven.’

Twilight pulls her mask down. She uses her magic to pull James to her. ‘He is my brother!’

‘Twilight?!’ Shining Armor gasps.

‘So... He would be a maybe?’ James asks.

Twilight growls. ‘Just get back to the bomb.’

‘Ah! Right!’ James scans the bomb again. ‘Simple fission device. I haven’t seen one of these since grade school. Used to flush them down the toilets and blow out the pipes.’ He laughs. ‘Don’t try that at home, kids. Uh... This looks to be a gun-type construction.’ He puts his ear to one end. ‘Ah! Here is the, uh, core, shall we say. That means the other end is...’ He taps it and listens. ‘Yep. Just as I thought.’ He stands back and claps his front hooves together. ‘All right! First thing we need to do is...’ He hops over the bomb and takes Shining Armor’s sword. ‘Just need to borrow this for a moment, handsome.’ He swings the sword, and it slices into the middle of the bomb. He scans it again with the sonic. ‘Okay. That is that. The firing mechanism is completely deactivated. Now, to dispose of it.’ He turns around. ‘Pretty, which way to the nearest cliff?’

‘What?’ Shining Armor asks. ‘Why do you want to know?

Twilight levitates the bomb. ‘James, follow me.’

‘Oh right. You’re here, too.’

Twilight growls and starts leaving. The guards cut her off.

James sighs. ‘Some days you just can’t get rid of a bomb.

‘Shining! Let me through.’

‘I am sorry, Twilight. We don’t know what that is or what you two are doing here,’ Shining Armor responds. ‘For the safety of the palace, we can’t let you leave.’

James glares into Shining Armor’s eyes. ‘You might have the most beautiful eyes that I can stare into for days but know this, that bomb is still a threat. If it is not disposed of in a safe manner, this entire palace and a good deal of the city will be destroyed.’

Shining Armor backs off a step. He waves his guards back to give Twilight space to move.

‘Thank you. I promise to tell you all about this later,’ Twilight tells her brother. ‘Come along, James.’

Twilight gallops away with the bomb. James winks at Shining Armor and slips a card into the unicorn’s armor.

‘Call me.’

James gallops after Twilight. Shining Armor stares after them, the shock still setting in. He shakes his head and chases after the couple. James follows Twilight as she leads him through the palace.

‘So... your brother... Is he..?’

‘He’s married!’ Twilight snaps. ‘I was the best mare.’

‘Is there any room in there for one more?’

Twilight stops and glares at her coltfriend. ‘If you dare think about harassing my brother like that again, this bomb will be the least of your worries. Got it!’

James nods at the furious Twilight. Twilight gives one last growl before continuing her charge to the edge of the palace. Shining Armor is able to catch up to the couple, though he takes a step away from them after Jim winks. Twilight leads them to the edge of the palace that overlooks the cliff. She holds the bomb over the side.

‘Now what?’ Twilight asks.

‘Throw it as far as you can and prepare to watch some fireworks,’ James smiles.

‘I thought you said that it could destroy most of the city!’ Shining Armor cries.

‘That is why I am going to dispose of it by dropping it off the cliff,’ James replies. ‘The best way to get rid of fissile material in a hurry is to blow it up.’ He smirks. ‘Or melt it.’

‘Oh! I know what you are thinking.’

Twilight readies to launch the bomb as far as she can.

‘Wait. Twilight, are you sure about this?’ Shining Armor asks. ‘Do you trust him?’

Twilight looks at her brother then smiles at James. ‘I absolutely trust him.’

‘He’s not some kind of madpony?’

Twilight pauses for several seconds. ‘I absolutely trust him.’

Shining Armor sighs, and his magic joins Twilight’s in preparing to throw the bomb.

‘Excellent,’ James cheers. ‘Just need one last piece.’ He runs as far forward as he can and raises a hoof to the air. ‘PLASMA BUSTER!’

James turns back to the mages, and they launch the bomb as far as they can. There is a crash of lightning from above. A pair of swirling bands and plasma spiral from the sky and intercept the bomb in midair. The once-solid weapon is ripped apart on the molecular level as the plasma flows over it. A small blue and white streak breaks from the plasma after directing it away from the ground. Shining Armor stares in amazement about what he is witnessing. Twilight steps up to James and gives him a quick nuzzle before teleporting away. James steps back beside Shining Armor.

‘That vaporized most of the uranium in the bomb,’ James says. ‘I never really measured the temperature of her plasma, but it should have done the job. Just to be safe, have your scientists run some geiger counters through the area. It shouldn’t be that big of a mess to clean up if anything.’

Shining Armor mumbles sounds that barely classify as syllables in response. James checks the time on his mobile.

‘Oh. I better be going.’ He looks around. ‘Well, since there is no other Sparkle around.’ He leans up a bit and kisses Shining Armor on the cheek. ‘Don’t be a stranger.’

Shining Armor stares at the slowly dissipating plasma for a few more moments before looking around. He is the only pony in the area. Princess Celestia calmly trots up next to her captain of the guard.

‘Shining Armor, looks like you had a bit of a day,’ Celestia comments. ‘I think you should take some time off and see the wife, hmm?’

Shining Armor nods and trots away. Celestia giggles to herself about the broken stallion’s reaction.


58 - RSI and Mystery of FLCL

The next day. Lucas moans and holds his head as he trots through a hotel. The local doctor cleared him and gave some pain medicine, but he is still woozy from casting such a powerful spell. The rail company arranged rooms for passengers who did not have one, so Lucas is constantly greeted as a hero as he tries to make his way to get some rest. He finally reaches his room and unlocks the door when he is tapped on the shoulder. He turns to see the yellow mare.

‘Thanks for saving me.’

‘No problem. What were you doing on the train to begin with?’

The mare blushes and holds up a charm with a picture of Full Moon on it. ‘I practically worship her. I couldn’t part with it.’

Lucas laughs. ‘I understand. I think she is great, too.’

‘So... I wanted to thank you for being so brave...’

‘I think you already did.’

‘No. I mean thank you.’

The mare leans in and kisses Lucas. After a moment, she breaks the kiss, leaving the young stallion more than surprised. She steps into the room, running her tail across Lucas’ nose as she passes. She looks back and winks. Lucas gives a hopeful whimper and scurries into the room.


67 - Get Well Soon - Deleted Scene

Redheart sneaks back into The Power Block after her date. She wants to get some stuff from her room before returning home. Fortunately, Rei’s party has ended so she can get in undetected. As she crosses the living room, she thinks to check on her patients one more time. Redheart sneaks to Rei’s door and looks in.

Inkie lays on Rei’s bed with her fillyfriend laying in her lap. Rei flinches a little while Inkie rubs her friend’s back.

‘Sorry I wasn’t around much while you were recovering,’ Inkie apologizes. ‘The Flower Trio had me testing new soil combinations they wanted to try.’

Rei nuzzles against Inkie’s stomach. ‘You made it when you could. That is enough for me.’ She lets out a small yelp. ‘Please be more gentle.’

‘I’m sorry! I thought I was barely touching you.’

‘It... it is just that my insides are still very sore.’

‘I’m sorry. You were crushed pretty badly. I thought you were better since you’re out of your bandages.’

‘I’m mostly better, but I’m still very sore... constantly.’

Inkie gasps. ‘I should be letting you rest.’

‘No, I want my Inkie.’ Rei sighs. ‘It is fine as long as you are gentle. I asked if all of my insides were okay. Redheart-sensei said I was all fine, even if I was still sore.’ She takes Inkie’s hoof and places it on her lower stomach. ‘She even said Rei-chan could still be a mommy if she wanted to.’

Inkie turns bright red. ‘I-I-I know you would be a great mommy, Rei, but you need your rest.’ Rei looks up at her fillyfriend and frowns. Inkie smiles. ‘And I’ll stay with you until I have to leave in the morning.’

Rei coos and cuddles up as gently as she dares.

Redheart smiles from the doorway and goes to check on Del. Unfortunately, she is not in her room. Her dinner is abandoned, but it is mostly finished. The nurse looks around the home and notices the washroom door slightly open. She looks in.

James sits in the tub. He washes Del’s hair while the changeling moans. ‘See Del, having a bath isn’t that bad.’

Del moans, ‘It is when a big meanie tries to shave your head.’

James laughs. ‘She was just trimming your mane and tail so you wouldn’t make a mess of yourself. Speaking of which, are you feeling better?’

‘A little. Del’s tummy still hurts.’

‘You’ll be fine soon. Then, you’ll get to go back to school and see all your friends.’

Del frowns. ‘And the mean pink one...’

‘Diamond is only that way because she is insecure about having new friends... or friends at all... or interacting with other ponies in general. Just be nice to her and she’ll be nice to you.’

Del kicks the water. ‘It doesn’t work like that in the real world.’

James hugs Del. ‘Yeah. I know. I was just saying that to make you feel better.’

‘You tried, daddy.’

‘Try harder,’ Redheart snaps from the doorway.

‘We’re in the bath!’ James shouts back.

‘I’m a nurse!’ Redheart stomps to the tub. She pets Del’s mane. ‘It is okay if you don’t get along with everypony. Just treat everypony how you want to be treated and ignore those who don’t treat you the same.’

Del stares at Redheart then turns to James. ‘She’s silly.’

Redheart groans and trots away. ‘I’m going to do to you what you did to me!’

‘What do you mean?’ James asks.

‘I’m going to the library and getting Twilight. She’ll talk sense into you and raise Del properly. You need a good, stable wife like her!’

Redheart closes the washroom door and leaves the house. Del rubs against James.

‘Sparkly Twilight would be a good mommy.’

James laughs and goes back to washing Del’s hair.


74 - RSI and the Mystery of Parenting - Deleted Scene

‘Faster! Faster!’ Silver Spoon cheers as she holds Rei’s neck as tight as she can.

The small pegasus and her slightly smaller passenger shoot across the sky over Ponyville. Several ponies watch as they fly past. Sunshine Drops and Twist see them pass on their way back to the apartment.

Sunshine Drops giggles. ‘Twist, have you ever wanted to go flying?’

‘It thoundth fun...’ the filly hems.

‘Come on.’ The young mare crouches. ‘We can start slow.’

Twist takes a deep breath and climbs on the pegasus’ back. Sunshine Drops takes off. She starts flying away when Image gallops up the street.

‘Wait!’ the artist shouts. He stops and pants. ‘I want to get some pictures to remember your first flight.’

Twist blushes. Sunshine Drops giggles. The pegasus flies around with her young passenger while Image takes countless pictures.

Rei and Silver blast past Carousel Boutique. Scootaloo looks out a window and moans. She is spending the afternoon with Stormy. The two of them were roped in by Rarity to help with some dress designs.

‘How come you never take me flying?’ the filly complains.

‘If I had wings, do you think we would have been caught this easy?’ Stomy counters.

Rarity ties more ribbons on her volunteers’ dresses. ‘Less talking, more posing.’

The two ‘volunteers’ groan and hold still for Rarity.

Rei and Silver shoot past the library. They loop around Rainbow Dash’s cloud home. They fly towards the edge of town when Rei suddenly comes to a stop and lands. Silver jumps down and looks around while fixing her mane. They are outside Fluttershy’s cottage. Rei heads right inside. Silver raises her goggles and follows. She can vaguely smell something cooking.

‘Why are we here?’ the filly asks.

‘Mommy makes the best cookies, and Rei is hungry.’

Silver rolls her eyes and follows Rei into the kitchen. Fluttershy calmly removes a tray from the oven. She turns around, right into Rei’s face. The older pegasus screams in fright and tries hiding.

‘Rei! How many times have I told you not to sneak up on me like that!’

‘I never snuck up on you exactly like this time.’

Fluttershy growls. ‘You and your father...’

Rei takes some cookies and gives one to Silver.

‘What are you doing, young lady?’

‘Cookie?’ Rei replies eating.

‘That’s not the way I raised you, young lady. You are supposed to ask first.’

Rei frowns. ‘Sorry, mommy.’

Fluttershy snorts. She looks over at Silver and smiles. ‘Hello, Silver. Good to finally see you. Rei has been telling me all about the fun you two have been having.’

‘Th-thank you, Ms Fluttershy.’

The older pegasus puts a kettle on the stove. ‘Let me put on some tea, and we can chat a bit.’ She leads the others out and giggles. ‘I knew if I baked some cookies Rei would finally bring you here.’

The others laugh and join Fluttershy in the living room.


80 - The Nomadic Programmer Quests

Twilight groans and shakes her head as she finishes reading the story in front of her. Lyra’s oversized grin tells of her enthusiasm.

‘You really think this will work?’ Twilight asks.

‘Well...’ the unicorn hems. ‘You kept complaining that everypony would recognize you if I kept using your names, so I changed things up a little!’

Twilight shakes her head. ‘Nopony will fall for this stupid ploy, especially not any of my friends.’

There is a knock on the window before Rainbow Dash flies in with a stack of papers in hoof.

‘Hey, Lyra,’ Rainbow greets. ‘I thought I would find you here. Great story!’

Lyra’s grin only grows. Twilight facehoofs.

‘Rainbow...’ the unicorn groans, ‘didn’t you notice something off about it?’

Rainbow flips through the story again. ‘I liked the new characters...’ She looks at Lyra. ‘Can you use this “Blitz” guy again? I’d love to have a story where I hook up with him. He sounds totally hot.’

Twilight slams her head against the nearest bookshelf, causing an avalanche. ‘That was you! Lyra just changed the genders!’

‘Oh...’ Rainbow frowns. ‘Dang...’

Twilight shudders. ‘You really wanted to hook up with Blitz, didn’t you?’

‘No... Not really...’ She chokes back a tear.

‘Told you nopony would notice,’ Lyra gloats.

‘That doesn’t prove anything! We need a second opinion.’

‘Sup!’ James declares as he enters the library.

‘What are you doing here?’ Lyra asks.

‘I have no idea,’ the stallion replies. ‘I just had the feeling I should be here, so now I am.’

‘Perfect timing!’ Twilight laughs. She levitates a copy of the story to her coltfriend. ‘Lyra was just reviewing her new story.’

James briefly glances at the first page. ‘Why am I a mare?’

Twilight laughs smugly and sticks her tongue at the unicorn.

Lyra snorts and takes the story back. ‘It is still in beta.’

The green unicorn grumbles as she storms out of the library.

James shrugs and turns to his fillyfriend. ‘Hey, want a ponyback ride around town?’


85 - Customer Appreciation - Deleted Scene

Despite the opposite intentions, the Neighponese Imports party has broken out the sake again. The four pegasi lay around Daring’s apartment, finishing the snacks. Scootaloo makes a face when she sips the sake offered her.

Daring finishes her cup. ‘Ya know, Flitter. I’ve been meaning t’ ask about you and whatsherface.’

‘Rainshine,’ the other mare replies.

‘Yeah. What’s your deal with her?’

Flitter sighs, sips her drink, pours another and gulps it down. ‘Long story short, she stole my coltfriend.’

‘That can’t be it.’

Flitter takes another drink. ‘He worked in a different section of the weather factory than me. A manager of one of the weather districts. We were pretty serious for a long time. Then one day, we get to work and she’s riding him on his desk.’

Flitter gets another drink. Scootaloo stares at the mare, her wings sticking up. Rei grumbles and eats some snacks.

Daring gets a snack. ‘We all know Rei’s beef with the other team.’

Rei growls, ‘Midnight will pay for hurting Silver-chan.’

‘What about you, squirt?’ Daring asks Scootaloo. ‘You got a rival in the contest?’

‘Well, uh,’ the filly hems.

‘Tori-chan is dating Diamond-chan!’ Rei states.

‘Don’t tell them!’ Scootaloo shouts.

‘Aw! That’s sweet,’ Flitter coos. ‘Young love is the best.’

‘Shut up!’ the embarrassed filly yells.

‘They are probably further along than Rei and Inkie are,’ Rei giggles.

Scootaloo tries hiding and lets out a loud squeak.

Daring laughs at the filly. She sighs and sips her drink. ‘How can such a cute kid have such a jerkish dad?’ she muses.

‘Mr Rich isn’t that bad,’ Scootaloo defends. ‘He lets us stay up as late as we want, and we always get to order pizza, and he gets Diamond the best games, and...’

‘It’s okay, squirt. Just a bit of griping.’

Flitter checks her mobile and gasps when she sees the time. ‘It’s getting late. I should go home if I want to be rested for tomorrow.’

‘That’s probably a good idea,’ Daring agrees.

Everypony gets up and stretches. Rei helps Daring clean up.

Flitter puts a wing around Scootaloo. ‘Come on. I’ll get you home.’

The two pegasi wave their goodbyes and leave together.


89 - Everything Changes Its Tune - Deleted Scene

Shining Armor returns to the locker room at the end of the day. The past few days have been really busy, and he wants to take a moment to relax. Having returned his armor, he heads to the shower to wash off. The prince finds an empty shower and turns on the water. He breathes a sigh of relief as his troubles wash away. He hears another shower start beside him. Shining turns to see a dark blue stallion standing next to him.

‘Hello,’ Jack greets with a grin.

Shining backs away, right into another pony. He turns and pales.

‘Hello,’ James greets with a grin.

Shining looks at the two ponies surrounding him. ‘Meep.’


94 - A Rocky Road - Deleted Scene

Inkie has a number of her friends at her apartment for games. They all sit around the table looking at the cards before them.

Inkie sighs and leans back. ‘So, you all heard Image is dating my little sister?’ The other grunt in acknowledgement. ‘Okay. Knowing he is going to totally blow it with her, how long do you think it will last?’

Rei thinks as she plays a card. ‘I give them until after the wedding. He’ll be too focused on making his gift to screw up his relationship.’

‘Ugh,’ Sunshine Drops grunts, sliding a card forward. ‘He’ll be lucky if he makes it that long. I give him a week.’

Stormy carefully considers his play before levitating a card to the stack. ‘I don’t know how, but I think he is going to lose a limb or something equally painful.’

‘Stormy is so smart,’ Jade Emerald coos.

The young stallion groans at the unwanted affection. The other unicorn giggles and plays a card.

Inkie sighs as she shuffles the cards. ‘I hope my sister isn’t that upset with him.’ She sets down the cards. ‘Okay.’ She lifts a black card. ‘ “What do old ponies smell like?” ’

99 - Chapter 99

James and Twilight sit next to Discord. In front of them clips of their lives are playing. The two ponies have shocked and confused expressions. Discord smiles happily.

‘Well, what do you think?’ the Lord of Chaos asks.

‘Um... It’s a thing,’ James replies.

‘Thank you?’ Twilight adds.

Discord hugs the couple. ‘I am so glad you liked it. It took forever putting together all of these clips for you two.’

‘It’s, uh, very...’ James looks for the right words. ‘Thank you?’

‘What are friends for?’ Discord laughs, hugging the ponies tight.

The couple groans and hugs Discord back.

100 - Goodbye, Mr Wanderer

James and Twilight exchange their first kiss as husband and wife.

Author's Note:

Yep. The penultimate chapter is a clip show. A clip show.

Has any other written story ever done a clip show? I don't think so. Know that every other clip show in a story after this one is ripping off this chapter. Even if others do it again, there is no way they can top the chapter being #99 of 100 in their series.

Fun Fact: Blame Celestia for this chapter. I was brainstorming potential penultimate chapter ideas while reading old chapters. I got to the scene where TWP boops her and she punches him. I loved that scene so much that I wanted to gush about it. Then I got the idea for a clip show. Thanks, Celestia.

Reader Event:
These are all some of my favorite scenes from the series. Yes, I have many, many more, but only one per chapter were shared. Feel free to share your favorite scenes or question my choices. Each were picked for a reason.

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