• Published 25th Feb 2012
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The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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This One Time at Camp...

Characters (Human): Twilight, Lyra, Vinyl, Fleur, Silver Fox, some jerk, Twinkleshine
Characters (Pony): Twilight, Lyra
Original Start Date: May 13, 2013

‘PLEASE!’ Lyra begs, holding onto Twilight’s hind legs.

‘No!’ the princess shouts back. ‘That is reserved for my friends!’

The unicorn lets go and pouts. ‘No fair. I am being dumped for them again.’

‘Well, last time, you were one of Chrysalis’ mind-controlled slaves.’

‘I want to be a bridesmaid for a royal wedding!’ Lyra screams as she tantrums. ‘I thought we were friends.’

‘When did I ever give you the impression we were friends?’

Lyra’s jaw drops. ‘You honestly don’t remember all the time we spent together.’

‘Knowing you now, I likely blocked it out.’

‘We were the closest of friends. The bestest of buds. The cherriest of colas.’


‘Until I met Bon Bon, you were the most intimate partner I ever had.’

Twilight turns, wings flared, horn overflowing with magic. ‘WHAT!’

‘Figure of speech. We were too young to do anything before you left for that awesome school and I became a famous lyrist.’

Twilight groans. ‘I did not have any friends before I came to Ponyville.’

‘But all our time together...’

‘Lyra, there is nothing you can say to make me believe we were ever friends.’


Lyra sits on a bus bench all by herself. She does not mind since her CD player has fresh batteries, and her new handheld game is really enticing. Around her, the other kids chat or play with their distractions too. Across the aisle from Lyra, Twilight Sparkle is buried deep in a book. The young girl seems oblivious to the world around her. The bus comes to a stop, and the kids only get louder. The teachers get the kids to settle and collect their things before exiting.

Lyra sighs as she stands with her class. They are at a camp in the mountains. Buses from other schools empty their students as well. Lyra takes off her headphones so she can listen to her teacher.

‘...And don’t forget to always buddy up if you go anywhere. Remember: the buddy system saves lives,’ the teacher states. ‘Now, we’re going to let you pick your cabinmate. Once you have picked your partner, come see me for a cabin assignment. Keep in mind, you two will be paired with a group from another school. Choose wisely since you will be sharing a room together for a while.’

The kids start milling about as they pick their cabinmates. At the back of the class, Twilight stares at the ground as the other kids pass her by. Lyra snorts, pushes through everyone and grabs Twilight’s hand. The younger girl gasps as she is dragged forward.

‘What room do we get?’ Lyra asks.

The teacher looks at the girls. ‘Are you two sure about this?’

Twilight looks at Lyra. The older girl smiles at her. The younger girl looks down again and nods.

Lyra puts an arm around Twilight and grins. ‘See! We’re the best of friends! Have been since first grade. The great Lyratastic and Sparklerific!’

Twilight giggles at the nicknames.

The teacher sighs and writes their names on a clipboard. ‘You’re in cabin 42. You’ll be sharing with some students from the art school. That should fit your personalities well enough.’

‘Sweet. Artists. I hope they’re cute,’ Lyra says as she drags Twilight away.

They make their way through the camp. Other kids are meeting their cabinmates from other schools. Lyra slows as she takes in the camp. She even lets go of Twilight’s hand.

‘W-why did you pick me?’ Twilight asks.

Lyra smiles and looks back. ‘Cause we’re buddies! I’d never let anything happen to my best friend.’

‘W-we’re friends?’

Lyra laughs. ‘You are the funniest, Twilight. Ah! Here we are.’

The older girl leads Twilight into a cabin. Twilight nervously looks around then goes to the nearest bed. While her friend goes back to her reading, Lyra tries to pick a bed. She settles for sleeping across from Twilight. The older girl unpacks her clothes and other supplies and sits on her bed playing her lyre.

‘I don’t care if you think I would look “banging” in your glasses. I still think they are gauche,’ a voice says outside.

‘Ah, come on!’ another voice begs. ‘Ya ain’t gonna make it as a model if you are picky like that.’

‘And you are not going to make it with your friend if you are as classless as that.’

The cabin doors open. A statuesque young woman with flowing pink hair enters, followed by a scruffy-looking girl with electric blue hair wearing large purple sunglasses.

‘That hurts. Hurts deep, yo,’ the scruffy girl snorts, setting her bag on Twilight’s bed.

‘Um, excu-’

‘It is the truth,’ the other girl replies. ‘If you ever want her to think of you as anything other than a ruffian, you have to clean yourself up.’

‘Your bag is...’

‘Tavi and I are best friends. We know each other’s tricks. She’s chill with me as I am.’

‘Chilly is more like it.’ She looks around. ‘Not to mention, you are making such a wonderful impression on our new friends.’

‘You started it!’ The girl raises her shades. ‘Sup,’ she greets Lyra.

‘I think you put your stuff on my friend’s bed.’

The girl looks. Twilight tries hiding behind her book as she watches the new person. The girl quickly grabs her bag.

‘Sorry ‘bout that. Didn’t see you there.’

‘Of course not. A lady removes her sunglasses inside.’

‘These were a gift from Tavi. I ain’t ever taking them off unless I’m dead.’

The other girl rolls her eyes. She extends a hand to Lyra. ‘It is pleasure to meet you. I’m Fleur de Lis. You can call me Fleur.’

Lyra shakes the hand. ‘Sweet. I’m Lyra. She’s Twilight.’

Twilight waves from behind her book.

‘I’m Vinyl Scratch!’ Vinyl announces as she flops on her bed. ‘But one day you’ll know me as DJ Pon3!’

‘You are so clever,’ Fleur moans.

‘Hey! Nobody will ever take it. Not to mention it is completely BA!’

Fleur sighs and starts unpacking. She stops and looks back at Lyra. ‘Lyra Heartstrings?’

‘You got it!’ Lyra grins.

The other girl’s jaw drops. ‘You could buy this summer camp. Why are you here?’

Lyra shrugs. ‘Dunno. Fun? Someone has to keep Twilight out of trouble.’

Twilight squeaks as she tries to read.

‘She famous or something?’ Vinyl asks.

‘The Heartstrings are only one of the richest families on the planet. They probably pay for your scholarship.’

‘Awesome! I totally owe you for that.’

‘It is o-’

‘No way! I will totally pay you back even if it means working for you the rest of my life.’

Lyra laughs. ‘I’ll hold you to that.’

Fleur looks over at Twilight. ‘How about you? Are you famous too?’

‘N-not really. No.’

‘Twilight’s a super genius!’ Lyra cheers. ‘She’s, like, three years younger than me and gets the best grades in school. She even got picked to be Princess Celestia’s personal apprentice starting in the fall.’

‘That is so amazing!’ Fleur gasps.

‘I-it is nothing really. I’m just a girl, you know?’

Loudspeakers crackle outside. `Attention, campers. Please report to the main hall for orientation followed by dinner.`

Fleur sighs. ‘I guess we’ll have to get to know each other later.’ She looks at Vinyl. ‘Or in her case, she’ll tell you everything about herself while eating.’

‘Dude! I have better manners than that,’ Vinyl huffs.

Twilight giggles. Lyra sets down her lyre and hops off the bed. The others leave their things and head to the main hall, but Twilight brings a small book.

After dinner, the girls lay on their beds. Twilight reads. Lyra and Vinyl compare music collections. Fleur listens to her friends as she brushes her hair.

Lyra looks through a small sampling of Vinyl’s CDs. ‘You really listen to a lot of things.’

‘You have to have a large collection if you want to be a DJ,’ Vinyl replies. ‘You never know what the crowd wants to hear.’

‘She mostly blares that electronic stuff,’ Fleur groans.

‘You don’t have to listen to my techno if you don’t want to.’

‘Does that mean I can mute you when you are within five meters of me? I think that is the minimum radius of intrusion.’

‘Not cool.’

Lyra looks at the other girls. ‘You two have a thing?’

Vinyl falls over laughing. Fleur groans and rolls her eyes.

‘I would never consort with someone so classless,’ Fleur sniffs. ‘We know each other from a common friend.’

‘Dang.’ Lyra frowns. ‘I would have guessed you were going to be a singer or something.’

‘Hmpf!’ The other girl poses. ‘Can’t you tell I am going to be the world’s biggest model?’

‘She totally is,’ Vinyl agrees. ‘You saw the way she ate at dinner.’

‘At least she got the food in her mouth,’ Lyra counters.

‘Whatevs.’ Vinyl leans back. ‘What about you? Lyra the Lyrist?’

Lyra smiles. ‘Well, I have won some junior music competitions. … Okay. Tied. But that is only because that damn fiddle player has an in with the judges.’ She falls back. ‘Whatever. Not many people play the lyre these days. I’ll be in high demand. Perfect for funding my real talents.’

Fleur raises an eyebrow. ‘Which are?’

Lyra sits up and poses. ‘Aliens.’

‘Aliens aren’t real,’ Twilight comments from her book.

Vinyl jumps. ‘Whoa! Forgot you were there. You’re really quiet.’

‘Well, I prefer quiet when I am reading...’

‘With how much you read, I’d think you’re going to grow up to be a librarian,’ Fleur remarks.

‘I’d like to teach like my parents, but librarian doesn’t sound too bad,’ Twilight replies. ‘Not every girl grows up wanting to be a princess or some such nonsense.’

‘Right on!’ Vinyl agrees, extending a fist towards the other girl.

Twilight leans away from the perceived attack.

Lyra facepalms. ‘It is a fist bump, Twilight. She is trying to be friendly.’

‘Oh.’ Twilight tentatively reaches out and barely taps Vinyl’s fist before backing away. ‘Did I do that right? I haven’t seen anything like that in my books on social behaviours.’

‘You’ll get it one day, sister,’ Vinyl replies.

Twilight grunts and sets down her book. ‘Um, I’d like to get ready for bed now.’

‘I agree,’ Fleur agrees. ‘It is getting late.’

‘Yeah. We have a couple weeks to get to know each other,’ Lyra adds.

‘Um, I mean I would like to change...’ Twilight corrects.

‘Go ahead,’ Lyra replies.

Twilight blushes. ‘C-can I get some privacy?!’

‘It ain’t like you have something we never saw before,’ Vinyl laughs.

Twilight squeaks and shrinks back.

Lyra sighs and gets up. She pats Twilight on the back. ‘There, there. No need to be shy with us.’

‘C-can I get the cabin to myself?’

‘If you want to be alone, you can get a stall in the washroom,’ Fleur suggests.

‘W-will one of you go with me? The teachers said we have to use the buddy system...’

Lyra looks out a nearby window. ‘It isn’t too far. You’ll be fine on your own. It is safe.’

Twilight looks out the window. She bites her lip as she thinks. She takes a deep breath and nods. ‘Right. I’ll be safe. Shining said I’d be safe at camp.’

The young teen gets out her pajamas and goes to the door. She looks back. The others smile at her. Twilight half-smiles and exits.

Vinyl huffs and rolls her eyes. ‘And I thought Tavi’s quirks were weird.’

‘Be nice. She is scared,’ Lyra scolds. ‘I think this is her first time away from her family.

‘And you just turned your scared friend loose in a co-ed summer camp at night?’ Fleur questions.

‘Come on. You have to do something like this at least once in your life,’ Lyra argues. ‘She will get comfortable going out on her own, or she will get comfortable changing with us. Speaking of which...’

Lyra goes to her bed and pulls off her shirt.

Vinyl grins. ‘Whoa! Free show!’

‘Ha, ha.’ She looks at the others. ‘If anyone is a show, it is Fleur.’

The girl gasps and covers her chest. ‘And I thought the boys and girls at school were bad.’

Vinyl’s grin grows. ‘I had PE with her last year. She didn’t need floats in swimming class.’

Fleur gasps again and turns around. She gathers her things and gets up. ‘I think I am going somewhere more private.’ She goes to the door, hoping to catch Twilight. ‘Twilight! Wait up!’

The younger girl is just outside. ‘I got scared...’

Fleur smiles and takes Twilight’s hand. ‘Come on. Let’s get ready for bed.’

They leave together. Lyra shrugs and goes back to changing. Vinyl looks over at her new friend.

‘Excited to see me?’

‘Nope. Just really cold.’

Vinyl laughs and lays back on her bed.

There is a loud ‘thunk’ as Vinyl wakes up. The girl rubs her head as she sits up on the floor. She adjusts her sunglasses and looks around. Twilight sits on her bed and reads.

‘About time you got up,’ the younger girl huffs. ‘It is almost noon.’

‘That early?’

Twilight sighs. ‘At least you’re up in time for lunch. You can go with me. We’re supposed to use the buddy system...’

‘Sweet. Let’s roll.’

‘Give me a moment to finish this part.’ Twilight looks at the other girl. ‘I can look away if you want to change.’


‘You know, put on something clean.’

Vinyl sniffs her shirt. ‘Nah. I’m good.’ She adjusts her glasses. ‘Whatcha reading?’

‘It is a book on physics. My coursework with the princess will be demanding, so I want to read ahead.’

Vinyl smiles. ‘With your brains and interests, you’ll end up marrying a physicist.’

Twilight blushes. ‘What?’

‘Come on. A cute, smart girl like you will definitely get the smart, handsome guy of your dreams.’

‘H-he wouldn’t have to be handsome as long as we have fun and adventures together.’

‘Ya don’t be to be a rodeo star, pilot for the Wonderbolts or captain of the royal guards to have adventures. I’m sure you’ll get some guy ya like and be great together.’

Twilight sighs, puts away her physics book, gets another book and stands up. ‘L-let’s go to lunch.’

The girls leave their cabin. Vinyl stretches and yawns. Twilight keeps glancing at her book and sighing.

‘What’s your lunchtime reading?’ Vinyl asks.

‘Oh, uh’ -- Twilight blushes -- ‘Daring Do and the Enigmatic Scientist.’

‘Ha! Told ya that you’re going to marry a great scientist.’

Twilight squeaks and clutches her book tight. The pair approaches the mess hall. Lyra and Fleur stand outside. They wave their friends over.

‘Nice of you to show up,’ Fleur greets.

‘Told ya we didn’t need to get them,’ Lyra gloats.

‘Thanks for waiting,’ Vinyl laughs. ‘Or did Fleur eat everything already?’

The young model puffs her cheeks and turns away. The other girls laugh and go inside. Fleur sighs and follows. As she is getting her tray, she notices a younger girl walk past a table. The girl slips an item of another kid’s tray as she passes. She looks around and sees Fleur watching her. She sneaks away as best as she can, Fleur watching the silver-haired thief the whole time. Lyra grabs Fleur’s arm and drags her back to lunch.

Back at the cabin, Twilight is in her usual reading position. Fleur sits on her bed working on a craft. Lyra and Vinyl enter the room singing a song together.

♩ … You don’t ask why when it is Lyra and Vinyl! ♫ the friends sing.

Fleur rolls her eyes. ‘That is the exact opposite of what you should be doing.’

‘Ah, come on, Fleur,’ Vinyl moans. ‘We’re just having a little fun. You probably had fun once and didn’t really care for it.’

‘I am not saying your song isn’t fun. It is just misleading.’

Lyra flops on her bed. ‘What are you making?’

Fleur smiles. ‘I started this earlier in the crafting class.’ She holds up a flat, purple and pink object. ‘It is a bookmark for Twilight. I figure she might need one.’ She gets up and goes to Twilight’s bed.

Twilight looks up from her book. ‘Th-thank you. It is nice. I’ll use it with my next...’ She reaches for her bag and gasps. ‘Oh no!’

‘What is wrong? Did you lose something?’

‘I’m almost out of books...’ Twilight frowns. ‘I thought I brought more with me. What am I going to do for the rest of this trip?’

‘How many did you bring?’ Lyra asks.

‘Ten, plus some of my favorites to reread.’

‘You read ten books in two days!’ Vinyl gapes.

‘I was really bored...’

‘Well, there are plenty of other things to do,’ Fleur replies. ‘We can do crafts together.’

‘Or we can hang out with the band,’ Lyra suggests.

‘Not to mention cool stuff like hanging at the lake or doing archery and stuff,’ Vinyl adds.

‘I’d probably hurt myself or someone else if I tried archery,’ Twilight counters.

‘You’re probably right,’ Lyra laughs.

The girls laugh. Fleur goes back to her bed and gets out her sleepwear.

‘Care to join me again, Miss Sparkle?’

Twilight nods. She puts her new bookmark in her book and gets out her sleepwear. The two girls make their way towards the washroom.

‘Ten books in two days?’ Fleur asks.

‘I really was bored! I thought they would have lasted longer...’

‘You really should come out more. Don’t you want to spend time with your other friends from your school?’

Twilight looks away. ‘I don’t have any friends. I spend most of my time studying.’

‘You’re such a wonderful young girl. I bet a lot of people would love to be your friend.’

‘I...’ Twilight tries to think of an excuse. ‘I have more important things to do than worry about friendship.’

Fleur sighs. They reach the washroom. A small line greets them. The girls wait for their turn. Fleur talks with some of the other girls. When it is their turn, the silver-haired girl passes Twilight and Fleur.

‘You go ahead of me,’ Fleur says. ‘I think I saw someone.’

Twilight nods and goes to change. Fleur follows the silver-haired girl. The girl tries ducking around a cabin, but Fleur’s longer reach catches her.

‘Do I know you?’ the model asks. ‘I swear I have seen you at school.’

‘I don’t go to your school,’ the girl replies, avoiding eye contact.

‘Really? Huh. I think I saw you in a couple of my classes.’

‘I’ve attended your classes, but I don’t go to your school.’

‘Hmm. Sneaking into a private school? Such a daring thief.’

‘I-I want to learn acting. I’m only good at breaking into things, but I want to do something else that isn’t, you know, illegal.’

Fleur glares at the other girl, then smiles. ‘When we get back from camp, I want you to come over. I think you might fit in my old uniforms. It will help you fit in better.’

‘Really? Thanks.’

‘I’ll try helping you lay low while you’re here too, though I may ask for favors in return.’

‘Anything. I’m happy for the help.’

‘First, we’ll have to do something about your sleeping arrangements...’

‘Ladies, this is our new friend...’ Fleur introduces.

‘Silver Fox. Nice to meet you,’ the girl greets.

Lyra and Vinyl wave. Twilight hides behind a book and whimpers.

‘So, uh, where’re ya staying?’ Vinyl asks.

‘That is Vinyl,’ Fleur says. ‘You don’t have to listen to anything she says. None of us do.’

‘She does have a point though,’ Lyra counters. ‘Oh, I’m Lyra.’

‘Miss Fox can stay with me,’ Fleur states. ‘I really don’t mind.’ She sighs, ‘Feels like I’m back home and my parents are scolding me for bringing home a stray cat.’

Lyra lays back in her bed. ‘Just do what I do and buy an animal shelter with your allowance.’

‘Enterprising,’ Fleur sighs, sitting on her bed. She looks at Silver and pats beside her.

Silver looks around the room. ‘Okay. Just to get it straight. You’re Fleur, Twilight, Vinyl and Lyra, right?’ The others nod or thumbs up. ‘Thank you for allowing me to stay with you. I promise to pay all of you back for your hospitality.’

‘Whatevs!’ Vinyl replies. ‘Just don’t mess with my stuff, and I’ll let ya keep your teeth.’

Silver huffs as she lays beside Fleur. ‘I might have a certain set of skills, but I only use them when needed.’

Vinyl grins as she lays down. ‘You, me and Tavi’s underwear drawer when we get back. Cool?’

Fleur and Silver groan at the request. Lyra goes to the light switch.

‘Lights out, Twilight.’

The young girl groans, gets out a flashlight and pulls her blanket over her. Lyra turns out the lights.

Lyra, Vinyl and Fleur float on an inflatable raft out on the lake. Other kids play on shore or have rafts of their own. A group of boys try to get the relaxing girls’ attention. Vinyl splashes them as she rows away.

‘Something I’ve been meaning to ask...’ Lyra begins. ‘How did you two meet? Was it through that “Tavi” person you mention?’

‘I wish,’ Vinyl laughs. ‘Nah. It was through my cousin Rarity. She’s a budding fashionista.’

‘Vinyl told me she needed a model for a small show, and I was happy to help out,’ Fleur adds.

‘Rarity, huh? She any good?’ Lyra asks.

‘She has a lot of promise,’ Fleur critiques.

‘I ain’t really into that fashion stuff,’ Vinyl says.

‘Big surprise.’

‘But I wouldn’t mind playing her shows,’ the DJ finishes. ‘She’s only a little older than Twilight, but she’s the coolest cuz. Well, my little cuz Sweetie Belle is cool, too. She loves playing with my music.’

‘Ugh. I hope she grows up emulating her sister, not her cousin,’ Fleur groans.

Vinyl laughs and splashes another group of approaching boys.

Lyra thinks. ‘Then who is “Tavi”. Is she your girlfriend?’

‘She wishes,’ Fleur laughs. ‘Octavia is pretty frigid to her advances.’

‘Octavia!’ Lyra sits up, rocking the raft. ‘You’re dating the damn fiddle player!’

Vinyl grins. ‘Yeah. Tavi is great. We’ve been friends for years.’

‘Does she know that?’ Fleur asks. ‘It doesn’t seem like she cares for you.’

‘Ah, it is just a game we play. She acts cool, but she’s a real softy. Just wish she could have made this trip.’

‘Right. You would be bugging her instead of me this whole time.’

Vinyl laughs. ‘Well, maybe not like this. We’d want you around to float us home if the raft flipped over.’

Fleur growls and looks away. She glances back at Lyra. ‘What about you and Twilight? I see more of a big sister thing than a best friend thing.’

Lyra sighs. ‘I’ve tried being her friend since grade school. She’s a great kid, but she doesn’t really seem to care about friendship.’

‘I’m sure she’ll come around. I mean, she went on that nature hike on her own.’

‘Yeah... On her own... Just hope she is doing okay.’

Twilight crouches by a rotting log. She keeps checking a book as various bugs crawl before her.

‘Miss Sparkle!’ a teacher snaps. ‘We don’t have all day!’

Twilight jumps up and rejoins a group of students. ‘Sorry. I was just checking my books to identify what we are seeing...’

‘You can do that on your own time,’ the teacher snorts. ‘You’re missing seeing other sights and holding up the trip.’

‘I’m sorry...’

The teacher sighs and leads the class along. Most of the other students laugh and whisper about Twilight getting scolded. The young girl follows at the back of the group, keeping her head down.

‘So, what have we been seeing?’

Twilight looks up. A pale girl with light purple hair smiles at her.

‘The teacher doesn’t really seem to know anything,’ the girl says. ‘Have we missed anything interesting?’

‘I don’t think so...’ Twilight replies. ‘I was just classifying the various decomposers back there.’

‘Cool.’ The girl extends a hand. ‘I’m Twinkleshine.’

Twilight nervously shakes her hand. ‘My name is Twilight Sparkle.’

Twinkleshine laughs. ‘It must be a sign that we are destined to be friends. We have similar names.’

‘Predestination is impossible according to all the known laws of physics.’

The other girl laughs again. ‘Oh, I am so sticking with you. You’re a fun one. I have to introduce you to Moondancer when we get back.’

Twilight thinks. ‘Why does that name make me think she runs around with no pants on?’

Twinkleshine roars with laughter. ‘That’s a great one! Just don’t tell that to her. She might not like it.’

Twilight sighs and joins the new girl as they follow the teacher through the forest.

‘My feet are so sore,’ Twilight moans into her pillow at the end of the day. ‘I wish I had wings to just fly everywhere.’

Vinyl snorts with laughter. ‘You with wings. That is just ridiculous.’

‘I was planning on spending the day on the lake again,’ Fleur says. ‘You can always join me there.’

‘It would be a good time to catch up on my reading...’

Fleur giggles. ‘I bet you’ll turn a few heads in your swimsuit, too.’

‘I, uh, didn’t plan on swimming, so I didn’t bring one.’

‘I’m sure you can borrow one.’ Fleur looks at the swimsuits hanging to dry. ‘You look to be about Lyra’s size. You can try it on while she’s out.’

Twilight looks behind her. ‘Where is she?’

‘She and Silver left a while ago to investigate your new friends,’ Vinyl reports. ‘Totally doesn’t make her seem needy at all.’

Twilight groans and buries her head in her pillow. ‘They aren’t my friends. Twinkleshine just started following me and insisted on introducing me to Moondancer. It is going to be a pain dealing with them in the fall.’

‘You’re going to the same school as them?’ Fleur asks. ‘That is good that you’ll be starting off with some friends.’

‘But they’re not...’ Twilight groans. She covers her head and pulls a book in with her.

The others sigh and wait for their friends to return.

Twilight joins Fleur on the shore of the lake. The younger girl is trying to keep to herself and read, but the older girl is getting a lot of attention from the other kids, mostly the boys. A small group of boys from a military academy keep circling around the relaxing girls.

Fleur sighs and looks at her friend. ‘Twilight, what are you reading?’

Twilight flinches and replies, ‘Daring Do and the Enigmatic Scientist.’

‘I thought so. That has to be the second or third time I’ve seen you reading that. Is it your favorite in the series or something?’

‘Well, uh, not really. It is just...’ The younger girl frowns into her book.

‘Just what? I promise not to tell anyone.’

Twilight blushes. ‘Um... The story on its own isn’t that good, but I like the side love story. Seeing Daring so head over heels in love with the scientist, but his devotion to the other woman... I wish I were the other woman sometimes... when I’m feeling really lonely...’ She sighs and stares at the ground. ‘I read this book a lot...’

Fleur sits up and pats her friend on the back. ‘I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sure you’ll find a wandering physicist to love you some day.’


‘Hey, pretty lady,’ an approaching blue-haired boy says to Fleur. ‘How would you like to hang with me for a while?’

Fleur frowns as she looks the guy over. ‘What is your name, sir?’

The guy poses. ‘Flash Sentry. And yours?’

The girl’s glower intensifies. She turns to Twilight. ‘This, Twilight, is the type of guy you want to avoid. They are gold-diggers who only care about women for their bodies or their title. Promise me you will never date anybody like him.’

Flash snorts and turns away. ‘Whatever.’ He sees Twilight looking at him. ‘What are you looking at, nerd?’

Twilight squeaks and goes back to her book. Flash storms away, back to the academy students.

Fleur glowers, then looks at her friend. ‘I’m sorry you had to see that.’ The other girl does not look up from her book. ‘Want to go back to our cabin?’ Twilight nods without looking up. ‘Come on. Let’s go.’

Fleur helps Twilight up. She packs up their things and guides her reading friend away.

After lights out, Fleur holds a small meeting with Lyra. They sit in a corner beside Fleur’s bed. The cabin door opens, and Silver joins the conspiring girls.

‘Okay. I left a note tipping off the teachers to search your “friend’s” cabin tomorrow,’ Silver reports. ‘What was this for again?’

‘The guy insulted me and upset Twilight,’ Fleur replies. ‘That will not stand.’

‘So, what are they busting him for?’

‘Just a porn stash,’ Lyra informs. ‘He doesn’t really have anything else to bust him on.’ She looks at Fleur. ‘I’m surprised he hit on you. My intel says he is more into guys than gals. … Oh. That is another thing they can bust him for.’

Fleur grimaces. ‘I take it you mean a double meaning of the word “into”.’

‘No hanky-panky is one of the camp rules.’

‘Not to mention most of us are underage,’ Fleur sighs. ‘Just hope this didn’t scar Twilight.’

‘Yeah...’ Lyra moans. ‘The guys at school tease her enough already. Being this far from her family to cheer her up can’t be good.’

‘I’ll hang with her tomorrow.’

The girls look. Vinyl is laying on her bed, facing her friends.

‘We can totally share music and books and stuff,’ the girl suggests. ‘I totally don’t mind.’

‘I guess that will work,’ Fleur sighs. ‘Show her she has friends that care.’

‘I’ll see if there is a way we can get away for a bit,’ Lyra adds. ‘According to Twinkleshine, she knows a lot about nature, or at least has read a lot about it. She might make a good nature hike guide.’

‘Ooo. That sounds fun,’ Fleur coos.

Silver yawns.

‘Seconded,’ Vinyl agrees. ‘If ya get any more plans, leave a note or something.’

Vinyl rolls back to her bed and puts on headphones. The other girls stand and go to bed. In her bed, Twilight smiles and wipes a couple tears away.

‘Thank you,’ the girl whispers.


‘Shh!’ Twilight hisses. ‘We’re reading.’

‘Thank god you’re back,’ Vinyl moans. ‘We’ve just been reading and talking about music history all day. It is like being back at school.’

‘You were the one who wanted to talk about music.’

Fleur giggles. ‘Sounds like we missed some fun, but we have some good news of our own.’

‘Lay it on us.’ Vinyl grins.

‘Well, we talked with the teachers, and they will allow us to borrow a tent and go camping for a couple days.’

‘Aren’t we doing that already?’ Twilight asks.

Lyra sits on the young girl’s bed and puts an arm around her. ‘Real camping, Twilight, my friend! Out there, in the wilderness, under the stars. Camping.’ She pauses for a few seconds. ‘Does anyone here know how to do real camping?’

Twilight huffs. ‘We’re a bunch of rich girls from the city. I don’t think we know how.’

‘Silver might.’

‘Well...’ Fleur replies. ‘Since she isn’t really a student, we couldn’t get her name on the release forms. Besides, she is willing to watch our stuff if those boys try to do anything in retaliation for busting them.’

Twilight moans and raises her book again.

‘No worries, Twilight,’ Lyra assures. ‘We have a map to a good campsite, and we’ll get enough supplies. It will be a great break from everyone.’

Twilight moans again.

‘That’s the spirit! Fleur and I will get everything. You two just keep doing what you’re doing. Back soon.’

The girls leave again. Vinyl sighs.

‘Do ya have any extra batteries? I think our CD players will need them.’

Twilight also sighs, and keeps reading.

The four girls trudge through the forest with laden backpacks. Except for Lyra, everyone is tired and panting. The green-haired girl is in high spirits and plays songs on her lyre.

‘All right!’ Lyra cheers. ‘That was a fun one. Any requests?’

‘Free Bird,’ Vinyl pants.

Lyra shrugs and starts playing.

‘Are we anywhere near the site?’ Twilight groans.

Fleur checks the map. ‘It should be soon. We’ve been following the path the teachers showed us. They said it was only a couple hours hike until the clearing.’

‘I hope so,’ the younger girl growls. ‘My legs are itchy, and I want to take a shower.’

‘There won’t be a shower at the campsite, but it will only be a short walk to a stream if you want to wash up.’

‘Wash... up... Out here? Where people can see me?’

‘It ain’t like you have something we never saw before,’ Vinyl laughs, as she holds up a lighter for the song.

Twilight growls and keeps hiking. Lyra finishes her song and stretches her fingers. Vinyl puts the lighter away before something bad can happen.

‘Okay. One last request because I think we’re here,’ Lyra says.

The group reaches a small clearing. There is a small stone circle at the center and a wooden table to one side. The girls set their packs on the table and look around, not knowing what to do next.

‘So, uh, who knows how to set up a tent?’ Lyra asks.

After a hectic time setting up their tent and starting a campfire, the girls sit around cooking their dinner. All are getting frustrated as everything comes out burnt.

‘This is why Spike does all the cooking,’ Twilight grumbles.

‘Butler?’ Vinyl asks.

‘Sorta like a little brother. We’ve been taking care of him since I was little.’

‘Ya make your brother do all the cooking? Lucky.’

‘I have butlers,’ Lyra replies.

Fleur fakes a gasp. ‘Really? I would never have guessed.’

Vinyl starts dishing out the attempt at dinner. ‘So, there’s been something I’ve been meaning to ask the past few days. Why’d ya sign up for summer camp?’

‘Boredom,’ Lyra replies. ‘I didn’t want to sit around the mansion alone all summer, so I came here to see all my friends again before the next concert season.’

‘All my friends were signing up, so I joined in too.’ Fleur snorts, ‘But they all backed out a couple weeks before camp started. I know who I am not hanging out with next semester, Jet Set and Upper Crust...’

‘Neat,’ Vinyl replies. ‘I really didn’t have anywhere else to go this summer. Better than staying at home, waiting to hang with Tavi.’ She looks at Twilight. ‘What about you, kid?’

Twilight sighs. ‘I didn’t want to go to camp. My parents and brother Shining convinced me to sign up. They said I’d be safe and have fun...’

‘Ya made some new friends, didn’t ya?’ Vinyl grins.

Twilight looks at the others. They smile back at her. She half smiles and starts eating her dinner. The others dig in too.

‘So, Twilight, ever read a book on camping?’ Fleur asks.

‘You mean besides Daring Do?’ Twilight thinks. ‘Well, I have this one book on sleepovers, but I have never used it.’

‘You’ve never had a sleepover?’

‘Well, uh, I’ve always wanted to have one...’

‘Oh, we have to hang out this summer, darling.’

Twilight sighs and tries eating in silence.

The next morning, Lyra and Twilight are out exploring the area. They sit by a stream and soak their feet. Lyra plays a song on her lyre.

‘You’re really good,’ Twilight compliments.

‘Yep! I rock!’

The younger girl giggles. She looks over and sighs. ‘Lyra, we’ve had classes together forever, haven’t we?’

‘Yep! We’re best buds!’

‘Right... but we never did anything together outside of school. Why do you keep saying that?’

Lyra thinks. ‘Didn’t you get any of the invitations to my birthday parties? I could swear I gave them to you personally.’

‘I... I was too shy to go.’

The older girl puts an arm around the younger. ‘Then Fleur isn’t the only one you should hang out with this summer!’

Twilight squeaks and balls up. ‘I’d rather just start Celestia’s school. Seems like a better use of my time.’

Lyra growls and pushes away from the other girl. ‘What do you have against making friends? It is like you go out of your way to push us away. This why everyone teases and bullies you. Hell! I bet someone trapped on the moon for a thousand years would have better social skills than you!’

Twilight flinches. ‘Why are you saying that? I thought you said we are friends.’

‘I’m saying this because I am your friend, and I don’t want to see you get hurt by your stubbornness.’ Lyra kicks the water. ‘You need to loosen up. Go play model with Vinyl’s cousin. Crash a family reunion and eat all their food. Go to a party and drink a bottle of hot sauce. Something! It isn’t like you can connect a computer to the rest of the world and talk to people without seeing them...’

‘Actually, a computer development team has found a way of communicating via “the internet”. You just have to have properly configured software. I read it in a book my mom got for me.’

‘Arg! That’s my point. You are always in a book, not talking to people. Tell your parents to get you that software. You can use it to actually talk to someone.’ She pokes Twilight. ‘Maybe you’ll even find the scientist guy you’re always moaning about.’

Twilight stands and turns away. ‘I’m going to get my stuff and go back to camp. You three can have fun out here on your own. I’m just going to stay in our cabin until it is time to go home.’

The young girl storms away. Lyra groans. She picks up her lyre and puts on her shoes. She catches Twilight at the edge of the campsite.

‘Hey, Twilight. Listen, I’m sorry...’



‘Kuma. Kuma. Kuma.’

‘In English please?’

Twilight point. ‘Ku-ku-ku-bear!’

Lyra looks at the campsite. A brown bear is eating their supplies.

‘Oh! That’s why the teachers said to hang the food from a tree.’


Twilight screams and runs away. The bear looks up. Lyra turns and follows. The bear snorts and keeps eating. A yawn comes from the tent. Vinyl opens it up and looks out. She shrieks and drops to the ground. Fleur moans as she wakes.

‘What is all the screaming about?’

‘There is a bear outside.’

Fleur pales. ‘A bear? As in...’

‘This ain’t The Jungle Book. It doesn’t look like it is the singing type.’

‘You never know. Try singing a song for it.’

The bear burps as it looks up from its meal. It meanders around the camp. It starts rubbing against a tree near the tent.

‘Or panicking sounds nice too,’ Fleur agrees.

Twilight keeps running and screaming far from camp. She runs across the river and through the woods. She stumbles and crawls atop a small hill. The young girl balls up and cries. Lyra runs up a second later.

‘Okay’ the older girl pants. ‘I think I know the way back. If we take our time, the bear might be gone. We’ll just head back to the camp and pass out for the next couple days.’

‘I wanna go home,’ Twilight whimpers. ‘I am not having fun. I am not safe. Mom lied to me. Shining lied to me. I want to go back to my room and stay there until I begin my studies with the princess. I hate it here!’

Lyra extends a hand. ‘That sounds like a great plan. Let’s do it.’

Twilight slaps the hand away. ‘Go away! You said this would be fun and relaxing! You lied! I hate you!’

‘Calm down. Let’s get back to somewhere safe. Everything is going to be fine.’

The younger girl stands and back away. ‘No, it is not! Things are very not fine! I am surrounded by liars!’

Lyra reaches out again. Twilight takes a step back and trips over a branch. She tumbles down the hill, into a tree and hits her head.

‘Twilight!’ Lyra starts looking for a safe way down.

Twilight moans and looks around. Everything looks fuzzy. A dark form stands over her. She is lifted up.

‘Don’t worry. You’re going to be okay.’

Twilight tries opening her eyes. ‘Enigmatic physici...’

‘Close enough. Now, you’ll hear an odd whirring, but it will make you feel better.’ The form looks away. ‘Pinkie, get me a bandage from the...’

Twilight does not hear the rest as she passes out.

Vinyl and Fleur cower in their tent. The bear has moved on from itching itself to digging through their backpacks again. The DJ groans as she sees dozens of CDs get smashed.

‘I’d rather die than lose my music,’ Vinyl moans.

‘Ugh. I’ll buy you new ones.’

‘Thanks, Fleur.’

The other girl looks over. ‘I didn’t say anything.’

‘Then who..?’

A small figure in a white robe and cowl drops in front of the tent. ‘You look easier to take down than Kaeko.’

The figure. motions to the bear. The creature looks back and grunts. The person throws a rock at the bear. The beast turns and slashes at the small attacker, who leaps back. The bears groans, but notices the tent. It starts lumbering towards the hiding girls. Vinyl and Fleur scream. The bear roars and slashes the tent. The hooded person drops from a tree and kicks it in the head. The bear rises and roars at the attacker. The person runs forward and slices its arms outward. Blades appear from under the robe and cut open the bear’s stomach. The attacker jumps and jabs upward, stabbing the bear through the head. Fleur and Vinyl creep out as the bear falls.

‘Such a waste of a beautiful creature,’ Fleur sighs, looking at the bear.

The hooded person wipes off the bear’s blood on some ruined clothing. Vinyl adjusts her sunglasses.

‘Thank for the help,’ the DJ says.

‘You always need me watching your back...’ the person sighs. ‘Probably had to break a few rules just to save your sorry butt.’

‘Do I know you?’

The person turns, leans up and kisses Vinyl on the cheek. ‘You’re so silly, Pon3.’

The savior jumps into a tree and quickly disappears into the forest. Vinyl blushes bright red. Fleur starts picking up the remains of their camp.

Twilight moans as she wakes up. She is laying on a bed in the camp’s infirmary. A nurse and an uniformed young man with striped blue hair stand by the bed.

‘Shining?’ the girl whispers.

‘Twily!’ Shining cheers.

Twilight holds her head. ‘What are you doing here?’

Shining hugs his sister. ‘I was part of the detail from the academy sent to retrieve some disruptive cadets. My CO allowed me to stay when we heard you were injured. They called an ambulance for you. I’ll ride with you to the hospital.’

‘Shining...’ The younger sister starts hitting her brother. ‘You said I would be safe! You liar! I am hurt and sweaty and I was attacked by a bear! You meanie!’

Shining laughs. ‘That’s my adorable little sister.’

Twilight frowns. ‘At least you’re here now. … Meanie.’

The injured girl looks around. She spots Lyra and Fleur peeking into the room. Vinyl, Twinkleshine and another girl sit outside, looking in. Twilight smiles. A siren is heard drawing near. Shining squeezes his sister’s hand.

‘We’ll be getting you home soon. Don’t worry,’ the big brother assures.

‘C-can I have a moment with Lyra and Fleur?’ Twilight asks.

‘Of course.’

Shining leaves to get Twilight’s friends. Fleur checks out the young soldier as she enters the room. The nurse helps Twilight sit up so she can hug her friends.

‘I am so sorry I was a jerk this whole trip,’ Twilight apologizes.

‘It is okay,’ Fleur assures.

‘We forgive you,’ Lyra adds.

‘I... I saw him.’

‘Saw who?’ Fleur asks.

‘The Enigmatic Scientist. He saved me when I fell.’

‘I don’t remember seeing anyone else out there,’ Lyra lies. ‘The three of us took turns carrying you back to camp.’

‘Oh, hush,’ Fleur scolds. ‘If she saw him, then he was there. You shouldn’t doubt our friend.’ She smiles at Twilight. ‘I believe you, my friend.’

‘I’ll never forget your friendship,’ the younger girl says, crying. ‘I hope we can remain friends forever.’

‘I’m sure we will,’ Fleur laughs.

‘You’re the best, Twilight. Of course, I’ll never forget you,’ Lyra replies, smiling.

The EMTs enter the infirmary. Twilight sighs and lays back, ready to be taken away.

Twilight stares at Lyra in shock, tears streaming down her face. The unicorn smiles as she finishes her story.

‘I remember,’ Twilight gapes. ‘I remember all of that. I can’t believe I had forgotten.’

‘I’d never forget my best friend,’ Lyra replies, smiling.

The princess searches for the right words. ‘Y-you can’t be one of my bridesmaids, but I would love you at my wedding.’

Lyra’s grin grows. ‘I’d be there anyway. The best mare invited me.’

‘Rei...’ Twilight growls. She smiles. ‘She is such a good girl.’

‘Well, if I can’t be a bridesmaid, then I’ll be happy to see your special day,’ Lyra sighs.

‘You better. I want all my friends there. … And make sure your wife makes us, er, me something special.’

The unicorn laughs. ‘Of course she will.’ She goes to the door. ‘See ya, around buddy.’

Twilight laughs and closes the door behind her friend. She sighs and goes to her room. She trots to her bed and opens the book she is reading. She levitates a purple and pink bookmark. Twilight smiles, puts it back and gets out her mobile.

‘Fleur? It is me, Twilight Sparkle. … I know it is a little last minute, but can you make it to my wedding? I would love to have all my friends there.’

Author's Note:

TWP Timeline: Applejack gets some upsetting news.

Story Timeline: Twilight remembers her old friends and invites them to her wedding.

Story Event: So, that will be the only mention of Flash 'Brad' Sentry in TWP. What happens to him before the start of the series is left up to the reader. Whatever his role in the canon is, he is a non factor by the time of TWP, especially since he is just a gold-digging asshole at heart, no matter what other media might try to have us think. (Surprisingly nailed his canon role too...)

Fun Fact: Twilight's reaction to the bear was inspired by Mint reacting to the space station full of monkeys in Galaxy Angel. If you don't get the joke there, look up their Japanese voice actress. I've been wanting to make a Mint reference since I found that out.

Remember way back when I wrote this chapter then it turned out everypony mentioned really were Twilight's lost friends.

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