• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,909 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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A Well-Earned Break

Main Characters: TWP, Fluttershy, Rei, Inkie, Octavia, Trixie, Stormy
Cameos: Twilight, Spike, Lucas, Lyra, Bon Bon, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Amelia, Silver, Vinyl, Luna
Original Write Date: 03/08/2012
Ponyifed Date: June 10, 2012

Note: The characters are going to be written as if they are wearing normal beach attire, i.e. swimsuits and your imagination. Please feel free to correct me if the articles are used improperly. (Unless they are intended to be used improperly as part of some poor seduction plan.)

Warning: There is a lot of implied sexual conduct and a lot of explicit sexual humor. If you are offended by this type of humor, feel free to skip this story. Otherwise, enjoy probably the most mature story in the series for a long time if ever.

James moans and stretches his forelegs as he sits up in bed. He checks his mobile and is happy to wake up past noon as usual. He slides out of bed and heads out to get ready for the day. The rest of the residence is empty. Rei must have been running late again since her saddlebag was left by her slippers at the entrance. Normally, Fluttershy would have dropped it off at school for the filly but not if she left first. He laughs and heads to the washroom to clean up.
After brushing his mane, James heads down to the main floor of The Power Block. The shop is lightly populated, and Lucas is relaxing at the counter next to an interesting guest.
Lyra is getting a lot of stares from how she is sitting on the counter as she kicks her hind legs against her makeshift bench. As soon as James reaches the main floor, Lyra lights up, sets down her lyre and waves him over.
‘Hey James!’ Lyra cheers. ‘How’s it going?’
‘Shouldn’t you be in class right now?’ James asks.
Lyra checks a watch. ‘I am still on lunch break. Anyway, I have an offer for you.’
James facehooves. ‘No, I am not really a human in pony form, and nothing you can say can change that.’
‘Aww! I mean!’ Lyra catches herself. ‘No, what I was going to say is that the family beach house back west is going to be free for the rest of the summer. My parents are chill with letting me borrow it. I figure a beach vacay is a good way to pay you back for helping us in the capital a while back.’
‘Uh, pay us all back?’ Lucas asks.
‘Of course!’ Lyra cheers. ‘Well, up to a dozen of you since we only have six spare rooms, not counting Bon Bon and me in the master bedroom.’
‘Six rooms!’ James and Lucas exclaim.
‘Holy cow.’ Lucas is shocked.
‘Yeah,’ James agrees. ‘Judging by your place in the capital, I would have thought you would have more than that.’
Lyra narrows her eyes and glares. ‘When have you been in my place back home?’
James stares back. ‘You had us over after the mission, genius.’
‘Oh right!’ Lyra’s mobile buzzes. She checks it and sighs. ‘Well, get back to me soon and I’ll make the arrangements. I have to’ -- she makes air quotes with her hooves -- ‘ “get back to work” or else I am “fired”. Pfft. Some people.’
Lyra hops off the counter and heads out the door, lyre in hoof as she walks on her hind legs. She waves as she leaves. James turns to Lucas.
‘You’re going.’
‘What! But you know I get sea sick!’ Lucas complains.
‘Then stay on the beach and read. I am sure Twilight and Rainbow Dash will love having a reading buddy.’
Lucas groans in protest as he watches his boss round the counter. ‘If I keep complaining, you’re just going to make me take a state-mandated vacation, aren’t you?’
James gets out the company Chromebook and heads back to the main floor. He stops to think. ‘Huh. I’ll have to give Rei some money so she can take Inkie swimsuit shopping. I am certain she will want to get a new bikini for the trip.’
Lucas glares at his boss. ‘I hate you so much right now.’

A pair of stagecoaches are drawn away away from a large, beachfront mansion after dropping off the passengers and luggage. A large group of ponies stand in awe of the mansion before them. At the front of the group, Lyra tries to open the front doors. She is tugging hard on the doors with her magic and trying every combination of the keys she has been given. The rest of the visitors are too busy taking in the atmosphere to care.
‘Why won’t you open!’ Lyra shouts.
James clears his throat and steps forward. ‘Might I help?’
‘What? Are you going to use your super alien brain to figure out which key it is?’
James holds up his sonic. ‘Or I could just use my screwdriver.’
Lyra grumbles and steps aside. James gives the locks a quick once over with the sonic, and they swing open effortlessly. Lyra snatches up her bag from where Bon Bon was tending it. The others gather their bags and follow Lyra inside. As impressed as the group was with the outside of the outside of the mansion, they are even more impressed with the inside.
‘I knew your family was rich...’ Bon Bon muses.
Lyra checks her hooves and pretends to not care. ‘Well, we are sandwiched between some new moneys, but it does fine.’
‘Holy guacamole!’ Spike shouts. ‘Your entire house back home can fit in here, Twilight!’
‘Thanks, Spike,’ Twilight groans.
Rarity fluffs her mane. ‘I guess this is posh, but is it posh enough?’
‘Geez,’ Rainbow Dash groans. ‘Only you can complain about a mansion.’
‘Well, I just see where there can be room for improvement...’
There is a collective thud as all of Rarity’s friends facehoof.
‘Hey!’ Rei calls from a landing at the top of a staircase. ‘Which room is mine!’
‘D’oh!’ Twilight grunts. ‘I knew there was something I forgot to plan.’
‘Bon Bon and I get the master bedroom.’ Lyra grabs Bon Bon in a hug. ‘That way we won’t keep all of you up with the noise.’
Bon Bon squeals. ‘Lyra! Stop it. You’re embarrassing me.’
Lyra kisses her wife on the cheek. ‘No. That will come later.’ She leans in and whispers. ‘As will you.’
Bon Bon blushes and squirms in her wife’s forelegs. Everypony looks embarrassed. The young Spike looks shocked as he stares at the couple.
‘What did she say!’ Rei shouts down. ‘Also! I put my stuff in that big room! Okay?’
‘Rei! No! Find a different room!’ James shouts back up. He looks over at Inkie. ‘Make sure you two get a good room.’
‘Me and Rei...’ Inkie smiles and blushes. ‘Okay!’
Inkie grabs her bag and gallops up to meet Rei. Lyra and Bon Bon follow Inkie up. James picks up his bags and starts heading towards the bedrooms.
‘I think I should share a room with Lucas to avoid any potential awkward situations. We don’t want a repeat of the cruise.’ He stops to think. ‘Stormy, you should stay with Spike.’
‘But, what about me...’ Fluttershy peeps.
Rarity puts an foreleg around her friend. ‘You can stay with me, Mrs Wanderer.’
Fluttershy blushes and nods. Twilight, Pinkie and Applejack all growl at Fluttershy’s title, which lifts Fluttershy’s spirits again. Rarity starts leading Fluttershy away, passing James along the way.
Rarity looks back. ‘No offense, but I want to get one of the fancier rooms before anypony else can gyp me.’
‘Hey!’ Rei calls down. ‘We found a really fancy guest room! Is that okay!’
‘What!’ Rarity shouts. She starts galloping up the stairs with Fluttershy in tow.
‘Good girl!’ James shouts up as he continues to climb the stairs.
The remaining four mares look among each other.
‘So, who do y’all want t’ bunk with?’ Applejack asks.
‘Ooo! Ooo!’ Pinkie cheers. ‘Twilight should stay with me! Since we are always up late anyway, we won’t bother each other and can do each others mane and chat and all sorts of fun sleepovery things!’
‘Pinkie. I am up all night studying,’ Twilight groans. ‘I prefer to do that in quiet.’
‘Did you bring any extra Daring Do!’ Rainbow Dash asks forcefully.
‘Uh... Sorry.’ Twilight gives a bashful grin.
Rainbow Dash growls. ‘Lame sauce!’ She takes her bag and leaves. ‘One of you take her. She’s useless.’
‘Rainbow!’ Twilight shouts.
Applejack pats Twilight on the back. ‘Come on, Twi. We can bunk together.’
‘Aww! What about the Twinkie Pie Team of Awesomeness?’ Pinkie pouts.
‘Pinkie. Remember the last time we tried to share something?’
‘Aww! But James is here this time. What are the odds that we will have another fight to the death with laser swords over a volcano?’
Twilight just stares blankly at her friend before turning and trotting up the stairs to catch up with Applejack. Pinkie pouts for a moment then sighs and shrugs.
‘Yeah. I guess that sounds pretty likely to me too. Dashie! Wait up!’

To celebrate the first night at Lyra’s beach house, the guests are having a beachside barbecue. After eating, everypony is hanging out on the beach, chatting, playing beach games and, in Rei’s case, taking a swim. James comes outside with his mobile in hoof. After a few steps out of the door, he stops, looks around, goes to a nearby column and marks a spot near its peak. Rarity comes over from where she was watching Applejack and Rainbow Dash try to out-frisbee each other.
‘What do you have going on here?’ Rarity asks.
James looks up. ‘Huh? Oh. Just helping Lyra fix up her house a bit.’
‘Oh? How so, darling?’
‘I’m finding the spots where her network cuts out, and Lucas and Inkie are wiring up switches and routers as needed.’
Twilight, listening in, groans and hits her book against her head. James snorts and looks back in the house for his assistants. Lucas comes trotting up, levitating a drill and a router. James taps the mark. Lucas moans and gets to work.
‘Couldn’t you have just soniced their network?’ Lucas grumbles.
‘Please. It was completely nonexistent to begin with. Besides, how many of these did we really have to set up?’
‘You weren’t the one who had to carry everything around the house.’
‘And you weren’t the one hunting the signal.’
‘And neither of you are the ones willing to give up constant internet for a while,’ Twilight groans.
‘OOO!’ Rarity gasps while checking her mobile. ‘My shoe outlet is having a sale! Buy~ing~!’
Rarity wanders back inside while fiddling with her mobile. Twilight moans again and starts hitting her forehead with her book. Lucas finishes his work and heads back inside right as Inkie is heading out. Bon Bon goes over to Twilight. She pats the younger mare on the shoulder.
‘There, there.’ Bon Bon comforts. ‘You and I are only a few years apart, and some of the stuff your generation does confuses me too.’
Lyra walks out on her hind legs with a pair of nightgowns in her hooves. ‘Hon, which one would you like better for sexy cuddling smoocherific times later?’
Bon Bon facehoofs. ‘Of course there are some in my generation that continue to baffle me. Fortunately, there are plenty of large and comfortable couches to sleep on.’
Lyra pouts and crosses her forelegs. ‘Fine. Neither of these. I’m still wearing what I picked out for myself though.’
Lyra marches back into the mansion with her gowns. Bon Bon watches her wife go for a moment before it hits her.
‘Wait. What?’ Bon Bon exclaims. ‘Lyra! Wait!’
Bon Bon rushes to catch up with her wife. Twilight sighs and turns back to her book. That is when she notices that James is sitting right next to her and staring at his mobile. She groans yet again.
‘You should really read a book sometime.’
‘I am.’ He flashes his mobile. ‘Kindle app.’
Twilight glares. ‘I hate you so much right now.’
Applejack leaps high into the air to catch a pass from Rainbow Dash. The catch elicits cheers from Spike, Pinkie and Inkie. Rei steps out of the ocean and looks for her towel.
‘Thank you. Thank you.’ Rei bows. ‘And, yes, I am that awesome.’
‘Not you, genius,’ Stormy sighs. ‘We’re watching them.’
Rei growls at Stormy as she dries her mane. She does a quick hip thrust in his direction, getting him to take an extra stare at the cutie mark sticking out from under her swimsuit. Stormy turns back to the game, blushing the same color as his mane. He notices Inkie staring at Rei as well.
Applejack looks for an opening with Rainbow Dash. The shorter mare uses her wings to her advantage by sticking low to the ground but with knees bent, ready to jump. Applejack snorts, adjusts her hat and shoots a fast but wide, throw. Rainbow dashes and intercepts the frisbee in mid arc. She spins it briefly on a wing and fires it right back, faster than she received it. The frisbee also curves up, causing Applejack to literally hold on to her hat as she avoids being hit. Rainbow Dash lets out a laugh as Applejack regains her composure.
‘Ha! Go fetch, Winona,’ Rainbow Dash gloats.
Applejack growls. ‘At least she’d play fair...’
‘What is there to cheat in frisbee?’ Rainbow Dash turns away. ‘Now, go get it.’ She pauses for a moment before turning and sticking her tongue out.
Applejack turns and trots away to find the frisbee, all while grumbling and cursing Rainbow Dash. Before she can get too far, the frisbee wafts out of the dusk and lands in Applejack’s hooves. A figure steps out of the growing darkness and strikes a pose with a cape flapping in the sea breeze.
‘Greeting, fair neighbors! The Great and Powerful Trixie welcomes you to this fine beach!’ Trixie greets. She holds her forelegs up into the air as magical fireworks shoot off behind her.
Twilight groans and facehoofs. The beach patrons near Trixie step back to avoid the fireworks. Rei squeals with delight and claps. Lyra, Bon Bon, Fluttershy and Lucas all come outside to see what the excitement is about. Once her firework show is done, Trixie trots over to the deck where most of Lyra’s guests are gathered, stopping only to pat Rei on the head.
‘Trixie is here!’ Rei squeals. ‘Look, everypony! Trixie is here!’
‘We gathered that,’ Twilight jeers. ‘What are you doing here, Trixie?’
‘That’s no way to treat our neighbor, Twilight,’ Lyra scolds. ‘Actually, I am kind of surprised you are here.’
Trixie takes a seat at a table, throwing her cape over the back of the chair. ‘Well, I wasn’t planning on a vacation, but my schedule opened up and my mom is trying to suck up to me more than usual, probably because she still owes me for all of the hassle we had a few months back... Anyway! All I had to do was ask and our villa was mine for the taking.’
‘It is always a pleasure to see you again, Trixie,’ James greets.
‘Likewise, James,’ Trixie replies.
‘Why did you choose now, of all times, to come out here?’ Twilight asks.
‘Ah! A little fan of mine’ -- Rei squeals -- ‘told me about your planned excursion, and I figured it would be a wonderful time to visit my friends again.’
‘It is mighty nice seeing y’all again. Ah hope ya have some new stories ‘bout yer recent travels.’
‘Oh, indeed I do, Applejack.’ Trixie thinks. ‘Hmm. You know, I should have you over to visit. I am sure we have better libations than the usual Heartstrings fare.’
Lyra shrugs. ‘Meh. Probably.’
‘Libations?’ James asks. ‘Yeah. Me and Rei are definitely not coming over.’
Trixie sighs heavily. ‘Give that a rest, will you?’
‘Why should he?’ Twilight and Fluttershy snap. They briefly make eye contact and nod in agreement.
Trixie sighs again. ‘Fine. Oh! But I have an offer for all of you.’
‘I’ll take it!’ Rei says, instantly.
‘That will do, Rei.’ Trixie nods at the teenager. ‘As I was saying, since it is me all alone, not even a staff, at my place, I would be happy to host any of you if you so desire.’
‘No,’ James says bluntly.
Everypony knows who that was directed at as Rei moans as loudly as she can before falling back onto the beach to tantrum.
‘I may not have as many rooms as your gracious host,’ Trixie adds, ‘but, I am sure I can accommodate anypony with plenty of space for them.’ She smirks and shakes her flank a bit. ‘Maybe a bit less space if Twilight accepts.’
Twilight looks back then turns away. The others mill about as they consider the offer. Trixie sighs and shrugs. She gets up from the table.
‘No need to rush a decision. I’ll be right down the beach if you need me.’
Trixie steps down from the deck and trots right into Stormy. Both of them exchange smiles.
‘Great to see you again, Trixie.’
‘Likewise, dear Stormy.’
They smile again before Trixie heads off down the beach. She stretches before disappearing out of eyesight. Everypony goes back to their business. Pinkie goes over to the still sulking Twilight.
‘It’s okay,’ Pinkie comforts. ‘That sort of thing doesn’t matter.’
‘Yeah!’ Rei adds, recovering from her tantrum. ‘In fact, at least you’re smaller than Rainbow Dash. So that is something.’
‘Hey! Watch it, punk!’ Rainbow Dash threatens.
‘Well, she does have a point,’ Bon Bon says.
Everypony turns to look at her.
Bon Bon blushes. ‘What! When Lyra says something like that, it is normal but not for me? Can’t I be allowed a tiny look once in awhile too?’
Lyra looks from Bon Bon to Twilight to Rainbow Dash before back to Bon Bon. ‘Okay, but just one of them can join at a time. I don’t want it to get weird.’
Twilight turns bright red and tries to hide behind her book. Fluttershy lets slip an extra loud laugh at her friends. Spike can barely look over at the mare who is like a big sister to him before blushing from the embarrassing thoughts he is having about Twilight.
‘Can this trip get any weirder?’ Rainbow Dash groans.
Rarity comes galloping out of the mansion. ‘OH! MY! CELESTIA!’
‘What?’ Everypony asks.
‘You’ll never believe it!’ Rarity holds up her mobile. ‘According to her Twitter, Trixie is in town and staying in a villa near here!’
Everypony groans and facehoofs.
‘Well, I don’t think she is that bad,’ Rarity counters.

Applejack is out jogging on the beach after everypony has gone back inside for the night. She used the jog to familiarize herself with the area and make mental note of some places she would want to explore when the sun is out. She makes it back to the beach in front of Lyra’s mansion and sits down to take a rest along the shoreline. She stares out to sea, admiring the waves, while the water laps at her hooves. Something in the waves catches her eye.
‘Incoming!’ shouts a pony riding a boogie board.
Applejack screams and tries standing in time, but she is tackled by the rider and board. The pair tumble up the beach for a moment before coming to a stop. Applejack groans as she finds herself sandwiched between board and rider. Above her, James smiles down while wearing Applejack’s hat.
‘Sorry.’ He laughs. ‘Tried to warn ya.’
‘Lota good that did,’ Applejack growls. ‘Now if ya’d kindly get off o’ me...’
‘Sorry.’ James laughs.
He stands up and helps Applejack to her hooves. She snatches her hat back and glares as soon as she is up. He finds his towel and offers it to Applejack first. Getting a curt head shake in return, James starts drying off before he gets too cold.
‘What are y’all doin’ out in the middle o’ the night anyway? Are ya crazy?’ Applejack pauses. ‘Wait. Ah know the answer t’ that last one.’
James laughs. ‘Heh. It has been so long since I was last out here like this, I sort of couldn’t resist.’ He looks over the ocean. ‘So great to be back.’
‘Yeah, but why head out at night?’
James gives a nervous smile. ‘Would you mind taking a stroll with me?’
Applejack sighs. ‘Fine. Ah was needin’ a cool-down after mah jog anyway.’
The pair trots down the beach towards Trixie’s villa. They are relatively out of sight of the houses. After a few moments, Applejack looks over.
‘Right,’ James sighs. ‘I’m afraid of sharks.’
Applejack is really confused now. ‘What?’
‘When I am deep enough water, my mind instantly fills that void with sharks. It is worse at night since the darkness makes all water seem like deep water to me.’
‘So y’all were jus’ givin’ yerself a friendly scare?’
James laughs. ‘More or less. You have to take some baby steps to get over your fears. What about you? Out for a moonlight stroll under the stars? … Oh wait. That is what we are doing right now.’
Applejack blushes and looks away. ‘Actually, Ah was jus’ gettin’ a jog in befer callin’ it a night. We didn’ get much exercise with all the travelin’ we did, so Ah wanted t’ get somethin’ done.’
‘Pfft! Come on. You always look after your body more than all of the ponies I know. I doubt it would hurt for you to take one day off.’
Applejack blushes even more and tries hiding under her hat. ‘Thanks... That actually means a lot t’ me.’
‘Just don’t take too many days off or you’ll end up looking like me.’
‘Y’all ain’t that bad. Jus’ gotta do something ‘bout yer mane.’
James raises an eyebrow. ‘What about my mane, Mr Purple?’
Applejack looks over and gives a friendly laugh. ‘Nothin’.’
The pair keep trotting down the beach. Far in the distance, city lights come into view. After a bit, they stop at the edge of a tide pool. James crouches down and puts a hoof in the water.
‘We should totally come back here later.’
Applejack smiles down at her friend. ‘Definitely.’
James stands and wipes his hoof on his now-dry trunks. ‘Well, we should be getting back. I should shower before bed.’
‘Yeah. Me too.’
The trot back to the mansion is equally quiet. Along the way, Applejack slowly and unconsciously steps closer to James until she inadvertently puts her hoof around his. He stops and turns to her. She catches herself and tries trot away, but she also refuses to let go. They stop with Applejack trying not to look back.
Before James can finish, Applejack turns and gives him a kiss. They break and stare into each other’s eyes. Applejack bites her lip and looks away.
‘Ah am sorry, James, but Ah like ya! Ah really do! Y’all are jus’ so... different than the other guys Ah normally see.’
‘I don’t know what to say, Apple...’
Applejack cuts him off with another kiss. She leans with their foreheads touching. ‘Please don’ say mah name. Ah am so used t’ ya teasin’ me that, when ya talk t’ me normal like...’ She shakes her head. ‘Ah feel so ashamed. First goin’ against Twi and Pinks. Now, goin’ against Fluttershy. Ah jus’ can’t help myself.’
James takes Applejack’s other hoof in his and gives both a squeeze. ‘You have nothing to worry about.’
‘What do ya mean? Ah am goin’ against my best friends fer the guy they like. They’d hate me if they knew.’
James sighs. ‘There you go again. Little Miss Honesty worrying about being honest with the ones she cares about the most.’ Applejack looks away. ‘How about this: you can start by being honest with me. If you can work with a receptive audience, then that can give you courage to talk with the others, especially Fluttershy, about anything.’
‘Damn it. That is why Ah like ya. Yer always challenging me about somethin’. If yer not teasin’ me with yer weird nerd things, yer causin’ trouble with mah sister or doin’ somethin’ t’ get me. Yer the only one that doesn’ back down either. Ah like somepony who is strong in their beliefs.’
Applejack gives James a peck on the cheek and lets go of his hooves. She resumes trotting back to the mansion. She stops almost instantly when she is grabbed in a hug.
‘You can be quite adorable when you are embarrassed like this.’
Applejack blushes and looks down. ‘Please don’ let go...’
‘Sorry, but I think I should before the missis catches us and she starts giving you as much grief as she gives Twilight.’
James lets Applejack go after a quick kiss to her cheek right when a torchlight comes into view. An anxious Fluttershy is looking around.
‘James! Where are you, James?’ Fluttershy calls.
‘Over here!’ James calls and waves. ‘Just out looking around with Applejack.’
Fluttershy gallops over and grabs James in a hug. ‘Oh thank goodness. I saw your board unattended, and I thought you had gotten swept out to sea or drowned or...’ She starts crying.
James comforts her. ‘It’s all right. I stayed relatively close to shore the whole time, then I had a nice lifeguard show up.’
‘Thank you, Applejack,’ Fluttershy says. ‘I don’t know what I would do if I lost him.’
Applejack rubs the back of her head. ‘Shoot. Ah did nothin’. Ah jus’ showed up while he was there.’
‘Thank you anyway.’ Fluttershy turns back to James and brushes some sand from him. ‘Now, you go inside and get all cleaned up, okay?’
‘Yes, dear,’ James kisses Fluttershy then heads back towards the house.
Applejack starts heading back too. She is stopped when her tail gets pulled. She turns back to see Fluttershy standing on her tail and giving her a furious glare.
‘What were you doing with him?’ Fluttershy snarls.
‘We weren’t doin’ anythin’. We were jus’ talkin’.’
Fluttershy’s eyes narrow. ‘Why is your coat wet?’
‘Sheesh. ‘Cause he hit me with his board by accident.’
Fluttershy gives Applejack the once-over then releases the other mare’s tail. ‘Good, because New Fluttershy doesn’t like it when somepony tries to steal her man.’
Fluttershy marches back to the house, flicking her mane in Applejack’s direction as she goes. Applejack just stares and rubs her sore head.
‘Pinkie and Rarity were right about New Fluttershy. What a bitch.’

Fluttershy and Rarity are getting ready for bed. They are sitting on opposite sides of their shared bed, both brushing their manes out. Fluttershy hums a happy song to herself. She finishes the song and the brushing then starts getting her side of the bed set.
‘Fluttershy...’ Rarity begins. ‘May I ask you a bold question?’
‘Um...’ Fluttershy stares at the bed for a moment. ‘Okay.’
‘I happened to spy your... encounter with Applejack earlier. While I couldn’t hear what you said, I could tell it was less than civil. I must know, when are you going to tell the others?’
Fluttershy lays down and stares at the wall away from Rarity. She lets out a small whine and pulls the covers over her head.
‘Deary, you’re going to have to tell them sometime.’
‘But we agreed that it was up to me to tell them. I... I am just not ready yet.’
‘It has been a couple weeks now. The longer you wait, the more upset they will be.’
Fluttershy whimpers. ‘He has my back. He won’t tell unless I ask.’
Rarity sighs. ‘Fine. You know I won’t tell. I just want you to know you are risking a lot with your friends the longer you wait.’
Fluttershy lets out a high-pitched whine. Rarity finishes her mane and gets out an eye cover. She slides under the sheets and gives a contented sigh.
‘Be a dear and get the lights. Thanks~!’
Fluttershy groans and gets up to turn off the lights.

A persistent rapping fills Trixie’s villa early in the morning. The Tired and Irritated Trixie makes her way through the house to the front door, stopping only to throw one of her trademark robes overs her star-patterned pajamas. She gets to the door, takes a moment to calm herself and fix her mane, then prepares to give the visitor a shouting to of a lifetime.
Trixie throws the door open. ‘Now see he... LUNA!’
Princess Luna is standing at the door. She is dressed rather plainly giving her position, and she is wearing a small saddlebag. She smiles at Trixie as she adjusts her glasses.
‘Hi!’ Luna greets. ‘I heard you might have a spare room available.’
Trixie is surprised. ‘Where did you hear that? Are you spying on me?’
Luna laughs and steps in front of a bag with binoculars and listening devices. ‘Aaaanyway! Would you mind if I stay for a bit?’
Trixie sticks her head out of the door and looks around. ‘You don’t have an army battalion hiding in case I say “no,” right?’ She smirks. ‘Though I wouldn’t mind seeing that captain of the guard...’
Luna sways in place a bit. ‘Well... Tia wouldn’t let me come without guards, but I ordered them to stay back and not interfere. It will just be me.’
Trixie thinks. ‘Hmm. I guess that will have to do.’ She looks Luna over. ‘Besides, you’ll only take up as much space as Twilight Sparkle. Follow me to your room.’
Luna starts following. She stops to look at herself in one of the many mirrors in the house. ‘Wait. What was that about my space!’

Octavia enjoys the beach. The cool breezes. The warm sun. The delicious beach drinks requiring varying amounts of booze to overpower the various other flavors in the drink. A giant beach umbrella to keep the warm sun’s damaging UV rays off her pristine coat and to block the cool breezes from upsetting her well-maintained mane. Octavia sighs in contentment and takes a sip of her delicious drink.
Behind Octavia, there is a loud yawn. ‘Mornin’, Tavi!’
Octavia gets up from her beach chair and looks back towards her house. She groans and facehoofs as Vinyl Scratch trots up to where Octavia is sitting. Octavia peeks between her hooves to her guest behind her. She instantly bolts around and points an accusing hoof at her friend.
‘That’s my bikini!’
Vinyl laughs playfully. ‘May~be!’
Octavia shudders and sits down again. ‘You can keep it.’
Vinyl laughs again, but something catches her attention. ‘Whoops! Looks like we’ll be having a guest. I’ll be back.’
Vinyl rushes back into the house to find a shirt. Octavia groans and looks down the beach. She sees a figure slowly approaching. She groans and takes another drink. She takes a longer drink when she recognizes the approaching person.
‘Hey Jimmy!’ Vinyl shouts from the house as she returns wearing some additional clothing.
James looks up from his mobile. ‘Wha? Hey Vinyl. Hey Octy. You’re here too?’
‘Right. This trip is getting better and better,’ Octavia groans.
Vinyl trots out onto the beach again. ‘Whatcha doing here? We heard you last night, but somepony didn’t want to be neighborly.’
‘Forgive me for wishing to retain my sanity,’ Octavia moans. She looks over her new visitor and suppresses a frown over her guest’s plain trunks. ‘Anyway, like Vinyl asked, what are you doing here?’
James holds up his mobile. ‘I found a geocache last night before going to bed. The kids and I are just tracking it down.’
Octavia rolls her eyes. ‘What could possibly be hidden out here?’
James taps a couple buttons. ‘The clue says that it is a pair of round, firm objects.’ He takes a step forward. ‘Your plot!’
Octavia quickly stands up and slaps James as hard as she can. ‘Excuse me!’
James picks his glasses up from the sand and brushes them off. ‘I was just going to ask you to move it. The geocache is under your chair.’
Octavia grumbles and gets her drink again. ‘You could have just said that.’ Or at least noticed it... She pouts.
‘Sorry. We’ll be out of your way soon enough.’
James and Vinyl move the beach chair and umbrella out of the way. Octavia heads back to stand in the shade by her house. Vinyl joins her friend as they watch James sonicing the ground. Suddenly, the ground shakes and a two-meter wide hole instantly forms right where Octavia was sitting. Octavia shrieks at the top of her lungs. Inkie’s head pops out of the hole and looks around. Rei pops out too, gasping for breath.
‘Air! Water!’ Rei gasps. ‘Drink!’ She scampers out of the hole, takes Octavia’s drink and downs it in one gulp. ‘This is pretty go...’
Rei sways then falls face first into the sand. James shakes his head at Octavia.
‘Before noon?’ He asks.
‘My beach...’ Octavia gallops over to the hole. ‘What did you do to my beach!’
Inkie tosses a pair of wooden spheres the size of beach balls out of the hole before climbing out.
‘That was all that was down there, boss.’ she reports.
‘My beach...’ Octavia frowns into the hole, and her lower lip quivers.
‘Ready to fill it in?’ James asks Inkie.
‘No prob,’ Inkie salutes. ‘Stand back a bit until it starts.’
Inkie reaches down and pulls a rope out of the hole. She gives it a sharp tug, and the ground starts shaking again.
‘What now?’ Octavia moans.
‘Oh. You have to check this out,’ James grins.
James quickly lifts Octavia to her hind legs, spins her around and pushes her into the hole. She screams and starts flailing. She does not fall since there is a source of wind forcing her up as the hole starts filling from below.
Inkie giggles. ‘Fun, isn’t it?’
Inkie leans over the the hole, but she is pushed back up from the wind. Octavia keeps flailing, so James reaches out and catches her foreleg. She pulls hard and pulls him over the hole as well Octavia grabs James in a tight hug right as gravity takes over, and they fall. They hit the sand with James able to prop himself up with his free leg. The ground stops shaking. Octavia catches her breath as she stares up at the stallion leaning over her.
‘I wanna do that with Inkie too!’ Rei shouts. She tries crawling forward but passes out in the sand once more.
James steps back from the prone mare. He offers a hoof to help Octavia. She lays for a couple more moments before returning to normal. She bats away the hoof and sits up and starts brushing the sand off of her. James brushes himself off as well and offers the hoof again. Octavia growls and accepts the offer.
Octavia starts brushing the sand from her coat. ‘Was all of that really necessary?’
‘We’ll share the treasure with you,’ James offers.
Octavia scowls in return. ‘You better, but for now, please just remove yourself from my beach until I can calm down.’
James sighs. ‘Okay, but we are just down the beach when you want to come looking for us.’ He starts heading toward the house and pats Inkie on the shoulder. ‘You get the cache. I’ll get Rei.’
James goes over and lifts Rei to his back. Octavia groans and goes back to the house. James and Inkie start trotting back down the beach with their respective loads.
‘Inkie’s back is really hairy,’ Rei is heard mumbling.
Octavia heads back into the house to get another drink. Vinyl sits at the bar and grins as her friend practices mixology.
‘So....’ Vinyl’s grin gets wider.
‘What?’ Octavia snaps.
‘I guess the earth moves when you two hook up.’
A splash of alcohol hits Vinyl in the face and covers her shades. Vinyl spins around on her stool and laughs to herself.
‘Shut up,’ Octavia growls. She looks into her empty glass. ‘And now you made me waste expensive booze too.’

Rarity is fretting in front of a mirror as she gets ready to head down to the beach. She wears a fancy bikini, but she levitates two others in front of her for comparison. Another guest trots by the room but stops and comes back.
‘Geez, Rarity!’ Rainbow Dash groans. ‘You’re never going to have any fun if you keep worrying about how you look.’
Rarity spins around. ‘Rainbow! You’re somewhat feminine when you need to be! You can help!’
Rainbow Dash cocks her head to the side. ‘Wait. Was that a compliment or an insult?’
‘Never mind who said what. More importantly, does this suit look good on me?’
Rainbow Dash almost rolls her eyes, but she smiles craftily. She enters Rarity’s room and starts looking her friend over.
‘I can’t really tell with your tail in the way.’
‘O-okay.’ Rarity lifts her tail as Rainbow Dash returns to her task. The unicorn bites her lip in anticipation of the verdict.
Rainbow Dash looks up. ‘Can you not watch me? You’re making me nervous.’
Rarity sighs. ‘Fine.’
She closes her eyes and waits for Rainbow Dash’s opinion. Rainbow Dash’s evil grin returns. She very carefully unties Rarity’s bottom. She takes the other bottoms and quietly slips out of the room before galloping away. Spike walks past, watching Rainbow dash. He peeks into the room, but he stops and stares.
‘Can I look yet?’ Rarity asks while looking back and opening an eye.
Rarity sees Spike standing in the doorway staring. She just stares back in shock. Stormy trots past, in the world of his music player. He glances in.
‘Hey, Rarity,’ Stormy greets as he passes. Must be Thursday...
Rarity snaps to her senses and covers herself. She wraps a towel around herself and gallops out of the room.
Spike remains frozen at the doorway.

A group has gathered as Inkie and James crack open their treasures. Octavia and Vinyl have come over to claim their share of the prize. Lyra is jumping up from the back of the pack to see the treasure. Inkie cracks the first sphere and starts taking out the contents. She gets out a bottle of liqueur.
‘Mine!’ Octavia snatches the bottle. She cradles it lovingly.

The others roll their eyes at Octavia’s behavior. Inkie removes the wrappings that protected the bottle. They turn out to be three deflated beach balls.
‘Why did they hide those?’ Inkie asks.
‘Heads up!’ Rei shouts.
A newly inflated beach ball bounces off of Stormy’s head.
Stormy groans. ‘Better question: who would give her something she could throw at somepony else?’
Another beach ball bounces off of Stormy’s head. Rei giggles and flies away as Stomy returns fire. Rainbow Dash watches the chase and joins in chasing both kids after Twilight passes her the other inflated beach ball. Inkie cracks the other sphere. The first item she takes out is a can of pineapple.
‘Ooo!’ James reaches for the can.
James’ hoof lands on the can, but another hoof lands right on top of his. She follows it up to look down at Octavia’s expression combining annoyance, pouting and (definitely not) longing. James sighs and surrenders his prize. Octavia smiles and takes her other prize. The last beach ball bounces off her head. Octavia quickly looks up for the culprit and finds Pinkie looking overly innocent. Inkie gets out the last items, a stack of CDs.
‘Well, that is it,’ Inkie states. ‘Just those calypso CDs. Who wants them?’
Everyone looks at Vinyl. She groans.
‘Ugh. I guess I can remix them once I get back to my laptop.’
The group starts dispersing. Octavia looks at her prizes then heads into the house to find some way to combine them. Twilight goes back to her book. Inkie, Lucas, and Spike gallop off to join Rei and Rainbow Dash while Stormy comes back to relative safety.
‘ALOHA!’ is shouted from down the beach.
Luna and a still-tired Trixie trot up the beach to their friends. Both are dressed for a day of swimming and tanning, though Trixie is wearing her usual cape and hat. Twilight briefly checks out the approaching mares then covers herself and curls into ball. James puts a comforting hoof on her shoulder. Luna marches up to the deck to greet her friends. Stormy blushes and tries not to look as Trixie steps up to him.
‘Good morning, dear Stormy.’ Trixie coos while giving Stormy a small hug.
Stormy blushes redder than his mane. ‘M-morning, Trixie.’
Trixie smirks. ‘I can tell you’re glad to see me.’
Stormy blushes even deeper. A beach ball comes out of nowhere and hits Trixie in the head, knocking off her wizard hat. She looks around and growls.
‘Sorry, Trixie!’ Rainbow Dash calls as she gallops down the beach, jumping over an incoming beach ball.
Another figure gallops down the beach from the same direction as Rainbow Dash.
‘LU~~~~~NA~~~~~~~~’ Rei shouts as she gallops down the beach, jumps to the deck, gallops across a table and tackles Luna in a big hug.
‘Trixie can’t believe she is actually jealous now,’ Trixie grumbles. She grabs Stormy’s hoof. ‘Come along. Let’s go somewhere more private.’
Trixie drags the lovestruck Stormy away as Luna frees herself from her affectionate follower.
‘Thank you for the affection, Rei. It pleases us,’ Luna says, patting Rei on the head. She turns to the rest of the guests. ‘It is great to see all of you again.’
‘Ditching your duties for another cruise, princess?’ Twilight shoots.
‘Hmpf! Nothing of the sort, Miss Sparkle.’ Luna tosses her mane over her shoulder and puffs out her chest, showing off the bikini top that matches crest she normally wears. ‘My sister took a short holiday last month. I am just doing the same now that her sunburns have healed enough for her to resume normal duties.’
‘She got a sunburn?’ James snorts loudly as he fails to contain a laugh. His hooves start typing rapidly. He looks up innocently. ‘What? I was not telling Twitter anything.’
Luna snorts. ‘Anyway, I also made sure that there were duties I could attend to in the city while I am here. I don’t want to be completely unproductive on this trip.’
‘We should totally have a big “welcome Luna” party later!’ Pinkie cheers.
‘That would be fun, Miss Pie.’ Luna nods toward Pinkie. ‘Since I will be attending to business on a couple days, perhaps some of you would enjoy seeing the city with me.’
‘Well, I am really curious as to the shopping in this area,’ Rarity muses. A beach ball bounces off the back of her head followed by a loud cackle. ‘RAINBOW DASH!’
Rarity gallops out to the beach and starts chasing her friend.
Luna smiles over at James. ‘James, I have a special offer for you.’ Fluttershy growls and glares. ‘You too, Fluttershy. Since I yet to properly congratulate the two of you on your marriage, may I treat the two of you to a show?’
Fluttershy hugs James’ neck. ‘Oh! A show would be lovely. We haven’t done one in so long.’
James raises a hoof. ‘When you say show...’
Fluttershy squeezes tight and growls. ‘Theater.’
James sighs. ‘Fine.’
‘You’re leaving your hoofhelds here, too.’ Luna adds.
‘I only did that once! Octy will vouch for me.’
Octavia stumbles out with a drink in her hoof. ‘I think that bottle stayed there a little too long.’
She tries to sit down at a table, but she falls right off the deck. Vinyl and Applejack rush to help her.
‘Also, my pineapple has sand in it.’ Octavia calls from the beach.

Trixie leads Stormy down the beach. She holds his hoof as they trot. Stormy is trying to look forward but he cannot help but glance at the mare he loves.
Trixie sighs. ‘Stormy, have I said how great it is to see you again?’
‘I am pretty sure you have.’
‘Oh Stormy...’ Trixie rests her head on Stormy’s shoulder.
‘Something wrong, Trixie?’
Trixie stops and turns toward Stormy. He stops and looks down to her frowning face. She stares up, tracing the scar on his horn to avoid eye contact.
‘It is just that...’ Trixie begins.
‘It is just that I would love to take our relationship further, but I am afraid of the societal backlash.’
‘You mean like sex?’
Trixie laughs. ‘No. Not that. I mean, it is odd for a couple with our age difference to be dating. I am nervous to go out to more public locales for dates because people will judge us.’
Stormy smiles. ‘Is that all?’ Trixie opens her mouth to argue. ‘Who cares what everypony else thinks? We’re in love and that is all that really matters to me. If somepony is going to judge us for being happy, then screw them. We’re happy.’
Trixie shakes her head. ‘Stormy, the ever practical-minded.’
‘Besides, the Soufflé family has a history of dating older people. My grandmother is ten years younger than my grandfather. My mom’s first love was more than twice her age.’ Stormy looks around nervously. ‘Don’t tell anypony, but I was named after him according to her old diary.’ Which is why I can never by a new video game again...
‘You are so cute when embarrassed.’ Trixie gives Stormy a quick peck. ‘Have you considered what I said last night?’
‘About staying over? I don’t know...’
Trixie gives Stormy a longer kiss. ‘I can make it very worth your while.’
‘Then how can I say “no”?’
Trixie giggles and grabs Stormy around the neck before giving him another kiss.

Pinkie is working in the kitchen for the party in the evening. She is the only one in the kitchen and is running a number of stoves and ovens at once. A door opens from the deck.
‘No peeking until everything is ready~!’ Pinkie calls.
‘Just getting a soda,’ James calls back. ‘Luna seems to not get any at the palace.’
A Royal Canterlot Voice-enhanced belch shakes the windows.
The fun has been doubled!’ is shouted from outside.
James shakes his head. ‘You can really tell the family resemblance.’
Pinkie looks at James. ‘I don’t think Celestia ever behaved like that.’
James thinks. ‘Oh. That makes sense too! Good observation.’
Pinkie is confused, but she shakes it off. ‘Anyway! Out. Out. Out! I have top-secret baking to do.’
James scans the room and sniffs the air. He points to an oven. ‘Strawberry cupcakes.’ He points to another oven. ‘Triple layer super fudge cake.’ He points to a stove. ‘Top secret filling for Cherrychangas and less secret filling for Chimicherries.’ He points to another stove. ‘And semi-sweet chocolate for dipping.’ He turns back. ‘Correct?’
Pinkie throws herself at James and gives him a big kiss. Once she forces him into a wall, she breaks the kiss and stares up at him.
‘Marry me,’ Pinkie says.
‘Well, but technically...’
‘I don’t care. Ours can be real.’
‘But Fluttershy thinks...’
Pinkie pouts. ‘But Pinkie thinks you shouldn’t play into her fantasies anymore and make her come back to reality.’
‘And who did I spend a week calling “Mahou Shoujo Pinkie” after a marathon session of Nanoha?’
Pinkie hits James over the head with a crescent-shaped wand. ‘That is “Magical Lyrical Pinkie,” got it?’
‘I should have never gotten you that.’
‘Want me to kiss it and make it better?’ Pinkie grins.
‘You’re going to miss and hit my lips if I say yes, right?’
Pinkie grins wider. ‘Only one way to find out!’
James kisses Pinkie on the forehead. ‘You are so cute.’
James takes his drink and heads out. Pinkie sighs and gets back to work.

Vinyl wakes in the middle of the night to use the washroom. On her way back to her room, her sensitive ears hear music coming from downstairs. She follows the music to a full, professional recording studio. Inside, Octavia is playing her cello while in her pajamas, completely unawares of the audience. She finishes her song and looks up to see Vinyl’s grinning face from the control room. Octavia blushes and exits the recording booth and joins Vinyl in the control room.
‘You gonna play me a lullaby?’ Vinyl beams.
‘B-baka,’ Octavia stutters. ‘I was just getting some late night practice.’
Vinyl laughs. ‘Right. Hey, I might not be that big on classical, but I don’t recognize that piece. What is it called?’
Octavia blushes even more. ‘Oh! It was an original I have been working on for a while.’
‘Yeah? What are you calling it?’
‘...’ Octavia mumbles.
‘Speak up.’
‘The Art and Science of Wandering...’ the cellist whispers.
‘Huh?’ Vinyl’s grin somehow grins wider.
Octavia fidgets. She rubs one foreleg with the other and looks away. Vinyl swings a boom mic over Octavia and turns the output volume to eleven.
‘THE ART AND SCIENCE OF WANDERING!’ comes over the speakers.
Octavia turns bright red all over. Vinyl busts out laughing.
‘Sh-shut up!’ Octavia yells.
Vinyl calms down. ‘You have to be the only one that hasn’t just come out and said it.’
Octavia fidgets more. ‘He-he-he has that pink-maned one who apparently married him. It-it would be weird and wrong.’
Vinyl shrugs. ‘It is what? Seven-to-one? Ten-to-one? Wanna survive as a species right?’
Octavia pushes Vinyl. ‘Shut up! I don’t think about such things!’
Vinyl laughs the leans up and kisses Octavia on the forehead. ‘You’re still such a silly kid.’ She kisses Octavia on the nose. ‘And that is why I love you.’
Vinyl trots away leaving the very embarrassed Octavia to collect her emotions.
‘I’m wearing your underwear again, by the way!’ Vinyl calls back while snapping her panties.

The doors to Trixie’s villa open wide early in the morning. An older, dark-teal unicorn mare with a dark-silver mane steps in and looks around. A pair of servants follow her in.
‘Why Trixie would deny any help...’ The mare grumbles. She looks at her servants. ‘Come. Let’s get breakfast started. That better make me look like a good mother.’
The Mysterious and Alluring Amelia leads the servants to the kitchen. She throws the door open and stops in her tracks instantly. Luna sits on the counter in her pajamas, eating a bowl of cereal. Both mares freeze and stare at each other.
‘Princess Luna!’ Amelia shouts.
‘Uh. Hey.’ Luna greets.
‘What are you doing here?’
‘Uh... Just visiting a friend staying next door.’
‘Is my daughter about?’
‘She should still be in her room. She was up pretty late last night.’
‘Probably just being lazy again.’ Amelia grumbles. ‘My servants will start a breakfast if you are willing to join us.’
‘Good. I will return with my daughter shortly.’
‘Wait! Hold on!’ Luna shouts.
Amelia does not hear as she marches away. She heads upstairs and down a hall. She stops in front of a door and pushes it open. She groans at a lump in a bed but collects herself.
‘Trixie? Little Trixie? Time to get up,’ Amelia coos.
Trixie groans. ‘What?’
Trixie raises, rump first, but she quickly covers herself with her blanket. Amelia’s eyes go wide after her daughter briefly flashes her, but she holds back her yelling.
‘Well. I was not expecting that! Anyway, I have breakfast being made downstairs. Please be presentable by then.’
There is another moan from the bed. Stormy sits up and kisses Trixie on the cheek.
Amelia’s anger boils over, and she screams. Down the beach, the early-rising Twilight looks up from her breakfast and book at the strange sound.
‘Downstairs! Now!’ Amelia yells.
Amelia storm out of the room, shouting to herself. Trixie bites her lip and whimpers.
‘She took it better than I expect Rarity will,’ Stormy shrugs.

Amelia has gathered Trixie and Stormy in one of the lounges. The couple is sitting next to each other while Amelia paces in front of them. Luna forced her way in and is sitting off to the side. Trixie has her head down in shame while Stormy has his usual nonplussed aura around him.
‘I can’t believe I caught my own daughter doing that! Let alone doing that with somepony that young! You are a disgrace to the family!’
Trixie regains her composure and stands. ‘ME! A disgrace! That is a laugh. Have you looked in the mirror lately?’
‘I am not the one having sex with foals!’ Amelia shrieks back.
‘He is more of an adult that you are!’ Trixie screams in retort.
‘I am your mother! You will not speak to me this way!’
‘Some mother you are! I don’t see you for over a year until you decide to pop in during my holiday! You only spoke to me once in the past six months and that was to barely warn me about your stupid brother!’
‘And this is how you repay me? By screwing some little cabana colt?’
‘His name is Stormy, and I love him!’ Trixie screams as loud as she can.
The two unicorns glare at each other, their horns glowing. A powerful energy builds between the two of them. Luna looks back and forth between the two arguing mares. Stormy raises his hoof.
‘May I say something?’
Amelia turns and growls.
‘Right.’ Stormy rolls his eyes. ‘So this whole mess is about some stupid physical act? I think you are overlooking the big picture.’
‘Great. An opinion from some angsty, emo youth. You really know how to pick them.’
‘Shut up.’ Stormy groans. ‘I may not have much experience with them, but I would think a mother would want her child to be happy. So we did a physical act that society frowns on. So I am several years younger than Trixie. I really don’t see what the big deal is.’
‘The big deal is that my idiot daughter committed a crime!’
‘More importantly, she loves me, and I love her. Isn’t that what we should be considering here? In all honesty, I don’t see what the big deal is about sex.’ He turns to Trixie. ‘No offense. I just...’
Trixie comes over and sits beside Stormy on his chair. ‘Shh. Its okay. I understand.’
‘He has a point.’
Everypony looks over to Luna. She is leaning back in a chair. Her hooves are tented and she looks much older than she had only moments ago. She looks up above her glasses and leans forward.
‘The physical act is truly meaningless in this case; well, in a sense. A thousand years ago, he would be a sire by now. Now... Well, legally there was a wrong, but I don’t mind taking some political heat for pardoning a friend if it comes to court. As for the emotional act, I just see two people in love. If you are going to persecute your daughter for being happy, then you’re the real villain of this whole affair for not being able to accept your daughter for who she is.’ Luna sighs and shrugs. ‘And from what I have seen since my return, that seems to be a running theme with all but the youngest generation of your family.’
Amelia frowns and looks away. She sighs and shakes her head.
‘I came out here to get to know my daughter better. All I have done is to alienate her further. I overreacted. I may not like or agree with what I have seen.’ She shudders then sighs. ‘But she is my daughter. And I love her. Whatever makes her happy. I just have to get to know her better.’
Trixie gets up and hugs her mom. Amelia smiles and returns the hug.
Luna grins. ‘Good. I am glad we reached a happy agreement.’ She springs up and instantly regains her youthful appearance. ‘Now! I had your staff switch over to making waffles. Waffles are so much better. So yummy.’
Luna hops up and prances out the door. Stormy shrugs and gets up too. Trixie grabs his foreleg and pulls him over.
‘Mother, I would like you to meet Stormy,’ Trixie says.
‘Can’t we do this after breakfast?’ Stormy moans.
‘Agreed,’ Amelia groans. ‘I will need a lot of coffee to get through this.’
Trixie rolls her eyes. ‘Don’t you mean whiskey?’
‘Don’t start that now.’ Amelia sighs. ‘You sound like your tenth birthday party again.’
The two mares glare at each other.
‘I’m going to breakfast.’ Stormy trots out of the room. ‘Join us when you’re done fighting.’
Trixie and Amelia look at each other. They both snort and march out of the room in a huff, getting stuck at the door when they both try leaving at once.

Octavia makes her way to the nearest washroom after getting up. She overslept a little thanks to her late night. She locks the door behind her.
Vinyl passes her friend on her way to find breakfast. She screams from the kitchen then quickly gallops back to find her friend. She trips on a rug and faceplants outside the washroom. She picks herself up and starts pounding on the door.
‘Tavi! There is somepony in the house!’ Vinyl shouts. ‘Save me, Tavi!’
After a few moments of silence, there is a flush followed shortly by a sink running. The door opens and a cello bow is shoved into Vinyl’s throat. At the other end of the bow, Octavia seething.
‘Vinyl. What is my number one rule about privacy in my house?’
‘Uh? Not talking to you when you’re in the washroom?’
‘And you just?’
‘Good. Now go away until I am refreshed and showered.’
‘Be nice to Silver, and she won’t hurt you... too much.’ Octavia turns and slams the door in Vinyl’s face.
The sounds of a shower being started are heard.
Vinyl stares at the door in shock. ‘Now Tavi scared me so much I have to use the room too...’

James yawns and groans when he enters the dining room late in the morning. He looks around the room at everypony still sitting around and chatting.
‘Why is everypony up so bloody early around here?’
‘You’re up now too, boss,’ Lucas replies.
‘Last one, at that,’ Twilight comments from behind her book.
James checks his mobile. ‘Yes. Big loss there. Sunrises, thieves and romantic entanglements.’
Twilight, Fluttershy and Pinkie all look over at James and sigh. He adjusts his glasses and looks back as his mobile.
‘Anyway! How’s the day so far?’
‘Actually, boss...’ Lucas begins. ‘Think I can trade rooms with somepony?’
‘I’ll do it!’ Fluttershy springs up. She blushes. ‘I mean. I am his...’
James taps his mobile. ‘Well, if Stormy is staying with his fillyfriend’s family, then you can take his room and Flutters can bunk with me like back home.’
Fluttershy squeals and gets up to move her things.
‘Don’t just dump everything.’ James warns.
Fluttershy pouts then continues out of the room. Rarity sighs and takes a sip of coffee.
‘Oh well. I guess that can’t be stopped... Wait. What was that about Stormy?’
James taps a button to forward the message. ‘Seems he is shaking up with Trixie.’ He smirks. ‘Probably in more than one meaning.’
Everypony looks at James questioningly, except Rarity, who swoons in her chair.
‘Oh dear Stormy! Growing up and getting ready to leave poor Rarity. I knew this day would come, but it is too soon. Whatever will become of poor Rarity!’
Everypony groans at Rarity’s melodrama.
‘I’ll never leave you,’ Spike speaks up.
‘My lovely Spiky wiky!’ Rarity gets up and hugs Spike close. ‘My lovely little Spike wiky! He will never leave me!’
Spike goes limp as Rarity’s hug shoves Spike’s face into her chest. Twilight groans at her assistant’s behavior.

Everyone is out of the beach in the mid-afternoon. James is buried in his laptop. Twilight is buried in a book. Fluttershy sips a drink as she sits in the shade behind James. Spike is out in the ocean splashing around. Lyra and Bon Bon are sunbathing. Lyra snores from where she has fallen asleep. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie are burying Rarity in the sand as the other mare looks on and critiques. Down the beach, Applejack, Inkie and Lucas are all playing volleyball against Rei. They are exhausted from trying to keep up with Rei who has not even broken a sweat. Rei grins and waits for Applejack to serve the ball. The ball goes up as does Rei. The young pegasus spikes the ball right into Lucas’ face. He falls flat on the ground as the ball rolls off to the side.
‘Damn it, Rei!’ Applejack shouts. ‘How many times do Ah have t’ tell ya not t’ do that?’
‘Rei. Play fair,’ James mumbles.
‘What?’ Twilight asks.
Lyra snorts and rolls over, revealing a pristine stomach free of tanning.
Rarity tries getting a view of what her friends are doing. ‘Okay, Rainbow Dash. A little more.... Okay. That will have to do. Pinkie please be more gen... Never mind. Watch the mane! Watch the mane! … Are we done?’
Pinkie drops one last bucket of sand and flattens it out. ‘All done!’
Rainbow Dash laughs. ‘You looks great.’
Rarity tries to get a view of her body. Pinkie and Rainbow Dash have shaped the sand sculpture to appear like a larger version of Rarity’s body. The friends take in the sculpture.
‘Looks nice,’ Rarity comments. She tries moving. ‘A little snug though.’
‘Don’t worry. You’ll have fun,’ Pinkie prances away.
‘Yeah. Fun.’ Rainbow Dash laughs.
Rainbow Dash plants a sign in the ground by Rarity’s legs and tail. It is facing away from Rarity. The pegasus flies off to join her friends. Rarity looks around, trying to see the sign.
‘What does it say? What does it say!’
Spike comes out of the water. He sees the sign and freezes in his tracks.
‘Um. Little help, Spiky Wiky?’
Spike just stares at the sign. There is a loud thud and a volleyball bounces down the beach.
‘Damn it, Rei!’
Applejack jogs over and picks up the volleyball. She stops to look at the sign. She rolls her eyes and goes over to Rarity. Applejack reaches under the sand and pulls Rarity up.
‘Thank you, fair Applejack.’
‘Jus’ don’ hurt her t’ badly.’
Applejack jogs down the beach to her game. Rarity goes over to the sign. She turns bright red with embarrassment and anger.
Rarity gallops off to hunt down her friend. Spike is left staring at the sign. On it is an arrow pointing under the sculpture’s tail, and it reads ‘Free admission’.

Octavia, Vinyl and Silver Fox are sitting around one of Octavia’s music listening rooms catching up about recent events. Vinyl still looks nervous about the new stranger. Silver gets up and stretches.
‘I have to hit the washroom. Back in a sec.’
Silver trots away. Vinyl quickly gets up and moves next to Octavia.
‘Are you sure it is safe? I mean, she just showed up,’ Vinyl worries.
‘She’s fine. Silver and I go way back.’
‘How did she get in? Aren’t you worried?’
Octavia looks over at Vinyl. ‘She does some work in the area. I let her stay here when she is in town if she needs to beat the heat. Nicer than the Heartstrings next door.’
‘To be fair, they did gold line way more of their house than they should,’ Silver comments as she returns.
‘I know.’ Octavia moans in agreement. ‘Can they get more posh?’
‘They are just asking for somepony to pinch it.’
‘Yeah. Like Lyra wouldn’t have your face plastered on every monitor around the world with a complete list of your aliases if you even tried. Not even Vulpe would get out of it.’
Silver sighs. ‘I guess that is true. Their security is so weak too!’
Vinyl stares at Silver. ‘I thought I recognized you. You’re that actress that worked with Tavi! Did you do something to your mane?’
Silver runs her hoof through her growing silver-grey mane. ‘I am trying to grow it out for a change. I think it will look nice.’
‘No... I mean the color is...’
Silver glares back. ‘It has always been this color.’
Octavia also glares. ‘It has always been that color,’ both mares warn.
Vinyl gets the idea and back down as a cello bow starts being drawn from behind Octavia. She rubs her eyes.
‘Must be my shades or something.’
Octavia nods in agreement. ‘Anyway, Silver, what are you doing out here? Big heist?’
Silver moans. ‘Hardly. I heard Luna was on holiday, and I figured her detail would be easier to crack than Celesita’s was. Then I ran into a little snag.’
Octavia laughs. ‘You saw who she is staying with.’
‘As if the Lunamoons weren’t bad enough, I have to get through them as well...’
‘Does she mean James and the others next door?’ Vinyl asks.
Octavia glances over to her friend before turning back to Silver. ‘At least your little fillyfriend is here. You can make some time with her.’
Silver smiles and blushes. ‘She is not my fillyfriend. She likes that other one with grey mane...’
‘Wait!’ Vinyl jumps up. ‘You were talking about sneaking after the princess! What are you going to do to Luna!’
A cello bow hooks Vinyl’s horn and pulls her down.
‘Silver is just here consulting with me for our next project. Got it?’ Octavia calmly states.
‘But she said...’
‘Got it!’
Vinyl nervously nods and sits back down. Octavia unhooks her bow, stands up and adjusts her mane.
‘Now, who wants a drink? I’m mixing.’

Inkie leads Rei up a small cliff at sunset. Rei is in awe as the two fillies trot through the beach grass. Inkie looks back and smiles at her friend. She stops by a large piece of driftwood.
‘This is beautiful,’ Rei says as she tries taking everything in.
Inkie smiles at her friend. ‘Yeah. It is.’
‘How did you find this place?’
‘Bon Bon told me about it while you and your dad were checking Lucas for a concussion.’
‘If he has one, he is so fired.’ Rei channels from her dad for a moment.
Inkie laughs. ‘Right. Come on, want to watch the sunset?’
Inkie sits on the driftwood and taps next to her. Rei hops over and sits next to her friend. After a few moments of silence, Inkie works up the nerve to put an foreleg across the shoulders of her shorter friend. Rei sighs contentedly and leans against her. Inkie looks over. She tries to say something but stops. Rei looks back to her friend.
‘Something wrong, Inkie-chan?’
Inkie quickly turns, takes Rei’s head in hooves and gives her a passionate kiss. The two girls fall off the driftwood before Inkie breaks the kiss. Inkie lets Rei up and looks like she is about to start crying. Rei stares up at her friend.
‘Please don’t be mad!’ Inkie begs. ‘I love you! I have loved you for a long time now! I just couldn’t bring myself to tell you... I’m sorry...’
‘I love you too, Inkie-chan.’
‘You... You love everypony...’
‘Yeah! I do love all of my close friends, but I love Inkie-chan the most! I can never love anypony more than I love my Inkie-chan!’
‘You mean it...’ Inkie squeaks.
Rei reaches up and pulls Inkie back down. ‘Inkie-chan dai suki.’
Rei pulls Inkie in for another kiss under the setting sun.

James is sitting on top of Lyra’s mansion beside a telescope. He is watching the stars above him as he sips a soda. There is a thump as somepony else lands on the roof. Luna retracts her wings and trots over to James. She lays down with her head in his lap and smiles up.
‘How do you like my night?’ Luna asks.
James takes his laptop out of sleep mode and points to the screen. A page of equations is displayed next to a star chart.
‘How do you like my physics?’
Luna pouts. ‘You can at least pretend. Discord always pretended.’
‘Yeah, but he was insane.’
‘James. Really? You using that argument?’
James sips his drink. ‘At this moment, who is crazier: the scientist watching the stars or the pony hitting on Fluttershy’s husband?’
Luna scowls and sits up. ‘I wish she would drop that charade. She is only hurting herself and her friends. It took too long to convince Twilight to share only to have you snatched up by somepony pretending to have mental issues.’
‘Be nice to her. She is really shy. She is afraid to assert herself lest her darker side comes forth again.’
Luna thinks. ‘For your sake, I hope it doesn’t. I know Rarity’s selection of late night activities.’ James opens his mouth. ‘And not just from our new house guest, no. If that is what normal Rarity is into, just imagine what New Fluttershy is into.’
‘Thankfully, she is too shy to try anything there either.’
‘She’s getting braver, or have you not noticed waking up on cleaner sheets than you went to bed on?’
James stares at Luna. Luna just smirks back. He turns away and looks to the stars.
‘Just pick one.’
Luna lays back down on James’ lap. She scans the heavens and points. ‘There.’
James looks. ‘Klom? Why did you have to pick Klom?’

Luna leads her housemates across the beach to a party being held to greet Amelia. Stormy follows the princess, but he keeps looking back at the bickering Trixie and Amelia.
‘This is stupid.’ Amelia grumbles. ‘Why should WE have to go over to visit the Heartstrings for a party for ME. If they had any class, they would come to us.’
‘Mother, it is not the Heartstrings staying there. They are my friends.’
‘Ugh. More ponies from that backwater town. I don’t know why you like spending so much time there.’
Trixie steps up and grabs Stormy’s foreleg. ‘Yes. It is a real mystery.’
‘You know, the original palace was in that area too,’ Luna states. ‘I probably grew up around there.’
Amelia snorts then goes silent for the rest of the trip. They come within view of Lyra’s mansion. The deck and beach are covered in decorations, thanks to Pinkie. Luna and Trixie wave as they approach. One of the hosts jumps from the deck and gallops out to greet the guests.
‘LU~~NA~~! TRIXIE~~~!’ Rei shouts as she quickly makes it down and leaps into Luna’s forelegs.
‘Always a pleasure, little one,’ Luna greets.
‘Good to see you too, Rei,’ Trixie smiles as she continues up the beach.
Rei looks behind Luna and sees Amelia.
‘Whoa. Trixie got rea~~lly o~~ld.’ Rei stares at the older woman.
‘Excuse me!’ Trixie and Amelia shout.
Luna drags the other mares towards the house, but Rei stops Stormy. She looks him up and down very carefully.
‘Uh... Can I help you?’ Stormy asks.
Rei finishes her examination and stares at Stormy’s face. Her eyes go wide with realization.
‘You had..!’
Stormy shoves a hoof into Rei’s mouth. ‘Don’t say it. Don’t tell anypony. Okay?’
Rei nods. Stormy sighs and removes his hoof from Rei’s mouth. She takes a deep breath.
‘What is it like? I mean, I know it is different for colts and fillies, and I sort of know what is like for...’
Stormy clasps Rei’s mouth shut again.
‘Yep. A lot worse than Trixie’s mom. Like I thought.’
On the deck, Trixie is introducing her mother to her friends. So far, Rarity is the only one that has been approved. The next one down the line is Twilight.
‘And this is...’ Trixie begins.
‘Twilight Sparkle. It is pleasure to see you again,’ Amelia greets.
‘Good to see you too, Amelia,’ Twilight replies. Though, it has only been a couple weeks for me...
‘You...’ Trixie’s eye twitches. ‘...know each other?’
‘Amelia is a friend of my mother. She used to visit all of the time,’ Twilight explains.
‘Yes, those were good times,’ Amelia reminisces. ‘I remember coming over with my foal and... she would torment the hell out another young filly. She got so many spankings.’
Trixie glares. ‘Forgive my mother. She tends to exaggerate.’
Twilight thinks. ‘I don’t really remember playing with many foals growing up other than my brother and Cadence.’

Lyra hears Twilight’s comment and frowns.
Amelia pats Twilight on the shoulder. ‘You’re such a good kid. Why couldn...’
‘Because I had a very demanding mother who loved to torment her children,’ Trixie snaps.
Trixie and Amelia exchange glares. Twilight takes a step back. James steps forward.
‘Sup? I’m The Wandering Physicist.’
Amelia looks over. ‘That is a stupid name. How much do you want for it? I can use it in a show.’
‘I’ll give it to you free if you start being a caring mother to Trixie.’
Amelia thinks. ‘That is too steep a price. Keep it, you silly stallion.’
James looks at Trixie and shrugs as he trots away. ‘I tried.’
‘James!’ Luna calls. ‘Don’t go too far! Remember your date with Fluttershy tonight.’
‘I know,’ James groans. ‘Where do you think she is?’
James heads back into the house as Luna sighs. She turns to Trixie.
‘I should be heading off to get ready too. I am their chaperone, after all.’
Luna starts trotting down the beach as two figures approach from the opposite direction.
‘Wait! That’s her!’ Silver shouts.
Silver starts galloping to catch Luna, but she is tackled to the sand. Rei gives Silver a big hug and sniffs her mane deeply.
‘You should dye your mane more often. I love the smell of fresh flowers.’
The statement gets a groan from Silver as she watches her chance to catch the princess trot away, and the line gets Inkie to mess with and sniff her mane.
‘Sorry we’re late!’ Vinyl greets. ‘Tavi was tapped for a big show tonight, and we had to see her off.’
Amelia sighs. ‘Great, more of my daughter’s uncivilized friends.’
Silver forces herself free and takes one last look at Rei. ‘I, madam, am not uncivilized. I am just defensive of my personal space.’
‘You’re!’ Amelia gasps.
‘Indeed~’ Silver sings.
‘No. You can’t be. Your mane is all wrong.’
‘I’m growing it out!’ Silver snaps.
Rei sits in the sand. ‘I like you better when you leave your mane its natural color.’
‘R-really?’ Silver stutters. ‘Never mind. You are but one fan. I am sure my audience will appreciate my beauty no matter what.’
‘Yeah. It is not like Rei has a thing for girls with grey manes or anything.’
Inkie shoots Lucas a really hurt look. He avoids it by turning to the hateful glare he earned from Trixie when they were trapped in the illusion together. She is twirling a strand of silver mane as she stares. Lucas just groans and finds a place to make himself unnoticed.
Amelia looks around and sighs. ‘Can we get this party over with?’
Pinkie snaps a party hat on Amelia’s head and blows a noise maker. The older mare cringes.
‘At least it wasn’t a vuvuzela...’
‘Oh! I have one of those too!’
Pinkie gets out a vuvuzela and gives it a big blow, letting the noise ring out across the beach. All of the party patrons cover their ears. Somewhere in the city, Octavia’s soul dies a little.

James and Fluttershy follow an usher to their private box at the theater. James is in a full tuxedo, and Fluttershy even got him to comb his mane. Fluttershy is wearing her mane up and a tight, revealing dress covered in jewels, obviously a Rarity design. She is drawing a lot of stares, but she is happy showing off for the night. The usher pulls back a curtain to reveal the box overlooking the stage. Once the couple is settled, the usher leaves them alone. James sighs and tries finding which pocket hides his mobile.
‘I thought I told you to leave that off?’ Fluttershy huffs.
‘I will. I just want to get some shots of the theater.’ James looks over and smiles. ‘And a few more of you.’
Fluttershy blushes. ‘James... At this rate, you will have more pictures of me tonight than in my whole fashion career.’
‘Do you have any of those photos still?’
‘Yes. In a box. Guarded by Angel Bunny.’
‘So... No pictures? Dang.’
Fluttershy giggles. James find his mobile, but his 3DS drops out of his pocket as well. Fluttershy’s hoof is the first to grab it.
‘What is this?’ Fluttershy glares.
‘Well, uh...’
Fluttershy locks The Stare at full power. ‘You are not going to play a game during the show, got it?’
‘But it is so boring!’ James moans. ‘And I have to catch them all again.’
Fluttershy backs down and scowls as she comes up with a new tactic. She gets a sly smile and leans in close.
‘How about this...’ Fluttershy smirks. ‘You don’t play any games or use your mobile or fall asleep once, and I’ll treat you to something very special when we get back to our room.’ She leans in, running a hoof up his hind leg, and kisses him. ‘I also might almost sorta maybe kinda be probably ready, too.’
James gives a small, hopeful whine.
‘I take that as agreement.’
Fluttershy kisses James again and sits back in her seat.

Fluttershy and Luna are talking about the show on their ride back from the city. Luna is also in a fancy dress, but it is more conservative, given her position.
‘It was just a lovely show. I have a wonderful time.’ Fluttershy says.
‘I am glad you liked it.’ Luna smiles. ‘I was hoping to get a chance to see it outside of the capital. I needed a change of players.’
‘Thank you ever so much for treating us.’
‘It was my pleasure. I was surprised to see James actually watching for once.’
‘Well, we had a little deal...’ Fluttershy looks over at a sleeping James. ‘But I guess he is less than enthusiastic on collecting.’
‘That’s too bad,’ Luna comforts. For you. Ha!

Back at Lyra’s mansion, Fluttershy is in Rarity’s room pacing. Rarity is combing her mane to get ready for bed.
‘I can’t believe it. He fell asleep on the ride home. It is just so...’ Fluttershy stops and shakes with anger.
‘You should have expected that, darling,’ Rarity replies. ‘You know how easily he gets bored at high culture events. Remember that I had to pay out ten bounties to my models for every time I had them kick him during my fashion show last year.’
‘I was almost sorta maybe kinda probably ready, too...’ Fluttershy pouts.
‘And that is a problem how?’ Rarity asks.
‘What do you mean?’
‘He is a stallion, darling. It is not like he is going to complain if you start before him. Just as long as the job gets done.’ Rarity sighs. ‘Although the good ones usually try to wait for you too...’
Fluttershy blushes bright red. ‘Are you saying...’
‘Don’t tell me the thought hasn’t crossed your mind.’ Fluttershy looks away, and Rarity grins. ‘Well, well, well. Our little Fluttershy.’ She laughs. ‘Anyway. You either go for it or you don’t. You just have to be mare enough to do what the stallion cannot.’ She settles into her bed. ‘Be a dear and get the lights. Thanks~!’
Fluttershy stands and thinks for a moment before trotting out of the room and turning off the lights.

Fluttershy is back in her room. James sleeps on their bed, where he ended up after getting back from the theater. Fluttershy watches James nervously. She closes her eyes and thinks. After a moment, she stomps her hooves and nods. She takes a few deep breaths and turns off the lights before climbing under the covers. She climbs over James and stares into his sleeping face. She takes a few deep breaths before kissing James. Getting no reaction, she changes tack and reaches a hoof down his body very slowly while trying another kiss. Her movement stops sharply and her eyes go wide.
‘Oh. My,’ Fluttershy gasps.
‘Wha?’ James moans as he wakes up.
Fluttershy blushes bright red.
‘Fluttershy? Is your hoof...’
Fluttershy locks another big kiss on James. When she breaks the kiss, she smiles. ‘I hope you are almost sorta maybe kinda probably ready now, too.’

The next morning, Rarity yawns in an unladylike fashion and stretches as she makes her way to the kitchen. She encounters Fluttershy heading the other direction with a large grin on her face.
‘Well, well, well,’ Rarity grins. ‘Looks like somepony is in a good mood this morning. You are positively glowing.’
Fluttershy giggles. ‘I had a fun time last night.’
‘Oh? Was it... nice?’
Fluttershy blushes and leans in to her friend. ‘Actually, it was great.’
The mares head off to gossip. Inside the kitchen, James is looking miserable and just staring at a cup of coffee. Rei calmly trots in and starts digging through the cupboards. She stops when she notices something amiss. Her father is up before her! She quickly rushes to a window.
‘Aw! No fire and brimstone falling from the sky,’ Rei pouts. ‘Worst apocalypse ever.’
‘I just had a long night. Don’t look too much into it.’
‘Doing what?’
Rei looks at her father. He yawns and takes a sip from his coffee. Rei gasps.
‘Oh my Luna! You and Fluttershy fu...’
James clasps Rei’s mouth shut. ‘Don’t talk like that, or I’ll arrange more lessons with Rarity when we get back.’
‘But you and Fluttershy had sex, right!’
‘How come you are the only pony I know that is obsessed with that?’
Rei blushes. ‘I am just curious. That is all. I mean, I am old enough to...’
James grimaces. ‘As long as I am alive, you will never be old enough.’
Rei does some quick math. Given his current age, the age rate of his race, how many regenerations he has left.... OH NO! Rei-chan will never have sex at this rate!
Good. James thinks as he has more coffee.
James looks over at Rei. She looks like she is about to cry. Like it or not, she is just too immature to handle it yet. There has to be another... James gets an evil grin.
‘Fine, you want to hear about it. I can arrange a time where you can ask all about it.’
‘Yep. Every question. I’ll ask Lyra for a private study this afternoon. You bring something with your questions, and I will make sure all of them and more are answered for you.’
‘Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!’ Rei hugs her dad and kisses him on the cheek. ‘You’re the best daddy ever!’
Rei gallops away to tell her friends.
‘Oh, we’ll see about that’ James laughs.

Stormy plays a hoofheld device in a lounge. Amelia trots into the room and looks around.
‘Mr Stormy. Have you seen my daughter?’
‘Oh. She and your servants went shopping. She wanted to get something special for dinner.’
‘Damn. I wanted to thank her for those lovely scones we had at breakfast.’
‘Check the flank lately?’ Stormy pats his right side. ‘All me.’
‘Fine, then you have my praise.’
Amelia goes over and sits by Stormy. ‘Is everything okay?’
Stormy closes his game. ‘Why do you think I am upset?’
‘You just seem...’
‘In the past fifteen years of my life, I have lost my mother then was psychologically tormented by a pony pretending to be my father who then cracked my horn. I have nothing to be bitter about at all.’
‘Stormy... You really are more adult than you appear.’
‘That’s what Trixie said, too.’
Amelia’s eye twitches. ‘I thought I said not to mention that again.’
‘She and I have been sharing a bed regardless of what goes on in it. Also, does she get the snoring from you or her father?’
‘With a sass mouth like that, it is no surprise she likes you. You were made for each other.’
Stormy opens his game again. ‘Why do you two hate each other so much?’
Amelia cringes. ‘I wouldn’t say we hate each other. We just don’t get along well.’
‘Did you kill her cat or something?’
Amelia leans back and sighs. ‘Something much worse: I raised her. I did everything I thought was right except be there for her when she needed me most. Everything was handled by servants.’
‘Basically... you weren’t there until you called her about her uncle.’
‘Yes... After talking with my friends, I really hoped to mend fences. It seems all I am good at is business.’
‘You can be so melodramatic, mother.’
Amelia looks up to see Trixie standing at the doorway. Trixie sighs and shrugs. She comes over and sits on Stormy’s lap, causing him to adjust how he plays.
‘As bad an example as you were as a parent, you did teach me to be self-sufficient and confident. I mean, I am great and powerful after all.’ Trixie leans up and kisses Stormy who half-heartedly kisses back as he focuses on his game. ‘Though I am willing to share that title with my adorable Stormy.’
‘Please stop talking about that,’ Amelia moans.

‘Please stop talking about that,’ Inkie moans.
‘But it is going to be so fun and informative!’ Rei cheers. ‘I thought you liked informative things.’
Inkie blushes bright red. ‘I do. I am just not ready to learn about that stuff.’
‘But you are older than I am.’ Rei protests. ‘You should be more ready than me, and I am!’
‘I, I just need more time to mature.’
Inkie gives a loud shriek as Rei’s wing grabs below her belly. Rei looks down as her other wing grabs below her own belly as well.
‘No. You seem more mature than me... unfortunately...’
Inkie shakes her head and removes her friend’s wing. ‘If that is what you really think, then you will be in for a bit of a shock. Have fun with your talk.’
Rei shrugs then heads off to find her father. She finds James leaning against a desk in a secluded study. Rei beams and finds a place to sit.
‘Right on time,’ James greets.
‘So what’s it like?’ Rei blurts out.
‘Patience. Do you have your list of questions?’
Rei gets out a notebook. James looks through it and flips through several pages. He nods and sets it on the desk.
‘Good. I’ll leave you to it.’
James starts trotting out of the room.
‘Wait. Where are you going?’ Rei asks. ‘I thought we were going to talk.’
‘Oh. I said you were going to get all of your questions answered, but I never said I would be the one answering them.’
‘Then who?’
The chair swivels at the desk. Rarity tents her hooves and grins evilly at her new old student.
‘This is going to be fun,’ Rarity laughs.
‘Now, play nice,’ James says. ‘I’ll be back in a while. Octy had something she wanted to share with me. Peace!’
James leaves the room. The sound of a sonic screwdriver is heard. Rei turns back to Rarity and whines.
‘Oh, don’t be that way. Come close. I am prepared to talk with you about anything.’ Rarity gets out her laptop. ‘Now, I brought a few videos from my private collection... just in case I got bored of course. Let’s find a good one!’
Rei whines and moves to watch the video Rarity has opened.
Rarity points to the screen. ‘Now, you see what I am about to do here is...’

Octavia is playing her ‘The Art and Science of Wandering’ in the recording booth as James watches from the control room. He awed by the performance. Octavia finishes her song and takes a bow. James claps, causing Octavia blush and fumble her bow.
‘Thank you. I am glad you liked that,’ Octavia mumbles.
‘That was great,’ James cheers. ‘You are quite the beautiful songwriter.’
‘Was that adjective for me or my songwriting..?’ The embarrassed mare whispers.
‘What was that?’
‘Nothing. How did you know it was an original?’
‘Not many pure cello compositions out there. What did you write it for?’
‘...’ Octavia mumbles.
James rolls his eyes and maxes out all of the microphones with his sonic. ‘Once more with feeling.’
Octavia takes a deep breath and shouts. ‘I WROTE IT FOR YOU!’
A speaker blows out behind James. Out on the beach, a sunbathing Vinyl looks back at the house and smirks. As James’ hearing returns, Octavia comes out of the booth. She looks down and holds her left foreleg with her right.
‘I’m sorry,’ Octavia mumbles.
‘Down the hall to the left,’ James replies.
James trots over and gives Octavia a hug. ‘Thank you for the very sweet song.’
‘It was nothing...’
‘It was your way of saying...’
‘No it wasn’t...’
James shakes his head. ‘You’re so much like your mother. Acting like a fool for the guy you like.’
‘My mother would ne...’
‘When she met your father, she trotted right into the orchestra pit without looking. When your he asked her out the first time, she left her violin at the theater when she ran home to get ready for her date.’
‘She would never part with her violin! It was given to her by a dear friend!’ Octavia shouts. ‘And how do you know about that anyway? You never met her.’
‘Her violin is named Fragola. After her friend.’
Octavia’s eyes go wide. She smiles. ‘Baka.’
Octavia jumps and knocks James to the ground to kiss him. She smiles as she eases up.
‘You are good for a first kiss.’
James stands. ‘Does that mean you’ll stop sneaking into my house and doing that?’
Octavia blushes. ‘You knew?’
‘You are the only pony who knows the outside of my house better than Lyra, and that is really saying something.’
‘Guess I am the baka this time.’
James kisses Octavia on the forehead. ‘And a very cute one at that.’
James starts leaving the room. ‘Too bad you’re the same age as my daughter.’
Octavia’s eye twitches. ‘BAKA!’
Octavia turns and throws a cello bow straight through the door. A scream is heard.
‘Great shot! … Now can you help me get free?’

Rei sits on the deck of Lyra’s mansion. She stares over the ocean. Inkie and Lucas are looking at their friend.
‘What happened to her?’ Lucas asks.
Inkie blushes. ‘I don’t know.’
‘Whatcha all lookin’ at?’ Applejack asks as she trots out.
‘We lost Rei,’ Lucas replies.
Applejack puts her hat on Rei and waves a hoof in front of the filly’s face.
‘Heh, heh. That’s purdy neat. Ah gotta know how t’ do that in a pinch.’
Inkie turns bright red and squeaks, ‘You don’t want to know. Trust me.’

Later in the evening, Pinkie is throwing one last party for the last night before they head home. All of the guests from the three houses are celebrating, except Rei who is still staring into the sea. Above the party, Lyra and Bon Bon are watching their friends.
‘It was great having them here, wasn’t it?’ Bon Bon says.
‘Very much so. So many bikinis,’ Lyra grins.
‘You started it.’
‘Right... Still...’
Lyra pours the pair a drink and sits with Bon Bon overlooking the beach. Bon Bon takes the drink and sighs.
‘Sort of makes me think, what if they were ours.’
‘So... You’re saying we should learn mind control?’
‘No! I mean, what if we had foals of our own?’
‘Adopt or otherwise?’
Bon Bon sighs. ‘I know adoption is always a viable option, but sometimes... I mean, the science is advanced enough.’
Lyra smiles at her wife. ‘We can always talk about it more when we get home. Let’s just have some fun for now.’
Bon Bon smiles back. ‘Okay.’ She thinks for a moment. ‘If we were to try... that way, who should we consider as a father?’
Lyra looks down at the beach. ‘I might have somepony in mind.’
‘You really like him, don’t you? Even though he is a him. Why is that?’
Lyra sits back and sighs. She laughs. ‘It goes back twenty-three years six months and ten days. Rounded up.’
Bon Bon does the math in her head. ‘That would have been weeks after you were born!’
Lyra smiles and nods. ‘Bon Bon, let me tell you a story about my first foalsitters...’

Early in the morning, Lyra trots down the hall outside the bedrooms, banging a pot with a spoon with her magic.
‘All right everypony! Airship leaves in a few hours! You don’t have to go home, but ya can’t stay here!’ She leans out a window at the end of the hall. ‘Got that, kid!’
Rei looks up and waves. Rainbow Dash comes out of a washroom messing with her mane. She grumbles to herself while she dries it. Rarity trots up and looks at her friend quizzically.
‘Rainbow Dash, are you okay?’
‘Rarity? Right. I wanted to get all cleaned up before the flight, but I just can’t seem to get all the sand out of my mane.’
‘Is that all? Here, let me help.’
Rarity reaches for Rainbow Dash’s mane, but the other mare backs off.
‘You’re not... going to get back at me for all of the pranks?’
Rarity laughs. ‘Rainbow Dash. You know me better than that. I am a lady. A lady would never stoop to such a petty act.’
‘Good!’ Rarity pulls Rainbow Dash into the washroom. ‘Just relax and leave everything to Lady Rarity.’

A door opens to one of the bedrooms. James sticks his head out and looks around, but he is missing his glasses. He checks the hall again and steps out. Twilight steps out a moment later while adjusting her mane. She is wearing James’ glasses.
‘Looks like we’re clear.’ James says.
James leans in and quickly kisses Twilight. He starts leaving, but Twilight catches him.
Twilight switches the glasses from her face to his. They kiss again before galloping off to their rooms to finish packing.

Trixie and Stormy are packing in their room. Amelia stands outside watching.
‘Are you really sure you have to leave?’ Amelia asks.
‘I came to see Stormy and my friends. I knew I had only a limited time, so I arranged for my show schedule to restart soon,’ Trixie replies
Amelia sighs. ‘That is a shame. Right when I was starting to finally figure my daughter out.’
‘What is there to figure out?’ Stormy says. ‘Smart, pretty, kind, great and powerful.’
Trixie hugs Stormy. ‘The sweetest.’
‘Yes, you are.’
‘Ugh. You two are disgustingly mushy.’ Amelia smiles. ‘Just like your father and I at your age.’
‘So... you’re saying we’re not going to last?’ Trixie says.
‘Your father and I are as happy as ever!’
Trixie laughs. ‘I’ll be in touch, mother. As long as Stormy dear doesn’t keep me too tied up.’
‘I know where Rarity keeps the ropes.’
‘Ooo! Kinky.’
Amelia groans and covers her face. ‘I pray to Luna that they will stop teasing me about that.’
‘Why should they? It is funny,’ Luna comments as she trots past the room with her pack.
Amelia groans again.

Rainbow Dash groans and stretches. She is in her room with her packed bag next to her.
‘Musta dozed off with Rarity. Well, let’s get going!’
Rainbow Dash jumps up and grabs her bag. She rushes downstairs to meet with the others. In the foyer, Applejack, Inkie, Lucas, Rei and Spike are waiting. They all stop chatting and stare at Rainbow Dash.
Everypony just stares.
‘So... We headin’ out soon or what?’
Everypony nods.
‘What are y’all starin’ at!’
James trots by and sets down his bag. ‘Hey, Scootaloo.’
Rainbow Dash freezes. She looks down at her now-orange legs. She pulls down her bangs and they are deep purple. She nervously looks back and finds that her flank is bare. She screams and gallops away.
All of Rainbow Dash’s friends bust out laughing.
In her room, Rarity sits on her bed. She has her hooves in the air and she is cackling the evilest cackle known to ponykind. The laughter rings out around the room.

Silver sits on the beach-side porch of Octavia’s house. She moans to herself. She did not get much time with Rei. She did not get to sneak up on Luna. She hears somepony approaching her from behind. Silver spins around and flashes a dagger. Her shoulder is tapped from behind.
‘Looking for me?’ Luna asks.
‘Princess Luna!’ Silver drops her dagger in surprise.
‘I understand you are trying to find me.’ Luna adjusts her glasses.
‘I was. I mean. I wanted...’
Luna holds up a celebrity magazine. ‘Can I get your autograph? Tia will be so jealous, Silver Fox.’
Silver blushes and looks away. Luna smirks.
‘Which one of us do you think hired you to test palace security over Shining Armor’s objections?’
‘Right. I forgot.’
‘Anyway, is Octavia about? I wish to rent a room from her.’
‘What?! Why?’
‘I do not wish to end my holiday.’ Luna finds and chair and sits. ‘I am having too much of a good time, and I understand that Octavia was planning on staying a while longer.’
‘It would be nice having some additional security,’ Octavia comments as she steps out of the house. ‘I hear there is a master criminal in the area.’
‘Indeed,’ Luna nods. ‘Just don’t tell my guards I switched houses for a few days. Let’s freak them out.’
The three mares giggle at the joke. Vinyl trots out to see what is going on.
‘What are you.. Ah! It is the pr...’
A cello bow hooks Vinyl’s horn and pulls her down. She is faced with three very upset glares once she is at the same level.
‘Don’t tell anypony I am here.’ Luna hisses.
‘It is a matter of utmost security.’ Silver growls.
‘...and when you bring me my drink, bring some snacks too,’ Octavia says. All of the other mares look over. ‘What? Do you want drinks too?’

Everypony is trying to relax on the airship ride back home. James leans against a closed window and sleeping. Fluttershy is laying on him and resting too. Lucas is trying to ignore the couple next to him. Stormy is deep in his music player. Rainbow Dash is trying to read her Daring Do book in an attempt to ignore Rarity’s apologies. The pegasus still has some orange patches in her coat. Rei, Inkie, Spike, Lyra and Bon Bon are playing a game together. Twilight looks up from her book and sighs in James’ direction.
‘Don’ beat yerself up,’ Applejack reassures. ‘We all still like him.’
‘Yeah. It’s just hard not getting jealous sometimes.’
‘Ah hear ya.’ She pauses. ‘Hope ya changed the sheets afterward.’
Twilight blushes and hides under her book. ‘You knew?’
‘It don’ take no fancy mathematics t’ tell when the two of ya were in the house alone t’gether.’
‘I’m sorry. I know it is going around Fluttershy, but...’
‘Its no biggie,’ Pinkie says as she leans over the seats. ‘He is good stock after all. Not to mention the ten-to-one ratio!’
Applejack and Twilight stare at the smiling Pinkie.
‘What do y’all mean by that?’ Applejack asks.
‘Did you read Inkie’s report she tried hiding from me but left under her bed when she moved out?’ Twilight adds.
‘Nope! It is because we... Oh no. You are not going to trick Pinkie Pie that easily.’
Pinkie looks proud of herself, but the other two mares glare.
‘Ah’d jus’ like t’ try datin’ him once,’ Applejack sighs.
‘At least this explains why he is always tired.’ Twilight adds.
‘Him do good Snu-Snu,’ Pinkie nods.
The three join in a collective sigh.

James moans and stretches his forelegs as he sits up in bed. He checks his mobile and is happy to wake up past noon as usual. He slides out of bed and heads out to get ready for the day. The rest of the residence is empty. Rei must have been running late again since her saddlebag was left by her slippers at the entrance. Normally, Fluttershy would have dropped it off at school for the filly but not if she left first. He laughs and heads to the washroom to clean up.
After brushing his mane, James heads down to the main floor of The Power Block. The shop is lightly populated, and Lucas is relaxing at the counter next to an interesting guest.
Lyra is getting a lot of stares from how she is sitting on the counter as she kicks her hind legs against her makeshift bench. As soon as James reaches the main floor, Lyra lights up, sets down her lyre and waves him over.
‘Hey James!’ Lyra cheers. ‘How’s it going?’
‘Shouldn’t you be in class right now?’ James asks.
Lyra checks a watch. ‘I am still on lunch break. Anyway, I wanted to thank you for coming out with us last week. You were a real joy to have around.’
‘It was great of you to have us. I am sure we all had a great time. Right, Lucas?’
Lucas looks over and scowls. ‘I was the only one that didn’t get lucky.’
Lyra checks a notebook. ‘Technically that is true if I don’t count what happened in the sauna.’
James looks at Lucas and shakes his head.
Lyra’s mobile buzzes. She checks it and sighs. ‘Well, I have to’ -- she starts making air quotes with her hooves -- ‘ “get back to work” or else I am “fired”. Pfft. Some people.’
Lyra hops off the counter. She stops to kiss James on the cheek. ‘By the way, I am totally straight for you.’

Days later. James and The Doctor are having lunch at a cafe. They are on an alien planet. They watch as strange, hairless bipedal apes walk past them.
‘Yes, James?’
‘You know how you say your adventures are sometimes like great novels?’
‘Of course. Just the other day Derpy and I had an adventure with...’
‘That is all good but...’ James sips his drink and sighs. ‘Just sometimes I feel like my adventures are in bad fan fiction.’

Bonus Scene

Author's Note:

Physicist's Wife Arc - Part 5

Gee. This chapter seems familiar. Dun dun dun!

TWP Timeline: TWP's first time? Applejack confesses to him. TWP wonders if his life is really bad fan fiction. (Don't tell him. It will only make him depressed.)

Story Timeline: Trixie and her mother reconcile. Trixie and Stormy make sweet, sweet love for the first time. Rei is traumatized after Rarity's presentation. Rei and Inkie start dating.

Story Event: Yep! I faked ya out! ... I hope I faked you out. I wanted to treat the humanized chapter as a joke that didn't happen, but then it happens for realsies!

Despite having had the chapter already written, this was one of the hardest chapters to write since I had to change all the human terms to pony terms. It was really hard future-proofing this chapter. Even future-proofing against show events is/was easier.

Fun fact: The city appearing in the chapter was supposed to be Los Arion, the TWP version of Los Angeles. Although, the scene in the end could be LA or another city populated by hairless, bipedal apes.

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