• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,910 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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Fluttershy the Combat Maid

Main Characters: Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, River Song
Cameos: Professor Akuma
Original Write Date: July 14, 2012
Episode Theme

Fluttershy sighs contentedly as she trots down a trail towards a shrine. She has spent the past three days trotting and flying to all of the sights in the prefecture she is visiting. It has been very relaxing interacting only with fellow nature lovers and animals. She stops on her secluded path to smell some flowers by a lake. The quiet allows her to hear the wingbeats of somepony flying above her.

‘Geez. Even on your vacations you do boring things.’

Fluttershy sighs. ‘Hi, Rainbow Dash.’

The cyan pegasus lands beside her friend. She looks around with a bit of a frown on her face.

‘What brings you out here?’ Fluttershy asks.

Dash looks away, sheepishly. ‘Well, uh, none of the others are doing anything, and Rarity and AJ just left for some hot spring, and the other pegasi just pal around with their fillyfriends all day... I was bored, okay? I wanted to see what everypony was up to.’

‘So you came to smell flowers with me? How nice!’

‘Well, uh, I was gonna join Twi and Pinks, but I thought I would stop and see what you were up to first.’

‘How nice,’ Fluttershy huffs.

‘So, uh, what are ya up to?’

‘I was going to see this shrine right dow...’

A loud explosion disrupts the scene. The pegasi turn towards the sound. A yellow mare with a curly red mane charges towards them with a pistol in her mouth. She turns and fires behind her. The mare starts to run again, but she is tackled by Rainbow Dash.

‘Just where do you think you’re going?’

The mare studies her attacker for a moment and smiles. ‘Phew! If you are here, then I am safe. Mind letting me up, Rainbow Dash?’

‘How do you know my name?’

‘James told me all about you.’ She looks to the side. ‘Nice to see you, too, Fluttershy. Are you two still married? I can never keep track of that...’

Fluttershy squeaks and hides behind her mane. ‘No...’

‘So this is after the beach... Oh, that cafe in LA was so delightful. Just wish the boys didn’t start without me.’

‘What are you talking about?’ Dash asks.

‘Doctor River Song,’ River beams. ‘Pleasure to meet you... again.’


Fluttershy trots over and looks down at the pinned mare. ‘You’re... one of them?’

‘Not exactly. It is one of those wibbly-wobbly things.’

‘What are you two talking about?’ Dash demands.

The two older mares sigh, look at Rainbow Dash then exchange a knowing glance. ‘You have to marry one to get it.’

Rainbow Dash sits back, letting River up. The mare stands and holsters her weapon.

‘Thanks, Miss Dash. Stick around. The fun is only beginning.’

River gallops away, leaving the confused pegasi. Dash glares after the leaving pony. She crosses her forelegs and snorts.

‘I’m hungry. Let’s get something to eat,’ the upset pegasus grumbles.

Fluttershy looks back towards the shrine, sighs and joins her friend in heading back towards town.

Rainbow Dash snorts as she sets down her menu. The pegasus is still upset about the encounter earlier. ‘Who was that pony? Did you know her?’

‘Um, no,’ Fluttershy replies, ‘but I could sort of tell that she was a friend of James. They just have this air about them.’

‘Well, I don’t like it one bit. We don’t need another crazy time traveller running around and causing trouble.’

Fluttershy growls, ‘What is wrong with time travellers?’

‘I don’t mean your coltfriend. Sheesh. I mean the crazy ones that just zip around and do cool things and don’t bring me with them.’

‘Yeah, because that isn’t egotistical.’

Rainbow is about to argue, but somepony sits down and picks up a menu.

‘So, have we ordered yet? I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse.’

The pegasi look over to see River sitting with them. Rainbow growls, but Fluttershy smiles kindly.

‘Hello, again, River.’

‘Miss Shy. Miss Dash, always a pleasure.’

‘What do you want, River?’ Rainbow growls.

River sets down the menu. ‘I’m going to need your help with something.’

‘Why should we?’

‘Rainbow, hear her out.’

River reaches into her pouch. She sets a small, metal crest on the table. Rainbow’s wings flare out, and she gasps. Fluttershy stares at the crest, confused.

‘Is that what I think it is?’ Rainbow asks.

‘Right, you were at Bassen Rift.’ River takes a deep breath. ‘I am afraid it is from them.’

‘What is that?’ Fluttershy wonders.

‘Cyberponies,’ Rainbow growls.

‘You mean those things you and James fought last year? What would they be doing here?’

River reclaims the crest. ‘I don’t know why they are here, but it could only mean trouble.’

Rainbow slams a hoof on the table. ‘Where did you find that and how do we stop them?’

‘I came by your planet to investigate some kofun in the area. When I arrived, a crazed pony warned me of his employer, a Doctor Akuma or something. The next day, I found that crest at the kofun I was excavating. Some armed ponies gave chase. I made a quick escape, and now we’re having dinner.’

‘You’ll have to take us back there. We’ll do what we can to help you.’

‘Excellent, your help will come in handy if we face trouble.’

‘Tell me what to do. I’m in, too!’ Fluttershy declares.

The two others look at Fluttershy, blankly.

‘I don’t know...’ Rainbow hems.

‘You could look into this Akuma for us,’ River suggests.

‘Yeah, something safe and away from danger,’ Rainbow adds.


‘Don’t worry about it,’ River assures. ‘We’ll take care of the hard stuff.’ She pats Fluttershy on the head. ‘Don’t worry your cute little head.’

Fluttershy growls and lifts her menu. The waiter steps up.

‘Are you ready to order?’

‘Fruit juice. Something strong,’ the upset pegasus snorts.

Fluttershy trots around a kofun. She is grumbling about being bullied into doing the grunt work for Rainbow and River. At least the pegasus gets to do what she originally intended to do and is seeing more historical sites. She wanders the site a bit before she encounters another pony. An older light green unicorn with a faded blue mane containing several grey strands is digging at the ground. He stops to wipe his brow when he sees Fluttershy.

‘Oh, good morning,’ the unicorn greets. ‘I didn’t know anypony else was out here this early.’

‘I like to start my sightseeing early,’ Fluttershy replies with a smile.

‘Well, you chose a wonderful one to start with.’ The unicorn bows. ‘I am Professor Akuma, head archaeologist for this site. Feel free to ask me anything.’


Akuma nods.

Fluttershy thinks for a second then takes a deep breath. She rapidly starts asking, ‘Why are the kofun shaped the way they are? They look like Equestrian-style keyholes, something uncommon in Ancient Neighpon, so is that a universal shape? Also, are kofun anything like the mastabas the Camels built? Do they have intricate tomb structures under them?’

Akuma laughs. ‘That is a lot of...’

‘Hold on, I am not done yet,’ Fluttershy interrupts. She takes another deep breath. ‘Is there any significance in the size and location of the kofun? Have you noticed that your name almost sounds like a poor translation of “bad horse” in Equestian Proper? Do they have any exterior markings to indicate them as kofun? What sort of artefacts are associated with kofun sites? Is there any overlap between the kofun period and the neighboring periods? Does the pattern of pony migration and settlement have any influence on...’

Akuma just smiles and listens to Fluttershy’s endless questions.

While Fluttershy distracts Akuma, River does a little excavating of her own around the site. She has her hoofheld sensor out and is scanning the ground. Rainbow Dash circles overhead. River taps a few buttons and moves forward.

‘This is very interesting,’ the time traveler muses. She holds up a hoofful dirt and studies it. ‘Very interesting indeed.’

‘Looks like dirt to me,’ Dash grumbles.

‘It is more than just dirt, Miss Dash. It is a piece of history.’ River sets down her scanner and starts digging. ‘See, most kofun date to the middle of the Classical Era. Modern preservation techniques and erosion change the external dirt layers, but they tend to leave the inner core intact. The age of the inner layers is much earlier than the first pony settlement of Neighpon.’

‘So what does that mean?’

‘It means, whatever is buried here has been here for a long time.’

‘So the Cyberponies have been just sitting here waiting to invade?’

River looks up at the pegasus. ‘It is likely that the ship was time displaced and crashed ages ago. Judging by the size of the mound and the age of the internal dirt... It was only small ship with a few dozen Cybers onboard, crashing about twenty thousand years ago. Whatever is down there predates Discord.’

‘Holy moley! A dozen of 'em would be enough to wipe out the planet!’

‘Exactly, but the ship must have been heavily damaged. I’m not detecting any lifesigns though...’ -- she looks around -- ‘unless somepony is using a hair dryer in the area...’



‘Hair dryer?’

‘What about it?’


River’s scanner starts beeping. She picks it up and smiles. ‘Looks like we found something.’

River gallops away with Dash flying behind. They reach a section of the kofun where the dirt appears disturbed. River draws her pistol.

‘This must be where they broke free. Recently, too.’

Dash scans the area for any threat.

‘It is no use, Miss Dash. They are probably gone by now. No more than two or three. Still enough of a threat...’ -- she bends down and picks up a piece of electronics -- ‘if their primary weapons systems weren’t damaged. Excellent.’ She stands and scans the area. ‘I’ll try to pick up their trail. They will likely be looking for a place to rebuild and repair themselves.’

A bright glint catches Dash’s eye. ‘What was that? Looked like a shiny rat.’

River turns and scans. ‘It’s not a rat; it’s a cybermat.’

‘A what?’

‘The Cyberponies use them to drain electricity and transmit it back to their base. It could lead us straight to where they have reestablished themselves!’

‘Got ya. Catch the rat.’

‘It is not a...’

Dash does not listen. She takes off flying after the cybermat. The small creature zooms back into the city, the pegasus in close pursuit. They weave through the city, the cybermat almost getting stepped on by multiple ponies while Rainbow Dash barely avoids slamming into several other pegasi. The cybermat eventually makes its way to a fenced-in building and darts into a hole. Rainbow Dash flies over the fence and hovers before the building. A second later, River teleports beside the pegasus. The earth pony presses a few buttons on a device on her left foreleg.

‘You are a tough one to track, Miss Dash.’

‘Ya said to follow it...’

‘And you did a great job, too.’

‘What is this place?’ Dash asks.

River scans the building. ‘It appears to be an electrical relay station. That makes a lot of sense since the Cybers would need a lot of electricity to power their conversion process.’

‘All right! Let’s storm ‘em!’

‘Not so fast!’ River warns. ‘We need a plan of attack. Let’s head back to your hotel for now.’

Rainbow Dash glares at the relay station. ‘Just don’t wanna let them free too long.’

‘Don’t worry, Miss Dash. Once they are subdued, the drinks will be on me.’

The pegasus gives one last snort and follows River away.

Back at the kofun, Fluttershy explores the excavation site. Professor Akuma was surprisingly knowledgeable and was able to answer most of her questions. She feels a little proud that her freaky knowledge of Neighponese history actually paid off. She trots to a visitors center to look at some of the artefacts. She spots Akuma slipping into an employees-only area. The pegasus steps to the door. Making sure she is not being watched, she flexes a wing and secretly activates the sonic screwdriver James gave her during their fake marriage. The door opens, and Flutterspy sneaks in. She goes from door to door and stops when she hears Akuma’s voice coming from an office. Flutterspy peeks in to see the archaeologist at a computer.

‘We haven’t seen the interloper since yesterday. I think we scared her off.’

‘Our sensors show she was at your location earlier today,’ an electronic voice states.

‘Impossible. I have been out here since sunrise, and I didn’t see a single sign of her.’

‘The entrapment is large and you are but one pony. You do not have the benefit of our upgrades.’

‘If it wasn’t for me, you would still be trapped. Hurry and free your others. I am getting tired of taking orders from a brain in a jar. I have done my part. You better deliver the limitless knowledge you promised.’

‘You will be assimilated with the others. You would make an excellent cyber controller.’

‘Whatever, toaster. Don’t contact me unless you are ready to pay up.’

Akuma turns off his computer, sits back and snorts. Fluttershy backs away and sneaks back towards the visitors center.

‘Hey!’ a voice shouts. ‘This area is staff only. What are you doing back here?’

A large pegasus in a guard’s uniform steps up.

Fluttershy turns around with tears streaming down her cheeks. ‘I-I-I w-was only l-looking for the washroom,’ she sobs.

The crafty pegasus lets out a loud wail and covers her face with a wing. The guard grimaces and backs away. Akuma comes out of his office.

‘What is going on here?’ the professor demands.

‘I-I got lost l-looking for the w-washroom,’ Fluttershy blubbers.

Akuma pats Fluttershy on the back. ‘There, there, my dear Fluttershy. I’ll show you where they are.’ He laughs. ‘I had a tough time finding them my first month here, too.’

‘Thank you,’ the pegasus whispers.

Fluttershy trots away with Akuma. She briefly looks back to smirk at the guard.

In their hotel room, Rainbow Dash does leg and wing exercises while River makes sure her pistol and portable computer are charged. Fluttershy watches them worriedly.

‘Are you sure you are targeting the right place?’ Fluttershy asks. ‘I mean, the conversation I heard...’

‘If there are any Cyberponies still under the kofun, they are either trapped or dead or hopefully both,’ River replies. ‘Two or three in a warehouse is target practice.’

‘Don’t worry, Shy,’ Dash assures. ‘We’ll be in and out and back before you know it. After that, River is buying the drinks. Party!’

The worried pegasus whines pensively. ‘I’ll take your word for it... You better be safe.’

‘Has your Friendly Neighborhood Rainbow Dash ever let you down?’

Fluttershy looks down and kicks the carpeting. Rainbow Dash gives her friend a gentle hug then goes to a window. River nods, trots to the door, and they take a breath and head to combat.

River stands on her hind legs with her back against the wall of the relay station. She looks at her scanner, taps her pistol against the wall once and points down. She taps twice and points up. Above her, a hovering Rainbow Dash nods, backs off then bolts forward, aiming at a large window. River turns and kicks open a nearby door while Rainbow Dash crashes through the window. The pegasus knocks a pair of Cyberponies off of a walkway onto a third below. While the cyborgs collect themselves, River calmly walks over and holds her pistol to a Cyberpony with a black skull plate.

‘We can do this my way or the fun way,’ the pony offers.

‘We have no need for fun,’ the Cyberpony replies.

River shoots one of the others. ‘Care to rethink that?’

‘We will assimilate you all. We will erase your needless emotions. Our armies will march across...’

River shoots the Cyberpony. ‘You talk too much.’

The pony aims her pistol at the last Cyberpony. The cyborg charges electricity on the end of a hoof, getting River to step out of reach. Instead of advancing, it sticks the hoof into one of the transformers. The transformer blows, setting off a chain reaction. River shoots the Cyberpony before it can continue. The power surge continues, blowing out all of the transformers and relays. River and Rainbow dart from the building.

‘Don’t look back. Don’t look back,’ Dash says to herself.


‘Cool ponies don’t look at...’

The relay building explodes. The shockwave throws the two ponies flying into a nearby rice field.

‘...the explosion,’ Dash snorts, as a rice plant grows in her mane.


‘Stop shouting!’


Rainbow Dash growls and drags River from the pond before the authorities arrive.

Back at the hotel, the three mares are celebrating the successful mission in the dark. River has her ears wrapped in a bandage. They hold up cups of sake and drink by candlelight.

‘Kampai!’ Dash and River cheer.

‘Right. Yeah,’ Fluttershy mumbles.

‘Cheer up, Shy!’ Dash slaps her friend in the back. ‘We just saved the world again!’

‘I don’t know what “rave a hen” means,’ River says, ‘but if it is anything like saving the world, we did that, too.’

‘I’m just worried that they are still out there. The ship is still under the kofun...’

‘We’ll check it out tomorrow. Now, we party.’ Dash drains her cup in one shot. She hiccups and passes out face first into the table.

River laughs, ‘Just wait until I take her out to really party.’

Fluttershy takes one sip of her drink. She starts giggling uncontrollably.

River takes the cup. ‘And you’re at the limit I am willing to risk with you.’

The drunk pegasus giggles again. ‘If James were here, I’d have him over the table by now.’

‘And you passed that limit on one sip.’ River slides the drinks away. ‘Let’s get you some coffee and sober you up a bit. Sound good?’

Fluttershy giggles, nods and gets up. ‘I think I need a cold shower more.’

‘I’ll say,’ River groans as she helps the pegasus to the washroom.

The next day, Fluttershy trots through the blacked-out city looking for something to do. Her head is pounding and her haunches are really sore for some reason. She cannot remember anything after Rainbow Dash and River returned last night, too. She does remember them talking about a fish though...

The pegasus is so lost in thought, despite the pounding headache, that she bumps right into somepony. She groans as she lands on her sore haunches. The other pony offers a friendly hoof.

‘Well, well, Miss Fluttershy. We keep bumping into each other,’ Professor Akuma greets. ‘I’m beginning to think you like me.’

‘I prefer older stallions,’ the pegasus replies, standing. ‘Much older. … OH!’ she gasps when her memory partially returns.

Akuma laughs. ‘It is all right.’ He studies the mare for a moment. ‘You know, you are a quite an intelligent pony. You would make a good leader.’

‘Um... Thank you?’

‘Oh, don’t thank me just yet.’ He casts a charm on the unsuspecting mare. ‘You can thank me by giving me the limitless knowledge I deserve.’

Fluttershy sways and faints. Akuma lifts her onto his back and trots away.

Rainbow Dash holds her head as she sloppily flies around the kofun. River trots below with her scanner out.

‘What was in that stuff you gave me last night?’ the pegasus groans.

‘It wasn’t really that strong,’ River laughs. ‘You’re just a hollow-boned pegasus.’

‘What was that!’ Dash instantly groans and holds her head. ‘Keep it down...’

River laughs again and keeps scanning. Rainbow Dash groans and lands. She trots alongside the archaeologist.

‘Um, River, I think our room is haunted.’

‘That is crazy. Why would you say that?’

‘Didn’t you hear all of that ghastly moaning coming from the washroom last night?’

River grimaces. ‘Don’t remind me.’

‘So you did...’

A silver streak darts past. The two ponies stare in shock.

‘Was that..?’

‘I am afraid it was, Miss Dash.’

‘Son of a...’

The cybermat darts away. Rainbow Dash launches herself after the creature. The chase weaves around the kofun and ends when the cyberbat burrows under the visitors center. The ponies try the doors, but they are locked. They round the building, and Rainbow Dash helps River through a window. The archaeologist draws her pistol and examines her scanner. They sneak through the visitors center in pursuit of the cybermat.

‘Hey! What are you doing here?’ a patrolling guard shouts.

River spins around with her pistol ready. ‘We’re looking for the washroom.’

The guard calmly sets his keys on the floor, ditches his uniform and gallops from the building. The mares sigh and continue their search. They enter the backroom area and make their their way to Akuma’s office. River pushes open a closet door, revealing a secret passage heading under the building.

‘Looks like somepony has been busy,’ Dash comments.

River heads inside. ‘Always love a good tomb.’

The two ponies head deep into the passage. Artificial lights line the walls. They head deeper under the ground until they reach a large cavern. A pair of Cyberponies stand outside of a rusted hatch. River readies her pistol. She and Rainbow Dash exchange nods and enter the cavern ready for a fight.

‘Surrender, punks!’ Dash threatens.

The Cyberponies scream and cover their heads with their hooves.

‘We are sorry!’ one of the cyborgs exclaims.

‘Please don’t be mad at us!’ the other shouts.

‘Uh... what?’ Dash looks at River, confused. ‘What’s going on here?’

‘W-we have a new Cyber Queen. We are experiencing new sensations.’

‘Shy Cyberponies? New queen? You don’t think..?’ Dash asks.

‘Let’s not think about that now, Miss Dash.’ River replies. She aims her pistol at one of the Cyberponies. ‘Take us to your leader.’

The Cyberpony shrieks and starts trotting away. The mares follow.

‘I wanted to say that,’ Dash huffs.

The Cyberpony leads the mares through the crashed ship. Other Cyberponies scream and hide from the new ponies. The group enters a command room. Cyberponies line the walls. Professor Akuma glares at the new arrivals. At the center of the room, the Cyber Queen smiles at her guests. Fluttershy sits calmly despite having an odd golden headpiece similar to the Cyberpony’s antenna. A Cyberpony brings Fluttershy a juice box. She takes the drink and smiles. All of the Cyberponies make a ‘squee’ sound.

‘Thank you,’ Fluttershy says to the Cyberpony. She turns to her friend while sipping her drink. ‘Can I get them to get you anything?’

‘What is going on here?’ River asks, looking around and getting the Cyberponies to duck when the pistol is waved in their direction.

‘It seems they needed a new leader after your intervention yesterday,’ Akuma replies.

‘I don’t get what you were so worried about,’ Fluttershy giggles while drinking. ‘They are a lot sweeter than you said. Aren’t you?’

All of the Cyberponies make the ‘squee’ sound again.

Akuma groans. ‘It seems she has a stronger mind than they are used to, and her personality overwrote their programming.’

River holsters her weapon. ‘Huh. I knew there was a reason James really liked her.’

‘Duh, he loves her. They’re married,’ Dash groans.

Fluttershy facehooves, causing the Cyberponies to facehoof. ‘That was a trick. We weren’t really married.’

‘Wait. When did that happen? Nopony tells me anything!’ Dash snorts, sitting back and crossing her forelegs.

‘I told you first, genius!’

The Cyberponies aim their weapons at Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy closes her eyes and gets her emotions under control.

‘No. I will not let New Fluttershy take over.’

‘If she will honor our agreement, I don’t mind,’ Akuma snorts.

‘We had no such deal!’ Fluttershy shouts. ‘You missed your opportunity to gain the knowledge you sought when you had me take your place as their leader. You would barely qualify as a drone now.’

‘I was offered unlimited knowledge in exchange for helping these creatures. I kept my end of all of our deals. I deserve to...’

Fluttershy holds up a hoof. ‘Take him for processing.’

‘Fluttershy!’ River gasps. ‘You are sending him to his death. That is not you!’

The pegasus winces. ‘Stop it! Stop it! Fluttershy is in charge now.’

‘Fluttershy is threatening other ponies with death,’ River counters.

‘Including her friends,’ Dash nervously adds, eying all the weapons still aimed at her.

‘Quiet! All of you!’ Fluttershy shouts. ‘I am tired of being told what to do and how to feel! This is why you drive me to New Fluttershy all the time!’

‘There is no way, even when you were Discorded, you would want to kill somepony,’ Dash worries.

‘Silence! I’m just... Stop it! You are trying to confuse me. I-I-I... Shut up!’

‘It is okay, Fluttershy,’ River calms. ‘That is just the Cyberpony programming trying to change you into something you are not. You have to fight it.’

‘I can’t!’ Fluttershy screams. ‘It is hurting so much. I can’t fight it.’

‘Please, Fluttershy. Can we have the real you back?’ Dash begs. ‘I really would like to keep my head where it is.’

‘I’m trying.’ She reaches up to the headpiece and screams in pain.

‘Find something you love and focus on that!’ River shouts.

‘Think of your family,’ Dash suggests. ‘Think of your friends. Think of James! Think of...’

Suddenly, a happy ringtone starts playing from one of the consoles. One of the Cyberponies brings Fluttershy’s mobile to her and activates it.

`M-mommy?` Rei asks over the line.


`Mommy, daddy is being mean to me.`

‘What is he doing, dear?’

`He... he is being yelly and keeping me in my room. I miss you, mommy.`

Fluttershy chokes back a tear. ‘I miss you, too, Rei.’

`Can you get daddy to be nice again?`

‘You know he still loves you, Rei. If he is punishing you, you know he has a reason and he feels awful about it, too. Don’t worry, Rei. Hang in there.’

`I will,` Rei sobs. `You hang in there, too, mommy. I love you.`

‘I love you, too.’

Rei hangs up. The Cyberpony hangs up the mobile and returns it to Fluttershy. The pegasus looks down and sobs. She slowly reaches up to the headpiece and throws it to the floor. The Cyberponies short out and slump over. Fluttershy holds her head in her hooves and sobs. Rainbow Dash goes to her friend and hugs her.

‘I did a bad thing,’ Fluttershy cries.

‘You didn’t hurt anypony. Just scared us a bit,’ Dash assures. ‘It is okay. Let’s blow this place and get outa here.’

‘Not so fast.’

The mares look to see Akuma levitate the headpiece to him.

‘Don’t do it!’ River warns. ‘Your mind will be wiped and their programming will take over.’

‘Limitless knowledge. You cannot pass that up.’

Akuma lowers the headpiece. The device activates, causing him to scream in pain. As soon as he stops, he looks up with completely black eyes.

‘Assimilate them,’ Cyber Akuma commands.

Before River can draw her weapon, the Cyberponies spring to life and subdue the mares. They are shocked by the Cyberpony’s electrically-charged hooves.

‘No,’ Fluttershy snorts.

‘What?’ Cyber Akuma asks.


The cyberized unicorn takes a step back as Fluttershy breaks free. She advances on the former professor as she locks The Stare on his lifeless eyes.

‘You are not going to hurt anypony else! There has been enough hurting today! I hurt too many ponies, and now I will stop you from hurting more! You will stop your hurting or, uh, I’ll make your head explode with my mind!’

Cyber Akuma shakes with fear. The Cyberponies surrounding the other mares start shaking, too. The head of one of the Cyberponies explodes.

River looks around. ‘Time to run.’

Another Cyberpony’s head explodes. Rainbow Dash looks around. She grabs the shocked Fluttershy’s tail and pulls her out of the door. The pegasi start flying and carry River from the crashed ship. The tunnel collapses as the ship self-destructs. The group makes it out of the tunnel before they are trapped. They collapse on the floor, panting. Reacting to the loud noises coming from the office, a guard bursts into the room.

‘What is going on here?’

Fluttershy looks at the two mares next to her then at the guard. ‘Which way to the washroom again?’

After getting cleaned up, River is seeing them off at a reopened cafe. The three mares all have drinks, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash opting for fruit juice. Fluttershy is staring at her juice dejectedly.

‘Great job!’ River congratulates. ‘You kicked a lot of flank.’

‘But...’ Fluttershy mopes.

‘The Cyberponies were dead long before they were unearthed. You set them free in the end.’

‘No... Rei sounded very upset. I wish I could have done more for her...’

‘Trust me. It will work out.’

Fluttershy smiles. ‘Okay. I believe you.’

‘So what now?’ Dash asks.

River finishes her drink. ‘Just enjoy your vacation. The Cybers are gone. You’re heroes again. Put your hooves up and take it easy. Well, I must be off. See you around, gals. Fluttershy, say “hi” to your mom for me.’


River laughs, ‘Spoilers.’

The traveler presses a button on her foreleg mounted device and disappears. The pegasi stare at the empty space. Fluttershy takes a sip from her drink.


‘Yes, Rainbow?’

‘Can we go to another nature preserve? I just want to smell some flowers.’

Fluttershy giggles and takes a long drink of her juice.

Concluded in:

Tomodachi Sketch

Author's Note:

Adventure in Neighpon Arc - Part 4

Story Timeline: Fluttershy (briefly) becomes the cyber queen. Rainbow Dash blacks out Neighpon.

Fun fact: This chapter was intended to be in the Nara area. Unfortunately, I had to base most of the antics off of my research paper on Japanese archaeology. It is a very amazing subject if you choose to investigate it.

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