• Published 25th Feb 2012
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The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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Main Characters: Twilight Velvet, Posey, Firefly, Surprise, Amelia, Arctic Fox, Melodia, Stormy
Cameos: Luna, Lyra, TWP, Lucas
Original Write Date: June 9, 2012

‘You kissed Stormy’s mother!’ Twilight shouts as she stomps out of the TARDIS.

‘To be fair, she was the one that kissed me.’

‘And how old did ya say she was?’ Applejack asks.

James pauses for a long time. ‘To be fair, she was the one that kissed me.’

‘Be nice to him,’ Fluttershy defends. ‘He was doing a favor for a sweet young girl. I’m okay with it.’

‘She kissed me, too.’

Twilight and Applejack grumble about that comment. Luna moves to the center of the room.

‘I should be leaving. There are many things I must discuss with my sister.’

Luna powers a spell and teleports away. She materializes on the palace grounds. The guards surrounding her teleportation zone return to their normal patrols. Luna bows to them and trots towards the palace. She stops when she notices a pony landscaping in one of the side gardens. She trots over and admires the work being done.

‘You constantly outshine yourself, Miss Posey.’

‘Why thank you...’ Posey turns and shrieks. ‘Nightmare Moon!’ She catches her breath. ‘Oh. Sorry, Princess Luna.’

Luna sighs and shakes her head. ‘It has been a few years since my return. Am I really that scary still?’

‘No... I was just startled by your sudden appearance.’

‘Hmm.... I would like to have you and your family for dinner,’ -- Posey faints -- ‘so we can clear up all of the misunderstanding. Son of a...’

The princess groans and goes to get some water for the unconscious pony.

Twilight Velvet does some grading in her office before her first class. She sighs and looks out the window at a group of friends hanging out and eating breakfast. She smiles and starts searching her desk.

‘I wonder...’

She finds an old address book and flips through it.

Several days later. The morning train pulls into Ponyville station. A burgundy earth pony mare in a dark blue dress steps to the platform. She raises her black, feathered hat, exposing her dark grey mane, as she takes in the station. She smiles and trots through the station to take in the rest of the town.

The shops are amusing, and the townsponies greet her warmly. She makes mental note of various shops for future perusal, notably the confectionary, after her business in town is concluded. Suddenly, there is a disturbance from a market stall. A large, dark green earth pony stallion chases a blue-white pegasus mare down the street.

‘Get back here, thief!’ the stallion bellows.

‘I am not a thief! I was just resting back there!’ the mare shouts back.

The pegasus dashes past the fancy mare. The well-dressed pony glances at the pegasus as she passes. She raises a foreleg and a blade appears from under the dress. The stallion skids to a stop before hitting the blade, shaving a bit of his coat from his neck.

‘It would be wise to leave my friend alone.’

The stallion nods and gallops back to his shop. The fancy mare retracts the blade and turns her nose up. She turns to the pegasus.

‘You should have told me you were going to fly in early and find a place to stay. I would have willingly bought you a ticket to ride with me, Arctic.’

Arctic Fox shakes her head. ‘No way, Mel. You know I don’t care for handouts.’

Mel growls. ‘I assume we were both invited to the same event. It would have been logical for us to travel together.’

‘Fine! Maybe on the way back. My wings are killing me from the flight from Canterlot. ... Wait. You were invited too?’

Mel gets out a strawberry-print envelope. ‘A set of geographical coordinates and a time in a letter postmarked from this town.’

Arctic gets out her letter. ‘Yeah... Here... This was where...’

‘Just because we haven’t heard from her in years does not mean something bad happened. Besides, look at the print. Hopefully that means she found her prince again.’

The mares return the letters to their bags. They continue through the town in silence. Mel glares at the stallion vendor as she passes. Arctic’s stomach growls.

Mel sighs. ‘You are not rejecting my offer to take you to breakfast.’

‘Only if we go to the place with a cupcake on top. I have high hopes for it.’

Twilight Velvet enters a small ballroom at the palace. The ballroom is covered in decorations and a large buffet of snacks has been laid out. She smiles when she sees the organizer hard at work.

‘You have outdone yourself again, Posey.’

Posey spins around. ‘Oh! It is you. I was afraid Princess Luna was sneaking up on me again.’ The mare looks away. ‘She was the one who arranged for everything.’

‘Posey thinks the princess is going to eat her,’ a voice calls from above. Fyrefly swoops down and greets her friend. ‘Been too long.’

‘I have missed you, Fyrefly,’ Twilight Velvet replies. ‘Have you been well?’

‘I’ve been keeping busy. Somepony has to clean up after your kid’s wedding.’

‘Yes, and he has been the one doing it since it is his job.’

‘Pfft. I meant somepony has to do all of the secret cleaning up.’

Posey groans. ‘Not this secret training stuff again. It didn’t work when we were in college. We’re not going to believe you now.’

Fyrefly snorts and turns away. She flies over to the buffet table and reaches for a sandwich.


The pink pegasus is tackled in a hug as soon as she touches the food. Surprise lets go and smiles at her friends. She drips mustard and mayonnaise on the floor while pieces of lettuce and tomatoes hang from her hair. Posey growls and goes to get a mop.

‘Do you know how long I have been waiting for one of you to come over?’

‘Geez! Now I am covered in goo!’ Fyrefly complains.

‘You would be covered in juice if you went to the punch bowl first.’

‘You’re as weird as ever.’

‘Surprise, do you know where Amelia is?’ Twilight Velvet asks.

‘Not a clue, but we can find her through the power of montage!’

‘No need, dear Surprise. The Mysterious and Alluring Amelia Lunamoon has arrived!’

The ponies look toward the entrance to the hall. The unicorn is standing the doorway, posing, as a magical fog surrounds her. Posey grumbles and opens a window to vent the room. Amelia trots into the room with head held high. She stops in front of Twilight Velvet. The friends stare at each other for several moments before hugging.

‘It has been forever, Amelia.’

‘Feels like longer, dear.’

‘Come on. We have a lot of catching up to do.’

The unicorns trot over to the food tables and join their friends.

Arctic and Mel trot through Ponyville guided by the GPS on Mel’s mobile.

‘I still say you should move in with us. We have the room, and you know it,’ Mel says.

‘Mel... No,’ Arctic replies.

‘You have been over when you needed to borrow a dress for one of my shows. We have enough room for you, your husband and Octavia and her fillyfriend if she ever moved back. Why would you not want to live in a mansion?’

‘I want to earn it myself. My husband agrees with me. We will work hard and earn it on our own.’

Mel groans, then smiles and taps her chin with her hoof. ‘You know, we have been looking for a live-in housekeeper or two...’


‘What! You can’t blame a friend for wanting to help you out. Don’t tell me that staying with your daughter is out?’

Arctic shakes her head. ‘We don’t want to take advantage of her. Besides, what if she brings a coltfriend home?’

Mel giggles. ‘I doubt that would be a problem.’

‘What does that mean?’


Arctic growls at her giggling friend. The mares continue through the village.

‘You know...’

‘What now?’

‘Octavia and I are looking at purchasing a majority stake in Skybound’s old music school. We could use a new headmaster...’

Arctic snorts and trots ahead of her friend.

‘What! You would have to get cleared by the board so it would not be like we are giving it to you. It would be hard work, and you would be able to lift yourself up as well.’

‘I’ll think about it. Are we about there?’

Mel checks her mobile. ‘Just a few more meters.’

Arctic stops. The earth pony stops beside her. The pegasus covers her mouth as she gasps. The ponies slowly enter Ponyville Cemetery as they complete their quest. Mel points in the direction they have to go. As they near the destination, the see a magenta unicorn sitting next to a grave.

‘Raspberry!’ Arctic shouts as she gallops to the grave.

Stormy turns in time to get tackled in a hug by a strange mare. Mel calmly steps up to the ponies.

‘Wrong pony, dear.’

Arctic lets the young stallion free and helps him up.

‘No worries,’ Stormy says. ‘Not the first time a crazy white pegasus randomly hugged me today.’

‘Sorry. You just look a bit like a friend we haven’t seen in a long time.’

‘Um... Arctic...’

Mel points at the grave. Arctic looks and gasps.

‘So you knew my mom...’ Stormy mumbles.

Mel sits by the grave. ‘Ten years... So young. Not even thirty.’ She looks up at Stormy. ‘How old are you?’

‘Just turned fifteen a few months ago.’

‘You must miss her a lot.’

‘Constantly, but I have a pretty happy family now.’

‘You must have a good father.’

Stormy looks away. ‘I... I don’t know my real father. There is a nice mare who takes care of me. I am basically one of the family now. I also know a great stallion who is like a big brother. Great guy...’

‘Raspberry...’ Arctic sobs while staring at the grave.

Mel comforts her friend. ‘It is okay. We knew this would come someday.’ She looks up at Stormy. ‘I am sorry. We never asked your name. I am Mel, and she is Arctic.’

Stormy bows. ‘I am Strawberry, but my friends call me Stormy.’

The mares stare in shock at the young stallion.

‘Uh... Is something wrong?’

‘N-no,’ Mel stutters. ‘It is just... nothing.’

‘Not named after your father, are you?’ Arctic wonders.

‘Well, since I don’t know who my real father is...’ Stormy groans. ‘No. Actually no. I’m named after somepony else according to her notebooks.’

‘She did love her notebooks,’ Mel sighs.

‘Um... Can we catch up somewhere else?’ Arctic asks. ‘I’m feeling a little creeped out.’

Stormy starts trotting away. ‘Come on. I know some good places to hang out.’ He stops and goes back to the grave. ‘I’ll see you again, mom.’

The mares pay their respects and follow the young stallion back to the town.

After getting plates full of treats, the group of friends gather at a table. Surprise flies over with a tray of cakes. A few quiet moments later, Surprise looks up with a mouthful of cake.

‘So... Whose kid is married?’

The others look at the excited pegasus.

Twilight Velvet shakes her head. ‘You know Shining is married. To a princess. It was here. You performed for the reception.’

‘Yeah. So... Whose kid is married!’

‘You must be very proud of Fluttershy,’ Posey beams.

‘Are you kidding? I never expected her to end up with anypony. Ever!’ Surprise bounces in her seat. ‘You know how shy she is! She makes Posey look like a dragon tamer. It is just so wonderful knowing that she was brave enough to find a pony she likes.’

‘What is the lucky pony’s name?’ Amelia asks.

‘Something Wanderer. That is not important. What is important is that she is married!’

Fireworks shoot off behind Surprise.

Twilight Velvet thinks. ‘Is his first name James?’

‘Maybe. I guess. Sure. Why not?’

‘He was Twilight’s coltfriend! Your daughter stole my daughter’s coltfriend! She stole from a princess!’

Surprise turns her nose up. ‘You’re just jealous that Fluttershy beat her to the punch.’

The friends glare at each other. Posey squeaks and turns to Amelia.

‘What about your kids? How are they doing?’

The unicorn sighs. ‘My son is doing fine. He is getting a lot of work making music for games. He has even gotten some gigs with some small concerts.’

‘And Trixie?’

Amelia looks down. ‘I feel she is more of a lost cause than ever.’

Twilight’s mother puts a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. ‘The incident a few months back didn’t help, did it?’

‘I fear that may have made things worse. We have never seen eye-to-eye, and my idiot brother may have helped me destroy any chance of that happening.’

‘You just have to talk with Trixie. Get to know her better,’ Twilight Velvet suggests.

‘Yeah!’ Surprise agrees. ‘Even Fluttershy eventually opens up when you talk to her.’

‘I guess that could work...’

‘ ‘sides, you love talking so much,’ Fyrefly comments. ‘Talking should come natural to you.’

‘You just have to remember to give her understanding and respect,’ Twilight Velvet advises. ‘Even if, no, especially if she has made choices you don’t agree with.’

‘Speaking of your own kids there?’ Fyrefly teases.

The unicorn snorts. ‘She is going to outlive him by a thousand lifetimes. I just don’t want the princess or my future grandchildren to be upset.’ She nods and turns to Posey. ‘You haven’t told us about your children yet.’

The earth pony tenses then looks down. ‘Oh, um, well, they aren’t old enough for dating yet, but Oak got top marks in school and Dandelion is flying as well as her father now.’

‘It must be so confusing having foals from a different tribe,’ Amelia muses.

‘It is just Dandelion.’ Posey answers. ‘She is so much like her father.’

‘But even having a husband who is a different tribe must be unusual,’ Surprise says.

‘And what tribe is your son-in-law?’ Twilight Velvet grins.

‘He an ear...’ Surprise turns and growls at her giggling friend. ‘Oh, you think you’re so smart.’

‘We’ve known her for almost thirty years and finally one of us gets one on Surprise,’ Amelia giggles.

‘Course it was the smartest of us that gets her,’ Fyrefly adds.

Surprise snorts and turns away. She flicks her hoof at one of the cakes on her plate. It is sent flying into Twilight Velvet’s face. The pegasus laughs at her accident. The unicorn narrows her gaze then smirks. The other friends try to escape as Twilight Velvet sends the entire buffet flying at everypony.

Stormy is giving his guests a tour of Ponyville. The mares take in the city and ask questions based on what they have heard from their daughters. Stormy leads them towards the Nerd District. The mares enjoy the local flavor. Stormy stops in front of The Power Block.

‘I know this is an odd place to stop, but the owner is a good friend of mine,’ Stormy says.

‘We would be honored to meet any friend of yours,’ Mel replies.

Stormy smiles and leads the group inside. Mel and Arctic freeze once they see who the shopkeeper is.

‘Boss, I’ve been reading my history lately.’

‘Good for you.’

‘Ever notice the quick change in policy regarding immigration from the Zebra homeland around three hundred years ago?’

‘Last Tuesday.’ James smiles. ‘She yelled a lot.’


‘You’re fired.’

Stormy steps to the counter. ‘Hey, Mr Wanderer.’

‘Hey, Stormy.’

‘Strawberry!’ the mares exclaim.

James and Stormy turn. ‘Yes?’ They both snap to attention and look at each other. ‘Uh...’

James tries hopping the counter, but a silver band of magic catches his hind legs.

‘You’re fired! I mean it this time!’

‘Totally worth it,’ Lucas laughs.

‘Mr Strawberry, is that you?’ Mel asks.

‘You haven’t aged a day in over twenty years,’ Arctic comments.

‘Technically, it has been about a week...’

‘Mr Wanderer, what is going on?’

‘Hey! Let’s all go upstairs for some refreshments. My treat!’

James grins and edges towards the back. The others sigh and follow the odd stallion. Lucas laughs as he levitates his mobile.

‘Twilight is going to love this video.’

James pops back in, aims his sonic, and Lucas’ mobile bursts into flames.


‘Maybe your new job will get you a new one.’

Lucas groans and goes back to work. James trots upstairs. Stormy sits in the kitchen while the mares take in the apartment. Mel pulls on the TARDIS’s doors.

‘What is in here?’

‘It is a closet,’ James replies. ‘Does closety wosesty things.’

‘Doesn’t look like a closet. You’re hiding something.’

James taps Mel’s sleeve and a hidden blade shoots out. ‘Am I?’

The stallion sits at the table. The mares join the males. Mel tosses her letter to the table.

‘You sent these, didn’t you?’

James examines the envelope. ‘Spoilers.’

‘Can you teach us to not age too? That is so cool!’

‘Actually, I did just see you last week. … It is complicated.’

‘Why did you call him “Strawberry”?’ Stormy asks.

Mel and Arctic look at each other and nod.

‘It is a long story involving our last adventure with your mother.’

The five friends pick up their mess from the food fight. They are all covered in food. Four of the mares are giggling. Posey grumbles to herself as she picks up the wasted food.

‘Great. Just who do you think is going to clean this up tomorrow?’ the earth pony snorts.

‘Either your staff or the normal cleaning crew,’ Amelia replies.

‘Yeah, thought you were management?’ Fyrefly adds.

‘That is not the point. We should have been more responsible.’

‘It is not like they haven’t seen worse,’ Twilight Velvet laughs. She points to the ceiling. ‘I think I see the spot where the changelings hung Celestia at the wedding.’

‘Whose kid stampeded the royal menagerie through the Grand Galloping Gala?’ Surprise beams.

‘This isn’t a competition, Surprise.’

‘Yeah, not when I am winning.’

Amelia stops and thinks. ‘You know, Trixie once performed here. Charity event for a bunch of foals, from what I heard.’

Two hooffuls of food hit Amelia in the face. The leftovers start rising again. Posey trots past Amelia. She tweaks the unicorn’s horn, causing the food to drop.

James sees Stormy and his guests out of the shop. Mel and Arctic hug the stallion.

‘It was good seeing you again, Mr Wanderer,’ Arctic says.

‘Glad to see you kept your promise,’ Mel adds.

‘Was Kaeko your end of the deal?’ James asks.

Mel grimaces. ‘She is here?’

James points across the street. Kaeko stands outside of her shop. The pegasus and Mel glare and growl at each other.

‘Okay... Next time I take a trip, I am finding out what that is about.’ James muses.

‘I bet she has her doll in there...’ Mel growls.

‘Wait. Really? That petty?’

‘She also shaved her head.’

James facehoofs. ‘You ponies and your petty arguments.’

‘Mr Wanderer,’ -- Stormy shakes his head -- ‘No, just no.’ He looks at the others. ‘Come on. There is still more of the town to see, then I’ll escort you to the station. We can stop by the confectionery on the way, too.’

James laughs. ‘That will be fun.’

The group of ponies start trotting away.

‘Wait!’ James calls. ‘Arctic! You’ll make a great headmaster!’

Arctic waves. ‘How did he...’

Stormy smiles. ‘He has his ways.’

Posey waves farewell to Surprise and Fyrefly as they fly away from the palace. Twilight Velvet and Amelia exchange one last hug.

‘It has been far too long. We have to do this again soon,’ Amelia says.

‘Our doors are always open for you,’ Twilight Velvet replies.

The unicorns break their hug. Amelia trots through the palace. Twilight Velvet joins Posey as they trot through the palace garden.

‘Today was fun. Sorry about the mess.’

Posey sighs. ‘The evening cleaning crew will take care of it.’

‘You should not worry. My staff is quite efficient.’

The mares turn to see Luna smiling down at them.

‘Nightmare Moon!’

Posey faints. Luna and Twilight Velvet facehoof.

A group of three ponies exit Bon Bon’s Confectionery. They wave at Bon Bon and head towards the train station. Both mares have bags of candy as well as bags with Rarity’s logo. They joke as they trot along, but Mel stops. She darts into an alleyway. Seconds later, there is a crash from above a building and Mel drops to the street holding somepony.

‘I hate spies,’ the earth pony growls.

‘OH! I thought you said,”I hate spices”,’ Lyra replies. ‘I wondered why that never made sense.’

‘You look familiar...’ Arctic wonders.

‘Seriously, Lyra?’ Stormy groans.

‘Lyra? You mean...’

‘You’re the greatest foalsitters in the world coming to check up on me after all these years.’ Lyra grabs Mel in a hug.

‘You... remember us?’

‘I remember a lot of things, thanks to you.’

‘Thanks to me?’

‘The memory spell you reflected back at her,’ Arctic says.

‘Young minds are very malleable. She must have given herself perfect memory,’ Stormy adds.

‘And everypony wonders why you’re my top student,’ Lyra laughs.

Lyra lets Mel free, and the older mare helps the younger one up. Mel straightens her mane and fixes her hat.

‘We haven’t worked together in a while, Melodia,’ Lyra comments.

‘You’re... Heartstrings. I thought you retired.’

‘Oh, right. I work with the other Philharmonica and Fox now. We do a lot of good together.’

‘Indeed. Your trio is amazing,’ Arctic compliments.

‘In more ways than one,’ Lyra smirks.

A train whistle sounds.

‘That’s our ride,’ Mel sighs.

‘It was great seeing everypony here,’ Arctic beams.

The two mares hug Stormy.

‘Raspberry would be proud,’ Mel whispers.

‘You are as strong as she ever was,’ Arctic adds.

Stormy starts crying. ‘You don’t know how much that means to me.’

Mel and Arctic break the hug and gallop to catch their train. Stormy wipes away the tears and waves. Lyra joins in waving too. The two unicorns stop and trot back down the street.

‘This appears on Harpflank, I am cracking my horn again,’ Stormy warns.

Lyra grins and magically ignites a stack of notes. ‘I have no idea what you are talking about.’

The unicorns break as Lyra heads towards her wife’s shop.

‘By the way, they were lying. You are a lot stronger.’

Stormy sighs then laughs at his teacher before trotting back home.

Author's Note:

Physicist's Wife Arc - Part 3

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