• Published 25th Feb 2012
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The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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A Rocky Road

Main Characters: Pinkie, Blinkie, Inkie, Rei, Image
Cameos: Mayor Mare, Twilight, TWP, Del, Stormy, Daring
Original Start Date: June 1, 2013

Pinkie and Inkie trot through Ponyville. Rei hovers above them.

‘So, where are we going?’ Rei asks.

‘Town hall!’ Pinkie replies. ‘There’s a new pony in town for me to greet.’

‘The mayor is putting a stone roadway around the town hall,’ Inkie explains. ‘She is meeting with the mason now, but she asked me to help with the surveying and construction.’

Rei hugs her fillyfriend. ‘That is so neato! Inkie is a big-time government contractor now!’

‘It-it isn’t that big of a deal.’

‘Yep! Inkie is a big deal now,’ Pinkie cheers. ‘I’m so proud of my little sister.’

Inkie blushes and giggles. The group nears the town hall. The mayor and a young grey-purple mare trot out of the building. They are talking about the upcoming project. Pinkie and Inkie see the other mare and halt. They glare at the new pony.

‘Oh!’ Mayor Mare gasps. ‘What good timing. Here is our local geophysicist, and I assume Miss Pinkie has planned a party for you.’

‘Party’s canceled,’ Pinkie growls.

‘I wouldn’t go if it weren’t,’ the new mare spits.

‘Do you know each other?’ Rei asks.

‘You know how Inkie is my lovely little sister?’ Pinkie replies. She gets nods. ‘Well, this is our stupid little sister, Blinkie.’

‘Good to see you, too, Pinkie,’ Blinkie snorts.

‘Just give us the plans and material lists and leave,’ Inkie growls.

‘You think you can handle the construction? You’re a delicate scientist. You’re too afraid to get your hooves dirty.’

‘I work with the farmers in their fields every day. I’m surprised to see you off the rock farm, but I guess you have to unlatch yourself from mom’s teats sometime.’

Inkie holds up a hoof and Pinkie bumps it.

‘Whatever,’ Blinkie scoffs. ‘At least I’m not a sick pervert. I am disgusted to be related to both of you.’

‘You can’t be upset with the way we were born,’ Pinkie growls. ‘We don’t judge you for being a big, stupid meanie-face!’

Blinkie turns her nose up. ‘I’m going back to my hotel room to plan the project. Do your best not to interfere.’

‘Like we would even want to see you anyway,’ Inkie shoots back.

The sisters all snort and trot off in different directions. Rei looks around and flies after Inkie.

Rei watches her fillyfriend pace around her apartment. She has never seen Inkie so upset.

‘I can’t believe the mayor was stupid enough to hire her!’ Inkie raves. ‘If they were going to hire anypony from the farm, it should have been mom. At least she has a brain!’

Rei frowns. ‘Why don’t you like your sister?’

‘No, no, no. I don’t dislike her,’ Inkie corrects.

‘Phew. That good to he-’

‘I HATE her!’

Rei whimpers and cowers. Inkie stops her pacing. She notices her fillyfriend trying to look smaller than she already is.

Inkie goes to Rei. ‘Oh! I’m sorry. I don’t mean to scare you.’

Rei steps back. ‘B-b-but, how can you hate your sister? I could never hate any of my sisters, even if they were mean to me.’

Inkie sits near Rei. ‘When Pinkie and I went home for Hearth’s Warming, I was asked about the bracelet you gave me after prom.’ She holds up her leg, showing off her bracelet. ‘I told them all about you and how you had’ -- she smiles -- ‘almost, sorta, maybe, kinda proposed to me.’ She frowns. ‘Mom and dad were happy for me, but Blinkie started yelling and scolding me for loving a mare. It really hurt. Pinkie tried defending me and said she also loves Twilight. Blinkie started shouting at her too. We were very hurt and pissed, so we left that night. I guess Blinkie still hates us for being who we are.’

Rei hugs her fillyfriend. ‘I’m sorry she is so mean, but you shouldn’t hate her. Even though she is a big, stupid meanie, she is still your sister.’

Inkie sighs, ‘I know, Rei. I know. I’ll forgive her one day.’ She nuzzles Rei’s cheek. ‘Will you stay with me tonight? It will help me calm down.’

‘Anything for my lovely almost, sorta, maybe, fiancee.’

Inkie laughs and cuddles against Rei.

Pinkie buries her head under a pillow and cries. Her limp mane sticks out from under the pillow. A brown hoof hugs around her neck while a purple wing reaches over the mare.

‘That is so sad to hear,’ Twilight soothes. ‘I can’t believe your sister would say those sorts of things.’

‘She’s a big, stupid meanie,’ Pinkie sobs.

‘Maybe she is a changeling,’ James suggests. ‘It is hard to believe anypony in your family would be bigoted.’

Pinkie whines again. ‘She isn’t a changeling... but don’t take Del around her. Celestia only knows how she would react.’

‘Old prejudices die hard,’ Twilight sighs. ‘They are so rare to see these days, but I never thought one would hit so close to the ones I love the most.’

‘I don’t know what went wrong with her,’ Pinkie whimpers. ‘She used to be so fun. We got along great and played so many games together. She never acted like this before.’

‘Want Twilight to go back to the library and get the Elements? Give her a little Nightmare Moon-style purification?’

‘James!’ Twilight snaps.

‘Uh huh,’ Pinkie agrees.

‘Pinkie!’ Twilight snorts. ‘The Elements of Harmony are not a toy. Furthermore, they cannot and should not be used on normal ponies. The energy unleashed could destroy her.’

Pinkie groans. She looks at the stallion beside her. ‘Does Del know any changeling mind control spells?’

‘Pinkie!’ Twilight snaps again. She sighs. ‘Actually, she doesn’t know any magic besides her transformation spell. I’ve been trying to teach her some simple spells, though.’

Pinkie scowls. ‘Okay... Know any alien mind control techniques, James?’

‘Well, I have been practicing one I call “mind control number 137”. What I need you and Twilight to do is...’

Twilight flicks her wing and knocks James off the bed. He laughs as he climbs back in with the mares he loves.

Blinkie sits on her bed. She holds her mobile to her ear.

‘Why did you send me on this job, mother?’ the young mare demands. ‘You knew they would they would be here, didn’t you? … They are sick and wrong! As far as I care, I don’t have any sisters! … Shut up! I’m just going to do my job and come home as soon as possible. … If you wanted to see them, you should have come instead. … Put dad on. … Hi, dad. Mom says that... … I hate them! Stop treating them like... Dad? Are you there? Dad?’

Blinkie hangs up her mobile. She falls into her pillow and screams.

Stormy trots up the stairs to Rei’s home. He almost spits out his coffee when he sees several ponies sitting around the table having breakfast. Rei sets a plate of eggs in front of Del before sitting by Inkie. The young mares dine on some pancakes. Image Crystal stares at the stack of pancakes placed in front of him. He does not eat, having already had breakfast before coming over.

‘Help?’ he asks the new arrival.

‘Rei, I need to see your dad,’ Stormy says. ‘I think I fell into the dimension where you actually get up on time.’

Rei frowns at her friend. ‘I’m here for Inkie. She has a tough day ahead, and I want her to be as prepared as possible.’

‘Okay.’ Stormy sips his coffee. ‘And what’s your story?’ he asks Del.

Del yawns, exposing rows of sharp teeth. ‘Miss Pinkie came over last night with Sparkly Mommy. I kept watching them to hopefully see the three-pony things they keep talking about. They just talked about love and boring stuff all night long. I’m so sleepy.’

The changeling yawns again then shoves the plate of eggs into her mouth.

Stormy nods. ‘Image?’

‘I won the design contest for the new walkway. I was just seeing if Inkie was around.’ He looks up. ‘I already ate. Want some?’

Del climbs on the table and takes a bite of Image’s stack of pancakes. She collapses but keeps munching away. Inkie finishes breakfast and gets up.

‘Give me a moment to get ready, then we can head out.’

Inkie and her friends trot through Ponyville towards town hall. Stormy hangs back and sips his coffee. Image carries his saddlebag full of art supplies on his back.

‘So, uh, what is the mason like?’ the artist asks.

‘She used to be nice until she took an arrow to the reason center of the brain,’ Inkie growls.

Stormy rolls his eyes. ‘Don’t know what is worse: the anger or the stupid reference.’

Inkie turns and growls at the unicorn. Image looks up at Rei.

‘Sorry,’ Rei apologizes.‘We didn’t really talk. I only know what Inkie-chan has told me.’

Image sighs. ‘I hope we get along. I really don’t want my design to be compromised.’

‘What did you submit?’ Stormy asks.

‘Well, because the Elements of Harmony were united here, I did a compass design with each of their cutie marks on the points,’ the artist explains.

‘Where’d you put mommy?’ Rei asks.

Image gets the design out of his bag and gives it to Rei.

‘Okay...’ Rei studies the drawing. ‘Step-mommy on top. Birth mommy on the side. Why is mommy-mommy on the bottom?’

Image looks up. ‘It has to do with the size and shape of each of the the cutie marks. I added Celestia and Luna for balance. Since here are two of each tribe, I put one of each above and below the princesses. It just worked out that Fluttershy was on the bottom left.’

‘It would have been fun if all my mommies were together.’

‘I can talk to Rarity if you and the mason want to use real gems in her mark,’ Stormy offers.

‘Let’s see what the mason says first,’ Image laughs.

‘Probably call you a pervert and want to chop your head off,’ Inkie grumbles.

Image whimpers.

‘Which one?’ Stormy asks.

Inkie looks disgusted, but she notices Image’s uncomfortableness. She smirks. ‘Well, she might do one then the other to stop the screaming.’

Rei catches Image as the young stallion faints. The others laugh at their friend. The joviality ends when they reach the town center. Blinkie stands at a podium and looks at the plans. Inkie growls and trots forward. Her sister looks up, snorts and goes back to the plans.

‘Listen, I am willing to be the bigger mare,’ Inkie huffs. ‘I’m willing to put your stupidity aside for the project.’

‘Fine,’ Blinkie snorts. ‘Just don’t touch me. I don’t want to catch your degenerate lifestyle.’

‘I was born the way I was, just like you were born the way you were. This stupidity of yours is self-imposed.’

‘You are going against nature!’

‘Same-sex unicorns have been using magic to have children for years. It is only a matter of time before same-sex couples of all tribes can have children.’

Blinkie looks sick. ‘If that happens, I’ll kill myself.’

Inkie holds back a scream. ‘Let’s just get this over with so I can never see you again.’

‘Fine, but we have to wait for the artist. I have some questions about his design.’

Inkie turns and waves her friends over. Stormy and Rei carry Image to the podium.

Blinkie gasps. ‘He’s so handsome!’

‘I get that a lot,’ Stormy groans. ‘I already have a fillyfr-’

‘Not you. Him.’ The young mare goes to Image and extends a hoof. ‘Hi, I’m Blinkie Pie. What’s your name?’

Rei shakes her friend. ‘He’s dead.’

Image moans as he wakes up.

‘Or not. I’m just Inkie’s lovely love, not a doctor.’

‘Whatever.’ Blinkie slinks up to Image. ‘Great to meet you.’

Image blushes. ‘Y-yeah. Good to see you too. Are you the mason?’

‘I’m Blinkie Pie, but you can call me anytime.’

‘I-in full disclosure, m-my last fillyfriend...’

‘Isn’t here and dumped him on Hearts and Hooves,’ Stormy finishes. ‘Doesn’t that make him worth your pity?’

‘Shut up, fancy pants,’ Blinkie snorts. She turns back to Image. ‘So... Do you ever need a model, Mr Artist? I can take any position you put me in.’

Image squeaks and tries to reply.

‘Blinkie!’ Inkie snaps. ‘You’re a year younger than me!’

‘Shut up, pervert!’




Rei hits Inkie before she can finish. ‘She might not like how we were born, but you never call you sister that.’ The short pegasus growls at the tall earth pony. She turns to Blinkie and smiles. ‘Image was telling us that he wanted talk with you about the plans. There is a nice coffee shop near here where you can work everything out. Inkie will be at my shop all day when you are ready to see her again.’ She gives Blinkie a business card and keeps her hoof out expecting one in return.

Blinkie is a little surprised by Rei behaviour, especially the defense she offered.‘Y-you own a shop?’

Rei nods. ‘Yep! And since you are Inkie’s family, I’ll even give you one free item.’


The pegasus turns Blinkie and Image towards the coffee shop and pushes them forward. ‘Now, go help make Ponyville the best town it can possibly be.’

The two ponies are stunned. They look back, then at each other. They smile and go to the shop to get to know each other.

‘Rei, what are you planning?’ Inkie asks.

Rei cackles and trots towards her shop. Inkie follows.

Stormy uses his magic to enter notes into his mobile. ‘When her dad hears about this, he’ll be proud.’ He sighs and finishes his coffee. ‘Just wish I was the one who did it.’

‘Blinkie and Image?!’ Pinkie stares at Rei and Inkie incredulously.

‘I know. It is weird, right?’ Inkie agrees.

‘I know! It totally works out, right?’ Rei cheers.

The sisters look at the pegasus. She smiles and giggles. The sisters sigh. The shop door opens.

‘Konnichiwa!’ Rei greets.

‘Uh, whatever,’ Blinkie replies. She sees her sisters and scowls. ‘I’m just here to drop off the plans.’

The young mare sets a scroll on the counter and turns. Before she can leave, Rei blocks her path.

‘You can’t go yet,’ the pegasus chirps. ‘You haven’t gotten your free item yet.’

Blinkie groans. ‘Fine.’ She looks around the shop and gets a small box. ‘Here. I’ll take this candy. I guess.’

‘Ah!’ Rei whines. ‘That is so tiny. You should get something cool!’ She gets out a box of graphic novels. ‘Here! I figured you’d be humble and picked out something you might enjoy.’

‘Th-thank you.’ Blinkie takes the box. She glances back at Inkie. ‘Image and I want to get started tomorrow. Try not to have too many objections to all my hard work.’

The young mare trots away with her gift. Rei smiles and waves. Once Blinkie is out of sight, Rei smirks, revealing a canine.

‘Okay. What just happened?’ Inkie asks.

‘The comic is a pretty tame SoL story, but it has a number of yuri elements,’ Daring replies as she trots out of the back. ‘We’re tricking her to see your relationship as not that bad of a thing.’

‘How do you know that?’

Daring laughs. ‘We did the same thing to a dean who was like that.’ She smirks. ‘Her catching me in her office in just my underwear helped the cause a bit.’ She thinks a second. ‘Though, I don’t remember what happened to the student I was with.’ She thinks harder. ‘I seem to remember him making dean’s list, which is odd since he didn’t have the best of grades.’

Inkie facehoofs and shakes her head. Rei and Pinkie nod along with the story.

The pegasus sighs. ‘Sixty years and still about one in a hundred like that. Sorry your sis is like that.’ She raises a hoof. ‘We will cure her! Mark my words!’

Inkie’s eye twitches. ‘Thanks, Daring.’

Pinkie grabs the other mare in a hug. ‘Daring is so kind! Save her! Save my darling sister Blinkie!’

Rei joins the hug. ‘We swear to return Blinkie to you.’ She waves her fillyfriend over.

Inkie groans and joins the hug. There is a bright flash.

‘Ha!’ Flitter laughs. ‘And they said working here wasn’t like working the weather service.’ She raises her mobile camera. ‘Now kiss and make it complete.’

Blinkie lays on her bed and smiles. She has her mobile at her ear while she holds one of her new graphic novels over her.

‘Hello, mother. It is me again. … No, I am not calling to complain again. … Well, I met a nice colt today.’ She giggles. ‘Even better, he is the artist on the project so I get to see him everyday! … What? Y-yes, I know I still have a job to do. S-seeing Image all the time is just an added bonus. … What do you mean “Is he cute?”! What does it matter that he is so handsome! … Mother! … We haven’t started yet. I spent the whole day with Image working out the artistic details. It is going to look wonderful if Inkie doesn’t screw everything up. … Well, uh, she d-did want to just work when we met this morning... I didn’t talk with her when I dropped of the plans earlier. Her’ -- she shudders -- ‘fillyfriend made me take something from her shop. … Well, it looked like an import shop of some sort. … Yeah, I didn’t know they had one this far out either. … Well, I tried just getting a box of candy, but she made me take a whole box of comics instead. … I don’t know. I guess they are okay. Oh, you should totally go to the shop. She said I got the gift because I am Inkie’s sister. I bet she would give you something too. … Maybe. I’ll check tomorrow. … She seems nice, but that doesn’t excuse her for being a freak. … But!’ She takes a deep breath. ‘Fine. Whatever. Can you put dad on? I want to tell him about Image.’

Blinkie hums and keeps reading while she waits for her father.

Inkie looks over Blinkie’s plans. She makes a few small notes and sits back. Rei sets a small dinner in front of her fillyfriend before digging into the large dinner she made for herself.

‘How’s it look?’ Rei asks, taking a bite of her meal.

‘Flawless, as usual,’ Inkie sighs. ‘Blinkie has a knack for masonry and stonework. There are a few small details I want to go over with her, but everything seems to be in order.’

‘That’s good! How about the other front?’

‘What other front?’

‘The “Inkie-chan really loves her sister” front.’

Inkie looks away. ‘I... I don’t really hate her. I just hate the way she is thinking.’ She sighs. ‘Pinkie and I do admire her. She is definitely the best rock farmer of us. Remember when we were in the game illusion?’

Rei nods. ‘I was chased by birds. I’m still wary of them.’

Inkie laughs. ‘I told you about how I kicked through the rock. I was actually channeling Blinkie. I can do a super kick like that, but not with the skill and precision she has. She could have kicked that boulder in to cobble.’


Inkie sighs. ‘How do you think it is going?’

Rei shrugs. ‘We’ll see. You’ll see her tomorrow, right? You’ll know sooner than I will.’

Inkie sighs and eats her dinner. ‘Too bad you can’t cook for her. I’d do anything for this cooking.’

‘Anything, you say?’

The young mares giggle and eat their dinner.

The center of town is filled with ponies working construction. Blinkie directs some workers then goes to a workstation set up at town hall. Inkie looks over the plans.

‘Glad to see you are not screwing everything up,’ Blinkie snorts.

‘You have everything well in hoof,’ Inkie replies. ‘I do have a couple small concerns, though.’

Her sister rolls her eyes. ‘Here we go...’

‘First, we are laying the stones into the roadway. Won’t that ruin the designs quicker and track more dirt over them?’

‘Better than having to wipe your hooves or step up every single time a pony wants to use it.’

‘Hmm. I guess I just don’t want our sister’s cutie mark to get ruined.’

‘The mayor has assured me that the upkeep of the square will be top notch. We have nothing to worry about.’

‘That’s good.’ Inkie looks at the plans then at the supply of stones. ‘I take it the colored stones have yet to arrive.’

‘Image is working on that as we speak. He said that he can make a special paint that will make the stones glow slightly and protect them from long-term damage.’

Inkie trots away. ‘I’m going to stop him before he makes himself sterile.’

Blinkie smirks. ‘Sterile, eh? More sex without me worrying.’

‘Blinkie!’ her sister snaps. ‘You are a year younger than me!’

‘If you haven’t done it by now, then you have a lot of catching up to do.’

‘Blinkie!’ Inkie sees her sister’s playful smile. ‘You’re joking, aren’t you?’

Blinkie laughs. ‘Sorry. I keep forgetting that you don’t have much normal school experience.’ She sighs. ‘Heck. I don’t really either with all the home schooling.’

‘Yeah, but you still saw other ponies more than I did. It was just luck our parents sent me instead.’

‘You were more qualified.’ She smiles. ‘And you met Rei too.’

‘Yeah. That was was great.’ She laughs and looks at her sister. ‘I should go check on Image. We’ll be back in a bit.’

‘Take your time.’ Blinkie looks over the construction site. ‘We’ll be here for a while.’

‘Konnichiwa!’ Rei cheers as Blinkie enters Neighponese Imports.

‘Um, hey,’ the young mare replies. ‘Um, my mom asked me if you had some products she might be interested in.’

‘Whatcha looking for, Blinkie-chan?’

‘Well, mom likes collecting stoneware from around the world. She doesn’t get to cities other than Hoofington often, and all they have are stuff from Canida.’

‘We have lots of stuff from Neighpon, Equina, Inucheon, Mongrolia...’

‘I’ll get you a sampling,’ Daring interrupts as she heads to the back of the store.

‘Was that..?’

Daring turns back. ‘I’ll sign anywhere you want.’ She winks. ‘I’ll even kiss it afterward.’

Blinkie blushes bright red. The pegasus laughs and starts getting some stoneware for her customer. Blinkie collects herself and looks at Rei. The young pegasus smiles widely.

‘So, where are you and Image-kun going for dinner?’ Rei asks.


‘You’re not going out on a date?’

The younger mare blushes again. ‘W-we should...’

‘You should go to the fancy place! It is the best for date times!’

‘F-fancy?! I don’t think I can afford it. Mom won’t let me write it off as a business expense...’

‘I’ll treat!’ Rei smiles. ‘It can be a double date! Blinkie-chan and Image-kun and Rei-chan and Inkie-chan! It will be fun!’

‘I don’t kn-’

‘Great! We’ll pick you up at six! Be hungry!’

Blinkie sighs, looks down and shakes her head. When she looks up, Rei has been replaced by Daring laying out stoneware like a bazaar display.

‘Step right up for all your stoneware needs!’ Daring announces. ‘You, young filly. You look like a pony who enjoys the finer things.’

Blinkie groans as Daring puts on her show.

Image gets the chairs for each of the young mares. Blinkie blushes as she is helped. The young stallion grunts as he finally sits. A puffy pink mane can be seen at another table. Inkie looks over the menu.

‘Might try something different this time...’ She looks at her fillyfriend. ‘The usual for you?’


‘So, uh, what is good here?’ Blinkie asks.

‘I have no idea. I could never afford it...’ Image replies.

‘Try anything,’ Inkie recommends. ‘It is all good.’

‘That is what I am having!’ Rei adds.

The others give her a confused look until the waiter trots up. He sets a plate of pasta in front of the pegasus.

‘May I get any of you a drink or an appetizer?’

‘The usual,’ Inkie replies. She looks at the others. ‘Get whatever you want.’

Rei looks up from her first dish. ‘Cherry cola, please!’

‘Just, uh, water for me,’ Blinkie replies.

‘S-same,’ Image agrees.

‘And an order of gnocchi for the table,’ Inkie adds.

‘Very good. I’ll be back with your drinks in a moment.’

Rei finishes her plate and looks up. She licks the sauce from her face.

Inkie sighs, ‘You missed a spot.’


Inkie leans in and licks Rei’s cheek. ‘There.’ She licks again. ‘And there.’ She gives Rei a kiss on the lips. ‘And there.’

Blinkie stares in shock. She does not know how to react. Rei kisses her fillyfriend again then turns away to start on her next dish before the waiter can even set it down. Across the restaurant, Pinkie laughs at her sisters before turning to her meal.

‘It is good to see them getting along,’ the mare comments.

‘Uh huh,’ James replies eating. ‘So cute.’

The stallion looks up from his plate. He ponders raiding a plate set at a third place at the table

Pinkie smiles coyly. ‘Missed a spot.’


The mare tips the stallion’s plate a bite, getting some sauce in his lap. ‘There. Let me get it for you.’

Pinkie slips under the table, but she is instantly pulled out, wrapped in a purple aura.

‘Pinkie!’ Twilight scolds, trotting back to the table. She growls at her friend. ‘I’ll take care of it.’

The stallion squeaks as the mares start fighting over him.

Inkie trots around the construction site. The stonework is going smoothly. The outer perimeter was installed the day before, and the workers have started on the cutie marks. Image recruited a couple of artist friends to help coat the stones. Inkie reaches town hall. Blinkie stares at Image and sighs blissfully.

‘Did you two have a good time last night?’ the older sister asks. She gets no reply. ‘Hello! Equestria to Blinkie!’

‘What?!’ Blinkie snaps to attention. ‘I’m here.’

‘Lost in your own little world.’

‘Sorry. It is just...’

Inkie smiles. ‘I know how it is. Rei and I were like that at first. It only gets better.’

‘You and Rei... Right...’ Blinkie takes a deep breath and trots away. ‘Can you handle things here? There is something I need to take care of.’

‘Sure. Don’t be too long.’

Blinkie nods and gallops away.

The next day, Pinkie and Inkie trot through the hotel Blinkie is staying at.

‘I wonder why we are here,’ Pinkie wonders.

‘I don’t know,’ Inkie replies. ‘She just ran off yesterday and never came back, then we got the call this morning.’

They reach the room, and Pinkie knocks.

‘It’s open!’ Blinkie shouts.

The sisters shrug and push the door open. Two wrapped boxes sit on the bed. A third sits on the floor. Pinkie tentatively taps the one of the floor with a hoof. The box falls over, and Blinkie spills out.

‘You will not believe how hard it is fitting in one of those!’ the young mare pants.

‘You just have to bend your legs the right way,’ Pinkie replies.

‘So, uh, why did you invite us here?’ Inkie asks.

Blinkie sighs and looks away. ‘I wanted to apologize. I even got you gifts.’

The younger sister nods to the bed. The older sisters investigate. Inkie opens her box and gasps at a rock inside. Pinkie raises an eyebrow at a falling-apart cake.

‘Th-that was the best I could do,’ Blinkie tells her oldest sister. ‘Took all day and made a huge mess of the hotel kitchen.’ She frowns. ‘Sorry that it is not that good...’

Pinkie eats the whole cake in one bite. ‘Yum! That was delicious! Even better knowing you made it.’

‘You really like it?’

‘Uh huh.’ Pinkie’s stomach gurgles. ‘Excuse me for an unrelated reason now.’

Blinkie looks at her other sister who is gaping at the rock.

‘I, uh, found that on the farm a while ago,’ Blinkie explains. ‘According to mom’s books, it is...’

‘Serpentinite,’ Inkie answers. ‘Mantle rock. Somewhat rare, especially this far inland. This is so cool.’

‘I thought you’d like it.’

There is a flush, and Pinkie trots from the washroom trailing toilet paper on a hoof. ‘Sorry about that. Something I ate disagreed with me. Del might like your cake more than my stomach did.’

‘Del?’ Blinkie asks. ‘You mean the little changeling filly?’

The older sisters stare in shock.

‘What? We employed a few on the farm a while back. A little hard work in exchange for keeping their secret. They’re quite fun, actually.’

‘You don’t freak out about changelings, but same-sex ponies set you off!’ Inkie shouts.

Blinkie shrinks away. ‘That is what I wanted to apologize about. I shouldn’t have been upset with you. It is just...’

Pinkie sits beside her younger sister.

‘You know how I get to go to regular school occasionally? Well, they have their dances and other social events that are really fun. Only...’ Blinkie takes a breath. ‘Since I don’t go often, nopony really knows me too well. I have friends, and that is great but when it comes to dating, I am so alone. Nopony would ask to dance with me, even my friends, some of who I know are into mares or mares and stallions. It just made me really bitter.’ She frowns and looks at Inkie. ‘You could have said you were dating Prince Shining Armor and I still would have yelled at you that day. It was just knowing other mares didn’t want to be with me too... And after we fought, I guess I convinced myself that I was right to be angry, so I stayed mad for no reason...’

‘It is okay, Blinkie,’ Pinkie assures. ‘You got to meet Image, and you’re happy together.’

The younger mare smiles and nods. ‘It is great seeing what this “dating” thing is all about. He’s a wonderful guy too.’

‘And if things don’t work out with him, there are plenty of other fine stallions out there,’ Inkie adds, sitting with her sister.

‘And mares too,’ Blinkie giggles.

The sisters laugh and hug. A laugh comes from behind them. They look and see a pale grey mare standing in the doorway.

‘Most ponies close their doors when they have a private get-together,’ Cloudy Quartz laughs as she joins her daughters.

‘Mother!’ Blinkie gasps. ‘What are you doing here?’

‘How do you think your rock got here so fast?’ The mother sits with her daughters. ‘It is great seeing my girls get along again.’

‘We always got along,’ Pinkie replies. ‘We just forgot how for a bit.’

Cloudy laughs and hugs her daughters. ‘Now, I hate to break us up, but I think two of you have a roadway to finish.’

‘Yes, mom,’ Inkie and Blinkie moan as they leave.

Cloudy helps Pinkie up. ‘And let’s get a party started. I bet you’ve been trying so hard to hold back.’

Pinkie laughs. ‘Thanks, mom. You’ve always been the best.’

Cloudy laughs again. ‘As a wise pony told me when you were all foals, a little understanding goes a long way. Besides, somepony has to keep you to three in line.’

The mother and daughter laugh again and head off to get the party started.

Author's Note:

Story Timeline: The Pie sisters reunite. Blinkie starts dating Image. A new roadway is put in around town hall.

Story Event: I've been wanting to use every Pie sister for a long while now. Finding a way to work Blinkie in was hard. I wanted to keep her a rock farmer/geologist like the rest of her family but not have her end up like Inkie. I figure a balance of mason and geologist for the two of them works. If the story (read: TWP as a whole) went on longer, I would have explored the Pie side of Blinkie (and maybe the whole pie family) more. They always seem like they should have super abilities like Pinkie does.

Post Maud Pie: DAMN YOU, LARSON! He didn't write any episodes for season 4 and I'm blaming him for me needing to work Maud into the story. Stay tuned in the sequel...

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