• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,910 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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Sweetie Belle's First Date

Characters (Human): Stormy, Sweetie Belle, Rei, Inkie, Flitter, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Pipsqueak, Dinky, Rumble, Featherweight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash
Characters (Pony): Lyra
Original Start Date: October 29, 2012

‘Do I have to?’ Stormy groans as he holds his head in his hands.

‘PLEASE, STORMY!’ Sweetie Belle begs beside him.

‘It is all up to you,’ Rarity sighs, ‘but you know how much it would mean to her.’

The household is eating dinner at Carousel Boutique. Stormy looks over at the young girl, almost a teenager, who he considers a little sister. She stares up at him with the saddest of expressions.

‘I’ll have to check with Trixie,’ the young man groans while texting. ‘But be warned: if she says “no”, that is fi...’ He gets a text. ‘Damn it, Trixie...’ He groans again and looks at Sweetie. ‘Fine. We can go on a date.’

‘YES!’ Sweetie Belle shouts, fist pumping.

The young teen hops up from her seat and rushes off to call her friends.

‘It is wonderful of you to agree to this, Stormy,’ Rarity compliments. ‘It will be a good opportunity for you two to spend some time together as well as give her practice for when she is ready to date.’

‘I don’t mind spending time with her,’ Stormy grumbles. ‘It is just that she is like a sister to me. It will be weird.’

‘Would you prefer she have her first date with a boy in class and she ends up feeling sad and rejected and standing in the rain in her best dress that she sewed herself, plotting to one day destroy everything he stands for bit by bit just to see him suffer until he knows true pain and misery?’

‘How is Noteworthy?’

‘He’s doing fine.’ Rarity looks away. ‘For now.’

Sweetie Belle runs back into the room. ‘Rarity! Are you going to make me a new dress for this?’

‘I will, Sweetie Belle. No need to shout.’

‘Good, because I have a few design ideas I want to show you.’

‘Dear Celestia. I hope you remembered to put a hole for your head this time.’

Rarity sighs and follows her sister away.

‘What about me?’ Stormy asks.

Sweetie looks back. ‘You’ll be handsome no matter what. You can wear whatever.’ She grins evilly and covers her mouth. ‘Not that you’ll need it.’

The two women head upstairs to look at Sweetie’s designs, leaving a stunned Stormy. The young man sighs and cleans up. He sets the dishes in the sink he quickly turns around.

‘Wait. What?!’

At Inkie’s slightly-furnished apartment, Rei lays on Inkie’s lap while they watch a movie together. Thanks to Scootaloo’s mother doing some post-holiday remodeling, the young women finally have a couch to sit on. Inkie smiles and rubs Rei’s back a bit.

‘So, what do you think?’ Inkie asks.

‘I think Inkie-chan has the best lap in the world,’ Rei coos. ‘I just want to kiss it all over.’

Both women freeze at the implication of the statement. They blush bright red. Rei quickly sits up and scoots to the opposite end of the couch.

Rei fakes a cough. ‘Anyway, we have to do something about this Stormy situation.’

‘Oh, geez,’ Inkie groans. ‘Just because his tweet said “FML”, doesn’t mean he needs our help to make it a reality.’

‘Are you saying something about my problem solving skills?’ Rei growls.

‘Well, just before break, you were detained for trying to help Silver Spoon.’

‘Once everything was worked out, I was in the clear, Spoon-chan was able to see her daddy and bakayaro failed the class. We all won.’

‘Yeah, I don’t think him failing was a win...’

‘It was for the two of us.’

Inkie groans.

‘Besides, I just want to watch him and Sweetie-chan. I think they will be cute together.’

Inkie takes deep breath. ‘Well, as long as we’re not interfering...’

‘And that is why I called in backup.’


There is a knock on the door. Rei springs up and answers before Inkie can react. She opens the door and ushers a slightly older woman inside.

‘Good timing, Flitter-chan,’ Rei greets. ‘We were just talking about you.’

‘All good, I hope,’ Flitter laughs.

‘How could you have called in backup when Stormy just posted?’ Inkie protests.

‘Because Sweetie texted me right after he said “yes”,’ Rei giggles as she sits back down.

Flitter sits between the couple and puts her arms around them. ‘So, what’s the scoop, girls? What do you need Flitter’s amazing help with?’

‘Stormy has a date with Sweetie Belle,’ Rei explains. ‘We need you to run interference while we spy on him. He will be expecting us, not you.’

‘Sweet. Hope her first date was better than my first date.’ She shakes her head. ‘Feathers everywhere...’ She looks at the younger women. ‘He crashed his bike into a chicken coop. Of course, he bailed on me so I was the one in the hospital for a week.’ She clenches a fist and scowls. ‘Then he somehow broke a rib cage...’

Inkie tries sliding away from the disturbed woman. Rei smiles and nods to the story.

‘Great!’ Rei cheers. ‘He’ll never know what hit him.’

Scootaloo paces back and forth across the Cutie Mark Crusader clubhouse. Her arms are crossed, and she is deep in thought. Apple Bloom watches her friend and looks around slightly. Scootaloo stops and looks at her friend.

‘I bet you’re wondering why I called you here again.’ Scootaloo says.

‘What do ya mean “again”?!’ Apple Bloom shouts.

‘It is because we have another traitor in our midst!’

‘Another?’ Apple Bloom thinks. ‘Wait a minute...’

Scootaloo scowls. ‘Sweetie Belle.’

‘Ah, geez. What’d she do?’

‘She is going on a date, too.’

Apple Bloom jumps up and spins around. ‘Did y’all do this on mah date too!’

Seated around the clubhouse are several other children. Dinky chats with Pipsqueak. Silver Spoon holds Rumble’s hand while the dark grey-haired boy stares at Scootaloo. Diamond Tiara sighs and poses slightly while the skinny Featherweight documents the meeting with his camera. A rustling comes from the mini fridge as Del looks for snacks, her tiara on the fridge as her messy red hair falls everywhere and her skirt slides up a bit.

‘Listen,’ Scootaloo snorts. ‘It doesn’t matter who spied on whose date, or who threw pizza at who, Diamond Tiara.’ -- the other girl turns and harrumphs -- ‘What matters is that we protect Sweetie Belle if Stormy tries doing something weird. Who’s with me!’

‘How’d y’all know ‘bout the pizza!’

‘I’m in!’ Dinky cheers. ‘I have been waiting for us to do something like this again! Well, this or another sleepover.’

Rumble nods. ‘We’re totally in. Right, Silver Spoon?’

‘Sure. I guess,’ the girl sighs.

‘Great!’ Scootaloo grins, exposing a canine. ‘Since we’re all in, let’s continue planning.’

‘Wait. We all didn’ agree,’ Apple Bloom protests.

‘Of course you all did.’ Scootaloo points at Pipqueak. ‘Pip will do it because Dinky is in.’ The young teen groans. ‘Diamond is in because she thinks she is the leader.’

Diamond Tiara tosses a lock of hair over her shoulder. ‘What do you mean “think”? Someone has to fund this venture.’

Scootaloo groans and points at Featherweight. ‘He’ll do whatever I say.’

‘What?’ Featherweight grunts as he snaps a photo.

‘And Del will do whatever I say if I mention that I have a pack of powdered donuts in my bag.’

‘Mine!’ Del shouts as she dives across the room to dig through Scootaloo’s bag.

‘See. We’re all in,’ Scootaloo gloats.

Apple Bloom sighs and shakes her head. ‘Y’all can be a pain in the patooty, ya know that?’

There is a loud crack. Everyone looks to see Featherweight pulling his leg from the floor.

‘Sorry.’ The young teen smiles sheepishly, his buck teeth prominent.

‘How the hay are ya the one t’ fall through the floor! Yer the skinniest one here!’

‘Hey! Focus!’ Scootaloo shouts. ‘We need a plan. Sweetie Belle isn’t telling us anything. She probably suspects we are going to be watching her since she was in on it last time.’

‘Again with the “last time”!’ Apple Bloom yells.

Scootaloo rolls her eyes and looks at Pipsqueak. ‘You had the most, uh, face time with her at the sleepover. What do you think she is planning?’

The young man feels even smaller than normal as everyone looks at him. Dinky glares and starts growling.

‘Well, uh, you see...’ Pipsqueak searches for the right words. ‘We just kissed for the silly game. It wasn’t anything more than that.’

‘Fine,’ Scootaloo groans. Then a thought hits. ‘Wait. Aren’t you in Rarity’s class? Maybe she or Stormy can tell you something.’

Pipsqueak looks down. ‘I guess I can ask Stormy...’

‘Great. Anyone else in the class, do what you can. We’ll press Sweetie more when we...’

‘I need a drink now!’ Del declares as she finishes eating. ‘Also, the hard pink candy went stale.’

‘That was my eraser...’

‘Oh. Sorry.’

Del sticks out her tongue. A large pink wad sits at the tip. Her long canines glint in the light.

‘EW!’ Silver Spoon and Pipsqueak say as they recoil.

‘COOL!’ Dinky and Diamond Tiara cheer as they lean in for a better look.

‘Dude, that’s gross.’ Rumble grimaces and holds Silver Spoon.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom groan and hold their heads. Featherweight edges around the clubhouse to get a better shot.

Rarity settles into the spa next to her friend Fluttershy. Their spa dates always feel more welcome in the middle of winter. The quieter of the women just smiles as she watches her friend relax.

‘This feels great. Right, Fluttershy?’

‘Yes. It feels so good to relax a bit between the holidays.’

‘So, where was I with the latest gossip?’

‘You said you had something about Sweetie Belle. I hope she is okay.’

Rarity laughs. ‘More than okay. She is doing fabulous. She has her first date coming up. Stormy is going to take her out and treat her like the diva she is.’

‘Oh! That is wonderful.’ Fluttershy smiles. ‘I hope nothing goes wrong.’

‘Why should it, darling? Stormy is a wonderful gentleman. He is going to show Sweetie a marvelous time, and there is no worry of anything untoward happening. It is the perfect situation.’

Fluttershy nods. ‘But what about their friends?’

‘Excuse me?’

‘If I remember Apple Bloom’s date, didn’t Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo and even Rei and Stormy all follow James around town all day?’

‘That’s right!’

‘Not to mention that there are all sorts of potential dangers and slip-ups that can occur on a winter’s day. What if some bully attacks them with snowballs or Sweetie gets hit by a falling icicle or a sudden flurry traps them outside as it slowly buries them in a makeshift ice cave, the oxygen slowly running out as they breathe themselves to death, all the while dealing with the starvation and freezing temperatures? It could be a total nightmare!’

Rarity stares at her friend in shock.

Fluttershy squeaks and tries hiding behind her hair. ‘Or something less gruesome but equally scary could happen.’

‘You are completely right!’ Rarity gasps. She grabs Fluttershy by the shoulders. ‘You have to help me protect Sweetie Belle!’ She hugs Fluttershy tight. ‘My poor, precious little sister. Alone out there with her adopted brother. Facing potential death at every turn. No! I will not let that happen! I will protect her! WE will protect her! My best friend and I are coming to save you, Sweetie Belle!’

‘Uh... Rarity...’

‘Yes, Fluttershy?’

‘Can I get my face out of your breasts now?’

Rarity releases her blushing friend. ‘Dreadfully sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. So, will you help me?’

‘Well, uh...’

Rarity growls and pulls her friend in again.

‘I’ll help! I’ll help!’

Rarity lets go. ‘Wonderful of you to volunteer! OH! I’ll design us some snow bunny/Sweetie tracker outfits.’ She squeals. ‘It is going to be so fun.’

Fluttershy groans and sinks into the spa.

On the morning of the big date, Rarity helps Sweetie Belle comb her hair. The task complete, the older sister helps the younger with her specially-designed dress and overcoat. Rarity tears up a little seeing how beautiful her sister looks. The two sisters head downstairs and are greeted by their adopted brother. Stormy looks exceptionally handsome despite wearing only casual winter clothes. He smiles at his younger date.

‘Madam,’ Stormy greets with a bow, taking Sweetie’s hand and kissing it.

The young girl turns beet red and freezes.

Stormy leans towards Rarity and whispers, ‘Told you your classes were overkill.’

‘Oh, hush. I think any girl, even myself, would be more than a little excited to receive such fine treatment from a handsome gent like yourself.’

‘If you think this gets you excited, you should see the behaviour that drives Trixie wild.’

‘Well, she is not your date today, Mr Strawberry.’

Stormy shudders. ‘Please don’t ever call me that.’ He looks down at Sweetie Belle. ‘Ready to hit the town, m’lady?’

Sweetie replies with a high pitched squeak that counts as a ‘yes’, and she and Stormy walk out of the building together. Rarity goes to the door and waves to them.

‘Have a fun time!’ the older sister calls. ‘You are such a lovely couple!’

Stormy flashes the peace sign as he walks away. Rarity gives her siblings a moment to leave before dashing into the house, charging up the stairs, accidentally kicking Opalescence into the wall and darting to her room. The woman quickly strips off her lounging clothes and dons the special winter weather spy gear she designed for herself and Fluttershy. She even puts on a pair of trifocal goggles that she ‘borrowed’ from Pinkie Pie. The fashionista takes a moment to check herself in a mirror before exiting her room. She marches downstairs, careful to avoid the seemingly intentionally hazardly positioned Opal, and heads out the back door. Rarity scans the street and runs across town to meet with Fluttershy.

Rarity finds her friend waiting by the spa, dressed in the same cold weather gear sans trifocal goggles. Fluttershy smiles and waves.

‘Hi, Rarity. You look lovely today.’

‘No time for chit chat. Our targets are on the move. We have thirty clicks until they arrive at the first destination.’

‘Um, Rarity, a click means ki...’

‘No talking! Let’s move!’

Fluttershy screams as her friend starts pushing her away. Aloe and Lotus watch the two women from the warmth of their business.

‘And to think, they are our best customers,’ Lotus sighs.

A large number of children and adults are at one of the town’s larger ponds for some ice skating. Other nearby ponds have fewer skaters, but everyone is having a great time. Stormy helps Sweetie Belle tie her skates after putting on his. Behind him, Pinkie Pie zips past.

‘Whee! This is fun! Catch me if you can!’ the bubbly woman calls.

Seconds later, The Slipping Physicist slides past, trying to keep his balance.

‘This is why I hate ice levels. Ice physics suck.’

Stormy finishes tying his date’s skates and helps her stand up. The young man helps Sweetie Belle to the ice, and they skate away together. Featherweight absentmindedly takes a picture of the couple as he walks to the meetup point. He rounds a hill and is immediately pulled aside.

For this leg in the observations, Scootaloo has set up camp at one of the smaller ponds. On the ice, Dinky, Pipsqueak, Silver Spoon, Rumble and Apple Boom are skating and playing games together. Diamond Tiara is guarding her cup of hot chocolate from a drooling Del. Scootaloo looks like the only one who means business with her black turtleneck and trifocal goggles that she somehow acquired.

‘What do you think you are doing?’ Scootaloo asks the confused Featherweight. ‘Do you want to blow our cover?’

‘I’m sorry. I didn’t know,’ Featherweight defends.

‘Please,’ Diamond Tiara scoffs. ‘You’re the one giving us away. Could you wear anything else to make you stand out more?’

‘Hey! This is tactical espionage gear! At least I am taking this seriously.’

‘Right. If I had a pair of toy goggles, I would be so much more “ninja”.’

Scootaloo stomps over to her friend. ‘They aren’t a toy. They are real.’

‘Oh, yeah?’ Diamond Tiara sips her drink. ‘Prove it.’

Scootaloo growls and lowers her goggles. Featherweight gets his camera ready just in time for the young teen to activate her hardware. Nearly instantaneously, Scootaloo screams and pulls off her goggles. She falls to the ground, holding her eyes and swearing like a sailor.

Apple Bloom stops skating and looks over. ‘Don’ tell me y'all were dumb enough t’ turn on yer nightvision goggles in the daylight.’

‘Shut the **** up!’ Scootaloo shouts. ‘Damn it! That really burns!’

Diamond Tiara calmly sips her drink. ‘Huh. So I guess they do work.’

Scootaloo rolls her face into the snow, cursing her friend. Suddenly, a scream comes from their pond. Everyone looks over to see Del stuck to the pond by her tongue. She flails and trying to force herself free without hurting herself. Diamond Tiara groans and holds out her drink. Apple Bloom takes it to unfreeze her friend.

Back on the big pond, Sweetie is leaning against Stormy while they skate. He hopes she is just cold and not planning something devious. The young girl looks up at her date and smiles.

‘Stormy... There is something I’ve been meaning to tell you...’

Stormy suppresses a groan. ‘Yes?’

‘Well, uh... Never mind.’

‘If it is important, you can tell me.’

Sweetie shakes her head. ‘Not yet. It is not the right point in the date.’

Stormy sighs and continues skating. From behind a small mound of snow, Rarity sighs too.

‘They are just so adorable together,’ the fashionista coos.

‘Too bad they are practically siblings.’

‘Oh, they would make such a lovely couple. But then, the age situation would be a reverse of what he has with Trixie.’

‘Pfft! They’re old enough to do what they... Wait. He’s still with Trixie?’

‘Fluttershy, you know that. I share all of the saucy details on our spa dates.’

‘Well, uh, refresh my memory.’

‘What are you...’

Rarity turns around. Fluttershy happily performs ballet on a small pond she has to herself. Rarity keeps turning to see Rainbow Dash’s grinning face next to hers.

‘So, what are we doin’?’ the daredevil asks.

‘You are going elsewhere,’ Rarity huffs. ‘Fluttershy and I are supposed to be making sure Stormy’s date with Sweetie Belle goes without a hitch.’

‘Sweet. I’m in.’

‘You most certainly are not! They are my family, and I will be the one to covertly observe and record everything they do.’

‘Uh, Rarity. Which one of us is Loyalty again? They are my friends, too. I ain’t one to want my friends to have a bad date.’

‘That is quite nice of you, Rainbow Dash. We would appreciate your...’

Rainbow Dash gets up and starts climbing the snowbank.

‘Where are you going?’

Dash looks back and smirks. ‘Trust me. Just helping them out. They’ll love it.’

Rainbow Dash hops on the ice and walks across until she catches Stormy.

‘Sup, Stormy. Sup, Sweetie Belle.’

‘Hi, Rainbow Dash!’ Sweetie Belle greets. ‘We’re on a date!’

‘Not so loud...’ Stormy moans.

‘Sweet. Got a real winner here.’ Dash pokes Stormy in the gut.

‘What do you want, Rainbow Dash?’ Stormy grumbles.

‘I just wanted to see if you were up for a little race.’ Dash leans in and whispers, ‘Come on. Show off for the kid. If not for a date, at least as her brother.’

Stormy groans. Another skater skids to a stop next to the group.

‘Did someone say race?’ Flitter asks.

‘Hells, yeah!’ Dash cheers. ‘Stormy just challenged me and said he was gonna whoop me.’

‘Actually, Sweetie and I were just going to...’

‘Please, Stormy!’ Sweetie begs. ‘You are a million times cooler than Rainbow Dash and when you win, that will finally get Scootaloo to shut up about her.’

A snowball sails wide over Sweetie’s head and hits Stormy in the ear. As Stormy wipes the snow from him and looks around, he sees a bit of purple hair duck behind a snowbank. That is followed by a bright flash as Featherweight takes another picture. Stormy holds his head and grumbles to himself about the situation.

‘Fine! I’ll do it!’ Stormy replies to the women surrounding him.

‘All right,’ Dash cheers.

‘Bring it, punk!’ Flitter shouts, puffing out her chest.

Stormy groans as the three racers line up along the shore and go over the conditions for the race. Sweetie skates over to Featherweight. She reaches into a pocket and starts counting a wad of bills.

‘Here is a hundred,’ the girl offers. ‘I know you like taking pictures and stuff. Follow us around and take pictures of us all day. Make them good and romantic like! If I really love ‘em, I’ll give you bonus.’

Featherweight stares at the money. ‘Where did you get all of that?’

‘I stole it from Rarity’s dresser. It was right next to her flashlight.’

The girl snorts and turns away defensively just as another snowball flies wide and hits Featherweight in the face. Sweetie turns back right as the boy brushes himself clean.

‘So? We have deal?’

Featherweight quickly takes the money and puts in a pocket. Rainbow Dash whistles to get Sweetie Belle’s attention. The girl turns and squeals happily.

‘YOU CAN DO IT, STORMY!’ Sweetie Belle shouts at an inhuman volume.

The yell is enough to startle all of the other skaters. Fluttershy loses her balance and falls. Rei drops from a nearby tree. Scootaloo fears she will lose her hearing along with her vision. The racers wince at the yell.

‘You get used to it,’ Stormy mumbles.

Dash shakes her head clear. ‘All right, ready?’ She gets nods. ‘Go!’

Stormy skates as hard as he can. A second later, the two women give chase. Stormy gets a lead, but he stumbles a bit. The women slow to allow him to catch himself, but Rainbow Dash loses traction due to not wearing skates. She grabs Flitter’s coat as she falls, causing both women to hit the ice. Flitter’s compact falls from her pocket and slides across the ice and under Stormy’s skate. The young man slips and slides into a snowbank.

‘Stormy!’ Sweetie shouts as she zips across the ice.

Rainbow Dash pulls her hand out of the way in time to save her fingers as the young girl skates to her date. Sweetie climbs on top of Stormy and gives him a big hug as he sits up.

‘Are you okay?’ Sweetie asks, trying to pull Stormy to her chest.

‘I’m fine. Just tripped a bit. … Are you sitting on my lap?’

Sweetie blushes because of the position she is in. ‘I just wanted to hug you...’

Stormy groans and stands, moving Sweetie aside. He pats the girl on the back. ‘Come on. Let’s go to lunch.’

Stormy and Sweetie Belle walk up to one of the town’s finer cafes. The waiter shows them past other couples enjoying themselves. One of the tables even features a certain farmer taking a break from her duties. Applejack sighs and stares happily across the table at her guest.

‘You know, I am only doing this because I was in the area and needed a boost,’ James says as he sips his coffee. ‘I didn’t know you were into this sort of thing. It is a little... Are you not wearing shoes and is that your foot in my pocket?’

Applejack giggles as her guest growls at her. The waiter shows another couple to their table. Rei sighs as she leans against Inkie’s arm. The taller woman laughs at her girlfriend as they take their seats. The waiter heads back to the entrance to see what couple awaits him next. He groans at the large group of kids waiting for him. They are arguing about who should be seated. While the group fights, the waiter leads Silver Spoon and Rumble away.

‘We should be allowed to get our own table,’ Pipsqueak argues. ‘My parents gave me about twenty quid, and I don’t mind sharing with Dinky.’

Dinky gets a confused look as she tries figuring out how much money Pipsqueak has.

‘Fine. I don’t care what you two do,’ Diamond Tiara scoffs. ‘Scootaloo and I will eat by ourselves.’

‘Wait,’ Featherweight interrupts. ‘Scootaloo said she would dine with me when I asked her back at the pond.’

Scootaloo blinks and squints. ‘Featherweight? I thought Apple Bloom was asking me.’

Apple Bloom looks around. ‘Ah ain’t one fer this hoity toity stuff. Ah’ll get lunch someplace else. Who’s with me?’

Del drops from over the counter where the small girl was scarfing down all of the complimentary mints. She tries talking, but sprays chocolate everywhere. Apple Bloom grabs the young girl’s hand.

‘Ya’ll are comin’ with me. Who else is with me?’

Featherweight fumbles with his camera. ‘Well, uh, Sweetie did pay me to take pictures. I don’t mind sharing a table if Scootaloo doesn’t.’

‘Fine,’ Diamond Tiara groans. ‘You can sit with us.’

Scootaloo turns to Featherweight. ‘That was very nice of you to share, Diamond.’ She turns to Diamond Tiara. ‘I told all of you she was nice.’

The rich girl sighs heavily. ‘If you promise not to tell your mom, I’ll pay for the LASIK.’

‘Nah. I’ll be fine. Just need a good meal in me.’

‘I guess I am paying for that too,’ Diamond Tiara moans as she waves down the waiter.

The waiter shows the last group to a table while Apple Bloom drags Del from the cafe. As they walk out, they pass another group having a conversation.

‘Come on, Rarity,’ Rainbow Dash grumbles. ‘I’m hungry.’

‘It doesn’t make logical sense,’ Rarity argues. ‘If we eat near their next destination, then we’ll be ahead of the game.’

‘But what if somewhere happens in there. We have to make sure, and have a fancy meal while we’re at it.’

‘And the truth comes out...’

‘Hey! Get the stick out of your butt and let’s go in there.’ The daredevil smirks. ‘Unless you are into that.’

Rarity gasps. ‘How dare you imply that I would ever do something as unhygienic and quite uncomfortable as that!’

Rainbow Dash starts laughing. ‘You’ve actually done that?’

Rarity turns bright red. ‘I-if I have, it was an ill-advised venture that ended poorly for all parties involved.’

‘Oh!’ Fluttershy gasps. ‘Was that the week where you were extra careful at the spa?’

Rainbow Dash falls over laughing so hard she starts hiccuping.

‘FLUTTERSHY!’ Rarity screams.

The timid woman squeaks and starts looking for a place to hide. ‘I’msorry! Iforgotweweren’tsupposedtotalkaboutthat!’

Rainbow Dash chokes for air. Rarity starts bringing her rage under control. She is able to take a few calm breaths, but her face is still red.

‘How about we go to the fanciest place near the next destination and I pay for everything? Order as much as you want.’

Rainbow Dash gets her breathing under control. ‘Sounds’ -- gasp -- ‘good to’ -- gasp -- ‘me.’

Fluttershy helps her friend up and the group starts walking away. Rarity lets Fluttershy take the lead as she slips behind Rainbow Dash and locks her friend in a choke hold.

‘And if you ever mention that rumor to anyone as long as you live, there won’t be a safe spot on this planet where you can hide. Understood?’

Rainbow Dash nods as best as she can before she is released to gasp for air once more. Rarity laughs smugly and walks past, tossing her hair over her shoulder.

Sweetie smiles and scoots closer to Stormy as they dine. The young man looks down at the girl as he drinks his coffee.



The girl sighs and sips her drink a bit. ‘Nothing.’

She leans against her date and continues drinking. She glares across the table for a moment before lighting up for seemingly no reason. On the other side of the room, Featherweight checks the pictures he has just taken before turning back to his table. Diamond Tiara tries to eat calmly despite Scootaloo scarfing down her lunch next to her.

‘This is great!’ Scootaloo says as she eats a small sandwich whole. ‘My mom never takes me places like this.’

‘Please go a bit slower,’ the rich girl requests. ‘There is a reason why your mother hasn’t taken you here.’

‘Are you saying I eat too much?’

‘No, you are perfectly fit’ -- Diamond turns and wipes Scootaloo’s face a bit -- ‘but the portions served here cannot keep up with your active life.’

‘Why did you wipe my face?’

‘I just want you to look your best while we’re here.’

Diamond reaches and again cleans her friend’s face. Scootaloo blushes bright red. There is a click as Featherweight takes a picture of them. Both girls freeze and blush. Featherweight raises his camera again.

‘If you say “now kiss”, I will punch you in the gut,’ Scootaloo threatens.

The boy laughs and lowers his camera.

‘Can I see the picture?’ Diamond ask. She gets handed the camera and gasps. ‘Can I get a copy of this for my room?’

Scootaloo’s blush deepens. ‘Geez. That’s just creepy.’

‘I want something cute of us together. That is cute.’

‘Don’t say that outloud.’

Featherweight fumbles with his camera. ‘You two are together... I thought... I mean...’

Both girls turn bright red. ‘We’re not together!’

‘Oh... Then why are you acting like you are?’

Scootaloo meekly turns away and nibbles her sandwich. Diamond Tiara snarls at the boy sitting across from her. He grins sheepishly.

After lunch, Sweetie Belle and Stormy are in line at the local theater. They are waiting for their chance to buy tickets. Another couple a few places ahead of them step up to the ticket agent.

‘Two please!’

‘Preferably something towards the back, maybe off to the side a bit,’ James adds.

The man immediately screams in pain as his foot is crushed under his date’s heel.

‘You are not sleeping through another play,’ Twilight growls. ‘This is my only free time to see it, and I will not let you ruin it for me.’

James whimpers as he pays the agent. ‘Did Redheart and Pascal enter already? I need her to fix my broken foot...’

The couple limps into the building. Standing down the street, the group of young teens are planning their next move.

‘Ah think Ah’m ready t’ call it a day,’ Apple Bloom moans. ‘If the date goes how Ah think it does, it’s gettin’ a mite borin’ a mite fast. Sides, someone needs t’ get Del home.’

The young girl is looking a tired as she sways in place and yawns.

‘I agree with Apple Bloom,’ Silver Spoon says. ‘We had a lot of fun, but we’re ready to call it quits. Right, Rumble?’

‘Nah. I’m good,’ Rumble replies. ‘If Scootaloo still needs our help, I’m with her.’

‘Rumble...’ the girl growls.

Apple Bloom puts a hand on her friend’s shoulder. ‘Let ‘im stay. Ah’m sure Jimmy will let us hang out at his place after we bring Del back. He has everythin’ we could want t’ do there.’

‘Hm. I guess that could be fun.’

‘Um, we’re not really up for a play,’ Dinky says for herself and Pipsqueak. ‘But, if you want to get dinner afterwards, we are totally down for it. Just give us a call.’

Scootaloo salutes. ‘Will do. You guys have fun.’

The group starts splitting. Rumble goes to tell Diamond Tiara how many tickets to get. Apple Bloom takes Scootaloo aside before she leaves.

‘Now, Ah know what y’all did durin’ mah date. Ah got that from talkin’ t’ everyone else,’ Apple Bloom confides. ‘Now, Ah ain’t mad or nothin’, jus...’ She quickly punches her friend in the stomach. Her firm grip on Scootaloo’s shoulder keeps the other girl from falling over. ‘Now we’re even. Jus’ don’ go screwin’ up Sweetie Belle’s date. She’s a mite sensitive, ya know?’

Scootaloo nods and groans.

‘Glad we can see eye t’ eye.’

Apple Bloom escorts her friend to where Diamond Tiara, Rumble and Featherweight are waiting. The girls say their goodbyes and head off. The remaining group mills about while they wait in line. A new group of patrons approach the ticket counter.

‘Three tickets, please,’ Inkie tells the agent.

‘Preferably something towards the back, maybe off to the side a bit,’ Rei adds.

‘Why back there?’ Flitter asks.

‘It is a trick I learned from my dad.’

‘She means that is it a good place to nap,’ Inkie grumbles.

‘OH! I have to remember that next time I have a boring date.’

Inkie sighs and pays the ticket agent.

At the intermission, Stormy stands and stretches at his seat.

‘I’ll be right back. I’m going to use the restroom,’ the young man tells Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle nods and stays in her seat as Stormy makes his way to the lobby. As he exits the theater, he reaches into a seat and catches Featherweight by the collar. Stormy drags the young teen aside and props him against the wall. The short, skinny boy looks up at the tall young man.

‘How much did she pay you?’ Stormy asks.

Featherweight looks down. ‘A hundred bucks, sir.’

‘Probably not even her own money...’ Stormy sighs and shakes his head. ‘Let me see them.’

Featherweight hands over his camera. Stormy starts scrolling through the pictures.

‘I hope she paid you up front.’

‘She did. … Are my pictures really that bad?’

‘No, it is just that she has crazy standards, and you weren’t really afforded the best shots.’ He hands the camera back. ‘Just make sure you come by when I am around. She won’t make a fuss around me.’

‘Yes, sir.’

Stormy turns to walk away. ‘Also, stalking is very ungentlemanly behaviour. Just hope Rarity doesn’t catch you or you might join Rei as her only failed students.’

Featherweight looks down and whimpers as Stormy returns to his seat. A person walks out of the washroom playing a game on his mobile. Twilight stomps out of the theater and drags him back to his seat.

After the play, Stormy and Sweetie Belle walk out with smiles. The young man puts an arm around his date as they walk away. Sweetie blushes a little because of the kind action. Other groups start exiting too.

‘That was a delightful tale,’ Rarity muses. ‘I really enjoyed the love story.’

‘The swordfight was pretty awesome too,’ Rainbow Dash adds.

‘I found it quite trite,’ Fluttershy grumbles.

‘How is that, dear?’

‘Well, the romance was a poor attempt and massive oversimplification of the class warfare struggles between poorer farming communities like our own and the more urban city environments. The hackneyed juxtaposition in the middle of the play was a poor attempt at mocking the rise of major co-ops such as the one in town that Applejack is a member of. The wedding at the end was hasty and missed the point of both arguments entirely as well as insulting all parties involved, as well as the audience’s intelligence if they believed that drivel!’

Rarity stares at her friend is shock.

Fluttershy squeaks and hides behind her hair. ‘Or maybe something else. I don’t know.’

‘What about the swordfight?’ Dash asks.

‘That was an ass-backwards attempt to argue for higher minimum wage.’

‘Cool! How do you know all this stuff? I hardly ever see you studying like Twilight.’

‘Oh, well, um...’ Fluttershy kicks the ground as they walk away. ‘You remember a while when my mom came to visit and I basically told her to go fornicate herself then expire?’ Her friends nod. ‘Well, in addition to pushing me to follow in her footsteps, she also pushed me academically. I developed a near-perfect memory due to the intense training I had to do to meet my mother’s standards. It is not as good as Ms Lyra’s... but it is still pretty good.’

‘Pretty amazing, is more like it! You’re too awesome, Fluttershy,’ Dash encourages.

Her friend just blushes and smiles.

‘Now that the lesson is over, how about some dinner?’ Rarity suggests. ‘My treat.’

‘Hells, yeah!’ Dash cheers as they walk away.

As the adults leave, the young teens come out of the theater. Rumble mumbles his goodbyes and heads off. The remaining three kids mill about.

‘Well, uh, Sweetie is paying me...’ Featherweight mumbles.

‘Go on ahead. We don’t mind,’ Diamond Tiara replies.

Featherweight nods and walks away. The two girls do not know what to say next.

‘So, uh...’ Diamond mutters.

‘Yeah...’ Scootaloo replies. ‘Do we want to meet up with Dinky and Pipsqueak? I could give them a call.’

‘I guess. I mean, unless you want to do something.’

Scootaloo blushes. ‘Like what? Ya mean like a date?’

Diamond bites her lip. ‘Well, maybe. Just dinner. As friends.’

‘Right. As friends.’

‘Would you want to...’

‘Well, we used to kiss all the time...’

‘Yeah, but, well... Would you really want to be seen with a weirdo like me? I mean, what about...’

Diamond shakes her head. ‘The only person I am worried about finding out is my dad. You know how I was raised.’

Scootaloo touches her face, thinking about how her dad used to hit her. ‘Yeah... But your dad is pretty chill. I mean, for being someone like that.’

Diamond smiles. ‘How about we start with just dinner with our friends? Then we can see if we want to go from there.’

The girl holds out her hand. Scootaloo takes it, and they smile at each other. After a second, she pulls Diamond in and quickly kisses her.

‘I was so jealous of everyone at the sleepover,’ Scootaloo says.

‘I was stupid not to challenge you,’ Diamond replies. ‘We could have shown everyone what a real kiss was like.’ She leans in and kisses Scootaloo again.

Scootaloo backs away. ‘Yeah, but you would have tasted like old man lips. It would have been gross.’

Diamond smirks. ‘You saw how he reacted when I tried kissing him the way you taught me.’

‘That was funny. Maybe we can practice more of that later.’

The two girls kiss again and walk away together, hand in hand. Scootaloo gets out her mobile to call Dinky.

Stormy and Sweetie examine their menus at the fancy restaurant Sweetie picked out for them. A waiter escorts another couple past the date. Selene coos as she leans against her date.

‘This date night shall last forever,’ Selene jokes.

James groans. ‘That line never gets old...’

Stormy checks his mobile after getting a message. ‘Looks like Rarity is out with friends. We’ll have to be quiet when we get back.’

‘What if she gets back after us?’

‘By now, I am guessing she is three drinks in. She’ll be back first. Maybe with a guest.’

Sweetie sighs and looks at her menu. ‘Why does she get to have guests over this late and I don’t?’

‘We’ll tell you when you are older.’

‘Why does everyone keep telling me that?’

‘We’ll tell you when you are older.’

‘But I am almost a teen. You can tell me anything.’

‘Says the girl who runs screaming when I come out of the shower, even when I’m wearing a towel or dressed.’

‘Well, uh, that’s different.’

Stormy laughs. ‘If you really insist, I’ll have Rei explain it to you again.’

Sweetie squeaks and hides behind her menu. Stormy laughs and looks for a waiter.

Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy sit around a table. In front of Rarity and Rainbow Dash are several empty drink glasses around their meals. Fluttershy quietly eats her meal and sips water while her friends chat.

‘I don’t know what I was worried about,’ Rarity states. ‘Sweetie’s date turned out fine. Stormy was a perfect gentleman, just like I taught him.’ She hiccups and grins evilly. ‘If he weren’t like a brother to me, I’d have him over this table for a special lesson...’

‘See! Ya didn’t have nothing to worry about,’ Dash agrees. ‘We mighta had a few problems along the way, but it didn’t take away from their fun times.’ She throws back a drink and only gets drops. ‘Man, I’m wasted.’

‘Oh, I think you looks fine. Maybe a little rough around the edges, but you look great.’

‘You really think so? You know the most about that sorta stuff.’

‘Absolutely, darling. If you want, I can take a closer look.’

Fluttershy finishes her meal and wipes her mouth. ‘Thank you for taking us out. I really appreciate it, Rar...it...y...’

Fluttershy stares at her friends then moans. Rainbow Dash has switched seats so she can sit on Rarity’s lap while the two drunk women make out. Fluttershy facepalms and shakes her head while she considers leaving her friends and going home.

At a diner, Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara have met up with Dinky and Pipsqueak again. The four friends are telling stories and laughing together as they eat. Scootaloo sets her hand down on the booth she and Diamond occupy. The other girl puts her hand down on top of her friend’s hand. The two girls look at each other and smile. They immediately turn to their friends and threaten them not to tell.

Back at Inkie’s apartment, the three women are sitting on the couch, eating pizza. Rei is laying across both her friend’s laps.

‘This was a great day,’ Rei comments.

‘It really was,’ Inkie agrees. ‘And despite your best intentions, Stormy’s date went off without a hitch.’

Flitter giggles. ‘Do you want to tell her or shall I?’

‘Honestly, Flitter-chan just wanted a day out with friends. We only told you we were following Stormy so you would think we were up to no good.’

‘So you tricked your girlfriend so you could have fun with your work friend.’

‘Uh huh.’

‘Hmm...’ Inkie looks at Flitter. ‘There can be only one punishment.’



‘Leg lock!’

Inkie stares at Flitter in shock.

‘Uh, foot tickling!’

Rei squeals in delight and terror as she friends start tickling her.

‘Think we can tickle she until she pees herself?’ Flitter asks.

‘If she does, you’re buying me a new couch.’

After getting home, Stormy checks all of the doors to makes sure Rarity locked them. Sweetie Belle waits by the stairs for her date to return. The house secure, Stormy rejoins Sweetie. The young man leans down and hugs the girl.

‘I had a wonderful day. Thank you for asking me,’ Stormy says.

Sweetie wraps her arms around Stormy as best she can. ‘I was lucky to have you come out with me.’

‘I guess there is just one last thing to do.’

Sweetie nods and leans up with puckered lips.

‘Aren’t you getting a little ahead of yourself there?’

‘How so?’ Sweetie complains. ‘I kissed almost everyone at the sleepover.’

‘Yeah, but none of them could be considered your brother.’

‘Listen, it is not like I am asking to find out what comes after kissing. What is the harm of one little kiss?’

Stormy sighs. ‘Okay. For my lovely little date and my beautiful little sister.’

Sweetie leans up again. Stormy leans down and gives her a kiss.

The young girl leans back down and smiles. ‘Thank you, Stormy. I love you.’

‘I love you too, Sweetie.’

Sweetie gives Stormy a quick kiss on the cheek before running upstairs. Stormy sighs, then laughs, then goes to get ready for bed.

Stormy yawns as his head hits pillow. He briefly turns on his mobile and smiles at a photo of Trixie before he closes his eyes. After a happy sigh, there is a knock on the door.

‘Shouldn’t you be in bed?’ Stormy grumbles.

Sweetie Belle peeks in. ‘Can I come in?’

‘What is it?’

‘C-can I stay with you tonight?’

‘Go to bed, Sweetie Belle.’

‘Stormy! Please! I know that couples stay together after a date. I’ve seen guys stay with Rarity, and I know you stay with Trixie when she is in town. … You let Lemon sleep with you! She’s your sister!’

Stormy groans. He pulls back the sheets a bit. ‘At least you don’t know what comes after kissing...’ he grumbles to himself.

Sweetie smiles and climbs into bed. She cuddles up extra close to Stormy. The young man sighs and tries falling asleep.

‘Stormy... I’m sorry if I am annoying sometimes.’

‘It is okay, Sweetie. I know you mean well.’ He rolls over and kisses the back of Sweetie’s head. ‘Hey, a few times today, you seemed like you wanted to tell me something. We’re pretty alone now. What was on your mind?’

‘Actually...’ Sweetie squirms a little. ‘I said it earlier. I think you didn’t think much of it, but I do love you, Stormy.’

‘I love you too. You’re like a little sister to me.’

‘No... I really mean it.’

Stormy sighs. ‘I think you are getting familial love confused with something more because we are not really related. We’re a family, Sweetie Belle. We can’t be anything more than that.’

‘I was hoping... I mean, I am not as dumb as I seem. I know what comes after kissing... What is it that Mr Wanderer says?’

Stormy hugs his sister and shakes his head. ‘No, it is not. Hopefully not for a long time. And especially not with me.’

Sweetie starts crying. ‘I’m sorry. I’m an idiot. You probably think I am a sick pervert. … You’re probably right...’

‘Sweetie, you are still growing up and figuring yourself out. You have your lovely sister and a great mother who will help you understand what you are feeling. Failing that, I can always ask Rei for you.’

‘Why do you always recommend her?’

‘Because until I got up close and personal with Trixie, Rei was more than willing to give me anatomy lessons. … She still is...’

‘She’s weird. That whole household is weird.’

‘Yeah, but they are also great.’

Sweetie sighs. ‘I love you, Stormy.’

‘I love you, Sweetie. Goodnight.’


The siblings cuddle together and fall asleep.

Lyra drinks some coffee and plucks her lyre while she watches responses come in to her latest story. One catches her eye.

To: Harpflank
From: ParkerReilly

Ms Lyra. I know it is you who are writing these stories. … Can you teach me how? Thanks.

PS: I am certain you have figured out who this is by now.

Lyra sips her coffee a few more times. A smile spreads across her lips as she uses her magic to type a reply.

Bonus Scene

Author's Note:

Story Timeline: Sweetie Belle's first date. Sweetie reveals some confusing feelings directed towards Stormy. Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara rekindle their relationship. Somepony wants to follow in Lyra's hoofsteps...

Current Stormy Love Triangle: Trixie vs? Sweetie Belle

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