• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,908 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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TWP and the Mystery of Slumber Parties

Main Characters: TWP, CMC, Diamond Tiara, Del, Twilight
Cameos: Dinky, Pipsqueak, Ruby Pinch, Silver Spoon, Rumble, Featherweight, Snips, Snails, Noi, Truffle Shuffle, Twist
Original Start Date: August 29, 2012

Rarity and Applejack confer in the back of Carousel Boutique. The unicorn has sealed the door and protected it with spells so that only a crazed pony with a sonic screwdriver or similar device could break in or spy on the conversation. The two mares huddle close.

‘What are we gonna do?’ Applejack whispers. ‘Ah can barely handle the three o’ them.’

‘Can’t we ask her mother to do it for us? She has to pick up some of the slack now that she is free of that horrid beast.’

‘Have y’all seen the size o’ her house? It makes mah tool shed look big.’

‘Then the only logical place to hold this is your barn.’

‘Mah barn! We keep all sort o’ sharp tools and other dangerous thin’s in there.’ Applejack scrunches her muzzle and her eyes shift. ‘As well as other thin’s.’

Rarity smirks. ‘Big Macintosh has given me, uh, tours of the barn before. I know of your still.’

‘He ain’t supposed t’ take anypony back there! ‘Sides, what about havin’ it here? Or are ya afraid they might get in yer “rollin’ pin” collection again.’

Rarity gasps so much she turns white. ‘How do you know of those!’

‘Ah heard them talkin’ ‘bout it one time. Sweetie Belle was a mite confused why ya have the “rollin’ pins” if Stormy’s the baker.’

‘Oh dear. I sure hope she doesn’t ask our parents about them...’

‘Y’all can always have Rei explain it again...’

Rarity rolls her eyes. ‘Ugh. She’d want to see them and probably giggle the whole time.’

‘At least y’all didn’ have t’ give Sweetie an anatomy lesson usin’ yer coltfriend.’

‘OH! That was Sunshine who Lyra posted about. I thought for sure his didn’t start with a “J”.’

A throat is cleared behind the mares. They tense up and look back. Stormy stands in the doorway, leaning against the frame.

‘I think you two are overlooking the obvious solution to your problem. Not to mention, it would be the perfect way to get even. If he has taught me anything, it is that much.’

The mares look at each other and facehoof. ‘Of course!’

‘You want to have a slumber party at my place?’ James is incredulous. He looks at the windows of The Power Block. ‘Where the hell do you see “slumber parties”? Is is written in tiny letters under the word “Xbox”? Lucas, are you writing tiny words again?’

Lucas looks at his boss then at the two mares before them. ‘I am not going to say what I really think they are saying lest I really get fired.’

James thinks for a moment then points at Applejack. ‘No. I am putting my hoof down this time. No matter how much you wave your tail I will not allow you to do what you are trying to get away with.’

Applejack blushes brighter red than her brother’s coat. She lets out a sharp squeak and tries hiding behind her hat. Beside her, Rarity thinks for a moment.

‘I will admit that does sound interesting, especially since those in the know are sparing on the details, but no, that is not what we are talking about.’

James sighs in relief. ‘That’s good. It is hard enough with Twilight “accidentally” leaving that book everywhere.’

‘Ooo! We have to compare notes sometime!’ Rarity perks up. ‘I use it as a checklist. Have you tried page one-thirty-seven yet? It is heavenly.’

The other ponies give the unicorn a disgusted look. The few patrons in the store look over as well. She laughs nervously at the attention.

‘Okay. Enough of that,’ James states. ‘What the hell do you mean by “slumber party”?’

Rarity looks at her friend and gives her a nudge. Applejack timidly looks up.

‘Remember the last time y’all were at mah place...’

‘I thought I said no more of that?’

The mare snorts. ‘Ah mean ya owe me fer how we had t’ deal with Apple Bloom! The CMC want a big ol’ slumber party and yer gonna host it.’

‘Wouldn’t your barn be a better place for something like that? You can always move the still.’

Applejack goes from red with embarrassment to red with anger. ‘Y’all are gonna host the slumber party, and y’all are gonna have all o’ Apple Bloom’s friends over and that’s final!’

James shakes nervously behind the counter. ‘Yes, ma’am.’

‘Good. Y’all can tell AB the good news durin’ yer tutorin’ session later.’ She turns to leave. ‘Rarity?’

Rarity nods and follows. She looks back. ‘Have fu~~n!’

After the mares leave, The Terrified Physicist turns to his assistant. ‘So, Lucas...’

‘I quit. See ya. Have a fun slumber party,’ the unicorn replies as he gallops for the door.

Pinkie gallops around Sugarcube Corner serving guests. James stands to one side and watches his friend.

‘I would love to help,’ Pinkie says, ‘but I already promised the Cakes I would watch Pumpkin and Pound for them that night.’

‘Anything would help out.’

‘I am sorry. I really am. It sounds like you are going to have a great party!’

‘I don’t know...’ James hems. ‘It can’t be nearly as good as a Pinkie Pie party...’

Pinkie stops and trots over to her coltfriend. ‘I know what you are trying to do, and it won’t work.’

The stallions sighs. ‘Pinkie is too smart to be tricked by simple reverse psychology. I’ll have to try fancier reverse psychology.’ He looks up and smiles. ‘Hey, Pinkie! Guess who doesn’t need all the help he can get hosting a slumber party for the CMC and their friends?’

Pinkie giggles and gives James a hug. ‘You’ll do fine. I’ll make some cakes for you.’

‘If you can drop them off around...’

‘I’ll have them ready for you that morning.’

‘If you weren’t so adorable, I’d think you just played me,’ the stallion grumbles.

Cheerilee waves to her last student at the end of the school day. She turns to start cleaning the schoolhouse when she sees a familiar face.

‘Bermuleda sounds nothing like a flu,’ James states.

‘Everypony deserves a holiday now and again,’ the teacher counters. ‘We can’t all run off to Los Arion or Applewood or Neighpon whenever we want.’

‘You forgot Seaddle, but that is not the point. You owe me.’

‘And you taught them that Celestia doesn’t control the sun.’

James looks at a board filled with equations. ‘Seems legit.’

‘You’re erasing that,’ Cheerilee grumbles.

‘Gonna help with the slumber party?’

Cheerilee lets out a hearty laugh. ‘Just don’t drink anything they serve you and stock up on headache medication for the next day.’

‘Very funny. Come on. Any help. They are going to drive me insane!’

‘I put up with all of them almost every day of the year, and it brings me nothing but joy. That will only be one night. You can handle it.’

‘Do you always have to be so positive?’

Cheerilee smiles. ‘It is my name, silly.’

James groans and trots out of the building. He quickly pops back in. ‘By the way, they are all going to come in on Monday with various psychological scarrings. Enjoy!’

The educator starts slamming her head against the wall as the stallion makes his escape.


‘Please!’ James begs. ‘You got them to behave before. Just think of it as wrangling a herd of cats only they are lot bigger and infinitely less evil.’

‘No,’ Fluttershy giggles.

‘You’ll get your place in bed back, Mrs Wanderer.’

The pegasus shakes her head. ‘Like I said last time, I will only do so if I can get it back legitimately.’

‘Before you hopped right in to trick your mom, right?’

Fluttershy gives her friend a peck on the cheek. ‘You’ll do fine. Besides, you are forgetting your obvious source of labor. You just have to look right under your wing.’

Rei looks up from her dinner. Her face is covered in rice. ‘Nope! RSI has a movie night that night. I’ll be sleeping over at Inkie’s, too.’

James groans and turns away from his daughter. ‘Don’t tell me, you’re leaving too.’

Del looks up from her meal. ‘Del will be staying. Cutie Belle invited Del. Everypony in Del’s class will be there, even the mean pink one.’

‘That’s going to end well,’ The Burdened Host moans.

‘Del is really excited about her first slumber party.’

‘Slumber parties are great!’ Rei cheers. ‘You stay up playing games, and you get to cuddle in bed all night with your bestest friends!’

Del blushes and stares at the older pegasus.

‘You know...’ James begins, ‘if your father ever found out what you really do at your sleepovers...’

‘Stormy is the only one of us who has had sexy times!’ Rei snaps. ‘Inkie and I are waiting until we're old enough!’

The parent holds his forelegs up defensively. ‘Just making sure.’

The young mare snorts. She leans down and whispers something to Del. They giggle at the secret. James groans and goes back to his meal.

The fateful day arrives. In the alley behind The Power Block, The Hosting Physicist is greeting all of the fillies and colts as they arrive. A small pinto earth pony bounds down the alley followed by his father. They stop as they reach the host.

‘Yeah. Nothing shady ‘bout this,’ the older pony comments.

‘Come on,’ James chides. ‘What is wrong about sending your kid to stay with somepony you never met before and meeting him in a back alley behind some unusual stores?’

‘That really fills me with confidence.’

‘But dad!’ Pipsqueak whines, ‘He has the coolest store. He is one of the coolest grownups I know!’

Pipsqueak’s father groans and messes with his son’s mane. ‘Just promise not to cause too much trouble.’

‘Pirate’s honor!’ the young colt cheers as he charges into the building.

‘Pirates don’t..! Never mind,’ Pipsqueak’s father sighs.

‘Don’t worry. It’s a phase. He’ll grow out of it,’ James assures, then he averts his gaze and mumbles, ‘by his wedding.’

‘By his what!’

‘Speaking of which...’ James waves down the alley. ‘Hey, Derpy! Dinky!’

‘Heya, Chief!’ Derpy greets. ‘Heya, Mr Pipsqueak!’

‘That isn’t my name...’

‘Is Pip here already?’ Dinky asks.

‘Right upstairs with the rest of them,’ James laughs.

Dinky cheers and chases after her friend. Derpy laughs and trots away with Pipsqueak’s father. As they leave, James checks his mobile for the list of guests. While he is looking over his notes, another pair of ponies trot up.

‘And the last horse crosses the finish line,’ James comments as he puts away his mobile.

‘What does that mean?’ Diamond Tiara scoffs.

‘It just means we arrived a little late,’ Filthy Rich explains. ‘Somepony here was scared to be staying over at another pony’s house.’


‘I’d say I’ve been there if my daughter wasn’t at her fillyfriend’s apartment right now.’

‘You are going to take good care of her, right, Mr Wanderer?’

‘You have my word, Mr Rich. Nothing but fun and games and whatever other tortures her friends have planned for me from here on out.’

Filth Rich laughs. ‘Sounds like you have your hooves full. Have fun.’

The parent turns to leave, but Diamond Tiara stops him for a hug. He returns the affection before leaving his daughter. The filly turns and glares up at James.

‘Everypony is upstairs. Just find a place to put your things for now. I think the three of them wanted to say something once everypony arrived.’

‘I still think you are weird, but... thank you for having us over.’

‘Just have fun and worry about my revenge later.’


James pushes the filly into the building. He looks around the alley once more before sighing and turning to the door. There is a bright flash behind him.

‘Forgetting something, Mr Wanderer?’

‘Only not getting out of bed this morning...’ James turns straight into a kiss from Twilight. ‘Of course, the day is looking a little better. What are you doing here?’

‘I knew you would need some help, and I brought this.’

Twilight levitates a book in front of her coltfriend. He scans the title.

‘We are totally watching that movie later.’

‘Only if it is on the checklist,’ Twilight says as she trots past. ‘Hurry up. We shouldn’t leave them unattended for too long.’

James nods and follows her inside. He locks the door behind him, checks the main store one last time to make sure it is empty and leads Twilight upstairs. At the top of the stairs, they encounter rooms filled with excited fillies and colts. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle invited all of their classmates as soon as they heard where they were having their slumber party. To fit everypony in, James expanded the volume of the residence’s living room and kitchen. Fortunately, most of the foals have recently arrived and are chatting in their respective groups, so have not gotten into any of the other rooms just yet. James instantly turns to leave, but Twilight forces him to stay. A loud whistle cuts above the noise. Scootaloo is standing on the kitchen table with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle standing on chairs below her.

‘All right! Listen up!’ Scootaloo declares. ‘We have a few things we want to go over. First of all, thank you all for coming here. We’re going to have a great time. We all know where the washroom and kitchen are, so that’s good.’

‘Since we’re at Jimmy’s place, we have all sort o’ games we can play,’ Apple Bloom cheers. ‘There is plenty t’ play so we can all share and get turns.’

‘Del asked us not to go in her room,’ Sweetie Belle adds. ‘She was very insistent on that point.’

James clears his throat and steps forward. ‘That being said, my room is sealed, too. Rei said it was okay to use her room, so some of you will be staying there. Like she said, we have plenty of games. I picked up a few new ones from Dream, too. Just please, behave and don’t break’ -- there is a loud crash -- ‘anything.’ He sighs, ‘At least it lasted this long.’

The adults look towards the crash. A chubby grey colt sits in the middle of the kitchen, surrounded by a spilled grocery bag.

‘Sorry,’ Truffle Shuffle apologizes. ‘I was looking for the snacks.’

‘Five minutes. You couldn’t wait five minutes...’ the stallion grumbles.

‘James, remember to be a good host,’ Twilight warns.

‘Right,’ The Wandering Host sighs. ‘Okay. Fine. Please don’t break anything and have fun. I’ll get you started on any games you want to play, or you can join me for Cards Against Ponies in bit.’


‘What? It is a fun game. Besides, you won last time. The solution to all the world’s problems was a big bl...’

Twilight magically seals her coltfriend’s mouth shut. She laughs nervously. ‘Let’s start having some fun. Okay, kids?’

The foals cheer as the adults help them set up some games.

The living room of The Power Block looks like the main floor of The Saving Roll. Most of the fillies and colts are playing board and card games with the two adults. The remaining foals watch and laugh with their friends. The main attraction is a giant game of Settlers of Catan being played by James, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, Ruby Pinch, Featherweight and a yellow filly, Noi. The biggest crowd pleaser is that a certain pink filly is losing horribly. Noi makes her roll and the other players collect their resources.

‘Will one of you roll a number for one of my settlements!’ Diamond Tiara screams.

‘Keep it down,’ Twilight scolds from her game. ‘We are trying to cure the last disease.

James suggests, ‘Have you tried a windmill full of..?’

A game tile hits the stallion in the middle of the forehead. He laughs and turns back to the game.

‘I will give you five for the one!’ Diamond Tiara demands.

‘But I don’t need any more stone,’ Noi counters. ‘It is not my fault you picked bad starting locations.’

‘Mr Wanderer! She is not playing fair!’

‘Hey, don’t blame me because you suck at the game.’

‘But I should be winning!’

‘Well, I guess your tiara powers don't make you good at board games.’

‘What was that!’

Diamond Tiara jumps up to argue, but Featherweight floats by as he flies over the board, determining his next move.

‘Hey! Move it!’ the upset filly snaps.

‘Oops. Sorry,’ the skinny pegasus replies.

‘It is all right,’ James sighs. ‘Just be quick. At least you don’t create as much of a downdraft as Rei or Del do.’

‘Del isn’t that bad,’ Sweetie Belle defends.

‘Yeah. You’re right. She’s pretty considerate, considering... Never mind.’

‘Considering what?’ Ruby asks.

‘Just thinking about her parents. Nothing you have to worry about. No changelings at all.’

‘Oh. Then are Rei’s parents as crazy as her?’

Twilight lets out a laugh from her game.

James snorts at his fillyfriend before turning back. ‘Well, I am her father, so I guess that answers that.’

‘What about her mother? Where is she from?’ Noi asks.

‘Let’s just say, Rei accidentally showed up one day.’

‘Oh. Okay.’ The filly nods. ‘I was an accident, too.’

The two adults grimace at the revelation. A grey hoof taps James on the back.

‘Mr Wanderer, we’re out of soda,’ Truffle Shuffle reports.

‘Dude, you gotta lay off.’

‘Hey! It is not me. Del isn’t sharing.’

The young colt points to the kitchen. Del is perched on a cooler and hisses at anypony that comes near.

‘Mine! My sugar water!’ the filly growls.

‘Del! You gotta share, you gotta care!’ James shouts.

The filly gives one last hiss then trots out of the room. She glares at a nervous Snips as he passes to get a drink.

James groans and hangs his head. ‘This is going to be a long night...’

‘Damn it, Featherweight! Roll one of my numbers!’ Diamond Tiara screams.

Scootaloo laughs as she watches her friends and classmates playing games. Apple Bloom trots over after finishing her game with Twilight, Rumble, Silver Spoon and Twist.

‘Great job winning that game,’ Scootaloo congratulates.

‘Shoot. Wasn’ nothin’,’ Apple Bloom replies. She takes a deep breath. ‘Actually, it was actually quite hard.’

‘Come on. Between you and Twilight, the only way it would have been solved faster is if Mr Wanderer was playing, too.’

They look over to see James holding Diamond Tiara at bay while Ruby takes her turn.

‘Well, it mighta gone faster if Rumble didn’ get those bad draws.’

The fillies laugh. Apple Bloom sighs and smiles at her friend.

‘Hey, uh, thanks fer agreein’ t’ invite colts.’

‘No prob,’ Scootaloo replies. ‘When I heard we could have the sleepover here, I even invited Cheerilee. I was upset when more classmates didn’t say “yes”!’

The other filly kicks at the ground a bit. ‘Actually, Ah had another reason fer wantin’ t’ invite colts.’

‘What is it, AB?’

‘Well, it might sound silly but after our date, Jimmy said that mah first kiss would be “wonderful”. Ah was wantin’ t’ figure out which colt it could be.’

‘Does it have to be a colt? I mean, it is not like it is wrong to like fillies or anything.’

‘Listen, that might be okay fer everypony else, but Ah ain’t int’ other fillies.’

‘How do you know?’

‘Cause Ah socked ya in the jaw last time ya tried.’ Apple Bloom groans.

‘Hey, you got rid of those baby teeth for me. Something good came out of it.’

‘Ah guess...’

The two friends look over the room. Snips and Snails are arguing with Del to get at the drinks with Truffle Shuffle trying to keep them in line. Silver Spoon and Rumble are watching the Catan game. Silver Spoon giggles as Diamond Tiara rages and knocks the game apart, providing Featherweight with plenty of great action shots for him to photograph. Pipsqueak and Dinky are nowhere to be found, but Sweetie Belle is looking into one of the bedrooms, having abandoned the game as soon as she saw Diamond Tiara’s tantrum coming on.

‘If you’re going after one of the guys, we sure have a lot of winners here,’ Scootaloo laughs.

Apple Bloom groans again. ‘Tell me ‘bout it. Only one good one in the bunch.’

‘And he’s not here.’

‘Not him. He was playin’ the game.’

‘Featherweight?’ Scootaloo blushes. ‘But, I think he has a crush on me.’

Apple Bloom blushes too and sighs, ‘Not him either...’

The filly sighs and stares across the room. James and Twilight scold a dejected Diamond Tiara for ruining the game.

The pegasus turns to her friend. ‘You’re not turning into your sister now, are you?’

Apple Bloom’s blush deepens. ‘What do ya mean by that? Ah don’ know what yer talkin’ about.’ She snorts and trots across the room. ‘Hey, Jimmy. Can ya help me put on a movie?’

James trots around his home while Diamond Tiara cleans up after her tantrum. The other foals are snacking, gaming or watching the movie. The adult pauses when he notices the door to Rei’s room open. Inside, two foals are standing on Rei’s bed, scanning her manga collection.

‘I don’t see it,’ Pipsqueak says.

‘It has to be here somewhere,’ Dinky replies.

‘Whatcha looking for?’ the stallion asks.

Both foals shout and fall off the bed. James laughs and rounds the bed.

‘We’re looking for, uh, Shugo Chara. Rei used to bring that when she would sit me,’ Dinky explains.

James goes over and taps a shelf. ‘Right here. It is organized right to left, like how you read it. Just make sure you avoid the top shelf. Rei likes to put her, uh, special collection where her wingless, magicless father can’t reach it easily.’

The two foals blush and nod.

‘Good. Play nice.’

James smiles and trots out of the room. Once they are sure the adult is gone, Dinky scans the top shelf as best she can and pulls a random book off with her magic.

‘Rei used to bring this stuff with her, too,’ the young filly tells her friend.

Pipsqueak gapes and nods as he flips through the book. He gasps. Dinky looks over and giggles, a slight glow on her horn.

‘You know, if I were your parents and caught you reading that, you’d be grounded until your wedding day.’

Both foals scream and try hiding the comic. James leans over the bed and laughs.

‘Of course, I am the one who just convinced Twilight to let us run a Cards Against Ponies game,’ the stallion sighs. ‘You can come out and I’ll deal you in, or you can stay and get some rumors spread about you two. Either way, put the book back when you are done.’

‘Yes, Mr Wanderer,’ the foals mumble.

‘Good. Keep having fun!’ James cheers.

The stallion trots out of the room, leaving the foals. Pipsqueak looks at the comic then to Dinky and blushes. The filly smiles and levitates the book to the shelf. They take a moment to compose themselves before joining their friends.

After a rousing game of Cards Against Ponies in which many of the foals learned some new words and phrases, much to Twilight’s shock, dismay and eventual magical sealing of several muzzles, the group is looking for a new game everypony can play.

Twilight flips through her book. ‘We can always do a pillow f...’

‘No!’ James states. ‘Not in this house with this many ponies. Something might get’ -- there is a crash -- ‘broken...’

‘Sorry!’ a grey pegasus colt calls. ‘Silver Spoon and I were just seeing if there was anymore pizza left.’

‘Empty boxes are on the counter. Not empty on the table,’ James grumbles.

‘Thanks,’ Rumble shouts back.

‘We can always do makeovers,’ Twilight says as she turns a page.

‘NO!’ all the males, and Scootaloo, shout.

‘If I may offer a suggestion,’ James starts.

‘We already played Cards,’ Twilight groans before reinforcing the magical seal she placed around the deck.

‘Actually, this comes from Rei.’ The stallion holds up a box of Pocky. ‘Who knows what this is?’

‘You are not playing the Pocky game!’ Twilight shouts.

‘Well, I promised Cheerilee I'd do something for her. Besides, Pinkie tells me you are very good at it.’

The princess squeaks, blushes and covers her face with her wings.

‘What is the Pocky game?’ Ruby Pinch asks.

‘Itth where you putth a Pocky in you mouth, and you and a friend take turnth eating it. Firtht to back away lotheth,’ Twist answers.

Everypony stares at the normally conservative filly.

‘What?’ Twist blushes. ‘Itth in anime all the time.’

‘Ah don’ think Applejack wants me playin’ a game like that,’ Apple Bloom hems.

‘This summer’s hot new action duo was polio and Celestia’s massive plot, according to a certain pony,’ Scootaloo laughs.

Apple Bloom blushes and looks away.

‘It’s okay, Apple Bloom,’ Twilight assures. ‘You don’t have to play. Anypony else that doesn’t want to play can join me, and we’ll do something nice, safe and fun.’

The mare nods and trots to another part of the room. Apple Bloom joins her. Silver Spoon, a forced Rumble, Ruby Pinch, a nervous Snips and Twist complete the group. Twilight starts talking with them about what to play next. The other fillies and colts stay behind to try the game.

James holds up a stick. ‘Who wants to go first, or should Twilight and I give a demonstration?’

‘You’ll be lucky if you ever get another chance,’ the mare shoots back.

‘Me! Del wants to try first!’ The filly bounds to the front of the group. She takes the Pocky and eats it in one bite. ‘Del wins!’

‘Easy there,’ James groans. ‘You need a second player. Who else wants to give it a shot?’

The other foals look around. Diamond Tiara jabs Truffle Shuffle, causing him to jump up.

‘Nice of you to “volunteer”.’ The stallion rolls his eyes and gets out another Pocky. ‘Remember, you take turns biting until you kiss. First to break the kiss, loses.’

The filly turns her nose up. ‘Del is not afraid. Del eats love for breakfast.’

‘Oh, I really hope that is just bragging...’ the stallion moans.

Del takes the biscuit in her mouth. Truffle tentatively bites the other end. They slowly work towards each other. The two foals blush when their noses touch. The others gasp when Truffle takes the last bite. After what seems like forever to the players, Del backs and away and gallops to her room.

‘Excuse me! I need a moment!’ the filly shouts back.

‘Please say that she just figured out pronouns...’ James sighs. He shakes his head. ‘Who wants to try next?’

The foals murmur and look around. Truffle proudly reclaims his seat.

‘I’ll try,’ Pipsqueak nervously says, raising a hoof.

‘And his challenger?’

‘I’ll do it!’ a filly unicorn states.

Everypony is surprised when Sweetie Belle steps up next to the young colt. She has a bit of a smirk on her face. At the back of the group, Dinky looks like she is trying to keep her magic from blasting the other filly across the room. Sweetie Belle takes the Pocky and waits for Pipsqueak to make his move. The nervous colt looks at his friends. Dinky turns away.

‘What are you waiting for?’ Sweetie Belle grumbles.

‘Sorry!’ the colt replies and takes a bite.

Dinky’s glare returns as the two foals move closer and closer.

Dinky trots back to a new seat, far from Pipsqueak. Noi regains her seat, Sweetie Belle instantly beside her and whispering questions. James holds up another biscuit.

‘Okay! Who’s next? Prissy?’

Diamond Tiara is about to retort when Del returns. The filly stares at the ground.

‘Del is sorry for earlier. Del doesn’t want to play anymore.’

James gives the filly the treat. ‘It’s okay. Twilight will deal you in if you want.’

Del nods and joins Twilight. She looks at Truffle, blushes and trots faster. Diamond Tiara steps forward and snatches a Pocky.

‘Fine. I’ll go, if it will shut you up.’

James laughs. ‘Any takers?’

The smug filly smirks knowing that Scootaloo will have her...

‘I’ll do it, eh,’ Snails answers.

Diamond Tiara grimaces at the thought of having to kiss the second weirdest student in class. She looks to Scootaloo for support, but the pegasus is trying to conceal a laugh. The upset filly snorts and turns to the young unicorn.

‘You better not try anything funny, okay?’

Snails just smiles and leans down to be on the same level as the filly. To Diamond Tiara’s credit, she does not back away immediately. After several seconds, her nose twitches, and she backs away covering her snout.

‘Do you bathe in cream soda?’

‘I win,’ the young unicorn comments with a smile as he takes his seat.

Scootaloo openly laughs as Diamond Tiara sits back down.

‘Scoots, you’re up,’ James calls.

‘What? Huh?’

The pegasus looks around to see Featherweight already standing at the front of the group. She sighs and goes to the front of the group. The young colt smiles, his buck teeth prominent. The filly takes the Pocky from the host.

‘Anytime you’re ready,’ she tells her challenger.

Featherweight blushes, and they begin play. Scootaloo breathes in sharply once they kiss. Seconds into the kiss, the filly becomes aware that her wings are sticking straight up. She nervously glances at the others. Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara snicker at their friend. Scootaloo panics and pushes Featherweight back.

‘Geez! What the heck?’ she grumbles.

‘What?’ the stunned colt asks.

‘Okay. Okay. Settle down,’ James calms. He looks over the group. ‘Looks like everypony had a turn. Do you want to play again or find something else?’

The foals shrug and mumble, but none voice concern.

‘Okay.’ The stallion shrugs. ‘How about this time you can challenge players directly? You would both have to agree, though.’

‘I challenge the cheater!’ Scootaloo declares, pointing a hoof at Featherweight.

‘What did I do?’ the confused colt wonders.

‘Don’t pretend. You embarrassed me on purpose. Now, we play for real.’

Featherweight groans and joins Scootaloo. After the colt’s first bite, the filly chomps the wholes stick and forces a kiss on Featherweight. The colt is stunned and shoves Scootaloo back.

‘What the heck was that?’ the young colt coughs.

‘Just getting you back for earlier,’ the filly snorts.

Featherweight snorts and goes back to his seat. ‘Whatever, weirdo.’

Scootaloo growls and stomps back to her seat by a giggling Sweetie Belle.

James holds up a biscuit. ‘Hey, Twilight! We’re doing challenges now. Want take me on?’

‘Ha, ha. Nice try,’ Twilight calls back.

‘I’ll do it,’ a small voice speaks up.

The stallion looks over to see Diamond Tiara making her way forward.

‘Uh... Very funny, kid, but you’re a little young for me.’

‘What? Are you scared you might have to leave Twilight for somepony better?’ the filly dares.

Twilight laughs from her game, glad to see her coltfriend backed in a corner for once. The Trapped Physicist looks between his fillyfriend and the filly in front of him. He sighs and gets out a Pocky.

‘Just gonna warn ya, I’m an adult, so this might be a little different from who you should be kissing.’

‘Blah, blah, blah. All I heard was you having to hold yourself back.’

The other foals laugh at Diamond Tiara’s arrogance and James’ hesitation. The stallion groans and leans down with the Pocky in his mouth. He keeps having to lean lower to reach the filly’s height. After a moment of kissing, the stallion jumps back.


A small, pink tongue is seen briefly before Diamond Tiara pulls it back and smirks. She swaggers back to her seat and gives a hip thrust before sitting down. The Stunned Physicist trembles nervously.

‘Twilight! She’s being mean to me!’

‘Oh, be a stallion!’ the mare shoots back.

All the foals laugh as the stallion drags himself to the kitchen to get a drink. Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara exchange whispers before high hoofing. Dinky huffs and steps forward.

‘Pip,’ she snorts, ‘let me show you how it is really done.’

The young colt grimaces at the mess he is in.

James and Twilight sit at the kitchen table as they try to work out the sleeping arrangements while the foals watch a movie.

‘We can probably fit two or three in Rei’s bed since we have the room,’ James says.

‘Definitely the Cutie Mark Crusaders since they would be the only ones to get along.’

‘Okay... Then maybe three more in there to fill up the space. We should have the rest be fillies, too.’

‘Which ones though?’

‘Hmm. Not Dinky since... reasons.’

‘Rei’s comic collection?’

‘Yeah... Taking a risk since I know she shared them with Scootaloo when she lived here... We can put Snips and Snails on the couch since they are more likely to share.’

‘Right, right.’ Twilight frowns. ‘This would be much easier if we had Del’s room to work with.’

‘You don’t want to go in there. Trust me.’

‘Why? Is it full of half-eaten ponies or some other strange things?’

‘Worse than that. She is a hoarder.’

‘She plays an Orc online?’

James shakes his head. ‘No, she collects things. All sorts of things.’

‘Like what?’

‘Well,’ -- the stallion leans back -- ‘imagine the girliest room you can imagine, double that and put shelves everywhere.’


‘Yep. She has one shelf for everypony who has given her something, big or small. Everything organized to be seen. Every time somepony new gives her something, I have to put in a new shelf. It is... a little eerie to say the least.’

‘Is that a changeling thing?’

‘I have no idea.’

‘Well, I’d want to document that. It might lead to insights on changeling culture.’

‘Miss Sparkle can see if she wants,’ a voice says from above.

The two adults look up to see Del standing on the ceiling, watching them. Twilight screams and falls from her seat. Del drops to the table.

‘Sorry. Del heard Del’s name and wanted to see what you were talking about.’

‘Del, what is normal pony behaviour?’ James groans.

‘Ponies do not walk on ceilings unless they are a spy. Del was being a spy.’

‘Wonderful,’ Twilight grumbles.

‘While Del is here, Del has a request to make. Can kiss pony stay in Del’s room?’

‘Truffle?’ James is confused. ‘I guess it is okay if he wants to.’

‘Thank you.’ Del smiles. ‘That makes Del happy.’

The filly jumps from the table and returns to the rest of the foals. James sighs and shakes his head.

‘I know she hasn’t been here too long,’ Twilight grumbles as she reclaims her seat, ‘but she can at least learn some normal behaviours by now.’

‘I’d be happy if she could just figure out pronouns. All of the other changelings I know have. I mean, your sister-in-law...’

‘She is not my sister-in-law!’

‘I don’t know... That wedding did go first...’ He turns to the side. ‘Mental note: travel back before the wedding and marry Shining first.’ He turns back. ‘Nothing!’

Twilight stares at her coltfriend, eye starting to twitch. ‘I heard all of that.’

‘Uh... Which part?’

The alicorn raises an eyebrow and readys a spell.

‘So! Sleeping arrangements?’ the stallion tries to deflect. ‘I assume I am in the doghouse?’

The adults have gathered the foals in the living room. Most of the young ponies yawn in anticipation of bed. Apple Bloom leans against a life-sized alicorn plush as she tries to stay awake.

‘Okay, first question,’ James begins, ‘Truffle, Del has invited you to stay in her room. Accept or deny?’

The other colts tease the embarrassed Truffle.

‘I guess...’

‘Great!’ Del shouts. ‘Follow Del!’

The filly pushes the colt into her room while the other foals cheer or laugh at them. James sighs and goes back to the room assignments. Before he can speak, Silver Spoon steps forward.

‘Um, Mr Wanderer, would it be okay if I stay in the same room as Rumble?’

The foals tease her as well.

‘Shut up!’ the filly shouts, confronting her peers. ‘It is not like that is a secret anyway!’

‘Fine with me,’ James replies. ‘It makes the room assignment easier.’ He marks his list. ‘Cutie Mark Crusaders, you get Rei’s bed since this mess was your idea.’

‘Yay!’ the fillies cheer as they rush to get their bags.

‘Scootaloo, come here,’ James calls. The filly groans and approaches. He takes her aside and whispers, ‘You tell them about the comics, artbooks, games, videos, etcetera, and I tell your mother you disabled all of the parental controls in your house. Don't worry. Your magazine stash is safe... for now.’

The filly grimaces. ‘Yes, sir.’

The stallion smiles and turns back to the other foals. ‘Uh, let’s see...’

‘Diamond Tiara, Twist and Noi will be staying in Rei’s room, too,’ Twilight adds.

‘What do you mean, I don’t get my own room?’ Diamond Tiara complains. The others groan. ‘What? You were all expecting me to say that.’

‘And the rest of you will be out here,’ James sighs. ‘Snips, Snails, you can share the couch without fighting, right?’

‘No fighting. We promise,’ Snips replies.

The taller unicorn nods beside his friend.

‘Great. Twilight and I will help you set up. We’ve all had a long day, so I hope we all get plenty of rest.’

There is a loud crash. James winces.

‘Sorry,’ Twilight apologizes. ‘I was moving the board games, and they got unbalanced.’

The stallion grumbles and goes to help set up Rei’s room.

Truffle looks around Del’s room in awe. Everything is so pink and flowery. There are dozens of shelves covering the walls. All of them are labeled with a different pony’s name. Most have just one item on them, but several are overflowing, especially the ones labeled ‘Rei’ and ‘Pinkie Pie’. The young colt wonders if every fillies’ rooms are like this.

‘Would you like to share the bed with Del?’ the filly offers

‘S-sure,’ Truffle replies, not believing he got his first kiss, sees the inside of a filly’s room for the first time and will share a bed with a filly all in one night.

The young colt takes a deep breath. He climbs on the bed and looks around. He can see more of the items on the shelves and wonders if there is one with his name on it. He turns to ask Del and runs face to face with a changeling. The creature stares back with large green eyes. Truffle notes the glint coming off of the changeling’s fangs.

‘You are the most desirable colt, yes?’ the changeling asks.

Truffle starts backing away. ‘Y-you d-don’t sc-scare m-me.’

‘Del does not mean to scare you. She just wishes to, uh, pick your brain.’

The colt screams and jumps back. Then he realizes something. ‘Wait. Del?’

Before Del can respond, Truffle loses his balance and falls off the bed. Del jumps down beside him. She helps him sit up.

‘Del is sorry. Del did not...’ She closes her eyes and grits her teeth. ‘No, I did not mean to hurt you. I only wanted to talk with you.’

‘Del, you’re a..?’

The young changeling looks away. She tucks her wings over her dark blue chitin. ‘I... I am sorry. I thought it was okay to show my true self. I can go back to hiding if it makes you feel better.’

‘Wh-whatever you are comfortable with.’

Del changes back to her pegasus disguise. She tries hiding her face a bit. ‘I am sorry. May we talk now?’

‘O-okay,’ Truffle replies, trying to shake off all that is happening.

Del jumps back onto the bed and helps Truffle up. The filly keeps her distance as not to scare the young colt further.

‘So, uh, what did you want to talk about?’ Truffle asks.

‘Right. You seem to be the most desirable of the colts in school, is that correct?’

The young colt blushes. ‘Nopony has ever told me something like that before.’

‘Really? Everypony in class seems to like you. You were the first colt Cutie Belle invited. I, uh, sense a lot of love directed towards you from many classmates.’

‘R-r-really?’ Truffle is now more shocked about what he has heard than about Del’s secret.

Del nods. ‘I even think of you as The Friendly Colt.’

‘I’m... The Friendly Colt? Not The Pudgy Colt or The Chubby Colt? … Or The Fat Colt?’

Del turns her head to one side. ‘Del does not understand.’

Truffle crosses the bed and hugs his friend. ‘You don't have to. Thank you, Del.’

The confused filly returns the hug. ‘Del likes this. … Also, if you tell anypony about Del’s secret, she will eat you.’

Truffle tenses up and tries to free himself from the filly’s affection.

James collapses onto his bed and lets out a loud moan. He is more than ready for this night to be over. He moans again when another mass lands on top of him.

‘This has been one of the funnest sleepovers I’ve been to,’ Twilight giggles.

‘Who’s sleeping? And can I trade bodies with them?’

‘Come on. You’ve had fun.’

‘I had to clean the kitchen thrice before game time. I am owed a new Catan set. I caught Dinky raiding Rei’s private collection. (That is one talk I don’t want to have with Derpy.) Diamond Tiara tried making out with me. I caught Dinky again! And then there was all of Del’s behaviour. I just want one thing to go right for me.’

Twilight gets up, uses her magic to roll James on his back and lowers herself again while kissing him.

‘Oh, you think you’re so clever,’ the stallion snorts once they break the kiss.

‘That’s what you tell me.’

Twilight kisses her coltfriend again and pulls the covers over them.

‘Wait. What about the foals? They are just outside.’

A glow comes from under the blankets, and Twilight’s book is levitated beside the bed. ‘Think of this as Seven Minutes in Heaven.’

‘Pfft. Seven minutes? You know me better than that. I need more time.’

Twilight lets slip a loud squeal as James makes his move. After a bit of blankets rustling, there is a loud knock at the door. Twilight shouts as she is shoved from the bed. James barely covers himself before Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle poke their heads in.

‘Are you okay?’ Scootaloo asks. ‘We thought we heard Twilight scream.’

‘Everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?’ James dodges.

‘Is Twilight okay?’ Sweetie asks.

‘She just sat on something hard,’ the stallion laughs.

Twilight groans. ‘We’re fine. Just go back to bed.’

‘Okay.’ Scootaloo nods. She turns back to the living room. ‘It’s cool! They were just fooling around!’

The adults groan as they are left alone again.

‘So, uh...’ James begins.

The stallion is cut off when Twilight jumps him with another kiss.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle settle back in Rei’s bed after checking on the adults.

‘Well, what was it?’ Diamond Tiara demands.

‘They were just making out,’ Scootaloo replies.

‘See anything good?’

‘That’th not thomething we shthoud be talking about,’ Twist states.

‘Why not? We had our little game earlier.’

Apple Bloom laughs. ‘That was funny how ya got Jimmy t’ freak out like that. Ah ain’t never seen ‘im that riled up.’

‘Well, we all have our special gifts,’ Diamond Tiara brags. ‘Besides, I think the real winner of the game is up there next to you.’

‘Right,’ Noi agrees, blushing a little. ‘Sweetie Belle was the only pony to kiss all of us.’

‘I was just doing what I’ve seen Rarity do,’ the unicorn defends. ‘Although, now I see why she likes doing it so much.’

‘And who would you say was the best?’ Diamond Tiara asks. ‘Not that I don’t know the answer already.’

Sweetie thinks for a moment. ‘I guess Pipsqueak was pretty good. Truffle was nice, too.’

Diamond Tiara coughs. ‘Ahem. Not anypony in this room?’

‘You were fun, too, Noi.’

‘Thank you,’ the filly squeaks as she hides under her covers.

‘Ah think Diamond Tiara means her.’

‘Oh! Well, you were a little rough,’ Sweetie comments. The other filly gasps. ‘You too, Scootaloo.’

‘Hey!’ the young pegasus shouts. She turns away from her friend. ‘Was I at least better than Diamond Tiara?’ she mumbles.

‘I think you were about the same.’

Both fillies growl and pull their covers over their heads.

Sweetie sighs as she leans back on her pillow. ‘I just wish we got to the part of the kissing game that comes next. Rarity always makes me go downstairs to wait with Stormy after the kissing part.’

Apple Bloom gives her friend a concerned look. Diamond Tiara giggles from her sleeping bag. Noi can be heard facehoofing.

‘Uh, Sweetie Belle,’ Scootaloo starts, ‘they were kicking you out so they could have sex.’

‘What!?’ The unicorn shouts, sitting up in bed. Sweetie’s voice cracks so much the others wince in pain.

‘Shthe doeth know that’th what parentth do, right?’ Twist asks. ‘My parentth uthed to lock their room all the time to keep me out.’

Scootaloo waves a hoof in front of her friend’s face. ‘She might not know that now. She’s totally gone.’

‘Our parents would make me and my sister go to a movie or something when they wanted time alone,’ Noi comments

‘Hey, at least they’re trying to keep it secret,’ Scootaloo sighs. ‘I always knew my parents did it because my mom would be up all night crying.’ She growls. ‘So glad that bucking loser left us. Hope he never comes back.’

‘At least y’all never walked in on yer sister and her coltfriend,’ Apple Bloom mumbles.

‘What?’ everypony gasps. The ponies on the floor crowd the bed.

‘Ah don’ wanna talk ‘bout it...’

‘Oh, you can’t give us something juicy like that and leave us hanging. You must tell more,’ Diamond Tiara begs.

‘Yeah! We want details!’ Noi pleads.

‘If it’th not too much to athk.’

‘Wait. Which coltfriend are you talking about?’ Scootaloo asks. ‘The handsome one or Mr Wanderer?’

Apple Bloom groans and looks away. ‘Fine... It was a few weeks ago...’

In the living room, the foals have are sleeping in groups. Snips and Snails share the couch while Silver Spoon and Rumble have their sleeping bags nearby. Dinky and Ruby Pinch lay in their beds while Pipsqueak and Featherweight rest at the opposite end of the room.

‘So, who else can’t sleep?’ Rumble asks.

The other foals groan.

‘Rumble, they’re trying to sleep,’ Silver Spoon sighs.

‘What? This is a sleepover, right? We should be trading stories and stuff. Heck, Snails should at least be bragging about all of the fillies he kissed.’

The young unicorn laughs from his spot. Dinky and Pipsqueak groan from theirs.

‘Come on. At least tell us how Sweetie Belle was.’

‘Rumble!’ Silver Spoon snaps.

‘What? I’m curious. Pip didn’t want to tell me earlier.’

Silver Spoon growls at her coltfriend. A moan and thump comes from where the other colt is trying to sleep.

‘She tasted like marshmallow,’ Snails comments.

‘What about Diamond Tiara?’ Snips asks.


The other foals giggle at the comparison.

‘Bah. Marshmallows and lemons are lame,’ Rumble scoffs. ‘I prefer the smell of cherries.’

‘And who smells of cherries?’ Silver demands.

‘You do, Silver.’

‘That’s right.’

The colt moans and lays down in his sleeping bag.

Dinky stews in her sleeping bag. She is still upset about Sweetie Belle kissing Pipsqueak earlier. She showed him how it was really done, only after losing her first kiss to Noi. She made sure to kiss Truffle, too, just to make Pip extra jealous. The upset unicorn tosses and turns in her bag as she tries to get some sleep. She moans and turns to her friend beside her.

‘Hugs?’ Ruby Pinch offers.

Dinky nods, and Ruby slides over and hugs her friend.

‘What is wrong?’ the affectionate unicorn asks.

‘Pipsqueak is a jerk,’ Dinky snorts.

‘What did he do?’

‘He kissed Sweetie Belle.’

‘I was watching. He seemed to back away pretty quick.’

‘But she had her hooves all over him! It was like reading one of those books I shouldn’t know about...’

‘Books with hugging and kissing in them?’ Dinky leans in and whispers. Ruby’s dark pink cheeks turn red as she blushes. ‘Mommy says I’m way too young for those are books. How did your mommy..?’

‘Rei let me see them when she sat me...’

‘Can you tell me about them?’ the other filly whispers.

Pipsqueak moans and tries burying his head in his pillow. He cannot believe his first kiss was with Sweetie Belle instead of Dinky. He feels like a total mule. Beside him, Featherweight is going through all of the pictures he has taken so far during the sleepover.

‘Check out this one,’ the young pegasus says, holding his camera towards his friend. ‘It almost looks like Snails is trying to give Twist a reacharound.’

Pipsqueak groans and pulls his pillow over his head. He feels a poke at his side. He looks up to see a picture of when he kissed Dinky during the game.

‘If it makes you feel better, that is the happiest I saw her all night.’

‘No, it doesn’t make me feel better since I could be chatting with her instead of you right now.’

Featherweight holds his camera over. ‘How about now?’ Pipsqueak turns white. ‘Accidentally snapped that during one of the kisses with Scootaloo. I guess I forgot I had my camera at the time.’

‘You can see her...’

‘I should delete it. She would probably hate me more if she knew I had this.’

‘Did you see how much her wings were sticking up after your kiss? I think she likes you.’

‘I can never get the guts to ask her though. It was only luck that she asked me to come to this and even more that we were able to kiss.’

‘So if you delete the picture, that will be the last time you see that...’

Featherweight looks at his camera, up to Rei’s room, back to the camera and deletes the photo.

Pipsqueak pats his friend on the back. ‘You’re a good pony. Hey, you should sign up for Rarity’s class with me. I hear there are lots of fillies and what we learn drives them wild. Scootaloo will be sure to fall for you.’

The young pegasus groans and falls back into his pillow. ‘I can use all of the help I can get.’

Pipsqueak looks across the room to where Dinky and Ruby are chatting. ‘Me too.’

Early morning. Snips shakes the water from his hooves as he leaves the washroom. He bumps straight into somepony. Fluttershy lets out a sharp squeak and backs away. She quickly raises a hoof to her lips.

‘Shh! Don’t tell anypony I was here. I wanted to do something to help out.’

Snips nods.

‘Enjoy the waffles. And make sure Mr Wanderer reads the note.’

Fluttershy giggles and sneaks back out of the house. Snips watches the mare leave before he gets distracted by the smell of fresh waffles coming from the kitchen.

Twilight glares at Fluttershy’s note while the other ponies stuff themselves with her waffles.

Don’t say your ‘wife’ never did anything for you. ❤ Fluttershy.

‘Oh my Sagan! She makes the best waffles!’ James drools.

‘I make good waffles, too,’ Twilight snaps.

‘Not compared to these,’ the stallion replies, not caring about the danger he is in.

Twilight growls and goes back to her breakfast. Hooffalls are heard coming up the stairs. Several of the foals look up to see Rei being lead in by her nose. The young mare stops and sniffs the air. She notices everypony in the kitchen.

‘Mommy’s waffles!’ Rei cries as she dives for the food.

Twilight is barely able to levitate the waffles away in time before the ravenous pegasus crashes onto the table.

With the sleepover complete, the parents and other relatives of the guests are picking the foals up from The Power Block. Noi is riding Carrot Top’s back and telling her about all of the things she did. Ruby Pinch is hugging the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Berry Punch laughs as Scootaloo cringes.

‘I had a great time,’ Ruby says. ‘We should do this again sometime.’

‘I am sure Rarity or Applejack would love to have you over,’ James comments.

‘Hugs?’ the young unicorn asks her host.

James groans and leans down to hug the filly. Berry laughs again. The filly lets go and trots off with her mother.

‘Mr Wanderer is the funnest pony ever!’ Ruby shouts as she and Berry trot out of sight.

James groans. Twilight and the Cutie Mark Crusaders giggle at the stallion. A shadow passes overhead, and Derpy lands in front of the waiting ponies.

‘Heya, Chief!’ Derpy greets.

‘Hey, D-Squared.’

‘I’ll go tell Dinky you’re here for her,’ Twilight says.

‘Get Pipsqueak while you’re at it. I told his parents I’d pick him up, too.’

Twilight nods and goes into the building.

‘So, was Dinky a good guest?’ Derpy asks James.

‘Nothing too bad, but I might have to send you an email later.’

The mare leans in and whispers, ‘She found Rei’s books?’

The stallion nods.

Derpy sighs and looks at the Cutie Mark Crusaders. ‘Did you have fun with Dinky?’

‘Ah guess so.’

‘She was fun.’

‘She’s an okay kisser.’

Derpy stares at Sweetie Belle in shock. She slowly turns to James.

‘We played the Pocky game!’ the stallion blurts out.

‘Oh! Okay. That is always fun to play,’ Derpy replies with a smile.

Twilight returns with the two foals. They are unusually quiet.

‘Ready to go?’ Derpy asks.

‘I guess,’ Dinky replies.

‘Forgetting something?’ her mother presses.

Dinky turns to James and bows. ‘Thanks for having us over.’

‘Right. Thanks for inviting us,’ Pipsqueak tells the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

‘Yeah. Thanks,’ Dinky adds, glaring a bit at Sweetie Belle.

Derpy gives her daughter a confused look but shakes it off. ‘Come on. I bet you two have all sorts of adventures planned for later.’

The foals moan and follow Derpy away. They stop when the mare greets Applejack and Rarity on their approach to the shop. After exchanging pleasantries, the two big sisters continue to meet their friends.

‘Thank you so much for hosting this little get-together. You really saved our skin,’ Rarity greets.

‘Yeah. Yer a real lifesaver,’ Applejack adds.

‘Are we even now?’ James moans.

‘We’re fine,’ the farmer snorts.

‘At least until Lyra publishes her next story,’ Rarity counters.

‘That ain’t fair!’

‘Fairly accurate is more like it,’ Twilight grumbles.

‘It ain’t like yer in more than a few stories.’

‘But she does have a point, darling.’

‘Yer in more than either of us combined.’

‘Hers are better material, too,’ Scootaloo comments.

The three mares turn and glare at the filly.

‘Mr Wanderer, what is your..?’ Rarity begins to ask.

The mares look around for the stallion that was just standing with them. All of the garbage from the previous night comes crashing down into a nearby bin. Twilight looks up towards the residence. In his bedroom, The Exhausted Physicist curls up under his blanket and goes to sleep.

Bonus Scene(s) 1

Bonus Scene 2

Author's Note:

Story Timeline: First kisses... Well, everypony that played the Pocky game... Start of Dinky vs Sweetie Belle.

Story Event: I hope you liked the multiple bonus scenes. I intend the Dinky and Pipsqueak scenes to take place at that same time.

Fun Fact: Cards Against Humanity is the funnest tabletop game I have played. If you have not played it, stop reading right now and lose your childhood.

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