• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,909 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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This Day in Ponyville

Main Characters: TWP, Twilight, Del
Cameos: Rei, Spike, The Cakes, Stormy, CMC, Cheerilee, Diamond Tiara, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy
Original Start Date: October 14, 2012

James yawns as he trots out of his room. He bumps into Rei, who is standing in the middle of the hall.

‘Shouldn’t you be at school?’

Rei points in front of her. A small changeling, about the size of a foal, is sitting in the entryway staring at the two ponies. James shouts and jumps back. The changeling turns it head and blinks. It has a rolled piece of paper in one of the cavities on its foreleg.

‘How fast can you get that paper for me?’ James asks.

There is a brief gust of wind, and Rei has the paper in her mouth.

‘Excellent. For this, I’ll ignore the fact you killed the bandwidth last night downloading all that hentai. Now get to school. I’ll take care of this.’

Rei nods and edges around the changeling. The creature watches the young mare leave before turning its attention to James. The nervous stallion unrolls the paper.
Dear future dinner Princess Celestia,
In hopes of better understanding your puny culture as part of our new peace agreement, I have sent this newly hatched changeling to study pony society. Please show her the best pony culture can offer as well as any hidden bases and military plans. I hope with her help our two cultures can reach an understanding.
Drawing up a menu, Peacefully,
QUEEN Chrysalis
PS: Those were jokes! Don’t take everything so seriously.

James lowers the paper and looks at the changeling. She yawns, exposing her fangs. A bright blue sticky note falls from Chrysalis’ letter.
She’s your problem now
-Princess Celestia :P

James groans and sets the papers aside. He stares at the the changeling. She stares back with large green eyes. Her wings beat slightly against her dark blue chitin.

‘So, uh, hi?’ James greets.

The changeling stares back blankly.

‘Do you have a name? Uh, something to call you?’

The changeling blinks. It turns its head slightly.

‘I’d ask if you are hungry, but I am scared of that answer.’

‘We have no name.’


‘My queen said she found us in a den shortly before we were sent on this important mission. She said we were the only survivor and had no brood mates.’

‘That is tragic.’

The changeling just blinks and beats her wings a bit.

‘Well, how about we come up with a name for you, eh?’ James starts thinking. ‘Let’s see. Changeling names. Ditto is too obvious. So is Mimic. Transformo?’ He shakes his head. ‘That sounds like something DC would come up with. Think TWP! Think! What is the universal symbol for change? … A delta for the change operator. Or an upside-down delta for a gradient. Or a square delta for a d’Alembertian.’ He shudders. ‘d’Alembertian.’

‘Del likes Del.’

‘Excuse me?’

‘Del likes Del. Del wants Del to be Del’s name.’

‘Well, at least you stopped using plural pronouns.’

‘What are pronouns?’

‘Oh geez.’

Del frowns. ‘Del was not given much education before this journey.’

‘We’re going to have to do something about that. Cheerilee is going to love having you in class... Uh... Come on. There is somepony I need to talk to.’

James starts leaving with Del behind him, but he stops.

‘Can you do something about your appearance? We don’t want to scare everypony.’

James trots through Ponyville with a dark blue pegasus filly with a red mane trotting beside him. The unusual sight would seem out of place if not for the pony involved. The stallion calmly greets his friends as he passes through the town.

‘How did you even get in without scaring Lucas?’ James asks.

‘Del slept behind the store last night. Del slipped in when grey pony was cleaning up this morning.’

‘I am sorry you had to sleep out there. The princess could have sent some warning that you were coming.’

‘Loud Princess wanted to send you a message, but Touchy Princess said it would be funny not to. Del was told to fly here right away yesterday.’

‘You flew from Canterlot overnight? You must be a tough one.’

Del frowns. ‘Del had to do a lot of travelling on her own. She hid on a ship from Neighpon, in trains from Los Arion and ate only scraps she could find. Del is very hungry.’

James frowns. He stops and hugs the filly.

‘What are you doing?’ Del asks.

‘Giving you love. This is your favorite food, right?’

Del pushes free. ‘Strange pony doesn’t know much about changelings?’

‘I guess we are going to have to learn from each other. And call me James or Mr Wanderer or something. You are worse than Rei with the nicknames.’

‘Rei is Full Moon pony, right?’

‘And my daughter so don’t get any funny ideas.’

‘Del’s queen said that Full Moon was the nicest pony, and Del should be friends with her. Is that okay?’

‘Very okay. Rei will love it. Oh. We’re here.’

James stops outside of Golden Oaks Library and knocks on the door. The door opens and Twilight looks out.

‘Not like you to actually knock,’ Twilight comments as she shows her guests inside.

‘Twilight, we have a bit of a thing. Get any letters from Touchy Princess recently?’

‘Touchy Princess?’ James grins in reply. Twilight groans. ‘Derpy hasn’t been by yet, and Spike has been cleaning all day. Why?’

‘Uh... Let’s go somewhere private to talk.’

Twilight sighs and leads her guests to her laboratory. Del flinches at the sight of the lab equipment, but she realizes it is safe and follows. The three ponies sit in the middle of the laboratory.

‘So, what is going on? Who is she?’ Twilight asks.

James looks down. ‘Del, it is safe. She is a friend.’

Del nods and drops her disguise. The changeling beats her wings a bit as she stares up at Twilight. The princess stares back, not knowing how to react.

‘James, is that...?’

‘Twilight, this is Del. Del, this is Twilight Sparkle. She is a very good friend.’ He leans down and whispers. ‘She is the Sexy Princess.’

Del bows. ‘Del is honored to meet Sparkly Twilight.’

‘N-nice to meet you too, Del.’

James gets out the letters from Chrysalis and Celestia. ‘These explain everything. I think she is getting me back for last week when I convinced her to publicly support gay rights.’

Twilight takes the letters. ‘That was eight hundred years...’ She groans and starts reading. ‘Time machine. Right.’

‘You know she is free and easy. She just needed a push to get going. Although arguing in the shower might not have been the best idea, seeing how free and easy she is.’

‘Princess Celestia is not like that, and what do you mean “in the shower”?’

‘It doesn’t matter who walked into whose shower and which princess locked him in there with her dripping wet body after a three-hour argument. What matters is that we have a Del to care for now.’

Twilight groans. ‘I still think this is some bad joke of yours.’

There is a knock on the laboratory door. James signals Del to disguise herself. The changeling casts her spell before Twilight opens the door for Spike.

‘A letter from the princess just arrived,’ the dragon announces. ‘It says to read it when... Oh. You’re here.’

‘Sup, homeslice?’ James greets.

‘Hey, Mr Wanderer. Who is that?’

‘Spike, this is Del. I believe the letter is about her.’

Del sniffs. ‘Spike has a lot of love within him.’

‘Who told you! Twilight?’

‘I didn’t say anything, Spike. Del, uh... That might be Del’s talent. We’re just testing it out.’

Spike groans as he leaves. ‘With you two, you could be blind and see the love from across Equestria.’

The two ponies blush. Del looks between them.

‘Our queen said that Wandering Pony had more love than her husband pony,’ the changeling comments.

‘He’s not her husband!’ Twilight snaps.

‘She really said that?’ James asks.

‘Anyway!’ Twilight interrupts. ‘We have a letter to read.’ She unrolls the scroll. ‘Hear ye, hear ye. By royal decree, Mr James Hayate Wanderer is charged with the care and education of the changeling sent to him last night. Suck it, Princess Celestia. PS: Told you I would get you back for the food fight during the peace talks with the Griffin Kingdom.’

The princess lowers the scroll and groans at her mentor’s and coltfriend’s behaviours.

‘Hey. I didn’t do any food fight yet,’ James defends.

‘Yet,’ Twilight snorts.

Del lets out a groan and drops to the ground.

‘Sorry,’ James apologizes. ‘We have to get to lunch.’

‘How can you think of eating when we have a situation like this?’

‘Listen,’ James starts. ‘Get the gang together. We’ll explain it to them. With their help, we can help keep Del’s cover and fulfil the task Chrysalis asked of us.’

‘Is it wise listening to her?’

‘I think her husband will agree.’

‘They are not married!’

‘Then he is single? Score!’

Twilight growls. ‘Just get her fed. I’ll call the others, and we can introduce her to everypony later.’

‘Sounds like a plan. What do we say, Del?’

‘Feed me,’ the hungry filly moans.

‘Close enough,’ James laughs as he trots out of the laboratory.

Twilight sighs and gets out her mobile.

James sets Del at a table in Sugarcube Corner. The filly slumps over. Her nose twitches, and she looks around for the source of the wonderful smells.

‘So, what do changelings eat that isn’t love?’

‘Del does not know. Del has mostly eaten leftovers except at the castle.’

‘Don’t know, huh? Let’s start you on the basics and work up from there.’

James trots over to the counter. Cup Cake smiles at his approach.

‘How can I help you, Mr Wanderer?’

‘Two danishes and Pinkie’s location.’

‘Oh, Pinkie is out with her sister today. They were going to be putting on a party for the local science club.’

‘Okay... Cool... Just gauging time to see when we are needed back.’

‘Does it have to do with the young filly you are with?’

‘Yeah. I am looking after her for a friend. Anyway, our lunch?’

‘Oh! Sorry. Coming right up!’

Cup Cake trots to the back and quickly returns with two danishes. James drops the payment on the counter and takes the treats back to the table.

‘I hope you like these, Del. They are some of my favorite treats.’

Del tentatively sniffs the pastry. She takes a small bite. Her face lights up and she devours the danish.

‘More!’ the filly demands.

James laughs and looks up. ‘Cup Cake, can we get another? Oh! And how about one of your namesakes, too?’

The baker nods and goes to get the pastries. Del drools as she watches her host calmly eat. Cup Cake returns with the treats and sets them in front of Del. The filly leans forward and sniffs the cupcake. A dab of frosting gets on her nose.

‘What is this?’ Del asks.

‘It is a cupcake,’ Cup Cake laughs. ‘You don’t know what a cupcake is, cutie?’

‘She was a little sheltered before coming to Ponyville,’ James explains. ‘A lot of things are new to her.’

Del bites the cupcake in half, wrapper and all. Her eyes go wide in amazement.

‘Del wants more of these!’

The two adults laugh as the filly cleans her plate of the pastries.

‘And you thought that I would pay for only one of your kids to go to college with just Rei,’ James quips. ‘Let’s keep the treats coming. And tell Carrot he’s going to have to work overtime. Del is pretty hungry.’

Cup Cake nods as she tries wrestling the plate from Del as the filly licks it clean.

James drags Del out of Sugarcube Corner by the scruff of her neck. The filly screams and tries flying back into the store.

‘No! Del wants more! Del must eat all the pastries!’

‘It is good to know you have a sweet tooth, but we have other things to do today,’ the stallion grumbles.

‘Not to mention, we need time to restock,’ Cup Cake adds as she tries blocking the door.

Carrot Cake trots from the back of the the shop and looks at the scene.

‘So that is the filly with the bottomless stomach,’ the baker jokes.

‘She almost makes Pinkie look tame by comparison,’ Cup Cake moans.

‘And is nearly as unstoppable, too,’ James growls.

‘Well, I just put a new batch of... everything in the ovens,’ Carrot Cake says. ‘It will take a while to bake but if you behave and come back later, there might be a special treat for you.’

The filly lights up. ‘Del wants her treat now!’

‘You’re going to have to behave for Mr Wanderer first,’ Carrot Cake repeats. ‘Only good ponies get treats.’

Del stops struggling. ‘Del will be the best pony ever!’

‘Good. See you later, Del, Mr Wanderer.’

The Cakes turn to go back inside. James points to the ground. Del plants herself. The stallion follows the Cakes inside.

‘Hey, just want to say thanks,’ James says. ‘Everypony tells me that I am good with Rei, but the twins are lucky to have good parents like you, too.’

The Cakes laugh.

‘When you come back later, we’ll tell you all of the tricks we learned for dealing with Pinkie,’ Carrot Cake offers.

‘Thanks, bro. Oh. I left you a bit of an extra tip. Just enough for that new television you wanted.’

The Cakes stare in shock as James trots back out, scoops Del onto his back and trots down the street. The Cakes quickly start counting out the bag of bits James left them.

James and Del trot up to Carousel Boutique. Inside, Stormy is sitting at the main counter while listening to music and playing a hoofheld game. He turns down his music when he sees the visitors.

‘Hey, Mr Wanderer,’ the unicorn greets. ‘How’s it going?’

‘Shouldn’t you be in school? Where’s Rarity?’

‘She’s out with your wife,’ Stormy jokes. James growls at the young stallion. Stormy groans. ‘And I was given the day off to help take care of Sweetie Belle. She has a small cold.’

‘So you are blasting metal and playing games?’

‘Its the only way to drown out...’


James laughs. ‘You have your work cut out for you.’

‘Anyway, how can I help you?’

‘Well, I wanted Rarity’s help making Del here presentable for Cheerilee. Wanna get her into school.’

Stormy looks down at the filly. ‘Adding a changeling to your collection?’


James looks down. Del is still in her disguise. She lets out a big yawn, exposing her fangs.

‘Wanderer, Del needs more sugar to stay awake.’

‘STORMY!’ Sweetie shouts as she trots into the room. ‘Where’s my juice!’

‘In the fridge,’ the older unicorn groans.

Sweetie Belle shouts and starts trotting to the kitchen. She stops when she sees Del.

‘Hi! I’m Sweetie Belle,’ the young filly greets.

James pokes Del. ‘What did we practice?’

Del looks up then bows to Sweetie Belle. ‘Del is Del. Nice to meet you, Cutie Belle.’

Sweetie Belle giggles. ‘You’re funny. Wanna get some juice with me since somepony is too rude to help his sick and dying little sister?’

Stormy rolls his eyes. ‘One, you’re not dying. Two, you’re not sick, you just didn’t study for the quiz you had today. Three, you owe me for supporting your truly horrible acting.’

Sweetie Belle growls and turns her nose up. ‘Come on, Del. We don’t need them.’

The two fillies march off together, Del feeling a little confused.

‘So, how’d you know?’ James asks.

‘Well, I am great and powerful,’ Stormy replies, smirking.

‘Okay. That works on illusions and perception filters, not on...’

‘Did you see the size of her fangs? She does a great job with the disguise but that yawn...’

‘I think she is about to have a sugar crash. If you see the Cakes celebrating, that was all her.’

‘And you plan on feeding her and Rei?’

‘Right. Gotta warn AJ to tell the farmers to work triple time just to keep up.’

Stormy laughs. He holds a hoof to his lips as he thinks. His horn glows, and Del and her juice box are levitated back into the lobby. The filly is too enraptured by her drink to notice the change in scenery.

‘So what sort of manestyle were you thinking for her? I can do most anything.’

‘Just something that says “I am not going to drain your soul”. We’re going for presentable, not conspiracy theory.’

‘Simple enough.’

Stormy levitates a series of combs and starts brushing out Del’s mane. He also gets the filly a new juice box before she can notice the styling in progress.

‘When you write the paper, note that I was the one that came up with the theory,’ Stormy says.

‘What theory?’

‘Love is sugar-flavored. If you can pacify her with cakes and juice...’

‘Hmm. You might be onto something, but one data point...’

‘Yeah, yeah. I know. Finished.’

Stormy sets Del down. She still has not noticed the grooming that took place. Sweetie Belle comes out of the back.

‘There you are,’ the unicorn filly snorts. ‘I thought you had run off.’

‘Del wants more sugar water!’ the filly pegasus shouts as she tosses her empty juice box aside.

‘Maybe later, Del,’ James sighs. ‘We still have more stops to make.’

‘AH!’ the two fillies groan.

‘Del, good ponies listen to their elders.’

‘Well, that explains a lot about Sweetie’s behav.. OW!’

Stormy starts dancing around the room as he tries to remove Sweetie Belle’s teeth from his leg.

Del looks up at James. ‘Del thought ponies don’t eat other ponies.’

The schoolyard is full of foals running home and playing after school. A number stop and greet James as he and Del pass to the schoolhouse. He waits outside while Cheerilee gives Scootaloo and Apple Bloom homework assignments to take to Sweetie Belle. The filles take the papers and head to the door.

‘Hey, Mr Wanderer,’ Scootaloo greets.

‘Hiya, Jimmy!’ Apple Bloom cheers.

‘Hey, girls. Mind if I borrow your teacher for a moment?’ The fillies nod in reply. ‘Del, This is Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. Practice playing nice with them.’

‘Hey, Del.’

‘Nice t’ meet ya.’

James laughs and enters the schoolhouse. Cheerilee cleans up the mess her students left. James helps out.

‘I heard you had a new kid, Mr Wanderer,’ Cheerilee comments.

‘Word travels fast. Anyway, I would like to enroll her. How?’

‘You just need to file the right paperwork with the district and wait for them to approve it. I am happy to take her as soon as she is approved.’

James taps his mobile. ‘Cool. I’ll have Rei drop her off in the morning.’

‘There is no way...’

James looks around nervously. ‘If we may talk in your office?’

Cheerilee sighs. The two adults close all of the doors and windows as well as pulling down the blinds. Once they are finished, Cheerilee turns and snorts at the stallion. James gets out the letter from Chrysalis and shows it to the teacher.

‘As you can see, we are in a bit of a bind. Twilight is going to help me keep her cover around town but if she is to really learn pony culture, she should learn first hoof.’

Cheerilee nods. ‘Sounds like a plan. Let me get her books, and you can get started bringing her up to speed tonight.’

‘That easy?’

‘Mr Wanderer, my talent is bringing joy to all ponies and even non-ponies. Besides, it will be a great challenge to teach a changeling to be more pony.’

‘Just keep your sweets locked up and...’

A shriek comes from outside.

‘Get that monster away from me!’

The two adults gallop outside as fast as they can. Del has her mouth wrapped around Diamond Tiara’s hoof. Apple Bloom and Silver Spoon are trying to pull Del off their classmate. Scootaloo rolls on the ground laughing. The other students still in the area gather to watch. Featherweight flies around the scene, snapping pictures endlessly.

‘Rumble! Help!’ Silver Spoon shouts.

The young colt puts his head down and rams Del off of her prey. The filly licks her lips and chews on something. The others help Diamond Tiara up. The filly stares at a drool-covered hoof and whimpers.

‘What’s going on here?’ Cheerilee demands.

‘Diamond Tiara offered t’ share some candy with us,’ Apple Bloom explains, ‘but Del jumped her and started eatin’ it all fer herself.’

‘I want her arrested for assault and stealing! She is not going to get away with this!’

Del swallows and grins. ‘More please!’

‘Actually, less,’ James grumbles. ‘I am calling Mr Cake right now and telling him you didn’t earn your treat.’

Del’s eyes go wide and she gallops over. ‘Del is sorry! She didn’t mean to!’

‘I am not the one you should apologize to,’ James replies, pretending to dial his mobile.

Del frowns and mopes over to Diamond Tiara. ‘Del is sorry. Del didn’t mean to hurt you.’

‘You better be sorry!’ Diamond Tiara snaps. ‘I am going to sue you!’

‘No, you’re not,’ Cheerilee sighs.

‘Well, I should!’

‘No, you shouldn’t.’

‘Well, uh...’ She turns to Del. ‘You look funny! HMPF!’

The upset filly turns and marches away. Silver Spoon sighs and follows after her friend to try to calm her down. The other foals gather around Del to talk with her further.

James sighs. ‘You get the books, but I think I know the first thing I am teaching her.’

Cheerilee laughs. ‘All foals start out like that. Like I said, this will be fun.’

James sits with Twilight and her friends in the library. They are going over the letters sent to them and the events James and Del experienced today. Everypony is looking thoughtful. Rarity is the first to look up.

‘I cannot believe you endangered my sister like that!’ the unicorn shouts.

‘To be fair, I was looking for you and didn’t know she was ditching school,’ the stallion defends.

‘She WHAT!’

‘It is a mite worrisome that ya put her in school,’ Applejack worries, ‘but Ah can see the good it can do fer her.’

‘Well, I don’t like it,’ Rainbow Dash complains, crossing her forelegs. ‘I think that having a changeling around is dangerous, even if she is small and smart enough to impersonate an awesome pegasus.’

‘I have to agree with Rainbow,’ Fluttershy whispers. ‘I think it is scary enough knowing that we were surrounded the whole time we were in Neighpon.’

‘Actually, Fluttershy, there weren’t that many in Neighpon,’ Twilight informs. ‘We weren’t in any real danger. Plus, we had both princesses, my brother and James looking out for us.’

‘Not to mention the Cyber-Queen,’ James adds.

Fluttershy looks down and squeaks.

‘Well, it looks like three for and three against this venture,’ Rarity comments.

‘We can’t really be for or against a request from Celestia,’ Twilight snorts.

‘You were against her request for help with your brother’s wedding,’ the white unicorn counters. ‘Which sort of relates back to this situation neatly.’

‘We can’t be willing to give up on this opportunity to further peace between ponies and changelings,’ James states. ‘No matter what everypony else feels, I will help Del in her mission.’

‘Then why are we discussing this if you two have already made up our minds for us?’ Dash retorts.

‘We’re asking for your help since we know that Del will have some slips in her cover or need some help that goes beyond our limited capabilities.’

‘Um... Can I change my vote?’ Fluttershy speaks up.

Rarity and Rainbow Dash glare at their friend. The shy pegasus shrinks away. Somepony coughs ‘confidence’ less than subtly, earning a jab to his side for the effort. Fluttershy nods and look up at her friends.

‘I wouldn’t want to be alone in a strange land,’ Fluttershy says. ‘Even though she is a changeling, she was very friendly, not like those scary changelings at the wedding. I... I think I can get used to her being around if she is going to be disguised most of the time.’

‘Exactly,’ Applejack agrees. ‘AB couldn’ stop tellin’ me ‘bout her new friend when she was helpin’ me at closin’. Ah find out the “really awesome” and “totally cool” pony is really a changelin’... Well, shoot. Ah ain’t gonna hold no grudge.’

‘You have enough grammatical errors in that statement to kill a whole room of language majors,’ Rarity groans. ‘Still, Stormy did say she was pacified by a simple juice box. That is more than can be said about Sweetie or her friends.’

James groans. ‘Yeah. She’s been acting like I was going to throw her in a dungeon just because I threatened to revoke the treat Mr Cake promised her.’

‘Right! We haven’t heard from Pinkie yet,’ Twilight notices. She turns to her friend. ‘What do you think about this?’

Pinkie stares at everypony with an upset look on her face. ‘You’re telling me she ate HOW many treats without inviting me?’ Her eyes narrow. ‘It. Is. On!’

Everypony groans at her response.

Back at The Power Block, James trots up the stairs with Del. The filly is excited to have gotten her treat, a whole cake just for herself. She cannot wait to eat it, but James puts it in the refrigerator as soon as he gets in.

‘Rei! We’re home!’

Rei gallops out of her room and hugs her father. ‘Daddy!’ She lets go and picks up Del. ‘I’m sorry for being rude earlier, Del-chan. I was just a little freaked out.’

‘Stormy told you?’ James asks.

‘Mhm! Stormy is the best judge of character. Just look at his choice of friends.’

‘Del likes Full Moon, but she also wants to keep her lunch in her stomach.’

‘Sorry.’ Rei sets down the filly. ‘She calls me my real name.’

James pats Rei on the head as he heads to his room. ‘That will do, Full Moon. Why don’t you order us some pizzas for dinner? Get as much as you two want. Just don’t touch the cake until after dinner. I have to make a call.’

‘Hai, daddy!’ Rei squeals as she gets out the take-out menus.
James laughs as he closes the door and seals it with his sonic screwdriver. He takes his computer out of sleep mode and brings up a program. Seconds later, a white pegasus with a flowing purple mane appears on screen.

‘I was wondering when you would call,’ Full Moon laughs.

‘So you knew I was going to get her?’

‘I was with Daring long before you were. I’ve known about a lot of things that have gone on inside Celestia’s court over its long history.’

‘Then why me?’

Full Moon smiles, a fang glinting on the monitor. ‘You and Full Moon are some of the few ponies to treat us like we weren’t monsters, even knowing what we were. I couldn’t think of a better pony for this project.’

‘My Full Moon tried to kill you, you know?’

‘But she didn’t care who I really was, just that I had accidentally borrowed her identity.’

James nods. ‘True. Then, why Del?’

‘Del? That is a cute name. I was hoping you would find something nice for her.’ Full Moon laughs, then takes a deep breath and sighs. ‘Her egg was the only survivor of what appeared to be a Ursa Major attack on her den. She has no remaining family as far as we know. We don’t have the ability to check lineage like you ponies do. Nor could we check her with your methods lest we reveal ourselves. In such cases, the child is usually sent to live with sleeper agents in a country we are watching.’

‘But this time was different. Why?’

‘I truly wish for our kind to be accepted by the wider world. Too many long years of having to hide and commit unspeakable, if delicious, acts in order to maintain the hive is wearing us thin. As any school-larva can tell you, befriend the biggest pupa in the yard and you are set.’

James grumbles, ‘Don’t I know that... But still, you sent a blank slate. Why?’

‘That is exactly why. They better absorb and assimilate to the culture they are exposed to. Any changeling raised in the hive will have the knowledge and prejudices we give them. Send them on assignment and culture shock is the least of our worries. No, Del is going to be raised by ponies and will understand you better than any of us. She will help bridge our differences.’

‘You could always ask your husband for help.’

Full Moon smirks. ‘Don’t think that thought hasn’t crossed my mind.’

James sits back and laughs. ‘I think I am starting to understand. You can trust me. I’ll watch over her as best I can. We all will.’

‘Excellent. I know I made the right choice. If you have further questions, you know how to reach me.’

‘In that case, are all of you addicted to sugar?’

Author's Note:

TWP History: Del comes into TWP's life.

Number of Times Del Eats the Entire Stock of Sugarcube Corner: 1

Fun Fact: If you are a physicist, you will have at least one nightmare about the d’Alembertian.

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