• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,909 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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The Nomadic Programmer Quests

Characters (Human): TWP, Dusk Shine, Shinji, Hamilton, Bubble Berry, Rainbow Blitz, Artemus/Darien, Butterscotch
Characters (Pony): Twilight, Lyra, Rainbow Dash, TWP
Original Start Date: January 8, 2012

Dusk Shine rolls over in his bed. The morning sun lights his room in the library. He groans and checks his mobile. Almost time to get up. He sighs and looks over at his closet. The outfit he picked out special for today hangs ready to wear. He checks his mobile again and sits up.

‘Okay. Let’s do this.’

Dusk gets out of bed and starts getting dressed.

Sally eats breakfast in her home above The Power Block. Her adopted son Shinji scarfs down a large bowl of cereal. Beside him, Hamilton finishes off a large glass of juice before setting it down and gasping for air.

Sally giggles. ‘So, what do you have planned for today?’

‘Applebuck’s big brother is sick,’ Hamilton replies. ‘He asked Scooteroll, Silver Bell and me to help out while he runs the stall.’

‘Don’t cause too much trouble,’ his mother laughs.

‘I gotta work all day,’ Shinji says between spoonfuls of cereal. ‘Dashing is out, and I don’t wanna leave Scamper there alone.’

‘That’s my boy,’ Sally compliments. She checks the clock. ‘Oh! It is almost time for me to meet Dusk. I promised we’d spend the whole day together.’

‘Like that is going to happen,’ Shinji laughs.

‘What was that?’

‘Nothing,’ the young man groans. ‘Just think that my dads might have a thing to say about that.’

‘Or that loud Ray person might show up,’ Hamilton adds.

Sally growls at her sons. ‘Aren’t you late for work?’

The two boys laugh and run off. Sally sighs and cleans the table.

Dusk runs through the streets, late for his date with Sally. His assistant Spines almost set the library on fire while making breakfast, and he spent a good portion of the morning saving the books from the potential blaze then returning them to the proper shelves. He slows as he nears the agreed meeting location. The prince scowls when he sees his girlfriend talking with Crest, the local dentist. Sally notices Dusk and waves. After exchanging farewells, Crest gives the woman a wink before heading off.

‘What was that about?’ Dusk asks, as he storms over.

‘Oh, calm your cute little face,’ Sally sighs. ‘You know Crest and I are just friends. We were just catching up since I haven’t had to visit or drag Shinji to the dentist in a while.’

Dusk frowns. Sally leans up and kisses her boyfriend, getting him to sigh.

‘Where to first?’ Sally asks. ‘I bet you had this day planned out for two weeks now.’

Dusk tucks a list back into his vest pocket. ‘I have not. I am not that overprepared for everything.’

‘ “Get lattes and stare into her eyes”,’ Sally reads from the list. ‘Cute. I’m down for some PDAs.’

Dusk blushes. ‘Sally...’

The woman grabs her boyfriend’s hand and skips down the street. ‘Perfect date time, away!’

Dusk stumbles as he tries to keep up.

Having gotten their coffee, the couple walks through town. Dusk knows that Bubble Berry will be away from Sugarcube Corner at this time and thus it is safe to get a snack uninterrupted. He smiles and leads Sally into the cafe. His mood changes when he sees Berry pulling a cart full of treats from the back. The man notices the couple and lights up.

‘Dusky! Sally!’ Berry cheers.

He bounds across the room and grabs Sally in a big hug, planting a kiss on her lips. Dusk growls, his hair standing on end.

‘Berry...’ Dusk hisses, ‘I’m here too.’

Berry breaks the kiss. ‘Sorry. I forgot.’

Berry grabs Dusk’s face and locks a kiss on him too. Sally giggles as Dusk flails in panic. Berry breaks the kiss, leaving Dusk stunned.

‘B-Berry, I-I-I know you l-l-l-’ Dusk stammers

‘Love you?’

‘R-Right, b-but y-you have to warn me first.’

‘AH! Where is the fun in that?’

‘D-don’t you have a party to attend to.?’

‘Right! Almost forgot.’

Berry goes to his cart and returns to pulling it out of the cafe. Sally stops him.

‘Don’t worry. We’ll get him to do page one-seventy-three with us one day.’

Dusk tenses up and turns redder than Berry’s hair. Berry giggles and returns to his task.

Sally laughs and kisses Dusk ‘Come on. Let’s get back to our date.’

Dusk and Sally are locked in conversation as they continue their date.

‘Come on! It’ll be fun!’ Sally begs.

‘I know it is fun,’ Dusk hems, ‘but it would be weird doing that in public. I mean, I’m a prince for crying out loud!’

‘Oh, pfft. Who cares what everyone thinks? We’re in love. Isn’t that enough?’

Dusk blushes bright red. ‘I guess, but it would be awkward.’

‘Not from where I stand. I did the math. You are big enough.’

‘It-it doesn’t matter how big I am! I am just uncomfortable about doing that in public like that.’

‘Please, Dusky!’ Sally grabs her boyfriend in a hug. ‘I just want a piggyback ride.’

Dusk groans. He can hear the townsfolk whispering and laughing at the couple. To make matters worse, another set of arms wrap around the couple.

‘What are we hugging about?’ Rainbow Blitz asks.

‘Hi, Rainbow...’ Dusk groans.

‘Dusk is going to give me a piggyback ride,’ Sally replies.

‘A piggyback ride? Really?’ Rainbow laughs. ‘How can a weakling like Dusk do that?’ He lets go and looks at the couple. ‘I mean, you are small enough, but he has no muscle except his big, egghead brain.’

‘Thanks, Rainbow...’ Dusk growls.

‘What ya need is a big strong man like me to lift ya!’ The athlete poses, flexing his muscles.

‘You do have a point...’ Sally walks in close, feeling Rainbow’s muscles, causing Dusk to growl again. ‘You are strong enough, but...’

‘But what?’

Sally covers her mouth as she leans up to Rainbow. ‘Your epidermis is showing.’

Rainbow turns bright red. ‘It is?’

Sally nods. Rainbow screams and runs away, covering himself. Dusk holds his head in shame.

‘See, the epidermis is the hair,’ Sally explains, ‘so naturally it is showing.’

‘My friends are idiots,’ Dusk groans.

The librarian turns away and walks face first into someone else’s chest. He looks up to see a very smug face. Darien brushes some hair over his shoulder as he looks down at Dusk.

‘Funny bumping into you, Prince Dusk Shine,’ Darien greets.

‘Darien,’ Dusk snorts. ‘What are you doing here?’

‘I am here to visit with Stormseeker. Running into the lovely Sally (and you) is just good luck.’

‘Likely story.’

‘Hey, Darien!’ Sally greets. ‘Any good dreams lately?’

‘You, me and a vat of whipped cream.’ The man smirks.

‘What!’ Dusk shouts.

‘Hmm. Not one of mine. Must be your brother.’

‘He is not like that!’ Dusk snaps.

‘That is so him,’ Darien laughs.

Sally and Darien laugh. Dusk growls and pulls his date away.

‘Anyway! We have to be going. It is... good seeing you again, Darien,’ Dusk grumbles.

Darien smirks and blows a kiss to Sally. ‘Have good dreams, beautiful. Dusk...’ -- his smirk grows -- ‘Enjoy the night.’

‘What does that mean!’

‘Bye bye, Darien-sama!’ Sally waves.

Dusk mutters to himself as he storms away. Sally giggles at her boyfriend as she tags along.

The rest of the day goes smoothly. Dusk gets to have all the time he wants with Sally. The couple walks out of the theater together. Sally lets out a big yawn as she rests on Dusk’s shoulder. The man laughs and puts an arm around his girlfriend. A person walks by humming one of the recently heard showtunes.

Dusk recognizes the voice. ‘Butterscotch?’

A metrosexual man with styled pink hair turns around. ‘Yes? Oh! Dusk! Sally! What are you doing here?’

‘We’re on a date,’ Dusk replies. ‘Unfortunately...’

Butterscotch giggles. ‘Right. If a song isn’t about stat potions and saving throws...’

‘That isn’t tr...’ Sally swaggers slightly before settling against Dusk and rubbing her head on his chest.

‘Although, it was fun some nights,’ Butterscotch sighs, recalling his fake marriage to Sally. ‘Watch a romantic movie and have her fall asleep on my lap halfway through. Sure, getting her to bed afterwards was a struggle, but seeing her curled up in a little ball. Having her nuzzle my chest.’

Butterscotch squeals and covers the dopey expression on his face. Dusk just stares, eye twitching.

‘No, Butterscotch...’ Sally mumbles. ‘Stop poking me...’

‘It wasn’t like that!’ the man defends. ‘... Not every time...’

Dusk sighs. ‘It’s okay. You explained everything.’

‘Dusk-kun... Not tonight. I’m tired,’ Sally moans.

Butterscotch giggles as his friend turns beet red.

‘I’ll leave you two alone. Have a good night, Dusk. Sweet dreams, Sally.’

‘Good night, Butterscotch,’ Dusk replies.

Sally barely waves as her friend walks away. Dusk groans and starts guiding his girlfriend back home.


‘Yeah, Sally?’

‘I texted Shinji during the intermission. He and Hamilton will be staying at Dashing’s tonight.’

Dusk stops. His blush returns.

‘We’ll have my place all to myself tonight.’

‘But you said...’

Sally reaches under Dusk’s shirt. ‘I say a lot of things. Like “I love you”.’

‘I love you, too, Sally.’

Sally opens her eyes, leans up and kisses her boyfriend. When she leans back down, the couple continue back to The Power Block.



‘Can I have a piggyback ride?’

Twilight groans and shakes her head as she finishes reading the story in front of her. Lyra’s oversized grin tells of her enthusiasm.

‘You really think this will work?’ Twilight asks.

‘Well...’ the unicorn hems. ‘You kept complaining that everypony would recognize you if I kept using your names, so I changed things up a little!’

Twilight shakes her head. ‘Nopony will fall for this stupid ploy, especially not any of my friends.’

There is a knock on the window before Rainbow Dash flies in with a stack of papers in hoof.

‘Hey, Lyra,’ Rainbow greets. ‘I thought I would find you here. Great story!’

Lyra’s grin only grows. Twilight facehoofs.

‘Rainbow...’ the unicorn groans, ‘didn’t you notice something off about it?’

Rainbow flips through the story again. ‘I liked the new characters...’ She looks at Lyra. ‘Can you use this “Blitz” guy again? I’d love to have a story where I hook up with him. He sounds totally hot.’

Twilight slams her head against the nearest bookshelf, causing an avalanche. ‘That was you! Lyra just changed the genders!’

‘Oh...’ Rainbow frowns. ‘Dang...’

Twilight shudders. ‘You really wanted to hook up with Blitz, didn’t you?’

‘No... Not really...’ She chokes back a tear.

‘Told you nopony would notice,’ Lyra gloats.

‘That doesn’t prove anything! We need a second opinion.’

‘Sup!’ James declares as he enters the library.

‘What are you doing here?’ Lyra asks.

‘I have no idea,’ the stallion replies. ‘I just had the feeling I should be here, so now I am.’

‘Perfect timing!’ Twilight laughs. She levitates a copy of the story to her coltfriend. ‘Lyra was just reviewing her new story.’

James briefly glances at the first page. ‘Why am I a mare?’

Twilight laughs smugly and sticks her tongue at the unicorn.

Lyra snorts and takes the story back. ‘It is still in beta.’

The green unicorn grumbles as she storms out of the library.

James shrugs and turns to his fillyfriend. ‘Hey, want a ponyback ride around town?’

Author's Note:

Story Event: So, I tried getting as many r63 names as possible. Some weren't as good as I liked, but I went with the one with the most references I could find. As for those that didn't have a counterpart, I just made one up with he same origins as their regular counterpart. I am quite proud of keeping the Sailor Moon references with Luna/Selene becoming Artemis/Darien. Well, that and the Evangelion reference. Eva was my favorite show until I caught the second episode of Hayate no Gotoku while I was in Hiroshima. Such a good show.

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