• Published 25th Feb 2012
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The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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League of Harmony (part 2)

Main Characters: TWP, Celestia, Chrysalis
Cameos: Luna, Sunshine, Cadence, Shining, Amaterasu, Susanoo, Uther, Arthur, Lord Gugu, Tempest, Isis, Osiris, Artemis, Orion
Original Start Date: March 10, 2013

Title suggested by Game Tia

Twilight Sparkle sits calmly on the throne in Canterlot castle. She reads a scroll before signing it and levitating it to an assistant. She levitates a cup of the finest coffee in Equestria to her lips. Beside her, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy eat breakfast with their friend.

‘See? What was everypony worried about?’ Twilight brags. ‘Everything is running smoothly. Nothing is going wr-’

The doors to the throne room open. Applejack storms straight to the throne. Rarity and Discord chase after the mare.

‘What are you going to do about this!’ Applejack demands.

‘Now, calm down. I can fix this,’ Discord assures.

‘Don’ y’all worry yer pretty little head,’ Rarity says. ‘It was an accident plain and simple.’

‘Of course you say it is “pretty” when it is your head. What about mine!’

‘It’s fine too. Will y’all stop worryin’?’

Twilight stares in shock. ‘Why does Applejack sound like Rarity and Rarity sound like Applejack?’

‘Well, you see...’ Discord begins.

Rainbow Dash flies into the throne room. ‘Twilight! We have a problem!’

‘What now?’

‘Well, you see I was partying last night with Spitfire, Soarin’, Vinyl, Silver Fox...’

A guard enters and salutes. ‘Your majesty. Philomena has escaped again. She was last reported seen in the royal menagerie. Shall we commence panicking or just mildly freak out?’

Twilight starts laughing nervously, an eye twitching.

‘And I think Fleur was there too,’ Dash adds, trying to remember last night.

After breakfast, the delegates once again gather in the conference hall. Chrysalis has found a swivel chair and spins while the others take their seats. Celestia uses her magic to halt the changeling’s fun.

‘I believe we have more serious business to discuss today,’ the princess states.

Uther sits up and cackles. ‘This is going to be fun.’

‘I take it this is my turn,’ Chrysalis moans.

‘Correct, Chrysalis,’ Celestia sighs. ‘We are going to be discussing security matters today. That includes threats from any changeling hives.’

‘Who are your spies in my empire!’ Uther demands. ‘Tell us of all the changelings in my lands!’

Chrysalis stands and goes to the table. ‘You want to hear about changelings in your lands, do you?’

There was a family of changelings living in Eagleland not too long ago. They lived in a small village not too much bigger than Equestria’s Ponyville. Two parents and three children had been living in your land for several years. They were well-liked within the community and had many friends.

One day, one of the children injured himself playing with his friends, and his disguise was dropped while his wound was treated. Word quickly spread that he was a changeling and his whole family was outed for what they were. Luckily, most of their friends and neighbors knew them as good griffins and trustworthy friends. Gifts were even left for the injured son. Despite your country’s policy of reporting and detaining all changelings, the authorities felt that no action should be taken.

Unfortunately, a number of griffins hated knowing there were changelings living in their town and that no action was being taken against them. One night, they attacked the family’s home and burned it to the ground. The changelings were able to escape and fled to Aerieland. There, they have returned to hiding.

Chrysalis lowers her mobile as she stops reading. Uther glares at the changeling. She smirks and raises her mobile again.

‘The mayor and police chief of the town say they would arrest the griffins that attacked the changeling family,’ Chrysalis continues, ‘but they cannot act due to anti-changeling laws. Friends of the injured changeling want to know when they can play with their friend again.’ She lowers her mobile again. ‘How is that for a story about changelings in your territory?’

Uther growls and sits down, fuming.

James, Shining and Sunshine enjoy lunch together while the delegates continue their security discussions. Arthur and Orion approach the table.

‘May we join you?’ the deer asks.

The ponies shrug and make room for their contemporaries. Across the room, the changeling escorts get a table to themselves. Orion looks over a scoffs.

‘Can you believe we’re even entertaining the idea of allowing one of their kind to join?’ the prince snorts.

‘We haven’t had as bad a history as you in Equestria, but I have had my fair share of run-ins with changelings back home,’ Arthur adds.

‘Shining here has had a few run-ins with Chrysalis, if you know what I mean,’ James jokes.

‘We did not do anything!’

‘Mind control spell~’ James and Sunshine sing.

Arthur covers a laugh.

‘Disgusting creatures, all of them,’ Orion snarls. ‘We should have exterminated them on sight.’

‘Even with my history, they aren’t that bad,’ Shining sighs. ‘You just need the right countermeasures to prevent them from them getting too much of a hoofhold.’

‘I hear you have a changeling in your personal squadron,’ Arthur says.

‘I do. He is one of my most loyal soldiers and a close friend.’

‘And given a free second, he will slit your throat,’ Orion snorts.

‘Geez. Ease up on them,’ James groans. ‘What did they ever do to you?’

‘They are beings of hate. If we had any brains, we would have wiped those monsters from the planet long ago.’

‘They are not monsters...’

‘If you have ever had any personal experience with them, you would know they want nothing more than to drain the souls from you and your family.’

James glares and sets his mobile on the table. He has a picture of Del open. ‘One of those so-called “monsters” is my daughter. She is the sweetest little girl you will ever meet. I really doubt Del or any other changeling I know means you any harm.’

Orion stares at the picture then looks up at James. ‘I’m sorry.’

‘That’s better.’

‘I’m sorry you are brainwashed by those monsters. I’m sorry you think such a hideous beast could ever care for you.’

James growls and kicks the table out, knocking over Orion. The others step back, trying not to get caught in the attack. Everypony else in the room looks at the commotion.

‘Del is my little angel!’ James screams. ‘Being a changeling does not change anything! I love her with all my heart, and she loves me and her sister too!’ He picks up Orion. ‘Take back what you said about her!’

‘She is a monster and should be put down.’

James swings a punch, knocking out the prince. Before he can attack again, he is wrapped in magic and pulled away.

‘James! What are you doing!’ Shining yells.

The Furious Parent looks at his friend then at the unconscious deer below him. Isis comes over from where she was sitting.

‘I’ll take care of him,’ the queen says. ‘But know there will be consequences for your actions.’

James shakes his head. ‘I know. I know. I’ll be in my room cooling down. Sorry you had to see that.’

The stallion gallops away to collect himself. Isis sighs and lifts Orion to her back. Slowly, the dining hall returns to normal as Shining, Sunshine and Arthur return to their meals. The changelings sigh and go back to eating.

‘Hey,’ Shining calls. ‘Do you two want to join us?’

The changelings look at each other, smile and get up to change tables.

‘You hit Orion!’ Celestia screams.

‘I would have done more if Shining didn’t stop me,’ James shouts back.

‘You are lucky he was there.’

‘I know it.’

The princess and physicist glare at each other across their room. Celestia closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. James sighs and looks away.

‘What did he say?’ Celestia asks.

‘He said that Del should be killed,’ James replies. ‘After that, I just sorta snapped.’

The princess shakes her head. ‘That is an awful thing to say.’ She looks at the stallion. ‘But he is still the son of one of my oldest friends and a foreign royal.’

James moans and sits on the bed. ‘I acted rashly. I’m sorry.’ He looks up. ‘How can you be friends with them? They are so... Scootaloo’s dad is more pleasant than them and I gave him the same treatment!’

Celestia sighs and sits next to her friend. ‘I don’t know, Mr Wanderer. I just don’t know. When this organization was young, we needed leaders like her to give us legitimacy. But no matter how much the world has evolved, she does not seem to have changed.’

‘You changed if you are willing to allow the granddaughter of somepony you banished to the moon join.’

The princess laughs. ‘By that logic, I should allow Rei’s daughter to join, if she has one.’

‘Don’t say she hasn’t thought of that.’ There is a pause. ‘And yes, I know she is engaged to a mare.’

‘What do we do, Mr Wanderer? Just by allowing Chrysalis to be here, I am risking my friendship with Artemis.’

James falls back. He pats the bed beside him. Celestia lays down too.

‘You’re going to have to apologize publicly, James. Do you think you can handle that?’

‘Do you think Orion can?’

Celestia takes a deep breath. ‘Can we just lay here and pretend I am yelling at you?’

‘I have a spare hoofheld if you want one.’

‘I’m fine just talking with with you.’

‘No. I insist. Take my game.’

Celestia laughs and rolls over to think.

Uther paces in his suite. Arthur watches his father.

‘Arg! Those damn changelings. They’re always causing trouble.’

‘Father, you heard the reports. They were attacked for just being who they are! Even at their worst, the anti-changeling laws were never meant to do more than scare them away. We have a whole town ready to secede and join Aerieland because they want to persecute the true criminals.’

Uther spins around. ‘Don’t you think I know that! Look at the dilemma they have put us in! We have to protect criminals now. We look as bad as Artemis does.’

Arthur stands as tall as he can. ‘Father, when we get home, I don’t care what you or my brothers say or do, I am going to order the arrest of the arsonists and offer protection to the changeling family if they wish to return.’

‘Are you mad, son?’

‘Is it madness to want justice?’

Uther paces some more. ‘Orion and Mr Wanderer are going to publicly apologize for their actions.’

‘As well they should.’

‘Is it justice if this issue is swept under the rug?’

Arthur tries answering but looks away. Uther walks over and puts a talon on his son’s shoulder.

‘When you reach my age, the line between what should be done and what will be done will be crossed many times.’ He looks at a clock. ‘Come. The apology is scheduled for before dinner.’

The griffin goes to the door.


Uther looks back.

‘I do not like the changelings that continually pester our lands, but I am finding Chrysalis and her hive to be quite enjoyable.’

‘The exception that proves the rule?’

Arthur shakes his head. ‘No. The only exception and nothing more. … And a potential ally.’

Uther nods and turns back around. The king marches away followed by his son.

The delegates and their escorts fill the dining hall. James and Orion stand at the center, facing each other. Behind them, Celestia and Artemis watch each other. Chrysalis smiles as she watches the show. Celestia leans forward and nudges her friend.

James stares at Orion and smirks. ‘One sec.’

The stallion gets out his mobile and makes a call. Everypony starts murmuring. James smiles and presses some buttons on his mobile. Monitors around the room spring to life.

‘I hope you don’t mind if I take a quick video call,’ the stallion says.

‘What are you..?’

‘Shh!’ James hisses.

The monitors change to show Del out of her disguise. Chrysalis’ smile doubles.

`Daddy?` the young changeling asks.

‘Hi, Del! I just wanted to check in with you. Um, you’re sort of on TV here. Can we talk privately?’

`Everypony can see me?`

James nods.

Del laughs. `Inkie! I’ll be in my room!` she calls, galloping to her room. `How is it going, daddy?`

‘We’re doing fine, sweetie. It is really boring without anything to do, but we still find ways to have fun.’

`That is good. Can I come with you next time?`

James laughs. ‘We’ll see. Um, actually, today, we were talking about you.’

Del blushes. `Really?`

‘Uh huh. I was telling all the delegates all about you and they just insisted on seeing you.’

Del’s blush increases. `All the big important ponies can see me?`

‘Uh huh. Your sister is even here.’

‘Hi, Del!’ Chrysalis shouts.

`Hi, Chryssy!`

James laughs. ‘How is Rei treating you?’

`It is fine. Inkie is staying with us and helping take care of me. She’s even staying in Rei’s room.`

‘They aren’t doing anything they shouldn’t, right?’

Del shakes her head. `Rei is too chicken to do anything.`

James laughs again. ‘That’s good. How is school?’

Del frowns. `The mean pink one is being extra mean, but my friends are extra nice to make up for it.`

‘I’ll have a word with Diamond’s father when I get back.’

`Will that be soon, daddy? I miss you.`

‘I miss you too, Del. I’ll be home soon, and I’ll bring lots of yummy treats from the Crystal Empire.’

`Thank you, daddy! You’re the best!`

‘I have to go now. It is almost time for dinner.’


‘You stay good. I love you, Del.’

Del kisses the screen. `I love you too, daddy! Bye bye, daddy! Bye bye, everypony else!`

‘Bye, Del.’ James hangs up his mobile. He looks up at Orion. ‘I’m sorry. Were you saying something?’

The deer snarls at the stallion before turning and storming away. Artemis glares at James and Celestia before following her son away. The others mill about wondering what to do next.

‘That was truly deceitful, Mr Wanderer,’ Chrysalis says. She smiles. ‘Good job.’

Luna laughs and takes a seat at the table. ‘Seems Susanoo isn’t the only one you can silence, James.’

The Diamond Dog shouts silent threats to the princess before his mother forces him to sit.

James takes a seat, and Celestia sits beside him.

‘One thousand years of putting up with your “apologies” and even when I am not on the receiving end, they still hit me like a ton of bricks.’

‘Want to know a simple solution to dealing with them?’

Celestia looks over and smiles. She reaches out and boops James’ nose. The stallion smiles and boops her back. They laugh and return to preparing for their meal.

After dinner, Artemis is coaxed out of her room by Chrysalis offering up information about other changeling hives. While the delegates meet again, the escorts return to lounging around. Except for the bitter Orion and the silent Susanoo, the others are playing a game console James seems to have found.

Tempest laughs. ‘We have to get on of these once the trade restriction is lifted.’

‘I can drop one off in my free time,’ James replies.

Shining paces around the room. He keeps looking towards the conference hall.

‘I don’t like this,’ the unicorn states. ‘They have been in there for a long time.’

‘Worried that they were duped?’ Arthur asks.

‘Worse.’ Shining turns at looks at the griffin. ‘Worried that Sunshine and I are going to be very busy when we get back.’

The changelings cackle.

‘Our queen does not have much love for other hives,’ one says, eating some leftover cake.

‘She refused to discuss the siege of Canterlot with any but her top generals,’ the other adds. ‘She didn’t want to share our dinner.’

Shining glares. ‘You know, I was on the menu.’

‘You were the main course. We couldn’t touch you,’ the changeling laughs.

‘I know the feel, bro,’ James says.

The conference hall doors open. Cadence trots out, yawning.

‘Is it over?’ Shining asks.

‘Not by a long shot,’ Cadence replies. ‘I’m just not the security type.’

‘As am I,’ Gugu yawns as he is pushed out. ‘It sounds as if they will be at it for several more hours. I, for one, would like to get some sleep.’

‘But, dad!’ Tempest protests. ‘This is important!’

‘We’re under the sea, darling. We haven’t had to deal with changelings before now. There is no threat from them.’

‘Oh yeah?’ Tempest turns to the changelings. ‘Become one of us.’

The changelings look at each other. The one sets down his cake and groans. He trots to Gugu’s tank and climbs in. He focuses and changes into a normal sea pony, no wings or horn.

‘Holy crow. I didn’t know we could do this.’

Tempest frowns at her father. ‘And he is one of the good ones. Now get back in there and learn all you can!’

Gugu stares at the water in his tank. ‘Yes, dear.’ He smiles and laughs. ‘You sound like your mother more and more every day.’

Tempest screams and falls back in her tank. Gugu laughs harder as he is pushed back into the meeting.

Shining nuzzles his wife. ‘Let’s get you to bed. I’m sure Celestia will have orders for me in the morning.’

‘Just as long as you stand and deliver tonight, I’ll be happy.’

Shining turns and glares at James standing at his other side. The unicorn magically shoves the stallion back and trots away with his wife.

‘Your lips, mind, heart, body and magic say “no”, but your sister says “yes”!’ James calls. ‘On occasion. Maybe. If I behave myself.’

‘Goodnight, Mr Wanderer,’ Shining groans.

‘I love you too!’

Everypony laughs and goes back to playing games.

Thanks to a long night of security discussions, the delegates are exhausted at their final round of meetings. Luna leads the roll call while the others try to rest.


The queen moans. ‘Venti caramel latte with a shot of soy milk. Arigato gozaimasu.’

‘We are not a Neighponese Ponybucks,’ Luna groans.

‘That is your fault, not mine.’

The princess rolls her eyes. ‘Celestia? Sister?’

A loud snore comes from beside Luna.

Luna rolls her eyes. ‘Now, picking up from where we left off last night. We had agreed on increased information sharing between our militaries. There was still some question as to the role Chrysalis’ hive would play.’

‘I think I proven myself loyal enough to your cause,’ Chrysalis says followed by a yawn. ‘I dislike my competitor’s hives as much as you. I’ve also given evidence of my hive’s efforts to protect Neighpon.’

‘You mean, protect your feeding grounds,’ Artemis snorts.

‘TomAto, toMAto,’ Chrysalis sighs. ‘The point is: we are protecting ponies, not draining their life force.’

‘Thank you, Chrysalis,’ Luna says, turning back to her notes. ‘We only have a few more proposals to discuss and vote on before we can call this gathering to a close. First of these, we need a vote on Celestia’s proposed lower house.’

‘Yes!’ Celestia shouts, sitting up.

‘We haven’t begun voting yet, sister,’ Luna sighs. She looks at the other delegates. ‘As this is a vote on changing the membership and/or rules of the League, the vote will be done by secret ballot. Two-thirds vote is needed to pass the measure.’ She levitates ballots and quills to each of the delegates. ‘As per League rules, we shall turn around to mark our ballots. Luckily, we have Chrysalis present to collect and shuffle our votes so we do not need call in a guard to do so. Is everypony ready?’ The delegates nod. ‘Turn and vote.’

The delegates turn to mark their ballots. Chrysalis yawns as she goes around the room collecting the ballots. She then magically shuffles them before placing them in front of Luna. The princess tallies the votes and sighs.

‘Five “Yay”, three “Nay”. The measure fails.’

‘Me damn it,’ Celestia grumbles.

‘That’s the way the cake crumbles, Celestia,’ Artemis taunts.

Luna clears her throat. ‘If we can move on, we have another important vote ahead of us.’

‘My membership?’ Chrysalis asks, beaming.

‘No,’ Luna replies. ‘Isis had a proposal for us.’

Isis stands. ‘Thank you. My proposal is this: instead of creating a new body within the League, we start inviting non-member states as observers. We have seen how useful in expanding our knowledge base has been with Chrysalis’ presence. If we have more representatives speak more often, we can get a wider worldview and be able to better shape our policies.’

‘Who are your proposed observers?’ Uther asks.

‘The same as with the trade deal we passed earlier this meeting. We know we can trust them. If we truly value their input, we can start investigating whether we would really like a lower house.’

‘And with my future membership, we can protect them from other changeling hives,’ Chrysalis adds.

‘I vote in favor just to see the Neighponese prime minister’s face when Chrysalis has to tell her about all the changelings in her country!’ Celestia shouts, waving a hoof in the air.

‘Again, this should be done by a secret vote,’ Isis says calmly.

Celestia groans as ballots are magically distributed. The delegates turn and mark their ballots. Chrysalis collects and shuffles them again. Isis counts the votes and smiles.

‘Seven to one, the proposal passes.’

Artemis groans and collapses in her seat.

Chrysalis looks around smiling. ‘Is it my turn yet?’

‘I believe so,’ Luna replies. ‘Are there any last comments on Chrysalis’ membership?’

‘She invaded Equestria and tried making my subjects into dinner,’ Celestia huffs. ‘That said, her threat has been neutralized on many occasions. Having her around could be beneficial in combating other changeling hives.’

‘I agree that she could provide useful intelligence,’ Amaterasu says. ‘She would make a useful ally.’

‘Those are good points, but I still cannot trust a changeling,’ Uther snorts.

‘She is a creature of lies and whichever members invited her should be expelled for even thinking it would be acceptable to allow a changeling in our ranks,’ Artemis snarls.

‘Ooo. She’s snippy,’ Chrysalis giggles.

Cadence takes a deep breath. ‘Chrysalis, you attacked me and tried stealing my husband. This whole trip you have done nothing but harass us. You are a grade-A pest.’

The changeling smiles proudly.

‘Any other opinions?’ Celestia asks. She gets head shakes in reply. ‘Okay. With final opinions closed, we move to the vote.’ She levitates the ballots out. ‘Standard secret ballot. Two-thirds votes needed to allow her to join. Chrysalis, will you get a guard to assist us? It would not be fair if your magic somehow changed the outcome.’

Chrysalis nods and leaves. The delegates mark their ballots. A crystal pony attendant enters, followed by Chrysalis. The crystal pony collects the ballots while Chrysalis watches nervously from a corner. The attendant shuffles the ballots and places them in front of Celestia. The princess takes a deep breath and begins counting. She counts the last vote and looks up.

Celestia calmly states, ‘Six in favor, two opposed. Queen Chrysalis and her hive are now members of the League of Harmony.’

Chrysalis tackles Celestia in a hug. ‘Thank you! I love you so much!’

‘Madness!’ Uther roars.

‘What!’ Artemis shouts. ‘Who are the traitors! It has to be one of you ponies! Admit it!’

‘I think it is obvious who the two opponents are,’ Gugu sighs.

‘Having Chrysalis on our side will be a great boon for the League,’ Celestia argues, trying to free herself from the hug. ‘The intelligence she can provide is invaluable. Not to mention, her hive will have to start coming out of the shadows. We do not have to change our laws to reflect our new member, but we can begin to change our attitudes towards her and maybe learn to accept her.’ She pushes Chrysalis’ face. ‘And can you hug somepony else!’

Chrysalis lets go and instantly latches on to Luna, giving the younger princess a big kiss as well.

Artemis storms from the room. ‘You will regret this mistake! You won’t even live, since your new friend will be the one standing over your corpses!’

The deer slams the doors as she marches to her room.

Cadence takes a deep breath and looks at the other delegates. ‘We should have a closing reception ready if all the business before the League is finished.’

The closing reception is winding down. The delegates mill about and enjoy the disappearing refreshments. Chrysalis hugs Osiris as he and Isis say their farewells. Artemis and Orion storm from their rooms. The queen marches through the room to Celestia.

‘I hope you are happy with your new friend,’ Artemis snorts. ‘Since you have lost this one.’

‘Artemis, you are still my friend,’ Celestia sighs. ‘I still value your friendship. I hope one day you will once again become the kind, just ruler I once knew. Perhaps your future dealings with the changing League will open your eyes and warm your heart.’

The deer growls and turns away. She storms out followed by her son. Uther walks over, watching the leaving delegates.

‘She does have a point,’ Uther notes. ‘Your embrace of changelings might cause some harm.’

Celestia smirks. ‘You were quite excited to learn changeling countermeasures.’

James trots over. ‘And you seemed to enjoy seeing my interaction with my daughter.’

‘You cannot deny that it is heartwarming to see a parent and child who care for each other.’ The griffin pauses and thinks. ‘Which reminds me. There was a recent incident in my country where a family was driven from their home. Arthur!’

The young griffin runs over. ‘Yes, father?’

‘When we get home, bring me the griffins that attacked the changeling family recently. They have to face justice for their assault on citizens of the empire. We also have to find the displaced family. It pains me to know some of our citizens were forced to exile themselves.’

‘But father, I thought changelings weren’t...’

‘They proved themselves to be better citizens than those that attacked them. And who will argue with the king when he grants them retroactive amnesty?’

‘Y-yes, father!’

Arthur runs away to begin preparations for their return. Uther turns back to look at the smiling princess and her friend.

‘What?’ Uther asks. ‘I know what my vote was. I have no plans to propose changing our laws, but that that doesn’t mean my personal opinions cannot evolve.’

The king marches away to converse with the other delegates. Chrysalis breaks away from the Thestrals and approaches Celestia. The queen bows.

‘Thank you so much for supporting me,’ Chrysalis says.

Celestia turns away. ‘Do not look into it. Twilight Sparkle already gave us the location of your lands years ago when you kidnapped her friends. We know where you live. This just allows us to keep a more watchful eye on you.’

‘Hmm. And I seem to remember that watchful eye at all of my concerts.’

‘Luna is a fan. I just didn’t want her to go alone.’

‘Yet she spent most of her time conversing with that lilac one with the amazing mane.’

Celestia frowns and narrows her eyes. Chrysalis grins. She turns to the pony beside the princess.

‘Thank you for allowing me to see Del,’ the queen says. ‘I’ll have to pay her a visit soon.’

‘She’ll love it. Just give us warning next time.’ James frowns. ‘Your after-visit benders with Daring and Berry are quite upsetting.’

‘Daring doesn’t seem upset when she gets into bed.’

The Irked Physicist’s eye twitches. ‘My bed.’

Chrysalis grins. ‘Thank you again for your support.’

Celestia snorts and turns her nose up. Chrysalis laughs and goes to Cadence and Shining. The unicorn tenses up and hides behind his wife.

‘Thank you for your support,’ the changeling says, bowing.

‘Rei encouraged me to forgive you. I may not have completely forgiven you, but I am willing to put aside my feelings for the sake of Equestria.’

‘Thank you. It honors me.’ She looks around the princess. ‘I guess we may see more of each other too.’

‘Please don’t hurt me,’ Shining whimpers.

‘I wouldn’t think of it... again.’ Chrysalis smiles at Cadence. ‘In all honesty, I did not do anything with your husband, even when he was under my spell. You were his first.’

‘Don’t tell her that!’ Shining shouts.

Cadence groans. ‘Thanks. Both of you. I appreciate your honesty.’

Chrysalis blushes and looks away. ‘If you don’t mind... Could I just once...’

The princess takes a deep breath. ‘Go ahead.’

The changeling smiles, leans in and kisses Cadence on the lips. The princess’ eyes go wide with surprise and her wings stick up in shock. Shining stares, jaw dropped. Chrysalis breaks the kiss with the stunned princess and smiles.

‘Your husband isn’t the only one in your relationship I find attractive.’

Cadence blushes. ‘Chr-Chr-Chry...’

‘That was too hot,’ Shining comments.

‘Shining!’ Cadence snaps.

‘Maybe I’ll let you join next time.’ Chrysalis winks.

‘Thank you,’ Shining whimpers.


Chrysalis laughs loudly and goes back to enjoying the party. Cadence starts scolding her husband. James gets a drink from the reception. A pair of shadows loom over the pony. He turns to face Amaterasu and Susanoo.

The empress stares down at the pony. ‘My son told me of your trick that removed his ability to speak the past few days.’ She narrows her gaze. ‘That is a very nasty trick.’ She smiles. ‘Can you teach me?’


James laughs. ‘It is just a simple formula I came across. I can share it with you.’

‘Thank you, Mr Wanderer. It will come in handy.’


Amaterasu groans and leads her son away. James slips her a few of his special pills. The remaining delegates continue exchanging their farewells as the conference winds down.

Twilight Sparkle sits calmly on the throne in Canterlot castle. Her mane is disheveled. Her eye is twitching. She even looks like she is molting slightly.

‘Okay! We can do this!’ Twilight declares. ‘Fluttershy! Pinkie!’

The two ponies dash in front of their friend.

‘You two gather all the animals in the grand ballroom, and we can send them back to their cages en masse.’

The friends salute and gallop away.

‘Rainbow Dash!’

The pegasus flies to her friend.

‘Take all the royal guards and comb every centimeter of the sewers. We’ll find your missing Element of Harmony!’

Rainbow Dash salutes. ‘Yes, boss!’

The pegasus flies away to continue her search. Discord walks forward with Applejack and Rarity.

‘Okay. I think I got it this time,’ the draconequus states, snapping his fingers.

The two mares look at their bodies.

‘Phew!’ Applejack sighs, seeing orange hooves again. ‘Feels good t’ be back t’ normal.’

‘I completely agree darl-’ Rarity stares at her friend. ‘Deary, why are you the size of Apple Bloom.’

The ‘mares’ take more time to examine themselves. They scream when they see they have been changed back into fillies.

‘I can fix this!’ Discord shouts.

Twilight laughs nervously and fiddles with her mane. ‘Don’t worry. We have a few hours until the princesses and James return. We can have everything fixed by then.’

A guard gallops in with a scroll. ‘This just arrived, Princess Sparkle!’

‘What does it say?’

The guard clears his throat and reads, ‘Twilight Sparkle. We are taking James’ ship home. We will be back in a few minutes. Princess Celestia.’

Twilight’s eye twitches a few times. She places her crown on the guard’s head. ‘You’re the new princess. Bye!’

The princess flees the palace as fast as her wings can carry her.

Author's Note:

Title suggested by Game Tia

Story Event: The idea for this chapter originally had more members. I know Zebras were for sure, and I have always wanted to use Crackle as Queen(?) of the dragons. Dragons were cut or forgotten long before serious development began. Zebras were dropped due to the inclusion of Thestrals. A wonderful fan suggested them (offering fan art if I ever included them) and when I did my research, I thought they were a wonderful idea. I changed them from the original description in Harry Potter to be more of a Russia location x Egyptian mythology sort of thing, allowing the others to see them as well. They may well be 'invisible' to those who haven't dealt with death, but everyone at the conference would have had to deal with death at some point in their lives.

Also, Twilight's scenes were originally planned as a bonus scene for the end, but I needed a break between the chapters, and her story lent itself perfectly to the job.

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