• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,909 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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Slice of Home

Main Characters: Applejack, Apple Pie, Rei
Cameos: TWP, Twilight
Original Start Date: November 10, 2012 (Season 3 start!)

Applejack is working in her orchards. She and her brother are clearing the last of the trees for fall harvest. The farmer lines up a kick and bucks a tree. All the apples fall neatly into the barrels surrounding the tree. Applejack nods at her handiwork and moves to the next tree.

The farmer works her way through the orchards until she is far from the homestead. She stops to rest by a nearby stream. While leaning down to take a drink, Applejack hears an odd moaning coming from the trees. She looks around but does not see anypony.

‘Anypony out there?’

Not getting a response Applejack looks around again before returning her work. She hears the moan again and traces the source. She gallops into the orchard, but all she finds is a large fallen branch. She scratches her head and turns to leave.

Applejack comes face to face with a translucent apparition. The ghostly being is as tall as Big Macintosh, but it appears to have the same coat and mane colors as Applejack and is as thin as the mare. It even has her hat. Applejack would have thought she was staring at a changeling if the ghost was not male. The farmer backs away slowly.

‘Applejack?’ the ghost asks.

That was all she needed to hear. Applejack turns and gallops away screaming. The ghost blinks and scratches his head.

[cue the music]

Twilight Sparkle trots down the dirt road to Sweet Apple Acres. She received a call from Applejack to help investigate something strange in the orchard. Her saddlebags are filled with ‘sciency things’ at her friend’s request. As she nears the farm, she see her friend sitting outside the barn, drinking from a jug that Twilight hopes is filled with cider. Applejack sees her friend approach, sets down her drink and heads out to meet her.

‘Thanks fer comin’,’ Applejack greets. ‘Ah didn’ know where t’ turn t’.’

‘It is always my pleasure to help explain the unexplainable,’ Twilight says with a smile.

‘Well, this sure is unexplainable.’ Applejack looks behind Twilight a bit. ‘What are they doin’ here?’

Twilight sighs. Behind her, James and Rei smile and wave at the farmer.

‘He’s here because he is bored,’ Twilight answers. ‘As for Rei...’

‘Taking the day off. Neighponese holiday,’ the young mare answers.

‘Which one?’ Applejack asks.

‘Uh... Obon-Bon Festival?’

Lyra gallops from a nearby bush. ‘Oh crap! She is going to kill me!’

Everypony stares at panicking unicorn.

‘Y’all knew she was in there, right?’

‘Sure! Why not?’ Rei grins.

James high hooves his daughter.

Twilight groans and shakes her head. ‘Can you show us to what you need investigated?’

Applejack retraces her steps through the orchard as best she can. Twilight carefully examines everything she sees. James scans with his sonic. Rei practices flying upside-down.

‘Can you turn that down?’ Twilight asks. ‘I am trying to work here.’

‘I just want to help,’ James replies. ‘Hunting for clues could go much faster if we had another one of these.’

‘I almost robbed a bank when we were in Neighpon. I don’t want to take that chance again.’

Rei giggles. ‘So you were playing with your thingy, and you made a big mess in your hooves?’

Twilight turns and growls at the young mare.

‘Please. That was nothing,’ James scoffs. ‘I literally robbed a bank to pay for The Power Block. … Did I say that outloud?’

Twilight turns and growls at the young Time Lord.

‘Can y’all stop yakkin’?’ Applejack grumbles. ‘Ah’m tryin’ t’ remember where Ah saw it.’

‘We still don’t know what “it” is,’ Twilight replies.

‘Y’all ain’t gonna believe me. … Ah hardly believe me. … Ah saw... a ghost.’

Rei shoots into the nearest tree. ‘Bakemono!’

Twilight groans and turns around.

James stops his fillyfriend while still watching Applejack. ‘Did you experience a sudden drop in temperature? How about missing time? Was there any ectoplasmic residue?’

‘The only residue is the moonshine we saw her drinking!’ Twilight shouts. ‘This is silly and stupid.’

Rei shoots out of the tree and covers Twilight’s mouth. She looks around nervously. ‘Bakemono-sama! Twilight-bakasan didn’t mean what she said. You are quite respectable and intelligent.’

James adjusts his sonic. ‘Okay. Now that I know to look for PKE readings, we can really get this show on the road.’

‘Seriously.’ Twilight is aghast. ‘You actually believe this? You of all ponies?’

James stares back blankly.

‘You’re the one always telling me that Celestia doesn’t control the sun and science this and science that, and now you are the one who wants to go on a ghost hunt?’

‘I don’t think I understand the question,’ James replies.

Twilight screams, which is quickly muffled by Rei putting her hoof over the mare’s mouth again.

‘There are more things in heaven and Equestria than are dreamt of in your philosophy, Twilight.’

Applejack laughs and shakes her head. ‘So the sciency one believes mah tale while the magicy one doesn’t? Is that irony?’

‘Purest definition, my dear Applejack,’ James replies. ‘But have no fear. We’ll find this ghost of yours if my name isn’t Fetlock Holmes.’

‘But yer name ain’t...’

James snorts. ‘Listen. Just cause I don’t have a fez and a bow tie, doesn’t mean I can’t pretend to be Fetlock once and a while.’

‘All right, all right. Keep yer britches on.’

‘First time you ever told him that,’ Twilight grumbles.

Applejack butts her friend. ‘What did y’all say t’ me?’

‘Nothing.’ Twilight rolls her eyes. ‘I’m in too. Just to prove there is nothing weird going on.’

‘That’s what ya said ‘bout twitchy tail and look where ya are now.’

‘That was different. That was Pinkie Pie. It is impossible to explain Pinkie Pie.’

‘Time-displaced second regeneration of Discord. Done!’ James raises his forelegs in the air triumphantly.

The mares glare at the Time Lord. They groan in unison.

‘I’m in too.’ Rei states. Somehow, she is now dressed in a white kimono with a red hakama. ‘We will appease this wondrous and gracious spirit and send it back to Yomi where it belongs.’

‘Great.’ James stands by Rei. ‘Rei and I will take this side of the orchard. You two take the other side.’

‘Shouldn’ Ah come with ya t’ make sure ya know where y’all are goin’?’

‘Applejack. Are you really proposing being alone with me in the middle of nowhere right in front of Twilight?’

Applejack looks ashamed. ‘Y’all don’ have t’ word it like that. Ah was jus’ concerned, is all.’

‘We’ll be fine. Just remember to give some sort of signal if you see anything.’

‘And when we don’t see anything, we’ll all meet up at the barn and talk about how much a waste of time this was,’ Twilight huffs.

‘That’s the spirit.’ James grins.

‘OH! I get it! Funny.’ Rei starts laughing.

The two older mares groan and head off to search the orchard.

‘At least somepony appreciates my jokes!’ James shouts.

Rei looks around. ‘Are they gone? Can I stop laughing? Allowance, please.’

James rolls his eyes and trots away. ‘You own a shop.’

‘You say that like that is a way to make money.’

James and his daughter trot from tree to tree. While he scans for ghosts, she exorcises the trees. The young mare puts her wand in her kimono and follows her father towards the next group of trees.

‘Isn’t it great that we get to do something together that doesn’t involve a parent-teacher conference?’ Rei asks.

‘Yes. I was beginning to think that was the only time you wanted to spend with me these days.’

Rei frowns. ‘Sorry. Just with school and work and Inkie, I’m pretty busy.’

‘School’s almost out for the year. How about The Power Block and Neighponese Imports team up for a big party?’

‘Actually, I have one coming up with The Chaos Theater. We were just about to tell everypony in the district.’

‘You and Tim? What is it?’

Rei grins. ‘Let’s just say that on her way between Canterlot and Las Pegasus, there will be a Full Moon sighting in Ponyville.’

James stops in his tracks. ‘You booked Full Moon to do a surprise show in the middle of her tour?’

Rei’s grin grows and she nods her head excitedly.

‘Del is going to freak. … Lucas is going to freak more.’

‘I know. Isn’t it great?’

James pats Rei on her head. ‘Good girl, Rei. A lot of ponies will be excited and happy. Your Auntie Pinkie Pie would be proud.’

Rei smiles and ‘squees’. The moment is ruined by a loud scream. James nods, and Rei takes off through the orchard. The pegasus’ flight is cut short by an orange earth pony to the gut. Applejack and Rei get tangled together as the earth pony tries to flee. In the direction from where Applejack was running, Twilight lays on the ground. Rei is able to stand.

‘What is it? What happened?’

Applejack looks around, terrified. ‘Th-the g-ghost. We saw it.’


Applejack does not answer. She just turns white and stares past Rei. The pegasus’ wings stick up. She slowly turns to see the translucent pony approach her.


Rei screams and flies straight into a tree. All the apples fall neatly into the baskets laid out earlier. James gallops onto the scene. He sees his daughter unconscious, his friend in a state of shock, a very confused ghost and Twilight laying on the ground.

‘Twilight!’ James shouts as he gallops forward. ‘Pardon me,’ he tells the ghost as he passes through. He slides to a stop and lifts Twilight up. ‘Are you okay?’

Twilight holds up a hoof as if to make a point. ‘And that, ladies and gentleponies, is why they call me Great and Powerful.’

‘I think you hit your head a little too hard, The Great and Powerful Sparklerific,’ James laughs.

‘Who said I hit it?’ Twilight moans, rubbing her head. ‘Somepony kicked me as soon as she thought she saw a...’ She gasps.

The ghost slowly approaches the two ponies. ‘Dad?’

James quickly pulls out his sonic and scans. ‘Huh. It is just a telepathic projection.’ He looks at the two panicking mares behind the projection. ‘Don’t worry! It is only a projection!’

James and Twilight stand and start examining the projection. It shifts nervously under the increased attention.

Twilight notes, ‘He looks just like...’

‘Apple?’ Rei says as she comes closer.

‘Yes?’ the projection and Applejack say in unison.

Rei gasps. ‘Apple! It is you!’

The pegasus dives to hug her older brother, but ends up tackling her father.

‘If y’all know him, can ya tell me what is goin’ on?’

Rei gets up and goes to the projection. ‘This is by big brother. Apple Pie.’

Everypony gasps as Rei smiles at her brother. Apple smiles back then looks around him. James and Twilight watch him with a lot of curiosity. Applejack stares, not knowing what to make of everything that is happening. The displaced visitor just smiles and waves. He turns back to face James.

‘So, uh, dad, what is going on here?’ Apple asks.

‘We have no idea,’ James replies.

‘Why do you keep calling him that?’ Twilight asks.

Apple jumps in shock. ‘You must be Twilight Sparkle! Wow! We’ve heard a lot about you. Alba is going to be so jealous.’ He laughs. ‘Technically, I should be calling you “dad” too. Right, Rei?’

Rei giggles. Twilight looks around confused. Applejack covers a laugh.

‘I’ll handle Twilight,’ James says. ‘You two... three, just hang out for a bit.’

James takes Twilight aside to explain Rei’s origins. Apple looks around at the orchard around him. The two mares watch the visitor.

‘Looks about fall harvest season,’ Apple notes. ‘I’m... We’re just finishing up spring. Not nearly this many trees though...’

‘I knew home was further along than here, but I always thought I was crossed on about the same day.’

‘You probably did,’ Apple replies. ‘We just had memorial day.’

Rei frowns. ‘That was months ago here... And it is really different.’

‘Also, you have only been gone for less than a year. We really miss you.’

Rei smiles. ‘I bet dad and Helios tried to convince mom and Alba to allow them to rip a hole in the universe to save me.’

‘They did,’ Apple laughs. ‘But we have bigger worries. Luna just called me to Canterlot. I’m... I’m an Element of Harmony now.’

Rei gasps and tries to hug her brother, falling on her face. ‘That is amazing! Are you Honesty too?’

Apple looks up at Applejack for a moment then back down at Rei. ‘Actually, I think I am Loyalty. Got it just a couple days ago when I saved Apple Bloom from some timberwolves.’ He looks back at Applejack and adjusts his hat. ‘She, uh, gave me this artefact too.’

Applejack smiles. ‘Ah know what happened t’ me on yer world. Glad t’ hear somepony is taken care o’ mah sister fer me.’

‘I was a little nervous about accepting the hat... Everypony says I look just like you... I was sort of scared of living up to the legend.’

Applejack laughs. ‘Shoot. Ah ain’t no legend. Sure, Ah might have a few windows in the palace, but Ah’m as normal as ya are.’ She laughs again. ‘Well, probably not ya, since yer Jimmy’s, Twi’s and Luna’s kid.’

‘Actually, Pinkie is my mom, but still... Genetic jackpot, right?’

Applejack laughs and shakes her head. ‘Only way that can be better if Ah were in the mix somewhere.’

‘Oh geez. Not only would I have to live up to you as a legendary hero, but as my mother too. That is hard enough with just my parents as they are.’

The three ponies laugh. James and Twilight return to the group. Twilight looks a little confused.

‘Okay...’ Twilight begins. ‘There is some weird alien invasion. I am killed. James is killed. He becomes Discord. Then he becomes me. Discord is sent to our mutual past. Then you are our first son with Pinkie Pie, and Rei is our daugher with Luna?’

Apple and Rei nod.

‘That is about the size of it,’ Apple replies.

Twilight groans and trots away. ‘And you call me crazy for believing that Celestia and Luna are divine!’

James laughs and follows Twilight. ‘Hey, hold up a sec. I’ll go with you.’ He stops and turns to Apple. ‘Hey, uh, when I scanned you earlier, I detected that you were here under some sort of psychic link. Probably due to the increased magic from getting your Element, your latent powers from your parents and some sort of trauma. The bridge is closing, and you’ll be back home soon.’ He smiles at Rei. ‘Make the most of it.’

James catches up with Twilight. Applejack joins them, and the adults start leaving.

‘Applejack, wait!’ Apple calls. The mare turns back. ‘I know you were being modest, but it is good to know the legends are true.’

Applejack smiles. ‘Thanks. That means a lot t’ me. Ah’m glad yer there t’ keep mah legacy goin’.’

Applejack and Apple bow to each other before the adults leave the two siblings alone. Rei looks up and smiles at her brother.

Apple looks down and tries running a hoof through Rei’s mane. ‘Let’s catch up while we still have a chance. Hey! Right before I got my summons, Helios blew up a school! What a dope!’

A couple hours later. James and Twilight are eating some fresh-baked fritters with Applejack as they wait for Rei. They hear somepony approaching. Rei trots out of the orchard. She looks like she has been crying. She trots to the fritters and picks one up.

‘These are good,’ the young mare compliments.

‘Guaranteed t’ lift yer spirits,’ Applejack replies.

‘Thanks.’ Rei forces back a tear. ‘I got a glimpse of home for the first time in forever. I haven’t been this happy since you became my daddy.’

James gets up and hugs his daughter as she drops her fritter and starts sobbing. The other ponies get up and hug Rei too. More hooffalls are heard as somepony approaches.

‘Uh, hey,’ Lyra greets. ‘So, somepony tricked me with a fake holiday that I thought was going to get me in trouble with my wife. Did I miss anything worth writing about?’

The four ponies glare at the unicorn.

‘So, no?’

Rei roars and chases Lyra back down the road while firing lightning bolts at her.

Apple Pie moans and rubs his head. He is laying in the middle of the orchard with a large branch across his back. There are hooffalls as Apple Bloom approaches.

‘What in the hey are ya doin’ out here?’ the mare scolds. ‘Y’all should be restin’ up fer yer trip tomorrow.’

‘Right now, that sounds like the best idea.’

Apple Bloom helps Apple Pie free and too his hooves. She gives her coltfriend a kiss as they trot back to the homestead.

‘I had the weirdest dream,’ Apple Pie says.

‘What about?’

‘I think I saw my sister, but in her home and everything.’

‘So ya were a pegasus? Or was it in the castle?’

‘Actually... It was Rei.’

Apple Bloom stops in shock. Apple Pie stops and smiles at his fillyfriend.

‘Also, I think I saw your sister.’


Apple Pie starts trotting again. ‘Come on. I’ll tell you all about it.’ He laughs. ‘If anything, it will be something to make Helios jealous.’

Author's Note:

Fun Fact: I don't know is anyone else felt this way about the opening scene but when I was writing it, the scene felt like the opening of Ghostbusters with the librarian and the Grey Ghost. If you don't feel the same, just enjoy the video.

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