• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,909 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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Young Adult Education

Main Characters: TWP, Rarity, Marvel
Cameos: Lyra, Octavia, Rei, Stormy, Image
Original Write Date: Lost to the mists of time thanks to many formatting difficulties

Ponyville High School is all lit up in the early evening. Instead of tired and annoyed fillies and colts filing into the building, tired and annoyed stallions and mares are filing inside in their children’s stead. Making her way through the crowds is a beautiful mare wearing the most stylish of hats. Rarity makes her way past the other adults in search of a room. A sharp whistle cuts through the crowds and gets Rarity’s attention. She is waved over to a wall by The Wandering Physicist and Marvel Crystal.

‘And what brings the lovely Rarity out with us dregs?’ Marvel asks.

Rarity trots over. ‘Foal Services has asked that I monitor Mr Stormy’s progress if I am to remain his guardian-slash-employer. I am quite happy to do so, but it feels like only yesterday I walked these halls myself.’

The Wandering Physicist nods. ‘I know exactly what you mean.’

The teacher sticks her head out of the nearby classroom. She scowls when she sees The Wandering Physicist.

‘Weren’t you just here yesterday because of your kid and a mud ball to the back of the head?’

The Wandering Physicist smiles and sighs. ‘I am so proud of my daughter.’



The teacher drops a report in front of Marvel.

‘Recently, the students were tasked to write a report about mathematics in real life applications.’

Marvel shudders. ‘I remember that. Way more advanced than anything I ever covered.’

The teacher glares. ‘Image turned in a paper that used a series of functions to draw something called “Power Mare.” ’

Marvel avoids making eye contact. ‘Well, at least he chose a subject with lots of curves...’


‘Stormy is quite skilled at the mathematical arts,’ the teacher comments.

Rarity nods. ‘That is something I have noticed as well in his service at my shop.’

The teacher adjusts her glasses. ‘He is easily one of the best students I have (failing one annoying exception). If I didn’t know better, I would say his cutie mark was a filing cabinet for the ERS.’

Rarity laughs nervously. ‘Just don’t say that to his face...’


The teacher paces back and forth before The Wandering Physicist. She stops and glares.

‘Your kid is too damn smart.’

The Wandering Physicist shrugs. ‘I know she knows some higher math, but I am certain the material will catch up when you get to partial differential equations, combinatorics and chaos theory. You should see her analytical solution the three-body problem. Very elegant.’

The teacher stares back in complete horror. She takes a deep breath, goes to her desk and starts packing her belongings.

‘That is it. I quit. You can teach the class.’

Physical Education:


The pegasus coach stares thoughtfully at Marvel. The stallion looks around the room making mental notes about the art choices he sees.

‘You know your son chased me the other day, right?’ The coach says.

Marvel snaps his attention to the coach. ‘What! Nopony told me about that.’

‘It is because he wasn’t formally written up about it although his intent was clear.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘See, he was spending most of the period using his hoof to draw in the dirt. I scolded him and destroyed his doodle. He got very mad and started yelling and chasing me. As I took flight, I noticed the path he had chased me in was a larger scale of his doodle.’

Marvel laughs. ‘He does have an unique ability to see the large scale before anypony else does.’

The coach snorts. ‘Right. When I landed, he was working on finishing touches for his “project” so I just sent him back to the locker room for the rest of the period.’

‘I guess that makes sense, if he was being too much of a disruption.’

‘He certainly was.’

‘.... Did you at least get a picture of the art before it was removed?’

The coach glares and points to the exit.


‘Strawberry’s parent!’ is called to the waiting parents outside of the coach’s office.

Rarity smiles and happily trots into the office. She freezes when she sees the coach. The coach looks up and glares back at Rarity.

‘Good to see you again, Rarity,’ The coach growls.

‘Likewise,’ Rarity sneers. ‘If we can set our differences aside, I am here for Stormy.’

The coach scoffs. ‘I should have figured he was yours given your behavior with the colts.’

Rarity gasps. ‘I am offended! We were in the same class and you know full well that I remained a pure maiden and still am one to this day.’

The coach growls again. ‘Whatever helps you sleep at night.’

Rarity glares and starts scanning the room for a trophy to magically beat the coach with.

‘Anyway,’ the coach begins, ‘Strawberry is easily the weakest student I have seen since we were in school together. Last week, he couldn’t even complete a mile jog. Even the overweight students were able to finish that!’

‘You did know he and his friends got lost in the desert north of Dodge Junction last week, right? They had a harder time getting back than I did when I was stuck out there.’

‘What was he doing out there?’

Rarity thinks. ‘Hmm... I remember Applejack needing a missive delivered to her cousin Braeburn around then... But he is over in Appleloosa... You know, I am not really sure why he was out there.’

‘Have you tried more discipline?’ The coach suggests. ‘He is quite lacking in that area too.’

Rarity is shocked. ‘You, madam, are sick! First of all, he is too young for such things. Secondly, he is like a brother to me! Doing such things would feel unnatural.’

The coach facehooves. ‘I meant be more strict with him.’

Rarity blushes. ‘Oh. I knew that.’

The coach shakes her head. ‘Pure maiden indeed.’


The coach is flying in front of The Wandering Physicist. She looks deeply concerned about something.

‘Rei does not play fair,’ The coach bluntly declares.

‘How so?’

‘She has too much energy! It makes it unfair for every team she is not on. I ended up just putting her on a team by herself, but that just makes her angry and more aggressive. I just want to know how to keep her in line so she can at least play fairly with the other students.’

‘Well, what else have you tried?’

‘I have tried everything with your kid. Nothing seems to work. I have tried tying her wings down. I have tried tying her wings down and keeping one of her forelegs up. I have tried tying her wings down and keeping one of her hind legs up. I even tried blindfolding her, but she still plays at higher skill levels than the other students.’

‘Well, I can explain that one.’

The coach sighs. ‘Please do.’

‘See, she and Rainbow Dash go off and see The Wonderbolts all of the time. Rei is a huge fan of Echo Fleetfoot. I am guessing she picked up some blind flying tricks from her.’

The coach thinks and nods. ‘I see... Ah! There is one other matter I wished to talk to you about.’

‘Which is?’

The coach points out of a nearby window to a field full of scorch marks and craters. ‘Who is going to rebuild my fields thanks to your kid’s lightning affinity?’



The teacher is lost in thought when Marvel enters and sits down. After a couple moments, Marvel clears his throat to break the ice.

‘Oh. Sorry.’ The teacher apologizes. ‘I am trying to find the right thing to say about your son.’

Marvel grimaces. ‘That bad, huh?’

‘Far from it! Image gets above-average test scores, but that is not what I want to talk to you about.’

‘Then what?’

The teacher thinks again. ‘Image has a way of looking at science. I cannot really place it. The closest way of putting it is like Richard Feynpony. Just a very... artistic way of looking at the world.’ He sighs. ‘It is quite a lucky way of seeing things.’

Marvel nods, feigning to know what the teacher is saying. I am sensing a pattern here...


‘Have you been getting Stormy tutoring?’ The teacher asks.

‘No... Why?’ Rarity is confused.

‘Well, in the past few months, his test and homework scores have gone way up! I have never seen a student improve so much in such a short amount of time.’

‘Well, he has been spending more time with with his friends, and Inkie is a wonderful scientist in her own right.’

‘Whatever it is, it is working. It it great to see a student improve like this.’

Rarity thinks. Maybe I should make Sweetie Belle spend more time with Inkie too...


The teacher is shaking behind his desk as The Wandering Physicist waits for the conference to begin. The teacher sighs and begins.

‘I know your background. That makes me think that you were the one teaching her the advanced topics.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘She provided a logical proof for faster-than-light travel.’

The Wandering Physicist stares blankly. ‘I thought you said advanced topics.’

The teacher whines and gets a bottle out from under his desk and takes a hit.



The teacher slides an essay to Marvel.

‘Before this evening, I have the students write an essay on the theme of “The Best Day of My Life”. I have not read them as they were written for the parents.’
Mom and dad had taken me to my first Comic Con. It was pretty boring since I was a young colt at the time, and all they did was talk with their old comic industry buddies. Eventually, I was able to get free and wander on my own.
I found my way over to a section filled with comics I had never seen before. When I asked what these were, a stallion replied that they are webcomics. I was amazed at what I saw. I went to every booth and got some of the artists works and autographs. The artist for Pony Arcade even told me all about how he makes his art. It was so cool!
When we got home, I couldn’t wait to start making digital art of my own. My parents bought a graphics program too. My first works were a little shaky but soon, I was easily matching the works of Kurtz or Amend. One day, I woke up after spending the whole night working on layers for a computer background and my cutie mark had just appeared.

If I hadn’t gone to Comic Con and met those artists, I might not have found my talent. That day at the con was the best day ever.

‘Ah. That is nice. It is about how he got his cutie mark.’


The teacher slides an essay to Rarity.

‘Before this evening, I have the students write an essay on the theme of “The Best Day of My Life”...’

Rarity grimaces. ‘I am worried about what this might say.’ She lifts the essay with her magic.

The best day of my life started earlier than it should. Rarity’s sister Sweetie Belle was staying over for a long weekend. I knew I had some lovely sisterly bickering in my future. She was cooking breakfast, as I could tell by the smell of burning food. Thanks to my cooking lessons, breakfast was at least somewhat edible, but I was still hungry when I had to get dressed to leave for court. I had to be present for my dad’s sentencing.
My dad was on trial for nearly killing me. He only succeeded in breaking my leg and cracking my horn. During the trial, he went through three attorneys, all court appointed, before representing himself then threatening the judge. During the sentencing, he had to be restrained by the bailiff. Unfortunately, the billy clubs were left in their holsters this time. The best part was when he was sentenced to the full six year for all of the abuse and several more for the other charges. Outwardly, I only smiled but inwardly, I was double hoof pumping. I was so happy that that bastard was going to get what he deserved. I hope he gets stabbed by another inmate.
Also, Rarity made her delicious tomato and garlic soup for dinner. That was good too.

Rarity stares at the essay in shock. ‘Well... that was... enlightening?’


The teacher slides an essay to The Wandering Physicist.

‘Before this...’

The Wandering Physicist already has the paper up and is reading.

The best day of my life started off very miserably. It was Parent’s Appreciation Weekend, and I was depressed. I had no parents and I had just found out that the ponies who were the closest thing to being my parents were lying to me my whole life. I did not want to live anymore. Worse, my caretaker also knew the truth and hid it from me.
I was spending the day with the awesomely awesome Stormy-kun and the sweet and cute Apple Bloom-chan. All three of us have had bad experiences with parents, and we were feeding off of each others bad vibes. Then Wanderer-san and Applejack-san gathered us together to scold us for feeling bad, or something like that. I kept feeling worse and worse, so I just ran. I kept running until I found Wanderer-san’s spaceship thingy. I just wanted to escape, so I took it. Unfortunately, Wanderer-san, Applejack-san and Doctor-sama were waiting for me. Wanderer-san took me back home and locked me in my room. I knew I was in big trouble.
Up to now, that does not sound like a good day. Trust me. It gets better. Wanderer-san was not mad that I took his ship. We talked about why he and my parents had kept the truth from me. I was still depressed and furious, but I realized they loved me. We even wrote a letter to my parents telling them that I knew, and I still loved them despite the secrecy. Then he did the greatest thing he ever could have done. He showed me the paperwork he had been filling out to adopt me. It was the greatest thing I had ever seen. He was wanting it to be a surprise, but this was the greatest thing anypony had ever done for me. I finally got my wish of having a parent, and he is the best parent anypony could ask for.

The Wandering Physicist wipes the tears from his eyes as he sets down the essay.

‘I love my daughter.’



The teacher tents her hooves as she looks at Marvel.

‘Have you ever thought of a guest lecture?’

Marvel shrugs. ‘Well, I sort of did one when you were all out with...’

‘No, no, no. I meant have Image do a guest lecture. He is by far the most skilled an artist than I have ever seen in my life.’

‘Oh.’ Marvel looks down. ‘I don’t know whether to feel happy or disappointed...’

‘Does he perchance work for commissions? I have a friend’s birthday coming up and she loves new artists.’


‘Stormy has a definite Baroque influence in his art, with hints of neoclassical expressionism.’

Rarity nods. ‘Interesting. He has helped me with some designs, and I see a distinct early classical influence.’

The teacher sighs and looks away. ‘So that is where he gets his habit of mostly drawing fillies in... suggestive clothing.’

Rarity gasps. ‘Are you sure it is not all of the strong feminine imagery you are shoving in your students’ faces?’

‘Ah! My art is to showcase empowerment! Not like your so-called finery which is more about tarting it up.’

‘AH! At least my creations are about showing of plots!’

‘AH!’ Both mares shriek at once.

They both instantly back down and give each other a curious look.

‘I thought I recognized your voice,’ the teacher says.

‘I as well,’ Rarity replies. ‘Did Velvet give you that discount you deserved?’

‘She gave in. She always does.’ The teacher laughs. ‘Did she have what you were looking for?’

Rarity sighs. ‘Sadly, no. She said they would have to special order dragon-textured...’

‘Let’s hope it comes in next week during the sale. Then you can argue for a discount.’

Rarity and the teacher laugh together.

‘I hope to see you around,’ Rarity says.

‘I as well,’ the teacher replies.


The teacher glares at The Wandering Physicist.

‘We had an assignment where the students were required to write a paper on their favorite artist, and Rei wrote on Warren Spector.’

The Wandering Physicist forces back tears. ‘I have never been more proud of her than I am at this moment.’

‘You are proud that she failed the assignment?’

‘... Say what?’

‘The report was on an artist. Not on stupid flashing lights on a screen.’

The Wandering Physicist glares at the teacher with enough rage to cause hordes of evil invading aliens to run as fast as they can.

‘I think you want to rephrase that if you have any hopes of seeing the next parent and being alive at the same time.’

The teacher gulps and shrinks back in fear.



Lyra spins a cello bow in her hooves.

‘So... Can you covertly place a listening device in your neighbor’s store?’

‘Dream?’ Marvel asks. ‘Easily. He would never notice.’

‘How about your other neighbor?’

‘If you are out for information on James, you have to get it yourself.’ Marvel crosses his forelegs. ‘Now, are we going to talk about my son or not?’

Lyra sighs. ‘Fine! I guess.’ She goes through some notes. ‘Image is pretty good. He needs to practice his fingering, though, if he wants to get better at the saxophone.’


Lyra tents her hooves. ‘Now. I would like to ask you about a monitoring device...’

Rarity gasps. ‘How did you know about that!’

‘You have one already! Is audio or video?’

Rarity blushes. ‘Well, I use my webcam since it is more covert...’

Lyra strokes her chin. ‘A webcam, eh? Is it possible to get the IP so I can watch too?’

Rarity’s coat virtually becomes pink, she is blushing so much. ‘I-I didn’t know you were into that sort of thing.’

‘Very much so,’ Lyra leans back. ‘I quite enjoy watching other ponies. Bon Bon thinks it is weird, but she is okay with it now.’

‘She is very understanding. Everypony has their quirks.’ Rarity writes her IP on a card. ‘There. I should be online in the next couple days. I’ll send you an email first.’

‘Thank you. You’re quite generous.’

Rarity blushes and bows slightly before leaving. After Rarity leaves the room, both unicorns stop and think about what just transpired.

Wait. Were we talking about the same thing? both unicorns think.


Lyra is glaring at The Wandering Physicist from across her desk.

‘How very human of you to come.’

The Wandering Physicist facehooves. ‘Oh geez. Do I have to tell Bon Bon on you?’

‘I figured you would try a stunt like that. That is why I brought a witness.’ Lyra raises a foreleg. ‘Arise!’

A grumble comes from the back and Octavia trots out.

‘I owed her a favor. Don’t look into this,’ Octavia grumbles.

Lyra snorts, then smirks at The Wandering Physicist. ‘Right. As soon as I mentioned your name she leapt at the chance.’

Octavia blushes and looks away. ‘If it is to keep the two of you in line, I will do my best.’

‘Wanna come over and play Rhythm Heaven Fever later?’ The Wandering Physicist asks.

‘Aha!’ Lyra shouts. ‘That proves you are human! You can’t play that game without hands.’

The Wandering Physicist glares. ‘I am still holding your copy that you preordered at my store.’

‘Oh. I totally forgot. I’ll be over to pick it up tomorrow.’

Octavia facehooves. ‘They are like two Vinyls. Why did I agree to this?’

Lyra sighs. ‘We’ll be done soon enough, and I’ll give you that foot massage I promised you.’



‘Your, your son is very knowledgeable about art history.’

Marvel shrugs. ‘I guess he gets it from his mom. She would always investigate older styles for our comics.’

‘Well, he is quite good. Is he free for a lecture on the topic?’

Marvel facehooves. ‘That is not the first time somepony asked that today.’


The teacher nervously shuffles Stormy’s papers.

‘No need to be nervous,’ Rarity assures. ‘I can handle any news, good or bad.’

The teacher bites her lip for a moment then blurts out, ‘Your son is best in the class! He is the only one with a perfect score.’

Rarity is shocked. ‘I assure you he is not my son.’

The teacher sighs. ‘Oh thank Celestia. I thought it was a little weird for you to have a son as young as you are.’

Rarity fluffs her mane. ‘You think I look that young?’

‘Um... Maybe a little.’

Rarity squeals. ‘That is the best news I have heard all night.’ She raises a foreleg in the air. ‘Take that Twilight and your natural youth!’


The teacher gives an exasperated sigh as she goes over Rei’s papers.

‘I don’t know what to do about your kid.’

The Wandering Physicist rolls his eyes. ‘I hear that enough times, I’ll look into homeschooling.’

The teacher looks hopeful. ‘Really?’

The Wandering Physicist sighs this time. ‘Just tell me what Rei is doing.’

‘Okay...’ The teacher thinks for a moment. ‘It is like living in three timelines. She is perfect on all of the tests but when it comes to in-class discussions, she keeps bringing up events that are completely wrong or makes it seem like well-recorded events are not entirely accurate. It is very confusing.’ She pauses. ‘Is she doing what the kids call “trolling”?’

‘Remember that recent conflict that The Elements of Harmony had to be called up for?’ The teacher nods. ‘Look into it then check it against your textbooks. You might learn something.’



‘Get your son a tablet,’ The teacher demands.

Marvel is shocked. ‘What?’

‘He spends most of the class playing with art programs. I figure it would be a good investment. He could make a lot of money doing art commissions online.’

‘Huh... I’ll have to talk to him about that.’ Marvel shrugs. ‘Seems like a good idea.’


The teacher is giving Rarity a questioning look.

‘If you have something to say, say it,’ Rarity snarls.

‘Oh. Nothing. You just look familiar.’

‘Aren’t we here to talk about Stormy?’ Rarity snorts.

‘Right! Uh...’ The teacher thinks. ‘He is very good at web design. Good grasp of HTML5 and CSS3.’

‘Thank you. He designed the Carousel Boutique’s web page himself.’

‘Very good. He needs to work on his other areas of programming, but he is still doing well enough to pass.’

‘I’ll pass that on to him.’

Rarity rises and trots away. The teacher watches her leave.

‘Oh that’s where I have seen you! Playcolt!’

Rarity turns back and glares with fire in her eyes. ‘Excuse me!’

The teacher hides under a desk. ‘Your interview a few months ago! Nothing more than that!’

‘Oh right. The interview. Very interesting choices for poses with my merchandise.

Rarity trots away, musing to herself. The teacher sighs and comes out from hiding.


The teacher glares at The Wandering Physicist.

‘I can overlook the fact that you reformated my lab...’

‘I think I heard a “thank you” in there somewhere.’

The teacher growls. ‘But somepony has to tell me why I get emails from EBI at least once a week regarding your daughter?’

The Wandering Physicist shrugs. ‘She does apprentice with Princess Luna. I guess they are just screening her emails for security threats.’

‘So Luna asked for your kid to create a botnet on the school servers?’

‘Are you questioning the princess?’

‘Well, no, but...’

‘Good.’ The Wandering Physicist looks around nervously. ‘Is the botnet still intact?’

‘Yeah... It has been quite hard to remove.’

The Wandering Physicist taps a few buttons on his mobile. ‘Very interesting.’ He stops. ‘You should find no trace of it tomorrow. I have a few scripts that Ruby and I run to get rid of these things.’

‘Oh, thank you.’

‘Told you I heard one of those.’ The Wandering Physicist gets up and trots away. ‘Linux is easy to use and just as easy to mess with. Take the time to learn it and you can do great and secure things with it.’

The Wandering Physicist trots past the other waiting parents. He finds a private spot and makes a call.

‘Hey, Ruby. Who has two thumbs and just swiped the school network? This guy!’


Lyra drops from a light fixture and slams face first into the ground. She starts galloping away, only to be stopped by a bundle of cello bows to the back of the head.

‘Bon Bon really picked a winner in this one,’ Octavia grumbles as she drags the unconscious Lyra away.



The counselor goes over her papers before getting out a sealed envelope.

‘Before this evening, I had a meeting with each of the students. I asked them to write a message for their parents that I would give to them as long as the student was assured not to get in trouble.’

Marvel laughs. ‘DC and I are very open with Image. He knows he can tell us anything.’

‘Very well.’ The counselor slides the envelope over.

Since I don’t know which parent will see this, I will keep this simple. Dad carries the story better in all of your comics together. Mom, you’re a good writer, but dad’s art carried the story a lot more than all of the extra dialogue you wrote. Sorry.

‘Hmm. I’m not really sure about that...’

‘Mr Crystal?’

‘Oh! He says that I am the better artist, but I have been insistent that DC is better.’

‘Interesting.’ She tilts her head. ‘There seems to be something on the back of the paper.’

Marvel turns the paper over to reveal several textless panels of a comic. He stares at the comic intently.

‘This is one of our...’

‘Mr Crystal?’

‘Holy carp. He is right.’ He looks up. ‘Don’t tell my wife I said that.’

‘You can write him a confidential note back. I will be meeting with the students again.’

‘Good call. Got a quill?’

The counselor slides over a quill and paper. Marvel takes the quill in mouth and writes.

No matter what your mother says after I show her this drawing, you are right.


The counselor seals the note. ‘Thank you. Now, about your son. He has quite an artistic streak.’

‘I have noticed.’

‘Right. Other than that, he seems well-rounded and well-liked. He has some close friends and is very social.’

‘Really? He usually just works on art in his room when at home. I never hear him talking about anypony.’

‘Interesting. He spends a lot of time with Rei and Stormy, since they all have the same classes.’

‘That is good to hear. Glad that my kid and James’ kid are friends.’

‘Yes, well, the only advice I would have is to find a way to encourage him to share his art publicly. I am sure Miss Dart would be willing to make a webpage or something for him.’

‘That is not a bad idea. We’ll definitely look into it. Thank you.’

Marvel and the counselor shake hooves, and he leaves.


The counselor gets out the envelope with Stormy’s note.

‘Oh!’ Rarity gets excited. ‘I didn’t know I would be getting gifts.’

‘If by “gifts” you mean confidential message from Stormy, then yes.’ Rarity sighs and tries lifting the note with her magic. The counselor pulls it down. ‘You have to promise not to get upset with what he has to say.’

Rarity turns her nose up, crosses her heart, makes wing motions with her forelegs, and sticks a hoof to her eye. The counselor sighs and releases the note.

I love Rarity. She is like a big sister to me. I am happy to think of her as family.

Rarity smiles as she tucks the note away. The counselor slides over a quill and paper.

‘Would you like to respond?’

Rarity levitates the quill and paper up.

You are the most wonderful colt I know. I am proud to think of you as a younger brother.

Rarity nods at her handy works and seals the envelope again.

‘Now, about Stormy...’ The counselor begins.

‘I know he is troubled, but he is a good colt,’ Rarity instantly defends.

‘Yes, that is why I must recommend he see a professional counselor.’

Rarity is aghast. ‘Surely, there must be some other option. I know he is...’

The counselor shakes her head. ‘He has a lot of emotional issues. His close friendship with Rei is good, but he is not as open with others. He needs somepony he can go to for advice and to work out his issues.’

‘But he is so sensit...’

‘Rarity. I know you care about him and want what is best for him, but that is professional counseling. He needs to get real help.’

Rarity sighs and looks down. ‘I... I understand.’

Rarity gets up and drags herself out of the office.


The counselor gets out a sealed envelope.

‘What did she do this time?’ The Wandering Physicist asks.

‘It is nothing of the sort. This time. If you promise not to punish her for what she wishes to privately tell you, you may see.’

The Wandering Physicist thinks for a moment. He takes the envelope and holds it to his forehead.

‘Rule bending, laughter, and death.’ He rips open the end with his teeth and takes out the note.

We are allowed to say anything here and not get in trouble. Since the word ‘say’ can mean anything regarding speech, I choose to have it mean ‘to ask a question.’ So... knowing the origin of King Sparkle and seeing how he is a fusion of you and Twilight Sparkle, I must know: are you my mommy?

The Wandering Physicist calmly puts the letter away, takes a deep breath, and states matter-of-factly, ‘I am going to kill her.’

‘Um, Mr Wanderer...’

‘I don’t care what I agreed to. She is going to get it.’


‘Trust me. If you know her as well as I do, she has timed it so she is most likely laughing on her bed right now.’

The counselor nervously slides a paper and quill forward. ‘If you would like to respond to her in private...’

The Wandering Physicist quickly picks up the quill.

Since you figured out something to say anything here and not get in trouble, I choose to have ‘say’ mean ‘to ask a question.’ You really think you can ask me that and not get in trouble?

He punctuates the note with a laugh. The counselor sighs as she takes the note.

‘Moving on, I must speak to you about your daughter.’

‘What did she do this time?’

‘That is precisely why I must speak to you about her. I feel she acts out the way she does to get attention.’

‘Really. And you figured this out by knowing why I enrolled her, right?’

‘She has a very small social group and seems to be looking for a way of expanding it, but she does so in a very asocial manner.’ The Wandering Physicist snorts. ‘I know you tried improving her behavior in the past, but I know it did not take. She needs more positive social interaction with her peer group. Sign her up for sports or get her to try out for a play. I have seen her in her classes. She wants to be social, but she does so very awkwardly.’

‘So... More social interaction. Got it. Whatever.’

‘You don’t seem that...’

The Wandering Physicist stands. ‘I have heard the same thing from her teachers. I get the idea. Are we done?’

‘We should really work through the issue of her acting out the way she does. It is getting to be a disruption.’

‘Do any of you bother listening to her side for once? You never hear that she is standing up to bullies. She is being punished for the negative acts of others. She is getting the same treatment that her mother did. I am actually proud of her for having a noble spirit. Now. Can I go?’

The counselor sighs and nods. The Wandering Physicist trots away.

Back at Carousel Boutique, Stormy is in his room listening to music when Rarity knocks on the door and looks in.

‘Stormy? Can we talk?’ Rarity asks.

Stormy stops his music. ‘Sure. What’s up?’

Rarity enters and sits next to him on his bed. ‘I heard some interesting things from your teachers tonight.’ Stormy moans. ‘My thoughts exactly. I was quite upset with some of the things I heard.’

Stormy sighs. ‘I’m sorry.’

‘No need to apologize. I do not see it as your fault. Your counselor actually suggested you get professional help.’

Stormy winces and looks away. Rarity puts a foreleg around Stormy.

‘We will only arrange such a dreadful thing if you so desire.’ Rarity gives Stormy an extra squeeze. ‘I think I have a better solution. I will try to be more open with you as much as possible. And to Sweetie Belle as well. I promise to be a pony you can rely on for anything.’

Stormy looks over and smiles. ‘Thank you. Uh... Did you read..?’

‘Yes, and I would have be honored to think of you as my brother.’

Stormy blushes and smiles. ‘Thanks. ... Hey. As long as we are being more open...’

‘You can tell me anything.’

‘Actually, I wanted to ask you something. ... I was going to visit my mom tomorrow. I would love it if you joined me.’

Rarity chokes back her tears. She grabs Stormy in a full hug. ‘I would be honored.’

The Wandering Physicist returns home to Rei eating a bowl (read: gallon carton) of ice cream while watching television.

‘Hi, mommy!’ Rei greets. A flying notebook greets her in return. Rei giggles as it bounces off her head.

The Wandering Physicist takes a seat next to Rei and puts a foreleg around her. She guards her ice cream. He lets out a long sigh before letting her go.

‘Rei, are you lonely?’

Rei nearly drops the ice cream, but she never lets food touch the ground. ‘Wh-what are you talking about? I have lots of friends! Stormy and Inkie and Image and Dashie... I’m not lonely!’

‘Rei, please don’t lie to me.’

Rei looks down and frowns. ‘My ice cream is getting melty...’

The Wandering Physicist gives Rei a big hug. ‘It is okay. It doesn’t matter how many friends you have. As long as you have great friends you can depend on.’

‘But... They are not always around. How can they be friends if they are not around?’

‘That is just part of being friends. I feel lonely in the brief moments of the day when I am away from you or Lucas or Twilight or Pinkie or Dream or Coal or anypony, but then I remember that you are my friends and family and we will always be friends and family and then I am not lonely any more.’

‘I’ve been alone for so long. It...’

‘It feels horrible to be alone for that long. Then it feels disorienting to have ponies around you that actually want to be around you. You never want to lose that feeling.’

Rei nods and cuddles up against her dad.

‘I know exactly what you are going through since I am at the same place. We both got what we needed at the same time. We can go through everything together.’

Rei sighs and smiles. ‘I love you, otoo-san.’

The Wandering Physicist hugs his daughter. ‘I love you too, Rei-chan.’

Image is sitting at the kitchen table with his parents. DC is analyzing the comic on the back of the note.

‘Well, I can see how you are right in this instance... but not really for our entire catalogue.’

‘Come on, DC. Don’t be too hard. Everypony is entitled to their opinion.’

DC shrugs. ‘You’re right. Now, about that website idea.’

Image groans. ‘Do I really have to?’

‘It is not that bad of an idea.’ Marvel says. ‘It will give you a good outlet and you can take commissions and make some bits on the side.’

Image groans again. ‘Fine, but I have a project for a friends I am working on, so don’t expect me to start anything new until after that.’

‘That’s so sweet!’ DC cheers.

‘We’d never get in the way of your art.’ Marvel agrees.

‘Thanks.’ Image looks around. ‘Can I...’

‘Go ahead.’

Image gets up and trots to his room. Inside, he goes over to a covered table. He pulls back the cover to reveal a half-finished painting of a pegasus flying through the sky. He looks down and smiles at his work. In one of the finished corners, he has written ‘Happy Birthday Rei’ in small letters. Image smiles and picks up his paintbrush.

Bonus Scene

Author's Note:

Fun fact: Image's story was written specifically for FiM Fiction. It was originally blank since I had whole essays for Rei and Stormy, and I didn't want to write another. My editor made me go back and write it before I posted it. Also, the essays intentionally had misspellings and bad grammar to keep them consistant with the quality of writing coming out of a public high school (at least in the US). I was forced to edit those too...

Fun fact: What TWP says at the end of Rei's letter is what I think about her too.

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