• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,909 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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A Trixie Situation

Main Characters: TWP, Trixie, Alphonse, Maxie, Twilight
Cameos: Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Spike, Inkie, Rei, Rip, Marvel, Image, Dream Maker, Kaeko, Oatmeal
Original Write Date: 02/20/2012

The Wandering Physicist and Lucas are working a lazy day in The Power Block. The store is relatively full, but there are no big launches or events being held. The overall atmosphere is very calm. That is, until The Galloping and Panicked Trixie runs straight through the store.

‘Save me!’ Trixie shouts before heading to the back of the store and up to the residence.

The Wandering Physicist and Lucas look at each other then out of the store. There are three well-dressed unicorns approaching. The Wandering Physicist narrows his eyes and growls when he recognizes one of them.

‘Prepare dispel magic, just in case.’ he warns Lucas, ‘and ready a call to the police too.’

The approaching unicorns enter the store, and The Wandering Physicist rounds the counter to greet them. One of the unicorns snorts as he looks around.

‘This is what I lost to?’ Maxie comments. ‘This is... I feel like vomiting and that would be a massive improvement.’

The Wandering Physicist growls, but he is interrupted before he can say anything.

‘Maxie. That is offensive,’ The lead unicorn says. ‘This shop has a far greater charm than that.’

The Wandering Physicist snorts. ‘Thanks, I guess. How may I help you?’

The lead unicorn looks The Wandering Physicist over. ‘I take it you are the proprietor of this establishment.’ He gets a snort in reply. ‘I take that as a “yes”. In that case, I believe you have something of mine.’

‘I highly doubt that. Now, if you will excuse yourself, you are disrupting my business.’

‘You do indeed have something that belongs to me. I saw her enter your shop minutes ago.’

The Wandering Physicist glares. ‘Excuse me?’

‘My niece. Return her to me at once. I need her for something.’

The Furious Physicist snarls. ‘Not only does nopony have the right to own another pony, she is my friend and clearly asked me to help protect her. I will not allow you to even see her, especially if that troll is with you.’

‘Does he mean me?’ Maxie asks.

‘Now remove yourself from my store before I have you arrested for interfering with my business.’

The lead unicorn glares back at The Angry Physicist. ‘Fine. We will leave, for now.’ He turns. ‘Come along, Maxie.’

The lead unicorn turns to leave and the others follow suit. Both he and Maxie shoot The Wandering Physicist a parting glare as they exit the building. The stallion snorts as he turns towards the back of the store.

‘Lucas, get their...’

‘Already sending their pictures around to the usual network. I’ll start searching their profiles once I get replies.’

‘I knew there was a reason I hired you.’ The Wandering Physicist looks up towards the residence. ‘I’ll see what I can find out from my guest.’

The Wandering Physicist heads upstairs. He gets out his mobile along the way.

‘Hello, Rei? … Never mind that. Just ditch the rest of class. I need you and Lyra to look after somepony for me. … Just tell them it is a family emergency. … Hurry and get back to the shop. Lucas will fill you in here. … Be safe too.’

The Wandering Physicist hangs up once he reaches the residence. He looks around and finds The Cowering and Shaking Trixie under the kitchen table. He comes over and sits down.

‘I drove them off for now. What sort of trouble are you in?’

Trixie nervously crawls halfway out. ‘C-can you g-get Twilight? I think I am going to need all of your help.’

Trixie has come out of hiding. She is sitting at The Wandering Physicist’s kitchen table, flanked by The Wandering Physicist and Twilight. Trixie has a nice and calming cup of tea in front of her.

Trixie sighs. ‘Trixie apologizes for the trouble she has caused.’

‘What happened?’ Twilight asks. ‘I don’t know why you are back.’

‘Right...’ Trixie sighs. ‘Those unicorns earlier... The ones with Maxie... Their leader is my uncle.’

‘From the side of the family that you don’t like?’ The Wandering Physicist asks.

Trixie shudders. ‘I mentioned Maxie. What other a clue could you need?’

‘Why don’t you like them?’ Twilight asks.

Trixie growls to herself. ‘Whereas my mother, her youngest brother and their families, including myself and my brother, use our illusion magic for entertainment, my uncle Alphonse and cousin Maxie use their spells for greedy ends.’

‘So they are criminals?’

Trixie glares into her tea, causing it to bubble. ‘That would be an insult to criminals. Those two are in what you would call the mob.’

‘That is impossible!’ Twilight protests. ‘Princess Celestia would not allow such a thing to exist!’

‘And she will wipe the mind of any pony that tries to uncover the truth about Equestria!’ The Wandering Physicist adds.

Twilight glares at her coltfriend. ‘She never did that to Lyra. She would never do such a thing.’

The Wandering Physicist smiles and pats Twilight on the head. ‘You’re so cute when you don’t believe the truth.’

Twilight growls and tries biting The Wandering Physicist’s hoof. Trixie clears her throat to get the attention back on her.

‘If Trixie may continue her tale...’ The other ponies look sheepish. ‘Good. As I was saying, my uncle is in the mob.’ She looks down and scowls again. ‘Several years ago, my family’s company was in trouble, and my mom went to my uncle for some financial support. She was able to save the company and repay her debt to my uncle, but she still owed him a favor.’

‘Isn’t that a little cliche?’ Twilight asks.

‘One would think.’ Trixie replies.

‘So why are you running?’ The Wandering Physicist asks.

Trixie sighs. ‘As fate would have it, the don’s son is a fan of The Great and Powerful Trixie. Mind you, Trixie is known to attract the attention of many handsome and rich and powerful stallions,’ -- Twilight rolls her eyes -- ‘but that stallion... He has a reputation of being... “rough” on the mares he dates. Sadly, my uncle saw that development as one that would benefit him. He called in the favor so my mother would not resist his plot to turn me over to that... beast.’

Twilight is shocked. ‘Your mother willingly turned you over to a mare abuser!’

Trixie slams a hoof on the table. ‘She did not! She would have willingly gone in my place or given up our entire production company if it would have been an acceptable trade! She at least warned me. I abandoned my wagon in Fillydelphia and ran all of the way here.’ She starts crying. ‘I didn’t know where else to go. The two of you are the only ponies I know strong enough to resist them. I don’t want to go. I fear what they will do to me.’

The Wandering Physicist takes Trixie’s hoof. ‘You have my protection. I already have ponies keeping an eye on them.’

Twilight takes Trixie’s other hoof. ‘I’ll write Celestia for help. I and all of my friends will do our best to help.’

Trixie tries to hold back more tears. ‘Thanks. I am so sorry for being a burden to you.’

The Power Block is full of the shop owners from the Nerd District. Lucas watches out the front window with Image Crystal. The only resident not present is Rei. Trixie is at the center of the group recounting her story. Most of the other ponies are looking thoughtful, except for Kaeko who is sharpening a large katana.

‘If we know any of their fronts,’ Ruby Dart begins, ‘I could find a way on to their servers. Turn them over to the EBI or EIA. Hard to act if your source of communication gets cut.’

‘I agree,’ Kaeko says. She holds up her sword. ‘Cut the communication right from the throats.’

Everypony takes a step away from Kaeko.

‘I like that idea,’ Trixie says. ‘Start with Maxie and my uncle first.’

‘How about an idea that avoids a bloodbath?’ DC suggests.

‘Trixie is safe here,’ The Wandering Physicist states. ‘Rei and Lyra are out watching the ones in town right now, and Twilight is contacting the princesses. We just have to keep her safe until a solution can be found.’

‘What about Trixie’s wagon?’ Dream Maker asks. ‘Is it safe to leave it where it is?’

‘No prob, yo. We can just fly on down there and get it for her,’ Rip Chord offers.

Trixie clears her throat. ‘Tim, was it?’ Tim growls. ‘Right. That was the worst Trottingham accent I have ever heard. No. Just... no.’

Tim sits in midair and grumbles to himself.

Coal steps forward. ‘Droll and I will get it. We would be no use in a fight, and my store is not in an opportune spot to maintain a watch.’

‘Are you sure?’ Dream asks. ‘We would be splitting the party and losing two extra perception checks if trouble arises.’

‘They are just trying to help. I think it is a great idea,’ The Wandering Physicist agrees. ‘Better hurry if you want to get the last train from town.’

Trixie sets a bag of bits before Coal. ‘This was all I took when I fled. It was more than enough to get me here. Feel free to keep the difference.’

Coal nods and lifts the bag of bits. He goes to the door and nods toward Droll. Droll goes to each of the assembled ponies, except Kaeko and her sword, and gives them a hug, causing them all to shudder, before joining his brother. They wave and head to the train station.

Marvel stretches and heads to the door. ‘Well, I think I’ll be heading on. Send us any information that you get.’

‘Yeah,’ Dream agrees. ‘The sooner we see the whole map, the sooner we can plan our way through this encounter.’

All of the other ponies agree and start heading back to their shops. Once they are all gone, Lucas gives the shop a once-over before heading out the back to get to his apartment quicker. Trixie sighs, but The Wandering Physicist pats her back before using his sonic screwdriver to activate the store security and head stairs.

In the library, Twilight and her friends are discussing the current situation. All eight, since who would forget Spike and Inkie, are seated around the main room.

‘So that is it,’ Twilight says. ‘Trixie is in trouble and needs our help.’

‘Sounds like she is in a whole mess o’ trouble there.’ Applejack comments.

‘I already promised her my help and wrote the princess about the subject,’ Twilight explains. ‘I won’t be upset if anypony doesn’t want to help her, though.’

‘Though it sounds like a dreadful mess of her own making, I would be upset if those horrible ponies would get their hooves on poor Trixie,’ Rarity states.

Pinkie grabs her sister. ‘Inkie and I are in! Nopony is mean to one of Pinkie Pie’s friends and gets away with it!’

‘Um... Well... It would be bad if Trixie were hurt...’ Fluttershy mumbles.

‘Ah guess we’re all in,’ Applejack says. ‘Jus’ tell us what we can do t’ help.’

Rainbow Dash crosses her forelegs. ‘I don’t know. Sounds like she screwed the pooch on this one.’

‘Rainbow!’ All of the friends shout.

‘What?’ Rainbow Dash protests.

‘Well, I guess that makes sense,’ Rarity sighs. ‘I mean, she is no Daring Do.’

‘Darin’ Do would be good t’ have in this situation,’ Applejack agrees.

‘Yeah!’ Pinkie exclaims. ‘She wouldn’t hesitate to help her friends!’

‘Ooo! Just like in The Scroll of Destiny!’ Inkie cheers.

‘You mean the chapter where she...’ Twilight begins.

‘Quiet!’ Rainbow Dash shouts. She pouts a moment. ‘I haven’t gotten that far yet...’ She shakes off the spoilers. ‘Anyway. I never said I wouldn’t help. Besides, if Daring Do can do it, then Rainbow Dash can do it too!’

Rainbow Dash nods then adjusts an imaginary pith helmet. The others sigh.

‘Ah look forward t’ the day when we don’ have t’ use Darin’ Do t’ trick her int’ bein’ a decent pony.’

Rainbow Dash growls from above Applejack. ‘You know, I can hear you.’

The daredevil grumbles while all of the other ponies laugh as they head back home. Twilight sighs and starts heading up to her room. Spike follows.


‘Yes, Spike?’

‘I know you want to help Trixie, but are you sure you can trust her? This whole situation sounds pretty dangerous.’

‘I share you concerns, but Trixie really sounded like she needs our help.’

Inkie steps up. ‘Trixie might be a bit of a braggart, but she is a decent pony underneath.’

Spike thinks for a moment. ‘Okay... But I am still worried that somepony will get hurt. I have a bad feeling, Twilight.’

Twilight hugs her friend. ‘Don’t worry. I am sure Celestia will do something to help.’ She leans in close. ‘Besides, Trixie is staying with Mr Wanderer so he has most of the burden of protecting her for now.’

Twilight giggles and continues to her room. Spike shrugs and follows to his basket. Inkie looks up towards Twilight’s room.

‘If she is with Wanderer James Hayate, then does that mean Rei is at risk too?’

Rei happily bounces on her bed as she gets ready for sleep. She also snacks on some fresh onigiri. Sitting on the opposite side of the bed, Trixie combs her mane out. The Wandering Physicist is at the door.

‘Sorry that I couldn’t get you your own room.’ The Wandering Physicist says. ‘Today has been a little hectic, not to mention linking to your wagon again might freak Coal and Droll out.’

Trixie sighs. ‘It is fine. I don’t mind sharing a room, even if it is with a hyperactive fan.’

Rei squeals. ‘She noticed me!’

The two adults sigh at the kid. The Wandering Physicist comes over and gets Rei to stop moving long to kiss her on the forehead.

‘Oyasuminasai, Rei-chan.’

‘Oyasuminasai, otoosan!’

The Wandering Physicist pats Trixie on the back. ‘Night, Trixie. … There is no booze in the house, and she is my daughter.’

Trixie sighs. ‘Never letting that go...’

‘Oh! I know this story!’ Rei cheers. She leans in to Trixie. ‘Look like Inkie. She’s a cutie!’

The Wandering Physicist hits Rei in the back of the head. ‘Okay. Time for bed.’ He pops an onigiri in his mouth as he leaves. ‘I’m taking one of these too.’

Rei growls at her dad before turning back to Trixie and smiling. Trixie finishes with her mane and starts getting her side of the bed ready. She grumbles when she sees Rei go for another onigiri.

‘You shouldn’t eat in bed. You’ll get crumbs everywh...’ She notices a grain of rice drop from Rei’s face and disappear before it falls even halfway down her body. ‘Never mind.’

Trixie sighs and settles down on the bed. Rei finishes eating and settles in too. She turns and smiles right in Trixie’s face.

‘I have a full-sized Trixie doll this time!’

Trixie sighs. ‘I guess you do.’

The unicorn rolls over and closes her eyes. Rei continues smiling at her idol. After a few moments of silence, Trixie gives yet another sigh.

‘Miss Rei, you are... not from here, correct?’


‘You... you have a different Trixie where you are from, right?’


‘Can... Can you... Please tell me of her.’

Rei thinks. ‘Hmm... Our Trixie was... Well, she was great. She really filled the Element of Friendship role perfectly. Such a great magician and well loved too.’

‘What was she like?’ Trixie whispers.

‘She would do anything for those less fortunate than her. Her magic shows were legendary, and she would give free magic lessons to all of the young foals who asked. She would work closely with the other Elements to help build a better world. Auntie Pinkie Pie considered her to be her bestest friend since Tw... since a long-lost friend. I looked up to her a lot. I knew she was the strongest, prettiest, most... Trixie?’

Rei stops. Trixie has begun sobbing. Rei pokes the back of Trixie’s neck with her muzzle.

‘Sorry. I am sorry,’ Trixie sobs. ‘I wish I could be all of those things too. I really do.’

‘But you’re The Great and Powerful Trixie. Your shows delight audiences across Equestria. You have dazzling illusions. You...’

‘Please stop,’ Trixie cries. ‘Just stop. I can’t take it.’

Rei frowns then gives Trixie a hug. ‘Ever since we met all of those months ago, I followed your career here in this world. The only difference between the two worlds is that you do more paid shows. Otherwise, you two are the same.’

Trixie sighs. ‘You are the most diehard of fans.’

‘I bought tickets to your Canterlot show next month weeks in advance. Got them for all my friends too.’

Trixie moans to herself. ‘I wish more ponies were as open-minded as you to look past my flaws...’ She gives a contented sigh. ‘We should get some sleep. The Tired and Sleepy Trixie...’

Rei snores, followed shortly by a snore from Trixie.

Alphonse and Maxie trot through Ponyville with their bodyguards. They attract a lot of disdainful looks from the townsfolk.

‘I don’t like this town,’ Maxie hisses. ‘Rumors spread quickly.’

‘Maybe if your antics did not proceed you...’


‘Anyway, we have business to attend to. Surely, he will see reason if we make him a grand offering.’

The pair stop outside of The Power Block. Inside, Lucas quickly rushes to get his boss. Alphonse and Maxie advance, but Alphonse stops his son.

‘Wait here. … And don’t bother any of the shops. You have caused enough trouble already.’

‘And if I get bored?’

‘Talk with your imaginary friends again for all I care. Just don’t cause any more trouble.’

Maxie snorts as his father enters the shop. He is stopped by The Wandering Physicist just past the doorway.

‘Al,’ The Wandering Physicist snorts.

Alphonse snorts. ‘You seem to have me at a disadvantage.’

‘I am The Wandering Physicist.’

‘Just that?’

‘Want more? Ask the Daleks.’

‘Is that some Zebra tribe?’

‘Just state your business before you start disrupting mine.’

Alphonse snorts. ‘Well, Mr Wanderer...’

‘Stop. Only my friends can call me that.’

Alphonse growls. ‘Fine. I just want to talk about my niece. By now, you know why she is here.’

‘You are a sick pony for wanting to use her for personal gain.’

‘Ponies use other ponies. Your employee is being used by you for pay, albeit more willingly than my niece.’

‘There is a vast difference between what I do and what you are proposing.’

Alphonse sighs. ‘I guess I will cut to the chase. I will get a five-million-bit finders fee if I can deliver Trixie to my boss’s son. I will also receive a territory worth over one million bits a quarter. I will give the entire finders fee as well as a monthly stipend of over ten thousand bits. You can buy this town overnight.’

‘And you can leave my store now.’

‘I can make you a very rich pony! Think of all...’

The Wandering Physicist stand tall and gives a glare that would make Celestia tremble. ‘You are going to leave NOW! Don’t ever show your face here again. If I ever wish to speak with you again, I will find you.’

‘Very well, but I will not leave without my niece. She will pay the debt her family owes me.’

Before The Wandering Physicist can buck Alphonse through the front window, Alphonse turns and marches out of the store. He shouts at Maxie, and his bodyguards, and they storm back into town. The Wandering Physicist growls and heads back to the residence.

‘Lucas! Watch the shop! I need a moment to cool down!’

Maxie paces in his hotel room.

‘We will convince him to use our magic. It is only a matter of time before that jackass pisses him off as much as he does me. … You know which I am talking about! … Just give us time, and you can feast as much as you wish.’


Maxie spins around to see his father standing at the door.

‘Speaking of feasting, we should be heading to dinner, unless you wish to talk to yourself more too.’

‘I am not alone! I am speaking with an ally to our cause!’

Alphonse sighs and leaves. ‘Some days, I wish you never came to this crazy town.’

Maxie growls after his father. He turns over his shoulder. ‘You’re crazy.’

In the late afternoon, The Wandering Physicist groans and stretches as he leans against the wall in the alley behind The Power Block. He finds a stray rock on the ground, looks around, and gives the rock a good kick. It bounces off the back of The Saving Roll, back to The Power Block, to Marvelous Comics and Collectables, and onto the roof of The Saving Roll.

‘Nice shot.’

The Wandering Physicist shrugs. ‘Just simple physics. Do you have it?’

Lyra steps out and levitates an envelope over. ‘This was the best I could do with the resources I have.’

‘Thanks. I know I owe you for this.’

‘You bet you do.’

‘Is a copy going...’

Lyra nods. ‘I dropped one off with Derpy before I came over here, and she was going to have one of the express fliers take off for the castle right away.’

‘Thanks.’ The Wandering Physicist smiles at Lyra. ‘Hey, I was going to be taking Rei out for Neighponese tonight. You and Bon Bon are welcome to come along. Just a small start...’

Lyra thinks. ‘I think we have to decline. I am betting Bon Bon is starting dinner by now.’

‘That’s too bad.’ The Wandering Physicist reenters his shop. ‘If you are free, give me a call in the next hour or so.’

‘But I don’t have your number.’

‘Yes, you do.’

The door to the shop closes. Lyra shrugs and trot away. ‘Yeah. I do.’

Alphonse and Maxie are out for dinner at Ponyville’s Istallion restaurant. The staff is covering up their unhappiness as best they can. The other patrons are very worried about the high profile patrons, though they are not making a scene. Alphonse magically raises his wine glass.


The waiter grumbles and steps forward, but he stops and smirks. A pair of ponies step past the waiters and sit at the table.

‘Hi!’ Rei chirps.

The Wandering Physicist waves a waiter over. ‘Sir? Can you get the young lady a serving of, oh, everything? On these fine ponies’ tab of course. Make it quick. We are on our way to a father-daughter dinner together.’

‘Neighponese food!’ Rei cheers.

‘Good girl.’

The waiters rush off to get the food for Rei. The Wandering Physicist turns and smiles at Alphonse and Maxie. They just glare back.

‘Now. I have been thinking about your offer, and I have an offer of my own.’

A waiter returns and sets a large bowl of pasta in front of Rei.

‘The usual, Rei-chan,’ The waiter bows.


Rei buries her face in the bowl and starts digging in. Pasta sauce flies everywhere. The Wandering Physicist gets out the envelope Lyra gave him.

‘See, I have friends who are really good at gathering information. You just happened to have pushed enough buttons for me to push back.’

‘I really doubt you will find anything on me.’ Alphonse sits back and glares. ‘My people are good at covering up our trails.’

The Wandering Physicist gets a picture out of the envelope. He slides it to Maxie. ‘Is that your mother in this picture?’

Maxie turns white. ‘Dad?!’

‘I take that as a “no”.’

Alphonse growls.

‘She’s faking it,’ Rei comments.

The Wandering Physicist shakes his head at Rei. ‘You should not know that, young lady.’

‘Where did you get that...’ Alphonse hisses.

The Wandering Physicist pulls a sheet of paper out. ‘Also, I think you might know these ponies. Would you mind confirming their home addresses for us?’

‘I TOLD you, father,’ Maxie barks across the table.

The Wandering Physicist puts the photo and paper away. ‘No matter. Copies have been delivered to the local authorities by now, and one is almost in Celestia’s hooves as we speak.’ Alphonse just shudders in his seat. ‘Now, my offer to you is leave tonight, or your whole organization will come down tomorrow. I am sure your boss will love knowing you were the one who brought him down.’ He gets up and nods to Rei. ‘Time to go to dinner.’

Rei looks up from her mostly empty bowl. Her face and mane are now red from licking the sauce. ‘Can we get appetizers!’

‘Hell, yeah. I love my edamane and sweet potato croquettes.’


Rei flies over the table, barely missing Maxie’s and Alphonse’s meals. The father and daughter happily trot out of the restaurant. The unicorns growl at their enemies. Maxie turns to his father.

‘Was that is in MY bedroom too?’

Alphonse throws his napkin across the table. ‘Shut up.’

After dinner, The Wandering Physicist is sharing the information Lyra gathered with Twilight, Spike and Inkie, much to Inkie’s displeasure. Twilight is looking over the documents Lyra produced while Rei is chasing Inkie with the pictures.

‘But I don’t want to look at them!’ Inkie protests.

‘It is just biology!’ Rei counters. ‘Think of it as studying the pony reproductive cycle!’

The Wandering Physicist watches the kids galloping and flying around the room. ‘I really hope that book Pinkie gave you is locked up safely.’

‘Uh huh,’ Twilight inattentively mumbles as she goes through the papers. ‘How does Lyra find out all of this stuff?’

‘The same way she knows that a certain somepony isn’t too fond of grape jam.’

Twilight snaps to attention then collapses into ball on the ground.

‘Dude. We don’t mention anything magic kindergarten related around her,’ Spike warns.

‘Grape jam! Grape jam! Grape jam!’ Rei starts teasing as she hops around the room.

‘Knock it off!’ Spike shouts as he starts chasing the pony.

The Wandering Physicist strokes Twilight’s mane. ‘Come on. Just messing with ya. Here.’ He sets a small confection next to Twilight. ‘I know how much you like monaka.’

Twilight takes the monaka and gives a small bite. ‘Wait. Where did you get monaka?’

‘Rei and I went for Neighponese earlier.’

‘Why didn’t you invite me?’

‘Well, it is a weekly father/daughter outing. We don’t normally invite others. We had a hard enough time convincing Trixie that she would be safe on the other side of the world.’

‘Whatever. Fine.’ Twilight taps the papers in front of her. ‘It looks like we could be in for some trouble. Has Princess Celestia...’

‘Of course. Before I even saw this for the first time.’

Twilight scowls at the papers. ‘I hope she wipes them from the planet.’

‘And to the moooooon!’

Twilight snorts. ‘Not funny.’

‘Sorry.’ The Wandering Physicist gives Twilight a kiss on the cheek. ‘We have to head back to our guest. Promise me you will get some rest and try not to worry about this too much.’

‘I’ll do my best. Just keep Trixie safe.’

‘With her biggest fan on the job, she is sure to be fine.’

A crash is heard. The two adults look over to see Rei on top of one of the bookshelves using a screaming Inkie as a shield between herself and Spike. They sigh a heavy sigh.

Maxie paces in his hotel room. He is upset about the events that occurred at dinner.

‘Soon. It will be soon. Father saw how infuriating he can be.’

The room door opens and Maxie turns. Alphonse scowls as he enters the room.

‘See how he can be!’ Maxie shouts. ‘We have to...’

‘I put out the call.’ Alphonse states. ‘A large enough team will be here by morning. Even if either of the princesses react in time, it will be too late.’

‘Excellent! With the additional help, we can...’

‘You really believe in that imaginary friend, don’t you?’

A throat is cleared in the room. The unicorns look to see a small troll sitting in a chair. The troll has a scar reaching over its back to its chest.

‘I am imaginary only because you could not see me but believe me, I want to see that pony suffer more than you know.’

The next afternoon, Lyra is perched across from the hotel where Alphonse and Maxie are staying. She has headphones on and eats a cup of noodles. With her free hooves, she holds a pair of binoculars to her face. She watches as Maxie enters his father’s room. After a moment of listening to the conversation, her eyes go wide, her magic falters and her noodles drop on an unsuspecting pedestrian on the street. Lyra tears open her satchel and pushes her headphones down. She fumbles with her mobile as she hurriedly scans all around the town.

‘No, no, no, no! I was too busy watching the big fish that I missed the pawns setting up for a blitz... and Ponyville is the bullseye!’

Lyra gives a small, frustrated scream and switches from hooves to magic for manipulating her mobile. She quickly enters a message at the speed of thought and sends it right as a blue light shines up from across town. Several more lights appear as Lyra starts dialing her mobile. She levitates it beside her as she starts evacuating down the building. Lights start filling and surrounding the town. Alphonse and Maxie step out onto their balcony, and their horns cast spells that add to the light. Lyra reaches street level and starts plowing through everypony she encounters as she gallops away from the hotels. Her face lights up when her call connects.

‘Bon Bon! No time to explain. Get somewhere safe! I lo...’

Lyra is cut short when the lights come together over the city. A magical aura wafts down causing everypony it touches to stop what they are doing and fall asleep. Lyra passes out too. Her mobile falls beside her.

The Wandering Physicist awakes in a pitch black realm. Around him a number of other ponies are awakening as well. Most are his friends. A light appears above the gathered ponies, and Alphonse and Maxie appear.

‘Greetings, my little ponies,’ Alphonse jeers. ‘You have been... shall we say, “selected” to help us with a little negotiation of ours. See, your friend The Wandering Physicist is holding something very important to me, and I want it back. To do so, we have trapped you in this little illusion. You will awake in a matter of hours feeling refreshed... Well, some of you may. I’ll let my son explain.’

Maxie steps forward and smirks at The Wandering Physicist. ‘The rules of this little game are simple. You will be sent to a dream realm and tasked with surviving. Given your friend’s profession, I found it fitting to pick video game worlds as your test. If you get a game over in your game, you will not be joining us in the waking world. Likewise! If your character does not survive the game, it was nice knowing you.’

‘There you have it,’ Alphonse states. ‘Play your game and survive or die trying. … Although, there is another way out.’ He turns and glares at The Wandering Physicist. ‘You could turn Trixie over to me and the illusion will drop. Give her to me and all of your friends’ lives will no longer be in jeopardy.’

The Wandering Physicist looks around at all of his friends. Most are giving him encouraging looks. The rest are still trying to figure out what is going on. He looks up at their captors.

‘Go buck yourself.’

A number of ponies cheer at the response. Alphonse continues to glare down.

‘Fine. If you happen to change your mind, just tell us. We’ll be waiting.’

The unicorns disappear. One by one, all of the ponies start disappearing as well. Soon, everypony gathered is plunged back into darkness.

The next thing The Wandering Physicist hears is the sound of a train traveling across the rails. He moans and shakes his head before reopening his eyes. He sees his reflection in a window. His mane is spiked out more wildly than normal, and he is wearing odd, bluish-purple body armor. He looks around and finds a sword the size of Big Macintosh beside him. It hits him what game he is in.

‘Oh, no.’

Author's Note:

TWP vs the World: The Game Arc 1

Story event: First story arc.

Something I liked doing with my older writing before I stopped was writing multi-part story arcs. This is the first of several TWP arcs. It is a simple one. Only three parts. It also goes back to the gaming roots I wanted for the series. The games are mostly favorites or ones I know pretty well. Enjoy the next couple chapters!

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