• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,909 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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A Certain Magical Railgun

Main Characters: Rei, Luna, Cadence, Celestia
Cameos: Sunshine, Night Light, Twilight Velvet
Original Start Date: September 24, 2012

Rei giggles happily as she follows Luna through Canterlot Castle. The young mare will be staying with the princess for a while. After seeing her outbursts in Neighpon, Luna has been fascinated by Rei’s electrical affinity and hopes to help the young mare learn to control her power. Rei does not care. She is just excited to staying in the palace with Luna again.

‘I have arranged for your usual room,’ Luna states. ‘We have made some changes to the castle since our return from Neighpon. I believe you will enjoy them. As always, you are free to do as you please during the day. I have made time each night for us to study your powers. Please be ready when I call.’

‘Will do, Luna-sama! I can’t wait to learn about my powers, too.’

‘That is great to hear. I am sure we will learn lots.’

The two round a corner and enter a large sitting room. Celestia is there already, talking with a pink alicorn. The two alicorns look up and smile.

‘Dear sister, Princess Cadence has just arrived for a visit,’ Celestia informs the new arrivals.

‘I’m not staying long,’ Cadence adds. ‘I just needed to get away from the palace life for a while.’

‘You are avoiding a palace in a palace?’ Rei asks.

Cadence laughs. ‘Not really the best idea, I guess. You must be Rei, right?’

The young mare pokes Cadence. ‘You’re not a plushie, are you? Ringo-neesama has a plushie that looks just like you.’

‘I’m as real as you are.’

Rei pokes again. ‘Can I have a ponyback ride to my room? Hikari-chan says you are good at those.’

Cadence laughs again. ‘Maybe later.’

Rei gives one last poke then turns to Luna. ‘I’m done. When’s dinner?’

Rei trots back to her room after dinner. She is happy to be able to eat her fill of such great food. Celestia did her best to keep up (though Rei found it odd that Luna and Cadence did not even try competing), but youth and beauty won in the end. The young mare gives a small burp before arriving at her room. She is about to enter when another pony trots up behind her.

‘Miss Rei, we did not get much of a chance to talk earlier. Would you mind if I came in?’ Cadence asks with a smile.

Rei shrugs. ‘Why not? What’s up, Ai-hime?’

Cadence laughs. ‘Do you have a nickname for everypony?’

‘Not everypony since I haven’t met everypony.’

The two young mares laugh and enter the room. Both line up a jump and belly flop onto the bed at the same time.

‘These beds are so comfy!’ Cadence moans.

‘Almost as good as my bed back home,’ Rei comments.

‘How can you have better? These are the best in Equestria.’

‘Daddy’s ship creates beds perfectly suited for the user. They are always the most perfect beds for stretching out on or cuddling or cl...’ -- Rei blushes -- ‘scholarly pursuits.’

The princess giggles. ‘I bet you’re a diligent scholar.’

‘Who told you..! I mean! I’ve never done anything like that!’

‘Rei, I am the princess of love. I can sense love everywhere, even if just one pony is involved.’

Rei frowns and squeaks.

‘...Which is why you only shake my aunt’s hooves when she is wearing her hoof cups,’ Cadence whispers with a giggle.

Rei giggles too. ‘So, what did you want to talk about?’

‘I just want to get to know you. I saw some of the stuff you told my aunts. Is it true you are from another Equestria?’

‘Yep! I am Princess Full Moon! At least, I would be.’

‘It is okay. I am sure you can go home sometime.’

‘Actually, I would want to stay here. I love my daddy and Inkie and mommy and Inkie and Luna and Inkie and Stormy and Inkie...’

Cadence smiles. ‘I am certain they all love you very much, too.’

Rei smiles and gives Cadence a big hug. There is a knock on the door, and Luna looks in. She smiles at what she sees.

‘Rei, I would like to run a quick test tonight if that is okay,’ Luna says. ‘We can wait until later if you are busy.’

‘I don’t mind,’ Rei replies.

‘Yes, Rei and I can spend time together later,’ Cadence adds.

‘I am glad to see you two becoming friends.’

Cadence escorts Rei to the door. ‘She is a sweet young mare. I can see why everypony loves her so much.’

Rei giggles and waves as she follows Luna away.

Luna magically places electrodes on Rei while the young mare stands in the center of a large room. Luna adjusts a pair of glasses as she checks readouts in front of her.

‘I just want to do one quick test tonight,’ Luna states. ‘It will give me a good idea where we can start tomorrow.’


‘Good. Now, I want you to create the strongest electrical field you can.’

‘Yes, ma’am!’

Rei closes her eyes and focuses. There are some sparks around her, but nothing spectacular. Luna frowns at the data.

‘Rei, I know you can do better. I saw what you did to that hotel room.’

‘I am trying, but I cannot make a field that strong unless I am angry. Nothing can get me upse...’

‘Inkie doesn’t love you.’

‘WHAT! YOU TAKE THAT BACK!’ Rei screams, the shout echoing off the walls. Huge arcs of electricity surround the pegasus. ‘SHE DOES LOVE ME! THAT IS A HORRIBLE AND DISGUSTING LIE! INKIE LOVES ME! WHY WOULD YOU... Oh... That was just a trick to get me mad. Well, it is not working.’

Rei sits, crosses her forelegs and sticks out her tongue. Luna gets up from behind the console.

‘I think you might have maxed out my gauges.’ Luna breathes a sigh of relief. ‘Good thing this room is heavily shielded or you could have shorted out the whole city.’

‘Gomen nasai.’

‘It is okay. I doubt any real damage was done.’

Celestia gets out of a bath after a long day. She levitates a towel to herself and starts drying off. Suddenly, the lights flicker and go out. The princess shouts, and there is a big splash.


‘That is very good for a first test,’ Luna compliments. ‘Hey, let’s grab Cadence and get some ice cream.’

‘Can I get every flavor?’

‘You can even get the secret flavors.’

‘YAY! You are way nicer than daddy when he takes me for ice cream.’

Luna laughs and trots out of the lab with Rei dancing around her.

Rei and Cadence trot down a busy Canterlot street. Despite being out with a princess, the pair do not attract a lot of attention. Rei looks around at all of the shops.

‘So, Rei, what do you like doing when you are in town?’ Cadence asks.

‘I don’t know,’ Rei replies. ‘I usually just do stuff around the castle until Luna is free.’

‘Hmm...’ Cadence taps her chin. ‘Well, we went for ice cream last night, so that might be...’

‘I like ice cream!’

The princess laughs. ‘Okay. Then how about we go to Twilight’s favorite shop and plan more things to do?’

‘Ice cream!’

Rei tries lifting Cadence and flying away. The princess laughs and flaps her wings to help the small pegasus.

Rei and Cadence trot through a park after their ice cream. They stop and sit by a statue of Celestia that has several rubber bands around the horn.

‘How do you like Canterlot, Rei?’

‘It is all right. Not really what I expected. A lot of unicorns...’

‘Yeah. It does not really live up to the hype of being the capital once you go beyond the palace. There are fun spots, though.’

‘No amusement parks or giant, talking neon billboards.’

Cadence laughs. ‘Right. I forgot you are from Neighpon.’

‘You should go sometime. Hikaru-kun could show you around. Oh! And Full Moon! You would have to... Never mind. You wouldn’t like her.’

The princess scowls. ‘Right. Shining’s unauthorized vacation.’ She snorts. ‘Anyway. How does our Canterlot compare to yours?’

Rei kicks at the ground. ‘Well, I’ve never been to the one where I was born. I heard a lot of tales from Luna-sama and my brother, though...’

‘I’m sorry if I brought up sad thoughts.’

‘No, it is okay. It is good to remember them. I would like to see them again. Just to tell them I am okay. The letters are fine, but...’

Cadence puts a wing around Rei. ‘Why don’t you tell me about them?’

Luna and Rei are back in the laboratory, doing breathing exercises.

‘While you have much potential and vast power, tapping your anger every time you wish to access your power could be fatal,’ Luna explains. ‘According to my monitor, a great deal of current passed through your core when you lost control last night. Those of us with horns have a point where we can focus our magical potential. It is exceptionally rare for a non-unicorn to have any magical ability beyond the natural talents of the tribe, such as a pegasus’ ability to control the weather.’

‘But wouldn’t that mean my electrical affinity is just an extension of my normal abilities?’

‘Yes and no. Yes, a pegasus can create lightning from stomping a cloud, but you have the ability to tap into an internal source of magical energy. This energy is likely the cause of your powers. I suspect it is because of your lineage.’

‘You mean I got this power from my parents?’

‘Correct. You told me of your non-magical siblings. Do either of them have unusual powers?’

‘I... only met them a couple of times. Bradbury would never go anywhere if Apple Bloom didn’t go too, and Asimov only went to family events in Canterlot or Ponyville. I only met them when Pinkie came to Neighpon when we were all foals.’

Luna hugs Rei. ‘I’m sorry for bringing up such thoughts.’

Rei wraps her forelegs around Luna. ‘It is okay.’

The two ponies hug for short time before resuming their meditation.

‘As I was getting to, we need to find a point for you to focus your powers. Your hooves are the obvious answer, but you would have to learn how to move your magical field around within your body first. That is why we are practicing our breathing. Once our bodies are in their lowest energy state, we can adjust our magic flow at will.’

‘That is why Twilight only loses control of her magic when she is unfocused!’

‘Exactly. She does a lot of other things unfocused, too.’

‘Not when she goes into daddy’s room with him when they think I am in bed. She is very focused then.’

‘Yes, well...’ Luna suppresses her anger, her coat changing to black for a brief moment. ‘Let’s try refocusing our energies, shall we? Just feel the energy that is inside you and move it slightly to another spot on your body. Don’t try and move it all there at once, but slowly shift it around within you.’

Rei closes her eyes and focuses.

‘Good,’ Luna comments. ‘I can feel you moving it. I believe your magical energies may be connected to your Moon Armor as well. Perhaps if you master moving the energies around your body, you might become invisible at other wavele...’

Rei lets out a large belch. She blushes. ‘Gomen.’

Luna turns and stares down at the young mare. Rei squeaks and shrinks down a bit. Luna looks back up, takes a deep breath, focuses and lets out a massive belch that shakes the room. Rei stares up in awe.

Luna blushes and coughs. ‘Discord taught me the proper place to focus your energies to do such a thing. I see you found it on your own.’ She leans down and whispers, ‘Our sister is able to do that without magical enhancements, thanks to all of the cake she partakes in.’

The two ponies giggle and resume their breathing exercises.

After a few seconds, Luna warns, ‘Just don’t focus your energy to the opposite pole.’

Rei blushes. ‘Gomen.’

Luna sighs and magically opens a window.

Celestia trots through the back halls of the palace. She stops at a set of massive double doors. The unicorn guards salute and magically open the doors. Fanfare plays as the princess enters a chamber filled with ponies of all ages and tribes. All of the ponies stand and bow as Celestia makes her way to a large, decorated chair and sits. She bows to the assembled ponies. She opens her mouth to speak, and a large belch fills the room. Everypony stares at the shocked princess, whose mouth is still wide open.

Celestia storms through the halls. She is blushing so much her coat is practically pink. Behind her, a giggling Rei is being magically carried by the princess.

‘We findeth that not the least bit funny!’ Celestia grumbles. ‘Thou embarrassedst us in front of all of those ponies. Doth thou knowest what the newsponies are going to say about us?’

‘That you need to chew your food more? No! That you need stronger breath mints.’

‘Thou are lucky we art in a pleasant mood or else thou might findest thyself in lunar orbit until thy mother hath awoke.’

‘I guess from my location and the relative masses, I am in solar orbit right now then.’

Celestia turns and glares at the young mare. ‘As we hath told thy father on many an occasion, our flank art perfectly formed and it taketh much effort to shedeth our baby fat! It is just baby fat...’

Rei giggles. Celestia continues her march. She kicks open a door to reveal Cadence kissing her laptop monitor which is displaying a stream of Shining Armor kissing his monitor as well. The couple freezes in their embarrassing moment. Celestia dumps the young mare in the middle of the room and storms away.

‘She is thy problem now!’

‘I broke her so much she talked funny,’ Rei giggles. She turns her head a bit. ‘Hi, Hikaru-kun!’

Shining nervously laughs and waves over the stream while Cadence quickly cleans her monitor.

Luna rearranges her laboratory before that night’s tests. She hears the door open behind her.

‘Luna-sama!’ Rei calls. ‘I got the best Nightmare Night costume idea! Wanna see?’

‘Wouldn’t that spoil the surprise?’ Luna replies as she keeps working.

‘No, turn around.’

Luna turns around then immediately jumps back. A short, midnight blue pegasus with a starfield mane and tail is standing in the room.

‘Like it?’ Rei giggles. ‘I was thinking about what you said last night about changing the wavelengths of light around me. Cadence helped me get the colors right.’

‘That must take a lot of focus,’ Luna says, quite impressed.

Rei takes a deep breath and her colors return to normal. ‘It does. I’d only use it for special occasions.’

‘Like for a Nightmare Night costume?’

‘That is a special occasion! It is a day celebrating Luna-sama!’

Luna blushes. ‘It is sweet of you to consider me like that.’ She turns back to her equipment. ‘Now, Rei, since you were the one who brought it up, we are going to be continuing your focus training tonight.’

‘My body is ready.’

‘I believe it is.’ Luna motions to the center of the room. ‘If you would be so kind, I would like to attach the monitoring equipment to you again. That way I can more easily quantify the changes in your body.’

‘Okay. Are we going to find where I have to focus my energy in order to turn me completely invisible?’

Luna starts levitating the electrodes around Rei’s body. ‘Perhaps. There is always time to experiment with different passive fields, but tonight I would like to see if we can develop something more offensive in nature.’

Rei giggles. ‘Like with Celestia this morning?’

Luna laughs. ‘That was most amusing. Sister was quite furious. But no, I was thinking something more along the lines of combat abilities.’

Rei’s eyes go wide. ‘That would be so awesome!’

‘It is potentially dangerous, too,’ Luna warns. ‘Are you sure you can handle such power?’

Rei stands tall. ‘I am not afraid.’

‘Very good. Let’s begin with something simple. Raise your right foreleg and focus a small fraction of your power to the tip.’

Rei closes her eyes, begins her breathing exercises and focuses. A small ball of electrical energy forms.

‘Now release!’

The electrical burst shoots from Rei’s hoof and impacts the wall, leaving a tiny scorch mark.

‘Very impressive, Rei! All of the readings indicate that your powers behave exactly like unico... WHA!’

Luna ducks as another ball of electrical energy hits behind her head. Rei is doing a complicated dance, sending bursts of electricity with each kick. She flaps her wings and sends a large ball of electricity crashing harmlessly into the wall. Luna looks up from her console at the exhausted young mare.

‘Sorry,’ Rei pants. ‘I was curious about what I could do.’

‘Apparently a lot,’ Luna comments, looking over her equipment. ‘And with amazing restraint, too! Each of those bursts was only a fraction of your first attempt. Even the one you created with your wings was relatively weak by comparison.’

‘Weak!? I’m wiped out!’

Luna laughs. ‘You are just getting used to your powers. I have seen many skilled unicorns try to do half of what you just did on their first time only to end up far more exhausted. Even Starswirl had to begin somewhere.’

‘Can we go on?’

Luna smiles. ‘Of course we can, but you must rest first. I’ll have the maids bring us some refreshments.’

Luna rounds her console and sits with Rei while she gets out her mobile to order some snacks.

Cadence trots through the statue garden at the palace. The representations of great ponies throughout Equestrian history make the young princess smile. Above her, Rei flies from statue to statue, taking in every detail she can.

‘I am surprised you have never been here. I always enjoy strolling through here when I visit.’ Cadence laughs to herself. ‘As long as we avoid the Crystal Catacombs, I enjoy strolling through most of the palace.’

‘Asa-hime’ -- Rei giggles at her pun -- ‘never lets me come here. She says it is for the good of Equestria.’

‘Nonsense. A little history is good for everypony.’ Cadence stops and looks down a guarded path away from the garden. ‘He learned that the hard way.’

‘Discord!’ Rei instantly darts towards the creature’s manor.

Discord, clad in a flowery sun bonnet, looks up from watering his lawn and waves. His guards remain impassive despite dripping from a failed attempt at a water fight. Cadence stops the young mare before she can get to close.

‘If he had known the power of Twilight’s friendship, he wouldn’t have dared been as cavalier as he was.’ Cadence looks at the draconequus. ‘Now, he a virtual servant of my aunt.’ She laughs. ‘Though, he gets free sometimes.’

Discord makes finger pistols at Cadence. ‘Thanks for getting the hubby to look the other way last weekend.’ He cackles. ‘Rumors of that fool Sombra’s return were greatly exaggerated.’

Cadence groans.

‘In my world, his history is a lot different,’ Rei says, looking back at Cadence. ‘It is a lot sadder. His statue, which is stored under the ocean and guarded by the best in the Republic and the sea ponies, is a lot sadder. He was begging to be sealed away after he accidentally mortally wounded Celestia. He may have done some mean things, but he knew his right from wrong and was willing to sacrifice himself in the end.’

‘That is so sad. I didn’t know your history was so different,’ Cadence moans.

‘Our history is full of sad stories.’ Rei flies close and kisses Discord’s cheek and puts hoof in his paw. ‘It is okay now.’

The young mare is yanked back from Discord.

‘It is far from okay!’ Celestia shouts. ‘You know you are not allowed here.’

‘Oh, Celi , dear. Must you always come between me and my friends,’ Discord growls.

Rei smiles at the upset princess. ‘It is okay. I did what I came to do. I’ll leave here now.’

The young mare bows politely and trots away. Both Celestia and Cadence are confused about Rei’s behaviour, but they shrug and follow her out of the garden, leaving Discord alone once more. He looks down at his paw and smiles.

A recent addition to Canterlot Castle is its brand new bathhouse modeled after those found in Neighpon. Rei and Cadence are enjoying a bath together after their day at play. Cadence sits in the bath and soaks while Rei is hiding with just the top of her muzzle exposed.

‘This was a great idea my aunts had,’ the princess sighs. ‘I can just feel the stress melting from my body.’

‘Ai-hime...’ Rei sits up, ‘Do you hate the changelings for what they did to you?’

Cadence tenses up, the stress reabsorbing into her body. ‘Well, uh, I know they were just acting out of instinct and self-preservation. I am upset that they kept me from Shining and what their queen did to him, though.’

‘Oh... Could you ever forgive her?’

‘If you are asking about the peace deal that my husband was on hoof for and gave his support for, yes, I could forgive them for wanting to live peacefully and not having to hunt for their meals.’

‘No. I was asking if you could forgive the queen.’

Cadence takes a deep breath and sighs. ‘Well, I am the princess of love. There must be some love in here for her. I could potentially forgive her. Why do you ask?’

‘She stole me, too. She didn’t know it, but she did. We had a fight and made peace, too. I thought I would still be angry every time I thought about it, but it just makes me sad. She is very lonely. I... want to be her friend, if just to tell her it will be okay and to hang in there... Hang in there, Full Moon.’

Cadence swims over and hugs the young mare. ‘You are a very kind young mare, Rei. You have much more love in you than even I would give you credit for. If the lovely Rei-chan can forgive Chrysalis, so can I.’

Rei looks up and nuzzles Cadence’s cheek. ‘Thank you. That is why we have a holiday for you.’

The princess blushes. ‘You have a holiday for me?’

Rei nods. ‘Celestia Sun Festival in spring. Republic Founders Day in summer. Luna's Eve in autumn. Cadence Times in winter. It is like Hearts and Hooves Day, only it is about you.’

‘That is... I never thought of myself as one would would deserve such a thing.’

‘You do. It is just that Hearts and Hooves was founded long before you were born,’ a new voice states.

The two bathers look over as Luna trots into the bath.

‘I hate to intrude,’ Luna apologizes, ‘but my schedule opened up, and I would like to get started with Rei as soon as possible.’

‘I’m sorry, Ai-hime.’ Rei frowns.

Cadence laughs. ‘It is okay. You two go have fun.’

Rei gets out of the bath, and Luna helps dry her off.

‘Rei, don’t forget to get plenty of sleep for our plans tomorrow,’ Cadence reminds.

‘Plans? What plans?’ Luna asks.

The two younger mares giggle. ‘Top secret,’ they reply in unison.

Luna leads Rei into her laboratory. They are followed by one of Luna’s guards, a bat pony with an eyepatch. Rei keeps looking at the stoic stallion.

‘You might be wondering why I asked Sunshine to join us,’ Luna says. Rei nods. ‘I asked him here to help with your training. Your skill with producing your electrical bursts...’

‘Thunder Shot.’

Luna raises an eyebrow. Rei smiles.

‘Right. Your skill with your Thunder Shot is quite impressive. Instead of developing a stronger variant, of which I am sure you have several in mind already,’ -- Rei giggles -- ‘we are going to be working on controlling what you know already. Sunshine has agreed to allow himself to be a target for you to practice your speed and accuracy. I must warn you, he is quite fast.’

Rei giggles. ‘I know. I’ve talked with Applejack.’

Sunshine blushes and coughs. ‘She and I, uh, we haven’t, um...’

Rei giggles again.

Luna groans, ‘Anyway, are there any questions before we begin?’

‘Just one.’ Rei turns to Sunshine. ‘How did you get the eyepatch?’

Sunshine stands over the small pegasus. ‘You really want to know?’

Rei nods.

Sunshine leans down and pushes his face close. ‘Are you sure? It is quite horrifying. A tale of great discomfort. One nopony was able to hear without screaming in terror. Even my brother quakes at the mere thought of what happened. Are you brave enough to dare hear one word of this tale of woe?’

Rei nervously nods her head. Luna rolls her eyes.

Sunshine leans close. He puts a hoof to his eyepatch and quickly shifts it to the other eye. ‘I just moved it this morning.’

Rei stares into Sunshine’s uncovered, perfectly-fine eye. The bat pony blinks before returning the eyepatch to his previously covered eye. He trots to a position by the door.

Luna groans. ‘He claims it helps his night vision if he changes which eye is covered depending on the lighting situation.’ She moves close to Rei and whispers. ‘I think he just does it to look dangerous to the ladies.’

‘I heard that!’ Sunshine grumbles.

‘Right. And bat ponies have sensitive hearing, similar to pegasi’s sensitive smelling.’

‘Oh. Okay.’

Rei makes a series of mouth movements without making a sound. Sunshine replies similarly. Both ponies laugh.

Luna growls. ‘You forget I am a princess, and I can hear you.’

The jokesters tense up and looks down.

The princess lets out a loud sigh. ‘Shall we finally begin?’

Celestia lets out a large snort as she rolls over in bed. Her mane is disheveled. Several of her feathers are misaligned. Most of her head rests in a large puddle of drool. In other words, she is perfectly comfortable. A small disturbance at the foot of her bed causes her to look up slightly.

‘Sunshine! Sunshine! Ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!’

The half-asleep princess stares at the two rumps in her face. One is pink. The other is white. She groans and looks out the window.

‘The sun has barely come up,’ Celestia moans. ‘How can you have that much energy already?’

‘Come on, Aunt Celestia,’ Cadence teases, as she hops from the bed. ‘You can get an early start one of these mornings.’

‘Besides, you’re almost sleeping in a lake,’ Rei points out.

The two young mares giggle and gallop from the room.

‘Get back here so I can banish you to the moon,’ Celestia groans.

Night Light is grading a stack of papers when there is a knock on his office door.

‘It is open,’ the unicorn mumbles.

Another professor sticks her head in. ‘Your daughter-in-law and granddaughter are out there to see you.’

‘Granddaughter?’ Night Light shakes off the confusing thought. ‘Whatever. Just send them in.’

‘No, um, they wanted me to tell you they are out there.’ The mare points at the window.

‘I’m on the second story. How can they..?’

Night Light uses his magic to lift the blinds covering his windows. Flying outside, Cadence and Rei are making faces at the stallion. He takes a deep breath, lowers the blinds and goes back to work.

Laughter fills a cafe. Twilight Velvet has to catch her breath after hearing the story she was just told. Rei and Cadence have to contain their laughter as well.

‘And you actually told them you were my granddaughter?’ Twilight Velvet chortles.

‘Yep.’ Rei nods enthusiastically.

‘I think you are getting a little ahead of yourself, but I cannot wait to hear him explain what he thought about that.’

‘If I wasn’t ready to handle a confused phone call or two, I wouldn’t have let her say it,’ Cadence replies.

‘Still, even though it was a joke,’ Twilight Velvet notes, ‘the thought of being a grandmother...’

Cadence groans and hangs her head.

‘I am sure they are trying every night,’ Rei assures, patting the princess on the back.

‘Thanks, Rei,’ Cadence grumbles.

Twilight Velvet laughs at the two younger mares as she goes back to her meal.

After the early awakening this morning, Celestia is treating herself to an early bath. She is soaking up to her head in the bathhouse. An open bottle of wine floats by, encouraging the princess to pour herself another glass. Right as the princess raises the the drink to her lips, a pony leaps out of the water behind her.

‘BWAH!’ Rei roars as loud as she can.

Celestia finishes her sip, sits up and looks down at the smaller pony. ‘Nice try, Rei, but I play that same prank on your mother every time I find her in here. You have to get up pretty early in the morning to tri...’

‘BWAH!’ Cadence roars as she bursts from the water behind her aunt.

‘BWAH!’ Celestia shouts back as she falls over into the bath.

The two young mares laugh at the successful prank. Rei catches the bottle of wine, but it is magically yanked from her as Celestia emerges from the bath and storms out of the bathhouse, slipping a little on the tile and drinking straight from the bottle.

Rei trot into Luna’s laboratory. She frowns when she does not see Sunshine with the waiting princess.

‘No Sunshine,’ Rei pouts.

‘Correct. We are not doing any more combat training of that sort,’ Luna replies.


‘Instead, we will be doing a different sort of combat training.’

Rei’s eyes go wide and her wings flare in excitement.

‘Now, Rei, do you remember how you were able to change your electrical field so that the light reflected from you made it appear as though we were identically colored?’

Rei focuses and her colors slowly appear to match Luna’s. ‘Maybe.’

Luna laughs. ‘Right. That is being done while keeping the field around your whole body. What if you could focus it so that you had a meter diameter circle of charge a few centimeters from your body?’

‘You mean a Plasma Shield!? That would be so cool!’

‘Indeed it would be. I believe you subconsciously create such a barrier with your Plasma Buster, thus you don’t get injured from the radiation or the charged particles.’

‘Oh. I already have a “plasma” move... Ah! Photon Shield! OH! Photonic Deflector!’

Luna laughs at the naming process. ‘It is good to see you still so enthusiastic.’

‘I’m having a lot of fun. I don’t want this to end, unless Inkie needs me for whatever reason.’

‘You really are a sweet young mare.’

Rei blushes. ‘I guess...’

‘We can take the night off if you want.’

Rei shakes her head. ‘No. I want to learn all I can. Then, I can be as cool as you are.’

Luna smiles at the young mare. ‘We really are lucky to know you, Rei.’

Rei blushes and kicks at the floor.


Rei nods. Luna laughs and starts levitating the electrodes.

Celestia trots through the back halls of the palace. She stops at a set of massive double doors. The unicorn guards salute and magically open the doors. Fanfare plays as the princess enters a chamber filled with ponies of all ages and tribes. All of the ponies stand and bow as Celestia makes her way to a large, decorated chair and sits. She bows to the assembled ponies.

‘Greetings. Thank you all for coming,’ Celestia says, but her voice sounds artificially modulated.

The gathered ponies murmur in confusion.

‘Let’s try that again,’ the princess mumbles. She clears her throat. ‘Greetings!’ Again, her voice sounds modulated. ‘Excuse me.’ Her apology is modulated. ‘I’m not doing this intentionally. Somepony is... I am sorry. Will whoever is doing that knock it off!’

The modulated ‘off’ echos around the hall. Celestia stands and scans everypony present. She screams, which is, again, beautifully modulated.

‘... And give a little - EEP!’ Cadence squeals, her tail falling down her back.

The young princess stares at her doorway, her rump facing her laptop monitor again. A very embarrassed Shining Armor ducks from his monitor. Celestia unceremoniously drops two ponies with white coats and light blue manes, one a unicorn, the other a pegasus, and a royally-smashed portable auto-tuner in the middle of her niece’s suite.

‘They are thy problem!’ the furious princess shouts before stomping away, giving the royal masons an excuse to install a new hallway.

‘Ohayo, Ai-hime!’ Rei greets.

‘Sup,’ Vinyl Scratch adds. ‘Remember me? I played your wedding.’

Cadence laughs nervously as she tries to make herself presentable.

Rei and Luna sit in the middle of the laboratory working on their breathing exercises. Rei looks up at Luna. The princess seems locked in a state of serene grace.

‘Luna-sama? What are we doing tonight?’

Luna snorts and looks around. ‘I wasn’t sleeping,’ she replies, yawning.

Rei giggles. ‘You’re funny.’ She jumps up. ‘So, what are we doing tonight? More combat? Or are we going to do stealth and defence?’

‘Actually, I would like you to sit beside me.’

Rei sits. ‘Okay... Is this going to be some sort of test? Is Sunshine going to drop from the ceiling, and I have to save us in time?’

Luna laughs. ‘Far from it. In fact, just the opposite.’

‘I have to jump to the ceiling and attack him?’

‘Not that either,’ Luna laughs. ‘I just want to spend some time with you. That is all.’

‘Oh. Then we will be back to training tomorrow?’

‘I think you are done with your training.’ The young mare moans in response. ‘Don’t feel down. You have shown remarkable control and exceptional skill with powers you had barely passive control over just a week ago. I am certain you will benefit from developing your power more on your own. It might best if you practice someplace a safe distance away from a large number of ponies, like in the Everfree Forest.’ She leans down and whispers, ‘Also, sister has gotten quite frustrated with your constant pranks. Your father would be proud.’

Rei giggles. She hugs Luna. ‘You’re the best, Luna-sama.’

Luna returns the hug. ‘You are a great young mare, Rei. The time we spend together always brings me such joy.’

‘Helios and Alba are lucky to have you as their mommy. I was lucky for all the time we got to spend together then. I am lucky that we get to spend together now.’

‘I really wish I were there for you when you were younger. It sounded like you had a tough foalhood.’

Rei groans and buries her muzzle in Luna’s chest. ‘Not having a family is nothing compared to be banished for a thousand years, but having you and daddy and mommy and Inkie and Stormy...’

‘Shh. I know how you feel.’

Rei smiles up at her mentor, then buries her face in Luna’s coat again.



‘I do believe the Festival of Cakes is in town. We could spend the rest of the evening there. Sister and Amy have both been banned.’

Rei giggles. ‘Can we invite Cadence too?’

‘I... believe she wants to spend the night with her husband, even if it is over broadband.’

Rei giggles again. ‘She wants to do what daddy is probably doing with Twilight right now.’

Luna grimaces. ‘It is going to take a lot of cake to get that image out of my head.’ She sighs and shakes her head. ‘Let me get my disguise from my room, and we will be on our way.’

‘Ooo! I want to do that too!’

Rei closes her eyes and focuses. The air around her shimmers, and her colors change to match Luna’s. The princess laughs and ruffles the young mare’s hair as they trot from the room.

James looks at his mobile as he stands on the platform in Ponyville train station. The arriving train blows its whistle and opens its doors.

‘Three, two, one...’



James steps aside right in time to dodge a hug from Rei, sending her right into the waiting forelegs of Inkie. Rei gives her fillyfriend a big kiss.

‘You’re much better than daddy.’

‘Good to see you, too,’ James laughs. ‘Now, get your bags and...’

‘No need, Mr Wanderer. I am happy to help.’

James turns to see Cadence step off the train. She levitates Rei’s saddlebags to the young mare.

‘Arigato, Ai-hime!’

‘Thank you for coming this far,’ James says with a bow.

‘It is no problem,’ Cadence replies. ‘Rei is such a sweet young mare. It was the least I could do.’

‘It is much appreciated.’ James pulls the princess aside. ‘Do you have any pictures of your husband’s flank that I may borrow? I need one for, uh, science.’


‘Oh! I should have a spare,’ Cadence replies as she starts digging through a saddlebag. ‘Never leave home without one.’


‘Oh, shush,’ Cadence snorts. ‘Like you don’t have a dozen such pics of your filylfriend on your mobile.’


Rei blushes. ‘I love you, Inkie-chan.’

Inkie glares and shakes her head. Another pony trots onto the platform.

‘James, are you about... Cadence!’ Twilight gasps.

‘Found it!’

James snatches the photo and gives it a big kiss. ‘Oh, sweet Shining’s flank.’ He tenses up and turns to Twilight. ‘Nothing!’

The younger princess growls, takes the picture away with her magic and shreds it. ‘We’re going to have a talk about this later.’

James groans.

‘You too, Cadence.’

Cadence groans. The train whistle sounds again. The older princess bows to the others and boards the train. Everypony waves as it pulls away from the station.

‘So, Rei,’ Twilight begins as she turns to the young mare, ‘I heard you learned to control your powers more. What sort of things did you learn?’

The young mare grins widely as the air around her shimmers.

Author's Note:

Story Timeline: Rei learns to control her powers. First full appearance of Sunshine Bat, captain of the Lunar Guard and Applejack's coltfriend 'after' TWP.

Fun Fact: Like in Pokemon, all of Rei's Electric/Lightning moves don't have 'electric' or 'lightning' in them.

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