• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,910 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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Live From Budokan

Main Characters: Octavia, Lyra, Silver Fox, Daring Do, Kaeko
Cameos: Bon Bon, Reginald Skybound the Fourth
Original Write Date: July 14, 2012
Episode Theme

Bon Bon trots into the suite the Trio is staying at in Haydo. She finds all of the musicians lying around the room, doing nothing. Even her wife is just sleeping at a table.

‘We are in another country, surrounded by culture and countless wondrous sights, and I come back after a day of sightseeing to find the entire reason we are on this trip lazing about our living room!?’

‘Can you keep it down? Some of us are trying to nap,’ Lyra mumbles.

Bon Bon stomps over, grabs her wife’s ear in her teeth and drags her from the room. ‘You are taking me on a date right now!’

The earth pony slams the door. Vinyl trots out of a back room. She looks at the remaining two ponies laying about.

‘Sheesh. You two are really...’

Don’t say lazy,’ Octavia moans.

Silver rolls over and falls off the couch. She sits with a start. ‘Wha!’ She looks around. ‘Did somepony say something?’

Daring Do and Kaeko trot down a busy Haydo street. The adventurer is wearing her pith helmet and vest. The assassin keeps a wary eye for anypony that might show too much interest in them.

‘This place sure has changed a lot,’ Daring comments. ‘I barely recognize it from the last time I was here.’

‘Things sure can change in a short amount of time.’

‘Or in a little over double my age. Same thing really.’

‘I forget how much we really helped you. I was surprised that it was the Wanderer from my era who called upon you.’

‘There are different Wanderers?’

‘You tell me. You are the archaeologist.’

‘To be fair, I never heard of him before the first kiss. Though hearing the way the princesses speaks of him, it makes it sound as if he has been around since Luna’s imprisonment.’

‘That would be a fair assessment. A being as old as the princesses with the ability to bend time to his will. Quite a powerful friend to have.’

‘Right... Just a friend.’

The two ponies stop at street crossing. A large carriage is pulled past them and stops at a large office building. A young pegasus stallion steps out followed by larger, older pegasus. The young pegasus trots straight to the building. The older one looks around and follows.

‘Who do you think that was?’ Daring asks.

‘I do not know, but he seemed... intriguing.’

The adventurer looks at her escort and laughs. ‘You can put the wings down.’

Kaeko catches herself and blushes. ‘Gomen.’

The two pegasi continue their walk.

‘He was quite handsome,’ Daring comments.

‘I had not noticed.’

‘What is that I smell?’

‘French toast and rose petals.’

‘Oh really?’

Kaeko blushes again. ‘Stop it. I am not supposed to have such feelings for another.’

‘You give me one day alone, and I won’t tell if you make kissy time with your handsome stranger.’

‘No such deal will be made. My first duty is to protect you from revealing your identity.’

‘I totally need a new whip to go with my outfit! Then everything will look completely normal.’

Lyra adeptly handles her chopsticks as she dines with Bon Bon. The earth pony struggles without the benefit of magic. Lyra picks up part of her wife’s meal and offers it.

‘Thanks,’ Bon Bon grumbles.

‘It just takes practice. Want me to show you?’

‘Maybe later... that is, if all of you aren’t passed out around the suite.’

‘We have a big show in... time! We need all the rest we can get.’

‘Dear,’ Bon Bon groans, ‘you were the one who booked everything. How can you not know when your shows are?

‘Well, I’ve been trying to recruit a special guest for a couple of our shows. We are trying to mesh schedules.’

‘Do you at least have any idea when your “big show” will be?’

‘Largest venue? Next week for sure. Octavia’s ego boost? Some point after that.’

‘Hmm. Then that gives you plenty of time to spend with me.’

‘Which reminds me...’

Lyra levitates a pair of badges across the table.

‘Full Moon Live?’

‘She is the singer I’m trying to book. I figure we get a show and a recruit a new band member.’

Bon Bon moans. ‘At least I’ll get a show...’

‘Good news, everypony!’ Lyra declares as she returns from her date.

Octavia and Silver look up from their game of checkers. Bon Bon calmly trots past her wife.

‘Where’s Vinyl?’

Both ponies shrug.

‘Said something about hitting a club or something,’ Octavia replies.

‘Wait. She’s gone?’ Silver asks.

‘I am so glad the fate of the free world is in your hooves every other week,’ Bon Bon groans.

‘Anyway... Good news, everypony! I was able to talk Full Moon into performing with us.’

‘Really? That’s awesome!’ Silver cheers.

‘King me,’ Octavia counters.

Lyra smiles smugly. ‘And more importantly, I had a wonderful date with the most wonderful pony I could ever have the wonder of being married to.’

‘And it is a wonder how she convinced me in the first place,’ Bon Bon adds.

‘Exactly!’ Lyra puts a foreleg around her wife.

‘So we have an opening act for my big show,’ Octavia says. ‘When is it?’

‘Well, we have a couple shows booked before then, but don’t worry. It will be soon.’

Octavia groans and turns back to the game. She makes a complicated move with her new king and clears the board of Silver’s pieces.

‘Octavia, just think of it as increasing the number of venues you have played at,’ Lyra argues. ‘I mean, your mother has only played so many places...’

Octavia sighs and sets up the board again.

Daring calmly trots into Shinjuku Station. Kaeko warily trots behind her. The confident pegasus heads straight for the main counter and gets out her rail pass.

‘While it is safe to travel, I cannot determine your motive behind this move,’ the silver pegasus ponders.

‘Hmm. Interesting. Get yer pass out.’

Kaeko gets out her pass. The ticket manager gives them two tickets for the high-speed train, confusing Kaeko more. The two pegasi head to the waiting area for their train.

‘Will you at least let me in on some part of your plan?’ Kaeko asks.

‘Since you asked so nicely...’ Daring grins. ‘I may have noticed the crest on the side of that carriage. I did a bit of research and found that it belongs to a company with a regional office south of here. I’m taking you to see your coltfriend.’

Kaeko blushes and her wings stick out. ‘Th-that is unnecessary. Besides, I do not think of him that way.’

‘Wings,’ Daring says with a smirk.

Kaeko squeaks and tries covering her face with her wings. Down the platform, travelling ponies are trying to ignore a couple saying their goodbyes. Octavia naps on bench while Silver and Vinyl snack on bento.

‘Please don’t leave me,’ Lyra cries.

‘There, there,’ Bon Bon comforts. ‘I’ll be there for your big show. I just want to see more of the country.’

‘Okay... Just don’t forget me...’

Bon Bon gives her wife a kiss. ‘You are such a silly pony. We’ll meet up in a few days. I’ll give you a call when I am in town.’

‘Fine,’ Lyra pouts. ‘Wait! Before you go!’


Lyra stands on her hind legs and flips Bon Bon backwards. The unicorn holds her wife in her forelegs while standing on her hind. Bon Bon tries balancing herself on her hind legs while in this awkward position.

‘Bon Bon-chan... dai suki.’

Lyra gives her wife a big kiss. Bon Bon is shocked for a second but gives in to the moment. The kiss is made even more dramatic as the train pulls into the station. Lyra breaks the kiss and stares into her wife’s eyes. Bon Bon smiles and strokes the unicorn’s cheek with her hoof.

‘As frustrating as you can be, you are still an amazing pony.’

‘I put five thousand yen in your bag. Bring me a nice souvenir.’

The earth pony sighs. ‘You, never change.’

‘As you wish.’

‘Idiot! You’re missing the...’ Octavia is cut off as she boards the train.

Lyra returns her wife to a more natural position. They kiss one last time and split to go their different directions.

Lyra stands at the center of a stage. She lets out a large belch that echoes through a theater. Everypony stops to stare at the unicorn. Octavia hangs her head in shame.

‘Can I get one more?’ Vinyl asks. ‘I need to check your audio levels.’

‘Sure. Give me a moment,’ Lyra replies.

‘Yeah. I am out of here,’ Octavia groans. ‘I’m taking a walk.’

‘Me, too,’ Silver joins in. ‘But by walk, I mean fly.’

‘Hey! Don’t they need to sound check, too?’ Lyra complains.

‘I got most of Silver on file from your recording session,’ Vinyl replies. She grins widely at her friends. ‘And I already know all of the sounds Tavi can make.’

‘B-baka! That is just because we shared that flat for a couple of months while we were in school.’

The grin grows. ‘Right. That one-bedroom flat.’

‘Shut up! You’re giving everypony the wrong idea!’

Octavia storms out of the building. Vinyl starts laughing.

‘Anypony want to share some details?’ Silver asks.

‘Not much to know,’ Lyra replies. ‘They needed a break from their fam. Vinyl started getting better gigs, and prissy got signed with the royal orchestra. Then they got their own places.’

‘I am not prissy!’ is shouted from backstage.

‘I wonder if she still sings in the shower...’ Vinyl muses.

The unicorn ducks under a deftly thrown cello bow.

Kaeko trots through a park on her own. Daring convinced her take the day off to find her mystery stallion. After flying around the city for a while, the nervous pegasus is trying to calm her mind, not knowing her friend has been watching her the whole day. Kaeko stands near a small koi pond and sighs. Suddenly, she snaps her head up and sniffs.

‘French toast and rose petals?’

A laugh is heard. ‘Nice to see you, too, ramen and cherry blossoms.’

Kaeko spins around. A young, sky blue pegasus with a light red mane trots up. The mare’s cheeks turn bright red as he approaches.

‘So good to finally me...’

Kaeko leans up and kisses the stallion on the lips. After a second, she catches herself and backs away. ‘I’m sorry. I should not be like this.’

‘It is quite all right. You will hear no complaint from me.’

‘No, it is not just the kiss. I should not have these feelings.’

‘I know this is only the second time we have seen each other, but we are both pegasi. Our noses cannot lie, and you smell divine.’

‘Yes... I understand, but I was trained... I forced myself to become dispassionate towards most of the world but since that brief moment in Haydo...’

‘You’re right. This is moving too fast. Perhaps we can introduce ourselves over dinner tonight. I know this lovely place near the castle. Or if we start flying now, we can make it to Yokohama for the best ramen in Neighpon.’

‘Wait. Are you talking about the little shop by the bay? I haven’t been there in ages!’

‘You know it? Nopony ever wants to go there with me.’

‘Only one of my friends ever knows where I am... You were talking about the okonomiyaki shop near the castle?’

‘Uh huh.’

‘You are the most wonder...’ Kaeko stops, shakes her head and trots away. ‘No. I cannot let myself feel this way. I am sorry.’

‘Please! Miss Cherry Blossom. Just one date.’

‘... Kaeko. My name is Kaeko.’


Kaeko turns back and smiles. ‘Reggie...’

Reggie trots over. ‘Miss Kaeko, are you sure I cannot convince you to join me for dinner?’

The confused mare looks down for a moment as she thinks. She looks up at the stallion and kisses him again. Reggie wraps a wing around Kaeko and trots off with her.

‘Awww!’ Daring coos as she watches the couple via binoculars.

The pegasus drops from the tree she was hiding in and lands with a flourish.

‘Watch it, fatty!’

Daring is pitched to the ground by the pony she landed on. The grey mare fixes her mane and adjusts her bowtie.

‘Sorry. Didn’t see you down there.’

‘Are you calling me short?’ Octavia growls.

‘If the horseshoe fits.’

Octavia raises a foreleg and punches Daring across the jaw.

‘Oh. It is on.’

Daring stands on her hind legs and swings at the cellist.

Silver walks into a ramen shop. She trots to a spot at the bar and sits down.

‘About time you show up,’ Octavia mumbles as she sips her soup. Her mane is messed up and she is missing half her bowtie.

‘We ordered without you. Sorry,’ Daring adds. ‘Got you a beer, though.’

‘And you are..?’ Silver asks.

Daring tips her hat, removing the perception filter.

Silver gasps. ‘Oh my Luna! You are..!’

‘We’re trying to keep it a bit quiet. Try not to tell anypony.’

Silver covers her mouth and nods.

‘So, how was your fly?’ Octavia asks, slurping up a muzzle full of noodles.

Daring and Silver sloppily fly back to a hotel. A drunk Octavia onto hangs Silver’s back. The pegasi land. Octavia tries standing, but she falls flat on the pavement.

‘Worshrt carriage shervice ever...’ the drunk pony mumbles from the ground.

‘Hey! Same hotel!’ Daring cheers.

‘All right!’ Silver agrees. ‘Got a mini bar?’

‘Daring! Daring! Let me use yer disguise thingy!’ Octavia calls.

Daring drops to the pavement beside Octavia, the perception filter dropping from her hoof. ‘Speaking of carriages.’

Two of the three drunks watch a carriage pull up to the hotel while Octavia fiddles with the perception filter. The pony pulling the carriage opens the door. Kaeko and Reggie step out together. They stand in front of the hotel, nuzzling.

‘I know them,’ Octavia says as she holds the perception filter in her mouth.

‘Of course, you do,’ Daring snorts. ‘She is our neighbor. You have to have seen her when you hide outside of James’ room and cl...’

‘Hey! That never... Oh Luna. Where is that hairpin?’

Silver laughs loudly. ‘You go to his place and cl...’

A cello bow is shoved under the pegasus’ neck. ‘That never happened... any of those times. Now, if you help me find that hairpin, I can tell you I meant the stallion that hussy is with.’

‘He does look a bit familiar...’ Silver notes. ‘But I’m pissed. Hell, this pony looks like Daring Do to me.’

‘That is Daring Do,’ Octavia groans. ‘No, what I was saying is that...’ She burps. ‘Oh, my stomach hurts.’

The other mares look over. They scream and jump. A blue pegasus with a yellow-brown and grey striped mane is standing next to them.

‘Do I have something on my face?’ the disguised Octavia asks.

‘Sorta... You were saying?’ Silver says to try and change the subject.

The disguised pony snorts and turns back towards the hotel. ‘Anyway, that was Reginald Skybound the Fourth. He is the new head of Skybound Industries. They are very dangerous. Even more so if SHE is helping them.’

‘Skybound...’ Daring muses. ‘Oh! He was the one James built the bomb for!’

‘HE WHAT!’ Octavia shrieks.

A long piece of bamboo strikes all three mares across the back of the head. They look to see Kaeko glaring at them.

‘If you are done ruining my date, can you tell me why you are out of your disguise and she is in it?’

‘Funny story, really...’ Daring begins.

‘You are accusing the stallion I love of what?’ Kaeko yells.

‘To be fair, his brother did try to blow up Canterlot,’ Octavia argues.

‘Yes. With a bomb developed and disarmed by the stallion you love. You keep failing to mention that part.’

‘It is inconsequential. There is nopony here that would think Mr Wanderer capable of any evil. When Lyra and Vinyl arrive, they will also agree.’

‘Reggie is a good stallion.’

‘I said that about a Skybound once. Look where it got us.’

Kaeko growls and reaches under her wing for her sword. Octavia stands and adjusts the gauntlets that have appeared on her forelegs. Daring steps between the mares.

‘Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let’s not be too hasty. Now, let’s calm down and talk about a subject we all can enjoy, like James. I really enjoy James, don’t you?’

‘Not a good topic since you revealed that Tavi enjoys James more than we thought...’ Silver asides.

‘Oh, please,’ Daring snorts. ‘I’ve shared a bed with him. And a shower. And he has seen me in my underwear.’ She shakes the grin off her face. ‘Never mind. That is still more than the fantasies of some young filly.’

A blade appears under Daring’s throat. ‘Care to rephrase that?’ Octavia offers.

‘You’re looking a little blue.’

‘What?’ The perception filter is active again. ‘Damn it!’

Kaeko smirks. ‘I hope that the pin has a fun journey, no matter which way you force it out.’

‘Why you dirty little wh...’

‘Hey, Tavi!’ Vinyl greets as she enters the room. ‘Love the look. You can totally pull off blue pegasus.’

‘What? Vinyl? How did you know?’

‘You know I know you inside and out. All your curves.’

Octavia snorts and turns away from her friend.

Lyra trots to a table and gets out a laptop. ‘So, Skybound, eh? Let’s see what we got. Oh! Tavi, want me or Vinyl to magic the pin out of you?’

‘Gently, if at all possible.’

‘I am willing to offer the surgery for free,’ Kaeko sneers.

‘So, uh, nopony is going to freak about Daring Do standing in the middle of the room?’ Silver asks.

‘Right. Hi, Daring! Big fan!’ Lyra greets.

‘I thought ya looked familiar,’ Vinyl notices. ‘Did you really..?’


‘I mean with the griffin emperor.’

‘Oh! The duel. That too.’ Daring winks.


The DJ and archaeologist brohoof. Lyra finishes typing and trots into a bedroom. She returns with a projector which she hooks to her laptop.

‘Ugh. Not another slideshow,’ Octavia groans. She reaches for her bow tie. ‘Has anypony seen the other half of my eye shade?’

Daring grimaces. ‘Maybe... before I tried drowning you in the pond.’

‘Which time? Before or after I hit you with the large stick?’

‘Before, since I still had the vision to aim for the neck with my bite.’

‘You two were what the police were called out for in the park!’ Kaeko shouts.

The two ponies make eye contact then look back at the angry pegasus. ‘No.’

Before Kaeko can yell again, the projector starts and an image of Reggie appears on the wall.

‘This is Reginald Skybound the Fourth,’ Lyra’s computer states.

‘This is Reginald Skybound the Fourth,’ Lyra states.

Octavia facehoofs.

‘He is the youngest son of his father, Reginald Skybound the Third,’ Lyra continues as she flips through slides. ‘He was considered the runt of the family despite sharing the family title. He was constantly picked on by his older brother and sisters. After getting a MBA from Canterlot University, he was put in charge of one of the family casinos in Las Pegasus. When he tried instituting reforms and making most of the income come from legitimate sources, he was shipped to Neighpon to lead the beginnings of Skybound East. After Archibald’s fall earlier this summer, the board voted to install Reginald as the new CEO in hopes of having a cleaner image. They assigned this pony,’ -- Lyra displays a picture of the pegasus Daring and Kaeko saw Reggie with -- ‘as his transition manager. Wingsplitter was second-in-command to the shipper Sealegs McGuffin until that mysterious shipping accident on our cruise last winter.’

Octavia laughs. ‘It was great. I was so drunk.’ She sips a cocktail she made during Lyra’s presentation.

The unicorn groans and continues. ‘After his former employer “went missing”, Wingsplitter seized control of the company. A number of other ponies went missing in that time as well... Last spring, Skybound and Wingsplitter reached a deal to merge their shipping ventures with Skybound in majority control. Given the history of both companies, I think it is safe to say that the board brought Wingslpitter in to coerce Reginald into playing ball and not institute the reforms he has promised. Any questions?’

Lyra looks around the room. Octavia is making herself another drink. Daring and Vinyl are playing hoofheld games against each other. Silver is sleeping. Kaeko is missing. A flush is heard and Kaeko trots back to the room.

‘Are you done yet?’

‘I thought you of all ponies would want to hear what I had to say,’ Lyra growls.

‘I know that my Reggie is a good pony. You just added more proof.’

Octavia turns back. ‘So when are we taking this Skybound down? Sounds like he is a real bad stallion.’

‘He is not the villain! Weren’t you listening!’

‘Blah, blah, Skybound, blah, blah, evil, blah, blah, we need more gin. I heard all I need.’

Kaeko draws her sword again. ‘I will defend his honor until my death!’

‘You might just have to do that,’ a new voice states.

The mares jump and turn to see Reggie standing on the balcony. A red dot appears on his forehead.

Octavia aims her gauntleted foreleg at the uninvited guest. ‘You better have gin or this will get ugly fast.’

Reggie examines the hoof pointed at him. ‘I saw the security footage. You are the one that removed my brother’s ability to fly. Thank you.’

‘Did he just thank me or am I really drunk?’

‘Yes to both,’ Kaeko snorts.

Octavia finishes her drink. ‘How about now?’

Reggie steps into the room. ‘I would be lying if I said I didn’t look back after we split earlier. When I saw you talking with Miss Silver Fox, I knew I had to come back.’

Lyra jabs her sleeping friend.

‘Mmm... Right there, Rei...’

Lyra jabs harder.

Silver wakes with a start. ‘Wha?! Somepony said something about taking down Skybound again?’

Reggie clears his throat. ‘In a manner of speaking, yes.’

Silver blinks as she takes in the visitor. ‘Oh, hey. I know you. I me-proofed your headquarters a couple months ago.’

‘Which is why I need you to break back in and find all of the evidence of criminal wrongdoing you can.’

The Trio ad Libitum stare at Reggie in shock.

‘His computer thingy is hooked to their main servers to supply him with the information he needs to ease his transition. He wants evidence to use against Wingsplitter and the board to clean house,’ Daring says without looking from her game.

‘How do you know that?’ Lyra asks.

‘Honey, I took down his great-grandfather while his grandfather was still in flight school. Doesn’t matter the era, somepony trying to go clean always looks the same.’

‘Thank you, Miss Do.’

‘No problem.’ She pauses and thinks. ‘Hey, given how none you are freaking that I am me, can you help me rub it in somepony’s face so I can rub something else in his face too?’

Reggie grimaces. ‘That lovely image aside, are you willing to help me gain total control of my company?’

Daring and Silver watch the outside of the Skybound building. The thief is waiting for the perfect moment to swoop in. Unfortunately, her review of building security for Reggie led to a nearly airtight defence against unwanted entry.

‘Come on...’ Silver growls. ‘Give me something to work with.’

‘If we can plug Lyra’s hacking thingy into any computer, why don’t one of us pose as a temp or something?’ Daring wonders.

‘You don’t know much about computers, do you?’

‘Kid, where I am from, computers were as big as a room and worked for hours to write a message you would get on your mobile. Give me a break for not adapting perfectly to your modern lifestyle in two weeks.’ She leans back and gets out a pair of binoculars. ‘I am still trying to figure out the quantum flux matrixes used to toast a bagel just the way I like.’

Silver sets down her binoculars. ‘I think living with Mr Wanderer is giving you an unrealistic view on the world. See, it is all about speed. The drive has to communicate with the computer. That takes a certain amount of time. Then it has to talk to the server in the building, travel the cables to the main servers, communicate with them, then make the reverse trip. All of the time up and down the line is time we can be tracked and found.’

‘Build a sonic pulse into the drive.’


‘Have a piece of hardware that mimics a sonic screwdriver and sends a pulse ahead of the hacking program to speed up the data transfer rates. It is all elementary quantum computing from there.’

Silver snorts and turns away. ‘Like I said, you are spoiled.’

After a few moments of silence, Daring looks over. ‘Did you stop dying your mane because of Rei?’


‘You moaned her name the other night during the presentation. I could tell it was dyed because of your show and the smell of your shampoo. I won’t deny she is cute, but I wish to keep my bones so I don’t even tease her about it.’

Silver sighs and focuses on the building. ‘I’d rather not talk about it.’

Daring turns away from the target and lays down to watch the sky. ‘You with the kid. Me and the yellow one with the dad. Seems like us pegasi can’t catch a break with that family.’

‘I try not to think about it.’

‘Me too... but if you ever need some comfort, my bedroom is always open.’

‘Are you hitting on me?’

‘I’m a little rusty since it has been about two weeks since my last success. How am I doing?’

‘And you expect to win Mr Wanderer with those lines?’

‘I’ll have you know that my lines won the heart of a beautiful queen, beguiled an emperor and brought peace between a zebra shaman and his unsuspecting victims.’

‘It is a wonder why I idolized you as a child.’

‘Yeah. It really is,’ Daring sighs. ‘The real me is nothing like what I had to present to the public. None of the sex or grading homework assignments or months of fruitless excavations. All of the killing was cleverly covered up.’

‘You... killed?’

‘Don’t be so surprised. What do you think Octavia and Kaeko have those blades for?’ She rolls to her stomach and spreads her wings. ‘No. I had an underwing pistol. Great for sneaking into most places. Just fake a wing injury, and nopony will ever think to check it.’

A throwing dagger embeds itself near Daring’s head. The archaeologist looks up at the thief.

‘Easily disguised as pinions. Nopony is the wiser until you get close.’ She looks away. ‘I had to convince my mom they were props for my show when she found them on her last visit.’

‘I only sent my father pictures from my excavations and made sure everything was postmarked through the university. He would have gotten himself killed trying to save me if he didn’t think my books were fiction.’

Silver comes down from her lookout and hugs Daring. A burst of static comes over their radios.

`Yo! Lovebirds!` Octavia shouts. `We’re already down one thanks to love. Get your muzzles from between each other’s...`

‘Shrimp, that’s ain’t how it always works,’ Daring counters. ‘You’d know if ya let your fillyfriend have a shot.’

`She is not my!`

Daring turns off her radio. She counts a few beats then turns it back on.

`... and when I pull it out of your...`

‘Or you can just ask the cutie next to you how it is really done,’ Daring adds.

`Sorry. I’m already spoken for,` Lyra replies.

‘Is this how all of your missions are?’ Daring asks. ‘If so, can I join?’

`... Shut up,` Octavia grumbles. `We have a building to watch.`

‘Yeah, looks sealed tight to me,’ Silver sighs. ‘We’re going to need some really big distraction if you want me to slip in there without getting caught.’

Suddenly, the lights of the city start going out, building by building. Soon, the entire city is dark.

Silver shrugs and pulls a mask over her head. ‘Works for me. Be right back.’

The thief spreads her wings and flies over to the dark building.

Kaeko and Reggie ride an elevator together. Reggie is taking several deep breaths.

‘It will be fine. We will get him to leave now or force him out tomorrow,’ Kaeko assures.

‘Thank you. With you at my side, it will all go smooth.’

Kaeko gives Reggie a kiss. ‘Are you ready?’

Reggie takes a big breath. ‘My body. My body is ready.’

‘That is good to hear. I’ll hold you to it later.’ Kaeko grins.

Reggie blushes. He kisses Kaeko one more time before the elevator stops. The doors open to the outside of an office. A pair of large earth pony stallions guard the door while a unicorn works at her desk. The secretary looks up.

‘May I help you?’

‘Tell Wingsplitter we’re here to talk with him,’ Reggie states.

The secretary looks at the couple. ‘You may enter, but she has to wait outside.’

Reggie looks at Kaeko. She nods.

‘It is okay. I’ll be just outside.’

Reggie sighs and goes to the door. The guards give him dirty looks as he enters. Inside the office, a large dark grey pegasus with a jet black mane works on a computer. He barely looks up as Reggie approaches.

‘And what do you want?’ Wingsplitter asks.

Reggie stands firm. ‘You are fired. You can leave now. Otherwise, you can leave with the rest of the board when I turn in evidence against you tomorrow.’

‘What the hell are you talking about?’

‘I have plenty evidence against you and a number board members to send you all to prison for a long time. I am just giving you a chance to get out now before I bring them all down.’

Wingsplitter stares at the younger pegasus and sighs. ‘We figured your stupid crusade would lead you to this path. Fortunately, you gave us the perfect counter-argument.’ He presses a button on his desk. ‘Bring her in.’

The door opens. Kaeko is brought in, wrapped in magical energies. The secretary and guards follow.

‘Let me go!’ Kaeko shouts. She looks at Reggie. ‘I’m sorry. She surprised me.’

‘Do it,’ Wingsplitter says.

The secretary forces Kaeko to the ground and spreads her wings out. The earth pony guards step over and place hooves at the joint between Kaeko’s body and wings.

‘You will drop this little crusade of yours or we will drop her, out the window.’ He stands. ‘You would be surprised how hard it is to tell the difference between wings broken when falling and by force.’

‘Don’t give in, Reggie! I am prepared to give my life for justice!’

Reggie looks from Kaeko to Wingsplitter then back. ‘But... I am not. I cannot lose you.’

‘Always a good thing to hear,’ Wingsplitter laughs. ‘Take him away. We’re going to go for a little cruise. She’ll stay here as collateral.’

The guards step back and put bindings around Reggie’s wings. They drag him out of the office. Wingsplitter goes around his desk. He trots across Kaeko as he leaves. The mare growls and struggles under the magic.

Daring and Silver land on the roof of the Skybound building. Silver is in her stealth suit. Octavia jumps from Daring’s back and runs on her hind legs to an access point. She is in her full armor and cloak. The door to the access point bursts outward, and Kaeko storms onto the roof. She is carrying a pack and has a gash under her left wing.

‘You’re free?’ Octavia gasps. ‘When Lyra reported Wingsplitter leaving with Reggie, we feared the worst about you.’

Kaeko looks at her rival. She pins Octavia to the wall and shoves a hoof into her ear. The pegasus digs out an earpiece. ‘Lyra, after you find his ship, hack it and set it off the predetermined course. I want where they look for his body to be a long way from where I leave it.’

Kaeko shoves the earpiece back in Octavia’s hooves, spreads her wings and flies away.

Kaeko is in her room dressing in her armor. Octavia is helping tie the breast and wing plates while Kaeko adjusts her leg guards. The pegasus grumbles to herself the whole time.

‘I never appreciated how complex your armor was until now,’ Octavia comments.

‘Thank you for your help. This usually takes twice as long to equip.’

The rivals work in silence. Octavia glances at Kaeko’s pack.

‘What’s in the bag?’

‘A gift.’

‘For who?’

‘Fish food.’

Octavia stops working. ‘Kaeko, I know you have a great dislike of me, but it is more important that he is brought to justice.’

‘You are the best in our line of work. You have no right to change our brand of justice.’

‘I know I have done a lot for our cause, but legal justice can be just as powerful and send a message to all who would wrong the world.’

‘Octavia, he has the stallion I love. He will kill the stallion I love!’

‘And that stallion’s brother tried to kill my friends, my family, Vinyl and, when he stupidly joined the fight, James. I know what it is like to have my loved ones threatened. I had James to call me back to sanity. You have Reggie. He would urge you not to act rashly.’

Kaeko turns and stares at Octavia. ‘Why are you saying these things? You must want him brought to justice as much as I do.’

Octavia places a hoof on Kaeko’s chest. ‘Right. I feel it in you, too. You have changed.’

‘Don’t tell me that our misguided feelings make us weaker. I would change how I feel about Reggie if that means I retain my instincts.’

Octavia slaps Kaeko. ‘How dare you! How dare you abandon Reggie like that! I would not trade the feelings I have toward James, Vinyl or any of my loved ones to have those instincts return. I think. No! I know I am stronger because of my love for them! If you even think about abandoning your love of Reggie again, I will make it easy for you and end you right now!’

Kaeko glares at Octavia. She calmly trots away, dons her robe and picks up her pack. She trots to the door and mumbles, ‘Thank you. I almost forgot who I was.’

Octavia trots past to her friend. ‘Anytime.’

Wingsplitter watches as Neighpon disappears from view. Once it is gone, he reenters the office on his personal ship. A bound Reggie hangs from the ceiling. The larger pegasus trots to the trapped on and takes a moment to punch him.

‘Pathetic,’ Wingsplitter mutters. ‘I would have thought a Skybound would have put up more of a fight. You should just give up your share of the company to your sisters and disappear.’

‘Just what our family’s legacy needs, more misguided ponies more concerned for lining their pockets and controlling others than for helping society.’

‘We would provide them with employment. We would have had a lot more open positions if your brother wasn’t stopped.’

‘My first fillyfriend was an unicorn. Go buck yourself.’

Wingsplitter punches Reggie again. ‘We’ll have to do something about that attitude of yours.’

Wingsplitter raises a hoof to punch again, but a blast rocks the boat.

‘What the hell?’

Octavia drops from Kaeko and slashes the knees of the attacking earth ponies. She raises, aims the gun on her foreleg guards and fires to scare off fleeing crewmembers.

‘Pays to have a friend with an airship,’ she laughs.

‘Just point me towards Wingsplitter,’ Kaeko growls as she hurls shuriken with each flap of her wings.

‘Probably has a room where he can watch everything.’ Octavia finds cover and activates her radio. ‘How’s the bridge coming?’

‘We’re working on it!’ Daring shouts into her radio. She raises her wings, revealing her hidden guns and shoots to scare away attackers.

Silver ducks around an open door and throws a series of daggers from her wings. ‘Just need to get in there to take control.’

`Oi! This thing on!` Vinyl says over the radio.

`What are you doing here!` Octavia shouts.

`The harpist ain’t the only one with tech skills. Just turn on their data line and get me a bluetooth connection, and I’ll do the rest.`

‘Think you can hit that?’ Daring asks.

Silver scans the room. ‘I might... if I can get clear shot.’

‘Let me rephrase that. Think you can hit that with me in front of you?’


‘I cover you. You throw your dagger. Wifi gets activated. Day is saved.’

‘You’ll get shot!’

Daring smirks. ‘Hey. It’s me.’

Silver looks from the door to Daring. The adventurer smiles and winks. The younger pegasus leans and kisses the older. ‘For luck.’

Daring laughs. ‘For future reference, I keep most of mine under my tail.’

Silver blushes. Daring jumps in front of the door, raises her wings and starts firing. Silver leaps over Daring, aims and throws her dagger. It embeds itself in the console. The pegasi jump back to cover.

`Got it!` Vinyl cheers. `Uploading my hacks now!`

The pegasi breathe a sigh of relief and gallop away from the bridge. Silver looks over. Daring has a big smile on her face.

‘You could have been shot, moron!’ Silver shouts.

‘But I didn’t,’ Daring laughs.

‘Jerk,’ Silver mumbles, bumping her friend a little.

Wingsplitter holds a knife to Reggie’s throat. It is pressing down enough to draw a little blood. Octavia stands with her back on the wall and forelegs in the air. Her hood is pulled down over her face.

‘You’re the one that took down Archibald. Well, not again today!’

Octavia does not respond. She turns her head slightly to create less of a profile. A pair of shuriken hit the wall beside her. She kicks off the wall and runs forward. She catches the falling Reggie before Wingsplitter can attack. The larger pegasus tries swinging his knife, but he is tackled from behind. Kaeko pins Wingsplitter to the ground. Each of his limbs are trapped under hers with her pressing wing-mounted blades into his wings.

‘Get him out of here,’ Kaeko growls.

Octavia nods and carries Reggie to the balcony. She raises a hoof, wraps it around a rope and get pulled up to the waiting airship.

‘What are you going to do to me?’ Wingsplitter snarls.

‘I am going to give you a gift then let you stretch your legs a bit. That is all.’

‘What the hell does that mean?’

‘First your gift.’ Kaeko swings her pack around and sets it in front of Wingsplitter.

‘What is it?’

‘Let’s just say your secretary is currently joining a new tribe... as you will be soon.’ Kaeko leans down and flips the pack open to reveal an unicorn horn.

Wingsplitter’s eyes go wide. ‘But, you were held captive.’

‘She blinked. Oh, and don’t flinch. You don’t want to permanently detach a limb.’

Kaeko jabs her wing blades down. Wingsplitter screams as they cut through bone and into the deck. Kaeko snorts and trots towards the balcony.

‘Wait! If you leave me alive, I will expose you. This will all be a waste of effort!’

‘Oh, you will be brought to justice. Just as soon as the authorities arrive.’

‘What authorities? We are kilometers from shore. Neighponese and Equestrian authorities will never reach us as long as we stay on course.’

‘They may not reach you, but you forget that the sea ponies rule the oceans. Good luck escaping them.’

‘They would have to find us first. All they know is that we’re a random ship.’

Kaeko laughs. ‘Thank DJ-Pon3 for inspiring this idea.’ She activates a program on a nearby computer. Loud dubstep starts playing. ‘Good thing sea ponies aren’t sensitive to music!’

Wingsplitter struggles to free himself as Kaeko flies off the balcony.

Daring and Silver sit on a dock. They lean over the side to talk with the sea ponies surrounding them.

‘Thanks for the help,’ Daring tells an armored sea pony. ‘I hope you treat him with all of the fairness and just.... Ah screw it. Throw the book at him. Don’t forget to give the queen my thanks. It is great seeing you again.’

Silver gasps and backs away. A large shadow looms over Daring. She slowly turns. A large female sea pony looms over the adventurer. She has shimmering blue-green hair and iridescent scales. She is giving Daring a fierce scowl.

‘When I last saw you, I was a mere princess,’ the queen snorts. ‘You then disappear for sixty long years and return when you are in need of my help. You have a lot of explaining to do.’

The pegasus nervously stares at the queen. ‘Well, you see, archaeology is an imprecise science.’

Reggie stands outside of the Skybound building. He looks beat up. There is a podium in front of him, and he is surrounded by reporters.

‘... And those are the details as I know them. To recap: I turned over evidence against several board members of criminal actions they carried out using my family’s company’s name. They are being arrested as we speak. When I confronted Wingsplitter about these charges, he assaulted me and my fillyfriend and escaped on his personal ship.’

‘And where is Wingsplitter now?’ a reporter shouts.

‘I have no idea. If he is not found, well, there have been rumors of sea ponies ruling the waters. You can ask them.’

The reporters laugh at the comment and move on with the press conference.

Bon Bon lets out an weary moan as she trots through a train station. She is worn from her trip and just wants... Is that the smell of lilies?

Bon Bon looks up after passing through a gate. Before her is a mountain of lilies of all colors. At that center, Lyra waits with a huge grin on her face.

‘Welcome back, Bon Bon!’ Lyra cheers.

Bon Bon slowly trots to the flowers and breathes deep. ‘What did you do?’

‘Do I have to have a reason to shower my wife with her favorite flowers?’

The returning mare studies the flowers for several moments, picks her favorite flower, puts it behind her ear and trots away. ‘I saw the news this morning. You can tell me your side of the story as we go to the hotel.’

Lyra’s grin grows, and she levitates all of the flowers. ‘Well, there I was, minding my own business when I was called upon to save the world once more..!’

In her dressing room, Octavia is getting ready for her concert. There is a knock on the door.

‘I am surprised you knocked,’ Octavia replies.

The door opens and Kaeko enters.

The pegasus bows. ‘I wanted to thank you once more for assisting me.’

‘You were there for me without question when Canterlot was threatened. My only regret is not believing you about Reggie sooner.’

‘We all make mistakes.’ Kaeko looks away. ‘Listen... If you are ever in Ponyville... I might have something of yours in my shop...’

Octavia accidentally tightens her bow tie too much and chokes herself. ‘I knew you took her!’

‘I had to do something! You were getting all of the top marks! I had to take the smart, rich, cute filly down a peg!’

‘The only reason I got top marks is because I had to try extra hard to beat out Fyrefly’s favoritism towards you.’

‘Geez. I was just sucking up to her because you gave her those flowers on the first day...’

‘My mom told me to... Damn it, mom.’

‘So this whole time we have been rivals because...’

Octavia shakes her head. ‘Whatever. I am glad to have found another friend I can count on.’

‘Just don’t expect me to sing.’

‘Oh, I won’t. I heard you at camp.’

‘That was a traditional song from the lands you are standing in right now!’

Octavia smirks. Kaeko growls playfully. They start laughing.

Kaeko exits Octavia’s dressing room. Daring steps beside her guardian after putting a cello bow back on top of a crate full of them.

‘Sounds like it went well.’

‘Indeed it did.’

‘Great!’ Daring looks around. ‘Wow. I haven’t been backstage since I got kicked out of the Grand Galloping Gala.’

Kaeko groans. ‘Let me guess, you and the pianist or whatever Philharmonica existed back then hooked up in some back closet?’

‘Nah! I got caught in Celestia’s chambers. Pretty tough climb up the walls.’

‘Will the wonders ever cease?’

Daring looks around. ‘Hey, don’t forget to keep this quiet, especially since I lost my perception filter.’

‘Of course.’

‘And remember, not a word of this to...’ Daring says as she walk into somepony, knocking them over.

James groans and picks himself up. He turns to help the other pony and sees a familiar face.

‘James!’ Daring Do exclaims. ‘Well, that explains why she has so many bows on hoof...’

‘Daring... What are you doing here?’

The pegasus nervously stares at the stallion. ‘Well, you see, archaeology is an imprecise science.’

‘You’ll see in the paper tomorrow,’ Kaeko sighs from behind her charge.

James looks at his mobile. ‘Oh, Reggie is such a cool guy. Did he show you his antique doll collection?’

‘I... did not know he collected,’ Kaeko stutters.

‘Too busy focused on the kissing, eh?’

The pegasus squeaks. She looks at Daring for a distraction. The adventurer is staring at Full Moon. The other pegasus looks back and her eyes go wide.



Everypony looks at the two pegasi as they stare awkwardly at each other.

Concluded in:

Tomodachi Sketch

Author's Note:

Adventure in Neighpon - Part 7

Story Timeline: Daring loses her perception filter. Reggie falls for Kaeko. Daring and Silver Fox consider the other to be their second prize. Daring reunites with Chrysalis.

Fun fact: Archaeology is an imprecise science.

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