• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,908 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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Apple Bloom's First Date

Characters (Human): TWP, Apple Bloom, Applejack, Big Macintosh, Twilight, Pinkie, Rei, Stormy, Inkie, Lucas, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Pipsqueak, Dinky, Allie Way, Rarity
Characters (Pony): Scootaloo
Original Write Date: 04/16/2012

‘Why not!’ Apple Bloom yells. ‘He said “yes” when I asked him.’

Applejack crosses her arms. ‘First of all, yer too young. Second, he’s too old. Ah ain’t lettin’ mah sister do somethin’ as unwholesome as that.’

Apple Bloom is arguing with her sister in their kitchen. Big Macintosh is sitting to the side watching them.

‘It is jus’ a date. Where is the harm in a date?’

‘Yer talkin’ ‘bout datin’ someone way older than ya!’

‘But we hang out t’gether all the time. Ya don’ have a problem with that.’

Applejack scowls. ‘Ah have a problem when ya bring home one of his crazy ideas, which ya seem t’ be doin’ more often lately.’

Apple Bloom pouts. ‘Ya just don’ want me t’ see him ‘cause ya want him all t’ yerself.’

Applejack blushes. ‘That ain’t true! Where do ya get a silly idea like that?’

‘Then why’d ya have him over the other night?’

‘He was jus’, uh, helpin’ fix a problem with our intertubes. Right, Big Mac?’

Big Macintosh nods. ‘Eeyup.’

‘But why did the two of ya spend all that time alone in yer room?’

Applejacks blush deepens when Big Macintosh joins in the stare. ‘He was, uh, helpin’ with mah computer... Anyway! This ain’t about me. It is about y’all not goin’ on a date, especially not with him.’

‘But sis!’

‘No buts, missy.’

Apple Bloom looks over at her brother with the saddest of eyes. ‘Big Mac. Help me out.’

Big Macintosh sighs. ‘Listen, AJ. What is the real harm in lettin’ her do this? It ain’t like he’d try somethin’ funny. Plus, it would be good practice for when she’s ready t’ go on a real date.’

Applejack glares. ‘Don’ ya use yer fancy logical analysis on me.’

Big Macintosh crosses his arms. ‘Fine, AJ. Ya know him better than all of us. Do ya really think he’d do somethin’ wrong to Apple Bloom?’

Applejack looks from the upset Big Macintosh to the pleading Apple Boom to the floor before sighing.

‘Fine!’ Applejack throws her hands up. ‘Don’t blame me if somethin’ bad happens!’

‘Yay! Thanks Applejack!’ Apple Bloom cheers. ‘Ah’m gonna go tell everyone the good news!’

Apple Bloom runs upstairs to her room to call all of her friends. Applejack turns and glares at her brother.

‘We’re followin’ her. And no arguin’!’

Applejack stomps off to her room. Big Macintosh groans and shakes his head.

‘Why not!’ James yells. ‘I said “yes” when she asked me.’

Twilight crosses her arms. ‘First of all, she’s too young. Second, you’re too old. I am not letting my boyfriend do something as unwholesome as that.’

‘AW! Come on, Twilight. It would be cute.’ Pinkie protests.

James is having Twilight and Pinkie over for dinner while Rei, Stormy and Inkie have a movie night at Inkie’s apartment. The three adults are sitting at the kitchen table after dinner.

‘He would be dating an eleven-year-old girl!’ Twilight shouts. ‘That is just wrong!’

‘She’s twelve,’ Pinkie points out. ‘You were at her birthday party too.’

‘Whatever. That is still too big of an age difference.’

‘Twilight, you are all twelve years old compared to my real age,’ James sighs.

‘Well, that’s...’ Twilight looks away. ‘My point still stands.’

‘Listen, if Applejack says it is fine, then there is nothing to get upset about.’

‘I guess...’ Twilight grumbles.

James sighs. ‘Twilight, how many times do we have to tell you to share?’

Twilight looks down and scowls. Her friends laugh at her reaction.

‘Yeah. It is not like we’re asking you to do page one-thirty-seven with us.’ Pinkie giggles.

Twilight turns bright red and pulls her legs up onto her chair. The others laugh and get up.

James starts collecting their plates. ‘Come on. I’ll get the system all set up. We can play some games or watch movies.’

‘Sounds fun!’ Pinke cheers.

James puts the plates in the sink. He and Pinkie head out of the kitchen, but Twilight catches both of their sleeves.

‘Would you really want to do that with me?’ Twilight mumbles.

James and Pinkie blush bright red. They look at each other, and the blush deepens.

‘Ha, ha. Silly Twilight.’ Pinkie nervously laughs. ‘I, uh, have to use the washroom.’

‘Y-Yeah. I have to set up the entertainment system.’ James fumbles.

Both of the others pull free from Twilight’s light grip and hurry away before getting more embarrassed. Twilight grins to herself.

‘I love you two so much.’

At Inkie’s underfurnished apartment, the teenagers sit around Inkie’s television. It and her computer are the only pieces of technology that do not look like they are from a thrift store. Stormy readjusts himself on an old, lumpy cushion.

‘That’s it.’ Stormy grumbles. ‘Next paycheque, first thing I do is buy you a chair.’ He gets out his mobile. ‘Who is your favorite designer? I’ll get you in for a fitting as soon as I can.’

Inkie groans. ‘Ever since she started paying you, you show off more.’

Stormy puts his mobile away. ‘I can’t help it if my fake sister loves me.’

Rei drops herself across Inkie’s lap. ‘I think this is the comfiest!’

Inkie blushes as Rei starts rubbing her head against Inkie’s stomach. She nervously picks up a keyboard and brings up a movie list on her computer.

‘So, so what do we want to watch next?’

‘Something without Silver. I got enough of her during our recent adventures and when she comes to the shop,’ Stormy snorts.

‘How about a comedy?’ Inkie suggests.

‘All you have are rom-coms. Don’t you have anything else?’

Inkie snorts. ‘I have a lot of sci-fi.’

Stormy shrugs. ‘Tch. I guess.’

‘We should watch my dad’s date with Apple Bloom.’ Rei coos from Inkie’s lap.

‘What?’ the others say as they look down at that smaller girl.

‘You didn’t hear?’ The others shake their heads. ‘Yeah. She asked him out this afternoon after tutoring. He said yes. Lucas almost dropped a stack of Vita. They’re going out this weekend.’

The other teenagers stare at Rei in shock. Rei stretches and curls up on Inkie more.


‘RSI...’ Stormy groans.

‘We have our next adventure.’ Rei yawns and starts falling asleep.

Scootaloo paces back and forth across the Cutie Mark Crusader clubhouse. Her arms are crossed, and she is deep in thought. Sweetie Belle watches her friend and raises a hand. Scootaloo stops and looks at her friend.

‘I bet you’re wondering why I called you here.’ Scootaloo says.

Sweetie Belle nods.

‘It is because we have a traitor in our midst!’

Sweetie Belle gasps. ‘Who?’

Scootaloo scowls. ‘Apple Bloom.’

Sweetie Belle gasps again. ‘What did she do?’

‘She is going on a date.’

‘That trai... Wait. Why is that a bad thing?’

Scootaloo blushes. ‘It just is!’ She looks around the room. ‘That is why I called everyone here. We are here to make sure that date doesn’t happen.’

Seated around the clubhouse are several other children. A blonde girl is chatting with a shorter, brown-haired boy. A well-dressed girl with silver glasses and light blue-grey hair looks over at another well-dressed girl with violet and white striped hair. Diamond Tiara scans the clubhouse with a disapproving look on her face.

‘Which one of you decorated this place? I thought one of you knew interior design.’ Diamond Tiara scoffs.

‘That is not important.’ Scootaloo growls. ‘We are here to save Apple Bloom.’

Dinky raises her hand. ‘Why exactly does she need saving?’

‘Have you seen who she is going out with? He is older than all of us combined!’

‘But, isn’t Mr Wanderer like her tutor or something?’ Pipsqueak asks.

‘According to my intelligence, that was only a ploy to trick her into a date.’

Diamond Tiara groans. ‘What intelligence? Sounds like a lack of it to me.’

Silver Spoon giggles at the joke. Scootaloo growls.

‘I heard Twilight talking about it yesterday, and she has much more intelligence than you.’

Diamond Tiara jumps up. ‘Why you..!’

Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara glare and growl at each other. Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon get up to hold their friends back if need be. Both of the quarreling girls snort and turn away.

‘Why don’t you tell us your plan?’ Sweetie Belle says while easing her friend back.

‘Right. Well...’ Scootaloo scans the group. ‘Well, I was hoping for more of you, but this will do.’ She goes to a small chalkboard and starts writing. ‘Me and Sweetie Belle can get Apple Bloom’s plans for the date. We will then be able to covertly follow her all day and make sure that nothing bad happens unless we are the ones causing it. Who is with me?’

The other kids think. Dinky is the first to raise her hand.

‘This sounds fun! Like we’re ninja or something.’

Pipsqueak stares at his friend in shock. ‘Ninja? I thought you liked pirates.

‘Well, they’re cool too, but ninja are better!’

Pipsqueak moans. ‘I guess I’ll help too, if Dinky is in...’

‘Awesome.’ Scootaloo nods. ‘That is four.’

‘How’d you get four?’ Silver Spoon asks.

‘Well, naturally, Sweetie Belle is in.’

‘I am?!’ Sweetie Belle’s voice cracks at maximum intensity.

‘We’ll help too, right Silver Spoon?’ Diamond Tiara say.

‘We will?!’ Silver Spoon’s voice cracks as bad as Sweetie Belle’s.

‘Of course we will. If it works, it will be all to my brilliance. If it fails, we will be there to laugh in their faces. It will be fun.’

Silver Spoon sighs. ‘Fine...’

‘Great!’ Scootaloo cheers. ‘Sweetie Belle and I will get the information we need and we’ll meet back here tomorrow to plan everything.’

The morning of the big date starts with James up earlier than he normal and exiting The Power Block. He is spruced up and ready for a long day of hanging out with Apple Bloom. Outside the video game store, Applejack stands by her pickup with a nervous Apple Bloom hiding behind her sister. Big Macintosh waits in the truck. James smiles at the guests.

‘You didn’t have to come out here. I wouldn’t have minded the trip to pick the lovely young lady up.’

Apple Bloom squeaks and tries hiding more.

Applejack scowls. ‘Ah jus’ wanted t’ make sure ya didn’ try anything funny.’ She looks away. ‘ ‘Sides, Mac and Ah had business t’ attend t’.’

James tries to make eye contact with Applejack, but she avoids his gaze. He narrows his gaze, causing Applejack to sweat.

‘Is that true, Big Mac?’ James asks.

Big Macintosh sighs. ‘Eeyup.’

James shrugs. ‘At least he can give me a straight answer. Anyway! Where’s the little lady?’

Applejack groans and steps aside. Apple Bloom stares at the ground. She is wearing a shiny, yellow dress and her fanciest bow in her hair. She kicks at the ground a bit as James laughs a little at the scene.

‘You look beautiful.’

Apple Bloom’s cheeks instantly match her hair color. ‘Thanks.’

James bows to Applejack. ‘Now, if you’ll excuse us, I believe the young lady and I have a date.’

James holds out his hand to Apple Bloom. The young girl takes the hand, and the couple walks away together. After a few moments, Applejack gets back in her truck and starts it up.

‘Let’s roll.’

Big Macintosh groans and settles in for the day.

Back in the store, Lucas leans against the counter while he checks recent business emails and invoices on the company Chromebook. Slowly, Rei rises from behind counter.

‘RSI Adventure Team! Move out!’

Lucas screams in surprise and fumbles the Chromebook. His juggling gets out of the control and the computer drops. He dives to the ground to catch it before it falls. He takes a moment to catch his breath before looking back at Rei. The girl looks down at Lucas.

‘Well? You ready?’

‘What the hell are you talking about?’ Lucas asks. ‘I have to run the store while the boss is out.’

‘Whose dad owns the store? You can close for one day.’

‘Geez. You’re as bad as he is. No, Rei.’

Rei growls and hops over the counter. ‘He is going on a date. We need to go on a date to better follow him.’

‘You and I? On a date?’ Winning!

‘It is a fake date as cover for the stakeout.’

Lucas scrambles up and puts the Chromebook away. ‘I would love to go out with you, Rei!’

‘Great! Oh! The others are here!’


Inkie and Stormy walk up to the store and wave. Rei bounds out and grabs Inkie in a big hug.

‘Wait. Who am I dating again?’ Lucas asks.

At the local bowling alley, James ties his shoes as Apple Bloom returns with a ball. The adult laughs at the girl struggling with an overweight ball before he gets up to find a ball. He returns right as Apple Bloom finishes entering their names. He sets two balls, one for himself and one for Apple Bloom, on the return.

‘AB and Jimmy?’ James says. ‘You know my regular name is shorter than that. Heck. TWP would have worked too.’

Apple Bloom blushes. ‘Ah know. Ah just like this way better.’

James laughs. ‘It’s fine. So... you need bumpers?’

Apple Bloom gasps. ‘Ah never!’ She looks down. ‘Ah ain’t that good, but I was hopin’ ya can give me some pointers.’

‘Uh... Sure?’ James grins to hide his relative lack of skill at the game.

Several lanes down from Apple Bloom’s bowling lesson, Twilight is getting one of her own. Her attempt to spy on James was thwarted by pretending to need a bowling lesson from the local expert. She failed to anticipate Allie Way’s determination. Pinkie is enjoying the show. Twilight bowls her ball. It makes it down the lane but only takes out one pin. Twilight growls in frustration. Allie Way nods as she watches Twilight’s form.

‘Twilight, can you tell me what you are thinking when you bowl the ball?’ Allie asks.

Twilight growls. ‘Well, I am trying to figure out the right angular momentum vectors to get a strike.’

Allie shakes her head. ‘First of all, that made no sense to me.’ Twilight growls. ‘Second, you are overthinking. You have to relax more. Just ease into your game.’

‘Relax?! Everything must be done perfectly or else I mess up.’

‘Isn’t that happening anyway?’ Pinkie asks.

Twilight growls at her friend. Allie turns Twilight back to the lane. She goes back to Pinkie and whispers to the other woman. Pinkie gives Allie a confused look.

‘Do you think that will work?’ Pinkie asks.

Allie shrugs. ‘It will clear her head. Better from a friend than a stranger.’

‘Okay. I’ll give it a shot.’

Pinkie gets up and goes over to Twilight. She taps her friend on the shoulder.

Twilight spins around. ‘What!’

Pinkie grabs her friend’s head and gives her a big kiss. After a few seconds, Pinkie backs away. Both women blush a deep red. A small strand of saliva still connects them. Pinkie wipes her mouth and smiles.

‘Feeling more relaxed?’ Pinkie asks.

‘Pinkie... I...’ Twilight stutters.

Allie puts Twilight’s ball in her hands. ‘All right. Now go for it.’

‘Wha? Right. Game.’

Twilight turns around. She fumbles her ball then rolls it down the lane. Twilight’s throw gets a strike. The shock of the strike does little to override the shock from the kiss.

‘Way to go!’ Pinkie cheers.

‘Ha. Knew that would work.’ Allie says. ‘A good shock always clears the mind.’

Twilight turns back to Pinkie and Allie. The other women smile and congratulate her. Twilight glances at Pinkie then turns away and blushes more.

On the other side of the bowling alley, another intense bowling experience is underway. In what experts are calling the lowest scoring grudge match, Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara are going all out. Even Pipsqueak is scoring higher than them despite it being his first time bowling. The kids seem to have forgotten their mission to spy on Apple Bloom and are enjoying the game. Silver Spoon sighs as she watches her friend in battle against her rival. Diamond Tiara finishes her turn and gives a smug laugh as she sits back down.

‘Ha! Thirty-six. Better than you.’

Scootaloo growls. ‘I’ll win in the end. You’ll see.’

There is a crash of pins. Dinky cheers and claps.

‘Way to go, Pip! Another strike.’

Pipsqueak blushes and rubs the back of his head. ‘Just lucky, I guess.’

‘The odds of getting such a high score in your first game has to be huge!’ Dinky cheers.

‘It isn’t anything special.’ Pipsqueak looks away.

Pipsqueak looks over at Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara. The two girls are giving him an intense glare. Dinky looks around the group.

‘Where’s Sweetie Belle? It’s her turn.’

‘I think she is using the washroom,’ Silver Spoon replies.

‘Do we wait for her?’ Pipsqueak asks.

‘Silver Spoon! You should take her turn. You should have fun with us, too.’ Dinky cheers.

‘I don’t...’

‘Come on. If Miss Fussy here can play,’ Scootaloo nods toward Diamond Tiara, ‘you can do at least one round.’

Diamond Tiara snorts at Scootaloo then turns to her friend. ‘It is not as pedestrian as it looks.’

Silver Spoon sighs and gets up. ‘Fine.’

Silver Spoon picks up the lightest ball she can find. She carefully gets on the lane so she does not slip. She sighs again and bowls the ball. She walks back to her seat and sits before the ball hits the pins and gets a strike. Everyone stares in shock as Silver Spoon blushes in embarrassment.

‘Don’t look too much into it. My dad used to take me bowling all the time,’ Silver Spoon grumbles.

Sweetie Belle comes back from the washroom. She sees everyone staring at Silver Spoon. She looks around in an attempt to figure out why.

‘Hey. When did I get a strike?’ Sweetie Belle asks.

Outside of the bowling alley, Rei is curled in a small ball with her knees up to her face as she pouts. Inkie and Stormy stand by and comfort their friend. Lucas comes out of the building and looks around.

‘There you are. I go to the washroom for one moment, and you disappear. What happened?’

Stormy looks over. ‘Rei got a little taken in by the game and wanted to play too.’

‘And that is a bad thing?’ Lucas asks.

Inkie shakes her head. ‘No, but when she asked for shoes, they suggested she wear a children’s size.


Rei chokes back a tear. ‘I hate being so tiny. I’m not a kid.’

‘Want me to get you an ice cream to make you feel better?’ Lucas offers.

‘Can I get every flavor?’ Rei smiles.

Lucas checks his wallet. ‘Only if I can break cover and ask your dad for an advance.’

Rei huffs, ‘I hate you.’

After their bowling games, James and Apple Bloom are getting lunch at the local pizza parlor. They are laughing about their games as they eat. All of the groups watching the date are stationed around the restaurant. None of the groups seem aware of each other.

Applejack looks down at her pizza in disgust. ‘How can they call this food? It ain’t got any apples on it.’

She looks over at her brother. Big Macintosh finishes his slice and starts reaching for another. He stops when he catches Applejack’s glare.

‘Sorry. Were ya gonna eat that?’

Applejack snorts and goes back to finishing her pizza.

A waiter carries two pizzas, one very large, one regular-sized, to a table. He looks over the group of four in front of him.

‘Medium green pepper and tomato?’

‘That’s us.’ Lucas replies.

The waiter sets the pizza in front of Lucas. Stormy and Inkie reach for slices as well.

‘And the extra large with everything on it?’

‘Me!’ Rei cheers.

The waiter sets the pizza near Rei. She pulls it close and starts eating from the whole pie.

Across the restaurant, another pizza is being fought over. While most of the other kids are able to share, Scootaloo’s and Diamond Tiara’s personalities cause them to fight over the last slice. Both girls are pulling the tray with the slice on it back and forth.

‘Give it! I’m still hungry.’ Scootaloo growls.

‘I’m the one who paid for it,’ Diamond Tiara retorts. ‘It it mine.’



‘Stop it!’ Silver Spoon snaps.

The girls stop fighting. Silver Spoon grabs the tray and pulls it towards her. The sudden change in momentum causes the resting slice to launch into upwards. The group of children watch as the slice flies through the air. Sweetie Belle knows what will happen and ducks under the table. Dinky and Pipsqueak catch Sweetie Belle’s behavior and duck, too. From her hiding spot, Twilight calculates the trajectory of the pizza slice.

‘Oh no.’

Pinkie looks and gasps. The slice flies through the air and hits Apple Bloom in the face before falling into her lap. Apple Bloom stares in shock for a few seconds as she imagines her first date being ruined. She starts crying. James quickly comes around their table and tries to help the crying girl clean up.

‘Come on. It’s okay,’ James tries to calm the girl. ‘Rarity lives near here. We can get you all cleaned up.’

James escorts the sobbing girl out of the restaurant. Instead of following her sister, Applejack gets up and looks for the source of the attack. Given their experience causing trouble, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle try making a hasty exit. Applejack, wise to the ways of the Cutie Mark Crusader, quickly catches the two girls. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon laugh from their table.

‘Big Mac, grab them too,’ Applejack grumbles as she drags Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle out of the restaurant.

The two other girls lets out small ‘eeks’ as the large man picks them up by the collar and carries them out with him. Big Macintosh sets the girls down next to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle where Applejack has them lined up. The woman scowls down at the girls.

‘Now, what in the hay do ya think yer doin’?

Three of the girls look down and kick the ground, but Diamond Tiara remains defiant.

‘I don’t know what you are talking about.’

‘Don’ get sassy with me, little lady. Ya couldn’ have missed mah sister jus’ now. If those two are runnin’, then they were the ones causin’ the trouble, and Ah think Ah know why if y’all are here too.’

‘So? That proves nothing.’ Diamond Tiara glares at the older woman.

‘Are ya takin’ a lip with me?’

The older and younger woman glare at each other.

‘Big Mac, get mah rope.’

‘Wait.’ Silver Spoon speaks up. ‘It was my fault.’

‘Don’t take the blame for something she did.’ Diamond Tiara tells her friend.

‘Me! It was your fault!’ Scootaloo shouts back.

‘Stop fighting!’ Silver Spoon cries. ‘It was my fault. I was trying to stop them from fighting... and it was an accident.’

Applejack frowns but pats the girl on the head. ‘Ah believe ya.’ She looks at the other girls. ‘Y’all better tell Apple Bloom the truth when ya see her next.’

The girls groan and nod.

‘Good.’ Applejack nods. ‘Now behave! Come on, Big Mac.’

Applejack walks away. Big Macintosh looks the girls over before following his sister. The rest of the children run out to see what happened with their friends.

Rarity enters her kitchen where James is waiting for her. She sits at the table with him.

‘I put her dress in the wash,’ Rarity says. ‘She will call me when she is done washing up.’

‘Thanks. Sorry to be a bother like this.’

‘It is no big deal. I am glad to be of service. When I first heard of your little date, it just sounded so adorable!’

James groans. ‘I just hope she is not in a bad mood after this.’

‘I heard her talking with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo about today almost every day since she asked you. I doubt she would be put off so easily.’

‘That is good,’ James sighs. ‘I wouldn’t want Applejack to be mad at me if something bad happened.’

Rarity analyzes James’ face. ‘Are you doing this to make Apple Bloom happy or to impress Applejack?’

James shrugs. ‘Maybe a little of both. You know I have a rough friendship with Applejack already.’

‘Yes. I understand about that.’ Rarity sighs.

The adults sit at the table in silence for a moment.

‘So, do you know who assaulted her with foodstuffs?’ Rarity asks.

James shakes his head. ‘It was an accident, but I would like to leave a note for Stormy and Sweetie Belle if you don’t mind.’

Rarity sighs again. ‘I figured one of the two of them were behind this. ... And by two of them, I mean...’

‘Yes! I know you mean Rei and not Stormy.’ James grumbles.

Rarity giggles and gets up to check on Apple Bloom.

After a shower and a new dress from Rarity, the date resumes. Apple Bloom’s hair shines thanks to treatment from Rarity. The dress was one of Sweetie Belle’s that Rarity modified to fit Apple Bloom. The girl is upset that her dress ruined, but she feels fine since James complimented her new look.

The couple settles in to watch a movie at the local theater. Apple Bloom snacks from a large bucket of popcorn while the theater darkens. With the theater getting dark the various groups watching the couple sneak in. Applejack and Big Macintosh sit at the back of the theater to hide as best they can. Scootaloo’s group splits up and sit around the theater. Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon are confused when Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara insist on sitting near each other. Pinkie enters the theater alone. Twilight refuses to see a kid’s movie and waits outside. Pinkie carries a large tray of snacks with her and settles in for the show. All of the groups are settled and in place when the movie begins.

All of the kids in the audience moan when the movie ends. The majority of audience gets up and starts exiting the theater. At the front of the theater, Dinky and Pipsqueak repeat their favorite jokes and laugh as they exit the the theater. In the back, Applejack has a disturbed expression as she looks down at her sister. She is even more upset with the grown man drying tears sitting next to her.

‘Ah don’ get it.’ Applejack complains. ‘How can kids these days enjoy that stuff? Ah hate playin’ the age card, but kids movies were way better when we were kids.’

Big Macintosh sniffs as he dries a tear. ‘But she was reunited with her puppy in the end. Ain’t it sweet?’

Applejack shudders. ‘Why do ya have t’ be such a blubberin’ idiot? This is worse than yer obsession with those cartoon horses.’

Applejack groans and leans forward to watch her sister again. Several rows back from the date, Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon get up from their seats. Diamond Tiara and Scootaloo remain seated.

‘Just the credits left. Come on,’ Silver Spoon says.

‘They’re so boring, and they don’t put anything special at the end,’ Sweetie Belle adds.

‘Fine,’ Scootaloo sighs.

‘Let’s go,’ Diamond Tiara groans.

The two girls get up as start walking in opposite directions. They stop at arms length since they are still holding hands. All four girls blush at the revelation. Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara instantly release and back away.

‘What the heck are you doing, pervert?’ Scootaloo accuses.

‘Me! You are the gross one,’ Diamond Tiara shoots back. ‘I’m going to have scrub my hand to get your gross germs off of it.’

‘You’re the gross one.’


Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara lean in and growl at each other. Their friends sigh and pull them apart. The girls storm out of the theater, with Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara exchanging looks. Back at their seats, James and Apple Bloom are chatting about the movie still. They are still laughing over some of the jokes.

‘I mean, I mean, they were about to do the thing and then...’ Apple Bloom starts.

‘BOOM!’ Pinkie finishes as she pops up behind the couple. ‘It was so funny!’

Pinkie giggles and snorts at the scene she was describing. James turns back to his friend.

‘Pinke? What are you doing here?’

‘Oh! I wanted to see this movie for a while, and I finally had the time.’ Pinkie giggles. ‘It was so funny!’

‘You should have said something. You could have sat with us.’

Pinkie looks away and blushes. ‘Well, uh, I didn’t want to interrupt you two. I mean, you know how bad Twilight gets when we do stuff as a group.’

Apple Bloom looks back at the woman. ‘Ah wouldn’ get mad. Promise. Yer a fun person t’ have around.’ She pokes James. ‘Plus, ya would have laughed more at all the good jokes.’

‘I know! They were so funny!’ Pinkie squeals.

James laughs and sighs as the girls begin talking about the movie together. At the back of the theater, Big Macintosh catches Applejack from charging over the seats to have words with Pinkie.

Outside of the theater, the children have regrouped to plan their next move. Twilight is trying to make herself unnoticed, forgetting that her long, purple hair with the bright pink streak is a giveaway. Most of the kids stretch and yawn, but Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara still look determined.

‘Okay. All they have left is dinner, then it is back to her place,’ Scootaloo says. ‘There is still plenty of time for him to do something dastardly.’

‘Are you sure?’ Sweetie Belle asks. ‘He hasn’t done anything yet, and I’m getting tired and hungry.’

‘Yeah. I should really be getting back before my mommy gets worried.’ Dinky says.

‘Of course he hasn’t done anything,’ Scootaloo replies. ‘We’re keeping him in line.’

Sweetie Belle groans. ‘Or it could be because he is a nice guy. I’m going back to Rarity’s to see what she and Stormy are doing.’

Sweetie Belle turns and walks away. Scootaloo clenches her fists and resists shouting at her friend. Pipsqueak starts backing away too.

‘It was real fun, guys! We have to do this again sometime.’

‘Right!’ Dinky cheers. ‘It was great hanging out with all of you.’

Dinky and Pipsqueak walk away together, joking about the day. Scootaloo turns to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

‘Well?’ Scootaloo asks.

‘Well what?’ Diamond Tiara replies.

‘Aren’t you going to tease me? You know, another failed plan. Just call me “stupid” for failing like this.’

Diamond Tiara scoffs. ‘The day isn’t over yet. We still have time to keep them from doing anything.’

‘But, I agree with Sweetie Be....’ Silver Spoon sighs. ‘Fine. I don’t want to leave my friend hanging.’

‘Good. Let’s get ready for the next thing,’ Diamond Tiara says.

Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara walk away, making plans together. Silver Spoon sighs and follows them. Twilight watches the girls walking away. Rei hangs upside down from an awning beside Twilight. She looks at the young girls walking then over at Twilight. Rei pulls herself up before Twilight turns back. Twilight looks around, shrugs and waits for Pinkie to return.

James and Apple Bloom go over their menus. On the recommendation of Rarity, Apple Bloom picked the restaurant said to be the best for first dates. The young girl blushes and hides behind her menu when she sees James look over at her. She has never felt her heart beat faster than it does now. A man selling flowers steps up to the table.

‘Would you like a flower for your date?’ the man asks.

‘Well, Apple Bloom?’ James smiles. ‘See any you like?’

Apple Bloom turns even redder. She looks over the flowers and picks one out. James pays the man, and he moves on to the next table with a couple.

‘Would you like a flower for your date?’

‘What!’ Applejack snaps. ‘This here is mah brother. Y’all have a sick mind.’

Big Macintosh sighs at his sister’s reaction. Applejack glares at the salesman until he leaves to find his next target.

‘Would you like a flower for your date?’

‘Ooo! Ooo! Get me one!’ Pinkie cheers.

Twilight groans. ‘This is not a date. We’re just two friends.’ She looks the vendor over. ‘Besides, you’re doing it wrong.’

‘If this isn’t a date, then how come we kissed already?’

Twilight turns bright red and hides behind her menu. ‘Pinkie... I thought I said we weren’t going to talk about that ever again.’

‘But there is someone new here, thus the definition of “we” changed. Isn’t that right, mister?’

Pinkie smiles at the flower salesman. Twilight glares and growls from behind her menu. The salesman does not want to be part of any argument so he moves on to his next target.

‘Would you like a flower for your date?’

Rei glares. ‘Inkie-chan doesn’t need flowers to know she is special.’

Inkie smiles and gives an embarrassed squeak in thanks. Lucas smiles at Rei.

‘Rei, would you like a flower?’

‘Pfft! That is silly. You’re silly, Lucas.’

Lucas sighs. Stormy laughs.

‘Watch and see how it is done.’ Stormy turns to the salesman. ‘Do you have any chocolates or candy?’

‘I have one box left,’ the salesman replies.

Stormy nods towards Rei. ‘I would like to purchase it for the young lady, if you don’t mind.’

Rei’s eyes go wide and her jaw drops as the salesman hands her a box of candy.

‘I love you more than anyone else in the world. You are the greatest person to ever exist.’

Stormy smiles and shrugs. Inkie giggles at Rei’s reaction. Lucas glares. Rei starts shoveling the candy into her mouth.

‘I am so telling Trixie on you,’ Lucas growls.

‘Whatever.’ Stormy shrugs. ‘If she were here, I’d get her whatever she wanted... barring needing an ID check of course.’

Rei licks her fingers clean and throws away the empty box. ‘Can we get appetizers, Stormy-kun?’

Stormy turns to his menu. ‘Only if it is your money.’

Rei puts on her biggest doe eyes and puffs out her meager chest. ‘Pwease, Stormy-kun?’

‘Your. Money.’

Rei turns to Inkie, who just giggles at the behavior. Before she can turn again, Lucas takes her hand.

‘You can order anything you want! It is on me!’

Rei gets the biggest grin. ‘Good! Then I hope you brought your credit card. Where’s the waiter? I’m ready to order.’

‘You also have to know that she can eat more in one meal than most third world countries do in one month.’ Stormy laughs.

Lucas pales as he sees Rei pointing out that she wants a whole page of the menu as an appetizer.

Outside of the restaurant, Scootaloo peeks through a window as she watches Apple Bloom. She sighs and sits down. Beside her, Silver Spoon is huddled up for warmth. Scootaloo sighs again and moves next to the shivering girl. Diamond Tiara is not with them.

‘Thank you,’ Silver Spoon says. She looks at Scootaloo. ‘You really like her, right? Apple Bloom, I mean.’

‘What?’ Scootaloo blushes. ‘Yeah. I guess.’

Silver Spoon nods and looks down the street. ‘It is hard not being able to tell her that, right? It is scary thinking that you could ruin your friendship.’

Scootaloo looks over. ‘Are you trying to say something about yourself there?’

Silver Spoon shakes her head. ‘No. There is someone else I like. I know those worries because it is hard, if not impossible, for me to tell Diamond Tiara “no” most of the time. It is hard telling a friend something uncomfortable like that.’

‘Then why are you telling me?’

‘You like her, too.’ Silver Spoon smiles. ‘Not as much as you like Apple Bloom, but I can tell. I knew before we caught you holding hands earlier.’

‘You’re not going to tell anyone, are you?’

‘I haven’t yet.’ Silver Spoon leans back and a little against Scootaloo. ‘I don’t really care. It is good to see her happy. Not to mention a little relieving for her to have someone else to bother with her problems.’

Silver Spoon yawns and closes her eyes. Scootaloo tries nudging the girl who is now sleeping on her shoulder. She notices Silver Spoon is looking a little flushed and she is breathing quickly. Scootaloo groans. A couple moments later, Diamond Tiara returns. She is holding a bag of fast food and a blanket.

‘Here.’ Diamond Tiara drops the bag in Scootaloo’s hands. ‘I got us a little something. Also, I figured Miss Thin Skin would get cold, so I got this, too.’

Diamond Tiara sits on the other side of Silver Spoon. She puts the blanket over all three of them. Scootaloo gets out some food and hands the bag over.

‘Thanks.’ Scootaloo sighs to herself. ‘I sorta wish the others could see how nice you could be.’

Diamond Tiara blushes. ‘Nice? Me? Well, I guess that will do.’

Scootaloo groans at the response. The two girls eat in relative silence.

‘Damn it!’ Diamond Tiara swears.


‘It is just not fair! Not fair! Why does she get to go on a date first? She is still just a stupid blank flank.’

‘What about all of the times we snuck out together?’

‘That is not a real date. That is just a couple of kids being stupid. How can she be more mature than me? How can she get a date first?’

‘Maybe she isn’t as uptight as you...’

‘At least I don’t look like a boy.’ Diamond Tiara pats her barely budding chest.

‘Shut up.’ Scootaloo growls.

The girls goes back to eating.

‘I bet I can get a date before you.’ Scootaloo mumbles.

‘It is on.’ Diamond Tiara snorts.

The girls laugh and keep eating. Silver Spoon moans and mumbles ‘...umb...’ in her sleep.

James and Apple Bloom are splitting a dessert after dinner. The adult is letting the younger girl devour the treat. At another table, Applejack is glaring at the bill. She sets it down and starts getting out money. She gives the bill and money to her brother and gets up.

‘Ya take care o’ the bill. Ah have to use the washroom,’ Applejack grumbles.

Applejack walks away. Big Macintosh sighs and gets up. He takes the bill to the cashier. After paying the bill, he goes outside to wait for his sister. A few seconds later, a small sneeze is heard. Big Macintosh looks over to see the three young girls huddled by the window. He sighs and goes over to the girls.

‘What are y’all still doing here?’ Big Macintosh asks.

Scootaloo is the only one to look up. The other two girls are sleeping. Big Macintosh sighs and shakes his head.

‘Come on. Ah’ll get ya home before y’all get sick.’

Big Macintosh leans down and picks up the two sleeping girls. Scootaloo gets up and takes Diamond Tiara’s hand before escorting her friends away.

Applejack finishes drying her hands and adjusts her hat after coming out of the washroom. Almost immediately, she has an encounter she was not expecting. She tries to make herself unseen as she catches Twilight and Pinkie hatching their next plot.

‘... So all we need to do is ask if we can watch from a closer location.’ Twilight says at the end of a thought.

‘Applejack!’ Pinkie cheers.

‘Right. Like Applejack,’ Twilight nods.

Pinkie spins Twilight around to face an embarrassed Applejack. Applejack puts on a wide grin to try and hide her embarrassment. Twilight smiles and claps her hands together.

‘Ah! AJ!’ Twilight beams. ‘Just the person I wanted to see.’

While Twilight explains her plan to Applejack, several waiters clear the dishes from in front of the teenagers. Rei has a big smile as she finishes eating a slice of cake. Her face is covered in crumbs and other food remains. Stormy laughs as the bill is handed to Lucas.

‘How the hell does he afford to feed you?’ Lucas moans.

Rei smiles. ‘Want to go for ice cream after this?’

A waiter hands Lucas another piece of paper. ‘Another gentleman asked me to deliver this to you.’

Lucas looks at the paper and hands it to Rei. ‘For you.’

Rei takes the paper and unfolds it. She instantly scowls. Inkie takes the paper and giggles.

‘Rei. Go home now. You’re grounded.’ Inkie giggles.

Lucas laughs too.

‘PS: Lucas, you’re fired.’

Lucas stands up and turns toward his employer’s table. ‘OH COME ON!’

James is standing with Apple Bloom outside of her house. Applejack, Twilight and Pinkie ‘covertly’ watch from the house. James glances in their direction before returning his attention to his date. Apple Bloom kicks at the ground a bit while she tries to figure out what to do next. James reaches down and takes the young girl’s hand.

‘I had a really fun day,’ James says.

Apple Bloom looks up. ‘Ah did too. It was a lot o’ fun.’

‘I am glad I gave you a good first date.’

‘Actually...’ Apple Bloom blushes. ‘There is one thing ya can do to make it perfect...’

James smiles. ‘Yes?’

Apple Bloom blushes brighter red. She closes her eyes and leans up for a kiss. James laughs and starts leaning down. In the house, Pinkie holds Twilight from running out while Big Macintosh holds his sister back. James kisses Apple Bloom on the forehead and backs off. The two women in the house ease up. Apple Bloom opens her eyes and stares up at her date.

‘But ya were supposed t’...’

Apple Bloom’s lip start trembling, and she starts tearing up. The two other women and Big Macintosh have to hold Applejack from running out of the house. James crouches down and hugs the upset girl.

‘I know what you were expecting,’ James says. ‘It is not my place to be your first kiss. Trust me. When the time is right and you are with the right person, your first kiss will be wonderful.’

Apple Bloom calms and returns the hug. ‘Thank ya. Yer always lookin’ after me.’ She smiles. ‘It is sorta like yer mah pa the way ya take care of me like ya do.’

‘You’re a special kid. I just don’t want to see you upset.’ James stands up. ‘Come on. Let’s get you inside. I think Applejack would love to hear all about your day.’

James escorts the kid to her house.

Apple Bloom thinks. ‘Ah wish ya could be mah pa or like mah brother... That’d be fun.’

James laughs. Applejack opens the door when the couple reaches it. Apple Bloom looks up and gets a great idea upon seeing her sister.

‘Ah know! Ya should marry Applejack!’ Apple Bloom cheers.

To: Harpflank
From: DashIs1337

That is not what happened! Quit spreading lies like that! I’m going to have to write you another message correcting all of your errors!

Scootaloo posts her comment on the story. She opens up a new window to start writing a strongly-worded letter to this ‘Harpflank’ pony. She is so upset that her little wings are flapping like crazy.

‘Scootaloo! Get your butt in here!’ comes from another room.

Scootaloo growls and closes down her computer.

‘You got lucky.’

Scootaloo growls as she hops from her chair and goes to see what her father wants.

Bonus scene

Author's Note:

Story timeline: Apple Bloom's first date. Scootaloo x Diamond Tiara evolves. Silver Spoon x Rumble starts.

Fun fact: How can Big Mac not be a brony? He plays with a Smarty Pants doll for crying out loud!

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