• Published 25th Feb 2012
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The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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Final Boss

Main Characters: TWP, Trixie, Alphonse, Maxie, Twilight, Applejack, Lyra, Lucas, Stormy
Cameos: Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Spike, Inkie, Rei, Rip, Marvel, Image, Dream Maker, Kaeko, Oatmeal, CMC, Luna, Derpy, Bon Bon
Original Write Date: 03/08/2012

The Wandering Cloud’s party, minus Twilight, are sitting on a beach near the Tiny Bronco. They are all tired from the recent battles, even Cait Sith. The Wandering Cloud is sitting on one of the wings of the Tiny Bronco and staring out to sea. Applejack climbs up next to him. After exchanging looks, she leans against him, shoulder to shoulder.

‘Ya know. We could take all the time we want t’ get t’ her.’

‘Would that really change anything?’ The Wandering Cloud asks. ‘We have spent days in this illusion and probably no more than a hour in real time.’

‘Do ya really wanna rush ahead like this?’

The Wandering Cloud looks over and gives a half-hearted smile.

Applejack’s eyes go wide. ‘Y’all have a plan, don’t ya?’

The Wandering Cloud stands up. ‘Indeed I do, Mr Purple.’

Applejack smiles and stands with her friend.

Adult Derpy walks out of a desert sandstorm with Fluttershy hovering nearby. They are heading towards a colossus in a small desert oasis.

‘I really just don’t see it,’ Derpy says.

‘Why not? It is one of the better pairings,’ Fluttershy argues.

‘It just doesn’t... feel canon, you know?’

‘Why not? He is a farmer in the next game in the timeline.’

‘He is also a former knight and a train engineer in the other timelines. Don’t forget, there are three outcomes.’

Fluttershy crosses her forelegs. ‘You just don’t like it because it means you would have to work with animals.’

‘Hey, if this was about professions, then Link should end up with the mailpony to match with my career.’

‘Well, he is the Hero of the Equestrian People...’ Fluttershy giggles.

‘Hey! What does that mean!’

Fluttershy giggles more and flies ahead with Derpy giving chase.

Trixie hides under her hooves to try to block out the illusions from the mushroom event. Boney is barking nonstop.

‘You’re worthless! How can you call yourself a pony! You can’t even defend yourself!’

‘Stop. Please stop.’ Trixie sobs between the shouting.

‘Why should it stop? Are you afraid of the truth? You’re so pathe...’

There is a bright flash and silence. Trixie looks from under her hooves to see Stormy standing over her. He is growling toward something, and his horn has an aura around it. Trixie looks over to see Lucas picking himself up.

‘Lay off her, okay!’ Stormy yells. ‘The in-game event is bad enough. You don’t have to be an ass about it.’

Lucas stands and charges a spell. ‘Come on. You have been standing up for her since she joined the party. She has done nothing but cause us trouble since she arrived in town, and you have been on her side like she didn’t do a thing.’

‘I don’t care what she may or may not have done. You are being a jerk and a bully! Show her a little sympathy.’

‘Come off it. You have been so far up her plot, it is hard to tell where one of you stop and the other begins. What? Do you like her too? Do you not care about Rei any more?’

‘You know as well as I do Rei loves Inkie more than the rest of us. Does that even matter? Who cares which pony likes who?’

‘What? Shut up.’

Stormy sighs and diffuses his magic. ‘Listen. Forget about it. Let’s just beat the game.’

Stormy offer a hoof to help Trixie up. She shakes as she takes the help. She is still shaky on her legs, but she offers Stormy a friendly smile and loving nuzzle as thanks.

‘Don’t worry. I’ll keep you safe,’ Stormy soothes, returning the nuzzle.

‘Thank you,’ Trixie replies. ‘Nopony has really said that to me...’

Stormy gives Trixie another nuzzle as she starts crying. Suddenly, Trixie screams and pushes Stormy away. Trixie is hit with a small bolt of lightning and drops to the ground. Stormy spins around. He sees Lucas and Boney fighting a monster. Lucas is using lightning spells to fight. Stormy starts fuming and drawing magical energies into himself.

Lucas glances over. ‘Sorry. Somepony had to watch your back.’

The monster falls, and Lucas turns to the others. He quickly raises a shield to deflect the magical blast heading his way. The magic subsides, leaving Stormy barely standing and panting. The crack on his horn has reopened, and blood pours down his face.

‘WHAT THE SERIOUS F...!’ Lucas shouts before he is tackled by Stormy.

‘You did that on purpose!’ Stormy shouts as he knocks Lucas to the ground. ‘We were nowhere near you and you tried to hit us! ... You tried to kill her!’

Stormy tries to stomp Lucas, but the older colt rolls out of the way. Lucas quickly gets to his hooves.

‘It was an accident!’ Lucas yells back. ‘She is fine!’

The unicorn colts look over at Trixie. She is laying on the ground, gasping for breath as Boney sits next to her and whimpers. Stormy turns back to Lucas, the magic flowing into him again. Lucas strikes a defensive posture and raises several magical shields.

The Wandering Cloud’s party has made it to Bone Village. They are all on edge about the upcoming event, except for the two illusory characters. James is sitting away from the rest of the party, thinking to himself. The sound of hooves on the ground draws his attention. He turns to see Image trotting up.

‘Hey, Mr Wanderer,’ Image greets.


Image sits beside The Wandering Cloud. ‘I know what you are thinking.’

‘Do you now?’

‘It is pretty obvious. And I don’t just mean that you are worried about Twilight. It is pretty obvious what you are planning on doing.’

‘Enlighten me.’

Image shakes his head. ‘I don’t want to. It would mean acknowledging that I am going to lose the best neighbor we ever had.’


‘Not just that, but I don’t think it will truly change anything in the illusion. We’ll still be trapped.’

‘Image...’ The Wandering Cloud leans back. ‘I know you are a bright kid. You are really clever. You have a way of seeing the world in ways that I bet the princesses are jealous about, but I can assure you, this one time, you are wrong.’

‘Am I really?’ Image looks over at the older pony. ‘Rei told me you would do anything for Twilight and about her birth father. I have seen the rules of this world for what they are. Those facts together...’

‘Image, go to bed.’


‘You know the party I am taking with me is AJ and Inkie. It would be weird if there was a fourth member.’

Image sighs. ‘Yes, sir. Good luck with your plan.’

Image trots away sulking. He looks up briefly as Applejack passes him. She trots over and sits by The Wandering Cloud.

‘Is what he was sayin’ true? Ya gonna trade yerself fer Twi?’

‘Applejack, she is the most important pony in the world to me. I would die a million deaths for her.’

Applejack frowns and looks down. ‘But what about us...’ She forces back tears. ‘What about Pinkie and Rei and Fluttershy and Rarity and Selene and... and... me....’

Applejack is the one surprised by a kiss this time. Her eyes go wide before she sighs contently. The Wandering Cloud backs away and smiles.

‘You know. For luck.’

Applejack blushes. ‘Jerk.’

The Wandering Cloud stands. ‘I would do the same thing for all of you. No pony is more important to me than my friends. All of them.’ He stretches a bit. ‘And don’t think you are going to lose me that easily.’ He sighs. ‘Get Inkie. It is time.’

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie have gotten separated from the rest of their party. They are pinned down in a small bunker. Endless waves of attackers are swarming all over their shelter. Rainbow Dash fires a burst from her machine gun before ducking back down.

‘Just bucking great.’ Rainbow Dash curses. ‘I am almost out of ammo.’

‘I’ve just been shouting “bang bang bang” to try and conserve ammo!’ Pinkie yells back.

‘Oh buck me...’ Rainbow Dash facehooves.

A large Lambent rises over the bunker walls, but it is quickly mowed down. More weapon fire drives off the advancing attackers. Spike dives into the bunker while Kaeko covers him with complex Lancer attacks that slice up the hordes.

‘Where have you two been?’ Spike shouts.

Pinkie grabs Spike in a hug. ‘Thank Celestia you are safe! I was so worried about you!’

Spike blushes. ‘Yeah... well... We brought more ammo. Come on. Let’s get out of here.’

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie reload and follow Spike out into the path Kaeko is slashing through the battlefield.

Rarity is trotting along inside a cave with Issun riding on her horn again.

‘That was a little embarrassing, but I am so glad I was able to show up that snooty, half-baked prophet.’ Rarity laughs to herself.

‘I don’t think when he said the moon would come out that he meant for you to do that to him,’ Issun replies.

‘Oh hush. He had it coming.’ Rarity scolds. ‘Now, where are we again? Some Moon Cave or something?’

Bon Bon and the Cutie Mark Crusaders are fighting a giant, fire-breathing turtle-dragon creature. The group is dodging fireballs coming from all directions as they make their way through a lava-filled corridor.

‘Miss Bon Bon! Save us!’ Sweetie Belle cries.

‘What happened to Cutie Mark Crusader Koopa Stompers!’ Bon Bon shouts back.

‘That was before he was huge!’ Scootaloo replies.

‘I don’t know what you want me to do,’ Bon Bon groans.

‘Ah don’ know. Don’ y’all have an Element o’ Harmony Beam like mah big sister?’ Apple Bloom asks.

‘I don’t have anything like...’

Bon Bon trails off. She looks back at the giant Koopa advancing on them. Bon Bon turns and stands her ground. Koopa roars with enough force to push her back a few centimeters. Bon Bon points a hoof into the air.


Everypony looks around for something to happen. Koopa starts laughing to himself and takes a step closer to the steadfast mare. Out of nowhere, a scream comes racing toward the group. Koopa looks back to see a white pegasus wearing a crown being chased by a massive flock of very angry birds. Rei ducks under Koopa’s arm and hides behind Bon Bon. All of the birds, their eggs, and all of their secondary explosions hit Koopa squarely in the back. The massive beast roars as he is knocked into the lava. Koopa tries reaching out to pull himself up, but one last red bird hits his claw and they go under.

‘Holy Celestia. That actually worked.’ Bon Bon is stunned.

‘Save me,’ Rei peeps.

‘That was awesome!’ The Cutie Mark Crusaders cheer.

‘Bon Bon was all...’ Apple Bloom starts.

‘Then Rei was all...’ Scootaloo adds.

‘And Koopa was all...’ Sweetie Belle finishes.

The three fillies high hoof. ‘CUTIE MARK CRUSADER MARE-IO SISTERS!’

Bon Bon sighs. ‘That will do girls.’

A pink light descends from above. The ponies look up to see a peach-colored alicorn floating down to greet them. The alicorn lands among the group. She bows to them and proceeds to kiss each on the forehead.

‘Does it bother anypony else that the reward for saving the princess is a kiss?’ Sweetie Belle asks. ‘I mean, we’re all girls!’

The other ponies stare back. ‘No...’

Scootaloo looks over at Apple Bloom and grins. Apple Bloom blushes and looks away.

Rei stares up at Princess Peach. ‘Trade you crowns.’

The Wandering Cloud, Applejack and Inkie make their way through the City of the Ancients below Bone Village. They are descending a long staircase towards a small sanctuary at the middle of a pool. A small pink-and-purple figure is in the center of the sanctuary. The group slows when they hear Twilight praying.

‘Please, Celestia, Luna. Protect me,’ Twilight prays. ‘I am so scared. I have never been more scared in my life. I don’t know what to do... Celestia... Protect me...’ She pauses and starts sobbing. ‘James... I have never believed in anypony as much as I believe in you. Wherever you are. Don’t quit just to save me. That will be just as bad as if you let me die since you will be losing the part of you I love the most, your caring. ... Please don’t quit... I love you and always will...’

The Wandering Cloud stops at the bottom of the stairs. His tears are falling beside him as he stares out at Twilight. Applejack gives her friend a nuzzle.

‘We’re ready whenever you are.’

The Wandering Cloud nods and backs up a few steps. [At this point, I highly recommend, to the point of insisting, that you play Final Boss by MC Frontalot.] He readies himself and gallops at full speed towards Twilight.

Rarity is standing her ground against an eight-headed serpent. She plants her hooves firmly on the stone below her and lets out a howl that pierces the clouds overhead.

Derpy and Fluttershy are in a confined room with two rows of pillars lining the hall. A large suit of armor sits at the other end of the hallway. Derpy readies her Mirror Shield in front of her and draws the Master Sword.

Lucas’ shield bears the brunt of a powerful fire spell. He casts an ice spell in response, but Stormy dodges and delivers a hoof across Lucas’ jaw.

Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, Spike and Kaeko are boxed in a narrow alleyway. Pinkie and Spike are firing into the endless hordes in front of and behind them. Rainbow Dash is trying to provide support from above as best as she can. Kaeko is locked in melee combat with a fearsome Locust.

The Wandering Cloud gallops as hard as he can for Twilight. A small glint catches his eye from above.

Lucas has Stormy on his back and is stomping the younger colt’s face into the ground. Stormy is able to push Lucas away for a moment. He stabs upwards with his head and slashes Lucas’ neck with his horn.

Derpy takes a strong hit from the armor’s massive axe. The blow sends her flying through a wooden door. She tumbles to the ground at the base of a massive altar. Fluttershy rushes to her friend’s aide. The armor steps through the hole and advances. Above the injured pony, a pair of witches circle.

A Lambent leaps up the side of a building and catches Rainbow Dash by the wings. She tumbles to the ground. Pinkie is able to dispatch the attacker for her friend, but the hordes do not back down.

The Wandering Cloud pushes his body as hard as he can to gain speed. Twilight hears the galloping and turns back. The flash of light from above gets closer.

Rarity has felled three of the serpent’s heads and is fighting a head that is breathing fire. A gas cloud explodes beside the battle. Rarity falls back and paints some wind to blow the gas away. Once the cloud is gone, she is faced with a flaming maw barreling towards her.

The three ponies are forced back-to-back-to-back as they fight the closing hordes. Spike is standing on Kaeko and firing over her head. Rainbow Dash turns to Pinkie.

‘Pinkie, I...’

Pinkie puts a hoof on Rainbow Dash’s mouth. ‘I know.’

‘Get up! Hurry! Get up!’ Fluttershy shouts as loud as she can.

Derpy opens her eyes. They are spinning around more than they normally do. Once her vision clears, she sees a witch powering up a spell on her wand. Derpy looks at her friend then hits Fluttershy across the room as hard as she can. The witch lowers her wand and fires an ice beam.

Lucas and Stormy are bloody and beaten. Lucas is covered in injuries, but Stormy is bleeding profusely from his horn. Both unicorns charge spells and gallop at each other.

The Wandering Cloud is only meters away from Twilight. Twilight mouths ‘James’ as tears stream down her face. The Wandering Cloud leaps. He collides midair with a massive cloaked object. A blade, almost two meters long, falls to the ground and embeds itself in the stone. The Wandering Cloud and the object land in the pool beside Twilight. Twilight stares into the pool.


Seconds later, The Wandering Cloud bursts from the water. He swims over to the sanctuary and climbs out. Twilight immediately wraps her forelegs around him and sobs into his chest.

‘You saved me, James! I cannot believe it. You saved me.’

The Wandering Cloud smiles and returns the hug. Applejack and Inkie gallop up. Applejack stops and smiles at her friends. The Wandering Cloud looks up and smiles at Applejack. Inkie disappears. The Wandering Cloud looks down and takes Twilight’s muzzle in his hoof. Applejack disappears. Twilight leans up and kisses The Wandering Cloud. The sanctuary and pool disappear around the couple. They break the kiss and stare into each other’s eyes.

‘I love you, Twilight.’

Twilight disappears before she can reply. James sighs and closes his eyes. The world goes dark around him.

The Heroic Physicist moans and rubs his head. He is still sitting at the kitchen table with Trixie, but there are half a dozen other unicorns in the room with them. They are in a state of shock and exhaustion. The Defensive Physicist spots a target and flies to his feet. He swiftly bucks the confused Oatmeal into the wall. The Combative Physicist draws his sonic and blasts his microwave. The device explodes on the troll, injuring him further. The Angered Physicist scans the room.

‘Who did Gears!’ He searches the room. ‘Who!’

A nervous unicorn raises a foreleg. The Raging Physicist rushes over and bucks the the unicorn so hard that the unicorn is knocked into the wall and gets his horn stuck. Trixie moans as she starts waking.

‘Final Fantasy!’ The Destructive Physicist shouts.

All the unicorns back away, leaving only Maxie standing.

‘I should have figured.’ The Rampaging Physicist growls. He starts marching on Maxie. ‘I should have figured you were the only pony stupid enough to threaten Twilight. You are the greatest scum to have ever walked this planet. Discord and Nightmare Moon at their worst never would have risked their lives by doing something that stupid.’

The Deadly Physicist stands over Maxie. There is a bright purple flash as Twilight teleports into the room.

‘James!’ Twilight shouts as she runs by his side. ‘Don’t do anything you would regret.’

‘Yes! Please don’t kill me!’ Maxie begs.

‘Death would be too good for you,’ The Vengeful Physicist growls. He aims his sonic and activates it. ‘You might feel a slight burning on your horn but don’t worry, it will be over soon. All of your magic days will be over. I set this to a frequency that will depolarize your horn as a magic resonator. You will be a unicorn without magic. Without the ability to do what makes your special. You are now a pony without a purpose.’ He leans in close. ‘Now, I bet you wish you asked me to kill you.’

The Calming Physicist turns away from Maxie and starts taking some deep breaths to calm himself down. He looks around the room. The worried Twilight and Trixie are just watching their friend while the other unicorns wonder what is in store for them. A lone unicorn is passed out near the bedrooms.

‘What game did he do?’ The Wandering Physicist asks.

‘Uh... Angry Birds,’ One of the unicorns replies.

The Wandering Physicist laughs. ‘Good girl, Rei.’

Luna and her royal guards herd the criminals onto wagons. All of the arrested unicorns has magic suppressing rings on their horns. The Wandering Physicist and Twilight are meeting with Luna as the final criminals are loaded onto the transports. Rei has tagged along to see Luna again.

‘Thank you for your assistance.’ Luna bows. ‘Equestria is once again in your debt.’

‘Thank you, Luna.’ The three ponies bow in return.

‘This was quite an interesting situation. I was surprised how well the townsfolk were able to keep their heads about them,’ Luna comments.

‘Well, when you have to face gods of chaos, giant bears, rampaging dragons, guardians of the underworld, uh, you, uh, twice... uh, every week, I think we have gotten used to it,’ Twilight replies.

‘Indeed.’ Luna nods. ‘I shall remain behind to help with the town’s recovery.’

‘No other reason?’ The Wandering Physicist asks.

‘I can create a few,’ Luna winks.

Twilight groans and rolls her eyes.

‘Yay! The princess is staying over!’ Rei cheers. ‘First, I get Trixie, now Luna is staying with me!’

‘I think Luna would prefer to stay somewhere other than with us,’ The Wandering Physicist sighs.

Says you. Twilight and Luna think in unison.

A pegasus guard steps up and salutes. ‘All prisoners accounted for.’

‘Excellent.’ Luna nods in approval. ‘Move them out at your leisure.’

The guard salutes. The other guards start closing up the wagons and preparing to lift off. There is a commotion at one of the wagons, followed by a loud crash. Alphonse tries running from the wagon he was detained in. The guards scramble to recapture their prisoner.

‘Hold on!’ Rei steps forward. ‘I got this!’

Rei pulls a bit out of a pouch and tosses it in the air. She stomps the ground and gets an electrical charge on her hoof. She draws a circle of electricity in the air then punches the bit through the circle as it falls. The bit shoots off at supersonic speeds and strikes Alphonse in the back of the head. He tumbles head over hooves as he falls to the ground. The guards quickly retain their unconscious prisoner. Twilight and Luna stare at the young pegasus in shock.

‘Since when could you do that?’ Twilight asks.

Rei shrugs. ‘I don’t know. Just tried it for the first time now.’

‘You don’t say...’ Luna ponders.

Later in the evening, Twilight is staying over with The Wandering Physicist. She has given up her home for Princess Luna. Trixie is at her apartment, wanting a change of scenery herself. The Wandering Physicist has a foreleg over Twilight as they lay on the couch watching the news.

`... Following up our lead story of the major crime bust this morning, we are now receiving reports of the head of that organization has been found dead in his jail cell in Manehattan. This is unusual since the authorities said he had no belongings and there was only one access point to the cell. Authorities believe...`

Twilight turns off the television and cuddles up next to her coltfriend.

‘I am tired of hearing about that all day.’

‘Then you should probably avoid any news outlets for the next few days.’

Twilight groans then goes back to leaning on her coltfriend. She sighs again and looks up. ‘How did you know that was going to work? How did you know you could save me?’

‘There were enough hints along the way that the illusions weren’t exactly to script with the game. Little changes could easily be compensated, but one that would break the game...’

‘So you crashed the game? How did you know that would work?’

The Embarrassed Physicist looks away. ‘I may have worked QA on a certain superhero game of infinite glitchiness.’

Twilight giggles. ‘So because the game required... that... you were able to create a game-killing glitch where I lived.’

The Humble QA laughs. Twilight gives her coltfriend a kiss. After they exchange smiles, Twilight gets a bit of a frown and looks down again.

‘What would you have done if you couldn’t save me?’ She worries.

The Stoic Physicist sighs and stares ahead at the blank television. ‘I would have killed them.’

Twilight gasps. ‘James!’

‘I would have surrendered to bring you all back. Then when they came for Trixie, I would have eliminated all of them. Then I would have left all of you because I could never face you again. I would have been a bigger monster than the greatest villains in Equestrian history.’

Twilight is shocked. ‘How can you say such a thing?’

‘It wasn’t only you, Twilight... Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Spike... Their scenarios... They were all on the brink of being killed as well. I... I just can’t allow my friends to suffer. I would have destroyed who I am to save them.’

Twilight gives The Wandering Physicist a nuzzle. ‘I thought we were making progress with your anger... I’m sorry,’

‘I am sorry you have to put up with me.’ The Wandering Physicist pouts.

Twilight gives The Wandering Physicist another nuzzle. ‘Let’s forget about it. Come on, let’s do something to take our minds off of today.’

The Wandering Physicist smiles down at Twilight. She looks up and smiles.

‘Want to play some Kirby’s Return to Dreamland?’ He offers.

‘I hate you so much right now,’ Twilight giggles.

A few days pass and life in Ponyville returns to normal. Coal and Droll have returned with Trixie’s wagon, and she has recovered enough to resume her scheduled travels. She is saying farewell to her friends. Trixie is currently getting a long hug from Rei. Stormy is standing off to the side waiting his turn. Most of the other ponies have said their farewell and returned to their business. The Wandering Physicist is the only remaining adult in the group.

‘Miss Rei, I do appreciate your affection, but I must insist on hitting the road soon.’

Rei sits back and pouts. ‘Fine.’

Trixie laughs. ‘Now, you mentioned having tickets to my Canterlot show. Do you have them?’

There is a brief afterimage as Rei flies off. She in almost instantly back with her tickets in hoof.

‘How many did you get? Are they good seats?’

‘I got one for all of my friends! Inkie and Stormy and Lucas and Image and even one for little Dinky since she wanted to come too,’ Rei explains. ‘I got the best seats I could afford so they are the best seats for the show!’

Trixie nods and thinks. ‘That will do nicely.’

Trixie takes the tickets with her magic, getting a loud shout from Rei. In return, a set of badges on lanyards are levitated back to Rei.

‘Consider this a trade, some all access passes for your tickets.’ Rei’s eyes go wide and she squeals with excitement. ‘As for these extra tickets... Trixie thinks there may be some underprivileged foals who would enjoy the show as much as you would.’

‘I doubt anypony would enjoy the show more than her.’ Stormy sighs.

Rei gallops down the street and is showing everypony her passes. The Wandering Physicist does his best to try to catch her and calm her down. The unicorns laugh a bit at their friends.

Trixie sighs. ‘Mister Stormy... Trixie will admit to missing you more than she should.’

Stormy blushes a bit. ‘I will miss you too. I still feel bad that I failed at keeping my promise right after I made it.’

‘The sentiment was still a lot more than Trixie has ever gotten from most ponies. I do feel responsible for your horn, though.’

Stormy nervously laughs. ‘It is okay. The doctor was more surprised that I was able to psychosomatically reopen my wound. They have gotten used to me reopening it so much they told me that it has started actually healing faster than normal.’

‘But it must hurt. I heard such a dreadful scream the other night.’

‘That was....’ Stormy looks for the right words. ‘Let’s just say if a crazy alien offers to heal you, you will either feel nothing or like your body is made of supernovae, but you’ll be fine afterwards.’

Trixie laughs. ‘Trixie understands. Still, thank you for being so gallant.’

Trixie leans in and gives Stormy a kiss on the cheek. Stormy blushes, but his eyes suddenly go wide.

‘Uh, Trixie...’


‘Our horns are touching.’

Trixie grins. ‘I know.’

Trixie moves closer and gives Stormy a full kiss on the lips. The younger unicorn is surprised for a moment then returns the affection. Behind the couple, The Wandering Physicist is hanging from Rei’s hind legs as she flies off to find more ponies to show off her passes.

Author's Note:

TWP vs The World: The Game Arc 3 - Final

TWP Timeline: First time he and Twilight say those three words to each other.

Story Timeline: Maxie and Al are defeated. *Victory music. +15 AP. +5000 gil. TWP x Twilight gains a level.* Stormy and Trixie start dating.

Number of times Stormy cracked his horn: 3

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