• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,909 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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The Boredom of Applejack and Rarity

Main Characters: Applejack, Rarity, Bon Bon, Cloudchaser
Cameos: None
Original Write Date: July 13, 2012
Episode Theme

Warning: Seriously. This a Rarity story. Expect implied sexual humor by the end of the first scene. Also, there is one scene later that takes heavy advantage of implying certain physical experiences in a frank discussion as seen from the pony perspective. … All stuff seen in PG/PG-13 stories on EqD too. Conduct yourself maturely.

Applejack and Rarity step off of the commuter train in a small Neighponese town. The rural town is deep in the mountainous north of the country, surrounded by a vast forest. Unless you can fly, the only way in and out is the trainline. The two friends make their way through the town, looking for the inn they are booked at.

The town is puny compared to the cities they have been seeing this whole trip. It is barely larger than Ponyville. But even with directions, they have to navigate a maze of streets to find their inn across town and down a long trail in the forest.

‘Ah don’ think even Zecora’s cottage is this hidden,’ Applejack comments.

‘This should be worth it,’ Rarity replies. ‘Twilight’s notes and Rei’s and Kaeko’s recommendations said that this was the perfect place to get away from the hustle of the city.’

‘With all ya hear ‘bout Neighpon, ya think that is impossible.’

‘Have no fear, dear Applejack. I am certain this will be a fine side quest on our trip.’ The unicorn slides the front door open with her magic. ‘We’re here~~~!’

The hosts and other patrons stare at the new arrivals. The inn’s matriarch directs them to the front desk.

‘Please sign in here.’

Rarity lifts the pen with her magic. ‘The reservation is under the name “Rarity”. I have booked a fabulous suite for my friend and I to enjoy while in your wonderful village.’

The matriarch checks Rarity’s information against her books and goes around the counter. ‘Follow me.’

‘Ooo! Isn’t this fun?’

‘Rarity, we’re gettin’ a lot o’ stares.’

‘Let them stare. Looking is free. Anything more will cost them.’

Applejack laughs. ‘Now Ah know how ya paid fer this.’

‘HMPF! Be glad I am in a generous mood or I would ask to have your name removed from the registration.’

‘Ah’ll behave! Jus’ if ya wanna have fun, keep it outa our room.’

‘I make no promises.’

‘Ah know. And ya still owe me fer a new mattress from yer last sleepover t’ mah place.’

‘To be fair, most of that was your brother.’

‘Why are we even friends again?’

The matriarch stops in front of a room. ‘This is your room. We will bring dinner at seven sharp. Enjoy your stay.’

The older mare slides open the door to the room. The room is as big as one of the suites in Haydo, with separate areas for entertaining, dining and sleeping. There is even a balcony overlooking the forest. The sun is setting behind the mountains, sending patterns of shadows across the trees and into the room. The guests stare into the room, jaws dropped. The matriarch laughs as she trots away.

‘Yer the best friend anypony could ask fer.’

Applejack and Rarity sit on the balcony, drinking sake. They are dressed in yukata. A wind chime rings in the gentle breeze.

‘Rarity, y’all know Ah ain’t one t’ normally go in fer this “do nothin’ ” or “watch nature” sorta thin’, but this is so relaxin’ right now, Ah don’ have a care in the world.’

‘This sure beats our busy schedules back home. I can’t think of anypony more deserving of a break than the two of us.’

Applejack finishes her sake in one gulp. ‘They could use some stronger drink, though.’

‘Indeed. Is a little vodka too much to ask?’

‘Ah think ya missaid “whiskey” jus’ now.’

Rarity rolls her eyes. ‘Not this again. I thought we settled it at Rainbow’s birthday party.’

‘All Ah remember settlin’ was y’all passin’ out after only ten shots o’ whiskey.’

‘Funny.’ Rarity finishes her drink. ‘I remember somepony dropping out of our little contest after only that many shots of vodka.’

The two ponies glare at each other. Rarity refills their cups. Both grab their cup and drink at the same time.

The next morning. A large lump rolls around under a blanket. Rarity pulls the blanket down to get some air. Applejack pulls down the blanket beside Rarity. The unicorn looks over and grimaces.

‘Please tell me we didn’t...’

‘Ah was drunk, but Ah will never get that drunk.’

The two ponies lay on their futon for a moment and think.

‘So, uh, Rarity?’


‘What now?’

The unicorn grimaces again, not a single idea coming to mind.

Rarity trots through the ryokan looking for something to do when Applejack comes galloping up.

‘Ah found somethin’ we can do.’

The unicorn sighs, ‘I’ll take anything I can get. What is it?’

‘Ickybeena or somethin’.’


‘Flower arrangin’.’

Rarity is incredulous. ‘And... you signed up willingly?’

Applejack blushes. ‘Well, Ah ain’t much fer that fru-fru stuff, but Ah am a farmer, and Ah do have a green hoof. ‘Sides, Ah figured y’all might like have a good time laughin’ at me when Ah mess up.’

Rarity smiles and sighs. ‘You really are a true friend, Applejack.’

A large group of ponies are gathered in an ikebana demonstration room. They are watching a first-time arranger try her hoof at the art. The mare picks up a sprig with a bud on the end. The group gasps. The mare slowly places the sprig in her arrangement. A pegasus in the back faints. Another pony claps her hooves and steps forward.

‘I have never seen a pony with so much innate skill and talent at this art.’

‘Ah shucks. Ain’t nothin’.’ Applejack blushes beet red.

‘Finished~!’ Rarity sings from her location.

The master looks over and sighs, ‘Not bad for a beginner. Um, leave that in the bin on your way out, will you?’

Rarity growls and stomps out of the room.

The next afternoon. Applejack and Rarity trot into town on a path from the forest. Their yukata are slightly muddy around their hooves. They have towels draped across their backs.

‘I don’t see what the big deal was. Those hot springs were too far out of the way to be worth it.’

‘Ah ain’t normally one t’ agree with yer complainin’, but that weren’t worth the effort.’

‘Not to mention those horrid apes everywhere. It was an effort in itself to guard our belongings.’

‘Jus’ don’ tell Lyra when we get back home.’

‘Don’t tell my wife what?’ a voice asks.

The friends jump. They turn to see Bon Bon approaching. The new mare smiles at her acquaintances.

‘Hi!’ Bon Bon greets. ‘I didn’t expect to see you here.’

‘Yeah. We were jus’ tryin’ t’ get away fer a bit and ended up here,’ Applejack explains.

‘Huh. Small world. So, what is there to do around here?’

‘Uh...’ both mares stammer.

Bon Bon floats in the ryokan’s onsen while Rarity pours the mares cups of sake.

‘So... What is there to do around here?’ Bon Bon asks. A cup of sake is levitated to her. ‘Ah. Right.’ She empties the cup and sends it floating back towards Rarity. ‘Next.’

‘What brings you to these parts?’ Rarity asks.

‘Lyra and her group are preparing for a show. I am taking a break from that. At least they are doing something important.’

Lyra stands at the center of a stage. She lets out a large belch that echoes through a theater.

‘Ah heard there's gonna be a festival or somethin’ tomorrow,’ Applejack offers.

Another cup of sake is levitated to Bon Bon’s chest. ‘Will there be more of this stuff there?’

Midday at the festival, a couple of the tourists are taking a break. Applejack is eating roasted corn on the cob. Bon Bon has her muzzle buried in a bag of sweets. She has several more bags around her.

‘This is so good,’ Bon Bon moans. ‘I have to try everything. I am going to have to trick Lyra into paying to upgrade my shop so I can make these more often.’

‘That good, eh? Mind if Ah have a bite?’

‘Go ahead.’

Bon Bon sets a small red fruit on her hoof. Applejack leans down and eats it. Her face instantly contorts.

‘That is umeboshi. Pretty good, right?’

‘Purdy somethin’...’

Bon Bon gets out a dried red fruit. ‘Hoshigaki?’

‘That’s a purdy flat apple...’


‘No thanks.’

‘Here,’ Bon Bon growls and holds a small bag out. It contains multi-colored candies. ‘Konpeito. Maybe more your style.’

Applejack takes a small mouthful and her eyes go wide. ‘These ain’t half bad. Might finally have a winner here.’

‘Fine. Don’t encourage me to share my taiyaki.’

‘Yer what?’

Rarity storms over and sits between her friends. She looks at both. Not getting any response, she huffs and levitates a fish-shaped confection from Bon Bon’s bags. She viciously bites the head off of the fish.

‘Uh, somethin’ eatin’ ya, Rarity?’

‘Oh, it is nothing really...’

‘Rarity, spit it out,’ Applejack snorts.

‘Well, I am trying to win a cute little dolly, but the game is rigged against unicorns.’

‘You mean they don’t allow magic,’ Bon Bon says while popping an umeboshi in her mouth.

Rarity steals another taiyaki. ‘That may or may not be the case.’

‘Rarity, are y’all tryin’ t’ ask fer help gettin’ yer doll?’

‘If it is not too much to ask.’

‘You’d have to actually ask first,’ Bon Bon snarks.

Rarity growls at the earth pony. Applejack sighs and gets up.

‘Come on. Let’s get ya yer doll.’

The unicorn laughs and leads her friend away. They trot past various stalls with food and games. Rarity eventually stops in front of a stall with an air rifle and a wall of prizes. In the center is a very large, pink alicorn doll. It is as big as the unicorn stallion running the stall. Under the doll is a very small target.

‘Back for more, eh?’ the stallion taunts.

Rarity turns her nose up. ‘Actually, I brought somepony who will destroy your silly game.’

‘Sure. I can give your fillyfriend a shot. Still gotta pay.’

‘Ah ain’t her fillyfriend,’ Applejack growls as she checks out the air rifle.

‘Okay. Wife. Whatever. I’m not judging.’

The farmer growls again, louder. ‘Let’s jus’ do this.’

The stallion puts a couple pellets into the rifle. ‘Knock over the target to win the prize. The targets get smaller and heavier for the better prizes.’

‘Jus’ knock over the targets?’

‘Correct. I can sense if any magic is used, so no cheating.’

Applejack stands on her hind legs and lifts the rifle. She scans the targets and takes careful aim. She fires three quick shots, and three loud clangs are heard. None of the targets move.

‘Better luck nex...’

A loud groan cuts the stallion off. Suddenly, the stand holding the top row of targets falls. It crashes into the stand for the next row of targets. Soon, all of the target stands crash to the ground. Rarity and the stallion stare in shock.

Applejack smirks and sets down the rifle. ‘Jus’ knock over the targets, right?’

The stallion whimpers over his ruined stall.

The victorious mare leans against the stall. ‘Ah can wait while y’all bag it all up.’

The stallion sighs and starts putting all of the prizes into bags. A small dragon doll is levitated from the prize racks. Rarity squeals as she rubs it against her cheek.

‘Wait a tic. That was it? Ah thought ya wanted the big one?’

‘But isn’t this one adorable? Won’t Spiky Wiky just love it?’

‘Ah can always give that big thin’ t’ Apple Bloom...’

The three tourists have returned to their room. The giant doll stares at them from across the room as they sit on the balcony and watch fireworks being shot off over the village. They have large bowls of shaved ice in front of them. Bon Bon moans and lays her head on the table.

‘Too full,’ she groans. ‘No! Must finish kakigori! Must not lose to... Oh, Celestia.’

Bon Bon gallops away to find a washroom.

‘This was quite a delightful little festival,’ Rarity muses.

‘Sure was. Ah’m jus’ glad Ah talked ya out o’ the fish game.’

‘Yes, I don’t know what I would do with a fish. I could have given it to Sweetie, but then then I would have had to give it to Opal after a couple days.’

‘At least nature woulda run its course. … Don’ tell Fluttershy Ah said that.’

Rarity laughs and goes back to her shaved ice. After a large burst of fireworks, she sighs, ‘We still have two more days here.’

‘So what do ya wanna do? Got any good ideas?’

‘Well, we could take another hike into the mountains. Maybe find more of those hot spring monkeys for Bon Bon.’

‘No. No monkeys.’ The mares on the balcony turn and look at Bon Bon as she trots back to her dessert. She grimaces and pushes it back a bit. ‘I get enough talk about monkeys and apes at home. Not on vacation.’

‘There is the tea ceremony demonstration at the shrine. We could try going to that.’

‘Tea ceremony? Don’ ya jus’ drink it?’

‘Just because it doesn’t involve apples, doesn’t mean it can’t be done artistically. Just look at those delicious biscuits Bon Bon got us earlier. Shaped like little fish. Very clever trick.’

‘Ah can see art in other stuff ‘sides apples, but tea? Really?’

‘Of course if you’re not mare enough to try it...’

‘Ya ain’t gonna trick me that easy.’

‘Celestia forbid I try to trick you. I am merely trying to goad you by saying your cultural pursuits are more for stallions than for your own gender.’

‘Y’all are lookin’ fer a busted jaw, ain’t ya?’

‘Ladies, please,’ Bon Bon interrupts. ‘Let’s not fight over this. We all know what the perfect thing to do tomorrow is.’

‘And that is?’ Applejack asks.

‘Enlighten us.’

‘It is obviously the mochi making class. We get to learn how to make a fun treat and get all of the free samples you can eat.’

The other mares exchange a look and turn back to Bon Bon.

‘Ah think ya have a problem.’

‘Agreed. Does Lyra know you are with foal?’

‘What the hell are you talking about?’ Bon Bon snarls.

‘Hey! Ah was jus’ sayin’ ya like sweets a bit much.’

‘Oh! That was what you were going for? I was having flashbacks to when Sweetie was born.’ Rarity shudders. ‘I hated modifying my mother’s clothing. I didn’t even get a commission.’

‘If we agree t’ go t’ the dang tea thingy, will ya stop bein’ a pretentious nag?’

Rarity gasps in shock several times then calmly takes a bite of her dessert. ‘Maybe.’

The other mares groan and collapse to the ground.

The three tourists trot towards the shrine. Rarity smiles as she leads them through the town. Bon Bon gives the confection shop a longing glance as they pass the tourists lining up for the mochi lesson. A shadow passes overhead, then Cloudchaser lands beside the group.

‘Hey gals! What’s up?’

‘Oh, Miss Cloudchaser. I didn’t know you were out here, too.’ Rarity replies.

‘Yeah. I was just visiting the northern island and started heading back to Haydo. I was getting thirsty so I thought I’d land for a drink. Small world, huh?’

‘Very. ‘specially since we’re headed t’ get tea right now.’

‘Tea? Really?’

‘Its a big fancy ceremony. It is all cultural and stuff, right, Rarity?’ Applejack teases.

‘Oh! The tea ceremony. Selene and I went to one of those.’ Cloudchaser leans towards Applejack. ‘How did she trick you into agreeing?’

‘Never too late for mochi,’ Bon Bon hints.

‘I think the tea ceremony will do just fine, thank you very much,’ Rarity huffs.

‘Come on, gals. There has to be something else to do around here.’

Applejack, Rarity, Bon Bon, and Cloudchaser lay in a circle on the floor of their room at the inn. They are wearing yukata and staring at a wind chime above them. A breeze wafts into the room. The mares hold their breath. The chime rings, and all of the tourists cheer. Applejack and Cloudchaser exchange a high hoof. They settle down and return to staring at the chime. After several minutes of silence, Bon Bon clears her throat.

‘If I may ask a bold question...’ she begins.

‘Ah got a bad feelin’ ‘bout this...’

‘Oh, go ahead, darling. We’re all adults here.’

‘Well, uh, is Applejack the only one of us who hasn’t dated a mare?’

Rarity gasps. ‘Why do you assume I have dated mares?’

‘I have my reasons...’

‘I’ve dated stallions, too!’ Cloudchaser protests. ‘Selene is just the first mare I have seen since coming to Ponyville.’

‘Then here is the real question.’ Rarity grins evilly. ‘Is AJ here the one of us who hasn’t been, uh, intimate with a mare?’

Applejack hits her friend with one of her forelegs. ‘Now why the hay would ya brin’ that up?’

‘I am simply curious.’

‘That ain’t the sorta thin’ ya talk about, and Ah ain’t gonna participate.’

‘Oh, please,’ Rarity groans. ‘I am sure half the town heard the announcement after your first time.’

‘Excuse me!’

Cloudchaser clears her throat. ‘Actually, I have never been with a mare before.’

‘Really? Who have the lucky stallions been?’ Rarity asks.

‘Um, just Thunderlane. He was the last pony I dated before Selene.’

‘Can we just call her Luna?’ Bon Bon asks. ‘We all know who she really is, right?’

‘Oh.’ Cloudchaser is surprised. ‘I didn’t know everypony knew.’

‘I try to ignore Lyra’s gossip but when a princess is in town, I get very interested, especially when she visits my shop to get you gifts before your dates.’

‘If ya don’ mind me askin’, why’d ya break up with Thunderlane?’

Cloudchasers sighs. ‘It was complicated.’

‘Well, now that we know of all of your partners and all of Applejack’s,’ Rarity says, earning another punch from her friend, ‘What about you, Bon Bon? Is Lyra your one and only?’

‘To be honest, my first and only other was my high school fillyfriend.’

‘Anypony I know?’

‘Actually, yes, it was Colgate. I dated her after you two broke up.’

‘Minni? I’m actually a little surprised.’

‘Really?’ Applejack scoffs. ‘Ya’ve been with half the town, includin’ mah brother, how can ya be surprised when somepony ya dated sees somepony else?’

‘I haven’t dated everypony.’

‘Ah guess “dated” ain’t the right word. “Had yer way with” is more like it.’

‘HMPF! I might be a bit more experienced than most ponies, but that doesn’t....’

‘Had enough experience to attract Thunderlane...’ Cloudchaser snorts.

‘I’m sorry?’

‘What? Sorry. No. If anything, you should be upset, too. You were just one of several mares he was cheating on me with.’

Rarity nervously laughs. ‘No hard feelings, I hope.’

‘Not towards you. Well, not anymore. I made peace with everypony, except that stupid stallion.’

‘I am glad to know that you are not mad at me. I had no idea. To be honest, I am usually a lot more discerning about the ponies I see.’

‘Ah say that’s what ya get fer bein’ as sex-obsessed as y’are.’

‘Oh, come on, Applejack,’ Bon Bon groans. ‘Just because you have one bad experience...’

Cloudchaser giggles. ‘I might have been hearing secondhoof rumors from Rainbow Dash, but “bad” is the exact opposite word she uses.’

Rarity smirks. ‘Fluttershy was skimping on the details of her experience from her “marriage”. Maybe now, I can hear a honest answer.’

Applejack turns bright red. ‘That is a private matter! Ah am disgusted y’all would even ask ‘bout that.’

‘We’re just asking if it was an enjoyable experience, deary. We’re not asking if he gave you a hornjob or the equivalent earth pony act.’

‘A WHAT?!’

‘Oh, don’t blush,’ Rarity chides. ‘Anypony that has passed middle school health knows that an unicorn’s horn is a sensitive piece of our anatomy. It is no less sensitive than playing with the pads of your hooves or rubbing your cutie mark.’

‘Or nibbling the ears,’ Bon Bon giggles.

‘Or preening,’ Cloudchaser sighs.

Applejack whimpers and pulls her hat over her blushing face.

‘No need to be shy. You might need to know this sort of thing for the next lucky stallion.’

‘Ooo!’ Cloudchaser squeals. ‘Speaking of that, you are so lucky. Sunshine is the sweetest.’

‘Sunshine?’ Bon Bon wonders.

‘One of Luna’s night guards. He is great. He has excellent calligraphy.’

‘Oh, ho. A expert at mouth writing,’ Rarity laughs. ‘If I were you, I’d be looking forward to shooting off some fireworks. I mean literally.’

‘What does that mean?’ Cloudchaser asks.

‘Well, because of our sensitive horns, unicorns sometimes cast weak spells, such as fireworks when, uh, excited. I mean, Applejack and I have seen Twilight teased to the point where she accidentally teleports herself.’

Twilight sneezes.

‘Tee hee! You sneeze like a kitten.’

Twilight wipes her nose and looks up to see Pinkie. The bubbly pony giggles at her friend.

Rarity laughs. ‘I remember one time in my last year of high school. I threw a big party while my parents and Sweetie Belle were out of town. I had to explain several scorch marks as blown electrical circuits.’

‘Sorry,’ Bon Bon apologizes. ‘I think one of those was me.’

‘But you’re a...’

‘I was dating Colgate at the time.’

‘Oh. Right.’

‘Huh. I never knew that about unicorns,’ Cloudchaser comments.

Rarity’s smirk reappears. ‘What about you, Miss Cloudchaser? What was your max height?’

The pegasus blushes. ‘We got about half a meter.’ She looks at Bon Bon. ‘Pegasi lose control of our wings.’

‘Ah.’ Bon Bon glances towards the other earth pony in the room. Applejack is doing her best to hide. ‘I think we need a change of topic before we embarrass Applejack too much.’

‘Aw! But I was about to ask favorite positions!’ Rarity teases.

‘Jus’ kill me now,’ Applejack moans.

‘Well, I know it is only a slight subject change, but who here might want a foal some day?’ Bon Bon asks.

The questioner raises a hoof. Two others timidly raise a hoof as well. Rarity looks at the others and groans.

‘I know for a fact that I am not the only one with a much younger sister. I would hate to recreate the memories of what my mother went through.’

‘Yer jus’ jealous that ya can’t breed with a dragon,’ Applejack mumbles under her hat.

Rarity gives a shrill shriek and hits her friend.

The farmer laughs. She looks at the others. ‘Outa curiosity...’

Cloudchaser blushes. ‘Well, uh, if things don’t work out with Luna... I mean, I am sure if our relationship went far enough we would find a way. I mean, it is not like...’

‘Lyra and I have talked with James about genetically engineering an embryo,’ Bon Bon calmly states.

‘He can do that?’ Applejack asks.

‘We only talked about it. No promises.’

‘Nah, it is jus’ that the wonders never cease with him.’

‘Meh. Lyra is trying to convince me to let him, hmm... donate to the cause. I prefer the genetic engineering idea myself.’

‘He’d be a good father. Jus’ look at how well Rei turned out with him.’

‘That’s a laugh!’ Rarity scoffs.

‘Hey! She’s a good kid. She likes helpin’ out on the farm. Says it reminds her of her brother.’

‘Yeah. She says the same thing with the weather team,’ Cloudchaser adds. ‘Like it is a real connection with her sister or something.’

‘Hmm. She says a similar thing when she visits my shop,’ Bon Bon notes. ‘She always mentions how much somepony named Alba loves my treats. Do any of you know an Alba?’

Applejack tries hiding under her hat again and fidgets. ‘None come t’ mind.’

Rarity pokes her friend. ‘You’re hiding something.’

Applejack purses her lips. ‘Ah ain’t! Ah jus’ may have a promise or somethin’...’

‘Hmpf. I can just trick Twilight into telling when we get back.’

‘She doesn’ know... Ah’m the only one he trusted as far as Ah know.’

‘Does this have to do with Rei’s mysterious origins?’ Bon Bon asks.

‘Who cares where she is from?’ Cloudchaser groans. ‘She’s a great kid. That is all any of us need to know.’

‘Agreed.’ Applejack nods. ‘The only mystery pony we should be worried about is that odd pegasus we brought with us.’

‘It’s Daring Do,’ Cloudchaser calmly states. The others stare at her in shock. ‘What? You date somepony who uses a perception filter constantly, you pick up on a few things. Why do you think I look at things out of the corner of my eyes all the time?’

‘Does Rainbow know?’ Applejack asks. ‘She’ll flip... once she is done literally flippin’.’

‘Please. With how hard she has been trying to ditch her disguise, I’m surprised everypony doesn’t know yet.’

Rarity sighs and rolls back to stare at the wind chime. ‘You know, I should be surprised when something like this occurs...’

‘But it all seems relatively normal nowadays,’ Applejack finishes. She pauses for a moment before punching Rarity again. ‘Pervert.’

The unicorn hits back. ‘Ruffian.’

Cloudchaser leans towards Bon Bon. ‘Are they always like this?’

Bon Bon thinks for a moment. ‘You know, we totally forgot the sake this time.’

After a long afternoon getting Applejack’s cheeks unflushed, the four ponies are sitting around their room enjoying their dinner. The night is a little chilly from the cloud cover coming from the direction of the ocean. The evening is winding down nicely until the room lights flicker and go out. The guests stare at the light for a moment.

‘Old circuits,’ Rarity shrugs.

The others shrug too and go back to their meal.

The tourists wake up early to the sound of rain and the smell of breakfast being served in their room. One by one, the mares exit the bedroom, Applejack taking the time to wake Rarity.

‘That smells delicious,’ Cloudchaser moans. ‘I can get used to this.’

‘You might have to if this rain doesn’t let up,’ the matriarch replies as she sets bowl of soup in front of Bon Bon.

‘Just sounds like a little rain,’ Applejack comments as she is served her soup.

‘We have a thick roof. It is not really so gentle a storm. It is dangerous to even go into town today. The rail line is completely shut down.’

‘Pfft. Whatever,’ Cloudchaser scoffs. ‘I’m a professional weather mare. I can have the sky cleared in a matter of minutes.’

‘Oh, really?’ the matriarch laughs. She goes to the balcony and opens the door. A virtual waterfall pours off the balcony. ‘Have at it, Miss Weather Mare.’

Cloudchaser’s face falls in a hideous grimace. ‘So, uh, what board games do you have?’

Cloudchaser trots through the inn looking for something to do. Most of the residents are milling about the lounge areas, reading or watching the broadcasts that break through the storm. The pegasus hears sounds coming from a recreation room and follows them to find Applejack playing table tennis against all challengers. Rarity sits to one side reading a fashion magazine. Applejack defeats her current opponent, leaving the stallion to fetch the ball.

‘Better luck next time,’ the farmer taunts.

Cloudchaser steps up to the table and picks up a paddle in one wing. ‘So... you are pretty good at this, eh?’

‘Best in Ponyville,’ Applejack brags.

‘Really? You never played me. I was the undefeated champ at flight school. Even beat Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust at the Wonderbolt Academy.’

‘Well, ain’t y’all fancy.’

Cloudchaser lifts another paddle in her other wing. ‘I’d say I am.’

The stallion sets the ball on the table and quickly backs away. The pegasus lifts the ball in her hoof and starts lining up a shot.

Applejack picks up her paddle with her mouth and beckons with a free hoof. ‘Let’s play.’

Cloudchaser pants from her side of the table. Her wings fall by her sides, dropping her paddles.

Applejack spits out her paddle and smirks. ‘Givin’ up already?’

‘You’re too good,’ the pegasus pants. ‘I can’t keep up.’

‘Ah thought y’all were the best?’

‘No way. That’s you.’

Applejack laughs. ‘Anypony else wanna play?’

The other ponies in the room shake their head. Rarity calmly turns a page of her magazine.

‘What ‘bout you, Rarity?’

‘Please. A lady does not...’ The table tennis ball bounces off her horn. She looks up with a scowl on her face. ‘Oh, very mature, but you are not going to trick me so easily.’

‘Celestia forbid Ah try t’ trick you. Ah’m merely trying t’ goad ya by saying y’all can’ handle cultural pursuits more fer stallions than fer yer own gender.’

Rarity growls and narrows her gaze. She levitates the ball and paddle and goes to the table. ‘It. Is. On!’

Rarity serves the ball. Applejack returns the serve. Rarity calmly bats it back, using her magic to raise her magazine again. Applejack hits the ball hard, causing it to hit Rarity’s horn again. The unicorn turns and glares at the smirking earth pony. She growls and levitates several more paddles.

‘Oh, pony feathers,’ Applejack mumbles.

After a heated match, the two mares are sweaty and panting. Rarity has never used her magic this intensely. Applejack has had to work to keep up with Rarity’s magic. The other ponies at the inn have crowded around the table to watch the match.

‘So... y’all ready t’ give up now?’

‘A lady never quits.’

‘Considerin’ how loud y’all were gruntin’ durin’ the last volley, y’all ain’t sounding that ladylike.’

Rarity growls and serves the ball. Applejack returns it hard. Rarity blocks the shot, but a paddle is knocked from her magical grip. Applejack quickly hits the ball back, knocking away another paddle. Despite another hard return, Rarity is able to send the ball flying across the table. Applejack has to lean far to get to it in time. Rarity calmly swats the ball to the corner opposite Applejack. She laughs at her strategy. Applejack whips her tail up. A paddle held at the end slams the ball at the stunned unicorn. Rarity is too shocked to return, giving Applejack the point and the match. The spectators cheer the match. Both competitors nod in acknowledgement of the other’s effort then collapse on the floor.

The matriarch looks in the room as she passes. ‘Put a towel under them before they stain the wood.’

Applejack and Rarity groan as they stare out at the rain from their futons. They would love a soak in the onsen, but the rain is preventing them. Bon Bon trots into the bedroom and sets cups of tea in front of them.

‘Get your rest. It doesn’t look like we’ll be leaving soon.’

‘We should be clear to go in the morning,’ Cloudchaser says from the next room.

‘How can you tell?’

‘The rain is hard and fast. The clouds are going to lose their strength by’ -- she sniffs the air -- ‘about two in the morning.’

‘Impressive. Now, will it be sunny on my next dental appointment?’

‘I can arrange it so you can see your ex in the best possible light.’

‘That is not what I meant.’

‘I know,’ the pegasus laughs. ‘Just give me the date and I can slip in whatever weather you want.’

‘Even snow flurries?’

‘Y’all ain’t makin’ no snow befer harvest,’ Applejack groans.

‘Especially after all the work I put in my fall fashion line,’ Rarity moans.

The other mares laugh.

‘Just get some rest,’ Bon Bon says. ‘It is almost dinnertime.’

Cloudchaser sniffs. ‘About three rooms down. Hope you like spicy.’

In a light rain, the four mares board the train out of town. They immediately collapse in the nearest seats they can get. Applejack leans against the alicorn doll.

‘Ah am done with relaxin’ fer a long time.’

‘I wholeheartedly agree,’ Rarity sighs.

Bon Bon groans. ‘I still have to make it to Lyra’s concert. This is going to be a long day.’

‘I just want to curl up with Selene and...’ Cloudchaser gives a small snore as she rests her head on the window.

The train starts pulling from the station. The three awake mares look back. Applejack looks at Rarity.

‘Ah’m quite proud of ya, Rarity.’

‘Oh, what for?’

‘Ya didn’ try seducing any stallion despite all the looks ya were gettin’. Ya did good.’

‘A lady knows how to control her urges. Even if that one had large muscles and that other had powerful wings... and he was so handso...’ Rarity throws herself against the window and stares at the town. ‘Stop the train! I need to get to that hot spring with a stallion or five! I am missing a chance of a lifetime!’

Applejack sighs, shakes her head and pulls her hat down so she can get some rest.

Concluded in:

Tomodachi Sketch

Author's Note:

Adventure in Neighpon Arc - Part 3

Story Event: I know the sex talk is a little out of place, but I wanted to put it somewhere. This just turned out to be that place. It also makes for good filler for an otherwise filler chapter. Filler-ception.

Fun fact: Hot spring monkeys are the third best animals after penguins and foxes, in that order.

Fun fact: The design of the town was a little inspired by Matsushima when I visited it. It was such a lovely small town when I went. Since the town is so near Sendai (one of the most beautiful cities I have been to), it is one of the reasons I avoided the hell out of seeing aftermath pictures of 3/11.

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