• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,910 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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Tomodachi Sketch

Main Characters: Many
Cameos: Lots
Original Write Date: August 6, 2012
Episode Theme

Continued from:

Finding the Full Moon
The Boredom of Applejack and Rarity
Fluttershy the Combat Maid
F City, F Prefecture
RSI and the Mystery of FLCL
Live From Budokan

Kaeko squeaks. She looks at Daring Do for a distraction. The adventurer is staring at Full Moon. The other pegasus looks back and her eyes go wide.



Everypony looks at the two pegasi as they stare awkwardly at each other. Full Moon growls, exposing her fangs, and her eyes flash green for a moment.

‘You bitch! How could you do that to me then disappear!’ the idol yells.

Daring nervously grins at the singer. ‘Well, you see, archaeology is an imprecise science.’

‘You stole my heart then left me alone for sixty years! How dare you act so casual!’

‘Well, uh... You look great.’

‘Don’t think you can charm your way out of this. I was devastated when you left me. I was a heartbroken mess, and you just went off on your tomb-robbing adventurer's way!’

‘I thought about you. You were the most dear in my heart.’

‘Were? You replaced me?’ Full Moon snarls, ‘Who? I will drain the life from their body.’

‘Uh, Rei, we’re leaving,’ James interrupts.

‘But I want to see her feed,’ Rei complains.

‘I don’t!’

‘Him?’ Full Moon snorts. ‘Of course you fall for one I cannot mimic.’

Daring smirks. ‘Oh yeah. I forgot you could do that. Can you still..?’

‘Yes. Not that you will ever get to lay with your precious princess again.’

‘Aww! But I didn’t mean to run off. I had this deadline and then I got depressed.’

‘Like someone was sucking the love from you?’ Rei asks.

Daring and Full Moon snap their attention to the filly. She squeaks and hides behind her father. Daring sighs and looks back at Full Moon.

‘I’m here now. We can spend time together. Catch up.’

Full Moon looks away. ‘You said that the last time. Before you disappeared.’

‘Chryssy... It is me. Daring. You know I mean it.’

Full Moon takes a deep breath. She looks at Daring’s sincere smile, then jumps the mare. The two start making out on the spot. Full Moon’s assistant blushes then gallops away. James turns to give them some privacy, but Rei and Kaeko stand transfixed. James tries pulling Rei away, but she stands firm. Octavia trots towards the group. She spots the action on the floor and glares at James.

‘I don’t know what is going on, but I am certain that is your fault.’

Fluttershy happily trots into her hotel room with a bag of treats for breakfast. Rainbow Dash lazes on her bed. Fluttershy starts setting their breakfast on the table.

‘Guess what I heard while I was out?’ the happy pegasus asks.

‘Do I have to?’ Dash groans.

‘There is a water park nearby! We should go.’ Fluttershy blushes. ‘I sort of want to show off my new swimsuit...’

‘Waterpark? That sounds a little, you know, too exciting. Can’t we go to a nature preserve instead?’

Fluttershy locks her Stare on Rainbow Dash. ‘I want to go to the waterpark.’

Dash screams and hides behind the bed. ‘We’ll go! We’ll go! Don’t make my brain explode!’

Fluttershy smiles and goes back to setting the table.

A crowded elevator empties onto a floor in a Haydo hotel. Most elevators are not designed with a load of two alicorns, a small pegasus, an earth pony and a terrified unicorn in mind, but this one handled the load perfectly. Celestia and Luna lead the group from the confinement, getting a chance to stretch their wings. Rei flies out next to find her friends. Shining Armor hurries out to get away from The Creepy Physicist. Shining has been invited to stay in one of the spare rooms for the rest of the trip.

The guests head towards their rooms. Stormy, Inkie and Spike have kept them neat and stored any packages sent to the hotel. Outside of Applejack’s room, a life-sized alicorn plushie stands watch.

‘Hey, Cadence,’ Luna yawns as she trots to her room.

‘Princess Mi Amore Cadenza,’ Celestia greets as she follows her sister.

‘Cadence!?’ James shouts, throwing himself on Shining. ‘He’s mine now! You can’t have him ba... Oh. It is just a plushie.’ He looks below him. ‘Shall we continue this in my room?’

‘Mr Wanderer, please just show me to the spare room. I would like to get some rest.’

‘Actually, it is right next to mine. Guys bunking with guys to reduce hanky panky... until now.’

The unicorn levitates his host aside. ‘I prefer a room away from you if you don’t mind.’

‘Sure. We can rearrange some things. You can stay with Rarity and Rainbow Dash. I am sure they won’t try anything. And, Twilight can stay with me.’

Shining stares at the grinning stallion before him. ‘Which way to your room again?’

Over dinner, Rei catches up with the rest of RSI. She is cuddled against Inkie while the others relate their adventure.

‘Holding the structure together was no problem,’ Stormy states as he levitates a forkful of salad. ‘Keeping the water at bay, or in the bay, as one might say, was much more difficult.’

‘And Inkie-chan led all of the ponies to safety?’ Rei asks.

‘Spike helped, too. I can’t take all the credit.’

‘Inkie-chan and Ryu-kun are heroes!’

‘We didn’t do too much...’ Inkie squeaks.

‘Yes, it is all true. We are awesome,’ Spike brags.

‘I heard you got lucky, too,’ Rei says.

‘Well, I don’t like to brag...’ Lucas begins.

‘Meant Spike hanging out with the band. That is so cool.’

‘I know. Still awesome,’ Spike says smugly. ‘We totally hung out all night and talked about all sorts of things.’

‘I got to hang out with a band, too.’

‘Right, Boss told me about the Trio show. Sounded cool,’ Lucas says.

‘I meant when I met Full Moon... fake Full Moon.’

Lucas’ jaw drops. Inkie and Spike look impressed. Stormy continues eating his salad, unfazed.

‘Turns out she is the changeling queen or something. I showed her who the real Full Moon is.’

‘You met Full Moon,’ Lucas gapes.

I am Full Moon. She just gets to borrow my name, for now,’ Rei growls.

‘Well, uh, I had sex!’

Inkie stops eating. ‘Seriously. You are making me sick.’

Rei looks at the young stallion. She sighs and goes back to eating. ‘Left hoof or right hoof?’


‘Just trying to determine which one to never touch again.’

‘It was with a mare.’

Rei gives Lucas a disgusted look. ‘I am not touching that plushie again.’

‘Rei, quit joking around with him,’ Stormy grumbles. ‘Some of us are trying to eat.’

The filly gasps. ‘I’m not jealous at all. Why would you accuse me of such a thing?’

The others sigh and go back to their meal.

The next day, Rarity and Stormy are in one of the trendier fashion stores. The mare is studying an outfit closely. The young stallion lazily looks around the store.

‘What do you think of this?’ Rarity asks, levitating a crazy outfit.

‘You would need head damage to wear that in public,’ Stormy groans.

‘And from a fashion perspective?’

‘Wear that in Equestria and you would be lightyears ahead of the curve.’

The fashionista laughs. ‘So are you thinking what I am thinking?’

‘It would totally fail. Importing these fashions before the tastes catch up with them would be a waste of bits.’

Rarity places an oversized hat on Stormy’s head. ‘Think harder.’

The young unicorn pushes the hat to above his horn. He looks around at the various fashions on display. He glances back and forth at all of the customers trying the items for themselves. He also notes a couple fillies giggling at his new apparel. The young stallion gives them a wink and gets squeals from each in return.

Stormy sighs as he turns back to Rarity. ‘By combining Shibuya trends with the Neo-Classical style trending across Equestria, you can appeal to the current market and introduce new styles to the admittedly-stagnant Equestrian fashion scene. You’d make thousands of bits your first month.’

Rarity smiles and gives Stormy a new hat. ‘Very good. I knew you would get that. Now, I have a proposal for you.’

Stormy groans.

‘You help me design a few pieces, I give you credit on those items and we split the profits from the whole line fifty-fifty.’

‘You would give me potentially enough money to buy my own place and move out?’

‘It is a risk I am willing to take, but I think you are ready to move beyond working the counter and doing side jobs for Pinkie and the Cakes.’

‘I have one condition: I get one of the first items for free.’

‘Well, of course you would...’

‘Not for me. For Trixie.’

‘I... I am not sure she is right to help launch a new line.’

Stormy shakes his head. ‘I don’t care. She may not get the immediate press reaction we want, but I love her and I want to make her something special.’

Rarity smiles and extends a hoof. ‘I think I can shake on that.’

The young stallion pushes the hoof aside and hugs Rarity. ‘We’re family. We hug.’

The older unicorn laughs and returns the hug.

Celestia is finishing her advising with the Neighponese government. She and the prime minister are being shown through a warehouse. The engineer leading them stops in front of a table covered in a sheet.

‘I hope this won’t take long,’ Celestia comments. ‘I wish to get back to my holiday.’

‘N-not long, Princess,’ the engineer replies. ‘We just need your advice on one last thing.’ He removes the sheet to reveal a head from a Cyberpony. ‘We found this and similar cybernetic components at the destroyed relay station. I’ve never even seen technology like this before. It is so advanced.’

‘Is that all?’ Celestia asks.

The prime minister turns to the princess. ‘How can you be so calm?! This is proof of aliens! This is a...’

The princess holds up a hoof. ‘You say that like this is the first time.’ She raises her mobile. ‘Captain Harness? ... Not now, Jack. ... I’m here in Neighpon with something for you to procure. … Excellent. I can get back to my holiday now.’ She hangs up. She clears her throat. ‘ATTENTION!’ the princess’ Royal Canterlot Voice booms. ‘THIS INVESTIGATION IS NOW IN THE HOOVES OF TROTSWOOD. IF ANYPONY HERE VALUES THEIR CONTINUED EXISTENCE, YOU WILL FORGET EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DISCOVERED BEFORE THEY ARRIVE! THANK YOU!’

The princess coughs from the strain on her vocal cords and turns away. The prime minister gallops after her.

‘Trotswood?! Is that necessary? My country needs to hear about this amazing discovery!’

Celestia stares down at the earth pony before her. ‘Do you want to know how easy it is to find new prime ministers?’ She gets a head shake in return. ‘Then forget what you saw lest your next memory is how much you love serving random ponies takoyaki. Understood?’ She gets a nod. ‘Good. Now, I believe there is an onsen with my name on it.’

Kaeko packs her belongings in her hotel room. There is a knock on the open door. Daring and Rei look in.

‘You wanted to see us?’ Daring asks.


Kaeko stops and smiles at the guests. ‘Thank you for coming. I was hoping to see you before I left.’

Rei starts tearing up. ‘Neesama ga shinde iru?’

The older pegasus groans and shakes her head. ‘No. I am going to be living with Reggie and helping him with his company.’

The filly gasps, ‘But what about your shop back home?’

‘That is what I wanted to talk to you about.’ Kaeko smiles. ‘Daring, how much money do you have on you?’



The filly darts out and returns in an instant with a money pouch with ‘Lucas’ written on it. ‘How much do you need?’

‘Just a couple bits. I’m selling you the store.’

‘Oh! I get it!’ Daring realizes. ‘Wait. No, I don’t.’

Kaeko sighs. ‘I still want my former store to operate, and I can think of no better ponies to run it that you two. Rei has the knowledge and customer skills from all the times she, uh, volunteered to help out. And I think you, Daring, would make a great manager until she is old enough to take over. You might have to hire somepony to work the day shift until she is done with school.’

‘Manager? Really?’

‘It is quite simple. I set up most of my operations to be automatic. You just have to keep track of inventory, and Rei will advise you on what new products to stock.’

Rei giggles. ‘So much joso...’

Kaeko groans. ‘Anyway... All you would have to do is make sure everything is running properly, leaving you plenty of time to, oh, travel the world and have adventures and...’

‘Pay off daddy for losing the disguise thingy.’

Daring snorts at the filly then turns to Kaeko. ‘Time to explore the world again?’

‘Not to mention, you will live right across from Mr Wanderer...’

‘Hmm. Sounds like we might have a deal.’

Rei hugs Kaeko. ‘I’ll miss you, neesama.’

Kaeko returns the hug and looks at Daring. ‘Where did you lose the perception filter anyway?’

‘I have no idea.’

Lyra reads a book in bed. Suddenly, a blue pegasus with a yellow-brown and grey striped mane jumps on top of her and gives her a big kiss.

‘Hey, sexy. Come here often? Better yet, do you want to?’ the disguised Bon Bon asks.


Bon Bon kisses down Lyra’s horn to her lips. ‘What? You were the one who said we should try something new sometime. I thought you got this for me.’

Lyra laughs and leans up to kiss her wife. ‘Best. Wife. Ever.’

The unicorn levitates a blanket over the two of them.

Rainbow Dash stretches as she trots out of her room. She and Fluttershy flew in late and went straight to bed, but the athletic pegasus is up early since she has plans with Applejack later in the day. A constant snore comes from Twilight’s nearby bedroom. Rainbow Dash flexes her wings and trots out to find Applejack.

‘Who’s ready for some baseball?’ the pegasus calls down the halls.

Daring comes out of her suite and trots past. ‘Oh. Hey, squirt.’

Rainbow Dash opens her mouth to reply, but she freezes with her hoof extended. Applejack yawns as she exits her suite. She trots up to her friend. A hoof is waved in front of the pegasus’ face. The farmer sighs and closes Rainbow Dash’s jaw for her.

‘Anypony else free fer a game later?’

An exceptionally loud snore comes from Twilight’s room.

Later. Applejack cheers for a play then sits back in her seat. She smiles as she watches the game on the field.

‘Thanks fer comin’. Ah was worried that everypony was busy. Ah didn’ think y’all would come, ‘specially since Twi is stuck in bed.’

Twilight lays on her stomach as she sleeps in her bed. She snores into her drool-soaked pillow. A half-asleep Pinkie looks over at her friend before falling back and slumbering next to the sleeping princess.

‘You kidding? I love baseball!’ James cheers.

Applejack looks at her friend and blushes. ‘Ah ‘preciate it. Yer a great pal.’

The mare leans over and rests her head on James’ shoulder.

‘Don’t you have a date with Sunshine when we get back?’ the stallion asks.

‘Jus’ ‘cause Ah’ll be seein’ another stallion soon, doesn’ give ya the right t’ be jealous.’

‘I’m not jealous. I’m just...’

‘Hush. This is mah fantasy, uh... (what’s the word?)’

‘Baka,’ James whispers. ‘It is not like you like me or anything.’

Applejack’s blush deepens. ‘B-baka. It ain’t like Ah like ya or nothin’.’

The ponies laugh and go back to watching the game.

Pinkie struggles to get out of bed, but the sleeping Twilight has her forelegs and wings wrapped around her friend.

‘Little help?’ Pinkie calls towards the hallway.

In the hall, Rainbow Dash is still frozen in shock. Rei is studying the other pegasus. She bends Rainbow’s right foreleg, and the mare keeps it bent. Rei giggles. Inkie trots up. She sees Rei’s handiwork and unfurls Rainbow’s left wing. The two young mares giggle. Fluttershy trots over and sees what is going on.

‘Oh! I have the perfect thing!’ Fluttershy gallops to her room and returns with a Shibuya-style hat and dress. ‘Help me with her.’

The young mares giggle and help Fluttershy dress her friend in the outfit.

In her dressing room, Octavia gets ready for her concert. There is a knock on the door.

‘I am surprised you knocked,’ Octavia replies.

The door opens, and a burgundy mare with a long dark grey mane enters. Octavia turns and smiles. Melodia returns the smile, trots across the room and gives her daughter a hug.

‘I am so proud of you,’ the mother coos.

‘I think you misspoke “jealous”,’ Octavia laughs.

Melodia tightens the hug. ‘So very proud.’

Octavia starts choking. The older mare eventually lets go and steps back.

‘So, this is your big show.’

‘Yep. The one venue you never got,’ Octavia replies, catching her breath.

Melodia smiles and nods. ‘I am also proud of the other thing, too.’

‘He had to face justice for his crimes. If the sea ponies don’t make him fish food, he will rot until he is.’

‘I meant making peace with your friend. Very noble of you.’

‘Of course I made peace with her. She promised to return my doll.’

‘Heartstrings told me what you said to her. I am very proud of that.’

Octavia blushes. ‘I meant it.’

‘I know you did.’ Melodia kisses her daughter on the forehead. ‘Speaking of Heartstrings, her parents were quite surprised to learn somepony took their airship without asking permission. They are giving her a little talk about it right now.’

Octavia laughs. ‘Serves her right.’

‘I knew we could get her eventually.’

‘So, when you heard they were coming here to chew out their daughter, you tagged along?’

‘Actually, we all came to see your show. Miss Bon Bon told us about it. I cannot wait for your solo.’

The younger mare looks down and blushes. Melodia laughs and trots to the door.

‘Oh! By the way, I win.’

‘Win what?’

Melodia smirks. ‘Arctic is the one holding our seats.’

‘You mean..!’

‘Yep. I got her to take a day off.’

Silver Fox brushes dye into her mane and coat as she gets ready for her show. There is a knock on the door.

‘I’m indecent right now. Come back later,’ the performer calls.

‘I think you look pretty decent from where I stand,’ Daring Do replies from the doorway.

The younger pegasus gasps as the older one closes the door and trots across the room.

‘I got the ticket you sent me. Thanks.’

Silver blushes. ‘I... I wanted to see you before we moved on.’

‘I appreciate it. I was hoping to talk with you, too.’

‘What about?’ the younger pegasus asks, kicking at the ground a little.

‘I think you know. I won't mind seeing more of you. Might even make James jealous.’

Silver blushes and bites her lip. She looks up defiantly. ‘Don’t think I am settling. I am just biding my time until Rei comes around. It is not like I have had a crush on you since I first saw your picture on the cover of Sapphire Stone in the library as a foal.’

‘And when watching your show, some of the positions you put yourself in didn’t give me ideas.’

Silver blush deepens, and she looks down again. ‘Don’t say it like that.’

Daring laughs. ‘You know what is scientifically proven to relieve stress...’

‘Not now... I have a show soon, and we haven’t even had a first date...’

Daring laughs again. She trots over and gives Silver a kiss on the cheek. ‘You can always tell the ones who grew up poor. We like to be romanced.’


The archaeologist adjusts her pith helmet as she goes to the door. ‘Something else they made me cut out of the book.’

Daring exits the dressing room and trots away. She passes a blue-white pegasus mare. The mare looks back.

‘Wait a moment. Are you..?’ Arctic Fox asks.

Daring turns and winks. ‘Where do you want me to sign? I warn you, I sign with a kiss.’

Arctic blushes and hides behind a wing. ‘I-I am married! I am only here to see my daughter.’

‘So was I.’ Daring laughs to herself as she trots away. Still got it.

Twilight flops around on her bed. She sits up and sees it is dark out. She moans and drags herself out of the room and to the hallway, passing a still-frozen and quite fashionable Rainbow Dash. She stops outside of another suite and knocks.

‘James... I was having a bad dream. Can I sleep with you?’

‘NO!’ Shining shouts from his room.

Selene trots down a crowded street. She is following a map on her mobile. She grumbles to herself as she trots.

‘This Otome Road better be worth it or James and Rei are getting an earful (of Royal Canterlot voice) when’ -- she turns her head and mobile as she examines the map -- ‘and if I get back.’

The pegasus reaches the end of the route given to her. She puts the mobile away, looks around and her eyes go wide with excitement.

‘Oh sweet merciful me. This is heaven.’

The disguised princess squeals and gallops to the nearest store.

Rei leads the rest of the RSI towards a shrine. She giggles to herself every few seconds.

‘What is this place you have insisted on bringing us?’ Stormy asks.

‘Tagata Jinga,’ the young mare giggles.

‘What is so special about it?’ Inkie queries.

Rei squeals. ‘You’ll see. I’ve been wanting to come here for years.’ She stops by the entrance. ‘Now close your eyes. I want it to be a surprise.’

The others groan and comply. Rei spread her wings. The others bite a pinion and are lead inside.

‘Okay. Open ‘em.’ Rei giggles inside the shrine.

Inkie screams and gallops out of the shrine, blushing bright red. Rei flies after her friend, blushing and giggling. Stormy calmly trots out.

‘I’ve seen bigger,’ the young stallion comments as he follows his friends.

Fluttershy trots through an underwater tunnel. All around her, fish of all sorts swim freely in the large aquarium. She marvels at all of the species she sees. Some overstressed components of the tunnel structure raise alarms in her head, but her freaky knowledge of structural engineering tells her she has nothing to worry about unless there is a major strain placed on any of the systems strung through the structure. The animal lover stops to admire a giant ocean sunfish.

‘You were right, Spike. This is a great place to visit.’ Getting no reply, she looks around. ‘Spike?’

Fluttershy turns to look for the dragon, just as Spike swims past, chomping at the nearest fish. The pegasus shrugs and continues enjoying her trip.

Inkie trots back to the group’s temporary hotel room. She needed a walk to help clear her head of what she saw that afternoon. The incident only reminded her why she went into geology instead of anatomy. She sighs as she enters the room. Rei is laying on their bed watching television upside down. Stormy is working at his computer.

‘What are you doing?’ Inkie asks as she trots over.

‘Just sending Trixie and email,’ the young stallion replies.

‘What about?’

‘Just some recent events. Wanna see?’

Inkie peeks at the screen and pales. Rei giggles.

Stormy looks up. ‘Rei thinks I should send some comparison shots of myself. What do you think?’

Inkie calmly backs out of the room.

‘I am more than willing to help with the pictures,’ Rei giggles.

‘I know you are, Rei. I know you are,’ Stormy groans.

Back at the Haydo hotel, James sticks his head out of the stallion’s bathhouse and looks around, but he is missing his glasses. He checks the hall again and steps out.

‘Okay. It is clear.’

Twilight steps out a moment later while drying her mane. She is wearing James’ glasses, and her cheeks are bright red. ‘That was so crazy. I can’t believe we did that.’

The stallion looks back. ‘I’d hate to be the pony to clean that up.’

The couple starts trotting back to their suites.

‘Are you sure nopony saw us? I would hate to get caught doing that in public.’

James gives Twilight a comforting nuzzle. ‘I am certain we were in the clear. Trust me.’

Twilight sighs, kisses her coltfriend. They continue to their suites. A few moments later, the door to the bathhouse opens again. An extremely shocked Shining Armor trots out.

‘Twily?’ he whimpers. ‘My LSBFF and him? Like that?’

The stallion whimpers again and slowly makes his way back to his room.

Rarity and Spike stroll up a sunny mountainside together. A light glow surrounds the unicorn’s horn.

‘Such a lovely day,’ Rarity comments.

‘Every day is lovely with you, Rarity,’ Spike sighs.

‘Oh, Spike. You’re a little charmer,’ the mare laughs. She looks down the trail they are on. ‘Is it much further to where we are going? I am not detecting anything.’

‘Uh, Stormy said that the old mines were up here somewhere. He gave me a map, but I don’t understand it.’

Spike gets out a small scroll. Rarity levitates it in front of her.

‘It is very nice of him to help us out like this. How did you ever convince him?’

‘Well, uh, it was his idea,’ Spike replies sheepishly. ‘He just said it would be a good outing for us.’

‘He is absolutely correct. I haven’t gotten much time with my Spikey-Wikey this trip.’

Spike looks down and blushes. Rarity’s magic flares up, and she is dragged away.

‘WAHAHA! Looks like we got a big one,’ Rarity calls as she is dragged around a bend.

‘Coming!’ Spike shouts after her as he tries to keep up.

On a quiet hilltop, Luna and Cloudchaser watch the moonrise. Cloudchaser leans against her fillyfriend, Luna puts a wing around the smaller pony.

‘Such a lovely moon,’ Cloudchaser comments.

‘Indeed it is,’ Luna replies.

‘Actually, I got it wrong. I meant, such a lovely Luna.’

Luna looks down at Cloudchaser. They lean towards each other and kiss.

On an empty rooftop, Rei and Inkie are watching the moonrise as well. Rei leans against the taller pony. Inkie giggles and looks at her fillyfriend.

‘What a beautiful Full Moon.’

‘It sure is,’ Rei sighs.

‘I was talking about the one next to me.’

The young mares laugh at the comment. Suddenly, Rei squeals and tackles Inkie in a big kiss.

Full Moon scowls at the full moon from her hotel balcony. Chrysalis drops her disguise and leans over the railing.

‘Stupid Daring. Falling for another pony. I will never find a special somepony... I should have just married that disgusting stallion... At least he liked me when I was disguised...’

The changeling sits, hanging her forelegs on the railing. A couple tears splash below her. There is a knock on the door. Chrysalis stands and regains her composure.


One of her bodyguards enters with a package. ‘This just arrived for you.’

‘Thank you. You can take the rest of the night off.’

The guard bows. ‘Thank you, my queen, but I will stay by your side.’

The guard trots out and closes the door behind him. Chrysalis opens the package. Inside is a cake covered in frosting and strawberries with a letter sitting on top.

‘To Fake Full Moon.’

Chrysalis rolls her eyes.

‘I know how sad and lonely being a lone Full Moon in Neighpon can be. Some days you just want to stay in bed and cry all day. … I guess I understand where your desire to eat love comes from.’

Chrysalis groans.

‘Anyway, I wanted you to feel less lonely so here is a present to cheer you up! It is my favorite flavor since I figure we Full Moons think alike. And don’t think daddy made me send this! I did this on my own. Hang in there. Full Moon.’

Chrysalis sets down the letter. She levitates and devours a slice of cake with a large strawberry on top and grins.

‘I just may have to send her something as thanks,’ Chrysalis laughs, as she eats another berry.

Lucas is sitting around his suite. He is scrolling through pictures on his laptop. His horn has a faint glow as he enjoys his collection. A shadow looms over him. He screams and tries covering his monitor from Princess Celestia. The princess glares down at the unicorn.

‘This isn’t what it looks like!’ Lucas defends.

‘It appears you had a number of photos of young mares in maid uniforms, or should I say a number of pictures of the flanks of young mares in maid uniforms.’

‘I can explain! There is this cafe...’

Celestia leans in close and grins. ‘Take me there.’

Shining Armor trots around the suite he is staying in with the others. He is not feeling comfortable sightseeing without Cadence or Twilight, but he also does not want to travel with Twilight since James would be around too. He eventually finds a book that was left out and starts reading. As he settles in a chair, there is a knock on the door. Shining looks up to see Daring standing in the doorway.

‘So, all alone, eh?’ the pegasus notes.

‘It seems that way, Miss Do,’ the stallion replies.

‘I guess with James out of town, there is a hole in the room.’ Daring sashays to the stallion. ‘Maybe we should fill that hole.’

‘I-I am married!’

‘Point being?’

Shining looks for an escape but finds none. He cast his bubble shield around himself and gallops away. ‘All of you ponies are crazy!’ he shouts back.

Lucas is back in his room after his outing with the princess. He giggles as he goes through the new photos he took. Stormy returns to their suite right as a content-looking Celestia trot past. She has a blue and white striped cloth hanging from her horn.

‘Ah! I see you met Ayame,’ Stormy comments.

‘Ayame!’ Lucas turns and shouts back.

‘Doesn’t count.’

James moans as he tries to roll over in bed. He turns his head and looks out the window at a beautiful Hokcowdo vista. The moonlight coming into the room is enough to illuminate what is impeding his movement. Twilight and Pinkie are cuddled up on both his sides. The stallion smiles, hugs them both extra tight and goes back to sleep.

Several days later, all of the travellers are on the airship heading back to Equestria. All but one are sleeping during the night portion of the trip. James has his laptop out and is doing some work. Twilight is curled up on one seat next to him while the other is empty. There is a yawn and Amy trots over and sits by the working stallion.

‘What are you working on?’ the unicorn asks.

‘Just catching up on the latest science news. The guy may claim to be an expert in the field and have been published in Science, but he can’t be more wrong about the Higgs Field.’

‘You are an odd one to the end, Mr Wanderer.’

‘Did you have a nice trip?’ James asks.

‘Indeed. It was the most exciting trip I have ever had. We must do it again. Just the two of us.’

‘Only if we have separate beds at opposite ends of the hotel.’

Amy pouts. ‘You’re no fun.’ She sighs and looks over the stallion’s shoulder. ‘I’ll have you know I kept my end of our bargain, too.’

‘Like you knew that Reggie was in trouble and needed to be saved. That was pure luck.’

‘Did you ever take him to that delightful noodle shop or that amazing okonomiyaki bar when you lived here?’

The Wandering Physicist looks up. ‘Random chance. No better odds of that than an electron’s wave packet hopping a shallow enough potential gap, allowing imaging of the most minute objects.’

Amy smiles. ‘Right. Because that doesn’t happen.’ She yawns again. ‘Can you be truthful to me again?’

‘When am I not?’

‘I plead the fifth. Anyway, how did you actually pay for all of this? There is no way you could afford it. I control the ERS. I know your finances.’

James leans back and smirks. ‘You know how Archibald Skybound, Sealegs McGuffin, Wingsplitter, and Alphonse and Maxie Lunamoon all transferred their entire fortunes to untouchable bank accounts around the world?’


‘So do I.’

‘Are you saying that you stole their money? That is a major criminal offense.’

‘You didn’t seem to mind when an anonymous donor matched your offer to the Canterlot Children’s Hospital.’

‘Just because you use your illegal fund for good once and a while...’

‘Celestia, this is me. Would you really I would do something horrible with the money?’

‘Well, there is one way you can have my silence,’ Amy counters with a grin.

‘I am not going to kiss you again, even if that will benefit the world by shutting you up.’

‘Hmpf! You might have gotten something out of it yourself.’

‘She is right next to us. You cannot win this.’

‘I think we both...’

‘Will you both shut up?’ Twilight groans. ‘Some of us are trying to sleep.’

James and Amy look at the resting mare. They hang their heads.

‘Sorry, Twilight,’ the say in unison.

Amy stretches. ‘I think my valued student is correct. Goodnight, Mr Wanderer.’

‘Sleep well, Celi.’

Amy settles into her seat and falls asleep. James closes his laptop. He looks around the cabin at all of his friends sleeping and smiles. He curls up on the seat so his muzzle is near Twilight’s.

‘Hey, Twilight.’

‘What?’ the mare groans.

Neither of them notice Shining Armor trot into the cabin on his way to the washroom. The stallion stops when he notices the couple awake.

‘I know this doesn’t mean I am cured or anything, but I haven’t felt lonely since the train station in Ponyville.’

Twilight looks up. ‘That is wonderful. That has to be your longest time since you moved to Ponyville.’

James nods. ‘Yeah... It feels really good. Thank you for being there for me.’

‘You know I will always be here for you. No matter what. I love you.’

‘I love you, too.’

The couple kiss and settle back down to sleep. Shining smiles and tries trotting across the cabin as quietly as possible.

‘Sexy,’ James mumbles.

Shining freezes and really hopes that the other stallion was talking to his younger sister.

Author's Note:

Adventure in Neighpon - Part 8 - Finale

TWP Timeline: His depression has virtually disappeared. Twilight finds out about his and Celestia's friendship. Technically, TWP and Shining sleep together.

Story Timeline: Daring and Chrysalis 'reconnect'. Rei befriends Chrysalis.

Fun fact: If you didn't get all of the anime and Japanese culture references in the story arc, Google and Wikipedia are a good place to start.

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