• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,909 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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Finding the Full Moon

Main Characters: TWP, Rei, Luna/Selene, Celestia/Amy, Full Moon?
Cameos: Cloudchaser, Stormy, Spike, Lyra
Original Write Date: July 14, 2012
Episode Theme

Amy and Selene soak in a warm tub together. The hotel James booked features an onsite bathhouse. Both ponies sigh in contentment.

‘We need to do this more often,’ Selene moans.

‘Indeed, dear sister,’ Amy coos. ‘I already have plans for installing one of these in the palace.’

‘Best idea you have had in centuries.’

Clopping is heard in the bathhouse. The ponies look to see Cloudchaser approaching. The pegasus gasps and drops her towel.

‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude. I heard Lu-, uh, Selene was down here and thought I would join her.’

Amy stands and levitates a towel to herself. ‘Go right ahead. Don’t forget to wash up first.’

‘Yeah, yeah,’ Cloudchaser groans as she goes to the washing area.

Amy giggles and finishes drying off. She leaves the towel in a bin.

‘Hey, Celi!’

Immediately outside of the mares’ bathhouse, Amy cringes. James trots beside her from the stallions’ side. The unicorn refuses to admit that he looks sharp in a yukata.

‘Mr Wanderer.’ The disguised princess bows. ‘I am quite surprised to see you here. I thought your kind never bathed.’

‘That is only at cons. ‘Sides, we don’t stink as much as politicians.’

Amy groans. ‘Please find the other half of your wit before you try making puns.’

‘Just ‘cause Twilight is in the old capital tonight, finally, doesn’t mean we have to take the gloves off just yet, big plot.’

‘It is perfectly plump! Mares would kill for it!’

James grins and looks from side to side. Amy glances, too. She failed to notice they reached the main lobby and are waiting for an elevator. Amy simmers as they wait. They get an elevator to themselves. As soon as the doors close, Celestia removes her disguise and turns to... Boop!

James lowers his hoof before Celestia can bite it off. ‘You were right. This was a great idea for a trip.’

‘I would agree if it weren’t for a certain stallion in the party,’ the princess huffs.

‘Lucas? He’s chill. You just need to get to know him.’

‘Not him, you dolt.’

‘Well, it can’t be Stormy. He’s so sunny and cheery.’

The elevator stops. The two ponies step out to the hallway connecting the suites James booked. Stormy is trotting between rooms. He stops to look at the arrivals.

‘Mr Wanderer... Kill me now.’

‘Sorry, son. You have a bright future ahead of you!’

Stormy groans and keeps trotting.

‘With him eliminated, there is but one stallion left who might raise my ire.’

James thinks. ‘One, Spike isn’t a pony. Two,’ -- he picks up the baby dragon in passing -- ‘how can you stay mad at these cute, chubby cheeks?’

‘Dude! Not cool.’

James sets Spike down. The dragon storms away, muttering to himself.

‘Mr Wanderer, with your idiotic behaviour, lack of respect for authority and oblivious nature, it is a wonder that Rei turned out to be such a lovely young mare.’

Rei trots past towards her room. ‘Hi, daddy! Hi, obasan!’

‘Rei. Under your wing.’

The pegasus groans and sets down the sake bottle she was hiding. She grumbles as she returns to her room.

‘I stand corrected, Mr Wanderer.’

‘About me or Rei?’

Celestia stares down at the shorter pony. ‘I stand corrected, Mr Wanderer.’ The pair pause for a moment. ‘Care to join me in splitting that?’ The princess smiles hopefully.

‘Goodnight, Celi.’

James turns and goes to his room. Celestia sighs, picks up the bottle and searches for somepony to share it with.

In a dressing room, a white pegasus with a long purple mane sits on a couch. She sips a bottle of water. There is a knock on the door. The pegasus stops drinking and sighs.


A red earth pony wearing sunglasses enters. He has a large grin.

‘Great show, Full Moon! A sold-out crowd, and you were able to do two encores. I am surprised you had the energy to keep going.’

Full Moon grins. ‘Let’s just say I was feeding off the audience. Their love sustained me.’

‘It is a good thing they love you so much. The schedule you keep would exhaust a normal performer in weeks, but you have been at it since your debut months ago.’

‘I couldn’t get this far without their love and your assistance. Speaking of, when and where is my next show?’

‘Well, with relocation times, your next shows are a couple days from now in the old capital. Looks like they will be sold out as well.’

Full Moon sighs. ‘I dislike all of this downtime. If it cannot be helped, then it cannot be helped.’

‘Consider it a chance to recharge your batteries.’ The manager turns to leave. ‘Oh! Have you given any more thought to the offer?’

‘I may have to meet with this Heartstrings, but I am leaning towards accepting.’

‘Great! Let’s work out the details if you have a moment!’

Full Moon springs up as a new pony enters the room. Lyra has a huge grin on her face as she approaches the idol. Bon Bon groans and shakes her head at the doorway.

James, Celestia, and Luna exit the elevator to their floor. Luna has the biggest scowl on her face. The other two ponies are snickering crazily.

‘We have never been so embarrassed in our entire life!’ Luna growls.

‘Lighten up, Lulu,’ Celestia giggles. ‘It was only some lighthearted fun.’

‘It was an important cultural event!’

‘She’s just mad because she got the lowest score,’ James teases.

‘We were not playing thy stupid game! We were trying to enjoy some high theater.’

‘So... was the fun halved?’

Luna spins around and is about to shout at the stallion when Rei darts down the hall and tackles her father.

‘Daddy’s home! Where have you been?’

‘We took in a Noh play,’ Celestia snickers.

‘You mean Kabuki if you are laughing.’ The filly is confused.

The princess hides a bag of rubber bands. ‘Noh.’

James and Celestia giggle again. Rei snorts and looks at Luna. The younger princess sighs and shakes her head. The filly snorts again and looks at her father.

‘Anyway, we have to go to the old capital. I have... reasons.’

‘Does this have anything to do with the CD under your wing?’

Rei blushes and looks away.

James laughs and ruffles Rei’s mane. ‘I’ll see what I can do.’

‘Isn’t the old capital where Twilight went?’ Luna asks.

‘Yeah, but she has moved on by now.’

‘Well, then you will have to be the one to show me around.’

‘Indeed,’ Celestia agrees. ‘Didn’t you work near there?’

‘Uh...’ James turns down the hall. ‘Cloudchaser! Your fillyfriend is hitting on me!’

‘That’s fine!’ Cloudchaser shouts back. The pegasus steps out of her room and approaches the group. ‘I was thinking of heading up north for a lookaround. You with me, Luna?’

‘Uh, we were planning on going to the old capital.’

Cloudchaser nods. ‘Cool. I’ll check that out eventually. Then we should do something together for the rest of the night. Maybe take in a show?’

Celestia levitates the rubber bands over. ‘Here you go. Be safe.’

Luna groans, ‘I wish I were an only child.’

Full Moon lays on a couch in her hotel room. She holds a mirror in her hooves and stares at her face. A brief flash of a black creature with long fangs appears in the mirror. Full Moon screams. A large unicorn bodyguard rushes into the room.

‘Are you all right? Is something threatening you?’

Full Moon backs away from the mirror. ‘N-no. Everything is fine. I was just startled. That is all.’

‘Very well. We are just outside if you need anything.’

‘Th-thank you.’

The guard turns to leave, but Full Moon reaches and stops him. ‘Yes?’

The pegasus fumbles beside the couch. ‘One of my fans gave me this at my last show.’ She holds up a doll that looks like her. ‘You have a daughter, right? Would she enjoy this?’

The guard is shocked. ‘You already give us so much love. We cannot accept this...’

‘Please. I insist.’

The guard bows. ‘As you wish.’

The guard sets the doll on his back and trots out of the room. Full Moon sighs and looks down at the mirror. The dark creature stares back at her.

Luna gallops around the hotel room in the old capital. She stops and presses her face against a window and watches the city below her.

‘This is so cool!’

‘Indeed it is, dear sister,’ Celestia agrees, shedding her Amy disguise. ‘How can you consistently afford to arrange for such extravagance, Mr Wanderer?’

James ditches his pack in one of the rooms. ‘What?’

‘Where do you get the money for this?’

‘Oh! Simple.’ James finds a comfortable seat. ‘Well, I travel back in time, get myself inserted into a will or two, get myself something valuable, travel to the future, take the item, give me the insurance payoff, travel back in time and fence it. Win-win-win.’

‘You are lying, Mr Wanderer.’

‘Didn’t complain when I paid for those cake tickets.’

Luna snaps around. ‘You went where! Oh, you are so walking the city with me. No trains or flying.’

‘This is all your fault.’ Celestia glares at James. She sits heavily on a sofa.

‘Careful. I don’t want to owe them a new couch.’

The princess growls. The stallion laughs and gets out a hoofheld game. Rei trots out of a bedroom.

‘Um... Daddy...’

‘Don’t worry, Rei. I got tickets for the show tomorrow.’

‘How?’ Celestia asks.

‘Piece of cake,’ the stallion replies.

The princess growls again. Rei smiles and returns to the bedroom. She immediately scowls. She gets out the CD she took from Lucas.

‘Soon, but not soon enough.’

She taps into her electrical affinity. The electricity arcs across the CD. She focuses her energy and rips the CD to pieces. She stomps on the ashes.

James and Rei stand at the back of a crowd of ponies. The crowd is mobbing Full Moon as she signs autographs and meets with fans. Rei watches the other pegasus carefully. Selene trots over. She is covered in glow sticks.

‘While this night has been most enjoyable, why the delay?’

‘Rei has been acting very nervous for some reason. How’s the sister?’

Selene groans, ‘She is currently arguing with the vendors for their remaining tofu dogs and nachos.’ She growls. ‘We will spend the next day grounded, too.’

James laughs and kisses Selene’s cheek. ‘One day she will learn the value of a skinny flank. It is not like she has had centu...’

A magical collar wraps around the stallion’s neck as Amy trots up. The unicorn levitates a number of food items around her.

‘Still your tongue, Mr Wanderer, or you will learn why I know a spell such as this.’

‘So you taught Rarity,’ The Strangling Physicist croaks.

Amy growls at the stallion and drops him. She offers a tofu dog to Selene, who grimaces and shakes her head. James catches his breath and goes to his daughter. Rei jumps as he steps beside her.

‘What are you waiting for?’

Rei watches the crowd slowly disperse. ‘You know me. I wait for the right moment to step forward and say the right thing...’

The filly starts maneuvering the crowds as she approaches the idol.

‘Wait... That is what I do when I am about to... Rei!’

James tries to catch his daughter, but he is caught going against the ponies heading the opposite direction. Rei taps Full Moon on the side. The pegasus turns with a smile on her face, but the smile vanishes as soon as she sees the raging pegasus behind.

‘Just who the hell do you think I am!’ Rei shouts.

Full Moon takes a step back. ‘Wh-what?’

‘You are not Full Moon! I am the only Full Moon! How dare you use that name!’

The taller pegasus backs away, but Rei follows, her electrical affinity causing sparks in the air.

‘You stole my name! You stole who I am! I am the only Full Moon! Me! You cannot be allowed to lie anymore!’

Rei focuses her energy and leaps. Full Moon screams. Rei freezes in mid air as James catches her tail in his mouth and Amy wraps the filly with her magic.

‘NO!’ Rei shrieks. ‘Let me go! She must pay! She stole me! She stole Full Moon! Let me go!’

‘Rei, stop this!’ her father growls as he pulls as hard as he can. ‘We’re leaving!’

James and Amy slowly start dragging the psychotic filly back.

‘Stop! No! She has to pay! I’m Full Moon! ME!’

A spark of electricity knocks James back. Rei lurches forward, but Selene catches her. The filly shrieks.

‘KNOCK IT OFF! BEHAVE!’ Selene bellows, tapping into the Royal Canterlot voice.

The yell gets Rei to drop to the ground and cower. The older ponies restrain the filly and drag her away. James picks himself up and step towards the terrified Full Moon.

‘I am terribly sorry.’ He sets a card on the ground. ‘If there is anything I can do to make up for this fiasco, please tell me.’

‘Th-thanks. I-I’ll be good.’


‘G-go. I think your child needs you more right now.’

James nods and trots away to help the princesses deal with the filly. Full Moon takes a few deep breaths and picks up the card. Her bodyguard finally gallops up.

‘Are you okay, my queen?’

‘I am fine.’ She looks at the card. ‘Perfectly fine...’

Rei is thrown onto her bed. The door to her room is slammed shut with Celestia and Luna guarding it. The Furious Father towers over his daughter.

‘What the hell is wrong with you?’

Rei’s eyes dart as she tries to think. ‘Well, uh, she...’

‘She did nothing!’ James snaps. ‘You are upset because of her name? What the hell?’

‘She is stealing Full Moon...’ Rei growls. ‘I am Full Moon!’

‘You are Rei!’


Rei’s latent powers send bolts of electricity arcing around the room. The princess’ magic shields anypony from being hurt. Rei catches her breath and glares into her father’s eyes.

‘Rei. Calm down.’

The filly plops on the bed. ‘What do you care? You’re not my real father. My REAL family calls me my REAL name.’

‘Rei, I am your real family. You are my daughter. Please just calm down and talk with us. Please, Rei.’

‘Stop calling me that! That is not my name! I am Full Moon of Equestria, Princess of the Moon! That was the name I was born with! You have seen the letters from home! I am Full Moon! Not that imposter!’

‘Rei... You are here now. You can’t go back. You are Tsukiyo Rei now. You are the lovely Tsukiyo Rei, daughter of James Wanderer. Doesn’t that mean anything anymore?’

‘You get to use your real name... Why can’t I use mine?’


‘Full Moon.’


‘Full Moon!’



The adults are forced back by the strength of the yell. James takes a step forward, but a hoof lands on his shoulder.

‘You are losing the battle against a adamant opponent, Mr Wanderer,’ Celestia states. ‘I have been in your place many times before. It is best if you take a step back and try to let cooler heads prevail in the morning.’

‘When have you ever..?’ The princess looks down at the stallion. He snorts and looks away. ‘Right. Let’s call it a night.’ He turns towards Rei. ‘You’re grounded. I mean it this time.’

The adults leave the room. James’ sonic can be heard on the other side of the door. Rei screams, electricity arcing from her body and scorching the walls.

Full Moon paces in her hotel room. The incident the night before has really rattled her nerves. She is worried that she might not be able to perform again so soon. There is a knock on the the door.

‘Show them in,’ Full Moon calls.

An earth pony stallion, earth pony mare, pegasus stallion and unicorn mare enter the room. They stand before Full Moon and bow. The nervous pegasus quickly bows in return.

‘Thank you for coming so quickly,’ Full Moon greets.

‘Anything for you, my queen,’ the ponies say in unison.

‘Please. Do not speak that way. We are trying to remain hidden.’

‘We are sorry,’ the earth pony mare answers.

‘What has you bothered, my queen?’ the pegasus asks.

Full Moon sighs. ‘They are here. The princesses are here.’

‘What!? That cannot be!’ the earth pony stallion shouts.

‘I saw them last night after my show. Do you doubt my eyes?’

‘We are not up to full strength,’ the unicorn says. ‘More importantly, you are far from full strength with all of the love you have been giving us.’

‘The needs of my followers outweigh my own,’ Full Moon replies. ‘Besides, I do not think they are onto me quite yet.’

‘Do we dare risk being found out?’ the pegasus wonders.

‘We have been safe for now. We found a strong source of love without revealing our true form or wasting our food supply. I do not wish to leave just yet.’

The earth pony stallion steps forward. ‘My queen, you know we will follow any decision you wish to make, but is it really safe risking yourself and the swarm again if the princesses are about?’

‘Agreed,’ the unicorn says. ‘It took many months to rebuild after the attack and many more since your ruse took us where we are today. If we have to rebuild again...’

Full Moon raises a hoof, silencing the others. ‘As I said, the princesses may not know who I truly am just yet. Besides,’ -- she sets a card in front of her -- ‘I think we may have an ally in their party...’

The female earth pony lifts the card. ‘The Wandering Physicist? Doesn’t sound too trustworthy.’

‘According to our recent return, he is.’

‘You mean he is...’

‘Indeed.’ Full Moon trots to a window and sighs. ‘Is the show ready for tonight?’

The pegasus turns to his host. ‘All is set. Are you ready?’

‘I would be lying to say I am not still shaken from last night, but my audience demands it. I just hope nothing goes wrong.’

Full Moon stands at the center of a darkened stage. The rest of the stadium is dark as well. The audience is booing. The pegasus at center stage takes a deep breath.

‘Well, that worked out.’ Full Moon turns to backstage. ‘Can I get an unicorn to tap into the speakers for me?’

An unicorn gallops onto stage. He uses his magic to power Full Moon’s microphone and the speakers.

‘Excuse me, everypony,’ Full Moon says to get the audience’s attention. ‘It seems as though there is a major power outage in the city. I am pretty sure the venue would not want to risk the electrical system if we tried continuing after power is restored, but I am certain we can work out a way to reschedule or refund your tickets. I am really sorry. If you don’t mind my security being extra paranoid, I would be up for an extended autograph session starting in a few minutes.’

The audience murmurs as Full Moon heads backstage. The pegasus sighs in relief.

Celestia and Luna gather around James as he checks on the blackout via his mobile. Rei is unusually silent in her room.

‘Looks like a massive feedback surge in one of the nearby prefectures shorted out the national grid. The blackout just reached the southern island. I can’t seem to find the cause, though...’

‘I am going to help,’ Celestia states. ‘Where is the best place for me to be?’

‘Check with the PM.’ James replies. ‘If you want a recommendation, cut all national lines into smaller grids for the time being. That includes the railway.’

‘This is not the first disaster I have had to weather, Mr Wanderer.’

‘Where should I be, sister?’ Luna asks.

‘Stay here for now or help with the local government. This is probably a simple problem that will fix itself. Do not worry, dear sister.’

Celestia casts a spell and teleports away.

Luna sighs and sits down. ‘What now, James?’

James starts tapping buttons on his mobile. ‘Sit tight for now. I have a feeling I am going to be bombarded with calls soon, so I am going to make a few preparations...’

‘Why do I feel as useless as ever?’

‘Luna, you have been the only one of us to get Rei to calm down and behave today. Right now, that makes you the most important pony in my life. I don’t care about this crisis one bit. My daughter is still number one in my mind, and you are the only key to understanding her right now.’

Luna blushes. ‘That makes me the most important pony ever.’

‘Can... can you check on her? She sort of screams at me a lot when I try.’

‘I will. You take care of the others.’

‘Yeah... I already sent three calls from Twilight to voicemail...’

James sighs and gets back to work. Luna smiles and goes to check on Rei.

Celestia appears in the middle of a busy government building. Ponies of all tribes run past, ignoring the princess. She calmly trots to the office that is getting the most traffic. The earth pony inside yells orders at her visitors between reading and sending messages via unicorn magic. The princess finally gets noticed as she forces her way into the office. Everypony stops to take notice of the new arrival.

Celestia clears her throat. ‘Madam Prime Minister.’

‘If you are not telling me about which prefectures have power or if we have phone lines back...’

‘I’m telling you that Princess Celestia offers her support.’

The prime minister looks up. Celestia smiles down.

‘Where would you like me to help?’ the princess offers.

Luna sits in Rei’s room. The filly has hidden herself under her bed. Everything in the room is destroyed from the electrical surges caused by her tantrums. The princess sighs as she uses her magic to repair as much damage as she can.

‘It is not fair!’ Rei shouts. ‘Why is he protecting her and punishing me?’

‘You are not in trouble, Rei.’

‘Then why am I being locked in my room? I hate him!’

‘He’s your father. He is only trying to look after you.’

‘Easy to do when I am imprisoned. It is like I am banished to the moon or something...’

There is a knock on the door. ‘Can I come in?’ is asked from the other side.

‘DROP DEAD! I HATE YOU!’ Rei bellows, lifting the bed slightly and dropping Luna to the floor.

The princess picks herself up. ‘You may enter at your own risk,’ she replies.

James slowly enters the room and sticks beside the door. A loud growl comes from under the bed.

‘I thought you would want to know how everypony is doing.’

‘Go to hell,’ comes from under the bed.

‘Go ahead,’ Luna corrects.

‘Well, AJ and Rarity are doing fine. They barely noticed the blackout. According to the weather report, they are going to be rained in for a while. Uh, Dash said that she and Flutters are having fun and “nothing suspicious” was going on. Obviously, they are causing trouble.’

‘We can only hope,’ Luna giggles.

‘Lucas had his mobile off for some reason.’

‘Fire him,’ Luna suggests.

‘Will do. Twilight wasn’t answering her mobile, but Pinkie said they were exploring the city today. I could hear somepony screaming in the background...’

Luna giggles.

‘Daring said that she was investigating a major archaeological find.’

‘More trouble.’


‘And most importantly, Inkie, Stormy and Spike are spending the day in and relaxing. They need it after what they went through.’

‘See, Rei, everypony is doing fine, especially Inkie. Isn’t it good to hear?’

‘It would be better if it wasn’t from him,’ the filly growls.

‘Rei, I am sorry but even if you had a good reason to be upset, the way you behave makes me think that you would try harming Full Moon if we let you out before you calmed down.’

‘The only Full Moon being harmed is under the bed,’ Rei growls.

‘Rei, please listen to us. There is no harm in her having the same name as you.’

‘She didn’t just steal my name. She looks exactly like me! She is stealing me!’

‘Rei, honey,’ Luna calmly starts, ‘She is not really stealing you. You are still your own unique self. It is all a series of coincidences.’

‘Shut up. I didn’t expect you to take my side. You’re not my mommy. She would agree with me.’

‘But Rei, I am this universe’s version of your mother.’

‘You’re not my mother,’ Rei growls.

‘But I’m...’

James shakes his head. ‘She means Fluttershy. She has been thinking that way since...’

‘But... I am...’ Luna forces back tears.

‘It is okay, Luna. She doesn’t mean what she is saying.’

‘Yes, I do. Now, GET OUT! I HATE YOU!’

‘Rei, please. We just want to help you.’

‘Then help me destroy her!’

‘You are not thinking sensibly!’ James shouts back. ‘If I can arrange a meeting, would you be willing to just talk it out?’

‘Actions speak louder...’

‘Fine. You want to be a bully, then stay here. I want my daughter back. I want the sweet filly that solves her problems with words instead of violence.’

Luna trots to the door. She still looks upset.

James gives Luna a small hug. ‘Hang in there, Luna.’

Rei growls and kicks her bed, causing it to bounce.

‘Hey!’ James snaps.

Rei sticks her head from under the bed. Her face is streaked with tears.

‘I really mean it when I said I want my daughter back. If you can find her under there, I would really love to see her again.’

Rei pulls her head back under the bed. James closes the door in time to muffle a scream. He drags himself to a couch and sits beside Luna. He rests his head on her shoulder. She rests hers on his head. Both are crying.

‘I have no idea what I am doing,’ James confesses. ‘All I know is that I am making it worse.’

‘I am sorry I am not much of a help. I wish I could do more, but I fear she is furious with me as well.’

‘She has never been like this before. I don’t know what to do. I can’t side with her while she is like this because she will want me to aid in hurting Full Moon, but I don’t like saying she is wrong for being upset.’

‘I cannot advise you here. This is one matter where I have no experience.’

‘Genetically, you’re her... I mean, the other you... I... I could never have gotten anywhere with her without your help. If you hadn’t been a reminder of home and of somepony she loved...’

‘James, you are the one raising her. You are the reason she has become such a fine young lady in the year you two have been together. Sure, she has had some problem moments, but she is somepony to be proud of.’

‘I am proud of her. I am very proud of her. But when she gets a crazy idea in her head, like this or back on parents weekend or when she wants an adventure, I get really worried. I get worried she might end up hurting herself or her friends. I worry she might get herself killed or nearly so. I cannot lose her...’

‘You sound like my sister when she explained her reasoning for standing between me and Discord. Let’s hope Rei is not like her mother and doesn’t take a thousand years to listen.’

James takes a deep breath. ‘I want to let her out tomorrow. At least to the rest of the suite. Make a small step to regaining her trust.’

‘That sounds like a wonderful idea. Want me to tell her?’

James shakes his head. ‘No. I will. I’ll tell her over dinner... if she doesn’t throw it at me, that is.’

James’ ringtone goes off. Luna groans and gets up.

‘You take care of that. I’ll pick up something to eat.’

‘You know all of her favorites, right?’

‘A mother always knows.’

The ponies laugh. Luna trots out of the room to let James answer his call.

‘How’s it going, Trollestia?’

Celestia grimaces. She is levitating her mobile. ‘I hate that nickname. You must destroy that ringtone.’ She pauses for a moment. ‘Anyway, while assisting the recovery, I decided to look into your friend Full Moon. She is a real mysterious one.’ She goes to a table and opens a file folder. ‘No real record of her exists before a few months ago when she released her debut single This Day. She was an instant hit. Just listen to these titles: In Perfect Cadence, Twilight in the Crystal Halls, Lunar Disappearance, Sunfall (what the hell does that mean?), and, this is my favorite, Suck the Love Out of You.’ She laughs. ‘Those are stupid. … What do you mean hidden meaning? Fine. I’ll think about it.’ She closes her eyes and thinks for a moment. ‘Well, it sort of sounds like... Wait. There was nopony named Full Moon there, and no pegasi there that match the description. … What do you mean “the obvious answer”?’ She groans and thinks. ‘What do you mean “change my point of view”?’ She growls. ‘What do you mean “Luna is back”? Oh. You mean Luna is back with dinner. … Hello, Luna. “Did you miss anything”? … OH MY ME! I just figured it out! … I’ll tell you tomorrow. I still have some things to do here. I’ll be back as soon as I can.’ She hangs up her mobile and shakes her head. ‘Can it really be her? No. She is not... Nopony is hurt...’

Celestia sits and ponders what she has realized.

Full Moon trots around her hotel room. She holds her mobile in a wing.

‘Thank you for the information, but I should be... Okay... That complicates things. I’ll be on my guard. Before you go, can you tell me how you got this number? … Hmm. I see. And why are you helping me? … I appreciate your help... and your honesty. I would be sorry for what I did if it weren't necessary for my goals at the time. ... No, I cannot tell you how to seduce him. I was disgusted even sharing a bed with him for my cover,’ she snorts. ‘Thanks again. I may owe you.’ She hangs up her mobile and sighs. She goes to the entrance and opens it to her bodyguards. ‘I may be receiving some visitors later. Please do not intervene unless I call.’

The bodyguards nod and remain at their posts. Full Moon sighs and looks for some way to relax.

James puts his mobile away as he trots to the entertaining room of the suite. He is greeted by an ice cold glare from Rei. Luna and Celestia confer to one side. The elder princess looks up.

‘You just warned her, didn’t you?’

‘I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about,’ The Lying Physicist defends.

‘Liar,’ Rei growls.

‘You really are planning on confronting her, aren’t you?’

‘She could be a dangerous threat, Mr Wanderer. A being that feeds on love with an army of millions of fans to feed off of could topple nations.’

James groans and says mockingly, ‘Dear Princess Celestia, what I learned about friendship today was...’

‘That is completely different!’

‘I think he nailed you,’ Luna giggles.

Celestia snorts at her sister. ‘Luna, we’re going. Mr Wanderer.... behave. Rei, take care of him.’

Celestia powers a spell and teleports her sister and herself away. James sighs and turns the the scowling Rei.

‘What do you want to do today? As long as we don’t cause any trouble, we can have a lot of fun together.’

Rei growls and turns away.

Celestia and Luna appear on the balcony of Full Moon’s hotel room. The pegasus rushes to let the princesses in. She gives them a slight bow.

‘Welcome. I am honored to be in your presence.’

‘Cut the lies,’ Celestia snorts. ‘Reveal yourself, changeling.’

‘Changeling? I thought you vanquished those.’

‘Please do not upset my sister when she is in one of her moods,’ Luna warns. ‘Not unless you enjoy seeing the stars.’

‘Luna, this is no time for jokes,’ Celestia groans. ‘If the changeling threat is back, it must be stopped before all of Neighpon is infested.’

The door to the room bursts open. Full Moon’s guards are thrown across the room. They hit the far wall, knocked unconscious and revealed to be changelings.

‘Surrender, changeling!’ Shining Armor calls as he enters the room. ‘I am wise to your ways and refuse to let you harm the prin...’ -- Everypony stares at him -- ‘Princesses!? What are you doing here?’

‘I was about to ask you the same thing,’ Celestia sighs. ‘We have the situation under control.’

‘There is no need for your concern, Shining Armor,’ Full Moon adds.

Everypony freezes at Full Moon’s comment. She looks around nervously.

‘I mean, whoever you are.’

‘How do you know his name?’ Luna asks, edging around the room to cover Full Moon.

‘Well, uh...’

‘And why do you have changeling guards?’ Celestia demands.

Before Full Moon can answer, her mobile rings. She nervously answers.

`And why don’t you open the balcony doors!` is shouted over the line.

Celestia looks back, then dodges out of the way. A burst of electricity shatters the windows. Rei jolts to a stop and hovers over the room. Her father is thrown to the floor and lands at Full Moon’s hooves.

‘Okay. That hurt a bit,’ James moans. He looks around the room. ‘Oh! Pretend I am passed out and Shining is the only one that can revive me with mouth-to-mouth,’ he whispers to the shocked Full Moon.

‘Mr Wanderer, what are you doing here?’ Celestia asks.

‘A little misguided daddy-daughter time,’ James groans as he picks himself up. ‘We’ll be leaving now.’ He glances around. ‘I’ll take him with me, too.’

‘We have a more pressing matter, Mr Wanderer.’

‘Get out of the way!’ Rei shouts.

A spark of electricity arcs from Rei and hits Full Moon. She screams. A green flash of energy surrounds her. The spell around Full Moon disappears revealing a tall, female changeling with long purple hair, large insectoid wings, long fangs, a twisted horn and a blue-green chitin over her back and midsection. The princesses get on guard. Shining backs away nervously. Rei stands her ground and growls.

‘That really hurt!’ Chrysalis shouts at the defiant filly.

‘Go to hell!’ Rei shouts back.

The tall queen of the changelings growls down at the short pegasus filly causing her so much trouble.

‘Can I be the first to say I am truly shocked at...’

‘Shut up, Mr Wanderer. You knew it was her all along,’ Celestia snorts.

‘Can I still be shocked?’

Rei’s electrical affinity sparks, nearly hitting her father.

‘Not what I meant!’ the stallion tries pushing the filly back. ‘We’re leaving. The princesses are about to negotiate a peace deal, and that is going to be very boring.’

‘Like we would ever sign a peace with one who tried destroying our country!’ Celestia snarls.

‘Oh. I thought you and Luna had made up for a thousand years ago.’

Celestia steps back. She looks down at her sister.

Luna shakes her head. ‘You never choose your words wisely. I remember somepony calling Nightmare Moon insults a three-year-old would devise.’

‘Well, uh, she, I mean, you, I mean, it started it!’

Chrysalis groans. ‘I lost to this?’

‘Technically speaking,’ James corrects, ‘you beat Celestia and glued her to the ceiling. You lost to the pony standing behind you.’

Chrysalis looks back. Shining stares in shock at the changeling that manipulated his mind for so long.

‘Then you lost again by the sexiest princess to ever live.’

‘Thank you, Mr Wanderer,’ the sisters say in unison.

‘Guess again.’ He turns to Chrysalis. ‘They’re just scared you'll hurt us.’

‘I am not here to hurt you or anypony,’ the queen sighs. ‘It was not my intention to hurt anypony nor have I done so.’

‘Lies!’ Rei shouts.

Chrysalis takes a deep breath. ‘While it is true that I ended up here after my most recent defeat, I spent much time rebuilding the hive in our homelands. I returned to this land to use the knowledge I had learned from my defeat in order to help sustain the hive until we were self-sufficient again.’

‘You are planning on feeding here,’ Celestia growls.

‘I had learned of these “pop idols” my first time here. The balance of giving and taking love between the idol and her fans. I am embarrassed to admit it, but it is a far more more satisfying than draining the love from a body.’

‘Also, This Day is freaking awesome,’ James comments. Everypony stares at him. ‘What? Am I the only one that paid attention at the concert?’

‘Thank you, Mr Wanderer. I quite enjoy performing, and my fans give us more than enough love to regain our strength. Since I do not wish to destroy my fanbase, we give the love back as best we can. There are a large number of us helping out across this land as we speak. We have not harmed a single pony since our arrival, and those that have tried are banished from the hive. We are not a threat anymore!’

‘That may be so, but you still have crimes to answer for from your attack on Canterlot,’ Celestia counters.

‘Our defeat left us scattered and on the brink of starvation. Are you really going to punish us for losing a battle and nearly dying as a species?’

‘I got locked in my room for wanting to share in ruling the country,’ Luna says. ‘She’ll do it.’

‘Must that always come up, sister?’

‘Only for the next thousand years or so.’

Celestia snorts and turns towards Chrysalis. The two rulers lock eyes. The queen sighs and looks away.

‘Celestia, I know you are capable of forgiveness. You freed one of my kind from captivity. I am truly grateful. Surely, we can work out some arrangement where you don’t leave my civilization on the brink of collapse once more.’

‘Do you have to word it that way?’ Celestia groans. ‘Shining Armor, you were central to the attempted invasion. She even kidnapped your wife and sister at one point. Do you not want justice?’

The unicorn sighs. ‘From the sound of things, the changelings were punished enough. I believe Cadence and Twilight would want me to seek forgiveness, so I will work on forgiving what was done.’

‘Then I believe we are all in agreement. I am still wary of your intentions, but I am sure we can find some arrangement that benefits us all.’

‘Excellent!’ James cheers. ‘Now that we are all friends, let us bond over the ultimate friendship food of shawarma!’

The ponies facehoof while the changeling licks her lips.

‘We didn’t settle anything!’ Rei shouts. ‘She is still guilty of stealing my identity. Nothing that can be said can fix that!’

‘I am sorry, but I do not know how I upset you, little one,’ Chrysalis replies. ‘Is it because of the guise I used as an idol?’

‘You don’t get it, do you!’

‘Apparently not...’

‘I am Full Moon! My mom gave me Neighpon as a home! I am the only Full Moon of Neighpon! Nopony could take that from me! Those bullies never could! But you took it from me! You took me! I hate you!’

‘I am really sorry for upsetting you. Maybe we can...’


Electricity arcs from Rei. Shining quickly casts shields around the princesses. Chrysalis nervously steps back. Rei roars and leaps. She is blocked and held back by a strong force. James is going hoof-to-hoof with his daughter to keep her from Chrysalis. He flinches as Rei’s electricity flows through him.

‘Rei! Stop this! Please. I know you don’t want to harm her.’

‘Move! She has to pay for hurting me!’

‘She didn’t know she was hurting you. Please. Stop now before you lose yourself.’

‘No! She’s a bully! You’re the last pony I would have thought would stand up for a bully.’

‘Right now, she is not...’

Rei growls. Her electricity surges. Shining barely pulls James away with his magic. The stallion winces from the current flowing through his body. The enraged filly advances on her target. Chrysalis backs away and tries changing forms for protection. First she changes into a pink alicorn. Rei growls and steps forward. Chrysalis tries disguising herself as an amber unicorn with a yellow and crimson mane. Rei moves closer. Chrysalis tries one last change, trips over a cushion and appears as Full Moon. Rei stands over the cowering changeling and raises an electrically-charged hoof.

‘Full Moon. Stop,’ James gasps as he fights the pain of the shock he received.

‘I have stopped!’ Chrysalis shouts.

‘Not you. My Full Moon.’

Chrysalis looks up at Rei. The filly is frozen above her target, tears streaming down her face. The electricity dissipates from her hoof.

‘Full Moon... I’m the one bullying Full Moon for no reason this time... I’m the one hurting...’

‘Rei... Full Moon...’

‘Daddy!’ Rei dives across the room and grabs her father in a hug. ‘I am so sorry. I screwed up. I hurt ponies. I hurt you. I was bad.’

James strokes Rei’s mane. ‘You were confused. I knew you would come to your senses. Now, can somepony get me to a hospital?’

Rei lifts her father onto her back. ‘Out of my way! I have to get him some help!’

Luna calmly levitates James to her. ‘I’ll take care of the heavy lifting. You go ahead and tell them we are coming.’

Rei nods and flies out of the room.

James groans and looks up. ‘Miss Chrysalis. I am really sorry for everything that happened.’

Chrysalis returns to her normal form. ‘As a being who lives on emotions, I know what it is like to lose control.’

Celestia helps the injured changelings recover. ‘Mr Wanderer is a good parent. She will be dealt with fairly, and you will be compensated greatly.’

‘But now, he must get some medical attention,’ Luna says.

The princess trots to the balcony and spreads her wings.

‘This is a much better ride than the last one,’ James comments.

‘Hey! That’s my sister you’re talking about,’ Celestia snaps.

‘Jealous much,’ James calls before he grips Luna around the neck as she flies away.

Celestia puffs out her cheeks as she growls at the leaving ponies. The changelings and their queen laugh. Shining does his best not to laugh. Celestia turns and glares at everypony.

James trots backstage in a theater. Rei trots alongside him to help his balance. She gives her father a gentle nuzzle.

‘I am really sorry for hurting you.’

‘You were upset, but you’re better now. You also earned a month of helping Applejack or Dash once we get home.’

‘I know...’

James stops behind a pale yellow earth pony with a sky blue mane. ‘Excuse me, you are Full Moon’s assistant, right?’

The mare turns. ‘Yes? May I... Oh! You must be Mr Wanderer and Rei. She does look a lot like Full Moon.’

‘She looks like me,’ Rei snorts.

‘I’ll get her for you,’ the mare replies before trotting away.

James takes moment to sit while he waits. Rei looks around the backstage area.

‘Why do they need so many cello bows?’ the filly asks.

‘Because, it seems the leader of this group goes through them like no other,’ Full Moon says as she trots up with her assistant.

James laughs. ‘Sounds just like her. Rei, you had something you wanted to say?’

Rei looks down. ‘Sorry for attacking you. I hope I didn’t hurt you.’

Full Moon bows. ‘Apology accepted. I might have done the same were I in your place.’

‘What else?’ James prods his daughter.

The filly whines. ‘I came up with this on my own so don’t think anypony is forcing me... You can use my name, but only if you treat it with respect! I will not let Full Moon be misused.’

‘You have my word that your name will be treated with respect.’ Full Moon bows then extends a hoof.

Rei stares at the hoof for a moment then grabs Full Moon in a hug. Full Moon is shocked then returns the hug.

‘And remember, not a word of this to...’ somepony says as they walk into James, knocking them over.

James groans and picks himself up. He turns to help the other pony and sees a familiar face.

‘James!’ Daring Do exclaims. ‘Well, that explains why she has so many bows on hoof...’

‘Daring... What are you doing here?’

The pegasus nervously stares at the stallion. ‘Well, you see, archaeology is an imprecise science.’

‘You’ll see in the paper tomorrow,’ Kaeko sighs from behind her charge.

James looks at his mobile. ‘Oh, Reggie is such a cool guy. Did he show you his antique doll collection?’

‘I... did not know he collected,’ Kaeko stutters.

‘Too busy focused on the kissing, eh?’

The pegasus squeaks. She looks at Daring for a distraction. The adventurer is staring at Full Moon. The other pegasus looks back and her eyes go wide.



Everypony looks at the two pegasi as they stare awkwardly at each other.

Concluded in:

Tomodachi Sketch

Author's Note:

Adventures in Neighpon - Part 2

TWP Timeline: First encounter with Chrysalis.

Story Timeline: First movements towards peace between Chrysalis' hive and Equestria.

Current Shining Armor Love Triangle: TWP vs Chrysalis (vs Cadence)

Story Event: The idea of Rei and Chrysalis fighting over the name Full Moon goes back to the classic sci-fi trope of people from alternate universes encountering each other. I always had the idea of Rei encountering another Full Moon. The idea of it being Chrysalis and having her as a popular idol makes it better since Rei was very unpopular in her version of Neighpon. In older writings, I have dabbled with this idea before with the characters fearing they had replaced their alternates. Thankfully, there wasn't a Mirror, Mirror situation and Rei was able to be calmed down to the point of being nice to Chrysalis.

Fun fact: Full Moon o Sagashite has some of the most beautiful art out of all of the manga I have read.

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