• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,909 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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The Physicist's Wife

Main Characters: TWP, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Rei
Cameos: Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, Spike, Inkie
Original Write Date: 05/15/2012

Warning: This story contains some adult situations but no sexual content, implied or otherwise. Please conduct yourself maturely.

James follows Twilight through Ponyville Hospital. Twilight looks very concerned about something. James is confused.

‘I thought you said everything is all right. Why do you need me?’ James asks.

‘Well...’ Twilight hedges. ‘She is okay physically, but... You just have to see.’

‘Good thing Dash and Rei were on the scene so quickly. I’d hate to think what could have happened to Fluttershy if they weren’t in the area.’

‘It makes me wonder what they were doing in the area to begin with.’ Twilight stops to think. ‘All that is out there is a bunch of animals that Fluttershy takes care of.’

‘Let’s not worry about it. Fluttershy is fine. That is what is important.’

‘Yes... Fine...’

The couple reaches Fluttershy’s room. The pegasus’ friends and Rei are waiting outside with the doctor. The two pegasi in the group seem on edge. James looks at the gathered ponies.

‘So what's up?’

‘You’re Mr Wanderer, correct?’ the doctor asks.

‘Yeah. Last I checked. Is Fluttershy okay?’

‘As far as we can tell, she is fine.’

‘Then, why did you call for me so urgently?’

‘Well, while she only has some light bruises, we think she might have some psychological damage from the event,’ the doctor explains.

‘Physicist. Me explain universe with big words. No brain doctor.’

The doctor opens the door. Fluttershy looks up from her bed.

‘James, is that you?’ Fluttershy calls.

‘Right here, Fluttershy.’ James waves.


Fluttershy springs from the bed and tackles James in a hug. She gives the stunned stallion a big kiss on the lips. ‘You have been a naughty husband, keeping your wife waiting like this.’

‘Okay.’ James pauses. ‘This is new.’

Fluttershy is back in her bed. She directs a fierce scowl towards her door. Outside her room, the others gather close to keep Fluttershy from hearing.

‘I swear we didn’t secretly elope or anything of the sort,’ James defends.

‘We know,’ Twilight sighs. She turns to the doctor. ‘Why does she think she is married to James? And why is she suddenly more bold? That is a huge change for her.’

‘It is like she is New Fluttershy but with the nice still intact,’ Rarity comments.

The doctor thinks. ‘It is hard to say what happened to her. If she hit her head, there would be physical damage. If magic was involved, there would be evidence of the charm used.’ He looks at Rainbow Dash and Rei. ‘You two found her. Did you see or hear anything that could be a clue about how she got injured?’

The two normally-excitable pegasi tense up. They briefly glance at each other. They both shake their heads.

‘All we saw was a bright flash in the field near the Everfree,’ Rainbow Dash says.

‘When we investigated, Flutters-chan was sleeping, so we took her here,’ Rei explains.

‘Nothing else?’ the doctor asks. ‘No explosion? Monster roar? Anything?’

The pegasi shake their heads.

‘What if she is a changeling?’ Pinkie gasps.

‘Our tests would have revealed that,’ the doctor replies.

‘Could she be from an alternate universe?’ James turns to Rei. ‘Not like we are inexperienced there.’

Twilight shakes her head. ‘We questioned her about events in our lives. Her story matched except for the obvious exception. It is almost like everything is normal then suddenly you two are married.’

‘The brain is still a mystery to medicine. She is probably just disoriented from whatever injured her,’ the doctor guesses. ‘Just give her some time to return to normal.’

‘And what about my new wife?’

The doctor shrugs. ‘I say just make her happy. She might be a bit of a burden for now, but she will return to normal.’

James takes a deep breath and sighs. ‘Rei, go back home and clean up. I don’t know how this will play out, but we might be in for a houseguest.’

Rei nods and trots out of the building.

‘Is it really a good idea to give into her delusion?’ Twilight asks. ‘What if that only makes it worse?’

‘And how bad do you think it would be if we go in there and tell her she cannot see her husband? I heard the New Fluttershy stories.’

‘But shouldn’t we try convincing her that she is deluded?’

‘Yer one t’ make that argument,’ Applejack mumbles.

The group gasps.

‘Applejack!’ Twilight yells.

‘Come on, Twi. How many times have ya lost control o’ yer imagination and went off on some obsession?’ Applejack retorts. ‘Yer friends had yer back when ya went a little mad. Why can’t ya support yer friends when they are a bit loopy?’


‘Sheesh, Twilight,’ Rainbow Dash groans. ‘This is at least a happy delusion. I haven’t seen Fluttershy this happy about anything since I got Tank.’


‘But nothing, darling. You really have to learn to share more,’ Rarity scolds. ‘Besides, James is an upstanding stallion who has a vested interest in how this plays out. He will certainly do all he can to see that Fluttershy returns to her normal self in no time.’

‘But...’ Twilight stops her argument and moans. ‘Fine.’ She glares at James. ‘You better not do anything stupid.’

‘Twilight. This is me.’

‘... You better not be surprised if we yell at you for doing something stupid.’

James rolls his eyes. ‘That’s more like it.’

An awkward silence falls over the group.

‘So, uh...’ James begins.

‘You are her husband, darling.’

James shudders. ‘Right.’

James looks into Fluttershy’s room. Fluttershy perks up and smiles. The stallion leads the mares into the room. Twilight stands at the back of the room in a huff. As soon as James is in reach, Fluttershy grabs him in a hug. Twilight snorts.

‘So, dear, can I come home now?’ Fluttershy asks.

‘Uh... Yeah. How does that work?’ James is confused. ‘I mean with your cottage and my place and with Rei and your animals and all that stuff.’

‘Oh, right! Most of my stuff is still at my cottage. We haven’t completely moved in together yet. I’ll have to pick up some things before coming home.’

Twilight grumbles to herself in the back.

‘Do you need any help?’ Rainbow Dash offers. ‘I don’t want you hurting yourself anymore than you are.’

‘That would be wonderful, Rainbow Dash.’ Fluttershy smiles. ‘Thank you so much for all of the help you have given me today.’

‘Are ya sure yer feeling okay? Ya seem a bit t’ chipper fer a mare who just went through the ringer.’

‘I am fine, Applejack. As long as I have James by my side, everything will be all right.’

‘OH! OH! We should have a “Fluttershy is better” party to celebrate Fluttershy being better!’

‘I would love that!’ Fluttershy squeals. ‘And invite everypony you can. We never really celebrated our wedding with a proper Pinkie Pie party.’

Every jaw in the room drops. Fluttershy looks around in confusion.

‘Is something wrong?’

‘You just asked for a large party with more than just your personal friends,’ Rarity gapes. ‘I have never heard you do that in all the time we have been friends.’

Fluttershy frowns and crosses her forelegs. ‘Is it so unusual for a mare to want to celebrate her marriage to a wonderful stallion?’

The others shake their heads. Twilight groans and stomps out of the room. Fluttershy glares at the leaving alicorn.

‘Oh, don’t mind her,’ Rarity calms. ‘She is still a little unsettled about the suddenness of today.’

Rainbow Dash scoffs. ‘More like she is...’

‘Jealous of me beating her to the punch,’ Fluttershy growls.

Once more, Fluttershy’s friends are shocked by one of her outbursts.

Fluttershy quickly catches herself and smiles. ‘Sorry about that,’ she giggles. ‘Still feeling jittery after this afternoon.’ She claps her hooves together. ‘Now, I believe I had some packing to do and a party to get ready for.’

Fluttershy sits at the top of the stairs in The Power Block. James explains the situation to Rei as best as he can. The young pegasus keeps looking over at the older one while her father talks.

‘Rei, this is important,’ James snaps. ‘Do you understand what I just told you?’

‘Yeah...’ Rei looks at Fluttershy. The mare smiles at her. ‘When Flutters-chan got hurt, she started thinking that you two are married...’

‘Right, but we are not really married. We just have to pretend until Fluttershy is better.’

Rei nods absentmindedly ‘So, if you two are married, then...’


Rei’s face lights up. ‘Then we are a real family now!’ She points to James. ‘Otoo-san!’ She points to Fluttershy. ‘Okaa-san!’ She points to herself. ‘Rei-chan!’

‘Oh geez. This is not what I expected at all.’


Rei flies across the room and grabs Fluttershy in a big hug. Fluttershy giggles and hugs the young mare back.

‘I guess I am technically your mom,’ Fluttershy giggles. ‘Just don’t tell my mother I have a teenage daughter now. Even she will freak at the surprise.’

James groans and facehoofs. ‘This is just getting worse.’

Twilight groans as she paces around her room. ‘This is just getting worse!’ She throws herself on her bed. ‘First Luna shows up as Selene and gets in my way. Then Pinkie Pie steals his first kiss before I can. Not to mention Applejack telling me that she likes him and whatever the hell Octavia is doing. Now Fluttershy steals him all to herself just because she got some bump on the head? Give me a break!’

Spike looks up from the desk. ‘Uh... Twilight, are you sure you want this in a letter to Celestia?’

‘She is the only one that will have my back.’

‘Wasn’t it your idea for him to ask her out last week?’

Twilight gasps. ‘That was for the sake of the princess’ well-being. There was nothing romantic about it. They insisted. James kept insisting. Even during the date.’ Her mobile buzzes. ‘And just now.’

Spike sighs and shakes his head. ‘Are you sure you are not just being jealous? Again?’

Twilight gasps louder. ‘Jealous?! Me?! That is absurd.’

Spike glares. ‘Right. And Inkie is still living with us.’

The comment cuts Twilight deeply. She winces. She rolls over and pulls her covers over her head. She raises her wings to hide more. Spike crosses the room and sits with Twilight.

‘Listen, if it is all in her mind, Fluttershy will be fine before we know it. She is not the type to abuse the situation for personal gain.’

‘You’re right, Spike.’

‘Besides, we don’t know what happened to her, so we might not know what is really wrong with her.’

‘You’re right. ... You’re right!’ Twilight sits up. ‘We don’t know what happened!’

Spike facepalms. ‘What crazy scheme are you hatching now?’

‘Spi~ike! I just want to know what happened to my friend. I want to help her get better.’

‘And help you get your guy back.’

Twilight growls. ‘If there are side effects to my investigation, then so be it.’

‘At least wait until morning. Maybe all Fluttershy needs is a good night’s rest.’

Twilight scowls. ‘In James’ bed, no less.’

Spike groans and hops off the bed. ‘This is going to be a long investigation.’

This was a triumph. Pinkie makes a note here: huge success! It is hard to overstate Fluttershy’s satisfaction with her party. After a full day of fun, the celebratory pegasus and her ‘husband’ have left Sugarcube Corner for the evening. The rest of Pinkie’s friends are helping the party pony clean up after the eventful day. Everypony except Twilight seems to be in a good mood.

‘Ah ain’t never seen Fluttershy that excited. She was like a new mare,’ Applejack cheers.

‘She was positively shining,’ Rarity adds. ‘She has never been this social in all of the years I have known her.’

‘You think that is something,’ Rainbow Dash says. ‘I’ve known her longer, and I would never have believed she would ever challenge Flitter to hoof wrestling.’

‘Don’ ferget she actually won.’

‘Way to go, Fluttershy!’

Rainbow Dash and Applejack high hoof.

‘Don’t you think that is a little odd?’ Twilight asks.

Everypony stares at Twilight.

‘How is Fluttershy being happy odd?’ Pinkie asks.

‘She wasn’t herself. How is that not odd?’

‘She was happy,’ Pinkie repeats, empathizing each syllable.

‘You really shouldn’t let your jealousy cloud your judgement, darling,’ Rarity sighs.

‘Jus’ ‘cause she’s with the stallion everypony is after don’ mean you should get so upset.’

‘Wait. She wasn’t always with him?’ Rainbow Dash asks. ‘I thought they were always together. She just finally made her move.’

‘So the entire time James and I have been dating...’

The pegasus’ jaw drops. ‘When did that happen?’

Twilight facehoofs with maximum intensity. ‘Rainbow’s usual level of attentiveness aside,’ she groans, ‘I am not jealous. I am concerned about Fluttershy. I don’t think it is safe to keep encouraging her like that.’

‘You keep saying that, but I keep seeing reasons why it isn’t hurting anypony,’ Pinkie retorts. ‘And don’t call me stupid for not seeing what little reason you keep seeing.’

‘I just want to get to the bottom of how to help her return to normal. I am all for a happy, confident, social Fluttershy, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of her sanity.’

‘Still sounds like jealousy to me,’ Rarity huffs.

‘Yeah. Yer coat’s lookin’ a little green t’ me.’

Rainbow Dash looks at her friends. ‘Seriously. They weren’t a couple already?’

Twilight snorts. ‘Fine. Whatever. I am still going to find out what happened to her. It will ease my mind some finding out that much.’

Rainbow Dash tenses up while the others sigh.

‘At least that will keep you occupied for a while,’ Rarity moans.

Twilight growls and goes back to cleaning.

The next morning, Fluttershy happily trots to the Lotus Spa for her weekly spa day with Rarity. The waiting unicorn lights up when the pegasus enters the building. Fluttershy smiles when she sees her friend. The earth ponies behind the counter greet their new guest.

‘The usual~!’ the cheerful pegasus says, raising a hoof to the air.

The spa ponies grin and start getting ready for the ladies’ session. The two guests trot after the hosts.

‘You’re in a good mood today, Mrs Wanderer,’ Rarity greets.

Fluttershy blushes at the title. ‘Well, I feel good. Yesterday’s party all day and then cuddling James all night...’ She holds her cheeks and squeals.

The unicorn giggles. ‘That is great to hear.’

‘Mesdames, your treatment is ready,’ Lotus interrupts.

‘Excellent!’ Fluttershy passes into the massage parlor. ‘Oh, and be more gentle. My left wing was really sore last time.’

The spa ponies are helping their guests into a mud bath. Fluttershy eases herself down with Aloe’s help. Lotus ties Rarity tight in a seaweed wrap before placing cucumber slices over her client’s eyes.

After the mares are settled, Rarity says to the attendants, ‘Excuse me, ladies. Can we have some privacy?’

The two mares nod and leave their patrons. Rarity searches for Fluttershy. The other mare clears her throat to get her friend’s attention.

‘Fluttershy, I am sure you told me, but can you refresh my memory of your and James’ honeymoon?’

The pegasus squeaks nervously. ‘I thought I told...’

‘Just reminisce for me.’

‘Okay...’ Fluttershy starts digging in her memory. ‘Well, he took me on a trip in his ship and...’

‘Yes, that is all good. Get to the juicy parts!’

‘Juicy parts?’

‘Well, technically, there is just one...’

Fluttershy blushes. ‘Oh. Uh. Right. That.’

‘No need to be shy. We have been open with each other about that subject in the past. It was the first time for both of you, if I am correct.’

Fluttershy scowls. ‘Not if that tart Twilight has her way,’ she snarls.

‘What was that, dear?’


‘Oh. Anyway, you were telling me a story of bedroom antics, I believe. So how was he?’

‘Well, um...’ The pegasus almost whines, but she summons her courage. ‘It was very good, actually. He was a real gentleman and made sure my needs were met as well.’

‘Hmm. That is good. Now, sorry it interrupt the rest of your story. Please go on.’

Fluttershy trots up the stairs to the living area of The Power Block after her spa day. James is in the kitchen cooking dinner while Rei plays a handheld game and watches television. Rei looks up at the returning pegasus.

‘Mommy’s home!’

Fluttershy giggles at the title. ‘Not for long. I still need to give my animals their evening meal. Rei, do you mind helping?’

Rei salutes. ‘Yes, ma’am! RSI Adventure Team will not let you down!’

The young pegasus zooms out the living room window to round up her friends.

‘We don’t need...’

Fluttershy groans to herself. James comes out of the kitchen and gives her a kiss.

‘How was the spa? Any good gossip from Rarity?’

‘Oh, just the same old. Apparently, Sapphire Shores will be coming by later this week to make another huge order.’

James leans in and rubs his cheek against Fluttershy’s before kissing down her neck. The mare jumps at the sudden show of affection.


‘What? I thought you liked that.’

Fluttershy blushes. ‘Well, yes, but it was a little unexpected.’

‘Ah! You didn’t mind when I ambushed you in the hot tub on our honeymoon.’

‘When you... Oh, right! I guess I am still on edge from the accident the other day.’

James frowns and looks down. ‘So you won’t be breaking out the socks again any time soon?’

Fluttershy’s blush deepens. ‘Well, I don’t know about that...’

James smiles and gives his ‘wife’ a kiss. Fluttershy sighs contentedly and closes her eyes as the kiss seems to last forever. Then she senses something. She cracks an eye and sees Rei hovering over her father, staring down at her. The older pegasus breaks the kiss and screams.

‘Stormy-kun claimed to have done his animal wrangling for the day which made Sweetie Belle yell at him, and Inkie-chan claims not to be good with animals. Looks like it is just us!’

‘Oh. You scared me.' Fluttershy catches her breath. 'Um, good. It is probably better if it is just us.’

Fluttershy turns and trots down the stairs. Rei flies after her. James takes a deep breath and heads back to the kitchen. He gets out his mobile and starts typing.

Twilight examines a blade of grass through a magnifying glass. She jots notes using her magic. Behind her, Inkie holds up a hoofful of dirt.

‘What are we looking for again?’ the younger pony asks.

‘We are looking for any clues to what hurt Fluttershy the other day. All we know is that there was a bright flash.’

‘Rainbow or blue-white?’


‘Well, there are only two sources of bright flashes I can think of...’

Twilight taps a hoof on her chin. ‘They were the two to find her... I really doubt they would have done something to harm Fluttershy intentionally.’

‘We should check for prismatic abnormalities on the local fauna. Do you have a geiger counter? Or should I get mine?’

‘I have one... Why?’

‘When my sister got her cutie mark, it was due to a Sonic Rainboom. Those leave visible scars on the local fauna in the form of changed colors,’ Inkie states. ‘We had a purple tree on the farm for months afterwards. As for the geiger counter...’

‘Rei’s plasma trail causes the creation of free electrons, beta particles and positrons in her wake,’ Twilight finishes. ‘I still don’t see what proving they were in the area would have to do with why Fluttershy got hurt.’

Inkie shrugs. ‘It would give you somepony to ask.’

Twilight thinks then sighs. ‘I’ll get my equipment. You start looking for discolored plants.’

Fluttershy groans as she returns to her new home. Between some extra-unruly animals and her new, hyperactive daughter, the pegasus is ready to call it a day. Fortunately, Rei was willing to finish caring for the animals, allowing Fluttershy to return home early. The mare heads straight to the shower.

She takes a deep breath as she turns on the water. The rain of warm water comes quicker than she is used to at her cottage. The water even feels purer, too. It feels nice as it washes over her face and through her mane. It feels like the water is wrapping her in a warm hug, kissing the back of her neck, nuzzling her cheek.

‘You’re so beautiful,’ James coos in Fluttershy’s ear.

Fluttershy tenses up. ‘James?’

‘Did I startle you? I heard you slip in the back entrance and thought we could have some private time.’

‘P-private time?’

‘You know. Just you and me. Alone.’ He kisses Fluttershy’s cheek. ‘Husband and wife.’

‘B-but I’m dirty.’

‘We’re in the perfect place for us to get clean afterwards.’

Fluttershy closes her eyes and squeals. James kisses Fluttershy again and runs his forelegs down hers. The pegasus makes a loud whine and pushes the earth pony out of the shower and across the washroom.

‘Not now!’ Fluttershy realizes what she did. ‘Sorry! Please don’t be mad.’

James rubs the back of his head. ‘It is okay. Maybe some other time.’

Fluttershy looks down, her wet mane covering her face. ‘Right... Some other time.’

James picks himself up and trots out of the washroom. Fluttershy whimpers and goes back to her shower.

In her lab, Twilight works uses her magic to mix several test tubes and take notes at the same time. There is a knock on her door.

‘Come in!’ Twilight calls to her guests.

Rainbow Dash and Rei nervously trot into the laboratory. They are a little worried about meeting with Twilight in her basement, with no windows and relatively soundproof walls. The pegasi get even more worried thanks to Twilight’s large grin.

‘Hi, girls!’ Twilight greets. Both pegasi eye the door. ‘I need your help with something.’

‘Uh... Pinkie asked for my help with a new cupcake recipe...’ Rainbow Dash tries dodging.

‘I, um, something crazy and insane and potentially fatal,’ Rei makes up.

‘This will only take a second. I want to know what you were doing in the field before you found Fluttershy.’

‘We weren’t...’

Twilight sets a bag of multi-colored leaves in front of Rainbow Dash.

‘I don’t think...’

The unicorn sets a graph of her geiger counter readings in front of Rei. The pegasi look to each other then turn to Twilight and start begging.

‘It was all an accident!’ Rainbow Dash says.

‘It was all her idea!’ Rei blames.

‘Please don’t hurt us!’ both pegasi plead.

Twilight sighs and shakes her head. ‘What did you two do?’

Rainbow Dash leans down to Rei. They confer for several moments. They look up to talk but instantly clam up.

Rei kicks Rainbow Dash. ‘Go on. It was your idea.’

‘Fine. Shut up,’ Rainbow Dash growls. She takes a deep breath and turns to Twilight. ‘See, my Sonic Rainboom is cool but after seeing the kid’s Plasma Buster, I wondered what it would be like to combine them.’

‘Combine your giant explosion with a process of nuclear fusion? Are you insane?!’

‘Nopony got hurt...’

‘Fluttershy ended up in the hospital! Didn’t you at least think to check for a safe place to try your idiocy?’

‘But mommy isn’t mad...’ Rei whines.

‘She is not your mom! She just thinks she is married to your dad!’

Rei shrinks away.

‘You’re not still hung up on that, are you?’ Rainbow Dash asks.

‘No, but I have an idea why she is confused now. Right now, I am mad at you two for hurting Fluttershy.’ She looks at Rei. ‘Rei, when you get home, tell Fluttershy exactly what happened and apologize like crazy.’

‘Hai, Hikari-sama.’

Twilight turns to Rainbow Dash. ‘You, I want you to do the same next time you see Fluttershy.’

‘Yes, ma’am.’ She sulks for a second then looks up. ‘So you’re not jealous of her anymore?’

‘Shut up, Rainbow Dash,’ Twilight groans. ‘Thanks for telling me what you did. Hope it helps in her recovery.’

‘Why does okaa-san need to recover?’

Twilight thinks for a moment while she chooses her words. ‘Would you rather her be your fake mom or your real mom?’ Rei’s eyes go wide with excitement. ‘I thought so. Rainbow, take care of her. I have to go out for a moment.’

Twilight teleports from the lab. Rei starts giggling. Rainbow Dash looks at younger pegasus.

‘You really like having a family, don’t you?’

Rei grabs Rainbow Dash in a hug. ‘Hai, Dash-sempai!’

Rainbow Dash laughs and hugs the filly in return.

Fluttershy paces around Rarity’s work room while her friend sews a dress. The pegasus whimpers to herself while she trots. Rarity holds up the dress to examine it.

‘Does this look..?’

‘You are using too thick a thread for the trim.’

‘Hmm. Good eye.’ Rarity looks at her friend and sighs. ‘And what has you bothered?’

Fluttershy looks down. ‘Well, um, yesterday James tried to...’

‘Tried to what, dear?’

‘He surprised me in the shower.’

Rarity sighs. ‘Ah, that is always so fun.’

‘Um... We didn’t do anything.’

‘Why not? You are married now. Oh! Was Rei in the house?’

‘No... I just felt guilty. Like I was going to hurt one of my friends.’

‘You. Are. Married. It is not like you haven’t before.’


‘And who are you afraid of hurting? The only one jealous of you is Twilight and that would be something to rub in her nose. … Just not literally. That would be gross.’

Fluttershy snaps up. ‘You’re right. You’re right! That would show her once and for all!’

The pegasus gallops out of the room, cackling evilly. Rarity sighs and levitates her mobile to her ear.

Twilight exits her teleport down the street from The Power Block. She takes a moment to clear her head and regain her energy before trotting down the street. A shadow passes overhead, just the pony Twilight came to see.


The pegasus loops around and flies back. She lands and trots up to Twilight. The alicorn is taken aback by Fluttershy’s upset expression.

‘Fluttershy, great to see you. I have something to tell you.’

‘What? That you found a way to try and get between me and James?’

‘No... I...’

‘I know you’re jealous. I know you don’t want us to be together. Face it, you lost. You kids are too young and stupid to understand what we go through with our shyness and loneliness, but we know each other perfectly. I saw him first! I was the first pony he met on his first day in Ponyville! Me! He is mine!’

Twilight backs away. ‘That’s... That’s not it. I just wanted to tell you I found out what happened to you.’

Fluttershy gasps then glares. She growls, ‘What do you know?’

Twilight starts shaking. ‘I-I found out that it was an accident. Rainbow and Rei were trying a stunt, and it went wrong. You got caught in the crossfire and got hurt. I am sorry.’

The angry pegasus backs of a step. ‘It-it is alright. I turned out okay. No-nothing wrong.’

The nervous alicorn kicks the ground. ‘I am sorry for being jealous, too. James seems happy. I have never seen Rei happier. She is a lot more well-behaved too. I... I am glad you are with them. You are a good family.’

Fluttershy is shocked by Twilight’s comments. She feels really bad for snapping at her friend. ‘Th-thank you. Thank you for being understanding.’

Twilight looks up. ‘You are no longer mad at me?’

‘I shouldn’t have been mad in the first place. ... I guess New Fluttershy gets overprotective of her family.’

‘Just don’t let her out too often She might be good at defending the family, but she is really scary when dealing with friends.’

‘I’ll keep that in mind. Um, if you’ll excuse me...’

‘Right. Sorry for keeping you.’

Fluttershy bows slightly and gallops back to The Power Block. Twilight lets out a big sigh.

‘Now that I know what is wrong with her, we can start working on snapping her out of it.’

James stretches his neck as he trots upstairs after work. His neck gets locked to one side once he reaches the top of the stairs and sees what awaits him. Fluttershy looks up from the couch and smiles coyly. She beckons him forward with sock-covered hooves. The stallion dutifully obeys and gets a long kiss as a reward.

‘Welcome home, dear,’ Fluttershy coos, running a socked hoof down his cheek.

‘Good to see you, too,’ James replies.

‘I asked Rei to watch my animals for the night.’ She leans close. ‘We have the house to ourselves.’

James squeaks, ‘Do we?’

Fluttershy kisses James again. ‘In fact, I have something special in mind for tonight.

Fluttershy jumps from the couch. She trots to the bedroom, making sure to run her tail under James’ nose. The stallion whines a bit then slowly follows. He finds Fluttershy with her back to the door, breathing deeply.

‘You can do this, Fluttershy. You can finally win...’ the pegasus mutters to herself.


The mare tenses up and turns back. ‘Oh, hey, handsome. Are you ready for some fun?’

Fluttershy waves her tail around a bit. James swallows and trots up to her. He can see her legs are shaking beneath her. He stands beside the trembling pony and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

‘Are you sure about this?’

Fluttershy nods. ‘Y-yes. We are married. This is something married ponies do.’

Fluttershy wraps her tail around James’ and gives a little pull. He gets the hint and moves behind the nervous pony. Fluttershy slowly raises her tail. James’ eyes go wide, and he whimpers. He slowly reaches out a hoof and touches Fluttershy on the flank. At the slight touch, Fluttershy shrieks and tucks her tail back down.

‘NO! Please don’t! I can’t! I am not ready!’

‘But, what about our honeymoon?’

‘We’re not really married!’ Fluttershy sobs. ‘It was all a lie!’

James comforts the crying pony. ‘It is okay. I knew. I just wanted to get you to admit it.’

‘You knew?’

‘Mhm.’ James wraps Fluttershy in a big hug. ‘Let’s get out of here, have a nice cup of tea and talk about it.’

‘That sounds ni...’

Fluttershy’s eyes go wide. She looks at James and gasps. James looks down and grimaces.

‘Um.... Your seduction was really good....’

Fluttershy stares in shock.

‘Uh... Can you give me a moment to take care of this?’

Fluttershy nods rapidly and bolts from the room.

James and Fluttershy sit at the kitchen table with their tea. Both are blushing bright red after the attempted seduction. James has scrubbed his hooves raw to put Fluttershy’s mind at ease. The mare’s socks sit on the table in front of her.

‘Um...’ both ponies say as they look at each other. Their eyes lock, and they somehow blush redder. They quickly look away.

Fluttershy whines and mumbles, ‘I’m sorry.’

‘It is okay,’ James assures.

‘No. It is not.’ Fluttershy shakes her head. ‘I have been lying to you and my friends. I have been hurting you all...’

‘Do you want to tell me about it?’

‘... Okay...’ Fluttershy takes a long sip of her tea. ‘I was out feeding some animals when I saw Rainbow and Rei playing. I watched as they did their stunt, but then it exploded and knocked me into a tree. While the doctor was examining me, I got the idea to pretend I had a condition where I thought we were married.’ She sips her tea again. ‘It was scary at first but when I saw you and kissed you...’ She smiles and looks at her tea.

‘I am surprised that you were so confident with your act.’

‘I... I was sort of tapping into New Fluttershy a bit, but the time spent with you and Rei has made me stronger.’

‘Hmm.... What are we going to do now? The others have to know of your trick.’

Fluttershy whines again, then whimpers ‘Can we wait a bit? I really like being with you.’

‘Your friends have to know sometime. They won’t be as upset if we tell them sooner.’

‘I’ll tell them. It has to be me, but I want to do it on my own time. The others got to have a lot of time with you when I was too scared to do anything. I want some time with you too.’

James takes a deep breath. ‘Fine. It has been fun living with you these past few days. Not to mention how happy you have made Rei.’

Fluttershy smiles. ‘She is a really sweet kid, even if she and Angel get along too well for my tastes...’

James chuckles.‘Troublemakers do attract each other.’

‘Um... James?’


‘You said you knew I was faking my condition. How?’

‘Rarity told me.’

Fluttershy gasps. ‘What?!’

‘Yeah. She figured it out during your spa date.’

‘Oh... But you two played along, knowing that I was intentionally deceiving you.’

‘You were happy. Why would we want you to be unhappy?’

Fluttershy smiles. ‘Thank you. ... Um... How did you know about my shower fantasy?’


A red-faced James stares at Rarity with his jaw dropped. The white unicorn plays with her mane while taking a sip of coffee.

‘I’d be worried about touching any of her socks, too. Let’s just say she likes the feel of silk.’ She grins. ‘Then again, who doesn’t?’

James gives a small whine.

Rarity sighs as she looks at the stunned stallion. ‘Pick that jaw up, will you. It is quite unbecoming.’

‘How do you know all of that?’

‘Well, there are several stages to drunk Fluttershy. One drink, she is super shy. Even her reflection in her wine glass is too much pony for her. On her second drink, she is uncontrollably giggly. It is quite cute once you are used to it. Her third drink makes her excessively talkative. She will tell you everything you want to know... even if you don’t wish to know. Fourth drink... Well, New Fluttershy makes her appearance. And Celestia help you if she has a second glass of wine!’

‘Oh...’ Fluttershy giggles to herself. ‘Good thing that was the only time I had a drink.’

James laughs. ‘That is good to hear.’ He thinks for a moment. ‘So, what do you want to do tonight, Mrs Wanderer? We have the house to ourselves.’

Fluttershy giggles again. ‘How about just a nice night in watching a movie or two?’

‘Sounds like a good idea.’

The two ponies get up from the table. They head to the living room where they hug and kiss again.

‘I am glad I didn’t do anything stupid to maintain the lie,’ Fluttershy says.

‘Me too,’ James agrees. ‘I am really glad I didn’t have sex with you.’ He pauses then snaps to attention. ‘That is something I hope I never say again.’

Fluttershy giggles at her husband and hops on the couch.

Bonus Scene

Author's Note:

Physicist's Wife Arc - Part 1

TWP Timeline: First 'wife' - Fluttershy.

Story Event: So, I wanted to do something to shake everything up a bit. As hinted at in Lyra's 'fiction', TWP and Fluttershy somehow magically ended up married. Yes, little Fluttershy is using this to her advantage. If you don't think the whole situation will end up causing harm, stop reading now. If you are worried for how the friendships will develop from here, read on. Trust me. Things get crazy.

PS: Get used to Rainbow Dash being oblivious to her friends' relationships.

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