• Published 4th Oct 2020
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World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Mardum: Mission's End

"Lady Spitfire, Rainbow, how do you feel?" Kayn asked, because he had sensed the drastic change in their energies and had used his spectral sight to see what had happened, fearing that something bad might have happened to either of them, but he found that both of them had been transformed thanks to what they had done, in a way that was more unique than what he had been expecting.

"I feel amazing!" Rainbow remarked, where she stretched her arms and legs for a moment, even taking a few seconds to kick an imaginary foe with her hooves as she watched how the elemental bits of her form moved in relation to what she was doing at the moment, where Spitfire waved her hands and watched the flames follow her, something that was quite interesting and rather strange when she thought about it, before she grinned as she glanced at the others, "I feel as if I could take out an entire force of Fel Lords and Eredar without tiring!"

"According to the tome, that was a Metamorphosis skill, one that grants the user an empowered form," Spitfire said, as she had a few bits on information to add to what Rainbow had said, even though her friend hadn't said all that much, but it wasn't hard to see that everyone that was scattered around the camp was staring at them, showing that they were eager to see what the pair had done and were surprised by the forms that they had take on, "though this isn't the normal form that it would give someone, since we're so different from everyone else, but even I wasn't expecting this."

"Well, it seems that it was worth taking the power into yourselves," Kayn stated, because he had been watching them as they made sure that nothing was wrong in their new forms, before Spitfire and Rainbow were covered by Fel smoke for a few seconds and returned to their normal forms, showing the others that the transformed states they had gained could only be used for a few moments, maybe a minute, at a time, before he braced himself for what he was going to say next as the other demon hunters faced the pair, "Now then, I would recommend sharing the knowledge with some of us, so we'll have a better chance to take down the Brood Queen, but you don't have to if you don't want to."

Spitfire wasted no time in walking over to where Kayn was standing and recalled the forms she had seen, the ones the tome had given her when it considered night elves and blood elves, before placing her fingers on his forehead and passed the knowledge onto him, where he actually staggered for a moment, with a look of shock on his face, before he nodded to her, showing that the process had worked out. As such she did the same thing to Allari, who declared that she was now more deadlier than she had been moments ago and enjoyed the power she had been given, while at the same time Kayn commented on the fact that this was why the Legion feared demon hunters, they were able to steal the various powers and secrets their foes were using to take down the rest of the universe and make it their own. Spitfire nodded her head to that and walked over to where Kor'vas was standing, who declared that she could destroy some of the commanders that had been scattered throughout Mardum on her own now, even if they were all dead at the moment, before she did the same to Cyana, who definitely wanted more power and Spitfire determined that she might need to be cut off for a time, as too much could either overwhelm them and cause them to detonate or make them go power mad, though her words did remind Spitfire of the struggles that Mannethrel was going through. The demon hunter in question was one of the last recruits that Lord Illidan had taken on, as he had joined them after their assault on Nathreza, so he didn't have all of the experience the pair and the rest of the demon hunters had, in terms of controlling the Fel energies that were inside them, so she decided not to share the knowledge with him, at least not yet anyway, before focusing on Kayn.

There would be time for them to share this knowledge with everyone, but since they were in the middle of a mission, and there was no telling if the Brood Queen had something to attack them with, she decided that the six of them would be more than enough for the moment and that once they returned to the Black Temple with the Keystone, and repelled the forces that were attacking the rest of their allies at the moment, they would share this knowledge with those that she knew could handle the power and raise the others to the same state, all to strengthen them for the future, especially since they had the assault on Argus to plan once they claimed the Sargerite Keystone.

"There, we should be good for the time being," Spitfire remarked, where Mannethrel nodded his head as she turned to face Kayn, showing that he understood why she hadn't shared the information with him and was thankful for it, almost as if he had been worrying about what could have happened to him if he was given the same power that the others had just been given, before she focused on what they needed to do next as both she and Rainbow glanced at the ship that was floating in the middle of the area that they were invading.

"Right, we cannot afford to lose anyone, especially when we're so close to our goal," Kayn said, showing that he did understand what Spitfire was doing and that he didn't blame her for her actions, rather he had to silently applaud her for being the type of leader that Lord Illidan was hoping she would be and making good decisions for the Illidari, to save them from making terrible decisions and wasting lives, before he and the other demon hunters stared at the Legion ship that Spitfire and Rainbow were staring at right now, "Very well then, I guess its time we took this fight to our foe's command center and deliver a crippling blow to the Legion, one that they'll never be able to recover from... unless there is something else you would rather have us do before we attack the ship."

"Unless reinforcements suddenly come in, and assault our camp, I think we're good to go," Rainbow stated, where all of them remained silent for a few moments, just to see if she had jinxed them and brought down the wrath of the Legion on the area that their camp was located in, but when nothing happened she shrugged and smirked for a moment, as she wasn't expecting anything to happen and this meant they could finally bring an end to their fight, by taking down the Brood Queen and claiming the Sargerite Keystone.

"While you and Lady Spitfire were waging war on the Legion, Izal captured some Felbats for us to use," Kayn said, to which he gestured to the area that he was talking about, where they found the demon hunter in question standing near a few demons that looked like the Felbats the pair had killed earlier, only these ones were grey colored and seemed much more calm, meaning they had been tamed by the Illidari while the war had been raging around this area, before he turned to face the pair, "this will allow the rest of the demon hunters to join you for the assault on the Brood Queen, since you two have permanent wings and we don't."

"Well then, its time we moved out to take the Brood Queen down," Spitfire remarked, though while the rest of their fellow demon hunters charged over to where Izal was waiting, so they could head up to the ship and be there before she and Rainbow arrived, she turned to where Matron Mother Malevolence and the other Captains were standing, since none of them were going to be riding up to the ship with them, especially the Felsaber, who would be staying here and helping the other members of the Illidari, "Once we have the Sargerite Keystone, and make it back to the Black Temple, we'll open the way for all of you to join us so we can repel the invaders and, hopefully, talk some sense into them so they'll realize we aren't their enemies and that we can help them bring down the Legion."

All three Captains nodded their heads in understanding, knowing that she wouldn't lie to them about something like this and that they would see her and the others in the near future, before Spitfire and Rainbow opened their wings and took off, heading towards what appeared to be the upper deck of the Legion ship that the Brood Queen ruled Mardum from, though even as they flew through the air it wasn't hard for them to see Kayn and the others already fighting their foe, showing that they were eager to test their new power out and bring their target down. Rainbow saw an opening in the side of the ship and flew through it, where it allowed her to enter the area that the Brood Queen was in and gave her more than enough space so she could transform into her empowered form again, where she crashed into her foe's back and knocked her forward a little, before she used her warglaives to parry the incoming claws that were their target's weapons, the only ones by the looks of it. Spitfire had to admit that it was a rather impressive start to the fight, choosing to use the new power right away, something that Kayn and the others were clearly doing by the looks of it, to which Spitfire found the main entrance and rushed through the air as the flames surrounded her, allowing her to take on her own empowered form as she crashed into the Brood Queen, just before she was able to actually do anything to Rainbow and the others, while at the same time showing the demon hunters that it was time for them to take her down. That first collision gave her, Rainbow, and the others an idea of how strong their foe was, as the Brood Queen was definitely the strongest demon in the entirety of Mardum, and she happened to be wearing a belt around her waist, one that had a single pouch that no doubt held the Sargerite Keystone, the item that they were here to retrieve so they could bring down the Legion and save the rest of the universe from their evil.

"Ah, Spitfire, Rainbow Dash, I have heard of you two, but you are no match for me!" the Brood Queen stated, though she was one of the few demons that actually paused to say something to them, not that it mattered since she seemed to be incredibly prideful of the fact that Sargeras had given her the duty to protect the Keystone, meaning that she might just bring herself down during this fight by not fighting like she was supposed to, though a smirk did appear on her face as she stared at all of them, "Besides, none can resist my kiss."

Her 'kiss', as it turned out, was the Brood Queen using her immense Fel energy to influence one of them at any given point in time, to basically give herself an ally that would fight on her behalf and weaken the demon hunters that were all around her, though she seemed to think that using it on Spitfire and Rainbow first was a good idea, and it would have been if they hadn't resisted her power and pushed her backwards, stunning her in the process. Still, that didn't stop her from lashing out with her claws and wings as she tried to not only push the pair backwards, but also all the demon hunters that were in the area with them, and the interesting part was when she tried to influence one of the others, as that did work as she intended and the target did move to attack the others, though that was when the rest of their friends would converge on whoever was being influenced and would free them from the Brood Queen's snare, allowing Spitfire and Rainbow to fight her alone for a few moments. There was one ability that she tried to use on all of them, but none of the demon hunters were having any of that and one of them would interrupt it whenever she tried to cast it on them, leaving her to fight without one of the abilities that made her the dreadful ruler of this world, allowing them to cut into her arms and legs before she revealed her next trick to them, disappearing into the shadows to let the smaller spider demons come out to 'feast on their bones', as the Brood Queen told them. While there were a number of spiders that came rushing out to kill the pair and their friends, at their mother's orders no less, it was easy for the pair to pinpoint where their foe was with their spectral sight and drag her back into the battle with ease, something that shocked her when it first happened and caused the others to applaud their efforts, before they all went back to fighting their foe and her demons.

The Brood Queen tried her hardest to remain in control of this situation, to stand in the face of the power that was in front of her, and she rotated around the various skills and abilities that she had demonstrated so far, making it easy for Spitfire, Rainbow, and the others to get an idea of what she was doing, and even when they reverted back to their normal forms it was basically impossible for the Brood Queen to regain control of the fight, so much so that the demon hunters were able to deal a fatal blow and caused her to stagger for a moment.

"Lord... Sargeras! I... have failed... you!" were the last words that left the Brood Queen's mouth as she collapsed on the floor in front of the demon hunters, where Spitfire and Rainbow were sure to shatter her soul into fragments so that all of them got a piece of her power, even though two large fragments ended up in front of them, something that Kayn and the others were fine with as they absorbed the bits that were by them, causing the pair to do the same.

With the Brood Queen slain, and Mardum was technically no longer under the control of the Legion, Spitfire opened the pouch that their foe had been carrying and pulled out a fel-corrupted device that matched the image that Lord Illidan had shown them before they went through the portal that allowed them to invade this world, meaning this was, without a doubt, the Sargerite Keystone. As soon as Spitfire picked it up she and the others smiled with a sense of victory in the air, before all of them headed for the ramps that would allow them to head down to the floor that was below where they were currently standing, only to find their way to a smaller room to the left that had two small Fel spires that would allow them to form a portal back to the Black Temple. Once everyone was in the room, and they were sure that all of the demon hunters were accounted for, Spitfire held the Keystone out and opened a portal back to the Black Temple, allowing the rest of the group to head through it first, since she figured that it would close if she went through, so she and Rainbow were the last ones to leave Mardum and head back to the temple they had called home for nearly two years.

When they appeared on the other side of the portal, however, the fact that they had been victorious in Mardum, and had recovered the Sargerite Keystone, was utterly shattered by the twisted and horrible reality that was in front of them when they stepped out onto the summit that their Lord stayed on, regardless of whether it was to think about something that had happened or to fight Spitfire and Rainbow in one of their training sessions. Instead of being greeted by Lord Illidan, as they were expecting upon their return to the Black Temple, they were instead greeted by the sight of his lifeless body that was in the middle of being sealed in a rather large fel crystal, one that seemed to have been made from the fel energies their Lord had been using so he could combat the demons and free the universe from the Legion's evil. That meant they were too late, the band of heroes had stormed the summit, fought with their Lord for a time, and then the unthinkable happened, they cut him down and left his body behind, though all of them were annoyed by something that was missing, the heroes had stolen the Twin Blades of Azzinoth, as those warglaives were nowhere to be seen, before they focused on who else was standing in the area they were in. There were three, at the very least, figures standing around the crystal that Lord Illidan was being imprisoned inside, where all of them were wearing dark grey armor that had a golden trim on the outside of everything, though the helm seemed to be modeled after the brow and eyes of an owl, the gauntlets happened to be the talons of the same creature, and a green cape, though they carried circular weapons that had sharpened points for some reason.

Spitfire stared at the invaders for a moment, as they resembled the Wardens that Lord Illidan told them about, which meant that they must have had a hand in assisting the forces that had assaulted the Black Temple and no doubt joined the heroes partway into their battle with Lord Illidan, though just seeing them annoyed her, angered Rainbow, and likely ticked off the rest of the demon hunters that were around them.

"No..." Kayn commented, his voice full of despair as he spoke up, being the first one to actually say anything as they looked at the scene that was in front of them, though it was clear that all of them were caught off guard by the fact that their Lord had fallen and that the Wardens had come to claim his body, for whatever reason they might be thinking about at the moment, "it cannot be... Lord Illidan has fallen?!"

"The impossible has been made reality... Lady Spitfire, what are your orders?" Kor'vas stated, where she and many of the others held out their weapons as they stared at the Wardens that were in front of them, because if they were ordered to fight the Wardens they were going to head out and cut down the enemies that were standing around the crystal that their Lord was being sealed inside.

"As much as I would like to tear them down, we should retreat to Mardum and take control of the world that we just liberated from the Legion," Spitfire replied, because while she wanted to take down the Wardens and collect the crystal that their Lord was trapped in, like the rest of the group wanted to do, there was no way she was going to risk all of them against a trio of Wardens that no doubt had more allies scattered around the rest of the area, "We'll find a way to retrieve Lord Illidan's body later, once we..."

"So, the servants of the Betrayer have shown themselves at last," a feminine voice said, where Spitfire and Rainbow turned towards the Warden that was standing next to the crystal and happened to have a hand resting on the prison, an action that revealed who she was to Spitfire, since she was the one that listened to the stories Lord Illidan told her and Rainbow, since her friend focused on the action, before she turned and looked at them as the other two Wardens silently stood there with their weapons at the ready, "Illidari, you stand no chance of defeating us, regardless of the tricks that your demonic master has taught you, or the power that his own demonic masters have instilled in your bodies... either surrender to the Wardens, and be imprisoned for your crimes, or be slain where you stand."

"Maiev Shadowsong, the Warden who dedicated her entire life's work to hunting our Lord all over Azeroth as he dealt with demons, and then chased him to Outland at long last," Spitfire remarked, informing the group as to who they were dealing with, as she was possibly the strongest Warden of them all, the leader of the entire faction to be exact, and if they did engage the group both she and Rainbow would have to deal with Maiev, otherwise she would likely slaughter all their friends in a matter of minutes, something Kayn realized easily enough, "and we're not servants of the Legion, since that was what you're implying, rather we're the instruments of their eventual demise. Listen to me, just leave the Black Temple and we'll take our Lord's body with us, so you'll never see us again, or at least until we return from killing Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, not to mention beating the rest of the Legion."

"It doesn't matter if you've heard of me or not, for all Fel-touched will be imprisoned or eradicated," Maiev replied, her tone revealing that she didn't care for what Spitfire had to say and that she was going to take them all down, regardless of what they decided, which was why she was thinking of using the Keystone to open the way back to Mardum, so they could leave before the Warden tried anything, before Maiev stepped forward a little and drew her own weapon, "surrender now, or we will put you down and imprison you."

"Fantastic, we've got someone who can't see reason," Rainbow remarked, not that she was expecting anything less from the one Warden that their Lord had warned her, Spitfire, and the rest of the Illidari about, where her tone revealed that she was being smart about this and not being arrogant at the moment, especially since they had just fought the ruler of Mardum and were a little tired from the battle, though while she said that she made sure she was in her battle stance, just in case Spitfire told her and the others that they were going to fight Maiev and her allies.

"Indeed, though we won't be here for too much longer," Spitfire said, as she wasn't surprised by what they had found and what they had just heard, especially when she recalled that all of the Illidari were told that Maiev was relentless and, if she set her sights on someone, she wasn't going to stop until whoever her target was had been brought down, regardless of how long she spent hunting them, and imprisoned them for whatever crimes they might have committed, though that was when she shifted her stance so she could hold the Keystone at the ready, "Illidari, we are leavi..."

It was in that moment that one of the other two Wardens hurled their weapon at the Keystone and knocked it out of her hand, where she was fortunate that she had opened her hand before such a thing happened, as the circular weapon was sharp and it could have taken off her fingers, possibly her hand if she was unlucky, though that was when Rainbow and the rest of the demon hunters glanced at the Keystone, where they found that it hadn't been damaged from what the Warden had done, nor had it opened any portals to one of the Legion's other worlds, which was when Rainbow growled at the enemies that were standing in front of them as the one Warden caught her weapon.

"You idiots are lucky nothing bad happened... could you imagine the disaster we'd have if you broke the Keystone that we worked so hard to recover?" Rainbow stated, to which she started to walk over to where the Keystone had landed, all so she could pick it up and return it to Spitfire, though that was when they discovered that there were definitely more than three Wardens in the area, as another one stepped out of wherever she was hiding, stepped in front of her for a moment, and placed her right foot on top of the device, though Rainbow had to jump backwards as she dodged an attack that came from the enemy that stood in front of her, to which she swung her hands and pulled out her warglaives as she growled at the group of Wardens, "Okay, that's it, you guys are so dead!"

"Wardens, capture them!" Maiev shouted, to which Spitfire noticed that there were at least as many Wardens as there were demon hunters, though that was quickly followed by the scales tipping in the Wardens' favor, as more of them were in the middle of emerging from the area they had been hiding the entire time, answering Maiev's call by the looks of it, to which the Wardens charged at her friends and she had the Illidari do the same thing so they could claim both the Keystone and their Lord's body, which would be followed by them returning to Mardum to regroup.

The summit became a battlefield as the demon hunters collided with the Wardens, actually intending on knocking all of them out so they could claim the items they needed, as there was no reason for them to actually kill the Wardens that would be returning to Azeroth, while Spitfire and Rainbow charged at Maiev so they could force her away from their Lord's body, as the Warden that had been right in front of where Rainbow had been standing had been tackled by Mannethrel, of all people, so the pair focused on the enemy leader. Maiev, on the other hand, didn't seem to care about them wanting to fight her with their warglaives, because a few moments after they approached her, and managed to get a few swings in to push her backwards, her weapon glowed blue for a second and she swung her weapon to her left, where the pair found that their weapons were ripped out of their hands by some sort of magic, before she raised her empty hand and focused on the fel energy that was within their bodies, like she was going to trap them without even facing them. It took a couple of moments for the fel crystal to cover their bodies, but before their foe had a chance to actually move away from the area that she was standing in, to assist the other Wardens in imprisoning the other demon hunters, the crystals shattered as both Spitfire and Rainbow emerged from them, in their empowered forms, and they lashed out at Maiev, who seemed to be a little shocked by what they did. Since their weapons had been taken from them, and were being guarded by some of the Wardens that weren't fighting, the pair decided to see what sort of skills their empowered forms might give them and if they might be useful in the future, which was the reason that Spitfire incorporated her flames into her punches and kicks as she went on the offensive, while at the same time Rainbow zipped around the area and smacked a couple of Wardens into the ground, since they weren't used to her speed.

Maiev seemed to go on the offensive as Spitfire attacked her, dodging the attacks to the best of her ability, as Spitfire was still faster than the rest of the demon hunters, even though Rainbow's speed was even faster still, but even then it was hard for her foe to actually avoid her attacks forever, mostly due to the fact that Spitfire was able to scratch the surface of her armor, but that was only the start of things as she discovered something new, she could use the fel energy inside her to loose fireballs at her target. She was sure that she could use the power in a number of other ways, given that there were a number of other fire spells she had see the mages use while they were practicing, but this allowed her to blast her target right in chest and knock her backwards a bit, which was the moment that Rainbow punched her in the side of her face, or helmet to be more exact, and sent her flying into the ground. Spitfire suspected that her friend had seen her tap into her Fel power and reveal a new tactic she could use, if she really needed it, even if she was planning on testing it out with her warglaives at some point, and that had inspired Rainbow to do the same thing, as it looked like the lightning had been wrapped around her fist when she punched Maiev, who was in the middle of picking herself up off the floor so she could rejoin the battle. This time around she went on the offensive, swinging her weapon at Spitfire and Rainbow, as it all depended on who was closer to her, but in the end it didn't matter as Spitfire pushed her crescent weapon back and opened her defenses, allowing her to unleash a fury of fire-infused attacks that, interestingly enough, heated the chest of Maiev's armor and made it warmer than it had been moments ago, before she delivered a powerful kick with the side of her right leg that put a crack or two into the chest piece as she knocked Maiev back a few steps.

That was the moment where Rainbow, who had flown away after Spitfire went into the flurry of attacks, rushed into the area that Maiev was in and, with her right fist surrounded by a mass of Fel lightning, she punched the chest of their foe's armor, which was when the armor shattered under the pressure and knocked Maiev backwards... allowing them to see that it wasn't just the chest piece that had broken, but also the leggings as well for some reason, revealing that all their opponent was wearing under all of that was some green ragged looking shorts and, interestingly enough, only a rather simple looking cloth bra that had to be enchanted to resist fire.

"Give up, Maiev, you can't beat us." Rainbow remarked, and that seemed to be the truth of the matter, there was no possible way for the downed Warden to overcome her and Spitfire, who was on the defensive in case their foe might have a trick up her sleeve or something, while at the same time the rest of the fighting had stopped, mostly due to the fact that the rest of the Wardens had played unfairly and had imprisoned the rest of the demon hunters, meaning that even if their foe admitted defeat they would either have to contend with the other enemies or slowly break their friends out of the Fel crystals they had been imprisoned inside.

"A Warden never surrenders," Maiev stated, though even as she said that her body glowed with the same blue glow as when she tried to seal them away earlier, only this time Spitfire and Rainbow found that all of the Wardens were getting in on the action, combining their magical powers into the same spell that Maiev had tried to use earlier, only this time the pair found that it was rather hard for them to fight against the power that was arrayed against them, especially as their arms and legs were pinned to their bodies as the crystals spread all over them, "Sleep, demon hunters, for that is what you will be doing for the rest of eternity."

That was the last thing Spitfire and Rainbow remembered as their grasp on reality faded away and they drifted off into what they guessed was the land of dreams, leaving their bodies to be encased in the same Fel crystal that was covering parts of their bodies and happened to be what had encased their fellow demon hunters, and that was the last thing either of them thought about as they drifted off into an enchanted sleep.

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