• Published 4th Oct 2020
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World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Prelude: Demon Hunting

Spitfire and Rainbow spent the next two weeks going over the lessons that Rainbow needed to learn so she could walk with her new hybrid body, making sure that she understood how to wield the warglaives that she was given, as Rainbow insisted on joining the Ilidari, especially after hearing that they were stopping to Legion from wiping out the rest of the universe, and all of the other techniques and motions that Spitfire had learned over the week before Rainbow's arrival. At first Spitfire had been surprised that what happened to her had occurred to another resident of Equus, especially one like Rainbow Dash, but over the course of the last few weeks she had gotten used to the fact that a repeat of what had brought her here had happened again and stopped worrying about it, while Rainbow came to terms with the fact that they were stuck on the ruined world of Outland for the foreseeable future. Of course Lord Illidan had told them that, once the Legion was brought down and the rest of creation was safe from their evil, he would figure out a way to send the two of them back home, if they didn't figure out a way back on their own first, but Spitfire wasn't counting on that happening at all, hence the reason she was focused on making sure she and Rainbow were ready for the future. Her lessons also extended to Lord Illidan making sure the two of them came to him to continue learning how to fight like he did, before they added their own modifications to his routine and created their own battle styles, meaning that once Rainbow learned the basics they would be able to rejoin the rest of the demon hunters and continue learning from their mentors.

At first the rest of the demon hunters had been a little surprised when they met Rainbow for the first time, but, just like what happened when Spitfire was introduced to them, they accepted her without too much being asked and started to include her in the conversations, just like they had done when Spitfire first joined the group, and that caused Rainbow to smile as she joined them, though she did make sure Rainbow had the attire of the Illidari and replaced the ragged clothing she had landed in before they did anything else.

Lord Illidan, of course, also asked Rainbow about her life, just to see what she had to say about the world that she had been calling home until arriving in Outland, and she went into great detail about her life and everything that she and her friends had been through, giving both Spitfire and Illidan a chance to understand the bonds that connected her to the rest of her friends, who the rest of Equestria called the Elements of Harmony. What surprised Spitfire was that Rainbow was able to talk about the six Elements without getting any of it wrong, or at least she assumed that none of it was wrong when she saw the confidence that was on her friend's face, and it interested their Lord to some degree, since he had them talk about it for a few more minutes after the first explanation was over. Whenever they finished their chats he would have them resume their training so they could master the art of using their warglaives without cutting their wings up, which both of them were grateful for since it allowed them to get used to the style that he was using, even if it might annoy some of the other Illidari, especially when they considered how much time they spent in his presence, though once could argue that their meetings were progress checks to be sure they were handling the training. Spitfire didn't let it get to her, as she was focused on the fact that she was trying to bring down the Legion, and Rainbow, who was fairly new to this whole thing and had to be told what Spitfire knew, had the same opinion on the matter, that the massive army of demons needed to be taken out so they could save their home and the rest of the universe.

As such the pair spent their time learning the various techniques that the Illidari used when they fought demons, or at least the ones that the mentors wanted to share at the moment, having their occasional sessions with their Lord so they could master the art of fighting with their wings, getting walking down so neither of them would fall over, and using their wings to fly through the sky above the temple. it was the best exercise they had gotten for their wings, as Lord Illidan had told them to stay nearby so they didn't startle the soldiers in the various settlements that were scattered around the province that they were positioned in, showing Spitfire that he wanted to keep their existence a secret from their enemies, the Legion to be exact, which made sense when she thought about it. In addition to that Kayn and Kor'vas spent some time going over the races of the Alliance and Horde, just so they knew who they were dealing with, and the known demons that made up the forces of the Legion, basically making sure that both of them were ready for whatever the future had for them, that way they could identify the types of demons they encountered. There were a few other demon hunters that spent some time with them, most notably Jace Darkweaver, a night elf that was one of the more intelligent members of their new order who usually tinkered with technology so it would benefit their forces in some way, and Allari, a blood elf who excelled in capturing demons and interrogating them for information, which was good for them since it gave them clues on what their foes were doing. The most interesting thing that they learned about Allari was that she had some crystals that could contain the souls of the demons that they killed, whenever she wanted to interrogate a particular demon and didn't want to let their soul leave the area she was in at the time, basically taking the soul home for some additional sessions, but the crystals did help whenever it was time for the trainees to become true demon hunters and truly join the ranks of the Illidari.

All Spitfire and Rainbow learned about that statement was that there was a special ritual that the trainees partook in to become true demon hunters, as in gaining the horns and the demonic tattoos that all of the others had, which was one of the things that Spitfire had taken an interest in shortly after her arrival in the temple, but since none of their mentors wanted to explain things they simply nodded their heads and moved on with their sessions, to prepare themselves for whatever the future held for them.

While all of that happened, however, it was the second week after Rainbow's arrival that things in the Outland started to change on them, as there was a Doomlord, a stronger version of the Doomguard demon, located in Hellfire Peninsula that went by the name of Kazzak, or rather he called himself Doomlord Kazzak, who was responsible for reopening the Dark Portal, as he hadn't been in that province the day before. Lord Illidan was sure that the Doomlord must have located an artifact on Azeroth's side of the portal, one that he used to reestablish the connection between this world and the one that was the Legion's prime target these days, though since there wasn't much the Illidari could do at this point, since the portal had been reopened, Illidan turned his attention to the fallout that would come from such an event, which would be the arrival of additional forces, from the Alliance and Horde, which would join the other defenders of this world. He clearly wasn't worried about them storming Outland and fighting the demons, as that would allow them to turn their attention to other things, but there was a chance that they might attack Lady Vashj and Kael'thas at some point, hence the reason he was focused on making sure they were ready to weather the incoming invasion and prepare for what he was planning, as they were getting closer to what he had been planning. While all that happened both Spitfire and Rainbow continued their lessons, knowing that their Lord would tell them what was going on when he felt that they were ready to understand what he was doing, though that would come once they finally became true demon hunters, like Kayn and the rest of the Illidari that they trained with.

It was the day following the date of Rainbow's second week in Outland, marking Spitfire's third week here, that they were told not to bother with the day's sessions, something that both interested and worried them when they considered what they had learned so far, before Kor'vas told them not to worry and escorted them to the summit, causing the two of them to wonder what they were going to do when they reached their destination. Spitfire knew that they could be sent out on a scouting mission to one of the Legion's forges, thanks to their wings and the fact that whatever information they were able to acquire would be of great help to the rest of the Illidari, or they could be sent to one of the other provinces to see what might be happening in the other provinces. Both of them knew that being sent on a mission to kill some demons would be rather unlikely, given that those missions were generally reserved for the more senior members of the Illidari, or at least until their Lord determined that the trainees were ready to handle such a responsibility, though he hadn't been annoyed with Spitfire when she told him of the demons she had taken out when Rainbow first arrived in this world, so they thought about the other types of missions for a few more seconds before eventually determining that they would find out what sort of mission they would be sent on in the next couple of moments. Even Kor'vas was silent during their walk, either due to the fact that she had nothing to say right now or she wasn't allowed to actually reveal what they would be doing until they had a chance to talk with Lord Illidan, to which the pair kept their mouths shut as they walked up the stairs and made their way to the temple's summit.

It didn't take the three of them all that long to arrive at their destination, where Spitfire and Rainbow found that Lord Illidan was definitely waiting for them, something they knew right away because he hadn't started in the area that he liked to crouch in, rather he was standing where he usually talked to those he called upon, to which they knelt before him as Kor'vas did the same, even if she wasn't going to be involved in the mission they would be assigned.

"Thank you, Kor'vas, for bringing Spitfire and Rainbow to me. Now then, I know the two of you must be eager to hear what I have to tell you," Illidan said, where the pair only nodded their heads as they waited to hear what sort of mission he would be sending them on, or what alteration to their training he might be making for the foreseeable future, though they had gotten used to the fact that every demon hunter, both those like Kor'vas and their own Lord, were able to see their actions despite the blindfolds they wore, "Normally I would wait until you two had more experience under your belts, and at least two to three months of training in the art of fighting demons, but, from what I have discovered, both of you are like Varedis, potential prodigies based on how quickly you have taken to the training I have offered you and how quickly you have caught up to the rest of the trainees... if there were any new recruits for the Illidari, besides the two of you, I have no doubts that your skills would have motivated them to do better, just like they have motivated the others. Based on that I have decided to give the two of you a rather special mission: you are free to scour the entirety of Outland and hunt down the demon whose essence you will be absorbing to become a true demon hunter."

Spitfire and Rainbow froze for a moment, as this was far more than what they were expecting to talk about, as taking a demon's essence into their bodies would make them more demon, which was a price that all demon hunters had to pay for the more powerful skills and abilities that they used to combat the Legion's forces, but it was one they were willing to go through with since they had decided on this path, only they were surprised that they were being allowed to do this now, rather than waiting another month or two.

"I had Allari prepare some soul trapping crystals, that way you can capture the souls of your chosen demons and bring them back for the ritual," Illidan continued, where he produced two fel green crystals as he said that, which was when the pair noticed that the crystals would fit inside the palms of their hands, before depositing each of them in a pouch, one that he tossed to Kor'vas, who tied them to the belts that Spitfire and Rainbow were wearing, encouraging both of them to take a moment to stand up while she did that, "Each crystal can only hold one soul, so you should take your time in deciding who you want to take down, though we have spotted some powerful demons trying to claim parts of Outland for their own plans, so we can point you in the right direction, if that is what you wish. Despite your skills, however, I would recommend staying away from Hellfire Citadel, in the heart of Hellfire Peninsula, as that is where Magtheridon, the former Lord of Outland, is being held for the rest of his days, and steering clear of the Throne of Kil'jaeden, as that is where Kazzak was last seen by our scouts. I tell you this for your own safety, as both of them might be too much for either one of you to handle on your own, so that way you can focus on other demons and not waste time on those you cannot best, but, in the end, the decision is up to the two of you."

"We won't let you down, Lord Illidan." Spitfire and Rainbow stated, because if he was willing to put this much faith in the two of them, and let them head out way before they were supposed to hunt down their demon essences, the least they could do was make sure they succeeded in finding a demon that they were comfortable with taking down and then retrieve the souls of their individual targets for the ritual.

"Then fly, my Illidari. I will be eagerly awaiting your return." Illidan replied, where a smirk appeared on his face, like he knew that they would be able to face down whatever demons they ended up picking out and would return with news of their success in due time, especially since they could fly through the air and scout out an area without being seen by the Legion's forces, giving them a greater advantage over their targets.

Spitfire and Rainbow nodded their heads, taking a moment to make sure that they had both of their warglaives, even though it was hard to lose the weapons when they were actually holding onto them, and then checked their new pouches to make sure the crystals were in there, not that they were expecting them not to be, before they opened their wings as they rushed towards the edge of the summit and jumped into the air. Not even a few seconds later the pair was flying over the Black Temple and the rest of Shadowmoon Valley, just like they would have done back in Equestria had they not been brought to this world by whatever accident had brought them here, but instead of focusing on what couldn't be changed the pair focused their attention on flying over the fel riddled landscape that was below them as they sought out a demon to take down. Both of them knew that there were a number of captured demons back inside the temple, ones that were used as training dummies because of their high levels of endurance, and that Lord Illidan would allow them to take one of those demons if they failed to find one on their own, though that was an option neither of them really wanted to do, since they wanted to prove themselves to their Lord and the rest of the Illidari. From what they knew most of the other demon hunters had spent some time hunting around the forsaken landscape of Shadowmoon Valley for the their target, instead of heading for one of the other provinces for the demon whose essence they would take to empower themselves, but that wasn't about to be repeated by Spitfire and Rainbow.

Thanks to their ability to fly it didn't take them all that long to reach the hills that rested near the road that served as the entrance of Shadowmoon Valley, where it was easy to see that the demons of Legion Hold, which was the name of the forge area that Spitfire, Kayn, and Kor'vas had scouted out before Rainbow's arrival, were busy making sure everything was to their leader's specifications, even if that meant missing the pair as the landed on a taller hill that overlooked the demonic camp, though they would only be there for a few moments.

"So, this is where I landed two weeks ago," Rainbow commented, where she looked out at the demonic camp and took in everything that was Legion Hold, as in the demons, the Fel Reavers that they were attempting to put together, and the number of Infernals that they were trying to assemble, no doubt to destroy the outposts that the Alliance and Horde had so the Legion could be the second major player in this province, "the only demon down there, that's of any interest to us, is the Eredar commander, but we can't kill him yet, since Lord Illidan wants him to remain in this area, for now."

"That's right, which is why we're leaving Shadowmoon Valley," Spitfire replied, because based on what she knew this province, while being the best place to find a demon for each of them to kill and steal the soul of, just seemed far too easy for them and wouldn't demonstrate that they had a firm understanding of their skills, hence the reason she was focused on either Hellfire Peninsula or possibly Netherstorm, as they seemed to be the best places for them to find a demon to kill, so they could return to the Black Temple with their heads held high.

What they did was take off from the area they had been standing in and headed into Terokkar Forest, where they took a few moments to look out at the trees and the creatures that lived in the area, especially the Arakkoa, a race of intelligent bipedal avian creatures, though as they flew over the area Kayn had told them about earlier, which had a couple of trees and a number of huts, both on the ground and in the branches, they found that the Arakkoa were either sleeping or they were trying to hide from something, to which they shrugged and headed into Hellfire Peninsula. It wasn't hard to tell when they were leaving Terokkar Forest and entering Hellfire Peninsula, as the forest gave way to a reddish hued barren land that didn't seem like it had much vegetation for whatever animals called it home, but even as they entered the province it didn't take either of them long to spot the areas that Lord Illidan recommended that they stay away from. Hellfire Citadel, as the name implied, was a large almost blackened looking structure, which had large walls that connected the two sides of the province together, that had orcish fortifications on it, indicating who was in control of the area, even if the fel orcs, to a degree, were supposed to listen to their Lord, even if he was only commanding them to keep Magtheridon chained up for the foreseeable future, until he determined what to do with him. It was possible that the fel orcs, the ones guarding the demon, might have taken to the demon's blood and were refusing to listen, but the only way they, or the rest of the Illidari, would know anything would be if someone went into Magtheridon's prison and scouted out the area in question, which Spitfire was planning on ignoring for the time being.

Beyond the citadel that Magtheridon was imprisoned inside rested a large raised section of earth that was blackened at the top and had fel flames coming from it, which meant that it had to be the Throne of Kil'jaeden, a massive area for a powerful demon to call home while waiting for their superiors to issue them new orders, though that was where Kazzak was waiting for the forces of the Alliance and Horde to invade Outland so he could focus on Azeroth... but as Spitfire took a few seconds to think about that, however, she spotted what Rainbow was looking at.

"Rainbow, don't even think about it." Spitfire stated, as it was rather easy for her to determine that Rainbow was in the middle of looking down at the citadel that was below them, no doubt thinking about the fact that Magtheridon happened to be down there, waiting for someone to come and free him from his chains so he could repay them with death, and she was going to snip that idea in the bub before her friend did something ridiculous, "I know Lord Illidan said that we might be prodigies among the Illidari, and that we were catching up to those that were further along in the training, but that doesn't mean that we can just tackle a demon like Magtheridon, even if he's been chained up since our Lord defeated him in battle and took control of Outland from him."

"Come on, what better way is there for us to show that we're serious about becoming demon hunters by taking down a Pit Lord like Magtheridon?" Rainbow replied, as that was the name of the type of demon that Magtheridon was, though they were also called Annihilan, according to what they learned from Kor'vas and the others, but demon hunters used both names when referring to demons like Magtheridon, though she was looking down at the opening that seemed to be the way into the prison that held the demon they were thinking about, "Well, for one of us, anyway. You'll have to find your own demon to take down."

Spitfire moaned a little as Rainbow flew down to the opening that would allow her to enter the prison that contained the demon she was so interested in, mostly because it didn't seem like Rainbow had learned anything since her arrival in Outland, but since it appeared that talking wasn't getting her anywhere she decided that she might as well follow Rainbow and make sure she didn't get herself killed. It didn't take them long to reach the area in front of the opening and land in front of it, where they could see the natural stone of the area changed to metal when they found the tunnel that went under Hellfire Citadel, which seemed around the size needed for a Pit Lord to fit through, based on what they learned in their lessons, before coming to a larger room that was far larger than the tunnel they had been in. They noticed that there were a few fortifications pointing in the direction of the walkway that descended deeper into the citadel, to the area that Magtheridon was imprisoned in, and all the sharpened spikes were in place in the off chance that the demon broke free and tried to escape the area that he was imprisoned in, with an opening for them to walk through so they could reach the area Rainbow's target was in. At the bottom of the first ramp stood three fel orcs, red skinned orcs that were similar to the ones that were guarding the outside of the Black Temple, only these ones appeared to be either mages or warlocks, which made sense due to the fact that they were here to watch over Magtheridon, though there was no telling whether or not they remembered the mission that Lord Illidan gave them.

For a moment Spitfire wondered if the watchers would allow them to descend into the pit that Magtheridon was in, so Rainbow could face him and then be pulled out when she had enough, but in the end the orcs proved to be too hostile and mad from partaking in the Pit Lord's blood, as they attacked the pair the moment they walked down the ramp, where both Spitfire and Rainbow dodged the incoming fireballs that were thrown their way and attacked the mad watchers with their warglaives. It was hard to tell if it was their training that was kicking in or if the watchers had lost all reason before the pair had arrived, but both of them found that it was rather easy to avoid the incoming attacks and deal with the watchers, even if they had to actually cut all three of them down and drop their bodies to the floor, something that did cause the two of them to pause, since their foes hadn't been demons, before they forced themselves to move. From there they had to split up for a time, as there was a ramp to their left and a ramp to their right, both leading down into the depths of the prison, not to mention that both directions had three more watchers guarding the way, so that meant they would have to cut the two groups down, and whoever was right in front of Magtheridon's prison, to eliminate all of the enemies that might come running once Rainbow attacked her target. Fighting the watchers in a three on one battle would normally seem like too much, but Spitfire found that, once again, these orcs had to have lost their minds at some point and were hardly worth the effort to dodge the incoming attacks, something that Rainbow seemed to be experiencing on her side of the area, as it only took them about a minute or two to cut their way through the watchers and continue down their individual ramps so they could meet up near the entrance of the area that the demon was imprisoned in.

When they regrouped it was at the bottom of the ramps they had been walking down, allowing them to turn and stare at the area that was in front of them, where Spitfire and Rainbow found five more fel orcs binding a weakened demon to the middle of the large room he was in, though that was when they found out what a Pit Lord was for themselves, because Magtheridon was much larger than what they had been expecting him to be when they heard about this particular type of demon during their lessons. The demon in question resembled a giant lizard that had six limbs, four legs that held the massive body and allowed it to walk while the other two were the hands on the chest part of Magtheridon's body, along with a powerful looking tail, large wings that appeared to be useless, and he had a large horned head that had a pair of mammoth tusks near his mouth, which was full of sharp teeth. The Pit Lord did have a weapon, a large polearm that was in his right hand, one that had had a bladed point facing the area that the pair were standing in while having a second blade on the backside of the weapon that happened to be pointing at the wall behind the demon, though since he was stunned by the group of warlocks it appeared that Magtheridon had no idea they were even there, allowing the pair to focus on what was going on at the moment. Since the warlocks weren't paying attention to them, due to the fact that they seemed to be more focused on keeping the demon contained, Spitifire and Rainbow lashed out at them and cut the first one of the five down, drawing the other four to them in the process while breaking the demon's bindings, allowing them to cut down the warlocks before they had a chance to take them down.

The moment the last warlock fell Magtheridon was freed from his bindings and roared in anger, where he wasted no time in raising his polearm and swung it down on where Rainbow was standing, where Spitfire backed off to let her friend fight the demon that she had picked out to take the soul of, even though she still believed that Rainbow was in way over her head and that they would be leaving in defeat. The ground shuddered as Rainbow raised her warglaives and stopped the attack before she could be crushed into the floor, something that Spitfire wasn't expecting to see and that told her that the area had to be weakened from everything that's happened since the demon had been imprisoned in this area, even if there was nothing below them, but she was surprised that Rainbow had stopped the first attack. It was hard to tell if the demon might be happy by the prospect of someone being this strong, even though Spitfire was totally caught off guard by what she was seeing at the moment, which was followed by another unbelievable event in the form of Rainbow pushing the polearm away from where she was standing, showing that she had overcome the attack her weakened foe had sent at her, before she rushed forward and swung her warglaives at her opponent, the curved blades slicing through the air as she advanced on Magtheridon, who stayed in the same position that he had started in and swung his polearm at her, to which their weapons collided and the air shuddered as the two of them dueled. It was painfully clear that Magtheridon had some anger issues, as taking one look at either of them seemed to remind him of Illidan, who had beaten him to take over the entirety of Outland, and that seemed to be what was driving him at the moment, even though he was weakened from everything that the fel orcs did to him since his imprisonment.

Despite Spitfire's earlier thoughts on the matter it actually seemed like Rainbow was doing fairly well for herself, as she was using her new Illidari skills to avoid some of the attacks that were coming her way while lashing out when a new opening was revealed to her, allowing her to cut into the demon's arms and infuriate him more than he already was, and when it came time for a change to the battle she was ready for it. Magtheridon, apparently thinking that slamming his front legs down into the ground to cause a quake, to throw Rainbow off her balance so he could hit her, didn't expect his foe to take to the air the moment she saw that coming, meaning that he wasted precious seconds in an attempt to cause his foe to stagger, though seeing a flying enemy just annoyed him all over again and he continued to go on the offensive, even though Rainbow was fine with him doing that. The battle wasn't one sided, as Magtheridon was able to swing his other arm and smack his target a few times, knocking Rainbow around the area that they were in, but that didn't stop her from lashing out at the demon and cutting into his body, purposely avoiding the armor that was protecting his chest and parts of his arms, showing that they were equal in power and that the fight might drag on until one of them bested the other in combat, though the way things were looking now Spitfire was starting to have second thoughts on Rainbow's chances of victory, as she was fighting the demon like a true demon hunter would. That fact seemed to piss Magtheridon off even more than what Spitfire was thinking, no doubt due to the smile that had to be on Rainbow's face, and so he used what appeared to be a desperation move, he unleashed what power he had and the enter area that he was in, the cylindrical prison they were fighting in, was blown apart in seconds, stone walls collapsing as his energy shattered them and caused both Spitfire and Rainbow to brace themselves as they avoided the stones... not to mention the sections of the ceiling that fell as well, though it looked like the ceiling would hold for the foreseeable future.

It was in that moment, while her foe was weakened even further from what he had done, that Rainbow lashed out with her warglaives and sliced open Magtheridon's neck, causing her foe to stagger in the process, though that was what she wanted as she drove one of her weapons into his head, causing him to scream in agony as bits of green energy started to erupt from his body... though Rainbow, seeing her chance, landed near the entrance of his prison and pulled out the crystal she had been given, draining the demon's soul into it, and once that was done she and Spitfire ducked behind the ruined stone walls as Magtheridon exploded in a powerful burst of fire.

"I'm glad we remembered that fact," Spitfire commented, though once the flames were done she and Rainbow looked at the fallen body of the demon, who was totally still at this point, where Rainbow claimed her warglaive and found that it hadn't been damaged by the attack, before holding the crystal up, which glowed to show that she had been successful in claiming a demon's soul, "and the others are going to be impressed by what you did."

"They better be, given everything we had to fight to get here," Rainbow remarked, though there was a smile on her face as she said that, because she was happy with what she was able to do, before she pocketed the crystal and turned to look at Spitfire for a few moments, who already had an idea of what she was going to say, "So, have you decided on which demon you're going to kill and take the soul of?"

Instead of responding, and giving Rainbow an answer, Spitfire headed for the opening that had allowed them to enter Magtheridon's prison, as in the two of them spread their wings and flew up to the highest point of the area, where they landed in front of the spikes that were near the exit and walked outside, knowing that they wouldn't be coming back to this area after today, or at least not for a while anyway. Once they were standing outside the opening they took to the air and Rainbow followed after Spitfire, clearing curious as to where she wanted to go to look for the demon whose soul she was going to take, though it appeared that her deed might have excited Spitfire, as she was heading to the northeast of where the citadel was located, as in she was heading towards the Throne of Kil'jaeden. Thanks to their ability to fly it only took them a few minutes to reach the top of the area in question, where the pair found a pair of Fel Reavers that appeared to be in the middle of repairs, with no one near them, meaning that whoever was supposed to be fixing them was in one of the other provinces of the ruined world, before spotting the demon that Spitfire had been looking for, after seeing what Rainbow was able to do to Magtheridon. Kazzak, as they quickly discovered, was a tall demon that stood taller than the one that had just been taken down, had orange skin, cloven feet, and had wings that likely allowed him to fly, though he was carrying a large blade that would cleave through the area and some armor on his chest and arms, making the pair a little curious as to why the legs were always exposed, before Spitfire left Rainbow behind and flew into the area.

Kazzak, much like Magtheridon, rushed into battle the moment he spotted Spitfire coming at him, even if he didn't have the same hatred for Lord Illidan like the previous demon had, though instead of trying to parry the incoming attack, like Rainbow had done, Spitfire rolled to the right as she was flying and avoided the attack entirely, allowing her to lash out at her foe's exposed head and cut a gash just above his left eye. That seemed to piss his off, as he swung at her again and then loosed a bunch of shadow bolts, basically twisting the shadows into projectiles that were fired from his empty hand, but she was having none of that as she spun around with her warglaives and countered each of the bolts as they neared her, deflecting all of them and annoying her foe even more. This time around, when her foe swung his massive sword at the area she was floating in, she moved around the blade and then used it to launch herself forward, allowing her to cut into the Doomguard's neck before he had a chance to stop her, causing him to stagger as a look of surprise appeared on his face for a few seconds. Spitfire than used that opportunity to attack Kazzak a few more times, cutting into both his arms and legs before he could even react to what was going on at the moment, and when he finally did regain himself it was too late as she cut into the other side of his neck, dealing additional damage to her foe in the process, though even then it appeared that her foe had no idea what was going on at the moment and couldn't do anything to stop what was coming up next. She dodged the next couple of attacks that were coming her way and then lashed out at Kazzak, dealing a fatal wound to his chest after finding an opening that she could slip her warglaives through, though as the demon fell to the ground, with a look of surprise on his face, she pulled out her own crystal and made sure to steal the soul that would be leaving Kazzak's body, just like Rainbow had done for Magtheridon.

With the deed done, and both of their crystals were filled with the soul of a powerful demon, Spitfire and Rainbow headed back to Shadowmoon Valley, as it was time to report their success to Lord Illidan and see what else needed to be done so they could finally join the Illidari as true demon hunters, even though they were both sure that the end of one road was in front of them.

Lord Illidan, as it turned out, was fully expecting them to return from their mission with their crystals filled, hence why he had both Kayn and Kor'vas take them the moment the pair returned to the Black Temple, though even he seemed a little surprised when they informed him, and the nearby Illidari, of who they killed, especially since he had told them not to go after Magtheridon and Kazzak. What this did, however, was prove to him that they were talented in the ways of the Illidari and that they would make fine demon hunters once the ritual was over, where he explained that this would be the time that both of them would take the essence of the demons they had killed into their bodies and gain the powers that would allow them to better hunt the demons of the Legion, and he had no doubts that this would make them even stronger than they had been at the start of their mission. As such he led the pair into part of the temple that they hadn't been in, where they eventually came to a chamber that had a circle in the center of it, one with runes that belonged to the Legion all around the area that someone would stand in, where they were informed that this process would be tricky and that they would have to use a pair of special daggers, ones small enough to stab someone's eyes out with while avoiding going too far into the skull, to activate the ritual. In that moment the pair discovered that the ritual also taught them about sacrifice, that to save all of creation they would have to be willing to give up certain things to gain the power needed to stop their foes from destroying everything, but instead of backing down the pair stepped forward, as the Illidari had prepared two circles this time so they could both do it without having to wait for the circle to be made ready again.

It didn't take the pair long to set aside their warglaives and pick up the daggers that Kayn and Kor'vas had prepared in record time, one set having the power of Magtheridon and the other containing Kazzak, where they wasted no time in driving the blades into their eyes, where it did feel like they had ruined their own eyesight as the fel energies of the souls they had stolen flowed into each of their bodies. The pain of such an action was great, while the power they gained was incredible, but that was when Spitfire discovered that they were different from the other demon hunters, besides the fact that they were Equestrians, as when she opened her eyes she found that she could see Rainbow and that Rainbow could see her, like the daggers hadn't destroyed their eyes, rather they had a fel green mist rolling out of their eyes. Spitfire found that she had orange tattoos on her arms, shoulders, legs, and parts of her chest now, which could either be from her own hair or from Kazzak's essence, and that there were a pair of curved horns near her ears, ones that wrapped around her ears and pointed at whatever was in front of her. Rainbow seemed to have a set of tattoos as well, nearly the same as to what Spitfire had, though they were red colored, as opposed to what her friend had, and her horns were coiled a bit differently than what her friend's were, though that was when they noticed that their wings were more like Lord Illidan's now, more leathery and like a bat's than what they were used to, but they felt the same and that meant that they would function the same way as their normal wings.

With the ritual done the Illidari cheered and welcomed them into their ranks, truly this time, and escorted them to the area that they would be celebrating in, as there would be time for them to be trained on how to control their new powers in the morning, so they could be turned into weapons to destroy the Legion, something that both Spitfire and Rainbow were looking forward to.

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