• Published 4th Oct 2020
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World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Suramar: Crafting War

After freeing Vanthir from Thoramir and the cage he had been trapped in, as well as taking down the demons that had been assigned to guard the area in question, Shal'Aran saw a massive increase of soldiers within one to two hours, due to the rest of the Duskwatch, as in those who hadn't defected to Thalyssra's side beforehand, said their farewells to the Felborne that were inside Suramar City, gathered their kids and loved ones, and then fled to the edge of where the original barrier rested some time ago, before the Legion started this invasion, allowing their new allies to flee to safety and make sure their loved ones were safe for the foreseeable future. Of course the ordinary citizens, who weren't trained to be soldiers, departed from the city as well and moved to Shal'Aran, knowing that Thalyssra would do anything and everything to make sure the demons were pushed out of her home, to restore Suramar City to what it had been like before the demons and Gul'dan came to take the Nightwell from them, leading to Elisande's bargain to save them, though many of her followers knew that everything that was happening inside the city right now was beyond anything the Grand Magistrix could have seen, as she was one of the few Nightborne who specialized in Chronomancy, or magic that manipulated time. Spitfire had the feeling that if they were to free Elisande from her desperate bargain with the Legion, and purged Suramar City of the demons who were trying to tear the Nightborne apart, she might be a decent ally in the fight against the Legion and would likely lead a charge of sorts against those who were trying to take over her city, something they would have to figure out once they reached the part of the city that she was likely being contained in, the legendary Nighthold, though she could tell Thalyssra wanted to save her at some point in the future. There was also the fact that an increase of residents meant that Shal'Aran was being pushed to the limits, hence why Tyrande and Lady Liadrin suggested using the other ruins as temporary camps as well, until they freed the city from the Legion's grasp anyway, and Thalyssra found herself agreeing with the suggestion, especially since the enemies who had been in those areas had been taken care of and that meant no one would be bothered while they worked to free the city.

While they did that, and an entire day passed them by, Tyrande and Lady Liadrin took some time to talk with Thalyssra, Khadgar, and Jaina about their plans for the future, something that also gave Spitfire and Rainbow a bit of knowledge on their allies, as Tyrande mentioned that the last time she had been in Suramar had been when they were fleeing from the Legion, all the way back during the first invasion, though a few more individuals showed up to aid them, such as Vareesa Windrunner, one of Sylvanas' two sisters, though she was still living and breathing, meaning not one of the Forsaken that the Banshee Queen had lead, while the other was Rommath, a Grand Magister for the Sin'dorei. With everyone together it was clear to the rest of the Shal'dorei, Nightborne and Nightfallen alike, that they were preparing for the eventual attack on the demons who were inside the city, where Thalyssra's first action was to make sure that the citizens who were still in the middle of fleeing from their homes were pulled to Shal'Aran and welcomed into the rebellion, while at the same time Tyrande and Lady Liadrin sent out a scout to see what the Felborne were doing to the Grand Promenade, as it appeared that they were preparing to defend the area in question and stop the forces of Azeroth in their tracks. With the additional heroes who had been waiting in Shal'Aran, since the demons weren't doing anything to any of the other parts of the Isles and seemed to be focused on securing Suramar City, Tyrande and Lady Liadrin had one or two heroes join the scouts to see what they could do to sabotage the efforts of the Felborne who were patrolling the first part of the city, along with a number of Arcane constructs who had been tainted by Fel energy, twisted into Fel constructs and making them slightly more dangerous than they had been previously. Of course, with the sudden influx of demonic energies that were around the Grand Promenade, even a number of Illidari showed up to disrupt the Legion's efforts and claim any souls that Spitfire or Rainbow didn't claim during the first stage of the upcoming battle, though before they went to war Spitfire made sure to give out the majority of the Arcfruit to those who needed it, even if Thalyssra made sure one was kept on the vines, just in case an event like what happened to Vanthir came up, so they would have a fruit on hand in case something happened to, say, Ly'leth or one of their other allies inside the city.

Once that was done Spitfire headed out, since it had been some time since she actually helped the rebellion out and took down some enemies, and landed by the sentinel that Tyrande had sent out to part of the Grand Promenade, where Scarlet was standing to the female night elf's right, while Rainbow headed out to join the magus Lady Liadrin had sent to scout out the other part of the area, meaning all they had to do was figure out what sort of information the scouts had found so far and then act upon it, as that was the plan.

"I've found a portal that might hinder our progress," the sentinel spoke up, keeping her voice low so none of their enemies could hear her talking, or her companions when they said something in return to her information, though as she said that it was clear that she was staring at a Fel-tainted portal that the Felborne were focused on, where four Felborne were in the middle of focusing on four Fel crystals, one a piece anyway, that were drawing on the power area this part of the city in an attempt to open a portal, one that happened to be a Fel portal and was either connected to where Gul'dan was located or to Felsoul Hold, "and its guarded by a number of Wrathguards, in addition to the four Felborne who are focusing on the crystals and an Eredar whose serving as the portal master... however, I can't tell if they're calling on reinforcements from part of the Nighthold, Felsoul Hold, or from one of the nearby Legion worlds."

"Based on the rebellion that's going on, I'd say its either the Nighthold or Felsoul Hold," Spitfire remarked, because based on what she was feeling right now there wasn't enough power in the crystals or the portal to connect to a Legion world, or at least it sure seemed like what might be going on, hence why she was focused on what was going on in the section of the Grand Promenade that was near where they were standing, as they were hiding behind a building that was in the middle of the area and was an equal distance between the former border of the city and the edge that dropped off into the rest of Suramar City, "I have the feeling the Eredar is in the middle of trying to summon some of the more powerful lieutenants of the Legion to this part of the Grand Promenade, as a way to deter the rebellion from getting into the city and taking down Gul'dan, meaning that demon has to die and the crystals need to be smashed... Scarlet, I'll leave killing the Felborne and breaking the crystals to you and our friend, I'll take down the Eredar and whatever might come through that portal, since she has to be close to summoning something."

Scarlet nodded her head for a moment as she drew her weapon and pulled it apart, choosing to wield the Blades of the Fallen Prince this time around, before she and the sentinel charged out into the area that the Felborne were positioned in, surprising their enemies for a moment as the two engaged their enemies, giving Spitfire an opening to advance on where the Eredar was standing, who growled not a few seconds later as she noticed that she had company and pulled herself away from the portal she had been working on. The Eredar raised a hand and hurled a large Fel fireball at Spitfire before she even had a chance to get close to where she was standing, showing that she was strong and that she wanted to bring her down before returning to her duties, though as it reached her Spitfire raised her right hand for a moment and stalled the attack, like it had struck a barrier or something, which was followed by the fireball being drained of all the Fel energy that had been attached to it, causing the attack to disappear in a matter of seconds. While the Eredar was surprised by this turn of events, as she wasn't expecting it to happen in the first place, Spitfire flexed her fingers for a moment as she took in what she had just done, something that must have come to pass thanks to her taking in the power of a second Cosmic Force, as the reason she had done next to nothing since the battle with Xavius was because her body had been adapting to the Life energies that had been gifted to her, especially since her left wing had changed into a white feathery wing, like the ones a regal harpy might have, or similar to what Aviana, an Ancient like Ursoc, might have, and she knew that each of her new feathers had a light green tint to them, reflecting the Life energy they had been made from. It reminded her of what she had seen in Xe'ra's vision, of a being who had six unique energy wings and channeled the power of the six powerful Cosmic Forces through their body, and since it appeared that she might be the one to fulfill that vision, given that she had two of the six right now, it meant her power was going to be far above anything Khadgar and everyone else had seen, but for right now she didn't let that bother or distract her as she focused on her objective as the Eredar swung her scepter at her in an attempt to bring her down, just like all of the other demons she and Rainbow had faced in the past.

What Spitfire did was channel a bit of Life energy into her left hand and flicked her pointer finger upwards, something that caused the Eredar to pause for a moment when she realized that her attack had missed, due to Spitfire jumping back a bit as she did that, before a couple of vines bursting out of the ground and grabbed the demon before she could move, who seemed surprised that this was happening, which was understandable since anyone in the Legion who knew what she and Rainbow were capable of wouldn't have seen this move, something that was followed by Spitfire shifting to her Fel power for a moment as she removed the demon's head, causing the portal she had been powering to fall apart and vanish, just as all four of the crystals were broken as well.

"I had no idea you could do that." Scarlet commented, as she had smashed the crystals that had been laying around this part of the Grand Promenade, with the sentinel helping her out, while Spitfire dealt with the Eredar that had been trying to open a portal to one of the Legion's locations, though it was what happened to the demon that caught her attention, as in the opening movements of Spitfire's battle with the demon her friend had no weapon in her right hand, but that changed after the vines sprouted, as one of the Twinblades appeared in a second and allowed Spitfire to kill her foe with ease, and it was followed by the Eredar's soul being added to her collection, just like the souls of the Felborne were drawn in as she and the sentinel killed them.

"Wasn't totally sure it was going to work, but this just means I have more tests to do," Spitfire remarked, because she had taken some time to talk with the druids that were hanging around Shal'Aran, be they one of the four Archdruids or those who followed the four heroes who lead their order now, and learned what sort of skills they could use in battle, giving her an idea of what she could do in the future once she had a better understanding of her new power, even though she knew that killing demons and adding all of their Fel energy to her own power, while sealing their souls inside her weapons, gave her a slight power boost as well.

"So, does this mean we need to go help Rainbow now?" the sentinel asked, as she and the others had accepted Spitfire's views on the Alliance and Horde working together, regardless if it was against the Legion or anyone else who might want to bring down their world, and felt that since they had taken care of their tasks, while crippling the Felborne who had been in this section of the Grand Promenade, it was about time to see if Rainbow and Lady Liadrin's magus needed help taking down their foes, before a flash of lightning appeared in the area they were supposed to be in.

"No, Rainbow's got this," Spitfire replied, due to the fact that she believed in Rainbow's power and it sure looked like those who stood against her were falling within seconds, especially since the Felborne and their demonic allies were falling in a vain attempt to bring her down, though it looked like Rainbow had found a staff or something from one of her enemies, one that was also tainted by Fel energy, just like the scepter she was taking from the Eredar, as the demonic relics would give both of them a bit of a power boost once both of them were drained.

Once Rainbow was done with her area, and that seemed to be the case as the magus nodded to them, the six of them, as Vytheril had joined the blood elf magus in his mission, turned around and departed from the Grand Promenade without wasting a second, though as they breached the area that the barrier used to rest in, back when this city was protected by the Arcane barrier that had been summoned during the first Legion invasion, they found Thalyssra standing nearby, which was interesting and dangerous at the same time, given that she was the leader of the rebellion and taking her out might do all sorts of damage to their cause.

"Spitfire, Rainbow, you two, with these heroes and our ally's scouts, have done well in taking care of the Felborne and their demonic allies, but I have some bad news: the Felborne have activated the Arm of the Magistrix," Thalyssra stated, which caused the group to raise their eyebrows for a moment as they listened to her, though Spitfire had the feeling that Elylia might have given her a different expression if she heard the news, something that caused their ally to realize who she was speaking to and sighed for a moment, "sorry, sometimes I forget that you aren't familiar with some of the things that are in our city... the Arm of the Magistrix is an incredibly powerful, and very deadly, Arcane construct that we had to disable right after it was brought online, as it decimated an entire district of the city when we created it and Elisande sealed it as soon as it was disabled... after everything I've learned, I know Elisande wouldn't betray us by giving the Felborne the Arm, meaning Gul'dan likely tortured her to get that information and likely forced her to undo the seal on it."

"Let me guess, you want Spitfire and I to break it, while you and the others prepare for the next stage of the rebellion, like we originally planned?" Rainbow inquired, once more showing those that assumed she was just a warrior who focused on tearing down her foes and not thinking too much about things, as some liked to think that about her, though Thalyssra nodded her head for a moment and that caused Rainbow to smile for a second, as she knew that fighting such a creature would be interesting and dangerous at the same time.

Thalyssra informed them that the Arm of the Magistrix was resting just outside the Twilight Vineyards, meaning that place was either the Felborne's first target or it was where they stationed it before sending it straight for Shal'Aran, so once they knew where it was located the pair took to the air and headed towards the Vineyards, both a little annoyed that their foes might be planning to harass this particular part of the city again, before spotting what appeared to be a massive construct, one that was easily twice the size of the normal ones that patrolled Suramar City and likely was powered by a good bit of Arcane energy, that was marching towards the Vineyards. Of course there were a number of Felborne and demons that were scattered around the area it had started in, meaning it had crippled those who woke it up, so the first thing they did was land near their wounded enemies and eliminated the Felborne, adding both their souls and power to their collections once more, before turning around once the area was cleared and advanced on where the Arm was walking, which seemed focused on whatever task it was supposed to be carrying out, something that had to be either 'protect the city' or 'serve the Magistrix', but either way that didn't matter since it posed a threat to Thalyssra and the rebellion. As such they took a moment to make sure their weapons were at the ready before Rainbow burst into the air once more, this time sending a bolt of lightning at the Arm's back and caused it to pause for a moment, even though it quickly turned around and swung at her with one of its fists, leading Spitfire to gather a bit of power and flick her finger upwards once more, causing vines to grow around the four legs that the construct had, in an attempt to slow it down, but its power was definitely one neither of them should underestimate since it shattered the vines not even a few seconds later, using the Arcane power inside it to do such a thing, before charging that same power to strike them down. Spitfire, on the other hand, shifted her stance for a second and withdrew the stone she had been empowering since she found it inside part of the Moon Guard Stronghold, since she had been feeding it Arcane energy while trying to make sure certain terrible events, like the Arcane lightning that had been striking the rest of Shal'Aran when the Arcan'dor became unstable earlier, and used its power to suck up the bit of Arcane energy that came from the Arm's attack, opening the way for Rainbow to attack it.

For a moment or two that seemed to be how the battle would go, Rainbow would distract it and avoid the attacks that it sent her way, while Spitfire focused on draining any and all Arcane attacks it might have for them, since damaging the area and parts of the city was something she wanted to avoid, before the Arm went into overdrive and seemed to become a lot faster as it attacked Rainbow, who picked up the speed as well as Spitfire focused on draining all of the Arcane energy into the stone, something that was eventually followed by Rainbow tearing off one of the Arm's legs and an arm, before just removing its head and left a pile of metal behind... to which they headed back to Shal'Aran to give Thalyssra the news she was no doubt waiting for.

"I'm not surprised to see that you two have emerged unscathed," Thalyssra commented, where a smile appeared on her face for a moment, as she was no longer surprised by everything that Spitfire and Rainbow did during this rebellion, even if one of their deeds involved breaking the Arm of the Magistrix, a dangerous creation that even the Nightborne were just a tiny bit frightened of, even though it was possible it had only been in the process of waking up and didn't have access to all of the powers she and the others had seen in the past, "though while you two dealt with the Arm of the Magistrix, in a timely fashion I might add, we have been planning the next stage of our assault on the city and Khadgar, joined by those of the Duskwatch who could see through illusion spells, has been finding and capturing any Felborne scouts who might be trying to disrupt our combined forces... apparently Gul'dan's forces have been trying to place all sorts of items around the camp Tyrande and Lady Liadrin have set up near Meredil, between here and Amervale, to make the Kaldorei and Sin'dorei believe that the other is messing with them and chaos in our ranks."

"We're smart enough to know that the other force wouldn't do something like this, and even if we tried such a thing there is the chance Spitfire would come after us," Tyrande remarked, because it would be seen as disrupting their fight against the Legion and those who stood in the way of a unified Azeroth pushing the demons back would end up meeting Spitfire in battle, just like what happened to Sylvanas after the Aegis of Aggramar had been recovered, before she focused on the meeting they were having right now, "Khadgar and the Illidari have imprisoned the captives nearby, so you and Rainbow can interrogate them if you wish or just kill them to save yourselves the trouble... though while they have been doing that, we have been coming up with ways to improve the overall fighting power of the Nightborne's army. Yes, the Duskwatch are mighty and they have the skills to stand with all of Azeroth's heroes, and I know a few are already thinking of what the next part of their lives will be once we free their city, but there are those among the citizens who don't know how to fight and don't have the skill to quickly grow and adapt to whatever training they're given... fortunately, we have a way around this problem, as all we have to do is send them to Black Rook Hold and have them face the risen spirits of Lord Ravencrest and his ghostly army, who have sworn to aid us in our war against the Legion."

"Of course they cannot leave Black Rook Hold, as the power that Gul'dan used to sever the connection between Illidan's body and soul has trapped them in their current state," Lady Liadrin added, informing everyone that while they couldn't use the ghosts to destroy Gul'dan and the Legion, as she knew that some had considered the idea after hearing about the events that had happened in Val'sharah while the heroes were claiming the four Pillars of Creation that rested in Dalaran, they could use them as temporary training partners for the Nightborne, granting the citizens who wanted to fight for their city and the rest of Azeroth a chance to learn the skills necessary to do such a thing, "so when we kill Gul'dan they'll return to their graves and depart from this world once more, but until then Lord Ravencrest has agreed to let us train with those who serve under him, meaning we can hold mock battles with Black Rook Hold and prepare the Nightborne for the siege that's coming in the near future. Lord Ravencrest has also offered us some other ideas that will help us defeat Gul'dan, his Felborne, and any demons who might be guarding the Nighthold, one of which is allowing us to gather a number of tomes that he wrote before his death, as he was a master tactician and his works will be invaluable for the battles ahead, as we're going to fight the Legion once Gul'dan is taken care of, and another idea was that we could borrow some of the weapons that are scattered around his keep, as in we can have Oculeth give you some beacons and use them to teleport a couple of siege weapons back to Meredil, so we can outfit them and ready them for our assault."

"While you do that, Jaina and I are going to be keeping an eye on Gul'dan's magic, just in case he notices what we're up to and decides to throw a demon at us or something," Khadgar said, which was perfect given that they had no idea what sort of plans or tricks Gul'dan might be setting in motion at that very moment, even though Spitfire and Rainbow knew that if a force of demonic enemies were summoned to do battle with their forces or attack a weakened Meredil, as both were good targets once their forces separated from each other, before he thought about something else, "and the Illidari are keeping an eye on Kil'jaeden's movements, even if some are trying to figure out where Gul'dan sent Illidan's soul, since Xe'ra said it was part of the reason she came to aid us in the first place."

Spitfire nodded her head in agreement, as their plan of attack seemed to be good and she saw nothing that needed to be changed, as they had an ally that was willing to aid them to the best of his ability, giving them tomes of knowledge and all sorts of weapons to aid the Nightborne, to which Oculeth stepped forward and handed over a number of small beacons to her and Rainbow, as they would be watchers for this mock battle and not be fighting at all, so that meant they were going to be acquiring the weapons and siege machines that were being given to them. Once they were ready to go Oculeth used his magic and teleported them all the way over to Val'sharah, the part where Black Rook Hold, a massive fortress that had a number of ghostly night elves gathered around the various levels, before the citizens who were volunteering to be the soldiers in the army appeared outside the hold and Silgryn appeared in front of them with Victoire at his side, which meant they were acting as commanders for what was to come next, as they only took a few seconds to organize their soldiers before sending them into the fortress. As that happened Spitfire and Rainbow headed out to check out the siege machines and weapon caches that were being gifted to them for their assault on Suramar City, even though Rainbow did most of the work since Spitfire was more interested in watching what each and every single soldier of theirs was capable of, where she found that many of them had some grasp of the basics of using a weapon, but other than that many weren't totally skilled like the Duskwatch and those who had joined Gul'dan's side. Based on what she was seeing the ghostly soldiers of Lord Ravencrest's were incredibly skilled in what they were doing right now, hence why coming to fight them had been offered in the first place, and even then the ghosts knew not to kill the Nightborne they were fighting, meaning that if someone was knocked down the ghosts helped them back up and pointed out where each of them went wrong in their battles, as it allowed them to know what sort of weaknesses they had and what to improve upon, including whatever flaws Silgryn and Victoire spotted while they watched the mock battle unfold, no doubt pleased with Lord Ravencrest agreeing to aid them in training their forces, before she glanced at Rainbow and found that she was using the beacons to teleport the items she was looking for back to Meredil, be they weapons or books.

For a while, about an hour to be exact, it seemed like things were going good for the rebellion, the soldiers were learning how to fight and seemed to be slowly adapting to the roles that Silgryn and Victoire had for each and every one of them, as some looked like they had the potential to be great warriors and others could be great mages, though that was when both Spitfire and Rainbow found Oculeth's magic wrapping around them once more, as they returned to Shal'Aran once more and raised their eyebrows for a moment as they focused on Oculeth and those that were near him.

"Apologies, but there is a Pitlord heading for Meredil, meaning Gul'dan must have sent him to destroy us," Oculeth said, as it looked like Thalyssra and the other leaders of the rebellion were making sure none of the innocents were inside the ruin, just in case the demon found Shal'Aran and tried to detonate itself to blow everything away, which could also bring ruin to the Arcan'dor and who knew how much of Azeroth, due to the Ley Lines this place was connected to, before he got to why he called them back to their base of operations and drew them away from the first mock battle, "normally, we'd leave this to Scarlet, Vytheril, or some of the other heroes who have been aiding us, but, well... this Pitlord has been feeding on all sorts of Arcane energy, strengthening him to a point where we felt that sending you two at it would be better than calling on some of the other heroes to take it down."

While Spitfire was sure that their allies could deal with a single Pitlord, even one empowered by Arcane power from what he had eaten during his time in Suramar City, she wasn't about to leave her allies hanging and, as such, she and Rainbow headed outside once more, finding that everyone who was usually outside in Meredil had hidden themselves and left no evidence that someone was living in this part of Suramar, allowing them to stand in the middle of the ruined village for a moment or two before they found the Pitlord in question walking towards this part of Suramar. Sure enough the demon was just as tall as the rest of his kind, though they could tell that he possessed an increased amount of power thanks to all of the Arcane energy he had eaten since Gul'dan called him to Suramar, though Spitfire stood back as Rainbow flashed through the air and swung her Warblades down, allowing both of them to collide with the glaive that the Pitlord carried as his weapon, an identical one to what the rest of his kind wielded, causing the air to shake for a moment as their energies collided with each other for a moment. All that meant was that this Pitlord was as strong as Rainbow's base form, unlike the vast majority of the Fel-tainted enemies they had faced since coming to Suramar, though, at the same time, she was holding back most of her power and this was a simple test to see how she had to go about this fight, which was followed by Rainbow allowing the demon to push her backwards for a moment before she flipped backwards and pushed herself off part of the air that was behind her, where she swung her weapons again and pushed the glaive out of her way as she slashed into her foe's arm, causing the demon to growl in annoyance. After cutting into his arm Rainbow quickly landed on the back of the Pitlord and hacked into her foe once more, where the demon turned to swing at her and caused her to do something interesting, she deflected the attack and caused the Pitlord to actually slice off one of his legs, all by redirecting the glaive that was coming at her, though that didn't stop her from slashing at the rest of the Pitlord's body as she started to drive the demon away from where Meredil was resting, before the demon stopped and decided that it had enough of this and that he was going to kill Rainbow, by piercing his own heart with his glaive, which meant he was planning on using a self detonation to take her, and anyone near her, out.

Rainbow, on the other hand, tapped into her own power for a moment as she charged at her foe, where she actually made a barrier behind her, to stop any of the explosion from hitting Meredil or Shal'Aran, which was a surprise since Spitfire had no idea she was capable of such a thing and blamed it on Rainbow's ever growing power, before the area exploded as the Pitlord killed himself, only she watched as her friend captured the demon's soul and absorbed his power, as in both his Fel energy and the power of his explosion, though when the smoke cleared she found that Rainbow's tail had shifted from just hair and had transformed into a Pitlord's tail, scaled down to fit her body, which also had the flames a Pitlord had, rainbow colored flames to match her hair.

"Sweet, my power has gone up and I've gained a new weapon to use against our enemies," Rainbow remarked, where she stared at her new reptilian tail for a moment, as if taking in the fact that she had gained enough Fel energy to change her body once more, something that would likely make her wonder how much Fel power she needed for whatever her next change happened to be, before she spun around and swung her new tail at the skeletal body of the Pitlord, as the demon had burned itself out in an attempt to kill her, smashing several bones to pieces in the process, to which she smiled before lowering the barrier at long last, "oh yeah, I can use this against our enemies and make killing some of them much easier, though Tyrande is going to freak out when she sees this, due to the fact that she doesn't like seeing what happens to those who delve too deeply into the Fel energy."

Spitfire nodded her head, as she understood Tyrande's point of view, given that she had been one of Lord Illidan's friends before the events she had seen and heard about played out, before heading back to Shal'Aran to inform everyone that the Pitlord was dead, though as they started to head inside the tunnel in question, however, they found that one of the Illidari had come to Shal'Aran for some reason, hence the reason they focused on Allari as she turned to face them for a moment, even if everyone else was interested in what had happened outside their base.

"Don't worry, the Pitlord is dead," Rainbow replied, which caused many of the Nightborne to breath a sigh of relief, as that meant that none of their forces had to die while fighting it, while noticing that Tyrande was surprised by the change to her tail, something she had been expecting and even made sure to move it for a few seconds to show everyone that it wasn't a trick or an illusion, before she focused on what was going on at the moment, "Allari, what's wrong? You look like you flew all the way here from Mardum."

"I did, but that's not important... we found Him!" Allari stated, where they were able to tell that she must have flown here due to how out of breath she was, though when she mentioned the second part of her statement, which caused several of those that were around her to raise their eyebrows in surprise, both Spitfire and Rainbow gave her their full attention, as she might have the information they've been waiting for since tasking the Illidari to search for the soul of their Lord, due to the fact that he knew what to do after the Sargerite Keystone had been obtained.

"Where have the Legion hidden Lord Illidan's soul?" Spitfire asked, though as she said that she could see that Khadgar and Jaina moved to call forth the heroes of Azeroth once more, as it seemed like they might be heading somewhere that might need the combined power of those who took down the Old Gods, Archimonde, and all those who tried to take down their world, allowing her to focus on what Allari had to tell all of them, because if her information was accurate they could take immediate action and free their Lord's soul for later on.

"We've tracked it to Helheim, in the hands of Helya no doubt." Allari replied, naming the dark realm that was connected to Stormheim, where one of Skovald's allies sent the souls of Scarlet and Vytheril when all four of them sought out the Aegis of Aggramar and brought an end to any battles between the Alliance and Horde, though before she could say something else there was a caw and they found a large blue raven, Huginn, landing near their location, indicating that Odyn wanted to speak with them or something, given that his forces were being bothered by Helya.

Spitfire, in that moment, called to Khadgar and Jaina for a moment, to have them inform the other heroes that Odyn was calling on them for aid and that they were to gather outside the Gates of Valor, as she had a feeling that they were going on another raid and were going to need all of their strength to deal with whatever foes stood between them and Helya, but, at the same time, this brought a slight smile to her face, as Helya had made a deal with Sylvanas, whatever that deal had been, and might be looking for someone else to do the same thing, so putting the ruler of Helheim down would save who knew how many people and grant them access to Lord Illidan's soul, and she suspected that Odyn was willing to give them some sort of aid to see their mission done.

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