• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 1,167 Views, 307 Comments

World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Argus: Assaulting Antorus

Spitfire said nothing as the Vindicaar and the Sayaad's dimensional ship descended from Mac'Aree and headed for their final destination of their campaign on Argus, that of Antoran Wastes and Antorus itself, where she and the others found that the rest of their fleet had been busy laying waste to the demons in control of this part of Argus, meaning that nothing would stand between them and the massive fortress that contained the souls of the Pantheon, Aggramar's Avatar, and, in the deepest reaches, Argus' World-Soul, and it wasn't long before both ships joined the fleet and slipped into place, with Romuul telling the others about the Sayaad ship that had joined them.

"Champions of Grand Army of Azeroth, warriors of the Army of the Light, and redeemed demons, the time has come for us to assault Antorus!" Spitfire stated, where she immediately heard all of their forces cheering as soon as she said that, as all of them were excited by the fact that they had accomplished so much in a short period of time, even though it was mostly due to her and Rainbow having wiped out everything and everyone that dared to stand in their way, though part of her was pleased to see that the demons who defected to her side were cheering as well, as it meant they had made the right choice and would continue to live once this battle was over, "Romuul, begin charging Light's Judgement, for on my mark we will blast open the walls of Antorus and begin our final battle with the Legion's forces!"

Romuul nodded and tapped a few icons on the console that rested in front of him, allowing the power of the Crown of the Triumvirate to be channeled into Light's Judgement, exactly as Velen intended when he and his people made this ship once it became clear that they couldn't use the Exodar to get them back to Argus, though as that happened Spitfire focused for a few moments and stared at the walls of Antorus, sort of like she was using an empowered version of her Spectral Sight that allowed her to see beyond all of the large stone walls of the fortress. Thanks to that it didn't take her all that long to find the best place for Romuul to strike, because behind the section of the wall that she happened to be staring at rested a ramp that lead down into the depths of the Burning Throne, or at least what appeared to be the upper reaches of it, hence why she focused her power for a few seconds and an icon appeared on the wall that she wanted to target, a golden icon that looked like a bullseye, while the section of the wall happened to be near a river of Fel lava. It seemed like it might be designed for some sort of waste line or something, like materials were pulled from the depths of Argus and either used in some part of Antorus or dumped out if the Eredar inside the fortress deemed it unworthy to be used in the Legion's foul efforts to burn the rest of the universe to the ground, but right now neither option mattered as she spotted what rested on the other side of the stone wall and prepared for the final stage of their operation. While Romuul prepared the main cannon for the first part of their assault on Antorus, and the heroes of Azeroth and a few others readied themselves for it, Spitfire made sure that A'dal and the other captains of her fleet opened fire on the remaining Legion ships that were near Antorus, as it looked like the demons of Antoran Wastes were going to make an attempt to blast one of them out of the air or something, so this allowed her forces to safely secure the area as Light's Judgement continued to charge. Once Romuul informed them that Light's Judgement was fully charged, something that caused everyone to assemble in the circular area between where the Crown rested and the navigation console, Spitfire gave the command and a beam of Light energy tore through the space between the Vindicaar and the section of Antorus' wall that she had marked, blowing open a hole for all of them to use to start their assault on the Burning Throne.

With the way open Spitfire weaved her power around all of them and Rainbow watched as she teleported them straight down to where the hole in Antorus' wall was located, surprising the Archmages since they weren't expecting it to happen in the first place, allowing all of them to head through the breach and push into Antorus at long last, where Turalyon, Velen, Illidan, and Magni joined them and had been teleported down to Antoran Wastes with them, as Magni wanted to speak with the souls of the Pantheon once they had been rescued, leaving the others to be his guards as they fought their way to the depths of Antorus, and it wasn't long before one of the Doommaidens, Y'Morna, joined them, to give them info on the enemies they would be facing.

"Antorus... we dreamed of assaulting this place, but an opening never surfaced," Turalyon commented, staring out at the massive fortress that had been built into the sides of the torn section of Argus that could be seen from afar, which was as large as the chasm in question, allowing him and everyone else to stare out at the dark Fel green buildings that had been built by Sargeras' minions after he took control of this planet, even though it looked like Spitfire had brought them to an area that was a construction site for some of the massive Fel Reavers that they had seen, like the one outside Hatuun's camp, before his group stepped back, "Lady Spitfire, Rainbow Dash, Champions of Azeroth... do what you must to bring down the might of Antorus, and bring an end to the Legion's foul reign."

Spitfire nodded her head and gestured to the enemies that were down the ramp in front of them, at least seven Felguards and one Brute standing on a circular platform at the end of this walkway, causing Rainbow and all of the heroes to march down the path in question, as she was planning on sticking back and watching what happened next, only stepping in when she was sure that the heroes needed her assistance, and sure enough her friend launched a small orb of Fel energy into the air and made it follow them from above, so she could drain all of their enemies while they fought. At the same time all of them found that there were a number of Felbats flying around above them, something that prompted Spitfire's fleet to enter the space above Antorus and opened fire on the enemies that happened to be in the air, be they the Felbats or even the couple of Legion ships, prompting a full scale battle that was in Azeroth's favor instantly and likely caused the demons to stare at what they were seeing in shock, even though it still shocked their demonic allies, given that Y'Morna's jaw had dropped when she watched what was going on right now. Of course Spitfire knew that the Doommaiden was happy to be on their side at the moment, given that facing her forces meant being killed and being sentenced to reside inside either of Rainbow's Warblades while their Fel energy was cut off and devoured by Rainbow, or her sphere for later, though once all of them thought about that Zuleth let out a roar as he smashed into the first Felguard that was in front of them and used his battleaxe to cut open the demon's chest, all while everyone else swarmed and attacked the remaining demons that were near him, leaving Rainbow to jump over them and engage the Brute. None of them were even remotely surprised to find that she wanted a piece of the action and had joined the heroes in fighting the demons in front of them, even if she had loosed the orb into the air and was siphoning all sorts of Fel energy from their enemies, despite the fact that Spitfire, while they were in the area near the Seat of the Triumvirate, had stayed back to allow her companions to deal with all the Void-touched Ethereals that had been in their way, but no one was going to argue with Rainbow and focused on killing all of the demons in front of them.

In addition to the demons they were currently fighting there happened to be one of the large red imposing Fel Reavers patrolling a section of the path that would allow them to get closer to the main part of Antorus, which Y'Morna informed them was called a Garothi Decimator, or a Garothi Reaver and was named after a race that had been converted into yet another demonic race to serve Sargeras' will, though once the first group of enemies perished Rainbow lead the way down to where the machine was patrolling and found that it had stopped near a few more demons, mostly Felguard, two more Doommaidens, and one Doomguard. Rainbow focused on taking down the Garothi Reaver that was in front of them, so it didn't do anything to her allies, hence why she pushed it backwards as Zuleth's group smashed into the demons, hacking and blasting into them without wasting a single second, since there was no telling if Sargeras would send Aggramar after them in an attempt to make sure their incursion into Antorus was broken, though it didn't take them that long to kill their enemies and continued down the path as Spitfire's group brought up the rear, even though Rainbow shattered the Garothi Reaver a few seconds later and added its Fel power to her orb. From there they continued down the path and found that the ramp lead to a ledge, one that rested above a rocky circular area that looked like it was a fighting arena of sorts, which was odd since most of them weren't used to finding a powerful creature that needed to be taken down at the start of their assault on a location, save for what Spitfire had found in her last dungeon run, to which Rainbow's group jumped down into the area in question and kept their guard up as Spitfire's group came to a stop on the circular area the Doomguard's group had been defending. Y'Morna glanced at the area they had stopped in, even though she could see that the fleet was making short work of any and all defenses that were in this part of Antorus, where a green Garothi Reaver, which was the Annhiliator variety despite the fact that all of the Garothi series commanded the same level of power, landed right in front of the group and seemed to be ready for a fight, though it wasn't ready to be absolutely destroyed by the group, nor was it ready for Rainbow to break it to get at all the Fel energy inside it, which was added to her ever growing sphere as they took a moment to be sure that was it for this area.

Of course there was more for them to take on, as once the Annhiliator was taken care of a massive Garothi Reaver, at least the upper half of it anyway, pulled itself up near the edge of the area they had stopped in and turned to face the heroes of Azeroth, where they found that most of it was a Fel green color with some darkened brass around the edges, with a heart of pure Fel energy for power, and it looked far more menacing than most of the Garothi Reavers everyone had seen since the start of their invasion of Argus, not to mention the two massive cannons on its shoulders, one for the left and one for the right, meaning it was ready for battle and it started to swing its clawed hands at them. Y'Morna revealed that this was the Garothi 'Worldbreaker', the latest addition to the Garothi series of Reavers, which had been, according to what she had been told, outfitted with an arsenal of weapons that would allow it to decimate worlds, a weapon designed to destroy both the Army of the Light and the Grand Army of Azeroth, though that had been before the two forces became one functioning unit and decimated everything that happened to be standing in their way, and before Spitfire and Rainbow gained their new powers. In the following moments the heroes lashed out with everything they had as the Worldbreaker continued to block the way forward, though one thing Spitfire determined immediately was that if no one was in front of the Reaver it would pound the ground with its fists, but that attack was worthless since Zuleth and all of the heroes slashed, hacked, and blasted the armor that was protecting the core of the machine, even though Rainbow was slowly drawing out the Fel energy inside it, as there happened to be a lot inside it and it would take some time to take all of it. Not a few moments later one of the Worldbreaker's weapons came online and fired a few Fel missiles up into the air, ones that stayed in the air for a few moments and then came back down as they targeted several of the heroes, even though none of them ended up reaching their destination as Rainbow's power drained all of the Fel energy inside them and dropped each missile into the abyss that rested around this area, meaning no one had to worry about getting hurt by the attack and allowed them to focus on doing damage to the Reaver in front of them.

A few moments later they found something interesting as the Worldbreaker declared that the 'Apocalypse Drive' had been engaged and was followed by it shifting its stance so the cannons on its shoulders were pointed at them, meaning the two cannons had to be linked to the Apocalypse Drive it was charging, creating two blasts of potent Fel energy that would hurt those who were hit by the attack, though the reason no one was attacking the cannons was because of Rainbow, who just stood in front of them and the Worldbreaker as it fired at them, allowing her to raise her hands and stall the attack before she quickly devoured all of its Fel energy. With that done her companions continued their assault on the massive Reaver that was in front of them, doing everything in their power to damage the arms and chest of the construct in question, all while it continued to assault them with the same attacks and a few new ones, such as launching Fel fire into the air and causing them to fall to the ground so flames could cover the area, to weaken the heroes of Azeroth, and launching more missiles at those it deemed more important. Of course no one was worried about most of the attacks that were coming at them, as those that possessed Fel energy were siphoned by Rainbow and the others were just avoided by the heroes, only it made some of them wonder why fighting the Worldbreaker was easier than what they were expecting when they heard what it was, though they weren't complaining as they dealt more damage to the Reaver that was in front of them as more of its Fel energy was stolen by Rainbow, something that told the Archmages why it was weaker as they remembered who was fighting beside them at that very moment. None of them were going to complain about the situation they were in, as the Worldbreaker charged up a weapon that seemed to be located just above its heart and released a burst of Fel energy that was designed to do some massive damage to those it happened to be fighting at the time, or it would have done that had Rainbow not used her power to devour the entire attack in its entirety, which prompted the Worldbreaker to charge up the Apocalypse Drive once more as it seemed to pour all of the energy inside it into the attack, causing the heroes to back up as she stood there and waited for the construct to do what it was trying to do.

Sure enough the Worldbreaker fired another powerful blast from its cannons at her, intending to wipe her out with the full power of its Apocalypse Drive, to which she stood there and channeled her own power for a few seconds as she devoured all of the Fel energy that was rushing straight for her, though once she ate all of it she channeled a few blasts of her own lightning power into the Reaver's cannons and blew both of them up, causing it to stagger for a few seconds before she leapt into the air and wrapped her Fel energy around the heart of the construct, where she ripped the Fel core out of its chest and caused it to fall backwards, creating a heap of metal in the process.

"Not bad, as we would have been in trouble had we fought this back during the assault on the Broken Shore, despite the allies we gained at the time," Rainbow remarked, as she was sure that if they faced the Worldbreaker before this point in time they would have been in serious danger, even though part of her wouldn't call it by the name the Garothi decided to call it, as its power didn't seem like it would be able to decimate a world, but instead of worrying about that she focused on the energy that rested inside the heart she had torn out of the Reaver and devoured all of it, while leaving the orb up in the air, before she turned towards everyone else, "Come on, let's see what else might be waiting for a fight."

Zuleth nodded and his group continued to march down the path in front of them, as there was a path to the left of where the Garothi Worldbreaker had been positioned for the majority of their fight with the massive machine, one that lead even deeper into Antorus and just so happened to be what they used next, leaving Spitfire's group to follow behind them as the majority of them realized just how strong Rainbow was and that all of the heroes could take down anything that might be thrown in their way, all while the fleet continued to follow them from above as they fired on the demons who dared to target the heroes as they headed deeper into Antorus. Of course, thanks to the fleet attacking all sorts of enemies, while keeping this path safe, there were no blasts coming down to hurt them as Zuleth, Vytheril, and everyone else walked down the diagonal walkway in question, though there were a couple of Eredar and a few Wrathguards blocking the way when all of them reached the circular platform at the end of the walkway, but some of the Eredar looked like they might be scared or afraid of what was going on right now, though even seeing Y'Morna standing among their enemies didn't cause them to understand the situation they were in. As such the heroes lashed out with their powers and weapons, crushing the couple of demons that were in their way and securing another part of Antorus, which had to be driving their enemies insane since this was supposed to be one of the, if not the most, secure places that the Legion ruled over, though as they walked even further down the path they found a number of small circular shaped ships flying around above them, which had to be for a single demon to use and didn't rely on a team to operate, but none of them survived as the fleet targeted them as well, either due to the captains noticing them or Spitfire disappearing to tell A'dal and the others about them. Either way it let all of them continue even deeper into Antorus, allowing them to watch as all sorts of Legion vessels were blasted out of the air and their Fel energy was gathered by Rainbow's ever growing orb, which also included the blasts that the Legion fired at it to take it out, once more reminding them that her orbs literally ate every bit of Fel energy in the area she targeted and wouldn't stop until she was sure she had drained every drop of Fel energy.

That brought them to an area that looked like it had a few paths to pick from, one to the left that Turalyon summoned one of their beacons to as he explained that once they took out everything that was up here they would need to head deeper into Antorus, to another level which could only be accessed by using their ships, a path to their right that seemed to lead straight to one of the more important buildings of Antorus, and a path in front of them that looked like it lead to a den for some sort of demonic creature, where it looked like Zuleth and the others shared Rainbow's idea as they headed for the den with their weapons at the ready.

"We are nearing the resting place of F'harg and Shatug, Felstalkers that have been reforged by Sargeras' own hand, as they were his pets after he formed the Legion," Y'Morna commented, while she watched as the heroes of Azeroth tore down a Brute that happened to be blocking the way forward, not to mention the group of Vilefiends that were with it, and noticed all of the souls being added to Rainbow's Warblades as their Fel energy joined the orb she had created at the start of this assault, once more confirming in her mind that joining Spitfire's forces had been a smart move, "they are now known as Charhounds, they're larger than what their original size was when Sargeras started reshaping them, and both have their own powers to contend with, as F'harg was imbued with the power of fire and Shatug was imbued with shadows... usually they're seen running around Antoran Wastes, when not contained inside their den, but give how fast you assaulted Argus I'm sure this will be your first time seeing them in action."

Sure enough they found two large hounds resting inside the den that was at the end of the path in question, where both were as twice as tall as a human was and it was easy to see that Y'Morna's claim was true, one had flames and the other had shadows on parts of its body, meaning they had found F'harg and Shatug, who were resting in their den while waiting for sometime to do, though the reason Rainbow was focused on taking them out was because there was a chance that one of the demons might try to unchain them if they left them alone. In the following moments Zuleth charged into the den in front of them and swung Shadowmourne right into Shatug's right side, causing the Charhound to bark for a moment and warned F'harg that they had company, where half of their force turned and collided with F'harg while the others lashed out at Shatug before Zuleth was overwhelmed due to fighting one of Sargeras' pets on his own, even though Rainbow was the one that happened to be in F'harg's sight, showing he might know she was dangerous and wanted to take her down first, before something bad happened to him and his companion. For the first few moments both Charhounds used their front claws to attack them, swinging at whoever they happened to be targeting at the moment and causing the heroes to either dodge the incoming attacks or parry them to the best of their abilities, though it appeared that both enemies had a skill that let them manifest a path of either flames or shadowy energy, like an area they would run through or something, which lead to Zuleth and the tanks making sure they tanked the attacks while protecting everyone else in the process, who lashed out at the Charhounds while their defenses were lowered for a moment. While all of this happened Spitfire noticed that, while both F'harg and Shatug were demons and possessed a vast amount of Fel energy inside them, thanks to the Dark Titan twisting their forms, neither Charhound seemed willing to use their Fel attacks on the group, or maybe they didn't have any attacks that used their Fel energy and what she was feeling might be a remnant from when Sargeras reshaped them into their new forms, though either way Rainbow had already started to drain the two Charhounds of their Fel energy and soon neither of them would have anything left to give her, to which she continued to watch and observe the fight with the others.

Both Charhounds tried to spread either flames or shadows around their den, to catch the heroes and weaken them over the course of this battle, though as the seconds passed the heroes avoided all of those attacks while lashing out with their own, cutting into the sides of their enemies while dodging other attacks, though it quickly became clear that neither of the demonic hounds were really doing that much to Rainbow's group, either thanks to the healers mending their wounds in a few seconds after them receiving injuries or they avoided the attacks and dealed great damage to the Charhounds, before Rainbow slammed F'harg into the ground as Zuleth's group ended Shatug at the same time.

"There, they should be dead now," Zuleth commented, as one thing they had noticed, during the course of the short battle with Sargeras' pets, which seemed more like two random creatures who only represented the actual pets with how weak the pair had been during the fight, not counting the fact that Rainbow was draining them of every drop of Fel energy that was inside their bodies, was that whenever F'harg or Shatug reached a certain point, where any other demon would have fallen in battle, they collapsed for a few moments and then jumped up not a few seconds later, in a weakened state to be exact, so taking them out at the same time caused both to collapse in defeat.

With Sargeras' Charhounds defeated, and a few heroes left wondering if they had been his actual pets or not, the group retraced their steps for a moment as they headed back to the crossroads and picked the other path that headed above the den all of them had been fighting in for the last couple of moments, where they found a bridge of sorts that moved over where the pair of altered beasts had been resting and discovered a Mo'arg was guarding part of it, who roared and swung his large mace at them. Rainbow parried the attack as she opened the way for Zuleth and the others to bring down the Mo'arg that was standing in their way, before discovering that the bridge was really just two ends and that there was no middle material connecting both of them together, to which Y'Morna informed them that there used to be a walkway linking them together and that someone had removed it not that long ago, due to it being one of the security measures that were supposed to protect Antorus, but she didn't have any codes that would help them out. In that moment Spitfire stepped forward and raised her hand as she manipulated the Fel-tainted materials that had gone into making the bridge they were standing on, causing them to hear a sound as everyone watched the rest of the walkway extended and quickly connected to the other end that was across from where they were standing, though once that was done she backed down for a moment and the heroes of Azeroth continued to march on the building that was in front of them, where they found a pair of Felguards and a Brute waiting for them. Of course these enemies that were crushed by the might of Zuleth and his companions, while at the same time Rainbow focused on siphoning the Fel energy of the nearby pair of portals, collapsing both of them and cutting off the chance of demon reinforcements to flank them, before everyone marched through the opening that happened to be in front of them and found that there were a few items that told Velen who they might find at the peak of this area, three generals who were supposed to oversee the defenses of Argus and had joined up with the Dark Titan with the rest of those who joined Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, with Y'morna confirming that statement and told them that they were now known as the Antoran High Command, who controlled the full might of the Legion, now that the two Hands of Sargeras had been taken out.

From there they found a group of four Eredar who looked like they wanted to flee from the heroes, instead of facing them in battle and lightly falling before their might, though seeing Y'morna among their number caused them to realize that it was possible to have an existence that wasn't tied to the Legion or the Dark Titan, to which they turned their backs on the Legion and joined up with the demons who had joined Spitfire's forces so far, which she was fine with since they had seen Rainbow devouring the power of the couple of demons outside this area. On the other side of the chamber stood more Eredar, five more who noticed what was going on and ran away from the Fel Lord that was blocking the way forward, as in demons that were loyal to Sargeras were realizing the danger they were in and the smart ones were fleeing to safety as all of the arrogant ones stood their ground, though the arrogant ones died as they faced the might of the heroes of Azeroth, something that the Fel Lord witnessed as a Battlelord crushed his knees and Zuleth beheaded him, allowing them to head deeper into this building. After that they found a few more enemies at the top of the ramp that the Fel Lord had been in the middle of guarding with his life, where they found a trio of Eredar guarding an elevator platform that moved between this area and whatever was resting above them, though none of them were overly powerful and Rainbow's group wasted no time in taking all of them down, to which everyone patiently waited for the elevator to come back down and stepped onto it once it stopped in front of where they were standing. Not a few seconds later the elevator rose into the air and all of them waited for a few seconds, giving them a good view of the center of this structure and found that it didn't look like there were any paths to the middle area of this place, before it came to a stop at the top level a few seconds later and the heroes walked off of it, finding two ramps that headed up to the highest point of this building, finding three Eredar, who looked more powerful than the others they had seen so far, standing around the center of the peak and they happened to be staring at a cosmic map that the Legion must have created over the years, and there happened to be three devices in this area, one to their left, one to their right, and one across from where they were standing.

One of the members of Antoran High Command happened to be a rather powerful Doommaiden, Admiral Svirax, a male Eredar with glowing Fel green eyes who had no hair, Chief Engineer Ishkar, and a Brute who was more armored than the other Brutes they had faced since they started their assault on Argus, General Erodus, though all of that information came from Y'Morna, even though she also revealed that Ishkar was the one who gave the command to knock the Xenedar out of the sky, during the opening stages of their invasion, causing Turalyon to frown as he joined Rainbow's group, meaning he wanted to make Ishkar pay for his crimes.

Not a few seconds later, with Spitfire's group rested on the outer edge of the building's peak, an area called 'Gaze of the Legion' thanks to Y'Morna informing them of its name, Rainbow flashed through the air and lashed out at Svirax, while all of the others focused on their targets, Zuleth's group lashing out at Erodus while some heroes split off and joined Turalyon in his assault on Ishkar, or at least that was the plan as something unexpected happened, as both Erodus and Ishkar just jumped into two of the three devices, which appeared to be pods, and locked themselves inside them while they left their ally to fend for herself. As it turned out Y'Morna had never seen the Antoran High Command fight and, as a consequence, this was the first time she had seen this happen, though no one was bothered by it as the two groups remained standing in the areas near the pods that Erodus and Ishkar had jumped into, showing that they were leaving Svirax to Rainbow, all while waiting for one of the other two twisted Eredar to emerge and fight them, though what was interesting was that both pods had unique abilities that were used against Rainbow, as Erodus' summoned female Eredar who threw fireballs and a few Felguard while Ishkar's loosed mines of Fel energy. Despite the fact that Rainbow was the target she didn't care about the mines or the blasts of Fel energy that came from Ishkar's pod, rather she devoured each attack that came at her as she dodged Svirax's attacks and punched the Doommaiden in the chest when an opening appeared, causing her to stagger for a moment before she swung her arms at her, finding that Rainbow was able to avoid her attacks with ease, showing their allies just how powerful her instinct power happened to be and made them wonder just how strong Spitfire was given that her power was similar to Rainbow's. Svirax paused for a moment as she studied Rainbow and then shifted her stance for a moment as she lashed out with a new series of attacks, ones that reminded the heroes of what a monk could do, like she might have learned some sort of martial arts at some point in the past, before being reassigned to Argus entirely once the Legion had claimed the first couple of worlds after Argus was taken over by Sargeras, though even as that happened she found that she was unable to actually touch Rainbow, while Rainbow was able to avoid the attacks before they reached her and kick her foe in the side when an opening revealed itself to her.

Eventually both Erodus and Ishkar decided that Svirax, who was actually enjoying the fight with Rainbow, had been given too much time to fight the heroes of Azeroth and forcefully pulled her back into her pod, trapping her inside for a time as one of them jumped out to engage them, where Erodus jumped out of his pod and attacked them, leading to Zuleth and his group focusing on the Brute as Turalyon's group waited outside Ishkar's, all while Rainbow stood outside Svirax's for a time, finding that the Doommaiden didn't seem eager to use her pod's abilities against them, rather she seemed to be in the middle of waiting for her turn to fight again. That told Spitfire that one of the members of the Antoran High Command might actually defect if she was given the chance to do so, all in the name of learning from Rainbow no doubt since there was a chance that Svirax might see her more of a rival and less of a threat to her existence, before they focused on the rest of the fight as Zuleth swung Shadowmourne downwards for a moment and hacked into Erodus' shoulder, wounding his foe as he splattered blood everywhere, due to him pulling the head of his weapon out of the demon, and the attacks of his companions knocked the demon back as well, showing Spitfire's group who were dominating this fight. Not a couple of moments later Erodus pulled back and jumped into his machine as Ishkar emerged from his device, showing them that the other two members of the Antoran High Command totally wanted to kill them and that nothing would stop the pair from trying to do that, despite their comrade clearly having second thoughts about her allegiance to Sargeras, though Turalyon was the first one to clash with Ishkar, who found that the High Exarch was stronger than what he assumed he had been, as if most of the Legion assumed that the Army of the Light was weak due to either the Xenedar being blasted out of the air or the fact that they allied with Spitfire's forces. Spitfire knew that Turalyon was skilled and that nothing could stand up to him if he put his mind to fighting someone or something, and if he found something which pushed him to his limits, or was beyond his power, he would make sure to back off and bring in reinforcements to make sure his target was brought down or an area was secured and taken from his enemies, and right now it looked like Ishkar was learning that information as he discovered that his attacks failed to reach the paladin as his body was cut up a few seconds later.

As that fight happened Spitfire noticed that cracks were forming on the pod that Svirax was resting inside, who broke out of the device and rushed at Rainbow without delay, where the two surged up into the air and continued their fight above everyone else, as there was no ceiling to this area and it allowed such a thing to happen, though it wasn't long before the heroes found a way to shatter the remaining two pods, preventing Erodus and Ishkar from using them again, but that was followed by Turalyon and his group cutting Ishkar to pieces as Zuleth and his allies forced Erodus to collapse from all the blood loss he had been suffering, before the orc removed the demon's head as well, just to be sure he was fully dead and wouldn't get up a few seconds later... causing Rainbow to descend not a few seconds later as she kicked Svirax into one of the walls, who fell to the ground after a few moments.

"I must admit, you are quite strong," Svirax commented, where she coughed for a moment as she considered the fact that Rainbow was able to beat her and the martial arts she had learned over the years, taken from all of the enemies she had faced over her long life, with a technique that was unlike anything she had seen or experienced, as this instinct power was far stronger than her skills and it seemed like Rainbow was refining it to its peak, using strong foes like her to polish it up, before she pushed herself into a kneeling position as she bowed her head, "I can see that to challenge your army is to face Death itself... I wish to defect and abandon Sargeras' dark mission, to survive and learn your skills, master."

Rainbow honestly wasn't sure if she liked having a demon call her master, though she did make sure Svirax knew that she wasn't the leader of the Grand Army of Azeroth, rather it was Spitfire who held that honor and her friend welcomed yet another demon into her ranks, who would join those who had been freed from Sargeras' grasp in due time, though once that was done she, Rainbow, and the other heroes returned to the elevator so they could head back down to the area that was outside the den of the Charhounds, so they could focus on another part of Antorus and take down whoever might be in their way.

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