• Published 4th Oct 2020
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World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Interlude: Aftermath

"It is done... Gul'dan is dead, and both his mission and his plans have been shattered," Khadgar said, speaking up after he and the heroes witnessed Illidan's return, especially since he crushed Gul'dan with a burst of Fel energy and then smashed his skull, though right now he was pleased that everything had worked out to their benefit, as they had just deprived the Legion's foul master of yet another vessel, which he would have quickly used to enter Azeroth with, and brought about the resurrection of the Lord of the Illidari, masters of fighting the Legion on their home worlds, so with Illidan back on their side it meant they might be able to attack Argus at some point.

"Indeed, though there is one last thing we need to do before we take the rest of the day off, and possibly take an entire second day off as well," Spitfire replied, as while she wanted nothing more than to rest and recover from all the fights they had been through lately, even though she was thinking of the time when she and Rainbow had escaped the Vault of the Wardens with the rest of the Illidari, it was something that would be impossible for some time, as with Kil'jaeden still being a threat to Azeroth it was only a matter of time until he emerged from the Felstorm with an army to take them out, so they needed to strike first, hence why she glanced at the artifact that she had been thinking about, "we need to move the Eye of Amun'thul, so it can be used to seal the Felstorm and cut off Argus from this world... which should give us more than enough time to plan out a potential counterattack, so we can take the fight to our enemies for once, instead of being the ones being attacked."

"If its the Eye of Amun'thul that you are after, then please, take it with my gratitude," Elisande spoke up, something that caught all of the Nightborne that were around them, as Valtrois and Oculeth had come running to the Font of Night when they felt her and Thalyssra use their powers as they joined the battle, showing that they had been worried for their safety, though as she said that the Grand Magistrix focused on the Eye and thought about the fact that it was connected to the Nightwell, but to what degree even she was unsure of, despite the amount of time she had spent near the powerful font of Arcane energy.

"Elisande... are you sure that such a thing is wise?" Valtrois inquired, speaking before Thalyssra had a chance to, despite the fact that she knew the First Arcanist would likely agree with what the Grand Magistrix was saying, since Spitfire and all of her allies had been responsible for saving most of the Nightborne and driving out the Legion's corruption from the city, but she was more worried about the potential side effects of the Eye being removed from this area, especially since there were still so many Nightborne who needed to be saved and that the Arcan'dor only produced so many Arcfruit each day, so if something happened to the Nightwell it might inflict some damage to the Twilight Vineyards and their ability to even produce Arcwine.

"Yes, and we can counter any side effects whenever they appear... Gul'dan had forced his Felborne to stockpile Arcwine inside the Palace, so now we can return it to the people," Elisande replied, though she was happy to see that Valtrois and the others were concerned for the safety and well-being of the rest of their people, especially after everything they had been through since the Legion invaded their ancient home and attacked those who called the city home, something that was ultimately her fault since she had made the terrible bargain with Gul'dan, back when she felt it was the only path for her to save the Nightborne, which caused her to bow her head towards Thalyssra and her allies, "I'm sorry that you had to go through so much, all because of the potential futures I saw and the fact that there was only one that would have saved my people... had I waited a little longer, before responding to the terrible bargain I made, none of this would have even happened in the first place."

"Because the futures you saw were nullified thanks to Spitfire and I escaping from the Vault of the Wardens, where even Medivh said something about the futures he saw being altered," Rainbow remarked, as she sort of recalled the words that the spirit of Khadgar's former mentor had told them when they first visited the tower he had been trained in for a period of time, though she was sure that the wording was different from what she had just said, but since Elisande nodded her head for a second it was clear she didn't have to say anything else about what the last Guardian had told them, or at least what they learned when he spoke to them.

"You two changed the future to the point where every future I had seen no longer existed, and instead there was a more glorious future for my people, as saviors of Azeroth," Elisande said, as that had been the future she, Etraeus, and so many others had been working towards since the moment she had noticed it during one of her scrying sessions, where she used her powers and the Nightwell to peer into every potential future, but it came at a cost and she hoped that Thalyssra and the others would be willing to forgive her for her crimes against them, the city, and the rest of the Nightborne, as in she hoped that the good outweighed the bad that she allowed to happen, before she sighed, "though I would like to take this moment to apologize for everything..."

Instead of letting her finish her statement, like the heroes had been doing, Thalyssra embraced the Grand Magistrix for a time, where Spitfire was sure that Thalyssra saw Elisande as either a sister figure or even a mother to some degree, as it was hard to tell which it might be due to all of the Arcwine the pair had consumed over the years, though while Elisande stood there for a moment, in shock over what her friend was doing, she eventually returned the gesture, likely seeing it as Thalyssra's way of accepting whatever apology she had been starting to give them. In that moment Spitfire glanced over to Khadgar for a moment, which happened to be when Jaina, Tyrande, and Lady Liadrin used Elisande's portal to get up to the Font of Night, showing that they were worried about all of the heroes, even though it was followed by Khadgar walking over to Jaina so they could pour some of their power into the area surrounding the Eye of Amun'thul, so they could move it to the chamber that the other four Pillars of Creation were currently resting inside, which would please their allies and make all of the Order Halls begin their preparations for the assault on the Broken Shore. Tyrande, on the other hand, just stood there for a moment as she and Illidan stared at each other for a time, where Spitfire and Rainbow knew that the pair had a troubled history with each other, something Spitfire knew about thanks to Xe'ra's visions and decided to stay out of their reunion, since it would be rude of her to bother them, even if they were only friends due to the fact that Tyrande had chosen Malfurion over Illidan, something their Lord had come to terms with in due tie, even though there were times he wished that he had been the one chosen by Tyrande. Still, the two of them had some things to work out and she was sure that Illidan would want to speak to his brother as well, likely to clear the air with him as well, so for now Spitfire left him to deal with Tyrande and hoped that the priestess understood that maybe she had been too harsh on Lord Illlidan, based on what some of the Alliance's heroes had told her and Rainbow some time ago, though her thoughts were interrupted as Khadgar, Jaina, and the Eye of Amun'thul disappeared, meaning that another part of their mission was successful and that they now had all five Pillars of Creation, meaning they could now seal the Tomb of Sargeras and buy them the time they needed to plan their eventual counterattack.

Once Elisande and Thalyssra were done they separated for a moment and turned towards the edge of the platform the heroes had fought Gul'dan on, something that was followed by them projecting their voices to everyone in Suramar, as in the rebellion and those who stood against the Legion, announcing that Gul'dan had been defeated and his taint had been purged from Suramar, something that caused everyone that was inside the Nighthold to cheer and celebrate their victory over the Legion, which everyone else in Suramar had to be doing, before Elisande informed the heroes that there would be a feast in their honor, to show her gratitude for them and their allies saving the Nightborne, and it would be held down in the Palace Grounds. Not too long after that Khadgar and Jaina returned to where Spitfire, Rainbow, and the others were standing and joined them as they headed down to the area they had faced Aluriel in, something that caused Elisande to sigh again when she heard that her First Spellblade, the Captain of her Guard to be exact, had betrayed her and joined the Legion for more power, while being grateful that neither Tel'arn or Etraeus had fallen to the temptation of the Legion, but it did mean that she was going to have to find someone to replace her former Captain, which was where Thalyssra spoke up for a moment and suggested that either Victoire or Silgryn take up the mantle of the position. With the existence of the rebellion there were more experienced Nightborne who could fill any positions that had been left in the Duskwatch, due to some of their members joining the Legion and becoming the Felwatch, though Thalyssra informed Elisande that they could speak about how to repair the ranks of the Duskwatch later on, after they made sure the city was fine and ensure Gul'dan hadn't left any surprises for them, something that prompted Rainbow to leave the Nighthold for now, as she was heading out to deal with the Fel flames that had been left in the Waning Crescent, as in absorb all of the Fel energy that had been left in that area and open it so Vanthir and the others could return home at long last. Spitfire, however, remained with the rest of the group and found that an area was being set aside for the leaders of the Alliance and the Horde, as Elisande did want to talk with them and she was sure Thalyssra would be looking to become allies with them, something they would no doubt talk about in due time, even though she noticed that the pandaren cook who had been in Shal'Aran joined them and was directed to the kitchens without delay, as Elisande was eager to see what sort of cuisine the rest of Azeroth enjoyed, when they weren't busy dealing with the threats their world faced.

Rainbow returned a few moments later, informing everyone that the Fel flames that had been dancing around the section of the city that the Legion attacked had been cleared out, as she had absorbed the Fel energy and extinguished all of the flames, meaning that the Nightborne would be able to rebuild anything that had been damaged in the attack and could return home once everything was safe for them, allowing her to rejoin the heroes and everyone else, even though it was clear that some leaders were on their way to the Nighthold, allowing her and Spitfire to focus on the one individual both of them were interested in speaking to.

"Spitfire, Rainbow Dash, you two have done excellent since the last time I saw you," Illidan said, as he recalled how both of them had been the last time he saw them, adepts in the art of hunting demons and harnessing the Fel energy to take their foes down, but now they were far different from what he remembered, as both of them were far stronger than what he remembered them being, though that wasn't the only thing he noticed as he stared at both of them and the changes that had occured to their bodies, "and it would seem that the Fel energy has been kind to you."

"Yeah, we've been killing demons and taking their Fel energy... and we've killed, what, ten to fifteen Sayaad each, so that's contributed to the changes to our forms," Rainbow replied, where she glanced down at herself for a moment and took in how her arms and hands looked now, as the latest change had been interesting and had come from siphoning a bunch of Gul'dan's Fel energy, before shifting her gaze towards something else, as in her enlarged breasts, where she was thankful that the additional weight didn't affect her ability to fight the enemies that were in their way, because if the new weight had knocked her off her balance she would have found a way to alter them, "plus Spitfire killed the Sayaad Queen earlier, so that's why her chest is a little larger than mine... honestly, I'm more interested in the demonic aspects that I've gained and what I might gain later on, since this tail of mine is great for smashing enemies."

"The Sayaad Queen... she made a move, after all these years?" Illidan asked, because while he suspected that the Sayaad had a ruler, an incredibly powerful demon that was only spoken of in rumors and was said to be a stunning creature that corrupted any she took a liking to, it was another thing to hear that such a demon existed and that Spitfire had killed her in battle, taking both her soul and her Fel energy, which explained why Spitfire was far more stunning than Rainbow, not that he was playing favorites or anything, merely he was thinking about the facts that were being revealed to him, despite the fact that some of the facts needed to be thought about as he learned them.

"Indeed, though she was Elisande's tormentor before we arrived, and she said that she wanted to corrupt the both of us, as she believed that Kil'jaeden didn't deserve to have us," Spitfire answered, though while it was still a little weird that the Sayaad Queen had informed her and Rainbow that she wanted to turn them into succubi, especially with how Xazariel had acted when she was studying both of their bodies during the fight, she glanced at her own body for a moment and knew that in a fight it wouldn't hinder her, including when she flew through the air, though if she was being honest with herself it was going to take some time being on Xazariel's level of beauty, something that had no place on the battlefield, before she thought about something else, "Also, this is going to be quite the surprise, as it was for me and everyone else, but I have access to four of the six Cosmic Forces that people can call upon."

Illidan raised an eyebrow for a moment as he watched Spitfire focused for a second and four wings appeared behind her not even a few seconds later, one for Fel, another for Arcane, a third representing Life, and the fourth being Death, and he could see that the tattoos around her left arm had a Life green color to it, the ones on her left leg were an Arcane purple, the horn on the right side of her head had some Fel green markings all over it, and the markings on her right arm where a dark gray coloration that had to be Death, leaving her left horn that would have to represent Light and the markings that were on her right leg would represent the Void later on... and he could tell that Spitfire was far more powerful than what he had thought she would be, with Rainbow no doubt being close behind her.

"Impressive. Kil'jaeden should fear the day he faces the two of you," Illidan said, as he knew that if he had to face either of the two in battle, and it was a serious fight where his life was on the line, he would likely be afraid of them and be fearful of any powers that they might bring to bare against him, especially since Spitfire had access to most of the Cosmic Forces and could likely call upon some spells from each element she had absorbed since the Legion attacked Azeroth, making her one of the most powerful beings in existence and explained why the Legion wanted to get their hands on both Spitfire and Rainbow, just so they could raze all of creation without worrying about stronger enemies rising to challenge them, if what he thought about their true powers was correct.

Spitfire nodded her head for a moment and dismissed her wings not a few seconds later, where she joined the rest of the heroes in resting and chatting with the Nightborne they had been assisting for the last two weeks, as that was an accurate count of the days based on what she knew, before she noticed that the leaders of the Alliance and the Horde had joined them at last, even though King Anduin had trimmed some of his hair, tying up the rest in a very small ponytail of sorts that rested behind him, while his attire had switched to a light blue shirt and a pair of brown gloves, a set of ornate gold yellow shoulder pads, with black pants and black shoes, but interestingly enough he had no weapon with him, like he couldn't decide which type to use in combat.

"Thank you for killing Gul'dan and ending his threat," Anduin spoke up, like he might be nervous about being here, among some of the most powerful individuals in all of Azeroth right now, as he had been learning from his father and Genn for so long, to take the throne of Stormwind when he came of age, not to mention once he was ready for it, so being named as the King of Stormwind, after Gul'dan exploded his father with a burst of Fel energy, had been quite the shock and he was still in the middle of learning everything that needed to be done, so he was more grateful for Gul'dan being killed, but this made him nervous, since he was the King of Stormwind now, before he focused on what was in front of him, "and, at the same time, you've made the forces of Azeroth that much stronger with the addition of the Nightborne... and yet, I have a feeling that this is only a start to something grander."

"My thoughts exactly." a voice said, where they turned and found both Elisande and Thalyssra standing nearby, meaning what they had been doing since coming down to the Palace Grounds had been completed, though at the same time they could tell that Elisande had been the one to speak up, which made sense when they considered the fact that she had likely seen something in the changed future, after witnessing the shining future that had caused her to turn against Gul'dan and the Legion, before she faced Spitfire for a moment, "Lady Spitfire, Thalyssra has told me that you have plans to track down another timeline, one leading to an alternate world from the one that currently exists... Outland being the current name of the world in question, while Draenor being the older name before... to recruit more allies for the future."

"Indeed, and after witnessing the power of the Nightborne I was planning on asking you if we could come up with a way to do such a thing," Spitfire replied, though she knew that such a thing might not happen soon, given that the Nightborne had just freed themselves from the thumb of the Legion, so depending on Elisande's answer they may or may not be able to call upon any of Draenor's reinforcements, but even as she said that she thought of something else, as she knew Khadgar had been responsible for the creation of three special rings during the Alliance and the Horde's time in Draenor, to help take down Gul'dan, and she could see that Khadgar and Jaina had come over after hearing her words, "actually, we might be able to use the three Savage Hollow rings as a key to link our timeline with the one in question, likely at the time most of our allies faced Archimonde."

"Sadly, the Nightwell won't be able to help you in that matter... as its dying," Valtrois stated, where she and Oculeth joined the group that was gathering in the area between Etraeus' section of the Nighthold and the Nightspire, which caused them to turn towards the pair for a few seconds, who, in turn, quickly shifted their gazes and stared up at the area that the Font of Night of rested in, though her words caused them to raise their eyebrows for a few seconds as they waited for someone to speak up, "it seems that, without the Eye of Amun'thul protecting it, the Nightwell will start to dissipate in a day or two, and by my estimates, and those of a blue dragon I know, it'll be gone in a few days and I don't think we'll have enough time to do what you're suggesting."

"Could we use the Nightwell to empower the Bronze Dragonflight?" Rainbow asked, as she had been silent for some time, thinking about what was going on and every piece of information she had learned so far, before considering something that might be worth adding to the conversation, even though it was easy for her to see that everyone turned towards her as she said that, with Khadgar thinking about what she and Spitfire had mentioned so far, "I mean, they're the dragons who watch over time and whatnot, and according to what some of the others have said it was a member of their flight that had been partly responsible for the creation of a new timeline, so if we empower them with the power that rests inside the Nightwell, and restore them to their full strength, could we accomplish Spitfire's idea?"

Before anyone could say anything to that two portals snapped open nearby, one a golden sandy color that seemed to be a representation of time and the other being a dark version of the first one the group noticed, which was swiftly followed by an elf stepping out of the first portal, who seemed more like a High Elf and wore nothing over his chest, though he had a gown of sorts over his legs, like a mage might wear, while having his hair done up in a diagonal ponytail of sorts and there were two bangs, one on either side of his head, and Spitfire could see he had a single shoulder pad on his right shoulder, one that looked like it had been designed to be a dragon holding an hourglass. She had the feeling that this was the leader of the Bronze Dragonflight, a powerful dragon called Nozdormu and nicknamed the 'Timeless One', and according to what she had learned he, Ysera, and Alexstrasza had been the remaining original Aspects of Azeroth, powerful dragons blessed by the Titans all those years ago, and most of their power had been sacrificed to stop Deathwing a few years ago, before he could unmake the world or something, but of the original five Aspects only he and Alexstrasza remained, due to the fact that Ysera was slain in Val'sharah not that long ago. Of course Nozdormu wasn't alone, as Chromie stepped out and joined him a few seconds later, though there was an elegant female High Elf to his right that wore a slightly revealing dress, more in terms of the sides of her stomach area, that happened to be the color of the portal she had stepped through, where the elven lady had to be Nozdormu's consort or something, possibly the prime one since Alexstrasza had three based on what the heroes told her in the past, something that she felt they shouldn't know in the first place, but she said nothing as they emerged from the portal and faced the other one that was across from them. As soon as Nozdormu and his companions came to a stop, which was only a few seconds after stepping out of their portal, the other portal shimmered and three new individuals stepped out, causing Spitfire to raise an eyebrow for a moment as she noticed that it looked like a mirror image of Nozdormu, Chromie, and the mystery dragon, only all three of them had a dark grey tone to their skin, like they were darker than their counterparts, and their eyes had a light blue coloration to them with faint blue lines coming from their eyes for some reason, even though Vytheril approached them not even a moment later.

"Murozond... how can you be here? The forces of Azeroth beat you in the End Time." Vytheril inquired, as he had been part of the group, a combination of heroes from both factions, that had aided Nozdormu in clearing the future of a threat and had gone into the past to recover the Dragon Soul, a powerful relic that allowed them to mortally wound Deathwing, but during the time of the Cataclysm, where Genn and the worgen joined the Alliance while Gallywix and the goblins joined the Horde, his group had beaten Murozond, the twisted version of Nozdormu, and killed him to complete their task, so it was weird to see him again, in a humanoid form no less.

"You can blame those two, as their presence has changed Azeroth's timeline," the dark High Elf, Murozond, replied, where he beckoned to Spitfire and Rainbow as soon as both his portal and the other portal disappeared in a matter of seconds, though as he did that the pair glanced at each other for a moment, as at this point neither of them were surprised that it was their fault things were changing even more, especially since it seemed that their involvement with this invasion had changed the Alliance and the Horde into a unified front, instead of being at odds with each other, and had been part of the reason that Elisande had turned her back on the Legion's bargain, "the End Time as you know it exists as a small sliver, as there is a new terrible future in store for this world should you, those two, and the rest of the defenders fail, one that even I can see is hard to reach, and one of their changes has allowed me to come back... though it would see that my good side and I had the same idea, since we both arrived at the same time."

"Empowering the Bronze Dragonflight will also empower the Infinite Dragonflight," Nozdormu added, informing them that part of what Spitfire and Rainbow wanted might be a bad thing, as many of the heroes knew that Murozond and his dark dragonflight had tried to damage history by changing specific points in Azeroth's timeline, but after seeing everything that had happened when Garrosh Hellscream had been sent to the past, to Draenor before it became Outland, many of them were curious as to what might happen if any of the Infinite Dragonflight's had been allowed to succeed, "but Murozond didn't come here to interfere with Spitfire's plans, rather it would appear that he wishes to help us out in seeing if we can accomplish what everyone is talking about... and the consequences that might come from such a thing."

"Normally, that would be the case... but with Lady Spitfire and Rainbow, consequences seem scared of them and most of us have seen what happens to those that get in their way," Anduin said, as he knew that if Spitfire perceived something as a threat to the safety of Azeroth, like Sylvanas, Helya, Gul'dan, and the demons of the Legion, the offender would be slain in due time, meaning that the Infinite Dragonflight had to be careful this time around, because if the new Warchief of the Horde felt they were a threat she would see them burn, where he had the feeling that Nozdormu and Murozond knew all about that fact, given that the leader of the darker dragonflight seemed a bit worried about such a thing happening to him if he annoyed Spitfire, once more displaying how people reacted to her presence, "Tell me, if we used the remainder of the Nightwell's power to restore the Bronze Dragonflight to their full power, which in turn will do the same to their future counterparts, can one link our timeline up with Draenor's again, put us close to the point where Archimonde was slain and the alternate Gul'dan was sent here to bring Sargeras to Azeroth?"

Instead of saying anything the two leaders nodded their heads and that prompted Elisande and Thalyssra to lead the way back to the Nightwell, with Spitfire, Rainbow, and several others following after them, as there was still some time before the feast would be ready and this would be a good time to test whether or not this would work as Spitfire wanted, and if it did work they could begin laying the groundwork for something else she had in mind, though it only took them a moment to return to where Elisande had been contained in by her captor, and where she worked before letting Gul'dan and all of his demons into the city. Once they were inside the chamber Spitfire watched as Elisande focused for a moment as she drew upon the energies of the Nightwell once more, something that she channeled into Nozdormu's body and allowed the watchers to observe as his ancient power seemed to return to him without delay, either putting him near the edge of his Titan given power or actually being brought back to the height of his power, something that caused his Chromie and the other bronze dragon to smile as one seemed to disappear, though not even a second later the gnome reappeared where she had been standing. Sure enough a few more seconds passed before multiple portals opened around the chamber as members of Nozdormu's flight joined them, as they must have been told about this and both Elisande and Thalyssra got to work, even calling upon Valtrois, Oculeth, Khadgar, and Jaina to aid them, all while Spitfire noticed that Murozond and his flight just stood there and watched all of this happen before their very eyes, like they were surprised by everything that they were seeing, especially when Vytheril joined them in making sure the Bronze Dragonflight was restored to what they had been like before Deathwing's fall. She also noticed that Murozond's body had glowed for a moment, after Nozdormu went through the process, and the same was true of Infinite Chromie and the other infinite dragon who stood near them, showing her that as the present version of a time dragon was restored to their full power the same would happen to their future counterpart, and if she could get the Infinite Dragonflight on her side she could boost the power of Azeroth's forces in more ways than one could think about, as there were multiple points in time that could lead to the creation of potential allies, but first she needed the aid of Elisande, Nozdormu, and Murozond to be sure she didn't risk anything by trying what she had in mind.

It took a while to get all of the Bronze Dragonflight restored to their former glory, which was fine since the Nightwell had a tone of energy that needed to be used before it was lost forever, something that actually prompted Nozdormu to call on Alexstrasza and the Red Dragonflight, Kalecgos and the Blue Dragonflight, and the remainder of the Green Dragonflight, as all of them could be restored to their former glory as well, but as everyone did that Nozdormu and Murozond walked out with Vytheril, Zuleth, and Xinyue joining them as they headed for the bridge, as it was the safest place Elisande had in mind for testing Spitfire's theory. Once they reached their destination Elisande stepped to the side as the pair of time dragons stood side by side, something that still surprised the heroes that were with them, but once both of them were ready they called on the trio to approach them and present all three of the Savage Hollows to them, which the trio did without delay and stood in front of them as each of them held a hand out, revealing the rings that Khadgar had made for them during their time in Draenor, something that caused the time dragons to channel their magic for a few moments as they focused a bit of their power on the rings as Elisande raised her power to create a blank portal. Spitfire could see that Elisande was allowing both Nozdormu and Murozond to take the lead in this project, since they were older than her and had to be more experienced in manipulating the energies of time than she was, where she watched as they wove their powers together as a portal developed in front of them, one that seemed to lead to Fel darkened area that seemed to be resting in front of a massive stone structure that was broken to some degree, the alternate Dark Portal she realized, which was where a large Fel portal rested in front of the shattered structure, one that was larger than most of the Fel portals she and Rainbow had seen so far. Not a few moments later the time dragons informed them that they had stabilized the time portal and that it was ready to be used, even though Murozond also told Spitfire that he wasn't going to betray her, in case she was cautious about trusting him thanks to her time spent with the heroes of Azeroth, though once that was done she stepped up to the portal and passed through it as Rainbow followed after her, where she reappeared on the other end and found herself in a crater-like area that someone had made to hold off someone or a group of someones.

Of course that was when they found that they were at the edge of the area and discovered what was going on, as Gul'dan, the one Rainbow had slain, was standing close to the Fel portal they had seen while a massive Eredar, one wearing nothing over his chest as he wore a golden set of shoulder pads and a golden headpiece that looked like a crown behind his head, with golden pants and hoof plates over his legs, not to mention a massive mace he used as he fought the heroes that were in front of him, which was when they spotted the past version of Vytheril and the others facing Archimonde, because that was who the massive demon had to be. Fortunately it appeared that they had arrived just before the battle ended, as they could tell that the heroes were about to end, which was when Rainbow quickly made sure no one was paying attention to this area, so they didn't disrupt the timeline in some manner, before she flashed through the air and swung a Warblade to slice into the side of Archimonde's left leg, cutting into his leg without him noticing, to which she returned to Spitfire and their time portal, though when Archimonde fell, and used some of his power to send Gul'dan on his way, she snatched his soul as he perished and used some of her power to form a Fel crystal all over it for the time being, before they walked into the portal once more.

"It looks like the experiment was a success." Spitfire said, where she and Rainbow stepped out of the portal and it closed behind them not even a few seconds later, though based on the fact that nothing seemed different that meant snatching the soul of Archimonde hadn't changed anything, while also making sure the demon in question couldn't reform like all of those who had been slain before the Illidari had been freed from the Vault of the Wardens, to which she focused on their allies for a moment with a smile on her face as this confirmed something, "With this knowledge under our belts, we can create another portal to a few weeks after the battle with Archimonde, maybe three months at max, and speak to the rest of our allies, to see if we can recruit those who call Draenor home into our cause... and we might be able to find even more allies to call upon before the assault on the Broken Shore."

As Elisande and the others smiled, showing that they were pleased that the experiment was a success, Spitfire was setting her gaze on the future, because there was no telling what they might be able to do with Nozdormu, Murozond, and both of their dragonflights, but she was also keeping an eye out for any demonic attacks as her allies prepared for the upcoming assault on the Broken Shore, though before that happened she was hoping to have the forces of Draenor on their side, as it would seriously weaken the Legion's changes of taking Azeroth, even more than what she and Rainbow had done since escaping the Vault of the Wardens, and she knew that things were going to get interesting when they finally assaulted the Broken Shore and the Tomb of Sargeras.

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