• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 1,167 Views, 307 Comments

World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Interlude: Saving the Leaders

It took Spitfire, Rainbow, and Kor'vas a few minutes to determine who was going to which city, since most of the Illidari were in the mood to kill some demons and take the fight to the Legion, but they did know that Spitfire wanted some of them working on ways to repel the current invasion and contain it to the area that the Tomb of Sargeras, as Khadgar called it, was located in, a landmass known as the Broken Isles. According to what Khadgar told her and the others he already had some of the other mages of Azeroth, and some dwarven explorers, looking over their notes, their tomes, and anything else that might help them figure out a way to seal the Felstorm, as that seemed to be the name for the mass of fel energy that had opened a rift for the demons to march through, and that it would take some time before he had any answers. As such it was easy for Spitfire to figure out what they needed to do first, because based on the bit of information she was able to gain from their new ally the Alliance had lost their High King, a man named Varian Wrynn, on the Broken Shore and his son, Anduin Wrynn, was to replace him, while at the same time the Horde's Warchief, a troll called Vol'jin, was dying from a fel wound and would soon name who his replacement would be. It was the perfect chance for the Legion to invade both cities and cut off the heads of the factions that were arrayed against them, because the leaders of the Alliance were gathering to mourn the loss of their High King and the leaders of the Horde seemed to be in the middle of making a pyre for their fallen Warchief, meaning the Illidari needed to be there and save the leaders from the disaster that was coming.

"Remember, show the High King and the others that we are to be trusted, then start figuring out where the Legion will strike next," Spitfire said, as while she knew Rainbow would be focused on the 'slaying demons' part of the mission, she did want her friend to be focused on the rest of the mission and had faith that Rainbow would help Jace show the Alliance that the Illidari were to be trusted, maybe enough to allow the blood elves into his city, "with any luck the heroes of the city will flock to your side and welcome you into their city, no doubt to figure out where the demons will head next and what they can do to help you out."

"I got it: get in, kill some demons, save the leaders, and then establish connections with the new High King," Rainbow replied, revealing that she had been paying attention to what Spitfire had said, because at this point in time there was no reason for her to be slacking off, not when they were demons to hunt down and people to save, especially since this would give Khadgar the time he needed to figure out what they were going to be about the Felstorm and the individual that was responsible for opening it.

Spitfire nodded her head, to show that Rainbow had gotten the information right, before turning her attention to the rest of the Illidari that would be heading to Dalaran for the foreseeable future, at least until they figured out what their foes were planning after the attempted assassinations of the remaining faction leaders, leaving Rainbow to follow Jace and the night elf demon hunters he had picked through the portal to Stormwind. What she discovered on the other side of the portal was a rather well constructed city that seemed to be made out of a near white stone, or something close to that, that had the sea to one side, as Khadgar had teleported them to what appeared to be an area that overlooked the harbor, where there were a number of wooden ships resting in the water, along with what she assumed was an airship, based on the large propellers that were keeping it in the air. Once she had a chance to see this part of the city an arcane image of Khadgar appeared nearby and escorted them to their destination, where they walked down some streets and passed by a number of shops that seemed to be closed at the moment, no doubt to mourn the fallen High King, and she also spotted some canals that seemed to supply water to the various parts of the city, before locating a large keep that seemed to be the seat of the Alliance's power, as it was where Khadgar's image stopped and disappeared, leaving them to walk up the stairs, pass a fountain, and enter the building that was their destination. There were a number of citizens moving from the entrance and the highest point of this area, no doubt paying their respects to the new High King, to which Rainbow and her forces kept their eyes open and surveyed the situation before they made their move, since once they activated their spectral sight the demons that were here would know something was coming.

It was at the top of the final walkway, which had brought them to what appeared to be the throne room, where Rainbow found a number of individuals standing around a casket: a female panda-like creature, two dwarves that were wearing different attire, a draenei that seemed quite old, what appeared to be a tiny person that was even smaller than the dwarves, a female night elf that looked like a priestess and a male night elf that looked like a mix of elf and animals, as he had long white bird feathers attached to his arms, stag antlers growing out of his head, sharpened nails that made her think about bears, and a pair of cat feet, and finally the new High King, a young man who was sitting on the throne with a confused look on his face, which was understandable considering what had just happened to him and the others.

"Good, we arrived before the demons could enact their plan," Rainbow commented, where she glanced at the soldiers that were in the throne room, making sure not to draw attention to herself, or at least more than she already had since the animal-like night elf glanced at her for a moment, no doubt worried that she and the other demon hunters would cause chaos at a time like this.

"Yes, and I can tell something is amiss," Jace replied, where he and the others did the same thing that Rainbow did, as in they took in the sights and made a map of the rooms and passages that the Legion could use to attack the leaders that had gathered in this room, which was when he attempted to use his spectral sight and found that he was still recovering from the time they spent in those prisons, before he sighed as he realized what he was going to do next, "Rainbow, I'm not strong enough to pierce whatever veil the demons are using to hide themselves, so you'll need to repeat what we did in Mardum to verify whether or not our enemies are actually here."

Rainbow was of the opinion that whatever demon Jace had taken the essence of wasn't as strong as the demons that the rest of the Illidari had picked out, even though one would have thought that all the power he recovered and gained back in the Vault would have been enough to restore him to his full power, but decided that now wasn't the time to argue and awakened her second sight, allowing her to pierce the veil that the demons were using and found that some of the guards in the throne room were actually Wrathguards, to which she carefully walked over to the High King so she could share the news with him and then drag the demons into the light.

"I am sorry, demon hunter, I don't have the time for pleasantries," the young King, Anduin Wrynn as Rainbow recalled, said, stopping her as she neared the throne, showing that she did respect the new ruler of the city and his right to rule, as he had inherited the city and his positions from his father, while at the same time recalling that she would have done the same if she had been standing in front of Princess Celestia, before he glanced over to her for a moment, "I have much to think about, given that I must prepare the armies of the Alliance to do battle with the Horde... even if there are those that cry out for the Horde to be punished for their 'treachery'."

"That is fine, because I don't have time for them either... you have demons in your throne room, and I can prove it to you and the other leaders of the Alliance." Rainbow replied, though the second part of her statement was where she made an effort to whisper it to the High King, who raised his eyebrow for a moment as he focused on her and glanced over to the rest of the Illidari for a moment, clearly debating what he had just been told, before deciding to take a leap of faith as he nodded his head to her, to which she bowed her head and walked over to the guard that was the closest to the throne, where all eyes were on them for a moment, "You cannot hide what you truly are from us, Wrathguard."

"You are too late, Illidari! You cannot stop us!" the guard replied, to which he dropped his disguise and revealed his true demonic form as Rainbow felt several Fel portals open in the rooms that surrounded the throne room, causing both Anduin and the rest of the leaders to raise their weapons and arms, to ready their spells, as the real guards did the same thing, showing the demons that they were ready for battle and that they wouldn't go down without a fight, which caused the demon to point one of its blades at the new High King, "Felblade, kill them all!"

Rainbow was the first one to react as she summoned her warglaives from her horns and cleaved the Wrathguard that was in front of her in half, slaying it before it even had a chance to fight her as the rest of the Illidari spread out, where all of them cut into the demons that were foolishly trying to invade the throne room and sought out the portals that they had used to get here, as Jace could make use of their components for the future. She also had assistance in her fight against the rest of the Wrathguards, as it appeared that the leader of the draenei was either blessing or healing anyone that got hurt and was blasting any demon that foolishly approached him, while the two night elves attacked those that got close to the throne, where Anduin had a hammer and smashed a demon's head open with it, showing that even he had the desire to save his world and that he wasn't going to fall that easily. The rest of the leaders armed themselves with the weapons that they usually used in battle, where they joined Rainbow in slaying the Wrathguards that were trying to invade the keep and kill everyone that was inside it, though as they did that she found that Jace and the other demon hunters were in the middle of destroying the portals that allowed the demons to enter the building and were cutting down the flow of foes at the same time, hence the reason she stayed close to the High King and slew any demon that got too close to them. The only leader that worried Rainbow was the animal-like night elf, even though it was hard to make out which parts of him belonged to which animal, but she pushed that out of her mind as she cut down the next couple of Wrathguards and took their souls, all to prevent them from returning to face the forces of Azeroth in the future, even though she was sure the rest of the Illidari were doing the same thing with the rest of their enemies.

In the end the Wrathguards, or the Felblade as they decided to call themselves, were wiped out by the combined skill and power of Rainbow, the Illidari, and the forces of the Alliance, where no one calmed down until Jace reported in that all of the portals had been shut down, meaning that there was no way for the Legion to get into the keep without having to make a brand new portal somewhere, causing Anduin and the other leaders to breath a sigh of relief as all of them put their weapons away and relaxed a little.

"Thank you for your assistance, as you just prevented what could have been a rather unfortunate event," Anduin said, as he was happy that the Illidari had come to Stormwind when they did, because if they had been a few minutes later they would have discovered all of their dead bodies and a crippled Alliance, though now he had more reasons to go to war with the Legion, before he considered something for a moment, "Please, allow me to introduce myself. I am Anduin Wyrnn, the new... well, the new King of Stormwind and High King of the Alliance."

"Its a pleasure to meet you, King Wyrnn, I am Rainbow Dash, champion of the Illidari," Rainbow replied, though it did seem like she had succeeded in her mission of saving the leaders of the Alliance and earning some level of trust with them, even if the male night elf didn't seem all that keen on her being there as he stared at her more demonic features, which was why she was focused on the ruler of this city, "My forces and I were sent here by our leader, Lady Spitfire, to help you and the others prepare for the next stage of the Legion's invasion and to repel any attacks they might make in the future, while our new allies in Dalaran look for a way for us to stem the tide of this invasion and seal the Felstorm."

"I will admit that I was a bit uneasy when all of you wanted into the throne room, but its clear that you want the Legion brought down as much as we do," Anduin remarked, to which he thought about something for a moment as he stared at her and the other demon hunters, something that the rest of the leaders and the guards were doing, showing that all of them were waiting to hear his decision on whether or not they should be welcomed into the city, "Very well, I hereby grant you and the other members of your order the right to set up your camp in the Mage Quarter of the city, as there is an area that isn't being used at the moment and should be more than enough for all of you, especially given the fact that you have a presence in Dalaran by the sounds of it."

"Just know that if you or your kind fall to the Fel energies that corrupted my brother, we shall treat you like one of the demons of the Legion." the animal hybrid night elf declared, showing that he didn't much trust Rainbow or the Illidari, and that he was only accepting them because of the fact that his High King had given them the okay to make their camp in part of the city, even though that would be cleaned up once they found a new spot to set up a more permanent camp, though once of the dwarves did bring the palm of one of his hands to his face.

"Noted." Rainbow said, though even as she said that she realized who this had to be, Malfurion Stormrage, the twin brother of the founder of the Illidari, Lord Illidan Stormrage himself, which made her realize why he didn't trust her as the other leaders did, even if they were still worried about the potential threat she posed to them, all because he felt that his brother succumbed to the Fel energies and became a monster that needed to be killed, though she decided not to say a word about that as she and the other demon hunters left the keep.

She was sure that King Anduin and the others would be ready once they figured out what the Legion would do next, as it wouldn't take too long to find something from one of the demons that would tell them what they needed to know, but even as they left the keep, and returned to the city, she had to wonder how Spitfire, Allari, and the blood elves of their order were doing in Orgrimmar, especially after everything she had witnessed so far.

Orgrimmar wasn't what Spitfire was expecting, as it appeared that the city had been constructed between two rather large and strong earthen peaks and had a massive gate that seemed to serve as the entrance for the city, and supposedly there were two more, one serving as a back entrance and the third as a side entrance, all of which were staffed and made ready in the event of an assault on the city, of which there weren't many. The inside of the city appeared to be full of a number of structures that were either made out of wood or metal, where some were definitely the latter based on what she could see at the moment, and there were a few buildings that seemed rather important to the denizens of the city, like the towers that zeppelins docked at so they could carry supplies to some of the other lands that the Horde called home. That wasn't the only thing she could see, as there were a number of orcish guards that seemed to line the way up to what appeared to be the most important location in the city, the throne that the Warchief ruled from, something that seemed out of place in her opinion since there seemed to be a few other key locations to place such an important structure, without giving any enemies a direct path to where it was located, and it seemed like there was a second story that some warriors might be in, either training or waiting for someone to come talk to them about lessons. In addition to all that Spitfire and her group of Illidari noticed that there were civilian orcs scattered around the area, along with small green skinned creatures that had long ears, a number of blood elves, people who looked like they might be undead given how one of them had a piece of their skin missing and the elbow bone was exposed, a creature that looked like a draenei that had fur and looked more like a bull, while missing the tendrils on the neck, and slightly hunched over beings that might be trolls.

These were the races that made up the Horde, the orcs, trolls, undead, tauren, goblins, blood elves, and pandaren, though the last one she hadn't seen yet and made her wonder if they were hiding somewhere to mourn the loss of their main leader, before she spotted a rather intimidating orc in red armor, which had spikes on it, and a large axe that looked like it would need two hands to wield, though as Khadgar walked into the area, and Spitfire followed him as Allari and the others headed out to check outside the city, she could tell the orc was glaring at them.

"So, you're the demon hunter that Archmage Khadgar sent me a message about," the orc stated, where Spitfire had to assume that Khadgar must have sent a magical message to a few people in the cities that he had been opening the three portals to earlier, as that was the only way the orc would know about her so soon, especially since the mage had only just met her and the others, before he glanced towards the mage that was standing beside her for a moment, "I don't like the looks of her, mage... she smells of demon filth."

"Yeah, well I don't like the demons that serve in the Legion... killed quite a few of them back in Outland too, and I've taken down Pit Lords, massive Mo'arg, a few Nathrezim, and a number of others," Spitfire replied, though while she knew that there was a very good reason for why the orc didn't trust her and the other demon hunters, given that no one who charged into Outland cared much for demons, save for the warlocks anyway, she could see that the orc did like someone who had an impressive amount of demons killed, or rather types for that matter.

"Maybe you will prove me wrong, demon hunter," the orc said, where it seemed like he was basically putting himself on the fence about what to think about her, clearly not willing to trust her all that much, due to the demonic part of her nature, but at the same time he did seem willing to give her a chance due to the amount of demons she had killed and the types she had taken out, before he gestured towards the structure that was behind him, "Regardless, Warchief Vol'jin told me to wait for the arrival of the one that commands the Illidari, so, since you're with Khadgar, I have to assume that you are the one he was talking about... though why he would want you present for when he declares who the next Warchief will be is beyond me, but you had best get inside before I change my mind."

Spitfire decided that now wasn't the time to argue with the orc, because if he were to attack her she was sure that the rest of the city would lash out at her if she defended herself, to which she walked through the door, which he opened for her and sealed behind her not a few seconds later, though as she headed into the chamber that was on the other side of the door she found one of most of the races she had seen outside, as in two blood elves, a pandaren, a tauren, a goblin, and a troll that looked weak, which made sense due to the Fel wound in his stomach, and those were just the leaders that she noticed, as they seemed more important the the other few individuals in the area.

"Warchief, I believe the demon hunter you were waiting for has arrived," one of the blood elves said, who Spitfire had to assume was the leader of the blood elves, Lor'themar Theron based on what Khadgar had told her earlier, though all of the leaders had glanced in her direction the moment she entered the chamber that they were in, even though she did lean near the entrance since none of them trusted her, "now we're only waiting for Sylvanas to arrive."

"Demon hunter... da spirits call you... Spitfire..." the weakened troll spoke up, revealing that he was definitely running out of time and that he would be dying in the next couple of minutes, though Spitfire understood that healing this wound would be impossible, not with the length of time its been since he was stabbed by the demon that did the deed, but that didn't stop him from focusing on her, "it's good ya came, despite things..."

Spitfire said nothing to that as the tauren and the others spoke up, where the tauren leader, Baine Bloodhoof, made a comment about his healers and Vol'jin shook his head, showing that he didn't have much time, while the other leaders told him that they would ensure the downfall of the demons, basically telling the dying Warchief that they would avenge his death and the deaths of the fallen soldiers, before the door opened again and the last leader joined them. That was when she discovered that the final leader was a female elf, one who looked more like one of the undead due to the pale, blue-white nature of her skin and her red colored eyes, though she received stares from most of the other leaders, revealing that many were wary of her presence and that they might not trust her, though she wasn't focused on them. Spitfire also noticed that she liked to wear a hood that covered her head and that her hair was a pale blonde, while her armor looked like it might have revealed her stomach at one point in time, though the undead elf had added some extra protection to make sure she didn't offer any weaknesses to her enemies, and it appeared that she might be a ranger, based on the bow and quiver that were on her back. There was one other being that she caught wind of for a moment, a dangerous looking human that had red eyes and was definitely a member of the Forsaken, the group of undead that Sylvanas Windrunner was the leader of, and he appeared to be her personal champion, meaning that she might not feel safe if he wasn't near her at any given moment, though he stood by the other side of the doorway and watched what was to come, which just so happened to be the instant Spitfire glanced at Sylvanas again, noticing that even the light seemed afraid of the elf, like she radiated darkness or something... not that she trusted the undead elf, since both she and her champion had glared at her for a second as they entered the chamber.

Regardless of whether or not the pair liked her, and Spitfire was sure they disliked her despite the fact that they had only just encountered each other, this was what everyone was waiting for as the conversation died down as the rest of the leaders focused on Sylvanas as she came to a stop when she neared the throne Vol'jin was resting on, who raised his head as she finally approached him, meaning he must have been waiting for her to arrive before he said anything about who the next leader of the Horde would be.

"Windrunner... come... forward..." Vol'jin stated, where he coughed for a moment as he said that, showing them that he was getting ever closer to meeting his end and that they were right to assume that there was something he needed to talk about, even if he was starting with the leader that had arrived late, though Spitfire also considered the possibility that Vol'jin had talked to the others and he was only waiting for two individuals, her and Sylvanas, to arrive before he said his last words and passed away, "Da Loa spirits say death will claim me soon..."

"In the end, death claims us all..." Sylvanas replied, though while Spitfire knew that being undead could mess with the emotions and make it harder to feel things, or at least that was what Lord Illidan had told her about one of his encounters with the undead, it didn't seem like the leader of the Forsaken even cared about what she was seeing and was hoping that the meeting would be over soon, so she could get back to whatever she had been doing earlier, though what worried her for a moment was the way the Banshee Queen said the word 'death', before she focused on Vol'jin again, "but the Horde will live on, that I can promise you."

"I have never trusted you, and neither do da spirits... dey have granted me clarity... a vision..." Vol'jin started to say, as if he was going to reveal what sort of vision he had been given, before a coughing fit silenced most of what he was going to tell all of them, where Spitfire could make out the words 'darkness', 'war', and 'destruction' as he focused on Sylvanas, like the vision revealed that choosing her to be the Warchief would spell the end of the Horde and the entire world, but that was when he shifted his gaze towards Spitfire for a moment, instead of the other leaders, "Many will not unda'stand, but you... must be... the... War... chief..."

It was in that moment that Vol'jin, declaring that a vision had shown him a dark future if Sylvanas was to become the next Warchief of the Horde and that she would bring ruin to their world, closed his eyes as he finally succumbed to the Fel wound he had been carrying, which just so happened to be the moment that Sylvanas' champion called in some trolls so they could collect the body and prepare it for the funeral pyre that was just outside the city, but as soon as that was done the Banshee Queen turned around and left the chamber... though as she passed by where Spitfire was standing she gave her a glare that was basically the type that told someone not to interfere, before she headed outside.

"Well, she's certainly going to be a problem," Spitfire commented, though she waited for Sylvanas' champion and the rest of the Dark Rangers, which were a protective force for the Banshee Queen as well, to follow their Queen outside this building before she even bothered to open her mouth and speak her mind, where she found that Lor'themar, Baine, and the pandaren, Ji Firepaw, stopped near her and did seem concerned for their future as well, which made sense due to the fact that they knew Sylvanas better than she did.

"Truthfully, I do not understand why the spirits would tell Vol'jin to pick you, but there must be a reason for it, even if the Banshee Queen is going to claim the Horde for herself," Lor'themar said, where the others nodded their heads as he said that, revealing that all of them had been listening to what their fallen Warchief had said and knew that he had picked a total stranger to lead the Horde, instead of picking one of the existing leaders to take his place, something they had to be shocked by, "then again I've never truly understood the Darkspear and their faith, so maybe that's why it doesn't make any sense to me... either way, we need to honor Vol'jin's dying words, regardless of how much Sylvanas hates it."

"She'll be announcing her desire soon, so we'll just have to roll with her being the Warchief... even if it appears that we might be facing two wars with her at the helm." Spitfire stated, because based on what little she knew about Sylvanas she had come to the conclusion that the Banshee Queen might be focused on her own goals and not the goals that the rest of Azeroth were working towards, which at the moment was stopping the Legion from taking their world, to which she sighed as she stopped leaning against the wall, "Hopefully I'm wrong and she focuses on the Legion, instead of trying to wipe out the Alliance while they're distracted by the more immediate threat... but, in the event that she betrays the interests of the forces of Azeroth, we need to be ready to dethrone her and punish her accordingly."

The three leaders agreed with her and followed her outside, where Spitfire noticed that the citizens were following the stretcher that Vol'jin's body was resting on, heading towards the area the pyre was in, so she followed them outside and found that Allari and the rest of the Illidari were keeping an eye on things, even though a quick scan of the area with her spectral sight revealed that there were several Wrathguards waiting to strike, though no portals, meaning they might not have any backup this time around, which was good news for them. As Vol'jin's body was laid on the pyre, and the flames consumed the troll's body, that was when Sylvanas made her move and claimed the Horde for herself, where Spitfire did understand that no one would trust the word of a demon tainted individual like her, at least not with the leadership of an entire army, so even if she claimed that the Banshee Queen was lying, and the leaders that were on her side backed her up, it might cause the entire Horde to destroy itself from within, without letting the demons do anything, so she remained silent as she earned what appeared to be a victory smug from the undead elf. Spitfire knew that ponies were friendly and that it could take a lot for some to really dislike someone else, especially if the pony in question was Pinkie, but she didn't like Sylvanas and that was mostly due to the short period of time that she knew her, as they had yet to exchange a single word with each other, which just meant it was probably impossible for the Banshee Queen to have friends and that she preferred to have loyal subjects instead.

Still, despite the fact that Sylvanas had rubbed her the wrong way, she had a duty to do and revealed the demons to the rest of the Horde, where she and her demon hunters were joined by the heroes of the Horde, who were paying their respects to the fallen Warchief, where they declared war on the group of Wrathguards that were trying to assassinate Sylvanas and the others, even if Spitfire didn't rush to the Banshee Queen's aid... and it really only took them about five or six minutes to clear up the demons and the Infernals they summoned.

"Your fighting skills are decent, for one of the Betrayer's ilk," Sylvanas commented, where Spitfire did nothing as she raised her arms and stored her warglaives back in her horns, since it was easier than losing the usage of her wings, but her words did inform Spitfire of the fact that Sylvanas only considered her a liability and that she would be the first one to deal with her or her Illidari if they turned on the Horde, showing that she didn't much care for them, "My champions and I will be keeping an eye on you and your forces..."

Spitfire knew the reason behind why the Banshee Queen didn't finish her statement, it was a silent threat to them if they joined the Legion or betrayed them in any way, though there was one blood elf, a male mage by the looks of him, that beckoned for them to leave the area and brought the Illidari to an area where they could be above the rest of the city and do what they needed to so they could learn about the Legion's movements. It was then that Allari revealed that they had already captured one of the Wyrmtongue, little demons that were about the size of a dwarf, based on what Spitfire was told by one of the other Illidari, and had red skin, though the Legion used them as laborers and they, as a species, liked to hoard items, supplies, or whatever interested them, so seeing one in a circular Fel cage, an ability that all demon hunters had access to and rarely used, meant it had been in the city and her forces had captured it. There was also one of the square shaped communicators resting nearby, no doubt sent with them by Jace when she told them who was going to each of the cities, and it was easy to see that it was hooked up so that the Illidari that were in Stormwind could talk with the Illidari that were in Orgrimmar and Dalaran, allowing her to make sure everything was fine and that all of the leaders were still safe, of which Rainbow confirmed the Alliance leaders were still alive. It was then that Jace informed her of some interesting news that he had discovered from one of the Wrymtongue that he and the others had captured, the Legion was planning on assaulting six regions of the world in order to weaken the forces of the Alliance and Horde, to make this world ready for the true invasion, and those areas were Dun Morogh, Azshara, the Northern Barrens, Tanaris, Westfall, and the Hillsbrad Foothills.

With that knowledge Spitfire issued her orders to the Illidari, to make sure they were evenly divided between the six regions their enemies were going to attack and, more importantly, that they warned the leaders of the impending attacks so they were ready for war, as she had the feeling that the Legion was going to retaliate soon and that the forces of Azeroth had to be ready for when it happened, all while hoping Khadgar found the information they needed to save this world from their terrible enemy.

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