• Published 4th Oct 2020
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World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Order Hall: Invading Niskara

With Cordana slain, and the Sargerite Keystone had been recovered, Rainbow reverted back to her base form as she walked over to where Vytheril, Scarlet, Remeraa, and Drelanim were currently standing, where it was clear that some of them were surprised by the battle that had just occurred in front of them, while she was sure the Warden had to be pleased with her order's traitor being killed at long last, though as she did that Vytheril tossed her the pouch that she had passed to him just before the final challenge of the Vault had happened, where she double checked on the Keystone and found that it was just fine, causing her to let out a sigh of relief as something else happened, Drelanim walked over to the pile of parts that had been Cordana and pulled her Fel-tainted head from the pile.

"Despite the fact that Maiev believes in you, we might as well bring her evidence of your deed," Drelanim stated, because at this point she had determined that the leader of her order had promised Rainbow, Spitfire, and the Illidari the Keystone they had brought with them when they left Mardum, likely as a reward for helping them clear out several targets that were now scattered throughout the Broken Isles, due to the Wardens now being fewer in number and that the potential trainees not being as strong as those who had been serving for a long time, but despite all of that she figured that showing Maiev the head of the Fel-corrupted traitor would put her at ease and allow her to focus on other things.

Rainbow nodded her head in understanding, as this time around she wasn't going to question Drelanim's decision, due to the fact that some people of Azeroth seemed to want the heads of their targets to confirm the kill while others just took the word of the heroes in question, and a few even asked for specific items a villain or criminal loved to wear to confirm that they had been slain, before carefully storing the pouch inside her pack and started to head for the platforms that would let them leave the Vault, as the camp that Maiev and her Wardens were resting in wasn't too far from where the entrance of this place was located. That meant they could relax a little and deliver the good news to their allies, even if a good number of Wardens might not trust her and the Illidari, before they returned to Dalaran so she could head to the Fel Hammer and show the rest of Spitfire's forces the Sargerite Keystone, though hopefully that would be when Spitfire left Orgrimmar, with whatever duties being pushed onto someone else until she returned to them, and joined the Illidari for their assault on whatever world her forces had picked out, or whatever Akama was planning at the moment, since he was the only one that knew what Lord Illidan had planned. Leaving the Vault proved to be much easier than taking their time and descending towards the depths, which made sense due to the fact that every enemy they had encountered had been slain, as Rainbow had made sure to kill everything that had been in their way and had her Warblades eat the souls of the demons she had slain, leaving the souls of the non-demonic creatures to return to whatever plane of existence they would go to after perishing in battle, so everyone was able to relax a little as they made their way towards the entrance, with one or two of them keeping their guards up out of habit. Another thing Rainbow discovered was that some of the Illidari, who she had sent a message to thanks to Vytheril helping her out, had arrived and were in the middle of recovering the bodies of the fallen, the Felsworn that had been corrupted into joining Cordana and the Legion, so their bodies could be burned and destroyed in due time, as to not leave anything for their enemies to use against Azeroth, meaning Kayn had got the message and had sent some of their forces to clean out the Vault, something else that would likely gain them some sort of gratitude from Maiev, despite the fact that she hadn't asked for them to clean up most of the Vault after clearing out all of their enemies and taking out Cordana.

Once they were back outside the Vault, and Rainbow nodded to each of the Illidari that she and the others had passed by, Vytheril, Scarlet, and Remeraa called their flying mounts to them, allowing each of them to fly away from this place once they were ready to do so, and Drelanim climbed onto the back of Vytheril's mount, the Netherdrake she had seen in the past, before Rainbow took to the air and headed for Maiev's camp, causing her companions to follow after her as she did that, though it didn't take them all that much time to reach their destination and they landed on the outskirts of the camp, something that was followed by their temporary ally climbing off the mount she was on and walked over to where Maiev and Sira just so happened to be standing in, where she dumped Cordana's corrupted head on the ground.

"The Vault has been cleared of enemies, the Illidari have what they came for, and Cordana Felsong has been slain, even though she tainted herself in the process," Drelanim stated, allowing the two more experienced Wardens to stare down at the Fel-tainted head of their betrayer, the one who lead Gul'dan right to where the Vault was located and lead him right to where Illidan Stormrage's body was being kept, though thanks to the helmets she had to imagine what sort of expressions the pair had on their faces, with Maiev being more neutral and Sira would likely have a smirk on her face, before she took a moment to gesture to Rainbow's group, "and, thanks to the timely arrival of Rainbow Dash's group, I was able to escape death and joined them in clearing in Vault of those who had taken control of it."

"I see... well, you have done well, Rainbow Dash... perhaps we were wrong to imprison the Illidari," Maiev said, where her statement caused everyone to pause for a moment as they heard it, due to the fact that it was strange to hear her admit that they might have blundered and ruined things by forcefully imprisoning Spitfire, Rainbow, and the rest of the Illidari all those years ago, when they returned from Mardum and discovered that their Lord had been slain while they were busy claiming the Sargerite Keystone, before she seemed to think about something, or at least that was what Rainbow had to assume since the helmet made it impossible to tell what Maiev was thinking, "I will send some Wardens to the Vault, to aid the Illidari in moving the bodies of the fallen so that we can properly bury them or destroy them... though tell Spitfire that we will do everything in our power to tear the Legion down, even though Cordana's actions have depleted our strength far more than I'm willing to admit, and that we will be ready to move soon."

"That's good to know... Spitfire will be happy to hear that piece of information," Rainbow replied, where she was unsure of what to make of that statement, as she wasn't expecting Maiev to actually say something like that in the first place, which made her wonder if the leader of the Wardens had changed her tune after observing her, Spitfire, and everyone else that didn't fall to the Legion's will, before she turned her head and bid her companions farewell, as she was sure that Vytheril and the others had to return to their various Order Halls and see what their fellow leaders were up to, hence why she took to the air and headed for the island that contained the portal back to Mardum.

Rainbow suspected that each of the Order Halls were getting near the end of their preparations to deal with the various threats they were facing, whatever those happened to be since she had no idea what the mages, death knights, druids, or the other classes were up to right now, save for what her companions told her a few moments before they headed for the location of the Vault of the Wardens, and once they were done with taking down their threats they could turn their focus to Suramar, the final Pillar of Creation, and Gul'dan, the last one holding Lord Illidan's body somewhere, which would then bring them to a new assault on the Broken Shore, but before she could do any of that they had to finish their preparations and complete their Lord's plan, hence why she landed just outside the portal that was her destination.

"You seem to be in a good mood," a voice said, where Rainbow smiled as she noticed Spitfire standing off to the side, by a lone tree that was near the portal she had been walking towards, as it was good to have her back in action again and not be stuck in Orgrimmar, having to listen to the leaders of the Alliance and the Horde and find a middle ground that both of them could agree on, especially after what happened with Jaina, though that was when she walked over to where Rainbow was standing and raised her eyebrow for a moment as she spotted something new, "nice legs and claws... transformation through additional exposure to Fel energy, right?"

"Yeah, from killing some Illidari that were corrupted into Felsworn traitors and absorbed their Fel energies," Rainbow said, though at the same time she raised a hand to stop Spitfire from saying anything to that statement, as she knew that her friend would be saddened and disappointed when she heard about what happened to Cyana and the others, which Belath or one of the other Illidari would tell her about in the near future, hence why she was focused on what she needed to tell her and everyone else, especially after all the effort she went through to get it, "Don't worry, you'll learn about it from the others, since that's how I learned about what happened to some of our force, but before that I have something important to tell everyone, especially after everything we went through earlier."

Spitfire seemed interested in what Rainbow had to share with her and the others, hence the reason she nodded and they passed through the portal that was in front of them, allowing them to return to Mardum and the Fel Hammer once more, where it was easy for them to see what everyone was doing at the moment and the Illidari looked like they were getting everything in order, carrying items and gear all over the place, meaning that Kayn, Altruis, or Belath had asked for a bunch of items for the plans that their Lord had given Akama, though both of them returning to their base of operations caused everyone to stop what they were doing as Rainbow took center stage.

"Illidari, I have good news to share with you: Cordana Felsong has been eliminated, and those she has corrupted since we were released have been put to rest," Rainbow stated, allowing the Illidari to hear some of the good news, where she and Spitfire could see that a number of them were pleased by the death of the Fel Warden and an end had been put to all of her plans, even though some seemed to be in the middle of wishing they had been the ones to bring about the end of her life, before she reached into the pouch she was carrying and heard a few gasps as she pulled out the Sargerite Keystone, holding it high for everyone to see what her true prize was, "and we now have the Sargerite Keystone!"

As Spitfire expected the Illidari started to cheer, as having the Sargerite Keystone in their possession again meant that no world, as in those that were under the control of the Legion, were safe from the fury of the Illidari and they could hunt any demon that they wanted to kill, those that had been bothersome to Azeroth since the Legion started attacking it, but even as she thought about that she knew who their first targets should be and she suspected that Rainbow understood that as well, as it was time for them to show the Legion that Varedis and Caria were no longer the pawns that they could trust and kill them before they could do anything else.

"To be honest, I'm surprised by how quickly we've done things... Rainbow has recovered the Sargerite Keystone, our forces are ready for anything, and we even have a plan of attack," Allari commented, where she walked up to where Spitfire and Rainbow were standing at the moment, because she knew that they were the strongest members of their Order, with one being the leader until they found and recovered Lord Illidan's body and soul, which they would worry about once they got to that point, and it was only due to their efforts that they were able to tackle the Legion's plans, stop a faction war from unfolding, and everything else they've gone since they were released from their cells, though that was when she knelt for a moment, making sure the gesture was towards Spitfire and no one else, "now all we have to do is locate the Felsouls and prepare for our first invasion, targeting whatever Legion world they are currently hiding out on. Lady Spitfire, I ask that you leave the information gathering to me, as I can promise you that I will use everything in my arsenal, including the Scythe of Souls, to extract whatever scrapes of information the demons possess to figure out where Varedis and Caria are currently calling their base of operations."

"Then I will leave this mission in your capable hands," Spitfire replied, knowing that giving Allari this mission was the best thing she could do at the moment and it seemed like Rainbow, who preferred to fight demons and cut them down, also understood her reasoning and said nothing to counter her as she walked towards the center of the floor they were on, as that was when she raised her hand and the Keystone lifted into place so that it could float some distance above the main console that contained the map of the Broken Isles and, if they expanded it outwards, the continents of Azeroth and many of the other worlds that were close to this one, all thanks to what the Legion set up in the past, "Is there anything else that we need to do before we can begin preparations for our eventual invasion?"

"Thanks to Rainbow's efforts, and the efforts of our own forces, we've killed a few more criminals and escapees from the list Maiev created, earning some leeway from the Wardens," a voice replied, where Spitfire and Rainbow found that those that had been sent to the Vault of the Wardens had returned and that they bared the bodies of the Felsworn who Cordana had twisted into traitors, though it was easy for the two of them to figure out that Kayn had spoken up upon his return to the Fel Hammer, while at the same time Allari stood up and beckoned for a couple of their forces, like four demon hunters, three Broken, two Shivarra, and two Naga, to follow her through the portal and begin tracking down anyone who might have the information they were seeking, before Kayn spoke up again, "Loramus has been developing new ways to turn his new knowledge to our benefit, and one of the ways he's doing that is by empowering our weapons with Obliterum, which is usually used to enhance the protective and offensive capabilities of armor, but he's convinced that we might be able to use it to make our warglaives, and both of your blades, far deadlier than they already are, so I sent a few Illidari to Dalaran to see if they could figure out where some of the substance is located and where we can get some, or who we have to kill so we can get our hands on it. In addition to that we would have needed to harvest souls to empower the Fel Hammer's engines, given that everything the Legion uses runs on soul energy... yes, I know, its a horrible thing they do, and that we'll be doing in the near future... but thanks to Allari's actions we were able to harvest a number of souls beforehand, so you two don't have to worry about heading out and harvesting the souls of some powerful creatures to power the command center, as we have more than enough to power the Fel Hammer for the foreseeable future, and if we assault Argus we can use the souls of the demons there to empower our ship for who knows how long. Also, we found out that the Fel Hammer isn't jump-capable, meaning that we couldn't use this to get from world to world anyway, so I sent Jace out to two points in the Broken Isles to gather four parts that need replacing, since they were damaged during the Legion's assault on Mardum after we took control of this world... he's taking a Fel engine injector and a soul configuration matrix from a Legion camp in Felsoul Hold, while claiming a Fel engine ignition and a vile spirit converter from Faronaar."

"Am I correct in assuming that once Jace, Allari, and the others complete their missions we can head to whatever world the Felsouls are hiding on and take them out?" Rainbow asked, because that was the main point she wanted to make sure was possible, that they would be capable of jumping to the world their targets were hiding on and take them out, all to anger Kil'jaeden and show the Legion just how vulnerable all of their worlds were, though at the same time Spitfire raised a hand to her chin as she thought about everything that they had learned, as it was nice to see that the Illidari had been getting things ready, to the best of their abilities anyway.

"Yes, that's the plan... and then, once that's done, we can focus on assisting the other Orders in killing their demonic foes and ensuring those creatures never come back," Kayn replied, as he was positive that most of the other Orders would be fighting demons in some form, given that the Legion was in the middle of attacking Azeroth, and that they would be happy to permanently end a number of demons, especially those that were quite bothersome to their forces and forced them to sacrifice much to take even one of them down, though he was looking forward to taking the fight to the Broken Shore and force the Legion to leave the Tomb of Sargeras at long last, so they could destroy the Legion at last.

With that said Spitfire and Rainbow focused on making sure everything in the Fel Hammer was where it was supposed to be for when the other returned to their base of operations, as in they assisted Kayn and the others in moving things from one point to another, though they also took some time to check in with the new recruits and showed them a few moves to make sure they were ready for the battles that were ahead of them, without pulling a Varedis and punching them right in the gut to knock them down, as both of them felt that such a thing was a dumb move and really didn't teach a trainee anything at all, hence why they dropped it and focused on the real moves a demon hunter used in battle. After doing that the pair rested while the rest of the Illidari continued to work, where Spitfire revealed that she had been told what sort of plans the other Orders would be going through in the near future, no doubt waiting for her and the Illidari to make the first move, where it appeared that the druids were dealing with the Nightmare and not the Legion, the priests would be joining forces with the paladins to take down a Dreadlord called Balnazzar, a blight on both Orders from what she could figure out and a few demon hunters would be sent to help kill him and claim his soul, while the warlocks would be using their rituals to summon two powerful demons, a pair known as the Eredar Twins, and enslave both demons to take their power away from the Legion, which would, in turn, weaken the power of another Dreadlord, Mephistroth, who the heroes would take out in due time. The shamans didn't need the aid of the Illidari, as they were in the middle of recruiting the rest of the Elemental Lords and weren't planning on killing any demons yet, because that was something that would come just after their forces were ready, the death knights also didn't need any help since they were in the middle of assembling their Four Horsemen, who happened to be some of the most powerful death knights in existence, second to the Deathlords of their Order, and both the Alliance and the Horde had agreed to allow their allies to raise three new horsemen to replace those that had been defeated in the past, those being an orc hero called Nazgrim, a human warrior that went by the name Thoras Trollbane, and a human priest called Sally Whitemane, though it was the fourth one that she wasn't sure would even happen, as it was Tirion Fordring, a powerful paladin that had died shortly after the start of this invasion, and she had the feeling the paladins wouldn't give his body to the death knights.

In addition to all of that the monks suspected that they would come under fire from a Legion command ship and that was why she made sure a few Illidari were sent to their base of operations, a wandering island by the sounds of it, that way if the monks were attacked they could route the demons and capture their souls, while the rogues were preparing to have a few of their members head into Stormwind so they could unmask another Dreadlord, Detheroc, and Spitfire found that a pair of night elf demon hunters had volunteered to aid the rogues out, something she allowed, though that was when she turned her attention to the mages and the fact that they were going to imprison a fourth Dreadlord, Kathra'natir, inside a magical soulstone so his power could be used against the Legion. That left the hunters and the warriors, where she knew that the hunters were in the middle of preparing a trap for a Fel Lord called Hakkar the Houndmaster and had accepted the Illidari's aid without delay, meaning that once their foe was dead his soul would be trapped and use against the Legion with the rest of the captured demons, while the warriors were planning on heading to a Legion world to recover an ally that had been stolen by their enemies a day or two ago, so a few Illidari had offered to join them in cutting down any and all demons so they could capture their souls and take down Lady Ran'zara. It sure seemed like their allies were waiting on her to make the first move, to sound the horn of war so the heroes could lash out at the Legion from multiple angles and not give them enough time to react accordingly, though she just needed to be patient and wait for her own allies to come back with word of their success, as once that happened they would ready the Fel Hammer and jump to whatever world the Felsouls had picked out as their hiding spot, allowing her and Rainbow to finish what they started when they claimed both of the artifact weapons they were currently using. Spitfire was sure that Varedis and Caria knew they were coming, based on everything that had happened since they started fighting the Legion for real, and that whatever world they were calling home had defenses to make it harder for invaders to do anything, so the Illidari would be in for one grand fight as soon as they jumped to the world their targets called home, though once that was done, and the other Orders were done with their deeds as well, everyone could turn their attention to preparing for the second assault on the Broken Shore, not to mention dealing with the dangers of Suramar, to claim the final Pillar of Creation.

As she thought about that, however, she noticed a number of Illidari return to the Fel Hammer, with Jace and Allari among their number, and that brought a smile to her face, even though she was sure an hour had passed since they left this area, hence the reason she got up from where she had been leaning and walked over to the pair, because one happened to be carrying a number of parts, replacements for what the Legion damaged in their assault all those years ago, while one had a smirk on her face, indicating that Allari must have found the information she was seeking, though the crystals that she was carrying meant she had made sure to capture the souls of those she questioned, just to make sure their enemies had no idea what they were up to.

"Jace, Allari, its good to see that you have returned," Spitfire remarked, as that was the truth of the matter, especially since these two contained the rest of the information and components they needed to make the Fel Hammer jump-capable, so the Illidari could finally put their plan into motion at long last, and she could tell that Rainbow and the others were pausing for a moment to see if the pair had everything they needed to get things underway, hence why Spitfire focused on the pair as she asked the question that was on her mind, "Tell me, did you recover the components we needed and discovered the location of our targets?"

"The demons were very angry with me, but I have recovered the necessary replacements for what was damaged, and took a number of souls as well," Jace replied, where he gestured to his pack for a moment, informing Spitfire of where he had stored the items in question so he could have focused on his task, before pulling out a few Fel crystals that contained the souls of every demon he had slain during his mission, preventing those foes from returning to the Legion, which cut down on the number of enemies that were attacking Azeroth right now, even if it wasn't by a lot since there were more demons ready to invade this world, waiting on Argus and the other demon worlds.

"And, through questioning a number of demons, I have determined that the Felsouls are hiding out on the world known as Niskara, a broken world with many identical fragments," Allari added, though at the same time she kept the smirk on her face as she thought about what she had learned before returning to the Fel Hammer, as this piece of information meant that the moment the Fel Hammer was ready to depart they could head to where their targets were hiding and cut them down at long last, while signaling for the rest of the Order Halls to assault their own demonic enemies at the same time, before she returned to the topic at hand as she faced Spitfire again, "and I know which fragment they are on, so as soon as the Fel Hammer is ready to go we can jump to their base of operations and take them down."

Spitfire opened her mouth for a moment, so she could congratulate the pair and the other Illidari on a job well done, but before she could do that she, Rainbow, and everyone else felt the air in Mardum shudder for a moment, like some sort of powerful creature had arrived or was in the middle of assaulting this place, the latter being the least accurate since they knew the Fel Hammer would have been knocked to the side if such a thing had happened, to which Spitfire traced the Fel energy that was in the air and found that it would bring her to the balcony that she had spoken to the images of Varedis and Caria at, so she and Rainbow headed over to the area in question and found a transparent image, made from a sickly Fel color, rising out of a mass of Fel energy, which was a massive winged creature that seemed far taller than they were, before the wings unfurled and revealed Kil'jaeden, in all his glory.

"Spitfire, Rainbow Dash, your insolence has come to an end." Kil'jaeden declared, his voice louder than what Varedis and Caria had used when their images appeared before them some time ago, back when the Felsworn wanted to taunt them and declared that they would perish in the near future, though the Eredar Lord, which was the term that the Illidari called him and Archimonde by since they were two of the strongest demons in the Legion's ranks, sounded like he was possibly displeased or annoyed by something as he stared down at the pair that were in front of him, "You and your Illidari will now betray the forces of Azeroth and join the Burning Legion, your rightful rulers and superiors, and by becoming Felsworn I will ensure that you will ascend to being some of the strongest demons that will raze creation in Sargeras' name... you may grovel now, demon hunters."

"Yeah, how about no!" Rainbow stated, where Spitfire nodded her head as the two of them drew their weapons and took a moment to point them towards the Eredar Lord that was in front of them, making it look like they were going to lash out at him and strike his image down before he could do anything, though even as they did that the Illidari that happened to be behind them, demon hunters and non demon hunters alike, stood behind the pair and shifted into their battle stances as well, where basically everyone was showing Kil'jaeden that they wouldn't bow to his will and that they would do everything in their powers to bring him, and the Legion, to their knees.

"Very well. You have sealed not only your fate, but the fates of your allies as well." Kil'jaeden stated, speaking to Spitfire and Rainbow, instead of the assembled force that was refusing his demand, though even as they did that they knew that anyone who fell would be taken by the Legion and tortured until they were no longer the demon hunter they used to be, or at least that was the case for them, Kayn, and the others, before the Eredar Lord folded his wings up and started to sink into the mass of Fel energy, even though he focused on them as he did so, "Varedis and Caria will deal will be the end of you two, and then I will torture your souls until you break and become willing servants of the Legion!"

Everyone waited for a few moments, just to make sure that Kil'jaeden was gone and that he wasn't spying on them, before rushing to complete their work before the Legion ships warped to their location, because if Kil'jaeden knew where the Fel Hammer was located it was only a matter of time before he diverted some of his forces to attack them and wipe them out so they couldn't aid the forces of Azeroth anymore, though as they did that Spitfire returned to Dalaran and sought out the Council, as she needed Khadgar to send word to the leaders of the other Orders and tell them that the time had come for them to launch their massive offensive against their enemies. Khadgar and the other Council members were surprised by her sudden arrival, not that they were busy at the moment since they were planning on assisting the Orders as well, and asked why she was suddenly coming to them so she could make sure the leaders of the Orders were ready to go, where Spitfire quickly informed them that the Illidari had been visited by Kil'jaeden, in the form of an image, and that a gauntlet had been thrown between her forces and his army, so the Illidari needed to act now, before their enemies assaulted the world they had taken over all those years ago, something that caused the Council to nod their heads for a moment before they started to weave their magic through the air and send messages to the other Orders. While that was going on Spitfire also made sure that Khadgar sent a message to Saurfang, her chosen second that would take command of the Horde for the time that she was out in the field, and another to Anduin, allowing the High King to prepare his forces for what would come once their assaults were finished and the Legion was pushed back, even though they would be focusing on heading to Suramar for the final Pillar of Creation, though as soon as that was done she bid the Council farewell and headed back over to Krasus' Landing, where she found that the other heroes were running around Dalaran, claiming some last minute items for their own assaults, before spreading her wings as she flew down to the portal in question and returned to the Fel Hammer. The Illidari were taking their battle stations at this point in time, making sure they were ready for whatever might happen when they arrived at Niskara, and Rainbow was standing near the command console that would allow them to use the power of the Fel Hammer to warp from Mardum and head to their destination, where they could begin the assault on Varedis and Caria's base of operations, even though she and Rainbow would crush the Felsouls and deal a telling blow to Kil'jaeden's forces, or at least that was the plan they were working with right now.

Once everyone reported that everything in the Fel Hammer was operational, and that every item they fixed was working as they were supposed to, Spitfire took her place at the main console that she had accessed earlier, when she and Rainbow had claimed the ship thanks to the artifacts they carried, and channeled her power through the console as Allari informed her of the exact location that was their destination, where everyone braced themselves for a moment as the energies of their ship channeled through the Sargerite Keystone and then washed over everything, something that was followed by it and all of them vanishing from Mardum at long last... though not a few moments later they reappeared above Niskara and everyone rushed to their positions so they could start the assault at long last.

The first thing they did was send everyone onto the top of the Fel Hammer, as when a Legion ship moved through the air it was in a horizontal state and allowed whoever commanded one of the ships to walk on the edge of the vessel, as in on the outside of the ship, and when one came to a stop they did so in a vertical state, so Spitfire, Rainbow, and their allies stood on the top portion of the ship and approached the console that was up there, which was an odd place for the console that controlled the weapons of the Fel Hammer, but right now neither of them were going to worry about it and had Jace use the console, where he opened fire on the demons of Niskara. This bombardment was designed to weaken the forces that Varedis and Caria had gathered since joining the Legion, killing some of the demons and putting others in a state where they would be much easier for them to kill, where those that fell would either be devoured by both Spitfire and Rainbow's blades or be cast into the depths of the Twisting Nether, which the fragmented world was surrounded by, ending the lives of those that weren't eaten by their artifacts, though everyone watched as Fel fireballs rained down on Niskara and just smashed into the Felguards that were patrolling the starting point of this twisted Legion world. As Spitfire discovered there was a second fragment of Niskara floating close by where they were located, one that happened to be where a number of hunters were in the middle of assaulting Hakkar's domain, which was rather odd when she thought about it, but this was good since it meant the other Orders were in the middle of starting their own assaults, hence why she focused on their task, especially when she and Rainbow heard Caria screaming in frustration as the Felguards were blasted into the ground and some perished in the process. It even took the Felsoul in question a few moments to order her forces to summon the devastators, the cannon-like machines that Spitfire had the Illidari destroy back during their assault on Mardum, but due to it taking her some time to issue such an order Jace and those that joined him in using the weapons of the Fel Hammer were able to smash each and every devastator that were summoned to the path that would lead them to the heart of this fragment of Niskara, eventually causing Caria to, once again, scream in pure frustration as she watched her forces being wasted by the Illidari and the weapons that they were turning against the Legion, before ordering those that remained to prepare whatever defenses that existed in this place.

"Illidari, the time for us to fulfill Lord Illidan's plans and show the Legion that they are no longer safe on their worlds, not while we are hunting them!" Spitfire stated, where she could see that the Illidari were ready for whatever order she had to give them, especially Rainbow and the other champions of their Order, hence why she glanced down at the broken and shattered world of Niskara, knowing that their allies were tearing into the demons that happened to be bothering them at the moment, and gripped both of her warglaives as she did that, "Akama, I'm leaving you in charge of defending the Fel Hammer and using the rest of our forces to stall any Legion reinforcements that might try and flank us... while Rainbow, our champions, and I head down to cut our way to Varedis and Caria."

The Illidari cheered as they rushed to their battle stations, a few taking Jace's position as he, Kayn, Altruis, Allari, Kor'vas, Belath, and Asha followed Spitfire and Rainbow as they flared their wings for a moment and took to the skies, where they flew into the twisted and tainted skies of Niskara while focusing on the perfect area for them to land in, which happened to be an area that some Felguards had been in before the bombardment had occurred, one that was just outside the area of Niskara that Varedis and Caria had built their fortress in when they joined the Legion, meaning they were close to bringing down Kil'jaeden's servants and dealing a blow to the Legion. As such the pair landed in that area and waited for a second or two, which was when Kayn and the others landed nearby and informed them that there were three lieutenant ranked demons in this portion of Niskara, a powerful Felstalker called Carnivore, an Inquisitor known only as the Overseer, and a Jailer known as Soulchaser, meaning that they would have to kill the three of them, and probably shatter whatever portals their foes were trying to open, before making their way to where Varedis and Caria were resting, to fight them and slay both of the Felsouls at long last. Once the group knew what they needed to do next, before reaching their targets, Spitfire and Rainbow lead the charge into the section of this broken world and found a number of Eredar in the middle of trying to open portals to whatever demon world they were trying to call reinforcements from, where their champions separated not a few seconds later and lashed out at the demons in question, leaving the lieutenants for them to take out, where it was easy to find the large Felstalker known as Carnivore off to the left of the entrance of this area, where it appeared to be in the middle of eating some bodies, likely the corpses of some animals that were pulled into this world from whatever world Varedis and Caria had assaulted before Azeroth. The demon growled when it realized that they were there and lashed out with its teeth, trying to bite them and knock them into the ground, though Spitfire and Rainbow just dodged the attacks in question and lashed out with their blades, even though Rainbow used some of her lightning to smite a few Felguards that rushed at them from one of the portals the Eredar were opening, despite the fact that most of the reinforcements were in the middle of targeting Kayn and everyone else, allowing them to deal enough damage to their target and removed the Felstalker's head, with Rainbow dealing the finishing blow and claimed the soul, plus the power, that had been inside their foe's body before their arrival.

From there they headed down the rest of the path as their champions smashed some of the portals, cutting down on the number of reinforcements instantly, where Spitfire let Rainbow head off on her own and track down Soulchaser, who had to be closer to the fortress that their targets were resting in, while she focused on the larger Inquisitor, the Overseer, that was near her, where the demon in question lashed out at her with both his clawed hands and the eye spells that he had access to, intending on knocking her down and crippling her so that Kil'jaeden could claim her soul, to corrupt her into a weapon of the Legion, but that didn't stop her from removing the demon's head and sending its soul screaming into her Twinblades, with its power being added to her own. While she did that Spitfire found that the Illidari were collapsing all of Varedis and Caria's portals, depriving this fragment of Niskara of reinforcements, which could have turned the tide of this invasion if they hadn't come prepared for an invasion, before they noticed that Rainbow was in the middle of crushing the Jailer that was in front of her, as Soulchaser was already being pushed backwards by the power of her swings and even her new claws, the latter tearing through the Jailer's chest in the process and splattered some of his blood on the stones that were resting around them, something that actually surprised Soulchaser in the process, before she cleaved him in half and claimed both his soul and his power for herself. With the three lieutenants dead, and Spitfire felt that none of them were all that strong in the first place so she had to doubt Varedis and Caria's skills in determining the strengths and weaknesses of those who fought beside them, she walked over to where Rainbow was standing as their champions smashed the few remaining portals that were in this part of their fragment of Niskara, something that allowed Kayn and the others to walk up to where they were standing, despite the fact that Spitfire was walking up to the main fortress, since she was eager to bring down both of the Felsouls and lash out at the Legion. What she discovered was that there was a large Fel barrier in front of the fortress, meaning that either Varedis and Caria were terrified of her and Rainbow and this was a way to keep them from reaching them, which was unlikely given their bravado earlier, or they wanted to stall them so they could just prepare for the battle that was coming their way, where she thought about something before turning to Jace, since he had to have a crystal or communicator that would allow them to keep in touch with the Fel Hammer, who actually pulled out a slightly green colored crystal and held it out for her to use.

"Akama, do you read me?" Spitfire asked, because if this worked she should be able to use one of the main weapons of the Fel Hammer against the barrier that was in front of them, which would allow her and Rainbow to invade the fortress and face their foes at long last, though it didn't take her long to hear Akama confirm that he could hear her and that those that were guarding their ship were dealing with some demons that were trying to flank the group, something that prompted all of their champions to turn around so they could guard the ramp to this place, before she focused on the order that she had for their ally, "I need you to use the power of the Fel Hammer to bring down the barrier that's in front of us, and then recall the other Illidari so they can be positioned outside this fortress... that way, when we bring an end to the Felsouls, all of us can be recalled to the Fel Hammer and warp back to Mardum before the Legion comes for us."

Not a few seconds later their ship moved into position above the fortress that they were standing near and a beam of pure Fel energy rushed out from one of the cannons, smashing right into the barrier that was blocking the way forward and just smashed it to pieces, scattering a few bits of Fel energy in the process, to which Spitfire had Kayn and everyone else, plus the rest of the Illidari that were teleported down to aid them, ready themsleves to defend this area from the enemies that were coming their way, before she and Rainbow walked into the structure and found that there was a second floor, which happened to be where Varedis and Caria, in all of their Fel-corrupted glory, were standing, though Varedis had a new pair of warglaives and Caria just had her claws at the ready.

"Spitfire, Rainbow Dash, we've been waiting for you to arrive," Varedis remarked, where Spitfire quickly noticed that he still had all of the cuts she had dealt to him during their previous battle etched into his skin, like Kil'jaeden had inflicted a new punishment onto the corrupted Felsworn that seemed to be his champion, while at the same time Caria looked annoyed that the two of them had made it this far, which was perfectly fine since it might open a hole in her defenses, where that was followed by him raising one of his new warglaives and pointed at them for a moment, "Today we'll be tearing the both of you down and offer your souls to the Master, who will corrupt you into obedient weapons of the Legion and turn you on the defenders of Azeroth... you will be the downfall of this wo..."

In that moment Spitfire transformed into her empowered demonic form and burst into the air, where she rushed towards her foe and spun around for a second, avoiding the tip of Varedis' new warglaive, something that allowed her to kick him right in the chest with one of her hooves and sent him flying into one of the walls that rested around them, something that caused Caria to gasp in surprise since she wasn't expecting her to be even stronger than what Varedis had told her about after their weapons had been taken from them, but before she could do anything Rainbow transformed as well and just landed in front of her target, where she kicked Caria in the side and knocked her into a wall as well, all while separating her from Varedis so the battles could be one on one. Varedis growled as he got back up and rushed at Spitfire without wasting a single moment, where the two of them clashed with each other as their blades collided with each other, though as that happened an image of Kil'jaeden appeared nearby, on a level that was anove them, and he declared that they would now fight for his amusement, almost as if he assumed his Felsworn would be the winners of this battle, and based on the sheer power that was coming from Varedis and Caria she had to assume that both of them had been empowered once more, no doubt right after she and Rainbow knocked them down a peg, though while the Felsouls were stronger the same could be said for them as well. Somehow that was something that Varedis refused to acknowledge as he swung at Spitfire with his new blades and found that they were blocked, as he seemed to have gone insane after his death and the torture that had been inflicted upon him, especially since he continued to declare that he was a god and that she would suffer for what she had done to him the last time they had seen each other, and he even believed that she was one of the ones that had done him in and betrayed him a long time ago, confirming that Kil'jaeden had broken him and made him insane, since she did care for her allies, hence why she focused on fighting her foe. Varedis continued to lash out at her, like he was trying to force Spitfire to go on the defensive and put her into a corner so he could cut her down, but Spitfire parried the incoming attacks like they were nothing and ducked under one for a moment, where she swung her Twinblades and hacked into his hands once more, forcing him to drop his weapons once more and caused him to growl in response, before she went on the offensive and swung her blades once more, delivering a number of slashes into his chest as he staggered backwards for a few moments, no doubt wondering what in the world was going on.

Kil'jaeden growled in annoyance as he watched that happened, though Spitfire ignored the Eredar Lord as she slashed into her foe's arms, legs, and chest, before knocking Varedis backwards and banished her weapons for a moment as she raised both of her hands, where she gathered her Fel energy for a few seconds and loosed a massive Fel fireball, one that just so happened to be her size and could be more like a meteor, that blasted the Felsworn in question backwards and revealed that he had burn marks all over his body, though before he could recover himself she rushed forward and swung both of her Twinblades, removing Varedis' head and dropped his body to the ground as his soul spun around her, allowing her to see what Rainbow was up to.

Rainbow parried the incoming claw attacks that were coming her way, since Caria seemed to abandon the idea of having blades in the first place and appeared to be etching sigils on the ground so she could empower her body, and found that she was able to use either the Warblades or her own clawed feet to deal damage to her foe's body, especially the four red lines that appeared on Caria's chest a few seconds later as Rainbow spun around and raked her claws against her foe's hardened demonic skin, meaning her demonic state was definitely stronger than Caria's was. Caria growled for a moment and loosed a burst of her twisted Eye Beam attack right at her foe not a few seconds later, something that could easily be dodged given all of the directions that were around her at the moment, though instead of doing that Rainbow grinned and loosed a burst of her own Eye Beam not a few seconds later, where it rushed forward and smashed into her foe's attack, causing the air around them to shudder as they did that, even though it wasn't long before Rainbow shattered Caria's Eye Beam and struck her in the chest, knocking her into a wall in the process. Caria coughed for a moment as she removed herself from the wall and rushed at Rainbow once more, who went back on the offensive and banished her Warglaives for a moment, where she lashed out with her fists and clawed feet not a few seconds later and trapped Caria in a barrage of attacks that she would be hardpressed to escape from, especially since she was using her impressive speed to enhance all of the punches and kicks that were making contact with the Felsoul that was in front of her, which had to be annoying Kil'jaeden as he watched the pair topple Varedis and Caria. Her foe staggered for a moment as that happened, due to not being able to catch up to Rainbow's power, both Fel related and her lightning speed, where Rainbow grinned for a second or two as she summoned her Warblades from her horns and cut into Caria's arms, smashing her demonic skin like it was made of paper and even breaking the jagged spikes that were on her back, as the Felsoul tried to pin her into the wall by charging at her, which gave her an opening to hack apart all of Caria's spikes and deprive her of another weapon, which just annoyed the Felsoul even more than she already was and caused her to lash out with little regard for what was in the area they were fighting in, allowing Rainbow to swing her Warblades and smashed open Caria's defenses with ease, before she spun around and removed her head from her body.

"Spitfire, Rainbow Dash... I will take great pleasure in breaking you two when you finally die..." Kil'jaeden stated, where he growled at them for a moment as Spitfire sent the soul of Varedis into the depths of her Twinblades and added all of his Fel energy to her own, where Rainbow did the same thing with Caria's soul and power, even though they focused on the Eredar Lord that was angry with them, though even as he said that Spitfire could tell that Akama had noticed the deaths of the Felsouls and had to be in the middle of recalling the Illidari to the Fel Hammer, before the image disappeared with a rather annoyed look on his face, meaning they had succeeded in pissing of Kil'jaeden.

Despite the annoyed look on Kil'jaeden's face, which was rather interesting to see, Spitfire and Rainbow smiled for a few seconds as Spitfire set fire to Varedis and Caria's bodies, mostly to reduce them to ashes so the Legion didn't try to put a pair of new souls inside them, before they were teleported back to the Fel Hammer and found that everyone was alright, to which they nodded and activated the Sargerite Keystone so they could return to Mardum, to see if the other heroes had been successful in their own missions as well, and then, once everyone had a chance to celebrate their successes, they could focus on Suramar at long last.

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