• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 1,167 Views, 307 Comments

World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Suramar: Arcing Aqueducts

Spitfire and Rainbow stood in Shal'Aran as the heroes of Azeroth responded to what Khadgar liked to refer to as the 'Call to Arms', something that one or both factions used when their heroes went on a raid to take down a powerful foe that was in the process of threatening their world, such as the time when they waged war on Deathwing, or when they challenged the dangers of Icecrown Citadel, to face the Lich King, or the dangers of Uldaur, eventually bringing them to the Old God Yogg-Saron, and it was the call that was sounded some time ago, when they had to face the dangers that Xavius had placed in the Emerald Nightmare and to head to Helheim to take down Helya. Many of their allies had been working with their Orders to take down the Legion, as in each and every one of them had been focused on the Broken Shore and what would happen as soon as they got their hands on the final Pillar of Creation, the Eye of Amun'thul, as one they had it in their possession they would be able to close the Felstorm and cut the Legion off from Azeroth, despite the fact that Spitfire was sure Lord Illidan had a plan to assault Argus directly, attacking their enemies while they were taking a moment to lick their wounds. To that end Spitfire had asked Khadgar to bring Light's Heart with him, the literal heart of the Prime Naaru Xe'ra, who sent it to them so they could reunite the soul of Lord Illidan with his body, so right now the crystalline object was the temporary home of his soul, rescued from Helheim and carefully stored inside the powerful object, and the reason she asked Khadgar to retrieve it was because she was planning on having him follow her and the heroes as they made their way through the Nighthold, so the moment they had access to Lord Illidan's body, and Gul'dan was no longer focused on it, he could transfer the soul into his body and bring the true leader of the Illidari back. Of course Thalyssra was coming with them, so she could inform them of the various areas that they might come across and help them find their way to the Nightspire, where the Eye of Amun'thul, and likely Gul'dan, would be waiting for them to arrive, though before that they would have to fight and slay a number of skilled and powerful enemies, just like what they had seen during their last two raids.

In addition to all of that they had a few other objectives, the first being that they needed to smash the heart of the Time Lock spell that Elisande had been forced to case on their army earlier, which happened to be resting in the depths of the Nighthold according to Thalyssra, while another mission was to ensure that any prisoners that were inside the structure were freed from their bindings and escaped before the Legion found them, which included tracking down Ly'leth, but the more important one was finding and freeing Elisande, as she would be a formidable ally in the fight against both Gul'dan and the Legion, and Spitfire was sure the Grand Magistrix would want to settle the score.

"Spitfire, we're ready to depart," Thalyssra said, speaking up the moment all of Azeroth's heroes were assembled inside Shal'Aran once more, an amazing sight when she thought about it and knew that she was fortunate to have them on her side, because she was sure that if they had been enemies the heroes would have laid waste to her and whatever forces had followed her, though it was in that moment that Spitfire stopped thinking about whatever she had been focused on and turned towards her allies for a few seconds.

"Good, then let us depart before Gul'dan sends someone to reseal the breach," Spitfire replied, as she knew that none of them needed her to repeat their mission once more, as they understood that this was the raid that everyone had been waiting for since the events of Draenor, given that this would grant them the ability to bring down the orc warlock at long last and cripple whatever his masters had ordered him to do, to which she turned for a moment before heading through the Sanctum of Order portal.

Not a few seconds later she appeared in the area that Rainbow had faced Andaris in, the arrogant corrupted elf who had tried to set an unsuccessful trap for Thalyssra and had paid for her hubris with her very life, though it didn't take Rainbow and the others all that long to step out of the portal as well, each hero looking like they were ready for war since they had their weapons out and were glancing around in case enemies might have been placed in the Sanctum since the last time Rainbow had been here, which wasn't all that long ago. While she understood why they were being cautious, and she was thinking the same thing as she glanced up the stairs for a few seconds, she knew that the heroes had rushed to Shal'Aran as soon as the Call to Arms had been sounded and that meant Gul'dan didn't have a chance to reinforce this area or the seal that had been on the breach earlier, which Thalyssra confirmed the erasure of not that long ago, meaning they didn't have to worry about something blocking their way. Valtrois, Oculeth, Tyrande, Lady Liadrin, and everyone else didn't come with the group, as the rest of their forces would be waiting near their frozen army, so once the heart of the Time Lock spell was slain or destroyed it should undo the spell in question and free everyone so they could recover from what had been forced on them, before even thinking about marching on the main gate of the Nighthold, which would make this more of a pincer attack in some manner. As soon as everyone was inside the Sanctum of Order, and Khadgar was sure of that as he carried Light's Heart in his hands, Spitfire headed through the hole in the wall that was near the portal and headed down the set of stairs that would bring them right to the breach Ly'leth had informed them about earlier, even though they had missed her original message thanks to Gul'dan's minions, and it didn't take her and her companions all that long to reach the bottom step and come to a stop in front of the magical breach that would take them to the Nighthold, as it was more of a magical portal that would take them across most of the city. In that moment Spitfire glanced back at everyone and made sure they were ready for whatever might be waiting for them inside the depths of the Nighthold, where the heroes nodded their heads to show that they were prepared and even Thalyssra and Khadgar replicated the motion as well, to which she focused on the magical portal and headed through it, as it was time to tackle whatever challenges might be in their way this time around.

Sure enough they appeared in a decent sized tunnel that looked like one of the Ley Stations that were scattered across the whole of Suramar, though directly in front of them, near the opening that lead to a wider chamber of sorts, was a group of Withered that looked like they were even crazier than those they had freed from the hunger, which meant they had to be stronger than the last group of Withered they fought, but such a thing didn't stop her and Rainbow from rushing at the small group and swing their weapons at their current enemies. As Spitfire expected these Withered were definitely a tad bit stronger than those they had faced when they first arrived in Suramar, even though one could argue that it was due to her gaining the ability to use both Life energy and Death energy, giving her control over three of the six Cosmic Forces that one could use, but even with that fact she could see that her companions were parrying the incoming attacks and cutting or blasting the Withered who were in front of them. It didn't take them that long to eliminate all of the Withered and find a set of stairs behind them, heading downward a little and lead to where a number of knee sized scorpions happened to be resting, some with red scales, others with blue scales, and a few with green scales, meaning that some likely contained the power of fire, frost, and possibly poison, or at least that was her assumption on the matter, even though there were more in the curved tunnel to their left, where more of the green ones were coming from. As such the group carefully spread the scorpions out, just in case they had an ability that activated when they died so they could minimize the damage everyone might take from such an attack, while Thalyssra and Khadgar brought up the rear, the former no doubt telling the latter about the Nighthold so he could add the information to Dalaran's archives at a later date, even though she knew both of them were keeping an eye on the Arcane energies to make sure nothing surprised them. Over the next minute or two the group took down the first batch of scorpions and then the hunters pulled the others down towards the section they were currently standing in, as they figured that there would be more in the upper chamber and wanted to cut down on just how many enemies they had to fight, though in the end that batch stood no chance against their combined might and neither did the third batch of scorpions.

Of course when they finished off the third batch, and come move deeper into the depths of the Nighthold, Spitfire and the heroes stopped for a moment when they found a large circular chamber in front of them, one that had Arcane crystals, as in massive ones that were nearly the size of a house in Suramar, growing out of one of the walls and part of the floor that was on the other side from where they were standing, and standing in the middle of the chamber, devouring part of one of the massive crystals, was a large scorpion, easily two to three times their size, who had crystalline scales that looked like they might have been formed from devouring all of this Arcane energy.

"Okay, that is one big scorpion..." Rainbow remarked, though at the same time they were fortunate that Gul'dan or one of his allies hadn't corrupted this with the Fel, as it would have been more demonic than what it currently was and would be much more powerful than what it might be at the moment, but as she said that Spitfire and the others walked into the edge of the chamber as Thalyssra and Khadgar remained inside the tunnel and raised a barrier in front of them, as neither of them were going to be involved with this so they could keep their energy up for when they found Gul'dan.

"I'm not sure what sort of madman thought it was a good idea to infuse a creature with the energies of the Nightwell, but it looks like it might be tough to bring down," Thalyssra commented, as that much she could tell with a glance at the beast in question, where it made it hard to tell if Spitfire's additional powers would be able to turn the tide against this creature or not, though at the same time she could see that there was a Fel barrier blocking the way forward, meaning that Gul'dan likely knew that they would come down here at some point in time and wanted to slow the heroes down enough to make sure he could complete his mission.

Spitfire held out an arm for a moment, with one of her Twinblades at the ready, and the heroes quickly spread out around the chamber without wasting even a second, though once everyone was prepared she shifted her stance as she hurled the warglaive through the air and let it strike the side of the scorpion's back, where it actually seemed to do nothing to its back as the weapon returned to Spitfire, but her attack had done what she wanted and the scorpion turned to face them not a few seconds later, indicating that a fight was about to start. As such both she and Rainbow shifted into their empowered forms and rushed through the air, colliding with the scorpion as the rest of the heroes joined the battle, hurling spells and arrows while hacking into the exoskeleton that was protecting it from the majority of their attacks, meaning they needed to find a way to smash through it and expose their foe's weakness to everyone, because once such a thing happened they would be able to even out the battlefield to some degree, though for right now the pair had to parry the pincers that their foe was using against them. As they faced their foe, and their allies lashed out at it to do something to the hard crystalline nature of its body, Rainbow banished a Warblade for a second as she channeled her power into a lance and thrust it down into their foe's backside, causing a small detonation that scattered some large crystalline chunks around the chamber, an odd consequence of her actions, something that caused the beast to roar in annoyance as it started to channel a bit of its own power into a blast of pure Arcane energy right in front of its face. In that moment the heroes knew that it was going to fire it right at all of them. Spitfire, on the other hand, remained in front of the scorpion as she reached into the small sack she carried and quickly pulled out her Arcane Stone as the blast came at her and her allies, though the reality was that the attack hit the gemstone and was pulled inside it, transferring the attack back into usable energy once more, but once that was done she and the heroes rushed at their foe once more, this time targeting the crystals on the scorpion's back as they fought to pry them off, like what Rainbow had done on accident, as it looked like it might be a way for them to shatter the crystalline exoskeleton and open their foe's defenses.

Rainbow's next attack, however, shattered the exoskeleton and caused the scorpion to flinch as its defenses were open for all of them to take advantage of, displaying that it had some sort of intelligence that was different from a normal animal or creature, but since it insisted on fighting them they had no choice by to take it down and lashed out with all of their power, as this time they could actually deal some decent damage to their foe, though while they did that Spitfire noticed that the scorpion was gathering power and, once everyone was done with their big skills, she had them hide behind the scattered crystals and they avoided taking damage when the beast fired off a shockwave at them, even though it was followed by it regenerating its exoskeleton as it shattered the crystals.

From that point onward it was just a matter of reading the scorpion's movements and countering them accordingly, as in the heroes were focused on clearing out the group of normal sized scorpions that the main one summoned to fight them, as they happened to be waiting for Rainbow to deal the first blow to the beast's back, Rainbow used her low power of her lance to blast a hole in the scorpion's defenses while making sure to parry any and all incoming attacks, and Spitfire made sure to use the Arcane Stone to absorb the focused Arcane blasts that would seriously hurt them, all while the healers did their best to make sure no one sustained any damage. It was rather simple because the scorpion didn't do anything odd or different from the first set of attacks it showed them when they started the fight, meaning everyone could focus on each attack it used against them and either move into position to bypass taking damage or dishing out their own damage to the massive scorpion that was blocking the way forward, though as it happened they could tell that the scorpion was trying its hardest to bring them down, something that was followed by Spitfire doing something different. What she did as Rainbow took their foe's focus was that she raised two fingers, just like she did sometime after balancing the Life energies she had gained from fighting Xavius and being blessed by Lunara and all of the other inhabitants of the Dream, where a large mass of roots burst out of the opening that was near the crystals the scorpion had been devouring and wrapped around one of its pincers, stalling it when she yanked it backwards, where Rainbow shoved a lance down the scorpion's throat and let it explode in its mouth, sending a massive shock through their foe's body and shattered the exoskeleton once more, which opened the way for the others to face it. Once that was done Spitfire leapt into the air as Rainbow and the heroes used all of their power to bring down the scorpion at long last, since they had been fighting for a time now, where she moved her right warglaive over to her right for a moment as she spun around so the scorpion would be right behind her, while the direction her body faced would be the tunnel they used to enter this chamber, before she gathered a new type of energy into the edge of her weapon, the dark gray Death energy, and swung a crescent wave of energy that sliced into the back of their foe and caused it to stagger for a moment as pain raced through its body.

Once that happened there was no stopping the group from breaking down the scorpion, who was trying to kill them and fulfill its mission, and the final blow came from Scarlet stabbing its skull and brain with Frostmourne, causing it to go still a few seconds later as it crashed into the ground, something that caused the heroes to huff for a moment as they put away their weapons and sat on the floor, as it was time for a short break before even delving deeper into the depths of the most important structure in the entirety of Suramar City.

"Impressive. All of you did well to take down that creature," Thalyssra commented, speaking the moment she lowered the barrier she had raised to prevent that massive scorpion from breaking out of the depths and making its way into the city, even if it would have taken some time to reach that point considering its size and the size of the tunnels it would have had to pass through, though she agreed with Spitfire, as the heroes needed rest after a powerful foe and she knew that there had to be more creatures like the scorpion down here, before they found a path out of the depths, "also, not counting the demons of the Legion, all of you are the first outsiders that have been allowed inside the Nighthold, even if its the depths at the moment... though breaking that barrier might have alerted Gul'dan to the fact that we're coming."

"Good, as no matter what he does we'll kill him!" Rainbow remarked, where the heroes nodded their heads in agreement, as many of them wanted to bring down Gul'dan and make him pay for everything he did in the past, including what he had done since coming to their timeline, and this was a long time in the making for them, since they had been looking for him since the Felstorm opened above the Broken Shore, so all they had to do now was rest and wait for whatever else might be down in the depths of the Nighthold.

It took a few minutes for Spitfire, Rainbow, and the heroes to regain their energy, though once they were ready they got up and headed for the tunnel that the Fel barrier had been placed in front of to make them waste time fighting the scorpion, to which Thalyssra and Khadgar followed after them as the heroes braced themselves for whatever else the depths of the Nighthold might have in store for them, since there was no telling what sort of enemies they might have to take down before they reached something that Thalyssra was familiar with. As they reached the top of the short tunnel, however, it was easy to find that the new group of enemies were made from Arcane energy, meaning some of the Nightwell's energy had to be seeping out of where it was being contained and was taking form before their eyes, to which Spitfire rushed out and smashed into one as Rainbow did the same thing, while the heroes joined them and attacked the new enemies that were in front of them, though as all that happened Thalyssra noticed that bits of energy were breaking away from the new enemies and wrapped around Spitfire, no doubt focused on her Arcane Stone. Thalyssra wondered if it was the power of the Nightwell, reacting to a force of Arcane energy that was similar to it or had a bit of its own power inside it, or if it might be something else entirely, though while she was wondering if the stone had some sort of limit, since she knew Spitfire had been using it to absorb all sorts of Arcane power, but decided that now wasn't the time to worry about that as she and the heroes smashed their way through the first group of Arcane enemies that were in front of them, even if one needed to be attacked from behind to take down. Once those enemies were taken down the group moved forward and continued to make their way deeper into the Nighthold, which involved walking up a short set of stairs and brought them to a very short bridge, guarded by another group of Arcane entities, though it lead them to a door that seemed to be sealed by a seal that was a fusion of Fel and Arcane energies, meaning they needed to take out these enemies and the next group before the seal would break and they could enter whatever was on the other side of the large door, hence why they rushed into their enemies and pushed them backwards as they fought them.

As they engaged the final group of enemies Thalyssra weaved some of her power into the door and, somehow, broke the Arcane section of Gul'dan's seal, since she had to assume it was the orc that had created it due to Elisande refusing to do his bidding, though that might be false given that Gul'dan could have threatened to destroy the city to force her to comply with his demands, but once their enemies collapsed the seal shattered and the door opened, revealing a massive chamber that had a circular object that she knew, from a glance, was the base of the Nightwell, which had a massive Arcane being floating around it, even if there were three more groups of enemies standing around the rest of the chamber, but for the most part they were focused on the elemental.

"Shanar daloras... this must be the heart of the Time Lock spell that Elisande informed us about!" Thalyssra exclaimed, as she could see the tendrils of power radiating from the dark purple entity that looked like it was incredibly dangerous and might actually put up quite the fight, which made sense when she considered that it had to be made from the energies of the Nightwell, though it also meant that if Spitfire, Rainbow, and the heroes of Azeroth faced it they would be more wiped out than when they faced the scorpion or the enemies that came before it, "I can feel her power, attached to the creature in front of us, meaning that once you beat it we'll be able to break the spell and free our army!"

Spitfire said nothing to that as she, Rainbow, and the heroes headed down into the rest of the chamber and focused their attention on clearing out the three groups of enemies that were resting around this large area, as they didn't want any of them to charge at them when they engaged the massive Arcane Elemental, as some of the powerful enemies liked to call on minions that were around where the heroes found them, so wiping out the three groups meant that they could cut off their target's forces for a time, since it might have the power to summon allies to its side. Once Spitfire was sure that all three groups of enemies were taken care of, and that there were no more for them to worry about for the time being, she and the others gathered near the stairs that lead to the rectangle area that Thalyssra and Khadgar were standing in, as an area like that happened to rest between the door that lead to this chamber and the stairs that allowed them to walk down to this area, and waited for the Arcane Elemental to get closer to where they were currently standing. As soon as it neared them, however, she rushed through the air as she and Rainbow struck their target's chest, causing the elemental to roar in pain for a moment, or at least it sure felt that way, while the rest of the heroes lashed out with their weapons and spells as well, though what was interesting about this was the fact that the creature actually spoke to them, asking why they were trying to 'defy that which devoured all things'. In that moment Spitfire determined that Elisande likely didn't give this being a mind of its own, rather she only created it to maintain the Time Lock spell and it had developed a mind and personality on its own, one that was likely corrupted by Gul'dan or the Fel energy in some manner, and for the first few seconds they didn't see it do anything else besides trying to punch its targets into the ground, like it didn't have any moves despite it having a connection to the Nightwell, which changed when it dropped a person sized orange colored sphere on some of them, no doubt filled with Arcane energy. Of course Spitfire pulled out the Arcane Stone and set it around the area they were fighting in, allowing it to soak up the scraps of Arcane energy that were around the base of the Nightwell and, at the same time, sending it into the orange attacks to weaken the spheres as her allies dodged them, as they weren't moving all that fast and were easy to avoid, allowing them to continue lashing out at their foe.

Something changed a few moments later as a small fragment of the Nightwell's energy broke off the base and landed not too far away from where the heroes were standing, forming a slightly larger Arcane elemental, as in bigger than those that had been resting around this chamber and not the massive one they were fighting at the moment, to which some of them broke away from the main elemental and focused on the smaller one, as it was an ally that would do harm to the group and they needed to take it down before returning to their main foe. It was clear to Spitfire and Rainbow that both of their enemies, in some way, had the ability to tap into the power of the Nightwell and tried to use that to their advantage while the heroes fought them in two different areas, as the smaller one channeled a bit of its power at the base and caused a small wave of energy to emit from the Nightwell not a few seconds later, though the healers were able to overcome all of the damage that the attack did to and allowed the heroes to bring the smaller elemental down, causing them to turn back towards the main one. Of course that was when their true target revealed its power to them, as it connected to the power of the Nightwell and time seemed to slow down around Spitfire, Rainbow, and the heroes that were around them, as the massive elemental was causing everything inside the chamber to slow down thanks to its spell, while both Thalyssra and Khadgar remained untouched, as they were rested just outside the area they were fighting in and that meant the decent sized rectangular area was safe from being affected by the Nightwell's energies, for right now anyway. Even Rainbow, who was in her empowered state and was moving faster than most of the heroes that were around her and Spitfire, had been slowed down as well, meaning all of them were sitting ducks for as long as this spell lasted and they could see that their foe was lashing out at all of them before the spell broke, hence why the elemental punched and blasted them while none of them could do anything to it, all while Spitfire noted that the Arcane Stone was absorbing bits of Arcane power again, so it might be able to aid them against this foe once it had enough of their foe's power inside it.

When the Arcane Elemental was done attacking them it restored time to what it had been earlier and watched as its foes were knocked back for a few moments, as everyone was now feeling the attacks their foe had used against them while it had slowed time for them, something that prompted the healers to weave their energies around the heroes and healed all of them to the best of their ability, which was easy since none of them were missing limbs or seriously wounded in some manner, so once they were ready to go the group resumed fighting their foe. Of course that was when their foe started to channel its power into the base of the Nightwell again, causing waves of energy to pulse out of the structure as small blue Arcane orbs were sent out between them, almost like the Arcane Elemental was trying to overload the Nightwell and take all of them out with it, in the oddest way possible, but based on what the group could see no damage was done to any of the walls and both Thalyssra and Khadgar informed them that none of the energy was moving out into the palace, so the reality was that it was a move designed to bring down those who challenged the Arcane Elemental. As such Spitfire used the Arcane Stone to weaken the attack in question and opened several holes in both the waves and the orbs so her allies could get through and lash out at their foe, while Rainbow flashed through the air and struck the massive Elemental in the head area and the backside a few times, all to make it stop channeling its power into the base of the Nightwell, but based on what she was seeing it didn't want to budge at all and was followed by Spitfire focusing her stone on their foe for a few seconds. Sure enough the power of the Arcane Stone siphoned some of the Arcane Elemental's power from it, despite the fact that it was only a small fraction and shattered its focus so it was no longer trying to use the Nightwell against them, though at the same time she wasn't about to argue with the results as they reengaged their foe and continued to fight it as it tried to move around the chamber, almost like it might be running scared or something, as she, Rainbow, and the others focused on dodging attacks, countered the smaller elementals that were fragments of the Nightwell, and lashed out at the main Arcane Elemental that was in front of them.

Eventually Spitfire and the others brought down the massive Arcane Elemental, where it staggered for a few moments as they dealt the final blow to their foe and caused all of them to pause for a second as it unraveled before their eyes, energy breaking away as the heart of Elisande's Time Lock spell fell apart before them, though as most of it returned to the source it had come from, as in the Nightwell, a fragment of it was sucked into Spitfire's Arcane Stone, empowering it again, leaving the heroes to rest for a time before they did anything else.

"I can feel it... the Time Lock spell has been broken!" Thalyssra said, confirming what everyone had been thinking after the main Arcane Elemental fell apart, though this meant that their army was no longer trapped on the bridge and their allies had to be moving in to make sure the soldiers weren't too bothered or disoriented by being stuck in such a state, though at the same time she noticed that another Fel barrier, which had been blocking the other doorway that had to lead them to a way up into the Palace Grounds, fell apart and the door opened, revealing another tunnel for them to use, "With this our allies can make sure our soldiers aren't disoriented by Elisande's spell, though I'm sure some will need some time to rest before doing anything else, and we can even unlock the gate from the inside... I can only hope that we reach Elisande before something bad happens to her."

"Don't worry, Gul'dan is likely keeping her around to see that its 'futile' to resist the Legion," Khadgar stated, as he was the one that knew the most about the orc warlock that was in the middle of trying to do whatever his masters wanted him to do for them, which was either summoning Sargeras to Azeroth, to use Illidan's body as his vessel, or to tear open the way to Argus and rain destruction upon this world, before he focused on Thalyssra for a moment as he considered what might be happening to Elisande, "she's either being tortured by his hand, being tortured by a demon Gul'dan assigned to watch over her, or she's at the peak of the Nightspire, to witness the completion of his mission... given what I know, the first or third options are likely what we'll find in some manner."

Thalyssra didn't want to think about Gul'dan, or one of his demons, torturing Elisande, as she didn't deserve it and knew it would take some time to heal any wounds that might come from such a thing, though once the heroes were ready to go all of them got up and followed Spitfire as she headed for the other doorway that a Fel barrier had been wrapped around for a time, where they headed up the stairs in question and reached another rectangle area that was identical to the one that they had passed through earlier. This time around they found a few small sized oozes wandering around the now opened doorway, aggressive oozes to be exact since the group wanted to take them down for some odd reason, to which they cut and blasted their new foes a few times and watched as the oozes collapsed within a few moments of fighting them, leaving small puddles behind that seemed to disappear after five to ten seconds, causing the group to raise their eyebrows for a moment as they noticed all of that happen. Once that was done they walked through a small tunnel that was beyond the door that had been protected by a Fel barrier earlier and found that there was a new chamber for them to explore, which had a number of oozes wandering around it, not to mention a larger pool of light blue liquid that had a couple of bones in it, though there were a few Arcane constructs that were resting around this area that looked like they were broken, likely beyond repair, and there was one that looked like it might be online, just resting behind what appeared to be the path that would bring them outside. Thalyssra, on the other hand, instantly recognized what was going on and informed everyone that the foe in this area was an Arcane construct known as Trilliax, who had been a servant to a specific noble at one point in the past and had been discarded when it went on a terrible rampage, sort of like the Arm of the Magistrix, and another reason for them doing such a thing to the mechanical being was because the Nightborne nobles suspected that Trilliax had killed its master and buried his body somewhere, and since time had passed since that day the personality matrix of the construct was no doubt compromised, so if it engaged them it was likely to switch between two to three personalities, and based on the Fel barrier behind it, a sure sign that they were on the right track, that meant they were going to have to fight Trilliax so they could move forward.

As such Spitfire, Rainbow, and the heroes focused on breaking down the oozes as Thalyssra and Khadgar remained in the tunnel to watch what was going to happen next, and when all of their foes fell the essences of the oozes quickly rushed over to where the larger pool rested and caused a larger ooze to form, something that collapsed within a few moments of fighting the heroes, though when it spilled out into the area Trilliax stirred for a moment before coming online and quickly smashed through the metal bars that were between it and them, to which they remained near the walls for a few seconds as it cleaned up all of the ooze before glaring at all of them. What Spitfire noticed was that Trilliax's coloration was orange, instead of purple like most of the other constructs that rested throughout Suramar City, though when she struck him not a few seconds later, to get this fight started so they could move out into the Palace and focus on their true foes, Trilliax had a leak of some kind and when he swung his left arm at her a bit of Arcane energy broke off of him and struck the ground not all that far from where the construct was standing, creating a small pool of harmful energy that they needed to avoid while they faced their foe. Rainbow and the others joined in on the fight as she engaged it, where it seemed like their foe wanted to create pools around them so he could bring them down, but what was interesting was that a bit of Arcane energy just gathered on his head and leapt over to one of the offline constructs, empowering it as one of Trilliax's personalities came to life before their eyes, forcing some of the heroes to engage the smaller foe while most of them focused on their main foe, even though they were making sure he didn't have any tricks up his sleeves or something, especially when they took a moment to think about what the scorpion and the Arcane Elemental threw at them during their previous battles. For right now it looked like Trilliax was being simple, as in he didn't want to use any serious tactics against them, save for sending out all of his Arcane pools and trying to slice them with some Arcane energy, before he switched to something else not a few seconds later and leapt into the middle of this chamber, so he could channel a beam of Arcane energy at the wall that was in front of him and the wall that was behind him, even though it also involved him rotating around in a circle for a few seconds in an attempt to bring them down.

As that happened Rainbow leapt into the air and spun around to bring her tail down on Trilliax's head, crushing part of the construct's head in the process and caused his attack to stop as he staggered backwards, where she was, once more, glad to have this addition, before she rotated and sliced through her target's chest with her clawed feet, doing more damage to Trilliax as she pushed him further backwards, while at the same time the heroes lashed out at the weakened construct and even removed his right arm in the process, before Spitfire stabbed his heart and crashed him into the ground, cutting off all life that was inside Trilliax and deactivated the Fel barrier. The heroes glanced at each other for a moment, figuring that their foe had been weakened from when the Nightborne discarded him, since they had to fight Trilliax and take him down so they could seal him in this place, though since he was dead, and Thalyssra confirmed that not a few seconds later, the group decided to take a quick break before heading up the stairs so they could see what the rest of the Nighthold had in store for them, since they had no telling what Gul'dan might have added to the Palace, but soon they would find him and battle for the fate of the Nightborne.

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