• Published 4th Oct 2020
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World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Shore: Avatar of Sargeras

Once Spitfire was sure that the heroes were ready to move onward, and head into the deepest depths of the Tomb to stop Kil'jaeden from awakening Sargeras' Avatar, or destroy it if they stopped him from waking it up, she, Rainbow, and the rest of Azeroth's heroes left the area that they had placed the Hammer of Khaz'goroth inside and returned to where Khadgar, Illidan, and Velen were standing, where Aegwynn's echo stood nearby and seemed to be waiting for them to return, as the way forward was still sealed and that meant she was going to unlock it for them.

The elves built this temple upon a site of ancient power, a vault that I believed would safeguard the husk of my fallen foe, in the hopes that it would be forgotten. Aegwynn said, where it looked like she was gathering her magic as she focused on the circular platform everyone happened to be staring at right now, unlocking any remaining seals that might be on the hidden passage that someone like her or the heroes would have to take to reach the deepest depths of the Tomb, before she took a moment to pull her magic back and everyone watched as the passage opened, But, with his disciple's aid, the Dark Titan threatens to return to this world stronger than before!

"I wouldn't worry about that, Aegwynn, as we have some incredible heroes among our number," Khadgar replied, where he glanced at Spitfire and Rainbow for a moment, the former looking calm as she stared down the metallic passage that had been hidden by the circular indent that moved out of position, while the latter appeared to be eager to take down any and all demons who might be standing between them and the deepest part of this entire structure, before he considered what had happened since this invasion started, "We might have been beaten during the first battle for the Broken Shore, and all of us suffered some losses that day, we have become a unified force unlike those that came before us, following two of the mightiest heroes our might has every known, and on this day we will deliver a crippling blow to the Dark Titan's plans by sealing the Felstorm, probably destroying the Avatar itself, and killing Kil'jaeden at long last."

"The Deceiver will pay for his crimes against our world, my people, and the rest of the universe," Velen added, where the heroes knew that he was referring to everything that had happened to him and the rest of the draenei who escaped from Argus when the Legion took control of the planet, through corrupting Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, twisting them into the dreaded hands of Sargeras, but with Spitfire and Rainbow on their side he knew that the Legion's days were numbered at long last, especially with all of the demons who were joining Spitfire's forces out of fear.

"Even if he runs from us, we'll hunt him down and corner him in no time," Rainbow remarked, as she wanted to tear down both the Avatar of Sargeras and Kil'jaeden himself, because she had a feeling that they would be some of the greatest foes she and everyone else might face for some time, not counting when the heroes faced down Archimonde back in Draenor, though she found that many of the heroes were nodding their heads in agreement, showing that they agreed with her and that no matter what Kil'jaeden did next they would hunt him down and punish him for his crimes.

Spitfire said nothing as she stared down the metallic path that had been hidden under the floor, which had steps leading down into the deepest depths and, more importantly, to where the Avatar rested, though an interesting thing she found in the first few moments was that there were a number of head sized orbs that were made of Fel energy and some made of Light energy, where she tilted her head for a moment as she noticed such a thing and felt the power that might be at the end of the passage in question. Based on what she could tell there was another powerful creature below them, one that happened to command the power of the Light, a small fragment of it anyway so it would be worthless in terms of gaining the fifth Cosmic Power, while also channeling the power of Fel energy, something that Rainbow would gladly devour once whatever creature they discovered had been brought down, though once she thought about all of that, while Rainbow and their allies gathered behind her, she started to move forward at long last. As she expected Rainbow used her power to eat every orb of Fel energy that was in front of them, while the paladins and priests did their best to dismiss the Light orbs to make the trek easier on them, though what Spitfire discovered was that the path curved a bit as they headed down into the ground of the Broken Shore and found a decent sized chamber a bit under the main chamber of the Tomb, one that had a large stone or metallic female figure, a Titan Watcher to be exact, standing over on the other side of the chamber in question, a creation that had been partly corrupted by the Legion due to the Fel spikes that were on her left side. She had to assume that this was one of the various 'Maidens' Khadgar and the other heroes had told her and Rainbow about in the past, as some female Titan Watchers were important enough to be called Maidens, like the Maiden of Grief in the Halls of Stone or the Maiden of Virtue who resided in Karazhan, so she came to the conclusion that this had to be the Maiden who represented Vigilance, thus meaning she was the Maiden of Vigilance and had been charged with watching over the path that lead to the Avatar of Sargeras.

The more interesting fact was that the chamber had a circular shape and there was a massive hole in the middle of it, one that seemed to be large enough for something like Sargeras' Avatar to be placed on so it could be brought down into the depths of the planet, to make sure it didn't see the light of day ever again while protecting it from those who sought to use it for their own twisted gain, meaning once they beat the Maiden of Vigilance the elevator that was supposed to be in the middle of this place would come to them, allowing them to delve into the true depths of the Tomb. Of course the Maiden of Vigilance wasn't the only foe in this part of the Tomb, as there happened to be three groups of small enemies, at least five to each group, who happened to look like small little monsters made out of Fel energy, though such a thing mattered little in the grand scheme of things as Rainbow weaved her power around the chamber and siphoned the Fel energy from the small creatures, leaving only the Maiden of Vigilance in front of them as the heroes readied themselves for another battle as the Maiden turned to focus on them.

"What lies below is not for your mortal eyes!" the Maiden of Vigilance declared, where she swung her large hammer for a moment, which looked like it had been created to channel the Light and part of it had been corrupted to use the Fel, just like the rest of her body based on what they were seeing, though her tone indicated that she wasn't about to let them go down into the depths of the Tomb and that she was going to stand in their way until either all of them were dead, just like Kil'jaeden wanted, or she was beaten, "None of you will disturb the master's work!"

Given everything that was happening inside the Tomb, with the spirits of the fallen being corrupted by the Avatar's dark Fel energy, Spitfire had to assume that the 'master' referred to either Kil'jaeden or Sargeras, confirming that she was going to be an enemy and that they were going to have to beat her so they could move into the depths of the Tomb, to which all of the heroes spread out as she and Rainbow rushed at the Maiden of Vigilance without wasting any time, as there was no telling how close Kil'jaeden was to waking up the Avatar. While the ranged heroes blasted and loosed arrows at their new foe, keeping themselves at a safe distance from where their main foe was standing, Spitfire neared their foe and quickly swung one of her Twinblades down at the corrupted Titan Watcher that happened to be guarding this area, though they found that the Maiden lashed out with her left fist and parried the incoming attack as she swung her hammer to her right for a moment, where Rainbow smashed into the hammer's head and pushed it out of the way as she swung her claws at their foe's legs. As that happened the Maiden of Vigilance called upon the first of her abilities, where she seemed to infuse all of her enemies with either Light energy or Fel energy, not enough of either to actually corrupt someone into becoming a demon or turning them into a Light-forged, though for the most part it didn't seem like the attack did anything to them, save for giving everyone an aura of the energy they had been infused with, though it seemed that she failed to account for Rainbow's innate Fel energy and gave her the same one, which she devoured behind the Maiden of Vigilance's back, while Spitfire found that she received a Light infusion. Like she assumed earlier, before she and all of her allies found their new foe in this place, the Light power that was inside the Maiden of Vigilance's body right now didn't seem to be strong enough for her to gain the fifth Cosmic Power, though it did given her a chance to fully feel the Light energy in question and might attune her body to track down a true source of power that she could claim, which would grant her one of the remaining two Cosmic Forces she was missing right now, but after thinking about that she focused on the battle and less on the fact that this wouldn't give her another boost in her power.

In the following moments the Maiden of Vigilance raised her hammer and made sure the Light side was facing the ground this time around, where she slammed it right into the floor as she tried to smite Rainbow, who dodged the attack without any difficulty, though that did create a burst of Light energy that caused those who had been infused with Fel energy to back up for a moment, likely feeling an aftereffect from the attack or something, and caused the healers to heal them not a few seconds later so they could quickly rejoin the battle. Spitfire had to admit that the power behind the Maiden's attack had been impressive, even though their allies quickly tended to those who had been wounded and did, in a sense, make the construct's attack slightly less impressive, but it did make her take a moment to wonder if there was another version of the attack, a Fel one that would harm the heroes who were infused by the Light's energy, and she could tell that a good number of her allies were thinking the same thing, meaning a good portion of them were keeping their eyes open for the attack while some were ready to heal anyone who was wounded by such a thing. What followed wasn't the other hammer technique, like everyone was expecting her to do so, rather she channeled a bit of her power and targeted three heroes at random within a few seconds of her activating this particular ability, blasting them with a burst of power that caused them to develop a giant phantom appearance that seemed to be more like a bomb, something that caused the heroes that had been struck to move out of the way and let the explosion happen away from their allies, where it looked like the blast was due to a higher concentration of either Light or Fel energy, depending on which one the hero had. After that happened, but before the heroes could deal any decent damage to their foe, the Maiden of Vigilance jumped over to an open part of the circular ring everyone was fighting on and suddenly shielded herself with one of her inner powers, though that was when she started to channel another power as she summoned orbs of Light and Fel energy that moved around the ring all of them were standing on, where those who had been infused with a certain Cosmic Power absorbed the orbs that were made of the same energy and empowered themselves for a short period of time.

Such a thing allowed the heroes to boost their power as they lashed out at the Maiden of Vigilance again, which meant all of them did far more damage than they would have done previously, and sure enough Spitfire and Rainbow used this new power boost, in combination with a short burst of power from their true forms, to smash through the barrier that their foe had thrown up around herself, causing the Maiden of Vigilance to stagger for a moment as Rainbow punched her right in the face and left a small indent where her fist had struck her target. Once she regained herself, even if she did look rather annoyed by being hit like that and having a reminder of the attack itself resting on her face, the Maiden of Vigilance picked up her hammer and rejoined the battle, even though Spitfire noted that some of the heroes were hopeful that Rainbow's attack would have knocked some sense into her and were slightly disappointed that she wanted to continue fighting them in Sargeras' name, but everyone turned their focus back to the fight as their foe started to use another ability so she could take one or more of them down, or at least try to do such a thing. The ability in question happened to be the Fel version of the Light based hammer attack she had used earlier, channeling an explosion of Fel energy that caused everyone who had been infused with Light energy to suffer damage over the course of a few seconds, where the healers weaved their magic through the air and healed those who had been harmed thanks to the detonation of the Maiden of Vigilance's hammer, all while Spitfire, Rainbow, and the remaining heroes continued to lash out at the construct. After that Spitfire found that the Maiden of Vigilance didn't seem to have any other attacks or abilities to use against all of them, so the only things they had to worry about when the construct used the Light based hammer explosion, the Fel based hammer explosion, or jumping to a new area so she could channel both energies at the heroes she was fighting right now, giving them a chance to see all of her moves a few more times as they started to break each of them, all while Rainbow made sure to smash her fist into the side of the construct's head whenever she did the jumping attack against them, smashing through the barrier every time it was brought up to protect the Maiden of Vigilance.

Eventually Spitfire swung her Twinblades and smashed through what might be the last of the Maiden's barriers, given that all of them had been breaking her defenses while causing her to exhaust herself, something that caused Rainbow to flash forward and uppercut the Maiden of Vigilance not a few seconds later, knocking the construct backwards in the process, before she moved around her foe's neck area and kicked the back of the Maiden's neck, something that knocked her to her knees not a few seconds later as the heroes carefully gathered around her.

"This body... my mind... they have been... compromised. I have... failed the Makers!" the Maiden of Vigilance said, where all of the heroes glanced at each other for a moment, as this meant that, though some miracle, they must have allowed the construct to pull herself away from the corrupting energy that made her an unwilling servant of Sargeras, even though it was clear that she was going to collapse in no time, thanks to all the injuries her body possessed, though most of them did know she was referring to the Titans when she said 'Makers', before she turned towards them, "End me, mortals! Then rob the Deceiver of his prize!"

Rainbow gladly fulfilled the Maiden's last request, first drawing out all of the Fel energy that was trapped inside her body and devouring it, allowing her to return to what she had been like before Aegwynn brought the Avatar to this place, before she swung her Warblades and carved open her metallic chest with ease, as while they knew she could have healed herself, and could have been turned into another ally, it was clear that she had given up on life, for being corrupted like this, and wanted them to bring an end to her. With that done, however, everyone felt a change in the air as they heard a sound that came from the massive hole that was in the middle of the chamber, something Khadgar's group heard as well when they joined the heroes not a few moments later, to which everyone turned for a moment and knew that it had to be the large elevator that was moving up to where they were currently standing, to which everyone took a moment to rest and gather their power for what was coming next, as it would either be a fight with Kil'jaeden or a battle with the Avatar of Sargeras, or one followed by the other if they were a tad bit unlucky. It took the platform some time to rise up to the area that they were waiting in, meaning it must have been down in the deepest depths of the Tomb and made everyone wonder just how far down Aegwynn had buried the Avatar, after beating it in battle and magically teleporting it over to this place, but it did give them some time to rest and make sure they were ready for whatever might be down the shaft, located in the deepest depths of this area of the world, meaning that when the platform finally arrived everyone finished what they were doing in a matter of seconds and stepped onto the large pad. Spitfire noticed that the platform wasn't just a flat metallic pad, as it had some sort of glass that was inserted into the platform, with some sort of Titan machinery below it, though she didn't have that much time to study it as everyone, including Khadgar's group, stepped the platform and waited for a couple of seconds before it started to descend into the depths of the Tomb, where they stood at the ready, as there was no telling what might be standing between them and where Aegwynn imprisoned Sargeras' Avatar.

As they descended into the depths of the Tomb, and drew closer to where their main destination might be, Spitfire noted a few interesting facts that she and the others passed by, as there was an opening in the earthen wall, as it shifted from the metallic nature of the Maiden's chamber to a normal earthen cavern, where there was a molten cavern full of lava and an area that had a large skeleton of some kind, like an ancient dragon, before they reached a section that possessed a good number of cracks in the walls that revealed that they were entering an area that was full of Fel caverns, which meant they were drawing closer and closer to the Avatar. Not a few seconds later the platform seemed to pass through some magic, as Spitfire noticed the Arcane energy as it moved over all of their heads, which ended up sending them even deeper into the depths of the earth, like they had passed through a portal of some kind that had been designed so not too much time was wasted on traveling with this platform, something that made Spitfire wonder just how far down they were, since there were no records of how far down Aegwynn had buried the Avatar, just that she put it deep enough to make people forget it even existed or was just a legend. After emerging from whatever magic had been placed above them Spitfire, Rainbow, and everyone else gathered themselves as the platform entered a slightly larger chamber, one smaller than the Maiden's, which had a large circular locked door that rested in front of them, across from where the stairs that lead down to the last chamber rested, and when the platform locked into place, for who knew how long, everyone walked off the platform and approached the door, where all of them watched as the rings of the door unlocked before their eyes, as if whatever was in control of this place wanted someone to stop Kil'jaeden from messing with the Avatar. Such a thing revealed a short path in front of them, a path that was just a set of stairs that lead upwards a little and brought them to another locked circular door, which unlocked as they approached it as well, revealing what they were looking for as Spitfire found Kil'jaeden right off to the right of a massive stone construct that was twisted by Fel energy, a large amount that had to be a fragment of Sargeras' power, with massive wings like Illidan's that were pinned to a pillar in the middle of the chamber, along with its own pair of curved horns that matched what her mentor had, meaning they were Sargeras' horns and wings, though it did look like the Avatar was still sleeping.

Spitfire even noticed that the arms of the Avatar were chained by beams of light, which kept them up in the air, while also seeing that the wings appeared to be torn from its back, or at least that was what it looked like, and that she and the rest of the group were only seeing half of the construct, as what they could see everything from the waist up and that meant that the rest of it had to be resting below the flooring, before she noted that there was another Maiden construct off to the left of the Avatar, or the right from where it was resting and made Kil'jaeden be on the construct's left, before the Deceiver noticed that they were standing there.

"Damnable mortals and demon hunters! You scurry through this tomb like vermin, dispatching my underlings, corrupting the weak, and imagining yourselves the equals of the Legion. You are all fools!" Kil'jaeden stated, his tone revealing that he likely didn't care much for them, especially since he hated Spitfire and Rainbow for everything they had done since being freed from the Vault that Maiev and her Wardens maintained, to which he turned towards the Avatar for a moment and just ignored everyone who was filling the entrance of this massive chamber, while Khadgar's group stood back to give the heroes the room they needed, "The husk before you was once a vessel for the might of Sargeras, but this temple itself is our true prize, for it is the means by which we will reduce your world to cinders! Still... I will not deprive you of this chance to fall before an ancient wonder. Let this avatar be the end of all of you!"

In the following moment Kil'jaeden fired a beam of Fel energy, one that Sargeras must have readied for him to implant in his ancient Avatar, into the chest of the Avatar and then disappeared a few seconds later, where Spitfire, Rainbow, and the heroes of Azeroth approached the middle of the arena that they would be facing the Avatar in, where the construct woke up not a few moments later and roared for a few seconds as he, since it was definitely male and there was no reason for them to refer to him as an 'it', pulled his hands out of the Light chains and summoned a large sword made of Fel energy to use against his enemies. Given that this was the Avatar of Sargeras, which was one of the strongest Fel creations to exist in the entirety of the universe, neither Spitfire or Rainbow were going to hold back this time around as they shifted into their empowered forms for the first time in quite a while, flames dancing around Spitfire's form as lightning wrapped around Rainbow's within a few seconds of them accessing their true power, something that caused the heroes to step back a little as they waited to see what might happen in the next couple of moments and, more importantly, if they needed assistance in facing down the Avatar, all while Velen and Illidan kept an eye out for Kil'jaeden. The pair stood there for a moment, just to let their auras die down a little as their bodies got used to channeling this power again, where Spitfire noted that they were causing faint rings to appear around them, likely caused by the pressure of what they were doing, though once both of them were ready to go she and Rainbow rushed through the air and zeroed in on the immobilized Avatar, who raised his head as he followed their movements, something that they should have expected given what the construct was, but it didn't stop the pair from lashing out at their foe. Both Spitfire and Rainbow swung their weapons as they reached the area that the Avatar was locked in, both of them intending on doing as much damage as possible so this battle could be done in a matter of seconds, but what happened next was that the Avatar raised his sword and swung it at them, using the same level of speed that they were using against him, something that allowed their foe to parry their incoming attacks and then, before either of them could really move out of the way, he hurled his left fist through the air and punched them, sending them flying through the air and caused them to smash into the metallic walls that were above the entrance.

Spitfire paused for a moment as she and Rainbow pulled themselves out of the craters that were formed in the wall, due to their first collision with the power of the Avatar confirming that he was strong and, more importantly, that neither of them could accord to underestimate him, especially since he contained a small portion of Sargeras' immense power, one that had been boosted by the Fel energy that had enveloped him when he wiped out the planet of Mardum, creating the shattered world the Illidari now ruled over, before she focused on the task at hand once more. Once she finished thinking about the Avatar and his power, and how strong he had to be when he returned to his prime, the pair rushed through the air and swung their weapons down at him once more, this time channeling their powers as well so they could boost their power, something that caused the Avatar to lay his weapon on the floor before swinging his fists at both of them again, only this time around they found that he was parrying their attacks and caused the air around them to vibrate, showing the collision of their powers to the heroes and leaders that were watching them. Tackling the power of the Avatar made all of them understand just how strong Aegwynn had been when she was alive, given that she had faced down this construct and beat him in battle, allowing her to do what she had done to the Avatar and create her wards to safeguard this area, while confirming that they needed to be careful, as one wrong move would allow the construct to best them and that was something they wanted to avoid, though not a few moments later he forced her and Rainbow backwards, though both of them made sure to avoid hitting the walls as they landed near the entrance. From there they rushed forward and lashed out at the Avatar as he gathered some of his power and hurled large shadowy looking daggers at them, intending to do a bit of damage to them before they reached where he was imprisoned, though Rainbow smashed her way through her way through the dagger that came at her while Spitfire spun around for a moment and slashed the projectile in front of her to pieces, scattering the magic with ease, before she moved to the side and quickly swung her Twinblades at the Maiden that was resting nearby, because she might join the battle and neither of them wanted the Avatar to have any reinforcements, even though it did look like Kil'jaeden might have learned his lesson since there were no demons trying to stop them from tearing down the Avatar.

In the following moments the Avatar gathered some of the potent Fel energy that happened to be in the air and released all of what he had gathered in a massive blast that was designed to kill or seriously harm whoever was fighting him, where Spitfire used her other energies to form a barrier around her and in front of the group that was just watching the battle go down, especially since two of them were keeping an eye out for Kil'jaeden, while Rainbow just tanked the attack and, like she had done in the past, devoured the Fel energy that was being used against her, something that was followed by her shuddering for a second as several cuts appeared on her arms and legs. Spitfire knew exactly what had happened a few moments after that happened, just like how some of their allies likely knew it without having to be told, as the Avatar's Fel energy was far more potent and destructive than any Rainbow had come into contact with so far, especially since this was also a fragment of Sargeras' power, so what she was trying to do was eat Sargeras' Fel energy and it looked like Rainbow was having a severe reaction to this potent type of Fel Energy, though even as she came to that conclusion she switched to her Life powers for a moment and mended her friend's wounds as they turned towards the Avatar. Of course Spitfire had an idea of what Rainbow was going to do now that she had a sample of the potent energy that came from the Avatar, she was likely going to try and devour all of it, every drop that was inside the stone construct, which would grant her a level of power beyond what she was using right now, but for the time being both of them had to be careful, especially since they had no way of knowing just how many attacks the Avatar had up his sleeves. Once Rainbow's wounds were healed both of them shifted their stances for a moment, summoned their auras once more, and then rushed at the Avatar, showing that both of them were planning on going on the offensive in an attempt to bring down their foe, before he could bring down the chamber or use an attack that might do some damage to Azeroth itself, where Spitfire channeled all four of her powers at the same time as Rainbow focused on her full power while they swung their weapons at his arms and chest, intending on damaging him to the point where they could bring him down.

Sure enough the Avatar swung his fists and connected with their incoming attacks, causing the air to shudder again as they clashed, though it was clear that he was making sure that neither of them hit him as he gathered his Fel energy, where it looked like he might be trying to regain his full power, something that might shatter the rest of the bindings that Aegwynn had placed to keep him contained in this place, and when he forced them backwards the pair separated once more, where Spitfire focused on his chest while Rainbow flashed through the air, clashing with the Avatar's fists and cutting into most of his knuckles just a tiny bit. As it turned out the Avatar channeled a bit of his power into a mark of some kind that he used on Rainbow, showing that he was smart enough to know when something could be used in his favor, so when the Fel mark appeared on her for a few moments she devoured the power in question and was blasted out of the air a second later, to which she coughed for a second or two as she regained herself, once more displaying that Sargeras' Fel energy was potent and dangerous to those who tried to devour it. That happened to be when he punched her in the face and sent her back into the wall above where Khadgar and the others were standing, reminding her that the Avatar was a dangerous foe that shouldn't be underestimated, even though she wasn't doing that and the construct was just displaying his full might to all those who were in his massive prison, where Spitfire parried the incoming attack that had been aimed at her and weaved a bit of her Life energy through the air to heal Rainbow again, since the severe reaction must have done something to her body, though Rainbow seemed like she was ready to continue despite her injuries. Fortunately she waited for a second or two as Spitfire mended her body, though once she was done she dismissed her Warblades, flexed her clawed hands and feet for a moment, and smacked part of the wall with her reptilian tail, all of which were designed to make sure her body was ready for what was coming next, before summoning forth her full power, as in everything she had access to, and then burst through the air and rushed down to where the Avatar rested, swinging her right claws at him while he raised his right arm to block her attack, even though she was able to leave a few gashes in his arm, small ones anyway, which meant she was making progress at long last and likely impressed the heroes somewhat.

Not a few seconds later the Avatar started to charge the massive Fel explosion that he had used earlier, which had told all of them that Rainbow would harm herself when devouring the energy of Sargeras' Avatar, though Rainbow stopped near the ceiling for a moment as their foe glanced up at her, something everyone else did as they wondered what she was up to this time around, where she quickly raised her hands to her sides for a moment, summoned her aura, and then positioned her hands in front of her as she charged a beam of Fel energy, one that she fired down into the heart of the Avatar's own attack, causing a detonation in front of the Avatar's face. Such a thing cracked the entire floor that was around the large construct and caused the Avatar to grab his blade for a moment, even though it seemed like she hadn't done anything to him, which was slightly annoying, before he brought his weapon down for a moment and shattered the floor, breaking the rest of his bindings as well, causing Khadgar to weave his magic to keep a section of the flooring intact for the heroes to stand on as Spitfire and Rainbow flew after the Avatar, who was falling down into what appeared to be the deepest part of the Tomb, a massive pit of Fel lava with a charred rocky platform for them to stand on. That allowed everyone to see just how tall the Avatar truly was, now that they could see the lower part of his body, and he was a massive construct, far taller than every construct and demon Spitfire and Rainbow had faced so far, though after landing on the charred platform, and taking a second to make sure he could move his legs again, the Avatar gathered his Fel energy again as he prepared yet another Fel explosion that would harm everyone this time around, since he was now capable of using his full power while he fought them and he was planning on using it against them. Rainbow, on the other hand, had a different idea in mind as she brought her hands together and formed her Fel energy into a small sphere between both of them, an attack she had only used once or twice in the past and was planning on using it again to weaken their foe so Spitfire could move in for the kill, or maybe she could do it if she was lucky, though it wasn't long before she pulled her hands back and created the Fel Lance once more, where she hurled it down at the Avatar and watched as it connected with the blast that he was readying for her, Spitfire, and everyone else.

The two Fel attacks violently reacted and detonated not a few seconds later, causing everyone to turn away from the light as it happened, though as the light faded Spitfire found that there were cracks all over the bottom area of the depths the Avatar had opened the way to, showing the Fel energy behind them, before noticing a Fel portal that was resting close to where the platform was and found Kil'jaeden standing near it, meaning he had revealed himself to watch the end of this fight, which was when the smoke cleared and revealed that part of the Avatar's body was scratched in places, cracked in a few other locations, and when Rainbow emerged the Avatar grabbed onto her with both of his hands.

In that moment Spitfire understood what was going to happen next, the Avatar, having seen that Rainbow couldn't handle devouring his Fel energy and that it hurt her whenever she did it, seemed to be channeling his Fel power into her body as everyone watched, meaning he was either trying to obliterate her from the inside out, playing on the damaging aspect of this fact, or maybe Sargeras knew of Rainbow's ability and was planning on switching the fragment of his power out of the Avatar and forcing it into Rainbow's body to make an even stronger container for it. Despite that fact Rainbow used both of her hands and pushed against the large stone hands that were around her, allowing Spitfire and the others to see that Fel cracks were forming on her arms, chest, legs, and tail as the Avatar worked to break her in this way, where she resisted the urge to scream under the pressure of what was happening to her, or at least that seemed to be what Kil'jaeden might be waiting for, just to get back at her for all the deaths she had caused among his ranks. As that happened, however, there was a change that caused Spitfire to smile for a moment, the Fel energy from the Avatar seemed to be losing the effect to harm Rainbow, as if her body was quickly becoming acclimatized to the sheer power that was inside her foe, something that became true not a few moments later as Rainbow grinned and started to actually steal the power of the Avatar, just like she did whenever she fought the forces of the Legion, which caused Kil'jaeden to frown as he witnessed that, no doubt because he wanted her to die from this and not grow even stronger. Not a few moments later Rainbow called upon all the Fel energy that was around them as she formed a green Fel crystal between her and the Avatar, where she decied to sever the power of the Avatar into two halves, allowing her to eat half of it right now, not to mention adding it to her own power, while storing everything else inside the new crystal, one that was the same size as Archimonde's now blue Fel crystal, and as she drew all the power out of the Avatar he let go of her and collapsed on the ground, kneeling for a moment, before he fell to his side and stopped moving after a time, even though she made sure to break up the Avatar's body and cripple it so Sargeras couldn't use it anymore.

With that done Kil'jaeden, sensing that he was in danger with Spitfire and a slightly empowered Rainbow standing nearby, turned and fled through the Fel portal, something that caused Velen to do the same thing since he wanted to bring down the Deceiver at long last, though once they were gone Khadgar summoned the Eye of Amun'thul to this area and used the power that was inside it to sever the Legion's connection to Azeroth, which would cause the Felstorm to vanish in no time, and once he did that everyone, meaning him, Illidan, Spitfire, Rainbow, and the heroes of Azeroth charged into the portal before it closed, as it was time to end Kil'jaeden at long last.

While the heroes of Azeroth fought their way through the Tomb of Sargeras, facing down the obstacles that Kil'jaeden had placed inside it to stop them from succeeding in their mission, Anduin, Thrall, the forces of Azeroth, and the forces of the alternate Azeroths faced off against the army that the Deceiver had called upon to stop them in their tracks, which meant all of them were slashing, blasting, and doing everything in their power to bring down every demon that was standing in front of them, to stop them from turning around and invading the Tomb. Of course Alduin was sure Spitfire and Rainbow could handle it, given everything he had learned about them and their powers, though that didn't stop him from swinging Shalamayne at the enemies that were around him as Genn, Thrall, Saurfang, and their allies tore into their enemies with all of their powers, even though they happened to be the less impressive fighters right now, given that Spitfire's forces now included all the dragon Aspects, a Light based Lich King, and all sorts of allies that had been found. Such a thing was still impressive when he thought about it, given everything that Elisande and the time dragons had been through to call forth these allies, though before appearing on this battlefield Anduin had slipped into a new suit of armor that was shaped like a lion of sorts and reflected the symbol of the Alliance, though his helm, the lion's head, was somewhere the battlefield, as he had been struck by a Pit Lord and it came undone from the connections in his chest piece, even though at this point he was sure it had been smashed by a demon. What had been weird about that event was that both the Lightforged Lich King and Arthas Menethil, both followed by their respective versions of Sylvanas, had struck down the Pit Lord before it could do any damage to him or the rest of his guard, essentially they came to his aid and helped him back onto his feet before charging back into battle, where the Ranger-General rained arrows down on her enemies, the Lightforged Banshee Queen blasted several demons right out of the air, the Lightforged Lich King carefully moved through his foes and cut them down with ease, and Arthas used the Light to bind his enemies before punishing them with his hammer, just like most paladins chose to wield a warhammer of some kind when facing their enemies.

That wasn't taking into consideration the fact that all of Spitfire's other new allies used their powers to smash down every demon that was in their way, causing several demons to back up in fear as if some might be figuring out that this wasn't a battle the Legion was capable of winning, not against everything that Spitfire had planned out for bringing them down and breaking Sargeras' plans for the rest of the universe, something he was still coming to terms with and knew that she had to have a plan to get to Argus, since she wasn't about to stop at closing the Tomb and killing Kil'jaeden. As he finished his thoughts on the matter he noticed that some of their soldiers were wounded, and some had been reduced to a weakened state that involved crawling on the ground or moaning behind the rest of their forces, something that caused him to stab Shalamayne into the ground for a few seconds before raising his right hand towards the sky, which the other paladins and those empowered by the Light noticed, despite the fact that some of them were busy tending to their enemies and quickly pulled away for a moment. In the following moments several beams of Light energy shot down from the sky and struck all of the individuals that were calling upon the energy of the Light, where a massive wave of healing Light washed over their massive army as the demons backed up, no doubt confused by what was going on at the moment, before every injured soldier found that their wounds healed in a matter of moments, which even applied to those who had been seriously hurt and Anduin had to assume that it was due to how many powerful paladins and priests were on this battlefield, before the soldiers picked themselves up and started to form ranks between the forces of Azeroth and the demons. The only reason they were able to do this with so much success, and without anyone collapsing from exhaustion, was also due to the vast number of allies they had, as they could spread out the cost of the spell among all of them, basically giving them a cheat of sorts as they faced down the demons of the Legion, and once he was sure everyone had been healed Anduin picked up his blade once more as the others who joined him turned to face their enemies, apparently waiting for the call to charge once more so they could bring down even more demons.

Just as he was about to do that, however, one of the Eredar who defected to Spitfire's side pointed at the Tomb and they, along with the demons who stood in front of them, watched as the Fel energy of the Tomb shuddered for a moment, as if something was happening inside the massive structure, before everyone discovered something interesting, the beam of Fel energy, which connected the Tomb to the Felstorm in the sky, broke apart and faded away, which caused the Felstorm to pulse for a moment before closing before their eyes. In that moment, as the Felstorm closed and cut off Kil'jaeden's forces from the rest of the Legion, the forces of Azeroth cheered for their victory over the Legion, since this meant Spitfire and the others were successful and had completed their mission, though the shocking fact was that the demons just stood there for a few seconds, staring up at where the Felstorm had been resting just moments ago, and some looked like they were devastated by this turn of events. The reason Anduin thought about that was due to the fact that there were a couple of Sayaad among the Legion's forces and some looked like they either wanted to cry, why he had no idea, or just collapse on the ground and ignore everyone that was around them, before something totally weird happened, the army of demons that had responded to Kil'jaeden's call to assault this place in the Legion's name, and stop the forces of Azeroth from using the Pillars of Creation to seal the Tomb, basically gave up, as in those who carried weapons placed their weapons on the ground and sat down a few seconds after doing that, showing that they were surrendering to them, even though Anduin knew they might be hoping for mercy from Spitfire and Rainbow whenever they showed up. In that moment he and the rest of his forces let out a sigh of relief as the demon hunters moved to make sure none of the demons were trying to trick them in some manner, though as he sheathed his father's blade he glanced in the direction of the Tomb for a moment, as it was only a matter of time until Azeroth's heroes returned from their venture and started to work on Spitfire's plan that would allow them to dismantle the Legion so they could save all of creation at long last.

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