• Published 4th Oct 2020
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World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Interlude: Preparations

"How is everyone doing?" Spitfire asked, where she came to a stop in the Palace Grounds of the Nighthold, where Anduin and most of the leaders of the two factions happened to be waiting, as most of their forces were back in the Blasted Lands, tending to those who had fled from Draenor before the destruction had claimed the world in question and preparing them for moving to the other provinces of both the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, as that had been the plan they had come up with in case some of Yrel or Grommash's people wanted to call this world home for a time, to explore it and whatnot, but for right now she was interested in making sure everyone was fine.

"Fine... we're just fine, I think." Anduin replied, something that was followed by a number of the other leaders nodding their heads in agreement as he said that, though it was perfectly clear that most of them were shocked by what they witnessed, all the destruction that wrecked Draenor and, eventually, claimed the planet in its entirety, as most of them had seen the ending of the planet in question and were leaving Yrel and Grommash to mourn for the loss of Draenor, even though it did give those who weren't familiar with the Legion a good idea what they were capable of, despite the fact that the figure who wrecked Draenor wasn't a demon, before he sighed for a moment, "I'm glad we managed to save so many people before the planet fell apart... but who was that figure, and why did he destroy Draenor like that?"

"No idea... he and his companions are unknown to us, but, based on what we witnessed, he likely destroyed Draenor before something terrible could happen," Khadgar answered, as he had been thinking about that since they noticed the first figure in the sky, not counting the golden figure and the robed one that followed them, though his thoughts had been more on the species of Draenor and everything the forces of Azeroth had seen while they were taking the fight to the Iron Horde, later the Fel Horde and Gul'dan, before he faced the assembled leaders again, "its possible that interfering with Draenor's timeline like this, coming to gather reinforcements for the war with the Legion, might have had another massive effect to how the rest of the planet's future would have played out... its possible that reducing the defenses of the Mag'har and the draenei might have lead to the Sporemounds, an invasive and aggressive strain of plant life that decimated those who tried to study it during our last visit to Draenor, to attack and assimilate the rest of the planet. If such a thing is true, then he eliminated the planet before such a thing could happen, since I'm sure that the Sporemounds would have made an attempt to spread out to the rest of the universe, so he was snipping a problem before it could be created... but even then, even if he was doing the right thing, that doesn't justify destroying the entire planet to eliminate a threat, as I'm sure he could have pulled the Sporemounds from the surface and crushed all of them with ease."

"Still, regardless of why he eliminated the planet, it leaves the Mag'har, their draenei friends, and the other races with no place to call home," Baine said, speaking for the first time since everything had happened, as he had been quiet while his Warchief and the others went through the Dark Portal, though while he and the other leaders hadn't seen the destruction of Draenor firsthand, since many of them had been in the Blasted Lands, they had witnessed the planet's end after seeing what was inside the Eternal Observatory, something that also confirmed part of the Nightborne's powers, "I know we had planned on setting aside places for visitors and potential permanent residents, but I don't think either faction had time to prepare for everything that we would be getting ourselves into... it is, however, fortunate that the residents of Draenor happened to grab as much food as they did, along with several animals, so supplies won't be much of a problem, which means we can focus on figuring out where our new allies can make their new home."

"That's right, housing is going to be a problem, but fortunately we have some ideas on that already," Anduin replied, as all of them had been making plans when they heard what Spitfire was up to, working with her and even the other faction to make sure their allies from Draenor, those that chose to stay in this world after the Legion had been defeated, had a new home to live in, though as he said that Velen nodded his head as well, as many knew that some of the draenei that had followed Yrel would likely live with them in the Exodar and the surrounding area, but other than that many would have to find a new place to reside, to build other settlements, before he sighed, "that does, however, depend on whether or not we beat the Legion... Kil'jaeden won't be pleased when he learns that we recruited another faction of draenei into our war, especially after everything he's done in his search for Velen and the others."

"I will also talk with Yrel, as she will have questions... we're going to have to tell them about time travel, their now ruined alternate world, and everything else," Velen remarked, referring to the fact that some of the Alliance's heroes had told him of what happened to the alternate version of himself that had been living in Draenor, of his sacrifice to save a Naaru and drive back the Iron Horde, and he had seen the way Yrel had looked at him when she and Grommash followed Spitfire to the Eternal Observatory earlier, meaning there was a lot he had to answer before they could get started on making sure all of their new allies were ready for the war with the Legion.

Spitfire said nothing to that as she nodded her head, though she was more annoyed with the destruction of Draenor and the figure who had done the deed, not to mention the other figure who had stolen every bit of ore and the various gems that had been below the planet's surface, but before she could say anything else that was when the leaders noticed Yrel, Grommash, Elisande, and Thalyssra had chosen to join them, while the rest of the group that had witnessed the end of Draenor were gathering nearby as well, meaning they had to be thinking of something important. Not a few seconds later she heard the sound of wings flapping and discovered that it was coming from a couple of large eagles, ones that were as tall as one of the Alliance's horses, that landed in the area behind her and she found some Highmountain tauren, the type of tauren who had antler-like horns and called one of the provinces of the Broken Isles home, had come to join them, with their leader, Mayla Highmountain she recalled, standing at the front of her group. She knew the name of the leader of the Highmountain tauren thanks to the couple of heroes who went to the highest province of the Broken Isles to track down and recover the Hammer of Khaz'goroth, which had been stolen by someone who murdered Mayla's father and stole the Pillar of Creation as well, and the heroes also took down a Fel-corrupted tribe of tauren in the process, though she was sure that one of the Illidari had captured the souls of those beings, just to make sure the Legion didn't get their hands on any of their souls. Of course Mayla wasn't smiling, given that her father had been slain recently, so she was still mourning his passing based on what she could see, but at the same time she wasn't frowning like she hated the world or something, meaning she was using the lessons she had learned in the past to make herself more presentable, where it looked like she was wearing the traditional garb of a Highmountain Chieftain, or the one who stood over all the Chieftains, which looked like leather made from some tough beasts, and she carried a spear-like weapon that had a thick piece of sharpened metal at the tip on her back, which had to be her weapon, along with a wooden totem that seemed important to some degree, as it might be a memento from her father or something, and it wasn't long before Mayla stopped by the others.

After Mayla came to a stop, and that meant that all of the leaders were assembled in one place again, something that the Legion would normally strike at to cripple their enemies, Spitfire watched as all of the assembled leaders, which included those who lead the Order Halls that were fighting the Legion, knelt as they faced her, something that caused her to raise an eyebrow as she noticed that even the leaders of the Bronze and Infinite Dragonflights did the same thing, while she was sure that Rainbow was waiting to see what happened next, since this was something that neither of them had expected, not after what happened to Draenor.

"Lady Spitfire, it is thanks to your plans, knowledge, and efforts that the Alliance and the Horde have joined together to face the might of the Legion," Anduin said, as he was referring to the fact that any enemy that dared to tear apart both the Alliance and the Horde met their end when she, Rainbow, and their allies focused on them, just like what happened when Sylvanas was revealed to be a danger to the rest of Azeroth, by starting up the Fourth War between the factions, burning Teldrassil to the ground, and causing enough death to cause an imbalance in their world before breaking the cursed Helm of Domination that the Lich King wore, and it was clear that Spitfire understood what he was saying, "we have become a united front, a truly united from with neither side trying to tear the other down in some manner, and now stand before you, the one who has ensured that such a thing is possible, even if it meant tearing down someone who wished to bring Death to Azeroth, both in the sense of killing those who call it home and the being who resides over one of the six powers that make up our universe. I cannot speak for everyone, especially those who are just now joining our factions, but I think it is time that we, the Alliance and the Horde, band together to form a great alliance of Azeroth's forces, to put what has happened in the past behind us and embrace the harmonic future you have painstakingly created for all of us... if such a thing is accepted by everyone else, and there are no complaints, save for finding a new Warchief for the Horde, I would like to name you the Grand Commander of our united forces."

"Are you sure about that?" Spitfire asked, because this was the first time in Azeroth's history, that she knew of, where the leaders of the two factions decided to actually put their differences aside and nominate someone to lead all of them, as it was usually the High King and the Warchief staring at each other and having different viewpoints on everything that was happening to Azeroth, so by breaking the cycle of hatred between the two factions, in such a way that might change things more than even she had seen coming, she was also creating new history for this world, especially since it meant they were handing the keys to Azeroth over to a demon hunter, even if she was different from the rest of the Illidari.

"Anduin might be new to being the High King, but he means what he says," Genn stated, though he understood that even Spitfire might be a little hesitant to accept the role that was being offered to her, as she only accepted the role of the new Warchief of the Horde after Sylvanas claimed what wasn't hers and tried to bring harm to both factions, which she had stopped in due time and exposed to all of them, and based on everything that they had seen so far, especially when one thought about her actions towards Draenor, saving all of them from ruin, he knew that she was a perfect candidate for such a position and the power it commanded, before he raised his head as others did it as well, "thanks to you I have also let go of my ever consuming hatred for the Forsaken, as I have come to realize that the objects of my anger were Sylvanas and Nathanos, and with them dead I have been able to be at peace for the first time since the walls of Gilnaes fell... in fact, due to our new relationships with the Horde, the undead who once served Sylvanas have been hard at work creating what they call 'Anti-Blight', one that will undo everything that was used on my city and other locations Sylvanas and her allies have Blighted over the years... they're willing to help us, their old enemies, reclaim our home. With that in mind, and all of the other things you have done since taking Sylvanas down, especially in regards to what happened during your visit to the world of Draenor, many of us have decided to agree with Anduin, even those who haven't met you yet are agreeing with his decision... the Grand Army of Azeroth is yours to command, Lady Spitfire, as Thrall has agreed to take on the mantle of Warchief once more, instead of leaving it to someone else."

Spitfire paused for a moment, as she was surprised that the leaders of the factions had decided on this and assumed they had done so while she and Rainbow were busy taking care of Gul'dan's minions inside Suramar and the city, freeing every Nightborne they came across during their time in this province, though she had to assume that convincing the leaders of the Bronze and Infinite Dragonflights to join forces, due to her and Rainbow's meddling with the timeline, must have been one of the final straws, with her actions in Draenor being the icing on the cake, to which she sighed for a moment as she focused on all of them.

"Very well, I accept the position... though first we need to make sure that our allies from Draenor have a place to call home before we focus on assaulting the Broken Shore," Spitfire stated, though the reason she didn't fight the idea was because it looked like all of the leaders, from both the Alliance and the Horde, had agreed to this and she had a feeling that none of them would take no for an answer, meaning they wanted it to happen and would likely continue to chase her until she said yes to the offer, so this would allow them to get most of the formalities out of the way and focus on what was important to all of them, making sure Yrel, Grommash, and their people were settled in before their forces were committed to the war with Kil'jaeden and whatever forces would be waiting for them on the Broken Shore.

Even as she said that Spitfire understood why some of the more well known orcs in the Horde, like Saurfang for example, didn't accept the role of Warchief from the rest of the Horde's leaders, and that was due to the fact that many were more suited for fighting on the battlefield, as in it was all each of them knew before this point in time, and while Thrall was also a warrior, a shaman to be more precise, he seemed to be someone who preferred uniting the Alliance and the Horde into a single unit, instead of them constantly being at war with each other, though now that he was back in the position as the Warchief she knew he would lead the faction to greatness. While the leaders tended to the newcomers, however, she did know that the military might of Azeroth had just gone up by leaps and bounds, as four of the five dragonflights who lived in this world had regained their full power, five if they counted the future versions of Nozdormu and his entire flight, they had allies in Highmountain and Suramar pledging to join the fight, not to mention the druids of Val'sharah, the Vrykul who call Stormheim home, and the ancient blue dragons of Azsuna, the latter being restored as well when they empowered all of the dragonflights. Of course that wasn't counting their allies from Draenor, as not only did they have the Mag'har and Grommash, an honorable warrior based on what she knew, they had Yrel and her fellow draenei, who wanted to bring the Legion to justice for taking their home world, and they even had the other races who had called Draenor home, the rest of the Saberon, both the hunched and straight standing versions of the Arakkoa, and a number of Ogres who had sided with Azeroth's forces when the Iron and Fel Hordes were a thing. With all of those reinforcements gathered the military might of this world had been boosted by an alarming amount, or at least it would be seen that way by Kil'jaeden and Sargeras, as it would make it even harder for them to bring ruin to this world, but even as she thought about that she did know that all of this confirmed something interesting, with the power of Nozdormu, Murozond, the time dragons, and the Nightborne backing Azeroth they might be able to recruit more reinforcements from other timelines, now that they proved that doing so was possible, and she would speak with her allies once they had a chance to make sure that Yrel, Grommash, and the rest of Draenor's displaced residents had a place to settle in.

Once the conversation was done, and Spitfire had more to think about than what she first thought, she and Rainbow spent the rest of the day assisting the displaced of Draenor, making sure that everything that had been brought from the now destroyed world was transported to the starting locations that the people wanted to settle in, where it was easy for her to find that Yrel's group, for the time being, would head to the isles that the Exodar had crashed into and park their ships in the area as well, while the Mag'har planned on starting in Durotar, even though it meant explaining the origin of Azeroth's Horde to all of the orc clans. In addition to that the hunched Arakkoa decided to call Ashenvale home, due to the fact that there were plenty of dark corners for them to reside in, including the fact that they liked forests for some reason, while the Arakkoa who could fly seemed to be thinking of taking up residence in Mount Hyjal, which happened to be close to where Orgrimmar rested, even though both the remaining Ogres and Saberon didn't seem to have much of a plan right now, as in they either needed time to figure out where a suitable home for them might be or they wanted to fight the Legion and then focus on that after the demons were dead. She was fine with that, since it gave Khadgar and the others time to scout out any possible locations for those who had no idea where to settle once the Legion was taken care of, though even as all of that happened she made sure that Khadgar spent some time with Nozdormu, Murozond, and the Nightborne, since she wanted to get a head start on her plans before making a massive push for the Tomb of Sargeras, where Kil'jaeden would no doubt have a massive force of demons guarding it, once they finally assaulted the Broken Shore anyway. In addition to all of that there was one other figure she needed to talk to before they put part of her next plan into action, she needed to speak with Lord Illidan and learn more about the plan he would have set in motion once he confirmed the abilities of the Sargerite Keystone, especially since she and Rainbow used it to track down and kill both Varedis and Caria, as it would aid her in forming the next stages of her plans to bring down the Legion, even though she had the feeling that Lord Illidan's next target would have to be Argus itself, at least to see what level of power the demons of that world were at, before he shifted his plan accordingly.

Of course there was the chance that he never had a plan beyond acquiring the Sargerite Keystone, as in he was waiting to claim it and test its power for himself before making the next stages of his plan that would bring down the Legion, but for now she was going to have to wait until they had a chance to take a short break before such a thing could even happen, to which Spitfire focused on making sure Yrel, Grommash, and the new residents of Azeroth settled in before worrying about the assault on the Broken Shore.

Dalaran, as expected, was a rather busy place once Spitfire and Rainbow returned to it, as not only were the heroes being busy with their preparations for the eventual assault, since they knew that the plan had been to attack shortly after they headed to Draenor and recruit some additional reinforcements for their assault, even if her plan had been altered thanks to the untimely arrival of those strange beings and the unfortunate destruction of the planet in question, and they found a number of Valarjar, both ground soldiers and some of the Val'kyr, watching over everyone that was in the city, meaning Odyn was likely waiting for the assault to begin so he could lend them his restored might. Spitfire could see that the smiths were busy sharpening weapons and repairing any damaged armor, for both everyone who followed the heroes of Azeroth and the heroes themselves, the alchemists were working away preparing all sorts of potions and tonics for what was going to happen soon, and the enchanters happened to be busy weaving new powers into all sorts of gear, working to ensure all of their clients were prepared for the battle ahead of them, while everyone else in the city was doing everything in their power to ensure the heroes were prepared for their return to the Broken Shore. Another thing she could tell while walking through the city was that none of the citizens or soldiers seemed worried, in fact they appeared to be in good spirits, and she knew that many of them had to be thinking about their chances since she and Rainbow were taking part in the next assault, because with even one of them joining the assault meant the demons would have a greater chance of failing and, more importantly, it meant they would be able to get to the set of ruins that rested near the southwestern section of the decent sized island, one that was roughly half the size of Suramar's width, maybe a third at the lowest. Of course it would be no simple matter to take part of the Broken Shore back from the demons, not since she suspected that Kil'jaeden might be observing the city and was waiting for them to make the first move before summoning in his reinforcements, as that sounded like something the Deceiver might do, lure them into a false sense of security and then bring the pain while they were trying to complete whatever mission they were doing, but even then she wanted to break his schemes, show him just who he was dealing with, and then kill him so he could join Archimonde in Rainbow's collection of souls, or maybe his soul would fall into her possession, something they would find out once they found him and took him down.

Eventually Spitfire returned to the Fel Hammer and found that the Illidari were also hard at work readying themselves for the assault on the Broken Shore, meaning all of Mardum was a hive of activity for the first time in a long time, far more than what happened when they assaulted the broken world that Varedis and Caria had retreated to, though she found the person she was looking for right at the balcony that she and Rainbow had denied Kil'jaeden at in the past, though as she came to a stop Lord Illidan smiled for a few seconds.

"You have done well in leading the Illidari, Spitfire, as you have done far more than what I originally thought you might do when I decided to pass on the leadership of my forces to you," Illidan commented, as he had several ideas of what sort of plans she would have put in place once she became the leader of the Illidari, ideas that were all based on everything he had seen of her and Rainbow during their time with Kayn and everyone else that swore to bring down the Legion, and yet, despite all of his planning and thoughts on the matter, Spitfire had blown all of them out of the water and revealed what sort of lengths she would go to in order to protect not only Azeroth, but her home world as well, "you have also done what I have long considered to be nearly impossible to accomplish, that being uniting the Alliance and Horde into a single unit to bring down the Legion... and yet, you managed to go beyond such a thing as well, crushing any flames of hatred that both factions had for each other. Azeroth is lucky to have you and Rainbow protecting it."

"Thanks, it means a lot coming from you... also, Azeroth isn't an 'it' at this point, since Magni discovered that there's a Titan sleeping in the depths of this world, a female Titan, to be exact," Spitfire replied, though she told the truth, she was happy that Lord Illidan was pleased with her progress in commanding the Illidari, despite the fact that she had been forced to go beyond leading his forces to make sure the Legion was beaten, but, at the same time, this allowed her a chance to tell him some of the information they had gained since starting their war with the Legion, "it explains why Sargeras is so bent on trying to either claim or destroy this world... he afraid that she'll awaken and threaten his mission, but if he can take over the planet there's a chance he might corrupt her before she wakes up, or just outright destroy her to keep himself and his mission safe from potential harm. Anyway, I came to ask you about what the next stages of your plans were, once you had a chance to confirm the powers of the Sargerite Keystone, as it will help us determine what we need to do while taking on the vast demonic army that is scattered around the Broken Shore."

Illidan paused for a few seconds, so he could recall exactly what sort of plans he had created for after he tested the power of the Sargerite Keystone, before explaining that the first stages recovered around making sure he could use it to open the way to some of the more powerful Legion worlds, not Argus since that would have revealed his hand too soon, though at the same time he informed her that he intended to uphold his promise to Akama, that once he had everything he needed he would hand over the Black Temple to his follower, even going so far to clean it up to the best of their ability, remove all of the Fel energy, and move the Illidari into Mardum. Such a thing would have allowed them to also claim the Fel Hammer and, with all of the slain demons that would have littered the ruined planet, there would have been no shortage of souls for his forces to use to empower the Legion ship, plus all sorts of energy so his forces could just from planet to planet as they waged war on the demons, meaning his plans were to attack as many of the Legion's worlds as he could, robbing all of them of demons, power, and components to upgrade the Fel Hammer until it became a weapon to bring ruin to their enemies, a plan that had been ruined thanks to his untimely death, and even now he suspected that they wouldn't have the time to do such a thing. While he talked Spitfire came to a decision based on everything he was telling her, because while she understood why he didn't want to head to Argus immediately, since it was the base of the Legion's power and it had to be home of so many incredibly powerful demons, something Rainbow would enjoy like a kid in a candy shop, there was one thing about the Sargerite Keystone she had to wonder about, something she was sure that Lord Illidan had either found out before even finding the Titan artifact, suspected it of being the case before even confirming what the artifact could do, or maybe it was recorded in what they took from Nathreza.

"Basically, my plans were to test the Sargerite Keystone and attack more of the Legion's worlds," Illidan admitted, as that was the base of what he had come up with in the past, before his demise, and he could see that Spitfire understood what he was talking about, just like he thought she would since she had gained a lot of knowledge from working with him and all of the Illidari, though it was possible that she might come up with her own opinion on why he didn't do certain things, something that caused him to sigh for a moment, "but there is a good reason that I didn't start with testing the Keystone and making sure it could open the way to Argus..."

"Because you were worried that its keyed to bridge the gap between Argus and Azeroth, as I'm sure Sargeras created the Keystone to do such a thing," Spitfire remarked, though in her eyes it made sense, because if someone from Azeroth knew that the Titan artifact opened the way to any world the Legion controlled, and they had it in their possession, they would be tempted to open the way to Argus and lead an assault on the Legion's base of operations, meaning that it would serve as a beacon to Azeroth's forces and draw them in to claim it, allowing him to kill some of them before someone activated the artifact and opened the way for the Legion to claim his prize, but that was when she noticed that her Lord nodded his head for a moment, to show that she was correct, "however, you're reconsidering the decision now that you have both me and Rainbow, plus the empowered races of Azeroth, to follow you into battle..."

"Spitfire, you are the Grand Commander of Azeroth now... no one stands above you, meaning you bow to no one and call no one 'Lord'," Illidan replied, as he knew that such a thing would have happened at some point in time, given the time she and Rainbow had spent with the Illidari and learning about everything Kayn and the others did, and knew that it was best to put a stop to it now, as she was, in terms of power and influence, the strongest being in all of Azeroth, with Rainbow just a step behind her, meaning it was time for her to stop calling him 'Lord' and for her to take her rightful place as the Grand Commander of Azeroth, with everyone bowing towards her in respect, though he could see that she understood, as there was a moment where she started to open her mouth and then stopped a second later, "though we should begin our final preparations, as its only a matter of time until Kil'jaeden decides to attack this city, once he sees all the activity that all of our allies are undergoing to ready themselves for the upcoming assault."

That was something Spitfire agreed with and found that the Illidari had all of the supplies they needed, every component that was needed to empower the Fel Hammer and any of Jace's toys were accounted for, every precaution had been taken to ensure they had devices to make sure the Legion couldn't see what was going on in all of Mardum, which they planned on taking some of the blockers with them to shield their base on the Broken Shore, and the weapons and armor of their forces were ready to go as well, meaning that the moment Spitfire ordered the assault to happen they would march on the Broken Shore and the demons guarding it. She knew that the other Orders would be doing the same thing, readying all of their supplies and forces for what was to come next, as most of them had dealings with the Legion, hunting down certain demons that dared to stay in Azeroth or those who moved to one of the shattered worlds, like Varedis and Caria had done after losing their weapons to her and Rainbow, though that, in truth, was only the beginning for all of them, as launching an assault on the Broken Shore would take everything in them to bring down Kil'jaeden's forces. Since she knew that the Deceiver wanted her and Rainbow's souls, to turn them into weapons of the Legion, that meant he was going to have most of his forces standing guard over everything that was around the Tomb of Sargeras and might be watching over his forces as the upcoming battle unfolded, meaning they had to have a force that wanted to bring down the Legion, and with Yrel and Grommash's forces on their side she was sure that the first stage of the assault would happen with some ease, but, at the same time, she wanted to be ready in case it was more challenging than she thought. Other than that there was next to nothing for her to do, so she ventured to the depths of the Fel Hammer, to a platform some demons used to stand on as they assaulted whatever location they wanted to attack, and sat down as she started to meditate, as she figured that she could spend some of her time making sure her powers were in balance with each other, due to having four of the six Cosmic Forces inside her at this point in time, though she planned on taking a short rest after she was done meditating, as she wanted to make sure she was well rested before their eventual assault on the Broken Shore.

She got a decent amount of sleep in the end, as it was early morning when some of the Fel Hammer's alarms went off, to which she and the others, including Rainbow who had returned to Mardum after making sure everyone in Dalaran had no problems getting ready, before they found that Kil'jaeden's Fel signature appeared outside the Tomb of Sargeras, only to vanish not a few seconds later, meaning he was taunting them into moving, something that caused Spitfire to chuckle as she returned to Dalaran and called for her allies to gather. It didn't take long for the city to become even more crowded as the heroes of Azeroth woke themselves up and portalled into the city, grabbing some food to ready themselves as Spitfire met with the head leaders of the Order Halls, as in the greatest Highlord for the Silver Hand and the greatest Battlelord for the Valarjar for example, and were joined by those who could have been a previous leader of their Order, save for Odyn of course, who came in the guise of Havi, though they weren't the only ones to arrive in the city, as the leaders of the factions and their new allies had come as well. Yrel and Grommash, even though they hadn't been given as much time as Spitfire would have liked to give them, were ready to go and seemed eager to tear down any demons that got in their way, while Elisande and Thalyssra were standing nearby, the former having ditched most of her royal attire, since it got in her way the last time she faced the Legion, and even the leaders of the dragonflights were nearby, as some of their forces wanted to take part in this battle, now that they had been restored to their former glory, and she wasn't about to deny them a place in the upcoming assault, especially since she called on reinforcements from another world to aid them. Of course she did knew that Khadgar wanted to say something before they got started on heading down to the Broken Shore, as Kil'jaeden had made it known that he was annoyed with them doing nothing and they were going to show him the new might that all of them had, though she and Rainbow remained silent as he stepped forward and weaved his magic into the circular area of Krasus' Landing, as that was where they gathered, before five Arcane images appeared before them, as in images of the five Pillars of Creation: the Tidestone of Golganneth, the Aegis of Aggramar, the Hammer of Khaz'goroth, the Tears of Elune, and the Eye of Amun'thul.

"Champions and leaders of Azeroth, our victory over Gul'dan has granted us new allies, restored other to their full power, and has given us the final key to stopping this invasion," Khadgar said, where many of the assembled individuals nodded their heads in agreement as they heard that, even though some of their allies, like Yrel and Grommash, had to be told a number of things before coming to this meeting, something Spitfire knew Khadgar must have done once they had settled down the previous night, before he focused on the Tomb that rested in the distance, "with the Pillars of Creation we can, at long last, seal the Felstorm and cut the Legion off from Azeroth once more, so we can turn our attention to how our forces will attack them instead."

"We must remember that Kil'jaeden, the monster who hunted my people across the stars, will be waiting for us to strike at the Broken Shore," Velen added, something that caused the images of the Pillars to disappear not a few seconds later, all while he also glanced at the Tomb and recalled the reading they had noticed earlier, as if daring Kil'jaeden to set into this world again, because with both Spitfire and Rainbow on their side he knew that the monster would fall if he dared to show himself to them, to which he glanced back at them, "Lady Spitfire, you only need to give the word and our initial task force will descend upon the Broken Shore, which will give the rest of our forces time to..."

Before he had a chance to finish his statement, and tell them what he was thinking about, the demons hunters felt the Fel energy in the air shift for a moment as they glanced over at the Tomb, which caused many to follow their gaze, which was when a number of Legion space ships, about fifteen of them, warped into the space around the point where the Tomb met the Felstorm, where the front tips of all of them lit up with a fierce glow as each of them started to charge a blast of energy that was aimed right at Dalaran... though as all of the ships opened fire, and the blasts raced through the air, each attack hit a Fel barrier that appeared out of nowhere and were sucked into a central point as Spitfire smiled, as she had her right hand pointed in the direction of the Tomb and all that Fel energy was hers, which caused the ships to warp out before any of them were wrecked.

"Call for the task force to assemble, as its time to assault the Broken Shore," Spitfire commanded, where she knew that all of her allies would be even more eager to bring down Kil'jaeden and his forces, especially after the demons attempted to destroy Dalaran just now, though at the same time she could see that Rainbow was ready to get moving and nodded her head, as for now her friend was more than enough to deal with the demons that might be part of the initial assault on the Broken Shore, and once they broke through it was only a matter of time before their enemies perished.

As soon as she said that all of her allies started to move, gathering whatever they needed before assembling to attack the demon infested isle, as it was time for them to tear down Kil'jaeden and seal the Felstorm with the Pillars of Creation, and once that was done they could worry about using the Sargerite Keystone from a safe location to invade the other worlds that the Legion was in control of, especially Argus, but for now it was time for them to show the Legion that Azeroth wasn't to be underestimated and that they were about to lose a lot of forces this time around, possibly their entire organization if Spitfire had her way.

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