• Published 4th Oct 2020
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World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Interlude: The Vindicaar

Spitfire and Rainbow continued to stare up at the imposing planet that was in the sky above Azeroth, as they were curious as to what the demons on the planet might be thinking about right now, seeing a massive rift open near Argus and reveal the prize that Sargeras was after, a world that could either doom the Legion or give them the power to burn the rest of reality if the Dark Titan corrupted the sleeping Titan, though even as both of them considered that Spitfire knew that Equus, her and Rainbow's home world, might have a slumbering World-Soul inside it, a sleeping Titan, and it might be just as strong, if not stronger, than Azeroth was.

"I always knew that I would see Argus again, as the homecoming of the Draenei appeared time and again in my visions... but, to be honest, I never imagined seeing it like this." Velen commented, as he, like all of the others, was staring up at the sky and kept his gaze on the planet he was born, the one he used to call home before Archimonde and Kil'jaeden betrayed him, though it broke his heart to see how twisted it was, a planet so tainted by Fel energies that it was likely no longer the planet he and all of the remaining Draenei had left behind all those years ago, before he sighed, "There can be no doubt that the fates of my world and Azeroth are intertwined, not after we opened that portal for the Legion to use... but seeing my home planet like this makes me wonder if Argus be saved at this point. Or must we find that powerful being who wiped out Draenor and convince him to do the same to our former home, to allow it to be destroyed, as a sacrifice to stop the Dark Titan? Sadly, my visions on this issue are clouded, more uncertain than they have been in the past, and it seems that we must continue to forge our own destiny, like we have done since we started following Spitfire's suggestions to make a lasting peace between the Alliance and the Horde."

"Still, the Sargerite Keystone tore through the fabric of reality with ease. Now the home world of the Legion looms before us, its armies poised to strike." Khadgar said, where he turned his attention towards the massive portal that the Keystone had created, as while he understood the power of the artifact, as Spitfire had described it at one point, it was another thing to witness that power for himself, especially since it didn't look like the portal was closing at any point in the near future, to which he considered something he hadn't thought about for some time, "Turalyon is out there somewhere... Alleria too, I hope. If we can find my old friends, perhaps we can find the Army of the Light as well, as they would be useful allies in our war against the Legion."

"Actually, that's our plan of attack," Spitfire stated, to which she smiled for a moment, as she had kept most of the plan for their war against Argus a secret in case they never got this far, mostly to protect it and make sure the Legion didn't what all of them were planning, to which she turned her head from the air, while Rainbow continued to stare up at Argus, and just glanced over to Velen for a moment, even though Khadgar and all of the heroes glanced at her for a moment, curious as to what she was talking about, "Prophet, is the dimensional ship you were working on operational? Or do we need to use the Fel Hammer to do what I have in mind?"

"The Vindicaar should be operational, we just need to check with Romuul," Velen replied, as he understood what Spitfire was asking him and knew the answer she was looking for, but this was the honest answer and there was nothing else he could tell her, to which he watched as Spitfire nodded her head and accepted his response without getting upset, though it didn't tell Khadgar and the others anything and he knew that it was best to leave this in Spitfire's hands, since she was the one whose plans had brought them this far, bringing down Kil'jaeden in the process, and he knew that they would be able to bring down the Legion if they continued to follow her plans.

"Can someone please explain what you are talking about?" Vytheril asked, as he knew Spitfire enough to know that there was a plan of some kind that she hadn't told anyone about and that this was the first time they were hearing about it, even if they were learning about it by listening to a conversation that none of them were supposed to be a part of, but thanks to the fact that Argus was up in the air, and that it was only a matter of time until the Legion assaulted this planet again, he had a feeling Spitfire would tell them about what in the world was going on right now and that they needed to be patient so she could give them the information on everything she had planned before this point in time.

"Not yet. Khadgar, call the leaders of our army and have them join us in Deliverance Point, as I'll tell you what's going on as soon as our forces are together again," Spitfire said, knowing that everyone wanted an explanation and that it was time for her to give them one, though at the same time she shifted her glance back at the rift for a few seconds, because while she was expecting the Keystone to do something like this, at least a temporary rift, what was in the space between Argus and Azeroth was beyond what she had been expecting to find when it was activated again, meaning Sargeras must have put a spell on it or something so it would do this when it was used near Azeroth.

Khadgar nodded for a moment and summoned a sphere of Arcane energy, one that allowed him to speak with someone over long distances, and sent it over to the Broken Shore, where the leaders of each race would be waiting for them to emerge from the Tomb of Sargeras so one or more of them could figure out what was going on, as opening that rift was definitely not part of the plan, though as he did that Spitfire, Rainbow, and the heroes started to make their way back to Deliverance Point, knowing they didn't have a lot of time before the Legion made their move. She was sure that Anduin, at the very least, would be upset by the sudden arrival of the rift, and there might be a few voices among the other leaders who would do the same thing once a short period of time went by, though she was hopeful that they would listen to what she had to say and not break the alliance due to their actions, but after having seen how unified both factions were she had a feeling that neither side would be annoyed with her. The heroes pulled out their flight whistles, the personalized objects that allowed them to call their mounts out of a storage space that each one happened to be linked to, which was followed by a number of flying mounts, dragons and other creatures, filled the air as the heroes followed after Spitfire and Rainbow, who didn't need to use another creature like that since they still had their wings, to which the pair focused on flying to Deliverance Point and meeting up with the rest of their allies. Khadgar, of course, didn't have a mount of his own, rather he used the raven form that happened to be a skill that came with his powerful Arcane staff to fly through the air, whenever he didn't teleport from one place to another, and either of those options would be how he caught up with them once he was done telling Anduin the news, allowing Spitfire to focus on heading over to the Broken Isles once more so she inform the others as to what sort of plan she had been keeping from them and what the rift between Azeroth and Argus meant for all of them, since that was something everyone had to be worried about.

It didn't take both of them long to reach the Broken Shore, given that they were close to the edge of Azsuna after Khadgar used his magic to teleport them off of Kil'jaeden's ship, though when Spitfire glanced down at the island she found that all sorts of individuals, despite the sudden arrival of Argus in the sky, were overjoyed by their victory over Kil'jaeden, while at the same time the remaining forces who served the Deceiver happened to be surrendering to her army, similar to what happened when her new Eredar allies betrayed the Legion to join them and, importantly, keep their souls safe since most of them knew that fighting Azeroth meant Rainbow would eat their souls if they perished near her.

"Lady Spitfire, it is good to see that you were... successful... in taking down Kil'jaeden," Anduin said, speaking the moment both of them landed near the command center of Deliverance Point, even though he found that Spitfire was just fine and that Rainbow had undergone a transformation of sorts, meaning she had devoured enough Fel energy to change again, like she had done several times in the past, before he turned his gaze towards the demons who had surrendered to them, after the Tomb of Sargeras had been sealed by the Pillars of Creation, and then shifted his gaze at the rift between their world and a place he assumed was Argus, only to end up looking at them again, "though I don't think that gateway was part of your plan."

"Don't worry, I'll explain things to you and the others," Spitfire replied, though while it looked like her allies were perfectly fine with the rift between worlds, almost as if they assumed this was part of her plan of attack and that she was going to attack Argus once Kil'jaeden had been dealt with, even if it mostly was and the permanent rift was the only odd thing that she hadn't planned on discovering, before she glanced down at the army that once served Kil'jaeden, who would either surrender to the Grand Army of Azeroth or deny her and perish as Rainbow devoured their Fel energy like she had done to all of the demons she had faced since her new power developed, "and I guess I'll see if the demons who worked under the Deceiver are willing to abandon the Legion as well, since having more allies from Argus might give us more bits of information on what to expect from our enemies."

What she discovered was that every demon that had surrendered to her forces, which was still an odd thing to find since the forces of the Legion never did such a thing, looked like they were either terrified of facing Rainbow, once more telling her just how terrifying Rainbow's new power was to the demons, or even crying after realizing that they had been totally screwed, as a few Sayaad were actually crying and the arrival of Argus in the sky did nothing to calm them, before finding that all of Kil'jaeden's forces had decided to join up with those who betrayed the Legion previously, especially after they found out that the Deceiver was no more. She then discovered that Nixa, the smart Sayaad who had been attacked by her superiors when she and her forces encountered the demon inside the chamber that contained the Pillar pedestal for the Hammer of Khaz'goroth, had been nominated to lead Kil'jaeden's forces, meaning the demons who served the Deceiver recognized her for her intelligence, for choosing to stay alive in the face of facing her and Rainbow, but Spitfire suspected that there was more to Nixa than what she was seeing, like maybe she was an actual daughter of Xazariel, something that would actually explain why she was bustier, sexier, and more powerful than an ordinary Sayaad. With that done Spitfire made sure the demons who once served the Deceiver were willing to ally with the forces of Azeroth, or at least work with the Council of the Black Harvest like the other demons who betrayed the Legion, even though she noticed a few Pit Lords seemed annoyed about such a thing and Nixa reminded them that it was either this or become food for Rainbow, which appeared to be a real threat among demons at this point in time, something that caused the trio to frown and fall in line a few moments later, showing they would rather survive and not perish near Rainbow. After that she and the other leaders walked over to the command center of Deliverance Point, with most of the soldiers hanging out near where Elisande had opened the portals earlier, giving them some time to talk about the differences between their timelines or the events that had shaped their worlds and people, where Spitfire stopped a few moments later as the heroes gathered around them, all while Khadgar and Velen stood off to the side, no doubt talking to Romuul in the Exodar, to get a progress report on what was happening over there.

"As you all know, we assaulted the Broken Shore with a simple plan in mind: use the Pillars of Creation to seal the Tomb, kill Kil'jaeden, and use the Sargerite Keystone to form a temporary gateway between Azeroth and Argus," Spitfire stated, as she decided to get to the heart of the situation and not beat around the bush, as many of them understood that they were here to seal the Tomb of Sargeras and kill Kil'jaeden, though not many of her allies knew what she had planned for after all of this was done and it was time to tell them exactly what she had planned, because Sargeras had forced her hand given what happened to the Keystone, to which she gestured to the rift for a moment, "however, as you can see, the Keystone has done far more than what we intended for it to do, as we planned on closing the temporary gateway after returning to Azeroth, and I suspect that Sargeras created the Keystone with the purpose of it being delivered to Azeroth if the Legion was pushed to the point where he lost Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, so it could form a more permanent gateway between this world and Argus. My plan was to test the Keystone, to open the way between worlds, and be sure it could bring us to Argus, so that way we could link it to the power of the Fel Hammer, which is the Legion ship the Illidari have been using as our base of operations since the assault on the Black Temple, and launch an assault on Argus with the Draenei sending a ship of their own to join the Army of the Light... but, given that our allies on Argus might not accept having a Legion ship as an ally, Velen and I decided to make sure his new dimensional ship, the Vindicaar, was ready for the eventual assault on the Legion's main base of operations."

"I understand why you would keep this a secret, so the Legion didn't figure out what you have planned," Anduin said, as he agreed with Spitfire's desire to make sure none of them knew about the plan to take the fight to Argus, even if they had an idea that she would have launched an invasion on Velen's corrupted and broken home world at some point in time, mostly since her desire was to make sure Sargeras didn't try to stop them, before he considered what might be going through her mind at the moment, "How many soldiers do you need for the assault on Argus?"

"For right now, we're transporting the heroes of the Order Halls to Argus, to scout a few things out before calling in most of our forces," Spitfire replied, though at the same time she glanced over at Rainbow for a moment, who had moved off to the side and seemed to be in the middle of swinging her arms and legs at an imaginary foe, like she was testing out the new power she had unlocked during her battle with Kil'jaeden, before turning her gaze towards Velen for a second, as it looked like he and Khadgar were done talking with Romuul, "right now, however, most of our forces will be staying here, to defend Azeroth in case the Legion launches any assaults while we're busy tearing into the demons that call the twisted and broken world home. Prophet, what did Romuul tell you?"

"The Vindicaar is ready to depart, we just need to head to the Exodar to get up to it," Velen stated, where the Draenei who were nearby seemed excited for what he and the others had planned, as it meant traveling back to Argus and seeing just how twisted and broken it was with their own eyes, which would fuel their desire to tear down the Legion and break the Dark Titan's plans, whatever they might be, though as he said that Yrel stepped up and took a moment to tap the bottom end of her warhammer on the ground, like he would do to grab everyone's attention, reminding him that the alternate version of him had been training her before the events of Draenor, before Spitfire and Rainbow showed up, had struck the people of the alternate Outland.

"Allow us to lend you the aid of our ships as well, as we can use the Exodar... no, maybe we should call it the Axador so we don't get get confused... to house most of those who will assault Argus," Yrel said, showing that she was ready for the final battle against the Legion and those who followed the Dark Titan, especially after everything they had seen since departing from Argus and joining up with the Grand Army of Azeroth, where her Draenei, the ones from Draenor, nodded not even a few seconds later, confirming that all of them were ready to assault Argus and deal a death blow to the Legion at long last, especially with the powerful allies that were on their side.

"And we shall throw in the might of Aurobos, the ship that aided the High Priests and Highlords in defending Netherlight Temple, and the reborn Genedar, recovered from Outland," another voice said, where a Dreadlord appeared nearby and walked over to where everyone was standing, though the reason that Spitfire and everyone else remained still was due to the fact that this particular demon happened to be an ally, as he was a member of the Army of the Light and his body had been reborn in the Light, complete with his armor following suit, showing all that he was serious about bringing down the Legion and that he stood on Azeroth's side, while his words meant there were more dimensional ships that could be used to assault Argus, before he saluted Spitfire by resting a fist over his heart.

This Lightforged Nathrezim was Lothraxion, High Commander of the Army of the Light, which meant he served under both Turalyon and Alleria, not to mention Xe'ra for that matter, and according to what Spitfire had been told he had been sent to Azeroth to help break the Legion's invasion, even helping to permanently kill another Dreadlord, Balnazzar, during the attack on Netherlight Temple, though since he had gone through the effort to name two more vessels meant Velen must have told him about her plans and that he was trustworthy. Not a few seconds later a set of slow musical chimes sounded for a moment as Spitfire found one more ally she hadn't been expecting to find, there was a silvery white Naaru floating in the nearby area, who had to be A'dal, the Naaru who controlled Shattrath and had been part of the reason that the heroes of the Alliance and the Horde had marched on the Black Temple and killed Illidan all those years ago, but based on all she was feeling right now Spitfire could tell that A'dal was sorry for what happened in the past and was here to lend them the aid of Tempest Keep, the set of four ships Kael'thas had stolen from the Naaru before his eventual death. Tempest Keep's components were the Botanica, a light blue ship that was plant based and likely provided all the food for the people who lived on the ships, a red ship called Arcatraz, a prison ship that contained demons and minions of the Void while the Naaru looked for ways to permanently kill them, the Mechanar, a light purple ship that was more advanced than the others and contained all sorts of machinery, and the Eye, the larger structure that served as the command center for all four of them and likely contained the warp controls for all four ships. In fact, based on what she knew, the Exodar was supposed to be the fifth and final part of A'dal's fortress, the housing and common section of the entire fleet before it had been crashed into part of Azeroth, though the fact that A'dal was here, offering the fleet to them, meant he likely knew how dangerous she and Rainbow were and that if he assisted her in her plans it would show her that his forces were allies and not more targets that needed to be taken out at some point in the future.

With Spitfire understanding that her fleet was actually much larger than she originally planned, and would be even larger once they met up with the main ship of the Army of the Light, she made sure that most of Azeroth's forces, as in those that were from the alternate timelines, remained here on Azeroth to defend her from any demons that might be coming their way, while Khadgar opened a portal to Azuremyst Isle, where the Exodar rested, allowing the heroes of Azeroth to head over to the island in question while she made sure their allies spread out to protect this world. Of course she made sure to talk to and divide the Illidari into two groups, one half that would be joining them for the assault on Argus while the other half would be staying here with the rest of the defenders, to capture the souls of any demons who dared to attack Azeroth, though during that time she found one more addition that surprised some of their allies, as Magni wished to join them as they headed to Argus, where Spitfire suspected that he was going to try and speak with the corrupted planet, to see if they were dealing with more than one Titan. It was an interesting theory, and would certainly explain why Sargeras had a vast interest in the world of the Draenei, but for right now there was nothing telling them one way or another, to which she just decided to let him come with them and do his mission once they were sure they had a safe place for him to work his new power, though that was when she noted that everyone was fine with her assignments, both the soldiers from the various alternate timelines and those from this world, before she and Rainbow headed through Khadgar's portal and teleported over to Azuremyst Isle. Resting up in the air above the Exodar was another dimensional ship that was made by the hands of the Draenei and based on the designs of the Naaru, back when O'ros was alive, made out of whatever metal that went into all of the dimensional ships that existed and out of purple crystals that seemed to be powering most of the systems that were inside the ship, where Spitfire and Rainbow found that it was somewhat smaller than the Exodar, though it was easy for them to tell that it was the Vindicaar.

After noticing the Vindicaar, and that it appeared to be waiting for everyone to climb aboard while Romuul completed the last of the checks to be sure it was fully operational, Vindicator Boros, the one Velen had left in charge of making sure all new arrivals were directed down into the depths of the Exodar, the Vault of Lights to be exact, though as they headed into the depths Spitfire found that all sorts of Draenei, both those who followed Velen and those who followed Yrel, were in the middle of preparing for their assault on Argus and finishing whatever rituals they were up to, before they finally found out where Velen was waiting for everyone to gather.

"Fellow Draenei! Champions of Azeroth! It is as Spitfire says, the time has come for us to invade Argus!" Velen loudly said, raising his voice so everyone aboard the Exodar could hear what he had to say, those who had been here for a long time and those who were just arriving with Spitfire's group, though it was easy to see that most of the individuals who were in this place were excited and ready for the chance to retaliate against the Legion, especially after everything the Draenei had been through since they were forced to leave their home world, "We will save Azeroth, and the rest of the universe, from Sargeras and his foul Legion!"

"Indeed we shall, because in their desperation the Legion will make a mistake and we'll exploit it," Spitfire replied, though as she said that they found that Velen and a few others were in the middle of channeling a bit of their power into a golden crystal that was floating in front of the Prophet, which had to be linked to the Vindicaar, to which she weaved her power through the air for a moment and watched as the empowering procedure succeeded within a few seconds, as they took a moment to watch as the crystal was replaced with a triangular shaped metallic device that opened without wasting even a single second, where she had to assume that it was already connected to the Vindicaar, "and with all of the dimensional ships in our new fleet, even if we only planned on one being used in the first place, we'll be able to show Sargeras and his forces that it is time for the Legion to be destroyed at long last."

"Sadly, even with the aid of Yrel's forces, it'll take too long for the Exodar to be restored, so we'll have to resort to using the Vindicaar, our instrument of retribution, against the Legion," Velen stated, where the Draenei and other forces cheered for a few moments, once more showing that they were overjoyed to have a chance to bring down the Legion and make them pay for the crimes they committed since Sargeras shattered Mardum, which had resulted in him creating his foul army and signaled the start of his crusade to burn all of creation, but before he said anything else he stepped onto the open beacon and vanished, teleporting up to the Vindicaar.

Not even a few seconds later Spitfire and the others started to walk onto the beacon as well, allowing the device to warp all of them up into the first room, which had a decent size for supplies and whatever weapons that might be aboard this ship, of the Vindicaar, where she stepped up to the next chamber and found a massive chamber which appeared to serve as the command center for the entire ship, two tables that might be important in the future, magic that lingered in the air and likely connected to rooms for people to sleep in, and a glass window that allowed them to see out into the area that was around the ship, not to mention a few interesting stands that might be explained once they started their assault on Argus and the demons that happened to be calling the world home. Lothraxion joined them for a time, to oversee what was going on in the Vindicaar and how many soldiers would be joining the fight, before heading over to his ship to make sure his forces were ready to depart for Argus at long last, while Velen walked over to the main console so he could speak with Romuul about their ship, granting everyone some time to get ready for their departure as the heroes spread out and some even took a seat on the floor to rest up a little before they reached the demon infested world. Spitfire, on the other hand, stopped at the very front of the Vindicaar and glanced around the air that was around their dimensional ship, as it quickly became clear that all of the other vessels were now resting nearby, waiting for her to give the command to start their assault on Argus, though it was nice to see that A'dal and the others hadn't been lying to her, they wanted to lend a hand and the addition of these ships meant they would be heading to Argus with a force that was far stronger than she originally planned. Of course the plan was simple, as soon as they reached the surface of the corrupted planet they would be looking for the Army of the Light, to join forces with Xe'ra's forces, though once such a thing came to pass the forces of Azeroth would lash out at whatever demons might be in their way as they figured out what sort of plans Sargeras had in store for the rest of the universe, even though it was possible that Turalyon might have some useful information for them to act on and might change her plan of attack to some degree.

It wasn't long before Romuul determined that all of their forces were accounted for, those that were coming with Spitfire and Rainbow, causing Velen to make another comment about how their invasion would begin once they found the Army of the Light and joined forces with them, where it was clear that he might be in shock due to the fact that he and the rest of his people were actually heading back to their home world, though when Illidan walked down one of the curved ramps that lead down to the main chamber, from the entry chamber to be exact, Velen had Romuul check the ship once more as he turned his attention to the console as Romuul departed for a few moments.

"Prophet, I know you have visions that are granted to you by the Light, but it is time for you to forge your own destiny and make a stand," Illidan commented, meaning he must have been thinking about all of the information that he learned over the years and knew that, while Velen had ensured the safety of his followers while leaving behind those who decided to serve the Legion, the Prophet was one of the more passive individuals and usally didn't make a stand when he faced down the demon who chased him across the stars, or at least that was the general idea that he got and he wanted their ally to get serious, since Argus was a dangerous place now and he needed to be ready to protect himself, "the visions didn't help you all that much in the past, so I would say that it is time for you to forge your own path."

Velen looked like he wanted to reply to what Illidan had said, even though he did understand part of his statement and remained silent for a time, keeping quiet as he debated things inside his mind, before Romuul approached them not even a few moments later and informed them that the Vindicaar was ready, as in the systems were operational, the weapons they installed were ready to be used against whatever demons might be waiting on Argus, and that their forces, those that were on this ship and the others that were around them, were ready to depart. With that information in hand Velen took a moment and turned towards Spitfire, who had been staring up at Argus while listening to what was going on around her, before she gave the order for them to begin as she pulled herself away from the window and came to a stop a couple of seconds later when she reached the right side of the console, with Velen and Romuul in the center while Illidan stood off on the left of the device, even though all of them were focused on what was going to happen next, even though most of their allies, like Yrel and Khadgar, were standing near the backside of the main chamber. Once everyone was in position Romuul activated the console and they remained silent for a time as the Vindicaar rose into the air for a moment, which was followed by the dimensional fleet doing the same thing, before a bit of Light energy gathered around the ship for a couple of seconds, as the warp drive was activating, which was followed by them surging towards Argus' surface while the ship looked like a Light meteor, meaning it was a Light meteor shower when one considered the other ships that were in Spitfire's fleet. Of course it didn't take long for them to actually warp through the space between Azeroth and Argus, as if the first movements were designed to gather additional power for the warp drive, and a few moments later they appeared above the surface of the Fel corrupted world, close to an area Velen claimed was known as Krokuun, or had been known by that name before Sargeras took over his planet and was due to him having no idea if it had been renamed, though as the Vindicaar came to a stop in the air the rest of the fleet appeared behind them, each at the ready in case the Legion even made an attempt to strike them.

"So, where should we start our search for the Army of the Light?" Illidan asked, since he knew that Velen and Lothraxion had been talking about this long before Spitfire came up with her plan to assault Argus, likely due to the Prophet feeling that it was time for them to attack the demons instead of waiting for them to come back to Azeroth at some point in the future, and that meant that they must have come up with an area that would serve as their rendezvous, or at least they should have gotten that far before the assault on the Tomb of Sargeras.

In that moment, as if in response to his question, a glowing light appeared in the distance and a large dimensional ship, as large as Tempest Keep and possessing a golden coloration, emerged from its hiding spot, as it had been hiding behind a Fel corrupted mountain that allowed them to hide from the Legion for some time, something that caused the Draenei to breath a sigh of relief as they laid eyes on it, and even Spitfire, who didn't know the same of the vessel, understood that it was the vessel they were looking for, especially since Velen was happy to see it.

"The Xenedar... wait, something about this situation seems wrong." Velen said, his joy turning to confusion as he felt that something was off about this situation, or maybe it was a partial vision of sorts that the Light gave him, though as they watched the large dimensional ship move out into the open a massive blast of Fel energy, coming from a siege camp that was down in an area below their fleet, surged forward and struck the Xenedar right in the front of the ship, causing it to spin and fall into the ground, where it dig into the ground, crashed into the side of the mountain it had been using as its cover, and left a trail of golden energy behind, causing him to pound his staff against the floor, "Heroes, the time has come for us to bring down the Legion... the last battle for Argus has begun!"

As the heroes and soldiers of Azeroth cheered, as they were eager to bring down the Legion at long last and make them pay for their crimes against the rest of the universe, Spitfire and Rainbow paused for a moment to stand near the window and stared out at the Fel corrupted world, as this was what they had been trained for, the eventual assault on Argus, and both of them were glad they had made it this far, to see the mission of the Illidari be realized at long last, as it was time to bring Sargeras' plans down and toppling the Dark Titan, which would come after they broke the Legion and did whatever additional objectives might be revealed in the very near future.

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