• Published 4th Oct 2020
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World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Stormheim: Into the Fray

Spitfire and Rainbow spent the rest of the day making sure everyone had what they needed, as in ensuring that Kor'vas and the others had everything they might possibly need for their mission in Azsuna, which included a few tents, some supplies that Gaardoun helped them acquire, a number of crystals that would allow them to seal a demon's soul inside them, or more than one if they felt like it, and a few of Jace's toys, the wards that kept demons at bay. Kayn and Altruis, despite not being the leader of their group and had to work under Kor'vas, did as they were told and made sure to get whatever they and their forces needed, as not all of the Illidari were heading down to the province Spitfire was sending them to, as she didn't want to risk all of them at the beginning of their war. That left Malevolence and the other Captains to make sure they and their forces were ready for the future, as once the others returned from Azsuna all of them would be working on the other missions Spitfire had for them, the first being finding Lord Illidan's body and the other being discovering the location that Varedis and Caria had fled to, the latter being so they could track the traitors down and kill them. Once the traitors were taken care of they could turn their full attention to helping the other heroes find the Pillars of Creation, if they were in need of some help anyway, though the majority of them would switch over to figuring out where the Legion took their Lord's body and figuring out where the Keystone had ended up, since that was vital to their plans. Spitfire, on the other hand, was going to make sure that she and Rainbow stopped Sylvanas from starting an all out war with the Alliance by attacking Glenn and his forces when they reached Stormheim, as the last thing they needed at the moment was a faction war raging while they dealt with the Legion's current invasion.

Of course Spitfire was hoping that she was wrong and Sylvanas was smart enough to make peace with the Alliance so they could deal with the larger threat Azeroth happened to be facing at the moment, but there was always the chance that the Banshee Queen might prove her thoughts correct and that was what she was hoping to avoid, hence the reason she had asked Khadgar to get a message to whoever was taking Glenn to Stormheim, to arrange for Rainbow to join them and see if she could quell whatever rage the Alliance might have towards Sylvanas, while she was planning on following her target so she could stop them as well.

Despite being in a formerly held Legion world they were able to get some decent sleep, even if they and the rest of the Illidari had to take turns to be sure no enemies snuck up on them, before morning on Azeroth arrived without anything happening to them, save for the arrival of a magical sphere that seemed to be from Khadgar, who informed them that he could teleport both Spitfire and Rainbow to the vessels that would be heading for Stormheim in the next hour. As such the pair bid the rest of their forces farewell for the time being, knowing that Kor'vas would make sure the others were ready to go in the near future, and headed through the portal so they could head back to Dalaran, which was followed by them making their way to the building the Council of Seven gathered in when they discussed things. While they walked through the city they discovered that there were a number of heroes gathered in the streets and shops, where each of them had to be the chosen representatives of their class based on the artifacts that they were carrying at the moment, revealing that everyone was taking this threat seriously and that they wanted to stop the Legion, causing them to nod their heads a few times as they reached the building that was their destination. What they discovered was that two individuals, in addition to the Council members, were waiting for someone to arrive, where a lady that was dressed as an admiral of a ship and had a blue coloration to her attire was standing to the right of the stairs, while Nathanos Blightcaller was standing to the left of the stairs, only he seemed annoyed by something, no doubt due to the fact that he had to wait for them to arrive so they could leave for their destination. Of course there were two other individuals in the chamber and it didn't take them long to recognize both Vytheril, who was carrying a staff on his back that seemed to radiate arcane energies, and Scarlet, who was happy to see them as she stood near the human to the right of the stairs, the opposite of what Vytheril was doing, though neither Spitfire or Rainbow were surprised to see Scarlet again.

The fact that Nathanos put some distance between him and the human meant that he didn't like the Alliance, even though both of them were in neutral territory and only had to tolerate the others presence, but the pair didn't think about it too much as Khadgar approached them, as it was time to them to see what was going on and then get the show on the road, or whatever the Azerothian version of the saying was.

"Friends, it is good to see that you are well and ready to start our quest," Khadgar commented, which was followed by both of them nodding their heads in agreement, as they knew it was time to start looking for the Pillars of Creation and that anyone who hadn't found their artifacts yet would be joining the rest of the heroes at some point in the near future, even though they could see that Jaina was glaring at Nathanos, "Rainbow Dash, the Alliance has sent Sky Admiral Rogers to collect you for their flight to Stormheim, as they intend to leave Stormwind in the next thirty minutes, while the Horde has chosen to send Nathanos Blightcaller to make sure you, Lady Spitfire, make it to the docks near Orgrimmar, so they can depart once Sylvanas is ready to depart... and both Scarlet and Vytheril will be joining their respective factions to aid them and you in finding the Aegis of Aggramar."

That was when the pair nodded again and Rainbow walked over to where Scarlet and Rogers were standing, where a piece of paper was handed over to her and she took a moment to read what Spitfire assumed were the official summons to join the mission, before the three of them departed through the portal that was nearby and headed for Stormwind, and it was closed once Khadgar knew they had reached their destination, which was the moment Spitfire and Vytheril walked up to where Nathanos was standing.

"Greetings, Vytheril Truthseeker... and Spitfire... I am here on behalf of Lady Sylvanas Windrunner. I would hope the both of you recognize the name." Nathanos stated, as if they needed to know who he represented and everything, despite the fact that it was pretty clear that he was here on the new Warchief's orders, before he thrust a sealed envelope into Vytheril's hand not a second later, with little regard for what the two of them were thinking at the moment, even though Spitfire felt his tone was unacceptable, as he sounded like he thought he was their superior, "Just read it and follow me... you can read, can't you?"

"Of course I can read." Vytheril replied, though his tone revealed that he was growing tired of Nathanos' attitude and that he might snap at the undead that was trying to boss him around, but he restrained himself so he could see what was inside the envelope, which was just a letter that was from Sylvanas, revealing that she had a fleet that would be sailing for Stormheim and that the heroes who went to the province would have her full support.

Once that was done the three of them headed through the portal that was in front of them and appeared somewhere outside Orgrimmar, where Spitfire noticed that they were on a metallic dock that had a number of ships resting in front of where they were standing, each of them looking like a pirate ship that had been twisted into a more deathly state with the large skull near the front, which she was hoping was fake, the darkened sails, and the undead crew, like the undead she had seen when Vol'jin died, that was getting the ship ready to depart, even if one ship even had some crew members that were in the middle of brewing something.

"Ah, champions, so kind of you to show up." a voice said, where Spitfire turned her head a little and found Sylvanas looking down at them from the deck she was standing on, as she happened to be a floor above where she, Vytheril, and Nathanos were standing, though that didn't stop her personal champion from walking up to the deck that she was on so he could be ready for their departure, though it was also easy to tell that she was glaring at Spitfire, "Tell me, are you at all familiar with the vrykul? No? Well, they are towering and brutish warriors that stubbornly hold fast to the past, though they lack all forms of subtlety, regardless of what form it takes... and their legends speak of the Aegis of Aggramar, where to claim it one must be found... worthy. Truthfully, Stormheim holds another treasure, one different from the relic that you will be hunting for, though I shall be pursuing it while you and your allies track down the Aegis, as this treasure will allow me to ensure that the Forsaken will endure, regardless of what the future throws at us... especially since there are still those with the power to stop death."

"You know, its nice that your thinking about your people and their future, but it would be better if you focused on the here and now, which means stopping the Legion," Spitfire remarked, because what she was hearing was that this was an escort to Stormheim, mostly to show the forces of the Horde that Sylvanas was siding with their mission, when the reality of the situation was that she was more interested in the immediate fate of her people and herself, rather than the fate of their entire world, hence why she was a little annoyed with her at the moment, "though that's only a recommendation from me, after hearing your little speech."

"Oh, are you trying to tell your Warchief what to do?!" Sylvanas inquired, though her tone revealed that she wouldn't tolerate Spitfire's presence if she was trying to undermine her and her authority, which caused some of the Forsaken to stop what they were doing as they looked at the pair, worried that a fight might break out before they even left for their destination, "As the leader of the Horde I am your superior and my word is law..."

"And I would only care about that if I were a member of the Horde, which I'm not," Spitfire stated, reminding Vytheril and the others that knew her, of which there were a few present that might have seen her while she was helping Saurfang take down the demons that were attacking the areas near Orgrimmar, though she focused on Sylvanas, who didn't seem at all happy with her, "nor am I a member of the Alliance. The Illidari are allied with the forces of Azeroth and are focused on stopping the Legion, though the reason I even joined this little escort was so that I can make sure you and Genn don't blow each other apart and spark another faction war, in the middle of our war with the Legion... stay focused on the task of stopping the Legion and I'll be out of your hair."

Sylvanas seemed to be glaring daggers at her, not that Spitfire cared since she had faced worse enemies in battle than what the Banshee Queen could do, before the Captain of the ship reported in and it seemed to be the information that she was waiting for, to which she turned away and retired to her private quarters so she could wait for them to reach their destination, causing Spitfire to focus on something else.

"You know, its not a smart move to challenge the Warchief, especially since many don't trust those that channel the Fel power through their body," Vytheril commented, though at the same time he had to admit that Spitfire was rather brave for even doing that, especially when the leader of the Horde happened to be the Banshee Queen, but even as he said that he did notice something interesting, Spitfire was focused on the Forsaken that were brewing something near the stairs that would take them to the level that was below them, "Um, is something wrong?"

"Don't know." Spitfire replied, though at this point she was sure that whatever the alchemists were brewing had to be bad for them and the Alliance, which was the reason that she walked over to the area that the three Forsaken were in and came to a stop when she neared them, seeing that all of them glanced at her, and Vytheril since he joined her, but kept on doing what they were supposed to do, "Excuse me, what are you making?"

"Blight, as per the Dark Lady's orders." one of the alchemists, no doubt the leader of the group, stated, though at the same time the other two focused on what they were doing as she focused on them, clearly wanting to get back to work while apparently deciding to take the time to talk to her and Vytheril, which was rather odd when she thought about it and didn't say anything about it, "To deal with our enemies, Genn Greymane and his forces."

"You're serious? You're making Blight, after what happened at the Wrathgate?" Vytheril asked, where Spitfire had no idea what he was talking about and was just listening at this point, as she could tell that whatever the alchemists were in the middle of making didn't sit well with her ally, meaning it might be bad if Genn saw it on the Forsaken ships, before the blood elf sighed for a moment, "A number of years ago the forces of the Alliance and Horde gathered to fight the Lich King, and it was at Angrathar the Wrathgate that we were supposed to do that, only for some of the Forsaken, who we learned were under the control of a Dreadlord, released their own special Blight on us and the Scourge, a Blight that was incredibly dangerous to both the living and the dead... it would have been worse had our red dragon allies not come in and burn the area to purify the Blight. Did the Banshee Queen learn nothing from that day?"

"We do not know, as we are only doing as we're told," the alchemist replied, though that was the moment that Spitfire had enough of what was going on, because if they were making Blight, which seemed to be on the level of what was used in the past, she and Vytheril needed to shut them down before they reached Stormheim, otherwise Genn was going to assume the worst and attack them.

As such she had the alchemists test their Blight and discovered that they had a dead Forsaken aboard the ship, which was just odd and totally weird to her, where they apparently removed part of the individual and carefully dipped it into the Blight they were making, only for the piece to wither away in a matter of seconds, showing Spitfire that they were carrying something that was as deadly as the Blight that was used on Angrathar. Once that was determined, and the alchemists realized exactly what they had been making, Spitfire called for them to carefully contain the Blight that they had created and flew over to the other five ships Sylvanas was sending to Stormheim, which meant the majority of the Horde was left defending the lands that their capitals were located in, waiting to be called upon once the Pillars had been gathered, and informed the rest of the alchemists of the error they were making, much to their dismay when they realized the truth of what they were carrying for themselves. Not a few moments later, when all of the Blight was carefully contained in barrels and sealed with lids, Spitfire carried the barrels off to a small patch of land that wasn't connected to anything and set all of them down, doing that a few times before all of the Blight was contained on the island, which was when Vytheril joined her and loosed a few fireballs down at the barrels, explaining that all mages learned a spell or two from all three aspects they could learn about, he was just more proficient in wielding the Arcane. That was followed by the barrels exploding as his fireballs tended to the Blight itself, burning away the foul substance before it could spread anywhere else, allowing them to put a smile on their faces, and the same was true for the alchemists now that they weren't lugging around the terrifying substance, before they returned to the ship and found Nathanos glaring at them, no doubt unhappy with them blowing away the Blight, especially since he was the Blightcaller, but he said nothing before returning to the room that Sylvanas was waiting in, leaving them to their duties.

Spitfire learned that they were heading to a predetermined area so that Khadgar and the other Council members, of which she was sure Jaina wouldn't be a part of, could teleport them to the northern part of Stormheim, something she was sure Jaina and some of the other members would be doing for the Alliance, so she settled in for a ride and asked her new friend about a few things that came to mind, like who the Lich King was, since that was a mystery she hadn't unraveled yet, and what a Mak'gora was, mostly to pass the time.

True to what Vytheril said they reached a point where the small fleet disappeared from the sea that was in front of them and reappeared near a coast that was different than what Spitfire had seen earlier, as there was a massive stone statue, of a vrykul warrior if Spitfire had to guess, though the time it took them to reach the teleport area gave her time to get some answers to her questions, but now she and Vytheril stopped talking and looked out at the area they were in. There were a few rocks in their way, between them and the coast that they would be docking at so they could disembark and start their quest for the Aegis of Aggramar, though from what little she could see she had to guess that there was a river that lead deeper into the province, one that Sylvanas would likely be taking once she dropped the two of them off. There weren't many trees in the area, and the ones she saw were a healthy green color, though as she glanced out at the area the couple of alchemists that were aboard the ship made sure to hand out a couple of vials that had a red liquid inside them and a few that contained a blue liquid, where she learned that they were health and mana potions, meaning that someone could down one and either heal their wounds or restore their magicka if they were in a pinch. She had no idea if she would need the health potions, given what had happened in the past, but she decided to pocket them and keep them for later, even though she was happy to see that the alchemists had given up on the notion of brewing any Blight with what was left in all of their supplies, and then focused on what might happen next.

As few moments later, as they drew closer to the coast, Vytheril turned and beckoned to an area for Spitfire to look at, where she glanced over to the part of the sky in question and found an airship, a wooden contraption that had metal to hold everything together and had four propellers that allowed it to fly through the air, which informed them that Rainbow and the Alliance forces had arrived in Stormheim... and, as they got closer to the coast, she noticed that there was a much smaller vessel, one that came from the airship, that was heading down to the area Spitfire and the Horde were heading to, which meant Genn was coming to talk with them.

"Oh good, the beasts are coming down to play." Nathanos commented, where Spitfire had to resist the urge to turn around and slap him for the insult, as that was the last thing they needed at the moment, for Sylvanas or her champion to say something that pissed off Genn and his forces, though she was sure that their mere presence would likely piss off the worgen that were coming down to speak with them.

"If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all." Spitfire stated, because she wasn't about to let either him or his leader sabotage her attempts to stop the Alliance and Horde from going to war with each other, which she now knew was going to be a challenge since Nathanos couldn't help but insult the worgen while they weren't within earshot of them, before she turned and glanced at the couple of vessels that Rainbow was following, which seemed to be another type of flying vehicle, gyrocopters according to what Vytheril told her.

When they drew closer to the coast, and no shots were fired by either side, Spitfire and Vytheril disembarked from the ship and came to a stop not a few seconds later, where Spitfire watched as a human, whose hair and beard were trimmed and he wore a suit that revealed he was a lord or a king, even though the pair of worgen that flanked him were wearing metal armor, though from what she could tell this had to be Genn Greymane, and another reason she knew it was due to the fact that Scarlet was standing near him.

"So, you're Spitfire, the leader of the Illidari? Its an honor to meet you," the human said, where he sounded very polite and well mannered, even though it was clear that Rainbow and Scarlet had told him about her while they were traveling to the location of the teleportation magic Khadgar and the others had prepared for him and his forces, before he turned his gaze towards the pair that were behind her, Sylvanas and Nathanos, where a look of pure anger filled his eyes, despite the fact that his features remained the same, "the same, however, cannot be said for the individuals that you traveled with, despite Rainbow telling me what you were trying to do... I only stopped myself from firing the cannons due to the fact that the Legion is our main concern."

"Its an honor to meet you as well, Genn Greymane," Spitfire replied, and that was the truth, because while she knew the man that was in front of her was incredibly angry with Sylvanas and Nathanos, why she had no idea even though she could hazard a guess as to why he didn't like either of them, it was his restraint and willingness to work with the heroes of the Horde that she was impressed by, despite the fact that she knew he was having a hard time restraining himself as he stared at the pair that was approaching them.

"So, the boy-king sends his mutt to recover the Aegis and to stop us from being here," Sylvanas commented, her tone reflecting that she viewed Genn and his worgen in the same way that Nathanos did, that they were little more than beasts and weren't people, though Spitfire wasn't the only one who seemed to be annoyed with the Banshee Queen, as all of the soldiers that Genn brought were fighting the urge to snap and attack the pair that mocked them, "How does it feel, Genn, to serve a child that knows nothing of war and won't lift a finger to aid you in your quest for revenge, not unless you lost something important to you... like your whelp of a daughter, for example."

"We're here to assist the heroes in finding and recovering the Aegis of Aggramar, so we can stop the Legion and push them back once more," Genn replied, showing Spitfire that either Rainbow, Scarlet, or someone else must have convinced him and the other leaders of the Alliance to focus on the Legion, instead of crying out for vengeance for the loss of the last High King, where she had to assume it was Jaina who did most of the work, before he growled for a moment, more like an angry beast than a person, as he stared at Sylvanas, "but if you so much as harm my daughter, in any way, shape, or form, then I'll come at you with everything I've got and I won't stop until one of us is dead!"

"Is that a promise I hear?" Nathanos inquired, almost sounding like he wanted to engage Genn and his soldiers right here and now, hence the reason his bow was already at the ready, that way if the worgen lashed out first he would be able to defend himself and his Queen from their attacks, and both Spitfire and Rainbow had to wonder if he was smirking right now, as if he was waiting to spark a faction war between the Alliance and the Horde, "Maybe I'll go to Dalaran later and see what your whelp is up to, though since she has no guards it would be a walk in the park for me, not to mention terribly dull since she wouldn't see me coming..."

It was in that moment that Genn and the other worgen, knowing that he didn't want any harm to come to his only remaining child, growled as their leader transformed into a large gray-white furred worgen and started to advance on the area that Sylvanas and Nathanos were in, though that was when Spitfire stepped between them and summoned both of her warglaives from her horns, pointing one of them towards Genn to stop him while the other was pointed at her real target, the ones that were the aggressors in this situation.

"Are you trying to start a faction war?" Spitfire asked, her tone displaying her annoyance with Sylvanas, because she had been hoping that the Banshee Queen would have been smarter than this and would have made sure not to annoy the worgen while they were in Stormheim, but it seemed she underestimated how stupid Sylvanas was, especially since she did nothing to quiet Nathanos and let him annoy Genn, even though Genn was a little to blame for this as well, but most of the blame was on the two Horde figures.

"A war with the Alliance is inevitable, there's no stopping such a thing from happening," Sylvanas stated, because that was the truth of the matter to her, as she knew that the two factions didn't like each other all that much and they she knew that they would be at each others throats at some point in the future, especially if she was able to force Genn into firing at her and her allies, before she stared at Spitfire as her rangers had their arrows trained on her, something that caused her to smirk for a moment, as if she believed that she had the upper hand in this situation, "though I must admit that it was rather foolish for you to draw your weapons on the Warchief of the Horde, as attacking me means you'll be making the entirety of the Horde your enemies... whatever will your traitorous master think of your actions?"

"Listen to me, you are not to do anything that will spark a faction war with the Alliance... focus on repelling the Legion from Azeroth and nothing else," Spitfire replied, though based on what she had seen so far, where Sylvanas and Nathanos had ignored her earlier statement and aggravated Genn within a few moments of meeting him in Stormheim, she knew it was only a matter of time until this happened area, before she withdrew her warglaives from where they were resting and started to walk up the beach, as there was a large lift off in the distance that looked like a sensible place for them to start their quest to find the Aegis, before she glanced by at Sylvanas for a moment, "Oh, and I highly doubt that Saurfang and all of the Horde's heroes would suddenly listen to you if you told them I told you to focus on the Legion and not the Alliance, since all of them are interested in bringing down the demons... so think about that before you do anything, and while you do that I'll be starting our quest for the Aegis. Oh, and don't badmouth Lord Illidan while your in the presence of the rest of the Illidari... just a little warning for when you encounter the others."

Sylvanas looked like she might have something to say to her, to display her dislike for Spitfire's attitude, before she decided to leave it alone and returned to her fleet with Nathanos and her rangers following her, which was where Scarlet, Genn, and the rest of the worgen watched as the ships started to depart for the area and head to another area of this province, before the group sighed and Genn reverted back to his human form, even though he appeared to be one of the few worgen that even bothered with such a thing.

"Thank you for stopping us from attacking each other. Anduin told me to try for peace, and I'm willing to give it a try, but, well..." Genn said, where Rainbow nodded her head, showing that what the leader of the worgens had said was true and that the new High King of the Alliance was trying to make peace with the Horde, which was going to be hard with the Banshee Queen being the one in charge of them, before he sighed for a moment, "Anyway, we're here to find the Aegis and return it to Dalaran, but after hearing what Sylvanas and her champion have in mind I'm afraid that we'll have to focus our attention on making sure she doesn't do anything that might jeopardize the mission... so my forces and I will have to take our leave and focus on the Banshee Queen, though Scarlet will be joining you."

Spitfire nodded her head as Genn called for his forces to move out, to which she, Rainbow, Vytheril, and Scarlet stood still for a few moments as they watched the worgen depart from the area and use their gyrocopters to return to their ship so they could move into Stormheim and keep an eye on Sylvanas and her forces, though she was hoping that they didn't declare war on the Horde, otherwise things would become far worse than what they were at the moment. With both the forces of the Alliance and the forces of the Horde, or what had been sent to Stormheim anyway, were gone the group started to head over to the section of the beach that the lift connected to, something that was apparently common when one was dealing with the vrykul and their ancient settlements, and since it lead to a higher level it was where the four of them were headed. She was glad that she had stopped the Blight from being deployed in this area, as she she was that it would have wrecked the beach they were walking on, polluted the water that was around them, and possibly kill all of the animals that were in the area, of which there were none and she had to guess they had been scared off by the sounds of the airship and the gyrocopters, allowing them to reach the area that the lift was in. Both she and Rainbow were a little impressed by the size of the lift and the fact that there didn't seem to be any power source that powered all of it, but the pulley worked rather well and moved the lift without any difficulties, to which they waited for it to come back down to where they were standing and then used it to head up to a new part of Stormheim. When they reached the top of the lift and stepped off of it, however, Spitfire and her companions got a glimpse of the land that was in front of them, as it was easy to tell that the terrain was uneven, not that such a thing bothered the vrykul, there were long fjords and possibly even steep ravines, according to what Vytheril told them, though there was no telling what else there was to see and that they would have to wait until they got over the hill that was in front of them.

The group paused as a pair of large ravens, one of them having a blue tint to some of its feathers like the other had a purple tint, flew down to where they happened to be standing and landed in front of them, allowing Spitfire to notice that the birds were about half their height and seemed to be cawing her name, or what sounded like her name, which was a little interesting since she was sure she had never been near these ravens before, only that was when she noticed that one of them, the blue one, held a scroll in its mouth and the purple one beckoned to it with its head, to which she accepted the scroll and opened it, finding a sea of runes that she knew nothing about.

Hero, I sense that you and your allies possess great strength, though strength, alone, will not win you what you are seeking... but it will set you down the right path. a voice said, one that Spitfire didn't recognize and she could easily tell that she wasn't the only one that felt that way, as Rainbow didn't recognize it and both Vytheril and Scarlet, who were the real heroes that had saved this world many times over, were in the same camp that they were in, to which she turned back to the scroll to see what else it had to say, or what else the voice had to tell her, Head to the east of the hill that is in front of you, so you can head towards the Valley of the Sword, where Aggramar's Vault rests... I shall put your strength to the test and put you down the path that will guide you towards your goal.

Spitfire had no idea that they would find an ally so quickly, since they had only been in Stormheim for a few minutes and hadn't encountered anyone that wasn't part of the two major factions, but at the very least someone was willing to aid them in their quest and she wasn't about to turn down the help, since they had no idea where to start, to which she rolled up the scroll, tucked it away in her pouch, and walked forward as the pair of ravens took to the sky, no doubt heading to the same place they were headed, as it was time for them to really begin their quest for the Aegis of Aggramar and secure it before the Legion discovered what they and the rest of the heroes were doing.

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