• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 1,167 Views, 307 Comments

World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Order Hall: Return to the Vault

Rainbow wasted no time in returning to Dalaran, where inside of flying all the way there she remembered, just a minute or two after leaving Malace behind, that she had a Hearthstone and used the magic inside the stone to return her to the city, or at least the set of stairs that were near Krasus' Landing, to which she smiled as she slipped it back into her back and headed out to see if she could find some of the other heroes to join her in tackling the Vault of the Wardens, given that there had to be some that would be interested in tearing through the place and punishing Cordana for assisting Gul'dan in doing what he had done since he came to Azeroth. What she found was that there were a number of heroes already gathering inside the city, with those wielding the artifact weapons already passing on instructions to those that followed them as they readied themselves for completing their own missions, as in whatever the various Order Halls needed to do before focusing their full might on the Legion, though one other thing she noticed was that a few members of the Illidari were with them, meaning some of the Orders might be encountering demons during their missions and they understood that the demon hunters could permanently deal with their foes by either sealing their souls in crystals or devouring the essence themselves. Another thing she discovered, and this would put Spitfire in a good mood when she heard the news, was that not only had they recovered the Aegis of Aggramar and the Tears of Elune, but they had found the Tidestone of Golganneth and the Hammer of Khaz'goroth, which left the Eye of Amun'thul as the last Pillar of Creation that needed to be obtained before anyone thought about assaulting the Broken Shore again, which would be when they pushed the Legion out of the Tomb of Sargeras and sealed the Felstorm so their enemies couldn't invade Azeroth, then, if everything proceeded as planned, the Illidari would invade Argus and put a stop to the Legion. The last part of the plan was what she assumed Lord Illidan had planned and, once they revived him in the future, he would be working towards that ending, possibly using the Fel Hammer as a scouting ship for the assault on Argus, but for now there was nothing she could do about that and focused on what was in front of her, finding some heroes that weren't busy at the moment to aid her in her in attacking the Vault of the Wardens, to reclaim the Sargerite Keystone and put down the Warden that had betrayed all of Azeroth with her actions, which would please Maiev when she heard the news.

Interestingly enough she found both Vytheril and Scarlet standing near one of the city's fountains, one that was near what appeared to be a fishing fountain that had to be connected to part of the Broken Isles or another part of Azeroth by magic, since there was no way it could be constantly stocked with fish, something that caused her to raise here eyebrow as she walked over to where they were standing, because there had to be a reason behind why they were waiting in this area and it made her wonder why neither of them were helping their Orders prepare for the incoming attacks on the Legion's forces or whatever is threatening their individual forces.

"Vytheril, Scarlet, I'm surprised you guys are here, and not helping your Orders out," Rainbow said, and that was the truth, even though she was sure that they were waiting for something to happen in their individual Orders before they headed back to help their fellow leaders out, since Vytheril had two other Archmages to assist, the fire and frost artifact holders, while Scarlet had three Deathlords, thanks to one being blood and and another unholy to her own aspect, and that wasn't counting Zuleth, who held Shadowmourne and was counted as the fourth Deathlord, before she smiled, "though I have good news, I'm headed to the Vault of the Wardens to retrieve something... and to punish Cordana, if she's still inside the prison, even though I have it on good authority that she's inside the prison."

"The other Archmages are looking for a particular demon, and some other things," Vytheril stated, as it was best not to say too much about what their Orders were planning, since they knew the Legion was likely listening in and might warn those that were the targets of the various forces of Azeroth about what was coming their way, despite the defenses Khadgar and the rest of the Council of Seven had weaved into the city itself, to protect its citizens and the heroes who were working to bring an end to the Legion, but he had to admit that what Rainbow was talking about was interesting and it would be nice to see the Vault the Wardens had put together.

"And the other Deathlords are currently speaking to Spitfire, the leaders of the Horde, and the leaders of the Alliance, due to... well, the Lich King wants us to raise four specific individuals as our new Horsemen," Scarlet remarked, her tone telling Rainbow that whoever was supposed to be raised as a death knight, an incredibly powerful one based on everything she had to speculate about, might anger the leaders of the two factions and possibly some of the heroes that lead the Order Halls, since she was sure one or two of those individuals would be there to make sure the discussion went smoothly, even though she didn't envy Spitfire at the moment, "and one of them is going to vastly anger the Silver Hand... hopefully this new direction our world is moving in, with the two factions working together and actually talking as allies, might stop both sides from going to war, as I'd hate to have Spitfire's actions ruined."

"Though if you're thinking of running a dungeon, you'll need a healer," another voice said, where they found Remeraa off to the side, meaning her Order must have been busy and she had some free time, though after what Rainbow had seen in the Halls of Valor, which wasn't too much since Spitfire had done most of the work and none of them had actually taken all that much damage during their time in that place, she knew that Remeraa was strong in the ways of healing and that she would have to find one more to fill their ranks for the dungeon, since they needed five and so far they had four, "but since all of the other heroes are busy with preparing for their individual missions, to strike out against the Legion, I don't think we'll be able to find a fifth member... we might be able to get away with the fact that we've filled all three important roles, with Rainbow being the tank, but we'll have to wait and see if the magic works or not."

Rainbow thought about that for a moment, since when they tried to tackle the Halls of Valor Vytheril informed them about the healer role and that they needed someone to fill it, but since they now had someone to tackle the enemies, someone to mend their wounds, and another pair to deal damage to their foes, fulfilling the three roles a group needed when they wanted to tackle a dungeon, before determining that she might as well trust her allies and quickly gave them the location of the Vault's entrance, allowing them to make whatever preparations they needed before joining her, though once that was done she headed to Krasus' Landing, spread her wings, and took to the air. From there she headed back to the small island that she, Spitfire, and the other Illidari had been imprisoned in the depths of by the Wardens, giving her a chance to think about the fact that they could have taken the Keystone from its resting place when she and the others were leaving the Vault, had they known it was there in the first place, though at the very least Maiev was willing to assist them in finding out where Malace had hidden it, even though it sounded like Cordana might have beaten them to the punch, which she was fine with since it meant she wouldn't have to worry about entering the combination Malace had told her earlier, just before Rainbow left her in Stormheim. She had no idea what sort of dangers awaited inside the Vault, other than the two creatures she and Spitfire had made sure were still imprisoned, a Beholder called Glazer and a Molten Giant the Wardens called Ash'Golm, as there was no telling how many prisoners were still trapped inside the depths and if the Legion might have sent allies to keep Cordana safe from harm, since she had been vital to their plans for a time, allowing the demons to gain Lord Illidan's soulless body so they could twist it for their own purposes, though once they had the Keystone, and had completed their own assault, she had the feeling she and Spitfire would head to Suramar next. Still, she had to admit that it was nice that they were making progress, as four of the five Pillars of Creation had been saved from those that would have given them to their enemies, leaving just one more to be discovered, the Legion's allies were starting to fall apart as the heroes fought and slew whoever pledged themselves to Sargeras' cause, even if they might not understand what they were doing at the time, just like she and Spitfire had focused on taking down Skovald and his Fel-corrupted allies, saving most of Stormheim from his evil plans, to which she sighed for a moment as she shifted her course and headed for the area that was her destination.

What interested her was the fact that the door to the Vault had been sealed since the last time she, Spitfire, and the Illidari had been here, meaning either Sira had placed a seal on it to prevent anyone from entering or leaving it, to ready it for the future, or Cordana had closed the door and intended on using it as a warning sign that someone was coming for her or for some of the remaining prisoners, though Rainbow assumed it was the latter, given everything she had seen so far, though she paused for a moment as she waited for her companions to join her, where it didn't take Vytheril and the others long to fly down to the area she was standing in and left their mounts nearby, even though they would likely disappear from this area and appear in a stable or something, she wasn't sure what the magical explanation behind the vanishing mounts, as she wasn't a master of the Arcane arts, though for now she focused on the task at hand.

"It seems everyone is here, so lets get underway," Rainbow remarked, deciding not to waste anymore time and raised her right hand towards the circular door that was in front of them, where she could tell that Vytheril was staring at the rather ancient night elven architecture which rested around the stone door, especially the runes that rested on the door's face, though the magic that rested on the door responded to her gesture and the door unlocked, the two halves moving away from each other to reveal the set of stairs she and the rest of the Illidari had run up to leave their prison, where she took a moment to pull her Warblades out of her horns as she glanced at the others, "Be ready for anything, because I really have no idea what's waiting for us, given the battle that had been raging when we left the Vault some time ago, when we were freed from our crystalline prisons by Maiev."

Vytheril, Scarlet, and Remeraa nodded their heads, to show Rainbow that they understood and that they would be right behind her, before they descended down the stairs that were in front of them and entered the Vault of the Wardens, even though Rainbow was sure that Cordana knew they were coming and braced herself for whatever challenges they would be facing this time around, given the fact that scouting out this place would have been incredibly hard for them, if not totally impossible, though it didn't take her and her companions long to reach the first chamber that had been the last one she and the Illidari had fought in before ascending the stairs, where she quickly spotted the corpse of Bastillax resting near the center of the chamber, there large Eredar that had been standing between them and freedom. Another thing she noticed, as they walked down the steps, was the types of enemies that happened to be standing between them and the other side of the chamber, where a hallway rested that would allow them to return to where Spitfire stopped Kayn and Altruis from killing each other when they were leaving this place, where she noticed that there were a number of Satyr, a decent sized cluster of Wrathguard, and a few demon hunters who radiated Fel energy, just like Cyana and the Felsworn she had slain earlier, meaning they had figured out what happened to the rest of the missing Illidari, a fact that angered her greatly and made Rainbow take a moment to have Vytheril send a magical message to Kayn, that way the rest of the Illidari could take a moment to recover the bodies of the fallen, after they cleared out this place. Rainbow was sure that there were a bunch more enemies inside this place, given everything she and Spitfire had seen the last time they had been here, though that was when she raised her weapons and hurled them through the air as she targeted the groups that were on the stairs to her left and the stairs to her right, pulling all of her enemies towards her as she noticed that her companions were totally surprised by what she was doing at the moment, but she knew that she had this as she caught her Warblades and lashed out at the first foe that came her way, parrying the incoming attack from the Felsworn, her weapons blocking the tainted warglaives, and then pushed her foe back before severing his head not a few seconds later. While she did that Vytheril did what he could by focusing on the Satyrs that were channeling their magical powers and blasted them before they could do any damage to Rainbow, who didn't seem to be all that worried about them, while Scarlet switched her stance and pulled out the Blades of the Fallen Prince, allowing her to parry an incoming attack from one of the Wrathguards before pushing it backwards and cutting into it, leaving Remeraa to watch over them and heal any wounds that might appear while they fought their foes, even though she did use her powers to inflict a few bits of damage to their foes, something she could get away with thanks to Rainbow being the one their enemies wanted to kill.

It was in the following moments that Vytheril, Scarlet, and Remeraa found themselves surprised by Rainbow's skill and her grace when it came to combat, especially with her new legs, as while two of them had seen her power before hand, during their trek through Stormheim and their battles against the vrykul, as she cleaved the Satyrs apart as they attacked her, the Felsworn fell as she severed their heads and took their souls into her weapons as she absorbed their power, and disarmed the Wrathguards before putting each of them down, collecting more demonic souls in the process, before she continued down the curved set of stairs that were in front of her and noticed another Felsworn demon hunter waiting for them, one that she recognized within seconds.

"Glayvianna? Is that you?" Rainbow inquired, as she knew that there were still two missing demon hunters that she knew by name, due to everything that she and Spitfire had learned during their training days before the assault on Mardum, and those were a female night elf called Glayvianna Soulrender and a male blood elf known as Tirathon Saltheril, though that was around the time that she noticed something that revealed which side she was likely on, as the Fel energy coming from the elf in front of her was just all of the Felsworn traitors had, especially since it appeared that spikes were growing out of her arms, her fingers seemed to be at the tipping point between fingers and claws, and it looked like she was getting ready to have wings burst out of her back, to which she paused for a moment as the Felsworn looked at her, "Glayvianna... for Lord Illidan and death to the Legion... right?"

"No... for Kil'jaeden! For the Legion!" Glayvianna stated, where she turned around and rushed through the space between her and Rainbow, swinging her Fel-tainted warglaives down at her target and was met by resistance as Rainbow lashed out at the exact same time, their blades colliding with each other as the pair spun around and used a few of the lessons their teachers had taught them and the rest of the Illidari, leaving Vytheril, Scarlet, and Remeraa standing there as they watched what was going on before their eyes, as while it appeared that both of them had mastered the arts of the Illidari all three of them suspected Rainbow would be able to overcome her foe in no time.

Rainbow's attacks were powerful, due to the new power that coursed through her body, though at the same time they had the speed and grace that all Illidari possessed when they engaged the demons, or whoever they were fighting, though that didn't stop Glayvianna's descent into madness as her body continued to change before their eyes, her wings bursting out of her back, her feet being replaced by hooves, and even her skin took on a deep red tone, meaning they had caught her right before she fully embraced the new form all Felsworn seemed to get after siding with the Legion, though in the end it was no contest as Rainbow severed both of Glayvianna's arms, sending her warglaives flying, before taking her head off a few seconds later, dropping her body to the ground.

"Another Illidari... corrupted and broken..." Rainbow commented, where she paused for a moment and allowed her blades to eat Glayvianna's soul, while allowing the Fel energy that had been inside her opponent's body, adding to the power she had gathered so far, strengthening her for whatever rested inside the rest of the Vault, before she sighed for a moment as she focused on the rest of the path that was in front of them, as she had to wonder if they would find an equally corrupted Tirathon deeper inside this place, no doubt twisted into a Felsworn traitor by Cordana, and this would cause everyone in the Fel Hammer to either be disappointed in the fallen she had discovered or just silent think about them as they turned towards the next part of their mission, to which she stepped forward once more, "Come on, we've got more enemies to take down before we reach our destination..."

Instead of waiting for her companions to say anything Rainbow rushed at the next set of enemies and found that a bunch of Wyrmtongue wandering around the area, who rushed at her and tried to claw her apart with their claws, given that they were small demons and only reached her knees, so while Vytheril blasted some and Scarlet lashed out with her blades, at the time they caught up with her, Rainbow spun and cut down with her Warblades, making sure to deliver the final blow so all of their souls could be swept up by her blades while the meager power they possessed was added to her own, before moving onto the larger group of enemies that were made up of the other foes they had faced so far. There were, to their surprise, a number of naga among the groups that happened to be in front of them, who were tainted by the Fel energy, meaning nearly everything in this place must have been tainted by Cordana and charged with defending her at all costs, or at least that was what Rainbow as thinking as she noticed who her enemies were, though while she felt that their enemies should have run after her allies she was fine with all of them rushing at her, even if she wasn't a tank like her companions were used to seeing, especially since this allowed her to hack apart Fel-corrupted enemies and ensure their souls didn't escape to the Twisting Nether. Interestingly enough the Felsworn demon hunters had already transformed themselves, no doubt after having seen what happened to Glayvianna during her battle, and looked like they were ready for battle, to use their empowered demonic forms against Rainbow, and her allies once they killed the one that their new boss wanted all of them to kill, as Rainbow was sure their 'mistress' was Cordana and their 'master' was Kil'jaeden, though instead of backing down she lashed out and danced through the force of enemies that came at her, her Warblades cutting through those that opposed her and severed spikes, stopped attacks in their tracks, and cleaved her enemies apart as she carefully cleared out the part of the Vault that they were fighting in, and even when one group fell another rushed out to attack her, leaving her companions to aid her while she fought. The best part about this venture, in Rainbow's eyes, was the fact that she was able to clear out all of these traitors and creatures that switched to the Legion's side, because thanks to the more demonic nature of her foes, based on what she thought about earlier, she was able to take all of their souls and deprived the Legion of any and all information that they might possess, not to mention the fact that every Fel-tainted soul she collected added that soul's Fel power to her growing reserves, adding to her power and making her stronger for whatever might be waiting for them in the depths of the Vault.

After about five minutes or so Rainbow huffed for a moment as she stopped fighting and found that there were no more enemies for her to fight, as all of the Fel-tainted creatures had been taken out, to which she beckoned for Vytheril and the others to follow after her as she walked into the hallway their enemies had been guarding, before stopping as she came to the chamber that contained the odd pool that had been resting near where Kayn and Altruis had been fighting, despite the fact that Spitfire had stopped both of them from killing each other, which was when she spotted a Warden resting right at the bottom of the stairs, who might be wounded since she seemed to be shaking a little, and a male blood elf standing in front of the raised pool on the other side of the chamber, even though she wasn't sure how they had been beaten to this place, since there had been no signs of someone else entering the Vault.

"I wonder what this pool will reveal about you, Drelanim." Tirathon commented, where it sounded like they had found the pair when they were reaching the end of a conversation or disagreement of some kind, which meant that if Rainbow was right about things Tirathon had told his allies to leave the pair alone until he ordered them to do something, be it joining him or capturing the Warden and killing her where she stood, though at least this told Rainbow who the Warden was, even though she had no idea where Drelanim rested on the spectrum of the demon hunters, as in did she appreciate them and their sacrifices or did she hate them and see them as demons.

"I have committed no crime, Tirathon." Drelanim stated, her tone revealing that she didn't appreciate this conversation at all and that she was getting annoyed with the Felsworn that was in front of her, as Rainbow could feel the power inside the blood elf and knew that he must have betrayed the Illidari, especially after what happened to Glayvianna, though she had her allies stop as she listened to what was going on, since she wanted to see what Drelanim felt before rushing down and stopping the pair before they got into a fight, "Whereas you and your former associates have answered for yours... or at the rest of the Illidari have, as the Felsworn have more crimes they must answer for!"

"Crimes? Our only crime, as you call it, was to sacrifice everything we had to save this world." Tirathon snapped, appearing to focus on a single word and not on the fact that Drelanim was referring to the fact that he had joined the Felsworn, who needed to be punished for turning against Azeroth and joining those that they had sworn to destroy, though Rainbow did agree that all Felsworn traitors needed to be punished, least they try to take over Azeroth or the other worlds that were scattered across the whole of creation, "While we fought for Illidan, attacking the worlds of the Legion, you imprisoned the world's villains here for all eternity... and then you attacked the Black Temple and imprisoned us, leading to your enemies eventually finding their way to Azeroth at long last..."

"We protect the lives of those who call Azeroth home, often at great risk to ourselves... too often at great cost, ending in one or more Wardens sacrificing themselves for the greater good." Drelanim, said, where it sure sounded like she might be trying to tell Tirathon that the Wardens were pretty much identical to the Illidari, that they sacrificed their previous lives to become the silent watchers, though Rainbow knew that such a thing wasn't going to happen, since a number of Illidari, or at least the Felsworn, loved to talk about their sacrifices and didn't appreciate what certain individuals said, and it did look like she was right in her thoughts.

"You dare speak of sacrifice to me?" Tirathon angrily snapped, confirming what Rainbow had been thinking, that he might be caught up in everything that he gave up to become an instrument of the Legion's downfall, even though he had given up on that and joined the very army he had sworn to bring with with the rest of the Illidari, before he gestured to the rest of his body for a moment, allowing them to see that he was definitely starting to grow spikes on his arms, meaning that he was starting to become a true Felsworn, "I gave up my flesh, my soul... my people shunned me as a freak. And what was my reward? Eternal torment from my 'sisters'."

"I live to serve my people and my goddess, expecting neither personal gain or glory." Drelanim stated, informing Rainbow that none of the Wardens did what they did for what some of the world's heroes might have done when they first started tackling the dangers of Azeroth, rather it appeared that they became the silent watchers in the night and only showed up to defend either their allies or to take down someone that one of their members deemed to be a danger to the world, like how Maiev labeled Lord Illidan a long time ago, before she gestured to his form, "Can you say the same as you stand there intoxicated with the power of the Legion? The same Legion that you swore to destroy!"

"I will serve MY people, the exiled and the reviled." Tirathon replied in kind, where one would assume he was speaking of the demon hunters that he had joined, and had recently betrayed thanks to Cordana's actions since Rainbow was sure the Fel Warden had broken him like the rest of the Illidari she and her allies had captured, before a wicked smile appeared on his face as he stared at Drelanim, where it seemed like he was thinking about something as he shifted his warglaives and readied himself for battle, "I will slay you and your kin, Warden, and when I'm done with your pathetic order I will fulfill the dreams of my mentor!"

"Question: is that Lord Illidan, or are you speaking of Cordana and Kil'jaeden?" Rainbow asked, where she gestured for her companions to take a step back as she walked down the stairs that were in front of her, even though Drelanim seemed a bit surprised that they were even standing there, like she expected to be the only one to come down here, despite the fact that she forced herself to stand and head up the stairs so she could observe what in the world was going to happen next, while Rainbow focused on Tirathon and the fact that she was likely going to have to kill him to unseal the doors that lead to the elevator that would let them descend into the depths of the Vault.

Instead of replying to her question, which was irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, Tirathon rushed at her and lashed out with his warglaives, while mentioning that the 'master would reward him greatly' and told her which side the former Illidari was on, that he was definitely siding with Kil'jaeden and the Legion, to which she spun and parried the incoming attacks with her Warblades, which was easy since they were both using the same technique that Varedis had taught them and the rest of the Illidari, even though it sure looked like the progressing transformation was causing her foe to lash out at her with a much slower speed than what she had seen so far. Despite that fact, however, she maintained her defenses and parried the incoming attacks with the same grace she had been using up until this point, where she seemed to cause Tirathon to call upon his new Fel powers and brought down Fel fireballs from the ceiling, as in he channeled his vast inner power and brought down the attacks, much like how an Illidari could channel some of their power and stomp on part of the ground to stun those that were around them, meaning this was more like a Fel mortar attack and Tirathon wanted to bring her down with all the haste he could muster. Rainbow found that she was able to avoid the attacks with ease, even if she kept an eye on what her foe was doing, and it wasn't long before Tirathon jumped backwards and empowered both of his blades with shadowy energy, though once he finished his spell he rushed back into battle and swung his blades at her once more, where she discovered that a shadowy barrier wrapped around her opponent whenever their weapons struck each other and only faded when they separated from each other, something that would bother a normal warrior for a few moments, but thanks to her speed she was able to zip by Tirathon and delivered a slash to his chest, which caused him to stagger for a few seconds, even though they rushed at each other again not a moment later. Rainbow found that Tirathon was definitely stronger than most of the other Felsworn she had faced before this point, meaning that he must have been given a greater amount of Fel energy and that was why it had taken him so long to start transforming into its empowered demonic state, due to his body catching up to his power, but even then she made sure to keep an eye on what her foe was doing, parrying incoming attacks, and lashing out whenever an opportunity presented itself to her, even though she did get a chance to lash out with a kick and cut several gashes into Tirathon's chest, thanks to the new claws that rested at the end of her transformed legs.

Rainbow had to admit that having these new legs were actually much better than just having hooves, as the claws allowed her to deal some additional damage to her foes and even caught most of them off guard whenever she used them, though while she thought about that Tirathon leapt into the air and loosed a burst of flames down at the area that she happened to be standing in, where Rainbow quickly flashed over to the right and avoided the attack, while noticing the flames didn't head up the stairs at all, before rushing into the air and swung her Warblades, hitting Tirathon in the side and sent him flying down into one of the walls of the chamber, to which he coughed as she landed nearby. For a few seconds Tirathon did nothing as Rainbow kept her eyes on him, making her wonder if he had regained himself and realized that his choice to join the Legion was wrong, before the Fel energy danced over his body and he shifted into his demonic form in a couple of seconds, the red skinned demonic creature with twisted hooves, wings, and even spikes that Rainbow had seen earlier, thanks to the rest of the Felsworn, which was when he rushed at her and forced her to defend herself from the incoming attack, something that caused the air to shudder for a few seconds. Tirathon was far stronger than he had been earlier, it was easy for Rainbow to see that fact as she blocked his first empowered attack, though instead of backing down she took a moment to push her foe backwards and then tapped into her true power, shifting into her demonic form as lightning danced along the edges of her weapons, something that her foe either didn't remember her being capable of using or just didn't care at all, though either way she reminded Tirathon of her power as she avoided his next attack and then swung both of her blades at his chest, where the blades cut into him as the lightning blasted him backwards, leaving some smoke coming from where she had struck him. From there Rainbow rushed forward and went on the offensive, this time lashing out at Tirathon without really giving her foe a chance to attack her in return, especially when he tried to loose an Eye Beam at her and she just avoided the attack by allowing it to slam into the wall behind her, away from her companions, and cut into his chest again, though this time she unleashed the Blade Dance and delivered a series of attacks to his arms, both of his legs, and then finished with another blow to the chest, all of which were also blasted by her lightning as Tirathon just staggered backwards as he thought about what was going on.

In the next moment she rushed forward and spun around, avoiding the incoming warglaives that Tirathon was swinging at her, where she swung her own Warblades and landed behind her opponent as he landed on the floor behind her, though that was around the time that he crumpled to the ground and all three of her companions noticed that she had severed his head, something that brought about the end of another Felsworn, to which she sighed for a moment as her blades ate the Fel-tainted soul and she added Tirathon's power to her own, but once that was done, and Rainbow reverted back to her base form, she walked over to where Drelanim was resting.

"Thank you, Illi... no, thank you, Rainbow Dash, as your arrival saved my life," Drelanim said, her tone telling Rainbow and her companions that she was telling the truth right now, that she was thankful for the timely arrival of the group and that such a thing allowed her to walk out of here with her life intact, instead of either being killed by Tirathon or being beaten and dragged to where Cordana was hiding, the latter having the potential for her to be chained up and tortured until she eventually broke under the pressure, either becoming corrupted like the traitor that caused so many of her sisters to die in Gul'dan's assault or be twisted into a demon to be sent against Azeroth, before she focused on Rainbow once more as her allies joined her, "Tell me, what brings you to our fallen Vault?"

"We're here to claim the Sargerite Keystone... and kill Cordana, if she's down here," Rainbow replied, because she figured that telling the only Warden that was in this place their plan couldn't harm things more than they already were, due to all of the demons that were scattered around the entry chamber, meaning the Legion might be protecting the Keystone and stopping whoever came for it, even though she was sure they were here to protect Cordana and try to slay whoever tried to take her down, hence the reason she turned towards the pair of doors that lead to the platform that would allow them to descend into the depths and started walking towards it, "oh, and kill any demons and Felsworn we might find along the way, plus those two prisoners we left behind when we fled after Maiev freed us."

"There are many more dangers lurking in the depths... not that you need to worry about them," Drelanim stated, though that was when she picked herself up, as she had been resting at the top of the stairs with Rainbow's companions while the demon hunter in question fought and cut down Tirathon, where Remeraa had used a bit of her magic to heal her wounds so she didn't have to worry about bleeding out or anything like that, and walked down the stairs as she collected her only weapon, one that Rainbow discovered was a sword with two blades which looked like a warglaive without the shield part, before approaching the group of four, "however, there are mechanisms in the depths that only a Warden would know how to deal with, so allow me to join you in your mission to take down the Traitor."

Rainbow smiled for a moment, as having a Warden on their side would make traversing any traps easier, even though she was sure Cordana wouldn't bother with those since her forces ruled the entire Vault and a demon might trip one of them while they were patrolling the area, but she wasn't about to turn away someone that was willing to help them out and took a second to beckon for Drelanim to fall in line with the rest of her group, though as the Warden did that Rainbow pressed on through one of the now open doorways and found a massive number of Imps standing between the pair of doors and one that happened to have an Imp Mother in front of it. Taking care of the smaller enemies proved to be rather easy, as Imps were one of the easiest demons to fight and kill, of that Rainbow was sure of, so all she did was rush around the area those enemies happened to be standing in and cut them down before the Imp Mother even realized that she and her companions had taken down Tirathon, though when the Imp Mother noticed them Rainbow cut into her fat with one of her Warblades as Vytheril blasted their foe's head, Scarlet stabbed her chest, and Drelanim, despite being new to their group, hacked into the demon's side, showing that she was willing to contribute to their mission. As such it didn't take the five of them long to bring down the Imp Mother, even though Rainbow made sure to move the demon out of the opening so she wouldn't be blocking the door when she collapsed, and sure enough the Imp Mother's death unsealed the door, to which Rainbow made sure to collect the demon's soul and Fel energy before moving through the opening, where it only took them a few moments to discover that the platform that would allow them to head downwards, into the depths of the Vault, was up here and seemed to be waiting for someone to come use it, like Cordana had sent it back up once she and all of her forces had been arranged in the depths. As such the group stepped onto the platform and waited for a couple of seconds before it started moving, allowing Vytheril, Scarlet, and Remeraa to see the rest of the floors that Rainbow had seen when she and the rest of the Illidari had been in the process of leaving this place, while Drelanim silently stared at all of the fallen Wardens that were on each floor, all of them no longer moving as some had missing arms, a few happened to have a missing leg, and one unfortunate Warden had been hacked to pieces, before their new ally sighed and focused on what they were going to be doing in the next couple of moments.

When the platform reached the floor that was their destination, which meant the mechanism that allowed one to pick out a floor to stop on had to be broken, once more thanks to Cordana's actions, it took Rainbow a second to spot one of the Inquisitor demons hanging out in front of a sealed door, where it looked like the fiend was stealing information from one of the fallen Wardens, since they loved to find secrets and whatnot, though as it noticed them it stopped tormenting the corpse that it had been focused on and Drelanim made sure to tell them that this demon was called Tormentorum, which Rainbow felt was a little on the nose, given the nature of the Inquisitor demons, but wasn't about to argue with the name the demon had been given.

Not even a few seconds later Rainbow rushed at Tormentorum and parried the first incoming attack, which happened to be the demon swinging his clawed hands at her and nothing else, so since she used her Warblades that allowed her to cut a small gash into the palms of both of his hands, something that didn't seem to faze the demon too much as he ignored the wounds and continued attacking her, leaving Vytheril and Remeraa standing close to where the platform rested, with one blasting the demon and another healing wounds, while Scarlet and Drelanim joined Rainbow in her assault, all while making sure not to get in her way. After a few more moments Tormentorum loosed a bit of dark energy into the air, one that seemed to be him targeting a member of their group to weaken them and make them slower at fighting him, but that tactic failed as Vytheril used his own Arcane power to counter the spell, something that caused the demon to tilt his head for a couple of seconds, to show that he had to be a little annoyed with the mage, though that allowed everyone to focus on the battle and not have to worry about the demon slowing down whoever his target happened to be, which would have annoyed whoever he had targeted. One thing Rainbow discovered was that the Inquisitor didn't seem to have any other attacks to use against her and her companions, or if Tormentorum had any other attacks he was saving them to surprise his foes when they were arrogant, so all she and the others had to focus on was interrupting his soul based spell and just lashed out at their foe, cutting into his arms, legs, and chest, or at least his robe, while they waited to see what else he had to throw at them, even though it was possible that they might end the demon's life before he decided to use his full power against her and her allies. The moment after she thought about that, however, Tormentorum teleported away from the area they had been fighting in and reappeared in front of one of the set of cells that were on the lower level of this floor, cells that happened to be sealed right now, before he channeled his power into the set he had selected and shattered the prisons without delay, allowing a Felguard and a pair of Fel Orcs to emerge from their cells, meaning the demon could use any and all of the prisoners as potential allies in this fight, especially since some had to be angry at the Wardens for what had happened to them in the past, hence why they rushed at Drelanim and ignored everyone else, causing their new ally to defend herself and knock her foes backwards in the process.

As the group engaged the three new enemies, however, Tormentorum went about opening three more sets of prisons to add more minions to his arsenal, one set being a Voidwalker and one of the large monstrous Mindflayers, meaning they were servants of an Old God, while the second group seemed to be a bunch of goo-like blobs, which happened to be the size of a gnome, and the last set was a large stone monster and a stone canine-like creature that Rainbow had never seen before, where Drelanim informed her that the humanoid creature was a Mogu and the canine was a Quilen. As it turned out none of the freed prisoners lasted all that long, as Rainbow recalled what had happened to the Illidari when she and Spitfire freed them, as their comrades had feasted on the demons attacking the Vault to recover their strength, which was when she realized that these prisoners were weak from their time in their cells, making them easier to slay in the process, though once the prisoners were down Rainbow severed Tormentorum's head and dropped his body to the floor in a few moments, ending the demon's life before he could flee from the Vault. Once that was done her weapons ate his soul and she took his power for herself, just like what happened to every other demon and Fel-tainted individual she had fought so far, before she and her companions glanced at the rest of the floor they were on for a few seconds, where the doors that lead to where Glazer and Ash'golm rested opened not a few seconds after the Inquisitor fell, where they found a Shivarra and some Felhunters guarding the entrance to the Beholder's prison while there was a Dreadlord guarding Ash'golm's area, though Drelanim revealed that the Shivarra was called Blade Dancer Illianna and that the Nathrezim happened to go by the name of Mendacius, informing Rainbow that these demons had been prisoners and that they must have stayed here until they were ready to kill any of the surviving Wardens on either Cordana's orders, Gul'dan's orders, or the orders of their true master. With that information in hand Rainbow lashed out at the demons that happened to be guarding the prisons of Glazer and Ash'golm, due to the fact that it looked like the two prisoners might be tied, in some way, to the seal that was resting on the door to the south of Glazer's prison, which contained the platform that would allow them to head back down to the area that the Illidari had been imprisoned in and, more importantly, where Lord Illidan's body had been locked away, meaning that as soon as they reached that final chamber they could get the Keystone and see if Cordana was here or not.

Illianna, as Rainbow discovered, was about as strong as Tormentorum was, though based on what she saw the demon had no special skills to use against her and her companions, meaning that it only took them a few moments at best to take the Shivarra down and kill her Felhunters, allowing the group to walk up the short ramp and pass through the doorway, where they found the Beholder floating right in the middle of his mirror-like prison, like he was minding his own business, while all of the mirror pillars were hidden in the floor, apparently waiting for someone to come and activate them, which was when the group glanced to Drelanim for a moment. The Warden shook her head, indicating that there were no additional traps or mechanisms that they needed to worry about, meaning that what Rainbow had seen the last time she was here was all they had to plan around and she made sure to tell her companions about the mirrors, which would allow them to could redirect the demon's gaze back at him when he tried to fight them with his gaze, though once everyone was ready to go she stepped forward and then rushed through the air, where she slashed at the side of Glazer's massive head, all so he would be focused on her while the others moved into position as a new battle started. What Rainbow found to be amusing was that Glazer lashed out with his teeth and targeted whoever was in front of him, which just so happened to be her at the moment, though while she parried each of his rather sharp teeth she opened the way for Scarlet and Drelanim to hack into their foe's sides, something that might allow the demon in the process, though Glazer also loosed a pair of small blue energy balls, about half the size of Vytheril's more powerful Arcane blasts, into the arena, something that all of them just avoided by moving for a few seconds and then resumed lashing out at the demon, even though they were waiting for one of his stronger attacks to come at them. Glazer also loosed another weak looking attack that happened to be a phantom eye of some kind, one that landed on the ground and created a zone that seemed to be dangerous for some time, as if it had been a lightning zone for example, but since everyone had avoided the attack there was no reason for them to worry about it and it faded away not even a few moments later, allowing the group to focus on hurting Glazer as he fought them, where Rainbow could tell that the battle, for now, had shifted in their favor and that if their foe didn't do anything powerful soon they would cut him down and move onto Ash'golm.

That was when Glazer finally surrounded himself with the magical barrier Rainbow had seen the last time she had been in this place and, not a few moments after that, he fired a beam of energy from his eye that lashed out at the area he just so happened to be focused on, where several of the mirror pillars emerged from the floor and came to a stop a few seconds later, allowing the group to spread out and turn each of the three pillars so the mirrors would be pointed in such a way to redirect the attack back at the demon, where Rainbow lead the beam to the first one and stood behind it, where they took a moment to watch as the beam was reflected back into Glazer's shield and it stunned him, to which they lashed out at the demon before he regained his senses. Drelanim made sure to stab the demon in the back of the head, which was way too easy to do since a Beholder was a demonic head, while Vytheril and Scarlet joined Rainbow in attacking the demon as he finally regained himself, even though the first thing he did was curse the Wardens and their accursed mirrors, which made Rainbow wonder if he would wreck the Vault the moment he and the remaining prisoners were freed from the remaining cells, even if most of them had been freed by this point in time, though one of the downsides was that all of the demons that had been killed had returned to the Twisting Nether, to return to the Broken Isles in due time. Of course Drelanim was fine with Glazer cursing her out, not to mention the rest of the remaining Wardens for that matter, though she made sure to redirect the demon's focus to Rainbow, who lashed out and sliced into the side of their foe's head again, something that also caused him to curse her out as well, before he tried another beam attack, one that Rainbow decided to counter with her own Eye Beam and Drelanim watched as she smashed through the barrier and knocked the demon backwards, which showed her that Rainbow was definitely stronger than she had been at the summit of the Black Temple. With Glazer still reeling from his beam attack being repelled like that, and not attacking since he was dazed, the group lashed out at him so they could end the fight and move onto the next chamber, with Vytheril loosing a powerful blast at their foe's side, Scarlet struck the other side with Frostmourne twice, and both Drelanim and Rainbow stabbed him right in his massive eye with their blades, even though Rainbow followed it up with pulling her weapon back and then delivered a number of slashes to Glazer's form, dropping him to the ground.

Once they were sure that the demon wasn't moving anymore, and Rainbow made sure to absorb his soul into her blades while separating its Fel energy and adding it to her own, the group headed out of the prison chamber and headed for the area that Mendacius was standing in, where the Dreadlord lashed out at them and focused on Rainbow, no doubt due to either being on Nathreza when Lord Illidan destroyed it, and blamed the Illidari in general, or due to him hating the Illidari in general and had her be his first target because he knew he would be praised for taking her down, though he had next to no special powers, save for summoning Felguards and throwing small meteors, so it didn't take them long to cut him down and move into the next chamber. With the souls of Mendacius and the Felguards added to the Warblades, and all of their energy added to Rainbow's pool, the group walked forward and came to a stop at the top of the stairs that lead down to where Ash'golm was standing, allowing them to see that the molten elemental had smashed his icy prison to pieces and all of the countermeasures were silent right now, though based on everything the group had seen it was likely that Cordana had ordered the prison smashed to weaken whoever came for her, to act as a diversion for anyone that made it past both Tirathon and Tormentorum. When Rainbow jumped down into the arena and lashed out at the elemental's chest, cutting a light gash into the stone in the process, though as she did that Ash'golm called out for his 'Lord of Fire' and the fact that the individual in question hadn't responded for some time, making her wonder if one of the shamans would be able to tell her what in the world the elemental was talking about, which also gave her companions some time to catch up with her before Ash'golm turned his head towards them and swung his fists at her, where Rainbow blocked the blow and made it so Vytheril, Scarlet, and Drelanim could lash out at him with their own attacks with Remeraa making sure any wounds that showed up were healed without delay. While they did that Vytheril also noticed their foe getting ready to hurl a rock which was half the size of one of them and, when a rock hit the ground, it caused a fissure of some kind to open up in the ground and seemed to act like a volcano for the most part, meaning Rainbow had to pull the elemental away from it while the rest of the group stepped away from it as well, though in addition to that he created small pools of fire that had to be avoided by everyone and even summoned small fire elementals to join the fight, ones that Drelanim lashed out at the moment one of them appeared and slew before they could actually fireball her or the others, where Rainbow nodded her head to show that she appreciated the gesture before returning to the fight.

When Ash'golm started to channel a rather powerful fire attack, one that looked like it might raze the chamber and quickly turn the tide of battle in his favor, Drelanim rushed over to one of the three countermeasure statues and activated it, just like how Rainbow and Spitfire had done the last time they were here, which activated the mechanisms that were inside the walls of this chamber and froze Ash'golm in a block of ice that actually left him in a brittle state, meaning their attacks did a bunch of additional damage to him and meant they could deal with the molten elemental in a quicker fashion than what they did with Glazer or Tormentorum. As it turned out Ash'golm didn't have any additional skills to use against them when he burst out of the massive block of ice he had been trapped inside, so what the group did was leave freezing him for the moment he cast his strongest attack, which was the one that caused Drelanim to activate the countermeasure, and once he froze they would lash out with all of their strongest attacks to deal the most amount of damage in a few seconds, where Rainbow added her Eye Beam and Fel Barrage attacks into the mix as well, just to make sure Ash'golm collapsed before he came up with a plan to take them down. As it turned out their foe didn't do anything else after the second freezing, which the group was fine with when it happened, and the same was true when they froze him for the third time, though as soon as that was done Rainbow channeled her power for a moment and lashed out with a burst of Fel energy that allowed her to cleave Ash'golm's left arm off, causing the elemental to groan in pain as he stopped fighting for a few seconds, though once he was over the pain Vytheril, Scarlet, and Drelanim lashed out and dealt some more damage to his body, sending him to his knees, before Rainbow loosed a powerful Eye Beam into the elemental's weakened chest and smashed through what she assumed was his core, dropping his body to the ground. Once that was done the group paused for a couple of seconds to be sure the elemental was dead and that his spirit or soul was sent back to whatever realm he came from, due to the fact that Rainbow had no idea what elementals like Ash'golm did when they died, before Vytheril determined that their foe had returned to the Firelands, the domain of Ragnaros, the former Firelord due to the fact that a number of their fellow heroes had defeated and killed him years ago, making him wonder if the shamans of the Earthen Ring might be in the middle of finding new powerful elements to replace two of the four Elemental Lords, since two of them had perished some time ago, before shaking his head as they moved back up to where they fought Tormentorum.

When they returned to the main chamber, however, they found one of the demonic Jailers, Grimhorn the Enslaver based on what Drelanim told Rainbow, floating between a now opened door and where they fought, and slew, Tormentorum a couple of moments ago, where it didn't take long for Rainbow to rush over to Grimhorn and hacked into his side while she was quickly joined by Scarlet and Drelanim, even though the Warden stabbed the Jailer in the back and caused him to roar for a few seconds before she ripped her weapon out of him and joined the others, all while Vytheril blasted the demon in the chest as he started to fight back. That was quickly followed by Rainbow cutting Grimhorn down and absorbed his soul, plus his power, where she took a few seconds to determine that the three demons that had been guarding this area must have been recently released, given the fact that they seemed to be recovering from being trapped inside their cells, even though she was sure she took their true full power when her Warblades ate their souls, before she focused on what was in front of her and headed through the short hallway that was in front of them, allowing her and her companions to walk up to where the platform that would take them down into the depths of the Vault was located. A few moments later the five of them stopped on top of the flat platform and it lowered down the shaft it had been built to fit, before they discovered something interesting as they reached their destination, the path Rainbow, Spitfire, and the rest of the Illidari had killed their way through, after first being roused from their cells, was nearly covered in darkness and it appeared that the couple of owl statues might be important to their cause, as Drelanim walked over to the one that was near them and pulled out a glowing orb that lit up the area around her, before turning towards them and informed them that this would allow them to carefully make their way through this portion of the Vault and, if they were lucky, reveal some of the traps that Cordana and her demonic allies might have set up to ensnare them. She was trusting Rainbow to lead the way while she held onto the orb, leaving her with one arm to fight with, to which Rainbow nodded and started to carefully head down the path she had charged up the last time she had been here, even though she spotted a number of new webs and a couple of corpses that were scattered throughout the area, some of which happened to be the Wardens that had aided them in escaping this place, on Maiev's orders, meaning all of the demonic corpses must have been taken to one of the demon worlds for some unknown purpose.

What surprised Rainbow was that a green transparent Warden rose from the first corpse she discovered and she quickly swung her weapon at the group, where it was blocked by one of Rainbow's Warblades and allowed her to find out that she was capable of fighting the fallen Wardens, meaning that assisting them in moving on might appease Maiev and the rest of her forces, though based on the sickly green coloration coming from her foe, and the familiar Fel wounds that happened to be scattered all over her armor, both Rainbow and Drelanim came to the same conclusion when they noticed that there were a few small Fel spikes sticking out of the Spirit Warden's arms, something that was confirmed not even a few seconds later as her Warblades ate the Fel-tainted soul.

"Cordana has more to answer for... especially with tainting the souls of her fallen sisters," Drelanim stated, something that caused the others to nod their heads in agreement, though she counted themselves lucky that they had arrived when they had, because if Rainbow's group had arrived later than they had, like a day or two from now, she was sure that the souls of her fallen sisters would have been transformed into brand new demons, tormenting the souls of those she fought beside in the past until they shattered and accepted their new roles, but she felt it was sad that this one had been pushed to the point where her soul was absorbed by Rainbow's weapons, meaning the others would share her fate as well, before she shook her head and followed the group as they walked down the path and headed for the massive chamber that Maiev had locked Illidan's prison crystal inside.

Rainbow knew that Drelanim had to be devastated by the fact that the soul of one of her sisters had been corrupted to the point where the Warden in question had started her transformation into a demon, as it had to be making her think about what the rest of her fallen sisters must be going through, but the Warden seemed to be saving her thoughts for later and not be distracted while they neared the area that Cordana had to be lurking inside, hence why she focused on the path in front of her and pushed through some sickly Fel webbing, which could be dismissed as Drelanim carried the light over to where the area in question. Sure enough there happened to be some small spider demons, Spiderlings to be exact, resting on the other side of the webbing and Rainbow lashed out at them the moment they approached these enemies, where it didn't take her long to cut her way through them as Vytheril blasted whoever she was targeting, while both Scarlet and Drelanim slashed their way through their targets, though as the souls of the Spiderlings were added to the Warblades, and their power was added to Rainbow's, a new foe rushed out of where it had been resting and Rainbow noticed that it was one of the Aranasi, the humanoid spider demons she and the Illidari had fought on Mardum. The Aranasi used her clawed hands to lash out at Rainbow, apparently declaring revenge for Tyranna and Satine, the former being the former ruler of Mardum and the latter had to be her daughter, who likely died after the initial assault on the demonic world, and it wasn't long before a second Aranasi and a Spirit Warden rushed into battle as well, leaving Rainbow to lash out at their targets as she noticed the spirit was like the first one, she had started to become demonic thanks to some Fel spikes she spotted, to which she made sure to put their foes down and take their souls. As Rainbow moved forward, and resumed following the rest of the path, she suspected that the second Aranasi had been silently corrupting the second Spirit Warden, something they interrupted by being there, which had to be annoying Drelanim, before she sighed and slashed her way through a group of Spiderlings that were in their way, opening the way for her companions to join her as she drew closer and closer to the door that lead to where Lord Illidan's body had been imprisoned, even though she did notice that the passage that lead to where she, Spitfire, and the Illidari had been locked away inside had collapsed, not that she really cared since she didn't like this place all that much.

As she approached the large door in question, however, the group found another group of Spiderlings, a single Aranasi, and three more Fel-corrupted Spirit Wardens that Rainbow cut down, where the first one had clawed hands that had torn her gauntlets to pieces, the second was similar to the first and the arms of her armor had been broken due to the bulky and twisted nature of her arms, and the last one was the furthest gone of them, as her feet had three claws and her legs had crushed her armor to pieces, parts of the chest were missing and revealed the Fel energy inside her, she happened to have four arms, two having grown from her transformation, that were more like an Aranasi's arms, and her helm was also broken, due to the pair of curved horns growing out of the sides of her head, though it didn't take Rainbow long to cut all three of them down and take their souls... before they entered the final chamber, where Drelanim's light went out, before they reached the platform and found a familiar figure on top of it.

"How utterly predictable." Cordana said, where she turned around the moment she heard the sound of someone walking behind her and faced the entrance of his portion of the fallen Vault, allowing her to see that Rainbow had come and that she had some allies with her, including a Warden, before she pulled out a pouch and tossed it through the air, where the group watched as it sailed right into Rainbow's hands as they all raised an eyebrow, especially since Rainbow reached into the container and pulled out the Sargerite Keystone, something that confused her, "I knew you would come here at some point, seeking that Keystone, so I returned to this place and waited for you to arrive, so I could cut you down and not only deprive the Illidari of their precious toy, but also deliver the soul of a wanted demon hunter to my new master, to spell the end of this world at long last."

"Which means that you gave me the Keystone, due to your overconfidence," Rainbow remarked, where she returned the Keystone to the pouch and tossed it back to where Vytheril was standing, who caught the relic a few seconds later, before she readied her Warblades as she noticed Cordana was in the middle of shifting into her battle stance, which was when a square shaped Fel barrier, one which happened to be the size of this platform, appeared around them and forced Vytheril and her allies backwards not a few seconds later, showing her that the Fel Warden wanted a one on one match with her, which just confirmed what she had just told Cordana, "Sorry, you won't be getting the Keystone back... and soon Gul'dan, and his masters, will have one less ally to work with, as this is the day you will suffer for your terrible crimes."

Rainbow found out that Cordana gripped her weapon, the usual crescent weapon that most of the Wardens used, despite the fact that hers was covered in Fel energy, with both of her hands and might be getting ready to wield it like it was a two-handed sword, though not a few seconds later the two of them rushed at each other and clashed in the center of the large platform, where she found that her foe was able to block both of her Warblades and stopped her from hitting her target, meaning that this might be a good fight and that she was eager to see what happened next, all while Vytheril and the rest of her group remained on the other side of the Fel barrier, forced to watch the pair battle each other. That was followed by Cordana spinning around and kicking Rainbow in the chest, even though she blocked the attack with her Warblades and found that the Fel Warden possessed enough power to knock her backwards a bit, before Cordana removed a hand from the handle of her crescent and pressed it against the ground, summoning a mass of shadows that seemed to spread out from her feet, where it didn't look like the shadows did anything to her and that meant they were designed to damage her opponents. As that happened Rainbow noticed the four owl statues that rested in the four corners of the square platform and found that one of them had one of the light spheres that Drelanim had carried some time ago, to light up the passage that brought them down to this chamber, where she flashed backwards and used part of her inner power to remove the sphere in question, something that she hurled through the air and watched as it safely landed in the middle of the mass of shadows, which caused the shadows to retreat from where the sphere rested, even though it appeared that Cordana had no opinion on the matter and rushed at her again. Rainbow met her halfway and their blades clashed against each other once more, the air shuddering in the process as they danced around the light, even though Cordana added a new tactic to their battle as she swung her crescent and loosed a sickly Fel image of it in the direction she attacked, designed to weaken her foe's defenses as Rainbow soon discovered when she loosed a bit of Fel energy into the air and it smashed into the Fel crescent, detonating in a small Fel explosion between the two of them, meaning she had to be careful whenever it was in play and maybe use it against Cordana, to turn the tide of this battle in her favor, before she rushed at the Fel Warden and transformed into her empowered form as she lashed out with her Warblades.

Cordana staggered as Rainbow struck her with her full power, lightning crackling over her weapons in the process, which was when a burst of Fel lightning lashed out and struck her in the chest, knocking her backwards for a moment, though as soon as she recovered from that, and stood up again, Cordana faded into the shadows and the light disappeared while she did that, causing her foe to be trapped in darkness for a time as she turned her head a few times, even though it took her a few seconds to lock onto a shadowy specter, a shadowy Warden, and blasted it into the platform with a burst of her Fel power, causing it to drop the light. Just to be sure it didn't try anything else Rainbow lashed out with her Warblades, which allowed her to cleave her current target in half, and shifted the light around to reveal Cordana's location, where she found that the Fel Warden had been approaching her backside to stab her in the back or cut her head clean off without having to face her, to which Rainbow spun around and kicked at her foe's chest, her new claws digging into the metallic armor that covered Cordana's chest and left four gashes in the metal, something that seemed to surprise the Fel Warden as she took a moment to fall backwards and roll away from Rainbow. Instead of giving her the chance to go on the offensive, and just turn the tide of battle back in her favor, that was when Vytheril, Scarlet, Remeraa, and Drelanim watched as Rainbow went on the offensive and rushed through the air as Cordana stood up once more, her Warblades smashing against Cordana's crescent in rapid succession as she spun around and activated the Blade Dance skill before her foe could do anything to stop her, where each attack collided with the tainted weapon with more than enough force to knock it out of the wielder's hands, that was if they weren't demonic or empowered by the Fel energy, though that was fine with Rainbow as she took notice of some cracks forming in the weapon's head and lashed out once more, where she smashed the weapon apart as she landed behind Cordana, leaving her foe in shock for a moment. After that Rainbow turned around and rushed back at her foe before she had a chance to do anything else, where she lashed out with a flurry of attacks from her Warblades and both of her clawed feet, attacks that dug into the Fel Warden's chest and body while breaking her armor with new gashes and cracks, though in addition to all of her attacks Rainbow had another set of moves to use as her inner Fel fire, as every demon hunter had access to it and Spitfire's was, by far, the strongest of them all, especially since her power was mostly over fire in the first place, though her fire was enough to heat part of Cordana's armor and, just like what happened in the past, the lightning she had access over coursed through her foe's chest and blasted the weakened Fel armor apart, forcing Cordana to her knees for a moment.

"I have fought too long... suffered too much... victory... must be MINE!" Cordana stated, where it seemed like she might be a little mental at this point in time, like she couldn't handle the pressure of this battle or something, though Rainbow really didn't care about the Fel Warden at all and started to move in for the kill, though that was where Cordana reached into a pack that was attached to her belt and pulled out a small Fel crystal, causing everyone to raise an eyebrow for a moment, before she drove it right into her chest, directly into her heart, where Rainbow watched as Fel energy coursed through the Fel Warden's chest and cracked her skin, with Fel spikes bursting out of her arms, sharp claws replacing her fingers, a pair of horns tearing her helmet apart and revealing a look of hatred in her eyes, hooves breaking her leggings and replacing her feet, and a reptilian tail coming out of her spine, "With the power of the Legion coursing through my veins, I will bring about your destr..."

"You should have done this sooner, to be more in tune with your power," Rainbow remarked, where she took a moment to flash around the area that Cordana was standing in and noticed that her foe was much slower now, way more than before she injected herself with Fel energy, and several gashes appeared in the Fel-corrupted Warden's body, showing the places that Rainbow had struck her and revealed that her foe was more demonic than she had been a few moments ago, which was followed by her rushing through the air and swung her Warblades once more, delivering a final flurry of attacks that cut apart Cordana's body before she even had a chance to fight back, leaving a pile of parts behind.

Truth be told she wasn't expecting Cordana to inject herself with Fel energy and transform into a demon, especially such a powerful one had she taken the time to master her powers before this point in time, but that didn't stop her from having her Warblades eat the Fel Warden's soul and add her tainted power to her own, though once that was done she found the barrier had dropped and walked over to Vytheril and the others, as it was time to deliver the Sargerite Keystone to the rest of the Illidari and see what else needed to be done next, to bring ruin to the Legion and their forces, before marching on the Broken Shore and the massive Tomb of Sargeras.

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