• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 1,167 Views, 307 Comments

World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Suramar: Searching for Oculeth

Spitfire and Rainbow spent some time assisting Vytheril and the rest of their allies in moving their supplies and whatever other pieces of equipment were being brought from Dalaran, with several mages from the Tirisgarde, which was the Order that Vytheril and the other two artifact wielding Archmages watched over and guided in their war against the Legion, aiding Thalyssra in building a magical holding cell for Theyrn and Kel'danath, something that eventually lead to their new ally taking a moment to walk away from what she was doing and approached the area that the pair were working in, who set down the last of the food crates and quickly turned to face her.

"I've figured out who the next person we need to recruit is, and that is Chief Telemancer Oculeth, the man who developed Suramar's teleportation network." Thalyssra said, though she didn't need to explain why he was so important, as due to the hub of magical platforms that resting in the left side of Shal'Aran, a small teleportation network based on what they had been told earlier, it made sense that they would seek out the one who created and worked with the vast network that their enemies used, both to monitor their movements and activate some nodes for themselves, before she reached into her own pack for a moment, as if she was looking for something, "Based on what I remember, Oculeth had a private workshop in the hills just above Suramar, the city to be exact, built in the age before the Sundering occurred, and I'm willing to bet that he might be using it as his refuge, until either I contact him or our enemies find him. After everything that happened during my last failed attempt to bring Elisande down, which caused me to reach out to you and your allies, Oculeth might be wary of any potential traps, so if you find him, and I'm sure you'll be able to do that, show him this coin and he should stand down, long enough for you to explain the situation to him and recruit him to our cause. I have one more recruit in mind, before we start planning out our next moves, but I need to verify some things before I have you go investigate her last known position, so focus on Oculeth for now... I'll let you know when we're ready to find and recruit Valtrois to the cause."

Before leaving Shal'Aran, and leaving their allies to aid Thalyssra in building their new hideout, Spitfire gained the exact location of Oculeth's workshop, which, according to their new ally, was located along the border of the Great Promenade, a space of winding paths and open gardens, though as soon as they had that information she and Rainbow departed from their new base of operations and quickly found their way to a path that lead to the northeast, right in the direction of the main city and the transparent wall that some guards had to be keeping an eye on. It was easy for them to figure out that entering the city right now was a bad thing, since they had no idea how many guards would be waiting on the other side of the transparent magic wall, but based on the map, and the ruined path that had been built into the ground ten thousand years ago, their path actually deviated from the main path and headed over towards a hill that was off on their left, which happened to be where the ruined path was. Sure enough the more ruined path quickly turned into a worn dirt path that had to be from either Oculeth moving stuff or someone else traversing this particular path multiple times, though it did lead to a lone ruin that had a crescent shaped body of water around it, meaning that the Nightborne they were looking for would have some actual water to drink, not to mention some decent sized turtles resting nearby, giving him food as well, but no mana crystals, meaning it was possible that Oculeth was more of a Nightfallen, given everything they had learned from Thalyssra earlier. Instead of walking forward with their weapons drawn, and giving Oculeth the wrong impression of why they were here, Spitfire and Rainbow carefully walked towards the entrance of the ruins and kept their eyes open for the one that they were here to see, though they had to wonder if he was like Kel'danath and that they were too late to aid him, which would be unfortunate in the grand scheme of things, before Spitfire noticed a surge of Arcane energy not even a few seconds later and started to turn around, which was followed by her and Rainbow finding themselves trapped inside a sphere of Arcane energy that floated just above the ground.

"That is far enough, minions of..." a voice said, where the pair found a Nightborne that had withered to the point where he was no longer like the elves inside the city, as in he was a Nightfallen, where they found out that he was wearing a scarf around his neck, had Arcane tags attached to his belt, and seemed to have faint Arcane runes etched into his chest and his arms, no doubt to help him channel his power or empower him to some degree, before he noticed who he had caught in what appeared to be a trap designed for those who followed Elisande's orders and raised an eyebrow for a second as he took in their forms, "Well, neither of you are from the Palace, that much I can tell from a glance... and, despite the more demonic aspects of your bodies, I can tell that neither of you are allied with the Legion, otherwise I would have dropped you in a molten volcano or something to dispose of you. Quickly, identify yourselves and who you work for, before I use my magic to teleport you to the depths of the Great Sea and use the pressure of the sea to crush you."

"Calm yourself, Chief Telemancer Oculeth, we're allies of a mutual friend and were sent to recruit you, though my name is Spitfire and this is Rainbow Dash," Spitfire replied, though she had to admit that Oculeth's trap was better than what she had been expecting, as she had been thinking any traps would have trapped them in a time bubble, like what happened to that one Nightborne who chased down Thalyssra and was frozen in the middle of the air, before she found that she was able to move her arms and hands, despite the sphere they were trapped inside, and pulled out the coin that Thalyssra had given them, something that she tossed over to him, "we were told to show you that in the chance that we found you in this area, as I'm assuming it is a token to show that we're allies and that we can be trusted."

"The sign of the dusk lily... this is the First Arcanist's seal! She's alive?! Then there is still a chance, though we must act with haste before we leave this place," Oculeth commented, taking a moment to stare at the coin that had been tossed over to him, where his words referred to the flower image that had been etched into the metal, before he beckoned to the pair for a moment, like he wanted them to follow him, and moved before he even realized that they were still trapped inside the Arcane sphere that was his trap, something that was quickly followed by Oculeth returning to where he had been standing a few seconds ago and chuckled as he called forth his power, "Right, I forgot about the trap. N'eth ana!"

Once the words of power left his mouth the pair dropped to the ground, with their hooves and claws touching the floor since both of them had avoided crashing into the floor, which was followed by Spitfire and Rainbow walking over to where Oculeth was waiting for them, which happened to be right to the left of the entrance of the ruined workshop he had been hiding in, though it didn't seem like he had any equipment in this place, meaning it had to be the entry point for the true location that served as his workshop, but the pair remained silent as they waited for him to tell them what he needed to do before they returned to Shal'Aran.

"The reason I came out here was because I didn't have the time to gather any of my instruments from the Palace, hence why I came to salvage some from this place," Oculeth explained, apparently not even waiting for them to say anything in regards to his trap, meaning he had to be suffering a little from the withdrawal that Thalyssra was going through, which they would have to deal with in due time, though for now it was best if they listened to his words and figured out what he wanted them to do before leaving the ruins he had been hiding in, "though truth be told, this isn't the entirety of the old workshop, as the workshop is actually several rooms and areas linked together by teleporter pads and control rods, which have to be used in a particular pattern to move from one place to another. Of course Elisande's goons are looking for me and, in a stroke of good luck on their end, have already infiltrated my workshop, but I have been altering the network since their arrival and have been making them go in circles for some time, in fact I am quite surprised that none of them have given up yet, but I will ensure that the network works normally for the two of you, so you can go find two items before we leave this place, my Telemancy Beacon and a Warpsleeve... trust me, you'll know them when you see them, though based on how much time has passed since my last visit they'll likely be aged, so make sure you handle them with care. Once we have those items, and I'm sure that they're good enough for what we'll be doing, I'll tell you what we need to do next, and if we need to kill anyone else who might be tracking me."

Spitfire raised her eyebrow for a moment as they followed Oculeth outside, where he revealed a larger platform that was just like the ones inside Shal'Aran, though near it rested three small pillars that had to be the control rods their new ally had mentioned during his explanation, but as she reached out towards the one that was resting on the opposite side of the circle she got the impression that it would allow the user to teleport to a garden area, while the other had to be broken since it gave them no images to go on, hence the reason she tapped the Garden control rod. Once that was done, and it was clear that nothing had happened and no portal had opened nearby, Oculeth beckoned to the center of the platform and caused Spitfire and Rainbow to step on it, where they disappeared from the area that their ally was working in and, in a matter of seconds, reappeared on a cliff side that had been smoothed out, or at least had an area carved into it to hold the small house structure that was near them and the platform that was below them, which included three control rods for them to use. One seemed to be connected to a fountain area, the second to a library, and the third to the 'Warp-Lab' as the Nightborne magic informed them, something that lead Spitfire to assume that the Fountain control rod would return both her and Rainbow to Oculeth's position and the Warp-Lab had to take them to one of their destinations, since usually items that needed to be recovered weren't near each other and that meant either item had to be on the other side, which left the other one scattered along one of the other pathways. As such they activated the Warp-Lab control rod and used the platform to teleport to their next destination, where the pair quickly discovered that this cliff was longer than the last one and it held a larger building than what the last one had, as this was a two story stone structure like the one that they had found Oculeth inside, though at the same time there were a few Nightborne who wore the armor of the guards that had been tracking down Thalyssra earlier, meaning they had to be looking for information and gear that they might be able to use against their enemies.

Given that information Rainbow rushed forward and swung at her opponent, catching the first enforcer off guard as she knocked him backwards, allowing Spitfire to make her way into the main structure and lashed out at the Nightborne guard who was standing in the middle of the doorway, knocking her back into the wall behind her and caused her foe to cough for a moment as she forced herself to stand once more, though Spitfire found that her foe was either weakened by having to navigate the endless random teleports of Oculeth's workshop, and any surprises he might have shown his pursuers, or having to deal with some traitors that might have rebelled in an attempt to go home, as there were three dead guards in the lower level of the structure. The couple of cuts and gashes in her armor told Spitfire everything, that this captain, since her armor was slightly grander than those who laid on the ground, must have dealt with a couple of traitors, either those who had been allied with Thalyssra and were trying to help Oculeth or those who felt she was a terrible leader and wanted to usurp her position in Elisande's forces, since it would be hard to prove whatever lie they told their superiors, but right now the battle was tipped in her favor and it was probably going to stay that way. Even so she approached her foe with a level of caution that had severed her well in the past, to never let overconfidence rule her decisions, and made sure to go on the defensive as she studied the captain that was in front of her, finding that her foe's skills were rather good, that she was able to keep up with several of her movements with ease, though it caused the Nightborne to sacrifice several of her own movements, making Spitfire come to the decision that she must also be suffering from withdrawal symptoms, due to not being able to partake of the Nightwell recently, meaning this battle was basically hers for the taking. Of course there was something interesting about this situation, her foe happened to understand the situation that she was in and still she fought with everything she had, like there was something she was fighting to protect, like some siblings or something, and that she wouldn't forgive herself if she fell here, but in the end Spitfire sliced through her chest armor with a diagonal cut, one that went from her left shoulder to her left hip, causing her to fall to the ground for a moment.

"You fought well, despite being weakened like this," Spitfire remarked, because that was the truth of the matter, which she was more than willing to admit even though she had been holding back most of her own power, before she gripped both of her warglaives and shifted her glance for a moment, finding that Rainbow had to be done with her opponent since she heard no sounds of fighting outside the building she was in, before returning her gaze towards the Nightborne who was in front of her, "Tell me, have you any final words before I end this?"

"Glory... to the Dusk Lily..." the captain replied, though at the same time she coughed for a moment, which was followed by some blood coming up as well, not that Spitfire was all that surprised since the cut had been one of the more deadly ones, even if it looked light from far away, though she purposely intended for her attack to be light and not kill her foe in a few seconds since she wanted to see if she could get any information from her foe, especially since Rainbow was going to kill her opponent without thinking about such a thing.

"Hang on... you're one of Thalyssra's rebel soldiers?" Spitfire inquired, as while she knew that Thalyssra had lead a failed rebellion against Elisande and her allies, one of which had to be Gul'dan and his demonic masters, their new ally hadn't told them anything about what might have happened to the rest of her forces, so as such she had assumed that either Thalyssra had no idea as to the fate of her forces or she had purposely kept that information to herself, out of fear that all of her new allies would flee and not help her retake the city, though that was when the elf in front of her nodded her head for a few seconds, to which she banished one of her warglaives and pulled a small healing potion out of her pack, one that Remeraa had insisted she and Rainbow take with them, which she offered to the elf, "Here, since you're one of our allies, as Thalyssra called for reinforcements from Dalaran, it would be wrong for me to leave you like this, though we can't do much about the damage to your armor."

As Spitfire expected the elf was surprised by her gesture, even though she took the potion and downed it so the power in the vial could heal her wound, though as that happened she introduced herself as Elylia Starblade, not to be confused with one of the Moonblades, as she was sure Thalyssra had encountered a member of that clan and killed him, and explained that she had been assigned to find Oculeth and any of his allies, though she intended to warn them and join them in their operations, before this mess happened. After that Elylia explained that the couple of guards that were resting around her were ones who fully supported Elisande and her demonic allies, even though the latter didn't show themselves unless it was absolutely necessary, and somehow figured out that she was one of the rebels, hence the reason they attacked her all of a sudden and tried to end her life, all to bin the blame on Oculeth's traps, leading to her being exhausted while the last of her forces had remained outside the building, to keep an eye on her until she figured out how to beat Oculeth. It was an interesting situation, as it meant that there was a torturer inside the city that was extracting information from the rebels that had been captured after the failed rebellion, which Thalyssra would be interested in learning once they returned to Shal'Aran, but before that happened Spitfire and Rainbow would have to return to the main part of Oculeth's workshop to tell the Telemancy expert to inform him that there was another ally in this place, so Elylia wasn't left behind, due to all the changes Oculeth had made to the network in this area. Once they were done talking about how Elylia came to be in this place, and what her superiors had asked of her group before such a betrayal happened, Spitfire resumed looking for one of the items that had to be in this place and, sure enough, found it up on the second floor of the building, under the table to be exact, where she carefully picked up the curved plate looking item, which had some traces of Arcane magic around it and also had a crack running through it, though it was hard to tell which of the items it was, even though Elylia identified it as a Warpsleeve, meaning she had some experience in this field.

With the device in hand, or in their pack since Spitfire carefully stored it away for the time being, Spitfire and Rainbow took a moment to walk back over to where the teleport pad rested and Elylia stopped at the edge of it once they reached it, as she had to be worried about being sent elsewhere when she touched it, hence the reason that the pair made sure she was fine before activating the control rod and teleported back to the starting point of this area, the Workshop, and found that Oculeth was in the middle of whatever work he had started when they left to get the items he needed.

"We got one of your items, but we also ran into one of Thalyssra's rebels while we recovered it," Rainbow remarked, which drew the attention of the Nightfallen for a moment, who seemed surprised by that fact, since he had no idea that one of his original allies had come to his workshop and had been trapped in his constant changes with the rest of the guards that had been sent to search the area for him and his notes, before she gestured in the direction that she assumed the Warp-Lab rested in, "she's back at the Warp-Lab, waiting for us to fix this so she can leave... we'll explain everything to you and Thalyssra when we get back to our new base of operations."

Oculeth wasted no time in altering the network for a few seconds and allowed Elylia to teleport to them, where she was relieved to no longer be trapped inside an endless series of random teleports when she tried to access the platforms and rods that allowed one to move around the entirety of the Workshop, though once that was done Elylia joined them as the pair accessed the Garden control rod and teleported over to it, before accessing the Library control rod, which caused all of them to teleport to a cave of some kind that was filled with Arcane energy, though there were no control rods or the main platform they were connected to, meaning this wasn't part of the network.

"Something is wrong... I have lost your position all of a sudden... wherever you are, it is highly unstable and the telemancy will not hold long." a voice in their heads said, which turned out to be Oculeth's since two of them had talked to him just moments before using the control rods to get to this place, though that was when a bit of magic wrapped around them and yanked them out of the cave they had found themselves in, something that was followed by them finding Oculeth to their right, which revealed that he had brought them back to the starting point of his Workshop, "A curious discovery, as it means there might be someone tampering with the network, which isn't for amateurs mind you, but you will not find the equipment we need in there."

Spitfire nodded, even though she was sure that Oculeth was going to keep the cave in mind for later, before they used the Garden control rod once more and returned to the fork in the path, though this time around she used the one that would take them to the Fountain section, which, as she expected, brought them to a flattened area that had an elegant fountain and some chairs, along with two more control rods that would allow her, Rainbow, and Elylia to head over to a nook that Oculeth might use for enjoying his meals and another lab, but given that there was a faint energy signature coming from the nook control nod, one that was like the library rod, she decided to use the nearby lab rod. That brought them to what appeared to be an area with a tower, made in the style of the Nightborne, that was flattened for the platform, control rod, and the stones that went into making the path that lead right to the structure, and sure enough there were a few guards waiting for something to happen, be it finding whatever they were looking for or intruders entering the area they just so happened to be guarding. What was interesting was that none of these enemies had a weapon on them, rather every one of the five foes that were here had to be mages of some kind, Warpcasters as Elylia called them, to which Spitfire lashed out at the ones near the tower's entrance as Rainbow took care of the other ones, leaving Elylia to either watch them fight or join in and assist Rainbow in taking down her foes, not that either of them actually needed the help, given everything they had been through so far. In the end, however, the trio emerged as the victors and quickly entered the tower, where it was rather easy to find the Telemancy Beacon since it was resting in the middle of the first floor, to which Spitfire picked up the device, which seemed a little weathered, and stashed it with the Warpsleeve that had been near Elylia's position earlier, before they used the control rod to return to the Garden area and then teleported back to the main hub area, all while finding that Oculeth must have completed his work, since he was standing nearby, which was when they pulled out the items and handed them to him.

"These are in rough shape, especially the Warpsleeve, but they will suffice." Oculeth stated, showing the group that he had known the items he requested were going to be in bad shape, given that they had no idea now long it had been since his last visit to this place, though after studying both of the items he had them recover, and making a note of any repairs that might need to be made in the near future, he stashed them inside his own pack and focused on them once more, which meant there was more work to be done before they headed to Shal'Aran and gave Thalyssra the news, "Now that we have these two pieces of equipment, there is something else that must be done: we must lock down the facility and kill anyone who has invaded it, otherwise my esteemed colleagues from the palace would, given enough time, uncover my secrets in the art of Telemancy, which would put any and all teleporters I build for you and Thalyssra at risk. As such, I have taken the time to unlock the last of the attunement devices that I constructed, which happens to be the other control rod right here, which will take us to my secret test chamber beneath the mountain... from there we can begin the lockdown sequence and make our escape to Thalyssra's location."

Spitfire nodded her head for a moment before she and the others activated the control rod, opening the way to the test chamber that Oculeth had mentioned, and it only took all of them a few seconds to teleport to the underground ruin that housed his lab, only there was no magic platform and it looked like Oculeth had linked the magic to a control rod inside this place, though from what they could tell there was a tunnel headed into the depths and it happened to have a set of stairs for them to walk down. As such they walked down the stairs and found three Warpcasters standing around a round pillar of sorts that had Arcane energy gathering around and inside it, a coil as Oculeth called it, though that didn't stop the group from lashing out at their foes, giving them a chance to see that the Chief Telemancer was lashing out with weak bits of magic, knocking one enemy out of the area, even though it was clear that he was saving his power for later, even though Elylia made sure to aid him by taking out his foe with a wall placed slash to the backside. Since her foe didn't get back up Spitfire turned her attention back to her opponent and knocked him down as well, even though she and Rainbow killed both of their enemies at the same time and opened the way for Oculeth to safely join them, where he informed them that this coil was tapped into the ancient leylines and that, by touching it, they would be able to crank it to the highest level and move onto the next phase of what they were doing, even though he was disturbed by the fact the defenses were offline, which explained why there were intruders, no doubt guarding the remaining coils they had to overload. Spitfire followed what Oculeth was saying, to a degree anyway since she wasn't well versed in magic like he was, and activated the coil by resting her right hand on it for a few seconds, though once that was done, and Oculeth confirmed that the coil was in the position he wanted it in, they headed down another set of stairs that rested nearby and headed down to a larger chamber, which just so happened to be where they found four more coils resting along the edges of the circular area, each with two Warpcasters standing around them, and a Nightborne mage who was floating in the air with a barrier of some kind around her body, no doubt to protect her from harm.

"Thwen... I should have recognized your uniquely oafish meddling on my network a lot sooner." Oculeth said, though even as he said that Spitfire and Rainbow prepared themselves as Elylia stood with her weapon at the ready, as it seemed like a fight might break out and Oculeth might distract their foe while they slew those that were messing with the coils, where all of them noticed that the mage in question turned around at the mention of her name and glanced at them, with a smirk on her face as well.

"My, my, you're look rather gaunt, honored teacher. Are you eating enough?" the Nightborne, Thwen, replied, which was followed by her chuckling for a moment as she moved from the area she had been floating in and stopped when she reached the middle of the chamber, though it was clear that her focus was on Oculeth, who must have taught her a couple of things in the past, where Spitfire noticed that their new ally glanced at her for a moment and seemed to indicate that he was going to tackle Thwen, "You should be proud, your handiwork is going to help us reclaim every corner of our ancient lands and bring down whoever dares to oppose us!"

Oculeth, instead of replying, lashed out with his magic as Thwen did the same, apparently using her Arcane magic to warp the space around her and form her barrier, meaning she was protecting herself as her foe studied her movements, but as both of them did that Spitfire and Rainbow rushed over to two of the four groups, due to the fact that Elylia was getting weaker as time passed and neither of them wanted her to go overboard, so she seemed to guard the stairs leading down to this area as they focused on their enemies. These Warpcasters were just as strong as the couple that had been outside this hidden workshop, even though it was impressive that they had made it here in the first place, so it wasn't long before they were able to bring down their foes and raise their hands for a moment, overloading the coils that their enemies had been guarding for a time, before heading for the other two coils and repeated the process, focusing on kill their foes and then, once the way was clear, making sure to activate and overload the remaining two coils. While that happened it either looked like Thwen didn't care about what they were doing or she had noticed their movements and felt that she could take all of them down on her own, though once Spitfire and Rainbow were done with killing their enemies and overloading the rest of the coils that were in this area, along with Elylia joining them as she sensed that something was coming, they came to a stop near Oculeth as he was knocked backwards by Thwen's magic, who announced that she had surpassed him in every way and that her new skill would be the end of them, since the barrier seemed to prevent her from taking all sorts of damage, meaning physical and magical. Oculeth, on the other hand, stated that her trick was good, warping the space that was around her to make the barrier that was keeping her safe, meaning she was drawing on the area she was in to make her defensive measure, but that was when he voiced his interest in what might happen if the space in Thwen's area was unstable, instead of the stable space she was sure to, and before anyone could say anything he weaved his magic all over this chamber and teleported all of them out of the chamber they were standing in... dropping them in the odd cave that Spitfire and the others had found earlier, the odd space that was different from everything else.

Sure enough Thwen was surprised by what was going on and, at the same time, discovered that her barrier collapsed not even a few seconds later, to which Spitfire and Rainbow rushed over to where she had landed and swung their warglaives at her, where it quickly became clear that whatever backlash Thwen was experiencing from either crippled her magic skills or had cancelled out her powers for a time, allowing the two of them to cut into the exposed sides of her arms and legs for a few moments before she backed off and tried to bind the magic of this place to her will, which caused an explosion that tore her apart... leading Oculeth to criticize his former student and revealed her fatal flaw, that she took magic too lightly and, at long last, had suffered the consequences of her actions.

"I... am fading... I used too much magic to bring us here," Oculeth stated, where he coughed for a moment as he said that, which caused the others to flock over to where he was resting since he had fallen to his knees after arriving in this area not a few moments ago, before he glanced up at the and seemed to be thinking about something, no doubt everything that they had told him when they first met him in his workshop, about the new rebellion, "Tell me... where did Thalyssra set up her new base of operations?"

"We're based in a cave near Meredil," Spitfire replied, though at the same time she banished her warglaives for a moment and stood beside Oculeth, allowing him to use her as a walking stick in a sense, while at the same time calling on whatever magic was inside her for a time, making sure not to bother with anything Fel related as she focused on their ally, who took a moment to understand what she was doing, even if she was only replicating how Vytheril used magic in the past, before she focused on what she needed to ask him, "can you teleport us to the ruined village?"

Oculeth nodded his head and beckoned for everyone to gather around him for a moment, where they did so so he could weave his own power around them, causing them to vanish from the cave they had discovered during their testing of the control rods and reappear close to the area that Spitfire had told him about, as everyone reappeared near the stream that cut through Meredil, though Oculeth happened to be resting on the ground and his body seemed to be in a state that had to be the start of a Nightfallen becoming a Withered, to which Spitfire picked him up and carried him over to Shal'Aran, all while Rainbow located Thalyssra and made sure she had a mana crystal on hand, which was drained of its power as they offered it to Oculeth.

"Ah, I am feeling much better now, thanks to your efforts," Oculeth said, speaking once the mana crystal in question had been depleted of power, though at the same time Spitfire and Rainbow knew that someone was going to have to go out at some point and gather more crystals, as Thalyssra had taken one earlier and now Oculeth was taking a second, and that wasn't counting the fact that Elylia would be needing one at some point as well, to regain her strength for the future of the rebellion, before he glanced over to the left wing of Shal'Aran and the number of teleport platforms that were offline right now, where gears were turning in his head, "Now then, it is time that we establish the first connection for your ancient teleportation network, one that should allow you to go from this place to a location that's on the outside, in the Ruins of Elune'eth if memory serves, so take the beacon you recovered and get to work... I'll make sure the connection is stable and prevent anyone from noticing what we're doing, despite what little power this will require."

Spitfire and Rainbow nodded their heads as Rainbow took the beacon and the pair headed outside, with Elylia remaining behind to speak with Thalyssra about things, though as soon as they exited Shal'Aran the pair spread their wings and flew up to the ruins that Oculeth wanted them to use the beacon in, where it was easy to find a teleport pad in the center of the area and caused them to start channeling the power that would connect this area to the inside of Shal'Aran, though as that happened nothing terrible occurred, as in no new rifts opened and no enemies came out to attack them, which let the pair restore the portal that had been in this place to its former glory and teleport back into Shal'Aran... though given the fact that Thalyssra was busy, speaking with Elylia and Oculeth, the pair returned to helping their allies from Dalaran move everything into their base of operation as they waited for Thalyssra to speak with them once more.

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