• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 1,166 Views, 307 Comments

World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Suramar: Stalled Siege

With their job in Helheim complete, due to Helya being dead, and whatever she had been doing to her realm had ceased, and Lord Illidan's soul being recovered at long last, Rainbow, her companions, and Lunara departed from the dark realm and returned to Stormheim, even though Odyn declared that, once Spitfire was ready for such a thing, they would have a feast to celebrate what she did for all of Azeroth, in stopping the dark witch's foul plans and freeing the Valarjar from the Halls of Valor, allowing them to officially join the war against Kil'jaeden and the rest of the Legion. Rainbow was positive that many would like a day off, to celebrate and feast in their accomplishments, but such a day would have to wait, as Gul'dan was still running around Suramar and they still had to seal the Tomb of Sargeras, to cut off the flow of demons into this world, but once that was done she was sure that they would be able to relax for a day or two and just have some fun, hence why she was focused on heading back to Suramar to rejoined the Nightborne rebellion and see if anything might have changed in the hour or two they had been gone. Of course she had the feeling that Thalyssra didn't need any assistance, not when she had Tyrande, Lady Liadrin, Khadgar, and Jaina aiding her in making sure their forces were ready for the siege on the city, but, at the same time, she knew that having her key players back would put their ally in a good mood, even though most of their allies would be returning to their Order Halls to prepare their forces, as once they were ready to assault Gul'dan's position they would be called upon for another raid, and after he was dead they would begin their assault on the Broken Shore and the Tomb that the demons were guarding right now. Still, that didn't stop a number of Valarjar from gathering outside Helheim, in Haustvald, to cheer and salute them as they moved towards the path that would allow them to return to Suramar, and among them stood Hymdall, Hyrja, and Eyir, where this brought a smile to the faces of the heroes as they smiled and waved at those who were around them, though it appeared that a small group of ten was going to escort Rainbow, Lunara, and the slumbering Spitfire to Shal'Aran, so they could rejoin Thalyssra without delay, with the other heroes departing for their Order Halls.

One thing she noticed as all that happened, however, was that the tattoos on Spitfire's right arm had darkened to a dark gray coloration, matching what everyone used when channeling Death energy, while she noticed that the tattoos on her left arm had a light green color, Life energy, though it looked like Spitfire's right horn had some small markings etched on them, while she had gained a small fang-like marking on her right cheek, where the markings and new tattoo possessed a twisted green color, representing Spitfire's inner Fel power. It was hard to believe that channeling multiple Cosmic Forces was even possible in the first place, as in two at the same time, though it looked like Spitfire was going to fulfill whatever warning or prophecy that Xe'ra had told them about, about the six winged figure who could channel all six powers at the same time, something she knew would terrify Sargeras once he realized what was going on, that someone more terrifying than Azeroth was waking up, or at least that seemed to be the case right now. Still, based on what she knew they could find something in the Nighthold to empower Spitfire even further, granting her a fourth Cosmic Force, but that left Light and Void as the only ones that she wouldn't have access to, as Rainbow had no idea where they might find a fragment or individual who might grant her some of their power, and right now Xe'ra, a Naaru, didn't count since most of her power was with whatever she had left with the Army of the Light, plus they had no leads for Void, so for now Spitfire was going to have to deal with having only four of the six Cosmic Forces under her belt. Other than that there wasn't much for her to think about, save for whatever Thalyssra, Ly'leth, or their allies might have discovered during the time that they had been in the Halls of Valor and Helheim, as she had the feeling that the Felborne must have done something bad while they were busy facing Helya, but she was hoping that things had calmed down and that they would have some time to rest before a new mission came to Shal'Aran, since there was no telling what their allies might have discovered.

Thanks to the Valarjar they were able to get to Shal'Aran without anything happening to them, even though they walked in the wilds near Oculeth's old workshop for a time to make sure none of the Felborne noticed what was going on, and the moment they reached their destination Odyn's forces saluted them before departing for the Halls once more, to tell their Lord that Rainbow and Spitfire had reached their final destination, allowing them to enter Shal'Aran and find that nothing had changed yet, as Thalyssra, happy to see them once more, reported that everything was silent in the city, for the time being anyway, and that more were fleeing to Shal'Aran, to escape Gul'dan's wrath. Lunara, however, walked over to part of the ruin and laid Spitfire on the ground, before sitting near her to make sure she recovered from her battle with Helya, to which Rainbow quickly pulled out the crystal she had been given earlier and handed it to Khadgar, who was both surprised and pleased with what they had done, as now he could transfer Illidan's soul into Xe'ra's heart for safety, since it was the vessel for his rebirth, before Rainbow informed them as to what happened in Helheim. Of course no one was remotely even surprised by this bit of news, as at this point Khadgar was used to hearing about what she and Spitfire had done to those who tried to bring Azeroth down in some manner, while Thalyssra and the rest of their new allies, while originally a tad bit shocked by what they and the heroes could do, were getting used to hearing about their deeds and the shock was starting to go away, allowing them to truly focus on what was going on at the moment. Rainbow was sure that everything the heroes had done in the past, taking down Old Gods and the powerful commanders of the Legion, would impress their allies far more than what she and Spitfire had done so far, but she decided to say nothing as she took a seat nearby and accepted a drink from one of Ly'leth's attendants, as it was time to rest and see what sort of tactic Gul'dan had in store for them and their rebellion, since he had to be plotting something while they trained their army and prepared for the attack on the Nighthold.

What Rainbow discovered was that none of the scouts had anything to say about what was going on in the city, as in there were no new demonic attacks and the Felborne were just patrolling the areas they had been assigned to, which meant all of their soldiers in Val'sharah could train without having to be pulled away just yet, something that she knew would have Spitfire thinking about what sort of trick Gul'dan might be playing on them and suspected there had to be something they might have missed. When morning arrived, however, things were basically the same as the previous night and that nothing new had happened inside the city, which was also around the time that Spitfire woke up and joined them once more, even if she quickly voiced her suspicions that Gul'dan had to be doing something terrible and that they had to be careful when they patrolled the city, since there was no telling what sort of trap he might have set for them or if any demons might be sent out to bother the citizens of Suramar City. The one thing that worried all of them was that Ly'leth hadn't sent any new messages for them to decipher, either meaning that nothing was happening or she hadn't learned anything to share with them, nor had she sent for 'Anarys' to join her in one of the parties that Rainbow had to attend, to ensure no one raised an alarm about a missing person, though at this point Spitfire was sure if her friend skipped one or two parties the citizens would suspect the Legion would be behind Anarys' 'disappearance', but that all depended on what Ly'leth wanted to do in regards to her sister. Despite that fact Thalyssra discovered more allies were coming to join the rebellion, as the rest of the citizens inside the city were coming to fight for their freedom, to tear down the demons that were currently infesting their home, though in addition to that several groups of soldiers from both the Alliance and the Horde had joined them, as in a single decent sized group from each race that made up the two factions, showing Thalyssra that the rest of Azeroth stood with them and that they wouldn't stop until Suramar City was freed from the Legion's grasp, something that caused her to smile before focusing on the plans that she, Tyrande, Lady Liadrin, and everyone else was coming up with for their assault on the Nighthold.

While they were discussing their upcoming missions, none of which Rainbow or Elylia would be part of until Thalyssra was sure she needed their assistance in taking something down, one of Odyn's ravens, the purple one called Muninn, entered Shal'Aran and delivered a message from the Titan Watcher it served, dropping it into Spitfire's hands before leaving just as quick as it had arrived, to which she opened it and found that their ally was tending to the Kvaldir, as some of them were being given a second chance among the Valarjar, even if it meant forcing them through some trials to ensure that none of Helya's darkness stuck to them, while the others would be sent on their way to the Shadowlands, meaning they might gain some more allies for the war with the Legion. Other than that they didn't find anything else happening, to which Thalyssra made sure that whatever Arcfruit had grown since the last harvest was delivered to those who needed it the most, just like they had done in the past, even though it was mostly regulated to Rainbow and Elylia as Vanthir made sure to haul in a few barrels of Arcwine for everyone else that needed substance to continue living, before becoming Nightfallen or Withered, and those who had been freed from the hunger now had to eat like normal people, allowing Thalyssra and the others to enjoy real food for the first time in a long time. Sure, curing the Nightborne was going to take a lot of time, given that the Arcan'dor only produced a certain number of Arcfruit per day and it was always a different number each day, so like today there were five fruit available and the previous day there had been only four, while tomorrow there might be six or seven, or even eight if they were lucky, but such a thing didn't stop them from making sure the Arcfruit was given to those who needed it and freed as many as they could from their dependence on the Nightwell. Silgryn and Victoire continued to stay silent as they watched the city, waiting for the Felborne or the Legion to make a move against them, though as their foes did nothing Spitfire found that more and more of Suramar City turned towards Thalyssra for guidance and those that were willing to fight joined the rebellion, so much so that she was sure seventy-five percent of the Nightborne had formed their own true army, lead by those personally chosen by Thalyssra, and many were working with Tyrande, Lady Liadrin, and all of their new allies, meaning they might have gained a new ally for the future.

On the fourth day, after Odyn called the heroes to the Halls of Valor so they could battle Helya's forces, Spitfire discovered that many of the Nightborne who had trained with Scarlet, Vytheril, and all of the other heroes had chosen to turn to being heroes once Suramar City was freed, as in many were mages, hunters, monks, priests, rogues, warlocks, and warriors, as it gave them a diverse collection of soldiers for the upcoming battles, but during that time she found that her right wing had changed into the dark feathered wings that Helya's 'Mawsworn' had possessed, something that meant her power was now stable until she found another Cosmic Power to take in... something she turned away from as Rainbow approached the area that Thalyssra was currently standing in.

"Thanks to all of the hard work our combined forces have put into saving the citizens of Suramar City, and making sure our enemies make no progress in branching out, we're ready for battle," Thalyssra stated, something that caused Tyrande and the other leaders that had joined her to nod their heads in agreement while they gathered their weapons, while Khadgar and Jaina replicated the movement as well, showing that they were eager to free the city as well and would be using their magic to make sure Gul'dan didn't try anything funny, like summon a massive Fel machine or something to stop them as they advanced on the Nighthold, "and we've even cleared out all of the citizens who lived between here and the area that Astravar Harbor, as they're either holed up in the other sections of our city, the ones that are out of the way and won't be attacked by our enemies, or, in the case of many of them, they're part of our combined army, ready to fight to free all of Suramar from the Legion and their foul masters."

"Indeed, and we've come up with a plan," Khadgar added, to which he weaved his power through the air and summoned an image of the part of Suramar City they had been talking about for some time, Astravar Harbor, where Spitfire knew the bridge rested and would bring them right to the front gate of the Nighthold, meaning they were taking the fight to an area their enemies still held, for now anyway, and soon they would be within striking distance of the area Gul'dan was currently hiding out in, "Rainbow, Elylia, and Lady Liadrin's group will be marching on our destination, where we're sure a significant portion of Gul'dan's forces are preparing for something, while Tyrande's group will be flanking our enemies as Thalyssra's group, with Spitfire joining them, will be following after the main group, though as all of you do that, and distract our foes, Oculeth and I will teleport a group of Kirin Tor into their midst and ensure none of them escape... with any luck, we'll be able to take out most of the Felborne and a chunk of demons before Gul'dan realizes what we are doing."

Rainbow nodded her head for a moment as she, Elylia, the heroes who had chosen to join the assault on the city, and all of the assembled leaders marched out of Shal'Aran at long last, to which they headed for the worn path that happened to be connected to the Grand Promenade, though when they left Meredil, however, Rainbow and her companions found that all of their forces were gathered and were currently standing at the ready, but once Thalyssra arrived everyone stopped and stood at attention, which she figured might able be due to Spitfire standing nearby, given how many respected her among both the Alliance and the Horde, to which she came to a stop and ordered their forces to get underway. As soon as she did that, and both Tyrande and Lady Liadrin stood at the head of their own forces while Khadgar and Jaina remained standing back with Oculeth and Valtrois, their combined army separated into the couple of groups that they had been assigned and marched on the city, which included bringing along the equipment that had been brought along and having the couple of Sin'dorei arcane constructs that would do battle with those that the Felborne corrupted, to which Rainbow and Elylia took their place with the front group, to declare war on their enemies and free the city. Sure enough they found a massive force of Felborne standing guard in the Grand Promenade, no doubt assigned by Gul'dan to make sure no one attacked this part of the city while he was working on his project in the Nighthold, to which Rainbow and her forces clashed with the tainted forces that were in front of them, allowing the soldiers to spread out and make sure none of their foes escaped, though as the two forces clashed Rainbow made sure to do what Spitfire had done earlier, she weaved her Fel power through the air and made sure a net of sorts lingered in the air around the entirety of the Grand Promenade, which surprised her and put a smile on her face, which would allow her to catch every Fel-tainted soul that was freed from the bodies of their enemies and add them to her collection, along with adding their Fel energy to her own. She also meant for the net to catch the souls of the demons that were taking part in this fight, as their enemies happened to have a couple of Doomguard, Felhunters, and Inquisitors with them, making sure none of them returned to the Legion's worlds and be reborn with the knowledge that Gul'dan's position in the city was in trouble, hence why she smiled when a demon or one of the Felborne died, as their souls joined her collection and their power became her own.

As they brought down the defenders of the Promenade, and allowed the rest of their forces to enter the city at last, one of the Felborne growled as she summoned a creature to come aid her forces in taking back this area, which happened to be one of the Arcane constructs the Nightborne had created, an Ancient Shieldguard based on what Thalyssra said when she laid eyes on it, though as her group joined the main force Spitfire stepped forward and raised her hand for a moment as she called forth the power of the Arcane Stone she carried, drawing out most of the construct's power and adding it to all of the energy that was inside her gem, allowing Rainbow and Elylia to dismantle it in seconds. Once the area was cleared, and everyone was sure of that, Lady Liadrin had some of her constructs and a few of her magus stay back to protect the Grand Promenade, to ensure that no Felborne tried to come take this place from them, while Tyrande and her forces rode into the city and started to advance down the main path that would bring them to Astravar Harbor and, eventually, where the main gate of the massive Nighthold rested. Sure enough they found more Felborne and demons guarding the section of the long birdge that connected the Grand Promenade to Astravar Harbor, including the large warp pad that had to be connected to the area all of the city's larger boats were resting in, where Rainbow shifted her net over to this area as their forces engaged all of their enemies, surprising their Fel-tainted foes in the process as their combined smashed through all of their defenses and slew those that happened to be standing in their way. While they did that Khadgar, Oculeth, Jaina, and all of the Kirin Tor that had been chosen for this mission, or had volunteered to take part in the assault, happened to teleport into the area behind their enemies and lashed out at them as well, while one quickly informed Spitfire that their forces had taken Astravar Harbor, even if the leaders of the magic group seemed to be discussing teleporting Dalaran and the fact that they had to compare notes on the various applications of Telemancy, before they combined their powers for a time, while focusing on a group of Felborne who were guarding the part of the bridge that lead to the Nighthold, which allowed them to teleport their enemies off the bridge and dropped all of them into the water, where Rainbow shocked all of them to death with her lightning and collected their souls and power for herself.

Once that was done, and they were sure none of their enemies did anything after the guardians that had been positioned on the bridge had been teleported off of it, Oculeth pulled out a new Telemancy beacon and connected this area back to Shal'Aran, adding another portal to their network in case they needed to go back to their base or if more soldiers wanted to join the assault on the city, though once that was done Thalyssra stood near the edge of their expanded territory and just stared at the Nighthold for a time as the other leaders waited for her to say something.

"I spent most of my life studying the Arcane, within the safety of the Nighthold... but I never considered the possibility that one day I would have to fight my way back in," Thalyssra commented, something that caused the Nightborne who knew what she was talking about to nod their heads for a moment, as many likely never considered such a thing to be possible, back before Elisande made her terrible deal with Gul'dan and the Legion, a deal she might actually regret making and had tried to get out of, leading to the orc warlock tormenting her to get her to remain silent, before she focused on what they were about to do and readied herself for what they were about to do, "however, we cannot waste this opportunity that has been presented to us, as to hesitate now would give Gul'dan time to organize his defenses and counter our attack, so we'll take the fight straight to the gates of the Nighthold, break them down, and free our city at long last."

Their forces wasted no time in moving around the circular area that rested above Astravar Harbor, which allowed them to position themselves for the assault on the Nighthold's gates, while Thalyssra, Spitfire, Rainbow, and the rest of the leaders took up their positions right in the middle of their army, the heart in this case, before marching towards their destination so they could breach the magic protecting the gates and open the way for them to finally assault Gul'dan's location, but as the army reached the halfway point of the bridge, however, everyone paused as a large Arcane image of the orc warlock suddenly appeared in front of the Nighthold, with Elisande, who looked like she had been beaten recently, thanks to some bruise markings on her arms, pinned to the ground as Gul'dan had a foot on her back, pushing her front against the stone floor of the area they were in.

"Ah, our guests have arrived. I was wondering when you would attack this place," Gul'dan said, his tone revealing that he didn't care much for them or their army, even though they had toppled most of his Felborne and demons and broke all of his plans, in terms of trying to use the souls of the Nightborne for his own means, before he focused on all of them for a time and seemed to overlook the fact that Spitfire and Rainbow were standing with the rebellion, meaning he likely didn't care about them and felt that he had the power to bring them down, even though the pair was planning on bringing him down at long last, "Kaldorei, Quel'dorei, Sin'dorei, and Shal'dorei, I understand that all of you have have proud lineages, as I have studied you while this 'rebellion' has gone on, but in the end none of you will be left standing once I open the way to Argus and allow Sargeras to claim what is rightfully his... and, to ensure that all of you fail to stop us, Elisande here will use her power to stop you in your tracks."

Elisande, on the other hand, seemed to be struggling to get out from under Gul'dan's foot and likely attack him, which had to explain why she was so beaten since she likely had to restrain her power to avoid hitting someone, as Khadgar had told them that the orc warlock was known to use hostages whenever he needed such a thing and it seemed like he was doing such a thing right now, though in response to Elisande resisting his orders once more he called forth a small sphere of Fel energy and slowly pressed it into her back for a few seconds, causing the Grand Magistrix to scream in pain as the warlock tortured in front of them, before pulling it back after scorching her back and burning whatever clothing happened to be in resting between him and her skin.

"Perhaps you need some motivation... how about I summon a Worldbreaker to lay waste to your precious city and those who call it home?" Gul'dan stated, where Spitfire had the feeling he was referring to a highly advanced Fel Reaver, one that was far stronger than the other massive mechanical creations they had faced in the past, meaning this type had the power to wipe out a city or two and would likely be a terrible thing to face on whatever battlefield it was called to, or at least those were Spitfire's thoughts on the matter, "Go ahead... the fate of your city is in your hands... cast the spell and I won't destroy everything you hold dear, or fail and watch your city burn before I kill you."

Based on what Spitfire and Rainbow knew, while being in the position that she was currently in, Elisande was likely to fold and cast the spell that Gul'dan was talking about, meaning all of them had to be careful since they had no idea what sort of spell she might use, though that happened to be when Elisande turned towards whatever was projecting the image of her and Gul'dan to all of them, where it looked like she was mouthing something to someone, maybe Thalyssra since they had been friends or acquaintances before this event, which happened to be followed by her uttering the magic words for the spell in question... which was followed by a massive wave of Arcane energy washing over the bridge that rested between the Nighthold and Astravar Harbor, freezing everyone in place in an instant, causing Gul'dan to laugh as the image quickly disappeared from where it had been resting.

"His arrogance knows no bounds," Spitfire commented, as she and the leaders had been spared from the time spell due to the combination of her Arcane Stone reacting to Elisande's spell while Thalyssra, Khadgar, Oculeth, Jaina, and Valtrois had started to stealthily channel their magic to protect themselves from the unknown magic spell, though her statement was for Gul'dan, as he didn't even stop to make sure everyone was frozen in time before the image disappeared, meaning this allowed them to make their way out of this area and create a new plan, since the attack on the Nighthold had failed and left their army in a frozen state, even though she hoped that the Legion wouldn't take advantage of this and kill them while they couldn't fight back.

"Indeed... though I'm afraid that we might have underestimated Elisande's power, even if she didn't want to use it against us and was forced to do so," Khadgar stated, where he and the others looked around the area that they were in and were a tad bit shocked by what was going on at the moment, as a good chunk of their army was frozen in place and would that way until they found a way to reverse this spell, and he could see that even Thalyssra and those who knew Elisande were taken aback by their leader's true power, to which he let out a light chuckle, "I have the feeling that she would make even the Bronze Dragonflight, who watches over time, jealous of her power and might even make some of them come to check on what's going on... and we should be thankful that she didn't join the Legion, otherwise I'm sure even you and Rainbow would have difficulty taking her down."

"We can worry about that later, as we need to retreat and figure out what to do next!" Rainbow said, as while she wanted to see if Khadgar's statement was true, that they would have a hard time fighting Elisande when she used her full power to bring them down, she understood that now wasn't the time for such things and that they had to retreat for the time being, something Spitfire agreed with, to which the magic users glanced at each other for a moment before carefully readying a bit of magic so they could teleport back to where the new beacon was resting.

It didn't take them long to use their power to teleport back to the structure above Astravar Harbor, where they made sure to check everyone and ensure that no one had lingering Arcane energy, from Elisande's spell, lingering on any of them, as it might mean there was more to the spell than what they had seen so far, but even then Oculeth mentioned that using a spell of this magnitude required great energies, far more than what Elisande should have on hand, meaning she had been forced to tap into the immense power of the Nightwell, or there was another reason behind the plan to capture so many Nightborne, as Spitfire was starting to wonder if it had been for the sake of tearing the power out of Elisande's citizens, in front of her no less, and then force that power into her body.

"Still, why didn't Ly'leth tell us about the potential danger we walked into?" Valtrois asked, because that was the thing that was bothering her and the others, especially Rainbow since she was the one who spent the most time with Ly'leth, due to the fact that being an advisor should have given their friend some information on what was going on and she would have warned them ahead of time, leading them to find another path or something so they could invade the Nighthold and take down Gul'dan, before she considered something, "You don't think Gul'dan has captured her and is tormenting her, like he is currently doing to Elisande... do you?"

"I'm afraid that we'll have to uncover the truth for ourselves," Thalyssra replied, as she didn't want to think about Gul'dan pushing a sphere of Fel energy into Ly'leth, since that seemed to be his preferred form of torture, as it burned the skin and caused pain to whoever it was used on, something she felt was particularly nasty and knew that if Khadgar knew about it he would have likely refrained from telling her or the others, though it was more likely that not even he knew about this sort of thing, given the fact that he and Jaina seemed disgusted with Gul'dan's actions, "though from what I know Ly'leth was making sure to hide her messages in such a way that only the most observant of scryers could detect them. I have the feeling that the Felwatch might have created an outpost in the Terrace of Enlightenment, as its far away from this part of the city and would allow them to bypass the interference of the Nighthold... I would suggest checking that area out for any clues or messages that might have been captured, and cripple part of Gul'dan's forces as well, though I'll stay behind and see if we can come up with another plan of attack."

Rainbow wasted no time in taking to the skies and departed from the area the others were standing in, though instead of heading for the Terrace of Enlightenment, which was where she and Elylia found Arluelle while she was in the Nightfallen state, she turned and headed straight over to Ly'leth's estate, as there was something she wanted to confirm and quickly landed in the area that was her destination, even though she found that no one was around right now, which made sense due to most helping Ly'leth in the Nighthold and others joining the rebellion, and that Anarys was missing as well, due to the fact that Ly'leth had used a room in the estate to hide her sister. That meant her mask was void, since the spell had to be broken at this point in time, to which she left the area she had checked out and rushed over to the next area that their enemies were currently trying to take over, where Rainbow found a number of Inquisitors and Felborne working, meaning Thalyssra had been right about them forming an outpost here, which they overlooked in their preparations to assault the Nighthold, a mistake she knew Spitfire would try to avoid making again. Once she knew where her targets were located, as the area their camp was in wasn't all that big in the grand scheme of things, Rainbow tapped into her power and set up a new net over her foes, just like she had done a few times so far, before dropping down on one of the Inquisitors and killed it by cutting the demon in half in a matter of seconds, causing the Felborne and the other demons to turn towards her in shock for a moment, before lashing out at her in response to her actions. That didn't stop her from hacking, slashing, and cutting into several of her opponents while smashing a few of them into the ground with her new tail, surprising a few who had no idea how powerful she was in the process, and in the end her enemies were littered across the area she was in, as their souls were caught in the net and added to her collection once more, granting her more Fel energy, before Rainbow took a moment to glance at four Arcane spheres that looked like what Thalyssra wanted her to search for while she took out the outpost, before sighing as she tapped into the power of the devices to see what sort of information their enemies might have stopped them from receiving.

Sure enough they contained four messages from Ly'leth, ones that were stopped before Thalyssra could find and decipher them like she had done with those that came before this particular set, and Rainbow quickly learned what each one had to offer her, so once she made sure they each had a message from Ly'leth she swung her Warblades and removed the orbs from the pedestals, allowing her to collect them before heading back to where Thalyssra and the others were waiting for her to return, near their frozen army to be exact.

"The guards were easy to take out, but I've confirmed that the Felborne and demons stopped four messages from leaving the city," Rainbow said, where she hand the orbs over to Thalyssra, since she was sure there might be more information that she might have missed during her brief search of them, before taking a step back as she glanced out at their army, as Elylia was among the frozen and would likely be unfrozen when they smashed through whatever was powering this spell, even though she figured she might as well tell the others what she knew, "apparently the advisors were called to a meeting some time ago, likely before Gul'dan forced her onto the ground, a new First Arcanist was chosen, a Felborne who goes by the name of Andaris Narassin and is likely one of Gul'dan's chosen followers, and she mentioned that attacking the main gate was a bad idea, meaning the advisors knew about the orc warlock's terrible trap."

"There's also a breach in the Sanctum of Order, which runs beneath the Nightwell and leads into the Nighthold, which our enemies are currently trying to seal," Thalyssra spoke up, something that made her consider what Ly'leth had learned, as that piece of information was interesting and clearly made the others wonder if such a thing was possible in the first place, given that she and the others had said nothing about such a thing, before she pulled out the final orb and had it play the message it contained, where they watched as Ly'leth started to make another report for Thalyssra and her forces, before she was captured by what appeared to be Felborne, ending the message on a sour note, where she glanced at Rainbow for a moment, "don't worry, we'll save her and anyone else who has been captured by Gul'dan. Now, before we do anything else, we have to make sure Ly'leth's information is accurate, so Rainbow, I want you and Valtrois to make your way over to the Sanctum of Order and see if you can discover the breach she uncovered, and break any seal that might be placed on it, if it does, in fact, exist."

The pair in question nodded their heads as Rainbow took to the skies and Valtrois teleported over to their destination, as it was easier this way for them to travel to the Sanctum of Order, though when Rainbow reached the top portion of the large structure, near the Grand Promenade, she found some of their Duskwatch allies guarding the area, now more annoyed more than ever before, likely due to having seen what happened on the bridge, who allowed her to access the wap pads that were inside the building and travel down to the lower section. Once she reached the lower level, since it seemed to be where a breach might be located, she found Valtrois standing near where the beacon to this place rested, including a hole in the wall that she might have ignored the last time she was here, though as soon as they were together Valtrois told her that she could feel energies converging below them and beckoned to a set of stairs that lead downwards, where a couple of Felborne were standing guard right now. As such Rainbow stepped out and slashed at her foes, cutting them down with ease and taking their souls and energy for herself, before moving down the steps and removed the enemies that rested between them and whatever their destination happened to be, which turned out to be a decent sized metal portcullis that had an Arcane seal in front of it, one that looked like a star pattern or something and covered the entire area to prevent anyone from accessing the portcullis, and what rested behind it. Valtrois stepped forward and studied the spellwork that was in front of them, leaving Rainbow to defend the area, and capture any additional souls if the Felborne or demons were to try and defend their magical seal, before making several comments on the seal, as in figuring out that it required a large amount of power to maintain and that it had to be coming from the Ley Lines, which was rather odd considering that they had access to all of the ones that were outside the city and she would have noticed if one of them was being tapped into, but once she was done with her investigation, and figured out what was going on, she teleported herself and Rainbow to the Ley Station that the Felborne was tapping into so they could power the seal, where Rainbow found that they were right at the opening of the Crimson Thicket station, near the Twilight Vineyards.

Valtrois revealed that their enemies were siphoning part of this Ley Station's power to fuel the seal, though she wanted to see it up close, to study it and come to a conclusion on what they needed to do next to break open the breach that would allow them to enter the Nighthold, and she used a spell to reveal it, as the Felborne tried to hide it from them, and it was in that moment that Rainbow killed two more of them, taking their souls and power, before Valtrois sighed and said that she needed a day or two to figure things out, to which they teleported to Spitfire and the others, as it looked like the assault on the Nighthold would have to be put on hold for a few days... though Rainbow knew that once Valtrois was ready it would mean the end of Gul'dan's life.

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