• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 1,167 Views, 307 Comments

World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Argus: Assault on Nath'raxas Hold

With Xe'ra destroyed for her crimes of trying to compel those who followed her, and the Xenedar had been restored to its former glory, Spitfire returned to the Vindicaar and had her wings disappear not a few seconds later, though as she did that it was easy for her to see that Turalyon, Yrel, and most of the Army of the Light, including the paladins and priests, were still upset over the Prime Naaru forcing her will on all of them and just confirmed something for all of them, no one could be allowed to force an unwanted destiny on someone, especially on someone like Illidan, though it was clear that many of her allies needed a moment to come to terms with what had just happened.

"We are at a crucial moment, with the fall of Xe'ra... even I did not see these events happening," Velen commented, as he spoke up a few seconds after Spitfire returned to the Vindicaar and stopped near Rainbow, though his eyes were on all the golden fragments that were scattered around this floor of the ship, where he could feel the Light's energy radiating from all of them, which told him everything he needed to know as he shifted his gaze back towards Spitfire and Rainbow, while the latter was making sure nothing was wrong with their former mentor, "the loss of Xe'ra has already affected our allies, even if she compelled them to follow her commands at times, but while I speak with Turalyon and the others, and try to ease their troubled spirits, I would suggest recovering the fragments of Xe'ra before any are lost."

"What do you have in mind for them?" Spitfire asked, though as she said that she raised her left hand and called upon her new power, causing all that were present to watch as she picked up all of the scattered fragments that were lingering in the Vindicaar and pulled them over to her hand, allowing them to float above her palm for a time as she waited for Velen to tell her what sort of plan he might have for the fragments, even though she had to wonder if they might be destined for that strange forge in the lower level of the Vindicaar.

"When we built the Vindicaar, we fashioned what we call the 'Netherlight Crucible', a forge designed to harness the vast and tremendous power that is at play on Argus," Velen replied, naming the forge that Spitfire had seen earlier, though she had to admit that it was a good idea for the Draenei to have created something which might have the power to contain all of the power they found on this broken world and channel it towards defeating the Legion, and she had an idea on where she needed to place the Light fragments, though as she considered all of that Velen sighed for a moment, "while Xe'ra's power is one of the keys to the full potential of the Netherlight Crucible, we cannot harness the crucible's full power while there is no balance, so we'll have to keep an eye out for something to balance the crucible."

Spitfire nodded her head in understanding before heading down towards the lower floor of the Vindicaar, where it took her no time to come to a stop in front of the crucible and raised her hand towards it, something that caused the lingering power in Xe'ra's fragments to move from above her palm and reformed on the right side of the crucible, if one was looking at it from where she was standing, forming what appeared to be one of her crystalline wings, and once that was done she pulled away and headed back up to the main chamber of the Vindicaar, leaving Xe'ra's essence inside the crucible while she considered the next stage of their war against the Legion. With that done the dimensional fleet, joined by the Xenedar after a number of Turalyon's forces teleported over to it to make sure it was fully restored, something that still came as a surprise to many of them, floated in the air above the valley that the Army of the Light and the Legion had been fighting over previously, though since the demons hadn't come back this gave them a place to rest for a time as they considered what their next move might be. Velen was of the opinion that they head over to Antoran Wastes, which was the name that Turalyon gave to the area of Argus that happened to be right outside Antorus, the Burning Throne, the literal heart of the Dark Titan's operations, which would serve as their final goal as Spitfire considered all of the information that was being given to her, while Turalyon wanted to stay here, in Krokuun, to fortify their position and clear out the rest of the demons that were bothering the Krokul, and Romuul glanced up at the sky, towards the floating ruins of Mac'Aree, which ended up giving them three options to choose from. After thinking about it for a few seconds Spitfire came up with a plan of attack that would work in their favor, Illidan and the Illidari could scout out the barren lands of Antoran Wastes and determine if it was possible to set up a foothold near Sargeras' stronghold, and if it was possible to do that then they could send some reinforcements to make sure the camp was secure for their eventual assault on Antorus, but while that was happening the main force of their united army would focus on tearing down whatever demons remained in Krokuun, assaulting an area Turalyon called Nath'raxas Hold, which had to be infested with demons.

Of course one of the things they had to do was figure out if Rainbow needed to head out with the Illidari or stay with the Grand Army of Azeroth, as both places had demons and both forces clearly wanted her to come with them, which caused a smile to appear on Spitfire's face since it meant that Fareeya and her fellow Lightforged Draenei were fine with having a Fel-empowered ally, even one as demonic as Rainbow, though during their discussion she noticed that Magni had Romuul send him down to the surface, which she was fine with as long as someone kept an eye on him, since they couldn't lose the one who served as Azeroth's Speaker, which might bare more news in the near future.

"Grand Commander, the scout I assigned to Magni has returned," Turalyon said, as he had noticed Spitfire's glance and had tasked one of his soldiers with ensuring the crystalline Dwarf was safe, why he had no idea at the time and had been listening to Khadgar explain the situation while their forces moved out to carry out Spitfire's orders, including the Army of the Light, meaning that he now served under her and, as such, was going to call her by her title from time to time, which she was fine with as long as he didn't go overboard with it, though his words caused some to turn towards him, including Spitfire and Rainbow, "while we were discussing our next move he went down to Hatuun's hovel, likely to speak with the Krokul, and it seems like he might have found something of interest, as he's asked for you to join him... since the Legion has backed off, giving us a breather, you should seek him out before our next assault starts."

Spitfire simply nodded her head as she headed over to the navigation console, with Rainbow following after her since she was also interested in seeing what Magni might have uncovered in the short period of time he had been gone, which was followed by them reappearing in Hatuun's cavern while leaving Turalyon, Illidan, and the others to carry out their duties, where it was clear that Magni was standing near the main campfire, where Hatuun was standing, and it appeared that the pair were in the middle of a conversation that was just ending.

"The stone's whispers steady my people's hearts, though it is curious that you hear them as well." Hatuun commented, to which both Spitfire and Rainbow glanced at each other for a second as they approached where the pair were standing at the moment, as neither of them had an idea what 'stone' he was talking about and it might be what Magni had discovered during his time on Argus' surface, before they focused on the pair that were in front of them as they came to a stop near the campfire, which had died down a little since their last visit to this place.

"It's fainter than the breath o' the wind, but it feels so familiar ta me... it's like Azeroth's call, only... it ain't her." Magni said, where it was easy for those who knew about Magni's ability to understand that he was talking about the Titan World-Soul that rested in the depths of the planet that Velen and the other Draenei eventually came to call home, but this meant that Spitfire might have been right in her earlier thoughts, Argus might have a Titan slumbering inside it and that was why the Dark Titan had been so interested in claiming it, before Magni glanced at them, "Thank ye for joinin' me, lass, as there's something ye have to see... a stone relic that is holy to the Krokul, one they hear whispers from. I think it might have some sort o' link to Argus itself, and Hatuun has agreed to let us tap into it... just know that Azeroth's spirit speaks like a song, but Argus' is, well, distorted, like he's being tormented."

Spitfire raised an eyebrow for a moment as Magni lead them over to one of the small tunnels that rested inside the cavern the Krokul called home, one that had a glowing blue stone which had been set on an altar of some kind, made out of some sort of stone that was native to this world, where the pair of seers that were standing near the entrance confirmed that it had to hold some importance to the Krokul who lived in this cavern, before Magni came to a stop and beckoned for them to place their hands on it, which was exactly what Spitfire and Rainbow did. Not a few seconds later their vision shifted as they peered into another part of Argus, likely a section of Antorus based on the massive chasm that rested in front of them and the metallic structure that was off to their left, not to mention a circular platform in front of them which was linked to the fortress in question, before they found a massive stone construct, an Avatar no doubt, which seemed to be of a great warrior that had fiery lines etched into his body, just like the Fel lines that had been in Sargeras' Avatar. Spitfire realized, all in a few seconds and without being told anything about what they were seeing, that this had to be Aggramar, corrupted by Sargeras no doubt since it looked like he might be guarding something of importance for the Dark Titan, which was quickly confirmed when he knelt in the central section of the circular platform and asked what his 'master's' bidding was, only for the pair to hear the voice of Sargeras reply with something that caused Spitfire to pause for a moment, as he mentioned that the 'circle neared completion'. In that moment she came to understand another reason behind the demons' crusade across all of creation, besides purging each planet of life, and that was that they were seeking the souls of the Pantheon, to boost the power of the Legion to considerable heights if they had multiple Titans backing them, which meant that Sargeras not only had Argus and Aggramar's souls, but he also likely possessed the souls of the other Titans, as in Amun'thul, Eonar, Norgannon, Golganneth, and Khaz'goroth, though due to his words Spitfire determined that he hadn't broken the others yet, meaning there was still time for them to break into Antorus and save the Pantheon, and not a few seconds latter they watched Aggramar leave the area, under orders to stop their incursion and, more importantly, kill her and Rainbow in the near future.

As they returned to their bodies, however, Spitfire had to smirk for a moment, as it sounded like Sargeras was worried, or even frightened, of her power and the power that Rainbow possessed, meaning he wanted them to be killed and made to never come back to life, given that demons faced permanent death on Argus and they would suffer the same fate due to their demonic souls, though once they were back in their bodies Spitfire had Magni join them as they left the small tunnel, thanked Hatuun for the chance to see his relic, and then teleported back to the Vindicaar, allowing Velen, Khadgar, and a few others to join them.

"There's no easy way to say this, so I'll just say it: the Legion is in possession of the Pantheon's souls, while Aggramar has been reborn as a servant of Sargeras, and they have Argus' soul as well." Spitfire stated, as there really was no easy way to give anyone this piece of information and could see that everyone was shocked by what she and Rainbow had seen, but at the same time it corrected something they had thought in the past, after when Xe'ra revealed that Sargeras had beaten all of the other Titans in battle they assumed that Amun'thul and the others were dead, which would have left the Dark Titan as the only living Titan left given Azeroth's dormant status, but this meant that Titans were immortal, though their Avatars were definitely mortal, given what happened to the Avatar Rainbow smashed earlier.

"That must be how the Legion has maintained the size of their army, as they've been harnessing Argus' power to fuel the Dark Titan's crusade," Turalyon commented, though it was clear that he, along with everyone else present, were worried about their chances now that they knew exactly what they were up against and might be facing in the near future, due to a number of the heroes figuring that Aggramar had been trapped inside an Avatar, after being broken by Sargeras' might or his minions, before he considered something that put a smile on his face, something that seemed rare when Spitfire took a few seconds to think about it, "but if we can sever the Legion's connection to Argus' soul, the infinite army..."

"...would become finite... we could break them even more and really push things in our favor," Alleria finished, though she and everyone else could see what such a thing meant, because if demons were killed in normal locations, like in the wilds of Azeroth for example, their soul would be reborn in the Twisting Nether by using a bit of Argus' power to ensure that it happened, but if they freed Argus' soul from Sargeras' grasp it would deal a powerful and crippling blow to the Legion, far more than having someone like Rainbow feeding on them and trapping their souls inside her Warblades, and it was easy for Spitfire to see that everyone knew exactly what needed to be done in the near future.

Once they told their allies what Magni had found, and everyone knew that blasting their way into Antorus was the end goal for this invasion, Spitfire and the others started to teleport down to Hatuun's hovel as Illidan's forces used one of the old beacons of the Army of the Light to teleport over to Antoran Wastes, where her forces started to move out and marched down the path that the red Fel Reaver had been patrolling along before Spitfire slashed it to pieces, passing by all sorts of jagged points and ancient ruined walls before reaching an area that Turalyon stopped at. In front of his rested a city-like Fel-infested area that was swarming with demons, Fel structures, and a fortress that seemed to be important, as it looked like there was an area which produced all sorts of Infernals for the Legion's war efforts, meaning if they took this place it would partly cripple the Legion's efforts to create and send armies of Infernals at Azeroth or the other worlds they might be trying to take down, and Spitfire could feel a demon with some great power, not as much as Kil'jaeden anyway, down in the larger structure that was at the deepest point in this area. So far it looked like the Legion had no idea that Nath'raxas Hold was the next destination that the Grand Army of Azeroth would be attacking, as nothing was attacking them and they could see that all of the demons who happened to be in the immediate area didn't seem to scrambling to defend the city against attackers, meaning none of their enemies even knew that they would be under assault soon, though as Spitfire's forces came to a stop Romuul sent down a beacon without a light show, along with a number of small fortifications that came from the Xenedar, to help defend themselves against attackers, if it got that far. In addition to all of that the Army of the Light sent down a number of Warframes, those being the Lightforged mechs that Spitfire had seen earlier, which stood near the back of their camp, Destiny Point being what everyone decided on, though as that happened she and Rainbow took a moment to glance out at Nath'raxas hold as they considered what Argus had shown them, as it sure sounded like they might encounter Aggramar before long, which meant this assault needed to be fast and effective before the broken Titan showed up to ruin their plan, something that eventually caused Spitfire to glance back at the others.

"So, this is Nath'raxas Hold... truth be told, its not very impressive, not like Antorus," Spitfire remarked, because she was expecting more from such an imposing part of Argus, and nothing in front of them really screamed that it was imposing or dangerous, making her wonder if she was becoming numb to the Legion's structures or something, not that it mattered in the grand scheme of things since they would be destroying this place over the next couple of minutes or so, depending on how much time Rainbow wanted to spend playing with her food, "Turalyon, you and your forces have been on Argus for a lot longer than us, so I'm assuming that you have tried, and failed, to destroy this place... is there anything we should know before we head down there and start wrecking things?"

"Yes, we lost many Warframes during our previous assaults on this place, so we should set aside some forces to salvage as many parts as we can," Turalyon replied, as while he was used to being the one giving out the orders, and having soldiers follow them as he declared war on the Legion, one thing he and his fellow soldiers were coming to understand was that all of Azeroth, even other timelines based on what Khadgar had told him and Alleria earlier, followed her and that her plans often ended with the Legion being ruined in some manner, so much so that even demons were defecting from the Legion to join her forces, out of fear due to the power she and Rainbow possessed, so following her plans meant bringing an end to the Legion in a timely fashion, "there are also more Soul Engines scattered throughout this place, designed to steal the souls of our fallen comrades, so if we smash them we can free their souls and either bring back some more allies or use a charm to sanctify their remains in a way that prevents anyone from messing with their souls, so we can safely carry them back to the fleet for a proper burial at some point in the future... oh, and we should kill any and all demons that are down in Nath'raxas Hold."

"Also, one of our scouts found that three members of the Coven of Shivarra, the strongest Shivarra in all of existence that directly serve the Dark Titan as some of his closest allies, are here as well," Alleria added, where she pointed off to the left side of the outer part of Nath'raxas Hold, the opposite of where Turalyon had been talking about since he was looking off to their right, which caused Spitfire to raise an eyebrow and glanced back at Rainbow, finding that the mention of some powerful demons had caught her attention, before she turned her attention back to the pair, "this is a rare opportunity, as it is very uncommon for members of the Coven to leave Antorus, so killing them will weaken the Coven and increase the amount of time we have until they're capable of corrupting the remaining Titans, among other things, and from what we can tell their names are Subversia, Heretica, and Apostriss. There are also a number of Spires of Woe scattered in the area of Nath'raxas Hold that the Coven members are located in, which I am told you are familiar with since you attacked several of the Legion's worlds before this invasion, so breaking them will boost our chances of breaking this area and driving our enemies from all of Krokuun... once that's done, and we've achieved a decent foothold, we can rain destruction down on the demons that are still in this part of Argus."

"Well, all of that is good to know... Rainbow, you know what to do," Spitfire stated, where Rainbow flashed into the air that was above Nath'raxas Hold and loosed another sphere into the air not a few seconds later, signaling that she was going to start drawing in the Fel energy of the demons and this part of Argus, before she veered off to the left and started to hunt down all three of her main targets, heading after the Shivarra that were responsible for corrupting and tormenting the rest of the Pantheon, something that caused her to chuckle for a moment as she waved her hand down towards Nath'raxas Hold and her forces started to march on the demons who had been stationed here.

Sure enough, as Spitfire expected when she gave the silent order for the next battle to start, her forces smashed into the demons that were in Nath'raxas Hold, surprising all of the Eredar, Dreadlords, Felstalkers, Fel Elementals, and Infernals that had been stationed in this part of Argus, while the surprise of incoming invaders meant their defenses were bad and her forces smashed through whatever the demons had to defend themselves, turning the outermost part of the city into a battlefield in a matter of seconds, just like what happened when they fought the demons near the Xenedar and turned the valley into a rather massive war zone. This time around Spitfire didn't do anything as she watched her forces hack, slash, and blast their way through the demonic forces that were in this area of Krokuun, where one group was focused on taking the time to gather any and all components of the downed Warframes that had assaulted this area in the past, collecting all of them so they could deliver them to the camp in question and be used to either build new Warframes or outfit ones that had been damaged in the past, and it was clear that the group was leaving the fighting to their allies. She could see Velen, Turalyon, Alleria, and a few others getting in on the action as well, using whatever powers and skills they had access to as they tore into the demons that were scattered around Nath'raxas Hold, where she could see that this was good for Velen since he must have been holding back all sorts of emotions since his departure from this world all those years ago, and it was good for all of their allies as well, as it allowed Turalyon to work out his frustration over Xe'ra being destroyed earlier, even if he seemed to understand why it happened, while letting Alleria get over any anger she had for the Prime Naaru for imprisoning her in the past. Sure enough the priests and paladins were divided into two units, one focusing on killing the demons that were standing between where Turalyon wanted to set up Destiny Point and the entrance of Nath'raxas Hold's fortress, while the other unit tended to the wounded, those being anyone from their own army or the fallen soldiers of the Army of the Light when a Soul Engine was destroyed thanks to the might of their forces, where Spitfire noticed that some of the fallen lived once more and some remained still, causing the healers to sanctify their bodies and make sure to teleport them up to the fleet one at a time for their eventual burials.

Spitfire glanced over to the left side of the outermost area and found Rainbow had already tracked down one of the Coven members that Alleria had told her about, as she had thrown the Shivarra out of the structure she had been working in and had forced her to the ground, tearing all of the Fel energy out of her body while sentencing her soul to the depths of the Warblades, though once the first one was dead, and the various Fel Elementals were collapsing as her sphere drained their energy, she blasted the body to pieces, just to be sure Sargeras couldn't use it in the future, and then moved out to find the next Coven member, who had to be curious about the battle going on right now. A few moments later she spotted a very familiar Dreadlord overlooking the battle, one with a purple coloration to the leathery bits of his wings while having a normal coloration to the rest of his body, who she knew to be Vagath, a Dreadlord that had been allied with the Illidari in the past, before Akama betrayed Illidan by freeing Maiev and killing the demon with their allies from Azeroth, though it did look like he was being overwhelmed by what he was seeing right now, all while his own Fel energy was being siphoned by Rainbow's attack. In that instant, as if he realized that someone was watching him, Vagath raised his head and found that Spitfire was staring down at him with one of her eyebrows raised, as she had taken to the air to watch over the battlefield and observe what was going on right now, where the Dreadlord sweated for a moment, likely suspecting that she might do something to him since he had betrayed the Illidari after being killed by Maiev, something that propelled him to take flight and flee towards the jagged wall that was off to the right of where she was flying at the moment, causing her to sigh as she focused her energy for a few seconds. Once she was ready she caused the Light energy she had gathered to form a lance, sort of like what Rainbow had done in the past while not possessing any destructive power, as this was more to kill a single demon and not take down an incredibly powerful enemy, and the moment the lance was formed she spun it around a few times before gripping it and hurled it through the air, where Vagath turned around, as if he felt something coming, and the lance pierced his chest, sending him into the jagged wall and impaled him on one of the spikes, his soul escaping from his body as it joined the other demonic souls that were losing their Fel energy to Rainbow's sphere.

Eventually something caused her to laugh as the Legion called on several of their ships to warp into the skies above this part of Argus, something that gave Rainbow more Fel energy to steal as the sphere targeted the newcomers, though at the same time Spitfire contacted Romuul and not a few seconds later the dimensional fleet started firing at the Legion ships, blasting them as Light's Judgement knocked one right out of the sky and sent it crashing into the chasm that was resting nearby, exploding within seconds after that happening, before she found that some demons were starting to back up, as if they might be realizing that they were screwed. Not a few moments later the group who happened to be securing all the fragments of the broken Warframes returned to Destiny Point and warped up to the fleet, where the available Warframes that happened to be aboard the Xenedar were deployed and rained a Light-infused barrage of blasts on the enemy lines, focusing on the enemies that were in front of the fortress so they didn't hurt their allies, where some Eredar backed up as it happened, disbelief on their faces as they witnessed the Legion losing yet another battle against the forces of Azeroth, which had to be ruining the moral of Sargeras' forces. As she watched that happen Spitfire glanced off to the left again and found that Rainbow had found another Shivarra, who happened to be hanging around a cliff for some odd reason, but this time around she discovered that a fight had happened and Rainbow was, once more, testing the limits of her new power against a strong opponent, though in the end she crippled her foe by removing all six of her arms and then removed the head not a few seconds after that happened, stealing more Fel energy and sealing another soul inside her weapons as she headed out to find the last Coven member that Alleria's scouts had found. It didn't take her long to find and slay the last of the three Shivarra who were resting in this part of Argus, who really didn't put up a fight and was slain before she could flee from this area, as the demon in question actually tried to use magic to flee once she realized that this battle was lost and that she had lost two of her sisters, though once her soul was sealed inside her weapons, and her Fel energy had been taken as well, Rainbow took to the air and joined Spitfire as they watched the rest of the army smash their way through all of the remaining demons and opened the way into the fortress' dark heart.

It wasn't long before her army pushed the demons back into the fortress area and the Warframes rained down death on all of their enemies, with Rainbow moving down to observe what was going on as she stole their Fel energy, but once the demons in this area were slain, and all of the Legion's ships were destroyed, Rainbow made sure to seal the portals that the Eredar had opened and ate the sphere of Fel energy after condensing it into a smaller form, though after making sure to eat the sphere she landed in front of the fortress' entrance. With the demonic army destroyed under the might of the Grand Army of Azeroth, with the added forces of the Army of the Light mixed in with Spitfire's army, Rainbow focused on taking down the commander of this area, as it would forever cripple the Legion's hold on Krokuun and might lead to more of the Krokul joining them aboard the dimensional fleet, leaving Spitfire and the rest of her allies outside to make sure this area was cleared of enemies, even though she was sure that there were no more demons outside the fortress, but if there were some more demons out there she was leaving them to the others. As she walked down the path that was in front of her, heading into the depths of Nath'raxas Hold, she found a pair of Fel Lords guarding the ramp and discovered that both of them were frightened of her, meaning they must have seen her fight her enemies while she was outside and they likely knew that they didn't stand a chance against her might, to which she tilted her head for a second and both demons raised their weapons to strike out at her, where she dodged their attacks with ease, this time without having to use the power she unlocked during the fight with Kil'jaeden, before removing both of their heads. With that done she headed down the rest of the ramp and found a large central chamber that looked like it might be the heart of the fortress, where she found a large Eredar standing in the middle of the area and figured that he had to be the lord or commander of this place, who would be seen as a failure once Sargeras learned that this fortress was taken out, and his weapon was a scythe, not that it mattered since she dodged the incoming attack and struck the demon in the chest with her fist, sending him to his knees in seconds, causing her to sigh before removing his head, allowing her weapons to take his soul as she devoured his Fel energy, all while turning around to head out and deliver the news to Spitfire.

As she emerged from the fortress, however, she found that Spitfire's forces were teleporting back to the dimensional fleet for the time being, clearing out all of Nath'raxas Hold in the process, only to find a flaming meteor coming her way, which she quickly realized wasn't a meteor and was actually Aggramar, who landed with his left fist pounded into the ground and all sorts of flames rested around him, something that brought a smile to Rainbow's face as the broken Titan quickly raised his right hand, carrying a broken sword that was like Turalyon's, only the upper part of his weapon was made of flames, all while showing that he was going to strike her down. Rainbow, in response to that, shifted her stance and jumped into the air as she swung her arms, and her altered Warblades, to counter the incoming attack and sure enough she managed to catch Aggramar's attack, preventing it from hitting the ground while causing the air to shudder with the collision of their powers, all while she was sure that Spitfire was watching this with a look of interest in her eyes, though Rainbow was a tad bit amazed by the fact that she stopped the broken Titan's two handed strike, as Aggramar used both hands against her and couldn't overcome her. Part of her wondered what would have happened had this been the true Aggramar, as in the Titan and not the Avatar that housed Aggramar's soul, because fighting against a Titan's true power would have been far more interesting in her mind, though after thinking about that she found an opening and pushed backwards, knocking the broken Titan's blade back and opening his defenses for her to rush at his chest, giving her a chance to punch his armored chest and, as a consequence, knocked him off the area they had been fighting in, as he had landed near the edge of this part of Nath'raxas Hold. Of course Rainbow knew that falling into the depths of this chasm wouldn't be enough to take down a Titan, much less an Avatar of a broken one, but for now it would eliminate the threat of Aggramar, who Sargeras would likely recall to Antorus once he had climbed out of the area she had thrown him into, and would free Krokuun from the Legion's grasp at the same time, to which she turned and headed back to Destiny Point without delay, where she was able to rejoin Spitfire as they teleported up to the Vindicaar, where their forces appeared to be happy with their efforts, in taking down Nath'raxas Hold, while Velen seemed to be considering something.

"We knew that the Legion would have some surprises for us, and discovering that Aggramar is a Legion pawn confirms what we learned earlier," Velen commented, speaking to those who gathered around him, as in Spitfire, Rainbow, Alleria, Turalyon, Magni, and Khadgar, at the very least, before he glanced up at the sky and paused when he spotted the floating section of Argus that had been torn from the surface of the planet, where it was clear that he was thinking about what he knew was up there and if it was worth mentioning to his allies, before turning his gaze back to them, "against the powers of three Titans, those being Aggramar, Sargeras, and possibly Argus as well, I'm not sure we have the necessary power to defeat the Legion and stop their crusade, even with the powers you and Rainbow possess... and that's not counting if the Coven manage to break any of the remaining Titans before our assault on Antorus. However, I do know the location of a relic that, if I know Archimonde and Kil'jaeden as well as I think I do, should still be resting somewhere in Mac'Aree, which is the floating ruin in the sky, far above the corrupted surface of my planet... if we can find the remaining fragments of the Crown of the Triumvirate, as in two very special gemstones, we might be able to empower our fleet further, and we might also find something to grant you the final wing to complete your set."

Spitfire glanced up at Mac'Aree for a few seconds, as she could feel a faint presence of something up there that might give her the final Cosmic Force she needed, even though part of her was curious as to what the Crown of the Triumvirate was and why Velen had mentioned his fallen former friends when speaking about it, but she had the feeling that he could tell all of them the information they required once they reached Mac'Aree, to which she nodded and braced herself for the next stage of their invasion of Argus, as it would prepare them for the raid on Antorus and the eventually fight against all of Sargeras' darkest and most twisted followers.

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