• Published 4th Oct 2020
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World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Suramar: Waxing Crescent

What Spitfire and Rainbow discovered was that nothing else happened for the rest of the day, meaning the demons must have been tired after attacking the Waning Crescent and stealing the Nightborne from their homes, to deliver them to Astravar Harbor and have them be sent out to a beach near Felsoul Hold, but thanks to Rainbow's efforts the latter had been stopped for the time being and it gave the rebellion a chance to recover some of the city's citizens, while sending a brief message to those who were still unsure if they should support the rebellion or not. Spitfire's focus was on making sure the leaders of the Alliance and Horde were still preparing for the eventual attack on the Broken Shore, as that just so happened to be their end goal right now and many of them agreed with her, while at the same time she was exploring her options on any potential allies they might be able to add to their forces, to boost their chances of bringing down the rest of the Legion once and for all, even though there was a chance that the Highmountain Tauren might want to permanently join up with her forces, due to seeing how the factions of Azeroth functioned while they were aiding the residents of Highmountain. Of course she was also sure that Thalyssra and the Nightborne would do the same thing once their city was no longer infested with demons, not to mention once they were freed from their connection to the Nightwell, though given the nature of the factions they would have to pick one to join, even if they would be working with both, something they were going to have to take care of once the invasion was taken care of and the Legion was either destroyed or crippled, but that was something she and the others would have to think about later on, once they were safe and sound. Even then she could see that Tyrande and Lady Liadrin were talking with Thalyssra, who also took some time to speak with Khadgar and Jaina about magic, which meant that some of her allies might be considering the same thing and were just sharing information with her, while also making sure Thalyssra understood that the Alliance and Horde were, against all odds, no longer declaring war on each other and that she didn't have to fear such a thing happening again, not with Spitfire tearing down whoever tried to force the two factions to go to war with each other.

While she did that, however, Rainbow spent her time training with the new recruits from the city, mostly to see what sort of training and techniques the Duskwatch were taught, even though she was planning on sticking to Lord Illidan's lessons, but from what she could tell Victoire and those who were fleeing the city, in regards to the Duskwatch, were well trained in the various arts they were taught, while everyone else happened to be catching up at a rapid pace, meaning that in a short period of time Thalyssra would have a fighting force worthy of Suramar, one that, with the aid of the Alliance and Horde, would take back the city and topple Gul'dan at long last.

When the next day arrived Spitfire and Rainbow found that more demons were trying to steal more Nightborne from their homes, or their businesses in some cases, which was when Thalyssra had the rebellion form small groups, large enough to free everyone who was in danger while making sure not being large enough to pull the full weight of the Legion's gaze on them, before sending them into the city, with Rainbow and the forces of Azeroth moving to assist them, even though both Tyrande and Lady Liadrin gave all of their soldiers an order to capture the demons so Rainbow or Spitfire could seal their souls inside their weapons. Before such a thing happened they found that the Arcan'dor had several Arcfruit for them to give to the Nightborne and Nightfallen, seven to be exact, which instantly told Spitfire that the magical tree could produce a good number of fruit overnight, meaning that every day they would be able to distribute more of them to the rest of the Nightborne and free them from their fond to the Nightwell, which was why Spitfire assisted Thalyssra in giving out the few pieces of fruit and watched as each of them went through the same process that Oculeth and the others went through after eating the Arcfruit that had been given to them. Of course Thalyssra also revealed that Ly'leth's image also had a few messages for her, hence why she was able to gain information on what the Felborne were doing and what Gul'dan might be doing, and one of the messages happened to be hours before the assault on the Waning Crescent, where she revealed that the other advisors knew about the rebellion's efforts and that most of them knew that they were right about things, in regards to Gul'dan and the Legion, though Elisande, while agreeing with them, had everyone act as if everything was just fine in the city, a sign that she had to be regretting her decision and didn't want others to suffer. The following message came just after the assault on the Waning Crescent and the demons trying to haul Suramar's citizens off to Felsoul Hold, to be sacrificed or twisted into demons, depending on whatever potential was inside them, revealing that many she spoke to were outraged by what was happening to their city, especially with a decent number of the Duskwatch turning to Gul'dan and becoming the Felborne the rebellion had to deal with, while noticing that Vanthir's name was absent from the rest of their conversations, meaning she was looking for him while not arousing suspicion.

The weirdest thing they discovered, which came on the second day after Rainbow and the others freed the citizens that had been taken to Felsoul Hold, was that there was a new fashion trend in the palace, one that many seemed to be taking a liking to, and it involved placing an ornamental orange bird on their heads, which was the size of one's hand, though that was also when one of the night elf warriors mentioned they had seen a bird like that in Draenor, back when they were in the middle of taking down the Iron Horde, a bird that both the Alliance and Horde came to call 'Pepe', who turned out to be a passive bird and loved everyone, especially since he sat on their heads and joined them in their quest for a time, even if it meant watching fights go on... making Spitfire wonder if the Nightborne had seen Pepe on someone's head and picked it as the next trend to follow for a time.

It was on the third day after Rainbow's assault on the demons in the Waning Crescent and the Felborne, and freeing those who had been snatched from their homes, that Ly'leth sent them a massage and caused Thalyssra to raise an eyebrow for a moment, as it was encrypted and that meant she had to be worried that someone on Gul'dan's side was spying on her and all of the other advisors that served Elisande, something that had to mean she must have discovered something they could use to boost the morale of the rebellion and possibly turn more away from the Legion's power, as more might flee to Shal'Aran and join them to take back their city. Rainbow and Elylia stood nearby, as both were sure that once this new message was decoded, and Thalyssra had a chance to tell them what sort of information Ly'leth had sent them, they would be sent out to deal with whatever threat would be bothering the rest of the city or undo whatever assault might have been planned by Gul'dan, but they remained silent while they waited for her to give them an idea of what was going on, as time wasn't of the essence right now, or at least they hoped that was the case. Of course the other members of the rebellion were a tad bit interested in what was going on right now, given that some of them had been depending on Vanthir to get the Arcwine they needed to survive and not wither into the mindless creatures that were roaming the various ruins that rested on the outskirts of the city, so they were hoping that Ly'leth had news about what might have happened to him and, more importantly, so he could be repaid for his actions in saving so many from the hunger that everyone felt. Such a thing was the reason why Thalyssra stopped anyone from touching the Arcfruit that had been produced this morning, because no one in Shal'Aran or Suramar City had seen Vanthir since Gul'dan ordered the attack on the Waning Crescent three days ago, meaning he was getting close to becoming a Nightfallen, or possibly even a Withered if the orc warlock siphoned his energy out of him, something that Khadgar considered a possibility that they couldn't ignore, given the history of Gul'dan and his actions, but they remained silent as they waited for something, anything, to happen so they could be ordered out to take the fight to the demons that were inside the city.

"Okay, I've finished decoding Ly'leth's message," Thalyssra spoke up, where she sighed for a moment and tapped the new crystal on the table that she used to display all of the messages that they received from the city, one of which happened to be the one that revealed what was happening to those who had been taken from their homes and shipped out to a beach near Felsoul Hold, something that was followed by an image of Ly'leth appearing before her, just above the crystal, before she glanced at those who were near them, who seemed eager to hear what the message had to say, "Now, let us see what sort of message she has to share with us, and what sort of response we'll need to put into motion if its the Legion setting up another operation against us or the city."

I have urgent news, Thalyssra. the image stated, something that caused everyone to raise their eyebrows for a second or two, because they were curious as to what she classified as 'urgent', given that she was more of a noble than those who resided in Shal'Aran right now and her definition of the word might be different than what someone else might use, but, at the same time, this meant she must have something for them to use against the demons and Gul'dan, though the image glanced around whatever area she had been in when she recorded this message, before focusing on the crystal again so she could get this over with, The portal to my estate is secure, and my staff have ensured that the surrounding area is also clear of Felborne and their demonic allies... you will want to hear my news in person.

Thalyssra wasted no time in making sure Rainbow and Elylia followed her as she headed for the portal that would take her to the Lunastre Estate, while ensuring that everyone else remained at the ready in case this metting informed them of an attack on the city or something, so she could send them out depending on what sort of attack or operation it was, hence why Spitfire, Tyrande, Lady Liadrin, Khadgar, and Jaina remained at the ready in Shal'Aran, because if a demonic attack was coming this would allow them to prepare their forces accordingly... though it didn't take the trio long to appear in the part of the estate that Rainbow had first met Ly'leth in, who turned and looked at them upon their arrival, where Rainbow put on her disguise to ensure that any spies were left in the dark as to what happened to Anarys.

"Welcome home, First Arcanist, sister. Thank you for coming on such short notice." Ly'leth said, speaking once the trio had arrived at the edge of her estate, where it was clear that she was acting as if nothing was out of the ordinary, in case there were any spies staring at this place from afar, by either magical means or with one's eyes, while also acting as if she hadn't seen Rainbow's true form and had only seen Anarys emerge from the portal that was on the outskirts of her estate, which brought a smile to Thalyssra's face, as it felt like nothing had changed for her and the others.

"Thank you, Advisor," Thalyssra replied, though as she said that some of the servants came and offered them some drinks, nothing that would get them drunk since there was work to do in the city no doubt, but it didn't stop her, Elylia, or Rainbow from taking something and sipping on their chosen drinks, making it look like this was a social visit and not something that would decide the fate of the city that was resting near them right now, before she focused on why they were here, since she knew that Ly'leth wouldn't call them unless it was as urgent as the message had stated, "What sort of news do you have for us?"

"I have heard terrible rumors about the fate of Vanthir, as many are worried that he is 'to be made an example' for all to see, in the words of Gul'dan," Ly'leth stated, informing them that she finally had news about what might have happened to Vanthir, even though it looked like the orc warlock was planning on killing their ally in a place where many would be able to see the event, to cripple those who chose to stand against the Legion and prevent more Nightborne from fleeing the city, though Thalyssra frowned as she heard that and Rainbow imagined the day when she could run her Warblades through the orc who Khadgar called 'Darkness Incarnate', to indicate his evil, before Ly'leth sighed, "honestly, I have no idea how long we have until that foul orc makes his move, but I can tell that it hasn't happened yet... and I pray that you free him to prevent such a terrible fate from befalling him."

"Do more demons need to die? Because I'll gladly kill them if that's the case," Rainbow remarked, referring to the fact that the Legion loved to use Fel cages to hold someone for a specific amount of time, before doing whatever it was that they wanted to the individual who was contained inside them, and that each cage or set of cages came with a specific key that would unlock them, made from either Fel-tainted metal or a Fel crystal that had a rune etched into it, which meant she was more than willing to declare total war on the demons in the city and find anything and everything that would point to the area that Vanthir was being held in, not to mention free him as well.

"Normally, I would say yes, but we should restrain ourselves for a time," Thalyssra said, as she understood that Rainbow, like most of the residents of Azeroth, would want to declare war on the Legion and force them off this planet, maybe even break their forces entirely, but right now they were in a race against time to find Vanthir and needed a better method to locate him, before Gul'dan made an example of him, before an idea came to mind as she considered something she had learned in the past, "rather, we need to head out and find a few locations where his Arcane Essence is the strongest, as it will allow me to form a spell that will track down the exact location that he's being held in."

"In a city this old, such a feat will be near impossible... if it was anyone other than our allies, anyway," Ly'leth stated, as she knew that Rainbow and Spitfire weren't to be underestimated and that, if someone gave them a task to do, they would go out and accomplish that task without much delay, while also doing it to the letter in most cases, so she knew that if one of them were to give Rainbow the means to find the Arcane Essences, and directions on how to find said essences, she would be able to track them down in due time and recover whatever number Thalyssra needed for her spell, before she thought about what had happened inside the palace earlier, "I would recommend starting in the promenade, since that was where he spent most of his time before all of this happened... but while you do that, I need to quickly make sure my guest is well taken care of, before heading back to the palace to make sure Gul'dan isn't planning anything else."

Rainbow knew that Ly'leth was speaking of the real Anarys, as she was keeping her sister contained until this rebellion was over and the city was freed from Gul'dan's grasp, due to the fact that Ly'leth was worried that Anarys would run to one of the demons, or even the orc warlock himself, and join forces with the Legion, who would no doubt corrupt her sister to the point where she was a twisted version of who she used to be, possibly even a demonic one based on how changed one of the Felborne had been, though the group nodded as Ly'leth walked away. Once she was gone Thalyssra weaved her magic through the air and cast two spells, the first allowing Rainbow to track down the essences they needed to find, which she would pick up once they located one of them, while the second was an invisibility spell to hide herself from their enemies, that way she could follow Rainbow and Elylia without drawing any unwanted attention from of the Felborne they might see as they moved through the city, though once she was ready to go the three of them headed out into the Grand Promenade once more so they could track down some of Vanthir's essences. As such Rainbow followed the slight tug of the spell Thalyssra had cast on her while her companions followed after her, one making it look like she was a bodyguard while the other remained in the shadows, though the feeling brought her to the front of the Lunastre Estate and directed her to a building that was a few minutes away from Ly'leth's place, a tavern that was built into a tall rectangular shaped structure and happened to have no customers right now, including no workers, but there were a few transparent echoes of Vanthir either standing around the area or sitting in some of the chairs. Rainbow tapped one of them as Thalyssra took a moment to reveal herself and gathered what was currently resting right in front of them, mentioning that this was where their friend had taken many meals, back before the barrier had dropped and demons invaded the city, but once the first essence was theirs the group emerged from the building and Rainbow paused for a moment as she felt the direction that the spell wanted her to go in next, where it seemed to pull her in the direction of the Waning Crescent, hence why she and her companions headed for the main stairs, just for her and Elylia to maintain their disguises and not make the Felborne suspect that something was up.

It didn't take them long to reach the large set of stairs, nor did it take more than a few minutes to walk down them, but as they silently headed for their next destination, which Rainbow had to assume was located in the Shimmershade Garden part of this section of the city, they had to avoid taking the fight to the demons that were scattered throughout this area, given that the Waning Crescent was still on fire in most places, something that showed Thalyssra that Rainbow could hold herself back and not go crazy as she hunted down the demons that were plaguing the city. Sure enough the next essence was located inside the garden area that Rainbow and Elylia had moved through when they first discovered all of the small Arcane cages Gul'dan's allies had been trapping citizens inside, back before the Felborne made themselves known to the rest of the city, resting around in a circle near one of the buildings and seemed to be of a time that Vanthir was relaxing, or at least that was how it looked to Rainbow, where Thalyssra noted that this essence was bright and strong, meaning their friend spent many hours here. With that essence in hand, and they made sure that no Felborne or demons were coming after them, Thalyssra and Elylia continued to follow Rainbow as she felt the spell pull her in the direction that the area the next essence was located in, one that seemed to be taking them in the direction of their friend's shop, though it changed course and pulled her towards the Evermoon Bazaar section of this portion of the city, meaning the spell must have found an even stronger essence since it seemed to be seeking out the strongest ones for Thalyssra's spell. What they discovered was that the spell brought them to a building that was literally not even a minute down the road from the location that the tower Silgryn, Arluelle, Victoire, and the rest of their group happened to be positioned, watching over most of the city and seeing how the Felborne or demons were reacting, to which she entered the building and found the essence Thalyssra's spell had been pulling her towards, where she found that the echo of Vanthir was being served something by someone who had to be one of his suppliers once the rebellion started, causing Thalyssra to gather the essence with her magic once more before heading for the warp pad that would take them to the top of the tower.

Rainbow knew it made sense for them to head over to Evermoon Terrace, to join their allies and give Thalyssra some time to cast the spell that would allow her to locate Vanthir, hence why she and Elylia followed her as she headed for the tower and quickly used the warp pad to reach the top of the structure in question, where they found their allies were staring out at the city as they waited for something else to happen, like when Victoire came and informed them of what was going on in another part of the city, which had been helpful in the grand scheme of things, before Silgryn and the others paused for a moment as they appeared nearby.

"Lady Thalyssra, we weren't expecting you to come here," Silgryn commented, speaking as if this was a normal occurrence, like a military leader checking up on their soldiers or something, before he noticed that all three of them were focused on something rather important and the others noticed it as well not a few seconds later, as it caused everyone to pause for a time as they considered what might have caused the leader of their rebellion to suddenly leave Shal'Aran, especially since nothing terrible was happening to the Arcan'dor right now, "Has something happened?"

"Vanthir is still missing, and Ly'leth said that Gul'dan might be planning on making him an example for the rest of the city, to break their spirits, so we collected some of his essences to locate him," Thalyssra replied, though while it looked like all of their allies wanted to say something about Vanthir, given that they knew he had been missing and this was an outrage to hear he was going to be slain to show the city what happened to those who stood against the Felborne and the Legion, she focused her mind and power on the essences they had recovered so far and the spell that would allow her to figure out where Vanthir was being held against his will.

What Rainbow discovered was that the spell was similar to what happened when they worked with Theyrn, which lead to the discovery of the Arcan'dor seed, though this time it didn't seem like she or Elylia had to touch any of the images that appeared in front of where Thalyssra was working, where the first one happened to be Vanthir being confronted by one of the Felborne and a Doomguard, even though their ally cowered in fear as the demon stood over him and felt fear, not for himself, as one might expect, rather it was for everyone who called the Waning Crescent. That was when the image took a turn for the worst as Vanthir reappeared in front of them, where it looked like he was being confined to a specific area for some time, where Thalyssra mentioned that it was 'dark and isolated' as he started to undergo the effects of the hunger that all Nightborne underwent when they were separated from the Nightwell's energies for an extended amount of time, a hunger that grew until he was forced to wither to the Nightfallen state, only she told them that someone, be it one of the Felborne or one of the demons, had siphoned even more of his power from him. Gul'dan's minions were cheating Vanthir out of the normal process that all Nightborne went through when they were forced to transform into Nightfallen, pushing him almost all the way to the point where he would devolve into a Withered and they would lose him forever, unless they were able to figure out how to bring someone back from that state, meaning that it was only a matter of time before one of the demons or Felborne pushed him over the edge and made him transform into one of the Withered, hence why all of them were waiting for Thalyssra to finish her magical search. A few moments later she discovered something during her search, the Nightfallen Vanthir was running around a cage in a frantic manner and there were a few Felborne watching the area he was trapped in, even though it became clear that something else happened as he was transported elsewhere for a time, before the guards saluted someone and walked away, leaving Vanthir resting on the ground, before Thalyssra broke the connection and fell to one knee for a moment, though as the group moved to aid her it was clear that she had found out what they were looking for.

"Vanthir... he's being held in the Terrace of Order... it must be time for Gul'dan's 'display'," Thalyssra stated, meaning that time really wasn't on their side if the orc warlock was planning on making his move, to cripple anyone who still stood with the rebellion, and they were sure that there were individuals inside the city who understood that the Felborne could force someone to become Withered if they really wanted to, but at the same time the darkness those same elves possessed was a counter to what was going on, meaning the citizens might turn on the demons in due time, before she glanced at them for a moment, "however, I am familiar with his captor... its Thoramir, one of Spellblade Aluriel's soldiers and a skilled spell-fencer, meaning that freeing Vanthir will be slightly harder than what we originally thought, especially since it seems there might be demons near where they're holding him. Rainbow, you'll need to return to Shal'Aran and grab one of the Arcfruit that grew recently... I'm glad I stopped anyone from taking one, now that we know what happened to Vanthir... because as soon as you free our friend from his cage he's going to be near the breaking point and won't be able to survive the brief journey back to Shal'Aran, so if you have a fruit on hand you can save his life."

Rainbow, instead of wasting time, informed those that wanted to aid her in freeing Vanthir that she would meet them near the Terrace of Order, since she was sure that some of them might want to take down some demons and Felborne, before she removed her mask once more and stashed it inside her pack, something that was followed by her bursting into the air as she headed back to Shal'Aran, as while she could have used the nearby portal, to return to their base of operations, she found that it was far faster for her to speed through the air, fly into the ruin, quickly inform Spitfire and the others of what was going on, and then grab one of the Arcfruit before heading back towards the part of the city Vanthir was being held in, an area that their enemies were gathered in. The Terrace of Order was actually the partial bridge that was closer to where the Waning Crescent rested, instead of being higher up near where Ly'leth gained her advisor position, and sure enough she found a number of Felborne and Doomguards patrolling the area in question, along with a more armored elf who had delved into the depths of Fel energy, who had to be Thoramir, a male Felborne based on what Rainbow could see from the area she was flying in, before she spotted her allies, Silgryn, Arluelle, Elylia, and Victoire, charging at their enemies, which meant a battle was about to break out. Thoramir seemed pleased with the enemies of Gul'dan coming to save Vanthir, no doubt because this seemed to be a trap when Rainbow considered that the Fel-tainted Nightborne had a large number of soldiers guarding the area, even though it looked like it might have been a trap to contain Thalyssra and no one else, but it didn't stop Rainbow from dropping down on the enemies that were on the outskirts of the Terrace of Order, where she raised her hands and drew her Warblades as she spun around and removed the heads of a pair of Doomguards that were near the area she was in, allowing the others to advance on their enemies and cut them down as they moved towards the location that Vanthir had been imprisoned in, with her using her own powers to draw in the souls of the Fel-tainted elves and demons who were around them.

"So, you believe that you are capable of stopping this demonstration?" Thoramir inquired, spinning his weapon around for a moment as he faced them, even though a few Felborne rushed at them and were stopped by Arluelle, Victoire, and Elylia parrying their attacks, leaving Silgryn standing by Rainbow's side, where she noticed that the Fel energy was radiating from the Fel-tainted elf that was in front of them, more than enough to start the corruption process for most individuals, which caused Thoramir to laugh for a second, "Aluriel was disappointed in you, Silgryn, since you turned your back on the power that has been offered to the Nightborne, and the one who made sure all those who train under her know her techniques, as she was so sure that you would have replaced me, once I moved up to a new position... instead, you ally with a traitor, all of her allies, and turn your back on the power that would have allowed us to conquer the world... no, the entirety of the remaining planets in our universe!"

"Unlike you and Aluriel, I have a conscience and have chosen to serve the First Arcanist as she purifies the corruption that has infested our city," Silgryn stated, though instead of saying anything else about the matter, since he felt that time would be wasted if he talked with the Fel-tainted elf that was in front of him, Silgryn charged forward and clashed with Thoramir not even a few seconds later, while Rainbow focused her attention on clearing out the Doomguards that were around the area, dodging the incoming punches and claw swings as she sliced her foes apart, drawing in more demonic souls and Fel energy as she did so.

As it turned out the majority of the Fel forces that were in the Terrace of Order fell before the might of their force, even if there weren't that many enemies to begin with based on what they were seeing, though Rainbow had to remark about a stroke of luck as Thoramir dodged an attack that would have removed the control crystal for Vanthir's prison, where she flashed into the area he was fighting in, removed the crystal before he even noticed that she was there, and then used it to bring down everything that happened to be around Vanthir, though once the cage was down she grabbed onto him and flashed out of the area, returning to Evermoon Terrace to place him near Thalyssra and the Arcfruit she had taken before heading into battle. Once that was done, and Vanthir dug into the fruit while the Arcane rings appeared around his body, she returned to the Terrace of Order and swung her Warblade down at Thoramir, who parried the attack with the blade he carried and kept his smile up, something that was followed by him pushing back against her and knocked her backwards, where Rainbow landed on the ground and frowned for a moment as she and the others took in what they were seeing at the moment, as parts of Thoramir had transformed once he realized that he was going to be fighting Rainbow. His hands had shifted into claws that were made for slashing up whoever he was fighting, and given that they now resembled those of a Wrathguard it meant he had a bit of power added to his base, while his feet did the same thing, from the same demon as his hands, while Rainbow could see that Fel energy was burning in his veins, due to his tainted skin color, but it revealed how he was able to stall her attack and push her back, even if she had been using the level of power that could take down all of the other Felborne they had come across since they became a thing in Suramar City, and also explained why the elf thought he was superior to them, given the newfound power that was coursing through his veins. Unlike the previous foes who did this, infusing their bodies with all sorts of Fel energy to make themselves stronger in the heat of battle, Thoramir had done it when Gul'dan offered the Felborne power and spent the time since then honing his new skills, which meant his body could handle the power that was coursing through his body, unlike what happened to Cordana when she tried to do such a thing, it crippled her and left her open to attack, so this meant he negated that problem.

To most this would make fighting him that much harder, if not impossible to some degree, while to Rainbow this was more like a challenge that she could enjoy to some degree, as fighting harder foes was perfect for her and such a thing made her wonder what sort of power the demons of Argus, those who called the Legion's main world home, possessed, though that was when she focused on her foe and flashed through the air as she tapped into her own true power once more, using her full speed to move around the area he was standing in as Silgryn and the others watched her. Of course her allies were a fair bit surprised by how quick she happened to be moving right now, which also applied to Elylia since she had fought by Rainbow's side since the rebellion had started, and even Thoramir was caught off guard a little as Rainbow swung a blade and hacked off his left arm entirely, sending it flying through the air and hit the ground some distance away from where they were fighting, something that caused the Fel-tainted elf to rush into battle once more as he looked for an opening to use against her. Lightning danced along part of her blade for a moment and rushed into Thoramir's body, shocking him as she parried his incoming attacks, something that seemed to annoy him while they were fighting and she used that to her advantage, as it opened a number of holes in his defenses and she made sure to exploit them accordingly, slicing into his legs, leaving some cuts in his remaining arm, giving him diagonal gashes on his chest, and even one on his back, since he had opened his defenses to allow such a thing to happen in the first place, before she swung her Warblade and removed her foe's head from where it was resting. In that moment she sighed as the Fel-corrupted body hit the ground, as she had been expecting more from Thoramir and made her wonder if all of the Felborne were going to be easy foes whenever she faced them, since they would be adapting to their new bodies and whatnot, before she released her power and reverted to her base form once more, while taking the Felborne's soul and adding it to her growing collection, though once she was done Silgryn stepped forward and weaved a bit of his magic over the cage that Vanthir had been contained inside, where a magical image of Thalyssra's emblem appeared above it.

"Gul'dan wanted to send a message to the rest of the city, that any who defied him would be punished, and now we have stolen that message and have placed our own," Silgryn stated, where Rainbow knew that more of the citizens who lived in the city would take one look at this and likely flock to their side once they realized what was going on, as the demons were losing ground and it was only a matter of time before Thalyssra had all of them advance on the Nighthold, to tear down all of their enemies and liberate the city at long last, which was followed by him sighing for a moment, "Come, let us return to Shal'Aran and tend to Vanthir, so Thalyssra and the others can figure out what our next move is."

Rainbow nodded as they were teleported out of the Terrace of Order, no doubt by Oculeth, though when they reappeared inside their base of operations it was easy for her and the others to find that Vanthir was resting nearby, where the fruit of the Arcan'dor had restored him to his Nightborne state and that meant he was no longer in danger of withering, just like all of the others who had eaten the fruit in question. Vanthir thanked everyone who rushed to his aid and put on a spare set of attire that was offered to him, but one of Ly'leth's attendants, while informing them that he approved of what they did to Gul'dan's message, as it would serve to strengthen the resolve of those who were still in the city and might lead to an increase of soldiers for their cause. As that happened Rainbow returned to Spitfire's side, mostly so she could keep an eye on everything that was going on and be ready for whatever the next stage of Thalyssra's plan might be, even if Spitfire was waiting for news about where the Legion had hidden Lord Illidan's soul, as once someone figured out where his soul had been hidden they would move out immediately, to which they simply rested and waited for whatever the future held for them and their allies.

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