• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 1,166 Views, 307 Comments

World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Argus: Alleria's Discovery

As they waited for Alleria or one of their scouts to return to the Vindicaar, since there were some in Antoran Wastes right now, gathering information on whatever the Legion was up to, Spitfire and Rainbow stood near where Velen wanted them to place the fragments of the Crown of the Triumvirate, though he was holding onto the Eye until the other two were collected and brought to their flagship, so it could be empowered with the full power of his people's ancient artifact, though there were a few others around them right now, mostly Velen and Turalyon while the rest of their allies made sure everything was fine with the rest of their fleet.

"The shadow that looms over Mac'Aree is L'ura, that much we now know... which means we're going to be fighting the Void to claim the Crest," Velen stated, though it was clear that he likely blamed himself for what happened in the past, given that part of his actions had caused the Naaru in question to stay behind and guard their escape, instead of being safely aboard the Genedar as it departed from Argus all those years ago, and he was referring to the faint dark song that radiated from the temple in question, one that Spitfire and the others sort of knew about, given what each of them had felt in the terrace, right before Talgath showed himself to them, before he faced Turalyon, "High Exarch, I know this might come as a shock to you, but Naaru can fall to the Void and become shadowy beings, what we ended up calling 'Void Gods', when they lose their inner Light... and I'm afraid that such a thing might have happened to L'ura."

"I'm afraid that the shadows are gripping Mac'Aree harder than what you know," a voice said, where Alleria walked down to where they were standing and came to a stop when she was reunited with the group, or more accurately Turalyon since the two were husband and wife and neither seemed far from the other's presence, though her words told Spitfire that she must have found something while she was scouting the other part of this section of Argus, otherwise she would still be down on the surface, looking for enemies or potential threats, "instead of just reporting my findings, like most scouts would do when reaching this point, allow me to use a bit of my power and show you what I found."

Spitfire nodded and quickly found that Alleria was showing them a vision of everything she had found during her time in the western side of Mac'Aree, where she found a dark purple Naaru with blackened tips for the wings floating in an area that had to be the depths of the Seat of the Triumvirate, where Alleria told them that L'ura was pulsing with Void energy, far more than what was normal and meant she might shift into a Void God at some point in the near future, but there was a consequence to such a thing happening, as the echoes of L'ura's twisted power was causing Ethereals to portal into the area just outside the temple, ones who sought to use her dark power for their own ends.

"Normally, this would make things much worse than they already are, but with the Grand Army backing us we should be able to deal with this threat," Alleria stated, showing Spitfire that the elf understood that their best chances of success did rest with their new allies and the army that was defending Azeroth, as in the same arm who happened to be tearing into the demons of the other sections of Argus, before she considered something that might interest the others and cause one of them to follow her into the depths of the area in question, "however, I might know of a way to gain some strength that will allow us to overcome our enemies, without needing an army to take them down... I will, of course, need someone to assist me as I put my plan into motion."

"Would this involve gathering the power of the Void to make yourself stronger, and possibly open the way for me to gain the sixth, and final, Cosmic Force?" Spitfire asked, as she had a feeling that she knew what Alleria was planning, especially since it didn't look like the high elf had any true powers of her own, save for what her race had and what she had learned over the years, so this was more along the lines of her gaining some sort of power that would put her on Turalyon's level, though regardless of Alleria's reasons she was fine with it happening, since it would eventually grant her the final wing of her set, something that caused the high elf to nod, "then I will head down to Mac'Aree with you... everyone else, you are free to rest or join the rest of our forces in challenging all of the demons guarding Antoran Wastes."

As Velen and the others bowed their heads, which included both leaders of the Sayaad following suit to show that their race was serious about joining Spitfire's growing forces, Spitfire and Alleria returned to the navigation console and used it to teleport down to Mac'Aree once more, as in the point that Velen had created before sending her and Y'mera off to see if the Sigil of Awakening was inside the Conservatory, before Alleria lead the way towards the area she had scouted out not all that long ago. While they walked she explained what she had found, as there were a number of Broken survivors, who seemed to be mentally broken by some of the Void's power, meaning if they searched the area they might uncover a new ally or a key to moving forward, to complete her ultimate goal of embracing the power of the Void, though she did warn Spitfire that the Void-scarred might attack them and that they needed to be ready for anything or everything that might happen next. The ruins she was leading Spitfire to had once been called Oronaar, at least according to the Draenei when she asked them about it, and that it looked like another housing area like the one that Spitfire and her army had marched through when they advanced on the terrace, which had granted Velen some time to reconnect with his past before gaining the resolve to face their enemies and take down Talgath at last, though this one had suffered greatly from Mac'Aree being ripped from the rest of the planet, as the housing area was broken and parts were missing. Sure enough Spitfire found a hint of Void energy lingering in the air of Oronaar, which didn't leak out into the rest of Mac'Aree, like it was an infection that slowly spread from one point to another, though once they stepped into Oronaar, and left the shielded area behind, Alleria started to track down some of the items she had seen earlier, meaning Spitfire was mostly here as a defender and had to make sure no harm came to Alleria while they were here. As such Alleria focused on a wall that had a glowing red rune on it and they found an echo of some Broken and their leader, Arkhaan based on what the energy told them, talking to his followers, where it sounded like he was trying to get his broken people to accept the power of the Void and take the fight to the Legion, or something to that effect, before the echo disappeared and left them to search for another trace of Arkhaan's power so they could discover more information on what might have happened here.

From there Alleria started to make her way over to another area of Oronaar, a house that had an abandoned alter with a second echo of Arkhaan, who spoke of holding fast to one's resolve and not giving into temptation, standing in front of the ancient stone, which was when some of the Void-scarred Broken rushed at them with the intent to kill them, though as she noticed what they were up to, and started to draw her bow, Alleria found that Spitfire barely moved as all seven Broken fell not a few seconds later. In that moment Alleria came to realize just how powerful her new ally was, the one everyone else worked for and made sure not to anger, as she was sure that Spitfire had flashed from target to target and likely struck all of their enemies before returning to the location that she had been standing in, all without her actually seeing the motion happen, something that made her wonder what in the world would happen once Spitfire got her hands on the sixth and final Cosmic Power, which would become clear to her once they found a way to get to L'ura's resting place. Once their foes had fallen, or would be foes since Spitfire had made short work of them, she paused for a moment as she found a couple of crystalline fragments that seemed to radiate a faint Light signature and sensed that they might be linked to Arkhaan in some manner, to which she made sure they floated in the air near her as Alleria lead her over to what appeared to be an old figurine of the Naaru, no doubt discarded when Velen and his people fled Argus, where Arkhaan's echo mentioned the stars and that salvation was somewhere out there in the universe. Spitfire knew that the Broken was referring to another force, not the beings who saved Velen's group, though it seemed like he might have found his way into the hands of the Void and started to corrupt his remaining people to spread the dark power to the rest of Argus, or at least Mac'Aree given the separation between this floating section of the planet and everything else that was below them, though with that done Alleria held up a hand and resumed using her skills to locate any other Void sources, so she could track down anything they might be able to use in her mission, before heading towards the western edge of Mac'Aree and revealing that there were far more Void-scarred Broken, some angry at the world and some passive for some reason.

That brought them to a sunken area that had far more Void energy than the part of Oronaar they had just passed through, where Spitfire found a number of the Void-scarred Broken who were currently in the middle of spreading their corruption to the rest of Oronaar, and to those who hadn't embraced the Void yet, before they stopped as they found a Broken who resembled Arkhaan resting nearby, though while he did have a trace of the twisted energy radiating from his body, which meant his mind had to be fractured and they would be dealing with someone that was different from the echoes they had seen, causing Alleria to sigh for a moment.

"Lady Spitfire, I have some experience with the Void's power, and I'll try to find a sane piece of his mind for us to speak to, as Arkhaan might be the key we're looking for," Alleria said, something that caused Spitfire to nod, as she understood that Alleria had a greater understanding of the Void than most of the individuals in her army, save for the High Priest who had a dagger forged from a slain Old God, a tale she would love to hear about since Old Gods were incredibly powerful and, to her knowledge, unkillable, before she glanced at the area in front of them, "maybe you can use those crystalline fragments to seal some of the Void fonts that are scattered around this place, not to mention take out a few enemies... I think they'll help Arkhaan regain some of his sanity, or help me find the sane piece of his mind."

Spitfire simply walked forward and explored the rest of Oronaar, taking in the broken and corrupted lower area while she followed the lingering traces of the more powerful Void essence that happened to be in this area, as it lead her to the five places that contained the most power and would be where she placed the crystalline fragments she had found, though at the same time a number of Void-scarred Broken rushed at her in an attempt to bring her down, just like the last couple had done when they found her. Of course none of them succeeded in touching her, since she was able to use her speed to avoid the incoming attacks and either appear a few steps behind them or return to the place she had been standing in so she could turn and head down another route, all of which ended with these unfortunate Broken being smashed into the ground and slain like all of the enemies she had faced so far, though since it didn't look like any demons were down where it was a good thing that Rainbow wasn't here, since she would head off and do something else, hence why she was either on the Vindicaar or attacking Antoran Wastes to pass some time. Even though Alleria was busy tending to Arkhaan, all to find and pull out the sane part of his mind, she found herself being amazed by Spitfire's power, to rely on instinct to take her foes down with a speed that was likely equal to Rainbow's speed at full power, making her grateful that they had been trained to hunt demons and not corrupted by the Legion, because if either or both of them had been twisted by Sargeras' dark power she knew that Azeroth would have been claimed by the demons by now, to which she chuckled as she focused on her task as Spitfire did the same thing. In addition to that Spitfire made sure to place the crystalline fragments where they would be the most useful, even if the five points were scattered all over this part of Oronaar, something that caused all of the Void energies that were now resting around the fragments to disperse and leave this section of Mac'Aree, likely being drawn into another location so they could be used by someone else, which interested her to some degree and made her wonder who might be messing with Void energy in Mac'Aree, since it wasn't L'ura she was feeling, even though it was easy for her to tell that they would figure it out in due time.

After some time Spitfire found that the rest of the Void-scarred Broken stopped coming at her, either because they knew it was impossible for them to harm her, given her powers, or they were scared of her and were running away, though once she was done with her objectives she turned and flew back over to where Alleria was waiting, where she discovered Alleria had made some progress with Arkhaan and it seemed like they had a more sane version of the Broken in front of them, or at least it sure seemed that way, even though she kept an open mind and made sure no dangers were coming to strike all of them down for this.

"Arkhaan... reme... remembers something that... can save us." Arkhaan stated, showing that he was going to be speaking in the third person, sort of like that unicorn called Trixie that Rainbow had told her about at one point in the past, but that was when he got up from where he had been resting, sitting while Alleria worked to find his sane side, and quickly raised his hand to beckon for them to follow him, meaning he either had something to show them or this was a trap so he could sacrifice them to the Void, "Come. Follow Arkhaan. Isolon calls!"

Without waiting for Spitfire or Alleria to say anything Arkhaan started to move as soon as he was done talking, where he headed down the street and crossed over to a fractured house that only existed as a way to get to the higher point of this part of Mac'Aree, where the pair found that none of the Void-scarred Broken tried anything, as if they were frightened of Spitfire's power and didn't want to cross her at all, which made things much easier for them since neither of them had to fight any of the enemies that were carefully watching them. Of course there were also a number of foolish Void-scarred Broken in their way as well, as at leave five dared to get close to where Spitfire and Alleria were standing, only to collapse a few seconds later as Spitfire smashed all of them into the ground as they followed Arkhaan, who seemed to be mumbling to himself, though it also made Alleria, once more, realize why it was a good thing the Army of the Light had sided with the Grand Army of Azeroth, even though it was becoming clear that the Legion didn't stand a chance, and the only thing that might be able to beat them at this point was Sargeras himself. While she thought about that Spitfire glanced off towards Azeroth for a moment and found a large cosmic cloud of some kind in the middle of wrapping around the planet, like an odd blanket of some kind, which caused her to frown for a moment as she realized that Sargeras had waited until she and her forces, those who could directly challenge him, were fully committed to fighting on Argus, because now he was in the process of securing his final prize so he could destroy all of reality, but in the end Spitfire knew that the Dark Titan would fail, because once they were done with Mac'Aree the assault on Antorus would begin. As such she turned her focus back to following Arkhaan through the part of Oronaar he was using to head to the north, closer to where the more powerful Void energy was resting, and she could see a structure, one of the stargazing buildings that the Eredar and Draenei built over the years, that seemed like it might be their destination, even though there was a chance that Arkhaan might surprise her and Alleria while they walked, even though he seemed plagued by the ghosts of his past or the visions that the Void must have given him all those years ago, based on the echoes they had witnessed earlier.

It took a few minutes, but eventually they reached Arkhaan's destination, which was the stargazing structure, where they watched as the Broken came to a stop right in the middle of the bottom floor and paused for a bit, though while this was where one would assume he was going to try to speak with the Light, to save his people, he claimed that Isolon was calling to him and he weaved his powers into the space in front of him, tearing open a Void portal as both Spitfire and Alleria felt his power change, though as Alleria called out for him to stop, given that this magic wasn't to be treated like a toy, Arkhaan stepped through the dark portal and disappeared. Spitfire paused for a moment, as someone had called out to the broken Broken that had lead them hear, an odd statement for sure when she considered that for a second, and had lurked him into a place where he would likely be twisted and corrupted into a monster of some kind, to which she sighed and stepped through the portal that was in front of her, allowing her to enter a dark version of the building they had been standing in and found that Alleria followed her not even a few seconds later, no doubt worried that some dark force might be waiting for her or something. What they found in this dark realm, in addition to the kneeling Arkhaan, was an Ethereal who had a large amount of Void energy inside his body, and happened to be wearing a unique looking set of armor that looked more like a high ranking mage or something, something that meant he had to be a boss of some kind, floating in the air in front of Arkhaan, only for a burst of energy to slam into Arkhaan and caused the Broken to groan as his body once more took in the power of the Void, which caused the Ethereal to disappear as the now Void-scarred Broken lashed out at them with the intent to kill both her and Alleria. Of course he didn't get very far in his attack as Spitfire turned her back to him and just stepped away from where he was standing, causing several strikes to connect with Arkhaan's body, each one consisting of a different power and she struck him with all five in rapid succession, something that caused him to stagger backwards as his body shuddered for a few seconds, before the Void energy surged out of control and caused his form to shatter before Alleria's eyes, who just stood there as she realized that not even the Void stood a chance against Spitfire.

Such a thing made Alleria wonder if the only ones that could beat Spitfire at this point were the masters of the six Cosmic Forces, the Titans for Arcane, likely Sargeras for Fel at this point, unless there was a primal demon no one knew about in the depths of the universe, an ancient Wild God for Life, probably an incredibly powerful Naaru that they hadn't met yet who stood for the Light, whatever being ruled over Death, and the Void Lords for the Void, but before she could even take a few more moments to think about that they were pulled out of this world and back into the normal Mac'Aree, where she and Spitfire found another Ethereal floating nearby, one she recognized instantly.

"Locus-Walker? What are you and your people doing here?" Alleria asked, referring to the Ethereals that had invaded Argus and were currently seeking to bring more of the Void to the area near the Seat of the Triumvirate, likely to break through the barrier that was keeping L'ura contained inside it, though at the same time it gave Spitfire a name to work with, even if it seemed more like a title to prevent enemies from figuring out who was bothering to stand in the way of those who were seeking to cover this area with the Void.

"I came to see what the Viceroy was up to, who you likely just met," the Ethereal, Locus-Walker based on Alleria had said, replied, showing Spitfire that, for the time being, he wasn't a threat to her forces or their operations, even though the look on Alleria's face meant she had to be careful with him, as if she didn't know everything about him or something, before he turned his head towards the north and likely focused on the areas that the Void-touched Ethereals were gathering right now, working their magic and technology to get to L'ura, "and I know you want to know what he's up to as well, including the odd and powerful creature standing next to you... follow, if you can."

Spitfire found that Locus-Walker moved as soon as he was done talking, causing her and Alleria to follow her, though that did give her a chance to learn a bit from her companion, that this particular Ethereal had taught her everything she knew about the Void and its dark power, and that he still had far more to teach her since she was likely a novice in his eyes, and that if he was here it made her even more interested in what might be happening to Mac'Aree, especially since having her teacher around meant she might be able to gain some more Void power for their quest to break into the Seat and track down both L'ura and the Crest. When Alleria said that she believed that Locus-Walker was the only one of his kind, mostly referring to Ethereals who messed with the Void, Spitfire preferred to think of him as the only good Void-touched Ethereal they knew about, given what the others were doing right now, before they found their ally standing at the mouth of a cave and that he had torn open a Void portal in front of him, but it did look like he had been waiting for them to arrive and just beckoned for them to follow him. It was clear to Spitfire that Alleria wanted to ask Locus-Walker a number of questions, all of which would no doubt show her impatience given who this Ethereal was and what he was capable of, before she sighed and nodded her head as she and Spitfire followed him through this portal, once more stepping into the dark and twisted version of Mac'Aree, appearing transparent as if they were invisible or something to that effect, which was followed by all three of them moving forward as they entered the cave and sought out answers on what was going on in Mac'Aree, or at least in the Void covered section. What Spitfire discovered was that there were a few Void creatures, seemingly humanoid beings who didn't have legs and floated from place to place, who could likely see through the spell and was why she and the others walked around the area the Void Remnants were currently patrolling, and there were a number of Ethereals all over this place, some setting up devices while others were either messing with the Void energies or messing with some of the local wildlife that called this cave home, though as they studied the area, and Alleria bickered with Locus-Walker about her training and her reasons for not returning to his teachings until now, she heard one of the Void-touched Ethereals say something about the Viceroy finally ending Arkhaan's life.

From what she could tell the Ethereals felt that the fallen priest was meddling and deserved his fate, they worked at a fast pace to sample the Void's energies and the effects it had on other creatures, while also discovering that someone wanted Locus-Walker dead while not caring about her and Alleria at all, and that the plan of the Void-touched Ethereals, which one of them told the others about, was to drown all of Argus in the Void's power, either meaning they knew about the World-Soul and wanted to make a Void Titan or they just wanted to devour this world with the Void's energies, though either way she knew they would suffer a great defeat in due time.

"I will finish what I started, Locus-Walker, of that you can be sure," Alleria commented, as their conversation, which Spitfire had mostly ignored since they were just discussing what the high elf felt was disappointment coming from the Ethereal who taught her how to channel the power of the Void, had finally reached an end and it happened to be when all of them found the other Void portal that had been created by the Locus-Walker, likely before they met him, where she found that they were on the outskirts of the Seat of the Triumvirate.

"Can you, though, with your attachments? What would your mate say about your choices?" Locus-Walker asked, speaking of Turalyon for a moment, though even as he said that Spitfire knew that Turalyon trusted Alleria and, even if she delved into the power of the dark and hungering Void, the opposite of his glorious Light, he still loved her with all his heart and it also meant that he would understand whatever decision Alleria decided on, or at least that was what her understanding of their relationship was, based on the short period of time she spent with them.

"Turalyon trusts me to make hard decisions, and I trust him to do the same," Alleria stated, confirming Spitfire's thoughts on the matter, without wasting any time thinking about it, meaning she must have known the question would be coming and had prepared for it while they were walking through the cave earlier, before she considered something as she glanced at Spitfire for a few seconds, taking in her tattoos and the Cosmic Forces they represented, "even with the shining Light at my side, I can embrace the Void and its power without losing myself."

"There's also the fact that both are required for balancing the universe," Spitfire added, as without one Cosmic Force the other wouldn't exist in the first place, especially when one thought about the Light and the Void, though her focus was on the area that was ahead of them and knew that the Ethereals were busy doing something, likely trying to call forth a new fragment of the Void's power to help them break through whatever barrier was blocking the way into the temple, and she could see that both Alleria and Locus-Walker were feeling the same thing that she felt, "but for now, we should focus on killing a number of the Void-touched Ethereals that are in this place, while shutting down their harvesters, to give us some time before we assault the temple... though it should also grant us an opening to steal some of the Void's power as well, to give you an edge for later."

"And who put you in charge?" Locus-Walker asked, apparently not having caught onto the fact that there was an army, one that was in the middle of assaulting Argus at that very moment, though Spitfire could forgive him since it looked like most of his attention had been on tracking down the Viceroy and his allies, instead of what was happening to the rest of Argus, and she also noticed that the Ethereal wasn't annoyed by her suddenly speaking up, as she had been silent so far, and just taking charge of their efforts in taking down his corrupt people.

"I am Spitfire, Grand Commander of the Grand Army of Azeroth, which now includes the Army of the Light and those who followed Xe'ra in her war against the Legion," Spitfire replied, though as she said that she unfurled her wings for a time, as it was the quickest method for her to show someone who didn't know her, such as when Turalyon and his allies found out just how powerful she was, something that caused the Locus-Walker to stare at her for a time as he took in what she was showing him, that five of the six Cosmic Forces rested inside her body, in perfect harmony, "oh, and thanks to an army of succubi who recently joined us, I'm also the Sayaad Queen and likely the Queen of Paradisia, which I'm assuming is due to the fact that I beat Xazariel and devoured her power some time ago."

Locus-Walker stood there for a moment, merely talking in the fact that there was someone who could control five of the six Cosmic Forces without one gaining the upper hand over all of the others, shifting Spitfire's alignment to the one that asserted its dominance over the other four she had access to, where he actually considered the possibility of there being a seventh unknown power in the universe, one capable of bringing the others into harmony with each other, though as he thought about that Spitfire disappeared from where she was standing, causing him and Alleria to glance up at the top of the path and discovered that she was entering the area the Viceroy's people were in. After doing that Spitfire took a couple of seconds to glance around the Void-corrupted section of Mac'Aree that Locus-Walker had brought them to, where she could see that the Ethereals were definitely pulling more and more Void energy into this terrace, given that they were over on the other side of the temple's area, and the rate of corruption meant that there knew what they were doing and were totally prepared for something like this whenever they found their way to a new world or something, but she was able to find the locations that the harvesters were resting in. The circular devices were connected to the Void and were manned by a trio of Ethereal, who were channeling their powers into the harvesters and continued to dark this area as time went on, where she found that one was resting near a high concentration of Void energy, one rested across the road from it, the next two were closer to the temple, one was further beyond that, and two rested near a house that hadn't been consumed by the Void's energy, nor had the ground cracked under the pressure yet, but at the very least she had her targets and, as she had done in the past, started to move so she could take care of them. In that moment, as Spitfire stepped forward to break the harvesters and kill some of the Void-touched Ethereals, Locus-Watcher observed something that caught him off guard for a moment, whenever a foe approached her it seemed like the Ethereals in question were knocked back by either the wind or a bit of pressure, all without Spitfire moving her arms or hands at all, even though Alleria told him that she did have a pair of blades resting inside her horns, and when she approached one of the devices all she did was raise had hand for a second and loosed a small bit of energy at her target, the energy quickly wiping out the harvester in seconds, before she resumed moving once more.

He stood there, with Alleria at his side, as Spitfire decimated the Viceroy's forces with her immense power, an instinct that allowed her to fight her foes without actually touching them or swinging her weapons at them, and it wasn't long before all of the Void harvesting devices were dismantled and a good number of enemies were dead, even though he knew that the Viceroy would summon more once he understood that his forces had been slain to this extent, but now, after seeing this event, he understood why the Army of the Light joined up with Spitfire, as her power had to be on par with a Titan, and as her enemies fell Spitfire returned to where he and Alleria were currently standing.

"Impressive. I see why Alleria spoke highly of you." Locus-Walker stated, as now that he had a chance to see what sort of power Spitfire possessed, even a sample of her incomplete power since he understood that she had to be hunting down a suitable source of Void energy to obtain the final Cosmic Power she was missing, before he glanced over to the left side of this area and found a group of his Void-touched brethren who seemed to be in the middle of a summoning ritual, which gave him an idea when it came to Alleria and her desire to continue her lessons, "I have also been convinced that it will be worth giving her another chance to pursue the power of the Void... and to do that we can use the ritual that my brethren are working on right now."

Spitfire nodded her head to that, as she had a feeling that such a thing might happen if they came up here, to which they headed over to the area where a number of Void-touched Ethereal were working to bring one of the more powerful Void remnants to Mac'Aree, even she could figure that out without having to be told, even though Locus-Walker and Alleria just used a Void portal, or a Void Tear as Alleria called them, to reach the area that their enemies were working in, though they paused for a moment as Locus-Walker made sure all of the conditions were right, before nodding to let Spitfire quickly kill all three of them and opened the way for them to do what they were here to do. Once that was done a large Void Tear, as in it was at least twice as tall as those that Locus-Walker used to move from place to place, tore itself open in the middle of the ritual area the Ethereals had been working in, where a large floating Void creature, having no feet while possessing a wisp of darkness to touch the ground and wearing armor over its body, emerged from the tear in reality, where she found that it also had a pair of tendril-like wings sprouting out of the back of its armor, where Spitfire quickly figured out that this was a Void Revenant, a Demigod, and she could hear some whispers calling it 'Nhal'athoth'. For a moment Spitfire had to wonder if maybe the Void had spoke the name of the creature to them, and the other Powers had translated it for her, or something to that extent, though once Nhal'athoth was fully in Mac'Aree, which meant stepping fully through the tear and let its portal close behind it, it roared as it focused on Spitfire, showing her that the Void, and possibly the Void Lords when one thought about it, might actually be afraid of her and her power, so they would be using this as an attempt to end her life before she gained far more power over the Cosmic Powers. Of course it wasn't long before the air shuddered as all of Nhal'athoth's attacks were countered by Spitfire's, the latter not even moving at all as she focused on the Void Revenant in front of them, though as she distracted the Void Revenant, which she was totally fine with since this wasn't about her right now, Alleria channeled her own power at Nhal'athoth, who seemed to ignore the high elf's actions as it focused on Spitfire the entire time, even though trying to drain the creature tormented Alleria to some degree, like she was succumbing to the Void's immense power, before the high elf overpowered what was happening to her and loosed an arrow from her bow as she did that.

In the following moments Nhal'athoth, struck in its exposed core since that appeared to be what Alleria was after, fell to pieces and was reduced to nothing more than a orb that was the size of a gnome's head, where Spitfire raised her hand a few seconds later and caused it to float over to her, something that she handed over to her ally once she was done huffing from using a bunch of her energy, something that was followed by Alleria absorbing the power that was inside the orb, or the 'heart' as Locus-Walker decided to call it, and once Alleria was done she handed what remained of Nhal'athoth's heart to Spitfire, who said nothing as she called down another beacon so they could return to the Vindicaar.

"We have some Void-touched Ethereals that need to be taken down before we can access the Seat of the Triumvirate, but with our might they'll be done in no time," Spitfire commented, speaking once they returned to the Vindicaar, as she found that Locus-Walker was interested in her power and likely watched to watch over Alleria for a time, to make sure his pupil stayed sane or whatever the next step of her training had to be, where she also found that nothing had changed inside the flagship, save for some additional Sayaad teleporting over to join those aboard the Vindicaar, to which she headed down to where the Netherlight Crucible rested and added Nhal'athoth's now crystalline heart to the device, opposite of where Xe'ra's remaining power rested, "once Alleria is ready to go, since that took a lot out of her, she and I will head down to the Seat of the Triumvirate and take out the Viceroy's forces, before getting to L'ura and the Crest... then, at long last, we can launch our assault on Antorus."

"While we wait, I'll keep smashing the portals the Legion opens to this place," Rainbow remarked, informing them that the Legion must have opened some large gateways during their time in the Void-corrupted part of Mac'Aree, which they were fine with since Rainbow was more than enough to take care of whatever Sargeras' forces threw at her, though as she said that, and everyone considered the news for a few seconds, Romuul informed them that the Legion had opened another Fel gateway in the middle of Mac'Aree, something that caused Rainbow to smile as she headed out to deal with it, though at the same time Spitfire knew her friend would take care of it in no time.

As it turned out the Legion wasn't the one who opened this portal, rather one of their Sayaad allies, Mistress Alluradel, had studied the gateways in question and was using a combination of her power and knowledge to open portals to a number of Fel-corrupted worlds, or at least that was what Spitfire learned as she joined Rainbow, meaning this was a way for them to rapidly cripple the Legion's firepower and cut down on the number of worlds that they had access to, though the more interesting thing was that there were a number of worlds that were only lightly corrupted by Sargeras' forces, meaning if they purged the worlds of the Legion's influence they could save all sorts of people. Of course these greater portals lead to worlds that were totally corrupted by their enemies, where they passed through the portal and found that it was a world that reminded them of Outland a little, given the cracked Fel-corrupted ground, all of the Fel lava that rested around them, blackened jagged peaks that looked like what rested around Krokuun and Antorus Wastes, and there were a number of demons wandering around, working to create all sorts of weapons and whatnot for Sargeras' dark army. Once Rainbow was on the other side of the portal, and a few others had joined her and Spitfire, such as Alleria, Locus-Walker, and even Illidan, she raised her hand and the patch of ground that the gateway rested in was torn out of the ground, where she let it float up into the air and made sure it wasn't near the rest of the world, before she walked forward and stared down at the planet that was below them, where she weaved her power into the space in front of her and summoned a small orb a few seconds later. In that moment Spitfire and the others watched as Rainbow did what she had done several times in the past, she started to siphon the Fel energy from this corrupted world, targeting everything and everyone that rested below where they were resting, where Locus-Walker observed as demons of all shapes and sizes were starting to wither away as their Fel energy, collapsing as they realized what was going on around them, while the Fel-corrupted nature of the rest of this world crumbled before them, almost as if Rainbow was draining this entire world of its twisted Fel energy, and he did find that all of the energy gathered in the growing sphere in front of Rainbow.

Once the world no longer had any Fel energy, and Rainbow was sure of that as she surveyed the death she had caused so far, she collapsed the sphere into a more manageable size and devoured it without delay, showing Locus-Walker that she wasn't to be underestimated either and explained why so many demons were rushing to abandon the Legion, due to the fact that those that did so were afraid of her power, though once that world was done Spitfire and the others returned to the Vindicaar so they could ensure Alleria had the time she needed before they assault the Seat of the Triumvirate and put an end to their assault on Argus.

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