• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 1,166 Views, 307 Comments

World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Order Hall: Dealing with the Wardens

While Spitfire was off doing whatever it was that she was doing, as Rainbow wasn't entirely sure what her friend was doing right now since she had said nothing to her, save for telling her to head back to the Fel Hammer and check in with the rest of the Illidari while she went off and thought about everything that Xe'ra had shared with her, or at least that was what she was thinking at the moment, Rainbow walked down the streets of Dalaran and headed for Krasus' Landing, so she could quickly glide over to where the portal to their new base of operations rested, to check in with the Illidari and see if any of them needed help with something. Truthfully, it was very depressing to hear that Sargeras was so strong that he had been able to cut down the rest of the Titan Pantheon and scattered their souls across the universe, as that seemed to be what he had done and might have explained part of why he was assaulting planets with the intent of taking them and adding all of their might to the Legion's, like he might be looking for the souls of the other Titans, but all she could do was guess at what the Dark Titan might be doing right now, even though he was focusing on opening the way so he could reach Azeroth and claim his prize. Another thing that caught her off guard was the existence of the Army of the Light, which seemed to be an army of survivors from the worlds the Legion took over, apparently with several residents of Azeroth being among their number somehow, but while it seemed like Xe'ra might be wanting them to head to Argus and either assist them or find a way for them to let the Golden Army retreat to Azeroth for a time. Then there was the prophecy that spoke of what Xe'ra called the 'Child of Light and Shadow', which would imply that whoever the Prime Naaru was looking for happened to hold the power of two of the universe's six cosmic powers, or the powers of this portion of the universe anyway, and it was easy for her to determine that the Prime Naaru had been speaking of the Light, which paladins and priests used, and the Void, which certain priests used to deal damage to their enemies, but neither of those really applied to Lord Illidan, or at least she was sure they didn't. She guessed there was a chance that it was referring to his glorious past, before the day he became the first of the demon hunters, and the darkness the Prime Naaru assumed had festered inside his heart after being locked inside his prison, which had been somewhere in Azeroth, for ten thousand years, but in the end she sighed as she walked towards the edge of her destination, because right now it was best if she focused on figuring out what the rest of the Illidari were doing and if any of them needed help.

As such she focused on what she was going to do next and opened her wings as she flew down to the portal to Mardum, though not a few moments later Rainbow landed on the ground and passed through the portal, where she returned to the Fel Hammer and discovered that the Illidari were how she and Spitfire left them, working hard to defeat the Legion, either by training to better their skills, learning new skills to be used against their demonic enemies, or just resting and waiting for a chance to go out into the field once more, though interestingly enough Kayn and others who stood with him, the rest of Spitfire's 'Champions', as Khadgar would have called them, weren't here, so she walked over to Belath, who seemed like he had something that he needed to share with someone.

"So, Belath, what's going on?" Rainbow asked, because based on what she could see at the moment it sure seemed like all of the Illidari were busy preparing themselves for whatever missions would be dished out to them, even though it seemed like either Kayn, Altruis, or Belath were the ones dishing out orders for the rest of their forces, given how busy both she and Spitfire were at the moment, especially with Spitfire taking Sylvanas' place as Warchief of the Horde, something they were still shocked by and she was sure her friend would do well in that position, even if it seemed like she might be in the middle of planning out who would rule the Horde when she was busy killing demons, "Everyone seems a little busier than the last time Spitfire and I were here, which was before we went to Stormheim to stop Genn and Sylvanas from sparking a faction war while we're fighting the Legion, and it seems like we've gotten some new recruits, either from the residents of Azeroth or ones that might have been left below the Fel Hammer."

The reason she said that was due to the fact that one of the Illidari was a female night elf who was clad in armor that just covered her body, possibly forged during the time she spent in this world after the Wardens stopped the rest of them and imprisoned all of them in their Vault, who she suspected was Ariana Fireheart, a trainer who took Varedis' place once the latter had perished and she was sure that Kayn had made sure she had the same position, even though she and those she trained would likely be sent on missions to improve their skills or make sure the trainees were ready for the dangers that were ahead of the Illidari.

"As you can see, we're preparing for the future... though to be honest, I've been looking for the Sargerite Keystone, which involves working with the Wardens." Belath replied, where he paused for a moment and noticed the frown that was now on Rainbow's face, as she was like the majority of the Illidari and didn't like the Wardens, especially after everything that had happened after they claimed Mardum and the relic in question, and he honestly couldn't blame her, though out of all them Spitfire seemed to be the only one that spoke of uniting the factions while they focused on the Legion, so right now he was taking a page from her book, before he returned to the matter at hand, "Based on what I've been able to figure out the Wardens, likely Maiev, took the Keystone from the one who knocked it out of Spitfire's hand and likely placed it in an unknown location, after making sure we were all imprisoned inside that cursed Vault... however, with Maiev missing, the current leader of the Wardens is Sira Moonwarden. On Spitfire's behalf, since she's busy right now, I spoke with Sira and formed an arrangement with her, where the Illidari will assist them in tracking down some of the more powerful creatures that escaped from the Vault, either capturing them so they'll be returned to their cells, or executed, or outright killing the escapees in question, though once we have taken care of the list of prisoners, in whatever way we deem necessary, given the powers each target might have, Sira has agreed to direct us to where we need to go to get the Keystone."

"I see. I'm sure Spitfire would approve... though out of curiosity, who did Sira want us to take down?" Rainbow inquired, as while it was easy for her to know that Spitfire would nod her head when she heard about this, since she was trying to have all of the factions present a united front against the Legion, she was interested in who the Wardens might want the Illidari to take out, even though she was sure that Belath had already sent out a number of their forces to track down everyone that Sira wanted them to take out, meaning all she had to do was wait until they returned to hear whether or not Spitfire's forces were successful or not.

"The first target is someone we're familiar with: Jade Darkhaven, an Illidari who was turned into a Felsworn traitor, like what happened to Cyana," Belath said, though that was when he paused for a moment as he noticed that Rainbow was totally surprised by what she had just heard, as while she and Spitfire knew that Cyana did have trouble with the Fel at times, as in she was a little power hungry when it came to the power the demonic energies granted her, which they had seen a little of during the assault on Mardum and their escape from the Vault, hearing that she would betray the Illidari and join the Legion, all for more power, seemed to shock and anger Rainbow at the same time, especially since there happened to be a second Illidari who joined her in betraying the Illidari, before he sighed for a moment, "right, you and Spitfire didn't hear about what we faced in Azsuna... suffice it to say that we sent a decent number of Illidari to deal with the demons that were in part of the provice in question and several were captured, with Cyana and Jade, at the very least, being corrupted by Cordana, though to be sure our enemies don't capture our former allies we had some heroes capture Cyana and we imprisoned her down below, and we're going to capture Jade as well. It may seem a little extreme, as we're talking about executing our former sisters in arms, but they have become Felsworn traitors, willingly trading their freedom and souls to the Legion, all for the promise of power to crush those that stand against them or their master, and this is all we can do to prevent their souls from being taken by Kil'jaeden, to be twisted into monsters bent on destroying Azeroth and the rest of creation... putting them down is the best we can do for them, even if their souls will be trapped in the engines of the Fel Hammer, or in either your Warblades or Lady Spitfire's Twinblades."

"Not to mention whoever got captured as well..." Rainbow remarked, as she could see that there were a couple of missing Illidari since the last time she had been in the Fel Hammer, more in the sense that they might have been captured, which was due to Belath telling her about Cyana and Jade, before she sighed for a moment and focused on what they were doing right now, especially since it seemed like her aid wasn't needed and she could ask about the other targets, "So, what about the other targets Sira wants us to take down?"

"Right, the second target is a Satyr who is known as Skul'vrax, who was last seen near the northern edge of Azsuna, based on what we we're told," Belath continued, where he could tell that Rainbow was troubled by the loss of two individuals she and Spitfire had known, even if she was also angry due to both of the former Illidari betraying them and joining the Legion, but instead of worrying her more than she already was, as he was sure that some of their trainees were missing and must have been taken by Cordana, the Fel Warden herself, they had no guarantee that such a thing was true, not without asking their foe the question, before he focused on her question, "while the third target is a Highmountain Tauren by the name of Mellok, located somewhere in Highmountain, the fourth is a storm drake who was corrupted by the Fel, a drake that the locals call Fathnyr, and should be somewhere near the rest of its kind, which means where you and Spitfire went during your Trials for the Aegis. The last target is an Eredar whose been convincing Warden adepts to betray their order and join the Legion, or maybe the better term is 'corrupting', given the nature of the demons, though we have no idea if any of the Wardens have turned or not, though our target goes by the name Mal'Dreth... I have requested that this one is captured and brought to the camp the Wardens have near their Vault, so you can publicly execute him in front of Sira and have her tell us where the Keystone is located."

"Sounds like a good plan, which means I can take this time to rest and prepare myself for when the others return with the targets they were supposed to capture," Rainbow said, though this honestly wasn't what she was expecting to find out as she returned to the Fel Hammer, as some of the news was rather disappointing and having a few Illidari betray them put her in a bit of a bad mood, more than having to work with the Wardens, to which she sighed for a moment as she walked away from where Belath was standing and focused on resting up before she had to fight someone again.

Rainbow spent the rest of the afternoon, which they were able to tell thanks to the map in the center of the upper floor of the Fel Hammer that seemed to be linked to Azeroth in some manner, allowing everyone to see what time it was and if it was daytime or nighttime, meaning that when it reached the time that most people went to sleep she found her way up to a perch of some kind that was above the rest of the Illidari, allowing her to sleep and, due to her pony abilities, could easily be woken up by any strange sounds, just in case they were attacked by Kil'jaeden or something. As it turned out everyone was able to reach the next morning with next to nothing exciting happening, as in no attacks and no invasions, which did make her wonder if any of their enemies knew where they had stationed their hideout, as in Kil'jaeden had told no one of the Illidari taking the Fel Hammer and that they were lucking in Mardum, even though she was sure that he had done so and was having his forces hold off on invading them until he was ready to take them out, but when Rainbow opened her eyes and stretched it didn't take her long to fly down to the rest of the Illidari and join them for breakfast, dishes brought from Dalaran that weren't tainted by the Fel at all, meaning they were far better than anything they had eaten since their time in the Black Temple, preparing everyone for what the day held for them. While they were eating Rainbow discovered that Spitfire hadn't returned yet, meaning whatever she was doing was incredibly important or she had been called by one of the leaders of the Horde to settle something, though a few moments later the portal back to Dalaran shimmered and they watched as Kayn and the other members of the Illidari that had gone out to deal with Sira's targets had returned from their missions and seemed to be successful in either capturing their targets or cutting them down, where it was very easy for her and the others to see that one of them was carrying the head of a red haired satyr, a night elf looking creature that had curved horns and were intent on corrupting nature, another happened to have the head of a tauren that had a pair of large moose antlers, meaning it had to be a Highmountain Tauren, who had a Fel taint to his now dead eyes, while the last one had some of the Shivarra help them move the head of a Fel-tainted Thorignir, all of which looked like they were ready to be teleported to Sira and the Wardens to show them that they had done as their temporary leader had asked.

After that she found that Kayn came in escorting a blinded Eredar, who was wearing a purple robe of some kind that had a few bits of Fel mist coming from the shoulder pieces, meaning that this had to be the one known throughout the Legion as Mal'Dreth the Corruptor, given his nature to corrupt whoever he captured, and he was blinded so he couldn't see the rest of the Fel Hammer, though Rainbow knew that Sira and the other Wardens would be happy to see him die, for corrupting some of her fellow Wardens into traitors, either stopping at Cordana's level or even progressing to making them into new demons to send at Azeroth. Not a few seconds later she spotted something that disappointed her, a night elf with purple hair that had been twisted into a more demonic form, with hooved legs that reminded her of Lord Illidan, and a large pair of demonic bat wings with tatters at the bottom end, who was basically wearing an armored bra against her corrupted skin and an armored pair of pants that seemed to be made of mail, based on what she knew about armor, though it was in that moment that she noticed the Felsworn's arms were bound behind her back, though according to Belath this was the transformed state of Jade Darkhaven. That piece of information told her that her thoughts had been correct, as in the fact that the Legion was corrupting their brothers and sisters into becoming Felsworn, twisting their bodies into what she and the others were seeing right now, before she noticed that there was a male night elf, whose body was similar to Jade's transformed demonic body, who Belath told her was Cailyn Paledoom, while the next bound target was a female blood elf, with the same twisted form the previous two had, who had darkened skin due to the Fel infusion, who she quickly learned was Lysanis Shadesoul, and the last one was a female night elf, though she was in the early stages of her transformation, as it looked like her feet had shifted into cloven hooves, her fingers were starting to change into claws, and, if one were to look at her back, it looked like her wings were starting to grow in, like they might break out of her clothing soon and give her a form like the others, which meant this had to be Cyana.

Based on everything they were seeing, even if it was rather disappointing in Rainbow's eyes, four of their brothers and sisters had been corrupted, a few more were confirmed to be missing in action and Kayn was having a few of their forces look into where they might be location, to see if they could find and rescue them, but not a few moments later the Illidari forced their former allies, one of which had been brought up to this floor from the lower level and three brought in from Azsuna, to their knees so they could see what was coming their way, while Mal'Dreth and the other trophies were taken back to Dalaran so they could be transported to the Wardens, to which Rainbow focused on Cyana and her Felsworn allies.

"Cyana, Jade, Lysanis, Cailyn, I'm disappointed in you guys... that you would abandon us and join the Legion, all for power that will bind you to Sargeras' will," Rainbow said, and that was the truth of the matter, as while she was angry that four of their allies had abandoned the Illidari and became Felsworn, which wasn't even counting everyone else that was missing right now, she was disappointed in the fact that each of the former Illidari that were in front of her had joined the demonic army they were supposed to be taking out, which she was sure even Lord Illidan would be disappointed by whenever they retrieved his soul and body, since they were planning on bringing him back to life, "What would Spitfire say if she saw all of you like this, with your bodies and souls twisted into being more demonic than you were the last time she saw you? In fact, what would Lord Illidan say if he saw you like this?"

"Come on, Rainbow, join us... the power made us stronger than ever, so much so that it took several Illidari and heroes to bring each of us down," Cyana replied, where a smile appeared on her face as she spoke, one that allowed Rainbow to see that a number of her teeth had become sharp, almost fang-like, and seemed to reflect the demon soul she had taken into her body to become a demon hunter, meaning her transformation into a true demon was still progressing and that, even with all of the Illidari watching them, she and her Felsworn allies were possibly drawing on the Fel energy of Mardum to strengthen them, and if Rainbow was right they would reveal their intentions in the next few moments, "you, on the other hand, could become one of the greater demons, possibly on the level of Archimonde or Kil'jaeden, or even those who live on Argus! All you have to do is accept our Master's deal and convert the Illidari into Felsworn..."

"Yeah, not happening." Rainbow remarked, which was when she barely moved her head and the rest of the Illidari took a few steps back, sensing that she had a reason for wanting them to do so, which was when Cyana and her fellows burst out of their bindings, tearing through rope and metal as they started to stand up and rush at her, but instead of even getting remotely close to her, and cutting her down so her soul could be sent into the vastness of the Twisting Nether, she drew both of her Warblades from her horns and activated her inner power, allowing her to move at a speed that was above the speed the Felsworn were using.

Cyana and her allies barely had a chance to register what was going on as Rainbow moved her body to avoid the incoming attacks, even the ones that weren't close to touching her, and then lashed out at them without wasting a single moment, as she swung both of her Warblades through the air and landed behind the four of them, where the rest of the Illidari just stood there in silence as they waited to see what was going to happen next, even though Cyana, Jade, Lysanis, and Cailyn coughed for a moment before the effects of Rainbow's attack became known to them. Kayn and the others watched as the Felsworn collapsed before their eyes, dropping to the ground in seconds like they were mere gnats before Rainbow's power, though before anything else happened the Illidari moved and made sure to move the bodies up onto containers so they could use their Fel blood for something later on, like using one of the crucibles or something, though Kayn planned on burning the bodies once that was done, just to make sure there was nothing for the Legion to take, before he and the rest of the Illidari glanced at Rainbow. Four Fel-tainted souls flowed through the air, which had to be the souls of the four Felsworn, before splitting in half before their eyes, where the souls of Cyana and her allies were 'eaten' by her Warblades, to join the souls of the demons and Fel-corrupted she had slain so far, while the incredible amount of Fel energy that had been inside them, gained by joining the Legion and having it infused into their bodies, joined the vast power that Rainbow had absorbed from the rest of the demons she had slain, basically making all of that power hers and giving her a decent power boost in the process, putting her right on the level of Spitfire, possibly even over their leader's level. Rainbow stood there and watched them for a moment or two, letting the new power die down inside her body, before she staggered and dropped her Warblades as she felt a flash of pain in her legs and hooves, where she and the others watched as part of her body started to change, due to the fact that four sharp claws pushed out of both of her hooves, claws that looked a lot like the claws of a Pit Lord's feet, before the rest of her legs followed suit, giving her the digitgrade legs of a Pit Lord, which did come as a shock to all of them and Rainbow walked around for a few moments, finding that it was almost natural for her to be doing something like this, even though she noticed a bunch of dark green scales near her new claws that reminded her of a dragon, since the Pit Lords had no scales.

It was in that moment that Rainbow recalled that the Illidari became more demon-like as they absorbed more Fel energy, with Lord Illidan being one of the prime examples of such a thing and the Felsworn confirming it for them, but at the same time the amount of Fel energy that was needed to have the changes happen, which could be anything from clawed hands, clawed feet that weren't this extreme, the cloven hooves all of the Felsworn had, sometimes a spiked tail, and who knew what else, something that made her wonder if she and Spitfire had reached one of the thresholds back in Stormheim and that explained the increase in their chest size, before she decided that it didn't matter and she had Kayn prepare the rest of the trophies for departure. Not a few moments later Rainbow, Kayn, and a few of the other Illidari gathered on Krasus' Landing and found that Belath must have enlisted Khadgar's help in getting them to where Sira and the Wardens had put their new camp, to which they waited for a few seconds as he formed a portal and allowed them to step through it, which brought them over to an island off the coast of Azsuna, near an area that was infested with Fel energy and the corrupting devices she and Spitfire had seen back in Mardum, though it was easy to find a camp with a single tent resting in front of them, where a number of Wardens were in the middle of training new recruits, to replace those that had either been slain during Gul'dan's assault on the Vault or those that had been taken by the Legion, to join Cordana's ranks or becoming true demons in the process. It didn't take her long to locate an important looking Warden, as there was one standing near the tent that had a set of armor that seemed less decorated than Maiev's armor, but more decorated than most of the ranked members of the force, meaning she had to be Sira Moonwarden, the temporary leader of this group until they discovered where Maiev was hiding or the area the target she happened to be hunting was resting in, though their arrival caused all of the Wardens, trainees and experts alike, to stop what they were doing and focused on Rainbow's group as they walked out of the portal and came to a stop near Sira's resting place. Of course Sira seemed silent, just like Maiev before she had the urge to speak to someone, though Rainbow was fine with that as she waited for a few seconds as Kayn and the others made sure everything was in position so they could show the Wardens that they were here to uphold their end of the deal and discover the resting place of the Sargerite Keystone, all so they could enact the plan that Lord Illidan had created and, at the same time, take down both Varedis and Caria, though once Mal'Dreth was forced to his knees, being the last of the trophies, Rainbow shifted her stance.

"Sira Moonwarden, we have come to honor the deal you made with us earlier, five criminals for the location of the stolen Sargerite Keystone," Rainbow stated, though just as Mal'Dreth seemed to shift for a moment, showing that the reason he had been corrupting Wardens was to get his hands on the Keystone that had been stolen from Mardum, Rainbow lashed out with her Warblades and separated the Eredar's head from the rest of his body, where he collapsed on the ground as his head rolled over to where the Warden she was talking to happened to be standing at the moment, though she claimed Mal'Dreth's soul before it could escape, sending it into her weapons as she absorbed his Fel energy, before she turned to face the Warden they were here to speak to, "As you have seen, Mal'Dreth, the one that has been capturing and breaking some of your forces into Felsworn traitors, has been captured and slain, while each of the other targets have been slain by the Illidari and we brought their heads, save for Jade's head, to you... we also captured several other Felsworn traitors and killed them as well, to show you that we're serious about honoring the deal that Belath made. So, where did you guys hide the Sargerite Keystone?"

"Not so fast, demon. If you want the Keystone, there is one more than you must do, and this time it must be you who goes out and kills the next three targets," Sira stated, something that caused not only Rainbow to frown, but also caused Kayn and the other Illidari to grown, which was due to the fact that the Wardens had agreed to a very specific deal and now they were betraying said deal for some odd reason, like Sira expected Rainbow and Spitfire to go out and kill the five targets she had told Belath about, instead of sending their forces to capture or kill the offenders, before she reached into a small pack for a moment and held out a scroll, which Rainbow took from her and unfurled it, "Your targets are the Banshee that goes by the name of Theryssia, who we last saw outside Black Rook Hold in Val'sharah, a vrykul warrior known as Hertha Grimdottir, who we suspect is hiding in a cave near the border between Suramar and Stormheim, on Suramar's side to be exact, and a Voidwraith known only as Devouring Darkness, a creature we suspect is somewhere in Highmountain, likely hiding with the local Kobolds... once you kill those three, and return to me in one piece, then I might share with you the information you are so desperately seeking."

"You know, I'm really starting to hate you guys," Rainbow remarked, which was when she stepped forward and did exactly what she had done to Maiev after she and Spitfire had woke up from their long slumber, which she and the other Illidari either considered to be wasted or stolen time, as in she grabbed Sira by the collar of her armor and lifted her into the air with little to no resistance, where none of the Wardens even made a move to assist their commander, meaning either she had known this would happen ahead of time and wanted no one to get hurt or they knew that she was stronger than they were and were backing down before Rainbow turned her wrath on them, "The way I see it, you set up a deal with us and had us hunt down some prisoners and criminals, since you didn't have the manpower to track them down and deal with them yourself, and we fulfilled our end of the arrangement and then some, by hunting down and killing the Felsworn that betrayed us some time ago... plus, you owe us for the years that Maiev kept us imprisoned inside the Vault, so we'll forgive you for that if you cut the crap and just tell us what we want to know."

"You don't scare me, demon," Sira stated, her tone revealing that she likely didn't care about what Rainbow was doing or what she was saying right now, like she had seen the depths of the Legion's evil and couldn't be intimidated by someone just holding her up in the air by using the collar of her armor, though she could see that none of the Illidari were remotely impressed by her attitude, as in they agreed with what Rainbow was saying and believed that the Wardens owed them for the time they spent in the Vault, before she focused on the individual in front of her, "but, just for this offense, I'll have you know that we have far more targets for you and the Illidari to take care of, before we even think about giving you a scrap of information on where your precious Keystone is located... I'll have you take care of every target we have, and we have over a hundred targets, both former prisoners and recent criminals, so none of you will be..."

"Sira! What is the meaning of this?" a familiar voice asked, where Rainbow, the Illidari, and the Wardens watched as Maiev, in all her glory, stepped out of the shadows and walked over to where they were standing, meaning she must have heard everything that had been said since the Illidari came to the camp, or at least that was Rainbow's assumption on the matter and it might have been a test to see if they could be trusted with the information, though that was when she spotted a few individuals behind the Head Warden, one being Asha, though she also spotted the still bodies of Cassiel Nightthorn, Sirius Ebonwing, and Arduen Soulblade, meaning four of the missing Illidari had been revealed and three of them appeared to be dead, and given that Asha wasn't fighting Maiev it told Rainbow everything she needed to know, "You made a deal with the Illidari, to hunt down and kill a number of the targets on our list, but instead of honoring your end of the bargain, like I would have done, you decided to cheat them out of their reward and wanted to exploit them to make sure we take care of the entire list... I'm disappointed in you."

"Maiev... I... fine, you win." Sira said, where it looked like she might have wanted to say something else to her leader, what Rainbow had no idea since Maiev wasn't the type to be intimidated by anyone, even Spitfire and Rainbow couldn't do that based on what she remembered, as back in the Vault it seemed like she had left herself defenseless to try and stop them from killing someone who wasn't fighting back, before Sira turned her head towards Rainbow and thought about what she was about to say, even though she didn't think the Illidari deserved their item yet, "The one you're looking for is a Warden by the name of Malace Shade, who Lady Maiev appointed as the one to safeguard your precious Sargerite Keystone from any that would misuse it, though we sent her to Stormheim some time ago to deal with a Fel Lord, so to gain the Keystone you'll have to find her and likely help her take down her target, before she gives you the information on your precious Fel-tainted device... that's all I know on the matter."

"Malace was, according to my last report, last seen near the Gates of Valor," Maiev added, revealing that either Sira had no idea that such a report had come in earlier, or she didn't care and wanted to make the Illidari waste time hunting down the location of the Warden they had been told about, before she glanced over at Rainbow for a moment and noticed the new changes to her body, but decided to say nothing about them since she needed to lecture Sira on how to go about making deals with those that were helping them bring down the Legion, especially with the likes of Spitfire and Rainbow, given her brief encounter with them inside the Vault, "you should start there... also, some of the heroes saved Asha and myself from Black Rook Hold, even though three of your number died in the process and Asha made sure to claim their souls so they weren't taken by the Legion, so I'll be handing over their bodies to the Illidari, so you can bury them or do whatever it is that you do when a member of your order dies."

"I... thank you." Rainbow replied, as while she hated the Wardens, and Maiev especially, this was one of the rare times that she was surprised by what Maiev said and knew that Spitfire would have been caught off guard as well, to which she took a moment to sigh as she let go of Sira, letting her touch down on the ground before doing so, before holding up the scroll she had been given earlier, causing her to glance between the leader of the Wardens and the one that would replace her if anything happened to her while she was out in the field, "I'll head to Stormheim right now and see if I can't find Malace, to assist her in killing this Fel Lord... oh, and I'll make sure Belath sends some Illidari out to kill the targets on this scroll, just to relieve some of the pressure you might be feeling right now."

As Rainbow turned to leave the area, so she could spread her wings and take off, that was when she felt a slight shift in the air and knew what was coming at her from the back, where she shifted her body to the side and that was when Sira swung her crescent weapon down through the area she had been standing in a few moments ago, meaning if she hadn't dodged the incoming attack her soul would have likely been sent to the Twisting Nether, that was if she avoided seeing what was on Kayn's face, before she spun around and struck Sira in the chest with the side of her leg, sending her flying through the tent, ripping the fabric of the back apart in seconds, then struck part of the rock wall behind the camp and collapsed not a few seconds later. Rainbow raised an eyebrow for a moment, as she wasn't expecting such a thing when she used her new legs to attack someone who dared to attack her from behind like that, before Maiev walked over to Sira and took a couple of seconds to make sure she was alright, giving Rainbow a chance to stretch her legs and make sure her movements were just fine, just a double check in the grand scheme of things, but one that was done she tossed the scroll over to Kayn and opened her wings so she could take to the air, turning herself so she could fly through Suramar and head to Stormheim, leaving the Illidari to clean up the mess that had been created and start to seek out the other three targets they had been told about just now. Now she was a little conflicted, as normally she would hate every Warden for what had happened to her, Spitfire, and the rest of the Illidari, and Sira's attitude towards her and her forces confirmed her opinion, but Maiev, against all odds, seemed to apologize to them in an odd way by making sure that the demon hunters who were captured and slain had their bodies returned to her and her forces, while delivering Asha and some information to them, but that really wasn't enough for her to really forgive Maiev for what she had done to all of them, however, as she told the Wardens earlier, she would drop the matter as long as they claimed the Sargerite Keystone, so the Illidari could move on with what their Lord had planned before the assault on Mardum. She still wanted to beat up Maiev and punish her accordingly, just because she deserved it and it would finish up what happened inside the Vault, but for now she was going to stick to what Spitfire would do in this situation, make friends and focus on the Legion, while leaving the potential punishment for later, once the Keystone had been claimed and they had stopped Sargeras' crusade, in whatever form that happened to be, to which she focused on the task at hand and headed for Stormheim, even though it was interesting to hear that there were still demons in that province, especially after everything that had happened earlier, when she, Spitfire, and the others went through Stormheim to get the Aegis.

It took her some time to reach the province of Stormheim, not that she stopped for anything along the way, but once she entered the part of the Broken Isles her target was resting in Rainbow turned towards the Gates of Valor and decided to head over to the Felskorn camp they had found Vethir in, when he came to help them stop Skovald, where she discovered a brand new Fel cage resting near where the storm drake had been resting, and sure enough there was a Warden resting inside the iron structure, who turned her head a little as she heard the sounds of Rainbow's wings, even though Rainbow landed near her and closed her wings as she focused on the Warden.

"Rainbow Dash, is that you?" the Warden asked, though it was easy for Rainbow to determine that this was Malace, given what Maiev and Sira had told her earlier, though of course, due to the fact that every Felskorn had been slain, for the most part, this area seemed to be deprived of enemies, even though Rainbow was sure there were some demons nearby, which she knew that to the cage that Malace was trapped in right now, before the Warden sighed for a moment as she thought about everything that had happened to her, "This is a rather odd turn of events for us, don't you think? The prisoner is free and the jailer is now the prisoner... do whatever you want with me, as the vrykul that imprisoned me realized that a basic cage wouldn't be enough to hold a Warden, so they used their ill-gotten powers to do this, and to break it I would need to find and kill the three vrykul that are holding the rune keys, which would let me break the seal."

"I'm not going to kill you... rather, I came to help you track down the Fel Lord you were tracking, in exchange for the area the Keystone is resting in," Rainbow replied, though while there were members of the Illidari that would have been happy to have a Warden inside the Fel Hammer, possibly to keep their existence a secret and give them Fel energy to make them into the very thing they hate, and she was sure there were one or two among their ranks that would do something like that to someone, namely Maiev if she had to put a finger on who their target would be, "Tell me where the rune holders might be and I'll go kill them, then I'll break the seal and we can go kill that Fel Lord you were sent here to take down, provided it is still in this province."

"Your targets are Runesage Floki, whose located in Tideskorn Harbor, Runelord Ragnar, who watches over Hrydshal, and Runeskeld Rollo, who should be in Haustvald," Malace stated, though the only reason she knew that was due to the sheer fact that one of the vrykul that had come over to this area, who weren't here right now, had discussed the areas that the three rune holders had wandered off to, so they purposely gave her the information to torment her, but since Rainbow was here she could use that to get her revenge on the Felskorn that had survived her and Spitfire's assault on Stormheim earlier, maybe ending all of them in the process, before she focused on the task at hand, "recover their runes and you can unlock this cage... then we can kill that Fel Lord and discuss the Keystone."

Rainbow, without even wasting a second, burst into the air by flapping her wings and spun around when she was a decent distance above the camp, allowing her to focus on Haustvald once more, to which she flew over to the area in question so she could start looking for the first of the three targets she had been told about, though as she did so it was easy for her to see that the Bonespeakers were either totally dead, likely from the shieldmaidens killing them after coming back from the realm of Helheim, though it was incredibly easy for her to figure out where her target, Runeskeld Rollo, was located, due to all of the Fel energy that was coming from him, and he was inside one of the chambers that held the runes that had been holding Ashildir's fractured soul. She gave her foe a chance to pick up his two-handed axe and charge at her, since fighting an unarmed opponent seemed unfair in the grand scheme of things, where she parried the incoming attack with just one of her Warblades, something that surprised Rainbow since she usually needed both weapons to do block such an attack and then push her foe backwards, but that caused her to grin for a moment as she swung her other Warblade and cut into her foe's chest, causing Rollo to take a step back in shock, before she spun around and delivered a series of cuts to his arms, legs, and the rest of his body, causing the vrykul to collapse not even a few seconds later. Once that happened Rainbow paused for a few seconds, where she glanced at her arms and legs for a moment, as she was studying her power and the fact that she was able to overcome someone like Runeskeld Rollo with ease, almost like he was nothing when she compared his power to her own, which made her wonder if she had moved away from normal enemies, such as the vrykul warriors, and that those who could offer her a decent challenge would be the demons of the Legion, to which she sighed and claimed the rune she was looking for, since that was the reason she had killed Rollo in the first place. The moment she had the imbued stone that her target had been holding, and it was placed inside her back, she walked outside and took to the air once more, where she headed over to the harbor that was near Haustvald, since she figured that she might as well take out Runesage Floki next, due to the fact that he happened to be the closest of her two remaining targets, though the moment she had the second rune she would head off and take down Runelord Ragnar as well, hence why she focused her attention down on a mist filled harbor that was near the water, to the left of Haustvald's entrance.

Once she was above Tideskorn Harbor, and noticed that there weren't a whole lot of vrykul inside the settlement, which made sense due to the fact that most had joined Skovald and promptly died when they fought her, Spitfire, Vytheril, and Scarlet earlier, Rainbow used her Spectral Sight and noticed that her target was located near the uppermost part of this entire area, to which she landed in front of the hut in question and walked inside, where she found Floki, who carried two axes, standing near the backside of the chamber, as if waiting for someone to come bother him, though not a few seconds later they clashed with each other as he noticed her approaching him. Interestingly enough Floki actually tried to use his Fel powers against her, as in he loosed a Fel fireball into her chest with the intent of knocking her backwards and burning away her clothing, though the reality of the situation was that nothing happened to her and that allowed Rainbow to cut into his chest for a moment, but when he summoned lightning to blast her she just spun around and avoided the bolt that was sent her way, before she cut down her opponent and sent his soul into the Warblades, just like what happened to all of her Fel-corrupted enemies, even though she claimed his rune stone as well. Once that was done Rainbow headed back outside and took to the air once more, this time heading back towards Hrydshal, an area she and her friends had lashed out at when they were trying to complete the Trials to enter the Halls of Valor and claim the Aegis, and sure enough this settlement had a significantly lower amount of people inside it, since those who became Felskorn had been slain outside the Gates of Valor, before she spotted the structure her third and final foe was located in, to which she quickly landed in front of the hut's entrance and discovered who her target was. Ragnar carried a shield in his left hand and a mace in his right, so he could actually defend himself, though when she engaged him she was a little disappointed to discover that all of his ill-gotten powers were basically the same as her previous targets, as in he had the power to fire Fel fireballs and use a bit of lightning to try and blast her, so in the end it was rather easy for her to dodge incoming attacks and cut the large warrior down, allowing her to take the rune stone that happened to be in his possession and depart from Hrydshal before any of the remaining residents of this settlement could rush over to see what the fighting was about, before she focused on her task and headed back to Malace's location.

Sure enough there were still no vrykul in the area that Malace was trapped in, either due to someone else coming through this area and slaying them before she arrived or the fact that no vrykul had come back after being decimated by her and the others, to which Rainbow landed nearby and pulled out the three runes she had been told to collect, where she used all three of them and watched as their magic caused the stones surrounding Malace's cage to shatter, though the instant she shattered the last one the Warden opened the cage door and stepped out, revealing that she still had her weapon on her and that she was ready to hunt her target.

"It seems I underestimated the power you possess... perhaps we all did," Malace commented, though as she said that she beckoned for Rainbow to follow, where they started to head for the bridge that would take them to the Gates of Valor, an area that seemed clear of Fel energy at the moment, or at least most of what Skovald had left behind since Rainbow could see a large demon off in the distance, thanks to her Spectral Sight, but she remained silent as she waited for the Warden to tell her what her decision was, regarding the demon and the Sargerite Keystone, "As you know, I was sent here to either capture or kill a Fel Lord by the name of Lochaber, but after being captured, and embarrassed, I have decided that I'm no longer in the mood to capture this demon, though I do have a way to convince him to leave his camp, and any allies if he has any, and face us in combat... once he is dead, well, then maybe I'll tell you where the Keystone rests."

Rainbow said nothing to that and just nodded her head, because at this point she wasn't even surprised by the Wardens just teasing her and the rest of the Illidari with the location of the Sargerite Keystone, using it as a bargaining chip against her and the rest of her allies, though it was in that moment that she realized that Malace's weapon was a glaive, which was a spear of some kind, instead of the traditional crescent blade the rest of her order used in combat, meaning either they trained in all weapons or Malace was one of the few Wardens who was allowed to use a different weapon in combat, but once they reached the area they would be fighting the Fel Lord in, literally at the end of the bridge, Malace stopped and Rainbow nodded her head, just to show her temporary ally that she was ready to go.

"Lochaber!" Malace shouted, her voice echoing throughout the area they were in, allowing the Fel Lord to know that there was someone calling him out and that it would be easy to trace it back to where they were standing, something Rainbow could confirm since the Fel Lord was starting to march over to their position, even though it didn't look like Malace was even close to being done with her taunt, as she likely had one or two more things to say before lifting her weapon so she could be ready for the fight they were about to be in, hence why Rainbow had her Warblades at the ready, just in case the Fel Lord came with reinforcements, "Come demon, face us... this is, if you aren't afraid of us."

"I FEAR NOTHING!" Lochaber stated, where he walked down the steps and approached the pair, showing Rainbow that he had quite the ego if Malace's little taunt had worked this well, though that was when he paused as he noticed her standing by the Warden he and his allies had captured, no doubt remembering the fact that she and Spitfire were targets that the Legion wanted to take down, to convert them into demonic warriors to destroy the forces defending Azeroth, which was when the Fel Lord grinned for a few seconds, "I will kill you both on my own... and Rainbow, I will send your soul to Caria and Varedis, so you can be turned into a weapon of the Legion!"

Instead of saying anything to that remark, since the demons loved to say that she and Spitfire would fall to the Legion and join the army they were fighting against at the moment, Rainbow rushed forward without wasting a single second, or even responding to Lochaber's statement, and raised her Warblades into the air as the Fel Lord brought down his massive axe down on the area she was currently standing in, where she found that her newly empowered body was able to withstand the attack and not be pushed back, as she stood her ground as her new clawed feet dug into the metal of the bridge and supported her while she blocked the attack. A few seconds later Rainbow shifted her stance and knocked her foe's weapon backwards, opening Lochaber's defenses in the process, allowing her to spin around and cut a few gashes into his legs as he regained himself, while at the same time Malace joined her and found an opening in the Fel Lord's armor, which let her stab his legs and even part of his chest at the same time, where it was easy for Rainbow to see that the Warden was having fun, as odd as that sounded, because she was sure that she heard Malace crush a giggle before it could escape, meaning there might be members of the Wardens that she and the others might be able to get along with, especially since Malace didn't seem to see her as a demon, rather it appeared that she realized Rainbow and the Illidari were allies. Either way, this was likely going to be the only time the two of them fought side by side, though she was going to make the most of this rare event as she joined Malace in attacking Lochaber, where the demon seemed surprised by this turn of events and tried to overcome them, but due to Rainbow's speed and Malace's attack power, as being hit with that glaive had to be painful, as it was a nice silvery weapon that seemed like it might be blessed by moonlight, which made sense due to the fact that Malace happened to be a night elf and likely prayed to Elune every now and then, so her weapon was likely blessed by her patron goddess in some manner. Lochaber, who seemed annoyed by how the battle was going, started to spin around so he could crush the two of them with the force of his spinning weapon, to which Rainbow stood her ground as Malace took a moment to back off, so she would be out of the way, before she spun around as well and lashed out with her Warblades as Lochaber started his attack, where Malace was glad that her helmet was on since she had to sweat for a moment when she saw Rainbow smash all of the Fel Lord's attacks backwards, without her or her weapons taking any damage, and then that was when she witnessed Rainbow jumped into the air, moved by Lochaber's head, and then landed on the ground behind him, where his head was separated from his body a few seconds later.

Malace had heard stories of the power of Spitfire and Rainbow Dash, how they were stronger than most of the Illidari, and some of the Wardens even wondered if they were already stronger than Illidan Stormrage, but this was a surprise that she wasn't expecting to see and it told her that one of them was just as powerful as the stories said, though based on this one battle she had the feeling that Rainbow was far stronger than what Maiev had said, and had gotten stronger since the Fel Lord's soul was eaten by the Warblades and his Fel energy was added to everything Rainbow had taken from the demons she had slain before this point in time.

"You are a formidable warrior, Rainbow Dash, and we are fortunate that you and Spitfire are on our side," Malace said, and that was the truth of the matter, as while there were those that were worried about the arrival of two demon hunters that could rival Illidan Stormrage, the first of his order and the one who carried the title of the 'Betrayer', she counted herself and the others lucky that Spitfire and Rainbow were even considering helping Azeroth after everything Maiev did to them, not to mention the rest of the Illidari, and being on their good side seemed to be the right thing to do, hence why she took a moment to think about what she had done in the past and cleaned her weapon at the same time, "and you have earned the information you were seeking: the Sargerite Keystone is located in the depths of our Vault, hidden in the chamber that we imprisoned the body of your master inside... normally, I would give you the combination to unlock the hiding place, but due to the fact that we know Cordana was last seen heading into the Vault, about two days ago anyway, its likely that she has already smashed through my defensive measure and will be holding onto the Keystone, so you'll have to kill her to get the artifact in question."

Rainbow thanked Malace for that information, since it was far more useful than anything she had been told so far, before spreading her wings and took off not a few seconds later, as it appeared that the Warden planned on hunting something else down before heading back to Maiev, though she was headed for Dalaran, because if the Keystone was located in the depths of the Vault, and she was sure that was the truth since Malace didn't seem to be one to lie to her or try to cheat her out of what she was seeking, Rainbow knew that she would need a few allies, like Vytheril and Scarlet for example, to head inside with her and take down any enemies they might find along the way.

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