• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 1,167 Views, 307 Comments

World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Suramar: Missing Persons

As the hours of the morning went by Spitfire and Rainbow noticed something, those who were fleeing from Suramar City were devastated by everything that was happening in the Waning Crescent and that meant the mood in the city was still the same, gloomy and full of anger when they glanced at most of the Nightborne who came to Shal'Aran, as none of them were pleased by the destruction and death that had filled the city that morning, which told the heroes of Azeroth that both the Felwatch and all of Gul'dan's demons were now the most hated individuals in the city, including Gul'dan, as he ordered his minions to set the event in motion, according to what Khadgar had to say. Khadgar continued to be the one that Thalyssra turned to when she wanted to know about Gul'dan and what he was capable of doing, as he happened to know the most about the orc warlock and even went into detail about everything that happened on Draenor, the world that had attacked Azeroth not all that long ago thanks to the efforts of the Iron Horde, even though it was an alternate version of Outland, the destroyed world that Spitfire and Rainbow appeared on all those years ago, which interested Thalyssra and gave her an idea of the sorts of evils the orc warlock was capable of. According to his information it had taken the heroes of Azeroth some time to hunt down and kill most of the leaders of the Iron Horde, leaving only Grommash Hellscream, the Warchief, alive, while he was only one of two Chieftains to survive what happened on Draenor, the other being Durotan, who lead the Frostwolf Clan, and there was another leader who fought beside them and the heroes to take down Gul'dan and Archimonde, a female draenei by the name of Yrel, but out of all of that there was another fact of the story that just stuck with Spitfire and made her think for a short period of time. Yrel, Durotan, and Grommash had promised to aid the forces of Azeroth in their time of need, to repay them for freeing Draenor from the Legion's grasp, which was why Spitfire was wondering if they could call in said favor and get some reinforcements for this war, something many of the leaders of Azeroth's factions agreed with when she pitched the idea, meaning at some point they were going to have to figure out how to do that, to which she sighed before refocusing on what was happening right now.

In addition to all of the citizens who were upset and outraged by what was happening to the city and their homes, not to mention the friends that had been slain in the assault, the members of the Duskwatch that were joining the rebellion were totally outraged by the assault, most pledging to bring down Gul'dan's demons and secure the city, while tracking down all of the Felwatch and cutting them down for their betrayal, even though Spitfire knew that everyone in Shal'Aran was taking some time to think the same thing, and that was whether or not Elisande had approved of the attack or if she had been forced to allow it to happen, like she was tortured or threatened in some manner.

"Based on what the scouts have seen and heard so far, there's no news from the Nighthold or Ly'leth," Thalyssra said, as it was something that concerned her, more than she was willing to admit, because if something had happened in the place that the Nightwell rested in, the Nighthold as they called it, that meant the Grand Magistrix either didn't care about them or her hands were tied by something else, while at the same time Ly'leth not sending them anything had to mean she was busy trying to get information on what might have happened to the Waning Crescent, though right now she was staring at the Arcan'dor while she talked, mostly to see what Spitfire might say when she was done, "meaning the rest of the city has to be taking in the fact that it was actually attacked and that nothing is being done to figure out the culprit, even though many of our allies aren't pleased with what is going on."

"Given what everyone has said about Elisande so far, about how she would go about this, I would say that Gul'dan is the one behind this attack," Spitfire replied, knowing that Thalyssra was talking to her and that she likely wanted her opinion on something, hence the reason she had been thinking about what Rainbow had seen and what she had learned during her time in the Waning Crescent, though so far all of her thoughts lead to the fact that Elisande might not be responsible for what was happening to Suramar City, as in Gul'dan must have forced his way into control of everything to get the rest of the things he needed for whatever ritual he was trying to perform, if Khadgar's thoughts were correct, meaning there was a chance that the Grand Magistrix was innocent in this attack and could, if approached correctly, be an ally to them in their war against Gul'dan and the Legion, "if that's the case, maybe we can convince Elisande to join us in chasing out her unwanted guest, to show she truly cares for her city and not all of the promises that the Legion might have made when the deal between them was struck... but, if she's inside the Nighthold, it might be near impossible to get at her, not without us alerting Gul'dan as to what we're up to."

"You know, when I set out to rebel against Elisande and drive the Legion out of Suramar City, I didn't plan on most of this happening to me, as in the Arcan'dor, you and Rainbow, this attack," Thalyssra commented, showing that she had planned for something else to happen when she tried to rebel against the lady who ruled over this city and her people, but she did understand that no one could really plan for the emergence of a magical tree being part of a rebellion, though it did make her remember what happened back in Karazhan, where Medivh mentioned that the 'bonds of fate' had been twisted and that the 'futures he had seen had been rewritten' in some manner, meaning she had an idea of what Thalyssra was talking about right now, though before she could say anything one of their soldiers emerged from the new portal and walked over to her for a moment so she could whisper something into her ear, news that surprised her, "Really? We've got more allies coming from the Duskwatch?"

"Yes, and even Silgryn was surprised when she showed up." the soldier replied, something that caused Rainbow and Elylia to focus on them for a few moments, as the pair had been resting off to the side and practice their weapon movements for when they were called upon to return to Suramar City, or anywhere else that might need their attention, though it was all too clear that the soldier was annoyed about something as well, just like everyone else who had learned of the assault on the Waning Crescent, before she glanced at Rainbow for a few moments, "she's also asking to see the one who 'carries the guise of Anarys', meaning someone else knows about Anarys' disappearance... or Ly'leth is using a code of some kind to make sure it remains a secret."

"Well, if a defector is asking for me, I would be rude to ignore them, especially since she might have valuable information for us and the rest of the rebellion," Rainbow stated, showing that she knew what was going on and that she had an idea of what she needed to do next, especially since it seemed like the Duskwatch were flocking to Thalyssra's side so none of them were caught by the wrath of the rebellion, when they made their move on Elisande and Gul'dan anyway, though as she said that Elylia walked over to her side as she pulled out the mask, something she was going to need once they were back inside the city, after speaking to whoever wanted to see her, "We'll be back once we figure out what our new allies want to tell us, and assist them in taking the fight to the Felwatch, since I'm assuming that they'll want to make sure we can be trusted before truly siding with us."

Thalyssra nodded and let the pair head through the new portal, where they quickly reappeared in the new lookout tower that Silgryn was using to check on the rest of Suramar City, or the Waning Crescent anyway, though when they arrived the pair noticed that both Silgryn and Arluelle, the latter having left Shal'Aran after officially joining the rebellion so she could learn from the one who might as well be Thalyssra's military commander, not counting Tyrande or Lady Liadrin, standing nearby, with another Nightborne, dressed in the armor of a Duskwatch soldier, maybe a captain since she had a bit more on her than the rest of the Duskwatch, though her weapon rested on the ground near Silgryn, showing that she was here to talk and even gave them a sign of good faith by handing over her weapon.

"One of our soldiers told Thalyssra that you wanted to speak with me," Rainbow said, something that was followed by the soldier in question raising her eyebrow in surprise for a moment, as if she didn't believe her, hence why she pulled out her mask for a moment and slipped it on, allowing the magic to wash over her body and restore her disguise, which caused the Nightborne to pause for a second as she realized what she was seeing right now, as the magic that was lingering on it was far more than a simple party mask, as the disguise was far stronger than anything she had seen so far, "I am Rainbow Dash, or 'Anarys' when I'm using the mask to sneak through parts of the city, and this is Elylia, an ally who joined us back at the beginning of the rebellion."

"I am Victoire, one of the many Nightborne who are fleeing the Nighthold to join the rebellion, to bring down the Felwatch and their demonic allies," Victoire replied, showing that she knew what Rainbow was doing and that she was replicating it to show that she was here to talk, not to mention assisting them in taking down the Felwatch, though as that happened Rainbow noticed that Arluelle had her weapon out and Silgryn had her put it away for now, since they had allies waiting to join the rebellion, before both she and Rainbow focused on each other, "Anyway, I have disturbing information that needs to be acted upon: a large number of citizens are being dragged out of Starcaller Retreat, bound in Fel chains, and it looked like their destination might be Astravar Harbor... and they're being escorted by both the Felwatch and their demonic allies, to make sure no one is able to flee, even if they break their bindings. I know the patrols started earlier this morning, just before the assault on the Waning Crescent, and no one who has been taken to Astravar Harbor has returned, though we have been unable to figure anything out thanks to all the demons that have overrun the place, especially when we take the fact that the Felwatch doesn't like the Duskwatch at all, as now they've started to attack any who dare to interfere with any of the missions they are given. I would suggest taking down the demons and seeing if they have any notes about what in the world they are taking the citizens... while you do that, I would also suggest that you locate more of the Duskwatch and inform them that my group is defecting to Thalyssra's side, because if they're smart they'll defect as well and take the fight to Gul'dan and his demons."

"This definitely has Gul'dan written all over it, an attack on the city and stealing the civilians while everyone else is focused on fighting the flames," Rainbow remarked, recalling what Khadgar had said earlier, when answering Thalyssra's questions so she understood just how dangerous the orc warlock was, though as she did that she glanced out at the patch of water that rested between the Evermoon Terrace and Astravar Harbor, as it was to the east of where the tower rested, if one was looking at the city from the water anyway, focusing on the area in question as she spotted a number of demons and enemies for her and Elylia to take down, before she sighed for a moment, "Don't worry, we'll be back with whatever sort of communication devices the demons and Felwatch might have on them, along with word of new allies joining the cause to bring down those who are attacking Suramar City."

Before Victoire could say anything, and before either Silgryn or Arluelle could do anything to stop her, Rainbow removed her mask and placed it inside her pack as she gripped onto the back of Elylia's armor, where she hauled her companion into the air for a few seconds and flew over to Astravar Harbor, though once they arrived at their destination she let her friend go and Elylia touched down on one of the larger boats that were in this place, but instead of landing beside her, as she would have done in any other situation, Rainbow focused on the Jailer demons that had chained up a number of the city's citizens, accompanied by Felstalkers. Her plan was simple, she was going to hack apart the demons and the various members of the Felwatch that were scattered around the circular area that was Astravar Harbor, leaving Elylia to talk with the Duskwatch who were stationed in this place and convince them to leave, to join the rebellion and take their city back from Gul'dan, and since she spotted Deline's boat nearby, exchanged for an even larger one that was still smaller than the ones that were around the harbor, that meant she was aiding them in transporting the captured citizens, who would be freed once their captors were defeated, in fleeing the city. As such she focused on her part of their mission and less on the pair that were assisting her in the other part of it, where she spun around and slashed her way through the demons that were in front of her, while lashing out with her clawed feet to deal some additional damage, even though each enemy she slew had their soul snatched by her Warblades and their Fel energy added to her ever growing pool of power, and none of the Felwatch were safe from what was going on, as she made sure to cut down some of them as well, as punishment for each of them turning their backs on their city and accepting the power of the Legion, corrupting them to the point where they would attack those who might be neighbors or even family members. The demons in this place were, of course, very angry at what she was doing and tried to bring her down, wrapping their Fel chains around her body in an attempt to drag her to the ground and take her down, but Rainbow wasn't about to let that sort of thing take her down as she smashed all of the chains and lashed out at her would-be captors, slashing into the chests of the Jailers while stabbing the Felstalkers right in the center of their heads, leaving dead demons in her wake as she stole their souls.

While she did that, however, Rainbow spotted every group of Duskwatch that happened to be in this place, basically being forced to watch what was happening to the citizens they were sworn to protect with their lives, lashing out at the Felwatch as the freed captives rushed over to Deline's boat, to be taken to the tower and delivered to Shal'Aran while Thalyssra and her forces readied themselves for battle, though it looked like their new allies were mostly focused on knocking down all of their foes so Rainbow could finish them off and add their souls to her growing collection. Another thing she kept an eye on was the warp pads that were connected to the upper level of the structure that Astravar Harbor was connected to, just in case additional enemies came out and tried to bring them down, but while she waited for that to happen, because she was sure that someone would come at some point to see what was going on down here, she focused on hacking her way through the demons that were around her as she freed more of the captured civilians that were here, allowing Elylia and their new allies to usher them to safety. She was also sure that Shal'Aran would run out of room at some point in the very near future, especially with all of the citizens that were currently fleeing the city so they didn't get caught by the Legion or the corrupt Felwatch, where she had to wonder if the latter would start to become demons to deal with their enemies, as it would grant her more Fel energy if such a thing happened, but for now she was sure that Thalyssra would find room in Shal'Aran for those who were coming from the city, before possibly spreading out to one of the other ruins of Suramar to make a brand new camp for them, their allies, and those who had been forced to flee the city. A few moments later she cut down a Jailer demon and noticed that it dropped something interesting, a crystal that was touched by Fel energy and had an image of an Eredar in it, the very thing that she and Elylia were here to claim, a communicator that would grant all of them some information on what was going on right now, though once that was in hand she lashed out and quickly cut down all of the remaining demons that were in this place, allowing her to collect their souls as Elylia finished convincing all of the Duskwatch to defect to the rebellion and ushered the freed civilians to get on Deline's larger boat.

Once they were done in Astravar Harbor, and Rainbow was sure of that fact, she and Elylia headed back to where Silgryn and their allies happened to be waiting for them to return with news on what was going on, though instead of speaking up the moment they landed on top of the tower, and showing them the crystal Rainbow had picked up, the first thing they did was make sure everyone that had been freed was sent to Shal'Aran, while the members of the Duskwatch swore to serve Thalyssra and bring down their corrupt enemies, but once everything was said and done she held the crystal out to show Silgryn, Aurelle, and Victoire what had been recorded in it, by channeling a bit of Fel energy to play the message that was contained inside it.

Tichar, I have news for you and your forces: Gul'dan has given the order for us to start extracting elves from the city, as a punishment for their foolish Queen trying to stand against us, a voice said, where they found an transparent male Eredar appearing above the crystal, who had to be one of the commanders of the Legion's assault on the city in Rainbow's mind, though that also meant that one of the Jailers had to be the 'Tichar' that had been mentioned, despite the fact that none of them had any unique appearances to set them apart from every other Jailer that was in Astravar Harbor, but that was the moment they heard a female scream, like she was being tortured by someone, something that caused a grin to appear on the Eredar's face for a few seconds as he heard it, while Silgryn and Victoire froze, Lord Gul'dan is... showing her the errors of her ways... to make her realize her place and ensure she doesn't repeat the same mistake, but while he does that the way to Felsoul Hold is now open and he wishes for the prisoners to be fed to the Soul Engine. Once that is done you are to continue capturing these pitiful elves and either deliver them to Felsoul Hold, or deliver those with potential to our Lord for... special training...

"Felsoul Hold... the situation is more dire than what we originally believed," Silgryn commented, speaking once the image of the Eredar was gone, even though he held a hand out and Rainbow gave the crystal to him so it could be delivered to Shal'Aran, because he was sure that Thalyssra would want to see this and make a plan of attack, to either topple the new Felwatch or persuade more of the city to join the rebellion, to avenge their fallen and push the demons back to whatever place they had come from, before he considered what he felt was the more important implication, "but this does confirm something: Elisande, despite reaching an agreement with the Legion and bringing about the existence of the rebellion in the first place, seems to be regretting her decision and is trying to make amends by refusing to let Gul'dan do whatever he wants to her city and those she's supposed to protect."

"Yeah, by tortuing her in the Nighthold," Victoire replied, revealing to Rainbow that the voice that had screamed out near the end of the message was the voice of the Grand Magistrix, meaning Gul'dan was asserting his dominance over the city by likely chaining her to part of the Nighthold and inflicting punishments on her by using Fel energies to hurt her, as that was what some of the Eredar and other races of the Legion did to break someone to their will, before she sighed and took a moment to glance over to the massive structure that was off in the distance, the Nighthold to be exact, "at the very least we know that she hasn't totally betrayed the Nightborne, since it sounds like she's trying to stop Gul'dan from taking over her city, but there's no telling how long its going to last."

"Should I fly over to the Nighthold, break into whatever location she might be being held in, and retrieve her so she can't be tortured anymore?" Rainbow inquired, as she figured that if her allies told her where in the Nighthold Gul'dan might be holding Elisande, regardless of the size of the place in question, she could rush over to the structure in question, scout out the areas that the ruler of Suramar City might be resting in, free the Grand Magistrix if she found her, and get her out of an enemy infested nest so she could be delivered to Shal'Aran and, more importantly, Thalyssra and Spitfire, who might be able to talk some sense into her.

"No, we'll leave that decision to Thalyssra, who will need some time to determine if we're being played or if what we heard was actually real," Silgryn spoke up, as he had been thinking about this since they heard the message in question, as while he and many others were hoping that Elisande would turn against the Legion, for attacking her city and everything else the Felwatch had done since being formed, only the leader of their forces could make the decision and he was fine with that, before he focused on what they were going to be doing next, "however, we should be focusing on putting an end to what is going on in Felsoul Hold, and by that I mean killing this Eredar and saving those who are being held captive. Now this is normally where I would offer the idea that you, Rainbow, play the part of a captive and let them capture you so you can lead us to the area that our people are being held in, but given that they might be able to sense your Fel power we'll have to use someone else, hence why I think Elylia would be perfect for this, just put on a mask that makes you look like one of the citizens and they'll capture you in no time... once you arrive, as we'll be following behind you in one of Deline's boats, we'll free you from your bindings and then take out the demon in charge of capturing our people, before freeing those who have been captured and deliver them to Shal'Aran."

Elylia, even though she didn't want to be the decoy, decided that it was better than asking one of the citizens to do this for the rebellion, since there was no telling what might happen once the demons took her group to whatever area of Felsoul Hold they would be stopping at, before Silgryn found a mask that could be enchanted with the form he had spoken of and handed it over to her once it was ready, where he made sure his group was ready as Rainbow carried Elylia back over to Astravar Harbor, as there were a few more Jailers in the area, who had been inside the city, and they had chained up more citizens, before she lowered her friend on the ground and departed for a moment. Once Elylia was ready she slipped her mask on and appeared as an ordinary citizen, where a Jailer happened to float out of the center of the harbor a couple of seconds later and chained her to the group with his Fel chains, all while Rainbow happened to be far above them and just watched without drawing any attention to herself, though it appeared that they were in time for the next ferry to come to the harbor, a ship that was tainted with Fel energies and had spikes growing out of the wood, showing that it had been twisted by the Legion's power. Not a few moments later, once everyone was forced onto the deck of the ship, the Jailer and his allies headed out onto the open water and departed from Suramar City, though it didn't take Deline long to leave the area that was near Evermoon Terrace, making sure to stay behind them and maintain a good distance, where she left her perch and followed after the corrupted ferry as well, where they watched as it headed to the south a little before turning to the west, like it was heading over to Azsuna, though everyone knew that the demon's destination was Felsoul Hold and not another province of the Broken Isles. Sure enough the demons came to a stop at an beach that allowed someone to see a long stone bridge that rested on part of Azsuna, before they spotted a bunch of Fel prisons which had been piled up on the beach, in an odd fashion, and Rainbow watched as their targets landed and forced the captives off the boat, but the instant Elylia and the captives were on the beach, and the couple of Jailers paused, Rainbow flashed down to where her targets were standing and swung her right Warblade down at one of the demons before it had a chance to see what was going on, cutting it down while their allies arrived in their boat.

As that happened Arluelle jumped off the boat with Victoire and together they cut down another Jailer, while Elylia took off her mask and disguise before cutting apart another demon, leaving Rainbow to claim their souls as she cut down the last of their foes, clearing the beach of demons and opening the way for Silgryn and Deline to join them, smashing the chains that were wrapped around each of the citizens who had been snatched from their homes, even though Rainbow had her attention on what was up the path in front of them, which was Felsoul Hold.

"The next step of our plan is obvious: I'll find the Eredar in charge of this operation and kill him, and those who follow him as well, while you focus on freeing the other captives and getting them out of here," Rainbow stated, because even if the only way to actually stop this operation was to kill Gul'dan, the Legion's true commander in Suramar City, taking out those who followed him would slow everything down and would also grant their allies more opportunities to save everyone who were being stolen from their homes, to build a grand army for when Thalyssra decided that it was time to take down their true enemy, and based on what she was seeing all of her companions agreed with her.

With that done Rainbow started to head up the hill that was in front of her and used her full speed for a few seconds, as it allowed her to flash around the beach and cut down the couple of foes that hadn't noticed the arrival of the boats a couple of seconds ago, as in there were a few Felwatch soldiers hanging around, or maybe it was more accurate to call them the Felborne, due to the fact that they seemed to love adding more Fel energy to their bodies and gaining more power, even if said process corrupted them in the process, and some Jailers, the latter being her first targets. Part of her knew that all of her Nightborne allies would want to capture several of the Felborne and put them to death for betraying their people, as in bring them to the city for a public execution to show everyone else in Suramar City that the legion wasn't getting away with anything they did to the Nightborne, but that didn't stop her from lashing out at them and taking their heads off, dragging the souls of the Felborne into her Warblades as she consumed their power as well, so she could put it to better use as she waged war on the Legion's forces. Of course several of the Felborne that were scattered around the beach were far more corrupted than those who were inside the city, meaning this must have been going on since before she and Spitfire came to find Thalyssra, as most of the ones she spotted had Fel spikes growing out of their arms and legs, with a power hungry look in their eyes as well, while there was a single corrupt elf who seemed slightly different, as her body was slimmer than the others of her corrupt kind, her eyes were a crimson red and were surrounded by a Fel green color, she had a slender Sayaad tail swinging behind her form, her breasts were a tab bit bigger than what the others had, and there were a pair of demonic horns growing out of her forehead, peaking out of her hair and started to coil back towards the back of her head, but since her transformation wasn't complete the horns were only half the distance. None of that stopped Rainbow from cutting off the head of her corrupted foe, before she had a chance to fight back, though it did make her wonder why there were so many that were willing to sell their souls to the Sayaad, instead of the other races that made up the Legion, but it did make things so much easier for her since those who walked down that path were arrogant enough to believe that no one could touch them, leading to their demise.

As the twisted Felborne fell, however, Rainbow had to pause as her own breasts pushed against the fabric of her attire for a second or two, only growing a single size based on what she was seeing, which she was used to thanks to all the Sayaad she and Spitfire had killed so far, before she continued up the hill that rested in front of the beach and discovered that the Eredar she was looking for was resting nearby, which was strange since she thought he'd be inside Felsoul Hold, but she wasn't about to complain about the situation and rushed at him... only to find that he was incredibly weak, as she found that a single swing was enough to sever his right arm and that his defenses couldn't save him from her brief assault, as it ended with him resting dead on the ground while his soul and power were added to her collections.

"Well done, you made that fight look easy," Arluelle stated, speaking the moment Rainbow returned to the beach, where she and the others had freed the captives that had been locked inside all of the Fel cages that were resting around them, who were waiting on the boat that was behind them right now, though as she said that she had to admit that Rainbow was stronger and faster than what she had been lead to believe, thanks to everything the other Nightborne who had fled the city had told her about.

"Thanks... though, to be honest, that Eredar was weaker than most of the demons I've fought," Rainbow remarked, as that was the truth of the matter, even though it might be possible that she was expecting some of the Legion's forces to be just as strong as Ursoc, Cenarius, or even Xavius were, even though to reach that level she realized that she would have to find and tackle Kil'jaeden and the other strong members of the Legion, since there had to be more than what they had faced so far, since she and Spitfire became demon hunters.

Silgryn, instead of saying anything, beckoned for them to get moving and everyone departed from the beach, returning to Deline's boat before she turned around and headed back to Evermoon Terrace, where Silgryn mentioned that there was no sign of Vanthir among those who had been stolen from their homes and dragged out to the beach near Felsoul Hold, meaning he was likely in hiding somewhere else in the city and hadn't come out for fear of enemies finding him, or he had been captured and their foes were holding him prisoner somewhere, but Rainbow was sure that they could locate him at some point in time. Upon their return to Evermoon Terrace Deline positioned her boat near the tower and Silgryn made sure the citizens disembarked without anyone bothering them, allowing them to use the warp pad to reach the top of the tower and use the portal to head over to Shal'Aran, though Victoire stayed at the tower with Silgryn and Arluelle, which left Rainbow to return to Thalyssra and give her the news of what they discovered, something that would enrage her and the rest of the rebellion once they heard what she had to say. Sure enough, when she returned to Shal'Aran, no one was even happy when they heard what she had to say, as the thought of Elisande being tortured by Gul'dan, after refusing to allow him to assault the city with his forces so he could wipe out the rebellion, seemed to bother more people that she realized, and that was on top of the fact that Vanthir was still missing and that the citizens of the city were being stolen from their homes, to be sacrificed to either Gul'dan if they showed promise or sent to Felsoul Hold if they were ordinary folk, or at least that seemed to be how the citizens were being categorized. The only change to Shal'Aran, save for some of the now freed individuals vowing to fight for their city and others taking up other methods of helping the rebellion, like being one who tended to others, was that there happened to be a small image of Ly'leth resting on a table that Thalyssra had placed near the teleport section of the city, which she assumed was a message that had been delivered by whatever magical spell the pair had sent up earlier, allowing Ly'leth to inform them of whatever movements were happening inside the city and any information they might find to be interesting.

Despite all of that Rainbow returned to Spitfire's side and rested, as she had the feeling that nothing important was going to happen for some time, given that Gul'dan needed time to figure out what his next move was and the same would be true for Thalyssra, meaning all they could do for now was just wait and see who made the next move, even though it was likely that those who were still inside the city would flock to their side after what happened to both the Waning Crescent and Astravar Harbor, though she knew that time would tell and she was more than willing to wait to see what happened next for their rebellion.

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