• Published 4th Oct 2020
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World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Shore: Dealing with the Sentinax

With Stormheim saved from the Legion's assault, and their forces in this province having suffered next to no losses due to how prepared the forces of Azeroth were for this to happen, Spitfire bid Odyn farewell, as he and his Valarjar would clear the rest of this province of the demons who tried to take everything from the Vrykul who called this place home, before opening her wings and headed off in the direction of the Broken Shore, as it was time for her to return to Deliverance Point and wait for some of her allies to return so she could see where they succeeded and where they failed in this invasion, though she had the feeling that all she would be getting were reports of the heroes kicking the Legion's rear. One thing she found as she flew through the air was that Rainbow had flown over to the border between Suramar and Stormheim, no doubt to see if she needed assistance in tearing down the Legion, or maybe just to watch her in battle, though once they regrouped in the air they headed back to the Broken Shore, but she did notice that Felsoul Hold was no longer powered, meaning Rainbow must have siphoned and devoured all of the Fel energy she must have found in that area, especially with all the corpses that were in that area. It was a good thing that she allowed her friend to join the Nightborne in defending the ancient province, even though Rainbow totally decimated everything and everyone that was in front of her while she aided Elisande's forces in tearing the demons down, and based on what she could tell Rainbow's power had grown since they left Deliverance Point earlier, which had to be making Kil'jaeden worried about his chances of beating them, that was if he was aware of the power Rainbow had developed while she tore down the demons that were either in front of her or in an area that she happened to pass through. Of course Spitfire was still surprised by Rainbow's powers, as she honestly wasn't expecting something like it to be awakened during their battle with the Legion, but it made her that much stronger and it was followed by demons falling as she fought her way through her foes, making her wonder what might happen the next time they went to one of the Legion's worlds, or even Argus when she thought about it, since there was no telling just how strong Rainbow's ability was and knew her friend was eager to make it grow.

Her thoughts were interrupted a few moments later as she and Rainbow flew over the Nighthold and focused on making their way over to Deliverance Point, where, sure enough, both of them could see a Legion ship floating in the air above the Broken Shore, one that seemed slightly stronger than the ones that had been with Mephistroth's ship earlier, though when she glanced to her right she was pleased to find that Rainbow wasn't flying off to drain the ship, meaning she had a bit of restraint and would wait until they had more information before doing something... to which they landed in Deliverance Point a few seconds later and approached the area that Illidan and Khadgar were standing in.

"It would appear that you were correct in assuming that Kil'jaeden would send another ship to the Broken Shore while our forces focused on tearing down the Legion's assault forces," Khadgar commented, speaking as soon as the pair landed in front of the command table and walked over to where he and the master of the Illidari were standing, which had to mean that Suramar and whatever province Spitfire went to were no longer under siege from the Legion's forces, just like Spitfire had planned, before he turned his attention towards the sky and focused on the ship that was above their heads, as they knew that there were some powerful demons aboard it, not on the level of Kil'jaeden to be exact, "I wonder whose ship that is... it can't be Kil'jaeden's, otherwise we'd see the Deceiver aboard it, and I'm sure it isn't Archimonde's... actually, I'm not sure he even had one since he traveled with portals... so it must belong to another powerful demon, whose trying to come between us and the Tomb of Sargeras."

"I'd guess the owner is either a Dreadlord, a Pit Lord, or an Eredar," Rainbow remarked, as the energy she felt seemed to belong to one of those three types of demons, based on what she had felt in the past and knew that whoever owned the ship wasn't close to Mephistroth's power, a disappointment for sure when she thought about the Fel energy the demon had inside their body, before she shifted her gaze to focus on Spitfire for a few seconds, as it was clear that her friend was currently thinking about something and was sure that it had to be about the ship that was in the air, or maybe waiting to hear what the other heroes and leaders had to tell her about the other assaults.

"What we do know is that this is the Sentinax, a powerful demon ship involved with the downfall of countless worlds, yet another treasure I found on Nathreza," Illidan spoke up, where he crossed his arms for a moment as he considered why it had been chosen by Kil'jaden, even though having one involved with countless conquests might make the invasion much easier for the Legion, but in the end he knew that every demon aboard the ship would be fuel, or food in some sense, for Rainbow to devour and add to her ever growing power, which he knew all demons should fear with every fiber of their foul beings, as even he, who wasn't subjected to feeling the effects of her power, felt a little afraid when he considered what his former student was capable of, before he focused on the Sentinax again, "We know that the easiest way to deal with the Sentinax would be to allow Rainbow to just drain it and send it flying through the Felstorm, like she's done to the other Legion ships that have attacked the Broken Shore, but so far the ship has been sending down reinforcements and firing at anything they deem to be a danger to the Legion's plans for this place... Khadgar and I have determined that we should spend some time studying the Sentinax, to have a better understanding of its power, before we make our move against it, unless you have a better idea on what to do about it."

"In the end, Rainbow's going to end up destroying it, that much is for certain," Spitfire said, where she stared at the ship that was in the air and knew that it might have a connection or small portal network that linked it to a number of Legion worlds, as that was the only way it would be able to send out a whole bunch of reinforcements and still have a whole lot of demons aboard it, though as she said that Rainbow nodded her head for a second, showing that she agreed with part of her plan already and was looking forward to draining the ship, before she turned away from where the ship rested and focused on the rest of Deliverance Point for a time, "for now, studying the Sentinax and keeping an eye on its weapons is a good first action to take against this turn of events, though once we know how the other provinces tackled the assaults the Legion sent their way, and everyone is ready to retake the rest of the Broken Shore so we can get at the Tomb of Sargeras at long last, we can focus on taking down the Sentinax."

The others nodded their heads as Spitfire returned to the command table and turned so she could overlook the rest of the Broken Shore, her mind already at work as she thought about what the Sentinax's presence meant, as there was a chance that it had terrible weapons aboard it that would be turned on their forces while they faced the demons that had been in the ship during their travel between Argus and Azeroth, since she was sure that it came from Velen's corrupted world and not one of the other numerous worlds that the Legion had conquered over the years. As she considered the next stages of her plan, part of which Elisande, Nozdormu, and Murozond's groups were dealing with right now, Spitfire found that some of the heroes were returning to Deliverance Point, using the portals the Nightborne had created earlier, and a good bit of them were from Stormheim, those who had assisted her in bringing down Lord Commander Alexius' forces, though most of his forces had been a diversion so his main force could attack the isle of Shield's Rest so he could draw them out to that small island and contain them there so he could assault the Gates of Valor, not that it mattered since she caught up with him and cut him down so Odyn could tear his ship apart. Not too long after the saviors of Stormheim returned with their heads held high, as they were proud to tear down the Legion and weren't annoyed that Spitfire had joined them, Spitfire found that the heroes of the other provinces returned as well, including a number of leaders and champions of their allies, as she spotted Lunara with those who came from Val'sharah and suspected that the Dryad wanted to make the Legion pay for all the damage they had done to the forests of Azeroth, or maybe she wanted to take part in the battle and knew that joining them was the best way for her to do such a thing. What Spitfire and the others learned was that Azsuna had been under assault by a Fel Lord known as Xeritas, who transformed a ruin that was known as the Temple of a Thousand Lights into a conduit to link up to a number of Legion worlds, a booster to the Tomb of Sargeras no doubt, while messing with the spirits and blue dragons who called the province home, who joined forces with the heroes to push the demons out of the ruins, contained them inside the Ley-Ruins of Zarkhenar, and then slew the demons before toppling Xeritas and blowing his ship to pieces, leaving no trace of the Legion ship behind.

While that happened the heroes aiding Mayla and her forces found that the Legion that attacked Highmountain loved to focus on trying to bring down Thunder Totem, the central home of the Highmountain Tauren, and once the heroes made sure the rest of the province was secured they secured the city, pushed all of the demons out of it, and then flew up to the Legion ship so they could free some prisoners, plant some powerful Arcane bombs the Kirin Tor had provided, and slew Fel Commander Erixtol in battle, who had been a Doomguard, before blowing the ship up as well. The heroes who went to Val'sharah joined Cenarius, Lunara, and the rest of the guardians of the ancient forest in driving back all of the demons who dared to invade the forest that Malfurion held in high regard, eventually pushing the Legion out of the area of Black Rook Hold that they had taken over, drove them back to the tower they had taken over, and then launched a direct attack on the Legion ship, allowing them to kill Dread Vizier Gra'tork, a Darkglare, before blowing its ship apart as well, much to the joy of those who called Val'sharah home. Since Spitfire had assisted the heroes of Stormheim she already knew their report, but she allowed them to do so anyway since there was always something she might have overlooked and quickly found that their report matched what she had found during in time in the province, while those who defended Suramar reported just how powerful Rainbow's ability had gotten since she started using it against their enemies, though many of the Nightborne were pleased to have them as allies, no doubt worried about what would have happened if they had been enemies with the forces of Azeroth. Another thing she discovered was that the Kirin Tor had a number of crystalline orbs that they showed her once the reports were done, another method of sealing demons that they had created with the aid of Kayn and the Illidari, though while the demon hunters would use the captured demons as fuel for the Fel Hammer she knew the Kirin Tor would likely focus on using the orbs to power several Arcane devices, meaning the power inside each of the demons they captured would be used to safeguard Azeroth, likely starting with Dalaran since it was vulnerable when she wasn't there to defend it against the Legion's attacks, though it did remind her of what the Archmages did, as they had tracked down a Dreadlord, a red winged demon called Kathra'natir, and sealed him inside an ancient artifact at the end of a long journey, much to the demon's annoyance.

Of course the Illidari who joined the Tirisgarde in their final mission told Spitfire about the Dreadlord's fate, given that they had killed many other demons and made sure each demon was contained inside a Fel crystal, though she was pleased to find that the commanders who attacked the provinces of the Broken Isles had been trapped in a similar manner, so they could be used to power all sorts of devices and empower whatever defense mechanisms might be in place but she wasn't about to argue with the results and congratulated the heroes, leaders, and champions for a job well done, as the Legion had been pushed back and Kil'jaeden had made his move against them.

"Lady Spitfire, we discovered something interesting during our scouting," Kor'vas stated, speaking up when her group of Illidari returned to Deliverance Point, as Spitfire had sent them out to see if there was any new additions to the Broken Shore, besides the Sentinax, and she spoke up once the heroes gave her their reports on what happened while she and Rainbow were busy in Stormheim and Suramar, as she didn't want to interrupt what was going on and found that many of the assembled heroes were pleased to have a chance to speak, before she pulled out a small sack and set it on the table that their Lord, along with Rainbow and Spitfire, were standing near, revealing a couple of dark crystalline shards that had a purple outline to them, "some of the demons we killed happened to be carrying these shards, so we felt that we might as well bring them to your attention, in case they might be useful in the near future."

"Are those... Nethershards?" Khadgar inquired, where he picked one of the shards up and studied it for a few seconds, to which Spitfire and the others did the same thing so they could see what Kor'vas and her group had found, though Spitfire had an idea of what these had to be, especially when she considered the name that Khadgar gave them just now, which all of the assembled forces seemed to agree with as they passed around some of the shards, since there were only a few, as in six or seven, before he sighed and set the shard aside for a moment, allowing it to be passed around as well, even if it was clear that he had been thinking about something, "These are crystalized fragments of residual Nether energy, as in a solidified form of the Twisting Nether itself, likely formed thanks to all of the Legion ships that have been traveling to our world lately, since I'm sure they still have to traverse the vastness of the Twisting Nether to get here in the first place, even with the Tomb of Sargeras aiding them... the Legion likely has a vast number of these shards with them, and I can think of a few experiments that these can be used for, if we had enough shards anyway."

"This isn't going to be like when you asked us to go collect Apexis Crystals, to empower our rings, is it?" Vytheril asked, as he and the heroes who carried the Savage Hollow rings glanced at their powerful artifacts, likely remembering what they had gone through to empower each of them to the point where they could do everything Khadgar asked them to do, as in track down Gul'dan and his minions, which had ended with Cordana betraying the forces of Azeroth while Khadgar freed Garona Halforcen from the control of the foul warlock, though Spitfire had to wonder what sort of tale the heroes had to tell and knew that Khadgar understood what the Archmage had mentioned.

"Oh, is this the tale of how he sent the three of you to obtain four thousand, nine hundred and eighty-six Apexis Crystals from all over Draenor?" one of the Arakkoa inquired, meaning that each hero who carried the rings had to acquire a very specific number of Apexis Crystals and Spitfire suspected that the trio had worked together to make sure they had every single crystal that Khadgar has asked them to acquire, though this also meant that others knew about the rings, which she figured given everything that must have happened during the time of the Iron Horde, before the figure thought about the statement he had just said as he came to understand something, "Each I might add, so each of them had to acquire that amount so they could empower their rings."

"Yes, well, that was due to the nature of the Apexis Crystals, so being precise was a necessity given what we were doing to the Savage Hollows," Khadgar replied, as Spitfire knew that he had spent some time studying the crystals in Outland, as he must have seen some crystals before the forces of the Alliance and the Horde came to the shattered world, giving him an idea on how powerful they were and allowed him to skip several steps when it came time to tackle the dangers that they had found in the alternate world, before he sighed for a moment as he stared at the Nethershards that had been brought to them by Kor'vas and her fellow Illidari, "however, we don't really know anything about these crystals, save for the fact that they came from the Twisting Nether, so we're going to need a fair amount to study and experiment on... I think one Nethershard is enough for our basic studies, though we're going to need more for any major tests and experiments, but how much I'm not entirely sure."

"Well, we have a force of demons coming from the Sentinax," Rainbow pointed out, as she could see that there were a fair number of enemies teleporting down to the Broken Shore and gathered near the drained Soul Engine, an area they would have to deal with before they made a move against Kil'jaeden and his forces, where she glanced back and found that many of the heroes and other assembled soldiers were staring out in the direction of the area that she happened to be looking at, meaning they had to be thinking about what Khadgar wanted from them, "maybe we can kill two birds with one stone, as in kill the demons of the Sentinax while claiming whatever Nethershards they might have on them."

"It is a sound strategy, as effort is required for us to bring down Kil'jaeden and secure the Tomb," Velen added, showing all of them that he agreed with the idea of assaulting the forces of the Sentinax, to kill any demons who teleported down to the Broken Shore and acquire all of the Nethershards they might have on them, though at the same time Spitfire had to wonder if he might have seen something in one of his visions, even though it wasn't long before everyone glanced at her for a moment as they waited to hear what she had to say on the matter, do they assault the Sentinax or do they focus on another Legion infested area.

In the end Spitfire gave the command everyone was waiting for, she had some of their forces stay near Deliverance Point, just in case the Legion sent some forces over here to attack her and the others, while most of the assembled group would be focusing on tearing down the demons who were coming down from the Sentinax, as right now it looked like they were gathering near the fallen Soul Engine and it seemed like a good place for her forces to strike, but she did have some of the soldiers leaving to check some of the other locations of the Broken Shore, to make sure the Legion weren't trying to hide any of their forces from the Grand Army of Azeroth. Rainbow, of course, happened to be part of the assault group, which pleased her since she wanted to be part of that fight so she could kill more demons and devour all of their Fel energy like all of the demons that had challenged her in the past, though since she would be more focused on killing her enemies that meant some of the heroes that were joining her would be gathering the Nethershards she left behind and nothing else, all to ensure that Khadgar and his follow mages had everything they needed for their experiments, even though Spitfire had a feeling it wouldn't matter in the end, not unless they could empower their weapons with the shards. It didn't take Rainbow and the others long to head down to where the demons of the Sentinax were gathering, an area called Broken Valley, yet another name the Legion came up with to install despair into the forces of Azeroth, due to the fact that the forces of the Alliance had fought their way through it during the first siege of this twisted and corrupted island, while Thrall and many of the Horde's heroes had move through the Black City, even if they had moved through another area to get to the city in the first place. Sure enough the demons were waiting for them, as in Felguards, Eredar, Doomguards, Imps, Wrathguards, a number of Fel spiders with a few Aranasi nearby, Felbats, and all sorts of demons who were supposed to be guarding the Broken Shore from the forces of the Grand Army of Azeroth, but even being sent down to guard this place didn't prepare their enemies for what was coming their way, as Rainbow smashed into a pair of Eredar and knocked them to the ground, allowing her to grab their necks and drain both of them of their Fel energy as her forces struck the demons that were in front of them, even though they did have to keep an eye on the Sentinax, just in case it fired at them.

What was interesting was that Rainbow found a circular crystalline device that had been cracked, either before she struck the Eredar or the demons had broken it after stepping out onto the Broken Shore, though she quickly realized that it was one of the Legion's communicators and knew that it had to be linked to the Sentinax in some way, so if they were able to find more of these they could fool the Legion into opening more portals from this one ship and have them summon in a whole bunch of reinforcements, something that would allow her to quickly cripple the powerful ship if she siphoned them like she did to those who had been attacking Suramar. In fact some of the heroes that were in her task force noticed what was in her hand and seemed to understand what it was without asking any questions, and sure enough some of the other demons had a beacon in their possession, some of them being red, others blue, a few green, and even a yellow one, which made her wonder if the Sentinax was actually a massive prison-like ship that carried all sorts of demons around, while also being shrunk down to look like an ordinary ship to those who were looking at it from the outside, meaning it was larger on the inside and had to be shaped differently than the other Legion ships. Instead of using any of the beacons immediately, as someone might do to check what they did, Rainbow and her task force rushed out and focused on assaulting the rest of the demons that had teleported down to this part of the Broken Shore, where she dodged attacks that were coming right at her and silently siphoned the Fel energy of those that were trying to tear her down, since she was a priority target for the Legion to take down so Kil'jaeden could boost his changes of taking Azeroth in Sargeras' name, though while she slew her foes the other heroes and soldiers did the same thing, and there were no Illidari with her, so she was free to capture every demonic soul while they tore into the Legion's chosen assault force. Of course the demon hunters that would have been assigned to her had been reassigned to another part of the Broken Shore, to keep an eye on the Legion's forces and make sure Kil'jaeden didn't have another trick up his sleeve, meaning that if they did find any demons while they were in another part of this corrupted island they could kill them and snatch their souls without having to interfere with Rainbow and her new habits, though she switched her mind to thinking about all of the morsels in front of her and rushed forward, knocking Felguards to the ground and cutting down others who stood in her way.

Once they cut down most of the demons that had teleported down to this part of the Broken Shore, and they were sure of that since there was another patch that some of her forces were fighting as she weakened them with her ability, Rainbow found one of the pristine beacons on the body of an Eredar she killed and glanced at her allies for a couple of seconds, as most of them were interested in what these actually did, to which she activated the beacon and several Fel portals opened as soon as she did that, where a number of Sayaad, Inquisitors, and some Eredar stepped out of them to attack the group that had joined Rainbow in this area. Such a thing brought a smile to Rainbow's face as she considered something, with all of the beacons in their possession right now, and they happened to have a good number of them, they could activate each and every single Sentinax beacon in rapid succession and force an army of demons to march out into this area, leaving the ship without most of its forces and giving her a sea of demons to siphon like she had done in Suramar earlier, though once she came to that conclusion her forces lashed out at the incoming enemies and it took no time before demons started to die by the might of the forces of Azeroth. Rainbow was still surprised that all of this Fel energy hadn't changed her body yet, given every drop of power she had stolen since her last transformation, and suspected that she might need the power of someone like Archimonde or Kil'jaeden, the former resting inside the Fel crystal she carried while the latter was either hiding in the Tomb of Sargeras or another Legion world, to prepare for whatever final battle might happen between both of their forces, though either way she was looking forward to tearing him down and making him pay for the crimes he had committed during his time as one of Sargeras' most trusted followers. She returned her focus to the fight as she watched as some of her forces recovered some additional beacons from the newcomers who had warped down to this area, though what interested her was the fact that one of the Eredar she slew had a short list of the commanders who were in control of the vast forces inside the Sentinax, allowing her to seeing that there was a Shivarra by the name of Illisthyndria, the Fel Obliterator, which had to be a Fel Reaver, an Aranasi known as An'thyna, not to mention a Fel Lord called Xillious, who held the title of Force-Commander, a Pit Lord called Skulgoloth, and Than'otalion, a Dreadlord.

Based on what she could tell there were six powerful energy signatures inside the Sentinax, far stronger than the demons that were around them at the moment, and suspected that they were just as strong as the demonic commanders of the ships that had been sent to assault the provinces of the Broken Isles, though she was glad to have this information in her possession, mostly since it allowed her to know the names and species of the commanders who happened to be aboard the Legion ship right now, to which she focused on cutting down demons and feeding on their Fel energy while her forces collected the beacons and Nethershards their foes happened to have on them. One thing that happened was that a good number of demons rushed over to where Rainbow was currently standing, lashing out at her without delay, though she closed her eyes and simply dodged the attacks by feeling the Fel energy that was within all of the enemies that were in this area, surprising some of the Eredar and Felguards that were trying to tear her down, before lashing out at her enemies a few moments later and crushed her foes into the ground, siphoning their energies as she fought them and made sure all of them perished. Interestingly enough a number of Eredar, who had been standing far away from where the main battle was taking place, channeled their power into a single mass, a impressive Fel fireball that looked like it might be able to take down a decent group of soldiers, though it was aimed at her and she gladly stood in its path when it was fired, as all she had to do was open her mouth and devour all of the Fel energy that went into making the attack, causing the demons to pause in shock as they realized just how messed up this situation was, not that it mattered since she flashed over to the area they were standing in and started killing them, leaving the last two alive so she could grab their necks and rip out all of their Fel energy in a matter of seconds. The other thing she did was focus on intercepting the attacks from the Sentinax, as it fired down beams of Fel energy or bursts or power that were designed to harm whoever was below it, though with her being with the heroes and soldiers she was able to intercept the attacks and added their Fel energy to her own, until all of the attacks stopped when the commanders realized that trying to blast them to pieces wasn't working, leaving her to watch over her forces and take down whoever dared to target her, as her ability to siphon Fel energy was working like a charm as demons staggered and fell when the soldiers cut them down.

Eventually the demons who had been sent down to this place earlier, the first attack force, and those who had been called down as a result of using one of the beacons, to see what sort of ability it had, were dead Rainbow waited for a couple of seconds as her forces spread out and made sure to form a circle around the Broken Valley, though once everyone was in position they pulled out every beacon they had collected so far and activated them without delay, where they waited for a time as nothing happened, even if it was followed by a number of Fel portals opening all over this place as demons of all sorts stepped out to do battle with the forces of Azeroth. Of course that wasn't why Rainbow was doing this, as while she knew that allowing the heroes to face off against the demons would result in the demons dying, and some of their soldiers would perish during such a thing, rather she was setting a trap for the demons that had been aboard the Sentinax, as the six commanders seemed to be absent and might be watching what was going on below their vessel, to which she waited for a second or two before activating her great ability. Sure enough the demons that were down in this area started to feel weak as she focused her power on the Broken Valley for a time, where the heroes watched as demons of all shapes and sizes either staggered for a few seconds, as they felt weak from what Rainbow as doing, or outright collapsed if they were a small demon, such as an Imp or Wyrmtongue, and all of their Fel energy gathered in an orb above her head, just like she had done to those she had fought earlier, where one Eredar seemed to notice what was happening and fired a beam of Fel energy right at her. Rainbow knew that the attack was designed to ruin the orb of energy and prevent her from eating it, as if the demon might have understood what was going on and wanted to stop it from happening, though she grinned for a moment as the attack wrapped around the orb and was pulled into it, its Fel energy being added to the attack while the Eredar's jaw seemed to drop, because clearly he wasn't expecting such a thing to happen, though it wasn't long before she siphoned the rest of the demon's Fel energy and caused him to collapse as well, to which she waited for a couple of seconds, just to be sure that every single enemy was taken care of, and that there were no survivors or scraps of energy she might have missed, before shrinking the orb down to the size of an apple and ate it without delay, adding every drop of Fel energy she had taken to her own growing pool of power.

Once that was done she felt a surge of energy as six figures teleported down to the Broken Valley, six large figures that she quickly recognized as the six names on the list she had found earlier, a large Shivarra, an Aranasi of the same size, a Fel Lord, Pit Lord, and Dreadlord of equal size, and a large machine that was taller than its companions, only darker looking than the Fel Reavers she and Spitfire had seen back in Outland, meaning the Legion must have upgraded them since their time attacking the ruined world of Outland, or had been building new machines to replace those that were weaker, making her wonder what might be lurking on Argus. As soon as all six figures were down on the ground, and her soldiers were not in the way, Rainbow focused on the enemies that were in front of her and found that the Fel Obliterator was coming at her first, throwing a mechanical fist at the ground she was standing on while the other demons appeared to be coming from both her left and her right, where she smiled for a moment as she jumped into the air and used a bit of her power to force the incoming fist into the ground she had been standing on, causing the other commanders to hit the fist as they quickly realized that she was no longer standing in that position. In the following moments she swung her left hand and used her Fel energy to sharpen her claws so she could slash through part of the Obliterator's armor, finding that the armor that had been placed on it was harder than the Fel Reavers who had been marching around Outland before all of their new allies followed the demons through the Dark Portal, though the challenge brought a smile to her face as she felt the Fel energy that was inside her target, even though she was slowly weakening all six of her foes and none of them seemed to notice it at the moment. As she did that Rainbow found that the Obliterator was raising its left hand in an attempt to crush her, as in smash her against the armor she was running up, to which she turned so her back was facing the incoming attack and then did a backflip to land on the back of the metallic hand, though as she did that she could see that the rest of her foes were coming up with an idea or two on how to hit her before she tore them down, something that caused her to turn for a moment and flash down to where the Obliterator's core rested, digging into the core protection armor for a few seconds before pulling herself backwards so she could fall towards the ground for a time.

As she expected the Dreadlord was the first one to rush at her while she fell through the air, given his wings, though what Rainbow did was move out of the way and grabbed onto the back of her target's armor, before hurling the demon right at the ground and watched as he slammed into the earth below where the two of them had been located, though she rushed down and brought her clawed feet right down into the demon's chest, cracking both his chest piece and the ground at the same time, even though she had to move a few seconds later as the other demons caught on to what she was doing, as in the Shivarra lashed out at her with all six of her blades. Based on what she could tell Illisthyndria didn't have any special attacks or abilities to use against those who challenged her, meaning the demon got this far based on her strength and no other tricks, like magic for example, but Rainbow could feel the Fel energy inside her foe and understood the secret, the demon was using her power to strengthen her body and make sure she brought down her enemies, though as she figured that out she knew something else, the power Illisthyndria was using happened to be fading, due to her siphoning power, and in due time she would be dead as well. In fact she didn't have to wait that long for an opening to be created, thanks to the fact that the Shivarra lashed out with all six of her swords and left herself exposed for a moment, where she swung her clawed left hand downwards and removed three of the demon's arms, the right ones, causing the demon to stagger for a moment as both the Fel Lord and Pit Lord charged at her while she was distracted, but that was a fatal mistake for them as she gathered her power while shifting her stance, causing the Pit Lord to stab the Fel Lord in the chest as she caused the Fel Lord to cut into the Pit Lord's shoulder with his battleaxe, causing a look of surprise to appear on their faces as she did that, before forcing both of them backwards. The reasoning behind that was due to the Aranasi lashing out at her as well, trying to cut her down while giving all of her allies a chance to get up and join the fight again, though she dodged the claw attack and smashed her tail into the demon's chest, crushing her foe into the ground before the Obliterator fired a burst of Fel energy, one aimed directly at her, something that didn't matter in the grand scheme of things as she devoured it in seconds and smiled as she faced the demons around her, who seemed slightly afraid of their chances of wining this fight now that they understood just what she was capable of.

Once the demons understood what was going on, and some even lowered their bloody weapons as they considered what to do after figuring this out, Rainbow raised her hand and decided to end this without playing with her food anymore, as in she started to gather up the remainder of their Fel energy, forming a decent sized Fel orb, and silently watched as the six figures collapsed on the ground after a few moments, though once they were dead she focused on the Sentinax and took all of the energy inside it as well, adding to the orb before she shrunk it and ate it, and once that was done she hurled the ship through the Felstorm... though once she did that she joined her forces in returning to Deliverance Point, as it was only a matter of time until Kil'jaeden made his move and she was looking forward to fighting the Deceiver at last.

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