• Published 4th Oct 2020
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World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Interlude: Important Information

Spitfire and Rainbow, along with the Illidari and their new allies, spent the next six days making sure the Legion gained no ground during their invasions of the six provinces that they decided to target, something that surprised them due to the fact that they would have assumed that their enemies would have picked somewhere else to attack after seeing that they weren't making any headway in the first couple of places they targeted. Not that they were complaining about what their enemies were doing, as the more times they sent their ships out to the six provinces the more times the forces of Azeroth were there to repel them and cut them down, allowing the demon hunters to gather the souls of the stronger demons that happened to be the commanders of each invasion, either giving them the ability to empower Jace's machines or empower their bodies for the future. While they did that Spitfire asked Kayn if he could locate any warglaives of power, an artifact or two that would allow her and Rainbow to turn the fight against the Legion, and he said that he would get right on it, which left her and the others to cut down demons as they wanted for both him and Khadgar to figure out what they needed to do so they could stop the Legion from taking Azeroth. What was interesting was that on the sixth day of their attempts to repel the Legion they had to stretch themselves more than normal, as their enemies attacked four of the provinces at the same time, leading Spitfire to make sure the heroes knew what was coming and that the forces of the Alliance and Horde were there to deal with the demons that were coming to claim the various provinces.

While all of that was going on, and Spitfire was making sure that Allari, Jace, and the others had everything they could possibly need for their missions, she and Rainbow found something interesting that happened to them in the early hours of the morning of the seventh day, as an Arcane elemental, a purple colored creature that was roughly the size of an orc based on its form, that seemingly appeared out of nowhere and focused on the pair for a few moments, which told them that someone needed to talk with them, or at least that was Spitfire's thoughts on the matter.

"Greetings Lady Spitfire and Rainbow Dash," the elemental said, where they could tell that it happened to be speaking in Khadgar's voice, meaning that he must have discovered something and sent the creature in front of them to tell them about whatever it was that he might have found, hence the reason the pair turned towards it for a moment, "word has reached me of your efforts to push back the Legion's invasion forces, and while I am reluctant to pull either of you away from such important work I require your help with a matter of... diplomacy. I fear that I am about to anger an old friend of mine and could use a little assistance, so you will find Dalaran above Deadwind Pass... oh, and once we're done, I can share with you the information I have gathered since you were freed from the Wardens' Vault."

Spitfire and Rainbow said nothing to that, as there wasn't much they could do since the elemental disappeared once the message had been delivered, to which Spitfire made sure the others knew what they were doing and mentioned that one of their allies might have valuable information for them, so they wouldn't be around to assist the heroes in taking down the Legion and defending the provinces that were under attack. Interestingly enough Saurfang, who had started with a dislike for the demon hunters, nodded his head as the pair took to the air and headed down into one of the lower areas of Orgrimmar, an area that the mages and warlocks called home, and found that Khadgar wanted to make things easier on them and had created a portal to Dalaran, hence why they headed through it without delay. Once they were on the other side of the portal they found themselves in a rather nice looking city, made of a different type of stone from what Stormwind looked like, and even they, as demon hunters, could tell that there was a hint of magic in the air, which made sense due to the fact that, according to their allies, Dalaran used to be a city that rested in the ground, but during the war against the Lich King it had been teleported into the air above a province in Northrend and now it floated in the air above whatever area the leaders wanted to investigate. The only thing in Deadwind Pass, based on their knowledge, was the tower known as Karazhan, though neither of them really knew anything about it and this wasn't the time to ask about it, hence the reason they quickly flew through the air as they sought out the area that Khadgar was standing in, which just so happened to be in front of some steps that lead to a rather important building.

Inside the building, from what they could see, stood a few important looking figures that were likely mages, so named the Council of Six based on their number, which was rather odd since seven would have been nicer for when they had to debate about certain happenings, and from what they could see all of them appeared to be humans, four males and two females by their estimates, but that was when they landed in front of Khadgar and focused on him.

"Thank you for coming so quickly, especially since it means leaving the fight to the others," Khadgar said, to which he turned towards the set of stairs and focused on what he was going to do once he reached the top of the steps and faced the Council that was no doubt waiting for them, before he sighed for a moment as Spitfire and Rainbow wondered why he needed them to be here, "As you know, the Legion's attacks are only going to intensify, and for our forces to fight at their full power we need to reintroduce the Horde to Dalaran, so that we present a united front to our enemies... sadly Jaina is not so easily convinced of the need to bring them and their forces back, hence why I asked you to join me, as she might listen to someone like you two."

"We'll see... Spitfire is nothing but persuasive." Rainbow remarked, though Spitfire said nothing to that, as her words did have some truth to them when she considered them for a few moments, especially when she considered the fact that her actions had convinced Saurfang, who disliked the Illidari the instant he laid eyes on her and Allari, to change his own opinion on them and even welcomed their assistance in taking down the Legion, so it would be interesting to see if they could do something to that effect in regards to Jaina and her attitude towards the Horde.

It didn't take them long to enter the structure that the Council was standing in, where the pair found that one of the mages wore blue robes and his shoulders had a red glow to them as he carried a staff on his back, another seemed like he was ready for war, the third wore a robe that looked like it was channeling Arcane energies, and the fourth appeared to be more like a civilian in terms of how he dressed, even though the pair could tell there was more to him than what they were seeing, before they noticed that one of the ladies wore the armor of the Kirin Tor, while the other was wearing the attire of a mage at sea, or at least they assumed that was the case, and she was immensely powerful in their eyes.

"Lady Spitfire, Rainbow, allow me to introduce the members of the Council of Six: Kalec, Karlain, Ansirem Runeweaver, Jaina Proudmoore, Modera, and Vargoth," Khadgar said, where the six powerful mages either nodded their heads when he said their names, to show them who was who, or they did nothing as they stared at the pair that had accompanied him to the area they would be meeting in for a few moments, though Spitfire had the with the sea-like attire had to be the mage she and Rainbow were here to talk to, before he got to the serious information, "Members of the Council of Six, thank you for coming to this meeting on such short notice, especially with the Legion increasing their attacks on the provinces of the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor that we've been defending."

"Khadgar, as much as I want to study these two, we don't have the time to waste on meetings." one of the mages, the one called Jaina according to what the pair had just learned from Khadgar, stated, her tone revealing that her focus had been on something else lately and that this wasn't a welcome distraction, though Spitfire was hoping that she wasn't in the mood to attack the Horde for what happened in the past, since all she knew was that the two factions really didn't get along, save for the heroes anyway, "Based on what we have seen the Legion is starting to push itself into our lands and the Horde is preparing themselves for war against their enemies, so we need to be ready for what is coming our way and what our enemies have planned for us."

"Well, we can agree on one thing, and that is that the Legion needs to be stopped," Khadgar said, where the mages did nod their heads to what he was saying, as none of them liked the demons that were trying to invade their world and that they would stand against them, even though it was clear that Jaina might be the only one that needed convincing on what she needed to do, "and to do that both the Kirin Tor and the forces of Azeroth need to be at their full strength, which is why I'm proposing that we bring the mages of the Horde back into our fold..."

"NEVER! Do you hear me, Khadgar? We are NEVER allowing those monsters back into this city!" Jaina snapped, where she spoke before any of the other mages had a chance to speak up, as Spitfire and Rainbow were sure that one of them might have said something either to the same effect or maybe even the exact opposite, but now that she had done this the others remained silent as they waited for her to calm down, "They obliterated Theramore, left us to die on the Broken Shore, and have committed countless atrocities since they were formed by Thrall... they're monsters and cowards, which they have proven time and time again, and if we allow any of them to enter Dalaran we'll suffer a terrible fate that will no doubt leave Azeroth in the hands of the Legion!"

"And yet they are rushing to defend Azeroth from the Legion, instead of handing it over to them, like you believe that they will eventually do," Spitfire remarked, where Jaina turned to stare at her for a moment, her expression showing her that the mage didn't appreciate being interrupted and that she was very angry with the Horde, so instead of seeing them as allies that are fighting the Legion, like they were were, she was likely seeing them as enemies and was considering all of the heroes in the same manner, "Tell me, Jaina, have you actually asked any of the leaders that were there when you and your allies assaulted the Broken Shore, to get their view on what happened? Surely as a powerful mage, as I'm assuming such a thing since this is the first time we've met each other, you would have some sort of spell that might allow you to see the memories of one of the Horde's leaders, to see everything that they witnessed during the assault on the Broken Shore and learn the truth of what actually happened... such a thing is within your power, right?"

"I... yes, its a simple enough spell, as long as the subject is willing... and the only Horde leader that I remotely trust is Baine Bloodhoof," Jaina said, where she was caught off guard by what Spitfire had said and had no idea why she cared for the Horde, even though it was clear that both she and Rainbow had no idea what sort of horrors they had committed, but that was when she sighed and turned towards Khadgar for a few seconds, who also seemed surprised by what Spitfire had just said, since he and the other Council members weren't expecting this to happen, "Fine. While I don't trust the Horde, I know you and the others too well, to the point where you will keep pestering me to see what really happened to Baine and the rest of the Horde's leaders, so I'll allow Baine to be brought here... but know that if the Horde tries anything, and a city falls due to their actions, I'm exiling all of them from Dalaran until the day I die!"

Khadgar nodded and moved to send out another Arcane elemental to find the High Chieftain of the tauren, while also readying a portal that would allow him to bring the individual in question to the area that they were in, and it only took a minute or two before Baine to appear near the area that they were in, where Khadgar made sure that he knew exactly what they were doing for the next few moments. Baine agreed to what they were asking of him and braced himself, due to that being when Jaina approached him and channeled her power for a few seconds, allowing all of them to place a hand on Baine's shoulders and back for a few seconds as they delved into the memory that he was showing everyone, one that might change their opinions on what happened during the assault on the Broken Shore. What they saw was Baine, along with the other leaders of the Horde, fighting a large amount of demons that would have flanked the Alliance forces and would have slain all of them, where they did their best to stem the tide of their foes, but as they did that many of them were knocked to the ground and it was clear that they were going to be overrun, especially since Vol'jin was stabbed by a Felguard. When Sylvanas mounted up and rushed to Vol'jin's aid she also summoned a host of undead flying creatures, ones that were humanoid and female, to take the wounded back to the ship that allowed them to return to Orgrimmar, despite the fact that it opened the way for the massive army of demons they had been holding off, though the horn she used to do that was to signal the retreat for both sides, not just the Horde. Based on what Spitfire knew the leaders that were present on the Alliance side of things weren't happy with what Sylvanas did, especially since it cost the Alliance their High King, but, at the same time, they fled not because they were cowards, rather it was because they didn't want to fight a losing battle that had wiped them out and their cries to flee were unheard by the Alliance.

By the time they returned to reality Spitfire could see that Jaina was red-faced, not from rage and anger, like someone might expect her to be after that they had just seen, rather from sheer embarrassment due to the fact that she had been under the impression that the Horde were cowards and that was why the Alliance had suffered such a terrible loss on that fateful day, when the reality of the situation was that it was the Alliance that didn't listen to the signal to retreat and had taken it as the Horde fleeing like cowards.

"I... it would seem that I owe Anduin and the other leaders of the Alliance an apology, for what I said to them, and the same applies to most of the Horde's leaders... except Sylvanas," Jaina said, her tone showing that she now understood that she had been wrong and that she had allowed her anger to rule her decisions since the attack on the Broken Shore, along with the fact that she didn't trust the undead Warchief that now ruled over the Horde, before she glanced at Khadgar, the rest of the Council, Spitfire, and Rainbow for a moment, "Council members, I will be leaving for a time, so I can take some time to mend my relationships with the leaders of the Alliance and those of the Horde that I trust, but while I'm gone I would either like to increase our number from six to seven, and have Khadgar take the opening, or nominate Khadgar to take my place... something that we can go over when I get back."

Before anyone could say anything she and Baine disappeared from the area that they were standing in, leaving them to do whatever they wanted for the foreseeable future, though before anyone could say anything, and the Council took a moment to disperse as they waited for Jaina to return to the city, Spitfire heard a huffing sound behind them, where she found a dwarf, dressed as an explorer that reminded her and Rainbow of the Daring Do books, coming to a stop at the top of the steps that lead to this structure, where a smile appeared on his face not a few seconds later.

"Heroes! Khadgar! Thank the Forge I found ye!" the dwarf remarked, though it was interesting why he would care for Spitfire and Rainbow, since neither of them had met him before this point in time and had no idea who he was, despite the fact that their new friends would be able to tell them who this was in a matter of moments, but, while they might have no idea who was in front of them, it was clear that Khadgar and the Council members knew who he was and were curious as to what he might have found.

"Brann Bronzebeard? Well now, this is an unexpected surprise," Khadgar replied, naming the dwarf so his new allies would know who they were talking to, even though he would do the same thing for Brann once they had a moment that didn't involve Spitfire and Rainbow running off to deal with the Legion and the demons that were being sent to take over the landmasses of the world, which was when he turned back towards the dwarf in question and asked the question that was currently bugging him and the other Council members, "What did you find?"

"Its me brother Magni! He's returned!" the dwarf, Brann, stated, where Spitfire and Rainbow considered the name for a moment and realized that he was referring to the previous ruler of Ironforge, even though that was all they knew about the individual in question, though that was when he reached into his pack and deployed a circular device that assembled itself in a matter of seconds, impressing the pair with what they were seeing, "Listen, he got turned into crystal statue by a Titan ritual and has been stuck in the belly o' Ironforge for some time, but last I heard he was moving and said somethin' about Ulduar and the Legion, so I'm headin' to see what's going on... and I was hoping that you guys, the three of you to be exact, would help me out."

Spitfire and Rainbow wasted no time in agreeing and approached the teleport pad, as that was what Khadgar called it once he stared at it for a few seconds, where the four of them took turns stepping onto the pad and disappeared not even a few seconds later, where the pair waited to see what Ulduar looked like and what they might find when they reappeared on the other side of the teleport pad. They had no idea what they were expecting, though what the pair found was that they were inside a tube shaped structure and that there was a long walkway in front of them, one that lead to what they had to assume was the area that Brann was interested in, though the walls and floors were made out of smooth stone that just so happened to be set in a pattern neither of them recognized, and that was only the basics as they spotted bits of what had to be Titan machinery, even if most of it was hidden away from their sight. That was when both of them spotted something that appeared to be a mechanical gnome standing some distance in front of them, one that had been waiting for their arrival and welcomed them the moment all four of them had appeared in the chamber the teleport pad brought them to, stating that the 'Speaker' was waiting for them, which got a response out of Brann, who declared that the person the contraption was talking about was his brother. Khadgar found it amusing and stated that Ulduar was much quieter this time around, since none of the adventurers that had come through here some years ago were present, even though their guide was quick to point out that the heroes, while great at fighting, tended to leave messes behind, something that the mage agreed with, before they came to a rather sudden stop for a moment as the energy in the air shifted, though that was shortly followed by Spitfire and Rainbow pulling out their warglaives, because there was demonic magic in Uldaur and that meant they had enemies to hunt.

It was in that moment that eight dark green vapors appeared around them, forming what seemed to be a circle on top of the ring that was around the group, before two humanoid creatures appeared at the top of the stairs, which had purple skin, tendrils attached to the mouth area, a massive body, and two misshapen hands, one being larger than what might be normal for a creature of this size while the other seemed to be a tendril as well, and both of them looked like they wanted to take down the group.

You are pawns of forces unseen. a voice whispered, where Spitfire and Rainbow glanced at each other for a few seconds to confirm that they had both heard the strange and rather unnatural voice, like they were hearing a powerful being that was capable of crushing their minds if it willed such a thing to happen, but it only seemed to be a whisper and nothing more, even though it did prompt the face of Faceless, as Khadgar called them, to attack the group, as if whoever had spoken was trying to eliminate them before something terrible happened.

The pair of Faceless rushed at them as their guide ran off to the area they had appeared in, moving rather fast for a metallic creation, though that didn't stop Spitfire and Rainbow from dodging the attacks that were coming their way, as the creatures swung both of their arms at them, even though they only used one at a time, though they also parried a few of the attacks with their warglaives. The Faceless were tougher than some of the demons they had recently fought, which was a rather nice change of pace for the pair, as they could cut into their strange skin and deal some damage, but it was clear that it would take some time and that these weapons might not be the best in the world, hence another reason as to why Spitfire had Kayn and the others looking for any pairs of warglaives that they might be able to use against the Legion, when they weren't busy saving Azeroth anyway. Fortunately neither of the Faceless were able to really do any damage to them as the battle progressed, though as both of them started to really cut down their foes they did notice that Brann and Khadgar were assisting them in taking them down, as they were just now noticing the arcane blasts that Khadgar used to blast his target and Brann seemed to be hitting his targets with either his fists or a mace that he kept hidden. As such it didn't take them long to bring down the Faceless and cause the green vapors to disappear, where Khadgar commented on the fact that it appeared that Yogg-Saron, the Old God that was imprisoned deep within Ulduar, must have sensed what was going on across the planet and was trying to push through his weakened prison, though even as he said that both Spitfire and Rainbow paused for a moment as they felt what could only be described as a malevolent force of energy that was deep below where they were standing.

Spitfire and Rainbow were sure that the source of power they were feeling, which was faint and wasn't demonic at all, had to be the Old God that Khadgar had mentioned, even if either of them had any idea what he was talking about, but instead of worrying about what was in the depths of Ulduar they readied their weapons as their guide returned to them and started to lead them further into the Titan city, while mentioning that the units that were assigned to guard Magni, or the Speaker as it insisted on calling the dwarf, weren't responding. That caused Brann to mention that the Legion had to be invading Ulduar, why he had no idea since this was a prison of an Old God and weakening the defenses would only lead to Yogg-Saron trying to escape again, which would be bad since the heroes of Azeroth couldn't afford to divide their attention between the Legion and an Old God. The pair remained silent as they walked up the stairs that were in front of them and headed down the right passage, as it seemed that Magni was supposed to be down this way, before they rushed over to where a Fel barrier was resting, to prevent them from progressing any further, though Khadgar used his power and smashed his way through it, or in the magical sense he rapidly brought it down, allowing the pair to rush into the area that was on the other side of the barrier. It was then that they found an Inquisitor demon, who was in the middle of tying to tear whatever information it was after out of the moving crystal dwarf that was in a floating Fel cage, which had to be Magni, and two Felguards that were guarding it, though none of the demons liked the fact that Spitfire or Rainbow were even there and rushed to attack them, trying to cut them and Khadgar down so they could get back to gathering the bits of information that they were after.

The Felguards, which were smaller than the stronger ones they had fought during the Legion's invasions of the six provinces they had repelled, were easy to take down and the Inquisitor had to face two demon hunters, a mage, and an annoyed dwarf who didn't like how the demon was treating his brother, hence why it was so easy for them to cut down the demon, allowing Spitfire and Rainbow to break its soul and absorb the fragments so it wouldn't come back, before the Fel cage shattered and the diamond dwarf landed near them.

"Magni! 'Tis good to see ye again! But why did ye leave Ironforge?" Brann asked, showing that he was happy to see his brother again, especially after everything that had happened in the past to face Magni to become what he was, but, at the same time, he was curious about many things and wanted to ask them before they did anything else, even though he was trying to refrain from asking Spitfire and Rainbow questions as well, "Why come here? What happened to..."

"I know ye have questions, but they gotta wait. Time is short. She wants me ta pass along an important message to ye and yur friends." Magni replied, where he beckoned for the group to follow him further down the passage that was just behind him, leaving no room for anyone to argue as they rushed to follow after their new guide, as the old one left the moment they found him, all while Spitfire and Rainbow kept their eyes open for any additional demons as they followed him to the area that he was leading them to, "The ritual that changed me body into this form also opened me ears ta the voice o' Azeroth herself. She ain't just a bunch o' rock, like many have assumed... she's a Titan!"

"A Titan?! That... actually, that explains quite a lot." Khadgar commented, though Spitfire and Rainbow had next to no idea what they were talking about, but instead of worrying about it they figured that Khadgar would tell them what was going on at some point in the future, after their visit to Ulduar, so that was why they kept their mouths shut as they let the crystalline dwarf tell them what was going on, as their allies had an idea of what was going on right now.

Brann was clearly surprised by this information, since he was still getting over the fact that his own brother had been turned into crystal and now, after awakening after the long period of time he had been sleeping, and now he was caught off guard by the fact that Magni could speak to the Titans, or Titan since Azeroth was the only one he could speak to, and that was based on what they had learned.

"There's more I gotta say." Magni commented, where he paused for a moment as they came to a stop in front of a metal door that seemed to be locked, or at least that was what Spitfire and Rainbow had to assume since they weren't at all familiar with everything they were learning at the moment, and Magni waved a hand at the door to show them that this was their destination, "Come inside the Celestial Planetarium and I'll show ye the truth."

"Don't we need a key to get inside?" Brann asked, showing the pair that he did have intensive experience exploring the halls of Ulduar and that he was familiar with many things that the guardians of the city watched over, though at the same time Khadgar raised an eyebrow as he recalled what the dwarf was talking about, as he had learned something about this from the heroes that had delved into Ulduar so many years ago.

"Brother... I AM the key." Magni replied, which was the moment that he approached the door and the locks that were attached to it, which Spitfire and Rainbow couldn't see, were undone and the door opened before their eyes, allowing the group to walk down a ramp and enter a circular chamber with an odd flooring that seemed to be made of glass, or at least that was what the pair believed it to be as they entered the area.

"Do ye remember this place, Brann?" Magni asked, clearly showing that there had to be something about this room that was important for them to come here and talk about whatever information he had to give them, though his words did seem to resonate with his brother, who shivered for a moment, while at the same time Khadgar, once again, recalled what had transpired in the past.

"Yes, I do! I'm gettin' flashbacks o' Algalon!" Brann replied, though his words meant nothing to Spitfire and Rainbow, something the pair feared would be the case for the majority of the conversation that was going to be happening for the next couple of minutes, though Spitfire did make a note of what was said so she could ask Khadgar about it later, once all of them returned to Dalaran.

"The Constellar was jus' doin' his job, such as it was. And in the end, ye and yur friends taught him a lesson." Magni stated, though at the same time the center of the room seemed to change as a large humanoid shaped creature, this one made out of blue energy and looking like a constellation that had taken a human's form, appeared in the middle of the chamber that they were standing in, though based on how Magni acted it looked like this was just an echo.

Perhaps it is your imperfection... that which grants you free will... that allows you to persevere against all cosmically calculated odds. the echo said, repeating the words that Algalon had spoken to the heroes that had fought it at one point in the past, no doubt around the same time that they had stopped Yogg-Saron from escaping from his prison, though both Spitfire and Rainbow had to assume that the Constellar had been surprised by who stood in his way, as if he wasn't even expecting the possibility that Azeroth's champions would beat him in battle, You prevail where the Titan's own perfect creations have failed.

"After defeatin' the Old Gods, the Keepers were giv'n the task o' orderin' the world." Magni stated, though as he spoke up the echo of Algalon disappeared, leaving them to talk about what he needed to tell them, before sending them out to save their world from the Legion, hence the reason that Spitfire and Rainbow were waiting to hear what he had to tell the four of them, "The Titans gave 'em five mighty artifacts, which they called the Pillars o' Creation! When their work was done, the Keepers sealed the Pillars away, but, just like so many of our world's relics, they ended up in the hands o' certain individuals and races."

"Okay, you've lost me." Rainbow admitted, because it was clear that the only ones that had no idea what was going on was her and Spitfire, even though her friend was taking in all the information they were being given rather well, though it did sound like they might have a way to save Azeroth, despite the fact that she had no idea how they were supposed to go about locating where these relics were located.

"I will tell you and Spitfire everything later." Khadgar promised, as he trusted the two demon hunters and knew that neither of them would betray Azeroth, as they would have likely done so already if they were agents of the Legion, before he turned to face Magni again, as there was something about his words that seemed familiar, "Your tale sounds familiar... I'm sure I've heard of these Pillars before, but I cannot be sure where I first heard about them."

"The knowledge o' the Pillars was placed in the care o' the Guardian of Tirisfal, and remains there still!" Magni stated, where his words caused Khadgar to remember where he had learned about the Pillars in the first place, which was good since neither Spitfire or Rainbow would have been any help to him in figuring out where he might have learned of their existence, so they could skip a step and move onto the more pressing matters, "Ye and yur allies must find the Pillars! Combined, their power kin seal the Legion's gateway to Azeroth. 'Tis the only way to save her!"

"Well, that's good to know. At least we know the information we seek is in Karazhan... I likely read of these artifacts in one of Medivh's ancient chronicles." Khadgar replied, though at the same time he gave them a light chuckle as he started to channel his magical power into forming a portal for them to take, as now that they knew where the information they were looking for was located it would take them a few minutes to locate it and return to Dalaran, "You know, it is not every day that the planet we live on points me to my own library. Thank you, Magni, I will go to Karazhan at once and find the tome we need to locate the Pillars. Lady Spitfire, Rainbow Dash, would you follow me through the portal and provide me with some protection, in case the Legion tries something?"

"Sure, we can do that." Spitfire remarked, mostly because it seemed like they were onto something and helping their friend find the information he was after would allow them to figure out where the Pillars of Creation rested, so they could break the Legion's invasion and save Azeroth, giving her and the others a chance to fulfill Lord Illidan's plans and topple the demons that sought to burn all of creation.

Rainbow nodded her head and followed Spitfire through the portal the moment it was ready, where they left Ulduar and appeared in front of what appeared to be a massive tower that reached into the sky, where Dalaran happened to be above the tower, and it wasn't long before Khadgar appeared behind them and closed the portal he had used, to which the three of them entered the front door and headed inside the tower. As they walked into what appeared to be the entry area, and connected to a stable and maybe a cellar, Khadgar lead them up some stairs and informed them that he knew where the information they sought was located, or at least he had an idea of where it had to be, and brought them to what appeared to be a hall that was used for dancing, near what seemed to be the hall people ate in. While they did this the pair got to see ghosts of the past, of what appeared to be a young Khadgar on the first day he came to study under Medivh, even though Khadgar claimed that it wasn't that long ago that such a thing had happened, before they reached an area he had set up some safety measures in, only it quickly became clear to him that the energies of the tower must have messed with his spells and that he needed time to fix them. What was interesting was that one of the odd arcane constructs woke up and turned towards them, like it was going to engage them, before a figure appeared nearby and faced them, merely waving a hand and caused the construct to turn off, allowing Spitfire and Rainbow to see that it was a human that was wearing what appeared to be a robe that had raven feathers and seemed to be black colored.

Despite the fact that neither of them were all that familiar with magic, and had only just felt the power of the Old God while they were in Ulduar, this individual, who could either be a real person or just a projection that had been sent to see what was going on in the tower, radiated magical power and seemed far stronger than anything they were expecting to feel while they were helping Khadgar retrieve the information they needed on the Pillars of Creation.

"Madivh?!" Khadgar inquired, his tone revealing that he was both shocked and surprised by the sudden arrival of an individual that he knew about, even though both Spitfire and Rainbow had no idea who the person was or why he was here in the first place, hence the reason that they kept quiet while the two stared at each other, "Is that really you, or is this another trick of the Legion?"

"I left many fragments of myself in this tower, Young Trust, but the one you faced on your own was not mine." the odd individual, Medivh as Khadgar called him, started, where it looked like he might be disappointed in something he stared at Khadgar, who seemed a bit embarrassed about something that had happened recently and he hadn't told anyone about it, though it was clear that someone did know about what he was trying to keep to himself.

"As I realized, after a few moments... yes, you are the real Medivh." Khadgar said, though his quick glance to where Spitfire and Rainbow were standing was enough to tell them that he would either tell them what he meant later or this was the only time they were going to hear about whatever happened while they were guarding the provinces from the Legion, which was followed by Khadgar getting back to the point of the conversation, "What brings you here, Medivh, after all the years of staying in the shadows, being a prophet to the lands and people of Azeroth?"

"The bonds of fate have been... twisted. The futures I saw have been rewritten." Medivh replied, where Khadgar raised one of his eyebrows for a moment, as only he and a few others really ever knew what the former Guardian meant when he talked, mostly because there was always a cryptic warning or something in whatever he said, and he suspected that this would be no different, though that was when Medivh waved his hand at them and a thick scroll, which seemed to contain a number of papers, was throw to Khadgar, who caught it, "The Legion seeks its end goal, thus you and your allies require a little assistance... relics to help you in your battle..."

In that moment, however, Spitfire and Rainbow were the first ones to react as demons burst up the stairs that had let them access this area and swung their warglaives into the Felguards that were at the front of the line, making sure to cut down the Fel Lord that was leading them, even though that was followed by Medivh waving a hand as he banished all of the living demons to the Twisting Nether and deposited the fallen in it as well, before moving his other hand to open a portal to part of the tower. Khadgar, initially taken back by the fact that his former mentor, whether he was alive or was a spirit of some kind, was helping them out, nodded his head and ventured into the portal, something that Spitfire and Rainbow did not a few moments later, but as both of them thanked Medivh, even if they had no idea who he was, he did take a moment to touch both of their foreheads, why they had no idea, and said that it wouldn't be long before they even understood what was going on. From there they teleported to what appeared to be a massive library, one that Rainbow knew Twilight would die to have based on all the books about subjects she had never read before, though Khadgar was hard at work looking for the tome that would allow them to learn about the Pillars of Creation and what they needed to do to find and recover them so they could save their world. While he worked Khadgar commented on the fact that it felt like Medivh was using his power to bolster Karazhan's defense, to prevent the Legion from ever breaking into the tower again, meaning that whatever defenses he had placed in the past had either fallen or he didn't have any to begin with, but now it seemed like he was working on their side, something that caught Khadgar off guard, not that he thought about it for too long as he found the tome he was looking for, allowing him to open a portal for them to return to Dalaran.

Spitfire and Rainbow knew that the Legion had to know about the Pillars of Creation, as that was the only reason that a small group of demons would have come to Karazhan, meaning Dalaran might be under attack, to which they charged through the portal and waited to see what was on the other side, mostly hoping to see that they were wrong and that the city was just fine so they could turn their attention to finding the relics that would allow them to stop the Legion's invasion in its tracks.

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