• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 1,166 Views, 307 Comments

World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Epilogue: New Preparations

After the training session with Spyro, Spike, Ember, and Cynder, during which Spitfire and Rainbow determined that all four of the dragons were no joke and their power was greater than one originally thought, the group returned to the Vindicaar and readied themselves for their return to Azeroth, as the Titans wanted to get to work on aiding Argus in healing after all the pain that Sargeras had inflicted upon him over the long years he had spent under the Dark Titan's thumb, being used as an anchor for all of the demonic souls in the universe, or at least the souls of the demons who had been fighting on the Legion's side. Once everyone was back aboard the dimensional ship, however, Spike took a moment to explore it in detail, as he was interested in the vessel and seemed to be taking notes on everything he saw, which was when Spitfire found that there was a spaceship in Korma, created by the Professor and some of the brightest minds in the dragon world, though based on what Spyro told her it was totally different from what the Vindicaar was like, as the Jupiter 2 had a number of seats and systems to make sure it could fly through the air, not to mention fly into space and travel to the two moons that orbited Korma, which was also interesting since Azeroth also had two moons. It was possible that Spike was looking for ways to improve the lone ship that the Professor had made, possibly even make more of them at some point, though the other interesting fact that Spitfire learned was that the dragons had access to something that they called Ion Crystals, powerful sources of energy they had a generator for, something she would have to ask Spike about since he could get into the technical aspect without even wasting a single breath or pausing while he was talking, but from what she gathered he might be looking to switch the Light crystals with these Ion Crystals. As such she decided to leave that conversation to Romuul and those who spent ages using all sorts of components to make the Vindicaar in the first place, since they knew far more about the flagship of her fleet than she did and would be able to answer Spike's questions with far more accuracy than what she would be capable of, but that did cause her to focus on the space that was in front of them for a time as she waited for Spike to finish his studies.

Once Spike was done, which took a few minutes for him to do so and she found that he had a good number of pages filled with notes on the Vindicaar's systems, he returned to the front of the ship and stood in front of the navigation console for a few moments, like he was studying the air or something, before pulling out the Keystone a few seconds later and closed his eyes, where Spitfire had to wonder if he was going to open a portal to Azeroth or head back to Equus so it would be far easier for him to connect with Azeroth.

"After seeing what Rainbow was capable of, I'm interested in seeing what the other classes are capable of," Ember stated, as she had see just how skilled her chosen opponent had been, even though she and Spitfire had been holding back most of their power, showing that it had been more of a practice session for them, despite the fact that she, her siblings, and Cynder had fought with all their power, to show their soon to be new allies just what each of them were capable of when they got into a fight, something that made all of Spitfire's allies interested in learning more about what the races of Korma were capable of and seeing if they could learn those techniques as well, "especially since it sounds like you guys have been busy defending your world from all sorts of enemies, or at least that's what I got from Spitfire's words."

"The forces of Azeroth are not to be underestimated, as they have taken down the likes of Archimonde, the Old Gods and a number of their minions, defeated deranged powerful dragons, and brought down the rest of the Legion as we fought beside them," Spitfire replied, as she knew that, at one point during the early days of her and Rainbow's quest to bring down Sargeras, Kil'jaeden, and the rest of the Legion, they had been impressed by the resume of the heroes who lived on Azeroth, to the point where they understood that underestimating them and their resolve wasn't a smart thing to do, even if it changed once she and Rainbow started to acquire their true powers, before she considered something that might be of interest to some of the dragons, "Dalaran has a vast library that Khadgar can show some of you around, if you want to do such a thing, and I'm sure that you'll be able to figure out all about the battles that happened in the past and what the heroes had to face in order to protect their world... though after today I would imagine that they will be busy making new tomes about the worlds we've been to, in addition to what they'll add about Argus. Oh, quick word of warning, there was a slight development during our war with the Legion, as a good number of demons actually defected from the Legion's side and joined us in our efforts to bring down all of Sargeras' dark plans, so when you see some of them wandering around whichever city we end up near, and you will see some of them, just know that they aren't enemies and that we might find more remnants of the Legion at some point in the future."

Spyro nodded his head for a moment, showing that he understood what Spitfire was saying and that his group also knew what to expect when they headed to Azeroth for a time, though before anyone said anything else they felt the magic in the air shift for a moment, meaning that Spike had to be getting ready for the opening of the portal he was trying to make for the heroes of Azeroth and the newly returned displaced, causing many of those aboard the Vindicaar to stop what they were doing as they waited to see what he was going to do in the next few moments, likely due to the fact that this might be different from all of the other portals they have seen so far.

"There you are." Spike stated, his tone revealing that he must have figured out what he was going to do with the Keystone and which planet he was going to open a portal to, though in the following moments something interesting happened, his eyes glowed with magical power as he raised his left hand a little more, which was the one that held the Keystone, where a silver light started to emit from the artifact he was holding as a non existent wind seemed to move a bit of his robes as he worked his magic, causing everyone else to simply watch him for a time.

As Spike did that the observers found that some lightning danced in the area that was in front of the Vindicaar, a fair bit of distance away from where the ship rested so nothing happened to this vessel, where Spitfire realized that he must have found a magical trace or signature of some kind and had been attempting to use it to in some manner, before the space in front of the Vindicaar seemed to shudder for a moment as a large portal opened before their eyes, which seemed to be similar to the rifts that the Keystone was capable of opening, only this one was more under control and didn't require the Keystone to be used right in the center of the rift. With that done Spike lowered his hand, with the glows disappearing not a few seconds after that happened, to which Spitfire nodded to Romuul, who did the same thing before tapping several of the icons on the navigation console in front of him, causing the Vindicaar to start moving towards the new rift that Spike had created, all while everyone waited to see what world he had opened it to, even though Spyro's group seemed to have faith in his abilities and it made Spitfire wonder if he had been successful. A few moments later they passed through the portal and the heroes of Azeroth stared at the area in front of them in shock for a second or two, because one the vessel came to a stop, on the other side of the portal, they found Stormwind resting in front of them, something that told Spitfire that one couldn't underestimate Spike's abilities at all, as he had retraced the magical energies of the Keystone back to the planet that she and Rainbow had been sent to save from the Legion, though it also made her wonder what might happen once he started to learn about the Cosmic Forces and their powers. Khadgar and the others were caught off guard by this and just stood there for a moment, no doubt believing that they had been lucky that none of their enemies figured out the process of opening portals to their planet, in the manner Spike had just used to be exact, because if Sargeras had figured it out a long time ago Azeroth would have been claimed by the Legion while they were distracted by something else, like the fight with Deathwing or trying to stop Garrosh from tearing everything apart in his quest to make an Orc ruled world and enslave all of the others, which the remainder of their forces had broken up.

Of course the good thing about this, in Spitfire's eyes, was that it meant there was more that the dragons and races who called Korma home could teach those who fought to save Azeroth from all sorts of enemies, meaning they would be able to boost the power of their alliance and ready themselves for the incoming demonic invasion that Equus had discovered some time ago. Once that was done Spike went to work making one of the stone arches they had seen back in Korma, where originally Spitfire had been planning on putting such a thing into the city of Dalaran, since it was the heart of the combined forces of Azeroth, during the war with the Legion, before considering their options. She quickly decided that having a portal in a floating place that moved around from time to time, teleporting from place to place since Khadgar and the Council could do that with ease, meant that they had to find a more stable place to put the main portal. The other side of the portal would be on Korma, that much everyone agreed on without much discussion, though she left figuring it out to Spike and the mages of Azeroth as she focused on other things.

While that happened Spitfire found that Elisande and the Nightborne had plans to make teleportation sanctums in both Orgrimmar and Stormwind, to connect the cities of both factions and some of their bases that were resting on the other continents, further linking up the world and races so they could be ready for whatever the future held for them. As they did that the Vulpera were working hard to ensure that everyone had everything they needed, though their head warrior stood near Rainbow with the intent of fighting her and so many other warriors at some point in time, as she wanted to see how strong they were, and it also extended to her desire to see what their new allies were capable of when they had to do battle. Based on that Spitfire knew that it was incredibly likely that Azeroth and Korma would become fast allies, possibly friends if they were lucky, and that all of the races would do the same thing without delay, though she also found that Elisande offered to house the portal between worlds in Suramar City, under the protection of the Nightborne and some of their allies, though this gave Spike and area to place the portal arch once it was done.

A few days had gone by since Spike created the portal arch between Korma and Azeroth, giving the races of both worlds a good bit of time to get used to having new allies and learning all sorts of new things from the other world, though the main fact was that the new portal allowed them to bypass having to stop on Equus and possibly worry those who weren't aware of the incoming threat that their world faced, but Spitfire was fine with this since it allowed them to focus on preparing for the future and less on worrying the innocent bystanders. Rainbow, on the other hand, was more focused on training with all of the Illidari who followed her over to Korma, as this provided her with a good chance to teach the demon hunters any techniques they were rusty on, or hadn't mastered yet, while showing Ember and those who wanted to learn how to wield warglaives how to fight with the weapons that she and Spitfire used, though some of the Illidari came with her to learn all about the Jupiter 2 and its systems, so they could compare them to the Fel Hammer. Spitfire understood that they were in the middle of trying to figure out where, in the sheer vastness of their universe, that the other demonic army rested, as it would give them a chance to set up some warning systems in case Equus, Azeroth, or any of the conquered Legion worlds came under attack from the other threat.

Part of Rainbow's time was spent with Hasabel and her remaining Rift Keepers, the Doommaidens that had served her and defected once they came to realize the danger they were facing, because they traveled to Argus, using a brand new Fel arch Spike crafted with the aid of the Illidari, and used Hasabel's section of Antorus to open portals to new worlds. The reasoning behind them doing that was so that they could start to harvest the rest of the Legion's worlds, allowing Rainbow to devour the Fel energy of each and every planet, while her actions would remind the remnants of Sargeras' army of who they were dealing with, leading to the smartest demons defecting to their side and avoiding death while those who still refused to submit had their souls stolen and sealed in the Warblades. Such a thing cut down on the number of demons who might run to Dymalis' side, in case they learned about the new threat, and Spitfire was happy that they were doing everything in their power to save the universe. At the same time she found that Sarya continued to follow after them, as in she really wanted to show them how to wield their new Sayaad powers, and in the end she eventually gave the demon a chance to teach them, to master their Fel powers even more.

Of course they found that the various races of Azeroth were fine with the new training systems that the Leader of the clan that trained Ember, the Peace Keepers, as it allowed them to learn all sorts of new techniques many hadn't considered or even knew about when they first trained to become a warrior, paladin, or whatever class the heroes had chosen. As such both planets ended up learning more techniques from each other and found out ways to overcome whatever flaws their brand new friends ended up pointing out to them. In addition to that Spike, after having opened the way between worlds, spent pretty much every day in the libraries of Azeroth, carefully removing books and studying anything and everything that was inside the tomes be picked out, though he wasn't alone as a couple of dragons, some scholars from Dark Hollow, who just so happened to be the ones who awakened this side of him, and some from Warfang, a city on a large continent that had been the focus of one of Spike and Ember's adventures, joined him in his studies. Such a thing was also to make sure the young Archmage didn't get too involved in his studies and actually took breaks every now and then, or actually slept for a few hours since he had exhausted himself a few times when he was younger, something that actually caused him to bite into one of the gemstones of Korma, which were magically different from the ones in Equus.

Rainbow was still caught off guard when she observed the new version of Spike in what seemed to be his natural habitat, libraries that just reminded her of Twilight and what her friend did whenever they weren't busy in some manner, though Khadgar and the other Archmages of Azeroth were equally as surprised as she was. It was more in the sense that Spike, despite being new to all of this information, was making record time as he studied the tomes and scrolls that were stored all over Azeroth's vast libraries, making them wonder what he would do if he met Brann Bronzebeard. He knew that the Dwarf in question loved to study the history of this world and the continents all of them knew about, including some he might be in the middle of discovering and was withholding information about until he had a good idea as to what was on the places he had found. Plus there was no telling if he might discover more Titan structures, as he seemed to have an eye for that sort of thing, so people were more than willing to let Brann do whatever he wanted so they could understand the world that much better.

While Spike was busy the dragon who ended up teaching the rest of Azeroth the basics of dragon magic was Cosmos, who stood as the Leader of his clan, the Magic Crafters, while Titan and his Peace Keepers helped teach some of the basics of the skills his clan used, though Spitfire found that there were a few courses on what the Beast Keepers, Dream Weavers, Machinists, and Artisans did for a living, as while some of their skills might not be useful for battle there were some, from both Azeroth and Equus, who were interested in learning about what the dragon clans did for a living. Of course Spitfire also found something that surprised her, Nomi, and all of the chefs who called Azeroth home, the Artisans dragons had a number of chefs whose calling was the art of cooking, be it actual food or desserts, though it wasn't the fact that they were capable of producing sweets that shocked them, rather it was the fact that all of the food that Alvar and his chefs made, be it for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, was delicious, and the sweets rivaled what was made in Sugercube Corner, which would make Pinkie surprised whenever she returned and heard the news. The other part that she found amazing was that Alvar's skill was so honed, after the many years he had spent serving as the main chef in the Artisans homeworld, a fancy way to say island in Spyro's world apparently, that he was able to rapidly create a menu for every race he had encountered over the course of Spike and Ember's adventures across Korma, as in he spent about ten or so minutes with those who came from Azeroth and quickly formed a menu that reflected their diet, something he did for the races of Equus when they first opened the way between worlds and recruited the beginnings of their army. There was something for everyone, as Alvar used his menus as guidelines for them to pick from and wasn't requiring that they stick to what he had decided on during his brief time talking to a member from each race, not that it mattered since everything he made was delicious and those from Azeroth made sure to try everything, even though such a thing would take some time to do when they considered the fact that he had so many dishes that could be made, especially when Spike revealed that he had a large number under his belt, both from training under his mentor and what he created later on.

There was one other thing that Spitfire had to do and that was make sure that none of their new allies did anything to the demons who defected from the Legion, though in the end it appeared it was something she didn't need to do, as she and the others found that those from Korma were willing to give them a chance and so far it seemed like they were working well with those who had seen the light and were now fighting to save the universe they had been trying to burn, which told her that they must have embraced giving people a second chance or something, which she was happy to see while finding a number of demons working to help improve the abilities of their forces.

"We're off to a wonderful start," Spitfire commented, staring out at the rest of the academy, finding that all sorts of races were in the middle of their lessons and were attempting to learn whatever might make them a better fighter or magic user for whenever they were called to face the demonic army that was closing in on, as everyone seemed willing to learn from their new allies and develop all sorts of new skills, even Spike and Ember were willing to learn new tricks, though for right now it seemed like Spike was sticking to learning how to wield the Arcane as he read up on the other Cosmic Forces that existed in their universe.

"It would seem so," her companion replied, where she found Malefor was standing beside her, instead of Spike, Ember, or anyone who was in charge of those who came from Korma, though everyone in Spyro's world respected Malefor to some degree, apparently due to the fact that he was a walking legend and was still the strongest being in Korma, despite the fact that Spike and Ember were there, something that made Spitfire wonder if Spike, Ember, Spyro, and Cynder would be able to stand in his place once they reached an older age, like in fifteen years or something like that, "you and Rainbow have done well in securing the safety of Azeroth, as it has been a boon we were hoping to obtain before the demons showed up to attack Equus... though we're hoping that the other displaced do the same thing, to find a way to return with a vast array of allies and new techniques so we can further boost our chances of success."

"The Titans are working to stabilize Equus' magic, but other than that time will tell what happens next," Spitfire said, as that was the truth, Amun'thul and the rest of the Titans were switching between aiding Argus and helping Equus, due to both of them having their own problems that they needed to deal with, though as she said that she had to wonder if there might be more slumbering Titans out there in the rest of their vast universe and if that explained why some of the displaced had been chosen, sent out like she and Rainbow were, "once she's stabilized we'll be able to figure out where the rest of the displaced ended up, giving us a better idea of what they're up to and what we can expect, or at least to a degree, upon their return to Equus... once everyone has returned, well, we can ready ourselves for when our enemies come to invade our world."

As Malefor nodded his head Spitfire glanced up at the stars and wondered where the rest of the displaced had ended up, as it appeared that whatever Spike and Ember had seen must have changed rather suddenly, before deciding that most of them would return with their own forces and skills that could be added to their growing alliance, something she was sure that would smash Dymalis' army into the ground, though for now she, Rainbow, Spike, Ember, and all of their allies would focus their attention on training, that way once the demonic threat arrived they would be ready for whatever Dymalis sent at them, they just had to be patient and wait for that day to arrive.

Comments ( 14 )

So another story ends. Let’s hope the other adventurers all have a good time.

the allaince grows in Equus's favor. This story has honestly been quite informative about this series overall. not sure about anyone else but i am looking forward to seeing what you have planned

Well, this is a great wrap-up to this story. Again, the exchanges, action, characterization and future story set-up are quite well done. I just waited until this story was done before making further comments because I have to admit that my knowledge of War of Warcraft is extremely limited, but ALL the chapters were very well done.. Definitely enjoyed Rainbow and Spitfire's analysis of Spike, Spyro, Ember and Cynder's combined abilities as well as the recap of the assorted dragon types AND the family exploits. And now, Spitfire, Rainbow and THEIR allies have joined the alliance.

Really looking forward to seeing what story is next.

having finished reading the story all i have to say is keep reading

10929716 Well said. It would have been nice to have the last of the Old Gods be given a proper expansion, but instead we got the Sylvanas Show as she followed her master's orders to cause death and destruction.

Aw, well we will just have to wait and see if a sequel story set during BFA happens.

10933741 If it wasn't for the sheer amount of dislike this story got, with next to no feedback explaining why, I would have gone on to fix the rest of BFA in a more believable way... originally, I planned on having Rainbow and the forces of Azeroth tackle the Black Empire in the real world, while Spitfire fought N'Zoth, but with how bad things got I just decided to nip all BFA ideas and go with the ending I wrote.

Ok, thanks for writing the story anyway!

10933879 It was my pleasure, especially with some of the new things I figured out. And thanks for reading it.

yeah i could see it needing a T rating alone with a violence tag. Gore tag I guess due to rampant non graphic dismemeberment but sex tag. nah its not graphic enough to need it. sure its slightly suggestive with the mentions of such but thats it. mentions.

In this thrilling World of Warcraft/MLP crossover, Spitfire's peaceful trip turns adventurous as she lands in a conflict-ridden world alongside Illidari demon hunters. Their mission to end the demonic Burning Crusade aligns with her own when Rainbow Dash joins and they uncover Illidan Stormrage's plan to defeat the Legion. Amidst these plans, they must navigate alliances and prevent another war. For those deeply immersed in WoW, services like the Pandaria Remix Boosting from WowVendor can enhance your game experience, potentially aiding in such epic quests.

Slowly reading the stories that have been completed for the demon war saga, and I gotta say, I'm interested to know where Luna was sent - as there's quite frankly too many places that demons and angels fight over in various franchises - and just what exploration the Dazzlings are up to. Also wanna know what pirates Sunset is travelling with. (If she was sent to One Piece, sadly I'll have to skip that one as I have never watched that anime and quite frankly now that it's over 1k episodes I feel that it would take way too long to catch up with it now.)

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