• Published 4th Oct 2020
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World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Stormheim: Trial of Might

After talking with Yotnar, and learning what they needed to do so they could learn about the rest of the Trials that would allow them to access the Aegis of Aggramar, Spitfire lead Rainbow, Vytheril, and Scarlet up the stone ramp that was right behind the area that Skovald had tossed Yotnar's head to, as it would bring them up to the plateau that housed the two terminals they needed to access, so they could access the information on the Trial of Valor and the Trial of Will that was in this area. As they did that one of the things they discovered was that the various Felskorn that had been left behind were certainly messing with the stones and exterior of the Vault, almost as if they were trying to use their Fel powers to destroy the entire structure and bring it down, thus preventing anyone from actually completing the first of the three Trials, the Trial of Might from what they had learned earlier, where Spitfire had to wonder if their actions were annoying the Watcher that was supposed to call this place home, even if he was already annoyed by Skovald's actions. Of course none of them were going to let Skovald's forces do whatever they wanted, especially since all of them were tainted by the Fel energies and were fulfilling the mission that the Legion had ordered them to do, so what they did was walk over to the area that the first of the two terminals they were looking for was resting in and engaged their enemies, where Spitfire rushed over to a robe wearing vrykul and lashed out at it, causing it to use a small dagger to parry her attacks as best as he could, though she felled him in seconds before moving forward. While she did that, and her foe's body fell to the ground, Rainbow leapt over to where one of the warrior vrykul happened to be standing and swung her warglaives at him, where he parried her attack and she knocked him backwards, something that opened his guard so she could slice open his chest and bring him to the ground, though both of their actions allowed Vytheril and Scarlet to attack some of the other vrykul that were in the middle of trying to tear apart the Vault, where the former blasted his targets into submission and the latter cut down her foes as they rose to her challenge.

Once they reached the top of the ramp the group spread out for a moment and focused on the vrykul that were standing around the top of the Vault, where they lashed out at their enemies and stopped whatever they happened to be doing at the time, though Spitfire did find a rather large stone leg of some kind, one that appeared to be made from the same type of material that Yotnar was made out of, so she killed the vrykul that was guarding it and then picked it up, even if that meant she had to banish her warglaives for a time. What she did was deliver the leg to where Yotnar was resting, as in the head to be exact, though as she did that she noticed something that she had missed earlier, the stone that rested behind the Watcher's head was actually the rest of the body, the chest and waist area, meaning all they had to find were the two arms and the other leg, but that only made her question how the body came to rest outside, when Yotnar was inside the Vault when Skovald destroyed his form, but, given the position of the other body parts, she guessed their foe had opened a portal to scatter Yotnar's body. After thinking about that for a moment she left the leg behind and returned to the area that the others were currently standing in, where she landed not a few seconds later and used her warglaives to clash with one of the vrykul that were trying to take her comrades down, though before she landed she had spotted what appeared to be Yotnar's other leg resting near one of the warrior vrykul, while one of his arms rested near a pair of vrykul that were on the level that was above them. As such it didn't take her more than a few seconds to bring down her foe while the rest of the group cut down the enemies that were guarding the fragments of Yotnar, where they were able to confirm that the warriors were definitely stronger than the vrykul that were wearing robes, which made sense given the former were more of the melee variety, though once their enemies were taken care of, and the area was cleared for a time, both Spitfire and Rainbow banished their weapons, collected the two fragments they had defeated the guardians of, and delivered the arm and leg to the shattered Watcher, who was pleased by their efforts.

Once that was done the pair quickly returned to Vytheril and Scarlet as they approached the first of the two terminals that held the information they were after, the one that supposedly held the information of the Trial of Valor, and it wasn't hard to find the machine that needed to be accessed, as there was something that looked like a rectangular metal box, one that their companions identified as a Titan device, and it had five small circular slots resting in the ground behind it, where they came to a stop and Vytheril stepped forward, allowing the others to stay on guard in case more vrykul came to stop them from accessing the terminal's information.

Powering up archive device. a voice said, a voice that both Spitfire and Rainbow determined had to be coming from the interesting metallic box that was in front of Vytheril, due to the lack of any other machines in this area, which wasn't counting the five circular slots, though even as they came to that decision they held their warglaives at the ready as they waited to see what sort of enemies would come to stop them from accessing the terminal's knowledge, something that Scarlet followed not a few seconds later as she held the Blades of the Fallen Prince at the ready.

It was in that moment that one of the demonic portals opened up in the area that was just beyond where the circular slots were resting in the ground, in front of the throne to be exact, which was when an Inquisitor demon floated out of the new portal and came to a stop as soon as it was on this side of the portal, though that was when Spitfire noticed that Rainbow had a smirk on her face, as the demon had foolishly closed the portal and cut off it's own escape route, almost like it was of the opinion that it would be able to beat the four of them, where they and their allies stood still for a moment as they gripped their weapons and stared at the Inquisitor for a few seconds.

"You cannot win, mortals." the Inquisitor stated, showing the group the typical Legion arrogance that all of the demons in Sargeras' army possessed, as all of them believed that they were better than the residents of the world they were invading and that none of them could be beaten, despite what happened during their previous invasions of this world, though the group really wasn't expecting anything less and shifted their stances for a moment as they waited for their new enemy to finish talking, as they were waiting for it to finish before they attacked it, "Skovald has tasted the Legion's power and has accepted our offer, meaning that he will claim the Aegis and grant it's power to us, allowing us to claim this section of the Broken Isles, eventually leading to the downfall of your armies and Azeroth being conquered at all last!"

"Geez, you guys talk too much," Rainbow remarked, where she rushed through the air and swung her warglaive down at the demon's head, causing it to move to the side as her right weapon cut into the Inquisitor's shoulder and tore part of the robe apart, something that actually caused the demon to hiss at her as it moved to the side, even though Spitfire made sure that Vytheril and Scarlet stayed back and focused on looking out for any vrykul, as it was possible some might be in the middle of heading their way, before Rainbow landed and stared at her foe for a moment, "and you put too much faith in your pawns, because they'll fail you in due time, as we'll be walking away with the Aegis and the other Pillars... oh, and we'll also kill Gul'dan, once we finally figure out where he's hiding."

That seemed to annoy the Inquisitor as it gathered its power and started blasting Rainbow with its eye powers, where Spitfire informed their allies as to the nature of this type of demon, since she was sure that neither of them knew all that much about the Inquisitors, while at the same time Rainbow dodged the attacks that were coming her way and smiled as she lashed out with her Warblades, cutting into the demon's chest as she knocked it to the ground, something that was soon followed by her taking its head clean off and claiming its soul so it wouldn't be able to tell anyone what she had just told it, not that she gained all that much power from the soul in question.

"You said that the two of you were trained by Illidan Stormrage, correct?" Vytheril asked, because while he had been part of the large force that had invaded the Black Temple, and eventually engaged the being that he and everyone else had, at the time, assumed was an ally of the Legion, something they now knew had to be wrong after speaking to the Illidari and seeing them fight the demons that were invading their world, he could see the similarities in how Spitfire and Rainbow fought when he recalled how the Betrayer fought him and his allies, to which he noticed that the pair nodded their heads to show that his statement was correct, "Fascinating. We'll have to talk about what you did and what your daily lives were like in the Black Temple, as this is our opportunity to learn more about the Illidari, especially since all the information we were told was given to us by Maiev... of course, after seeing everything that's happened and hearing you two talk, I think its safe to say that she lied to us so we'd attack the Black Temple without considering the truth of the matter."

Spitfire and Rainbow said nothing to that, because now they knew that the Alliance, Horde, and the forces of Shattrah City had gotten all of their information from Maiev, a Warden who had been entirely focused on Lord Illidan and had eyes for no one else, so much so that she deemed their Lord to be an ally of the Legion, despite all the signs pointing to him and the Illidari being the opposite, but it was also nice to see that some were now questioning what Maiev had told them in the first place, before they focused on the reason they had come to the Vault in the first place and activated the terminal that rested in front of them.

Archive device activated. The record is now accessible. the odd voice said, where it was hard to pinpoint whether it was organic or something more mechanical in nature, even though it sounded similar to Yotnar's voice, before the image of a warrior appeared above the central slot and four mighty vrykul warriors, three male and one female, appeared in the four slots that surrounded it, before the voice spoke up again to tell them what they were seeing and, more importantly, what this trial entailed, At the end of their life, a vrykul's worth is determined by the great rulers of their people. If any challengers wish to claim the Aegis, they must seek out these ancient rulers and prove to all four of them that their merit. Only those deemed worthy shall pass the Trial of Valor and be one step closer to the Halls of Valor.

"Well, that's pretty straight forward," Scarlet commented, waiting for the images to cheer for the central warrior, one that looked like an untainted vrykul since they were likely the ones these Trials were made for, before all of the images quickly disappeared and the terminal powered down, no doubt waiting to give the information to whoever activated it next, only for her to turn towards the highest point of the Vault, where the other terminal waited, "find the ancient rulers and show them that we're worthy of being allowed to enter the Halls of Valor... even though we'll have to figure out where they're located and what sort of tests we'll need to do to prove ourselves."

"Figures. Nothing in this world is ever easy, and if it is that means there's a trap nearby," Vytheril added, revealing that he and the other heroes were used to this sort of thing, even though Spitfire and Rainbow were starting to get used to it, as they had spent their time fighting demons and not going on adventures like their friends had done, though that was when he sighed and started to leave the area that they were in, mostly since there were a few more things for them to gather before they headed back to the area that Yotnar was resting in and tackled the Trial of Might.

What the group found to be interesting was that the rest of the vrykul that were in the area, as they knew that there were a fair number of them still standing around the various points of the Vault, happened to be in the middle of testing out all of the new powers as they gotten from siding with the Legion, as it was easy to see the Fel energy around them, though it was clear that their enemies were in the middle of trying to break all the stones and whatnot that were scattered all over the outside of the Vault, showing little respect for the area. What was interesting was that it appeared that the Fel vrykul seemed to be ignoring them for the most part, where one would assume that it might be due to how they tackled all of the enemies they had faced so far, but Spitfire remained unconvinced that things would be this easy and kept her guard up as she and Rainbow followed Vytheril and Scarlet as they headed up the ramp that lead them to where the second terminal happened to be resting, just in case the vrykul tried to attack them from behind. Of course there were a few vrykul at the top of the ramp, guarding the terminal that would allow the group to discover what they needed to know for the third and final trial, the Trial of Will, though the rather interesting aspect of what was going on was that none of their enemies had their guards up and that was when Spitfire channeled her inner energy to loose some Fel fireballs right into the back of the mystic vrykul, while at the same time Rainbow leapt over a few of their foes, the ones that Scarlet challenged with the full power of Frostmourne, and blasted one of the warrior vrykul that she was targeting in the chest with her Fel lightning, only to follow that up with parrying the incoming axe attack from the second one so she could cut it down where it stood. That was when Vytheril walked over to where the terminal was located and stared at it for a few moments, studying it to make sure none of their enemies had damaged it before their arrival, before he determined that the machine was just fine and that no damage had been to it, to which he tapped it for a second and the power seemed to flare into the area that they were standing in, meaning that they would soon learn the information they needed to know.

Powering up archive device... the odd voice from earlier said, meaning that the voice had to be attached to both of the terminals and that it would have more to tell them, though at the same time its statement meant that they had to wait for a time before they were able to learn what the Trial of Will required, but it was around that time that one of the Felskorn called out for the others to invade the area that the four of them were standing in, apparently commanding the others to make sure that the 'outsiders didn't learn about the trials', which was followed by the remaining vrykul in this area rushing towards the ramp that lead up to where they were standing.

Upon hearing that the group turned towards the ramp that they had walked up and readied themselves as the Felskorn charged up to the area that the terminal was resting in, to which Spitfire and Scarlet stood at the upper part of the ramp and parried all of the incoming attacks that were coming their way, as the Felskorn wanted them dead and they were all coming to kill them, while at the same time Vytheril jumped up to a higher point so he could hurl blasts of arcane energy into the group of enemies, targeting those in the middle of the group, which was when Rainbow flew into the air and took up a position at the back of the group of enemies, attacking them from behind to divide their attention. It was a good tactic in the grand scheme of things, as the Felskorn were forced to send their warriors either up to Spitfire and Scarlet or down to where Rainbow was standing with her warblades, while at the same time the mystics focused on Vytheril, where the pair of energies collided in the air and lit up the area they were fighting in, though it quickly became apparent that the vrykul were going to have a hard time beating all four of them, even if they were empowered by the Fel energies, a small amount from what Spitfire and Rainbow could tell. Scarlet parried an incoming attack that was aimed at her head and pushed her foe backwards for a moment, opening its defenses so she could cut it down by thrusting Frostmourne into its chest, before pulling it out so she could use the Blades of the Fallen Prince to quickly eliminate another Felskorn warrior, though as she did that Spitfire used one of the warglaives to parry and push back the warrior that was in front of her, something that let her cut down the foe that was in front of her and then behead an unsuspecting mystic, cutting down on the enemies that Vytheril had to worry about, who was able to blast two of the other mystics into the ground as well, even though Rainbow was in the middle of cutting down the warriors that were at the back of the pack. At the very least they knew one thing as they faced the Felskorn that were trying to overpower them and ruin the terminal that they were guarding, there were no more enemies resting in this area, meaning no more reinforcements despite the fact that one of the warriors called out that they were 'unworthy' of Stormheim and the Halls of Valor, while another called for allies to come and aid them, which was ignored since there were no more allies to rush to their aid and the Legion seemed to be focusing on another part of the Broken Isles, which worked in their favor.

It did take them some time, given that there were about twenty enemies trying to reach the summit of the Vault and use their Fel powers to break the terminal entirely, but in the end the group was able to lay low all of the Felskorn Vrykul that had been rushing towards them, to which Rainbow rejoined Spitfire, Scarlet, and Vytheril as they lowered their weapons and turned to face the metallic device that was in front of them, as it was time to see what in the world they needed to do for the third trial that would allow them to gain entrance to the Halls of Valor and, more importantly, gain access to the Pillar of Creation they were looking for, the Aegis of Aggramar.

Archive device activated. The record is now accessible. the odd voice stated, which was when Vytheril quickly tapped the terminal before taking a step back so they could see what sort of information that they would be learning, though that was when an image of a powerful looking dragon, one that seemed to channel the power of the storms, appeared in front of them, which just so happened to be facing an image of Spitfire and Rainbow, with the images of Vytheril and Scarlet also standing in front of the storm drake, a name that may or may not be true based on what they were seeing, before the odd voice spoke up again, "The Thorignir are the oldest and wisest dragons in Stormheim, and to fly with them is to sail in the company of the gods themselves. Seek their blessing to pass the Trial of Will."

"Well, that's also pretty straightforward," Scarlet remarked, speaking as soon as the terminal had powered down and all of the images had disappeared from the area that they were currently staring at, because she had been expecting that they would have to do some hard, if not outlandish, trials to gain access to the Halls of Valor, with the exception of the Trial of Might since that seemed to be the easiest, though as she said that the four of them started to head down the ramp, even though Spitfire was the last one to walk down the ramp since she found Yotnar's other arm and was carrying to the area that they were now heading back to, "seek out the Thorignir, see what sort of tasks they need help with, and then get their blessing to move forward... certainly sounds more straightforward than the other trial."

"Still, we should be cautious whenever we tackle the other two trials, as Skovald knows more about this land than we do and will likely have a head start on us," Vytheril stated, meaning he was sure that their foe might have some traps waiting for them and that he was likely trying to subjugate everything that happened to be part of the other trials, though since he had no way of confirming or denying his thoughts the rest of the group glanced at each other for a few moments before they headed down the rest of the ramp and started to make their way back to where Yotnar was resting, as it was time to give him the good news and see if he was ready to receive them as proper challengers for the Trial of Might.

Spitfire and Rainbow, once again, said nothing to that as they walked down the path that would take them to where Yotnar was resting, where they could see that the Watcher had been patiently awaiting their return with the limbs they had found resting around him, showing that he still needed some help, to which the four of them walked over to his body and looked at the four limbs for a few seconds, where Spitfire attached the left arm that she was holding, Scarlet picked up the right leg and carefully attached it to where it was supposed to go, Rainbow picked up and put the right arm in its place, which left Vytheril with the left leg, though once all four of those limbs were in place Spitfire picked up the head and reattached it not a few seconds later, causing the Watcher to push himself up into a standing position.

"Wonderful! It is good to be whole again!" Yotnar declared, where he took a moment to flex his arms and shift his legs for a few moments, mostly to make sure that everything was working as they should be and that nothing was out of place, even though it seemed like the group had put his missing limbs together in the correct locations and had restored him to what he had been like sometime ago, before Skovald had shattered his body and scattered the fragments, though that was the moment that he focused on the group once more, "I owe all of you my gratitude for helping make me whole again, along with the fact that you cleared out the Vault of those unworthy Felskorn, who were attempting to destroy this place so the worthy would be unable to follow in their master's footsteps. It is clear to me that you are worthy to take on the trials, so I will grant you access to the Vault, where you will find the terminal that will activate the first trial you must undertake, if you wish to claim the Aegis of Aggramar."

The group nodded their heads and walked over to the path that seemed to lead into the Vault, where they found a couple of tall stone or metallic warriors that were standing still, statues to be exact, who looked like sentinels that would punish whoever entered the Vault without permission from Yotnar, so since they had been granted access the group was able to walk down the path that lead into the Vault and turned to the left when all of them reached the bottom of the steps, which was when they found a large chamber that had a decent sized mechanical slot in the middle of the area, not to mention a number of yellow energy orbs that seemed to form some images, before they approached a terminal and tapped it, as it was time to see what the Trial of Might entailed.

Activating sequence: Trial of Might... the odd voice said, not that they were expecting anything else at this point, not after everything they had seen when the group accessed the other terminals that were scattered throughout the outside of the Vault, though as that happened all four of them noticed that the energy of this area was rushing over to where the large slot seemed to be resting, before a burst of energy erupted from the area in question and they paused for a second to shield their eyes, but when they opened their eyes again they found that Yotnar was standing on the slot, almost like it was a teleport device of some kind.

"I hope you are ready to face your first trial, heroes." Yotnar declared, where Spitfire, Rainbow, Vytheril, and Scarlet paused for a moment as he shifted his great body and seemed to take on a fighting stance of some kind, one that seemed to be at the ready for whatever they threw at him, while at the same time parts of the chamber they were in shifted as well, like he might use something against them while they fought for a time, hence why the four of them readied themselves for what was coming their way, "As the Keeper of this Vault, it is my duty to test the might of those who wish to proceed, and I have deemed the four of you to be worthy of facing me in battle. Prepare yourselves, for I won't make this easy for you!"

What happened next was that Yotnar rushed at the area that they were standing in, where Spitfire raised her warglaives to parry the incoming punch while the other three spread out to give themselves some room, but that didn't seem to bother their foe at all as the power of the chamber came to his aid, in the form of several mechanical spheres that started to float around the area that they were going to be fighting in, though while they seemed to be dormant for a few seconds, though it was quickly followed by each of them loosing bolts of light energy into the areas they were positioned in. That wasn't the only safety measure that the chamber seemed to be using against them, as Spitfire could see that there were beams that appeared to be coming from the small constellations that rested in the four corners of the chamber, though Rainbow and their new friends saw the beams and dodged them accordingly, though that was when she returned her focus to Yotnar for a moment as he applied a little more pressure and knocked her backwards, something Spitfire was fine with as Scarlet ran in with the Blades of the Fallen Prince and sliced into his stone arms. In that moment they learned just how touch their foe had to be as Scarlet barely did any damage to their foe, something that sort of made sense when they considered the fact that Yotnar had been made by the Titans to guard the information pertaining to one of the Pillars of Creation, so to be a guardian of that information he had to be sturdy and be able to deal a decent amount of damage, which meant Skovald had to have been empowered to a significant level to break the Watcher's body, especially his own body when Spitfire and Rainbow thought about it, though that was when Rainbow dropped out of the air and swung her warblades down at their foe, who raised his other arm for a moment and stopped the attack in its tracks not a few seconds later, even though that was followed by a few arcane blasts hitting Yotnar in the back, showing that Vytheril was hitting him as well. While the four of them had the advantage of numbers, something that was useful in other battles, it didn't appear that the same applied to this battle, as Yotnar charged at whoever he deemed to be the greater threat, at least giving each of them a little bit of his attention over the next few minutes, but for the most part he deemed Spitfire and Rainbow to be worthy of his focus, as he charged after them more than he did Scarlet or Vytheril, so much so that the pair had to banish their weapons and take on their empowered states, challenging the Watcher with their full powers.

Using their full power seemed to be the right course of action, as Spitfire was able to stall Yotnar with her clawed hands as Rainbow loosed a few lightning punches and kicks while he was distracted, something that opened the way for Spitfire to fire a more powerful Fel fireball into her foe's chest, but even then it was clear that either their empowered forms weren't going to be of use to them or the Watcher was far stronger than any of them were expecting to discover, something that was followed by both Spitfire and Rainbow landing near each other so they could combine their Fel elemental powers into a single attack, one of fire and lightning, that smashed into Yotnar's chest and caused him to stagger with a smoking hole near where his heart had to be.

"That is enough..." Yotnar declared, to which he fell to one of his knees for a moment, on top of the large slot he had been brought to earlier, when the terminal had been activated, though as he did that both Spitfire and Rainbow powered down for a moment and huffed as they stared at their foe, while Scarlet and Vytheril came to a stop near them, as they had no idea if he was trying to lure them into a false sense of security or if he was admitting defeat, "Unbelievable! I have spent a unknown number of years guarding this Vault, waiting for a worthy challenger to appear and challenge the Trial of Might, only to be beaten twice in the same day, even if one opponent was completely unworthy! Heroes, after everything I have seen since your arrival, I have determined that the four of you have passed the Trial of Might, though two more trials are waiting for you to tackle them. Seek me at the Vault's entrance before you leave, as I will grant each of you the blessing of the Watchers, to help you tackle Skovald and his allies."

Spitfire, Rainbow, Scarlet, and Vytheril nodded their heads in agreement before the Watcher teleported out of the large chamber that they had been fighting in, where each of them heard the terminal declare that the fight was over, to which all of them took a moment to gather themselves before bothering to retrace their steps to the Vault's entrance, though when they emerged from the Vault it was odd for them to discover that Yotnar's chest had healed, either due to his innate power when his body was intact or it might be possible that he was covering his wound with something, but none of them said anything as they stopped in front of the Watcher.

"The Trial of Might is done, and you have emerged victorious!" Yotnar stated, this time sounding more impressed than he had been before they headed down into the Vault to see what the trial would have entailed, which had been when the four of them discovered that their opponent had been the one they put back together, though the group remained silent so the Watcher could reveal to them whatever it was that he wanted to talk about, before they headed out to tackle the next of the trials and whatever Skovald might have put in their way, "It is a great feat that the four of you have done this day, but, at the same time, you are not through yet, as you will face many more great challenges on your path to claim the Aegis of Aggramar. Furthermore, to aid you in your trials to come, I will bestow upon your artifacts the power of the Vault's Keeper, to strengthen you for whatever Skovald throws at you. Now, hold aloft your powerful weapons, heroes, and receive a gift from the Titans!"

In that moment the four of them raised their weapons up into the air and Yotnar waved his hands for a moment, to which a ring of glowing silver energy wrapped around the ground that each of them were standing, though that was followed by several strands of pure blue colored energy emerging from the rings and rushed into their weapons, but the real reward, as Spitfire and Rainbow discovered, was that the power of the Titans, the small slivers that Yotnar had been granted so he could reward those that he deemed worthy, actually strengthened their bodies and pushed their powers to new heights, or at least that seemed to be for them, as neither Scarlet or Vytheril noticed such a change.

"It is done. May our power aid you when you need it most." Yotnar said, though as he said that the rings disappeared and the group lowered their weapons not even a few seconds after that happened, with the pair returning their warglaives to their horns as Scarlet sheathed her greatsword, but none of them said anything and simply bowed their heads as each of them waited to see if Yotnar had anything else that he wanted to share with them before they left the area that the Vault was located in and headed for the area the next trial was located in, "Go forth, Champions of the Vault, and bring down the unworthy vrykul that dares to disgrace our sacred trials as you work to gain the Aegis of Aggramar!"

The group nodded their heads and exited the area that the Vault rested in, where they headed up the path that would take them back to where Havi was standing, since all four of them agreed that they might as well tell the odd vrykul that they had been able to pass the first of the three trials that rested throughout this province, before asking for directions or even a hint on where they should go next to complete the next trial so they could get one step closer to where the Aegis was resting, though those thoughts had to be shelved as they walked to up Havi's camp and found that he was still standing in front of the fire, with his ravens resting on his tent.

"The trial is done and the four of you are still alive. This land is full of wonders, yes?" Havi asked, where his tone betrayed his feelings on the matter, as it sure sounded like he had known they would have impressed Yotnar and pass the first trial with flying colors, though if that was the case Spitfire understood why the odd vrykul would have held his tongue while he was talking to them, as knowing they would succeed might actually tip the scales and make them mess up, and right now they couldn't afford to make any dangerous mistakes, before Havi raised a hand to his chin for a few seconds, no doubt thinking about something he had seen, "But it looks like the God-King intends on giving you additional trials, on top of the trials you need to pass to acquire the right to enter the Hall of Valor. Your next trial awaits at the summit of storms where the Thorignir reside, roosting above Hrydshal, where their children used to serve the Drekirjar... but, due to certain events, they are no longer allies to man or vrykul, and so you must earn their blessing to pass the Trial of Will. My ravens will show you the way to your destination, where a pair of allies await your arrival."

Spitfire and the others thanked Havi for his assistance in understanding Yotnar and everything that allowed them to speak to the Watcher in the first place, before the four of them followed after the ravens as they departed from the area, where each of them had the feeling that they were going to be tested to their very limits before anyone was able to gain access to the Halls of Valor and get closer to the Aegis of Aggramar, and they hoped that their adventure in Stormheim would end with Skovald meeting his end, all while trying to prevent all out war between the Alliance and the Horde.

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